' - 1 t ; v f V .1 14 VI 4 11 .1 .7 v If J l 4 , i:4 it 71 W , I- J 5 r:;) Wat. JH. BKBNABD, I " . . ,.. i V Editors. CICERO W. IIABRIS, ) WIZMINGTX) N. C.: SATUiDAT.Mo?Nov. 22, 1873. 1, t,,ji9.ifiai,,;wagd Agents, Baltimore, are sole agents for Tarn Hoams street ..... .l....v.-.U: ...;--..'. - CONVICTON-F TWEED. ,The conyiction aJNow York j ary of Wliiitwa rL Tweed for the" " crime of breach ' of 'official trust U ; a V. mitteril.for .Htuverfial gratulatkm." That acta such as Fweecl and his ring committed should have teen ipleratea sa long'fc isgrac jtaihe Judiciary " and pwpfe ofLfehlit jus tice ,Qud.h4te been' sdWatory i& metiflg oitt pumshnrent ; after every feasoaabja-idoubt of hir: fiuilf had been, dissipated., is .additional, shame. '-BptfWpW2i tfcat cityiilnsstitates the' BOToid' 3iinibetter:Jate than v neyer.- A 45.?Toahd' ; honest erioaghto charge ajjuty ;;ac ; cording 'tjbjilKas ;! fomidth;,deceyr ;$ggtti Wwg I So the arch corrupter, pf therne c irian fgrewealth, astute, capacity VcHyH tfig prospects jbfja . 7c 9.Mase? ,: that Jtfsigc0 iiV; daes,thi3'tioie,r'and that sentence,will ba pronotnrce4 upon Win. M. Tweed for thef ftdt term hat his-numerons crimarrant: y'cxsL,:.. i s,- r ;t 5S There were two hofidred and - four counts in the indictments wheh he w aairied,, based tupon fifty-five disj 1$ki$tsfe&f -TBfese relate jrppally iprpv. which shou Bjasfc ot- tne mayor. ContrbHerftn PresideatfthBoard of.sdpervisors, of Irwhlch. ?;.Tw354 was one.STAeuties-were not dis-f charged byrtnts rd.-". but - contrajy to law frerer devolved upon others, to thfelscadal fiff the"; board iina the detrmet -pfftgttby'S.:.ra 'w;i A ; ' Tlie downfall bf Wm Ml edis a solemn lesson'' which others would do Mnell 'td heed. We h aye in , the land top, many -corrupt politicians, too many, defaulting; cashiers and .bank 1 presidents; too ;innch dishonesty l6f all kinds. J Let thifr f ate of Tweed,be the fate of ill who pursue thedevious : i .-. . l I . - ' '- -i i ! , Th&t ' Republicaa r papers of t lowa seem 'tb 'ibe reidiced that there are fivpvor six siraight Democrats elected to'the IdwaHduse ot Kepresentatiyes. They, are wire-working to seoure these for their candidate for speaker, think ing by a'POnindnidf eld Repub--canflaiidldtpOcratSPTafef 3thy can defeat the candidate of the new; Jleform - artyi Of thi absurd t-, tempt a local paper sayiw TmaTji a smaUer matter than a party jot Istfch lofty " pretensions" should' stoop to. Of courtoifi wiU Ataotmt td notMig, being abpot twice as Biy,ji8 was the attempt to wheedle thepwffierbo Republican members of the AntifJEaabpeily party int&thed miojfitration(ocus JThjse are butthe spasmodic OTll6ii3iiQ dying lucks of thei rapidly akfas jlecalican mule. Jrt Advices f rom'Oiiforpia are to tie effect that , Senator. Cgserij will be re-elecieJ! j$Mfrfn the Jate3!iecjaSeuWfe3Dftfirly qjtdOdvldOtlT, vtfeV&iff'&cofd on ,t.afoJe people, had annnaidginai 'titi$ one which developed th gYea:er:,sttngjbS thfi memets of the LegislaTure should kivS&l lippovi oiZ$J otlQr; aU4 canvass-eJLtbe members demonstrate 'mote inev an aH at the Maine time. IT The belief is gafiflri ground Hon. R. M. T.HttUCeriwll be elected 01 -ijewisTwJy3Svfj!iv jsxjrtjs huau spring. It sjnotiiara fpfirginiSlPo eentf ji ?.wbrtb and vaWenator to StaatterGerd em1arfdfp:hes8i Lstatesroen, novelist jjthp ;f JLajtsely. Ai$teri&&Si thelidn; " Con' . if JI i JLZ cizes her , criticai tnd Sduth'erh eonducbjtnaa lovely, jandinj correeppudABjc iththe raitloar womanhood of this section. : Her 4 fence is purely verbal,,coneediBg tha main facta aUeaea, and dangerous ascendancy overmen a minds, is bAfiiAo-face, unexpect- t o-brcachTOrtrn st-int he aimiti n g of certain ccranaccouiitsT " 'The Legis? thaM&i ETy tohrfie vil ijftke PERSONA.LITIES AND GENERAL 1TIES. . Hon. JeffersorfiDaviseturiediLlore are coming says the k to Memphis. :K V ii Pennsylvania votes on the pro posed new ConsiiintteTroA .-thff16tlT of December. Major General AV.- S.- Hanoock and 5f amily:wiil wintrf W the St. 6udHotel; NeV Tory 1 ' ThTbrbthersiq ISroofeiynSvitt lead three- Bisters to'tbd" altar, on th samenightinpecenijb . '(i cinnati touncu tnat radlaiigh is $ boru orator,' and has hot hisqua in England. .: Hi'? .'i f,tV0.T:s-;..TJi:;T The: daughter 6f eniitor; CJarl Schurz is to be- taarned' to Mr. Boker of Bavaria; :iThe ceremony wjll take Item in an invoice of fashion able New York furniture: ff ElesanK ly upholstered .! kneelfagiiienfeher f qr.; the weaTy and heavy Jaded." ' ' - f1! - ! une oia womaa is tne soie isur-, viyor of , the church jjof J,he famoust Joanna Southcott, which i.ppce. num bered - one hundred ; thousand'nieia- . : The charge for registering dd- : tn fes tic letters Is to be reduced. Hither January ist,feight entsToniy:cwill!be4. to it nas ueyu wiieea ceaL8i juut. aiier Charged uJf Iwl 3J Victor Enmnuel Avears aTnous- tahe !sot long cthat,;sb;j)ridt fioati back'like thewving' tpc M young girL nis.bard also reaches to his breast. .'-ttt-vMrt't -Henry Clews' the well- Known anKer,"wiU'; do inarriea iij a ;uiece ot tLoa.-:,tv iiuam.; j.; ,peiKQap, secretary of W ar. if-r;Hemarks the N. -Y A Bulletin; Fromj- almost e very f ' '' quarts i conjes Some : cheering ;a.i;J,'p:wo'MiJp8 now to nave passed, ana improvemen seems to have set in. PALMETTO WEAVES. f. ffMii'Mt ;- ":o si,: ?.f l it" fa . . Mr. F. K. Hugexq4ias beehiap pointed ;, General Superintendent of the iortheastern xtauroapUompany. Charleston JSexos and Goir.er,savs 13 colored men were drowned at Coosa w jLuesuay iiigut. rg-ii nyr-n ll .Th'g jy$wd : and1 Cfoerlsai there is'rio such Charleston. piip. ' says as the Heprietta. rsaid to .have Jbeeri ITT t Ir o ' rTt Thanix? IdVlEdward Whi&i of Uolumbia. was accidentally drown-; ed l n the uon garee : ri ver, ? about ten mjle help w sthe. pity oq (Monday af- ierupon.. r - i. - : r , 1; ;The report of jthe State - Treas urer for the fiscal year endingOctober 31, 1873, has been 'snbniltted to the Jjegislature. It., showsrthat 'the- re eipts and payments during the year wertf i as follows i Iteceipts; ; 91,719,- 72. 37; payments, 5 17 17,31 Si 60 The treasurer says1, . thai" the Legislature autnonzea toe payment or z,4ib,372 aunpgthe year,: , and the Treasurer vu1j i.cw71.vvt4! fi, i9,(o. .r::iuerB us, therefore, a long list of- deficiencies, which amount to $540,328 00. r Comptrollers reprt raake? the taxable property : the!State" V.tf Al lows: Personal .property, .5096, 946 22realxdperty;$h,3r84114(r45 ; total, ?$m,481,092, 6 enough, says 4he -'Jffews and? Gourier. he paakes the fur titers, statementtbat the deductions and abatements for errors arid iefrPneous' assSssmefl'tkwfll rBuuceijie auovp amount tcu.aoout rdad.Thef e1 cannot' be? errors abatements to the amoupt of on tenth of the whole of the prdperty returned to taxation.56 THE CUBAN INDIGNA.TIPN MEKT- SpeecM'-'oir Honl'S.' Si" Cox la MutemmrT. 1' YorkMondayhiffhtamowthepeak era was oen(p. p.xvoxj wuoajaisi f EveW tf8el undef'uf jM.cdrpmo.ni'r of p ther. natiosst ; jlt i;ia..lthe prides of the Araeriban pporitoliive fyaTS been th'advkrice-rid'w'er of tbetworld IwlmaMt<tiiiigl their- (rights11 Pn ""the wgior tree, seaa,. vv ashuigton and Jefferson 1. anal vied: Sand expounded that right,rand Moftfde add' Jeflrsoir ?P vTOHt1 b&Q&WkJfM era nieUi.'carga.aud everytli,iiigi olboaixl;' Aiui that tabfisht Aiaplied;lto, the Virgmins1 2W'tierr aIatTalf Caslelarr.'orra mpo&rhy-pf sCarlosJ seizes,- a ship oi ; r protected ad take Aarevkiaii'blvizeis i'ttteHKriwni of,yatoo;wAib j anjands.t.'rdressy (Lpphvise. a ;Xf i he correct TeaoBing be contrary tffUbis tln-dgjbti ITortsjid jseizeafnd MH them' Now 10ajgpXj!iDmO' cratic ground Tbere 'U Wisher thj.njbatf it is at the v?eakeatj4disofganized natib.hs 'ahflpedples mut be. Absorbed. ior a monarchy; whether ruled. Dy a astelar oiitaWeI,SlFrevocable Jajryryf3Tr3er hdrtereilsTeTsafferiBgs, ana her history, to thtiflaief dbd more illus trJiouSjate. t i pr protection, and contentment. and : advancement. s under this Jaw nations, ike mi Bre-maWe t.vo high1 seas? K,isefliarfiih ranklra. rnacre tne hhethmi4M.?uyitii fence, might plrMiens alleged Aoier- render, totbosey of rsuperiorp cijfuiz Itidh andp'c v. jyhp lit ofto f. whether she" bev a republic tiENEKIL PRESS DISCUSSION. : . Iiemesof Current nerets A TheuDoctore are cominsr savs th - L:"w'fr -WJA .oppl thus Various classes of people appear Xo be iQpkw'gf orward to ihe approach ing session of Uongress, as ; to some thing that is somehow, to deliver them f ro m the h ardships jan der'whicK"thev; are .severally 6ppje4 h Khlor. ThW' J i -IT ' i i tion at its hands as will, by some luyBierioup, prytcco;uve ,uof v , f pv, me mills" iapd njapuutdneSilos motion." The busy brain of General 'iButler is said to-be hatching Wpl&p f of infiat- irigthe currency, whjch ..will put into ;the,,hands. ofn tjie ' . mechanics : and laborers. Government " promises- to pay n'of small denomination,:- 'wbpre- by "ithe r?i toiling ? mUliPnwhoe upon; tpjhelptiliipa i toqja . future Presidential'jii- nomination--will 'be toade happy and comfortable, Other ess., wiifhayei tbeirt littiaii pan aceas for thee panic also in the shape of 'Employment on thW public ; works" amerf dim3ht4 bf the1.' Bankl,pt?.c!t' iiuii eyerytuiug , or anything: eise ;tna;t imay,.vBttgge8t itself rto.ith average' demagogue. rothers agaitf will:i be mountirisr' the Cuba"' hobble ?s6' that 'ujPMy4V jbu' JiitJe: is. rise4 ;. w; preaipting ?nat. nearly au the petitidns. i'hnd memorials, - and joinresbltftton'as well as the "eloj quettt' speecnes," will turn on that topic. "Buncombe" will be the order of thevday;: As. a Congress moved by impulses. like '.thee & is more-: likely w aggravate - exiswng ;vns tnan ; 10 Miee-thmV tpotf prwad' to.'; its 'asieiblBtig. wfth',, fVeling.pf no-;littlP apprehenfiionj. . : v i -L i.- :-r ..-.d . i The Richmond dfcquireti old ''and bdndred organ; bf the Virhji Dptiio- yu.u jtsytufi wuqiu ;( unugi iujj orta and .-. South . together: in closer f ra- -ternizatiois than, tfrerer has 'been with reacK .'dthe'r H-JQo&f ederatean d Federal soldiers who fought On their separate sides as - beroes ', with their heatte itf thWsirif fighe.'dlDiiude.' vieius: in a ge.uesoun rivajryi rf oriathe meed i of patriotic devotion and sectional and perspnal Vatdri1 Ttoirtf.'' some Ipprtherif 1 V extremists, '.?. we . "know. w$9a . wbuld Arbe ; pleased ' still : to be fallowed toiregardt: all r rebels a'spxjutsid6that pale bfj patriot-! isni ithlu which ,yeryejatfxii ken, has ; equai righfc . -claim an equal places Whthpr;h&f Was "for the Union or against it during the con flict that haspassed'and passed for ever. Ana uiere;i aref , poutnern ex trenwsts, 7.too, j wetakibw f.who care little for the flag to -which they owe obligation udhchosroteXIn' to them- ;But such ,miea iu both1 sec- Ltionsi, we trust, are.f ew, and in a war with bpain.on account of the seizure of the Virmnius and' the 1 murder5 df Capt. -Fry and his' passengers ,and crew, the "bouth, -would show, to the .North, as we hope the jNorth . would show;to the. South, that we hayp a Commott eonntry and 'that aU mdn! in all parts of it are jealous of its honor aud zealous In defence, of its rights.!! From his late f letter the .Chicago TVibune says it appears jthat Dr. Cum mins proposes to contipue tfce office and exercise the f unctions of a Bishop of ho Protectant Episcopal Church, bat he intends' to d--so outside of thachursh. He;kows pepfctly -prpyidoif or .tiis deppsUion f rooiv the office of Bishopftibut 1 he evidently is prepared tb-maiBeaift 'his pfficd with .dirt. ahy'rer 'ihe chufch. may. taein hip pase.fi Iu other words,! Dr.; iCumrninA - proposes ito be BishopTof a new churpn,-1-and, for'thp prer'sol wA?d therptestaint EpisoopaLchurch tho same abataddpted in Germany by DKReikeni,-iyp is sdle Bishop .TSates propdjSfe Jo : divide 3woQ churches from which they separate Both are Bishops,l-tble to exhibit an1 'Apostol ical succession in their consecration, apd bothr plaim i '61 epresejf thef gen- iiii'DecVfchof': ?f:!R" fcB ding f d !Sumner4s !pUcd"','let- ier" i,'4hei Cubanomeetingri incKew orfc the Baltimore watMte observes : Knbwlnthat ' ddr djist;0that,:an: Americans.iresseljhas been j imptured pn J the highs Beas iff thne of peaeej!arid fAtrfericaX PitkeriS triitaljy; we have' n'o cause .ripiiuia'-aifr oqrfW.ligeri;lt)jjiai-HtitjX3s?: are jail wr6gV dJ thstfn wif r 'WatPblydrds ojirgli t?o'U JenSattwjyjffijn Of the u - republic; and .hivpf ;tti)d t gcatitudeti to EmiliO GastefarL'' yAiid the man whto' gives this cold-blbdded' cdunsel ' bais a 8eatmthSenaofthe United StatAniajiJTeputtfbelpg leaftikf ih1 tttePh4rt6Sil ta wt " at The Methodists: Tha Methodists Gejoerajr Missionary : CommiUee.;5mtiuewPrk-,OUi !2ay!iP3 wtfa me pm ' prUtbns The .totaU- .thuS; fafrifUh: $842;i 6o,TTgai list $6 8( ,0Olat:; .yearij jYoted::difoa0Mafe telQQi, Among the flaidoellaneouB appropria tions were $25,000 for the eontingent f Undvfornext yeai; $20000 for inci dental expense ?0,000 for office ex penses, and $18,000 fttttrt&&itijiP ous'distributidft''of vih4 Missionary : tv: jCanadlanaComHiK. Ridgeway. : We are ipbrmSd!b Hi i? Wis Buljv a?Canadiafa, Hhat1 even iaTtnnave:ee wia .arotiuai mat. ptidd withinJ,hels KfiPUBLICAN WniTU TEBBOR Fjsures of be Flpal KesB-in lpw. Wlopy f roli aesteri pa4f Wk 1 xDe,yoie ej xowa roroyemor aot IieuteuanfGoveruojf is !t&;- b can ylwsedHbylthe Legf slaturff "f elects in January, and the character of the re turus is not known beypod . an . unof ficial statenjent-that , Gov. Carpenter mftidrityisi 'aboui flOOO. The. te- turBS- for Superintndeof-Pubiio-Instruction and for Judg f jthe Su preme Court havei bee pffiqially can vassed by the Governor qnd others composing the Executive Council, and the whPle vote is 188,375, against 177,098 for Governor ;in 1871, and 204,748 for President, last year. The figures. are as follows; -. ; ; , , ...p . ,; , ,. , Rep. Oppo. Bep. maj i87l. Governbr.. 108.801 67,547 , ,41,254 187.' Preidehtl31,173" 71,134 ,iJ 60,039 1873. Judge. .,r;lu6,367- '81,536 ' 24,731 X873. Sup't..r,..lQ5,m 8?,253 , y 23,718 It should, bg remarked ,that the ,pp positidn totals for "Judge nd Siiper intendent, this year, contain, many thousand votes intended 'for Ilalland Priudle,' but misdirected' itt' the ini- ' tials or spelling of namesJ1' Thus 22,- 000 votes intended for D.tW. Prindail 1 were returned f oruPringlei and Pnn- dall, with various initials.. :l he. like errors will, doubtyless, be fouud in re turns for. Governor and Lieutenant Governor. . The candidates ; on the Aiiti-Monopoly State ticke.t havipg had nd hopes of electioud dffo.rt was made to secure udrfdrmity in the bal-lotSj-Bitfch less for a general distribu tion, of them. - iThe large vot6 polled, aud the largely; reduced Republican majority, are, .therefore all the more surprising; and, taken, with faot that the Opposition elected, a majority of all the local tickets,' the Radical ring masters' may well be' warn ed that they are' now boasting df Iowa1' f 6i the last! time." ' There nd longer Ex ists a 60,000 or even a! 20,000. Re publican majority as ah abfetradt-teiM L ror, -and next year's i canvass by Con- rictsn.n show jt. oil i'.i - n-y,;; . ' . i.nst TtUwit Saharoa Sea. , TBaltimom Hflzpttfi 1 ' Vital". ;iiieVSftt ; Wilmington, North Carolina, , has a ; very peculiar tneory. concerning jtne eitect ot drain ing theediterrauen into the Great Desert' Pf Sahara and creating there an lnterioV sda. The5 ultimate effect uppn the' climate:of ' Europe is what puzzles Mr.jt Tallichet. 1 Will it' pre vent the -African simoon? ""Arid if it does, will Switzerland and Italy grad ually freeze up? f Will it be good-bye to. the '--balmy breezes of Naples and Ihe open-air recreations cof Florence? For;the. sirocco from the African-desert is the chief agent in reducing the Alpine glaciers. AVould tlie simoon stiUVreach ,, the Alps? And if it did. .would not its heat be so reduced as td have little effect upon the masses of ice there acqumulatejd2. When the Desert , of, Saharawas. 4 Auland .ea, in ages Jong gone"fcyV, this portiprv of Europe was, according to,, Professor Agassiz, cdyered deep ?in icy.pall.?' What is to prevent u what pnee topk )lace taking place again, 'under simi ardrcurjastancesf ; f ., '" ' ' A Ghastly Custom. More than twenty ' years ago a party of thirteen' friends, among whom were Alfred de MuBset, Theo- Ehile Gautier, and the Count de Fle ac, sat at dijffieriu,,one of the lead ing Parisian jestaurapts. vt was re solved to" dine together every year in the same restaurant on the anniver sary -of th,first ibatittetJi:dhd' that -whte toner of the party 'was "wanting to reserve a vacant; place for his spirit at the festive board. , In: the follow ing .year.eleyeu met,,!then ten, and threi;year8u,(latei;Vbut seven ...of? ,the companions' were left. if In te course of the .present year ihe list bu one the Count de'ajvigny, , hao! ."died;. The sole suiyor,4 iE'e painter llu belles, npejgty;fpryears of age, true ip the agreement, dined in soli tary state, with $e twelyaother spats .unfilled,, not long since on the day.ap- pointed-a, ;ti ictni 1 tcnlao. .'.Kit Zi&li -itii'-HVpfl i ,l-t3l3ib aliU tO- b9?VTlil ') 'id! H rpHB SKNTINEi; UAS VXCSStETi TJNPSRi il gone disnges and toprorejaenta which jaaks It om of the bestaewsspen ot the State, n4 eircnlstes in every portion of. the State is second to none a n sdverfldns dlatn. Price $8; "; " - 8EMI-WK&BXY SBSXINSU-The Seml-WeeUy SenOnells naqnestioiisblj the cheapest and best paper of the kind in the State.. -Price 5. ' THE WEEKLY SENTUSTBll-The Weelsry Sen tinel ta among the largest papers i in Uhe; tttate, and cootauiii;roma6 to30 cofoine of - choice teadiiie mat ter, inclading the latent . telegraphic news from, all parts of the world.' '-For the present' ridaver? Ueroeuts-wili lxa received for this edition, " PrfcM ctf subscription.. fc3 U advance. iuddrese 'iiio-i" "So SENTINEL PUB. CO!MA.X,: a :l! iAv Ji$ Sih5& io .nnvrf ftiA Dry" 'iAtateti'' and-' 1mok. kMme&tf 8hotlderaDd Sides iUHorMieed and -Boxes. 7-' l!t J9ured Hea and Breast OTTDITT 11m TW ITTVDnDQ . im mrma 1 rr n . . ; i . . . Hi ta,"l to J so STLASS SALOONJSTEATI.Y TfTTTirnJ tain Best inr liih ndAiuiiiiuiLiuii u ihh rniniift. cvin. tatnsaDneseieetea.sToK or lagHors,: cigars; e. Best Philadelphia, tiw aa2 WyII5d; !Djjtaw wlihjoX :eTitb guar. apteed. Call aj i1 ffU'L,)!-'V? vruusn.w uAAjs rropnetors. g.l'l',.JJ.LliJ "I'ljT ll iL. ,,K V SPECIAL NOTICES. il PRATT'S ASTRALrOIL lbeolVtel;We.f Perfectly odorla.i AIwky8uni in Mv lamp wiuiuiifa tuui$or ui c&piuaipg &f laKlJiJ Art -t Msnnfactared expressly to displace Umi use . " . T f- ; j ui ura vnlfffllA Ann fluitmMmi rklta If aafaj-i. nns. "w w...i.bv-". illlUOl CTCll poesiWe teet, antttts-pewect burning iqnalittSB,are" fiuTm uj iub wuuuucu iu iii uiu ouu,wuu jamuies. Millions of gallons have been sold and no accident directly or indirectly -has ever occurred from burning, Btorinr or handling it ThejinaieaseyeaillosaofifeaBd property, re spiting from ta$oee eheapfaqd dangerous oils in the Unitea States, is appalling. ; Che Tnsni aapa Oempeiiles sad-Wre-OuuiralsBlwu era throughout the country recommend the ASTRAL as the beBt tafttfuerd heai iataps itre used. Send' AVI U1VU1IU. For sale at retail by the trade eenerally. and at wholeBAler by he proprietors, GHA8. PRATT fc CO., . . . T.T xr i 108 Fulton street. New, York. A ' ang u-om uKW . Itlotbera,, mothers ;Ja.otUerm Don't fail to procure MBS. WINSLOW'S SOOTH INQ SYRUP for all diseases incident to the period of teething in children. It relieves the child from pain, cures colic, regulates the bowels, and by giv ing relief and. health to the child, give rest to'the mother. : Be sure and call for 1 .,--. hu "MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP." For sale by all druggists. june84 eod-toi ttt-thur-eatii r ; w.. OBSTACLES TO MAURI AGE., : HAPPY RELIEF FOR YOUNG MEN .FROM the effecta pf Krrors asd Abases in esrly life; Man hood Restored, impediments to Marriage Removed. New method Of treatment New and; remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars sent free, in Bealed envelopes. -' Address, HOWARD 'ASSOCIATION. No. S booth Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa aa.in stltutlon having a high reputation for honorable conduct and professional sltUi . i. oct 2ft-8m ;BUSINE CARDS.. A. ASBIAir. H. VOIXXBS. AD HI AN A? VOLLERS, ' ' - ' ' ' , Corner pront and 1m1c 8ta, . . VIliMINOTON, N. C. XTB0i3AjUS GROCERS . VV . . LMi i " IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. . Country merchants will do well by caUing-on us and examining our stock. ' ' nov l-tf B. F. MITCHELL. Ac SOJV, COMMISSION ' MERCHANTS ,: -,i ' I ' -: r. i And Dealers in , . , ' Grain, Flour, Hay, and aleo Fresh Ground Meal, Pearl Uomlnjr a..fto. 11 1. .-.Hj Ortt.' f i. Nob. 9 and 10 Water st, Wilmington, N. C. I 1 ' Proprietors of the Merchant's Flouring Mills. ,. nOT26-tf, , . ' r,;-n: Tr,:- i-. t! THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT .i .' ij'-Tj,T..-"--i: - OF 1 In the State, -AND THE BEST ": , G-ODS, Foi the lieast Illoiiey, AT A. D BROWN'S, . ''" Exchange Corner. -' To better accommodate my customers. I have se cured the services, of MONSIEUR DELHOMES who Is a Practical Hair Worker and Hair Dresser.-novfr-tf " A. D. B. ;Tha0Ms1i8ii; Graces. S ANEW $5 PICTURE OF SUSP ASSINQ GRACE and beauty given away to each subscriber to . ARTHtJE'S HOME MAGAZINE Tar 1813. J1A magazine for cultured' homes; a magazine al ways up to the advancing thought,- social progresa and spirit of the times a magazine in, -which the Hrhtat literature of the -period Is made the vehicle of pure and noble aentfment. '.MxBBifn.w i yi'i jJi , : CHRISTIAN - ' HOPB,',-'r:! GKACES' I ' C BT A R 1 1 Y'l' iJ "And now abidcth Faith, Hope and-Charity: tbeselthiee, but the greatest of these is Charity. t ;6d Ilf FOB'ii.so. ': ' V, "' ttl along "&rM Since1 anytlimV lias appearedin ChristiAn art so lovely audi so exquisite in desig and execution as this large and elegant lime and stipple steel ragravirirThe- Christian Jraces.M aUeaibySTinehea, The grouping of the figure is Sraeefol beyond conception;- and the faces of such rare and heavenly beauty, that it seeme as tf the art- hihito naT seen mem m a vision, jsvery suoscn bec toT ABTBVa'g IfLUSTSACXDr JSod HAAArnTB fbf 1373 will .receive a copy of this eplendidtS piotoreiEBn. Price of Home Magazine 60 a year. BubscriberB for ourbeautifninagwijuviso'welt auown ior tne last twenty years, and so great a fa vorite wittltimBecl&o laiaUiffetit miaim wrmren canmake large coraaissipnaJendfor agents' cuv, ndentlal. circular. ( Yen cas hardly -shew "The1 Christian Graces "to any person of taste-, and' Cne reugiuiw iccuiiuB wtuiout, geiana; a suDBcnoer, no iisappointment about prompt delivery of pictures, as we have raade ample 'arrangernents for their rap id production, r j t tr T ARTHUR. St j ' 809 and 811 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. P". Crene, L,indlcr Jk Bentley "'OMP EXT OOltYDALlS, .THE GREAT, VEG- TVR CiTt PfVXI ITa WIT rTTl c wriB.itiiri atthi,, I 1 n lanan L,' : . . . .. 1 1 I - MEDICATED HONKV,TOll;c6uGHSf, COXDS, Bronchitis, CroajLand Uaieases of the Lungs and air passages. - ' """ ' VIEURALGIA SPECIFIC, A CERTAIN, AND 1 ispeedy core for NeUTalgt KhenmatisnVL Ner- V17ABASH VALLBY AG&E.'CtTRKj onUfti'ftorr . viuiiimo. iv wt pnBuve remeey 4or vJuiils, BliiouK Fever, sti& Congestions of Liver and Spleen. Wtl'UOf iin ILLINKRY IN ALL VAMSHBSRtfcErVErM Oct 19-tT T WTxrr'Ctta cnupff A IUNDRESSBoCANnB ft Owt wmte women need, apply, a ndaie-aged in without eneunrbnoaeeev who DI reijufred to her home atthehoteL can oh tain a desirable, tion benttcatiojrafihlB office T51 It Etas iragli Printing and Publishing House. -sr. rs; .0) 4; U 4 Jl. MKecnargeo the laundryypfai - - wuk a siimv ast w j will . rxrsrrn? AwnTf tS' J"VAW11.1 VJH " 1PIEDM0NT & ARLINGTON M . - - 4 .v'- - fiijfe InSxirance Company RTclimond, Virginia. Over lslcfefr Poilaes tsaed. 1 f ' : Annual Income Over 1,600,000 ; Vt--,li,; ' ."T i !-rf Tiis i;.; t Proiressiye ! Prosperous ! Prompt ! Ii!'s i :'T: l- - ,j , , ! it -t ;UT'H'.f !. irt ; SMALL EXPENSES, SMALL LOSSES, SECURE INVESTMENTS, AMPLE RESERVE, ANQ GOOD r SURPLUS! . I i'.rpsUrjU. iii;-- ' Premiums ?a8hV Policies Liberal. .s-;v . j ; . .:vs '(.-Jr.-r. ; -;h.;:p .', Annuaf Hivlsion drsorplui:' ; ATKINSON &MAHNIM,GeiilApiiti i '1 - a Insurance Bodmsi 8'N. Water st ' ; ' , . ! ., )- -i-w i J iit r i. f W. C. Carrington, President; John L. Edwards, Yice President; D. J. Hartaook, Jiecretary ; J. J. Hopkins, Assistant Secretary ; Prof.'El B Smfth,- Actuary; B. C. Hartsook, Cashier. - mar 28-tf IilSTixaiice' Rooms. 927rOOOyOOQ FIK INSUilAN?B jDAP ITAI BPaE:SJSNTI AFTER ; !ic a -FATING BOiSTON XOSSES. 1 " M Queen Iusurknce Co,-of Liverpool and' ! London. Capim.!. .ia.i'.Vij;..uU.:'.i $lu,6tX),0l nnn i North RrfriRh OOmpany, Capital : i i i . 1 . . . . . ld.OCO.OOO Hartford Insuranoe Cdmpany, Capital.. . ; ' 1 2,900,900 National ' Fire' Insoranee Company, of i ." , - HartfoBii Capital.. ...... .; .'. : . .v;: t ' ed6,000 Continental Insurance Company,; of New ' York, Capital 1 !. . . . .... A..,. 2,900,000 Phoenix InsuranceCpmpany,of Brooklyn, ' - Capital. ...... . ..,. .. .. .. ... . .... 100,000 - VirgiBia: Home Insurance Company, of Richmonrtj Capital..., it.t ;i 600,000 " MAKtNEr-The old Mercantile Mutual of Now Yorkij: y ;. iiiiiwiiuv v....-.-- i 'HFB-rhe Cionnecclttt ifttfual of' Hartfordl "" ATKINSON A MANNING. ' nov2a-tf General Agents. J MCOUBAGE ' : " ' . " i 5..1 HOME ; INSTITUTIONS J II03IE nVSUKAJVCK CfOMPAXY, n v J ; RATjKTfin ; J '" ' '.:!f , , j"; .TTT-.. ':,, ' ; This Company continues to write Policies,, at fair rates, on all classes of insurable property. " All losses are promptly- adjusted and paid. The "HOME" is rapidly growing in public favor, and appeals,' with confidence, to Insurers of property la North Carolina ; &7 Agents In all parts of the State, i R H. BATTLE, Jr., President ' i ' ' - CB. ROOT, Vice President BEATON GALES, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. . - - Wilmington; N. C. JdlSCEIJUANEOUS. . .;. ; J. & H f AMSON , . ; ' . . . t. TBG LEAVETO ANJfOtlNCE TO THE LADIES jl,uuu their s Pall and Winter? Stock Is now complete in all its branches. Our patrons . , .will find as. usual the largest .assortment of Front the lowest grade tip to the beeti' with i full uneoi eurexHa : ., . .... t : Pauniers ;; Hair: Gooiis - t ; ' Job;-. eedigJats. ; : !-. . . 'ii, ' m ' ji .. - .', -i j . All at prices to suit the.Omes. . (We have reoeived a small lot of . ',.. Wbkh we can offer muqh betow OR1GMAL, COST. witn strict attention to the wishes of our rmt,raif. we will maintain our leputatloiias the most aecom niodating house in. Wilmington. ihITo.v. ... -.- --. oct 8-tf . loirwi ; -:. i'j K.J a 48 Market street. oiTJ HAS ALWAYS ON, Hi 1 Jw Clie-wlnaf 'J- . . . an AlWflimpor&Dh f :' 'Woi 6-narltet Street!1' " Oct w-ot ; '(r.LA-C'i : ini .va ftTiiu i' onAi.l-i .1. im.sm jr i . c vm,' sj ;aruituueipnia I QOlAnT'QUARTEft'ANrr HALF'"BARRKll8, the city free of chanre. Also. tmniwnAnt. m&A empty kegs . and bottles free of charge, t For.taeJ . . . . , 1. " t . M. .-V.L.CX Jl- DOrted article. ... ' . i geiWainuthweeda'r KbS i amy in ySKhi andSvriiwi.a ff?T; T 1 -Jfi.i dl !.; itiS.-,' -i ii!j ivif v-t ',' ; ! -:t I :.-;r.. . ; THRCTa .AND BARRELS OV : f.-Gr ?-;-i '-,;!vh"i.lJ i WinL-iyl. ,9.1 Af.ni Pif Xlfi j --tif. yiiJ 1'ForalevJol-8ilJ "ia fyi"- . ! W" J " " Bacon ! Bacon j r .iM J Inn S1 ' . nm-r . . tiumj iiiism WTLLARDr BROS,, ., i c (i iMMOTr AsecorsJca iv c: Pirbliahed weeklyT jw-aanam. , . . . , .3t-LioHin, jA'irifvTW',iiic oct9- randJProprtetot 1?RINTD?G- 'AND 'BINDING. sTC STAR 53 STEAM Job Print in g H ouse, BOOK BINDERY AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY WILLIAM H. BERNARD PROPRIETOH, WILMINGTON, N. c. fEONL Y ESTABLISHMENT Df Uiti 81 ATE HAVING ALL THESE ., FACILITIES COMBINED. i " t -it ' THE BEST ASSORTMENT OP T.YJpE. PAPERS, Cards arid Inks. BkiiitEiy WORKMEN .''!. V. IN Evelr Department. ' . ! NOT T II E LOWEST JPBICES, BUT AS LOW PRICES AS... ANY ESTABLISHMENT. FOR THE BEST QUALITY OF .'. .V.ir. ,1 J ii :T;mh Printing, Ruling. . i i.-r.'- - ; -- ; ... - ' ; ' AND - " dote Ho . i J.'"!)-::l s - 1 OP EVEKT ESCKLPTION, " - . if. ; ?u.ea irromptiy. r ' ' ' J ' i "N1 - I - ' - - - - - ' - . : ' i ''W.- 1 -.rMnufm ,uii . v)V j;it i'i -iLij' Ii oil -;itu (,- . ll i i .v ! ' Improved Machmery : fnm i ? v;-- i -;. -'. - - - . !.-)"-;." ' ;. . :- ' i ... - - " ' '' wf' : '! ' y..J. ". i LV! Vhrr trsT;? Tii:i ii -ni siwcn.aniiTivci m -WOilo'i Ulj fcyulMliiii i:tiiti m i I : rU bil In . 1 !Wrajabledt fill order, wlta J-i.M irj ii -j. -.-- s- - 4 nfi- .'-,ij,j ?!i "if ?:ii 11 ' THE VTHOST DISPATCH :'--s