I THE HOEitlim STAB. By WW IX. BERNARD. IMIKLISHED DAILY XZCSFT MONDAYS. s KATES O SOBSCMFTIOH IK ADVASCX : . Oeyear, (by mail) postage, paid, $7 00 Six months, t . i . " 4 00 Three month, 44 ' 44 44 ............ J 25 One month , " " " 1 00 To City saBBonoen, aeuvtrea in any part or the erweex. war uty Arams are OUTLINES. r Another English cotton' mill has stopped, and one thousand hands will be thrown out.1 -The HomeRulera and Liberal will unite against the British Government on Ja proposition to assimilate Irish borough franchise to the English and Scotch. Sundry new Roman Catholic dioceses are to be created in the United States.. . Rear Admiral Fouilley,; of the .Trench Navy, is dead. . -Manchester cotton market heavy la yarns and fabrics. Weston is 173 miles behind time. j f-The credentials of Z. B. Vance, of N.C, Jas. B. Groom, of Maryland, andB. F. Jonas, of Louisiana, were laid before the Senate. Horatio C. Borchard, M. 1C. from Illinois, has been nominated Director of the Mint. Two thousand weavers have struck work at Aahton, England, -r Blaine spoke in favor of restricting Chi ne3e. War Claims were again dis cussed in the House; Conger blew his horn; Shelley, of Alabama; had no sympathy with them; Ben. Butler gave his views; Aiken, of South Carolina, declared against all Southern War Claims. Five regU meats, with artillery, will sail at' once for South Africa. - J&JE- markets : Money 33 per cent; cotton flat at 99 cents; flour a shade firmer; wheat a shade1 stronger; com without decided change; spirits tur pentine quiet and steady at 80 cents; rbsin quiet at $1 401 42. -iL' " if : ttaLKIGH & AUGUSTA AIJK-IilNB f XTENSlOlt. I ' The following is the amendment of Mr. Foard on the bill to .extend the lialeigh & Augusta Air Line . from I any point on its line to Charlotte: "That section 1 be amended by adding lo it after the word contract in the 12tb iiue, provided the same facilities of trans portation and rate per mile on each article of freight according to its classification shall be given to any station on I the pro posed extension, or on the present line, or to any town or seaport in North Carolina as are given to any station, town r seaport in any other State, and that if said com pany shall violate any of the -provisions of this section, in so far as the same applies to discrimination in , rates against citizens of North Carolina, or. shall io any manner evade the said provisions, it j shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and Upon conviction thereof in the Superior Court of any county in which any part of the track of said company shall be situated, shall be I fined one thousand dollars for each and every offence and forfeit its charter." YVegive the vole as .it was not given in the Legislative reports of the Raleigh papers: j A A . , A . aits uitjBBiB. xiuueiBuu, Arm strong, Barringer, Bateman Battle, Berry, Bird, Bizzell, Blalock, Bounery . Boat, Bruce, Carter of Buncombe, "t Carterf Warren, Carter of Yancey, Carroll, Chadwick,Christmas, Clarke, Cobb, Col well, Covington, Davis of ' - -r 1 Latawba, Uavi8 of Haywood, Ueans, Dann, English, Etheridgej Foard, ForbesrFoy, Galling, Hines, John- son of Davie, Lamb, LewisjLindsay, Lockhart, Meares, Mebane,; Newell, uiiver, urcbard, liawiey, item ot I Macon, Reynolds, . Richardson of Columbus, Scott, Smith, Turner, Waddell, ; Wheeler, Young 54. . ..-. Nays Angier, Ardrey, Atkinson, Bernard, Bingham, Blocker Brown of Mecklenbarg,Brown of Yadkin, Burroughs, Cary, Coffield, Cooke, Council, Dirasdale, Ellison, Ewing, Ferrell, Foster, Goldston, Grant, Harrell, Harrison, Henderson, Huff stetler, Jones, Leacb, Leather wood,' Letterloh, Melson,' Meller, Mopre, McCorkle, McLean, Norment, Pal-1 ton, Powers, Reid at McDowell, Richardson of Wakej Ritchey,' erson, Taylor, Vaughan,; York 44. , A' nne, -.... , During the r disoussion t on 'the Legislative Appropriation bill in the House, two of our Representatives made some remarks on the revenue service.' Mr. Scales said he wanted the revenue service faithfully per- formedbut there are bad Collectors in the South and he would oppose any increase of appropriation while improper agents prostituted ' their offices to political purposesi, Mr. Davis said that the law in re gard to detecting frauds was a dead letter in Chicago and St. - Louis. Large whiskey corporations in those cities owned the internal revenue col lectors, and the corruption was not so much in the distiller as in the detec tive. If honest men were sent as ! collectors ithey would;: find : honest uien io ueai witn. ! ... The committee that has been in vestigating Senator Stanley Mat thews will report in his fajror. They think he was, in no wayecpnneoted with the Presidential frauds; but was a victim - of ? misplaced 'confidence. Jim Anderson allured him 16 his ruin. Matthews may;-be ' innocent, must be extremely verdant. but he before th Pftr nrtrm5tfrt x Th& are anxious to tell something that Marble could not remember. ' , VOL. XXIII.--NO. 123. It is now said that a majority of I. Democratio Senators will oppose an J extra, session. They say the repeal .of the obnoxious laws can avail nothing before 1880, and in the mean time both Houses being Democratic can repeal by separate bill, if they so elect. . The House adopted an amendment requiring the Marshal or officer mak ing the arrest of a person charged with- violating, the revenue law, to carry, his prisoner before the nearest officer . authorized to take bail. This is certainly both timely and neces sary. -, ' - : , it is now definitely known that f Our . Republican Senators, viz. : Conover. Don Cameron. Patterson ouu viibuc, wm uio seating I Corbin; v This will give Butler a ma- ioritv nf . eiaht. Tt in nlsn t.h at WAA- ;n c I xsiviujuuua win uuii yuio iui vurutii. I THIS LEGISLATURE. i Raleigh News Report Condensed. .; ' , SENATE, j Z Raleigh, Feb. 13, 1879. The honr having arrived for the special order, which was a bill to abolish . the Geologieal Survey of North Carolina, it was taken np. The bill provides that all property and information belonging to said office shall be turned over to the Agricul- tnral Department. The committee to whom this bill was referred suggested that it be '. so -amended as to authorize the appro priation of $2,000 to have the re ports of the State Geologist pub lished. I Mr. Dortch was opposed to the bill. He favored retrenchment and reform, but thought the Senate was acting too hastily in this matter. j Mr. Merritt spoke in opposition to the bill and in favor of the survey. He offered the following subasitute: ; "A bill to be entitled an act to amend sec. 13, chapter 2, Battle's Revisal, so that it will read: "The Department of Agriculture shall ap point a suitable person to conduct, under their supervision, a geological, mineralogical aud agricultural survey QfthejState; and to amend sec. 14, last line, so that it will read Board of Agriculture instead of Board of Literature." ; Mr. Caldwell was in favor of the bill to abolish the survey, as was also Mr. Hoyle. Pending further discussion upon the bill, on motion of -Mr. Dortch, the Senate adjourned until 10 o'clock . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES V . calendar Resolution in regard lo A. C. priviiege8 ana Elections to investi- gate his right to a seat, was taken up. Mr. Norment. its introducer, hand ed in a notice of contest served by the Sheriff of Brunswick county upon the sitting member. The resolution was referred to the J udiciary Com mittee. j TAX PEES OP ATTOBNEYS. I The special order, bill to abolish the tax fees of attorneys charged in bills of costs in civil suits m any courts of the State, was taken up. The substitute offered by Mr. Vaughan, which was somewhat dis cussed yesterday, was first acted on. The substitute abrogates all laws re- quiring tax fees in any courts, down to the Probate Court, except in case fL man is wrongfully forced into court he is to be reimbursed by the party who does him - the wrong. This is done by the imposition of a small tax t1 S - ;-- ifK. iee. iu boui holding the money of a ward, the 'courts have the privilege to require voimVmra tha varA fttr t.hA . , . i yubioy. ; . ; - '. ' , jxu amenumeub wttsocunutuvaiu uy rvi w k niba nrAvminiT rnnr. i.na nrn- ww.M e. w visions of this act shall not apply to actions on plain notes of hand, where tliora la nrt fofonrt.A nr tn ant.inna . be- fore Justices of the Peace. This was acceptea. jir. vaugnan,caueu ine previous question upon his substitute. 1 ma was then lost by a vote or svs to 'Z'z. Mr. Cooke offered an amendment that there shall be taxed by clerks of Superior Courts in all civil i actions $3, to be held as a luna ror tne Dene- fit of jurors. Mr. Brown, of Mecklenburg, of fered an amendment to the amend ment to strike out $3 and say $2. Lost. Mr. Cooke's amendment was then I lost by a vote of -61 to 35, the ;i js""jb r -v, Vaughan. . v a v ....-. The bill then passed its second and third readings. DEAF MUTES, BLIND AND INSANE. Bill to amend the constitution of the State as torthe support of indigent deaf mutes blind and insane, so that it will read ; that these unfortunates ."may" be provided ; for. at State ex Dense. s There : were submitted! ma- I ioritv and minority reports, the lat ter recommending that the word 'ahflll " as atDresent.be not changed. I adoption or Don this ;the aye and nays ! were called, when it wist xibi adopted. 1 The majority report, or rather the .FT. - I f WILMINGTON, N. bill, then failed to Dass bv aote of 1 56 to 35, not two-thirds voting. Mr. Vaughan moved to reconsider the vote by wmch the bill failed to pass, and make it the special order for next Wednesday. Adopted s Turpentine.; Wake Forest College has 115 stuaents, or more. Harnett has sent two oonvicts to theJPenitentiary. There is to be a military ball at wasningtontnegutn or Jfebruary. Mr. John G. Watts died at Williamstown on the 4th inst., aged 30. Mrs. Mary J. Grimes, a highly respected lady oi Henansville, died on the 1st of February. Rev. Dr. Wm. Closs, of the' North Carolina Conference M. E. Church, is 70 years of age. Col. Wm. Johnston was ten- railroad, lie declined. Congressman Yeates is entitled Ho, $150 for stationery. He took his out in . if -r . r rvt iiir. in. -xuiuuub, jrum vuar loite, lectured at Raleigh on Immigration at the request of committees ox both nouses. The Charlotte Observer calls attention to the fact that no Governor of North Carolina for fifteen years has. served out nis lull term. Every town has the best doctor in the world, and every newspaper has one subscriber always a "prominent citi zen" who thinks it the best paper in the State Sundry members of the Legislature have invited Commissioner Folk to deliver an address at Raleigh on the "material in terests of North Carolina." lie has ac cepted - Mrs. Maggie Hay wood Came ron, wife or Major J) rans 11. uameron, and daughter or the late lion. Juiiam 11. llay wood, died in iiaieign, February i3in, in the thirty-third year of ner age Winston Leader'. We learn that a movement is talked of to ask the Legislature to grant the corporations of Salem and Winston the privilege of so changing their charters as' to consolidate the two places. Commissioner liaum has writ ten a sharp letter to A. W. Shaffer, of Ra leigh, dismissing his complaints against Collector Isaac J. Young, because they "are rounded in malice and a gross exaggera tion of the facts." Good bye Shaffer, Mont ford McGeb.ee, Esq., mem ber of the House from Person, and who has been so ill during the present session as to prevent him from taking his seat, has gone to Richmond, Ya., 'to consult Dr. Mc- Guire, .s we learn from the MiHon Chronicle. Raleigh Observer: The schools are opening tbronghout the county. There la one dollar per child for the year ending September 1. 1879. Last year the educa tional allowance was $1 25, but the deci sion of -Judge Seymour cuts the children out of one-fifth of what tbey then had. Greensboro Patriot; vve un derstand it is proposed to organize a ladies' archery club. We pity the man who spends his evenings, six out of seven, gos siping in the stores and is compelled to spend the seventh with his family at home because there is no other place open. lie must be very lonely, Raleigh News: The health of Maj. Engelhard, who has been very ill, shows marked improvement. The new Second Presbyterian Church building, on North Blount street, is going up rapidly, The excitement about the Moffet bell punch has died out, it seems, as there seems to be no steps taken in the matter, Goldsboro Messenger: Jas. R Hinson, charged by the coroner's jury with the killing of Jacob bmitn, is still at large. The school at Warsaw is receiving en- couraeine patronage. There are eleven boarders in the institution and iorty-nve pupils in attendance. " The teachers art do ing faithful work, and giving entire satis faction. Raleigh News: The skating rink will be open this evening, and every body will be there, as usual. The old folks like it, the children cry for it, Two counties yesterday drew upon the State Treasury for pay for tile maintenance of their lunatics outside the Asylum. Stanly drew the sum of $600, while Bun combe drew $893 55. SnSSninXSt H. Williams, Assistant Superintendent Washington City Gazette: Col. of the House document room, and one of I the "livest" men in the South, was the re- I cipient, a few days ago, of a handsome I COlO. waiCB 8DU cnaiu ironi mo cuizicna ut DIB IDWO, IT USUU i. j.a BIICUUIU IU&CU I of Dopular esteem, and one moat worthily i bestowed - n-r ... i i . ; wasmngton corresponaence or the Boston Post: Gov. Vance, of North I Carolina, is remembered at the Capital I from his brilliant record in the House be- f v'" ,5 i JT1 highest order, and bis advent to Washing- ton is anticipated with delight ny aiitne I old society - Goldsboro Mail: Last week white shad sold in Newbern at $1 per pair. (This week they are offered in his market S dTiSSM exhibit. - Gen. Robert Ransom, who has ., in charge the work upon ihe Neuse river, is making fine progress. The appro-, priation by Congress was a wise one.. Fu ture aid is greatly needed to accomplish the end in view, and whether that is gotten or not, the thanks of all the friends of the measure are due Mr, Brogden for: his un tiring efforts to advance their interests in the premises. Alamance Gleaner: It has been nearly half a century since the organiza tion of the Pleasant Hill Temperance So ciety sf A book: containing the: pinnules of its meetings and the list pf rnames who have signed the pledge have been kept for forty six years. Some time prior to this a number of the leading citizens in this vi cinity from the counties of Uhatham, Ala mance and- Randolph met and drew up the pledge in these words: "We, whose names are fixed to. this agreement, do seve rally and unitedly promise that we will not in any case use ardent spirits ourselves, or procure or furnish it for others as an arti cle or entertainment." j i- .',. .t, ; Fittsborp Mecord: We regret to learn that a party of revenue officers from Raleigh were ? fired, upon near MaN thews' X Roads, in this county, last . week, and though no one was hurt, yet we deem it our . duty in behalf of the good, law NINO- C, SATURDAY. FFJiltUARY l 1879. abiding people of Chatham, to condemn such conduct We are pleased tolearn that the Rev. Edmund Joyner, of Hickory. N. C. has accented the "Rectorship of the .Episcopal Church at- this? place, and will arrive here the latters part-of this month. Quite a interesting protracted meetine is oemg neia at me ALeinoaut vaurcn nere. The Ministers who have been officiating, in addition to the beloved pastor, are Rev. S. D. Adams and Rev. Jttr. Hoyle. Charlotte Observer'. It is a pleasure to us to be able to announce that the authorities of the Carolina Central and Raleigh & Augusta Air-Line Railway com panies have, after a suspension of business relations covering a period of several months, again arrived at an understanding satisfactory ' to both, by which 'the route known- as the - seaboard Air iine, irom Charlotte via Hamlet to Norfolk and thence North, has been reopened for business, the roads mentioned agreeing to exchange freights at Hamlet as heretofore, and upon terms mutually agreeable. Two or three sporting men from Charlotte will at tend the great inter-State cocking main which is to begin at New Orleans on the 20th inst. , And now Matthews' Sta tion has townlv asoirations. A bill to in corporate it is before the General Assem Wadesboro Herald: Mr. James Little's boys, near Lilesville. have caught one hundred and eleven rahbits this winter in traps or "gums," and it's not been a good winter for rabbits either. At a meet ing pf Anson County Medical Society, held Monday, January 26th, the following om cers were elected for the ensuing year: Dr. W. H. Battle. President: Dr. W. A. In gram, Vice President; Dr. E. F. Ashe, A. Myers and J. C. Smith, Executive Com mittee: Dr. J. W. Bennet, Secretary. Mr. L. B. Pennington and John W. Davis, connected with the Kevenue Depart ment, have just returned from a ten days' 'still bunt" in the counties oz jaoore, rut and Chatham. Thev. with some nineteen other revenue officials, under control of Kellog, xaptured and smashed thirty-five stills. , Tarboro (Southerner: And now A Bonitz. the irrepressible man of the Golds boro Messenger, has had patented a Pocket nana book, wun a map oi rtoriu arouoa and lots of valuable information, ine in formation we suffer for is how to get some- thin' to nut in ours. We learn from Jos Dnpree, Esq., that a difficulty occurred at rut court last weefc between Mr. a Forbes, a witness, and Colonel G. W. John son, a lawyer, in which Colonel J. was '"worsted." Colonel J. indulged tn some strictures on the witness in addressing the iurv. and was attacked by the witness. Maior James Mayo informs us that Dr. John T. Bellamy's gin house and eight bales of cotton, in this county, were burned last week by an incendiary. No insurance. A conunarum iot me ijei;isiaiure: m . " . . . 1 T 1 X the sheep Question a cur rent topic? If so, should it be treated dog-matically ? Will stake Tarboro against the world for men who can sit on a goods box long est and be happiest. rrizm city. NK1V AOVKBTISBMBNT8. Mtjnson Spring fashions. Dix Bros Lowest figures. O. G. PABSiiv, JaWood. J. I. Macks Assignee's sale. Meeting Democratic committee. Heinsberger Chromos, pianos, &c. Opera House Lecture CoL McRae. Crokly & Morris Sale of paintings. Iiocal Dot. The British barque Susie is in below. Thermometer yesterday in ten degrees of freezing range. The soldier boys from Fayette- ville departed for home yesterday after noon. Six initiations in. the Endow' ment Rank, Knights of Pythias, last night, and still they come. ! The festival and hop at Ger- mania Hall, last night, under the auspices of one of the Catholic societies of the city, was a most pleasant and successful affair. The management fully realized their ex pectations, and the patrons of the enter tainment exhibited high appreciation of its pleasantness. To-DaT'i Indication. For the South Atlantic States, north to east winds, rising barometer, partly cloudy weather and' possibly light rain or snow near the coast, are the' indications for to day. Unmallable Letters. The following are the unmailable letters remaining in the city postofflce R. L. DeLea, agant Nat. Series school books, Richmond, Ya.; Edward Bush, Constantine, N. Y. Tne Meeting To-Day A call is published elsewhere for the committees of Conference.appointedjby the Democratic Ward Clubs last night, to meet at Munds' Hall. It emanates from the Chairman of the City Executive Committee, and should be responded to by every ap pointee. '. murder Trial. The case of the State against Sarah Allen and Virginia A. Hines, who are in jail on the charge of haviBg murdered the little colored girl, Julia Ann Williams, on Saturday night last, in this city, has been set for trial at 9 o'clock Tuesday morning. ; 18th inst. The Sheriff has been ordered to summon a special venire of ninety good and lawful men from which to select the jury. misnomor, ' A gentleman, who is pattlal to things antiquarian and delights in unearthing facts from musty tomes, informs us that we, in common with others, make some little or thographical mistakes occasionally. Fox instance, It is a corruption to speak of "Castle JHayno' it should be written Oastie HayaM and it is , "Eagle's Is land," not "Eagle Island." We have a de- cidediatersioB i to : agf arianism this ten- toyofjmdderns tqpuUfdowo and ex- termrnate venerable things, nd especiaUy is this true when, applied to the cpmmon habit of stripping words pf legitimate letters. THeiairiBlrarBpca - Priii The Mayor of Clinton writes us, under date of the 12tb , instant, that Messrs. Charles and Doc! Crnmpfer,r having seen the Stab's account of the rape committed by one Eli Betbune, sear Laurinburg, Miss McDaffle being . the, victim arrested f last Sunday a negro which "th-'y think, answers ties description. He bas straight, coal black hair, is a very bright' mulatto, looks as if he might be ' mixed with' i Ihd ian, has scars on his nose nd left' cheek,' particu larly on his nslBs'unIh'iom',small pox, measures 5 feet' 11 inches in - height, and weighs 150 pounds. 'He: says he left Ben nettsville, S. C., and came cby Laurel Hill. stx miles from Laurinburg; that be was atj Laurel Hill on Friday, the date the crime was committed, and left on Saturday, the day after. He gave his name there as John McDougald, but tax receipts found on his person show that his name is Wm. Clark, and that they were paid in Marlboro coun ty, S. C. He told one Perry Moore, col ored, of Sampson county, that the reason he left South Carolina was because "he fell out with some old man's gal." We do not knew that the party arrested is Bethune, but the. description given of him matches very well with that furnished of the criminal. : Mayor. Beaman has the supposed rapist in jail at Clinton, await ing information as to his identity, and the lady's friends at Laurinburg should lake immediate steps either to have the man re leased or brought to justice. St. Valentino' llay. The recurrence of this festival was duly inaugurated yesterday, and pent np senti mentsperhaps of years, perhaps onl 'first sight" blooms were unloosed with out regard to age, sex or previous condia tion. In fact, pasteboard, tinselry and pa per of various hue, were showered around very indiscriminately. Some of the speci mens transmitted through the postofflce and otherwhiely, in this city, may be enu merated in this wise: A cake of soap a satire on uncleanli- ness. A set of false teeth An insinuation of their need. A cuspidore Useful to indiscriminate spitters.. A phonograph For incessant talkers. A box of cachou A corrective of bad breath. A cradle Useful to the newly wedded. A washboard For indolent or aristo cratic ladies. A toothbrush Speaks for itself. A pair of pants For the self-willed wife. A book First lessons in spelling and grammar; conveys a delicate hint ot a de ficiency. A corset Insinuating the consequences of tight lacing. Onguent For incipient mustaehes. The moat obnoxious valentines of the day, however, were those handed around by Deputy Sheriff. John Brown, in the shape of set fas, &c. They were a little too mandatory, but not so arbitrary, in the meantime, as the quo voarrantos from Cu pid's Court. Bat experimenting young men will sooner or later find a sweetheart "Sometimes a plague, sometimes a darling. Kissing to-day, to-morrow snarling." Sncatc Tnleves. Mr. E. H. Ward, who lives on the south east corner of Seventh and Brunswick streets, encountered one of the sneak thieves of this city Wednesday afternoon, in the open day. About 3 o'clock in the afternoon, as he approached his house, he saw a negro woman coming but of aside door, but, as he went around the building. she disappeared. He supposed she was oh a begging expedition, but, upon , inquiry, ascertained that none of his family had seen her. Then light broke in upon him, and an examination of' the interior of his dwelling showed that the invader had thoroughly ransacked one of the bed rooms, leaving everything therein in the utmost confusion. Very few if any arti cles of value were secured, but thermistor tune is that the prowler escaped and has not been identified. Housekeepers should on their guard. Criminal Court. This tribunal was opened yesterday at the usual hour and the following cases were disposed of: State vs. Jacob Freeman, charged with killing livestock. Verdict guilty. Motion for arrest of judgment. State vs. John Pleasant, charged with violation of city ordinance. Metion made to dismiss. Motion granted. State vs Martin U'Jsnen, assault and battery. Verdict, not guilty. State vs. Jno. Jenes, alias Abram Dins- more, larceny. Verdict, guilty. State vs. Daniel Redd, larceny. Ver dict, guilty. , State vs. Primus Yeung. alias Primus Meares, and Rachel Giles, larceny Ver dict, notguilty. Recovery ana Identification r feuolen Goods. - :.'' 'i. It will be remembered that the store of Mr. R. M. Wescott," at fimithville, was robbed recently of shoes, alpacas, calicoes, chewing tobacco, segars, &c, valued at $250. We then suggested that: they were probably in this city, and that speculation has become a verity. Mr. Wescott has identified most, if not all the articles men tioned in Friday's paper, as having- been unearthed by ' that efficient officer, Hr.- NichoiasOafri asslstelrby Officers C. H: strode and J. ty'Whitne."4Bythe-bK ndr warrant isseb iustice bf th peace T. U. Gardner,' another instalment I 0f sroods wai hrenghi tolicht vesterdaV. I a part, we hope, of those wchred' by the Bmithvuie ronbers. WHOLE NO. '3.594 The Democratio Ward meetings Laii 1 Night. The action of the Democratic Ward Clubs last night can be stated without much lourisb. In the First, Third, Fourth and Fifth, resolutions , were passed reaffirming the views expressed at their meetings last. Menday evening' As we are advised, there' was no dissent from the proposition to re quest the Legislature to continue in office, for two years, the present, Board of Alder men,. -;:- ; - ' Provision was made in the Second Ward for delegates to the conference between the City Executive Committee and the Ward Committees; but the representatives are hot under instructions. The names of the Ward Conference Committees are appended: First Ward Charles Murphy, John L Dudley and A B Perse. Second Ward Col James G Burr, A T London and Col Roger Moore. Third Ward E S Martin, J W Perdew and H A.Bagg. ;r Fourth Ward Capt D R Murchison, Maj James Reilly and H Brunhild. Fifth Ward F H Darby, W H Griffith and A H Leslie. We trust that the conference will have the effect of reconciling any differences of opinion as to what is best to be done with respect lo our municipal affairs. . , -aaanasfr gta lfns Comine Amons Us. A note from a gentleman in Pennsylva nia informs us that Mr. William P. Buck- ey, who has been extensively engaged, at Potsttown, in that State, as an iron and brass founder, and metallurgist, designs ocating id this section, if not in this city. We need men of the pattern of Mr. B. in North Carolina,' which opens up to enter prise and energy a "promised land," not only of milk and honey.but mines wherein are hidden wealth enough to enrich a king dom, and fields so kind that at man's judi cious touch Ihey will yield the richest re ward. jThe direct ohject of Mr. Buckley, how ever, is the establishment of a plow facto . .... ry. This locality is an admirable one for such a manufactory, and the experiment of the Keystone business man may, there fore, be expected to lead, in due time, to the inauguration of other and important industries. Taleston Entertainment. The multitude of cultivated people who were present at the exhibition at this in stitution last night was a most marked and fitting tribute to the merit of the entertain ment offered. The beautiful cantata of The School Festival" was charmingly presented by the pupils, and this was at tested by rapturous and repeated applause. Miss Ella Weill, as the Queen, was a . de cided success, and her associates contested with her creditably for the honors of the evening. "We'll have to mortage the Farm,' by the "Family Circle," the exercises of the Calesthenic Club, the emotional panto mime, and the "Anvil Chorus." were all , - , given in a style at once effective, admira ble and skillful. Miss Amy Bradley, Su perintendent of the school, and Miss Alice M. Hoyt. Musical Directress, have reason te be proud of the verdict which a very Critical assemblyfgave: that the presenta tions were almost faultless. Fire In Fayetievllle. ' We learn from Captain Garrason, of the steamer Murcluson, that the tool raanufaci tory of ; Walter Watson, Esq. , at Fayette yiHe, was entirely consumed by fire on last Thursday night. Only a few articles were saved. The fire is supposed to have orig inated from the carelessness of employes in handling lights. It is understood that there was no insurance on the building or con tents, i Captaln.V.,V. Blcnardson. I Among the ablest opponents of the iniquitous bill to. extend the Raleigh & Augusta Air .Line, .we class this gentleman. Columbus county is represented by a mem ber who is ever true to the interests of the people of North Carolina. BIVKR AND RIAHINE ITEMS. ; German barque Carl August, Franck, irom this port, was at Antwerp on the 12th inst. : German barque Kronnemitz, Burchard, reached Liverpool on the 11th nit. from this port uerman narque Louisa Dororea Kraeft, arrived at Ghent from this port on thelllhult. The Carl August, from this port, is announced by telegraph as having reached Antwerp yesterday. , Schooners J. F. Carver, Ceres and Eelen K Condon were in port at Vineyard Haven on the 10th inst. Th$ Blaney Brothers Crookhaven on the Slst of was still at January, de tained pairs. ny tne Hoard or Trade for re Schooner Mary M. Condon, Dickey, sailed from Belfast for this port en the 6th inst., and the schooner Mary was to follow on the 11th. . Baltimore Sun of Thursday: Steam- ship D. J. ioley, Bennett, from Wilming ton, N. C, for Baltimore,- went ashore on Tuesday night, during the fog, on Nigger Head (Sisters), on West River, Md. As sistance has been sent to her, and she. will probably come off at high water." Official notice is given that on and after May 1, 1879. ' there will be hown from the 1 Hawkins Point 'Lighthouse, which serves as the upper . beacon of the Brewerton Channel range, near .. .Bal timore, Patapseo River, Maryland, but one light, instead of the two hitherto ex hibited. BATES OF iOVKKMSINfi, bne'Sqa6aodayrr.r;T.r;rr:.i-r--r., ft ' f two days. . l ') three days,.... toordays,.... five days,.. One week...... Two weeks,. . .. Three weeha,... One month Two months,. .. - Three months,. Six months,.... One year....... t'WJ ... ... 8 00 .. . ... ssa . 4 01.' .850. 8 50 , .. ..10 0U ....i 17 IK! 24 WU ... 40 00 . ...- CO IH at propo JSContract Advertisement taken "- Tea lilies selld Nonpareil type make one equart. Tnleves at WorJc Agaiu. 0n Thursday night last, betweed 12 ami 1 o'clock, a thief or thieves endeavored to effect an entrance into the store of Mr. N. Hullen, on the corner of Brunswick and JTUtt streets, but was frightened off by the watchman at Messrs. Wilder & Morton's distillery. The raiding rascal was some what defiant, and held to his purpose of pilfering with a tenacity that, in a -betn-r cause would have been quite commenda ble. For instance, bis first onset vs against the front window, when be was shot at and retreated, but he renewed the effort on the back window at a later hour. burning two holes in the shutters. The ras cally fellow gained nothing by the adven ture, but unfortunately escaped with a whole bide. Steamship Regulator. Doane, from this port, arrived at New Yoi k on the 13ih inst. ' city msiriv Chew Jacksoh's Best Sweet NavyTobacco. . CARBOLINE.a deodorized extract of Petrolenm.lg now presented to the public as the bent Restorative and Beantlfler of the hair the world has ever pro duced. It performs what others only claim for their preparations. RATTLING VOLLEY8 OF COHOHfNra lor.H surelv. (thoaeh more slowlvt ta fatal volleys of musketry. Quell them with that sover eijjn balsam for the longs and throat, "Haus's Ho- KBT OP HOBBHOUKD AND TAB." ruce a Tootnache Drops cure Toothache in one minute. FINK ENGLISH GUNS. The attention nf Bnnrt. men is mvitel to the advertisement of Messrs. J. & W. Tolley. manufacturers of fine hreAch.innriinrr guns, Birmingham, England. Their guns are made w oraer according io specmcations and measure ments furnished, thus ensuring the right crook, length of stock &c. FOR UPWAKDS OV THIRTY VHARs Tvrw WlHSLOW'8 SOOTHTKB 8TBITP has hfln children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wiu uuMo, TBKuiaces me Dowels, cures dtbkntkbv and diarshcea. whether arisin? frnm other causes. .An old and well-tried remedy. 25 CENTS A BOTTLE. Merchants. Travellers. Visitors to New Vnrk don't fail to remember, that m order to accommo date and save your money, to tmake war on prices, and. toflU the largest fEotel in New York,;ie Mam- -moth Grand Central, on Broadway, will hereafter be " rn. An tt ft .La 4 1 a t . liiD jxnwiiMit, ana jsmrupean plans. The American plan including meals and lodeing. 42.60 " j.w, mic Aurupeaa pisn i.uu ana upwards per da per uay. nuuegam, Mesiaurani, at moderate prices, AO WUUUUVU UJ bUQ XlUbCl. A REMEDY THAT HAS RREN URMRnTirn The invincible reDusnance felt hv nlmnat to the smell and flavor of COD LIVER OIL, has prevented tens of thousands of the victims of de bility, from reaping the benefits of the peculiar ucniwg auu uumuYB properues. 'i ne almost hope less consumptive, the martyr to Rheumatism, the uoicijr uTiug cuauuw ui men, women ana cnudren thai emenre from the clutches nf mninHni fon.. all of these know, or at least their doctors know, man ui ui luiuiTcicu remeo.es mis Kill u tne best, and often the only one that will build up their was ted bodies, and restore their shattered nerves,' and far more effective than the OIL by itself is SCOTT'S EMULSION of it, with the HYPOPHOSPHITES OF LIME AND SODA. This is the finest and most natural food and medicine in the world, and wholly uvf..cu ui xlo uiragreeauie qualities. HER MAJESTY'S SHIP "PIN A DYtRR thh FIRESIDE COMPANION, No. 592 (with Supple ment), will be ISSUED FEBRUARY 17. The Supplement will contain complete -the co-" mic opera, H. M. 8. "PINAFORE," now so popular in every town and village all over the country. ; No. 598 of Ths Fibeside Companion will contain the opening chapters of the new story, called THE BANKER'S DAUGHTER, founded upon the popu lar piay ox lae same name new running at the Union Square Theatre.New York. It will also con tain the first instalment of James Payne's new eto- ry, UNDER ONE HOOF. l he words and music of some popular Song cr Ballad is given away with every number of the nn- per. The Febbside Companion is for sale by all Newsdealers. The subscription price is Three Del larsayear. Address, n GEORGE MUNRO, Publisher. P.O. Box 8751. 17 to 27 Van de water st., N. Y. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE, Lecture on Laughter, Bt Col. D. K. McKAK. MONDAY EVENING, FEB'Y 17TH. at 8 o'clock. "Private Boxes for sale at HeinBberger'a. feal5 3t - , - Last and ClosinsSale of Fainfc ""E SHALL CLOSE THE AUCTION SALE of OIL PAINTINGS,' THIS EVENING, commenc kg at 7j" o'clock. CHONLY & MOBRIS, feb 15-lt Auctioneers. Committee Meeting. rpHK COMMITTEES APPOINTED BY THE different Democratic Ward Clubs will please meet at MDNDfc 1 HALL, This afternoon, at 3 o'clock. DuBRUTZ CCTLAR, Chairman City Ex. Committee. feb 15 It Assignee's-Sale. ON TUESDAY, THE 25TH INSTANT, AT 11 o'clock. A.M.. I will nroceed to sell, at Pnblic Auction, at Exchange Corner, in the City of Wil mington, Ton Cash. 25 SHARES Stock ef the Real Estate and Loan Association of Wilmington. N. C, of the estate of O. G. Parsley, Jr., Bankrupt. feb 15 tds J. L MACKS, Asslgseo. Fashions for Spring gUITINGS AND CASSIMERES.j Call and make selections early. MUN80N. feb 15 It Wood. Wood, jgLACK JACK, SPLIT OAK, ASH, PINE AND SWAMP WOOD. Fall buctjIv for sale from wharf er delivered rnrd length or cat ap, at Lowest Prices for Cash . u. . JrAKsLEY, Jr., feb 15 tf Cor. Orange & 8. Water Streets. (JhrOniOS & EnffravinirS O w AAAg o JUST RECEIVED, THE BEST COLLECTION of CHROMOS and ENGRAVINGS ever fcroUKbt to this city. All New, Beautiful and Cheap. iv .li ail -t -n . m a Also, a full assortment of FRAMES, all Sizes. Styles and Prices, at the IjI Y IS BUUa Bi'UKK. Pianos and Organs. rpo COMPETE IN STYLE AND PRICE WITH X any Factory. Sold on the Instalment Plan, at . : HEINSBERGER'B fcbl5tf Nos. Wand 41 Market Bt ' North Carolina Flour. JUST R3CETVED, A LARGE CONSIGNMENT of NORTH CAROLINA FLOUR, in Sacks. Call and examine. . Always on hand, at the LOWEST FIGURES : COFFEE, SUGAR, BACON, (LARD, and a fall supply of HEAVY GROCERIES. Large consignment of BUTTER on hand. DIX BROS., No. 17 North Water St. feb 15 tf i : I : v.- k ! "8 1' li' 1 'A r' - 4 it 1 4 1 i .-s it VI, 4 tf r. ft. i.-r t u t if. if t