7Z7Tu& ficTAtitc TrttMng and ' ITinf HfdnigSlU.rr?3cti. -vu rl it f O Cures Coughs, Colds, 5 Hoarsencs, Asthma, 0tfl I CrotiD.Icci- ur iiii-u - Z I Hllriritmntinn. SYRUP BULL ll HUMPHREYS ... ..k. .i i.nj C R. m . t r. n: tk-&9 : a4 fc many gi &TT Ere i :a re .cdirTl be orld. fri?am.-i,itlivn... ,vi ."jrirt': . I rLLv r..t ji r. Wrm Colic.. 4 VVJLllm.vl i 'U-n cr A-Ia.... .'J i JIlrr 31 Vimlun 'J IzZSk': V.ttarhli tVVArfcri. M. HraUtcfc. Vertigo 11 P!!ti:iJ. Palnfal Period. n CltjAXjih XaXtevx ct the The city attliCritierLf Ro2no;on-the perln-Iarf Ltria.ia tha Adriatic tea, have covered 4 littla onth of tb- pc.tuisTil tl.a ruiva ct a. Large town at tin-belt; n of r-escrC It has been ob served for 'fcoxae years that fishermen' neU vrcro gometimps entangled, ia, what appefed to be masses of, masonry, of Trhich frajrmentJ -trero brcraght xip from tho sea bed. A yr.ir or two ago a direr dwlartyl that ho, Lad seen trail and streets below the vroter. , . .- ; The city;U.uthorities recently decided to inrestigate. ; They sent down a direr who, nt. the depth of -iMy-fire feet, fotin l himself .rarroonded nt the bottom of tho sea by mined walls! - lie ' says he knows they were the work of man. H f U builder by trade, and he recognized me layers or mortar. - Continuing his exploratioju ho traced Uio line of walla, and was able to distin guish how the streels" were laid ontT He did not see any doors or window ooen- JJnjs, for they were hidden by masses of Feawmi anu , incrustations. He traced the masonry for a distance , of r 100 feet, where, he had to stop as his diving cord lid not permit him to go farther.'. He had proved beyond a doubt that he ' had lonnd the nuns of a once inhabited town which; through some catastrophe, had been sunk to tho botiom cf the sea. Some people, think that they identify this lost town with the island mentioned by Pliny the Elder under the, name of Cissa.Tjear.ltria, 'This Island cannot be found now, and it is thought that the nbmerged town may have been a settle ment on the island that so mysteriously disappeared. London Letter. at r wt . III. 'J4.i "r I kdiw 7 A.lwry : SilTrr-.'t.r MBtpnnat! on receipt i4VZa4 la rWfi ud cold. r.i&il4 rrvc. ?narT2' MEDICIUE CO. -OiirLUAia ni John fctrtta. If iw York. SPEC I F I C S . C4TARRH Write n3rs.-impl( CDCC 4 lurrd. L.t DE1IBACII COM Areau" pronta per rcoattw' wui 7e U or pj i-rreiu. cwr por- n2ijaa!:t. t", m simple sent iree loaiL INCS8 & R3!ilS COfcfSI: DEAF?: Wlf K AT AN1 OATS PROTECT rr tararj bj I he f 1 j" bj t op lrtMln? wli h CEREALI tat tij per acre will lxrjclr Increase tne rf!-i rf crlii ana &t riw. KUI. t AUMKit c CO., Ualilmore, Md 1 !'. A ' V' I PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM irrr rail to EwUrt Ortj HAir to lta Kratbfttt Color. kp m Uiju, or UIsCOX CO., 2i. V- OFALLPLAStERS or cunr Tens osed and dtc-S I 1 .. . aL'y mtrodaced generally, PLASTERS. Tie best roroas Tlaster ma for aU aches,pains and weak place omer piaiiers. so oe soi f a bell on the back-doth J r? viOTOfoxARiCTUins, BostoniT SB c &itc irv l co si fq rtx rJio PPS'S COQOA. ' DHK. K PA ST. J "". " ' itt'.t.10511 fccvled;?'ot the catarat .A"? SJTrrn tar opcratioasol Oleation hloa lM T a careful appUfauon of - -pTDpnl(v, ct wpii-spKvtM cocoa. Mr. i rilT ProtKJ r brealtas! tat!cwltn i'rri" navortxl bwrj rrtltTi m AT . i'u uc of iucn ni -f-4 of l that a titT! "41r gratualiy tiiu op until aCl lo r tVTf7 t-ndency to uu.vl 2$ w favr--n..uUcs re jpTiroti!uurT.ii7 to aaatk wtorerer Nrvv : ,,v i o-rrlts trclt tortl- w rv yy ttt i ft properly noart5bed aivTT otrfo .va-ie simply HmTiI. Mrr h J 4 1 only li nif- ii J"11 f .nxvnt l ii this- lI'Mr.'ropaihte rhrm crt 27.4c a -Klec to- CM te fa. - ilus remedy iis becoruin so well kDown and eo bpnTu ai Jo need co i f ecial mention AU w bo have used wrcinc HttUrssinx the same sonsof praise, jk purrr medicine does nolex ut amt .if. eutranteed to all that U claimed. ,Elar:c. Bitters winNcure a?T ofthe Liver and. Kidneys, wil -rrroove Pimple? Eons. 'Salt Ufteam nrd ttter, effect ions cnuaed bf imrurj. bl.Vd'- Will drire tMaiarU In-m 'J:em ar.d prereot as well av V?.11 . Malarial fever For cnre'of in-auarOF, l.n.tip.Mi n and- Indies-" lion try E''etric Bitters Entire satia- V? f.naran:cd., r money rerucd ort. Pro50cert8 and $1 OO per bot. t at Robert, llr BeWabaj'a wholesale and retail drujlore, , - 47noi,E3ALt-pnrcEa -X s- - Tfceloiiowlnj qnctai!ons represent wnoip- we prices seaerauy. u rnann tip smaii or dirs Lifter prices nave to be cUarged. ........ , T; 0l ...... 8 e Qneen Victoria fs only four feet el-ht inches jo height t T . i. BAGGUro Vl -Gonriy.....,. Standanl.".... BACON Norta Carolina, fll: o V WESTERN SMOKED i I Hams. 9 tt;:...T.r.T.T..:. l2jtf - Sides, v i 8 snoulders, y ft. . .,.. . . v.. v ; DRY SALTED J ' I Sides, 9 ft"-.j. - ; C Shqpiders,vyxa.-ijirt. i BARnEXS-ptrtt3 Turpenune. , Second Hand, each,... .t.. 1 40 TlBrns. ....... ...... . " Baoniders v. J. Sides, ?2.. 9 .113v 110 10 8 6 6 -tfew, New Yorlc; each. .tM-. j 00 ' New, City, eacn'..'.......' 1 C5 r.a;:.Hi h' lYRnVA?- PHI "S4 fcfwmr. rr!kv. Lorfir. 'x W V tain, ' J .iVx i .11 ! n i . i R3Hrn.''nPWT7t ' IMIt lllitlll Y - - - kilt. Vi &U3UlAi. CO.. ELIf A10. (1. Y VO H ft A tTTW.lL.t. Wrr M lllllll r-'-i- Ull I I I I I ". wru. f W LJ II atM,a(tn tunu. I in ' nirv-kT. Ww t ran 1 trtf iw m nun. m vrr w Nebraska licet' Sarar. A sample of he first run of sugar from a beet sugar factory situated at Grand Ldand, Neb.;which has been received .at this office shows this new product td be as fine as any sugar sold in the mar ket It isof clear white, sparkling crys tal; and sweet and pleasant to the taste. It cannot be told from the best quality of cane sugar. ' A circular accompanying it says tliat tho factory has a capacity of uoO tons of beets, or 273 barrels of gran ulatcd sugar of the finest quality, over v9 per cent, pnrc, each twenty-four hours. The factory is . fitted with machinery from France, where this industry had its first development. Its success has been so great Jhat its capacity will be imme diately" doubled, and numerous factories will be erected in the vicinity to produce raw sugar for the refiners. The circular further-says: "Unfortunately our season "proved to be the dry est known for seven teen years, and isome farmers failed to raise not onlv corn and small crams in N. ' . . ... w paying quantities, out " beets as, well. Many, however, have, raised crops which show a profit of from $20 to 1560 per acre, and it maybe truthfully asserted that our fanners are jubilant and that the In d us try has come 'to stay.' Watcrtown Times. I ; , ' ' ' ' A Noa-Bo"rtlnc Fly TVlieei. In the works of the 3Jannes,mann Tube company, in England, there is a heavy fly wheel ingeniously designed to be ab solutely free from any danger of burst ing. As this wheel is about twenty feet in diameter, weighs over seventy tdn3 and runs at 240 turns per minute, it was feared that a cast iron wheel would be unable to stand such a centrifugal force. ThGjvhecl consists of a cast iron hub. ,t6 which are securely bolted two circular platea or disks of steel about twenty feet in diameter. Bound the periphery 'of tho wheel' thus,' formed about seventy tons of No. 3 wire was tightly wound, thus binding -the whole securely togeth er and making 4 wheel that is practical ly beyond possibility of breakage ,by centrifugal power. The circumference of this great wheel travels at the rate of 2.83 miles per minute, about three times as fast as the most speedy express trains. Philadelphia Record. Con u nipt Ion &DrrjCiirii. i o thk KrriTort lleai?e inform t your reaaerKTiiat I . have positive remedy for the above named disease, J fM'la& Af. . f u ub umeiy use rnoiisanaa of liope letaeases have been permanently uureu. Mian oe giaa to senatwd ootties ormv reminlv wrbb. tr - nnv sr f . -'. J ui jour reaaers wno nave consuiur 1 1 A. ... . nun ii iiioy win sena me tneir" ex pregs and post office: address. ' Res- ew,York. 50 Is, 70 peetfully.-T. A. 8L00UM, M.C., 181 enrj Kt.; tie A secret warranted to keep4n anv ciiinnte woman's age. ' i I w- . . .. .., ; j, Artvlcwto AI others. . : MRS. WlNSLOW'S WOOTHINQ 8IRUP snotilu always be used when children re cuttihg teeth. , It relieves the lit. tie sufferer at once; it. produces nat oraK qiiiet fcleep by! relieving the cnild from paiii, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button.!' It Is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and ia tne best known reme ly for . diarrhoea, whether arising from ' teething or oth.'r eauses. Twenty,flve cents a bottle. . "jnlv ft deod&wlv ', The Eeonomr of Electrlo Traction Mr.-. Cox,- the." borough surveyor of Bradford, England; having been' deputed "by thai" city to.xno'mvestigations.wiih a view of ascertaining tne best , system of streetcarr'traction; has made a vain able report on the subject He speaks m the hhrhest terms of the work of the accumulators oa the Birmingham elec tric- line, and states that the receipts there are twopence per car mile, as against tenpencewith horse traction,! a difference which is likely to nave con siderable weight with the corporation pf the city of Bradford, to which his re port has been submitted. London Let Afknotty probltu The highest possible speed for ocean vessels. ,1 So 8imple.yer. alv'ny3 efficacious in all bilious disorders is Simmons Livf er Regulator. . j .... ... The' greatest coal oil regiou in the worm is reuuivmim. ; The bile, is removed, .the -head cleared and digestion restored by otmiucns Liver Regulator. DSXSWAT, ft...: EyUlCiiS, wuiaiBgum v M .-. -. . ..Jiortaera.. CUTTER,' 9 ft-, - C . -. r North CaroHna..' L Northern'...: . CANDLES V ft . T ' AdamantinertT. . ...... ..... CHSS, y ft- Northern Factory.-......-.. Dairy, Cream. . ..... " State COFFEE, 9 lb 20 8 00 0 00 15 I25 10 & q 25 410 00 iAU 00 rs ' 15" 13 3 ; 9 83 20 .00 00 1 S 00 10 lt, you feel weak atd wornout take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Misses Biirrdt James'b'choo) HrlSSES BUKU AND JAMES WILL KE- 1TX l . ' open their School for Youns.Ladics, and cbl!- ! drcn of both sexes, On Thursday, Oct 2(1. The course of study, as heretofore, will be systematic ana luorcuza. inairiauai instruc tion bestowed upon each nurll: the same care ful attention given In training the slovr mlad. as tho:-o of Lriirau nuenecu 4 w Class SlurLiJjr. Free-hand Drawing, Cail3 benlcs andNeedlework free of charge. Mnsflcal Department, under the superlnten dpnee Of Mr. M. 8. CUSHIKU.- l'UDU3 ilk mtrsifriLherfithi or. nitnout-iue acnooi. will be accomraodatsrt vlth -roitaole hours of instruction that win-not nitenero wun it-s inns or iioura ot Btudv. Every care and atten lion Is triven to ina mom weuaro 01 rue ennu. Forfurtber Darcicmara picase appur w North Third street ana see rrinapa s T FOR CASH OR INSTALMENTS. ll-TB OFFER F5R SALE UNDEtt GUAK- VV I . wntee for six years WILCOX WII-TE. FAR RANTji & VOTEY, MASON & HAMLIN OK 1 - cifii in Oak. Birch. BiacK vainui, ana good hard Western wood Bases, of the latest de sljns; prices from f 35 03 up. Can be bought 1 for $5.00 cash and $LO0 per week until paid for. We cheerfully show our Stock to any lute PstPrt names. Call and examine our in- struments, -- 407 .Red" Cross street. - jf . - , 1 - - Correspondence solicited. nov25tf NlnYr' Journey of Letter, j , Nine years ago awoman in Germany Avrote a letter to her husband, a sailor, who had gone out to Brazil. His vessel bad. left when' the" mail reached there; ever since this letteT has been rambling through numerous postofnees in differ ent parts of the world, always arriving in tho waka of tho hnshand's 6hips de parturo. It' Was recently" returned tc tho German dead letter office, which has restored it with scrupulous care "tc the sender. The letter was dated NOct. IVieSl.London Tit-Bihv , - iBTlteU U Crow.l to Km Orang, T, A. Meltcr 'purchased 3,000 sweet ranges and placed them on Concord's wharffoot of Ocean street, for free dis tribution. The only proviso was thai the eatM should quarter the fruit and I'Ucotthe pctl in ;lrrcf tf 'n'xoTTol landing "near. . About 4,tX-' of ; the oranges were eaten by the surrounding crowd, and Uu belter got a goodly amount of work done for nothing. The peeling will be phipped td England to be tred fur medicinal pujosee. Florida Tlme-Union. v " - . 'J xsarocrs rvport ingont cf stjle. that hair dyeing U go- Iany 'ton:cr.ai par- Stoves. Stbveo. -yyEFKEL CONFIDEN-f WE CAN fiClT jou in itjle, quality and price. PLASTI00. ; PLASTIC0. nanttfr Tour Walls for M cent fcj twiasJ ths most Imrrored of teoinines. Sasli. Doors arid GIilbs. 5 ilost compieto line or abore la the Mate, cms and prices of hTOVJX sent on appUca tion. We want your trde aiid shall e-er en deavor to deserve it. r- N. Jacobi Hardyrarc Co nor Jl tf v 12 sout h First Street. TT7TH -n IS P WITH 7 80 6 00 00 5 50 4 00 4 50 400 8 48 00 52 00 S3 00 85 2 3 06 85 75 ao50 (315 00 2Q 00 9 600 10 00 7 00 Q 6 00 & 10 '- -'h & A 00 ft 6 00 & or 4 10 3 S 00 10 Eaguyra;:. AlO 9m ft CORN MEAL, IJbush, Insacka i - Virginia Meal. COTTON TIES, V bundle. ... . DOMESTICS . . ' Sheeting, 4-4, "9 yard....... ! Yams, banch...... ...... EGGS,' doz , ..... yisni'-'f Macaerel. No. l, v VOL.. . . . 00 Mackerel, No. 1, V half bbL 13 50 Mackerel, No. S, V bbl......l5 00 Mackerel, No. 2, hall bbl... 4 75 Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl Mullets, y bbl.............. N. c. Roe nernag. 9 keg... Dry cod, ft.T;... .. FLOUR, V bbi , Western, low grade.. ... .. Family;.. City Mills Super...; .. 1 Family GLUE, V ft...... ...... GRAIN, V busheh Corn, fm store, bags, white Corn, cargo, in bulk, white. : Corn, cargo, in bags, white Corn, mixed, from store. . . v : Oats, from store.. ! oats, Rust Proof .' .....V. , CowFeas.. .s. HIDES, ft 1 " j Green Dry 11AV, WO fts- ; " Eastern. . j Western.. ! North River.... flOOP IRON, V ft . 0 . , . .. ........ LARDjjVft j " Northern..... . ........... i North Carolina...;. Lni E,. v barrel ....... LUMBER, pity Sawed, V M ft. J Ship stuff, re sawed 18 00 i Rough Edge Plank.L. 15 00 j West India carglS, accord- - ! ! j lag to quality. 13 00 018 00 Dressed Flooring1, aeasoned.18 00 2S 00 scantling and Board, conm.14 0 V'OLASSES.lf galloU-k ' - . New Crop, in hhds: . : . . . . " -. In bbls..., .... Porto Rlcofn hhds......:. -tr In bbls...".. .... 1 Sugar House, in hhds j . "j xm li.lB bblSrt ... . . ' j syrup; labhis.Oiil... .. lAILsj V Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. ?5 30 25 124 -10 11 lo 25 52 & 65 1-30 6 80 Atlanlid Coast'Line.' Wjlmingi R. R. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOESO SOUTn. Ucab-yard -ilr-Linc. Carolina Ceutnil Railrc:.'- Mr CHANHE OF SCHEDULE WKSTLiOTJNU TILMNS -4- Djltcd Dec 7. 189a Leave Weldon ......... . v.. Arrive Rocky Mount. . . . . . P.M. 12 SO 1 0 Arrive Tarboro.....:. Leave Tarboro....... Arrive WilsOh.... Leave Wilson. Arrive selma. ......... Arrive FayettevUle... Leave Goldsboro....... Leave Warsaw. .-. . . i. . . Leave Maenolia......'.. Arrive Wilmington. r. m. A. M. 1020 .1 .i r 1 1 P. 11. 5 43 rY wiTmiribfcnf 0 20 ami- COrir S'i?Si Leave I r. inlet:... 1 0 pml 5 O) anr 7S 3 A. M. 6(0 710 P. 31. 218 t2S0 330 ...J 530 I 315 410 424J 550 '00 7 40 8 40 955 743 8 35 K9 34 9 49 1120 Leave Rutt.erfdt'ni 5 am Leave Shelby. J ... 110 09 ami V Leave Uncolnton. 11 12 ami Arrive Charlotte.. U3 a pm -Leave Charlotte. .1$ si pm 7 45 pm Leave Wadesboro.t 2 22 pm 11 upra Leave IIamlet.!.. 3 i2 pm 115 am Arrive Wllmlngt-ni T SO pm 8 J3 am - TRAINS GOING NORTH. , 0 0 0, 0 & 0 0 0 20 50 48 53 51 . f- 50 CO A 3 ' 1: 10 90 60 3 60 8 0 25 0 .-. - 10, o oo 020 00 016 00 "015 oe 25- 28 28 26 00 16 2 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 50 23 30 30 38 15 13 35! ..... ALU. y gauon. Kerosene... t Lard. ,, : Linseed... : Roaln..... Tar, Deck and Spar. . POULTRY ( Chickens, live roirn..v... " ). . 8prlng. 1 Turkeys... PEANUTS, V bushel, 22 ft. .... . POTATOES, 9 tousaej Sweet. Irish, V lihl.V. PORK, v barrel h catyMess 12 00 I Prime...... 15 00 1 11t tfuftit 9 a 90 15 00 '00 25 10 75 1 00 85 325 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 145 1 00 16 20 . 22 30 20 0 1 00 0125 0 0 0 75 0 3 75 : Rump..-,., vi.. ...... ...... RICE Caiollna, V B......M.. ; Rough, v bush, (Upland)... " I " (LQwUnd); rags, y ftcountrj...... -citri-.... 8ALT.i sack,' Aram... i Uverpooi Llslwn American... SOAP. V ft Northern. , SUGAR, P ft Standard grain.. Standard a:.. White Ex C.......1 Extra ci Golden................ k of .,00 60 80 00 10 iUV0 70 0 1 10 0 00 0 O0 0 40 6-;0 '6 0 U 0 2:0 018 00 016 00 015 00 0 5 0 80 0 1 00 0 1 1 oa 2 OJ 4 50 oco 8 CO 0 S) 4 . !C YeUow... ....... SHINGLES, 7 in. VM.. .common.,,.... .... Cypress Saps . cypress Qearts..;. , STAVES. V UW. O, Barrel.. 1 jl cu nogshead.:.,.. tallow, w a TLMQER, v M feetr-Shipping. .IS 00 Fine M1U ...H 25 :M1! prune 7 50 MU1 alr. 5 00 common Mill.... 509 , LoferlortnOrdmarr..... s 50 rtHISXET, V Jterthern... 2 00 Norta Carolina... .. l 50 WOOL, V Washed. ..;...... 23 ' Unwashed..:. . i.t if .BUni ............ .,i...- 1 5.0 22' 75 50 00 70 5 6 5 5 0 7 00 2 50 0 5 00 0 7 50 0UOO 010 00 0 5 014 00 013 00 0 8 50 0 000 O 000 0 4 00 0 5 0C 0 3 00 9 9 18 1 OYSTER-ROASTS I AM j BETTER . riiEPARBD than ever- to accommodate xay trienda with' OTSTEES this4 teasoa: I will ktTT nor.e bnt tie Ecn ca hind alwars MYRTLE grove ROASTS a f reclaitr. Everr- tl-ir? OTirLailcd a.i.1 l:r.0T?i. Orrters najr at ricrt actlce axl t.. rt ti-zin to j -i - 63 5 6d- : " ' - i ' -;i t, r O ! i A. M.A. M. P. M. Leave Wilmington"; ........ 1301 900 400 Leave Magnolia...;.:.....- 121 10 34f.588 Leave Warsaw.. 105'J 5 53 Arrive Goldsboro...;...... 2 23 1155 6 53 Leave'Fayettevilie. ..... . . . . . . J920 Arrive Selma ........... ...... 1118 .',... Arrive Wilson :.;......)...... 1220 ....V Leave Wilson . . . i ........ . 303 i2T5t 747 Ar. Rocky Mount...; 133 818 Arrive Tarboro ...... 2 17 ...... '..j-; " v A. M. Leave Tarboro.. ........... .....i 1020 ...... ,-. . P. Jl - " Arrive Weldon. . . !..... 4 30 2 5 9 30 Dec. 7i ISttv j No. :l i N"a Xi. 'dallTcx.'dallyex ;fjr!cl.o;at'Jaj. Leave vadesboro. Arrive Chariott.". Leare'hsrlotte.. . Leave - Lincoln? oa.: Ifaresnelhy.;....! Aniveiiutheri-dt'n 23 rmi. 6 l"i an 4 n r-in o COrorilO I5r-i 4 l itrr. 4:)pm? v 1 No. ii. dally c .x suniaj- 7 43 8 m:i EA0TEOUND TRAINS.- rrck7, lscoj '..4' - I No. C t NO. 2k I NO. S.V kuily ex.!dally e jdally ex jsunoay. jbunaay js unsay. 5 10 cu 6 52 am Trains No. 43! and 38 make close connection At Dncolnton for Hickory and W. N. c Trlns41 and 3J make close connection at Uamlet for North to and from -Charlotte ana G. c & N. points South. ' . - . Trains No. 23 and 24 make close rcanectlar at Monroe for Cb ester, r -'' --. ! No. 23 mates connection at Jfamlt tor Ral- elgh;--- - .-r--- - iNv.rv! r. " t Tiirougn Bieepmg cars Between wmnirxon and Charlotte. 1 -u. T W. wniSNANT. Superintendent. ; F. W. CLARE. Gen'l Passenger Ajent. decctf . j .. ... : . h v - - - - WilmingtorfSbacbaat R. R JIN EFFECT I Daily except buneay. V Train on Scotland Neck Bianch Road leaves Weldon 3.15 p. m., Halifax 3:37 p. m arrives Scotland Neck at 425 p. m.. Green vtile 6:02 p. m., Kinston 7.15 p. m. Returning leaves junston 6:uu a. m., ureenvuie 7:20 a. m Arriving Halifax at 10:10 a. m., Weldon 10:30 a. m.. aaur excepc &unaay. . Local Frelgut ieave3 Weldon 1050 a. m., Hal liax .uwu a. m.. seouana jncck a:uu p. m. Greeuvllle 5:30 p, m. Arriving at Klns on 7:40 P. m. Keturninsr.. jeave Tiinston 7:iw a. m Greenville 9:30 a. m., Scotland Neck 1:10 p. m. iiauiaxo:o5 p. m. Arnviiig weiaon 4:U(jp. m dally except-Sunday, i - Train leaves Tarboro, NC., via Albermarle & itaieign k. ic. aany except Kunaay,4.U5F. m Sunday aoo P. M.. arrive Wllllamston. N. C. 6.30 P. M.. 4.20 P. I M., Plj-month 7.50 P. M., 5 20 P. M..'KeUanlng leaves Plymouth, mcum. -jn. c, aauy; except sunaay. s.uu a M., Sunday 9.00 A. 2LZ WUliamsten 'I.IO A. M 9.58 A.M. Arrive Tarboro, N. C, 9.30 A. 3! 11.50 A. M. " . ! ' . V Tram on Midland N; C. Branch leaves Golds ooro, i. c.r dally except Sunday, 6.00 A. M arrive Smitnfleld, N. c.,-7.30 A. M. Returning ieaves Smithfleld, N! C.; 8.00 A. M., arrive Goiasooro, n. c., 9.30 A, M.x Train on Nashville 11 rant h leaves Rocky Mount at 3.U) 1 , 31.. arrives at wash viileat 3:40 P. M., Spring, Hope 4.15 P. M. Returning leaves sprtntr Hope taoO A. M. Nasnvilje 10.35. A. M., arrive , Kocsy Mount 11.15 A.M., dally except Sunday . Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily, except Sunday, at 6.00 P. M. and 11 10 A. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.20 A. m. and s.10 P. -M., connecting at - War saw Wlttl KfW 41 Id o-l on1 f Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayettevllle Branch la No. 51. Northbound is 2So. 50. Dally Train No. 27 South wUl'stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. , ; Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all points North daliyAll. rail via Richmond, and dally, except Sunday, via Bay All trains run solid between VTilrnington and v uauiiision, ana navs 1 unman raiace sieeu- ors attached. , . I . - rJL -KHIN Fk DIVINE, GenlSupt. J. R. KENLY, Sup't. Transportation. T. M. EALERSON. Gen'l Passenger Agent ' Atlantic Coast Line V7U mini? ton, Columbia AuCTsta K. B. Co. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. -TRAINS GOING SOUTH. . Dated NOV. 16, 189a NO. 23. No. 27. P. M. P. M. Leave wumlngton... 6 10 10 10 Leave Marlon. - sal 12 40 Arrive Florence v 10 20 , 1 20 - .. NafiO A. M. A. M. Leave Florence....... 3 20 . . .. . Arrive Sumter. ....... 4 35 . - ' - NO. . 52. ' ' 1 A. M. Leave hunter... ...; 4 35 t 1 4i Arrive Columbia.... 6 15 10 55 No. 58 A. M. t 8 25- 9 35 Na 52 runs through from Charlnston '. via Central IL It. t - - Leaving Lanes 8 P0 A.! M., Manning JhlO A. M. Train on C. & D. U. R. connects at fiotptw with Na 53. - ! - trains goc;g NORTH. Leave Columbia...... Arrive Sumter....;... Leave Somter. ...... Arrive Florence ...... Leave Florence ..!., Leave aianon.. 1 Arrive Wilmiayton...j" I 1 -N; ' Na 5L No. 69. Na 53. r . - P. M. " PVmT . 10 35 - 5 2C U 58 - ' 6 32 P. M. . 11 58 t 40 A. M. I 1 15 - 7 65I. .V No. 78 . 'NO 11. A. la, I P. x. 4 35j......J8'iV: 5 20J........1 .8 65 8 35.... I 11 45 Dally. tDaiiy except Sunday; . Na 53 rans ttroah to Chsipu. R a:, no. Central R. il. arrivlnar Manning 7r04 P.M- Lanss 7:42 P. M,; Chark-toa 9-JB Pi IL ra s conoecta rt Florence with c. -and n train tmm Che raw and Wadesbora Nes. ?g and 14 make close connection At wiu mingtoa .with.W. t3v..R.; u.ror ailpolnis North. Train on Florence if. R. leave Pee rx da except Sunday 4:40 p. M.,arrlTe Rowland TAX p. m. Returning leave Rowland 630 a. ta.. ar rive Pee Dee 8:50 x m. . i . -. Train on Manchester Aamrer el n iivp Sumter daily, except Sunday. 10:50 A.M..anrte 1205 P.M., arrive Sumter l-so P.M. , JOHN F. DIVINE, . - General Staperlr.tnJett, J. R. K ENLT. Asst Gem M ajiir. T. M. EH ElN, General Tazzz r Azcn novis - : --- - . NOV.IOTfl. rpBE ! FOLLOWING CIIANQE'.OF INCHED-! uie on iup umingxon?cacoasfc iiaiiroaa wnif take effect Sunday, Nov. 16th: Traias leave irincegs street 'at 7.-00 s. ro. 2:c0 and C:10 prhi , dally except Sunday. - - ;Iiav Hnmmn.-'U.t'lS n m f-.-(Vl nr.l T-fYl rr : in . dally, except Sunday ; ( -- I leaves pnncess street' at 3;co : ammocks at a:30T). m.' - - f.v - j. it. nolan S Genera) Manager. Sunday train Pjjn. - Leaves II 1 ' -w ': nov 15 tf -TJEVU YORK OBSERVEf ! The Oldest and Best " '7 v : Six Regular Editors;8pt cjal Co j respondents) at Howe an Abroad,! Stories, IJeviews, Condensed News-' Department for, ; Farmers Mer chants, Backers, "Professional MenV Stnd en 1 1?, 15 civs and G i rl s. ; j. . " j Thi year tlie OBSKRVKli wjll pub lsn luore. tnan - r ; ; t FIFT Y PRIZE STORIES, amr tlieablpot and iriot " popular writers will jContrilmte, ,to its col uniiis. Poets arid proise' wrltersrau- thors, editors, men of science and women of geniu3 will fl)i , tlje col umns ef the, Obsehvkr. "and it wil. giyo fifty -twd unexcelled papers in nits vviuuig .yiear x: ;.r- jrnce, d.uu a vear. Clergymen' $3.00 a ydar.-V ' V Great lndUcemerit8:fbKi890 L The NEW YORK OBSERVER will be Kent for one year to any clerevman not now a kmu SCrtber, for ONE DOLLAR. 2. Any subscriber sending his own subscrlp tion for a year in advance and a new utwurt ber with $5.00, can have a copy of the Iren aus Letters," orrThe Ltfo of Jerry MeAniey.'l 3. We will send the observer, tor the re mainder of this year, and to. January 1, 1883. to any kkw subscriber sendlnt? us hla name and address and 3.00 in advance. - To such subscn bers we will also give either the volume of 'Iremsus Ltttersn or The Llfa of Jerry Mc Anley.' j . - - , Agents wanted everywherevl . liberal ter . Large commissions, sample c . k ree.. v . ":-A NBW YORK rr :' University of North Carolina, Tho, Fail Term Opris Sept , V ; 'Til it ion, $i$67 y JPUR REGUU.K COURSES OF STUDY, uiasslcal, .Pldlosot)blcil.'ljtcrarr, Setent.flcv jpcuai coureesi in t rcmistry, civil and Electrical En rineerlnc. rharmacr. nnrt mupt studies. - I . . Separate45chools of Law and Medicine, whore students may attend tho University lectures. AddreKs j . Jr3tf i President, Chapel II Ul, N. CY A FREE TRIP TO. EUROPE. rf'HE PUBLISHERS OfV'TIIE CANADIAN Uf.EN will give a free trip to Europe to the person sending th- largest number, ef words constructed j from! letters contained In the name of their weU known Magazine, TJIE CAJfAwiAN qyvks.". Additional" rrlzeV consisting of silver Tea Keu. Gold Watches, cnina Dinner Set, Portiere Curtains siilc Dresses. Mantel Clocks! and munr nr kcr it - ful and valuable articles will also be awarded Webtters tnaridgel Dictionary to be lined as authority la Cectuin? the contesst. , . Tbtoiw apopularpJao of ictriwiuin? a pop ular publication, JiVTV O&O EPiirtliciL l!r at tuA leS3 than tea word wia rertlve a presets. Enciose thirteen' Sc. surapi for DlcsirateO, cataloirue of present and tnrce month s trial subscription to Tfce tuecn.' , ... Address r - . . TlfE CANADIAN QUEEN, Jf tf ; Tsroato. Cr.t. 0 i t.rth f r 5 t . ;EvJSpCT ONE,' AND IIS . I' OI.TT ' . r ... 1 !d r r. (.;. r ? a ;:.!: r. -.3 v...; v ir "! 'il 1 1 r x 1 1 lors" .V r.- : I 1., r Ml .JL 1AJ 1'