f he noniiindb Oa 5qcu aw , mow, ,. ti ..uisHED DAILY KICi MbDAY8. RATCS 0 MTBaOMFTM Ul 1MW . 8 s 'nouln?',. .. Three montns Lvje BS.v- riaiiMnd In mt Dirt of the TO L1W Bl"' i , Vv m.- . . city. nr l-t advance. OllTI-llMISS. Hop, George 8. Ho8ton' credentials CT..(r frnm Alabama were presented to Deuii. - ...... 4 I the Senate nd fllwl. ' - Benaior auia t bury submitted a. reaoluUoa clungtlot I the amount paid bankers, bkeir?n- 1 services in negotiating .tbeal,.ot U. 8.1 hands or secuntea iromiWH unui now. Douua"4 . .1 Another strike of jaioert In FennsyN - idfe - Thai President Jutf i approTed the biU reUeng natbr'esnuVbf !!!SiZrSSa,; . . .1 i , lr. - I o-aoa ua wv -v-. r for hfe. - OJ H. Piatt, a lawyer of Nev Haven, has been nominated by Re-, publicans of Connecticut for U. B. Senator, Republican membersof : Senate com. miltee on Privileges and Elections, report in fuvnr of sealing Corbin in pUcc of But- 1..;. a minoriiv lenort has been breDared: I - ..-I minority IKpui.uaa umu jiivpaivu, - . . j. .ii j I the matter is postponea anui wrausy. i x Delegations from Cherokee, Chicka- J . m ii t w nuttee on Territories; they oppose any clauKe in iMir present relations .with the governmeai President sent m nonii- ualions to the Senate, among ttem- following postmasters for North Carolina: Wiley A. Walker, Winston; and John D. White, Greensboro. - No election of henator in ijouisiaua. - new xotk i markets: Money 2 per -cent; cotton quiet at 9 5-169 7-16 cents; floilr quiet and wiiliout decided change; wheat ungraded v i u ter red 99c$l 10; corn without imC purtaul change; spirits turpentine steady t 27i28 cents; rosin quiet at $f187 $ Important, very." iTbe two days'. chicke ii fighting . at Charlotte leavea 1 orth Carolina ahead. Itan! 'Rah! Mr. P. S. O'Brien, the; man who, was-spirited away from Raleigh, has turned up in San Francisco, accoom- J pamed by two women, claiming to be his wife and danght daughter, I According to Kowell Uireclory there -are 8,703 periodicals ini the tt 1 , , a Umled States. There are 13 mBre dVtlvatid 307 . more weeklv newsoa uaiiy and dU7 more weekly newspa-r peA than, were reported in January, I 187,8. llev. Dr. Sprigg will remove his excellent paper, the Southern Church man, to Richmond, Va. He has ac-r; .cepteiiihe call to the Moore Memo rial Church of that city. . He is a wise man. . Senator J ones, of Nevada, . denies he has spoken harshly of the South. He says he has no sentiments but those of kindness and friendshiD. The I question now is, how does Senator 1 uuuca lutoi ... , 1 -r-. r . I appropriations where the' money is I , , . .. . tt - s- I ot .ieauv ..iu vue ireaaury. xx opposed to paying nign rates 01 in-1 terest. A prudent Governor, that! I The New York Sun says that the body of the late A. T. Stewart has been delivered to Judge Hilton, who paid $50,000 for its recovery. '.This statement will do until it is conra- dieted, which will be done probably ' r .. I n tO-mOrrOW. , , ; 8 I - - - - The Supreme Court of New York has decided that a mandamus should he granted, compelling the Comp- I troller to pay tb the trustees of the East million appropriation for building the bridge. I . 1 111 1 i, i the 16th inst. : gives the i following South Carolina, of Apolitical, disabilities. an8ea8pnab!e,thup met nnfavor, i TT r 7T T V United States ship ConatUuliojL ha. for;afe nd cJllU'onsVtbe k8l -26, punish -abduciionof gone ashore- on the coast of England aa- . . , , 3onirreB8 t0 children under eiQenvfiars of age, agreeable information . concerning , By Mr. McEachern, a bill to in- j North Carolina -won the first Gov Hamnton . . .. corporate the Bennettsville Sl Ham- fight in the Charlotte chicken main.. , , -ZZ: iL hr$lsa&H '"t -kA ,. 'f oawazumu warn Governor yesterday We found him in 1 PlMWmi&Wu&d&At&? Hill is a son of the: Siamese twins or ra ted, but cheerful, and we can say. with the misdemeanor to obtain goods under ther one of them. utmost confidence, -"Richard ia himself I Vol. . Charles Marshall, of Balti-1 more, Gen. .Lee's Adjutant General , r--.vfii.FUB,lUi,uepUUiS muu c- ark, at Griat; Wherenpoi. was reported in the Baltimore Amer- lean, na U;n i?An..Ki:An ' I :, i .'viii a iciuuuvau wuiviij i and as beine for Grant in 1880. ! The Colonel is out denouncing it as false. He is a wool.dvd 'TlAtnnArat.' U, -nr- .T-art-r -y Tk..- . ..... v. , . r n aunuai oircuiar or messrs. iv. i . Dunn & Co. is out. From it we learn that : the total number f fail-f 1 ures in' the -United Statesfor 1878 9mim nabihtiefmounu ng to $234,006;t)do Thtsaho ws atf increase u0f 1,571: in number, and 440,000,000 in amount over.1877. The bankrupt law had po little to do with the increased Iri the South there we,.. M-.tf b..ioV.Of the.. 1.4U Amnn. nf Ji.hlll. ties, $26,322,961. , i . . - Abe Agenoy states that "it is very lit -.it fD J I . . .J. I f I , 1 1 lft4T II -All I I l.vVI ,V .,,.. V. i I li: A J 1 Willi JlrtlAA'fctflol- MiffllJ-K A -.. f.".'-. U ----p---- ., J'. I I 11' ; -u - f. --:....-... -.-: . c . ii- i'f 'u.".-'m.if!t if, ,l.-.:,t. JOWl s;U UiT .)0-aW;- V ivn m"' -' Sm fUSIl'Ofc3t- Jo iKiJst:-lny i I c-U -.1 ' 'dm 1 ti ,n.;i'W!'i r :i::fi;:.l - SlXtnonths 40 00 , . t ' : - - .. -i ! I J I I ' i ill I i III I 111 llil Ill .. .! Ill l.l.'l 'I- i . I . J i. . i I 1 I ... I I - . I I ' t I easy to acoount' fbr' th tneteaae of I rap?. ; This Bhohkl be at defeoiant'si 1 with f ft. mi faSinra. .mnnwMn Ann)n owa IreciueSti arid TiW Jfiaililre'ttt make ,,.. 1 1 ..i-i : vuvw wu pwuuujf m nuent merC9UEagirjg xaaalUes.ofci this character." These oireamstanpM - 8tated at aix ia i!Daml)61. a3 ol. ' . I - .,: - rPt. - Iowr I; IK7R wn. lh fifth vpr nf a I 7 r ,7, ,7 , "1; J- t 7 7 I uepression unuaraiieiea irii .exxaiu in. oharacter and duration j the weather f ot the firt quarter of the year was vuuiuud iu auu vut ui vwui ! 1 - iW ,tt. .. the tariff im- . '!,. ' u i i t if 'J paired confadence for tbe trme Belng the notable decline in" the value of staples the world over; the existence otthe e idemUx in .SoJan - I j - . ' ' 4li V . ' uuauy tuwyuw uuu others, was the abolition pf thb tanki others, was thn abolition ot. Lne DaniCr I J.l-U L'lflfi- -r--- JTfii 41,. rupi tsw anuiioojoug uepv, pviui-- te(j t0 elapse, before its repeaj? t . . u u 1 i 1 - A special from Charlotte the NewYoikTdatedJandaryilSth, g?Jve8 an interesting aooouiii of the cnviniibn 6t Northern settler The- i . )r tb South is set fonhr ,Mr.i DumonL' Iiad ,r.e6elvea nunareas ot letters iu response to ine i cihjulai; letter he had sent out, We iJ JLlijlUW ' 'U?LfeiKt?;rt I copy one paragraph, uot without in- terest to us ia this part of the State. The correspondent saysr . I t T ' Wi I fMii a v.rktirhtia '.nil T hlVM av amined all of the letters) they ire of the same general tenor. In more than .hun dred of these letters the writers pledge at- tendance , at, Jhis. convention, and ,alKf eIire lhe ... ...iafaction of their writers With their - Boutbera homes: declare: ibat I they find the soil snore ;f etty thin Uury.ex4 1 "XliSJSS cordially endorse tne conTentijn; hope the I instremenlalifr others may be indaced'to etr example andsetile In tbeputh. I Uftne lour wrllera woo dissent iromtne I Tm.ni! n a hhnii nf Von I Hanover county, N. C, a leading Kepubli- I c&c poirticn or fthia? state anqrhe war, and fer one term United States Senator; mother is A, W. Shaffer, pf Raleigh! United " StateTRegWer t.a .kftptcjf. ' wird liUcian and a WfcU Jtnown rttrrerip of striftv, It, may be here noted that the I leamne xwpaoncan paper.u .uia pwf P I attacxea tne convenuou ana its promoters, and this is he lull extent o; the opposition which the movement; has eqcountered.' :t ! ,' "TT i ; The list of names attached to the I roaolntinnu nftsA1 t f.h lat.A Cnn- ... x- .' ' vV ! ".iV1 ? .u I vention of Northern a settlers in the Sduthheld at Charlotte, is published the resolution so as to give, the, pom in the Observer, andit" embraces a mittee authority,, to investigate all latge number r01vlnMiOTn4hrifty alleged frauds. After some discus- aod; w.rtbrg.nt.om.ni- TMIrutd- t 1 1 . 1 ? 3 . mbny in behalf -of the South ia ex- J tremely valuable and ought to have I g?at weight and influence. . If orill fui 'nrttfFiHnir -'I Atninvin I 1 ' . 1 . .1 -r . : I; KIM1W I II HL LUH UeiUUCrabH Ul illlABUULi 1 Senator t0 iDavid Arm- J strong, for the short ,term .This must I h fe8pecially png to iM old hero. , . Tm m i ! - THE lEfaisijA.X'iJHb. , I Raleigh Observer Report Condensed. U SBN4TBJ A .. Ralbish, N. CV, Jan. 16, 1879. TiKSOLUTIONS. V By Mr. King, instructing the Ju-1 Ainlkrf' htjnmtt-aa'4.ri innnirn into t.hfi .J , .... -.x . If. . is. t ptacticaoimy ana constuauonaiy m tho Oftnral . .Aasemblv to regulate I w 1 ' -j . -n a'-i-ft.mlt !(Fant.' ;iin4il:- di. 1 auivou v.ifuv v.w i crunuiaiiuu. i jrjf ff.-.Brxtsi j By Mr. Dortch, a bill to provide a summary remedy for sureties. Re-, f1dV, o .- ,v s, fbr any member of the Executive or J .inaiciai : u.jjatu4ouvo, ui . uiwuie adtoe ' A false representations. Referred, . , , By Mr. - King, a bill i to employ Aonviotilabor bnVthe' Wilsba:fe. l,;Tar River Railroad. Referred. I By Mr. Hendersoo.bSIfto amend &'T. R. Agricultural Society have pur hapter 223, laws of To77. allowing chased their Fair grounds from Col. N. M. tj -r-lfciMA-Q -n.-i ..iong. " KSS. - b.S orders and grant , injunciibns in alt Atvil aAfioTiH arid nroAfldiri!0f antriot-r wy 11 w . I, " a.-. ... ; 7. . Mzed bv ,aw; n W.J '-mount CALEKDAp. ' Hf f Tknrtfiri Ktr l inonAnainn of t.hfl Juii. -H-A & io. V"- r """r:i . htnimrv trm nr I nmner inn ennntv -. J . -" , , .."'I r"-rf rrr!:-r'-rrrZ"- -MrmAw.A.. .i!Aitf . ..whiiih ...naMOll ... ita puperior VOtt, ; wnicn ( passea : its third readrog, ,&miV& Jrdered en- groaaed--aiid aent to the House. - i Senate bill No. 32, to amend the j---t-to . irVrVT ' - Tt? e FT l ourt and Judges of the SupenoH VVU1 W wa waw "MViiyitviB ? Dl --.t.ii4 hfrtti ... liiL ' 1?' ciary committee. . uvrtou . uvvu eiosi t ut ug f uup erctink Jnstlcps bf the Snnreme bridge was washed away; canto 6ae- .f!J.?l2? .JT !a. .""J """" f. mMsflSMwa mw nvi m iiiwi , Hi'i.iiiiia ' w come witnesses! or themseWes on- dictments . for rape and .attempts at p.' Bl T2- aMMtaet ttf tbe 'fair trd altw reclamation of real estate sold; uenerir nmro? OToflniinn nan ni- j mnrrrra -roi wvjufcuuuiujouiayu,Vi, ciuuiumij a js! -t i J- . a - w" !weB "aeaniiwv powpope ,hx p. ri. so, tapunien mcestj waa re- POea Tayobly bv -JadioiarooBa' 'fSj: - BPl endedtore.d.MisyeWs- ,m- prasonmeni insieaa ot uu. T Ormand offered anv. Amend- ment, provided this doea not apply to persons who abduct females with a '7 .?. m?1?efat;fa8 lofet. ' " - ! ' - - ft ..,.. ,The biU then passed its third and nnal'TfUirtintr -n ji final" feadin& SflS Kill 9 " iriooai.! Iri IhA i ..'.. Av rxa r T t" 11mn1.1p.fl in nriminai anrinnm i-v n 111 1 1 yi luuiobiuenii wj juugraeufcBuaii uu rrtSwX af S. pSS?2ffi add third readings and engrossed for House. - i t i w,K uvtf , , iSenate bill 14: to revise and digest tbpub IaW8'i-Norlh .Carolint,,.,; Mjir. Mebane moved to amend, tQ appoint tnree. commissioners, -ai; a salary not to .exceed , i,ouu eaonr which: was lost,' when; the fall? passed .1.1 j . , t iMK'PbrtchVly'bonBentliifpaod, a bill to amend laws of 1876 7 to se cure holders of policies for fire' insur ance" in North Carolina. ' . V. , HOUSE OF KEPRESENtATI VES j 1 , ::. -. : BIL8.'V -' ' - ! J By Mr. Armstrong," a bill to incor porate thi the Bureraw Male and Female Ar.1pmvin . Pnnoiint.Tr . Clnm. ttee on CorbbratidtiH: ; 1 v .. fa W: to" abolish the! JanuaW term of Cumberland Superior Court fcr Mr nnffidA tVn Jn.mnA nRflRA(1 iti Bairfti n ;f "1Sj! T ."If 7n , Jn motion or Mr. liGrTV. tua rsso lutibn 10 lraisd a joint select com- mittee to investigate the affairs of tw - Wmipm "North flnmliniv1 Ril- tue.VYeatern JMortli Caroiuia,Kaii- and VVestern Insane Aaylunt wka taken up: the substitute adopted by the Senate concurred island the resolution adopted. u . l - inr j: it jC a Vt,- t v..ik vjMr- 1js j. ' 1 v kttle be sabpenaed ana . the . resolution to raise a committee tp investigate the StateVihterest m works $t internal vement be,; mo tion prevailed and the resolution was L j mjLi2-2i-.i -'rii j ffittZEZZXESSTZ I . ' providing that if any evidence of fraud be discovered by the oommitf teo the parties a gainst whomtheevi- IKia a man rim ant. ihA iroaa unit rinva wri-a ordered and the amendment " ; ' ' , A me88age . wa8( received . froti! the Grbvernor covering a report frdm 'W. Li Saunders, Secretary bf thefTrosK tees of Uie Umversity,in reUtoonuio certain vacancies in said Board, -nv On motion or air. i vaugnan, it was ordered that the message and aecom piny ing, document be transmitted to the Senate, with a proposition to go in,to an election to fill the vacancies bn Wednesday1 next at V o'clock.1 II -itwtt . . 1 . . ! f A . rJFrf 4 I T. f M . . A blU to arnenci-lJattie's Kevisai, nkon IT son O.I1? PrnrilM, tKt A. BV wa. W w W: wu M W t1. :' -t.-. -tiUli HUkcb 111 vuaigiug lutioo ouan 54- press no opinion ib w uo ispbi' n. press no opinion as to the fact) K No. 12, to repeal the privilege tax ,oa merchants and traders, and a bill to amend chap. 14. sec. 5, Laws of 176-77, were laid bn' the table erjal readings, and the Hbtlse ad I journejU j: FtBl 1 J Thomas Byrdj a colored dray- I man of i Raleigh, had bis teg i broken hi a kick m a lierset. 1 A i & lil i iilu J The Roanoke News says the R. Mary had a little, lamb, a To the Legislature bleated; J .A snarling cor came passing by ;a The lamb has now vacated. , , . .jarfofo Southerner. ' Xa Grange f JSMHst flBevim:, liter. John Paris. D. D.. of the Methodist Protestant church, baa p$l about to locate - "W LaQranire. This eives us four resident ministers, represenuag m juuMueun uc- 1 . . . I . . . " , a mi nominations. r mimT&0mJri Weldon last night report the Roanoker! ver, at Weldon as being higher for the past two rious inlerruptlon to travel ana ireiguv a s"&x I Petuers iBiwioB Si v: i1UaU4a ill an si lull tehdedr AI;ttl;Onaeiega i were nreaaax.. .) i nev -nave isaueu jusk 1 address to the people of the United States. ! Mill lii"'!! t i - $rulv Dodson is attending him and has been nim.fer f ihiHast tbreepr four days. nstead of RoxBoro with its contents, destroyed by fire a few nignia since, v, Weldon-m : i s Mrs. J obn An- honyloTmerlTf Scotland Neck, died of umpaia t, thj residence of her son, Mj., jr.- ADUODTi near aauuuau, aiartm nii a Kr1o in R(Atlni1 "Wb- aat ldaVMfB;:Bedliek4.lM Miss JenaWSellT died at the residence -of her rAU3badt,ip Eofield, po .Thursday,! the via idsli - ,., ...t .1 w j-nQoldsboro Maui Aj fnenct from Hockv Monnt .under I date of . 15th inst . wrtesi The new.rbridge acrossTar Riter brOkj! ilasf'ririht,iand floated dbwn'ttf the .UrKlgV W IB ' i' BUS, UIU w ituviuiug tua ; Fs?U bridge: broke jn the- centre and went down, audi vf e, tbintc it sm wiu go soon, aa the river, is higher than it has been for sev eral yeara. ah d still rising. derstfrnteiwiil petition thV Iieeisltture ib Iofm'aeW' county frOni portions of Frank in; -Yfarreai sod tiraatuie, -wuimsnaer-toh as iu chief town. W e are glad to earn that the sorine: session of Prof. Fet- tefs School-riOxf ord Male Academy be gun with an nnnsnaliy large number oi putoihVand that good many more aiscvx- pected in, a few daysvi 7-. : '; ,.-, . . ).; Ui H,r the Raleigh Observers New York correspondent writes; ? I have Just had the pleasure ota, ..viait,Jrom Bishop Lyman.. who xetnmed qp Saturday from his long tour in Europe. . Hg is in fine health, anjp: preached yesterday.. at ,vnetvnurcn oi the Incarnation. ' He says we hate no idea of he distress in England; that he has been sounding i the praisee of , North Carolina wherever he has been, anUa hopeful of a gobd. effect in inducing immigraUon." , J-iElizabeth City tQmist; On ThuxBday night, about.12 o'clock, pur citi zens were aroused ny a cry or nre. a. targe building on the corner of' Poindexter and Water street, was on fire and it-was soon communicated to an .adjoining .. building. Both buildings were entirely consumed. - In the death of Edwin Brace, Hertford lo4t One of Its oldest arid best citizens; ' -The Feast' on ' Wednesday 'and Thursday nights, for the benefit of the "Vance Kifles,' realized, 52 60 net.) : , ... .;. i Greensboro Patriot: A petition is in circulation pravine the Legislature to make, a new county from the southwest of this county knd a' portion ef Randolph aad-'DaTidson. -A counter petition is also ini circulation , i From . ibe statistical report of the North Carolina Friends we quote t xtumoer oi cuuruwes ov, tiuuiyai ui members 4,837; additions during the past year 444; losses 157, average of deaths 43; number wbo use tobacco 544, number who use liquor. 87; number of: ministers 36. , . Greenville - correspondent of Geldaboro -Mesunger: Levi Dawson shot and kUlfld, negro on the 7th instant in a dispute. , JNOt long since, owing to tne drill times, W. Quinerly was forced to close bis business. He was the prominent Rsdical candidate for sheriff of this county last Ausrust. but was happily defeated, Oa the 0lh inst. Pn Levy Co., alias VCheap made an' assignment to bne1 W. Harris liabilities S4.781, And On the 8th inst, M. Stern A Brother made an assienme&t to A. jpstheirn,. New York: Uahilities14,50. H-lborootttfterner.'rAn optional fence law will do. little eood in counties lisle' Edgecombe rand Halifax. The five miles "from -Rocky Mount, was burned on Saturday, as -we are informed. Very little of the furniture was saved. No insur ance. , . i. : Large numbers or. colored men are leaving: this county, for the rock quar ries in Pender county, near' Rocky Point. About200 left fast weeav The Wil mington Stab gives credit to theKeiasvuie lima tor items of news contained in our Plymouth and Washington (N. C.) corres pondence. I We made it lyi.rjgni next aay, PTAK . - ., Wadesboro . J2erciW: The late cold spell Was the longest and severest that has occurred in this section since 1864. i Some thefts of cotton and guano at Lilesville: depot recently'-ao a gentleman from that place informs us - The. An son Institute will open its spring term on next Monday, the 20th inst " ' -Our hgri cuJUrral friends tell us that more meat has beea,. halted aownwj -in this county this Winter than at any , time since the war. We are glad to' hear this it is a sign of "better times coming. ' In the raid made bv revenue Officers in Stanly county, lait ireekt wa learn that thirteen stills were seized and destroyed, and eight distillers arrested-rfour of whom ;were . brougni to Hhis place and the others carried to aidb- mkrle. One of the " raidiflff nartv. Mri JS TJOaddyV was shot twice1, slightly, in the headui .irs .jt'to: !!( Kvr, ap VKBTisBiumn-rft- Ai?viD$. &rrew Ur bt.JR." Fbeisicb; SpN-nNew, styles. . KnrBBEEGjtR-Pianps and organs . jCaoNi.t?& MoBBiSr-FruH it auction. MuHSON-Medioated flannel shirts, &c. ' HaU. fc PratchxtJi New crop molasses, ' For the SoutfiAUanUc States, easterly to southerly wiarls falling barometer and a slight rise in temperature, during Satur day.'' and !"t)artiy crottcrf weather, are the indicailbns'fortbitiay:1 UiJ' jWegave' a brief account , yesterday of the vijiistud'es of weather to "which the Schr. j. W.lShit, of Elizabeth City, had been recentlyjexpbsed in and about ; Croatan Sduhd.Jl We bbw learn" fhsidings have been received from Captain Simmons, of later, date tjian pur pprt.ifhich represent that the tee blockade bas given away and that hwould .bqist dVfor this port to mbrrow. jTheJaw has aboard a cargo of corn for Messrs!B. F, Mitchell & Son, of this place; s fstament ol'l'axea..' : 7 . . BhertfE Manning has made his settlement of taxes. withvthe State, for the year 1878, pajjrlng into the Treasury dVublic taxes. . .-ji-a .i ,.,. $11,209 15 Special taxes,.,,,, .PW 63 L Besides: he hks paCiJf4n4he following : r.":i. ' 11 4tr Bi H .iKti tUtwi ... khnl tlTM! . - ' eopnty taxes F4r the School Tand.-MA,,. J?S funeral Fuhd:.r.:r..-..';Vi:!..:. 84,269 75 king F'u'ha.; I v :?r;r."V. . ; . i 6,694 27 L Total IU . . . , ,i . -. . . . . .4 $49883 91 This leaves him a clean la . o '- Local Dota.- There is aq unmailable letter jn the city postoffice for Larry L'aGrand, HamIetlN.:C. 1,w ' V-U,J 1 y ester feet even bri VBaafs of fine aid bsts. t j ' ; erniania Hall Jwt night, hkst hkve-be60 an enchanting affairi asv'aV b?eIoCkj the. H. R. and D;C. had not put in his appcart. anCt..itiii-iv J fiWi4t tsjfi, . ;',: - We learo by f elegraph thafc the crew of the the barque, .JgaggU Yg.ndcrte from this port, for Baltimore which was found on the 10th inst.',' water-16gge$,'and rudder gone, bavej arrifed at NewrYork. Two of the crewwfreaV-bittea.5 ! " ' There 1 Va anothelr store rob bery Thursday night, but the particulars have not transpired. Twoauch occurrences in one .night .wouliseern, however, to justify tbe inference that the police force of this city is entirely too Weak, numeri cally. .'U1 Tfce Leeniiral G rover Combination Theatre-goers would be somewhat piqued if there Was a probability of -being denied. the privilege of witnessing! the presentation of ; "Our Boarding House. V The; . Sayan pahites, who have had liberal opportuni ties 6f .seeing the very best actors and actresses in comedy and tragedy, appear to have been Well ' pleased "with its rendition in that city. The JVetes says: "We Stave not the space to speak in detail, of the company, but we can truly say that there is not an Inferior actor or, actress in the combination tbe majority of (hem having just left the Grand Opera House, New York, where .they have been playing to immense bouses: They give an excellent performance, and are deserving of the pa tronage of all theatre-goers. The house last night was well filled, and the demon strations of aprjlausewand-Jaughter. were abundant. ... It is .a. genuine .American, comedy, filled with characters . that grow oniy on our sine, ; ana wun scenes that could not occur elsewhere." New Hanover la ine Sapreme Court. Among the 'call of appeals In the Bus preme Court at Raleigh, Thursday; were the following from this District : : ' W -: J. Sutton and wife vs. , James T. Schonwald et al., from New "Hanover; ar gument begun on . Thursday. " Concluded. W. S. & D. J. Devane and D,L. Russell for plaintiffs, and A. T. fe J. London for defendant: L '." ' ,y C;' Eliza A. McLive et al. vs. Mairsden Bel lamy, administrator, et al.,lremNew Hsu- over; argued on motion to dismiss. Mo tion allowed. - . JSlijah A Tew vs. Rebebba A. Tew, from Sampson; argued by J. D. Kerr, for plain tiff, and W. 8. & D. J. Devane for defends ant - y- - .. - '-. Martha C. Mebane vs, Maria C. Mebane, from New Hanover: arened bv A. T. & J. Ldndon for plaintiff, and IS. 6. Haywood for defendant. :- .- 1 mm ; . . 1 , mayor's Ceart. The official record at the City Hall Was not largely illustrated yesterday. The in corrigible, irrepressible Scipio Hillius, cor rupted into mil; by the fact that the Latin race - is not ' predominant in New' Han over. ; Sclp. was up en the chronic charge of: drunkenness, and the Mayor adjudged that U would be conducive to hia health for him to remain, indoors for ten days. Sylvester Artis, colored, alleged' to have been : indulging too largely in crooked whiskey, was fined $2.50, butbe eoold not settle, and had te.take the othe? horn .of the dilemma, and was sent below, - Obadiah Jenkins, white,1 was called , on the charges of being drunk and disorderly, and sentenced to pay a noeo! 1501 twenty days in the citjr iprison. K : : 1 First National pan tt-Eloetl on of QJP i ten. - ' The annual meeting of he stockholders of the First National. Bank was held-on Tueaday, 14th Inst., nd the old Board of Directors, consisting of Mesrs. E, E. Bur russ. D. Q. Worth, James Sprunt, Alfred Martin and James Dawson, were, unani mously re-elected. .....,-C'.l'... , .'. The. Boards of. Directors. rnet,y eater day morning and elected the . following officers. for the current year: & President E. E. Burruss. : Yice President- Jai; Dawson.' .i Cashier A K. Water..,' Assistant Cashier-Wrn. Larkins., Teiier-HMr Bw(ani ' . i Bookkeeper Ashley OUbert. Clcrk--J..B; Bbatwrighil Uy J fi - f 'Riding on a rail" enables the Goldaborp Mail to testify as to tbe.candititra of one of our railroads. That paper says: "It is certainly pleasant to make a trip , oyer the W. & W.R. R Thero&dijetlis iaepian- did condition, the newly fitted up magaifir cent passenger cars glide over. Us without a jostle; and with all, and not, the least im portant in adding comfort to passengers, it has a corps of polite, attentive and geaUe- manly cenuetfara,'? "j'rr..11: -C i : -. fke Baltimore Rteamanlp Xlne. i A telegrltti'tci Mr. A1D dazauxre cetved here yesterday, shows thatHbe Ice blockade is'lairr re!jttjh6lij as far as Baltimore. tThe steamship jRaA, hich has been prevented, by jjthe,. frozen cdittoniof Patapacrrvr to ep (tonYeetibbr 'atlbmlettd Baltimore ' this mbrainr for vhimineton. the afternoon; The acquintMees of those I familiar old- salts, Captmlas-'Ohver aad s ; Magisterial circles were too dull 1 .i . i. ti U'i j'ii'i ii' " " ! day to justify quotations. .The. maf- was'inaclive'trithoui a criminal arrest'. A aotaer Bobbery-Probable Intended I Incendiarism. Rascality shows itself in our midst, every now and then.' in a' most audacious and Jielnous fotm. Nicbt before last a thief or thievea niade a diveraion aoralnftt . Mr W . B. Grotgen, whose place of. business and 1 ramuy residence are. in the. same building bnj the northeast ,'corne'r of Front and Castle streetsl( About hapast i2 o'clock Mr. G: was awakened by a strong odor, and, get ting up, found the bed-chamber enveloped in a kind of fog or smqke .the product of what, he Could not determine. ,- He then, proceeded down staffs and, searching the icfiucuue anu siore, was unaoie to disco yet any sign'of fire,1 though the presence of th mysterious smell was evident there as wellas .-JO) the second story. . He, ror. Bblved.,tC!.eUrej but ..could, not.sleep,, and between .2 and 3 o'clock beard a slight noise below, which decided him to make a. scond:;recbnnoissence. He'did: AO, and, as might have been anticipated, the prowlers beat a hasty retreat. -v.i. An .investigation ia , foro was , thereafte r 1 made and, developed the s fact that the en trance bad .been made into the kitchen, the house ana store. Th iere, in the stovej thelchemical or substance which produced the- offensive - odor was found. SnaU ligbtwood splinters had been placed In a cupboard, and were arranged as if for rapid ignition, leading to the supposition that Incendiarism was one of the purposes of the raiders". They failed in this demo niac scheme, and the1 timely inspection of Mr. Grotgen sent them a way before half their work was dope. They , carried oft, however, clothing, among other articles an overcoat, a ladies' cloak and cape, a con siderable quantity 1 of crockery and other articles. The extent of the loss is not yet known, but Will doubtless prOve in the end to be considerable. r ' ; . - r' Hrth Carolina' Bonda. Last Thursday; in New York, North Cairolina bands were quoted thusly. ; t . .: .. it Bid. 19i 19: 85 85 65 65 Asked. r 20 i 191 ,7 Sixes, old' 'Jam and July. " . . April and October. N4 C. R., Jan. and July, Do., April and October. . : '.: Do., c off, Jaaand July. , . . D., c. off, Aug. and Oct. . . Funding Act; 1866. . ... . . . . . Do. 1868...... New bonds, Jan. and July. 14 21i . 18 3 1-G Special Tax, class 1. . ....... 3 2 Do., class 2... Do., class 3. i . 3i Taermometer Record. The following will show the state of the thermometer at the stations mentioned, at 4.31 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the. daily bulletin iagnedjfrbm (he .Signal piBce'in .this city; Atlanta.......... 46 Augusta.:... .. ..58 Key We8t,..,,...77 Mobile,. -;::v; 65 Montgomery..... 69 New Orleans,. . . .73 Punta Rassa, .... .75 Savannah, ,.58 St. Marks........ 67 Wilmington,-'..-:. 50 Charleston, .....55 UHariotte 49 Car8icana,. ...... 49 Galveston,.. 65 Havana. .79 Indianola. ". ;. . .71 Jacksonville,.. . ..69 Poond Parties for lb Poor. : Practical direction is being given to these pleasant affairs in some instances, and we are glad of it. A gentleman informs, us that the members of the First Baptist Church have adopted the plan of having them for the poor. Tbe distributions, in the meantime, are not confined to their' OWn congregation. This is a good move, and if generally carried out here would re lieve much real distress. : . 5 f BITER AND IHA HI ft IS ITttlTI". The Bfitish'.: schooner 'Becilute, Law rence, was at Queens tow n.n. the 15th inst , -:.Tbe TChporier pkn; attersbncleared from Boston for .this port an the iilh inst. .a Utne5 schooner John BougV . f rom Na vaBsagi came inside jie bajr yesterday, and willprohablyJtie in port this morning. . . l-fhtiwtan: barque Aj Zoria.Qi brielsenj from this port, i arrived at Livere ImoI on the 14th lrmti. - - cuff 'i i. ,ini he. i. Jfleais are entertained for the safety of brg C O. Van Eom; now iut forty-nine days from New Yorkto Liverpool, with a void velnahTa .o yrrr ' riTV vwivvb ' Chew JcxaoN'a" Bkst Sweet Navy Tobacco. : C A TtBOtJNRa cfeodonzed extract of Petrol enm.U now preeentM to tne paonc as tne best Jteatorattve ana nummer or tae hair tne. world has ever pro-i dated. ' It performs what others only claim for their preparations.. ' ; : i K UPWABDS OF THIRTY TEARS Vas WrwBtow'B Boorniiro Stkcp ku been nsed for children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves and DtlKKHCKiL, whether arising from teething or pouo. regoiatea tne DoweUrCarea nrBransr otner. causes. An oia ana weu-tnea remeay. m eaSTS A BOTTLE. ENGLISH GUNS. The attention of BDorts- men mvitea to tne aaverusemeat or messrs. J.cfe Wi Tolley. manufacturers of fine breech-loading guns, Birmingham, .England. ; Their cans are made to Order according, to specifications and measure ments fttmlahed. thus ensuring the right crook, uenginoi noes ate, . . ' - - - - -" ' i -STABS IN .THE DARK. I Erery tt Of Coughing in th stni watches of the night, At a stair in the dark at tne lungs. Heal the stabs and stop the tab bing with HaiiB'b Homnr or Hoanouin) axo Tab. Nothing is i No remedy i Pike's Toothache Drops care Toothache In one minute? ? " ll'T" - - ' ; ENJOY LITE. What a truly beantifoi world we live in I We can desire no better when la perfect health; but how of ten do the majority of people feel like sivtnc no diaheartened. . when there ia no occasion for this feeling, as every sufferer can easily obtain aaiirfactory proof that Green's Augast Flow er will make them as free fromdiaeasa'aa whan bom. - Three doses of August Flower will prove lt wonoBa enaeat ,t -)t n i . t , i . (t M HlLLl-BOWTjrBNIn this city, oi the 16th Inst , at tne resueneeor tne orme s motner, ny ua atr, E. iA. Yates, assiBted by the Bet. a It. Payne, )i. HARRY HILL and Miss LAUAlWIliN. JS.i -. , - . DIED. - ' LrriiETOlV . At the residence of her hoihuui' at 11.53 o'cloct January IS. MARY LOUISA. h- loved wife of E. J.JitHetea, aged 41 years 6 aK0ita auaw osyBi ;.- ;r. $1-,,'t j-. 'Tffmrt Anil irnnnlnt ah? im mrh rjunnniriiTI. ti, -Tt n i to ehd'the fanetal sis : Vcioclt; Satkrday afteV. noon) frem her late resifence ,on queenstreet.be. fJ!,i waen Third and Foortti.'f; , mi jw w8eK,i......t...'.'.iVi...1.-' 4 ot ; Two treeta,...;. . .. . . . ,.v , . . 6 60 Tlirite weeks............ 8 so Oae month, t . . -10 00 TwofflobthB,....... ..........17 00 TBree ibcmtha;... S4 00 Six months, 40 00 One year, r , .. (H) 0G "Contract AdTertlsementv taken at pronoi tionately lil :; Y ; ijen lines selld Mmpareil type make one square NEW, ADVERTISEMENTS. :, j JnA CUO.L,Y, Auctioneer. f - A -UA.vAAjJa Cb iS.UAX.19. Extra Bunches Superior Bananas, Cocoa j Hats aiid t'oxnatoes at Auction. JjHIS DAY (SATURDAY), AT 20 O'CLOCK, Mm we will sell, on board Eehooner, at Whaif, neir oar Sales Booms, some ef the CHOICEST - HUNCHES, from main hafchway. '-'' . -We hoDe to clnM mKK ni ivi n k-v They must be sold; cannot detain vessel longer! iin 18 It vao-vjiDua uu ioxa. . j j dedicated RED FLANNEL SHIRTS AND i DRAWERS ONLY Si AA vtnu MERINO BHlRTS. 4(V unrl nnn. FLANNEL DRAWRS,6tte and npwardsT ?jt WHITS SHIET In the city for TSe. .Ian 18 It MUNSON. Pianos and Organs :T PRICES TO SUIT ALL. : NEW PIANOS from $135 to $600. SECOND-HAND PIANOS trom $40 to $1C0. . . NEW ORGANS from $70 to $300. SECOND-HAND ORGANS from $50 to $lo. Instruments sold for Cash or on the Instalment Plan,- h, .. - At . - :. - . i, HElNSBBRG&B's Live Book and Music Mare. janl8U Neat and Pretty. Our New Styles of SLIPPERS A OPERA BOOTS for Ladies' wear. Those . .OPERA BOOTS are just nobby. Call t , and eee them at GEO. R. FRENCH & SON'S, 39 N. Front St., Wilmington. jan 13 tr 3STCE3W OBOP. ! 200 Bbls. ' New Orleans Molasses. For sale low by jSnl8 DAWtf. HALL & PEARSALL. if Ship Notice. :! , ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY cautioned against trusting er harbor ing any. of the crew of the British -Brie "ALASKA." m ho hills vmtr. ed oy them will be paid by the Cap tarn or Consignees. L. 6. HALCROW, Master. jan 18 It Notice. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY ' forewarned not to trust or harbor any ui uc crew or me Knnsn jtaraue "NORTH CAROLINA," aa neither the Master or Consignee will pay any debts of their contracting. ALEX. BUCHAN, Master. janl7 3t..- For Liverpool. The British Barque, "NORTH CAR OLINA,'! Captain Alexander Bachan, win nave oispatcn as above. For cot- n Height engagements CdbIv to ALEX. SPRUNT & SON, Agents. janlT3t Iasoii's Pianoforte Technics. By wi. MASON and W. S.'B. MATHEWS. Price 3.50. The most distinguished appearance for a number of years among books containing material for practice. . Contains 500 Technical Exercises that can be expanded to many thousands. Also admira ble explanations and treatises on Automatic Play ing. It should be understood that it is not a book for beginners, but one to be used after, or in con nection with ench excellent Instructors as RICH ARDSON'8.NEW METHOD ($8.85). MASON HOADLyS SYSTEM FOR BEGINNERS, ($3 5), or the NEW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY MB THOD, ($3.15). MubioaIi Reoobd, Popular Weekly Paper. $3 a year. CMe's Harmoaic School for tiie Oran, k.t0). By WM. H. CLARKE. A wonderfully original and good Method for learning both to flat andooKPOss Voluntaries and Interludes. Also is a splendid - general Instruction book for the Church Organ (Reed or Pipe). Very popular books for Rain Organ are CLARKE'S NE W METHOD FOR REED ORGANS, ($8. 50), the EMERSON METHOD FOR REED ORGANS, ($3.50), GBTZE'S SCHOOL FOR PARLOR ORGAN, ($3.50), and SOOT'S SCHOOL FOR CABINET ORGAN, ($3.50). Oliver Ditsoii ti Co., BOSTON. CHAS. H.DITSON CO. I J. K. DITSON A CO. 643 Broadway, N. Y. 1 933 Chestnut st, Phila. ' jan 18-dw3w Wed Sat m - , I ItWiUPay You VjJO GIVE ME A CALL BEFORE BUYING A SHIRT. Oar PEARL is really a jewel, and only $1 00 One Dollar. ' Our OVERCOATS are the Handsomest in the city and the Prices .the Lowest. . -, . i . . . .... A great many of our Goods will be sold at a sac rifice;! :'' ...... ; - Remember that I WANT TO SELL. T ; A. DAVID, ; - The Clothier. j Fine Fasllionable gATS, CAPS, BAGS, ; ' , ; aid UMBRELLAS, , ' v-: aoj tne ixjwest Prices, ,. HARRISON ALLSH'd . : 1 "At: jan 16 U . City Hat Store. i Florida Oranges. jtJST RECEIVED, FROM PALATKA, FI.ORI .fl4 OKANGES. sweety Stod do- lieloue. V' r'ForeaWat'--""'" " ' 1'jan IB t iL .FrnIt and Confectionery Btores.'. Buggies 1 Buggies 1 ! ITawm Asa fio r1 Al AO I A(UU60P W UlUIUV0) 4 t FOR SALE AT " v ' ' ERHARDT & CO.'S, i bu. adStreeWoppositetyltoU. ;, ' : , .- '" ! ; " ' . ' - ' s f . '5 sr. . ' 1 1. ' '. v'...". REPAIRING i PONK WITH NEATNESS ANP , 'i -1 DISPATCH. ,'A , ux -HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY. "'I'-'? "' ;: jan tf --. i 'i 'f h t i- ft,.' 'it' 1-3 J I C' h' Ii i Ik - H It: t4 1 i --.-:-' :-" i