THIS FA W . su moniw cca, .Tire one BKIH,2SCMU1. . PjarUTrml by carrte rs,.Cree f t rt of cuy . at the r rLr.wuiP rnn wt and llMr"" ' - - - - ' : ' - - -(- - - Y . - - I, - " ' ' " " ' " ' VOL.." XI V. ILM ING'I'ON; :N. C , THUfiSDA Y,: DECEMBER 11. 1890. NO 307. ' - - f . . - T t - i". ' -..-,. 1 rLHAss iroTrc: Wo wia,"? slAfl to receive cnr.nrsirff ' from oar frtencs cn tU l ceseral larcrat. tut , Tte Dams or tae wnzet att tlvrz ; 3 ta f-r nlaiitoctLO editor. , Commnmcatng canst &e WTltttncn cr.!j one Biae or.tne paror, - - PersoaaKaea tatist ta ErcIJTfS. r Aiiii it 13 especiaJi ai particuurlj ci!:: stood taattne Kcaror 'doea not alwajs crcr; a the Tietra of corrrspcndSeDts oalcsa eo ts.tr3 In the editorial eci&mn&r " - 1 - IKPKX TO Nw A2m-mivrTs rxxsD x Co Turniture - ' Mckp Dkotbixs J)fujssu -. WiXTii Eoforcmce woric - JO MRBKITTIIOrSc-S ilnd MdlC " i Jxo r More line Meat ' I c W Yates Sam .foots ?onsr uoo&s 1 ofika llocai-Kcw Tork TLcjUre Co ARt4X A Voujt Apptestron, etc Cant. W. S. Xonnpnt. of Lumber 'wmw'i too, Wa In the city to-day. . H For ortli Carolina riuer nnd 1 ' ' fatr weather and fair on;unaay. i j NBW ADVEKTISBnCNTS.l N EW.APVBiWlSBHin:iT3. Christmas Cards.; n J J it? - L Loci forocasWfromS iC 10. to-day rR ST0CK ls ready FOR 1J an oScal .visit to Delaware Iiy. wnmmfnn nndvieiuitv. fair O 1XSPCT10 ' There will be an eclipse of the jnnd slightly warmer weather. son to-uiorrow but it (t-he eclipse)' jt'. m More beautiftrt than ever and la greater. ? ... Schr. Ann Ii. Iock wood. Evan?, ckoxlt & mobkis-Lou tor Sale at Auction cleared to-day for BarbadoeV w ith .Vevr moon to-nfghtnt 37 uiindte ie inraoerana w,wu sam? gles raluea, at -.nipped 'ny Mr. E. KidtlerVSon. ' ' The receipts of cotton at thiport to -day foot up C33 bale?. f Mr.j Garrell hatl some . beautlfnl beef on his stalls to-day. It was nil i rlety. dec 10 tf- JMUNDS BliOTHEKS, I 101 JJ. Front-etreet. v .The. favorable 1 impression pro 4 . "?SKSSfr?: i FOR. CHRISTMAS Qf FJc-iw few years aRO has been niore than ohSruied "by, the pleas- ant experience Tjf all who have used 1 itramt the success of thefproprietorB j rnrfi'rtr thft . California I ASP - . THE HOLIDAYS ! T.ocatti loaded' whh turkey. natlr-, home meat, ns he will sell! Fig Syrap Company. I.v?CjOYO dar. The birds were soon U! Testily wheii MJP ana uy oeaier tuctly. . rZ-.f Fi :? wn.; u "l "' rKubohVTazor nnd knlve 1 ;.fff!ii2 lf;" Vlenern. - .new ' . ..r.,T.:iilv 0:1 t!ic ivitiney?, 1 t1,,riL. f!l , ;fr .1nii r if . . 1. iromoaiupsoncouniy, weronereto- noother. He will have it on hand gobbled tolorrow and Saturday. Mr. 'Joe Mertitt is hero from the sharp West With a fine lot of young males and iwei e e. oeelnml n 1 e n nnnihor rf Pttrfl Fliee MMM a - - horset. carefullv selected by him- - - w m Jacobl Hdw. Co. - 4 I am Manuracturirs Agent !for e,f- phey Rre at 0rreU's stables- 1 a T ' MV.l t.-ver nnj't cures habitiir. Jr Jriclr of it, kiml erer pro hination Wire and Iron Pence. Or-ToOSU 1? t tne tnato and JU den solicited. James I. Met ts. , t I nniazintr the houses of inhabitants; k--' I 1 . 1. Tfyi Tt if I . ... 1 11 1 I, 1 . I I S. nrt.- en avf dnCllTA flfl -is-'1 rt uc , , A- 1 Mr..Thos. J. Lee. of South Wash-1 ...MrA i0 o. nnntnmn. see us to-dav l tlon before Dr. Hull's Coucrh Syrap know" that Ihisl was introduced, which is now the great lire saving remeuy. poor oClate. ,iHnl have 1iadc.1t; W mo The L'Arloso Pleasiire Club gavel' ircsrreia---Iv knqwn. - ; j a german last, nijjht at Uermania Srrjiiof IV 5 for sale id Hal,t complimentary , t Second of the Serle. eJ'li K.ttlby all leading drug young "married "couples in the city The; second lecture of the series o several Kas de,,verwl y bishop Haid in St. . Thonia Church last night io a Citron, I Prune, i Minco Heat, ! "candy; r Cakes, - Jelly, Cigars, AUKIAN & VOLlEItS. Apples, Lent's ns, Rai ins,; . O.'anges, Nuts, dec 11 tf Poshing Ahead..". ', The Charlotte News learns from CaptJno. A.'Dodson, Superintend ent of I the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railroad that the track of that road is now laid to the aavan- nhVicsr iiisiAiic.R of li)9 miles from Monrfci. Capt. Dodson's head QPERA I H O JCJ S E. qarters were rempvea irom Aooej ville yesterday Abbeyville Ms 133 mil6s from Monroe, and is the terj minus jof the flrst section. The G., C. & X. cars will berun into, Atlanta a few davs ahead of contract" tiuie. NEW YORK THEATRE COMPANY, PHAISED BY PRESS AND7PUBLIC. Thursday, December 11th. ' Tor 50 Ccata L ' IN LAUOE VAH1ETY AT - - ia,. . Anr reliable druggist ST cot bare it on band will wbc pro laree congregation. The music was The lady per former who was taken I nne as it was also on the previous 4 it rnaiptl for- anv Pne xtb( oniie ypcra uouse mat uigiu niht; and the services were exceeu TLsto trrit; l5o Dut:acccxt any was a great deal better to-day and ingly interesting. The third of the TV.. ' , she will.appear In the cast tijKiiight. series' is' to be dellivered to-night ...71., .Tr...,,'-K and everybody Is Invited to near u. UUFOBMJt FIG "SYRUP CO, n raixcisco. cu uzsrxis. Aftf. tour, n.r, BOtSEKT B I ELLA M Y," WHOLESALK DUUnOIST, 9 WUmlnston, N. C. mm a a 1 " Ty . rue "rain anu snow - prpmiseu oy , : - v . ,, t. . f i. S i. nave evo wraicu wciure iv .icii. it ixll x-., Klsht. has neither looked orelt like snow . ' .wiipnc.ft at the - j , sl JLtlCiO T. I f,vv.v- -- lo-aay. STOVES! STOVES! ilmtfs ALL KINDS. AND AT ALL ALDERMAN, FLANNER (S CO'S. Sam jorjEs GOHC BOOKS. IATESf BOOK STORE ! . Innom Hnip last nlcht and a tine r v a w w o Unns.. We have them, bougbt'be-l presentation of ,4Man and Master.' fore the nassaireot the McKInley One 6T the. ladies was, however. bill and can give you the advantage taken sick during the presentation of our low purchase. N. Jacobi of the piece and this interrerea wiui Hdw. Co., U , . , . . it the' harmony ana success oi ui play. "A Mountain Pink,7' a tunn ing and exciting drama, the scene of which is laid in the Western part of this State, is thebill for to-night - i ana to-morrow uigni-xne unuoy mmendlhemto you. V. Jacobi e be presented: ;lw. Co. , . T j - ; : Very Promptly Paid. We learn that Capt, J.. M. Mc Go wan, whos agent for -the Odd Fellows Relief Association, compris ing the Odd Fellows of Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina, at Yates; has paid over, to Mrs. Ida urreii, IT U THK widow! of the late Mr. R: U. Orrell, . lAAIw.xnu- theamount to which he was entitled ir - V pUftriftfM WV, there being only two weeks from tne iimeouiisuc.m .w. . v nuTnv "pnRrELL. Y. M. C. ev was paid. This is a kind of en - . i n.l Ppi4 A. Jiooms, Mra. Jewett's JlllUtiery (oxore de- uowiueui, Mru .w.Br0. r L c1pjlv,.p Tor ..aflipa where' anr particular se- lows, and distributes a good deal OI . h,nnwm be Dlaced tor reauest): Dr: Green's iiiev among the widows ana or- IL yentress' Drngr storepj B.vP. Penny s nhansJ No one can be a mem er ciotmng nouse; uoairey uaru a visi unless he U in good stanaing in tne ?uu . - - . v.. i. order. "A 310USTAIN PISK." CHANGE OF BILL NIGHTLY. - Prices, 10c, SOJ.'and S) cents. Heserved Seats : ! t: .. , ' dec 7 tf aT. 113 PUINCJ2SS We want Zeb Vance in the Senate and the "Zeb Vance" stove in your kitchen. They have. been tried and I found to be true; therefore we ire: com i Hd v H. A. .Tucker, TULIK IN (i RAN ITF, MARBLE AND Poor old ninety has but three weeks to live. It is to be electrocu ted pre"ciaely at "12 fo'clock t on the night of the 31st iDt and there will be no postponeiuent on account I of weatber. - ... .-. ' . " Tina Forcot cemetery. . t The annual meeting of the stock holders of Pine Forest Cemetery wM held last night in the Mayor s office.' W. H. Moore was called to thd chair and J.- W. t Telfair was re quested to act as Secretary, i An election for a uoaru ui Annual . Meeting Company. ' The annual meating of the stocks lolders of the Navassa Guano Co. was held at their oITlce in this city this morning...-; - I Mr. Walter Gregg was called to the chair and Mr. Donald Mac liae, Jn. was requested to act as Secre tary. - ; . ' !, After the transaction ot the usuai i f lArA la a crood chance for a young man not over twenty. Ills services tors for the ensuing year resulted fcm Koce. Manurictttrrr of Cemetery, I nre wanted in an old .established in tnel cnQiCe of John G. Norwood, ...nnnirntL- : hoDM. See ad. In -this paper anu lfti.n ti Howe. J. P. ureen, 2iONortarroni8imt. address as directed in own nana- tlne Howe, J. W. Teiiair, w j. ivei- . I tit M9i WUnunston wrmujf, Ti line It Krs LkIjiw Prtiealei. Inert find David Williams J t,r AiA.tpd Hoard will meet - . m I 1 1 M iin n T V w This has been au almost perteci . . k d appoint , - n,.. . . Ut AOfor1v SOmeuif,- , W)..riruiyu Vi.' Uh officers. M ' . . wiuub, u .uu ..v - . vn nMDICUE wjorot er puactu-ed wcudjs in uwiwu .litgntiu teiupcri.unr. - ; - , . , nflin h Tnstant re- iiL . ..7tZTi I iinra nrA iiv no means rarities were ..w.. ---rrr.ri .xt eisjearaism pre andto5ran.ltf t. Wi ter . . - . : tuhM l.v. Salve. 10o. Ko ugh on fet !i &or I 1 trrtn U. Qr,lNLlVAN. wau Tte iiorsesoorr and Farrier. -A iinvinv KnfTpred forrvears with se vere headaches, mV attention ras W8rms. SafeT Sure Cure. 25c. HlQT DT7rnTrPTl! called to Sahatlon.OiU which gave JUO i rvC.V-.lil V JZU I meoretiellef afteribnt one appli- ; BIXCHKS BANANAS. ' fw n low by ' " - - - A. K . rrult and Confcci loner cs, in yortb svood m, near P. O. T E. G. POLLEY, Practical Tin &, Sheet Iron Worker and Contractor. Ii3ute rar&Utcd lor all work In ray line 4Uct.rkfriiuHMnllr and prcirp'lj fi. S4 luteiuaa jiara eriienre la ine crs ru work is CTtry "-l'-let a ia . . Tenufsi e Coal ! JfT A K HIV ID A CHOICE LOT VaXE- ilOO c:rde Wood ! noawi tut. Asa, Pine, rU?J e- f- J. A. SPUINO , EorOhriarbas - 1U Risns CF rSEJVL AND rUETTY x tow comlrc in rar(iir. cn aud,tt HftoiSIy prcSatsthit are ul as ' rurnitnre Dcaicr, ltt cor. MarlrW aod Fecood fets. More of fha7? Butter v- JtTRtctlVEP ANOTHER LOT' OP KX- rant EVTTtU tPOta ML Airy Miller at tor L UrSe lot of AITLl-H trca ML t'T.tV tcitel totlTritr. at t kWrrr loTT,'s tr tr a tinri. "Jl'te, ciiK'.w.:.s t- : r i -3lry th r j. r . ; . cation. I cheerfully recommend u. J. F. LKDMAN. S20 W. Fnyette.St., Hallo , Md. Housekeepers should have a 'Perfection" meat cutter. It has the advantages of pimple construc tion, durability and is easily cleaned No knives to get out of ortIer Sobl by the N. Jacobi Hd w.k Co. " t . Ifr. W. wJ McDIarmld, of the Lniubertbn Iiobrficiih, was in the city to-day and favored - with a visit. Mac say he couldn't sleep here last nfcht; everythfng W so qule t UndtUI;not n bull-frog couiu o heard. ; - " Ex Sheriff TayloK Deputy Iritir ual Herenu Collector, has been quite slok for some time past with an attack of the Jaundice,from which he is now slowly recovering. The severity of the attack may be judged from the fact that he has fallen off 41 pounds. , i . : I How's , - Your Liver ? J . : - V " I tbo Oriental wilut.itioii, l;iiouin-thiitpmn.V c4mnot t-xit without a l,P;i!tliv Liver. luMithe Livor U.trpul tluvio- Is are FlnsrirHH c"n" Mipateil,- the fool lie iii the stomach iindi 'ested.voisonin.!?' luuinfiio YOU- CAN GET" A PAIR P '' ' GENTS' SHOES. FOB 4.00, " ! Worth "00 00, 1 ! . -' ' ' OK A PATH LADIES' SlIOEsJ FOK - COMFORT, Rea'dntMaa, - i ! 120 Princess street. or the , NaTassa Gciano Special arrangements made for enter- rapnr. or smaii nanitis. . . k i ; 8.50, Wortfi 04.0 a. CALL AND 8EE. v. UNDERSTAND THIS ! Geo. R. French & Sons, ILEASS UNDERSTAND THAT NONE BET I 108 North Front Street. ! : ' - - V '- - l " (Opposite The Orton.) , . C- : dec 1 Native, Home Meats FE TJ E W E E R I ARE SOLD ON MY STALLS. . . i fTronwnror nnd ' SunCr- 1 - I won't touclx Kansas, or rerneraiur meai, business, the Treasurer anu ouper i . mt cattle are all from this state I nfun.lont rpad'renorts showing tne 'land the mountain!? or soutn-western Virginia i affairs oLtne compauy iu u here and are all sound, .ujealtiiy satisfactory, condition. 14 YOUaUFR IS SfT INTO! ClnouJer cTr load received this week and on MattrCSSeS, t SpflDgS and PjllOWS,' The following officers were elected saie at my Mails to serve for the ensumg.year: I mnfww wl ot,iTrlnxr Directors-Wm. H. Crawford, J.. J avi-iuuhuh I. Middleton, Smille A. Gregg, Geo. pork, veal, mutton, sausages, &c, W. Kidder, Donald MacRae, D. G. of tne best . Worth and T. Ii. Grafflin. I ' JOUN F; GAlUtELL;: Secretary and Treasurer-Donald staUsi andFronts TOR SALE OR RENOVATED. w. rji. .o u rj r.i i n o. dec 11 2t T?EATnERS, JID GLOVE; HATS AT MacRae. Jr. I . . - - a i T" 3 w ; I . '. i . , I M h Superintenaeni-v,. T nn ft W T.V. A n o.ti nn P.r l m. r snirTeoiore Sunt, of Agencies W. li. Deos --- " . . - set. 1 ' I--''; - ' I Travelling Agent Geo. P. Cotch- ett. y -: -I- " - ' Accountant W. C. Jones. The Board of Directors declared a ritvM.ind of8ner cent out of the earnings of the company during the past ear. BYfCKONLY MOItBIS. VALUABLE UNIMPROVED . BUILDING LOTS now is the time to hare your cast-off Suits Cleaned and re-colored and made to look new. GENTS' LIST. 8ult Dyed $2.00 to t3.CC; nats cleaned, dyed and pressed, 23 to 60 cents; Umbrellas re toped in any cloth at ahort not ice. - T.ADiEft' i.istj ostrich Plumes. Tins, sash- ! es and Ribbons of aU kinds re-colored and j cleaned np. , I- v - - , rT.'r '' Taliorl tg, sutu as Binding-, i Llnins and Turning. I ' , , ,,r car- au Goods not called for In 00 days will be sold for charges." M. K. ixousk. Corner Market and Front streets, (over ftol- omon's Dry Goods store.) . :v aec l iw . . ' w " Tt t e m a rv I r, tJV the world for uo'clock a. m.. e wdl sell at the N, W. . T j - rLI DrarV N OlS. I . "t " "TTinr Rait Iner of fcerenth and Dawson streets ineAi- ; r4 , ' tCuUL -BruIse A Sores, J?.ceJ uable UNIMPROVED, PROPJCBTy as imen- IIE CnRiVAS NU3IBER of ENTER- KlieutU r ever cores, icno, tloied beiow. . Miuairu m i"" u i . ... . .. .n nl Hand Chilblainsi Corns, andail southeastern part of tae city, m tte sfftioa I tainment Is foU of sngestlons fthe hoiu. Sr. itnlon andtositively cures Wete JSPiAiSi piles. Or no pay required, ltisguar- otner portion of the town. ' , - j can History have been received at the - L BUUBIIMUwu, i, fTha lilnrVi 1ivn ))n SIlIMl T106a UIO LOIS - WI LM1M.TUS LlUUAJl X liUUflia. . Price 25 cents ramrlne in slie from 23x75 feet to 33x185 feet. 1 dec 1 tf , 1 . LSX Market street. sale positive and without reserrauon 'Jiue : - m n. Till A Af tA fW - Tlie For Sale at Auction. . iN THURSDAY NEXT, 13TII INST., AT ontAMl to irive Derfect satisiaction, or money refunded. per box. holeaale and ratail drggi- . pa? a hv Robert R Bellamy, guaranteed. Terms t sale. Plat of tne prop- . v. r . .-4. i i enr to De seen ai our vuiuc. AT WOBK AGAI1I. NKW AOVEBTl8EtlBNT8. tvi Mn I pq iind Horses ! i f . i V: " . ' . - . - . I . and Wrignt streets. HAVK JTST ! ARRIVED WITH - A CAR jts on Block 47 Said block lying between T load ot alee joung MULES, from 4 to 6 years ' old, and a lot of extra nice nORSES. Parties needing stock should call on me at once at Stables, corner Tbird ana rrmcK ! JOE MERRITT. . ifksrH. Crorriy & Morri will hare a biiraleof realtyou i iinrxiay , . . t : -Av partlcidars of which , will : be Jound ! dinnrvif an,i elliciy. I a our anviTiiMiin . - - Idrwl: frea'uent t'ntl,- (llKsri'lenry an iu:rv.nHo.-i intlu ato lio;.; tho "wholo nytpiijiA .t ranierK . Sinnnoin J-ivtr Ke-'nilator lias ln the of 'restoring inore to health nd ; t;!:; ; TJ anted. L:ipimP liv.jrtyin uiLut j :,? vrlP,0F I Lot oo BlockSi-Sald Mock lying between rl i.i TU-r tJjii-mV f A YOUNG MAN. NOTOUR 20 "i EARS or ymth aodTeDth streets and Wooster a.Iiealtln J,n.r iiihii .i. i .nmm! and Dawson Etwets. - v . Corns' lioun a virtll. age, for office work. Must be agoodpenman ts oa ,jl0Cfe44ald block Ulng between i tli' lrar-u ' Warrnnetti vrlll lP-IVf! OTirDfElCe. 15 PllncaSS ctnwr ti tjt t hni tclshlAfir to attend, at 10:45 I o'clock oa the mornta2,ot the sale, free off -r HAYB REOPENED MY" flENERAL UE- chirge. All are incited to go. I X . - ' 5 Lots on Block 31 Said block lying between j pajj nop at Noj 24 South Pccond street, near Orrell's streets. dec 112t Third and Fourth streets aid Wooster and Dawson streets. -a Lof s on Blocfc3-Said block 1 jlng between Sixth and seventh streets and V&vrnm. ' and Wright streets. 1 Lots on Block 50-Sald block lying between Sixth and seventh streets and wooster and Dawson streets. 3 Lo's on Block 53-Said block lying between t Eighth and Nintn streets ana wsier i ' . and Dawson streets . . '' 'L Xd.lre! lnown handwriting Tenth and Eleventh streets an 1 Dawson and wrtgnt streets. . ll.ftrrs i . - - .A ..Lj4h.-..'MAn' tnriitw-Office. -Eleventn aw Tiremn mhtci ua 1 . ; - neveSBCCn Btarrw.M..:- , . ore ii iuu t. v i - wooster and Dawson streets. Dock, and respectfully solicit workt I will Co my best to please andonly ask a trfxJ. .. s My prices are LOW nd my .work- is Tflor- OL'GU.' m noviutf Jtespect fully, 4. B. FAltRAR G yearly iiv wt , crj(-.r.,i r.m.jy mnv '7 .-iC . j : rT - t 4 s Lots oa Block 5tj saiamock inn? uetwrcn crn-part oi -. ' ' PPiaici m ;V Avi-?G OU iLIHED as EXECUTOR op ' u 5 OII Btoek 43-said block ijmg Between t.ta -attra ' comer : of biVimwi P:.rf r,ral! . - tniFt "tert and Thirteenth streets and . ; pla 11. j ,,un" . . . ! . vimmarh aui . f I!L,V-: nr iou is here-- - mtnn'n!iWrt?M streets. - A Sleuth nnl Dawson .trt .r-, -, w . fc.T. -; sm .iiidWwiiKlHtwtea e auoii. . ;., . . . if;-.-: -Mrc-nrnir': : i rr.i i-:;; .JL c- . : 1 ;3 ( r--are n?3niv';. - i;-' .ff, . ::- L'-i .!: r.'it.icril;-:! f'.y t-- ? ire ' : . ' '' - . 1 . .- . 1 ? ' Christmas1 Good yt at. -:,r ! '.; l w; VATSOlVS CHINA STORE, No. 17 3Iaract street. . .dec tf . . 0 t 1, " , -j 1 , 1 . I. . J.' I ,l Jl H 1 ! . 111. I lTi!:rt3 knn h::!ry ft: SOW PREPARED TO TAUC Ul X" iabLerni.5 a limited mo-st rtr, r! v. L' Ji wl'l to In ttirz'? c: r. c : ' ;

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