The Morning btaiy 5i, IVILLIAM ' H. BERNARD. ' ,ri.iaggP DAYJXCTFT MONDAYS. - . Year (by Mali). Postage TM........... t 00 s' s Months, . ;1p Three Months ; "SiJSS City Subscribers, delivered tn any part ?Ttv Twelvs CBHW per week, par' City -fthlirf not authorised to ooUect for more gmontuslo advance. TirthTPost Office at Wli.nlniftou. ST. cj" jntertd at toe ond claga Matter. - REDUCTION IN PRICE, j . , Attention is invited to the follow r. .inced ratea of subscription:' DAILY STAB, By Mailt Odo Vear Six Months Three MoDtbs One Month To city subscribe t .$6.00 . 3.00 . 1.50 SO Three Months One Month One Week .56 52 12 WEEKLY STAR, By Mail: Oae Year ...$1.00 Six Months .60 Three Months , 30 The reduction in price will, we are conti l. nt, add materially to our ai re id v large circulation, thus-making the piper more valuable than ever to aJvrterrt. Q jr telegraphic news service has rtjcen'Iy been largely increased, and it on; determination to keep tbe Star np to thehighest standard of newopiper excellence. - OUTLINES. The Roman Catliolic College, at St. Meinrad, Ills., was destroyed by fire Friday night; loss $200,000; no insur ame The attorneys for the Chi cago boodlers claim to have made a startling discovery by which they hope their clients will escape punish ment. All kinds of securities ad vanced very rapidly yesterday in the NewYork stock market,and the scenes have never been equalled in the his tory of the street. A buoyant feeling is reported in the London stock market, and all securities have largely advanced. Some miscre ants attempted to wreck a train near Chatsworth, Ills., but it was unsuc cessful. Masked men took Cbas. Coleman, colored, from jail at Flem ingsburg, Ky., and hanged him, for a criminal assault on a young white lady. Labor organizations of Pittsburg, Pa., paraded yesterday; 15,000 men were in line. The Northwestern National Insurance Company has been boycotted by the Chicago Underwriters. ' New York markets: Money easy at 35 per cent., closing offered at 3 per cent.; cotton firm at lOlOie; southern flour unchanged and dull; wheat rather quiet and generally steady; No. 2 red September 80c; corn dull and rather weak; 2fo. 2 September 49f4&Jc; spirits turpentine steady at 32i32c; tosin steady at $1 051 10. Jov. Gordon is giving much alH faction to the Georgians. Gcd. Milee, the Indian fighter, has hd the misfortune to break his leg at Los Angeles. Mr. Ruskin is reported as perfect ly sane ;iud quietly travelling jn aw hern Lurojie. The English liars ought to hold up. We notice that the Southern Pro tection papers are very happy at Randall's alleged success in tbe Al- i lentown Convention. Do you Bee? The New Orleans States puts the working capital of that city at $78, 893,850. That is a grand sum and shows well ior the mercantile ca pacity of a Southern city. The last letter from Stanley, the African traveller, was interesting didjnot settle the fate of tbe ex- Poorer. n,s letters show that tbe natives were hostile to him. We xpect to hear of his death yet. ' i nere is quite a boom in canned So&. That is bad for the Horth Carnlirti. e ... an "U"U4 iarmers. Uabbages are hlgb and that is another lick at the armers who depend upon;New Eng. auu an1 Norway. Short crops have given a decided upward start to all canned goods. mm. John N. Staples, of Greens- U0(r is reported as saying : nn'i.dADo1 .teUwe you con'-' . J; e a cor- The n,:gUara m Noih Cai j. to favor of r-vut internal revenue eystem 18 the Col lonel in favor of free u and free smokes, and in favor taxing blankets, wool hats, trace han8, cheap crockery, medicine, I and i ' ' ' ana cotton tie,? We happen to v a good many scores of , people uarein favor of taxing the lux- ,co an'Uaxing them high. fae Iowa Democrats indorse the wmstration for its economy, con- 7bj UO iw , y aoa patriotism and call of southern Florida was nop given, pux i rrne racing Hloe a special reatore: I '"SlOU Of our T! l I iTl i i mr.innnrt . -1 nut onrl nnKHahed. - - 1 li7 ee VOE. XL.NO. 142. nue basis:" and they declare that they Mf aYor the retention of the in ternal revenue tax , on intoxicating liquors and tobacco, and protest against its proposed reduction for the purpose ; of oontinumg the present high tariff on the necessaries of life. The New York World calls itself Democratic but it is jubilant over Randall's supposed triumph over Tariff reformers in the Pennsylvania Convention. It says it is a "rebuke to free trade,' and that "Pennsylva nia Democrats emphatically repu diate false doctrine" and "silence the clamor 'for" free trade." Why all this'false statement ? What did the Reform Democrats ask for that is "false doctrine" or "free trade?" The World Buould have more regard for truth and fairness. Randall seems to be as near and dear to the World as he is to the treacherous Sun. TSE CITY. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. French Bros. Lime. D. O'Connor For rent. C. W. Yates New goods. C. Stkmmerman For rent. J. H. Hardin Fresh drugs. Dr. J. D. Bellamy For rent. Notice Carolina Yacht Club. John C. Davis Money to loan. Jambs D. Nutt Open all day. It. L. IIuTCiiiNS Ed amel paints Meeting Howard R F. E Co. Fknnell & Daniel Telescopes Collier & Co. Sale of crockery. Parkbr & Taylor Farmer Cook . 15. Warren & Son. Bartlett pears. Louis J. Poisson Ileal estate agent. Geo. R. French & Sons Fall styiea Miss Hart School for young ladies. Collier & Co. Furniture at auction. Harrison & Allen Hata, umbrellas. R. P. McDougall Now is your time. Brown & Roddick-Just before the battle W. E. Worth & Co. Reduction in ice. W. E. Springer & Co. Hardware, etc Du.jcan McEachern Orain and feed. C. M. Harris To parlies leaving city. Alderman, Flanner & Co Lightning rods. Personal. Mr. J. H. Hardin and family return ed last night from a summer jaunt to the Western part of the State. Mr. M. M. Katz left last night for the Northern markets to purchase his fall and winter stock of goods. Lieut. Gov. Stedman returned home last night, after a sojourn of six weeks in the western part of the State. Mr. Jno. H. Currie, of the firm of Woody & Currie, is at home again from a visit to friends in Cumberland and Chatham. Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy will leave to night for Washington, D. C, to at tend the International Medical Con gress as a delegate from this State. Mr. J. H. Clark, sr., and Mr. J. H. Clark, jr., passed through Wilming ton yesterday on their return to Clarkton from a visit to the Northern markets. Mr. Nick W. Schenck, formerly of this city, is manager of the Nortn Carolina Land and Immigration Bu reau, No. 22 Dey street, New York. The bureau will act as the Northern advertising agent for all persons or corporations desiring its services. Recaptured The Mayor received a telegram yesterday from Supt. Steers of New York stating that the thieving wash er woman Josephine McElroy alias Rose Nesbitt, whose arrest and escape were mentioned in the Star, has been aerain arrested and would be held for a requisition until 10 a. in. Wednesday. Sergt. F. T. Skipper, of the police force of this city, left here last night for Raleigh to procure the necessary papers. He will thence proceed to New York and bring the woman back to this city. The following telegram in relation to the second arrest of the woman, was received by the Stab last night Josephine McElroy, the young mulatto, who escaped from police headquarters Thursday, was recap tured yesterday, and was arraigjueu in the police court to-day. She is wanted in .Wilmington, IN. C, on a charge of embezzlement. I xne woman with her child was remanded to rennisition from the ttovernor of North Carolina.- She was captured t.hiwicph the efforts to . resrain posses- Rion of ner cnna wnion sue owuxu. - . a 1 . 1 . 1 not carry away when she escaped. am nm mm Tnt Gulf cyelonai -No developments i;ook placefn the cyclope yesterday whlch indicate its character or show its probable course. -The atmospheric pressure, had under gone no perceptible change at any point along the;tGulf coastjby 8 p. m. In the next reports of observations re ceived at the Signal office at 10 p. m. Key West and Titusville, Fla., were missing, and nothing .definite can be stated as to the atmospheric condi tion in that quarter.1 Other places nlonp- the coast were -about the. same ah at 3 ri 'tm- .Thei trouble which caused the non-receipt of the reports WILMINGTON, Local Dots. - ; ;. .. Only one marriage license is sued the past week : by the county register. ' : ' : ; , Johannes Omberg, a drunken sailor, was arrested and locked up last night. Beware of the treacherous grape hull, or you 11 find that there's many a slip between the pavement and the curbstone. . The Board of County Commis sioners will meet in regular monthly session at the Court House to-morrow afternoon.' At St. Paul's Evangelioal Lu theran church, English services will be held to-day at 11 a. m. and German services at 8 p, m. The receipts of cotton yester day were 372 bales; the same day last year 27 bales. Prices declined an eighth on all grades. "Frank, the dude," colored, was escorted to the guard house last night by two policemen. He had presumed too much on his gait. Mr. B. H. J. Ahrena has bought two lots on Campbell street, between Sixth and Seventh, where he will erect a factory for the manufacture of ice. Mr. Duncan McEachern has opened a grain and feed store at No. 126 North Water street, where he pro poses to keep a full supply of goods in his line and to sell as low as the lowest. At Blowing Rock, on the 31st of August, there was a heavy white frost, and the thermometer registered 36 degrees above zero. Come home, boys, and go to work before you get "snowed under ." The hour for evening service at St. Mark's church on Sunday, here after, will be 8 o'clock. The Rev. Dr. Carmichael will officiate and preach this evening and every Sunday even ing during the rector's vacation. The last regatta of the season will be sailed Tuesday the ISth inst., over the course of the Carolina Yacht Club, at Wrightsville. Captains are notified to enter their yachts at least forty-eight hours before the time of the regatta. A meeting will be held at the Mayor's office to-morrow evening, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of organiz ing a Building and Loan Association. We already have one of these admi rable organizations here, in success ful operation, but there is room for another. We note tbe arrival of a car load of furniture at Raleigh for the Peace Institute. Also, that it was manufactured in Asheville. Well, we don't make any furniture here, but the Acme Manufacturing Company, of this city, can furnish the material for the mattresses, Sic. The lowest temperature in this cotton belt yesterday was 52 degrees at Lumberton; the maximum at the same place was 86. The highest tem perature was at Weldon, 93 degrees. Wilmington reported a maximum o f 81, Salisbury 85, Wadesboro 90, Ra leigh 85, Cheraw, Florence and Char lotte 87. Referring to the car coupler, heretofore described in the Star, in which several of our people are in terested, the Charleston News and Courier says the models have been examinedby a number of railroad men in that city.and all of them have" pronounced in favor of the new in vention. The Atlantic Coast Line will run excursion trains to Philadelphia for the benefit of those who wish to witness the grand ceremonies on the occasion of the centennial anniver sary of the adoption of the Federal Constitution, Sept. 15th to 17th in clusive. Single tickets, round trip, from Wilmington, 1 19.00; Fayette- ville, $17.35; Goldsboro,$15,60; Wilson, f 14.60. To military companies and other organizations, in parties of 25 or more, one solid ticket, the rates are much lower. Tickets good until Sept. 22d. Pall or Work. Great activity prevails in the shops of the Wilmington and Weldon rail road in this city. And the same pleasant state of affairs exists in the shops of the Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta at Florence, and of the Carolina Central at Laurinburg. This is ah encouraging sign. It shows that the railroads are prospering, and it gives constant employment to n. larprfi nnmber of mechanics and other workers. . i Reeky Bonat Fair. The -stockholders of the Bocky Mount Fair held their meeting yes terday and concluded to have their next Pair November 16th,- 17th and 18th, inclusive Each stockholder paid in ten dollars Tx start with, : intend- Ing not to go in debt . Supervisors to each. department, were -appointed N. C, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1887. Row ta.tb. Hollow.' '. - There was a lively row in the Hol low last night, and in , the " melee police officer Flanagan lost his hat and police officer Green got a cut over the left eye. But the policemen captured their man a burly West India negro sailor and locked him up in the guard house. The negro was drunk and disorder ly, and when the policemen attempt ed to arrest him made a desperate resistance, drawing a pistol with which he endeavored to shoot the officers, and a horde of half drunken men- and women rushed to his assist ance. The trouble began at the corner of Mulberry and Nutt streets, and after the officers had secured their prisoner the crowd followed them to Front street, throwing stones and making several attempts to rescue the man. After great difficulty he was taken to the City Hall and loeked up. One of the men engaged in throwing stones was taken in custody by the Mayor himself, who happened to be on Front street near Mulberry, at the time of the distur bance. About the sameftime that this dis turbance occurred, a row began in Mrs. Bryson's dance house on Nutt street, near Walnut. There were about seventy-five men and women in the room. Two colored women pitched in for a fight with a white sailor, and for a time there was a per fect pandemonium in the place. Of ficer Kunold, who was on that beat, went into the place to quell the dis turbance, when the women jumped on him, knocked him into a corner of the room, struck him with a chair, tore his coat, and in the melee robbed him of his watch and chain. He man aged to capture one of the colored termagants, however, and fighting his way out, lodged her in the guard house. o" m ' ' A Copjantf Darker. A young colored man applied to Justice Millis yesterday for a warrant for the arrest of a woman who had cast a deadly spell upon him a spell that he was sure would work his speedy dissolution. The magistrate didn't know that he could do any thing for the sufferer, but asked him to explain, and possibly he might discern some salient point or projec tion upon which '"a case" would hang. The trembling daikey, hope ful of relief, at once told his story. He had been paying attention to a dusky damsel whose charms had captivated his fancy, and had pre sented this object of his adoration with his "pictur" a tin-type of the highest order of art. Recently his sweetheart "had gone back on him," and he learned to his horror, had driven a nail through his picture, at the place where his heart was sup posed to be. He was certain that his death would result from this unless he could secure the picture, draw the nail, and heal the wound, and he im plored the justice to bring all the powers of his learned legal mind up on the case and give him the aid he sought. When he was told that it was beyond the power of the law as laid down in the Code to give him the re lief he craved, he was distressed be yond expression, and took his depar ture in tears and trembling. A Yon ita Girl Entrapped. The police were instrumental yes terday in saving a young girl irom a life of infamy and shame. The girl was found "in a disreputable house on South Fourth street, where she had been an unwilling inmate for the past three days. She was a plain country eirl, plainly dressed, witn a face that was not unattractive. She gave her age as sixteen years, and said that her home was in Sampson county, a few miles from Clinton. The women of the house offered no opposition to her leaving and she readily accompanied a policeman to the City Hall, -where she told her story. She said she came to the city on an excursion train, and at the in vitation of a young woman she called 'Carrie," and whom she had known in Sampson, went to the house as a guest to spend a few days, not know ing its character. She said that she was anxious to re- tarn home, but was entirely without means to do so, and some members of the police force, in the kindness of their hearts, made np a purse and paid her fare to her home, putting her in charge of the conductor on the north bound train that left the city last night. Arteelan Walls. CoV Brink writes that the artesian well bored on the premises of the Creosote Lumber and ' Construction Co., at Fernandina, - Fla., cost $2,400 (not $1,200 as stated in the STAR.) He says : "It gives us 8,100 gallons of rmre soft water per minute. A simi- I lar well or supply of water would be X' .. I WOTth to the Carolina Oil and Creo, 1 80te Co. the interest on thirty thou- I Band dollars:-. We - have a ? pressure I that J -carries' the. 'water 'seventy feet highand-mstributes JaU nnm-na W. .tvf- -"" f.. ? .... i nsi' si a' ' ""' ' -" fourth page ror otner local mews. 7' Quarterly maaunc 1 ' Wilmineton District. M. E. Chnreh South. Fourth round of Quarterly Meetings. t Grace Church, ' Wilmington, ' Sep tember 3-4. Bladen Street. Wilmington. Sep tember 3-4. Elizabeth Circuit at Elizabethtown. September 10-11. Topsail Circuit, at Union, SeptemI ber 17-18. Southport Station, September 24-25. Clinton Circuit, at Goshen. October 1-2. Duplin Circuit, at Kenansville. Oc tober 8-9. - Onslow Circuit, at Tabernacle: Oc tober 15-16. Macmolia Circuit, at Mairnolia. Oc tober 22-23. Bladen Circuit, at Windsor. Octo ber 29-30. Carver's Creek, at Shiloh. Novem ber 2-3. Cokesbury Circuit, at Salem. No vember 5-6. Brunswick Circuit, November 12-13. Waccamaw Circuit, November 19-20. WMtevllIe Circuit, November 26-27. Thos. W. Guthrir. P. E, lAdYerttoement. A CARD. In reolr to the commonicalioa in vetttr- dat'a Heuenoer. ilsned br Ibe President and Secretary of tbe Laborers' Union, we bare to say: 1st. Tbe rale of wage at Charles tou . 8. C. $4 and $4.50 per day on tbe nine hoars' system. 2d. Tbe fact tbat more cotton is stowed here than at some other ports, is owing to tbe superiority or tbe work done by tbe Compresses here and to vessels receiving tbe bales direct from tbe presses; whereas, at other ports the bales are transported after compressing, by rail and drays; the re peated handling causing it to swell and be come hard and more bulky. Sd. We emphatically deny any attempt to form an organization of contractors. 4tb At least one-half of the laborers f urn shed contractors by the Laborers' Union are unskilled labor; their only quali fication being that tbey belong to tbe Union. If the contractor was permitted to select such men as he thought competent to do the work, there would be no objection to the price demanded, and the coat of stowing cotton could be materially reduced. Ktras Bros , It Contracting Stevedores. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Household and Kitcnen Fonitiire AT AUCTION. AT No. 12J NORTH 7TH 8T. On Wednesday, Rpt. 7ih, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M , we will sell at muctirn a Urre and railed assortment of Household and KUehen Furniture, confuting in part of Bed steads, Boreeni, Wash stands. Chairs, Tables. Bed dine, Mauraese. and a treneral assortment of Kitchen furniture. COLUJEB CO.. sep 4 St Auctioneers. BIG AUCTION SALE OF CROCKERY. II OK OAT. 8IPTXHBKB 5TH. OOXMKNC- In ir at 13 o'clock A. we wiu sell th entire stock of CROCK KEY now In store No 11? Ponth Front, opposite New Market House, 'hie stock consists of a very fine assortment of Dinner and Tea f eta. Chamber Pels. Tin Set. ToCet Fet, Stra w Woods, Lamps, Lanterns. Wood and Willow- vara. Also a fine lot of Plated Ware. Lad lea s re respectfully Inrlted. Goods sold In lots to suit purchasers. CULLlKK S UU , sep 8 ft AooUppeers. Howard Relief Fire Enpe Co. Ho. 1. ATTENTION KtMBm-Ton are hereby re a nested to attend the regular nonlhJr meet- Ins; to be he'd Monday, 8eC 5th. at 6 o'clock P. M-, at yoor Knaina Boose; object to revise the Constitution and try Laws . Honorary Members are especlallr requested to attend. By order or the resident. r. C. sULLXB, sep 4 It eo. SeoV. Carolina Tacit GUI Notice. THS LAST REGATTA OT TEL? SEASON WILL be sailed September tbe thirteenth 13ts). at 4 o'clock. Yacht will report at halt-past three o'clock in tbe afternoon sharp. Captains are notified to enter their yachts at least forty-eight boon before tune of Regatta By order Keratta committee. J Mc BBS COWAN, sep 4 It Act. Treasurer. Open All Day. AM SMS P. NTJTT, THE DRTJGQT8T, M8 NORTH FRONT, 8T. sep 4 It Money to Loan, "VN GOOD SKCXTRTTY, IN BUMS TO 8TJIT THS demand, on Ion or short lima. Apply to sep 4 It JOHN C. DAVIS, The Farmer Cook J3SATS ALL IsHTATIONS. XVSRYBODY TIN WARS of should hare one and be bappy. the bast qualliy. PURS WHITS OIL. sep 4 HI ICE. ICE. ICE. TN V1SW OF THS FACT THAT WI INTaSD enlATKlnr oar plant, and shall soon hare the oapaolty to furnish FIFTY TONS OF ICS DAILY, we hare decided to redaoe the pi toe to the figures we originally Intended selling at. On and after to day we will foralah ICS, dellr- erd twice a day, at following rates: lO to SO poaada, eaeh dellrery, H cent per pound. 100 pounds, each deliytry, 43 oenta perlOO poonda. larreqaantllles at lower rates. . We trust that tbe above prices wEH be satlsfae. tory to the community " Wm. E. Worth & Co. eepltf U sa - U 8. XNQI SEER'S OFFICE. ' ' W ILMXNQTON. N. C- August 5th, 1987. PBOPOSALS lor Dradfln la Cap Fear Rlrer, North Carolina, wiu be reoeired antQ naoa of Beptember 9th. 18S7, and opened bnmadlatelr tnereerter. " xuaaa iwtm, ipmuows ana in formation eaa b aaa apoa appoeaooii io am - utpvaTH ox jtDciaeera, u. d a. : an 66t . ' eTBlPll s4 . , : T - i nn PaQaaeTeWta : ' aper Aarr of Messta-- J . tw.avit ton. ni MUwiMd MU , A ID) 1: WHOLE NO. 6536 NEW ADVERTISEMENTir- For Sent, STORS MxiJ. OS FRONT STRCST USt next soutH of Front Street Market. Apply to ci KmrsrsmvAW Corner Froat-azil frin. um... nr t n O'Connor. too 4 It For Eent, BSICK HOUSI. NIIT TO CORNSR I ISI ot Dock and Scconl streets, the- 2111. roaghly fitted ss. aptiyto vr. JOHN d. ElLLlaT, sep 4 It MS Market street, For Eent, T3S STOaS ATPRS1ENT U8KD A8 ISSI OCR RZTAIL CROCRSBY DEPART M B ST. Possession glren October 1st. sept tf GCLSS MURCHISON. LOUIS J. POIBSON, RIAL B3TATS AGENT, NO. 1U NORTH SECOND ST. llll Kllf Parlies wlahlnr to boy or sell Real Estate, and those bartaar Batata to manare and Henta to collect, would do well to call on me. a 4 It For Bent. BOUSS No. 4:9 SOUTH SECOND IIS street, now occupied by Mr. N. Jacob!; contain eight rooms, water, gas aad If III bath. House No. 407 South Second street. House No. 118 South Fifth street, now occu pied by Mr. Katz; has water, bath and gas. House No. 1U South Fifth street. House northeast corner Second and Ann st rests. House southeast earner Second and Ann Eta. House northeast corner of Market and Fourth streets. House southeast corner of Fifth and Princess: contains elaht rooms. House southwest corner Cbeenut and Fourth streets. House east side of Second street, between Ptinoees and Cbeenut; eight rooms, cistern and water works. House No. 417 North Third street: cistern and water works. Hove No. 115 Forth Sixth street; seren rooms. House No. 318 North Sixth street; nine rooms. Apply to D. O'CONNOR, pep 4 tf Real Ketate ArenU School for Young Ladies, HISS HAUT, Principal, Assisted br MISS M. B. BROWN. VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC TAUGHT By MRS. A. M. WADDELL. The next session will begin TBUB8DAY, tbe 6th of October. Course of study thorough. In strooUon In the French laajroage, Clas slnrlng. Callstbenlcs, and Needlework free cf extra eharge. Bpictal attention (.Iren to the culllva Uoa of the Toloe. Pup Us reoeired for the entire sestlon oalr. No deduction made except in cases of protracted sysnesa. For terms sxd particulars, apply to tbe PRINCIPAL, sep 4 tf nsc sn 5 North Third street. Lime. Lime. LIME in exchange for PROVISIONS LIKE LIME " GROCERIES. DRY GOODS. LIME M HARDWARE. LIME " LUMBER. " CASH. LIME " ADDRESS FRENCH. BROS., Rocky Point, sep 4 91 Grain and Feed Store, No. 126 Norlh Water 8t. TTAVTNO LEASED ABOVE 8TORS AND PUR- o based what Hay Mr. C W. Stanford had, I shall keep a supply of Horss, Cow and Hoc Food. Hay, Flour, MeaL Hominy, Ac, which I will sell as low as possible and deliver promptly. Try me. sep 4 st duncan McEachern. DELICIOUS BARTLETT FEABS TO-DAY. E. Warren & Son, EXCHANGE CORNER. sep 4 tf Wm. E. Springer & Co., TMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF HARDWARE and CBCCEEBY, ean'offer special lnduoemeats to Wholes tie buyers. 19. !L tS Market Street, Wilmington, N. C sep4tf Hew Goods. AUB FALL STOCK TS OOMTNO IN. AND yj tboa la want of School Booka, Bobool Bop pllea. Blank Books, Stationery, Va. Ao , will nsa our pnoee reascmaoje. uraers oy mau wiu meet with prompt attention. A liberal discount to Merchants and Teachers. sep 4 tf C W. YATES. City Taxes. . . rp-ES BOOKS CONTAINING TEE LISTS 07 SmI and Pareaaal Fro pet tr and Polls for the year 168. hare bee plaoed ta say beads for ta eouseuon m ws isms imyw s. . WM. A. WTLLSON, - Tt Collector and Treasurer. Sep lit . S41118 . I INFORM MY FRTXNDa AND THE PUBLIC that I bars returned aod wlH resums the prao . - - - - - - - tic of Medicine sad Bargsry la this city. ' - Offlo No. IS Soutli Front street. -' sep S St . - . - - JNOv T. 8CH0NWAXD, M. D. c::: i c::a. i 'if 1; One Sahara One Day, Two Days...... Tfiree iara ... . . . . ..-row iayaw.A.... , .. .... - Ftra Days,..., .......... . OBSVll,.wrt...M. -. . Two Wssi it,,,,.,,M .- " - - Tbraa Weeks........... v sson'jv.... .t. . T-ro 'oathw..... : " ' " - '--MoiiUk .... - " onu.. ........ ' oae Year,. ...7L. .... .. : MT Contract AdTerUsamscts taken at pre ; r -ttonatafy low rates. . ? ' Tea Eaas aoMBoaparan type snaka one s;&.r- NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS. Just Before the Battle, BROWN &K0ppiCK, ffortb Front i. ' ; " PRSVIOU8 TO THE FALL AND WINTER CAM- PA ION IN , t . . IDir: WE WILL OFFER ON. ' -. Monday, 8eptember. 5r OVER 300 D0ZEH OF -,7 Ladles' and Genu' Colored Hem stitched Handkerchiefs. ALL GUARANTEED PURE USES: They are.what is termed la the trade Msscfao : turers "As Are." NO SUCH CHANCE HAS BEEN OFFERED 2N THIS CITY FOR BARGAINS. Lot 1. 30 Dozen Ladies' Hemstitch Colcred Border, 5c each, Pure Linea.- lc Lot 2. . - - v " Dozen Gents' Hemstitch Colored J Border, 8c each, Pure Linen; Lot 3. Jrt'" 35 98 Dozen Ladies' Hemstitch Colored , Border, 10c each, Pure Linen fr: Lot 4. ' f- - 140 Doz- Gents' Hemstitch Colored Border, 12 l-2c each, Pure Linen- " BROWN & RODDICK- 9 NORTH FRONT STREET. sep 4 tf FALL STYLES. . TTTB SHOW NOW MANY NIW AND PRgTrT v rnijtm or iaien oenur, himm' aaa iiuareaY . SHOES. BEST DRESS INQ FOB LADIES' 8H0E3 la the - State. Will not crack or Injur leather. - - - Geo. B. French & Sons,; . 109 NOBTH FRONT 8TPEET. sep4tf - " n a.z ft; " J3 LEASE LEAVE ORDERS. WILL BE FROMF- . uy nuea. v. jl. Hinn, - - Bmmmv TW1a - ' ' Msnhstta and Chariot CIGARS, Are cents oaly. ' se 4 tf Telescopes. ANOTHER INVOICE OF TRUXES, 8AKFLE Cases and Telescopes last reoetred and for sals cheap. Glre us a call ior any article usually iVzZ cru Z prloe. Repairing naauy ana prompuy o on. fennelL m Daniel, Elrn of tbe Horse, No. U So. Front St - se 4 tf QZertea copy). . . Hats, Hats, h Ladies' Sailors, ;7 Umbrellas. HARRISON t ALLEN. -HatieTS. se 4 U Fresh Drugs- QF ALL ETNDS AT J. H HARDIN'S. 84 tf I Sew Market. Persons Building v WTIX PLEASE REMEMBER THAT WM ARB Dutttnx up Llrhtnlnsr Rods in eonnacUon with Roollnjc Drtr wslls. sVo. Don't glre your orders to mrnuung aoa a rents wnett roa can ret better work aoa at lower figares aera at boat, can on us lor ufiders' Ui nuafo Hard was of erery description. ALDERMAN. FLANNER it CO . Dealers tn Hardware, Tim ware, Vo -se 4 tf WgmtnrfawCM. C. Wearing Enamel J3ATNT. X WILL SELL YOTJ, OR I WTLL TXIST or deeorate yoar bcQdizs; la a etyl ereTfed try eooe. . i. uuT,uie, Practleal Fainter and dealer fa all kinds f Paints, ao. Sol Agent for Improved Methods. Shop ll Worth 8th street. s 4 It How is Your Time rjX GET YOUR BUGGY OR CARRIAGE EE paired and Painted. I can make tt look as as sew, or eaa trad or sail you a sew oae. Try ma. la tbe old Jail brrUdtric, corner of Pri&c and Second streets. Yours truly. se 4 u r k, r. cpouoaiJU Carolina Beach.Ky PASSPORT LEAVES FOR CAROLINA REACH erery week day at 9 and S. except FrUay " Saturday, when creirmsr boat leares at Tram retarnlng learas at 1 aad S. - At tb reeaest o( many tb Louse ra eon Uiree te maaa ber recrar trip en airadiy. FamUy Excarsloii. with axuate try llai '.a n I ar 1. tst7 Friday aad Retard ay. . . . 4m W. IlIKrlg, as 17tf pao Owml Marsarcr. ..;:rj -Found,- PLACE TO PEOCURE THE FINEST CCSTC : MADE CLOTHING for the least money. -" EOSI5MAXH A TZ ,. Mercfc&nt lai. sepStf 5 Market r.rett. LIAT.4 O? A U V IZ.1'.