9 this rxrxa la rmwiaheereryarierooca, except gaBrtija, B7 JAXX3, xstcr and fro eUBSCSITTlOSS, rOSTAGl FAIDj . Ol 7W, 144) I BtX month L8L TtlTW monta. Hi ft. one monta. ceaa. Tu paper wd be ocnvered tor camera, tree o( eiarge, t any pan ot tae cur.il the above nut. er 10 cents per net AdventstnfrazMlowaadilDeraL . tv Baucitun wtu pimh report any and IB f aflare to revive their paper reralarlj. PLEA SI 2TOTZCS. wa wCl t giaa to receive cormcnicatioa: rca clar tnexca cx acj azui timtjtetMo general laitere3S,ttn A , Toe name ox tne wnta cui always te tar conunanicatioss must be written ca cau one atoe ot toe paper. "V "' rersonautlea zacst db avoided And it is esped&iiy ac9 particularly tmfler tooa tnat tne ltajur ooea not alwars enfiorse tne views ot corre8pouJot! cdlcss so stats la tne efiltonai ooirmca ' IrT TV i J. j .1 A Li VOL. XYIII. WILMINGTON, N. C., APsJrJo494 NO. 110. -KNOWLEDGE Brin comfort and Improvement anc tends ' to twnonal enjoyment, wber rightly turd. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, "with lea expenditure, by more prompUj adapting the world' ben products tc the need of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative - 'principle embraced in the remedr. Svrun of Firs. . It: excellence is due to its presenting in the form.mit acceptable and plea ant to the taste, the ref rolling and trulj beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative; effectually cleaning the system, dispelling colds headaches and fever anu permanently curing conatipatiou. It has riven sat L faction to millions and met with the aiaroval of the medical uerr, Liver and" Jlowel without weak ening them and it U perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Fir is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and $1 bottle, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrui Co. only, whose name is printed on everj nacVare. also the name. Syrup of Firs and beinc well i informed, you will not . ....... tr iV 1 accept any suusutuio u uucruu. ror tAio tj ttOUElCT I UELLAMV: wnoLKx&LB dklgojst, irn iiy : i Crackers and Cakes. - Toba.co and Cigars. DKlOr FOR Crackers and Cakes, i Milk Puhch Tobacco, I AN I ;MirabiUa Cigars. A. P. ADRIAN, RE. cor. rroct nd Doc. TJO SHODDY. VOU WILL TIND ALL TRICKS. ALL 1 xtjlcs and all Material. Newest, La test and Moest, reprrae ted at BUT YOU WILL FI5D 4Nothm?tare tht is not FIRST CLASS. We keep no bodly staff aadtio shop-worn roo2. 4UUrraaa3 2eiraD4 mrect from manu ractarers bazxla. We Have AdJed Many New and Allractire L'Les. ia cm roan aa3 te yonnr man, th rlca rata abd iLe poor man. the rt man aad tae 1b ta in tU ail Hid cu aal prompt aad po- 11 a aura loa a. apl 18 1W FISHBLATE'S, KINO CLOT1IIKK. apllltt ' XOCAIi 3STDE"WS- 4- JVDSZ TO HaW ADTXBriHMMTS W C MraM-Mnti Wax UaiitssiBsiK Brkdal Present Prnnlne knlv at JacobiV. , Fisluns !ine a, ahars and aa poles, reel j, lead d by the N. Jacob! and ttoba are so II dw. Co. Mr. aod Mr: Andrew J. Howell, Jr., .have returned to the city and are now at tha faulty yesldence in thla elty.. 'X preaeribe Kliuuiona LTvrRjru lator, nod it deserves nil the praipe It receive. Dr. D. W. Atkinson, HI oaui. Ark. Quietly, quic kly , pleasantly. (Tor. neaus Bed Bap 1 ilir i rMiv( !- and cure. 20 rent.-. Itlve preventive at most druKghd s. I Various kinds of delightful and seasonable refreshments .will be of fered to-nlgbt at the lawn party on North Third street. . Mr. Mark Y William?, son of Capt. J no. It Williamsof the Sooth- ern Express Co. from New York . Is here on a visit to his parents. I ne maximum temperature her for the 24 hours ending at 8 o'oloni; tXIs morning ws ?CJ and tlm iniui UDDi 6C, a range of 10 degree. At 8 'clock yesterdav morning there was 4.2 feet-of water in the Cape Fear at Favetteville, a fall of .1 of a foot In the previous 24 hour.. Work on the banks channel tres tle and the Ocean View line Is pro gresslng rapidly and some day next week a through schedule will be adopted. "Men" do not persist in experi menting with your health when wi Sosltively guarantee Dr. Felix re runs Q & ti Cure to cure. Robr. R. Bellamy & Cd..' Wilmington. .1. T)AAi t. Former's Beer Is the best. It made of pure materials aud is sold largely abroad as well as In this country. At thei depot here nil kind bf eoft drinks are manufactured, t The entertainment on the lawn at Mr. Berry Gleavcs bouse to night promises to' bej one of the most unique and pleasant of the season. Let everybody go and take his wife and daughters with hiuO The full moon Tin (April has been passed and all of the old farmers say that there is no danger now of any more cold weather. The truckers havebeen busy t tomato plants, log past. Ills week setting out all fear of frost be- Those thin, pale, weak, nervous people continually losing flesh, stead ily, but surely. 'going into decline and consumption, should not ilelay taking- Johnsonls Aromatic Com nonnd Cod Liver Oil. the irrtat strength and fleb producer. J. Hicks hunting. Tbe Atlantic Coast Line will sell round trip tickets from Wilmington to Greensboro to parties desiring to attend the annual meeting of the North Carolina f edlcal Association at the'rate of $7.40. Tickets on sal May 13th, 14th and 15th, limited to May 19th. Fine razors and straps for harbors and private use. Most complete line ever shown on this market. A good razor, well sharpened. Insures a pleasant, smiling, clean face which pleases all. 8o shpply yourself with these needful articles at the N. Ja eobf Hdw. Co.'e. t Pretty things of all kinds In abun dance. Headquarters at Heinsber gera Live Book) Store, on North Front street. where yon will Ond something suitable for everybody, from the oldest member or the fami- Ir to the Tonngest, and all at the lowest living prices. Hon. D. Tucker Brooke, Judge of theNortolk corporation court; Capt. Wm. H. White, a' distinguished law- yer; Mr. Caldwell Hardy, cashier of the National bank of Norfolk; Mr. i k. A. Doble, a prominent cotton merchant and chairman of the board of harbor commissioners of Norfolk, and Messrs. K. C Murray and S. 8. Nattingham, Jr. of the Norfolk Landmark, arrived here last evening from Norfolk and! are the gnets of Mr. Warren G. KUIott, at Oak' Point Clnb, on WrightsVlIle Sound. , i j ' We are now in! position to offer tii ofhia Countrv one of the grandest Remedies known, namely, j Dr. Felix Le Brans Steel and Pen-t nyroval Pills. Kooc it. iseiiamy Co. Wilmington. The receipts of cotton at;tbis to-day foot up 25 bales, iagai bales for same date last year At 8 o'clock this morni ter- mometer here registe rith iiie.wina 14 miles an noflr. from the south wet. There was h little ronu here this inornlng, the first we have had for weeks, bat the fall amounted to but .00 of an Inch. Rheumatism rack ihe system lUe a thuiub1'crpw. It retreats before the power of Hood's Rarsaparilla, which;purlC41Inpd- . . 'The Old Maidn' Tea the1 lawn to-night at Party" f n4. Mr. lierry GleaveM' resiilenoe. will be some- thing new, pleading and attractive."! Admission only 5 and 10ents. .'Onetaf. the Peak listers wjll ap pear in a reeitation at the Lawn rarty to-nLrhr. there win be va nous other interesting features which must h seen 1 " "v ated. - Forecast. For North Carolina, fair; slightly cooler to-night, .except near the coat; cooler in east portion Satur day; southwesterly winds. Local forecasts. tuad at this sta tion for the next. 33 hours: Showers to-day, " clarinif to-night;- cooler; fresh southwest winds, becoming northwest. The Krolallon it Of medicinal agents is gradually relegating the old-time herbs pills, draughts aud vegetable extracts to the rear and briugiug into general use the pleasaut and effective liquid laxative. Syrup of Fi?. To get the true remedy see that it is manufac tured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. For sale by all leadjng druggists. A Model Lover. The repetition of the charming little comedy, 4A Model Lover," at Mr. T. M. Emerson's residence last night, was a delightful success, al though the adtne ks-noci large, of oourse, as that - wUicii as sembled at tha Opera House on the first presentation. The cost of pro ductlon was less, however,' and we hope that the ladies realized a haod 6ome little sum as the result. A 1 y StaU. The Supreme Court of South Car olina has at length rendered a de cision in regard to the dispensary law in that state, declaring it to be unconstitutional. Two of the three justices were in favor of v this view but the third Justice dissents. The two assenting are politically Of po ed to Tiliman and the third favors. him. A strange coincidence! Bat one of the former goes out In July land a Tilliuanlte will then climb upon the bench when a new decis- Ion may be , rendered, two to one, reversing the first. And that will be another strange coincidence. In the meautiiue the sale of liquor in South Carolina, by the Stale or by private parties, is declared uulawful and the blind tigers will reap a harvest while the State loses its revenues and its stocK in trade. Great and glorious and beautiful is Tillmanism. The Old Friend And tlio best friend that never I foils you is Simmons Liver llegu ! lator, (tho KcU -Z) that's vliat ;you hear at tho mention of this excellent Liver 'iiiediciiie, r.nd I people should not ho rsualei that any thing eJso will do. It ithe Kint; ot Liver Medi cines; is better than pill, and takes the place cf Quinine and Calomel ' It acts directly. on tho Liver, Kidney and Bowels and gives new iifc to the whole sys tem. This is tho incsticinc you .want. Sold by all Dniirts in Liquid, cr in Powder to Lc taken dry or mado into a tea. - rj'ETXRT PACKAGE-C3 IlMtbZMampln rl on wrapper dm x.y y S red 03?; oator Jsrvla. Gov. Carr; yesterday .afternoon tendered the appointment of Sena tor irom this State, to fill the van cslncy caused by" the death of the 1 iiueoted Vance, to Ex-Gov. Tho. Jar vis. In a letter , to Gov. Car. Gov. Jarvis accepts the ap pointment but it is uudertrtood that he will not contest for, the seat be fore the legislature but will be, as i Indeed he has been for some time 4st candidate for that now held ly Senator Ransom, j Wtie appointment has created a roaVi.nrrjTtgg rtrronhrmtfm: Gov. Jarvis name had been .-men- tinned but as he was not- from the i West not even from the centre - bat from the extreme Fast, it was generally considered that this fact ru)eUiiin oatof the race. In mak Iuk this appointment we take it that Gov. Carr has done an ungraceful u utiua xno nuiui- I t7 . .. . ,j . ? cpi auu Buuuiu nave truue there. It is the unwritten law of the Dem ocratic party i this State that the two S tors should not come from t the same section and in disregard ing this fact Gov. Carr has not only defied the traditions and usages of the party and has set a dangerous precedent which iriajr In the future be invoked to the dismay of the East bui; he has sown the seed of dragon's teeth which may result in dissen sion and disaster where peace and concord are so sadly and so essen tialiy needed. j . ! 1 the Democrats of Eastern North Carolina are wise they will repudi ate this action and enter their pro- teets agahpst it. We know that they did not seek to have this second Senatorsh'ip sent here and they should at once d savow any desire to have itand thus O break into and debauch " the precedents and traditions of the party. The West skould have had it. There are many men beyond the Pee Dee and the Yadkin who are eminently fitted to iitLorn this k any other position and the place belonged by right to one ot them. We will at least let this go forth as the protest and the senti ment of , one Democratic paper in Eastern North Carolina which has never yet flinched from its fealty and its duty to the party and has never hesitated .to advise those in au thority of; their errors in dealing with the people. '' '-. And it was not only unwise in Gov. Carr' to.diVert this appoint ment to a section wbereUt does not pertaiu but it was exceedingly fool ish In Jar vis to accept ifv viewed in the light of his avowed candidacy for Senator Ransom's sat. It will hurt him here in the East as well as in the centre and the West. Proba bly he lost his head over the gilttei ing allurement held' out to him and !uissed "the greatest opportunity of a jife time'? when he failed to de- cline the honor because it did not belong to i his ! section. . If he had done this be would have become a far stronger candidate for. the next race than now seems probable. ' Gov. Carr's action is a mystery to us. f Either it is a very shallow or a very deep artifice. It may be that he desired to honor his old friend aad near neighbor, even in violation bf sectional rights and general pre cedents, and then, again, maybe he is after Vance's seat when the regu lar term and his own term expires in "31 and wishes to "make a precedent of which be can avail himself at that time. And that timer or gome other time, alone will show. , Backln's Arnica Hlv. The best Salve m the wofld for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chap- pea lianas, unuojaina, uorns, and all ; Skin Eruptions, and positively cures .files, or no -pay required; It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Rob ert R. Bellamy, wholesale and retail drnggirt. , ! Foreclosure JSale. i - i - - t ' . BY VIKTUE of tne provisions of a certain .mortrure made by Cad Iver and wife to the W ltmington licme itead and Loan Associa tion; registered in Book So. 7. page 40Q of tne Records of New Hanover County, the under- signed will sell, to tne highest bidder for cash, at pa o lie auction, at the court House door, in the City of Wilmington, on Friday, the 2Iih of April. l9i. at 13 o'clock M., that Lot la said city beglonln? at a point In the North line of HUier ktreet KM feet West ot the Western Una of Anderson street, thence runs west with the Northern Une cf Killer street 41 y feet, 1 aence Not th parallel with Anderson street 6s feet thrnce East parallel with MlUtr street 41 feet, thence to the beginning. P. B. MANNING, -J.D. BELLAMY. JK.V Attrrneys for Mortgagee. . AirU6th, VI. apissot in.Leaveumg Power. Latest U.J5.' Gov't Report The Paisover. - i The Jewish Festiynl of the Paes over bpgins- 1 his evninr at 5 80 o'clock and cbnties for seven day?, closing at thi same hour next Fri day.,; It is Ane ot the reat Hebrew festivals and is religiouloly observed. Divine services will be held at the Temple of Israel at 6 30 this even ing and at 10.30 to-morrow morning. Snperior Coart. - The following cases were disposed of in this court to-day: Sol Sternberger, Jr., vs. Laban Shuford and wife. Final decree. J. E. Sharp vs. J. W. Zimmerman. Continued. E. K. Bryan, assignee Adrian & Vollers, vs. Samuel Blossom. Order. VV. E. Worth vs. V. Carmichael, et a I. Order of confirmation. ? Hood, Foulkrod & Co., vs. John J. Hedrick. ' Alias 1 summons. Judgment was entered in the fol lowing cases: . Hans A. Kure'vs. J. Taylor; TJ. S. National Bank vs. . S. P. MeNair; same vs. Harper & Boney; E. K. Bryan, assignee Adrian & Vollers vs, H. A. Kure; same vs. Henry tolter; same vs. Samuel S. Drew and E. F. Davis, partners, trading as Drew &-Davis;saine vs.AV. Weeks; Junius Davi?, receiver, vs.' James Nolan, and same vs. Klander. . j Synopsis of the Weather. - . t The following is a synopsis of the weather for the24 hours ending at eight o'clock to-day, prepared by the U. S. Weather Bureau: 1 The storm in the north has moved slightly 'northeast bein r central this morning about Lake Superior. It is somewhat more extended and the greater part of the country is more or less under its Influence. The pressure is rising slowly in the west, a high area appearing in Northern Texas. A low area of con siderable extent, geographically, is indicated in the lower portion of the Gulf, extending from Mexico to Southern Florida. f It remains to be seen wnat will develop from it. Raih have, fallen '-pretty generally throughout the country, being heav iest xu the Southland in the Ohio valley and the extreme Northwest. The temperature has fallen decid edly in the central valleys, extend ing through Alabama to the Gulf. The weather continues warm, with considerable rain in most districts. I O. L. Rice, Mendota, Ill.i writes: "Have used your Japanese PileCure and found it a sure and permanent cure." J. Jlicks Bunting. JNEW ADVKUi IHBMKNTS. Bridal Presents, ! Usefoh and OrnamentaL INLARGE VABIETY. ! For sale at HEINSBERGER'S . api 13 tr - Lire Boos and Music store. "The Unlucky Corner" gGGS,GGS, EGGS. - 1 ; Good PRUNES 3 as for 23a V i EGGS, EGGS, EGGS. ! j 3 B can BARTLETT PEARS 15C each. I HAMS weighing from i to 6 ft each 14c per pound. ; 3 B can TABLE PEACHES lie each. . EGGS by the dozen, LOW DOWN. EGGS by the crate, WAY DOWN. --' Yonra for Bargains, I W SANDERS Administrator's Notice. HAV1SG THIS DAY QUALIFIED AS AD- anas Manuet JiltcheU, deceased, the nader Hgned heier-y gives notice to all persons in debted 10 said eswie to make payment to ne and a:i hTine claims gralnst the estate to present them for payment be ore tn lath dy ot AprJ JSJS, or this notice win be pleaded in Administrator Estate John sura, . . alias Manuel MltchelL AprU 13Ui, jsw. m apiiaoawir Bail Tliey Want Nlmei.' y. The Russell Art Publishing Co., of S2S Arch ,8 1., Philadelphia, -desire tlie names and addxesa-of-a lew peo ple in every town -wte, are Interest ed in works of tart, and ;to 'secure them they offer to send free, VCupid Guides the Boat,'! a 'superbly ex ecuted water color picture, slxe 10x13 inches, suitable for framine, and sixteen other pictures :about same size, in colors, to any one sending them at once the names and address of ten persons (admirers of fine pic tre?;v together with ; six two-cent stamps to cover expensaof mailing, etc. The regular price dl these plo. tures i&Sl.CO, but they can all be secured fee by any person forward ins the names and -stamr "pronipy. Note The editor of jLhis paper has already received copies of above pictures' and considers "tlifem really "Gems of Art." I 4t D&W NEW AO ViSJK CTlBKmENTH. thk mi mmm nmn oeakges r r v YOU EVER TASTED. . -All kinds of FROIT, CAN DIES J CONFEC TIONERIES, CIGARS, C, at ; A. S. Wllf STEAD'S, apl 12 tf 11& Noith Second yr- WLAL.1S J1ELP WASTED. WE wish to employ a few good men to mace $50 to $100 a wees s liinfir our Home Electric Motor Runs sewing machines, printing presses, 1 pumps, etc. Ererybody fcuvs them. ' Steady employment. Easy sit uation and goodw8ge?. Aflaress W. P. Har rison & Co., Clerk No. 14, columhuB, Ohio. WILLIAM C. MTJNDS, Druggist and Pharmacisl, Opp. Fourth St. Market. READ CAUEFOLLY. 1 0n Pounds Morn WAX In cakes and 1 U U halls; ta Rts tha place of Gum Cam phor, and only 103 per pound. Ladles bear eels in mind. Also, CAMPHOK GUM. QUICK SILVER, INSECT POVDEK and all season able goods. i - N. B. Prescriptions carefully compounded y a regular Graduate in Pharmacy. apl 19 tf s THE THREE TEaS. "D. JS GENERALLY ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE the BEST tnat Is sold anywhere South of the Potomac and EasfW the MississlppL It has' stood the severest trials to which any beer can be subject those of , Test and Taste, And it has emerged successful in every in stance. I - - ; ' . This Beer never deteriorates. Itlsthecon Etant study of the Manufacturero to lmprore it in tone and. quality and theyre never sat isfied but are continually laboring to make good better, and the best perfection, TUB TIV0LI AND CABINET jy ifag ft ?T5SJE& J 5 ULilhUnrW Are sold all over tbis country and are export- ed largely to Europe. - Orders solicited here, not only for the best -. TJecrbutforih9be3t V . "Soft" Drinks, Suitable to the Season. . " Oar Aim 18 to PliKAttE and Battefactioo is Guaranteed. ! R'Epettfuuy; Jnb. CI. Wright, i ; Manajer Wilmington Depot, . mca 15 tf . Wilmington, N. C. CHATTEL MORTGAGES IN LOTS TO SUIT. AT4OFFICE OF' DAILY- REVIEW Second Htreer, between Mar ket ana Prineesi. "Orders by urn tcucitea. v-;V;.f - V I"! ' r t i

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