- - - - , . ; - - ... . - '- I - . - -, . . . ... - ' -. , - . . - - - . - i . - . . . - - . .-."( t . .,--...---.",.- - . " ! . ' ,, - . . - . - . " . i - - . . ; , " - ' - : ,' .V . , ' j-i- ' - . ... 1- f .. . - .;: " ' . v- . s.-i.' '-a-- r ' - -i " ' .- - ... . ' . . . .. ... ... . r i , .t . . . , .. v - . . - - . . . . , . ... w . - . . " J , ' - ,' -v ' --. ". 1- V . . f J J----- -V-? .' - : - r- .-"' t ZZ J. 1 -t' -UJLTV -",.... . - . - -- - - . ' . ... r --. f - ..i'- . - C :..'- J ' . .-'. - - .. .i ..-! . . -.. - . . . . - ----- - " ! ' : '. " " . " . . "",-- . fv'-" J i". - a 1 ' " ' " " ', . - - ' . - Z i . v ' O; U' . lAKeSanmonsUver I.!rf vfT7 f'r , 1 fU J ' VV M I , f( f ML- . rp, m j. i; -"I (18), a k I li n 1 Harper's: WPt, J- I M m u 1 Ai. Ii.il I - - - - ... - ILHI i wm 4 t V POWDER Absolutely Pure. A (Tfira of tamr biting pcwiUr Ultv i.4i Iiijrt, A uj. 17. Til TUESDAY. 1) EC. 11. 1800. STATE i'EWS. WILMINGTON MARKET . -! December 11.-30 P. BJ. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Dull at .135 cent.. No tales renortel.! ROSIN Firm at 41.10 train- orlanl$115 for gwvi t rained.. . TAR Firm at $1.&3. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at fl.0 for hartl, $1.90 for fellow iiio nncii.vu for viririn. i COTTON Dull at fi? cent for tuidJIinsr; low luiildlinir 8 3-16; gootl luuMlinr. v. 1 RKCKI PI'S Cotton. CSC; upiritP, 422; roin, 1,210; tar, 310; crude, 123. HIM ------ m HAitte z h Bpednieir Copica and Bcaxitifnl Calendar ccat Pres. - ircV - I i r"! "L 1lU5TRAnd ?II5 Tins Xo other Weelt, Paper yr so rtat a Variety of EnUrtaininf and Instructi Zeaiing t W Uta pr FREE TO JAM. I, 1891. T. .r KEW HCB8CTIIBKK. wki will et 0t d . W : "?f i7!ii'SlnJS!i ; Tilt YOVTII'D COMPANION FREElcJaniry, 1891. f'J. Th , 0r UrlJic-Tike FIVE DOFBI.E HOLIDAY KWIBEE8 fw-ltadftJl" aj.i- Tur YniiTU'R CflUPAN ON. l I mDia riaci 4 - a uiiu GOO jllustratcd tifr Its title1 -JSfjpeterf a- MAIUNK NEWS. J J w H.i ARRIVED. Stmr CatKf Fear, Tonilinfonj Fay ctteville, F. 1). Love. j. ;leared. l Strainer Cae Fir, Toinlirion. Fayetteville. T. D. Love. j 'clir Ann J, Lock wood. Evan.Bar- lndo?. wwi'l bv to Karris. Son Si Jo, curtro liv E Kiddir' Son. 1 KXPOKTS. j riFlfJE SHOW OASES : i'r:!js 1jowe32 Bbices.-- Also Wall and Prescription cases, Cedar ; Chests, Barber lvurniture, jeweiry a raj and Stools. Ctblnet WW of all kindsj uw nft C" r,.i. v arMm a lamih cnuif vnofc wvi , . I d Newbern Journal; Mr. Vh!tMinrr- of I'umliro rnontv I crathered 1S.J5 douihN of I C00 weight to the acre of hut rtf'in !'ir.lo-s Slr .!.n L Lrxu-o at a co?; to him uf about thrt- nt-t - jX,0ta sliitflrs. l'3,M2 ft lumber, per ponnd for prodnctlon and h.u ! 'zst.:: - J. :.: .. "ztrr. iDg. j MONTH I.V STATEMKM. ! Wilsou Mirror: Mr. John Nettle?, ! skks ox hash dkc. 1. iJiio. UJ - T? CtitCHESTEfTS EHGUSH, REO CROSS Tf DIAMOND BRAND TMC ORIGINAL AMD GENUINE. Tfce mIj Safe, 8p, mirtiUUTin fr !. f 1.1m. Mk DrauUi At Clic ct- Mgth Diamond rmd is K4 Mi S oU atetalU v TT.-- TkMtkrklid. - Btfwf Suh$tutina mn Jtmitali m n. i. k.a .k .n immui HUtnMll. At DnrtiltS. T i 4. la Map fcr ptieir twtiaKMU&U, u4 Ketler I4I" im Utfr, ,j vcCM Mail. it rmnrrrr l t t m4 1M4 r U Ll VrmcsUtA The .National Lift -AND-' Maturity Assoc! OF wasbinqton'tjb. c . Has Paid to Mem- V -r . Ijers 0yer Acer lied .0jLiab)I:-; ties - - - - None. nnont, 3.622; m r i A. ; o xifrecomoe, nets ?i.u-w irm uis . CottonMshori Spirit asliore, ,7; atloat, 320 . .... I u " i total, 3,"7. Ro.iii inshore 30,H14;atIo.it. 17,939; total, is.;a. . I . T.ir-M!-hrr. 2.800: afloat, 0t0: total. 2.3iK. j J Criid- ashore. 1.072: nfloat, 0; total 1.072. ; " j ItKi'KIITS FOU MO.VTII OF SOYJ. 1890 Cotton. 27,10: pirit, 4.1Jroiii, 2AW: tar. 2,$14; crude. 1,337 KXTOKTS KOH MONTH OF SOV.i 1800 ; uoMKSTa Co 1 1 oi 1 1 ,52-3 ; p i r 1 1 ,2. 2 1 D :c r uri h J 1 , 1 !9 ; ; tar,:i,2 Jn: roiii, ,4js. ; VoHKUX." j - Cotton, 3-i,lKKJ: spirit?. 1,48: rosin. 245,123. Mr. Mack Killebrew ireta -"W0 froui - Mj two acre?. The inre.t d . cndoinuent fund of Wake Foret College is 1 5, 000. The College ha ; 11 nrofesiors and 200 tudfnts - G ) t urboni are young uilnister. Winston Daily. News n-avhed 0 her this mornin? of the doath of Mr. Wllej T. Johnson, which o?. earrcdat his home in Clfnimons ville township, Forsyth eovnty, hit Sanday nlirht. The deceawd was well known and highly esteemed by a large circle of friends. !! pae.i away In the 73th year of his ae. Greenville JJrjTctor; We ln-anl Mr. George James, of Cawlina town hlprWiy Satnrday that he killed thirteen large hawks this fall. Ob Monday Riverside Nursery Oiled a little order foe a fanner in Martin connty. In the shipment were 300 apple and peach tres, 100 pecan trees, 10 English walnut trees tc James grape vines and 200 .-tr.iw-berry plants. I Cnariottc Acic: uaron Uermau Vol 1 Maltzahu, of Berlin, and Mis Maggie McDowell, of Chariot ti were tuntetl in marriage this aft-r-uoon. The ceremony was perform ed at 2 o'clock, at the residence f the bride's mother, on East Trade street, by Rev. R. C Reed, pastor of the Second Presbrteriau Church, andjwas witnessed bv a select cirtfie of invited guests. The Duron and Daroness left immediately after the ceremony for a. tour through the Northern cities. Their future p'ace of residence has not yet been deci ded upon. Ooldsboro -lrm: The shipment of a cat load of goats to Richmond by ex-Oov. C. II. Drogden, from his farm near this city. Is worthy of note, as an indication that stock raising of every available specie could be engaged in with profit by the farmers of this section. In this connection we are glad to note that there is a definite and decided move oq loot to secure iroiu me next Leglslntnre. soon to convene, inc legislation favorable to sheep raid ing in North Carolina; Of eourse this means that the sheep-killing dog must go. Raleigh AVir ami O0erccr: News is jnst received of a terrible tradgedy near Henrietta Mills, Rutherford county, sixteen miles from Shelby. Hollotray Wall, a dissolute mer- chauie, shot and killed hi - ife and i wounded his brother-hi law Wayne Ifaynes In the. le and narrowly ruissed Mac Drooks. a painter who way at work on the house. Full imrtictilar are haid to obtain. Wall married about .two yearact. nud took his wife to C-tlifornia. where he took all her j money an I nb.m doned her. H" help of her relative he returned to thi seefion in Jnlv Thev have not livetl hentiandoned her tentoon Wall w hoiue. where hi wife wih iiviinr. her or !rinir io the complaint vUk-hhaa went to the !ttii,tf roo.. at.d .-all-j rASJfitKwi. a.y nt iKmbcr. A I 1 oa loir to her he ht hr. --Afier h jno. n. tavlk, fell he j.liot hertwic tuoie. In orler!-"erknr'iirroun .i Ntv Hincver c'ouuty. to make hU eene he !mt ili mm " nG"r in ineii, aJoal atae, unl iiiouulitig a hore he rle off. At Roe4i Sprinl Church. nlout two miles fnm Hiej hmis. Wall iit ofT the liurMxm! hot himself. He w foun I d-tl a ! few uilnute.H afteruunl-. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. IlARrKR's BazAkIs a journal for tne home. OtYlnsr the latest lnlormatlon with regard to faslilon-plate8. and pauera-feheet supple ments are lndltpensable alike to the home dress-maker and t he pi oiessional inouistc. No expense is spired In making its artlsilc at' tractlvenessof the hlghet order. Its clever short stories, parlor plays, and tnoughtful es says satisfy all tastes, and Its last page Is fa mom as a budget of wit and humor. In its weekly Issues everything ts included whlcn is of Interest t. women. During 1801 Agnes B OKM8BEE will vrlt43 a scries o articles on The llouse Comloi table." Jcliet C'okson win treat of "Sanitary Living," and an inter esting succession of papers ou "Woman in Art and History.'' supc bl liaistritted, vlll be furnished bv 1 heouokk cbim. The venal OF TUB 1 - - j Hon. Jefferson Dais. BY- M US . J K FF t R&O N I A V, 1 8 . TO IIK SOLD. BY. SUBSCRIPTION j. mi The prospectus and complete outfit for can- t - - - va3slng will be ready Jmmedlat- ly. STATE OF.NOKTH CAKdUSA, CcuntjofNcw Hanover, f s In the superior Court. ) . Before Jno. P. Taylor, Clerlr. ( Arznand J."leHosset, William L. DeUosset and wire Kllcabeth s. IeKosset, t'narlet D. Myers and wire Eliza II, Myers, (iraham Duves and wife AUi-e L Daves. Jonn K. London nd wire t amf Ua 1L Londoa, Wll liam I- Iindon and virc Caroline II. ten don. U. A. London and wife Bet tie L. Lon don, Joan It. Lord and write Helen ( Lord, F. Aucrum I.oicl and wifo Kte A. Ixrd, jiiocs c Minnas ana oiners, I'laimins, A gam'. i KUaJ. leRo-Jse .Addles. DeKosset. Graham l Doi:o5set. Addis Emmett Deltosset ajQd Mao'J. DeKossct, Defendants. i This is a special procccdl -g bronght for the partition, and a sale If actual aril t Ion can not be had. 01 certain real es a c In tbe el'y or Mltnlnxtcn. North Carolina, being parts of Lou n os :iara4ia iuock 177 on run or said city la which tho plaintlCTs ant defendants are tenants In common as heirs of the late William Ancrum Lonl. The defendants, Eliza J. lcKossct. Addle 8. DcKosset, 1; rah am D I el cosset, Addis Emmett DeKosset an 1 Mary J. ifc-Uosset are hereby required to appear be fore 1 he Clerk of the said superior Court of New Hanover county, at his ofiice in tbe court House, in the city of umlngton. Ncrth Carolina, on Monday, the 13th day of Jan uary, A. D. lsoi. and answer or demur to the complaint, which has been filed. Dated this uth day of December, A. D. lsoa JNO. D. TAYLOR, clerk superior court of 'ew nanovcr County. dee Gw dec 6 13 3) 27 Jan ,1 10 AGENTS WISHING DESIRABLE TKRKI ro u y e.n 1 hia ere at, work will Diease address. stories will b Vrltren b?v alter Bewant and ! soon as possiiile, the publishers. j TflOX AS IlAKDV. - 1 . -J 1 Br LF0RD UOMraW I, HARPER'S PERIODICAL, PKR KAii: UAKPffB'S BAZAR....: .........S4 W I HAK:JRS MAGA2INB 4 CO I HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 t HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Postage Fit-e la all siibficridem in in Unite Staler, Canada, or Mexico. . -Tho Volumes of the Bazar begin with tne first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begit. with tho Number current at time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Bazar, for three rears back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (proviaea tne ireignt aoes not exceed orve aouar per voiumei. ior it uu per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, win be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipuoi aj uueacn. luminances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Sevcspapers art not to cotfv this advertisement wUfyout tins express order of Harper Brother?. I Address .UARPEUC BROTHERS, for 18 . New York ; HORATIO BltOWNUJO. 1; v OKOROB i. k iiDpi . ' secretaxyj Manager ahv, Actoar,' ; GEO, J. BA5TEICIAT., jassTv Secietary.iX:: Life ijasurance at Absolute Cost. . a Guaranteed Policy. ; . .s An incontestlble Policy. : " Maturity Value In Cash at Fixed Age y -Annual Cost Absolutely limited. . only Four Payments per Year. ' Noo yocleltable After Three Tears; . P. RIDDELLK. M. D.v I - jr Medical Director w H. GIBSON. Special Aeent. - - Bome Office, central National Bank Building? Washington; d.c. . , - JOHN HAAR. Jr.. LocakAgenv octi . . i; - wtimineton; N. c.fjj 18-23 East 18th Street reh 7 f NEW YORK. FOR HIRE. KiuTS-tSie, New York Weekly Herald izabeth . DeKosset, CTD. Myers I i -r STATE OF NORTn CAROLINA. J county of New Hanover. i ' i n t he superior court, Iterore Jno. D. Taylor, clerk, i Armaria J. lteitossc and wile Elizabeth and wire Kitza II Mt era, Graham Dares and wire Alice J. Daves. Catherine D. Aleares, Annind L. DeKosset and wire Tails lab E. IeRanet. Frederick A. Deliosset and wire Mary G. Delfasct, Uabrleile de g. DeKosset, A. McClean Parker and wire Catherine DeR. larker and others, I'lalntlffs, ArmlHXi I Eliza J. De;ioxet, Addie S. DeKosset. Graham J. IeKossr. AddLt Emmett DeKosset and MaryJ. Deirrssct. Derecdjnts. Tftl- H a special proceedlrg bron&bt for the partitloi'. an 1 a sale It act mi partition cannot b- htd. of (ertain real estate in the city of i Wlluilugtnn, Nor.lL Carolina, blog a part of Lt Nu In lt!o;k ITT on Plan or said ty. 1 wLich lalnUffs aiii defenoantn are tenants In i-onur.oij .i h Irs of the lau F.llza Juc De l.'os t. . - ! t he dreodatita, E Iz i J. i ei:o s-r. Addle s. 1K Koef. Graitaiu. l). DeU set. AddH Em- S liiett 1 RiiKse mid Maty J DeKosspt are i toirebi itijulr-1 to appear b-rnM the Clorkof THE -AT 1 - ONK DdtUK.PKIt Y A?K T1IK BKST AND CHKAPKST FAMILY" PAPRR IN THR UNTTKD STATKS.S . ;"( Now. "s the tfme. to Subscribe etl together iln jtheisaM ujetlor court of e- Hanover co:in Dni.i... it... f. at lii-aonii-ein iie court . House, la t ha dry . jurin in. hi rf wil'Linsifn, Ninth raro inn. on Monday, ent to Hil!'s Jiho ttt hd.ty .f Jafiuar . a. i. itoi, and an- HAIR B RUSHES. LI:;E .."MUTMr.M of jhaik ; Iirahe ai aMo:.l?Llni prices. We hare Jut ThrreSi the Dinner ftr,! What a cluttering aral a rlatteriu aitne cntuiren au.wr rn' Mititier 111 and rurh into the tlioinv: no: . OhJ the gratification a 't aj.pv lite ufTortlx our n n day m-al, ia et lefore n-. itut ild vacttnt ehuir. what doe it mean? M)h, ' that i I'tiele Charly? -at. tu; he don't feel lik eatinir. he?. e;ot " dyspejfia. you know.' l)piia !t horrors! Ileliver rt fioni i .jepit. What' the riM cf beiiiL ' iIm iiel : tht eltbrated K. S. Ka.-ltHh TOOTH Bi".r.riES FpecIal tra- pOTt 1 II. j John B. Hanks, THE HI .KM AdT, llr Str ei, i ! Opp. t-113 ila I. niv 23 tf with ueh nn ailment uywtiy?j ; ,Z&Z?. i T T pIATJ WhutN the use bavin- a stomach J A r Jiiy S irrifnted and NfelLat vt bile j .1-J,.S3 PiJAHHOOE3 of fod ive It di.tre.? Why notf ica.i.-rt. nfliTrt: heal the nrerie arnl nil v the im-! -"' rirUeUirrrt. m luirttniHili i tatiou and trem:theo it- tuiKuIar: oce. tv uhi lt ranie nioKl tahn.- Will R cure? It rertniuly i 4111. Jfany, many a tormerdH.-' lie ow hU enjovment of life to It " JI IJ. Uiv it a uial. S. J. TlKu.lL?rr Richmond. Va..-write-: ott c7 oflor! to be wittnMft II R It ulio wi1" :ijie ti to. I cnid scarcely t tt u "blsctlir f-r l.r-.ikfftrt. ''il iu'-f luk " inir H !l It I clenn the hole m! k -j tr -r - I9U ditw Oyster at Wrighvill . - t V OYSTER HOI SE AT VRIi!lTSVILLE I now in for tLe Stiioo. Ladle aid Gen tiracn accou:rr.lated .prorortly with THt KfiT TO )l K HA D. . " . :. K'ATs rcT-iy ra p.rIal Many novelties will be addd to tUe variety of lts.corenta during the year lct. andnoth- tngwlll be -t: undone to please and gratiry Ira subscitbera.- ;; A - j It prUltl for 189t Will Re: ORIGINAL ARTICLES OX PRACTICAL FARMING AND GARDENING. SERIALS AND SHORT STORIES' BY THE BEST AUTHORS. ; I WOMAN'S WORK ANDVOMaITS lEJSURE GEMS OF LI FERATURE AND ART., ORIGINAL FLASHES OF WIT ANT) U I'M OR. UORSES AND CARRIAGES "AND VEHI- cles of all kinds, with and without drivers. i . i . Horses for ladies to ride, or drive, perfectly i ' - ' j safe. i - i. Horses lodged and cared for byjthe day, I ' ' week or month. I ' ' A few good SECOND-HAND VECIC-JSS for sale. R- C ORRELL. nov 10 tf Cor. Third and Princess Sts- Down Go the High Prices I WILL GIVE TO THE CASH TRADE THE STATE CHRONICLE. SuccesscrltO'the Farmer ana Tlechahlc aar - v i the Chronicle.) i:..;;; :1 Under N e w Meinit NEWSY, BRIGHT AtfD CLEAN; UP WlWl THE TlfilE CHRONICLE WILL - . BE nPHE -STATE what, Its name Implies- a, state Paper. It ts not the Raleigh Chromcle. and will not be local or sectlonaL Ifwiu aim to keep up with the news from Murohy to Manteo, or,- as the politicians put It,- from Cherokefe o Cur rituck.,' --'l r;- S'-'V. It will be the organ of no man, no ring, no section, no party. - It , will be Democratic in Kittles, -but win ... not hesitate to criticise moeratic measures and Democratic officer, - standard of ame.r. f r lenca. It leavesoS? -t the world's pro'Wre50 equally tntTroru? iv!? P- notable events, jSSo.JF- -our time, r - r5? od aci hfitotlcalcrtueS tjnt: v-r; 1 ,1 Vi 03 "U lCe PUWIC Am! - , nal, Habpxh-s Wkjilt im ' l tV iaat Vake V a Sf e rJ5? & c 5 W ; HARPERS WEEKL?...., f HA RPERS MAGAZINE f riARpiR's! bazar 1 HARPER'S TODNG PE0PU7 ' ' jTostage f)ree to all suhiii ! Canada, oriSS'. v rt Volumes of theWcetiv'C ,iiound violames of naiw. three years back, m neat ciwh wB?.w f sent by mall, postage iSa. JfJ?' of expense ipmvidei the tm&S? Sx?;r- ceed one dollar per voiumef 'J?s Cloth Cases for each r m.r w P ' binding, , wm be sent to bSSliJS16 : receipt of 00 each. , Vw-tzi, t Remittances should be mart. Z Money Order or Draft to ?vom iLf : . . w gas. i89ir 0r c Peoria 13 Bs Granulated Sugar for...;... lbs White Extra C Sugar for.. JU jwauvu A4 v Q v s. c. Shoulders per pound d. s. siies Best Family Flour ' Good Flour t. 4 $1 CO i ! 1 00 1 CO C cts. 7 " 3" 4. .... ..-.. 10 IX" .......... 4" 10. " 15 " 18 .... 2". ' Pure Hog's Lard " " Good Lard " New Buckwheat . " Good Rice perouart. Best Cream Cheese per pound Good Rio coffee " .... BestRlo coffee ..-' .... Laguyra coffee .... itest k. MUiier. 1....25 " Martin's Butter..: 30 Best s. c. Hams. I2kf" Good S. C. Hams. .10 " 200 Chickens from.:.. . 15 to 30 44 100 bushels Sweet Potatoes at 15c ner Deck or oucems per uusnei. - ! 3 lb can of 1 omatoes for 10 cents. vou-wlll also find nlentv of Eesrs. Celery. Bananas. Apples. Grapes. Candles. Nuts.Flirs. vrujt, r aocjr unites, naisins, miron, cur rants, cocoanuts. Mince Meats. Jellies of all lands. Canned Goods of all ktnds, &c, at the verjr ioyesi, prices. r 01 ve me a can and you win nnd evtry- iinnjj-nice ani cie in. B: F. sWANN, Ascnt, -pp-sif Front Street Market, nov32tf .DJtW . ' . . . . TKRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: one Year. . ... . . .'. ...... ..... ..........$2 00: six Months......... 1 00 Shree Months. fc ... .... . . . 5f TFor a sample copy address . - 4-1 TUE.STATK CHRONICLE, . , r ' i: - Kaieigb.. N. C New York & W iJmiDgton S eamship Oompany lAN IttUSTRATED-WEEKLT. me i eian v oiume of n nm i k. PKorut begins on November 4,Fr a-' ana most comprehen-lve weekl iia rirt fpryoung readers presents a alch aiR -tlve programme, in Action tbe" win " "Camnmates: a stnrr t hi ..'2 Kirk Munroe: "Men or'Tr; . ir.a.V Howard Pyle, with illustration tffS'i thor; 'Flying Bin Farm, to hmb The Modu Prtnce,-iby it t ifflwi "Yellowtop,' by Annie BiStoriL dltlon to these five KPiiais thn . iL..". in two or three parts by Thomas hen HJalmarrlljorth Boyesen, Edwia ir-c Sy.er i1171!!6 Pre8cott Spoffora. 1117 WilAlns. Nora Perry, and coW lhvi rics, and articles on science,, history, tni adventure, games and snorts, wits Of Illustrations of the hiehestihmnM' 1 render Uarpkr's Yorwo Piorti fori 01 1 rivalled as a miscellany of the test rcair 1 "The best weekly public itlonforyoxiErt pie in existence. It is edited with wra? care and attention, and lnstrucuoa ili t tertalnment are mingled in Its pagei la the right proDortlots 0 caDtltateUtft:: of the young, and at the same tlmeto fine their thinking power." A', r. Qtacrm. Termi: Postage Prepaid, (2 pryt. fy,- j VoL fll begins November 4, m t TolWes VlII, X and XI of BAiniiYor E0PI.K bound in c'oth will be sent bj t postage paid, on receipt of taweaca, 1 other volumes are out of print, - ; Specimen Copy sent on rtocivl tf f-"tx Single Number, Five Centieach. " - Remittances should be made by few Honey Order or Draft, to avoid cnanc of i SeiBspaperstre not to copy this itrrrt foWiout Ute. express order oj Harper t Era- Address nov ig HARPEB BXOf EXES, -. VJAWTED. the United istates to-ianato.OTre-' Corn and Bunion Cure. Its appiiciw fords almost Instant reuer, ana,"3j acccmpanlea toy a$3gnaran(,--- we will forfeit In every lnstiaT'ft Sample box, 25c; six boxes, IJrV ir good agents S3 per day to iattotface r r f fntrt rhilr RArMnnr no DOStala. I or t - particulars aldress the rnanufaaar 104andlONorttA , , feb 141 dlw FROM PIER 29. EAST KIVEK, NEW, YORl Located between Chambers arsd Roosevelt st r. BENEFA CTO R . ........ .'. ..Saturday. Pec 6 PA'VNEE ....... ........Saturday, DecU I 'IT' Dissolution Noice. FIRM OF MORTON & JIALLj WAS Ahw ,f Cr poirteiiis 1'ronip iy Mt. Fully Mutt. - The Latest N wsfrom -Every, Section of the Globe. disolred by cautual consent on the 6 h bf No vrember, isw. George L. Morton succeeds to T;he business, pays all claims against the firm, and collects .1 nil accounts due them. Addrc8, JAMES GORDON BENNETT, New vorti Herald, j New Yorlr lit; . Only One IJollar ci YeaK I Do not tall to subscribe, tow for the r . . . Nf w York Weekly Herald. deostf ..... -m I ' FROM WILMINGTON : 'r - PAWNEE.;;. ;r.l :r..i;ifrklay; Dec 5 BENEFACTOR. ...,.....;,.....FrIday, Dec 13 Throusrli Bills Ladlnsr and Lowest Thro5 Kates guaranteed t ana from points in Kortn ana ssoutn uarounau . . ... - - : - , For Freight or Passage apply to - ti u. MAiiisoriii, Kupenntenuent, - Wilmington, , C THEO. E. EGER. Traf3c Manager. New York I wv-. p. clyde & CO.. Gem Agents. dec 8 tf . 5 Bowling Green. New Yorx. - fS MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 189?, I WILL "Hello t Toni GJad to J f It'a almost ten yeara fZSi dawn: let's have an experience i tbewlfeti - -.l-hmf "Ohl she's o-ao.sAme aa nnrt- Ing fofflethlngl can't afloriL - . AMI want WelL we rot. Don't you i v ... n iiit - it Yea : but I rneei wm w - tj u tArted to keepown expenMt , EAvmg AnytmnK "-''.. hMTfiiM ! think ahe luvetobe. My than anyone -GEO. U MORTON. B. F. HALL. CHEERFULLY COMMEND MIL MORTON 10 the friends and patrons pf the old Crm anJ bC3peak for htm ihIr confllcnce n.l busf-r OYSTER -ROASTS f AM than erer. i nest I - t. D. P. HALL. if-;;; -1 BETTER PttEPARED to accommodala mv rnends with otstkus this srasoo. i win iv none bat the pest on band always ijiiur- uu) lur uu Dana always MYKTLEt.lMivrhOASTSaspertaUy. Even'- tLiiij oeni.iv;Iil acd Li:rro"ei. (.'yLcra - WILL CONTINUE THE MANUFACTURE and slUpping of NaVat stores as above lridlca- ! . . - . -x ted in my o n nanje, and ics; ectfuTIy solicit ! - ' i the . correspontlcnce and patronage of the friends of the old firm. ' ;' t novJtf - - - GEO. L. JIOHJON. r i i HT1 Imtcv br-?t-J; ft lu IW - ' -. ! . .4i i;i leU: AtMlweare acLf. My wife can Ake a , I ever knew, yet ihf prfaing me with SzSiSa adda to the comfort and 'W, -1 and ahe'a always merry f Jr-.-f S how ahe mAnagea it, f,J,I ,; 1 1 ' Oh I that's mj ret JB . covered her aecret.', Wkcr we s , r t Jtnew we ahenld have to be vert j. At Auction Tue day . AT 10 O'CLOCK. IX PRONT. OF OClt the atoriea keep oor heart jror5 - , - ' - ' ; : - v r - - of important eyenta and f fcr " , 'open at No. 18 North second street a new j Chinese Laundry. Give me a call and get my prices before EoingaseweKV-vct-:'!;:l - -. Respectfully, - ....; :-H dec82w ; jUONCF WING Haiesrooms. Heating Mvss," FurnliureV kiat- rresHes, nnware, uiaesware, crocKery. ranis. Coat?. Iadiesr Cloaks Ac-all on consign oi?nt and will be sold. - - - - - Send in consignments for TuesJay'a fale. ---- . - W. J.KIRKIIAM. & CO , Cee8tf ; ' .; .27 Market Mrect. " We lave jnst added, at very heavy cx pense, a four-horse power Otto fJas Engine to run oar five presses. "It's a dandy,'1 and makes our Dresses hum. -i. Come and sec it : no trouble to show to anyone who wilt call at our office; i We try always to keep abreast of the times and cur es-tablfshmerif is the iarrcfrt fa the city, and will be kctt-Oj j if har.I work. r r,:riTinif ?. gatif fjct ion aiwl 7J- , t l.aril zh can I.' p it f ".. : me posted ao that I cn new mea iroin u "'"r.-e for t-' BUkea all her dreaee tttt and ahe geta all b.Piif? f g LjTfce . ana ace ge r ; ' llixiua ; and we W af with the croup, by CirtaU' II II I II I VI II W w . " and I told her it wat an ex ; ,nj grand AJt uon At yoa cab. ; 111 l5bcr, j w en my wife-a accoob is Tj :rj f tea-tet in ttee for oLjS irL Hy goU watch waa tb T'" ti: 6 74 ligtfordnb-,-theb!c,tttrp , ce in ii wnw yo . ,r.tm Vint j" tae pc&uneranu .w rrn: it i a Uck-baaimor a ew r f , ! Ttivi. oi !'S-x,A!Lj iar'.. t!

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