i -ji. , , ARE DtUETGUMS VENOMOUS? TYJka Tttb. - ...... Atlantic 'Coast JUne. j -Atlantfb: Coznt Tiro, rrtvm m NVgrt,'. IHith. ttru .5" 8lJ.n.?.a 3, 1893, Xt -n n Mid among tho pffitl nesrws h.,t tho tifr of on of their delivery us follows? - be7or - flOQ trh It--. - . .... -it ;. WHmlngton"& Vi3ldon R. B. wf!niSs.fcai i - . A vn Tin -KTS-n nC3 , - I - . AND BRANCHES. i & August U ll VakI deadly as thi bito of ml dof? or rat-1 For ML Airy and way tJ -. ... 1AM . . 1 ' I 1 I - 1 1 vn. u w ninr,. - ess L . -v- 3 - J JH is anjujin moro thaa raero snpersU- li....... ... 8.30a. u,. la tlwj ncwirpaj ercry ooco ia awhUo I Co.) Taeedaya & Friday. C 00 a m byblno cam neciwa tho rrm! f r,ol1.lI a.nLwy ta - . to l that tho death m not canned by For (ne Fefr Ri'vS f wound of aljTHwt any character equal-1 Ooldstoro ,Shooflyn;.; fl 00 ti m JT MTCT6 WOnld ?i5trA rnvtnM4 I For fionth nnrl wnv V' J, " not questioned, hower, that the vVODu'F' & A' l R- " -2( P- uj. ol a xjuman r-inwhether tho lAtinZ " n r? " - 7 ' Uuo gum rarlrty or not may in noma For WilJol? nd , 'VAV a5 a- ,u- A cao is it-ported from the Lott Store & W R. IL Xo 14 no . , . neighborhood. 1 A negro woman Ellen WN. & N. IL llcf.. "".! ft Tooey about 50 years of" RRtV was bit- Jacksonville and Stump ! Vc l Mhont a week ako ly hex daughter- Sound.... 2 00 p. m. iQ-?aw. - Tho wound was on tho little .5 Cbai;Itott4-- 4.00 p. m. ' flngexpnd was not at all dangerous in fc Sundays...... 5.40 p. ut rmA AnMi kni It . MAtlg PVAnw .r. lrTTtr r - , . " hand began to swell; and tho swelling THK TRAP3 ARK 02f- timk. - was accompanied by great pain. It soon I r roin wr. Airv ana poinrs . , tpreaa to tno enuro arm. wmcn pnnea p Charlotte, a.and " up to twico ts normal size. A phyfci. poinU on a c r, r .... 7.30 1. in. dan was called in. and ho crcscnbcaJ p.n...flr.nti. on. ..tna such remedies as tho cae soemed to do I W., C. & A. IlK....; 2J20 m. m m lfv1r-i?w tut in nnrl l.osfwl I Prnm Tjm.. tnim no flntm about 20 hours. Finally tho swelling Fear River, Tuesdays began to abate, and tho old woman ia Dd Fridays. 8.00 a. m. Bowconsionafairroad torccov- SiM-Sffinm nu- Frum South port C.OO p ni. "I Saturdays ...11.00 a m. From Shallotteand Brnns r wick Co ., Monday and Tuenday 7.00 p. m. From Wrlirhtsvillf.-. C.OO p.-m. From. North and way sta tion, Train No. 23, y. & V. R. II 7.00 p. iu. W., N. & N. R. R. 8.00 p. iu. Jacktonville, N. C 12.45 a. in. From Charlotte....... 10.00 a. m. " r Sunday! U.00 a. iu. i 1 EO. L. MORTOX. Postmaster. Tho doctor learned that tho daughter-in-law wa of tlio bluo gum variety and examined her mouth to seo if it differed from that of anybody elst Ho says tho gums are of a purplisli bluo mottled appearance, unlike thow of the ordina ry negro. Ho Is slept ical on the subject of the bito of such a person living moro potsonotts tlian that of any one else, but says bo is experimenting with the virus or saliva from ! thi a woman's mouth to seo if there U any truth in tho belief of tho negroes. Tlio subject of his experi ment is a small dog, which ho innocu lated with tho virus, and ho says ho is waiting f or developments with soma de gree of interest. Benham Cor. Galves - ton News." P2TR0LEUNI FOR MOSQUITOES. ATUatjotU a to How to Ttmj ttv fohjtlI ilagne. A Mr. ti-O. lloward, who Uvea near tho city of Washington, last year and tho year beforo matle experiment with a vieAv to ridding his premises of the moftQuito pest that iroved highly satis factory. Tlio details of his experiments have tmpresised tho people of New Or so favorably that there is talk "ttmiiiTg IT.9 City latbvn thero of oprV Ing tho Howanl system of Insect killing on grand cule in and about that city. Mr. Howanl lacatetl his itftquito breetl ing ground in a mil! pond and the ad joining marshy .ami near ms iwjui'uto llo had previously established tho fact w f in a rainwater barrel that keroseuo oil is certain death to tho mos Wncn J t... -ki!a at. :i with crude petro- Icnm. The area was about 4,000 square Dyspepsia and its attendant 111s are quickly cured by Simmons Liv er Reeulator.' lUHMlIUlA- .hV. . WliiMINOTON MARK K'! I j May24-3:S0 P . dPUUT8 TURPENTINE Steady at 271c I Sales at quotations. RO.SIN Firm . at 85a for strained and 00c for good strained. TAR Firm at fl 25. . " - CRUDE TURPENTINE Finn at fl 00 for hard, $1 7J for yellow dtp and $2 15 for-virgln. - COTTON Nothing doing. RECEIPTS Cotton, 1;J spirits, 90; rosin; 2C3; tar, 15C; orud. 69. 8TOCKH OCT HAND MAY 18. 1894. Cotton ashore, .5,312; afloat, I t OIO 1 Spirit - ashore, 1,104: afloat, tntftl. 1.230. 72; C01; rir..!n Ashore 35.114: afloat, 5, total 40.715. t'n Tar ashore.2,180; afloat. 400; total, Crude ashore, 555;- afloat,; total, for Infants and Children, CONDENSED 8CHEI)TJLE. : -i nn ma uujjmu SOUTH. v . ? - - gj73Hi -r Ty obmeyration of Ca.torla with tho patronage of Li -nUHon ofpwwin, Pwl2-gPa of It without gne-.ig. It im pnqnttionahly iht Jo,t rmoIy foi-I.fttWf akd Cldldren tho -world ha erer Irno-nm. It j hamIo. Children like it.' It , giv thorn health. ifwiWweifhoir Htb. In it Mother, h.- og-gthiag which U nhgolwbly 'afo asd practically perfect a q child medicine. 'j j . .".--' Catoria letroy TtTpria. ! - , ' , Castori allaya Eii-lia. h , I " v, ' r ,. i t fifc4nto vomiting fr d. Caatoria onrei Ti. . , Caatoria relieve Teethipg Tronhle. Cartoria care, Comtipation and Flatnlencr Caatoria nentralhtea the eCeot' of carbonic acid gas pr polonon air " Caatoria doee not contain morphia, opinm, or other arcotio property. 'Caatoria aaalmllatea tho food, legniatea the stomach and bowels I . . i j - ' ' giving healthy and natttraUJeep. ; Csstoria is pntnp In o'neApttle loly. It j, xtt sold in hnlk. DonH allow any one to fai 'l anything else on tho plea or promise Mayi3,li." 63 i.v Weloon . . t n 5 at JtociyMn'tj 10? Ar Taibonx. . Lv T&rooro LvRockTMnt T.VPlrr to : Lv Fayette'lteC I a trm . . . . that ft Is lnt rs goo See that yon get Cj-T-O-R-I-A. 'ay "wiUanst-er every pnrpoie." - i . t - . ' I - i 22 U o-5l h- p ul - I i I at.A. ,.. I j..:... ....... i2U,.....j .! , sin i ' . . i t i i - .,' I i. I I i,. "I 'V . s- n . u isui I h-5-93 -UM U.... FF -A. M. I kll f fl 35J I i a -i - as i h i - i : 1 - Wl I f .ft .SU...... TKAINS UOINfl 7)bTi. I j i . : I 17- "i rf.. . 1 I I L I 1 j CONDENSED SCH EDULE. - L TEAINS GOING SOUTH. Hated May 13, 1894. N0. - 66-no. 6S. Leave WlimiDgton.. 1: ws w wMe a Arrive Jlorenoe TitAm inn-mw Arrive Eomter. ...... r P. M. 1 3 4 'J SSI NO 60 P. M. 7 3) 8 4 I i' No. K " j A.1L ....... 8 45 '5 kl Sk I 4t .-k f - - - 1 : . --.-. I A. M". !"". V 45 f.. . - M IU No. 63. iMm urnnrai' : - " ....... .1 Arrive Colombia. . . . I io jo ) 11 OS CentraTR. K, w 1 teavnig uuxea 8:40 A. M., Maailag 9tlS a. M TRAINS GOING NOKTH. - 'NO. SL LVilSe-nnlio Ar Wifinlnirt'n DATED Mayil3. 1894. NO. 53. xae lac SJ ysy IjV K nmiiM I IT r LiV H JiVPr.TA'l Ifl i Tfl DC T ' Y f ui i iiiirt t m via - It 7 Childrenpy for Pitcher's Castorla. is on every" wrapper . P. M... J0j... 11 Si Arrive Sumter j 5 67 ArrtVBWorenoa.-:::.;! ? ?I - L . t No. 66 Arrive wilmiA::: 1? g Dallr. n.n..., ' No. 63raklTaroCu1. P. W. 4 30 6 45 no L....X dto larvx. ' - I cirude nt vtn,--hiifl locate! tho vrholesaleV--4 itcbery of nioiuitc he proceeded to FROii MAY TO may 18 feet, and la ralion 01 01 ui wv v f 1.70 saGcrd for tho work. This he did in March, when tho Innocent mosquito papoose wertj still sluniberin nuhatch ihI in the mud and owe. Three week after tho'sTtinlcliuR there remainetl a Kcura of oil over the area, anu mosi ot tho larva? had been killed. During tho summer following Mr. Huward'a first ..xnerimciit very few mmt""srimiv" ..! tn ftimoT him. The .... . ... O;.ttot. 23a..pirits. 00G: rosli , 3,540 -..-'I. . fii.Io IB; I'm,, t FIIOM MAY 11 TO MA I. KXPOI1TS no M RjfTIC Cotton, CO; plritK. 413;rosIri, 112; 1.510; crude, 12S. I FOUKION. Roin, 5.442 tar. 1 to annoy inm. me iwxi uin v repeateu tne pruiniLUK. "' summer of that year he had no use for mosquito nets. Savannah News. A MONKEY CHASE. The Wot W t sir City Mill H IU Hiclt L Ins AtntBr. A huists monkey bclonsing to Ernst Bros. the trewers at 67 Larabeo strict, t-caped jetertlay afternoon and fravc active employment to several policemen ami a crowd cf boys beforo it wis cap tured. Aisooaasitwasdiiicmeredthat the monkey h.vl cscarcd a number of tho employees of theWvers attempted to capture it A rJtmberof school chil- --AnadderWiLr.i3. w- H i gii-Grjulo Bicycles. ,1 - -' ;- 1- 1 rmm S;?; s m V i jjX NO SOj . a ALL I. La- Lv Wllmlncrr'ni . n r Lv fjnlllAhnm - Ar Wilson ...v Seaboard Air-Line. Oarolina General Railroad CONDENSED 8OHED0LE. Lr XffUinr. Ar BocUy iin't Ar Tarhnm . J 1 .... 1 J M"Jl V . . . 'Lv KockF Mr't i :i 11 27 : -1 - J ... J..:. pv! 1 ifl 4fif J I -- I , ir! -1 '"r.'l i ! I CO.- I I I .1 I I 1 lp. P- M.-p. M.I ' i I u 27 10 38 ui--.- ia 05 11 15 ::: A 4? i.T.7 13 ...... T 12 a; Ip AM 1 A. Al.jp. . At fcumter daily, except ttuadayTlS H. W-L, i roaa leave Cb ad oourn tn inU o Ih " 'I rive at con wa- 19 u-'01 Qi. & m aySU'TQn,J Manager - i '.aitSKSON.Tramofeanaat'r . 9 WESTBOUND TKAINS March 25. 1894. vivn AMI . . .... test.and Mcest, rcpresciteU vrou WILL 1 s CALL AND SEE OUR LAUGK LINK OF licels, aim. Ut you can select from. Ibe VICTOK, Tlie ItALKIOO, TOO CLVELAN D, TtC CRESCENT, TDe LOWELL DIAMOND.. Al o LaaicaMncjcIes, Bells, Lamps and oihcr Bicycle sundries. For sale at HEINSBERGEft'S miy 14 tt Live Boat and Music store. PKES0KIPTINS, men xoiioweti 11 uui ii.y-t-v..v.j B, OH into a irew auu iaiu iu another boue, frightening the occu pants, who immediately gave. tho animal full posaefsion of the premisea. Tho crowd soon increased to several hundred people, and several policemen took a band. They found themselves less use ful than the icboolboys and finally gave it up. In disgust. Tho chase was kept up through alley and streets arid from yard to yard for nearly a mile, when a son of Italy, with tho aid of his banana etand, succeeded ia coaxing the monkey into captivity. Chicago Tribune. AUsAra Clerlca txtm Young King Alexander of Scrvia't existence Is i not very cheerful for alad of 17. Ho ri at Z o'clock and goes out riding. ! Keturuing. ho reads tho newspaptr--tliroa German and ieven French journal and then gives au dience frort 10 to 1. Tho afternoon is spent In moro audiences and transacting state Lojincx. with the exception of a short drive, i At 5 tho king 1 ralnUterial council. Dinner follows, and by 11 tho lights aro out in tho pal-aDelgradftett-r. . Jcsm Padgett, X03.";. ? d Saucy Tate. C3 years of age, both rteTof the DglWeounty (GW ho use. vlero married in that iusUtaUoo i puDiicfrennuir an reu on " r "j a'linC I mMtvittnnm rlllut lth oa .. vj v "e I 9CJtV4tU9 UIHH t...Um I a m .m - M Our lresctip:ton IeparfraD tlin main feature in our Wiilinm C. Munds, 1 ! Opposite Fourth St. Market. N. B Soda and Mineral waters. Plae Ap ple I. sa. may uu shy: IF YOU SUFFER WITH YSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE CONSTIPATION, Off ANY DERANQEMENT OF THE TQMACH, LIVER OR BOWELS TRY CRAB ORCHARD WAXER. . S cvaco TKOusAwa. rr wiu. etntrrr v r. I'M KXrM A TIAL. I SOLD BY AU. DUVKXUSTr inat the latsl baa te Crb Appie on l CfB ORCHARD WATER CO., i-ibWi fre by malL Yonlsvllltt. K JOId Paoers 5ALX.IN LOTSITOUIT. 4 . AJTXs .. jaan THIS OFFICE. I 1 1. 8 as. .u- BUT YOU WILL NNHtng tnere ih it s not I I ' U la in and Newr .nd ant I , e Ihiv- Ad!ed j . I , mai. unit be poor man. t ft e,n man Hi alt ttad ntrQa P II ar .rAT1rin At. Jf ' T?TCX3"P.. 1 ajL-" Leave Wiimingtoa i. rHTB HlflvfAn..' - "U....... Arrive n amies iieave uanuei Leave adesboro . .. j Arrive Monroe..... Leave Jtfonroe. ...... Arrive Cliarlott.. .. Leave Chpxlotte.. . .. I iicinc iiiuuuitoa 1 II- , ) 1 I V , ' I dav. : nvuuiiy. tu&uy except sun leaTMr";.S...0M vfii 4.55 O. m.. (JrPPn ia VSP 35 p. m. KeturiinV AmTTML1" 5f?ri wreenville 8:22 a. ST a-daily SS,Si' .?. don Udo -5 3) 6 20- trftittyw Wyblhgian Branch ia. -ty.,.--; A. M ,A. M.tr " M 8 45; 7 nn P M.I A. M 12 48 :...;.. " -"tho. teavesTartolad bc 2 J3! 2 in M8ivayePf'Sundav S-iopTr" 3 (2 4 ia :::;-" M. S1 .wynwmui 9.20 p: w ui. aTni.lirillTinp - fnnnAM 1 kJ. ill. - , V VI rrlTI 1 la al.l. ,"wa r .m tnS2n 0i,u.. 5 :mve' St r Wash: neeta with trains Con- 1 - 7 15 ! 7 7" r. M.. arrive HyaMiuui . gop' j ro! m suiday 9 30 A ia ffL teyy 6-30 A Leave fihen.::: .:::: . ? Arnre Ruthertdrdi'n j 9 f.;;; (; "VI &7r 7 20 a , . ' IB tIE m f . I Train nnlMfoVX,. T.t. - 6oro,N.rrr:h' "ranca leaves Qoias. . t iij (7uc;ur- Klinin nr . Se C.a(.o A. !f.llnf nr. AL. arrive fcASTBOE NDtKJUlN S I Leave RutUerrorafn Leavo Llncolnton.... Arrive harl?t.r Leave Charlotte...... Leave Mop roe.... .. Arrive llamlftr . Leave naiiet........i ... ..t - . Arrive Vlimlngtonlljj a. M f -(!. v., .j)U J. Jl5S Wea kocitv vuie at s.dT pi. m t Nasb. 1 5SJi8Srffi Bo Af- l i a - I '.. " f .1 11 &1 &L-;-i 1" 4 ..." - " 1 1. ' ' - . " -v 'V Jr - I i A VPaf'a enl,v.n.t.i . 1 . '5 lA. M. ... 7 40(... v 14 10 0I 11 Xit 11 411 p. M.f....;; I P. M.f " 3 12 3d 11 00F..... . .""-la mm a 2 13, 9 'Jit: " ''l...... 8 30 2 45 4 46 , 7 6o - home tweiv7"Dtntt aWa.W DaliynW' "rlveLaua ciiutoS. daf.T1 .cn leaves Warsaw foi AOnUnCAm.nN . don for au doTt ne.-aonl at Wei KlcUmoniUa?ddaily0"-A11 rallvia Portsmontlj jaSdavVlM,11?. V Koiifett- daily andr allrpadtor roue, da ly eceptnda'y"iW, via Nor- 915 KINCI Cl TheXJnliKiky Off IS THE TIM K FOR PIC e 'iAYH Atl 1 4l.e-ve Wminc! 1 ' ft. av. SCHEDULE BTWEEhlMngton ANn 1 " ATLANfk- A1I1IC AUttUUt. Marenrh-liPS?? -ntltled 'Jonn I Tw2l& Portant sertais harA I. new novel thi nrJi "ff na? wriiten a Er ciinh r,Jlri.i . "-KiilJlTlI. the maf. vffiSaoS-m?S Bar HXr t"!1? laCludlneNewnnrir. , niunerou sIISmT, ft. ore ' ota Bp. I TSJ' and this U th3 Til ace to fill tot 1 -, CAKES. i M Frencn jumtoies. ' ig Newiom. f cocoa Maocaroons. Ld (mnr S'lre. n;nta .XXXacaps, Zoolojricai arid ixl MEATS. i sri 1 a uvf v a i iwz ti. ailu itt mm 1 m W- a- a tv . IL iuivut swso.i nivpiitu licri lu on res, all Mia bottles aaa prices, mj New Dill Beet clxlppea to orderr y ' "aieiirh n:1'"" acnamiei: tn xf ni,' winoes. e wntt I tor iq r jn wif.h c"twrcuce. with I . " i ,. AY ro inn wcf 1 or infeeip ,1 lCIJfuuxic' js inTTri". in its I tjtit- . i. - !f!S SSSSl! ;L'T?a a 6.00 ...... Wm TnKUNIUVALU 01XIE C00K IBC 1" m rDiTiour u 1,005 lilistrtli j ' . ' Jfearlr tiair mini old ot tne former edl TIPS all OVPrth V nr 'uraailv mutts . vnn . .... .,.rr,J7V u uunn r-. . awn ror "Whir say" of TUe s a rest seuin? wort in if Most Uberal terms to canvassers 1 1 7 .ScWtiCc-Aacrica- Agency for. I '.Charles . . - '""r 5 JSonc ,--3--"- ...' . -j new v.. K.:a?rci?s i-.f0.t;j i.. .7--r 1 vr- - r,-7 10 avoid chAnr?75 I - --ear. - - V.JL AXIS. - r. 'ortte ' ' ' Cash tr; 1 " " - bill S..-k ' i ! I lfViUinM .a ' 1 ' m'.I iw-fjf,rj to short Urns so. -X CCS. f IL4 ii - it. 1

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