I I FOR PITCHERS Cvtori. promote OTrrcome iatulrucy, Stomach, DiArrhaa, Thus the cLD4 is rcn'lcrfl healthy and its p BAtnraL Cartorl contain no Morphine or other narcotic prrj-rt y. . CaJtorU I so ireU aJAptrJ to chiUrrn that I reccnsmnul it a rjrrior to any prescription kaotra to rao." IL A. Abcoek, 31. P., 85 roruaca Ate., uruosiu, i. . , tire, and Gn t It ofcbu-lren." ' I CastoriA la my practice, ceciall? adat4d to anccuuns Aixx. RoentTsox, 1X7 2J Are. Tn OcrfArm Co-, 77 Murray St, H. Y. Ilalaria, Dumb Chills, Fever and Ague, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks. Tbrr4at rcr1r. aturiI ' natia. ntur grip r lutrf re n Ut .aauld bo In vrx liutiolil. SOLD EVEKYlVUEltE. POMONA HILL NURSERIES t .... . POMONA. N. C, Two at a UHt Miles West of;reisLoro, N. 0 rithe mala line of the K. I). H- It. DAASeS tnrourt the cmanas aad within lo fret of t&9 oce. tatfoa trains raakestop rvilxr twc daUr cacti way. Those lntr?Me1 in mm aj) l r'rutt urowinc are conUalty ar!toU to inspect this, tho Lnrest -unry lif tle State, ana one or the urgent tn t ne sout ru stoci: conl!U Of Applet, Ix-uch. rear. Cherry. Plura, Japanese lvriinaiou.. Aprl rot. Nectartnrs. Mulberiics. utnc. lirapes, Kaspherrtc. tioo-wberrlCH.furrunti. lie inlnt. EtUash Walnut, lvcans. CUe5inut, Mrawtrrm-s. i:o. Kvrjrrrcn. shftde Tn-es. AC All the m-w ani rare varlctln as well as the old ones, whlclrwy new Catalou- for IbiW mf tar m I iv u i $,' tr! At h sneea ot 1(1 LM hi film knot. With Torced. draught tli pleasant lemon drink that positive- O.H.iAUcij, , b, VV afincel of 22.43 ktots. j i1??: rlVISiiil Kirinev Disease.; Thos. Settle, ? Ifsfis tilve your orders to my anthorted as'vutoriof llliiioi? onieratrcct from the Nurwo". ... . ! correspondence hoUci t ed. nesi npuu-v loce free to applicants Address J. YAN LINDLEY, rUMUNA, Guilford CO., N. C . u.ii kia Kwm&n wanted In evt-rT County. A ffood pajrlns comml.sslou will be TfMK TAIILH NO. Palmetto ltailnmrt Vak O N AND AFTKK KKIUAY. DEC. t. Trains will run as follows. dIly pxcept Sun day. ooiva sorru. So 1 passenstr and Freight Leave Hamlet. I, c Arrlire at cberaw, . C S 2ti A. N 0.:) a. M tlOIKO N0BTO. Ko. S I'a-wenrr and Freight; Lear Cheraw. 8. C.... n v" Am ro at Uamlet. N. C .5--i I dMltU WM.MOSCUKB,upt. The North Carolina Presbyterian IS A Religious Family Paper, PUBLISHED WEEKLY. AM deroted to tha intellectual, raor.it and spiritual Interests of the people. it numbers anion? its curnspon t nt-. B'tUiT r.t the rry best wipers or the s-i:h. rn lre bytrrtAn Church. It I moruu7hiv onhOvtox on nuesktlons of doctrine, but Irw and out .t .Kifii'itiitttt on mi oiea auest t"cv It MVM u . " " T .... 11.1 Inrllr fr Jl-CUtOQ Whln ' h K-nnri of eoartev. la populartty the !KstrrsxiAS Ii .in stantly advancing. - It U Thft PftDftr for the PC Tjlr'iihave the members of the company andrresetUlnt:Slu:an.uiatcrlnutto play interchangeably, o that the and butruct aU afc-r. cixie anl nwliiom fv,r each evening will nilyj be t,t?SZl?r,,Tr, ei- iv tor f.n? ir ! iintiouiiced on the morniux of th any new subecnocV. it vw Ad jre editor an J Proprtetcr. wiunincton. t AUESTS WAXTEi) TO CANVASS FOK h Diitfiiju if 1 ri?l'Qt i ro-iejf Hon. Samuel S. ("Sunset"! Cox. Ute V. S. Minister tourkey. v tnarniaoent roiume'of otct aw pajs, beanuruuj and promwly must rat eo. Mm. cox tarwr an ikt irrckT. racrs asd tor. HUToaraso hcxor. TMworttpsrtlcswUa the orlshtt wtt. It contains numerous sxuuslxyr atone, bat it ilMrltes a clear, concise, and lnteretis ao Stoftte mtoinan Empire, from Us toun- aauoa to tne present day. . - xt: tKitc wtu hare a Urce aa. and Ure tiiiJ aecurw irmiwj wjv-. Jraliitu wcrfiv5 uuedl ktprnenrtrt area's prrfcrred 1 bat pUced at $l2a,000.0.0. unarawho iu prociiss ernei wwii wl.l be1. - Pi. - . ' wl&iiKiJaEiJT.E tnston, ?t. c. tncraiAirentforMiruicaxoJns Josh. T. Jamks, Editor & Prop V f 1 1 for it daily, and mournins: because s 24 i they Ond it not Thousands upon .----r.- r 'thousands of dollars are pent an - WlLMINOTOS :c. 5. lfcjvu. ; t t tiii - w , :-- : ;rr;T..r;i; - wiV5S5? fnterr-d at the P0StO31J as second-class The "fastest clared to bo th hnllt fcr the Ar; ni vt ret ri v : Mitchell & Co. Her t. .vi.i. Afnv-rt tlii- .late iiuo of Anrentiue independence. a. tx-n rl ir 1-1 n I'll flin she has twin crev-, and ensinesr which. In developing y.wu-uorjc; L novrer. carneut uer iiirwun t' I h nil &,X i hours 21,B7? ed hi experiment to th nreserva - t - t j tion of uni'iualvuiid Ins experiuieiits , ur mid to have he-ti verv Mict-ef-: wer invited by him to ilinuer, and ! he had a hare dished up which had ben shot six weeks before and pre prvPd bv means of his tluid. The veel afloat" i -de- according to directions and the use jams C. McKae, T00-'toii Wltr ship 'Persisted in, will briujr you tTOod Di- W.J.Moutjromery, e 3,.W-tou wnr Hiup f i onstthe deiuon Dyspep- jesse P. Graves, sentin Kermimc iy-v , .,tAii instead Eunepsy. We T-iin G. Bynurn.j 1 titm ist. has nventea a; ::,..,t! ' , mail " i1!rtti1arPtr .1 . 3d. 'AIOOCIV , --, Hum lor preserving iuijwc?. 1 iiveri siomatu auu ( 1. .. ... u 7.n;n... rAnet nf a!1 fatal diseases. . oi) . . ...... .a?, alt I'Ji t ' - .a. ..,1 L-wtnaua f ho nrki I bodies oi me lace r.., r " St inTl jlW bottle. Soldl dru- und K.uprt?f. iAu-..ta were pre- Vt P?eKrwl onlv by H. Ioley, serveil by an injection of this liquid. M j, Atlant, (ia. j . Dr. Nickeriheiiuer nas now eAitr,.ii-t experts were all agreed tht it wnJ quite equal to fresh meat TheoQlcial count gi-es Illinois to the Democrats on the State ticket nburitr io nfift niftioritv." This re- suit has beeu kept in th back- i grountl by the more geueral interest in the Senatorial contest, but itjls hardly les important than the sweep Old ItepUOIICfUl Olttirawjr t-ir' sition. Illinois has never before beeu carried by the Democrats since the war. The nearest they ever came to it was in 1SS2, when the Re publican candidate for Treasurer wa elected by .V1K4 plurality. Har rison carried the State byT 22,19o, Blaiue bv 21,827, Garfield bV 40.710, and Grant, in 1872. by S6,4. From lGS down the Republican mnjorilles 1 t A ...vnM-Hnna liL'P tll(. and in the corresponding election of 1SS'. when the camlidate for l reas urer headed the ticket as now. the Republican" plurality, was 3.r,81 Even inthe"tilnl wave year of 1S74 1 the Republicans elected their candi date for Treasurer by 34.S0O plural ity. The vote of no State shows a more remarkable change than that Tin; Luudoii correspondent of the New York Stot hays: 'ir Arthur Sullivan has completed the two cast fur hi grand opera, Ivanhoc,' which is to be produced at D Hyly Cartas new theatre in January. Six of the principal roles will be Tilled by Americans. The two ledies who will play Jjtuiy Rowcna are Misses Maude Palliscr and. Lucille Held, both American girls, ami the two Templars are Eugene Audin and Praiicoiri Noije, and they, as well as Avon Sa.xon, one of the men chosen for Friar Tuck, and Richard Oreen, who will be Prince .John, are like wise from the Land or the Free and the Home of the Brave. Actors who vi ill assume the eharrcter of I van hte are Ben Davis and a young Irihman named MAra, a recent dis. covery of IVOyly Carte, uuknowu to the stage. Mara s said to be a handsome young fellow with a pow erful and magnificent voice, lie- j beeca will be played by Mit luddi i combe and Margaret Maclntyre, and Richard the Lion hearted (by Norman Salmond and Frauk Clive. The four principal roles are those of Ivatihoe, , Brian De Bois Ouilbert, Rebecca und RoWena Ivanhoe! is a heavy ba-w part aotl the templar a baritone, while Rebecca and Row ena ure oontrastetl a- Mramatic and light soprano respect jvely. The t wo casts will not be Kept utirely seju- rate, as it is Sullivan intention to ; ,,1V of thc. performance' It U h MliUk To trv to cure catarrh by tiding local appUcatious. Catarrh U not a local but a constitutional disease, (t is not a disease of the man's noe, but of the man. Therefor?, to effect a cure, reou ires a constitutional rein ed v like Hood's Sarfaparilla, which. acting through the dioou, reaches eyery part of the system, expelling the taint which causes the disease. and imparting health. . ..... . ... FOK nTSPF.PSt-. I Indljreatlaa. and SJoiarb dlwJsrs. no DQOWX'i IUO.X tlTTF.US.' j xn dMltn keen it. SI ner tnttl. ficiaiirKr ti Crade-maxk and crated red Una 00 rspi-tx. John D. -Rockefeller wealth U t llp.lth demands a healthy Urer. Take Simmons Liver Regulator tor 1 dyspepsia and indlgestioi). ; . This is what yon ought to tulye, to f fact, you roust have it, to fully.en- I I jov me. inouNtuuB s"- " n.fi.., n,.r iMnn!A n the none eii Deny. t ffa J ujayattam this boon. And gpier Whitaker, be hadbv a I. Wecuar;john A. Gilmer, anted tlmt Electric Bitter, if used R T. Boy kin. roiimiend Electrie Bittc rs for Dys-. rwm a and nil diseases oi i.ier, and l per noxiio at - ,esaie ana reim.r.w, lemon clixik. ... uni KRit ah tha Liver. Siom- itAw.u. Kidner nd Bloo1. ! .rn,tal.t flPllinn Elixir is a J.E3ION II OT DttOPS For coughs atid cold?, take Lemon t or cougns aim com'', k Hot iI)rops I . For sore throat and Bronchitis, pne ..ir T.AMitii If it. Drons. For consumption and Latarrn. takui Lemon 'Hot Drops, j ' ' For Hemorrhage and all throat and lung diseases, take Lemon Hot n elegant and reliable preparav 1ared only by Dr. n anta, Ga. ..... - - . "ir -I. MozWy, At- lou are ins Bad Fi x But we will cure you it you will nay n. Our messaire is to tne wfuk. Nervous and Debilitated, who, by earlv Evil Habits, or Later Imhs- j c rations, have trifled awa way tneir an hood, effects which lead to Premature uecav. Consumption or Insanity. If this means you, send for and read our Book of life, writtenoy inegreai North Spruce treet, Nashville, Ten n Female Weakne Fuillve Cure Free. To niK Editor: Please inform vour readers that I have a positive remedy for the thousand and one ills Which arise from deranged fe- I shall be glad to semi tuv remedy FRKK to j two bot7Ies of anv lady if thev will send their hx press audi. O. address. Yours re spefttully. Dr. J. IJ. Marchtsi, 183 Genesee St., Utica, N. Y. I I Wilmlnctou WIMrlct Fourtn lionmi j Quarterly 3leetlnes In Fart. Orace Church, Dedication. Dec. rth. F. D. Swindell, Presiding Elder, Simiiiiertime brines cone and. stomachache. Simmons Liver Kegu tor cures it. When Baby was sick, we gare her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When sh had ChUdren, she gaTe them Castoria. - -- LADIES Needing a tonic, or chUdrcn who want build i lor up, should take ' I BROWN'S 1HON BITTERS. It Is pleasant to take, cures Malaria. Indi gestion, Biliousness and Liver Complaints, j --. - j . Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria Is a conJtllrtfonal and not a local dlsesse, and thereri.r ii cannot lc cured by local appUcatii:i,' It require h constitutional remedy lik Uootr Sarauarilla, which, working thr-iuyli tjto blooi; eradicates the impurity whle !i came and promotes the disease, and effects a pVrmancnt cure. ' Thousand? nt people testify, to the success of Hood'A Sanaparllla, a remedy for catarrh when oUier preparations hsm failed. ailed. k A (J r (a) fo) J I El III! " - will say I hare teen troubled for seT- cral yer4 with th; terribly disagreeable di!kia-n cr.Linli. I t;xk Iloors Sarsapa rllia Ua tha very bet results. It cured me of tint oontfyxil droppiu In my, throat, and tulcd teeing. It U-vj also liefied my moUier. w!io hi.,Ukeu it for run down state -it "health and kidney trouble.' .3In. S, D, IIjluh. rulnsrc. Co.tik ' 1 Uive u ed lood'K SarsaparUla for'ca tsnrhyttii ery slis factory results. I hare ricvlrcl mere erii!;uie:it tcne5tfrom it than frvm'any oUier rsinedy I have erer tried. U. T Rkad. of A. Read ft Sou. Wauseon. O. IrOoodlS 1 Saroaparilla lo!4 by all axmcgiaU. fl i atz f or Sa. Frapared aly IfCL HOOD A CO.. Aibe&riM, LowU, aUss. IOO Doses Ono DoHai )anlyrdAnr nrm mon wtd sat iExeciitor's Notice.- HAVING QUALIFIED AS EXECUTOR OP the Estate of Kate Mabson. cecea?ed.late of the county of New Hanover, notice. Is here by Riven to au persons navmsr any ciaima aiT&inst the said deredest to exhibit the sune ? 1 to me on or tcfore the Wth day of November, i ii.otherwisethey win Le barred or recov-: est Specialist of the day. I and sent, fseated), by addressing lr. Parker s Millrn.1 hd(1 Stirirical Institute, 153 Cry. AU peraOua iqucihcu 10 Lull tiic m.i Teauested to make Imraediatepsyment. - JOilX HAJIRIi-3 HOWE. cot M ew ttn xxecuior. Qnnrlor Courts of Nor I -j '.-! JrolInlB9a r ; i JUDGES. , , L ; DISTRICT RESIDENCE. - jcaitk.-- i- Geo. H- Brown, Fred: Phillips, Edgecombe. n f4; Connor, 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Wilson. Wake. Guilford. Saiiirison. Cumberland. Cabarrus. Surry; 16 11 12 wul. M. Shipp, Mecklenburg Buncoinbe. i H. aierriiuuu NAxjK DISTRICT. RESiiis.- , Blountj i 1 Perquimans . H.i W hite, (col), 2 Halifax 3 4 5 Martin. Wake. Durham. Dunlin. 11 v orwwiimv" T. M. ArgO. L R. Strayhorn, Kichinond. Iredell. Rockingham. Caldwelt. Mecklenburg Buncombe. JTIMK OF HOLDING COURT. FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Tnr1Tf Whitaker. Fall-Judge Connor. Belufort-tFeb: 17, May 2G; Nov. Currituck-r-Mareh d &epx. 1.. Camden March 10 bept. 8. -Dfv.imtQiilr March 1. bept. Peroniiiians-March 24. Sept, 2 Chowan March 31, Sept. 20. Gates April 7, Oct. G - . HeHfonl-April li, Oct. id. Washingtonf-April 21, Oct. 1 Tyrrell April 28, Oct. 2. Dafe-May 5, Nov. 3. Hyde Mav 12, Nov. 10. Pamlico May 19, Nov. 1. SKCOND J LfDICIAIi DISTRICT. Snriii"" . ndgei Womack. er. u 1 ; r v At n.ph 2 Mav 13. Nov. 10. Northampton-tJo-H. 20, Mareh 31, Edgecombo-f April 14, Oct. 13. THIRD JUDICIAh DISTRICT. Bovkm. "r" Fall-Jttdge Womack. Eitt Jan. 6? March 17, tjuu SlfnT ': 1J ! " i Franklin Jan. 20, April 14,NG,r.lO. Wll8on-JFeb. S, June 2, Oct.2(. v,w..-Ffh. 17. Mav 19, Oct. 13. Martin March 3, Sept. 1. JDec. l. firee ue March 31, Sept. ush April 28, Nov. 17. pbllRTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge MacRae. i, 1 Fall Judge Boykm. Tan. G. tFeb. 24, March 24, rApril 21, July 9, Aug. 27,Sept. 2200 20 ! : , ! Wayne Jan. warcn iu, jvym 14, Sept. 8, Oct. la. HnMiPlf Feb! 3. Aucr. 4. Nov. 24. Johnston-Feb. 10,Aug. ll,NoV.10 FIFTH jjUDICIAL. DISTRICT. Judcre Armfield. i Fall Judge MaoRae Durham - Jan. 13, March 24, June 2, Oct. 13. ' j t Uranvhie Jan. zt, ivpru.i, -mj 21, Nov. 24. ! I ChathamFeb. 12, May5,Sept.29 Guilford Feb. 17, May 26, Aug. 15, Dec. 8. I L -i-March 3. Mav 19, Oct. 27. . - . March 17. Ainr. 4, Nov. 3. Caswell April 14, Aug. 14,Nov.l0 TornnArril 14. AU2T. 19. NOvJ 1 SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Rnrinf .Tiidtre liraives. i f i Fall Judge Armfield. Poller March 10. Sept. 8 New Hanover tJan. 20, t April 13. tSept. 22. v Jn ' Lenoir Feb. 3, Au?. 10, Nov. 10. Duplin Feb. 10, Aug. 4, Nov. -24. Sampson-jtFeb. 24, April. 28, Oct J, Dec. 8. 1 I Carteret March 7, Oct. 20. Jones March 24, Oct. 27. ! Onslow March 31, Nov. 3. SEVKNTh! JUDICIAL- DISTRICT.; Snrincr Judcre Bvnuni. j Fall Judge Graves. Columbus Jan. 13, March 31, July 28. Anson Jan. 6, fApril 28, Sept.l, Cumberland -Jan. 20, tMay 5, July 21. Nov. 10. ' Robeson Jan. 17 May 19,Sept.29 Richmond Feb V , June 2, Sept" 15 Dee 1 Bladen March 17. Oct. 30. Brunswick A Dril 7. Sept. 8. Moore March 3, Aug. 11, OcrJ 27 I EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Snrincr Judce Shipp. j i Fall Judge Bynum. Cabarrus U an. 27, April 28. Iredell Feb. 3, May 29, Aug. 4, Nov. 3. Ro au Feb. 17, May o, Aug.; 19, Nov. 17. ; 1 ! Davidson -March 3,Sept. VDec.l Randolph March 17, Sept. 15.1 Montgomery March 31, Sept; 29 Stanly April 7, Oct, 13. j NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Merrimon. ! i Fall Judge Shipp Rockingham - Jan. 20, July 21 Nov 3. Forsvtli Feb. 3. Mav 19. Oct.! 20 Yaukin Feb. 17, Sept. 22. Wilkes March 3, Sept. 6. . Alleghanv March 17. Sept. 1. Tavie Mareh 31, Oct. C. iStokes April 14, Aug. 4, Nov. 10 a a r ' " Ci'trry April si, .-vug. rov. n TKNTn JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Brown. . : i j Fall Judge Merrimon Henderson Feb. 10, July 13. Burke Jarch 3, Aug. 4. Cald well March 17, 8ept. 1. Ashe-rMarch 24, May 20, Aug. 18 Watauga Apnl 7, Aug. 2.. i . MitchellApril 14, Sept. 8. f Yancev April 28. Sept. 22. " McDowell May 12, Oct. 6. KLKTENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Phillip. " '-'. , ---.yf.; . tall Judge Brown CakiwbaJanl3.Jnly 13 , April 1, Sept. o. ; . , Bertie-Feb.!3, April 28. Oct. 27. Craven tFeb. 10. May 2G, Nov. 24. Warren March 17, Sept. lo . c 1 j J tt L-Vl 15, t Alexander Jau. 27. Jnly 28. Union Feb. 10, Feb. 17, Sept nrAi.lrlonKnrc - tFeD. :. 3; ivug. . Gaston-March i , , Lincoln Marcu ox, . Cleveland-April?, Aug. 4tOct. 20. Rutherford Apru z, --Polk-May 5, Itbr. .)- v TWELFTH JUDICIAL JlISTBICTV - f Snrin" J udge Connor. V i, .,,t spring u FaUjudffe Phillips. Madison-Feb. sUnly 28. tNov.17. Bunconibe-jtMarch 10, t Aug., 11. Tnnsvlvania March 31, Sept. U -Haywool April , pep wo. - . . ., rr CI 4- O ... ( -i- -- jaCKSOu npni , Macon May or oept. piav-HIav 12. Oct. 8. Cherokee-May 19. Oct. 13. l,n mTlinP O. Oct. 27.v Svain June 9th, .Nov. JT Pnr critiiinal case?. - For civil cases alone. r, JFor civiNase aione except ;m1 cases. : ' CRIMINAL CIRCUIT UOii fw SjCW HANOVER COUNTY. - ' t a - a, I m-I niiaiP MoHres.-W llllinciu,tiuus;r. Kprii. R.' Moore, v ummgion, oouvv Court beirins Jan 6. March 17, May 19, July 13, Sept. 15, Nov.17. MECKLENBURG COUNTV - Oliver P. Meares. Judge. : - ; . Geo. E. Wilson; Ohariotte, Soheitor. 'Court begins Feb., iu, Aprn. j. Aug. 11,'Oct. C, TS::: BUNCOMBE COUNTYr - Ghas. A. Moore, Ashevilie, . . Huge. E. D. Carter. Asheville, honeiior. Cou rt begins Jan. 27, A pri i ,Jij y 21, Oct. 27. :.r;.,.;- Supreme Uouri meets nret.aiiiM in Februarv. Examinations on b ri duv and Saturday before.;. Frst District Feb. 3: Secomi uismcr, Feb. 10;f Third! District, Fell7; Fourth District, Feb. 24;f l?uui dis trict, March 3; Sixth District, March 10; Seventh ! uisirict, . iuhk Eighth District,-! March 24; Ni nth District, March 31; Teiith Distiict, April 7; Twelfth District, April 14; Eleventh District, AprirSfc Last Mondav. in September. Ex aminations Friday ami SatUrday.be fore. First District: Sept. 29; Sen Oct. 13: Fourth District, Oct. 20th; Fifth District, Oct.' 27;-Sixth Dis trict, Nov. 3; Seventh District, Nov. 10; Eighth District, Nov. 17; Ninth District, Nov. 24; TerOh District, J)ec. 1 ; Twel f th .District, Dec. ri Eleventh District, uec. lo. ,. :h Scribner's M agazine T,H)li THE COMING YE Alt V.'ILLBE NOTE-. worthy for a number of special "features which the Publishers believe are of very un usual interest, andamoD thm the following may be mentioned:'' . . r - : SIR EDWIN ARNOLD : contributes to the-December number the first of a series of four Aril les-upon Japan, its people, its ways; and its thoughts. Mr. Kob ert Blum, who was commissioned to go to Japan for Sertbner's Msgazin?. lias prepared a very remarkable series of drawlDgs to Illus. trate Sir Jtdwin'S pajxjrs. :;Ariiiaw upuu tuc recent Japanese i Festival will folsow, lllus- t rated by Mr. BJ.um, - - .- ; HENRY M. STANLEY has prepared for the January number an 1m portan article upon 4 -The Pigmies of the Great African Forest " Another contribution iirthis firld win He Atr. J. Scott Keltic's ac count of i heTecent African Exhibition- held in London.- Both papers will be amply liiustra- THE WRECKER; u sei lalj Novel by ltobert '-LouIh Stevenson and Lloyd osbourne. will run hrongh a large part cf the year. Illustrated by uo'e A two-part story by f rank li. t-jcKton my aiso appear. PROF. JAMES BRYCE, M. P., author of 'I hei American Commonwealth.! will wi He a series of 1 our iticles upon In dia, embcd-i ing the results of his recent Jour ney and stutifts on this landof nevpr-ending interest. ; . -. ' . ,r. "- - , .' . OCEAN STEAMSHIPS ' will be the subject of an important series somewhat upon; the lines of the Successful Katlroad Articles. ''Passenger Travel 'The Liffrof Offlt-ers and Men," 'Speed and Safety Devices."' and "Management," are some of the subjects touched upon and illustrated. GREAT STREETS OF THE WORLD Is the title of a hovel collection of articles on which the anther and artist will collaborate to give the characteristics of famous thor. oughfares. 'The first, on Broadway, will be vritten by Richard Harding Pavls, and Illus trated by Arthur B. Frost. Others will follow on Piccadilly, London; Boulevard, Paris; The Corso, Home, j .yb i ;:.:,";y --; The price of SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE ad mits of adding a subscription to one's other reading at very small cost. Orders should be sent at once. 83 a year; 25 ceott a number, . ' Obarles Scribner's Sons,; PUBLtSERS, y '.; T43-743 Broadway, New York. ' We have just added, at. very heavy cv penso, a four-hor8e"power Otta (Ja Enjrine to" run our five prcssea. 'It's a . dandy," and makes our presses hum. Come and see it ; no trouble to show to anyone who will call at ou r, office. -. We 'try always to keep abreast of the times and our establishment is the largest In the city, and will be kept eo, if hard vorkf promptness, satisfaction and hard cafh can keep it so. " ' ' " eepectfully , r ' "- . : ' : V . - I JACKSON & BELL, Leading Printers, Rulers and Binders- ADRIAN & .-TOLLERS " - - i i. -" ' . AVIIOLKSALE DEALERS IX . t ' - .- .-. -. j,..j " ..i-. ".-jr Provisions, Groceries Liquors. Tobacco.- Cigars, .i: V;:; C0MM&Sft)N MERCHANTS, Cor. Front ami D-k Sts., K . WILMINGTON, V. Jaal3tt. t IliUJSTRATED. ; v ' " Tte Important: Bertes ot papers nV America, by Tueodobb Child wnP'lf0"-' iimjed in Hatipkr-3 Maqjuixs lJ v m-eatpf nartof vao ion j5.. uniij ., n :l : " - acfi. inn; southern ca Ifornla. br rwiv..anicci WABNBB, Will il: also X fOMin ttT novelette by WnxiAJiDKrx UoVilf?11 seiles or papers on LoiiUcnr by Wawr.1'' In the number and variety of uinsfr,t pers and other articles on BabJectai F-mterest-aawell as in the unrtriiied i 5" ' ter of its short stoie poems. tiu: Iaazixb will conttnue wrnflintVh:.1!"1 dardor exceUenre for which 7 : ir. T "j long1 tUstlngulshed. f s U3s , so HARPERS PEUI0pcAI(S 'i0C PER TEAR harper s Magazine.:. V I- x yr..--.: ft tt HARrEirS WEEKLY....... ,.., ! . h arteh EzAit.:......,:.;;;;:;;;;; J IlARPEIti VOUNU PEOPLE i : ". . : Porta ve Frw let ait subscrlben tn , -The volumes of the Magazine bMnWV Numbers for June and 1? 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