The Morning.' Star. kU nil. LI AM n. BERNARD -mm ea -ear- . ,v ' PUBLISHED DAILY BXCBPT MOWDAYS. RATES OT SUBSOBIPTIOM, VK ASVAXOK. me Year (by Mail), Fostara raw js, 00 s Months, a 00 Vhree Months" - - ......r... I 51 mo Month, . .. 10 v9To city BUDsorioera, aeuverea in any par ,'lbe ony, wi4T im iwr wosk. ; liar Ulty A'irentA are not authorised to collect for more . ,iin three montus iu wiviuuh). ; w c , t.,rad at the Post Office at Wtlmlaefcou, N. C as Second Class Hatter. - REDUCTION IN PSICE. - Attention is invited to the follow- in. reduced rates of subscription: DAILY STAR, By nail: One Year .$6.00 Six Months . 3.00 Three Months 1,50 One Month "... .... 50 Delivered to City Subscribers for any period at ihe rate of Twelve Cents per week. ; WEEKLY STAR, By Mailt O,io Year ... . $1.00 Six Months ........... , 00 IIuvp Months J . 30 The reduction in price will, we are confident, add materially to our al- reidv Urge circulation, thus making th ' paper more valuable than ever to A c: Users. Our telegraphic news service - has rect ii'ly leen largely increased, and it is our determination to keep the Star up to the highest standard of p;.per excellence. OUTLINES. The Emperor of Germany has sent $1,000 and two gold watches ,for the families of members of a Life-Saving crew who lost their liyes in attempting the rescue of the crew of a German vessel on the coast of Virginia. tfuuilirinus Assembly of Knights of Labor is petting ready to leave the order on account of Powderly's tem perance views. Lipseoinb, of South Carolina, has been appointed Chief Clerk in the Patent Office. (jueen Kaplionai has sailed from San Prancisco for Honolulu. In Pitts- burg and Allegeny, Pa., 1,137 chil- dren under five years of age have died during the past six weeks. : France proposes the formation of a corps of 30,000 to protect the Italian frontier;Gen. Ferrons1 bill to mobilize the army passed the Senate; also his bill for increasing the army. The Brazilian mail steamer Rio Apa it is feared' is lost. A heavy storm in Baltimore unroofed houses and blew down trees. Thirteen deaths from heat in Cincinnati, O. The President visited the home of his boy-, hood yesterday and was greeted with an ovation. The lunatic asylum at Stauntou. Va., was struck by light ning, no serious damage was- done. Key West reports three new cases of yellow fever and one death. Augusta, Ha., had the mercury at 104; two negroes died from sunstroke. Hon. R. M. T. Hunter died yesterday at his home in Essex county, Va. r Five deaths from heat in Charleston, s New York markets: Money easy at 4i. .j per cent; cotton quiet at 10 o-ice; middling Orleans; 10c; southern flour quiet, steady and un changed; wheat, spot a shade stronger but moderately active: No. 2 red July W-Mlc corn: No. 2 July 45c; spirits turpentine dull at 3232Jc; rosin steady at $1 051 10. President Cleveland says the fam l'y of the dead engineer will be pro vided for. 1'1'ere is great excitement in Ger many over an alleged conspiracy to Kill Old Jlmnfirnr William rn his journey to Gastein. Some whites broke up a colored society's dance at Steubenville, Ohio, stole tie beer and used dynamite, whicii pirtly destroyed i;he building. I here is a newspaper report that a mfn named James Fitzroy declared on his death bed that he saw Jennie Cramer commit suicide by drowning tSavine Rock. If true this clears aP a great mystery.; Wiiliam Glenn was a prominent merchant of Cincinnatti, where he d being doing business for forty three years. He was exactly, sixty fur years a merchant. He was born at Hillsboro, N. C.,. in A.- D. 1800. He died on the 17th inst. - The country is very sick. 'fit has b(" bled too much of its life blood. r- Randall prescribes hia .favorite i"cnption "A Solution of - flign lax w Necessaries and No Tax on Whiskey pigars. A miserable quack you will say at once. ; Jn hanging your thermometers get T . r-r . - . i:: .- ' lem at least fifteen feet from' any possible reflection, and suspend tbem a string, not letting-them touch AUY wall or pillar. The least re. fletion makes the mercury ascend A gentleman on Market bad hw tber rnom.,er ten; feet Vfroml .'his" front It recordad fi7 'deffrees. He VOL. XL.r-NO. 102. bung it back about midway ot the store and it fell to 94. ' There is probably no one living in Wilmington old enough to remem ber any such hot spell as the one through which we have heen passing Binca, last Sunday was a week. There haye been hotter single days, but no such spell of ten days of unbroken, violent, terrific heat. On the hot Saturday the day that Jim Heaton committed a double murder the thermometer in the centre of our office" recorded 101 degrees. The same instrument only went to 96 once daring this spell. It may have lost -some of its activitv and ther mometers do not remain the same from year to year. They gam or lose a point or so every year. On the hot night of the hot Saturday the mercury stood at 96 degrees at 12 o'clock. It was in the library of the .writer, and where it stands now. The highest it has recorded this spell is alJtnay have changed Bome since the hot night. What's that? DrUG. J. Bull, of New York, has made an instrument by which you can tell exactly the, age of a woman. Fact. If that is the sort of inventor he is then he is more than an Irish bull, or John Bull either, for the women can get away with them on the age question. Here is a part of the description of the optometer, (such is its name,) we find in the New York World: "There is another extraordinary feature about this instrument. The focusing power of the eye diminishes as age advances, the change commencing in early childhood. This axiom has been borne in mind and applied to drawing up a column of figures alone the line ot aominas As soon as any one tells the number of dominos he or -she sees distinctly, bis of her age is revealed beyond dispute - "sprightly, Reliable, Able." Albemarle Observer. The Star is one of the best, if not the very best edited daily in the State. Good as it is it has recently increased its facilities for news- gathering, determined to stay in the lead. If you want a sprightly, re liable and able daily,- subscribe for the Stae. AMMt lathe SUIf." Hillsboro Observer. The Stab is beyond all question the ablest edited paper in the State. In the way of literary excellence it stand without a rival in North Car olina; and as for that matter, it has few equals anywhere. Spirits Turpentine. Greensboro Workman: Gov. Vance said all hs knew about finances was that it took two better nam s than bia to get money cut of a bank Raleigh Christian Sun: The Wilmington Mourn kg Star is fteb and breezy. We like it it has something to say and it is not afraid to say it. Capt. H. C. Mc Daniel, of Meck lenburg county, N. C , and who has been in the service of the C C. & A. R. R for a number of years, died very suddenly on the 17th Dr. J. Simpson Russ, formerly of Bladen county, N. C, and who for the last thirteen years has been practicing medi cine in Graniteviile, 8. C . died on the 16th nit., of paralysis. Fayetteville News'. There seems to b? more typhoid fever this year than has been known in many years, throughout the State.. Blackberries are selling at one cent a quart in Salisbury. Raleigh Visitor: Mies Pat tie Stfliih died At the residence of her mother. corner of Martin and Salisbury streets, at 2 15 o'clock this aftenoon, after an ltlnesa of thirty days, aged about 18 years. Scotland Neck Democrat: Five thousand barrels of flour are brought to Scotland Neck yearly by our merchants and sold to our farmers. Was there ever a greater economic blunder committed by an ntelhgent people since tne oeginning. Asheville Advance: Brother .ToseDh E. Carter, of the Western North fjimlina Eavtm. writes us that ne nas hftn denuted to deliver the address of wel enme to the brethren of .the . Press 1 when thev arrive at HendersoavUla on the 2Wh inst. tie auaS mai me ciuxeus oi ma wwu J . -i .. . . t - ' i-: are preparing to give the body more than a cold and common reception. Hillsboro Observer: There are eleven additional applicants for pensions from Orantre county. All oi tnem are widows of soldiers who died in the army. Bishop Lyman will visit St. Matthew's Church Sunday. During the morning ser vices, the ltev. William u. Keaney, wno has charge of the church at Burlington, will be ordained Priest. J'., " Danbury Reporter: The to bacco crop in the county, though very much reduced in acreage from former years, is looking well. Rt. Rev Bishop Lyman will consecrate the Episco pal chapel near Walnut Oove this Thurs day : From the drift of the late meet ing, of the C Midland s Railroad Com pany we understand there . is no prospect that the portion of the road from. Eeaks ville to Winston will be built, though an effort may be made to build it from Win ston to Mocksville. ' , "New Bern Journal : Now we would to get the assistance of the Argus in urging another project which- while bene fiting NeW Berne and Morehead City more, w 111 certainly not injure Goldsboro.3 We mean the connection of the A. & N. C. R. with the O. F. & Ys V. - With certain re served rights for the N. C. R. at the :expi ration of the present lease, we want a. lease or sale of the State's interest in the A A N. R. to the YY. This would settle the question of a, competing line for Goldsboro and would at once 'give -New E Ill WILMINGTGN4; Bern and Morehead City a boom as T ship ping points, it is said that the U. F. K Y. V. is a distinctive North Carolina institu tion. Why not ; make it .more so by con solidating it with the other ; North Caro- Una roads? - Raleish Chronicle: Collier Cobb, author of School Mao of North Car olina, and now teacher ux the Winston Normal school, has recently won a unirer sity scholarship in geology and palseonto logy l n Harvard - U niversity, Cambridge, Masa in a competitive examination with thirteen. A Chronicle reporter was last week. favored with an opportunity to inspect the crops along the line of the Carolina-Central road, between Charlotte and Wilmington, a distance of 192 miles. Not a poor field of cotton or corn was to be seen along the entire route. The crops are good along the whole line, the corn grow. lng with unwonted luxuriousness. Mr. John T. Cramer, of Thomasville, does not look like a very muscular man. vet. he yesterday lueged 1.500 ounces of gold to the Mint building in this city.- The -gold came from the Genesee Mine, at El Do rado, Montgomery county, and represented one month's run (23 days) at the Genesee. The gold was brought in little lump shaped like a pineapple, and when Prof. Hanna had completed the assay, six bars were turned out. the aggregate value of which was $22,500. This was the largest singla consignment of gold ever received at the assay office here.- THE CITY. NEW ADVBKTISK.1I n D. O'Conhor For rent. Munsoh Now in your chance. H. Schachte Steamer at auction. E. Warken & Son Choice fruits. Collier & Co Horses at auction. Masonic Meeting St. John's Lodge J. H. Stockton Blooded horses for sale i al iiuu Nine to Six. "I'll see you in Weldon firet" ia now the korrect kaper. The wires were "in trouble" last night, as the telegraphers say. With the thermometer at 111, Weldon must be a little s"ofF' as a summer resort. The ecautincRs of wearing ap parel among: the men during the past week has been decidedly feminine. It was reported that a laborer employed on the work for the Fourth street bridge had an arm broken yes terday. Would not a knitting mill pay well in Wilmington ? Socks, under shirts, and other kinds of knit goods might be made. A large number of excursion ists from Goldsboro and intermediate points on the W. & W. Railroad are expected to arrive here this morning. - A lawn party will be given at the City Hall park to-night by a number of the lady friends of the Cornet Concert Club, for the benefit of this organization. Oar friend Harris, of the Char lotte Chronicle, who recently visited Wilmington, has some very kind words about our city which we would reproduce if space permitted. Messrs. Paterson, Downing fc Co. cleared the Norwegian barque Agatha yesterday for Bristol, Eng., with 500 barrels rosin, weighing 145,- 435 pounds and 1,772 casks spirits turpentine, 88,429 gallons; valued at $28,323. John J ones, colored, the burglar sentenced to be hanged Tuesday, Au gust 9th, told the Court yesterday that he was glad to have an opportu nity to speak, He did not blame the Judge, the jury nor the Solicitor for his conviction, but the witnesses against him had sworn falsely. He protested that he was innocent. The Judge told Jones that the verdict was a righteous one; that he was satisfied both from the testimony at the trial and the facts learned subsequently that the prisoner was guilty. Tta a Kxennlon Co Wilson. Some of the colored people who went on the excursion to Wilson last Mondav and were overcome by the heat, were on the streets yesterday, having fully recovered. Besides the woinan Betsey Green, who died on the trafn " (as mentioned in yester day's Star), sixteen persons were prostrated. There were Vnmors yes terday that W. H. Howe, the colored stevedoreone of the sufferers had died, but it was ascertained that while Howe was still confined to his house, he was in a fair way to re cover. The excursion was given by the order of Good Samaritans. The six teen or more cars which left the de pot 'were crowded when the train started, . and in addition they picked up from four to five hundred at points along the road. It is : esti mated that at least fifteen hundred persons were on the train. Free Game of Ball To pay. Appreciating the patronage be stowed by the Wilmington public notwithstanding the-losing streak in which the Wilmington: team has been playing, the managers have decided to play this afternoon without charge for admission. Everybody is invited to witness this afternoon's contest without price, andare assured, : will prpbably be Jbne of the mxst-entertalning eiT-' hibitionsof ball f playing,' ever "wit nesseanereaDouts., . , mil II -'. rvv i . N,- a, WEDNESDAY, Personal. - Mr. E. L. McCormac, of Maxton, fa vored us with a call yesterday. . Sheriff E. W; Taylor, of Brunswick county, was in the city yesterday. Mr. H. M. Lee,' of Wilson, a newspa per man of experience, is. in the city. Dr. T. B. CarrJleaYes to-day for Po mona, Guiiiora county, N. C, to .spend a month with friends. Mr. M. T. Horn, postmaster at Chin- quepin, and a leading merchant of Duplin county, was here yesterday. Mr. M. J. Corbett, of the firm- of W. I. Gore, Son & Co., reached home last evening, after a brief but pleasant trip to the old homestead in Ireland. Mr. R. A. Kingsbury left yesterday to spend a short vacation in Oxford. His sunny ringlets waved beautifully in the Southern breeze as he stepped aboard the train and shouted: "Hoi for GranvilleP Capt. John H. Sharp, Secretary and Treasurer of the Carolina Central Railroad, left last evening to spend a few days with his family, who are snugly quartered for the summer on his fine plantation in Vance county. Mr. R. H. Bradley, Marshal of the State Supreme Court, is in the city. Mr. Bradley has recently been in Edgecombe county, his old home, and reports the crop prospect excel lent in that section as well as in Wake. Onr young friend, Mr. William S. Hardwicke, for a number of years an attache of the Star office, left last night for the mountains of Virginia. He was accompanied by his wife and child. For several months past Mr. H. has been in very delicate health and we trust that amid the pure air of the mountains, he may be restored to a vigorous manhood. Wade Harris, city editor of the Charlotte Chronicle, personalizes our friend Bragg as follows: "JohnBragg, the best press-taker in the State, is giving the Wilmington papers some good copy, and according to his old style, he continues to interline it with comments on the -weather. John has been in Wilmington for twenty- six months past, and has not missed a night out of that time. He is a good one." Criminal coarc. The Court met at 9 a. m. yesterday, and during the day disposed of the following cases: A. H. Holmes; assault and battery. Case submitted. Judgment, $10 and costs. In another case of assault and battery against the same defendant, judgment was suspended on payment of costs. J. G. Hall; assault and battery. Case submitted. Judgment, $10 and costs. Same defendant, two cases of assault and battery. Judgment suspended on payment of costs. John Jones, the colored burglar, was brought up for sentence. It was ordered by the Court that Jones be remanded to the county jail, there to remain until Tuesday, the ninth day of August, 1887, between the hours of 8 o'clock in the forenoon and 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when he shall be taken to the place of execution, and then and - there be hanged by the neck until he is dead. Sam King the colored man who assaulted Justice Price and others three cases. King submitted, and was sentenced to eighteen months in the County House of Correction. H. Stone, larceny. Defendant called and failed. Judgment nisi. Sam Randall and Elijah Wilson; larceny. Defendants discharged on a writ of habeas corpus, heard before Judge Meares. Jno. C. Millis; resisting a police officer. Appeal from Mayor Fowler's Court. Motion to quash bill of in dictment; motion granted. Mary Williamson; violating city ordinance. Appeal from Mayor's Court. Defendant called and failed. Judgment nisi. W. L. Burkhimer and Jacob Thompson; affray. Defendants called and failed. . Judgment nisi. Court took a recess at C p. m., until 9 o'clock this morning. Burle at tne Kxpenae of tna Coanty, Caroline Albritton, a colored wo . ... w man about forty years of age, died in a email house in the yard of a private residence on Campbell between Front and Second streets Monday morning last. Yesterday afternoon a message was sent to Coroner Miller ..that the body of the woman was still lying in the house and that no steps had been taken to erive it burial- The coroner viewed the body, which was in an ad vanced stage of decomposition, and made the' necessary arrangements for burial at once, at the expense of the countv. He .ascertained that the woman died from natural causes, and that her reputed husband, ' Ben Blount, colored, had, been furnished with a burial" certificate by Dr., Pot-. ter, city physician,' but had not been able to raise sufficient means for the interment of the body. : " ' ' Death of nr. Thomas J. BXairor. - : 'iM'rrho-mai'X' Mulford; an. old and good bitiien, died. yesterday: at hia home in this' city, after an. illness of several nionths.; His funeral will take place this evening at 6 o'clock from. the First Baptist, Church. - ifiii JULY 20, 1887. BASE BALL. Tht Gaaao THUray-H4trMa 9, IVUaalaffton 6. Again the home boys haye been hit in the same old place, and another defeat is added to the long list of dis asters. When the game opened yes terday and the home team scored four runs it looked as if there was a picnic ahead of them, but as it progressed it became more evident every minute that our boys, had encountered a snag and It would take all the strength they had to pull them through suc cessfully. Bacon got down to his work in fine style and twelve men went out on strikes before the decep tive pitcher of the Seasides. Gibson ably seconded his efforts and did all he could behind the bat, but it wan not destined for two men to win the game, and when the ninth inning closed the monotonous cry of "Sea sides beaten again" was heard all over the field. Rosenthal '.did some good work at short, and Creech, though playing in a new place to him, and one of the most difficult places on the diamond, held his position well. Fleming pitched wildly at first, but controlled his ball well during the latter part of the game and was hit but liltle. Overton played, as he always does. a fine game, and the Henderson nine, who are without doubt the finest as sociation in the State, ably assisted their battery and won the game hon estly and fairly. It was a good game and the same nines will play again this afternoon, when the gates will be thrown open to the public, free of all charges, and we hope there will be a large audience to cheer our boys on to victory-ts it is about time they were winning a game and if our citizens turn out to see them they will win for they could not afford to lose when everybody is watching them. Below we give the score : HKHDKBSON. A H P3 BE 2 2 3 1 0 1 1 0 0 A 0 0 0 7 5 1 0 0 3 Dunn If 5 3 2 Frank 3 b 5 Hunt, lb 5 Flemming, p . 5 Moss, s .' 5 Overton, c 5 3 o 0 U 0 0 1 0 0 14 1 1 c 1 1 1 8trausa, c f 5 Kimballl, rf S Ficcb, 2 b 5 Totals 45 9 27 10 16 WILMIKGTON IB B BH P O A Waddell. c f 5 0 0 2 0 Gibson, c J 1 12 1 4 Rosenthal, as... 5 1 0 1 4 Bacon, p 4 2 0 1 15 Rigby, lb 4 1 11 0 0 Rotioeon, r r. .. . 4 10 0 0 Moore, 2 b 4 0 2 2 4 Creech. 3 b 4 0 2 1 0 Watson. If 4 0 0 2 0 Total 39 G 27 10 23 2 B 0 o- 2 1 2 0 4 1 0 10 SCORK BY INHINOS. 1 2 3 4 5 C 7 8 1 1 9 Wilm'ngt'nS 0 0 0 0 0 0 Henderson, 2 0 3 0 0 0 3 06 09 SUMMARY. Earned runs Wilmington 2, Hen derson 3. Passed balls Overton 2. Base on balls Bacon 3, Fleming 3. Struck out Fleming 4, Bacon 13. Left on bases Wilmington 8, Hen derson 7. Wild pitch Fleming 1. Time of game Two hours. Umpire P. E. Kiley. Scorer W. P. Monroe. Palmrr alias Farmer. Henry Palmer alias Farmer, the young white man whose arrest on the chanre of larceny of clothing from Mrs. Woodcock's boarding house on Market street, was published in the Star yesterday, was arraigned before the Mayor yesterday morning. He offered no defence, and as the evi dence against him was conclusive, he was committed to the custody of the Sheriff in default of a justified bond for his appearance at the present term of the Criminal Court. Palmer, as he now calls himself. had a lot of letters and papers on his person. He also had $355 in Confed erate money, . mostly in bills of the denomination of $20. Besides these there was a check on the Bank of Charleston, S. C, for $080, payable to A. J. Pearce and signed by T. B. Ed wards; a letter addressed to A. J. Pearce from Hotel Jerome, Colum bia, S. C, signed Ned Gaston, and a telegram to A. J. Pearce from 8. C. Brooks, Washington, D. C. The last three were in the same handwriting and were evidently forgeries. Pal mer lias ' a swarthy complexion, is t pare built, about 5 feet 7 inches tall. with a restless demeanor and a re markably long thin head. Prostration from Heat. Mr. H. M. Woodcock, engineer at Messrs. Morton & Hall's . distillery, was overcome by the heat yesterday forenoon while at work in the engine room of the distillery. He was taken home and with prompt medical as sistance was doing well at last ac counts. Mr. John Berry, employed at Kid der's saw mill, was prostrated while engaged in his duties at the. mill, about 2 p. m. He was taken - to his home and placed under the core of a physician.- -5 ' ' . There are lome tall men. in the Henderson club,": And the "longest pole takes the persimmon,? you know. WHOLE NO. 6496 Tharfeer Goro. Mr. Albert Gore leaves for Chicago to-night, where he goes to engage in business. Anew commission house is to be established there under the firm name of Thurber & Gore, the partners being Messrs. W. I. Gore, Sun & Co., and B. G. Empie of this city, and Mr. George S. Thurber, of Chicago. Backed by ample capital, energy and capacity, the new firm will commend itself to the hearty support of the people of this section. The Star feels a peculiar interest in the success of Thurber & Gore, as the partners, one and all, are among its warmest friends. And sincerely as we regret to see Albert and Brooke leave us, we must admit that, viewed from a business standpoint, they are taking a step that will bring them fortune, if not fame. It is not yet definitely determined when Mr. Empie will leave us; but he will probably spend the month of August In Chicago, return to Wil mington, where he will remain seve ral months, and then go. to the city of short ribs and cereals to locate per manently. The old and well established house" of W.I. Gore, Son & Co. Awill con tinue business here as usual. Xke Weather Tair4aT ana To-Day. The cooler weather predicted by the Star for this city yesterday after noon came to hand in due time. The temperature approached its usual high altitude during the early part of the day, but some time after noon the effects of the slight high pressure be came noticeable, and the mercury dropped accordingly. The high ba rometer, however, is not very decided. and its effects will soon pass away and the temperature take another rise; but not, according to present indications, anywhere near the point reached during the past few days. The maximum throughout the State yesterday varied greatly. Charlotte reported 102, the highest for the day; Raleigh and Lumberton regis ted 100. Heavy rains occurred at Wadesboro, and the temperature only reached 80. Florence, S. C, still maintains its record for the past few days, at 104. In this city, the highest recorded, as reported by the Signal Service, was 90 degrees. Tbe tVawst Party. The lawn party given by the ladies in aid of the fund to buy a flag for the Wilmington Light Infantry, was pat ronized very meagrely. A fact which was much to be regretted, as the la dies had gone to much trouble and no little expense to get up this enter tainment. Probably the threatening weather kept away many who other wise would have been there. The harpers furnished the music for the occasion, and no doubt it was much enjoyed. There was a quantity of ice cream and cake left over, which the ladies will be glad to dispose of to-day at the City Hall at a most reasonable price. RIVER AND JT1 A RINK. Nor. barque Esra,'; Jorgensen, hence, arrived at Stettin, July 13. Advices from Fayetteville re port tbe river at a lower stage than it has been this summer. The steamer Hurt left Fayetteville at 9 a. m. Mon day, she had not arrived at a late hour last night. LIST OP LETTERS Remaining In the Post Office Mon day, July 17, 1837. A u j Anaerson, r.uza Alien, W M Adams. B Emma Bored. O H Bonds, Ned Broadhurst, Richard James Balerd, Thos J Prof BelL O W B CannadT. JUT Cox. D Geo Dobson. D Durham, M. Dreyer. . ...... a. M K M K Kiiiott. tionhia bawaras. F C F Falling, John Franklin, Vic toria oyer. ft KUza uary. ueo uaase. H C J Hall. Chas E Howard, Cor- 1 ! TI ri Unll.n1 E izaHardv. Kate Hooper. Mary 11 Hubbard, Martha Haris, Jennie Horn f2L H M Hutchinson. J Andrew joonson, Alice joyner f2 J J Jackson. A M Johnson, ku- ward Jenkins, Henry F Johnson, Wm James. K J A King, Luhnle Keiley. L H JXane. John Lane. M Clara Moore. Joseph MeNeiC T S Maultsbyt Sarah Moore. P Julia A U Face. R Jewel Robins. Abe Robinson. 11" v awrov m 8 W R Smith. Alex Sails, U M Mter- lings, EllxaSmlth, John Scott, Nannie Li Sellers. T Joseph F Thomas. O 8 Thomas. W Halcv Waddle. Marian: Wor- tham. Pall Williams, Pennie Wil liams, 8 A Whitton, D 11 Workman, William O Whilden. Persons calling for letters In. the above list will please say "adver tised." Letters will be sent to the nad Letter Office, at Washington, D. C, if not called for within thirty days. O. a. ParsIiKY. P. M.. Wilmington, New Hanover Co., N. C. itr wrsrr.nw Rvmrraa SYBTJP'rf Ksv Stltastts Coas tbos writes to tbe 3oetew VArt Uam rrtan .We woald ty ao neen reooea imixI ux ktiut of medlcfaao which we did not taowUbecood-artfcalarty to lafaats. Bat of Mm Wtallowf ftoothln Byrnp we can speak from kaowledire: la oar owa xamuyis naa prore . KtMMfn. buieiuL b-r riria aa t&fact troubled wtta 00U0 peons, qmea sieeo, am voe tnuu. m brekea rest at alffbC Mos parents eaa sppre fflate tbaae biaaslnAS. Rem is sa artlole wbica works to perfeoUos, aad wale Is harmleei; f or k.riMii ttTrvdi tbe infant in perfectly se a baUoo." And dsrtnx taoproeees of seeta las Its valos Is lacaleslaUe. We Bay freqaeav lybexrd jnuthers say that they would ot be Jrithnnt tt fmm th birth of Lbs child till tt had flnshod wtth the teethlnc tdefra, on anyeofflrkia. ratioa WBaterer. - boia ty au oragxiaia. cw Oa frqmra Oaa rT. . . . . ........... . . . Tan TV.M " - Tare iMra....;.,.... Pomt arj. . rtrm Dar.... .TwoWeeia, - - Ona jroata....,. Z IF0 Kotxis,... Ttr Months............. eixjroauia,.. . ... mi ziitfttfffiaiiMtti.4 . rOoatraet AdrsrUsemaaU taxes at i Oonatery low rates. ; , ;. . v , Tea Baas solid Koaparau trpo taaJu 02 t NKW AD VZRTISKilEin Henes aid Cart. aflEcli::, rpms DAT. OOlOflXCTKa AT w onr A to front cf oar &aie Room, warn! ; t- I apa.uaniea, s Texas Poalea t, ; t S rood Work Borvet, I Do Cart er-r 1 fine Parlor Set. 1 fine ; iJUrtl Too &!:- COLLIER At . . ' . . AtUob tySK Kainit By Adction. QN THE 27rn IK8T-. (U2TXXSS CH AlifTT.3 sooner paid J ws wtU sell at tmr AecHaa J at It o'clock A. If., so mt:i o' ihs reee&l ! tatlon of KAINTT, by U Dsaisa Carqae ?" soen, as may be necessary ta par, lbs frV t charges doe oa that cargo by tha owners t; of, aai about 12.110. and Iks expenses ted on lbs sale. coLLnm Acr. ... AaeUouMni Jy tf By Henry Schachte, : - Accnojtam-.-, "ym. BI SOLO AT PCBUO ADCTld. , tbs Pr hersshs Ues at Kert Wkarf. fa CUT of Cbtriestoo, on ButardAr. S&Us JuTt, 3 at 11 A. the Steamer BT. HZLKKA-auJ t apportenasoea. Tbe Steamer la a sUe-W km-pressors steamboat of about ftg toast r ; poss; psutrpreasty lor ana aflapted to tt lao d BATtraiion of tbe eoest. BoUer aear? r t 5.:- TKRMA. tLsse eaea or osrtiAed ebeck si V close ot tbe blddlnc and Uw taluAn t. , dellrery of tbe ateataer. Pnrekaaer ia 1 ay"J'?n!.d,f.or "antae tlUe aad cor ply with Lis bid. The eteainer can be irttu , tor at prirate tale up to day of section sa?.a. FINE BLOODED HORSES-FOR' FAIE CAK LOAD OF TOtl H0KEES JLTsT A Ht4 from Westers Jforta CsroHaa. Air. tbeta three pairs of fine drlTtuc borses. or,e beery draft boreea. All well brofcea d r tnale drtrera. Can be eeea at -mm titer ; Btabtae JOB. IL STOCATu . ST. JOffH'S LODGX Ho. 1, A. T. AJTD A. 1 BRKTHRKN Ton wtU iimtiln i tlx I Boom this Wednesday afternoon ax e'ciuct. . attend tbe funeral of oor decead tvn.:i,4-r Tbos. J. Malford. . . .- Oooreraooes will be In atteadaaoe to. coctt tbe fraternity to aad from tbe Cemetery. !; iu ureuireu are mraiMMj umiea. ... wjb. v. rujsfeos. if U secretary. For Eent, ; r The WEIGHT COTTAGV, ... os WrUhttrCis Sor. ' Apply to ' -V D. O OOKX02. lis lilt jy Jlt Next Week. ; gATURDAT WTU. CLOSE JOK TJXK JltOKT- of AUGUST oar M rctsat Tsilortac Depsrtn z 1 SOW IS YOUB CHANCX. stCTracw. Jyaoit Merchant Tauor aad dottier.' Cows for Sale; : . rpKRXZ FTNX JfTLCH COWS, WITH A CalTes, for sale. Apply to MR3. X. L. FAXSOK." jy 19 lw .eod ElUott Ssropeop Co;, K. C. Choice Fruits; . Q.BAPXS. rXACHIS. ' . : ; APPLK3, OKANGXS, Ae - JUST tXCETVni. X. WAEEI380lf. Jy 19 tf Xichaur Ooraer. Sign of the Horsed; WE HAVE NOW TEX LARGEST. PETT" est. and most durable stock of Jlab.u AND SADDLERY GOODS ever before bown t ... tbe city. One ease of Genuine Array eo:. lot reoelred. W1U close tbe balance of Lt; Bobea. bbeets, Ear-Tips and Nets at a banrsio. rarwsru, uanixu Bone M misers sad Clothier. ' jy 17 tf No u Now is Your Time 'JV GET TOUR BUGGY OB CARRIAGE ZZ paired and Fal&ted. I eaa make it look as $ as aew, or oaa trade cj sail yoa a new ooev 1 r me. In tbe old Jail bauatst;, eorner of trX?.'.: and Beoood streets- Yotn truly. Jy 17 tf a. P. JBADOvGALL, 1887 New Crop:? 180V rpUEKIP SEED. ALL VABXXTXES. FROM V JT7T CROP. 3 art reoelred and for sale vary low. Cot - try orders solicited. - Droctlat aad toeedKman. if 17 tf New start ft. A Card- I rrmmRsisA nsgbo xan ekluhs PAPERS oa -tbe atreeta daOy. aad retrrf -hlmselt as seUinr tbem for Uis vadaa..-- -watch Is false. Pleae leavs loar order at r Store. Free delivery to any part of tbe chr. C at. hakbja, sews i- r Onoti pntn 8 o'clock. -Jy i-tf Persons BuUcLing WTTLL PLXASE RtVEstBTB THAT vTE A T T T ptittlnx op LurhtBtoar Hods In eonntf '. With hoofing, inlye WeUs, Ao. print gtrm j . orders to lAchtBtnar Bod A rests yem ret better work dose at lower 6c - - tre i bome. Call oa as for BaU4ers Hara . of r . desertpOoa.' - auisAaui. ryuncs m uu . , Dealers la Uardware Tlmware, a . ; . jylTif : ' WSmtatW: t. (. Dental 'Rooms; J HAVE MOVED MT DESTAL BOOMS TO U4 PKINCESS 8TBEET, betweea Front aad oad, oa Bouts aids. ' ir is 10 cnoice Hay, HcoHrci&Gm;:r l poTrncnofJCfTs of cottojc akd kav 8TOBX8 CABEFULLT HAZTDLED. -. WOODTJsCrJKKtE. OommtaRtoa Mercha.r okMU . . j,WUmtaxton. K f. Is maklnr new friends err dT. Cc - state that it roes so tones further than l tented lara wtta wtuoa te sni v TbaX It la deotdedly tbe aeoet eoo&otc' . aad betmr ebeolniely pare, tt eaa be r lor batter tn nearly all elaaees of co .... ... sQ. CAiSAT : i, . . . -1 , - i Cortn of tie leirfiied "Z -j In: eured Earaa and fcreaklatLc?;xn. , IT 11 IT . - - -T. STAR V! 11W L-T 1.1 . ' 1. lI 4