.; c . PLEASE MOTICS. , : wa wtu MEtAdtoreeetTs ccnrirrmisa; ron our mcacs oa a&y aza auczr;rcts o general interest, am - Tna namof tna writer eaxai always ts fr , aianeatotnaEOitct. . conuaanieaaacs must ts wntn'ca csij onesiaeof tnepspex. ' - - Personalities cast be avcuso, And it is especially ace ' parQctmriy tzr tood teat tne eeitor anea not always csscrse tna views or corresponoeAtu calss a state in, tne editorial ooinmr5. r 5 ' 4s;pub!is2ed evtrjaiternoon, except Sundays, r By JOSII. T. J AXX3, Jtfitcr and Prop. - su use xu prions, FOSTAOX PAID j 3 cm year, sco i tax months &CQ Three deaths. tUH cm montix, conn. The paper vfm fee delivered tr earner, tree cf. eaarre. ta U put ot tbe ctty.at tbe imh raxes, or 19 cent per wee xavtniMizz'nxf low and liberal. ar- subscriber will please report any and VOL. XVIII. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDA Y. MAY 23, 1894 NO. 138. all fall ores to rcetre their paper regularly. - ! ' - j. - . i . - . i ililll MWtEW. V-y 'if rr "' KNOWLEDGE Bring comfort and Improrment am! tend- to personal enjoyment whet, .rlIitlytisca The many. who lire bet ter than others arid enjoy life more, with -Ie& expenditure, by more promptly . adapting tho world' best products tc tba need of phyiical being, will attest the Taluc to health of the pure liquid laxative principle embraced in Uvi remedy, Srrup of Fiw. - Itc excellence U duo to Its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the tajte, tbe refreshing and trulj beneficial proprrtiesot a perfect lax alive; effectually cleansing the system. dlpelling,coldiij headaches and feTen ana permanently curing constipation It h&A gtren satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, becaoe it acta on the Kid ueyr, l-avcr ana ixiweia wuuout. wra enmg thera and it Is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Synip of Fisr i for sale by all drag cisUinoOcandSl bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syruj Co. only, whose nawo is printed on ever packacT,alo the name, Syrup of Figs and being well informed, yon will not accept any sposututc n ocereu tor sale by ' KOtfEKT K UCLLAS1T WnOLJCIALX DKCOGI3T. JtallT - : .VV. N. dt N. R'y Schedule. mm., -. mm'-x-. I' r, 'ZJi w - tr la EflW nntay, Jan. 29, 1894. DAILY IXCSfT rnoT. stations. sourn fcOUND. l 3 A-jf p. M. IMS 6 30 10 0 3 60 9 S3 3 10 9 II S SO 8 40 S CO A. M. P. M SuUXD. 9 4VLt ; wiimlnctnn Ar 4 19 10 ILL JictTonnilo Ar 10 no 4 ff 11 I2,LT MrsnU AT l f7 it Lt PoilocksTUie Ar & as I 11 10) Ar .NeiTOern Lv TriQi 1 and 4 make c!oe connection wita trvo oaAt.NOKH tor More bead Cltj aad Baaforu MPinn on Nw Hirer l'in JacJcsonvtlls aitir. ecept ubdar. for u inn aa4 lntr tneoiate potta at I'M a. m.. ai rtrtoff at J acx- soaniVe oa marn ata.00 p. m. II. A. WOTTING. General Manaeet . J.W.MAXTKN18. MMral ruMBiff A. Higli-Grade Bicycles. QALL AND 8ES OUR LA 110 K UK OF v aeJi, al "W.that joa caa select from. THeVICTUj!. . TMKALKOn, Tfce CLXrLLLSD, Tte CHZSCET, Tbe LOWELL DIAMOND. Abo UuileV tlcjca. Dells, Laaps aa4 otter Bicjciesaa4rJes. For sale a - ' IIEIN'SHERGEH'S tnf 14 tf " Lire Bo aad Maale Stere I'KKSGIUPTI.'NS. E I1AVE SECURED THE 8EIITICE8 OP a Krcuur ttraAoat ta paarmacy of ten years prcuc U riperttwre. and our frterda and tn public cneraiij- aa my on aavlngaU Pre scrtpUoos ruu vita cat. Our Prescription f lepartment 1 ti atMlrt peatti-e in onr - Builneta,. : : if liijuiu v iamiucj opposite Pourta St. Mariet. IT. U -soda a4 Miaermi waters. Plas Ap plaKea. . . mirli tf TLcsa tiar dtssulei are repcrior to HaUia of Copaiba, CixUla and Injections. f!J7J Tb?y ct:rc in 43 bocrs tho KJ Rur.a diseases without anylncoo- Tcnlccee, SCLDBYALLDSUCC15I Wilmington Light Infantry, 4 GRAND FE'rE CQMIPETRE AT THE, ARMORY, " WcdnesJayjTLurFday and Friday, 23d, 24th aud 25th of May. taay SI St NEWS. I1TP1I TO NBW JUTSaTTMBrN Hi:mtitaiK Bicycles Tas Crrr Dog Oroioaoca n A lrat-Carolina Beaci W C Jrps-Mineral Water. Ac 8iuall spool wire all sizei. is to tie hnd at JacobiVi Yoo, can protect your hands by usint? asbttos iron holders. Sold by th Jaeobi Hdw. Co. t AtSo'eloak this mornme the ther- uioni.ter, here regf.tered 72', with light wind" from the northeast. ' 8Tm,uoos Liver UeruUtor curea eeneral debility and will irive von n. pew lease on lif. . ... - Brass eanary csr with aand tray are neat and convenient. Parrot and luoek'oir bird cnirea at An. eobVt. ' ' t You can have your picture drawn by a genuine artist at the art de partment of the Fete to-night for only 25 cents. Quietly, quickly, pleasantly. Cor- neau's Bed Bug 'Jnterneptic,M a po- live preventive and cure. 20 cents, at iuot druggists. f Wire netting for poultry yards. also heavy netting for general fence use. Is serviceable and economical. To be found at Jac obi's. The water In the river is asraln falling. There was 8 feet at Fayett vllle yestenlay morning, a fall of 2 feet in the previous 24 hours. The maximum temperature here for thn 24 hours ending at 8 o'clock tkfs morning was 70J and the, mini mum 58, a range of 18 degrees. Next Sunday will be Children Day in the Presbyterian Churches. The programme sent out by the Southern General Assemby will be used. We are now in position to offer tne ladies o( tpfa, country one of th Itrandet - ItemedlTO wiMw imiurty; Dr. Felix Le liruns steel aud Pen nyroyal Pills Robt R. Bellamy & Co., Wilmington. Portner's Beer is the best. It is made of pure materials and !s sold argely abroad as well as in this country. At. the depot hereall kind of soft drinks are manufactured, t The steamship Oneida, Capt. Alf. Ingram, arrived here last night, all safe and' sound, although she en countered one of the fiercest storms which has ever raged on the North Atlantic eoast. 8he sustained no damage whatever. Johnson's Oriental Soap Is the: moat delicate facial soap for ladies' ate In existence, .absolutely pure and highly medicated. J. II. Har din and J. Hicks Bunting. Pretty .things of all kinds in abun dance, r Headquarters at Heinsber- r'e LivrBook Store, on North Front street, where yoa will And something suitable for everybody. rom the oldest member of the fami- y to tne youngest, ana an. at tne owest living prices. The Raleigh Visitor, which is. next to the DAILY Rkvikw the old est afternoon newspaper in the 8tate, has come out lo a new dre-s and in an enlarged form and is 10 every way wonderfully Improved. The Visitor is a ne sy sheet, staunch and true, and we wish It continued success. - ... i Experts Fere lam. Nor. barque Albatross, Bagge, cleared to-day for Fleetwood, Eng , wIth3.1C0 barrels rosm, valued at t3.8-2J.27, shipped by Messrs. Wil- laius & Murohison. - 8ehr. BpniforuJ, Chute, cleared for Petit Goave, Haytl, with 100.415 eet lumber, valued at fU.shlp- ped by Messrs. Jos. H. Chadbourn &Co. . " , llll III -A- mmMmtmmmm1mmmm IBM ( Ttrlaara Clab'a Kseoralon. The Third Ward Pleasure Club had a large crowd and a flne time A - Tf ' on tneir excursion w iui xiinu mockt yesterday. Many .ladies were present and . the dancing was kept op "with maeh spirit during the af ternoon andnntil .the train left last night. All bad a irood time and so enjoyable was the occ&ion that ther 1 already talk of repetition at an early day. ' ' "Menw do not persist in experi menting with your health when we positively -guarantee -Dr. Felix Le Brans G & G Cur-to cure. Robt. R. Bellapiy,& CoIWlluiIogton.: - . Ulftuy P?rstn ane a. town froea orcrofk or ca llrown's Iron DUtrr r.ocrthe gritefB. aVlt d5roa. remove e.s tile. m-x carta luaWLa. Oct tle Kccdaa. roreeaata. ' f For North Carolina, partlycloudy' probably showertT.on the coast; va- riable winds. T, j - Local foreciPtpJ made at 4Iils stai tiou .for the next $6l hours: T Showl er' - wUn thundTj this afternoon auu evening; "gut yarmuie wiuas, mostly northeAsferly. AVoi ld' Columbian KxposiTlon Will be of value to the world by ' ,i.r, -T- IT V hr;:,; f . , ' . OU 1 V' . Prores iiJt-uicniHi iiiffuis lias oenn 'Ot ' eoual l.nnor.an jrl.l .tr.n.M.L f.... i., , r,, ,1 VUIU. IDAIlllYr inn i v rn II in r iiru iu -rj- - . n i in uut'iiict; ill an oinert:. . The ront auie. i The oonu r stone of the ConfederJ .ate monument was laid yesterday! amid ttie grandest and most imnos - inir ceremonies. Tm r.itv fnli city was full of visitors, the old Confederates turning out in strong force on this inemombW! . occasion. The State O.urd whs also largely ropresented. The proce.-sion was a lonr one nud the tree's wth crowded with spec tattrs. The choir was compot-et I 0 100 voices. Gov. Carr made ihe wel coming speech. Rev. Ja-ues A. Wes ton, a Confederate veteran, deliv ered the. opening prayer and the speakers were Jlr. Tiios. W. Mason, Col. S. ilcD. Tate aiid Hon. R. T. Bennett. It will be loug before the memory of thia auspicious event be comes dim to thoe who were pres ent on the memorable occasion. Cases t f 40 years standing where operations have Tailed have been cured b Jupauee Pile Cure. J. H; Hardin and J. Hicks Bunting. Criminal Court. The following cases were disposed of in this Court to-d y: Htate vs. Dati'l. 8hineg, a. and b. with d. w. Guilty Jmicment sus- pe,idBOK Paynient of TTitreVs. JoeT ETlerson, a. with d. w. Gtiilty. riued $w and costs. State vs. Ed. Williams, larceny. Guilty. Three years m the peniten tiary. Slate vs. Wm. McMillan, a. and b. with d. w. Guilty. Judgment sus pended ou payment of costs. State vs. same, carrying concealed weapon. Guilty. Same judgment. ftete vs. same," breaking into warehouse. Sixteen months in pen itentiary. State vs. Randall -Craig, cruelty tojauimals. Judgment sut-peuded on payment ot cots. ' State vs. Mary Anderson, receiv ing stolen goods. Not guilty. State vs. Frank Brown, larceny. Not guilty. State vs. Chas. Crawford, a. and b. with d: wi Gollty. Fined ;$10 and costs. ' ' V State vs Stephen ; Anderson, iar ceuy. -Guilty. : "C - State vs. same, carrying concealed weapon. Guilty. State vs. Joby Joshualarceny. On trial, -.K ' If yon decide to take Hood's Sar saparillado not be induced to buV anv subi-titnte article." TakeHood and only Hood's. The Old Friend And tho- best fri5i; 1 that., never fails you i3 Simmons Liver Regu lator, (tho 2) that 3 Avliat you hear at tliQ mention of thu excellent Liver ,mehYij:e,. c;iit people should :;ot It? persuaded that anything elce v:!l do. It 13 tho Kimj of Liver Muli cices; w better than jillsf nd tates tho place cf Quinine and Calomel It acta tlireeily on tho Liver, Kidney and -'Bowels and gives new"life to the whole sys tem. Thi3 is tho . me.!iciue you "wanL Sold hv all Druggists in" Liquid, or in fpwderto be taken dry or made into a tca WnVEKY rACKAGE-Cl lla tle Z KUmp in rrl u wrapper Aadlt and Finance. . The Board of Audit and Finance j mt yesterday afternoon. Present MesMrs. R. !j . Jonee; (chairman,) Cj B,-Iia&zerJ. W. Ilewett Wm. Cali Uer aud 11. C. McQ'ieen. I"; The action of the Bonrd of Alder- uien in appropriate? f loo , per an- nam for feeding a horse for the su" perintendent of' streets ' was disap ! r proved, i . - j BM1 of J. H. BIcRee, city surveyor, J Wharves co"i"ee of the Board of Aldermen for separation of items. " tti . . 'r curreat expenses amount- nir tof iiI2,45 were audited 84id. a mirnvcH The amendment th , Ta J'-vrs"J&avy tne lioara oi At- derujen striking out the license tax; en hiacksuuths, h irseshoers, tin i ner houkera, carpenters, pain- ite,r8- tailors, gunsmiths, dentUts, upholstererg, and paper-hangers; was disapproved. Other amendments were under 1 (ri ittiiT Arn f lrir rumr nn in nf irr further action was deferred to give! time for consultation with the City Attorney, and the Board then took j a recess until Thursday. May 3 1st, at 3.30 o'clock p. m. Climatic Influence on Health. ; It cannot be denied that the in fluence of 'climate upon health is great, and it is in recognition of this ' fact that .physicians send patients suffering with pulmonary diseases to great distances for "change of air.' But when the sufferer hap- ! pens to be poor to act upou the ad vice his lot Is harrd indeed. Hut it is not necessarily hopeless. Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery can be had at any medicine store, aud to it thousands whose cases were considered desperate owe their lives. 5 ! Up to a certain point in the pro gress of Consumption, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a posi SjgjgfJSy ig..dige.S; enditioSIat"ie"ad to it,"the "Dis- coverv" is the remedy. With severe lingering Coughs or Weak Lungs, nothing acts so promptly. Every disease that can be reached through the blood yields to this medicine. The Scrofulous" affections . of tbe lungs that's called Consumption is one of them. For this, and for ev ery other form ot. Scrofula, for all blood-taints and disorders, and all chronic Bronchial, Throat andLuug affections, the '"Discovery" is the only remedy so certain that it can be guaranteed. If it ever fails to benefit or cure,you have your money back. i ! Can anything, else be "just as good"-for you to buy? i Don't you believe It. , Liquor Dealers' Association. The Liquor : Dealers' Association of Wilmington met Monday night to make arrangements for the an nual convention of the Liquor Deal ers, Distillers; 'and Grape-Growers Association- of North Carolina, which will be held- In -Wilmington June 20th next. - The Convention will be In session r two days, and a large attendance is expected. . It goes without saying that the delegates will be hand somely entertained while In the city. ATriptoOcgAlriew, IS mocks and WrltfAitTtNfoV Jm ner at the Island Beach Hotel, is on the progrmme., ; The following resolution was unanimously adopted: ' - t We. the liquor dealers-of the city of Wilmington, New Hanover coun ty, State of North Carolina, do cor dially extended to all 'the liquor dealers, distillers and grape-growers members or not; members to meet with us at the annual meeting of tbe Liquor Dealers, Distillers and Grape-growers Association of the State, which meets in this city June 20th, 1894; and as special rates have been made with tbe hotels and rail roads, and at Ahe watering places, they are also invited to bring their families, and we will do- all in our power to sustain the reputation that our "city by tbe sea" has for hospi tality. . ; . ' v - - - ; Sol. Bear, - - j J. G. L. GlKSCHKX, I - . M. O'RitiKar, I - F. W. Ortmajtx, I ;- ' J. W.Duls, i Committee. - Mr. T. J. Gore was appointed a; Robinson, Mr. Wilkes Morris, Capt. committee of one to secure a ball j: aDi!. M - for the sessions of the ronvenfmn I Pres will be given lor the hand ror tne sessions or the convention. somf,n baby from C mdntbs to 3 years, j A reception committee . was ap-fand from 3 years to C years old. pointed as follows: Messrs SoU Bea I .w.,.' - -- - J G.L. Gleschen, F W Ortmann, The best Salve m the World for G. W. Llnder, -Sam'l Westbrook, Cuts, Bruises. Sores. Ulcers; Salt Geo.-H. Brown, C F. - YonKarapen,- Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chap-8ol.-8ternbergerJjr.; Geo. Heyer, I." p,!40?1and" f Chilblaina, Corns, and t. RlChter, J. i G. Oldenbnttle. M. : O'Brief, Chas. IL Schulken. Jake Duls. M. Rathjen; Chas. Sehnlbben, : c. fticmcr, mi. w. ; irriCUl ana Wm. uincu. v - - , -- - j I - - - I Hiiest of all in Leavening Power. Latest .U; S.. Gov't Report LA M mSsS&al Mr. Haha A. Kure;announees the f ooenlnir ot Ca'rolina Beach fdrthe i-- .. - 8eac0n. The steamer Clarence has been overhauled and refitted and ) will make her fiist regular run to tjijier to-morrow, under eoiutuaxid Cf that clever crcutleiiiao. (JapfTJno. g. Sellers. She will make three trips' ; each day and on Sundays there will L be two trips The wharf at the foot of Market i street, north side, has been secured- j The trestle at the pier, has been re- r paired i usual f ana passengers win step as rout the boat to the cars. The Hciueuway School. The closing exercises of the Hem en way-School were neld last njght, and the large ? room was thronged by those who had assembled there. Among those present were Mr.. H. A. Bagg, chairmau-of the Board of County Commissioners, and Messrs. Jas. F. Post, Jr., Jas. H. Chadbourn and W. H. Sprunt, of School Com inittees'Nos 1, 2 and 3. A delight ful programme, was presented and tile young folks all acquitted them selves handsomely. Miss Bessie Burtt, the pianist, was presented by Mr. Bagg with a handsome gold ring, an-i that gentleman took' ad vantage of the opportunity to thank those present for the great interest thejr manifested in the cause of ed ucation. At the close otJ the exerr cises Prof, Noble spoke of the work done m the Hemenway school drP ring "the year there have been en rolled 456 pupils, of whom 22T were males and 229 were females. He said that was a good showing and he was very proud of it and! knew the people were atso proud of It. He expressed his pride both ef this and the Union school, and Iremarked that probably New Hanover was the only county in, the State that fur nished Its city with schools. This was a plain and unmistakable evi dence of an excellent and progress ive county government. a Tbe Fete Cbampetre. The ladies have about completed their preparations -'for - the grand Fete Chain petre or the Wilmington Light Infantry, which is to ope,n at the Armory this e vening at 8 o'clock. The following programme is an nounced.: . "- Opening, at 8 o'clock,' by . W timings ton Brass Band (of Fifth Ward.) A;lIelangen every night in larg - : ':. . tent.. , 1 ' "Confederate Exhibit" and "Hall of Curios." ! .'' . V- : "Candy CaraveU : i "Flowers and Orange Trees." " ! 1'Fancy Goods.'? : ' , "Dancing." 1 "Strawberries, Ice Cream and Cake." "Lemonade Fountain.1' fTt SVowirXg Contest," Thur8Iay, from 5 to 6 SO o'clock. I "Tug of War": between "Naval Re serves" and'W L. I. Music by Second Regiment Band ! " Friday night. 4 - comittkbs ,. - MrsC. H. King, Chairman. Con federate Exhibit aNad Hall of Curios Mrs. -Josh. " James k and! Mrs. JI . Parsley. . t' t'h:r-:h- : Melange. Mrs. Fishblate and Miss Adelaide Meares. : Flowers and Orange Tfee. Mr. Schulken and Miss Peschau, J Strawberries,. Ice Cream and Cake. Mrs! Mitt Moore, Mrs. Catlett, Mrs. W. R. Kenan. . j Lemonade Fountain, Mrs W. W. Harriss, Jr. - . . r Fancy Goods, : Mrs. Joseph H. Wattera. . , 4 -'. Candy Caravel. Mrs. C.;C. Brown and. Mrs. I. W Grainger. . -'. Prize Doll. Mrs. Walker Taylor. Bubble- Blowing Contest. r Miss Louise Knight.' f u - - tfaby Show. Mrs. C H. ing and Miss L. Knight. -J udges for Babv Show. Mr. C H. is cuarantw tn nprfft eAfic fo.t inn 25 cents per box. For sale by Rob- ert K KaIIaiiiv vKa mu nif rata II - w mw mm mm- -mr m m mm m mm J 9 W W M m mt mrmtmmM druggist. T0 crv l)yn ry lilies Memorial AtoelatioM. ' 'v - . At. the annual meeting of t hie La'-; dieb' Memorial Associatlon.held yes terday afternoon; the following offlV cers were elected for "the ensuing year : I., v: .v i;' ;r-". .- ;: President Mrs. John T. Rankin. :. Vice pre'sidentfnl rs Hall lvolvoy." Secretary Mrs." Roger Moore. . " Treasurer Mrs. Gaston Meares. The report of the retiring . Presi dent. Mrs. John J. Hederick. is very interesting - but," is "necessarily dew f Brred until to-moi ro w.lv . . , . , : i fltoster of Commanders.' -. - I There.; liave been 25 captains of .. since its organization in 1853. -Two . of these were , never commissioned. The list, with dates of 'commission, is as follows: " , - .' Ed ward. Savage, January, 1831.-' f -i W. C. Fergus, May, 1854. ' , . x Jno L. Cantwell, May, 1855;. May, 1500. - , - . . ' Wiu. L. DeRosset, August; 1856; May, 1857. : . ; . ' . , ' : D. D. Hall, November, 1857; -May, 1358; May, 1859. . . - . Wm. Li DeRosset, May4 1500. R. B. McRae, May, 18C1. Henry Savage, May or June, 18C1, and in the 18th N. C; Regjment un til about the enI of the year 18C2. 2 Joo. J. Poisson, in 18th Regiment, -from- end of 1862 to closo of, war, April, 18G5. . , : ' ' 'MP:: Taylor, March, 1875; May, : : Walter Coney, April, 1877; llayl 1878: Ma v. 1870. ' ' - A. L.JDeRosset, May.' 1880. John L. Cantwell, .January, 1881; May, 188r; May, 1882;. Janudryr18S3. : R. H. Beery, January,' 1884. . . Jas. C. Morrison, April, 1885. ; F. L. M fares, Ju ly, 1886. John H. Daniel, January, 1887; January; 1888. : W. R. Kenan, John II. Daniel, D. 1 T. Cronly and W. N. Harriss (pres ent captain) commanded the com- ' pany from 1888 to; this date, but the exact dates are not at hand in time v J. T. Anthony and V W C. Jones commissioned as such. . , . - For 'this list we are indebted to the courtesy of Col. John L. Cant well, who compiled it. ? N 13 W A DV LIUIl a ISC! 13IIT3 . - DOG' ORDINANCE. BB IT ORDAlNiD BY TDE JiATOR ANb" ' Board ot Aldermaa of iiie City of wil mington, asf allows: Article L Amhaals. Sub division fc-Dog Ordinance. : . Sxctio'n i. " Erery owaer or keeper of a ' doi? shall annually, on or before tne 10th day of Juna, cause It to be registered, numbered, de scribed aod licensed, lu tbe oflce of tbe Cleric ana - ,Brq!a v tO wetr Pt j . marKtrr trttn tne-rejlscereaT Ani, 1a. .Awn llr . 1 . - . uuKwia v,, .,, nmu Eiiaii pay lor nuca -. license, for a male do; on da'lar. and for a female do; tared dollars. All dora ruoclnsat largelwithout sucb coilr, and all Cos not registered, numbered, aescrtbed and lice axed ' as aforesaid, snail ba irtiied, and erery owcer or keeper of a dog who snail rlorate any cf the provisions cf the first section' of this Or dinance shall be fined twenty ($) dollars for . each and ererr offence. . - ?. - - . . Sec. It shall not Toe Jawial. from and af ter the passage of this Ordinance, to surer u v W4nui wnier; e iter ct tr - geroas Cog, to go at lare or bs vven - r " the streets, alleys or wharres cf t. i el' . any time. Without Toclr.'r rrn-"--i nh . and sufficient mnzzia, rctJcrir it's ed by a good and ac' :: -one end thereof slali i j i Ssrson,er, in case cf r eh U be constfi-rei . liable te be killed; arl i a&y cog, althou-h t- above mentioned, eaii : said do? shall ta killed. . er or a dog- who snail r t the proTisloos os sectloa nance shall bs fined tv, tr. for each and every cirezc: , may 23 It cr, r 'l 1 r i 1-: 0AE0LI1IA T1 1 THE Bteamer "CLAEENOE," Cart, j Sellers, will commecc rurrir ' r, . ' ta Carolina reach 1 nui:DAT. n&j the following schedule: . - ( Leave Wilmington 9.45 a ta, 2 and 5 Leave Carolina Beach tJ ta, 3.U ana , SUNDAY ECHEDULTi : Lave Wilmington 10 a m and 20 r Leave Carolina Beach 123 p ta ar - j Fare for round ti l p?5cta one an' Fare to Pier and back on all toat3 - ' Information as to Excursions cr dations at the Beach can be ottoi:.: Captain on board erf rem , ( l may sj n - u. J.