Ire VOL. XX s published every afternoon, except Sundays, By JOSH. T. JAMES, Editor and Prop. SUBSCRIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID;: one year. 21.0 six n oaths 2.00. Three months.81.(8. one month,35cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers, free of marge, in any part or the city,at the above ■atee. or 10 cents per wees. Advertising rates low and Liberal. «w subscribe ;, win please report any and failures to rcci . o their paper regularly. ULI Review 8 WILMINGTON, s C. SATURDAY JANUARY 4 1896 NO. 18 PLEASE NOTICE. we will tie glad to receive com muni can r rom our mends on any ana an subjects c general interest, cut rushes so taxa Editor,, Uomaramcataons muss so written on only one aide or cue paper. Personalities must De avoided!. And it la especially and particularly unde. the views or correspondents unless co state in the editorial columns. Peace advocates argue that and Lombard street since bis sage on the Venezuelan affair, something else now. We have heard very little reter-i But oue interment here this week ence to President Cleveland as the and that was in Oakdale, an adult, “creature and tool” of Wall street None in Bellevue- T Tire Register of Deeds has issued. - marriage licenses this week for four ■ white and three colored couples. Can- The Young Men’s Christian Asso- : ada is bigger than the United States, c j a( j ou win hold its monthly bus’- leaving out Alaska. So it i-. But how about Greenland’s icy rnnun > tains, which appears on Mercator’s projection to be bigger than eimei? It is with sincere sorrow that we : record to-day the death of one ot i our brightest and most lovely young ladies, Miss Mary Polk Davis, eldest daughter ot Mr. Junius Davis. She : had been sick for but two weeks. 1 At first the attack developed into typhoid fever and a few days a^o : 8 o’clock. meeting next Monday night at! p O;; (j^QQia, intervened. From the * first, so seriously sick was she, that Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Abs©wteo ^yRE KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and wads to personal enjoyment whex rightly used. Tire many, who live bet- Lt Tian others and enjoy life more, with rJs3 expenditure, by more promptly adapting the v’orld’s best products tc the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Ito excellence is due to its presenting hi the form most acceptable and pleas ant to ilia taste, the refreshing and trulj beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fever* and permanently curing constipation, ^t has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- pys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free front (■very objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c am 31 bottles, but it is man. Tree re red by the California Fig Syruj Be. only, wires' nam ■ is printed on everj package, also the name, Syrup of Figs and being well totormed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. For sale by SO^^^T hi. tf^LAMT. WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, jan 111 The News and Observer says that adge Russell favors Reed for Presi dent. If correct, this means an al liance between Russell and Settle with Pritchard, who is a McKinley man, in favor of Moody for Gov ernor. Marion Butler’s cheek is burger and broader and brassier thu , nis bow window. He said in the Sen ate the other day that the Populists believed in no bargains or trades for spoils, Butler’s insignificant presence iu the Senate Chamber gives the lie to this, if nothing else does. The receipts of cotton at thia port Brave fears tor her safety were en- to-day foot, up 383 hales, against/ tertained. These have, alas! been 68 bales for corresponding day I realized, notwithstanding the unre. last year. I mitting care and the loving and. ‘tender devotion which have sur- At 6 o’olooK yesterday lulu-mog ; ; e , be ,. ^^ ^ there was 11.4 feet ot water In the i want . Cape Fear at Fayetteville, a fall ot;.^ at .,, tb ^ e8bold of yo , lag w0 , 7.5 feet in hours, . manhood, as lovely in intud as she The water froze almost as it left 1 was in person, a sweet, gentle, ami- the nozzles at the fire this morning, [able and (’harming girl, with rare The oilcloths of the firemen were Igifts of mind as well as of body, be- frozen hard. Yet the boys did some loved of all who knew her, the idol One song for thee, New Year— One universal p uyer; Teach us—all other reaching To hide dark Hate beneath To slay all hatred—strife, Aud live the larger life ! Ae only Love can lead— To live for all mankind ! blind 1874 1895 Garden Seed JUST RECEIVED 1 LARGE INVOICE OF BUIST’S CELEBRATE? SEEDS, PEAS, BEANS, AND SEED IN BULK AND IN PA PERS. ONION SETS Two bushels or White and Red ONION SETS, ready for planting, and must be sold at once. Parties interested will find It to their interest to see us before baying, as we intend in future toTnake a peclalty of hand- lug the best Seeds grown. The New York Herald’s efforts to secure the Democratic Convention for that city are bearing -some beau tiful fruit. It heads the list of con tributors with the princely sum of $10,000 aud yesterday it stood at $32,700. New York should be the convention city, and it will be. if energy, pluck, determination, liber ality and enterprise on the part of its people count for anything. Martinez Campos, the governor general of Cuba, is an old soldier from way back, but he seems to have met his match in Maximo Go mez, the leader of the Cuban forces. With an. army that is almost a rab ble—-save for thorough discipline— Gomez has pushed his way from the Orient, in the face of the flower of the Spanned chivalry, and is now established 45 miles from Havana and is threatening the Spaniards in their entrenchment. He thrashed Campos severely and the latter scarcely saved himself. This was about ten days ago. Later, it was bulletined in Havana that the Spaniards had driven Gomez back and that he was making for the everglades in the Southern part of the island. Later, three days ago in tact, he reappeared, sparer the capitol than ever before and then there was a mighty scurrying, hither and yon and trains rushing North and South all night long. Surely, surely, these gallant souls have won the spurs for Cuba libre, which should be recognized as among the family of nations. Dr. Shields, an eminent pnysician of Tennessee, says: ‘T regard Ayer’s Sarsaparilla as the best blood medi cine on earth, and I know of many wonderful cures effected by its use.” Physicians all over the land have made similar statements. The Fourth Street Druggist, splendid work. The maximum temperature here for the 24 hours ending at 8 o’clock this morning was 62° aud the mini mum 24°, a range of 36 degrees, which is a big drop from yesterday after noon to this morning. There were four false alarms of fire this morning in one hour, be tween 1 and 2 o’clock. It is shame ful. So great has this nuisance be come that Chief tNewman, by direc tion of Alderman VouGlahn, chair man of the Fire Committee, will close the boxes and leave the keys i with the nearest householders. Who says this hasn’t been a cold day? At 8 o’clock this morning the thermometer was Sown to24°, which is, we believe, the lowest of the season thus far, and the wind was cavorting around at th - rate of 18 miles an hour, from the northwest. At Hatteras it was 36 miles and the centre of the gale seems to have been there. The temperature at Raleigh stood at 18, 0 at Charleston at 28 and at Norfolk at 20. The Modern Mother. Has found that her little ones are improved more by the pleasant lax ative, Syrup of b igs, when in need of the laxative effect of a gentle remedy than bj' any other, and that it is more acceptable to them. Chil dren enjoy it and it benefits them. The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. For the Men. A special address to men will be delivered by Dr. J. C. Kilgo, presi dent of Trinity College, at the Y. M. C. A. to-morrow afternoon at; 4.45. All men are invited to attend, and a good speech may be expected. Dr. Kilgo, tho’ a young man, is one of the leading educators of the South, and has won an enviable place iu his denomination in this State. He preached two sermons in this city three months ago which were very highly complimented by those who heard them. of her father’s household, and it does seem hard to bow in meek res- Teach us, New Year, to be Free men among the free,— Our only master Duty; with no G Opposite the Market House. N. B.- -Plenty of BROMO SELTZER to cure that Xmas headache. Open every cay and INDEX TO NE W ADVEHTISEMfiNTH American Tobacco Co W C MUNDS-Garden Seed C D Jaoobs, Agt—Alter the Feast Sunday, too. dec 27 tt That was a regular blizzard Th? Clyde Steamship Ge i cause down on the camp here morning, like a wolf on the fold. hat ■ his New York, Wilmington,N.R .NO Georgetown S. C., Lines, Rev. T. H. Sutton, the new pastor of the Market Street M E. Church, preaches there to-morrow morning and night. We will convince those needing paints, glass, sash, doors and blinds that we are the people ou these goods. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t St. Paul’s Church, Fourth and uige streets, Rev. F. Nt. Skinner, ref-tor. Eerv^ ^ Lu t-uudtiy .aftor Curismas, at il a. m. a id 4 p., m; Sunday school at 3 3J ■ >- m. All seats free Matthew’ ling ser ] School cd 1 ignatfon before so severe a chastise- Save Oue-our Maker-monarchs or 1 went. But those who. are bereft are of; sterner mould than this; they are not of those who hope without hope for they can see through faith “a more excellent way” and they will look towards*the stars to commune with the soul of the loved and the lost. Less than three weeks ago she wan tbs beautiful, brightand happy maid of honor at the wedding of a near relative and friend at St. James’ Church aud as she moved up ths broad, aisle alone in all of the glory of her fair young woman hood all eyes dwelt upon her in lov ing admiration. Not one of those who saw her thought for one mo merit that the next time she entered, the doors of the sacred edifice it would be cn the, way to her last long home. And just one year ago to-day she stood with streaming eyes by the bier of one of her girlhood’s friends, Mise Etuel Myers, who was on that day L'h away Io rent hen^ath Oak dale’s peaceful and hallowed shades. The funeral services will take place at St. James’ Church at 3 o’clock to-morrow afternoon and the interment will be in.Oakdale. Synopsis of the Weasner. The following is a synopsis weather for the 24 hours ending . eight o’clock to-day, prepared by the U. S. Weather Bureau: The pressure has increased more or less all over the country, except in the extreme west and northwest where it has been diminished slight ly. The high area in the northwest yesterday morning has moved south- east, and this morning covers al most the whole of the map, but is central chiefly in Missouri, Arkan sas and Oklahoma; the storm in the northeast nas moved slightly north- the sod ! Teach us. With all its light- Its day, its night, Its heart-beats tremulous; Its grief, its gloom. Its beauty and its bloom, God made the world, for us! O New Year ! may thy feet, Shod with the sunlight, make th? field aud street Blush with undying flowers : Make musical the hours That lead as to the Silence that if sweet With violet dreams And immemorial gleams Of palaces-and places Where on unshadowed faces The Light Eternal screams! We yield ourselves to thee, New Year, for life, for love, for lip* erty ! • Masters and slaves— Winners of glory aud the grass oi Temper the storm-winds where our steps must be! Reign thou as by God’s grace, New Year, for all the race, Until-trie journey ended, Crowned of the starlight sqlendto. Wo meet-Him face .o face 1 Meteorological. The monthly meteorological sum mary issued from the Wilmington station of the WeatherBureau . ives the following data for December: The mean temperature was 49 de grees; highest, 75 degrees ou the 2(1; lowest. 23 degrees, ou the 14th. The mean temperature for the month for 25 years is 48 degrees. The ac cumulated deficiency of daily tem perature from January 1st to De cember 31st, 1895, was 501 degrees. The prevailing direction of the wind was northwest; maxim 11 ve locity 48 miles an hour on the 30th. The total rainfall was 1.40 inches; average precipitation for rhe month for 25 years, 2.98 inches; accure ulat- ed deficiency in precipitation since eastward, and another low area is January 1st, 1895, 10.54 inches. ish Lutheran h street,above Bladen, H-nheim, D. D. pastdr. o’clock; Sunday Seats free and. at Fifth Street Methodist to-morrow as follows: ■'tll a. Ri. by the pestor, j. Cunhiggim, and at 7:45 by Rev h orro . a men id. her- School at the congr Baptist Oliver, pastor, at 11 a. in. anc mmauY Bethel toy m., conducted by :ael. All seafaring • oAtlially invited to f rmon and Holy a. iu. Sunday . At 7 .30 p. I1K »? St. James, St. St. John’s In corner Fifth Rev. Will. B. tn.; Sunday All welcome. Seats, free. Grace Mei iiodist E.Church, South, .Norineast irner of Mulberry and Fourth st; :s, Rev. R. A. Willis, a. 111. andJ -JD p. th. Young people’s experience meeting at. 10.15 a. m. in 1 he 1 c :re e room. Sunday School at 3.30 p. m.. Weekly prayer meet ing and lecture Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock. Strangers and visitors are cordially invited to attend. There will be preaching at the First Baptist Church, corner Fifth and Cample 11 streets, to-morrow at 11 a. in.; lire Lord’s Supper at 3 p. m.; preaching re 7.30 p. !!.;Sabbath School at 1 p. in. Strangers and friends welcome. Joseph Spells, pas- tor. iron '‘Majestic” Steel; Range has dvantages over old style cast ucles. Will save its cost in i\. NSW YORK FOR WILMINGTON. Rev. Dr. Kilgo, President of Trim, ity College, Durham, N. C., will preach at Grace M. E. Church to morrow morning and the pastor, Rev. R. A. Willis, at night. For the Superior Court. The following jurors have been drawn for the January term of the Superior Court of New Hanover county, which convenes in this city Monday, 20th inst: First Week—James E. Hail, W. J. King, J. M. Woolard, W. T. Rogers, Jerry Hand, B. F. Keith, J. R. Smith, G. E. Leftwich, W. N. Cron- ly, H. A. J. Skipper, W. G. Herring, N. N. King, John N. Burnett, John H. Rehder, W. G. Farmer, N. E. Bunting, J. T. McCumber, W B. Canady, J. Allen Taylor,C. J. Kline, H. O. McAuther, D. J. Morgan, E. T. Coghill, Joe Venus, P. V. Alder man, J. M. Turner, Robert W. Rich ardson, W. P Mallett. Virginius Hall, E. E. Parker, Julius Sternber- ger, T. R. Post, James W. Jackson, GEO. W. CLYDE ChOATAN Saturday, Jan 4 .Saturday, Jan 11 WILMINGTON FOB NEW YORK. EROATAN GEO. W. CLYDE. iaturday, Jan 4 Saturday, J »n 11 ! John E. Albright, W. E. Yopp,E. H. We have the largest stock and j javi8# most complete assortment of stoves. Second Week -John Sheehan, J. in the State and are in position tplp Jones, W. J. King, William WiL meet any and all competition. Get' on Hopwood G. Smith, L. H. Brit- the best, at lowest prices, from N. j tain , w 3 M . Koch, J. C. Spring- Jacobi Hdw, Co. T i er, John J. Forrest, Walter Small. GEO. W. CLYDE CROAT.- N FOK GEORGETOWN, K t. 1 Tuesday, Jan 7 Tuesday, Jan 11 Through Bilks Lading and Lowest Through Kates guaranteed to . .nd from points In North ar.d South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to a G. SMALLEONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N > THEG. A EGER. Traffic Manager. Nev York WM. I' or. ID’S & co., Gen’i Agents. 5 S5w'.lnp Green. New York Mr. Henry Oldenbuttel,son of Capt. John Gt. Oldenbuttel, is about to embark in business for himself. He has bought the stock and good-will of Mr. John Bremer, corper of Ann and Front streets, and is now en ¬ bones, M. A. Harries, Qeorge Garre zer, D. S. Weeks, O. P. Batten, A. E. Carter, Joseph F. Everitt, L. H. Kelly, John L. Callihan, Qacklen’e Arnica waiw®. The best Salve in tire world fox j^EA -VAI.- From and after this date I will have my residence at the J^WQOLVIN dec 23 Im Undertaker and Embalmer, Cute, Bruises. Bores. Ulcers, Bait gaged in repairing and refitting the Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter. Chap with’ped Hands. Chilblains, Goras, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It When the hair begins to fall out is guaranteed to give perfect satie- or turn gray, the scalp needs doc- faction, or money rofiiiiaed. Frio*’ tormc, and'we know of no better 25 cents per box. For sale by Ro^- specific than Hall’s Vegetable Sicil- ert R Bellamy, wholesale and retail iap Hair Renewer. druggist. store preparatory to open ing a complete stock of goods. faction, or money refunded. druggist, indicated as approaching from the west, over western Nebraska and Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming. The temperature has fallen decided- Three Fires This Morning. The first alarm was at 2 o’clock. A two-story frame dwelling on See- and b Comp try one yourself N. Jacobi Hdw. , . „ , , , ond, between Hanover and Bruns- ly in all the country from the lakes . , , . .. re i wick, owned by Capt. jack Bissett, to New England and south to cen-i , P r . I caught on the roof. Loss about$10. tra Florida and southern Texas; . . . ... , , i While this was in progress free was the,zero temperature line extends ,■ , - P - „ e , . discovered in the teed room of ri e down into Kentucky this morning, j „ 1 re „ • . , , . , W. H. and L, Co. No. 1. , Loss about and freezing well down in Florida, and almost the, whole Gulf coast, i ’ , T 0 i The third fire was much more y- Ught showers fell on he South Ar •, „ Wal> at; w a|j , eaa>e m lant^eoast, with light enow alonw, the North Atlantic, in the lower: . . , , 3 1 n re Market and Eighth, and is-ahon/iio lake region and the Ohio valley, and in Georgia and Alabama It is ex pected that it will continue fair in this’ vicinity for the next two or three days, at least; it will be colder to-night and to-morrow morning, followed by slowly rising tempera ture about Monday. Forecasts. to have caught from the kitchen ifiue. It was very sudden. Mr. French’s daughter had barely time to escape from her room. The house was damaged probably to tire ex en; of $1,000 and furniture to tire extent of about $400. The loss is coy-r-d | by insurance in companies repre sented by Messrs. Walker Taylor, For North Carolina, fair; colder Atkinson & Son and J. Hal Boat- to-night; warmer in western portion wright. Sunday night; northwesterly winds, becoming variable. Local forecasts, made at this sta tion for the next 8(5 hours from 8 a. m. to-day: Fair; colder; fresh northwest winds, becoming light va. ri’able. DIED. j DAVIS.-On th? morning of the 4th Inst., ■ MARY FOLK DAVIS, daughter of Juntos D»V1S Funeral fr^m St. James’ Church Sunday af ternoon, as 3 o’clock. A January thaw is always more productive of colds and coughs than a January freeze. Then is the time Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is needed and proves so extremely efficacious. Ask your druggist for it, and also for Aver’s Almanac, which is free to all. Stokley’s, AT WBlGHTSVILLF After DAY PRIG BOTTJ Feast MY POST-HOLI ¬ Dents. • 8 .ED PRESERVES AND CANNED GOODS AT PRIME COST. 0. D JACOBS, Agent, No. 217 North Front, near Mulberry, mmrsiouer’s Sale. W ANTED-A man in every section Do sei staple goods to dealers; experience un- I necessary; oest side Dne. $75.00 a month. ■ Salary and expenses or luge commission 1 made. For sealed particulars send stamp. 1 CLIFTON SOAP AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Cincinnati,O. I nor M U wed sat EVERYBODY KNOWS HOW TO FIN’D IT and everybody wants to know that The Nicest Oyster R ^t On the coast may he had there. Oystersfresh from the water and brought in all of the way from Topsail to Myrtle Grove. As many as you can eat, roasted and served, for 25 cts. , jau2tl p>Y VIRTLE OF A DECREE OF, THE SU- pcrlor ( ourt of New Hanover County, made In the cause of Edward Dudley Cowan, et al, : vs. W. D. Cowan, W. T. Compton, et at, pending before the Clerk of said Superior Court the undersigned will expose for sale to the hren- esc bidder, for cash, at the Court House door- or eew Hanover County, on MONDAY, the 211th d v of January, 1891.’, at 12 ’clock At., the to io re ng oeseribed tract of laud situate In the count', or N' w Hanover, to wit: Beginning re the southeast corner ot the 1 oor nouse tract, on Smith’s Creek, and run- nin3 ttence along the east line o' said tract north 45 deg east 2/20 feet to a trine marked N. 1. c.. thence with said line north 45 deg. west 1,U5 feet to a stone marked N. EI. C thence north 37 deg. 15 min. east 775 teet t o the corner of Garrcii’s land, t hence with said Garreirs line north >4 teg. cast 493 feet to another 0, h's c raers, thence along the line or sain trart north 70 deg. ea 1.254 feet to a pine tree and Ker: Creek,thence 1 dec 19 80d. THOS. c. hei r’s line south ike, tnence south or near smith’s. nvwph the Creek • ’''■re ij uh acres. ■hTL HENNY, commissioner.