n i 4! SCOTTS EMULSION. - jlfTTTTT revived Just h tie." Aa Alabama Doctor's Narrow Eape From " . Ueing Darled Alire. . . . From Thomasrille, a thriving little town on the Mobile and Birmingham road, 102 miles north ojL. this place, comes a story! that la heard but seldom, and then too moch credence cannot be placed therein, for nino times out of ten thero Is a certain prevarication or a knack of distorting and stretching the facta that knocks the truth out of the tala But hero in a true btory: Sundny morning there died, to all appearance, at Thomaaville, a well known physi cian of that place Dr. John W Brand He had lately removed from Randolph county and was about C5 yeara of age. Ho Buffered several weeks from various .:is-of.Baiffii"-, You don't haveto look :wicc to detect them bright zyes, bright color, - bright smiles, bright in every ac- -tion. . Disease is Dvcrcome pnly when weak tissue renlncod liv the he.iHhv t-Torl Qrnft'a Pmnkmn complications, 'and finally tho watchers Kin a. occil l-muision OI at bis ti Ono of whom was his ZO( liver Oil effects Cure by son,- saw him draw, apparently, his lat building up sound flesh. It is agreeable jto taste and easy of assimilation. lTVr-J T SJOtt A Tnm. . Y. All drarvUU. A Household Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y.. savs that he always k?ns Dr. Kfoir's New Discovery in the honse Land his family has always found the very best results follow its use: that he would not be without it, if pro curable. G. A. Dyketiran, Drug- glst, CatfikiUrN.. 1'., Pays that Dr. Kind's New Discovery is nndonoted- ly the best Cough remedy: that he has used n in 1ih family ior eigni year?, and It has nevr fai'fd to do all thnt Is clajiul for it. Why not trv a remedy so lou tried ami rest ed. Trial bottles free at K. K. Bel lamy' Drug Store. Regular size 50c ami $ 1.00. . ., ,. - - - If you nre dull and stupid you are bilious and need a tonic. Take Sim mons !,iWr Regulator. i (HUMPHREYS' 'VETERINARYSPECIFICS Icr Ecixis, Cauls, Sheep, tegs, Eskl AKD FOULTBT. 200 Page Tlooh aiTrrainpat f A"' mud Chart e hi.infr. lMarrgea. . .. i V.C t' tirlr. "fr: V.VuiInlS' !" rrmlrala f. X ry CSw Oil awl Mlkur, $7.0 0 Jar 4fry Cure Oil. - - 1.00 . T BnnU W m pull m4 la ay ' IrMTrit.ra.iiiniwrauwu,KT. r 14 11 xtoarxorATHic fff SPECIFIC Ho.fi O 1a ra irA - - roi)rfnr inions Debility, Vital Weakness, fiTMtrUioo. from cw-werk or Uwr e 1 tr ct S vial Dil Unr vtti powder, for fi. KtirBKIir IU CO, 1 II t IS WVUUa St W Tr. buu we I tfl "l .. t . . V. MftAAneAiAna UTVcilU Bilil BlUJk lUkU tilU uuwiuwvuii- nesa of death. The. body was taken charge of by his friends, washed and dressed in the customary shroud and laid out in the parlor. - An hour or two later tho few friends seated in tho room with tho corpse noticed a slight twitch ing of the fingers of tho deceased. They were somewhat startled, but did not Ioso their self possession and fletjyr iSxS&rThpa"ird to gJTside of the doctor and watched him closely. Then a movement of almost tho Antirfl hodv was noticed a slight con- fact. Then two pieces ol money that had been placi-d over the eyes of tho dead man fell off, and ho made an effort -to open bis eyes, x m natisfled those gathered around him that life, was still within the remains, and fnrlfTlv carricl back to IUU IJIJIJ i w rf u rA frnm wliirh ho had been re- tiiVJ fcVV A w moved nfihort whilp Uforo a Fuppow- nr. Brand receiwl cverj care, VVA ' - - and ho slowly revived, ms nrsi un when apprised of his condition were: IIow long was I dt ivl?" All nrruirations for tho removal Ipf Tliere l one bodr who is.wis thttn auvoodv and tint is ever! body. . -t S minions Liver Regulator is excellent reiuedv for dvspepia.- Mastersoii, Sheriff of liih UoM m CURES R5INC oc rc-1 ciuia-xr.u tTi- -..roy-un. 1 ! i o Wen n.Kl-Miffl for ir-iiiv veins. M -l m each t:: vh rc i".!aIer3 Frh-nu" ru.ibc.:ir.' 1 n h. pc-or.iplislse- and rciicvctl tnuti &':rciu?. It is tlx!;; c iemo)y fcr : Uh z the brci?t known, and worth the yricc .or xha alcael Wes. M. l. IJuivtf.i:, fvt. liv exire?3, charges l-repai l, on roe;irx !fl ricc.eiXOitrOjttle. , , CRADF1ELD REGULATOR CO.V Sold by &11 clragjjid. Atlajpta . oa j WHOLESALE PRICES. : The following quotaaonfl represent wnoie- sale pnoea generally. la mauagi up small or ders Higher prices hare to be caarged. BAGK31NO : Gunny. M T ,ix Sunrtam.... M 8 tt 8ji BACON Norta Carolina. Bams....... M. 13X9 1 8aouldersv & 10 9 12 sides, v 10 e 10 WESTERN SilOIED llama,? ......... 1 u s U Sides, V 12 l 14 Snoulders, v n.. 13 Ux UKY SALTED ' SWea,ft -is S boulders, V B. 40 ' II BAKKSIi Spirits Turpentine. second Hand, each......... j 40 50 New, New York, eacn...... OQ & 75 New, City, eacn 1 65 70 BKKS A' AX, V 20 a ,23 BRICKS, WhinlngtonT VM.... 8 00 .fclb'fJO Northern o 00 &n oo BUTTER, V Jb- . Norta Carolina... ...... is a Northern. Zb 23 Br uyg fyrsuuni m 77 i 'wnii.niv.iiuiuitiiiruuur Remedy 18 10 27 Si SO 00 CO 26 ti 00 10 vn DW K. O, -WEST'S MKUV-. A:,v,"r, THE VTM EN J JX?;Z VJ i'UlU JIi'" - d fjnar ntee. 1 1 . 1 - ty had been made hy tho son of Dr. lojer Wm Brand, and it was arranKcd to ship the v D,ne;s; L?ssude; all Oralns; 0 C f m m m Al ThoHo4ganC3 omission Co. remains by tho Mohile and Uirmingnam - , "l t.r t"x-rt on: Younntai triors o- . A fl,m'irilln SniMlaV l-m .i 1 :q nf Tnh iwfl. Ontam or uquui, frtir. Ttr. Brand's daughter was at the Selma depot to receive tho body of her ffither. bnt instead was reioiceti no ceivo tho wolcomo .lows that her parent waa Btill alive. Mobile Kegister. oaiiii w ..uv. - .... r . 11 nn A certain Bron 13. -.. wjiri. r. yinr-LtC to cu.e money. WES r'SVOU 'U S V Ri 1' V C0rJUGAL LIFE. Just uchitcnt Street. rttlde:pla: mil 0-n Ta.. offers Tl.r.. mill iiiimtRUa. icr eroamanii oi " - 1 tor oar ptmpaiei -h-.m PARKER'S Pair dalsam - MHT liftlA more than one- awt auitC-Oiie-twen- '.ifinPjJCQBNS. Tfc ww t Your Stomacli Distresses You aftcreaUn? a hearty meal, and Ilia rrstat b a rhroaic caof InUe tion, KttT Stomach, Heartburn, IrrpaU, or a Ullous'atuck. Ihp Hlixi.l. '.Lii Hill null put ion, mrElM . . t ,.i.f l,n r. f tint LJTrr tJ iron sum ti--V ixt irntT re rrompUT.aad crrfcrf tii -a I"U "Ti- . tuuii l kept SOLD BV ORUQCISTS CVCRYWHCRt i.tiinr Kt&tlKtlc Which Have IWn ClTen Out by th tioTernmcnt. m flrit d:it:i on coniucal lifo in the United States ever gathered by tho gov ,t nm firen in a ceusus.ballctiu. It shows that of a total population of v, ono in 1890 almost three-fifths were single, a ""Tt it lit IWltlJl uu xviflowctt Tho divorcer coil titntd . mall rracuon oi i i ir wt. The actual numbers of tho classes are us follows: Single, 37,129,501; widowcni, 9 ft7nn.Vr. unknown. i0.214; marrua. 22,331,424; divorced, 120,096. The males constituted over 51 per cent of tho total population. Of 32.0C7, 8S0 males ' in tho country, 19, 945, 57C, I were shmle, 11.203,22? married, 815,- Art widnwed. 49.101 divorcciL vi tne females. .17.183,988 were single, !2ft 19(1 marrietL. 2. 154. CI 5 widow 71.895 divorced. The proportion of widows, says the renort. was nearly three times as great as of widowers, indicating that a great er portion of widowers remarry than widows, whilo figures show that di vorced men have remarried to a greater extent than divorced women. Of tho married males, there (wcro 23 otII of 1 1.290.008 under 15 years of age; 585,748 out of 8,104,893 between 20 and 24 years, 728, 930 out of 2,425, fifU between SO and 34 years, 869,923 rsf i f.5 vears and over. Of VUH XA ,ww-f - - . - r . il 1 411 rvr,- marnea remaies, mere wt f to 052. 192 under 15 years, 313,983 rmfcof 3.385.085 from 15 to 19 years, 1.444.712 out of 3.091,783 from 24 years, 1,805,064 out oi ,$X of from 25 to 29 years, 1.717,Jg2,568, 2. 152.900 from 30 to 84 85 to 44 260 out of 3,346,031 430( 878 from - .-....i.j. fiA.!c Aurnma. slz. now 25c ; a i saze, w v. - TEES issued onlr by ROBT. 11. -BELLAMY & t'U., Drorelats an 1 Sole Agents dceif wilialajrioa, N. a CAN1U, y Sperm..... , Aiiunaiitlae ... ortw- uasij, c am.. Java.. .. .. La?ojra...'. .............. ,K!o - Urgta Jie.l uwm;o. rm. DUndie ..... Xarn3, bunca. ... f dJ, y aoz. ......... 3arei, io. i. ooi. jy ciiere.,No.lf ha3j bDLl25o "a"aci o. 2. naif bbl. M!Kerei,Ko.3,bU..,. Mullets. bi.i c. Koe lierruig, tee flr JD V bbl eacern, low ij.ee.... " tora.. ........ Family. 7 Mills super Family. IK w ..... r, , tm store, bagra, waite ; t '0, la bulir, wtlte. i i cargo, ia bags, waite mtxod, from store.... tromacore. . i Vtuat Proof raa......'. 12k "19r ifj 11 s 50 25 22 65 jy 1 iju 11 JoMsons SPECIAL OFFERINGS F r Thin Vi k. i TRIM 11 EB HUTS Al Gmally Reduced Prices. 1 1 AT i Umbrellas. VNUFACTURERS' COST. HID 4 75 7 80 tf 0U 00 6 8 56 4 50 4 50 4 0U. 4 8 75 00 52 00 38 00 6- :'' N0RrV" laud! i Ncr. . jUMBEKl Khln :03a Uoocl westre DreafF" .VUrSl 2 3 5 85 75 50 15 00 20 & d 6 00 10 Co 7 00 9 0 00 9 10 4 00 5 00 d 6 OC O 4 10 5 00 S 10 7T e7 53 70 50 ' 00 3 4 Tonic Alteralne. Blood Purifie . Kerrise, Formula pub lished on eacb. Bottle. IndtsrestioD, i Muscular Kheuma- . Eruptions tkln and Blond Troubles. MRS. -PERSON Wlllivlslt any out wboJwlsb.es to consult her In regard to ber Remedy, information frkk. "ir WnJiiNUTON. Marcb 3. 1803. . 815 vucen Street. yea a old, and bas never ni,d any blcnxt tronbie since cured by using your liemedr. years ago. Wltb over eigbt I grateful respect. COPYRIGHTS. CAS I OBTAIN A PATENT? For ompt answer and an bones t opinion, write to i: S S fc CO.. who hare bad nearly fifty rears' experience in the ratent business. Com mun les ions strictly ccaifldsntial.' A liandbwok of In-' formation concerning Patents and bow to oo- ".sin tbem sent free. Also a catalogue of meclxaxw leal and scientific books sent free- 1 tents taken throush Mann & Co. receive al notice in the cirntine American, and ns are broucht widely before the public with-- out coat to the inventor. Tbis splendid paper, issued weekly, elexaiitly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work In the worlil. &3 a year. SAmr11! copies sent free. Buildinr Edition, mont hly, f 150 a year. Single copies, '25 cents. Kvery number contains beau- . tiful plates, in colons, and photographs of now houses, with plans, itnabluu? builders to show tho latot iie"ii nd Hficuroconlrccts. Address MUSS &.. New Yck, attl CuoAOWAr- V ScitntiSo Aracric&a Ancncy fcr 2a" F nrT II 3? A .11. J tilti p : Z mW.. tY. -J CAVEATS, TRAD5 MARKS. DESICH PATENTS, COPYRICJ1TS. Forinformatfoa an3 fmo nHndlnvykJiCTtlj -J.IUNN'Jt CO., So litiuJlOTrr KiW YOBUC - fcrp nnfi ..; k3 PWV?' .-7- try a 3 Liiniurni -twrrnrA - j - v-m.v jrwo oj cnarxa u ' chars in tne J. P. KTEPHXN8 MRS. JOE 1VEKSON S USJIEDY WILL CUKE INDIGESTION. WIT VI vflmAvr M - a vv -Va Last winter I was suffprine- VPrv rrinr h t-rr-.m lndifjefctlOf and central debility! mtb a broken-down system. foiinwRri niih mnin dysentery. 1 tried ne bottle of Mrsj j.5P Per son S Kemedv and fnnr.rt to lniprovemett 1 continued Its use unill J used tbe seven -h bot le, wnlcn restored me to per fect nealtb. and I am now ft xnnnd aa a a dollar. I can cheerfuliv euuu raiuittuve, d ooa puriner and a build r- uk urusen-aown systems. rcet clrculaf fon of any scleatiflo paper In tha year? fl.&pir months. AcWress JlN rnT Pirnjjsixj-iui. wiy. New York Utyw THE LEADING THE BEST IN. THE WOiiLD FOB KHEU- MATISM. GnARLOTTE. N. rw in iocj I have Used Mrs. loe Persor Pcmrwi. ..ri I v i a u; jjjir-ou iiicuii me i ever nspn rnr imn. matlsm. For more than 20 Teflrft T linen Kcuin Daily Paper -OF SOUTH CAKCUNA 18- riiu icu wnu juuscuiar .uneumatlsm; and bad tried every known remedy, cue lthout avalL 1 was orten so tad off anri 9 9 9 9 2h& tbatl coutT not lie down, but had to be prop- j-u uet-a auujeo1 10 tnese se- 1 1 I u ... - - " . tisriu a l ;i .y 'st spring, and am pen ectly cured. e7 rltlsthe be t medicine In the jtorid, I tninir. j - u. up Ulj ixuxie uan express toe benent I baye dertved from Its use. I suffered from pajpjiation or the heart from the least exer- t ,., . ' a perfectly relieved My health Is now rerfect, and it Is all owlDg to Zon'aliemeQy. 1 am stn ngand uu can lae extended exercise without . 1 avl8,e a11 wno need a tonic, or are oi. .V K TW1LU itneumausm or Eczema, to-1 il4 i was maucea to try it by its having 17.. J. . . ,UKS- M. Howell. uy an aruggists. Price $10 Per Anniiin, MAILED TO ANY ADDRESS 'f i-irr ' ltt 90 00 li MK8. months INDIGESTION. JOB "Pekson Madam : - Rltrbtfin agro while m Cnmb rland countv: fF PK on DuilDess, 1 Buffered greatly from V dlKestlon and general debility. I gave your -aal 00 020 00 dl8 00 dl5 09 t 26 wed, VMft. wed 18 oo lanic is no 'Ifift II vn. I -vwvau- X. .....13 fir am VJg UU gr, ooaaoned.18 00 m , w OLAiPFOh- Ne7jnnua... .ilbbia..:.. .. p0;xn nhiis J .la bbis...; at in hhds ! -tK!.!:r:. S AlflM baain.. 2 w Kemedv a trial fl Tlfl tt m nO a flnol otiA Klnston,N.C. "w -"i-wuxiy r 27 29 M 00 9 0 0 29 30 25 , 26 15 18 85 i 50 SEE WHAT MKd. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY I WILL DO FOR NURSING MOTHERS AND FEMALE TROUBLES. N. C. 1 took nbTet iTrLTle ago j ! ami after suffering kTmtB uiierine--almost death, imt ii74: V v.v V 3 in my a womb trnnhu THff MOST CHAbTB AND! PUREST IN-SOUTH CAROLINA lb TEe Sunday News. Jtce. wltn Dallx, 11 per yew.'aiono, i and sprlntr. I coufd JPater a onen '". lie II spar..,... I 7 3, live rown.. I i spring....; I bushel. 22 '"" we 14 e 1 45 90 a 1 00 & 16 9 20 0 22 15 00 25 19 will newt r OZZOfffS xn a""w . ttrtr V ! -OP J - s ) jears, 1.796,979 oarj nt of TrimmCfi 1.185 418,399 out oi Tlio cliappi in their trousers any moi 0VJDER J 1 .. -1 nmA fortn.nr Tern JTe wW'l"':,riW l- v. iHiatlrr U. . ...... m.iarm r :: . t-r . in f f -"7. .'arltuf bo Ww to - -2 :: w. has man Imt.aMit-twrn. Vl. A. PTQNI CO.SU Louts-WQ nn.ul DodN Startl i tho state aeparu: Ther cannot turn up more that is, nnotwear them turnea uP " 2rk in the department. Secre; iuiud w " . ,i rt A ono ui r" crrnllinff leiSUTeiJ v-H" SI one day last weei . ..-.- qi nniu i irouiH ;.-;i,r voune man The next day w p -v him o rto on ii v . r v Iour- . especially uu- to devote -T-V m. at vhich , he rTTc to have his society 7 nu7 hun engaifecL At the samu "i rior spread abroad t feminine emphasis ana cm vith truly Icnu" f that Kcuesaw belllAhmentA to the faa t Mr. Landis. the private retarj or OfiSto W Lon- j ua rireii the secretary ins vrom don. had . $JUJ", . Hth hi rrou that every cpp - " - M turned up andyrrwA 1 J-T v 66 25 ;v bw.t r " eaa , q j W "! IK nn -.-w ww ' J. aroiinA uit i a. Vbush, (upland)... i oo 30 9 20 d 00 9 80 70 a eo M A fl-owiandj. vtiv001-..;..... 918 m 018 00 2X314 00 9 X 9 1 15 a perfect eu nf i t; cr 5"" ,u maae lsretterthTnartn: "."U8.D.aa says it taking theKprnpriF u "J111"1? 1 commence boefaref K stomach and few doqpHwin w; tuulu 1 ever tnea. a like iBgF nJLAl"aate me feel my letter tbatui Y,i'u.uit?iI Partof least. IhateDubHMtv hr V cause ,n tne with the i&meS ?tLuJI exPerience trims it-Tkmn,1"? of pthe. a good ,t his ooTe"meln to any adores SVERY ONE'S PAPER. THE WEEKLY NEWS ASD0UKiE. i-rlce, $i per year; six monih.. go (tt; tivge copy, 5 cttnmaiiea to any addres.. men si Ma God I f...u. Sicft O W -Northern. wVac Alum. ' .r 22 9 lb Nnit han. " .U Summer SB ia. ;::::::p "I 00 9 1 0 For sale bf all 1 - it- riiii OWE DOLLAR art of the country, who rioisljr at the etnployn belabor Is ad pi J jWAK, r it4uidaM":irfiinII WWIuaraA. Goods of W' BEAUTIFUL 4 0. 4 9 1X9 0 9 5 5 6V SICK HEADACHE C0f.8TJPATI0N, DERANGEMENT OF THE m mi.-:i.. . . . r,:r:v'r,ri,ruca yayone of either ho id uillinx tn worn I.i ment Which we umldf Isk whevVr wT. ?caaani. aiM you run n. otoel e a?rca Ji dty, or iu tho . wu can won 'ioyeJ, and have a few aW V41 Ju 8f era utUthVVZXWK at your dir ,'.u!d try notldnir iaT.ii OS ANY! The follow -minent sil .hmild bo treated to a CHATTEL JlOBlUAuii .j FOB . '- in-iavJ to suit. AT.orncc of DAIliY REVIEW I ,-Ar hctweennimr Mi fiN JiV. in jug ?Q.7in.M.:.; ;;;;;; 5 oj T00 rommon. i r - w 7 00 WsX I-. 2 00 9 2 60 mr .... ... ,. A KQ -wvp. Barrel.. O. Hogshead......' w as i - T ' " .i SiA . w a eu ou 013 00 d 5 00 9 760 8 00 14 00 0 00910 00 T0MACH, LIVER OR BOWELS TRY CRAP ORCHARD WATER. WOgZiJ Women an . 9 v lua i ney nhould I ru auaptea to them. vua iwi i ja i v w - - aen r a . n w apu-Bt a. lkx 880, 1'ortlandMt try this b5ln. -T. Write at nnr:T " "V! '.A3 CUHEO THOUSA.'DS. ! is womi at f. 9 M teet--Shlppulfir..,a go Jl 25 r4 . lUlO ......... . on Ml... . I -r to Ordinary. . Xo :::E::: g ' IS 9 8 50 9 0 00 9 000 0 4 00 9 2 00 44 1 10 9 25 9 18 14 IT WILL BENEFIT VOL i TRIAL. SOLO BY AH nsi ltat tfae label has the "Crab Apple " on is CHA3 ORCHARD WATER CO.. mphletfreebyin&il. ItilTi -sr.. . 3TER KOASTS. ir J'.r" rlars aco tct nu r " . . . inra i.om i wish tc Dear Sir I 5ltl;vr in this country to THKDST DUKWDS1L0H YOU EVEU TASTI in tintuVif FUJIT. Al 4 mm Better I to aocommodate act a an cj tor wnd rued cat- aaU Silver ..rZrv.rfHl at once Ocala wr and " lh tc t TIOSEKIES. CIUAKS. tC, nl 1 tf U5 PREPAKKD - i OX JM Scientiao American CAVEATS. DfSICN PATCMTS. ru 4,w.ler of that It 1 of tho Htcr."- town hears tho name ox Old Pa' I70RSALE JN WTSTO ApplfW IRKS, I CUTS. I For Informal ton nr.A trim, tt . J"' T" . 7.'..-" w WT1M Til I out' the Best on harJT I wiaes Doreaa rr secarinjr patenta to f j W H. 8TOKLAY. 4 ; WrUflttTUUI uu . is 1 111? r Oor Worlrcrs ARE BETTEit PAt te 18S8SS ffifiaTSL& earLS0aixmonth. iddi icTOrV tuBiaaaxJU, 31 Broadway. eir YoS a5w OTHERS I e! greater ease, -jid are wr''with E! dc hic-h tse people want a,3 will Lava SPrS a oo, i-oruaad, JUair7 jin 2 trat ana Princes. a0raar pT; Ha Wi