f he Morning Star j-'v.A ; - - r . - . r - - m r" .. . . . -, , , . ..". . i .; . , IUTCI OF IEUTU1UI sew OU iT. II ,,,, tVIlXIAM II Poo Din - - ' . , toT t.TEP DAILY EXCTPT M0KDAV8 $0 00 S GO 151 60 ) 'i n. okhsm. t1ilvflred in an nart v- t,?A k.nvininii ner week. Oar Cltv r.e "Vhnried to oollect for more untaree months In advanoe. nfn advance. - TJi at the Post Office at WUnlnton, H. O ff 1 8 as Seoond Claaa Matter. i REDUCTION IN PRICE. .tteiition is iavited to the follow ,r , reduced rates of subscription ; ; OAlt-Y STAR. By Rlall: , Year Months. . . Vitee MoDths. .$6.00 . 3.00 . 1.50 . 50 Month . . To City Subscriber t ee Months $1.56 Month 52 Week 12 WEEKLY STAR, By HI all; Year .$1.00 Months .: 60 ?e Months 30 ie reduction in price will, we are dent, add materially, to oar al ) large circulation, thus making apr more valuable than ever to rtHer. ir telegraphic news service has n'.ly been largely increased, and . ur determination to keep the , ii to the highest standard of -pjper excellence. OUTLINES. heavy gale is reported in Great j in, causing many shipping casu . ;. The Cunard steamer Sa il, which left Liverpool for New August 31st, "with one thousand ngers, has returned to Queens her machinery being disabled, 'he new Turkish, ministry is an- ;ed. The telegraph wires of pen Board of Trade have been red from the floor of the regular 1 of Trade in Chicago; the open 1 will still continue business. t heavy earthquake shock was esterday morning at Tucson, na; it lasted seven seconds. ifer'ence of officiate is being held nver, with the view to a settle of the TJte question; Colorow een sent for, and a conclusion ot be reached until he puts in an ranee. A cyclonic disturbance i rted central between Cuba and urn Florida. The total re- of cotton at all the ports since u nber foot up 15,539 bales. Chicago market review reports i weaker, corn "weak and lower, revisions strong and higher, n examination into the Saco -obbery shows that $ 263,500 was , which includes $185,000 regis- ? government bonds. Claims amount of $140,000 have already iled against the Toledo, Peoria stem Railroad Co., for deaths juries resulting from the Chats disaster. The Richmond Co., Providence, R. I., has ' , liabilities $500,000. The ard & Roanoke Railroad Co. re s to the complaints made 'tit. The Washington .Ee itar furnishes some highly inte l speculations relative to tariff i which will be brought before xt Congress. Bishop Har- ' the M. E. Church, died in New yesterday afternoon. Far- jports of the grat rain fall in show that immense damage has one to the crops and railroads, ose Nesbitt, alias McElroy, who rested in New York on charges red by the authorities of this iade her escape after being con n the Central office. f- The iapersand printers in Norfolk, ;e in trouble about the scale of VJ R. G. Dun &Co.'s weekly of trade is very elaborate, but aibit is not a very encouraging The Ute troubles are about Gov. Adams and Gen. Crook " agreed upon terms satisfacto " ill concerned. - A League ! 'g has been forbidden in Ireland Viceroy, and great excitement Is. JSew York markets: active at 58 per cent., closing at G7 per cent.; cotton firm Wic; southern flour unchanged ' 'iet; wheat, spot lots fairly! ae o. 2 red September 80i8bfCj teady and moderately active, September 4950c; spirits tur e quiet and steady at 8232e; lull at $1 051 10. ; : ; ?ar'u has a new Cabinet Jgms is again prop. yirg evil. :gie Mitchell' Fanchon. daughter is ry George's 1 to a daily. pape r will be Virginia primaries 11 15th innt. ' will be Carlisle is disappointed in the ylvania platform.?: lie thinks 'ff plank a bad compromise, v "IZe COnntT 'Ohin la mnnfn- er a decamped coantyttreaa got away with ' $31,000. 'we boy-was smarter f.. ' ... rear (by Mail). Postage Paid.... Months, ., . ' Vl .,-, 9 Months " I - I VIII r' -V I .Am - 41 I , ATVJ. 11. The Asheville Citizen labors an- der a misUke a? tb the manner of calculating , the "dea.th rat.. O'he nwfn of deaths and Mxe 'death rale Are t fluite, distinct-. TK At.ha i Aaheville for June are given at 31 ine aeath rate is over 53.1 in the 1,000. We have no disnosition tn exaggerate rtbe. death rate. We would be glad to know it was 8 or 10., l"he Charleston and Savannah papers compute as the Stab does and so do all health journals. The fact ia, 31 deaths m & town of 7,000 or 8,000 were very great. When it gets up to 50 in Wilmington, in a month, a rare case fortunately, the Stab has used it to try and stir up the psople to the necessity of sanitation and sewage and pure water. Ur. Hawthorne is out in a letter in the Augusta Chronicle. In it he says of the charge of plagiarism: uia i intend to deceive ant bod j? Be fore my speech was delivered I read it to nou. w. a. tfelton and gave him my authoriiy for tbe collection of facts which n contained, ua tne arternonn of the very day that my speech appeared in the Chron tele, I showed Dr, Strong's book to four or rive members in the Georgia Legislature. and read to them many of the statements wnica i naa used. .Before, and after, my speech was published, I urged a number of public men to get the book. Would I have aone mat ir mere had been any intention on my part to conceal tbe use which I had maae pi tae ooos? " Republican, Independent and Dem ocratic papers concede that Randall won in the Pennsylvania Democratic Convention. That fixes the State fn. . U Ty Ll: n m . iui buo iwcpuuiiuaqH. rtanaan is a big man in the Protection State. He is the special pet of the Republicans, they arranging a District specially for his benefit. H is able to so bamboozle a majority of so-called Democrats as to carry his point. Is th ere any difference between a Judge Kelley Republican "and a Sam Ran- dall Democrat? The Baltmore American, Rep Protection, is happy again, and says wun a wnoop tnat "Kandalt is on top again." It means on top of the I true Democrats in Pennsylvania. I oain is a canning manipulator, lie known that most Pennsylvania Dem- 4 f uuram are suon as ne is -in name only. ' The Baltimore Sun says "Mrs. Cleveland goes shopping," and then 1 , . 1. . , t devotes .pace equal to a quarter of a .u.u.1Vi tu leiung an 1 about it.- This is iournalistic tri- I fling. - I 1 The Maine bank clerk who ab sconded with $280,000 is named William McNeilly, and is but nine teen years old. Ue is a very success ful young thief. The death rate of Savannah is di minishing. It was less in 1886 than in other years. The white death rate was 17.10, and the negro 49.08. Mr. Carlisle, says that the small majority for the Democrats in Ken. tucky. was owing to indifference and not opposition to the President. A Pittsburg lumber dealer skips bin creditors, owing men $100,000, and gets off with $50,000 in cool cash. Wales and Jim Blaine have been talking with each other. "Good Reading." Greenville Reflector. The Stab is such good reading a body never stops till it is all finished. Spirits TTirpentine. . - Mr. Al Roecower, of Golds boro, has become editor of the Battleborp Headliaht. Already . he has much im- proved it- - Warrentan Cazette: We -are pained to hear of the death of our venera ble friend. , Mr. J. H. Fleming, or Not Buah. He Wad a gentleman and a christiao. A Junius Daniel. Camp of Con--federate Veterans has been formed at Little ton. It is. named in memory of the brave Gen. Junius Daniel, of Halifax, who was killed on the 12th; JOf . January, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Va. ; ri Asheville Citizert Mr. P. Howell is the real editor of the Atlanta Constitution. Jllr. Grady helps him, and owns a fourth. So says the Wilmington Rrri-o Wf ITrvarolt la a nsflm) nnrintv man, and Mr. Grady is of North Carolina stock. , Washington Gazette: We re gret to learn of the decease of Mr. Geo.! EL Williams (''Grey Jacket") which took place at bis home In Beaver Dam, as our inform ant states, on Friday lastr Mr. (Lieut) Williams served with credit in the late war, and a!f 0 possessed some ability as a sailor. Marion .ue. - -On. Thursday morning this community was shocked to learn that some unknown persons had at tempted "durine ithe night to - blow up -Stephen Walters, a colored -barter, who occapied the lower room in the Sledge office, with dynamite. The 'dynamite Was fired under the door about three feet from OTalforo' :hAft ftTh rlnnr'WM Ah At tared all to pieces, wall cracked and bricks loosed. ' " - - - - -w,, uixuavixilx, 011 xjciiiujxjixv -o, LOO 4. : ..,' rPU 'A -1. 1'U ' -.. ' . ' I - nr. ' - ' aw aawawaaaWa ,wuYiue:vwian laoora an- r winqsor xtf(7r . Rat. W L . 1mi du.. . .. . . I Windsor ; TAne Ra w;i- T "if - AWW . . . T . Ham H. Knnrrh tai Hiihi1i ri.i. BUUon this county, - aged-76. Mr. Bunch ,was well and favorably known to our citi ns, hating been in the Baptist 'ministry for unw&rda nf 40 vopra r . tv. Mitchell, . who Jives- near Windsor," was thrown from rmrt MnndH n borse and ' had his arm and three riha broken and his body otherwise badly mash- Greenville -Reflector : SavataI drunks and fights last week, all said to nave oeen caused oy too much , cider tr) drlnkiOff. A n&rtv nf tnrrovnra ' f nr the Atlantic Coast Line, who are surveying kue rouwe irom acouana xteeK to ureeoTUle reached this nlaca fiatnrdav '. TnHn the storm last Thursday afternoon light ning struck a barn belonging to Mr Rufus Fleminie, at Pactolua and set flre to it. which caused it to be consumed.: The barn contained fifteen hnn1rvl rwrnna nf fodder and some farming implements, all of which were destroyed. omiinvme jueraia : A move ment has been started by the Medical So ciety of Johnston to erect a monument to the memory of Dr. Telfair, whose remains are buried in th inn Mm..ra r place. He was at the time of his death one of the leading physicians of the county. Mr. J W. Morris, the r.fever agent at this place, has been promoted to a more lucrative position, and will make Favetteville hta lipininrfcri vt ;n main here until the 1st of September, then move to Fayetteville. We are pleased at hia promotion, but regret that it necessi tates his removal from our midst. Raleigh Visitor: Son nnerrmncr grapes are getting abundant at live cents a quart Whole receipts of cotton from 1st September. 1886. to 1st fleniemh-r 1887, 31.626 ba!es; whole receipts for same ume ibs year, zv.ozo oaiea; increase in re ceipts this year, 2,102 bales . Rev. J. F. Butt, the MUtAF fT th Rrnnlrlm on Macedonia Mission. 1s conducting a camp meeting under an arror.cn the W. U.K. R. three and a half miles from the city, which has been in nrntrrpn far url days. The meetings are held at night as well as ia the day.. and the interest is grow ing There have been a laree conversions. THE CITT. "E ADTSBTISBHIENTfl. MtmsoN Children's clothing. Giles & Mukchison For rent. Pb. J. T. ScHONwiuo Notice. Crrr Taxes Time to pay them. CoLLran & Co. Sale of crockery. E. Warrsn & Son Bartlett pears. Ro8Knmahn & Stxrhbkbg eb Found. Oar Fir Department. The Wilmington Fire Department was never so well equipped as now. The "Howard " the "Wilm in orm" and the "Cape Fear," of the engine companies, and the Wilmineton Hook d Ladder Company are all provided with the necessary aDnaratno. and everything is as good as new. En gines, hose reels and truck are all in first class condition, and when they get a "fair hack" at a flre, the fire has to be very smart to get away from them. ouuiuuu 1,0 me auove leaamg companies? therelsari excellent Hook In addition to the above leadiner and Ladder company in the Fifth Ward, a bucket eomnnnv in RrnnV. lyn and three hose companies, all of ' x j - 1 1 . . . which perform their duties faithfully. Altogether, Wilmington has reason to be proud of her Fire Department. Chief Oldenbuttel is popular with his men and takes interest in everything pertaining to the efficiency and wel fare of the Department. The first ease called was that of Charles Smith, charged with disor derly conduct and fined $20 or thirty days below. Nancy Hall charged with keeoine an unlicensed dog-, and was fined $10 failing to appear. John Davis charged with keeping unlicensed dog, had the case dis missed upon surrendering the dog to be killed. Mrs. Johnson was up for the same charge as Davis, and the case was dis missed upon her giving'up the dog. Ed Roderick, disorderly conduct; case continued. Wm. Gladly, a tramp, was ordered to pay a fine of $20 or go below f or thirty days. Ttom Thieving; Washerwoman. The . colored. .'Woman, ; Josephine McElroy, alias Rose Nesbitt, has es caped from her prison in New York city and no trace up to the present writing has been found. - Mayor Fowler to-day received the following telegram ; "Josephine McElroy escaped .last night will notify you as soon as she is found. H. "VV Steers, "Assistant Superintendent." Later, Mayor ; Fowler received ' an other telegram which said that the baggage and Child are still in custo dy, but , the-woman could not' be found. Therefore there is a prospect of Mr. Covington and others recov ering their effects, even If the woman is not found. - Pmtaak Mr. Geo. Herbert is a little better, we are glad to say. Mr.. E. VanLaer left .this morning for New York, and will be absent 'for about one month.. ' ; , . . Dr. J. T. Schonwald has returned WWiimington and resumed the prac tice of his profession A gentleman passing down Princess street yesterday, ' Whispered this in the ear of a Star representative: Wowthatyonsawm Surrinteiident;;,. crurSw with a cane and a newspaper in- my I are among our most active and enter- I panL and there are several others in left hand.l 'His name is H. J. 1 - prising citizens and they will succeed.' Wilmington. - - - - . " " - Anywhere in the oity at Twelve Three rafts ol common timber were sold yesterday.' ; X our places of business- were found, open last night. ' ' One hundred and seventy; bales of cotton received here yesterday. ' The engine horses had some hard pulling . through the sand yes terday.- . - . . - If your house has not : been rented for the coming year, advertise it m the Star. Carolina Chemical Concert Company. That's one C ahead of the Cornet Concert Club. '- Car loads of people pass througli here every day on their way North from Southern summer resorts. A colored boy, name unknown was found under the office of Mr. E. . Martin and carried to the guard nouse. ALr. IJamel L. Butler died at the residence of Mr. John H. Mints, in Brunswick county, Sept 1, in his 84th year. mr. james vviuson, tne popu lar manager of the Opera House, says tnat the season this fall will be un usually good. r The freshet between here and Fayetteville is subsiding rapidly, but great damage has been done to the lowland crops , Little Russell Foster, who has been quite sick with diptheria, in Salem, N. C, is much better and Im proving rapidly. A oolored man named Gregg, who keep an eating house in "Pad dy's Hollow," was arrested last night. charged with beating his wife. . There's much talk in tbe papers about September being the first oyster month; but the first fat oysters will afford more pleasure than all the paragraphs. Messrs. Geo. Harries fc Co. cleared yesterday the schooner Be ste Brown for Philadelphia, with cargo of two hundred and five thou sand feet of lumber. One of the needs of Wilming ton is manufacturing enterprises to give regular employment to the poor. besides yielding the owners a fair re turn on their investment. The Enterprise Cornet Band (colored) of this city, returned last on the Murchison from Elizabeth town, where they had been to parti cipate in the dedication of a church The members of Mt. Zion A M. E. church will give an entertain ment, beginning Sept. 5 and continu ing three days, for the benefit of the church fund. Their church, it will be remembered, was destroyed by flre some time since. Tax-payers are notified that the lists are now in the hands of Tax Collector Will son. Call on "Billy" and he will take pleasure In swap ping receipts for greenbacks. It' tough, this paying taxes, you know; but, like death, it's inevitable A 6mall colored girl, who has been seen walking on the street be fore, was carried to the City Hall last night. She calls herself Mary Ann McCary, and says she lives at the brick yard, and left home on account of ill treatment The matter will be investigated to-day. . Thfl ad ntn;. C T.. Church reorganized last night after the summer vacation. There was a good attendance, and "the boys" were in splendid voice and seemed to enter into the music with renewed jest after their brief holiday. The Parish of St James is to be congratulated upon the success of this choral organ ization,' which is said by connoisseurs to be the finest south Of the Potomac Another Cycles on th Galf. The. ; following telegram was f re ceived at the ' Siraal office vesterdav: WASHMVGTOir, Dje, Sept 2, 12.80 jr. ju.. n. cycione aisxurDanoe is cen trn.1 hAtwAm Hnhd iinri Rnnthern Florida. Its probable movements can- A. A. If A. i 110 6 at present oe inaicacea. . . DUSWOODT. The barometer at Key West at 7 a."m. yesterday, was 29.76 inches' but by 10 p. m. it had risen to 29.96 inches, showing that the - centre had moved further from that point The barome ter to westward fell equally as rapid ly which indicates : that . the storm, is moving in a westerly or northwesterly I direction. The cyclone as yet is al most entirely - confined to' the Gulf and very little can be said as to its fn. tnre. It is, however,- quite safe to state from present indications that it is hoi likely" to move in this direc tion. ; ' ThA nfHr.fra nf tViA Camlinia Chemi cai company are: J. t.; uiaennuxtei, Presiden; J.-Henry.Bdeseb.rViee-Pres- ldent; P. C. - Miller, Secretary; C.j P. cal Company are: J. G. Oldenbuttel, Blver aa Huktr lasriTiatiu Capt W. H. Blxby" has' lost re turned from a' tour" of inspection in Yicuuty, 01 juoreneaa .Vity. ,tte examined -Harlowe,- Cnek.: Where Capt Lord la located with & dredging the Call IDredging Maohine, and is Mumc. . a. ma uuwxuiie is Kuown aji expeeted to do more work than the one now used oh the lower Carwi Fear. It is5 said . to be capable of digging one thousand yards of mud a dav, Work will be commenced about the first of October.' ' :, ; Capt Bixby also made his semi annual visit of inspection to Fort Macon and found that the late storm blew. the chimney off the hosnitaL tore down fences and carried off all the loose wood work, but no very ma terial damage was done. The Port has been a great centre of attraction to the visitors at Morehead City this season, and it is estimated that over one , thousand people have visited it during the last three months. The work lately done at Shackel ford point; Beaufort Harbor, in the way of revetting four hundred feet o1 Jetty with large stone blocks weighing a half ton each protected this jetty against the recent storm and the high tides, and renders the work permanent As a consequence of this work Shackelford point has in the last two years been extended seaward, with a breadth of over one thousand feet and a length of nearly half a mile, and there is every indica tion that the harbor entrance will steadily improve. There is now a depth of fourteen feet on the bar at low water, with a channel perfectly straight and twenty-five feet depth inside to Morehead City railroad wharf. Work will also, be commenced on Black river and the upper Cape Fear on October , the -first, and will con tinue until stopped by high water or lack of funds. Capt Blxby says on account of the freshets in the Neuseand Contentnea rivers work had to be discontinued for the present. Anew light draught steamer is to be put on these two rivers to ply between Kinston and Snow Hill, and connect with the New Bern boats. . Tfc Vlro Yectertfajr noralag. The alarm of flre was sounded this morning a few minutes after eight o'clock and it was soon found out that the fire had started in a one story frame building owned by Ed ward Stills, colored, and situated on Dickenson, txtrct hAtvuen R.nVin and Miller streets. The flre' companies were on hand promptly, the Hook and Ladder Company among first, and the Adrian was the first engine to throw a stream. The flames spread rapidly, and the house of Henry Whitehead, colored, was soon burnt down together with a one story building in the rear, also owned by Whitehead. A one story dwelling and a stable which belong ed to John Gibson, colored, was next destroyed. Much fencing and house hold and kitchen . furniture was de stroyed so rapidly did the flre spread. Other property would have been destroyed but for the prompt efforts of bur gallant firemen. Nevertheless the house of Joseph Hall was badly damaged and it seems wonderful that it was saved. " It is impossible to learn the origin of the fire and of course various theo ries are advanced.' Hall had ho insurance on his furni ture and estimates his loss at $400. Henry Whitehead's dwelling was insured for 900. the one-etorv build ing in his rear for $150 and hfs furni ture for $S50, all in the London As surance Corporation. represented here by Messrs. Northrop, Hodges & Tay lor. John S. . Gibson's dwelling was insured for $200 and his furniture for $50, both in the . Fire Association of Philadelphia, represented by Messrs. Atkinson & Manning. The total loss foots up about $2, 600, with- an aggre gate insurance of $1,550. Fight Botweoa mm Eaglo an a cat. Mr W. . S. Warrock. . who lives on the sound saw a strange fight a few days since between a cat. and an eagle.' It seems that the cat went out to hunt a';rabbit' and while hunting was pounced upon by a large eagle, who probably .mistook her for a rab bit Then commenced . a , curious fight Tbe cat clawed the , eagle so savagely that it. immediately soared high up in the air, hurrying its talons deep Into the cat's neck. ' Finally; however the eagle began to tire and descended again,-; where- Upon the cat broke loose and ran. TfiA nf. vVion 1 a of. aav4 frnm -vaa well and heartv. and her involuntarv ride in the air seems to have benefit ted her. BaChel Bclaaht. " The PAVetteviUe 4 -Obttrver says: "We would like to see a reunion of the first North . Carolina . Regiment m.it -i "' Z J -1T XX 111 - m . reiuei;, auu.xajretbevuie wuiuu pe the place to have it Suppose 'some tae piace w ubtb ik duplkjbo wme of the old members (and ! there' are a goodly nuinber 'here) meet and ! ar- WHOLE NO. '6535 numm Incorporator or the Standard Car . ConoUnx CntBy Kloeilen ofomeer, Ac . The incorporators ofthe Standard Automatic Car Coupling Company met yesterday afternoon at the; office of the Allantio Coast Line in this eity and the following. Directors were elected T. W. Talbot, J. L. Farmer, R. J. Southall, E. J. Thorpe, W. A. Rlach,' P. H. Stedman. J. Bieset and J. H. Davis. A meeting of the Directors was then held and the following officers unani mously elected for the ensuing year- W. A Riach. President T. W. Talbot Vice President E. J. Thorpe, Sec'y and Treasurer. R. J. Southall, General Agent . All the above officers are practical Railroad men and are very sanguine ofsuccesa. Their models have been already exhibited to many of the Southern Roads and have met with universal favor, a notable feature be ing that Railroad officers most famil iar with couplings are the most en thusiastic as to its merits. Cars will now be equipped and full tests made at an early day, and the General Agent of the Company will travel through the different cities in the North and West giving tests of the in-' ventiqn to Railroad officers prepara tory to the final tests to be made at the next Convention of the Master Car Builders Association. Chareh Noucc and CamDbeU sta. Her. John W. Prtiarooa, Pa, tor. Bunday aerricee at Ua. m.; none at night, Sabbatb school at 4 p.m. Prayer MMttogaod Lectors Wmdndm.V- An m n Ij tnvltod. Boats free. Brooklyn Methodist Church, 7th Street, be tween Bladen and Harnett. C. W. Goodwin, P tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p.m. Flmt PfMhvUlrilll r4innli mawm a. Tk. I I Orange treat. Hot. Perton H. Hogo. Pastor. no Dreacniag aemoos la this church to-morrow. VM. WTVr1wl nrw rii inn v v m u r Btuiiui Cobb thus write hi the oto Ckri- aaniTHmaii.'-nt wania by no means reoom- v. urw.KU.V WUJVU W O VA. EBOV tO M nod MrtJnnlu4T tA Infanta Bnt yi am. nnuori fTflinS; DT waoaatoeak iruu uwwwure m our own iamuy it naa prorea a ble8lnK Indeed, by rlrbic an InXaat troubled M 1. k tto . . 1 . win www i(un Binvp, mm ua parenta uTi- bmlfn mtt at nlslt. lffat lMH an ann. elate these bteastnes. Here u aa article which works to perfection, and which la harmless; for the aleep which It affords the Infant Is perfectly natural, and tbe little cherub awakes as "brljrht u m vuiwu. JOIU UUXTUr VDLlUUOaS Or 4MU Inr ita YaJna la InnaJmilafai Wa haw. -am. ly beard mothers aay that they would not be wltboot It from the birth of tbe chad till tt bad fin imbed with the toe thin ert, on any oonalde ratioa whaterer. Sold by all drujotUU. 29 cents a bottle. DIED. Bnim It Ola'faiUMma Af li.n Vl.l. Eta . at MhaJlnLtA In RmniaHitW nnnnt. VI f at 6 o'clock A. Sept, 1st, A. D. 1887. bANIXL V u V I aSH t a T A r a a . a . aa nvtiiu, mm co rear o montna as a a arm. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BIG AUCTIOX SALE OF CROCKERY. QN MONDAY. SBPTJUCBKH 5IH. CO-tM17JC- Inc at 10 o'clock A. M., wo will sell th eetlre stock of CROCKCBY now la store Ko. 117 Eoeth Front, opposite Mew Market House. Thl stock consists of a Tory floe assortment of Dinner and Tea Seta. Chamber Eel a. TinBetr, Toilet Fett, ousw ooooi, luipi, luimhi, ooa ana wu-low-ware. Also a fine lot of Plated Ware. Lad lea are reapectfutly larlted. Goods sold tn lots to suit purchasers. COLUXH At CO . p8rt ABCtloneera. City Taxes. THX BOOKS OOHTATJtlKG TUX LISTS OF Real aad Per-oaai Property and Polls for the year 1887, hare been placed In my hands for tbe oolleettoa of the Taxes on tbe same. WM. A. WILLSON. Tax Collector and Treasurer, t ep 8 t S 4 11 13 Notice. J INFORM MY FB1BKDS A5D THI PUBLIC that I bare returned and will resume tbe prac tice of Medicine and Burjrery tn this city. Office Na IS Booth Frost street. sept J SO. T. 8CH0HWALD. M. D. For Eent, TBX STORX ATPBUXHT U8KD AS biai OUB BXTAIL CBOCXXBT DEPART Ittl If At I NT. Poesesaloa rtren October 1st. sept tf GtLXS Jk MTJRCHiaOM. Mi W and OBlretfi QUITS. A LAEQS ASSOKTMXNT JUST EX- oelyed at popular prices. MUSSOSr. Clothier. Ae. sep S It Found, PLACK TO PBOCUBBTHB FISXST CUSTOM MADB CLOnHNQ for tbe least mosey. BOSXXXAHJt A STXBKBKBOZB. Merohaat Taflora. Market street. sepStf DELICIOUS BAETLETT PEARS TO-DAY. E. Warren & Son, ZXCHAHGX COBKX3. sep S tf Carolina Beach. xj.im vx ii.. I mt nrra i.m revra.i I- m m mi . XT laaV diw ii O uul ax nn Wlda. and Satarday, when ereatnar boat leaves at aso. Train retnrninr Mares at l aad a. At ue request ot many ue ixruiae wiu oon tbroe to make her raf-rtar trip ea Sunday. - Vuirif rfMlnriflA. Wft n aWVll h Italia Vanj. vary Frajay and starday. jjBPXB, aaiTU aae owperai Maaajrer. . Corni Ileal, Flour. , JJAT. HOOP-IHOir. SPIETT CASKS. SALT, Beam. Can-Goooa, soap, Bnrx. Coffee,' Mo- lasssa, Ao at 130. 123 and 134 Sorth Water St . aa n tf ; - -IX X. GOB1V - - - SSo . -T KoaUa,.. .... a t - aWCoatrae AdrertnetM&u taxes al prorcr ttonately low ratoa,"r; i . - - NKW 'ADVEBTTSEMEirTS. For Eent; nocsx aro. 4-9 totttii btcosd hi 'I "reeWMwbrMrK-Jlw0: ' ooatalis eUrat rooms, water, caa'a&d Hoaao Ko. 407 BotUa Soooad street. " " Hon Ko. US 8oata TWh street, how .occu pied by Ifr. lair; Ui water, batiaodjtaa. V Boose H. 1 u Sooth Fifth street ' " . -1 "' Hooae northeaat oornor Eeoo&d tad Ian streets. " " Hooae lontbeart correr Seoosd and Aan nv: House ncrtheast ooraer of Market and Toortli. troeta? onUwMl oraer. Cberamt aod fourth t-?J of 6cnd street. btn VateVwo nt; room- dtrn and wau?worka.4,7N0nhTMfd,t,e,: raand Honaa aoutteaat cortker o' Red Croat aad Ttlrd Appiy to - ,... d. oxxwsoa, :" For Eent. THATpraiRAHLH BOTJBB 'kol 7 SOS North Ia.fi t. m. - oooapled by Mr. Wm. Calder.oSe eonta.lns nine rooms, each harUur a ".Tuusra vxooaBre. lllfflnh ad anted tn I K. naa . , . am ao . r ' " VI n. JJ. ana711. , r. SAinTEtKOBTHaor. W. W TTnri : Waxkks T-Ttca. " - .- : r. - rwerm a nrrc . -, Fire, Life and Accident. ? arr poem of policy iascxo ox ALiif ; classes of town and oountrr nronertT at loaraak Royal, of Lireniocl ail Msi (Lrrg-eat net sorplos posjeased by aay Firs Insnr- V ance Oompany la the world.) " V Insurance Company of Korlli America, at m. ava a B CwJI B 1 a (OLDEST AMXE1CAN COMPANY) ' PhosBlz. of Hartford, Conn . " " , ' Georri Home of Columbu. Ga. T.!'C Son Mutual, of Hew Orleans. London Ataorasoe Corporation, of London. Laaeaahlre, of Knjrland. '-. - Lord ob aad LAneaahlre, of iirei pool. - m"t N. Y. Cnderwrlteri Ar ncy, of New TorkC - V ftOTTTltnl. (If1ll.-Tn. . . r" Pprhyrfleld (F. A 1L) of Fprinrfle.'d. Hut " Weatern Assnranoe. of Toronto. Canada. . - ' iTBTeiera- i-ire ana Accident, of Bartford. - onneciwiu (Lriret ud stronceat Aocldent Company In America.) atatoal Ufa InanraBoe Company, of Kentucky. as (Treat to liablllilta aa any Company ta ' the land.) . "fcT x.1 TT 1 t m r,A"j .... ...vi awwwu JU JL UtJ l.JX , ' iiri.ii rnn nnnffPQ at row a; Aranta, Cfflce Corner 5ntt and Walnut 8ts am Telephone Ho. tt CHANGE OF BUSINESS. WX HAVB-IUCIDXD TOCLOSK OtTR ' .- TiTmlTT OH n n TTT1 ri TT nnn i n wim trm . niiinih unubn.rjai !JIirnaTfl.ainTt uauQuicr oeptemoer Mt, - 't- . WB WILL OFFER AT COST. FOB CASH,OUa - JlaTIaS STOCK OF Decorated and Plain China. -: BaTis, TftA EATTS, BBMJ TORCXLAlH y TABLE GLA88WABS, FANCY GOODS, An. '' ' V ; - Talt'wfll afford lha hanavkMw In ll.Uirff - a , aaa v A a . a . " ' w woo BarrounQiiyr country tee Dest oppor- , tanlty they bare erer had for laylnr la a Supply ; , ot uese iroooa. . Our WHOLES ALB CBOCCTHTDBPAHTBEST f WU1 be continued aa heratAfnra. . . GILES fc MUIICIIISOV, an xw crocktry Department. - xr ai Lie a AaBtLVin uir,v. - O . J j -r- pLKASX LXAVB O ED BBS. WILL BS FEOMP- " f f ATlawV W Vf inma lUnhsUU asd Chariot CIGABS, At cnU onlr. . Telescopes. A KOTHKH mVOlCB OF TETTSXR. fiAVPLX - -' XX Cases and Telesoopes tust reeelred sad for " -saaoobsep. Otre us aoaU lor anr artlela nanairv '. ' kept la a first claaa Saddlery XaAabUahxrent. and' ' rurulM to pieaee yon both la qmltty sad price. BepaMns neatly and promptly done. Sim of the Eorae. He. 10 to. Front Ct an S tf (Berlea copy). . . . ' Hats, Hats. Ladies' Sailors; Umbrellas.; HAEE1SOK A ALLKK: !J "8tt Hatters." Fresh Drugs QF ALL KIKD8 AT 2. H. HA ED IK'S,' au 28 tf Hew Market. At Actual Cost; "PVXSXEOUS OF MAKEUQ ACXZANOXIZf Busi ness, I offer my entire stock of jroods, eoaststlsK: tn part or China, Glass, Quecnaware,' Flated and Britannia Ware at coat. Parties wiablnx to suppj themselves with rood roods at low prloee wtll find It to their Interest to can sad examine esf stock at once. . V.v- Btspectfally. " L. CL XJJtXBXBT. Vo. 117 South Frcatet. autf In Stock, 450 801X3 ALr GAl)IS TOBACCO, 53 ii. .... mt j lm. . WV., ..il... hai mW LMI I. "L - dlum dGABa. Epeetai lnduoeBteats effered to wholesale buyers. ' BeepectfaHy, BAJt i iai k. Em., . aatStf 10. Market street. To the Public, v ryx WISH TO AHK0ST5CX TO TUX thaf the rare Fine OH maaalactured fcytiiscef- Bsa OH aad Creosote Cbmpaay wCi be t only by " easetf . . "C- . ".XXS3E A HOZCZZ" 4