! 3::.., .'-I. aaw 1 , I ' f !t" 1 ..J 1 " gam - T V mm- OnSqtUoiieaay,,.,.:- - u " hv WM. n. BEUWAUIV : r TOTtfiM) J3AILjK3 EXCEPT 'MONDAYS. PlUtl BAS OF SUBSClUmoM IH ADVAHCS 1 Three months, t ..',. 1 00, (""Tjra.hwi. deli vsredln auy part of, the ii t it -"-v -; (,, fHi- AirenUara iu Advance. . ' : v ' VVeston baa begun Lis 2,000 mile .walk over English country roads.- inquiry baa been made in the Italian Chamber reta, live to the disappearance of.CoVGoIa,'-' Kobert Anderson was convicted of the mur der of his wife, at bouianue, on ine evi dence of hi3 little bob.- The Cheyennes bold a very inaccessible position j j Sioux scouts have been sent for; one soldier was. killed. United States ship Constitution to be uninjured. - Mobile Montgomery Railroad has declared a semi- annual dividend or 3 per cenu-p an ward Matthews Ward, the eminent English painter, , cut his throat while insane.- Chief Justice Ryan has been nominated for United StateB Senator by, , Wisconsin DeiaocratsT--U. S. Circuit Court' at Baltimore, Judge Bond presiding,; sen -teaced W. A. Farewood and Thomas Cook, Judges of election, to pay $5 fine and $150 cosU for in terfering with United States offl cialA An iron company has failed, in' England, for 280,000.- U. Si ship ComtUuMon is making three inches water per hour.- Teller committee leave for Washington; U. S. Commissioner Lane is to taKC ine lesumoujr ui wuueoaco. mv. v: -mined'.' Red Cloud arrived at Port js Robinson. Scout Qirard testified in the Reno inquiry; ne mougat one- uuuureu and fifty men ought to have held the In diaDS in check for some time. -f- New York markets: Money 13 per cenL;CDt ton quiet at 9 7-16 cents; flour without de nsori fhnnffei wheat verv dull:! corn . . n. 3 i i"vv . v " " . . i quiet and without important change; spirits I turpentine quiet and firm at . 27i23 ceiits; rosin firm at $1 S7i. The fire in New York on Tuesday - - - w I nidit burned up a million dollars I worth of urooertv. I " I The whole Custer-matter is to ' be .1 1 u 1 inomrea mio. not oniv iu Biauutur, i .. . . . . ' - f Vul Tl;n it IIKb IUC V.UOWUVW J.VWVM .w. - v Governor Hampton, in a recent in- , . . 1 . 1 , Wjjieclared it to be bis solemn I tervie conviction that the prayers of the 1 i t tt -LL people saved his life. He then gave hia reasons for so thinking. ; .. . . .v-, It is now said that P. S.: -O'Brien U in 1 hir wiv to trot t cash of the ln a nnr wa.y to Sel l"e cas" 01 ine lead millionaire. At aoy rate, the late O'Drie,rsattWneyay8 he;would not prorrotrnce the O'Brien from . . ' I T Ualcigh an irnppstor. i'lie New York Sun of Friday bas adiiiiioitaT evidence that the body of A. T. Stewart has been found.' Mrs. Stewart so says. Judge Hiltott feaid, j -wlxiti asked, "that he preferred not to talk about it at all." Fechter, the actor, is taking crim inal action against Col. McClure, of the Philadelphia Times, for accusing him of drunken ness,&c. The limes so , far has been tested in the courts fre quently, and its charges, hive invari ably been sustained. A Governor, by the exercise of his dangerous one man power, may save a villain from the gibbet, provided he 'Uakes time by the forelocki' "But there is one thing he cannot ! do by his authority- he cannot, bring a dead man to life. Gov. Hartranft was "one minute too late." The Baltimore Gazette, in noticing Gov. Vance's election, saysTthis of Senator Merrimon: . "Senator Merrimon bas been of great service to the Democracy of the State in breaking down the rule of Radicalism, but Gov. Vance is undoubtedly the choice of the people, and in. many respects a more representative man. It is said that Merri mon will be rewarded with a nomination for Governor in 1880, or may be chosen to succeed Senator Radsom in I883."i We hope the Legislature will not make the mistake of supposing that it must remain fifseBBion sixty days if they can tltErongJi . sooner. The South Carolina Legislature adjourned after a session of three weeks.! More work and less talk is -the. 'desidera tum. American legislative j bodies 1 are afflicted with wind. n Pa. the I work well and thoroughly, boltlenp your gas, and then go ; home as early I 8poe.ibi.t.y.ntoOMut,e,; g. T . 1 ; Judge Settle is praised by; Rad cat papers for his views as receptlj expressedeocerning the junsdicypn ot Federal CourtsJ He takes the po sitioiv that they can take; jansdicUon iu any case that may : arise in whicb either riartv thereto mav anrj v for. a " : " ' rrv 1 transferTr.oni, the State Court upon the bare assertion hat he cannot Jiae, atice awarded bini in ' that Court The Alexandria Gazette suggests tbjat if Settle J'ourls should be aboshed At ; oricd: the Utter day oracles of jodtcia win dom had been entrusted with the tpr- maUon ? Pr; government what a lovely despotism we would have had " .' . - ' - i ' ; ' b00?5 f J mil Spirits Tutpfeiitiiie. Vllln iiipil rfh VM 1AtT craA ff voara I t- The revenue depot at States- vuie was rlniou8ly enjeret Uts Jfaturday nifrVlf Itnd ihiilll t1tru rrilTuhd YT "fmnnn shine" abstracted. 000 a,mong ttei legatees ma mst installment - Raleish Observer tha Masonie Tfimnln hi'onp-ht on veaterdav jagLiT ! tT 1 I i ' Danbury Reporter'. Revenue raiders in this county resemble lire locusts of Egypt in number xuo BuuiiuisiiittuiB ut mo iaic i one OI 1116 lafiL D&BkGd bfiinc Tjroiiiiynt nfeTA. 1. U. lj&ah. of h or a v th distributed Slau - I i 1 -I TKhmoo v,Sb Mnmit nf hia vnvains !IavV?eelnt8red f- In Pino Fores Cemetery, for water tasks and rudder, and severely , in ujslons have been scattered J juting the CapUin, whiW,atth wheel; we Beems mateommi: I J . i Salem Press: William Ebert killed a hog weighing 606 pounds,, , p Over fifty young men are engaged' 'in. the clerking business in' Salem and Winston, ana only some eight or ten are learning irauiH. vi I If ; i Wilson Advance : On last Mok day evening while one Dave BynumJ eel- ored, who lives a short distance i from town,- was carelessly handling an old pistol, he aceidentaUy discharged the same,! the ball passing through the right hand and lodging lujtuo iw uuu ui nuMuier ucKru, naiuou . Jerry Barnes, who 'was standing) jiear by, ;r"fTrT - I : - Charlotte Democrat: A white min .named. Joseph Jeffers, living near Pa5ue&, !Qoodson's J Store, in, fLincoln nifchtof the 8th inst., in company with outers, and lying down by a fire in an m- toicated condition, his- clothing caught fire, and he was so badly burnt that he died ur, aau ue was so oauiy ourni mai no aiea in 'a few days afterwards. He - was a farm laborer,, a,nd ,leaves a wife and .three chil 1 j ' I ! North Carolinian: We think duQ the c,?lure pe? ,t0 udd a w?d A 1 nAtr v mil t ti a nroi thai hova ionnrMr1 in i our town thev have rendered mostinvaln- I i able aid. 'A 'Not many Deaiocraita inthe Miioi YeIt;rJThev think aaraVr'thl lllilrill Ilia inv Uiui in lha "nnnfmf" f I he waa beaten at the poirB' knd that he I I ... r.. u t. uuitu iu Kiacciuuv buuiuiv. it is a yery i ....iki..;. nf.i...... ' W..1..1: 1 KuiuuHi new ui iuv tin. . . t c UC11CTS I in! toleration. We enn.ider.it one nf the I ; " " Si;lkni.ir trX,. Anrvn. of irobbin robin roosts, Mr. Noah Bhnping, wilh four a8sialant8 1JS20 birda in one night This is a fact. II. a Trott, son ofi Mr. Wilson Trott, while oading 4 pi8tol thi tbe misfortune to lodge a load in the palm of his hand. Dr. Chunn look the ball out and we are glad to know the wound is not a serious one. oys, beware of pistols. Mr. Pinkston hascaughti "since. the first of: December last, by means of setting a steeMrap on a snag, ten bawks and one owl. Mr. A. tSbrf ous ! about six years 'of agey IU.II J . fc. .... - .1 .v.. icw uajBBgu iuat A little girl years or aeeJ daugnter 01 Mr. Wesley Lentz. a tenaifi on .Dr. Chunn's farm, was burned tq deith on last Friday. Her mother was at the spring- washing and the child camelunning with her clothes all in a flame, and when she arrived at the spring, nothing was left upon her person save a eoUar-band.and hentockfags. She lived from 13 M., at the Time of 4 burning. nntij nigJ jtrHm.oiTY'. KW A UVKKTIRKtl KBT. Lost Gold bracelet. Ottekbowrq --Price list. " Norwood Cins To rent. F. A. Schtjtte Furniture. . p. L. Gork Cheap groceries. T. IL Howet Boots and shoes. Mtoson Readysmade clothing. Parker & Taylor Stoves, &c. Yates Books, photographs, &c. A. David Closing winter stock. Q. A. Peck Builders' hardware. John Dawson & Co Dixie plows. Behrends & Monroe Furniture. jWoRTH & Worth Cuba molasses. Chess, Cablet & Co About light. Mitchell & Son Hay and bricks. N. .Jacobi Thoughts as they occur. ' Adrian & Vollers Groceries, &c. jJxo. W. Gordon & Bro. Insurance. 'Harrison & Allen Hats and caps. Altavfer & Hill Sash, doors, &c. Opera House Our Boarding House. Williams & Murchison Flour, &c. fp. H. Hatden Buggies, harness, &o Boatwriqht & McKoy Good goods. Mallard & Co. Harness, saddles, &c. ' :Gerhardt & Co Buggies, harness, &c. Boatwriqht & McKot To delinquents- Henntno & Teel Collars, hames, &c. HEmsBERGKR Sales and expense book. iKerchner & Calder Bros. Salt, oats, powder, flour, &c.. Iliermonaeter Record. The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 481 yesterday evenbg, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: v, t 54 Key WeBt, ...... ,70 A-ugusta. v.,'.66 gSS;:::;6l Mobile,... .. . . . ; .69 Montgomery .. .,,6U , - f.Q PuntaRassa '.'"".13 Cbrsicana, .51 SSS:;;::;W llndianola,....T..62 Jacksonville,. ... .72 Savannah,.. ...... 64 St Marks........ 02 WUmingttHK,.,, 50 Bettiod Time. ;Tha train On the' C. C. Railway, due here last night, did hot arrive owing to the fact that a wash-out in the L trestle work' near Polkton prevented its passing that point : The damage waSi -not, however, very material ,aad a force, :t0 repair. . the in jury was put to work ' at once It is ex- rpected that the train will make its appear- 1 "av-a iajwea if'" itaa.if k ,ij j v r . Coroner, He wllettjjWs summoned to. Ma souorp' Sou idayt to hpld an' jqpest death occurred the dsy evioua He in forms us tha; fhtfJaffJiedaefQti verdict that deceased cajoe fo Ws deatn rrom natu til eauses.: He-was an old and mfirm man and had been ill for some time. 1 r 1- Li1 1 ' ;J3 ''"! ft WILMINGTON, Local Duu ,t Qd to church ; to-dav rif : von , s one ebild and two adults were interred, I Register . -Deeds' , issued ve marriage licenses during the pbt week, three of which were for whites aud two for colored couples. ; ' , a I "i s -..,... ..... , ' u- . - I uuuiucr ui Buutui. , , , l f I lne uomns jiud orive tneir next t hop on the 22d inst, at the Idttle Giant t iosine Uau. and we acknowiedcre aainvi-l tatfoa to attend .what, wifl doubtless be a I pWaaant affair, ju.4 ,,,, . ...a -. , LTte British britfinWr Capt. x .. ...V10" UV ."'yy Burns, whicb reached lere laat night, had aboard two hundred and eigty-seven hogs- I ,a - flKa . - . UVS Vt UlUlMOOVBt StMW AO .,VajLI, MAM MMJW and comes to Messrs. Worth & Worth, r Rev. J L. Carroll, a native ' of Dapfin county, and a gentleman of fine v.. f. 0 . - . w,w, . sides in Virgin!, and has recently received a call to the Baptist Church at Lexington J m jui oiaie. . . I j lne box sheet for the perform-1 nce of "Our BdaVdinglHoltse," Thursday i !. a - TV nigni, win ie openeu ai uBiDsuerger s i Tuesdar mornine. and for the first nicht I - I vniv one aaaeu loine oeaa usi 1 u'. .i--.i.s.t. in BeUeiiie'foi'tbeweeK Inst clos'ed.1 ''J.Ti.;ii;Vl!iMl.fimS from ' ' I his; lectures. expository of the Creed, at Bt 1 ' ivrr. - !-'. nk : The site of Paul's church, this evening, at 71o'clocfeL I . ,m m u-.-u Of Genevieve Rogers, when "Maud Muller" I their perilous position, and for the kindness . r . .Mr r i 1 the attraction, on Wednesday J morning, "Umane are aiWay8 . .1 of record,-and -we- are glad to know that ... ... int.. KPllp.r of tho Hf.Wnnnvr ALlssrro wbtcn " " reacnea nere rrmay, in me uour 01 mm . , -ra . v . r deepest distress at sea, was furnished with I coal by toe jsogitsn steamer aho. am to ct the result to the human freight I offthe AUegre cannot be told. I The first "down the river" of the 1 new year, in the nature of pleasuring, was made oa the steamer Paixport Saturday! morning, j be party or laaies ana genue men not only went to Smithville, but out. side, and in spite of the little unpleasant ness of "going to Europe," in which the ladies t -luctantly indulged, the trip was one of decided enjoyment. a y inoicaiioai. , 4 For the South . Atlantic Slates, rains, followed by clearing, cooler wear, rising barometer, and variable winds, shifting to northeast and northwest, are the indications for to-day. Pfellc-naatkeaai LUararr Saclety. At the last meeting of this Society a most excellent one, by-the-by the follow ing officers were elected for the next twelve months: President M. 8. Willard. Vice President Geo. W. Bailey. Secretary and Treasurer G. H. Smith. Editor W. H. Sprunt. It is gratifying to record the existence of such societies in our city, and especially when their statistics ot membership prove that they are effecting tha objects of .their. creation: real intellectual growth. The "philomathean" is thriving, and is found to be a source equally of pleasure and im provement; Eight or ten members have been very recently added to its rolls. OaUll MM W IIIO MM ffiiavi HVVBlvaB I A correspondent at Smithvflle says there is anite a little excitement in the vfllairebv I I the ae hv reason of the clrenlation of a rUtitWtA'fnrMd-YtiA alW nf iinnnra Witnin frinr mile of the various churches located t2 auiu ' Wo - irt orin-A ih.t u re- mended one of the famous "Bascom's nnrnemf the X Roads." Yon coald see the interested onea ingroups of three And four, in various directions in the, streets, discussing the great problem ; of future drinks, Ac. The petition is signed by men. wjomen and children. So great has . been the feeling that even the question of county officers has .been ignored, as well as poll- ties. 1 A counter petition is also in circulation, and is receiving many votes. I Ttrtaare completed. The new bridge over the Carolipa iDen il Railway on Fourth! street was com tralBailwav. on Fourth street was com I peted yesterday. 1 It was censtructed un der the immediate supervision, bf Capt A vdlettfl. the Bridee and Trestle Master of I the Eastern Division, of tho-xoad over which l - i,. iMi a Mnt1omn tuknaA-tiiiiirmentin r ly DLQUUD. ' IHJllvmwM,ni.v I such : k mailer 'can'l-:truataV nt that it is substantial and would bear the weiffnt OT a tram 01 cars. vuuw. ajuiewo nas tnadea maste'r-pieee of this hnproye ment and laid the foundatioia' for quieting toe compiainis ana ier wmvu nwcu vjDked bybe old structure which the new bridge replaces. . 1 ' ' supreme Cbnrt. Although this tribunal has pissed from tils Judicial District? the tWT of cases in toe Fourth Distofiffast'Ffidayare of in-' terest in this city and we appena tnem: .t.,...;"hinn fmrrtRTfth- mondj apjMaldislnissed. 1 ' j.syw. ,, . , i u. ?W, K"Ar hnnr FTflnrv FairlaV.et I Ifrom, IUchmwid; argued.f Binsdala and Devereux and Dowd ,& Walker for plain- m ana J.. D: haW for defendant V 7,F SVii'Vmi, Mm nrtollsihCmtiar4ed ubdetfcftner ordjEftinia vii ijL n Henrv VonQlaha.i et aL. JS. A -J..J ( rtoff! 5t V, - 1 21 '.M'afad Btedman & Latinwr and George "1 for defendants. ; 1 n.vM i-MtnfwinjaaWtf 19.2L 33 Market street. iVUiP .i,..li c': a: i..' jj .... : 1 " ' : ; : : NUNDAYi; JANnAB 'I 1 . ' ; ; t1 ? . f ' Scbooner VauDeaien hnin.l. i .. We laQpUoned v gajterday that telegraphic news' but been received here: that, this commanded .here dangerous JSU?tion . Advlcesiiowt osdq. snow tnat mci Ruiiuuonuieoi was ucveoomj. uawiu hardBQualla J - fcd into1 the Gulf stream; the sea j was j.verv heavy, hreaktng clear over n$f causing I the vessel to. leak some 1,000 strokes per honr, washing away our boat and all of our ! .... with BQthuito.dnok but a small Quantity ..i, . . . .. . ... . . or DracKi8n "water, two or ine crew Demsc w . i.:.. iDfw On Januarr lOtM. saw a baraue to wind .ri. i.r.;o(A4 ctnai fnr 9a)tirirA the. wihdat the time; blowing a gale from the northwest, viith saivery beavy sea. . Tbe barque norexlown tfrus, and proved to be T . , u Swatridge. from Barrow, 0' New York. The ; sea being too hfeavy to aunch'a Woat with safety that nighi, he promised to sUy by us Until an opportunity offered to take us off. After keeping us in siglit 'ail night, at daylight,. on the lltp, he launebed a boat and got its safely on board with our clothes and effects. The sea be og Terv heavy, andhe barqUe being short pf jwate'r. Capt. Swatridge'did not -think it orUdent to attemm : wrecking the vessel. Capt Thomas, on behalf of himself and crew, begs to express their sincere thanks t v ' ' . I . io uapu wamage, his omcera ana crew for their hnmaniivriti,''reBcuini them from received on board of his Vessel, until land- ing safely at New York. 7 Ctniln Boxj. People with a dramatic turn of laiod will not be at a loss ' for opportunity to engage themselves during the coming week. Bright,- pretty little Geneveive Rogers is creating a sensation north of us somewhat akin to that produced by Maggie Mitchell to her earlier histrionic career. The Du 1, critic is quite fascinateil with her ap pearing in "Big Rlchmoud," considering that be is usually so staid and unimpaa aioned;- He not only declares that "the play" ("Cousin Roxy") "is a good one," but that, as it was Miss Rogers' first ap pearance there, and the company had re hearsed it but twice, "the success of the pipy last sight was realty wonderful. Miss Rogers is one of the most natural artistes on the American, boards, and. is 'as pretty as a picture on the wall.It is hoped that her engagement here will be as successful as her merits demand." Miss Genevieve's other piece is " Maud Muller," and those, who have, seen her in it refer to her acting as superb, and i pro nounce it as one of . the sweetest characters in the English language. 1 major's. voin, ... i The receipts of ' the last twenty- four hours at the City Hall were four bodies, dark grades and ordinary stock . We note as transactions of Ihe day, with business closing dull,, the following: Wm. McNeill, a colored youth, who, in the absence of a genuine fire raised a false alarm,, was sent down for one day. Edward Merrick, 'colored, was arraigned oa the charge of being. both drunk and dis orderly. ; Edward was one of . the impecu nious kind, and berng unable to contribute $5 to the city treasury, went into exile in the basement for thirty days t - Jnonstraiive, ana ror muscular ueveiop Mni auacaea wuiiam Mitcneii, ana was 1 J -a 3. - L - - . 1 ge" lwo y ". V- mat ms .ui.r- I tiafardor migbt cool; and William Cowan .r a nae pnence. was sent to companion f him until the j expiration of. the sentence. 8Nth teflectionS may reform the dualists. 1 , ejn . u wwk ioui up ; awu Sv Stock on hand B1VKU AND Rf alflFtC ITEIHR. : .P.H't.O Hflf,ti.x.1I .Nothing dowa tbe-river inside the bar. I The HjUae&,1ttoh i tbtsporf, -has ar rived out:;1' V.r;-.. - M ;ij. L It. :J i Nerwegiaii 1 barque - VaJkyrien Glsen as at Deal on the 15th inst. . ! ;' j Barque Hcliptic, Johnscn, arrived at Liverpool on the 15th insW I Norwegian brig Hermer, Davidsen 'iV TrtAn nri W t , " " t" 1 -a. German barque MeMna ScJiuii. Kru I eer. .arTelai. 5,??me19n ine lomiD81- I Norwegian brig Her mod. Petersen I ihich, cleared, from Ibis . port for Glasgow I rttit' inln iOtieeOfitown -lrtflt Wedaesdav, r " . " .. . j I leaktogaWwiioss; of jlbhoom. I Hoarterly lrteetlttca-Flrat Bound for . ibe WlImingtonHHstrlet Cokesb'ury, ' January 18rl9. 1 Platan af Oonfro : Jannow 1Sj!.fl MIWAV., ,VWMVft. VflUUJ JW1 TV.i EliaahethCat JUizabethlown. Feb. 1-2. j Whitevilleat TfVhiteville, i'ebrnary 8-9v i vraccamaw ffussion jc eoruary iu I Smithville, at Cohcord, February 'f!-- Wilmington, at Fifth Street, Feb. iaa-aa. Wilmington, aCPront Street. March 1-3. Topsail, at Urh6n; March f Onslow, at Tabernacle, March 15-16. tST-The' District ' Stewards " will ' please nieet at the JfareonSge of Front St. Uburco, 1 in VYiimington, j eoruary aaui, iovv, at xv I o'clock A-1 .-A,?uu attendanceiisae 10 j NEW , AliViliKTlSJiLftVlEWl'a. I ,! i ' , j ' TKvin PT atth fHKMANOTACTM OF THESE CSLB- on nana, ana can oner :extra. lnauce- 1 aid- Catalogue to the' Old EsUbllahed J i john dawson i. ox wese, fiowa. Bena liaraware CO I bv TTarrifis A: HowelL was is A 1 VJntrol of wem for thlsjpart of the State and some 6- I Wtrm.nl NODTH CAROLINA -Wl hSWe a hw NEW ADTjSMETS. ;1, Between gebmania hall and second . street. or Doclr. PrIdaT kieht. a YELLOW KiKjuu BtuLuauii i; ornameaiea at one ena wren a Sam's HeaAlsBtniBQaa work;; , Thei finder, wUl be rewaraea oj leaving we same at tne itenew or tne 8Aofflcav i)n,; hii:r$ bait Altff 5jajl; 2 To Rint, OTTOvienvn rrioi.rr . isr 41. iotFi -1 mat aeatrahie kesl?encs, on Bast aide, of Fourth, between Market and Princess Street ojQCnpied present Xx an Campbell. Every thine in order. Good 1 pwnUseam a ? I Apptyja 1 a L n 12 -i ' Will Cistern cm Jan 19 2t JiWJOUlJ GILES. jfil TX)S THE BEST GUOD3 1 ' , r LATEST ST X ELS 1 and t ' . K 31 r.r. fj it r .-. .'.SUii . LOWEST FRIGES t i Gto THOKAaHj HO WET'S. : .n janl9tf , No, 47 North Market 8t Thoughtd astlieyOcciir TU8T THTNK OF IT f POORS. SASH. BLINDS. O BtricUy Pare WHITS LEAD, COLORS, GLASS, a c, at prices lower wan ever, at ' t . 4A.KAJUi a uaraware wepoi. . 4 No. IB 8. Front 81 Naxv Decoy Rat and Mouse, Trans: don't choke em; eangnt sou in a anon umev jan 15 "Sit Lux et Lux Fuit." O WING TO THE DETENTION OF THE BAL tlmore Steamer oar tupply of HQ degrees. Kerosene was exhausted. Bat to prevent Some of oat cos-: .--si i . i :: : . tomera from being "in the dark,": , we furnished them 130 degrees Kerosene at prices less than 110 degrees was being sold for by other dealers. ; Until the arrival af the Steamer, or the exhaustion of our supply, we wiH still sell this Oil (ISO decrees) to our customers at no advance in price. Messrs. J. C. Stevenson. L. Hansen A Co.. SoL 1 Bear & Bra, J. H. XcGarlty A Co., Jj H. Hanby, I an W instead ft Taylor, are now selling this Oil jan 19tf CHESS, CARLE Y & CO. Collars and Hames, mRACB CHAINS. PLOUGHS, HARROWS, JL Wheel-Barrows, Feed Cutters, Plough Lines Fire uoes, snoveis ana Tonga, Tra' Grub Hoes. Prmnmz Shears, and a other Hardware Goods, at Lowest New Established Hardware House of HENNING TEEL, Nov 9 Market street. Nab the Whabt. jan 19 DAWtf Black rilDmiTIIDC Walnat 9T VIIIUI I V IV sW AT BOTTOM FIGURES, . . . AT THE NEW FURNITURE STORE, BBHRBSDS fc DDHBOE, N.B. cor. Market and Second Sta. an!9tf ... Wilmington, N. C. Bmlders, Hardware, &c. HAVE ON HAND A FTLL 8TGCK ' OF BULuDERS" HARDWARE. hASa. BLINDS and DOORS, XT OUT AO, VXXJO, UilAOq WU fU u X , For saie as low as we lowest. GEO. A. PECK, : , jan 19 tf No. 35 South Front St. -4- The Merchant's Sales and Expense Book. TAESIGNED FOR THE USE OF 8T0RKKEEP- era and others m keeping correct aoeoant of sales and expenses for each day, month and year. Price 50 cents. For sale at . . HEINSBBRQER'S, 1? IANOS AND ORANS sold, low . for Cash or On the Instalment rian, . . At . atsiNanavBUaiK : . jan 19 tf r . . Live Book and Music Store, ' Otterboilrg MEN'S WEAR: DEPOX. t CHINCHILLA OVERCOATS. . '.V.'. .-. : . iA Good. Linen Front Shirts, ready-made, i , i ft. .4 . 6 00 . to Best " . ; 10O Jted Flannel Drawers sad Shirts; per piece.. 90 FtneMenno unaer-Bnirts, per piece........... ou iimK dvwii. . . ........ ...... ........... uu HUk Handkerchiefs, j J : . . ........ 5 Kid Gloves (best)....... : 1 09 Half Hose, (extra heavy), per pair. . . i .: . . . "RawUngs" and other style Linen Collars. 15 Cuffs, Ties, Suspenders, and Fancy -Goods. , f . .. p l. J. orERBouaG,;, - i f 31 Market Street, P. S. Court next week. Postponed on account of, illness of Judge Sharp. jan 19tf ! La Caisse Gerlerale, . V ' : OR- ' The French Insurance Corporation OF. PARIS, FRANCE. , . ,j j FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY, j OeW ABSets, bVeit ; f5,000,Wd; 'Vf Uiilted . SUles Branch Office. Western Union : , . Building, New York. JftO. W. OOttDON & BRO , I -' -.-'janl9tt '"?-. Atants. r 34 North Water Street. Lttention! Attention ! ! i AM DETERMINED TO CLOSE OUT THE balance of my Whiter Stock of CLOTHING. I will pay these interested to give me a call beforo buying. A LITTLE CASH will go a long way at : the Clothing House of ' - ' ,f i VIX, Ask for the PEARL SHIRT. i. 4 anl9tf ool Salt. OAAA ith LIVERPOOL' SALT. OUUUT" , Full weight, Vat Kle bv , 4an 10 it -'' rRB'HWBTl Jl nAT.TlCft feTUHsV '1 Bob mite.0 BeU Mill& ..... j . - ....it Bbls BOB WHITE FLOUR," 500 Bbls BELL MILLS , do For sale by 'jan 19 tf KSRCHM. SB A CAtDSR BROS -t t V Rnah BltSn HATS. 100 50 Bbls and Tierces KICK, y . Tubs ahj TierEARD, -; 1 r, jan 19 tf. '. . KK&QHMEIi '4, A'4P"s BRO. Oriental reorder. T LASTING, FALCON SPORTING P RAJRIEPOWDX&i I . i . . For sals by, 4... V . .fi. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, i Bpatwright & 1 McKoy. ; t ' TO THE PUBLIC GENERALLY, j 'AT Wholesale and Eetail, !U 1 if'";': i V'- 'i '' (.'"i'n.i LARGEST & BEST . SEIECTED -l -- v f. . STOCK OFu; -j-.-iit. Groceries in the State. ' 'A' ! r . . r ' J&-We keep W so called No. S-MEATsl GOfiD GOODS are always the Cheapest. fCome and see as and examine for yourselves. Boatwright & HcKoy, , , ' 5. 7 and 8 NORTH FRONT ST. . jan 19 DAW To Whom it May Oonoem vy s find "that .Very few bp THbss j who have been owing us' for several meatus past,' V i - i. - ':,-.-,.: have responded to our urgent request TO COME AND. SETTLE. ' ' .. ,.1 .. . '.. You have eaten our Groceries. ' The question is, - Dd YOU INTEND TO PAY FOR THEM T We think it but just and right that you should come forward and make some sort of a showing. 't ye have never yet pressed a single man or wo-' sua. We never warranted or sued one. Wheneve 1 asked for we have given all the indulgence required, and we will do it again if you show any disposition to pay. But we do not think it right to get In debt at one place, and so and spend your money at an- V i other. Are we right? Confidence is what is needed, in this land, and I i that will surely follow promptness. . Fay up yout accounts and commence anew, and : t you can get all the credit you need at . .': . AND CAPS. ! HARRISON &. ALLEN. jan 19 tf HATTERS. ' A Small Balance rF READY-MADE CLOTHING on hand, and will be sold AT YERY SMALL FIGUJ 1 i Biuiaai on SHIRTS at 75c. jan 19 It i ' MUMBUM. Kew Crop I. : : I Cuba biOlasseS.f r . . , r . . . . . 1 First; Cargo of tbe Season.; 287Hhds. i Ex Br. Brig "2ingerK" direct from Matanzas. , For. sale very low. jan 19-tf -WORTH- -WOKTil. I Have tlbt TOem h y BUGG1BS.HARNESS and, t ,ri ,1 SADDLES of all kinds. ? ' , h and at LOW PRICES. REPAIRING done at short notice. ' 3aal9tf . ;j , .-, P, H.HAYDEN. : I Cheap Groceriei3. TOU WHL FIND AT D. L. GORE'B, rtos. a ana a 00. water street, . : FLOUR, MEAL, CORN, MEAT, i - And id fact all. Goods commonly found in a Grocer v store, at rsowom rnees. " jan la ir 1 1 1 1 1 . .' . . , ' ' 1 ( XLLCUACkAU. X JJ, i-A. HARNESS 1 HARNESS l X is- $7.60 per set and upwards. 1 1 J Bridles, Saddles, Collars, &c all grades, nd prices to suit the times. - v Trunks and Satchels in abundance. . 1. ...II .UK UWU WT V... L. J ' ian 19 tf No. 8 SOUTH FRONT 8TRBBT iuggies iDllggieS I Harness& Saddles. " FOR SALE AT GrERHARDT & CO.'S, sd street, opposite City HalL ' REPAIRING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH.. - HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY. . jan 19tt-j .; . ?. -:- -v -. - .. ,1, n-fjii-' A Large Stock TSTalntit Chamber Suits, AT VERY LOW- .PRICES,. Also, ErJSTEAD?, BUREAUS, WASHSTANDS, WARDROBES ... . .1 - I . . . ' . i . SIDEBOARDS, JX)OKJNO GLASSES, ! PARLOR 8TJrre,iX)UNGES,BED- ,...;, .jpiN CARPBTsC,Ac.,s5..; . ".v ' Also, the New Tmnroved. Genuine STEWART SEWING MACHINE will be kept in my stock, sad. wm pefoidata'very.jKeauceai'nce, , Ladies will do well to call and examine this Ma chine before purchasing elsewhere. IT. A. BUtlU TTJfi, H and 38 Front and 11 and 15 Dock Sts. U -lf sjanl9tt.j j ,; .. ?... T'Arn Deterinined , 'I'.TO HAVE BUSINESS, IF FAIR DEALING &. LOW PRICE'S.! vmi.aiakit,.. A good assort ST A.TJONERY constantly on hand. j,4. , Photograpn KOohib connected fwith Bookstore, whrVrikoraVliH are fitted aniteweSrerr W'styUltJslf aid rfvims sitting. W,e guarantee GOOD WORK or no pay. Ax , . iJ'jm ; i c W YATXS,- w:-i V .. s!Ji u janl9tfi : , . A. OSR, Jr., Photographer. 1 s w 8 00 4 tout days,..., five days,.... ...... . .... .7. Una .yreek,.. t.,r. 5 6l 4 Ot 6 W' 8 r.o 10 00 n 00 S4 OU 40 00 Throe weelu,.,. meinontn, Two month,... T&ree months, . biz mcntns,.... One year, , "Contract Advertleements taken at propo- tioaateiy low rates. Tea Ilhea selld Nonpareil type make one square NEW ADVERTISEMENTS" Oj P E R A HOUSE. rtL i,i.Ll A.1. I mi 3 . T An . fll&iti U HI jf I Tli Saajf , 4MaT IS. LEONARD GBOYER'S Famous Combination, in the Great National Comedy, Qur Boarding House ! ) ;-The Chiefest Saceesa of the Decade: .sendisUnct rum in New York. Ee-ensased for j . w . . . this season. 1 Fourteen Hundred Performances. The entire Kew ;. . . xerk cast will appear. .member. thU la th only Company in America wifli the author's stamp of approvaL The unanes Uoned success of the Mew York runs. . iW"8ee eTerywhero, in all papers, the cordial en dorsement of most complete merit. j THE LOWEST POPTJLAK PRICES. Admission. 2Jc 60c. and j1.0o. Reserved Scats for sale at Heinsberger'a without extra charge jan 19 3t sawe th 6 Constantly Receiving ! 1 , 0 AND IN STORE, A FULL LINE I OF QBQOBBIES si j ' .. . , i &c. &c, eonsistingin part of i Flour. Bacon, Pork, Beef, Pish, Corn, Hay Meal Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Molasses, j Crackers, Cakes, Candy, Soap, Starch, j Candles. Matches, Soda, Potash, Lye, : Snuff, Hoop Iron, Bungs, Glue, Tubs, i Paper, Corks. Bagging, Ties, Cigars. ! Tobacco, liquors, and Apolinaria and j Hunyadi Janos Mineral Waters. .. ' ! For sale by ADRIAN & VOLLERS, Jan 19 tf : S.E. corner Front and Dock Sts. For Sale or Lease, My HOUSE AND LOT, on Fourth St., between Orange and Nun ; alt o HOUSE - HOLD and KITCHEN FURNITURE 1 Apply to jan 16 2t in su GEO. W. DOYLE Ship Notice. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY forewarned not to trust or harbor anv of the crew of the British - Barque . "NORTH CAROLINA," as neitner the Master or Consignee will pay any aeDis or weir contracting. ALEX. BUCHAN. Master. For Liverpool. The British Baraue. "NORTH CAR OLINA," Captain Alexander Bschan, will have dispatch as above. For Cot- m freight engagements 1 Appiy to . ALEX. SPRUNT & SON, ' Agents. '. " ann st Valuable land for Sale S nUATBD HALF MILE OF CLARKTON. ' Bladen County, N. C, and immediately on the Carolina Central Railway, containing 82 ACRES; has two good Dwellings thereon, with a well of water in each yard; Store, Stable and all other ne cessary out-houses. About 30 acres In a high state . of cultivation, j and stable manure enough to Im prove several more. Parties desiring to locate in a pleasant neighborhood will do well to confer with us. Terms easy. . . ! m WILKINSON A FORK, : Jan 12 3t s w s . nac , CJ ark ton, N. C. - 1 . . . ; , . j Just EeceivjBd, Another susply 'of that CELEBRATED BRAND of Jack Frost Flour, Awarded a Gold Medal at the Paris Expoi-ition. It 1 nas no equal, j ine very onest maae. . ALSO. ' lAilA Bbls FLOUR, all grades, QAA Boxes Dry Salted and OUU . ' Smoked SIDES, ; A Sacks Java, Laguyra ZOU andRloCOFFEE. - -jtA Bbls Crushed, Granulated,- IOU Standard A, Ex C, and C SUGARS, QRA Bbls Porto Rico, Cuba, N. O. OOU and S. H, MOLASSES. Bbls City MESS PORK, i -JQQ Tubs choice LEAF LARD, . AA A Ne wand Second Haod ZUUU SPIRIT BARRELS, f I i .' t 1 j ' j Lake George and Lebanon SHEETINGS. ' Manchester and Randolph YARNS, Crackers, .Candy, Soap, Starch, Soda, I Hay, Oats, Glue, Bungs, Nails, Hoop, iron, sc , c. I ... . For sale low by , ... "jan 19 tf WILLIAMS M MURCHISON. For 1879. gEE OUR NEW "PARKER" COOK, j Just out. The Heaviest, Handsomest aid Cheapest RANGE COOK STOVE j " of the kind ever sold ln wis market. I i r , SEND FOR PRICES, lour -ROBSitORE" still a . great favorite. !no. 6 BISMARCK only flieo, complete. ' . ' jTIN WARE,! LAMPS, OILS, Ac, low down for r: h- Old stand of janl9tf -- ' " PARKER A TAYLOR. NEW ARRIVAL. Eastern Hay, northern Bricks. j . QAA Bales Choice EASTERN BAT. - "UVV 10,000 very desirable HARD BRICKS, Now landing, . ', v u per scuooner -, ; : Ralph H,owes. '.For sate by ;V' - Hitchell & Son. ALTAFFElt & HILL, Factorraadffiee foot of Walftut 8L Sashif Dcrs Blinds, . ' lawuueiital Woodwork. ! v, Alforders tuW promptly, and WorkBsssaip and Prices guaranteed to please. . MjL "'',. i , ; iwsber orders sentf so our Mr. W .E. HILL, A- botuaurg, will receive vnmpiiM. ... !r--'J aw f.'i . j ajw i Air j? am iiiuii) -jan 19-tf ; ' . - WUiningtOB, N.C. K Si I jan 17 8t f - s' S ft:: ft- It fir f ! r. 4 t I' fi '.If" I t t v

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