THE IIORIIIIIG STAR. Uf win.- H. BEDHADD. PtJBUSHKD DAILT-SICKPT MONDAYS. t1 1 ; A f' ratk or acMCHOTioM ui abtaxob : Oucyew. (by mU) poatage paid...... .(,.... $100 ssnioiitba. ...... . 4 00 Three montna, -. i. - One month " ..' ' ' 1 00 To City Snbaribra, aeUwred in may part of the not iuthorlaed to collect ft mere than three miBtha I OUTLINES. II. W, Hant, Prestdenl ol the Merchants' I T8baeco Company, of New York and Boalou, was before the Senate finance I committee and spoke in opposition to ; the proposed reduction of tobacco tax. e I The saWommittee of the House Military committee has been instructed to inquire more fully into the reported abuses of the Soldiers' Home at Hampton, Va. - Kelly was before the Potter commHtee; he swore posititely to the forgery of Joffrion'a signature, bat was not so sure about that ofLevisee. Senator Butler, 1 of South Carolina, submitted a resolution to inquire into who was buildins a railroad across the I territory of Arizona. The House, by I a vote of 112 to 15, determined to postpone the Geneva Award bilL ; Senator DaTia, of West Virginia, spoke on his bill to en courage the agricultural interests of the country. A lar$e . 'Boston and two English firms have failed. In Pennsyl vduiaa reprieve from the Governor for Sbarpe and McDonnell was received one minute after the drop had fallen. I The new American " ship, Thomas U. Reed, went asiiore in Fresh Water Bay; three of the crew weie drownea, ana uie vessel was a toiai wreca. new i otk mar .kels: Money 2i3 per cent; cotton dull at 9 5-169 7-16 cts; flour about steady; wheal ic lower; corn withont, decided change; spirits turpentine quiet at 27J cents; rosin firm at fl S7f. ! . . a v "r . a . . Commodore John Guest,! of the He was bom in Mis- Navy, is dead souri. Grant's wallet, daring his foreign junketings, has become leap, it is ai(J, hence his sale of his real estate iu .Washington for $17,500.! Grant may hve to se the day when he will be no ricner man ne was ueiore ne i became President. i j H I n.norai Mi i a h tiiiv Ylwarf rft. J ' " I lusea iooeiaKen 10 me x-resiueni. . , ... . . . . -- - 3 mansion for exhibition, lie swore j lie was a ffood; Democrat and Hates' t was a fraud 'Like Kine Pepin, he f ij iimn i m Hi.ainp iiiil ni ill iir ill. v riiiii. it . r i . r . , a J - I 'liah ! for "Gen. Mite." Six members of the oresent House i l.ovo AiaA Tuin Viii7, m-I defiftteerieave of absence on-aceouni of sickness- vi: Hendeion,:of-Ilii- iiois, and Riddle, of Tennessee, whilst Representative Thornburg, 'of Ten nessee, is very., ill . of pneumonia, it his home. v Ben Butler is greatly provoked be cause Attorney General Devens has paid no attention to his letters con cerning an investigation of the Mas sachusetts bulldozers. . . He is nourish ing Ins wrath, and will open his bat teries on the Department of Justice after a little while. Such is the ru mor. He is straining bis guns and getting bis powder ready. One Kelly was before the Potter committee last week. He swore that . I - --'ex ' V'- , t r the siguatures of Levisee T and Jof- frion to the electoral certificates from I Louisiana were forgeries ' He de-1 clined to to 'tell who did the forging. I He was a clerk in lUB umce ui vue j . t . f m Secretary of State, under Kellogg, j He was allowed to consult his counsel before testifying farther. He . he knows whereof he affirms. It is regarded as certain i - u Wash- ington tba 'there will be no legisla- J!'dL n-L- the countipg of the electoral vote. lhe Houstf committee has agreed to1 1 recommend the Southard i bill. ltd will be recommended that the Senate pass the Edmunds bill. The Wash- ... - . i . mgton correspondent of the Balti more Sun sayst 1 "The Senate Demoeratsdo not rise above party considerations- any more than the benats Republicans, and they are therefore perfectly satisfied to let tbiais take their coarse. A suggestion has been mads that. in thA uhun.. , nt r, I crats. although thev will control both ..'. .I.L.UIC . Ii . , t . .i I branches of the next Concresai mav not find It plaiir sailing i case yf, a close Pre-i eidenual contest, as Vice President WheeH er may assume that be : has the power, as rresiaeni oi tne senate, to open and count uc votes." . 1 j - ) Congressman Steneer is! not con tent to let the backers of St. Martin off.: He is anxious to get John Sher- Zlt . tlJlT it! . '.'i! , nim. John declines the honor. .The vv asrungton correspondent . , of the T: . . . . h ' ttnrC-m, , . . . . ' . ... . J BgQ neaecunef 10 say what wm oe me line of his defence. 5 It is understood jniB wui prove Deyond question thti -..v TTOiuct- u viiierea to mate anotner contradcUouupon payment ofacon "iu;tnavneauemptea to blackmail UH at i . J: yvmwiwwwarri.l ft. b , At, aUBi Liu na unuuiv M3ai tiuty of serving Bummonse. for ReDahrlcAn een instructed to mark them'aol louadr very VNlCUiaT,T t '. --w-?-w-(wwtWT'BHM!S5ictWO .... ' 1 - ' ' ' - ... - - I -ill .1 ' 1 " I - - . . . - . . - i - . ' ' ' ' j i - .j . ' i ? . ... : : ; , 1 1,1 ii i,. i , i n .. . i ,,, i i ,i j n i i 'ib j i ' -. : : 1 '. . . 1 .. i (mi. . . . H i i , ' , , . : y JLlJ -XXIII . N O . 96 . Secretary of War. McCreary . says ... ' X --' V tTta RnvnaMti avmir Vtill ia nnnAnnf Wn , " " . " M J. WI.P?Wt u W?8 H aauiagvou niaw me x reeiueni, wm veto the bill if it should pass the Ho There is bSxi lilte tliagei of its passing the House unless very much amended. THE ! LEGILATURE. i 1 Raleigh News' Report Condensed. 1 SENATE. RalxighJ N: C:: Jan. 13.I1879J V AliO A ICSlUCUt BUUUUUVVU mc IUI- lowing committees: jUn J uaiciary senators xortcn, Soales, Leach, Aayidson, Snow, Hen- derson, Ef win, ! Bynum, 'Everett, Caldwell, Waddell and Waldo. i Senate Branch of Joint Committee on Public Printing Senators Nich olson, Henderson, Alexander,vt3now White. - :' --"i ' a. ' " Enrolled Bills Senators WiuldelL Move, Merritt, Mathesoo ' "Heyle. Brown and Holleman. 1 ? . I On Engrossed Bills Senators Shackelford, Nicholson, King, Red wine. Stewart. Ward and, Bull. t On Internal ImprovemedtsfSena- tors Robinson, Leach, Davrdson,Res- pass, Dortuh, Eaves and Eppa. i - Un rnvilege8 and Elections bena- tors Bynum. Harris. , Respass. Mc- Earchan, Taylbr,' "Black -and Dancy. On Finance benators Henderson, Graham of Lincoln, D Hard, Bryan ? ?en,dS E W VVh ndrGr ham of Montgomery. ; Ou Hdncation benators Scales, On Military Affairs -Senators Wil- liamson, Waldo, Austin, Bryan of Pede Ho?Je ret and g0" (jaldwell, Bledsoe Xyon, 'Mitchell, Krvan of Fender and lioss. . On " Insane ' Asytam Senalora Leaob, Bynum, King, lied wine, Wu liamson, .wnite, ana vvara. r A.inn. rn. n..i. T),.k mA Blind - Senators Erwiri, Austin, Har . ; aoTIUlU IVI uuiw hum rigBj Bledsoe, Matheson, Alston and Ormond. Un uorporations-enatorsvmy m BVUi 'ff aiuu, uyufli J-uuuuiouu, iuu - - Karhm Ravpa anri N.nna f On Penal Institutions benators y rLGraham of Lincoln, Dillard, Bryan ef Duplin, Alexander, Mebane, lioss apa rioiiemao. PETITIONS. Bv Mr. MoEachan, a petition from citizens of Columbus county concern irie pensioning wounded soldiers. I Calendar, and referred to Judiciary committee , 1 '.v;31"1 n . By Mr. Graham, a joint resQlulion requiring the Slate Geologist to make a report, uaienaar, i i By Mr., Graham, of Lincoln. a bill to De entiuea an act regulating sala ries and fees. The 1)111 provides that the salary of the,1 Governor, shall be $3000, with a private Secretary at $500 and fees, .Treasurer $2750, with a clerk , & m&l'M 'c- officio Treasurer of the board of 1 charitable ' and' penal 'institu tions. Secretary of State $1000 and fees not to exceed $1000, all fees in excess of $1000 to be paid into the Treasury Auditor. $1560. Attor- 1 V AayMrv 3 n?y enera , ouu ana lees as amr- I ney uenerai. ana 9iuuo , as rteponer V-J a o Tnhlin Tn.tmntmn ftifino. Superior Court,!il2000. iXibrarian, Keeper of Capitol, $500. AJivaiu vt vvuuvj vviai kx looivuvi a 1U AAnntv sa-m m i coiAn vra ei conn, - ,fi, Mon(iv in Maroh, 1879, and every year there- after, to fix compensation of clerks,' ft . : 'aL ! JJj ill. i. xvespaBB, a um iu pruviuu tor tne reaempuon 01 real estate scild under exBCuiidn liens and mort- gages, allowing two, years for the re-, demption of' the same. Calendar,' and referred to the Jndiciarv .com- L iR m, won,iaMnn . afti.; i. stracting the Joint' 'committee, on 'public printing not to make a eon: tract for tbe pnbM 'printing without tne concurrence or ootn - Drancnes 01 the General Assembly. - The "rules Were suspended 'ad the resotation. passed its several jreadmgs. - i Bv Mr. Lortch. arretolaUonrot in struction to tne committee onwInter- nal ImprovementaittJ regard tonsil rOads was taken: np, And . passed its several reauinga. - to - TTwn. mMinn -Af':!Hf ' ' f3i'Tl arrt'-ikf Lincoln,the rules were suspended and the resolution instructing the com mittee on Prop4shg)sjd Grievan cesto report an omnibus bill relative to thesaleof.pimuoasJiquora was taken uh dfld oasaed.ltB ffeveral re i By Mr. .CaldelL blU an rnUtlon l? Pww 0ttMm posestor giya the,fioiifiitora of Jth Siate. power to, make XkmrM I nntM Whit .r.naarmio iiftb for.thn I costs.) vateaaar ana. xejerrea totoe r JAil i'iArthiiie.':'itiW'i'K'?i!jU!i: i ...vtaivn u- :t -t.n li,VUUU Vi.' X(JUM..4MMkUIM1 I 1UW1 f 4 ! bksolutions. Uy Mr prmejiVlrtPtaWfYftJ?" -l,. . . TnJiMaw ,- , , m - t t t y.VyfSf.,fW,5 iffir f, tion pi salaries, 19 es ana, einpiacaents 1 OAaVjBi Mfliiunifl' : flnlAnHnu -Mil 4Jajatifg UUftMOlBr VOlvliUill J jjv- '" i . r . - . . I Kaah Jvnbndit JCatandAt.- I f f a rm ill I r' n iTr .t r-.. 7..7 I a committee to consider tne proprie ty of putting that i department under charge, of ther Department of AgrL- , uB-thjua p .mi wiuarj it. i i;u i -,-3 i-.'!. st; BIIXS.-!.? ...!.in-:.jtio Byi Mr. Norruent. To regulate, inn terest. Judiciary. . .. .::,,iU,' j Ui! UNFINISH1 SUSIKXSS. The rules were, on motion of Mr. rner suspended,' ' and the - resolu-. turn for the5 appointnlent of the- ih- ytstigation' committee was taken up. e ' resolution passea us unai reaa- I On motion of Mr. - Atkinson the ami 'resolution : in reerara to tne iising : of a : joint oommittee of eight, to ascertain to what extent the salaries and fees of-State officers may De reduced: ' i-,,, ( ; : 1 Mr. Atkinson 1 offered an amend ment to alio w"anthority to Bend for persons and.papers which was. adopt ed. The joint resolution then passed its second reading. ! ' On motion of Mr. Brown, qf Meek- enburg, H. R. ten, in relation to. the raising of a joint committee of . three Senators and five members1 ' of the ouse, to which shall be referred1 all atters in relation to the publie debt, was taken up and passed its several readings, : ,7.'; On motion of Mr. York, resolution requesting Representatives in 1 Con gress to use their influence to I obtain ai reduction in tax on whiskey (and tobacco. Adopted. , . . -i.' On motion of Mr, Cooke. S. R., to raise a joint committee to arrange the ridings of the Superior Court Judges was taken up and passea. me speaker appointed the following as the' com mittee on the part of the I House: Messrs. Vauehan, Cobb, barter. Cooke, Lockhart, Etheridso and Clarke. On motion of Mr. Berry, H. R., in 31ation to raising a joint select com tttee of five, to viait and. examine the W. N. CRR jrid report, was tiken up. ! A message. , ..from the, 4. Senate announcing the passage of a resolu tion raising a committee to investigate the departments of the State govern ment, was placed on the calendar. s Tne Speaker announced tne follow ing as the committee on Enrolled Bills: Messrs. Powers, Carson, Ful- cher, Mebine, and Davidson of Madi son. Adjourned. " - . . . " m m m JTudge ITIerrlmoii'av Letter of Wltb i drawal. i . Raleigh Observer. i ) Raleigh, Jan. 3, 1879. 7b! A democratic Caucus. 'My . . friends have ascertained that whatever may be the popular desire f r my Te-elec tion to tne Senate of tne United States, causes and influences have been brought to bear that-will pre vent my re-election. i 1 have i no desire to disturb the quiet of the Democratic party by farther contest ixver the SenatOrship, ahd, hence, bee , my friends not to mention my name iurtner now ia wat connection I beg to express my most grateful thanks . to .friends in and out f i the Legislature, who have so generously and earnestly manifested interest in my behalf. I can never cease to re nlember them with feelings of pleas ure and deepest gratitude, and I yen tre to trust that they will ' not have occasion to regret the confidence that they haTeepjoseTn Sl'UXd v ; A. b. AUCBRTMON. rha Darkey Defeating f ociety. " Salisbury Watcbmaa.) . In a i debating society, conducted by thd negroes, the following qaeSr tion was taken up:a "Which is the qreaurl J3JeBALig aolui Cptmtryjva Ljawyer or a Doctor In discussing the : qnery. one negro; said: :; "Jesus Christ was a doctor - for- He healed tie sick, cleansed the ' lepers,- "and gkvo; sight to the blind." Another siid that he would-admit that ."Jesus committee to; distinctly understand bat He was now a lawyer,' " sitting at the right hand of God,,pJeading ior us." yy e aia not ascertain toe ue c)n of the question?' - ESL S. n:s:jHJ,:a I NHtf AUVlftTI)BRIlHth Musson Customer s wanted. , , tP. A. Schdtte Children's hop! 5? i i JJ. CBTBTEN8NrIndacementay ? S. G. Nobthbop Florida oranees. hjkohli os moKKia r run ui auuuua. , iLa.. LoorrlaiT iFebVuary ' distribution. Petelema-asbro iMondav evenine. where be had been stop- tinjej&$it.a before one of our magistrates to answer the igrjave charge of Obtaining goods under false (pretences from.the, stores .of Ms J. W. Moody, at the corner of fourth and Bruns wick streets. The evidence was explicit iiill and convincing atleast so decided the Pete.rWsi5lyMho;nainthe sntiipii f 100 fp his 'appearance7 it 1 the neit ternf'or 11 Criminal Court Tbe gaUty Peter di not wiit for thecock locrowdM anotter Piter iaaUlaoU ilstancebut wefaeat. arid to laUiWimtbfimparpose of making: nil ew to Judge' MesrekrW'-ilc:ffreet' b lis Cklllrn Hali a m n The world'Of little jJeople" have a claim on mo fiwarHiniiWiporim!iiy I. a . M Jt-.a ignored- We aieWeatfOeef therefore t a hop is advertised for their benefit to ht, at GermairianAlIWUh the privilege ar vvtw I those monopolists, adulta ' comlojdnjat o'clock extended to C, WEDNES DAY, JANUARY 1$; , IS79. , JLoeal Data, i '-(-.-- R. K. Bryan, the State Senator rm New Hanover and Pender, is detained rom his seat by sickness. iko session of the Mayor's Court yesterday , morning, , everybody being on the good, behavior so far as that emporium was concerned,).: :.,nVu The Swedish barque Gattqf Adolph, Norwegian barque Concordia, and German barque Don Ricardo, were m below yester- diy and will probably be in port this morn ing.::'.'-i! y -" ; -n ."Resumption,'' . not of specie payments, hut of business, is the motto of persons who were recently burnt out, and be work of rebuilding on Front and Water streets is going on with a will. . We have heretofore uninten tionally omitted to note the re-election of Rev. 8. Mendelsohn as Rabbi of the 'tem ple of Israel, in this city. The continuance of his relations to the congregation was made by a unanimous vote. We are gratified to understand that Albert, son of Mr. G. W. Williams, has undergone the necessary operation of having the splintered bones removed from his wounded arm. Dr. W. G. Thomas, assisted by Dr. G, G. Thomas, performed the operation. . ; . 4 Mr. P. B. Ryan, one of the imilngtonians who recently passed his eiamination at Raleigh, and who has been licenied to practice law, is in the city. We are glad to hear that he passed the trying ordeal . unscathed and with decided credit to himBelf. . I -A gentleman who was present nforms us that the "tin wedding" celebra tion of .qur townsman, Mr. T.C Craft, was an occasion of great enjoyment to the friends of that gentleman. Tom is unques tionably a Crafl-y fellow, but we hope he may live to ' commemorate his centennial marriage year. nactatratea Courts. ! While the serenity of the City Hall offi cials was not disturbed by a ripple of crime yesterday, the magisterial flood-gates were up and a wave or two of criminal trouble swept "across their peaceful breasts." That playful custodian of the law, Justice Wagner who always makes violators of statutes, even when be spirits them off to pHson,feel as if be was half-way conferring a' favor had before him a seaman named Charles W. Tower, against whom the State bad a small account He was charged by Capt. C. B. Getchell, of the schooner Ralph Mime, with assault and battery, and found guilty, the fine being fixed at $10 and costs, Charles was not content.however, with this experience of the dangers of the law, so he brought action against Capt Getchell for assault, and failing to sustain the allega tibn encountered another breaker in the shape of costs. Like it bold sailor, he could not rest Under this defeat, and bad a peace warrant served against the victorious com manden and this last was dismissed at the cost of the prosecutor. This resultn was a settler, and the defeated seaman left the judgment hall a. wiser, if not better man. Justice Hill had two small cases, which were' disposed of in a very crisp manner. The first was that of Charles A.Debnam, colored, on a peace warrant. A bond of $50 was demspded.of him for bis appear ance for a future hearing, which he could notgiye and was locked up. ; George Washington Thomas, colored. put in his appearance for. assaulting the aforesaid Debnam. It ' was adjudged that h should pay $3 and costs1, but the' green back mills had not yet sent ' forward Thomas' quota of national' spoils and he was unable to settle. He was jailed in de fault,' knd,1, as' ' to! magistrates, we write nnis. Pernah ! "Our whilom townsman. Cbas. H. Rob- insog, sq4 of t Wilmington, N. C, PresK dent of toe Jfroduce JSxcbange of that city, gve ah elegant entertainment to the mem bers or me .Exchange on Kew xears aay. MrJj Robinson is deservedly popular io WiUnisgtOn, as a business man, and was recently elected W. M. of yt. ; Jonns dice. No. 319. F. and A. M. It gives us pleasure to note the success of Bennington bevfc1 '" wherever disnersed "round tne rrhe? 'above ' clipping we ' take from ;!the: Uennington vermpnt) Manner, w e nearuiy endorse the compliment paid 6ur townsman, add will say to the Banner "that If they have any more boys tba. will make us as good add useful citizens as .those who settled in Aoiir midst from -the vicinity of Benning ton,' v iz ! Messrs. . C.; B. Robinson CL H King! and F. Q. Robinson, to send them along, and we witt give them a hearty wel come. We Would also correct the Banner by saying (hat MW Robrnson is the Master of pWirmington1 Lddge No, S19, Mr. W- lv rKenan teing31the J Master of 1 St. ! John's gVWf,ana'Jtt.i,u'' ' I -?J fli t "!s7n"'J 5 :' J' Poatatl Aakalaitloiia. ... "l tp&stmaster ink1ike ail' others 'who this maisefyice pfj Jbe country, .has j trials anatmiatiojbat the, employes pf the liijy' Jpst QfBce ould.h relieved of a deal xf vexjalon and tronjdtj , people. . wouw properljf; remember and comply with postal regulations. fWMhjtitiewMf posting ' bur readera Ml a few polntaiwe jayiteattention to,the fact that on the first of this monih luy description of matteri)roduced by the tybe writerfecMf phl pirpifand manifold processes Shall be charged letter ntierof postage vheri sein In the mail, and firscWfiter 1 except lithographs and photographs I t .tr; .1 f i"iilf (".(. j. Jf.-t . ,iiift1t t't.ttrA'H limuusCMpt-except book manuscript pass. I proof "heetaf-pr a, lac simile' off .the san Xiao "Baxa-la.' ..: Our Scotch friends : had a grand ' feast Monday nights It was held in the fine hall of the MacRae building, on Fronts street;, and they do saythat for fun t and frolio there has been nothing to. equal it in Wil- mmgiun tor twenty years. - ; itow xo maae a haggis V was the conundrum of the eve-' ning, and Wilkin7 Roddick and ; Roderick m . : . " : .' ' G. Ross were, the only Scotchmen 1 who knew exactly -how to handle the "sheep's pluck." They did it in royal style; and since , the . meeting at " The Balmoral " everybody wants to know if there is any thing peculiarly difficult about the making of a haggi8.n We answer, no; nothing eould be simpler.'' We' have a recipe for making the V haggis 'A which was sent us by our great -grand-mother from Aberdeen more than four hundred years ago; and in order that every good housewife may know exactly how to make a V haggis, we append the recipe: -. .- A haggis is made of a fat sbeeD's pluck. Eroperly prepared and boiled in a haggis ag, or sheep's pauncb, which has been perfectly cleansed, by first washing it, then soaking it in cold salt and water for several hours, turning it inside out, scalding it, scraping it quickly with a knife (being care ful not to cut it) and leaving it in cold water till wanted. Sometimes the stomach of a calf or a lamb is used, but that of the sheep is generally preferred. The pluck itself, too, should bejthoroughly cleaned. ; The heart and tne liver snouid be gashed with a sharp knife in several places, to make the blood flow out, and then the liver and lights snoum oe Douea; an nour and a bair wm be sufficient for them, though the lhrhts can scarcely bill too much. The windpipe should De allowed to nang over the side of the not to assist the escape of the blood. After ten minutes' gentle boiling the water may be drained off, and fresh water poured over me meat, and wnen tne boiling has con tinued for an hour, the rest of the pluck may be added. When all is dene, take up the meat, and trim away the skin and the black portions, grate half the liver, and mince all the rest finely. Mix with it one pound or finely shred suet, two large mild onions chopped small, half a pint of finely ground oatmeal, which has . been toasted before a clear fire till it is brightly colored, or, if preferred, an oatcake maybe toasted and crumbled for the purpose. Spread the mince out on a pastry board. and Bprinkle over it first the oatmeal, and then a liberal seasoning. of salt, black pep per, and cayenne. Moisten with half a pint of the stock in which the pluck was boiled, and the juice of a lemon; put the wnoie into me pauncn already prepared for it, first looking carefully over it to see that there are no thin places which may ourst in tne boiling (some cooks use two bags or a cloth as an outer covering). Do not fill the bag much more than half full. but leave room for swelling, for fear it should burst in boiling; press out the air and sew the bag up securely. Plunge it into boiling water, prick it with a long nee dle every now and then during the first half hour to let the air out, and boil it gently ior tnree Hours, serve it in the bag as it is without either sauce or gravy. Some cooks substitute the sheep's tongue and kidneys for the lights." ' About the time, however, that the "hag gis" was nicely cooked Mr. Ross had dis appeared. Then it was that Wilkin rose in the majesty of his princely presence and shouted: "Oh I where was Roderick then? One blast from his bugle horn were worth a; thousand 'sheepf paunches.'" But Roderick came not. Everybody asked, "Where is the Dhu?w Echo answered, "Gone to the ship-yard.", Uiabap Atkiataaa'a IVaetara. .; , We mentioned yesterday that Bishop At kinson was to lecture Monday evening, in Raleigh, in behalf of St. John's Guild. The Observer of that city thus refers to the matter: "The lecture of this eminent di vine before the members of St. John's Guild, and for the benefit of that noble in stitution, was listened to by a select ' audi ence . The President of the' Guild: Rev. E, R. Rich, inwodnced the speaker. He said, 'Our Bishop it stf well known to yon all that an introduction fey me is entirely ohl of place.' , The Bishop'ihen announced the subject, 'The Nature of Guilds,', and reviewed briefly the orign and history of Guilds, the advantages of the Society, citing instances of great good, that had . been ac complished by the organization in America. The lecture throughout , was noted for its deep learning and beaaUJnl language,!' : And of his sermon at Christ1 Church, Sunday, the same paper pa jsrBisjoiii At kinson preached a very i , able , sermon 4a Christ Church on Sunday last and confirmed fije persons. His words i of advice were strong and tender.1 He warnedyoung peo ple against the present style of dancing. and pronounced it ; Indecorous' : and; be feared, sometimes indecent." J' : -FjBOnd Dead. ; ;? ' u;i1' A young man named Robert McLellan, a olerk in a bar room ' itt Lumbertoa, ; was found dead on the pavementj in front of his place of business.MqndAy night of Utst wpek. . It, is supposed that the, unfortunate young man, who slept in tbe'second story 6f the establishment, 'Went out "'On''' 'the piazza for some x purpose,' lost1 his'balaice, and'fell to the pavement where hid dead body was found, jLastL&uadayv, the Coro77 ner's jury herd-art irrqueat.-and Tendered a verdict hat'deceaseW C&hie death frpm causes unknown to them. Hp Cane itear-Oondltlon 'lo4 tU , . .: r; t . .... - , . 7 ...... . t.. 1 . .1 ,:. From Capt Gairason, of the steamer Jfyrehiion . jrftcAt" about 9 o'clocJt,.wleara Uwtthe riyer haji rUen 55 feet at1 rayetteTille,4)iut had nm menced 'io'Jttiti a fevfT'mfn;uteM efbre:ue( MurehUon left yesterday, morAiogvCapt., 0atrasbn reporu'thatmirood many cattle wereidrownei byihg fresnet, antfthatma more. will probabilj bo, as fte passed several herds cut aniitterged ilaiands,' dExom widen thef 3 would Mm wtmitoW&mW oe,awept by the ie, 1 partly cloudy wathertadiiauiff baromw : . 1 are the mdieaticir';foribdyll-n','f P 8 J i e ' " if.," I .-. WHOLE NO. 3,567 Oakdale, Cemeterr. !At the annual meeting of the oroDrietors of the Wilmington Cemetery, held at the office Of the Company on the evening of the 15th mst., H. NuU, Esq., was called to the Chair,! and R. ; J. Jones , was, appointed Se- crejary; v: - . , v jThe following gentlemen were elected a Board of Directors for the ensuing year: j President Donald McRae. 1 Directors James Hi Chadbourn.Edward KtidderWra. J. Topp, George R. French, Dr. A, J.jDeRosset and Norwood Giles. ,The Secretary and Treasurer's report Bhows that 97 permits have been issued during the past year, including 5 for still born: The statement shows that 13 of the number were under 1 year, IS over 1 and under, 5 years, 10 over 5 and under 10 years, 4 over 10 and under 20 years, 0 over 20 and under 30 years, 12 over 30 and under 40 years, 8 over 40 and under 50 years, 5 over 50 add under 60 years, 7 over 60 and under 70 years, 6 over 70 and under 80 years, 2 oyer 80 and under 90 years, and 4 whose ages were not stated. . Funeral Obaequlea of Capt. Llpptti. The remains of the late Capt James Wright Llppitt arrived yesterday morning, by the southern train, and in the afternoon, after -the usual impressive services at St. John's Episcopal Church, were deposited in Oakdale Cemetery. The pallbearers on Jhis sad occasion were: Capt. Wm. ,M. Swann, Gen. M. P. Taylor, and Messr3. W. H. Northrop, John M. Walker, W." A. Wright,' E. H. Eilers, J. N. Huske and F. W- Kidder. The members of the Wil mington Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1, of which he was once a useful and active member, followed the remains to Oakdale. i The prediction made in the Stab of Tuesday wa9 fully realized . 1 The church where the funeral obsequies occurred was filled with those who knew and appre ciated the. Bterling attributes of . Capt. Lippitt, and their presence was a fitter tribute to his memory than any we can pay him with language. Arreated and Bonded. ' . . Deputy 8her iff Thomas H. Batson.'pf Robeson county, arrived in this city last evening for the purpose of arresting Lewis H. Dorsey, colored, who had been under bond for his appearance at the next term of Robeson Superior Court, on a charge pf larceny. Dorsey's bondsman, for satisfac tory reasons,, on yesterday ' notified the Sheriff of that county that the accused had come to this city, whereupon a telegram was sent to Sheriff Manning to arrest him. This Wa9 done, and Dorsey gave bond to appear before the visiting officer this morning at 10 o'clock. I CITY 1TEITIS. phew Jackson's But Sweet Navy Tobacco. UARBOIiINE.a deodorized extract of Petrolenm.iB I nowpreaenteA to the public as the beat Restorative ana Beaatiaer or tbe hair the world haa ever pro duced. It performs what others only claim for their preparations. " FQK UPWARDS OP THIRTY YEARS iJbb Wislow's BoonoKe Stbtjp baa been used for children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind oouo, rejrolatea the bowels, cores dtssktxbt and DiABBBXBA, whether arising from teething or other causes. An old and well-tried remedy. 25 CUNTS A BOTTLX. . . STABS IN THB DARK. I Kvery At of Coughing in the still; watches of the night, .is a stab in the dark at the lung. Heal the stabs and atop the stab bing with Eili's Homey or Hobkhoithb akd Tab. Nothing is so soothing. Nothing so quickly cures. No remedy can be lean disagreeable. . Pike's Toothache Drops cure. Toothache in one minute. . - 5NJOT LIFJt What a truly beautiful world we life in I i We can desire no better when in perfect health; but how often do the majority of people feel like gbring up disheartened, when there is no occasion lor tnis feeling, aa every sufferer can easily obtain satiifactory proof that Green's August Flow er will make them as free from disease as when born. Three doses of August Flower will prove its wonuenui en ecu - t , w THB DUTY OF THE DOCTOR No Physician ooH juBticc to uunseu or ms auiy dy nis pauent, disgusted at the thought of taking Oed liver Oil, who auei not at once prescnoe biaji i a junULi 8ION OF THB OIL. with the HYPePfl.OSPHJ.TE8 OF LIMB AND SODA. Most Physicians know that it U wholly devoid of disagreeable taste or smell, and that there never was co invaluable a combina tion of food and mediciae in : any preparation that chemkMU science has discorered. : They know, and with few exceptions they admit, that it has tnrea censumption and scrofulous diseases when all other forms of treatment failed, and that in all cases ot nervous ana muscular oeeay or debinty, it acts as a restorative with an effectual power that is not true er any omerTemeay. I k BROOKLYN BX-JUDGBT IS StJDDKNLY ENRICHED. A well known ex-Jadge of Brooklyn bought a ticket in the recent drawing of the Loui-. Una titate Lottery, and read the result as certified: I Nsw ObujlXS. Dec. SI. 1878. The undersigned certifies that he held for collec tion for account of Zachariah Voorhees, attorney and counsellor at law, 89 Broadway, Brooklyn,B.D., and 63 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, B.D., whole ticket aa. i9jui, Aaaaa jl, in:tae ijoutauma tate ijottery, which drew the second capital prise of 50.009. on Tuesday, December 10, 1878, said ticket having cost the sum of ten dollars at the office of H. L. Plum, 81 Broadwav. New York, and that the amount was promptly paid in full on presentation of the ticket at inaomce or we uompany. , : I , r . T. M. WBSCOAT, - Any farther information given by M.A. Dauphin, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. r.s.A Children's Hop; AT QBEMANIA nALL THIS (WBDNE8DAY) JBYENINQ, commencing at-B tf clock. Adults ad mitted onjtha floor at 9 o'dot' Adniiifflion, Chil-: aren, sa cents.- Tickets, aamuunguenueman and Lady, 00 cents. : an 15 It v F. A. bCHUTTE. i Florida Oranges. TTlUST SsTCErviSD. FROM PAI.ATKA TfmBT. DA,atj.of FLORIDA PRANQES, sweet .and de Udoi one. 1 . , , For sale at '". 8; GNOBTHHOIwS! Fruit and Confectionery Stores. ' ' ' : . - iL ; .. - i i.. : . ? i W;T7ai.ted T?OB 48 IN UND! ICATED 'LANNKL S and DRAWERS. Beat alace in the cibw for i . aeood Tfic. SHIRT. Beefi.PdrkandSa 41 fiO TOIOTT & CAHPEN, y f r h h'lW IrtifTO' And iwaSQOD'SBate : ;. And get GO7 8 ABflAOB. V MPTT CAMPSn, , " , ' iobaiad Andgetlroxxlt teeatAi And eel FOSX At Sacaata. fl Webuy for cash, and A kaiiW t" 1 i l wm not oenndersold. -n MOTT acampid.. " ; NotJ side Market Stwet.. une square one aay,.v.....,..,v.V... ... fl wi ' vWU UaJTB, ..... .. . . - i'. .... r B " ... three daya,...,. S w " " fourdaya,.. S 00 ' 1 " five days,.t.. 3 50 . . One week,...;, 4 Ot. V : Two weeks,. ...... ....... ... . . 6 Mi " Three weeks,..., 8 M Oaa month,.. ..w....Vs 10 00 ' '" Two months,.... 17 00 ' ' ' Three months,... 24 00 " " Six months, 40 00 ". One year,.;... .......... w 00 tlT'Contract Advertisements taken at proBo- tlonately low Urates. Ten lines selld Nonpareil type make one square. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HI. CRON JLY, Auctioneer. BY CRONLY A MORRIS. A Carp Of CHOICE SELECTED FRUIT ! At Auction. . rf,3iBj REGULAR PACKET SCHR. JULIA EL1Z-4-.AB?XIvrS.Pt-. lugraham, haa arrived with a Cirgo of FRUIT, selected for this market .LBwU eU ' Auction. THIS DAY, on board, lloMz8?1"8 Wma' cing at ORANGES. ! PLANTIN8, GRAPE FSXHT. n J- S A wwm . i rK0,? Boxes hwgechoice ripe T0MA I OES Jan io it j WIN A FORTUNE . RRn ,n aVrVi5rr.:. SV?S?iSSSB' AT NEW ORLEANS ,TUK8 DAY,FJBRUARY M.ISW -105th Monthly Drawta Louisiana State Lottery Company. This inititntinn wu mi It Incorporated by the Legislature of the State for table purposes in 1868, with a capital of l.OOO.Oto Ml Which It has Since adder! a. rsuraa hnJif qri. ucaTionai and Chari- ?n,?RANE.8INQ1JiNUMBIl:R DISTRIBU TION will take place monthly on the Beeand Tues day. It never scales or not&atuur. th. allowing Distribution : . i CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 1(M,C00 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLAR i EACH. j HALF TICKKT8. ONE DOLIAIt ' LIST OF PRIZES. : 1 Capital Prise 1. Capital Prise j 1 Capital Prise... 3 Prises Of $2500. '" ' 5 Prize of 1000.". SO Prizes of 500 . 100 Prizes of 1C0..... 800 Prizes of 50 '. 500 Prizes of 1 20 r Prizes of 10 ..'. APPROXIMATION PHIZIIS $30,OCO 10,000 5,000 5,000 -5CW 10,000 10,0.0 io,eco 10 000 . 10,000 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 2.7C0 ; 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 1 800 ; 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 ; 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to ........... ...-.$110 400 v Responsible corresnonrliTic fi-Fpnta vAnfAi. at All prominent points, to whom a liberal comnensatlon wuibepaid. formation, or send orders to OT. A. DAUPHIN F- Oy Box 693, New Orleans, Louisiana. Ail Our Grand Kztranrrliniinr riranriTicr. .m nnin thB5Pervieion and management of GENERA LH Q. T. BEAUREGARD and JTJBAL A. BARLY. 3 an !5-Daw3w&W sat we Reform Barber ShoD. : ALL Wh6 TESIRE TO ECONOMISE SHOULD call on c V. louk kv. Pm,-o... .. ... REFORM BARBER SHOP, corner of Front and Princess Streets, who is offering the most econom ical inducements of the day. He offers and guarantees to give as good a Shave for 10 cents as can be had elswhere for 15 cents. Or, to Cut Hair as well for 25 cents as it can be done elsewhere for 35 cents. Or, sa good a Shampoo for 25 cents as can be had elsewhere for 35 cents. Moustache Dyeing from 25 to 60 cents, according' to the size of the Moustache. Be has employed Workmen now, tnd can wait on aQwho may call on him in a hurry. BealsokeeDs the onl v eRtuhiianmont . tho . t. that has Bath Booms attached. He keens them clean and In order, and only charges 25 cents for a Hot Bath, or 15 cents for a Cold. Bath, with plenty of Clean Towels. . Shavinsr. Hair-Cuttioc. Khimnnnin. gjetag and Baths, all a specialty, at lEFORM PRICES. Don't forsret the Dlace. corner of irrontAnri Prin. cess Streets. jan 15 It C. P. LOCKEY, Proprietor. Jas. C. Stevenson IS STILL Offering Inducements TO THE TRADE. He has Just received An Eitra Quality of IRISH POTATOES, Ordered expressly for the Retail Trade. . Also, some very choice Bed vAppies, Florida Oranges. 1 and Itlesslna Letnana TURKISH PRUNES, three pounds fer 25 cents. Good GREEN TEA, 40 cents per pound. t am still sellins TWELVE POUNDS of nnnii YELLOW SUGAR fof $1.00 ! t r everyday.. , h , jCome and get your wants supplied at . C. Stevenson's. Jan 15 tf ' . . Valuable Land for Sale Situated half . milk of clarkton. Bkden County, N. C... and Immediately on the Carolina Central Railway, contamlng 82 ACRES; has two good Dwellings thereon, with swell of water In, each yard; Store, Stable and all other ne cessary out-houses . About 30 acres in a high state of! cultivation, and stable manure enough to im prove several more. Parties desiring to locate in a pleasant neighborhood will do well to confer with us. Terms easv. jan 12 3t OV 1 D n D UK SI. J. GQA1.-ALL SIZES, WELL SCREENED, hi Dellveted promptly. WOO DOAK. ASB; and PINE, it cord length, or cut up as desired. gHINOl.ES ALL KINDS. "DOWDBH-500 KEGS all kinds. JLi . -. i .; iror sale at Airrs tibs fbicss oy n O. G. PARMLBY, Jr., . Janl4tf Cor. Orange &. 8. Water Streets. Por Sale." npHE NORTH CAROLINA GAZETTE, Jt ,u a t-iiji. i Published at FayotteTille, N. a, Is pffered for sale. It has a good supply of News- V Display and Advertising Type, .Press in hne order, ample Printing Material of all kinds, and, in short, every thing Tneeded for the aublication of a good seven-column Newspaper.. , The GAZETTE is the onlv naner tmbliehed in the town of FayettevilVeT a city of 5X)9 inhabi tants; it has long been the recognized organ of the Democratic party in the upper Cape Fear section; and it has a large subscription list and good adver tising patronage. Circulation from 1,000 to 1,200. ... For terms, Ac, address j -til PROPRIETOR CtAZBTTB, ' jan 14 3t Fayetteville, N. O. For Sale, I BAT DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE, ON THB South side of Princess a tree t, between Front and ' Second streets, and next west of the Journal Building. . , , - k . ALSO. That Valuable plantation, known as "fPEMBROKK," containing about ONE THOUSAND ACRES, situated on Reeky Point, la Pende? county. .?!.-; u .' ' ss.i. -. -1 farties desirug to purchase can obtain all Inf or- mawon ana iioerai terms irom iL t. aj.'london: " . ) . Office on Front St. Snitliyille ftopt Wanted Application ior rates to clubs should only be made tot&e QfBce of the Company in New Orleans. : Write, clesrlv statin fall namm m rnrko. vwui VI 1IUIUV1 A TTOUSK AND LOT IN SsUTHYILLS WANT-' "i&UiiliXVAlakt on the w:, C AA. R. K, sixteed indhMi from town.' ' ' : i"l'-:t' 1 janiatr;3' t ;!; ap!dward cantwellC1 J j ril! v!i. ''li! vif... . . , . v -' . ' I ' t li

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