r Arm ' KnndAja excepted :totiujw -S3 mjt,' .MEJ5, tditor.and Prop. ve wta te cla3 to rccclW t . frost cor tnciiii ci rnj lzz. : general laterest, t-it " Tta Bid 3 icx ri3 wriurr u:.t "t: ; - "Tt''"V'i "- ' ' I ' t A I J-J, - j 'ur i'AvW -'"'-'- uce month, cents. jj.cn. nlshed to tne &atcr.: ' . , Commnnlcirioaa tnusv be Vnttcn'ca calj OE6 fltla or t&e paypr. " . Persocaatlea most te tci. 2. ' dciirtrra cy carriers. In .!rtr ,ut:r'U- rytuiler :rscc2crse i so mtcd f,lir!'' irport aoj and ; Ana it u eapociAiij ani paalc stood tn tne jsaitur iocs tjov r.: the news of rrwjpanaeot8 ftnl. VOL. XIV- r W ILM ! NGTON. N'. (L TORSI) a y, DECEMBER ' 1890. - NO 299; II ... - I I - . I I II - i. .- . I i - SI' !. II .: II''.' I I : " I 1 4 ' K' r 1 as ai V 1 0.V13 KrJjOY .i..:V.l 3:1.1 refills wlicn .ri"jl"i il i 1'Icaianl 1 S . T3 j;Tffe t t ie, aim acu Tfrl pn; pu7 Oil the Kidneys, ' 1 I' .jj oVmiwa the pva I llin' I . - - ForwMli. ltora of Aldermen. wt TO WKW AOTXSTIiXXXXTS I O O P-Orloa Lodz " i . bsriBJCCo Furniture 'J Lkctvke Jodje Farrar I o o F-C'Ape Fear Lod i K o' P Attention members Tbk CocxtT-Fropajals wanted C W YATis-Sam Jones bong Boos . . .... . T For other local gee fourth page For North Carolina, colder ami The Board or Aldermen tuetlastj lair WAJtthop . -. . -. . . kocal forecasts, from 8 a. in. to-day for Wilmington and vicinitv, fair uuu comer weather. J : NEW ADVEttTISESiEJSTS ! iniht in-resalar monthly session, XJS I IrNIun I. V UUflllll new a uvf;i: lis iiiiTs E REB.'-r - TO-f.'IGHT. f Mechanics Home Association. All M-tio desire shares Irt the new series of this well ' managed and prosperoustfostitution shoald lose no The receipts of cotton at this nort - e Xa sabscrlnff. The books are to-ilay foot up 1,005 bale. I ' . uow Pen ot tne office of the Presi- t ' r it 1 T J -joenvflir. iNathl. Jacob!. Mr. A. C. Ifu-ins, of Jackson-' vllle.- Onslow countv. t . lavoiuuie UDprcssion nro- ruueed on the Orst appearance of the to-day. There will be a meeting of the Bo- j ff reeable liquid frnit remedy 8vrup It tjr lor the Pre'ctition of Cruelty of FiSs a few years ago has been r.Mua!Ir. H4ne!j colds, LeaiV m . . . ... ..iikq hnliitltli 3s t- r T?:, : , . - r I-mil pvpr nrn TitswT 4 - h u. t the tasto and ac ti t) the stunuicli, prompt ir K9Atl tmk lenencial in it t .nsml onlv from the mog1 flir in.! sreeahle subetance?, it. oftLVnt qualities comraeml i: nltil Live rpalo it tho mos' gccirrecctlr tnown. irr cf Firs is for sale in 50 I'll bodes br all leading drug- ja Inj relbblo druggist wh( erict bTe it on hand will pro o i promptl for any one wL( &j to try it. Do not "accept, an) WRNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Si FtAXClSCO. CAL scmz. fr. ; KZtt rotK. tt.r. CUtSRKT B Mf LLAMV, tHOLISALI duuooist. HI " , Wilmington, N. C SAM JONES sorjc books! i IITEn' book store fStt ,. H. A. Tucker. r,niU 15 (iRANITf, MAKBLB AND Hi sat. Miauf.innrer ot Croetcry, and BulIOJn? Work. zia Xonn Front Mrcet, tf " Wilmington, N. C. to Animals at the City Hall to-nlrht jit 8 o'clock. . ; . j ' 'RuHo1 razor and knive sharp enen. Something "new and jwe think the bet hone ever made. See them. N. Jacobi Udw. Co." If "'I -am Manufacturers Agent for Barbed and.all kinds of Wire, Com bination Wire and Iron Fence?. Or ders solicited. James I. Metts. ft Report to-day. from Southport are to the effect that Capt. Harper i no better. Dr. . Bellamy went down "yesterday and is still with him. , . ., Uuns. We have themrbought le for the passage "of the McKinley bill and can give you the advantage of our low purchase.- N. Jacob! Hdw. Co. ' ; ' ' - :i t We want Zel.Vance In the Senate and the Zeb Vance' stove in your kitchen. They have been tried and fonnd to be true; therefore we re commend them to vok. N. Jacohi Hdw. Co."" ; ; ,' " ' t The New York Comedy, Company hold the boards at the Opeia House next week." Thir engagement is for the lull week and they promise j us a pleasing variety of pretty plays during their-stay here, j Housekeepers should have a "Perfection1' meat cutter. It has Wirx eufn LKljatr rrtralfi.- JJ SIS tlUT AKK THICK EU WITn "Paana-frj wounJs In Ibe foot' "Cma La.xisw. Aiifr practical ex t ota?jnr ata jhp rd to sran "3ttOTp. in oo me. ,h , ,. t- U' IN U VAN. ksij Tie Horsettsurr juid rrrltrt NWTEMiTiVE!. - mi i mi?, "54 lltrtaar ; 'Unman, Ftatitirr I o. 1UST RECEIVED!; -'JBIXCHES BANANAS. A. S. WIN9TKAD. FrnUandcoDfectloner.es. - "wtn scivi stM nr P.O.: AT THE C U.T HOfSE ON 8KV- Tilr,IK iiysteks. I get them t'L? tre '-"oni the carta, and wui uz ,?.xaT Iurl othe city tor 1U0 it , ... V. it nuWAblX rrvit.i by telepbonn at B. ncvisiw the advantages of simple, construc tion, durability and is easily cleaned No knives to get out of order. Sold by the N. Jucool Hdw. Co. jt Judge Farraf had a fine large house last nlcht and met with a most hearty reception, 'j He delight ed and charmed everybody. He will talk about "Johnnjr RehM to-night, a subject with which he lsthorough ly conversant, as he ! 44 was thar" himself and the W. L. 1. will attend in' full uniform. "s j .The report referred to by us yes terday relative to the grand jury of the U. S. Circuit Court i at Rileigii I having found n true bill against our county board of canvassers Was true, after alh It was a rontenipti ble piecejof business and it will not amount to anyttdng. it may prove a powerful boomeraug, however; The fir.t official act of Mr. John Haar, the new Democratic Register of Deeds, wm to issue j a marrfago i license this morning. It was made out to Mr.' K. A. Hiddle, a lid young Democrat who has been wait ing for Its Issue by-a i Democratic Register before going Into the mat rimonial but-iness. - I j E.G. POLLEY," tical Tin & Sheet I "orer and Contractor afs famicd for kit work In my Una niT'afttlly anl prorxpdyea-r-anars eiperience la the t2Mnn ttoc morkmen will jnar- Tn.ilk.Hee . Coal I AlitVKD A cnOICK LOT CiXE- 01) fA1. tVKll V v - WWII ft2L- Aan, rine, BUckJaci J. A. BPK1XOKB. 'isiiflu Han bs:!ry fi?J JXOV PHtTATttXD TO TAKK t'FOS 'teims a limited amoTint otraaHj tica wia be in enarse ot a compe- fe, , WOLTU A BQAJKCH. AC, 4First-class in geography. bH?in hold uo your lianas what is lie now up vour imnw. lrur w York distineulshed? First boy: "For the big Brooklyn Bridg-.r t4Right. For; what is pin- ctnnati aisiiusu",t1'1 4 , hos.' Rigbt. For what is Balti more ditingui.diedr r,"For 1 1r. Hull's Cough 8yrup the best cure for colds iu the civilized world. Frcprtetors. Death Lores m ShlolncMrk. Very sad indeetl was the newthis morniu? of the deith of. Mr.', John f0H Ornnt, one of the most courteous popular and esteemed young men resident m thU city. ; He died ai his reidence on" Seventh,, between Princess ami Chestnut streets.) be twron 4 and 5 o'clock this morning, of a congestive chilL He" had been sick artd connncdto the house- for atout ten dfeys but no one had an idea that death was so dangerously near. Wr. Grant was only 2S yit-ars of age He leaves a wife and a child to mourn their Irreparable lo".)' Mr. Grant was a member of Cape Fear Ixxlge No. 2, I. O. O. F.t of Clarendon Lodge 2to. 3. K. of P.; and of Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Cor N. 1 and will be.escorted to the grave by the members of these orders. He'was also one of. the of ficers of Fifth Street IT.! E. Church, of which he was a member, and leader of th choir In that Church. more than continued by the pleas- ant experience of all who have used it, and the success of the proprietors and manufacturers, the California Fig Syrup Company. i . i Another Old Comrade Gone. Another old Confederate soldier has crossed over the" river to rest under the crreen trees on its further bunk.1 Mr. Thomas Edens, a well known and prosperous farmer of this section, died yesterday after noon and will be interred this after noon ni ureenvuie Wound. He was a gallant Confederate soldier, a member of Co. D. of the brave old Third N.O.-Infantry., i r. . "Johnnie Iteb." . . Judge F.. K. Farrar," the well known lecturer, has been induced to stay over a day longer and give his ''Johnnie Reb" lecture entire -to night for the benefit of the "Happy Band of the Kings Daughters." They are very liberal in their terms, putting prices down to the bottom, and making special provision for their j Sister Bands of the "King's Daughters," besides securing for our people the most. famous of all Judge Farrar's lectures, and their efforts ought certainly to be appre ciated, and doubtless will be. i ., Knights of Ilonor. At a meeting of Carolina Lodge No. 434, K. of H. held last night tho following officer were elected " to serve during the year 1801: S. P. D. T. H. Bunting. Dictator R. C. Cantwell. V. D. H. L. Dean. A. D. J. U. Wright. Chaplain Jno. L. Cantwell. Reporter S. G. Hall. F. R. Jn. L. Dudley. Treasurer W. A. Willson. Guide James Quinn. Guardian C. Reaves. Sentinel J. M. McGowan. Trustees-Owen Feunell. Tnos. F. Bagley and T. D. Meares. , Med". Ex. Dr. F. W. Potter. Prohibition, Preachljc ami Politics. A correspondent at Burgaw writes to tell us of the prohibition move ment'; lately inaugurated In that live and progressive torn. The movement is preliminary to an ap peal" to the legislature to prohibit the ale of liquor there. A public prohibition meeting was held at the Court House on Thanksgiving night, which was organized by c-illing Mr. Jas. fi. Moore to the chair and.. Mr. J T. Collins as secretary. .Strong resolutions were adopted at: in is meeting and petitions) are now in the hands of the ladies who propose tjiat everybody shall sign theni. On Suuday last Rev. B. F. Mara til preached at the Presbyterian church and he preached a powerful, eloquent and argumentative sermon from Job 21 -7. I Yesterday was' "County Coxumis- slotier. Day." The new Board, Messrs. J. T. Foy, chairman. H.. A; Bland and Casper .Moore dropped In just as the the olb Board, Messrs. J. T. Iy, chairman, II. A. Bland and Casper Moore dropped out..- The new touuty officers presented themselves and bonds as follows: E. M. JohcstoTi, sheriff, bond with Daniel I,-Russell. S. II. Manning, Jas. H. Chadbourn, I). J. Corbett, George Corbett aud Frank P. Flynn as sureties, which was 'accepted. Sureties oir the bonds of John B. Moore, Clerk of the SuierioT Court, and J. P. StringQeld, Register of Deeds, were approved and bonds accepted. v Uacklcn'a Arnica SaIt. The Besr'Saire in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, "Salt i Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, unap- Mayor pro tern. Post presiding J 1 Alderman Smith called the attend) tion of the; Board to the question f whether there was a quorum , pre sent at the last meeting and wheth er tho action ot that meeting would be Valid. .'T ALECTUBE OF GREAT rOTVEIJ," PATHOS AND JUTilOirXT- N -;. , ; . Himself a Joannie Reb,1 and a Captain C.S.A., ,Vof a eentoryisa : ' : ; . Wliol Ticket j CCHt-Sl TO N'lo'lIT Reserved seats and 10 cents extra to sit .trat -Tbe jiUig's UkTigateis.' iV "j Te chair uggesteJthaUnnhe waiter of. thA nilonlion nf th kwpp Iauu speviucuuoua lor Ji Reuvra. ordinance at the last meeting that tern of se werase. ! expenses were m some member movfl in ratifv the ac- 3 r -current tion of the Board at the meeting. jaudited and approved as- follows:. Alderman llicto .moved that theiCarrent exPense!' .W1.W; coupon, action of the Board be ratifieiland j3 . the motion was adopted, -" k There was no other matters con Mr. A. IL Scott was, oa 'motion- of jsidered and the Board adjurned. V AldenhahrCrart... elected' Alderman , . ioxt dik ijj tuk iiousjc frbm the First Wardj to succeed "Rough on Rats.5; Clears outrats, Alderman Morton; resigned. , -The Board then ratified the . pre vious action of the special meeting in electing Mr. Jas. i F. Post, .-Jr., Mayor pro tem. - ( i Dr. Potter's report for the month of November, - showing '.the actual number of deaths during the month to be 38, was read and ordered on file. - ,! ' The report of the Chief ot the Fire Department, Mr. Martin Newman, was read, showing three fires dur- ingthe month, with jan aggregate loss of $1,000, covered by insurance. The ordinance regulating, the street railway was brought up and after discussion again postponed . to the next meeting. j A communication L was received from the Board of Audit and Fi nancegiving notification that they concurred in the appropriation or $l,503for making plans, etc., for a general sewerage system. - " Sundry merchants petitioned . fori the suppression" ofr, drumming of strangers arriving in the city. Re ferred to Committee on ordinances. A petition as presented from persons owning property on the west side of the river, setting forth that there was $200,000 worth of property there - without adequate protection-from fire, and asking that 150 feet of hose be . furnished the steam tug Marie,' and that the city provide a fighter to be station ed at the foot of Market street from p. m. to 7 a. in. every' day, to be used for tne transfer of a tire en-f gine to the west sidejof jthe river In case of fire; also, asking that a fire alarm box be placed on that side of mice, roaches. ROUGHON WORMS. Safe, Sure Cure. ; 25c. Rough . on Toothache. Instant relief, 15c- - 7 r OFFICE BOARD COAtMI3SIOKRS, - r : i py.'l NB !V HAKO VER COIiNTY, ' :." o y "December 2nd;l8JQt; ROPOSA LS WILL BR RECEIVED ATV ; , diki). . , LONDON. At Pittsboro, N. C , on tne 20th of November, 1890, JULIAN WORTH, infant son ol Henry Arm and, an a Bettle Louise Lon don, aged two months and six days ... 'suffer little children to come unto Me." JACOBS. In this city,, at 5 o'clock this morning, ANNA D. JACOBS, youngest daugh ter cr B. J. and J. A. Jacobs, aged 3d years and 10 months. . a - - -The funeral "will take place to-morrow Wed nesday) morning, at 10 o'clock, at Grace M. E. Church. Interment in Oakdalc Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend.- , GRANT. Tn this city, this morning at 5 o'clock, JonN E. GRANT, aged 23 years. Funeral to-morrow (Wednesday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at Fifth street M. E. Church, tnence to BeUevue Cemetery. Friends and ac quaintances are invited, to attend. i-' a i i thtsofOce untiils M. December oth, isoo, lor Keeper ol the roor Houso and'nouso.of cor ; . rectlon; for farnlsning coffins and burial lor the pauper dead: also lor furnishing medicine for the poor of the county. - - The Commissioners reserve IhC rlf lit to rc- eelve or reject any and all bid? UUItACJS A." ISAQQ, Ch'm nov 2 2t . , t ... -. Board commissi onerf. T 4 IXWARE t - -i-i-' nov j; 4 AND CKOCKEHST iW. EcSPKUfGEIl KS0. ; i- , importers ana opners. PUTC3U Bunding; v - - -9 X, the river. J After discussion, on motion of,Al derman Smith, an appropriation of $150 was made for the; purchase of hose, and the other I matters were deferred until the next meeting. 1 A communication j froiu -John C. Cbase, city engineer in 1 regard to fences and walls encroaching on the streets, was referred to the Street and Wharves Committee. ; D. L. Russell, Jr., and Capt. Doane, of the revenue cutter jQoIfax, and others, asked relief from the -nuisance of rafts obstructing wharves rom Market street dock to Princess street dock. Referred to Street and Wharves Committee. t; Alderman Hicks called attention to the fact that a horse : was acci dental! v. killed at the foot of Prin cess street and was turned adrift in the river a few days since, and asked that the matter be investigated. It was referred to the Sanitary Com- mittee. ! - . ' The sewerage matter was again brought up by Alderman Smith, on the petition of Mr. Ri J. Jones, rep resentiugthe WilmingtonSewer Co., asking that the Board grant. sub. scribers, to the number of 2S or SO, the privilege of making connection with the sewer on Princess street. After discussion the privilege as granted; and the same privilege was extended to Mr. Henry Savage to co ti pie tej a sewer running from his residencej on Third istreet .to the river, i '- ; ' I :' ' 'Z' The Board then adjourned to meet Friday afternoon at 4. o'clock. The right way to care catarrh ;is to eradicate - the poisonous taint which causes the disease, by taking Hoors 8arsaparilla. : Audit and Finance. . I - -. The Board of Audit and 'Finance met yesterday in regular ' session. Present: j Messrs. R. J. Jones (chair- W.HSIl.rSS'liiSraSSS ") Wm. CMir, W. K. Kenan and Piles, or no pay required. It Is gtiar-' John W.jliewett. i " or money refunded. Price 25 cents of the BoaroVof Aldermen in 'voting -SSSliSlS S$i I II fORKING PEOPLE - can talon Simmons Liver R d ul a t o r without loss of time or dan ger, from exposnre. . It takes the place of a doctor -and costly "prescriptions and is therefore the medi? ' cine to be - kept. "in the household to be given upon ? any indication of approach ing sickness. It contains no dangerous; ingredients but is purely vegetable, ; i gentle "yet thorougn fn its ; action, and: can .be. given . with safety and the most iK satisfactory results to any .f 5 erson regardless af age. t has no 'ecraal; Try its ' ) - ' Ke not Impose1! Upon J ' ; : 'Examine to see that you get the 'Genuine. Distinguished from all frauds and lmltattons by our red Z Trade mark on front of Wrap per, and on the side the seal and signature of J. 11. Zeilin & Co. aov 13 tt DAW . chth HEW A D VJSUTISBM ENT8. REMEMBER ., - ........ ... - j -. TO-NIGHT'S LECTURE; Attention K. f P.', Clar endon Lode No. 2, YOU ARE IIEREBY8U3ItONED TO MEET at our Castle Hall on Wednesday after noon, at 2 o'clock, to attend funeral of our de ceased brother. Jobn K. Grant. Stonewall and Gennanla lodges are Invited to attend. x J. IL DURHAM, C. C. W. a VOXGLAHN, K4 Of R. At S. dec 2 It it O. O. F.' M EMBERS OF .ORjOXLODGE XO. 6T HA Brethren: You are requested to meet at your Lodge Room to-morrow Wednesday) lec 3rd. at o'clock m , to attend the runeral of late vice Grand. Jobn E. Grant, of Cape Fear No. 2. By orders. G. .-.J. L XcGOWAN. ' dec 5 It , ? Secretary. GAPE FEAR LODGE NO. 2. - WILMUJGTOS, N. C, Dec 2, ltOa - Brethren: You ore hereby notified to ap pear at your HaH on to-morrow (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, sharp, to auend the funeral of our deceased brother, vice Grand John E. Grant. - The aembers of Orion Lodge and all visits Inz brethren are requested to unite ti rtU us. . By order of N. G. ' dec2lt 5 v v. , A. J. YOPP,Secy. " Library ft ot s. s- rTOIE CHRISTMAS NUMBER OF ENTEE- TAIXMENT is full of suggestions for the boll per oox. f -n nnnronriatlon of l.SOJ to obtain . can History hare been received at the x or sale Dy xtocert tv tveiiaiay, ; - . . . - ' WILMINGTON LIBRARY ROOMS, whole? &!end Titall drajgUb; - .: jthe services of a sanitary engineer j decitr . LKMartet ctree , mas Figaro, rorum. jmd Magazine of Ameri- 5MS, Etreet. ster HoQGtG. fJIAKE A RUN DOWN TO THE lIAMMOCKsjt ; some afternoon and- try a Roast. dARDEN -'s OYSTERS from Jlrrtle GraTe. tlia beat- to bo s I had, always on Hand promptly on arrival of cut-a i rain, 01 tne necessary nxinsTt-to,-le had. Give me a caiu JOHN DAHMKR, noy 925 , . - . At the Hammocks, f. ! For Ohristmas,' ; : ALL KINDS ' OP USEFUL AND rRETTY tuinss in Hie FURNITURE Une, ChrUtmaa stocic now cominsr in rapidly. call and see nd buy bolid-iy presents thnt arf useful as. well as pretty. . . - SNEED A CO., . , i: : ' ' K;,r --Furniture Doalers. r . df-Q. itf. i cor. M arKet and eecoud Sts. : Hoiidav N6vlt es. - S UXUAL, WK HAVE"' A SPLENDID AS portment of ' rhrtstraa Cards. A fmv hand pamted Porcelain Studies, fine Extracts, mas nlflcent array of Hair RrusUes. - f CallTn ana see u&- . . - ; J s " 1 - ' ; .4. MUND3 BROTHERS. ! dee l tf ;V: -; 1 K.5 Front street. : -f r f j - . ; - - ' r t .;. i ;-f . j tf v " v rDy ink Esinblishinciit. .T7EATHEBS. KID GLOVF.S. HATS AND J all kinds of Sillc re-Colored. , Now is th9 Ume t have your cast-off Suits' 1 Cleaned and re-colored and made to look new. . GENTS' LIST. Suits Dyed.-f2.Q0 to ).C0; . Hats cleaned, dyed and pressed, 25 to M cents Umbrellas ret oped la any cloth at short no lee. LADIES: LIST. Ostrich Plumes. Tip, sash es and Rlobons of all kinds re-colored and -denned up. - , " : - . ... Talloil 1 gv such ""as Ulndln,' Unlaz- and ; Turning:. - . ..,-. y -v.- --- - r" All Goods not called forin 90 daj-s will be sold for chorees.- f i;-, Jl. K. ROUSE. , "1 Corner Market and Front streets, (over Sol- -omon's Dry Goods store.) - dco 1 ivr .... - - YOU CAN GET A PAIR OF , - 4.00j Worth GJ80, R A PAIR LADIES' SHOES FOR . - $X.50, Worth $4.00; . . CALL AND SEE.-" Geo. R. French & Sons, lOS NortL' Front Street.- -' (Opposite The orton.) dec l 1 1 Still They Come ! - A MOTHER BIG MALE NEXT'TTJESDA'-'y j. x. at 10 o'clock, in front of onr Salrftnm. nr. fine Black Walnut Parlor set, sofa land Fur- niture of all kinds, Mattresbes. Ac Holiday cjoods on conslsmment and most be sold. It m paj 3 wu ut caji ax zi Marjcct street.- 1 rena in con.siznments earn nov 2! tf rnments early for Tuesday's W. J. K II' Kir AM & CO'r z aiareet tstrcet. John Vlf e rn o r. rHKUE IS IBUT ONE, AND HE HOLDS forth at No. 29 Market street. A cood shave for 10 cents, a Shampoo for 20ccnts; or a nair Cut lor 20 cents. Four of the best Barbers In the State. Clean towels, nharo razors and prompt attendance. - JOHN WERNit. Tne German Barber. en 10-tf Market street AT WOBK AGAIII. : I HAVE REOPENED MY. GENERAL RE- pair shop at No. south Eccond street, near Doclr, and respectfully tollclt work. ' 1 will do my best to pi sase anilonly ask-a t rtid. - -, My prices are LOW ana my worfc U TUOR- OUGH. ,r Ucscfinrullr.- S0TJSU . " -- - J. B. FAliEAR i

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