II ' II II I . J V il I lr?-'I1 -.vT I I 1 1:'-' r- ; I'll l.vKX - T M . - "VT -: IV 1 f tJ - ., . - .. . . J . ' - I 11 r - ' , . . i - -. . - ;'.... -- . - . ' ..... ' ,t) 1VILLIAH II. KEKJiAH pitblISIIKD DAILY JtXCZPT MONDAYS. ' ' BATES OP SUBSORtPTIOH, W ADVASC. 1ne rear (by Mall), Posts Wd."i.......'t 00 j.r Montli " . - 8 00 Months , J S3 me Month. ..v--"- -60 .T, pifv. Twelve Cbhts per week. Our OUv entoare not au jhaa throo montha iu vilj .-v . . . u; pnn I City, Twelvb Cmrrs per week. Our City J . . : r - .are not authorised to.oollect for more f V 111 " YT T ' XT- tiroo montha In advanoe. , . I V-f Jj . -AJA "lN 7 aaaaaae 1 aaaaaaaaaaaaM vTtowd at the Post office at WUniiuton, N. C as Seoond Class Matter. s REDUCTION nr price. Attention is invited to the follow in? iviluoed rates of subscription: DAILY STAR, By Stalls I ...$6.00 3.00 ... 1.50 50 car . kSix Months ; . Throe Months One Month To city Subscriber t fhrtv Months On" Month I... . One Woek . .. HliEKLY STAR, By HI all: One Vear .$1.00 Six Months 60 Three Months ,30 .$1.56 . 52 . 12 Tlie reduction in price will, we are BBiTBTirK NATHAN A. STEDITIAN, ESQ. ' - Fall of years, held in high esteem where best known, and loved by his friends and relatives, Nathan Alex ander; Stedman died at -r! hnm. . Fayetteville on Thursday, 29th of September, 1887, at 4 o'clock a. m. He was born at Pittsboro, Chatham county, and was 81 years old last February. He was elected to the Legislature, in- 1827, when but 21 years old. He was again elected in 1832, and in 1833. For many years he was Clerk of the County Court of Chatham. He served as Comptroller of the State for two years, being elected by a Democratic Legislature although himself a very decided Whig. He was. an intimate friend of the late Govern er Manly, Hon. WILMINGTON, N. C. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 30. 1887. Dr. McGlynn offered to - sddrAaa a Baptist ministers'; meeting ; in New York, but the example "of the Meth odists was: before them, and the matter was, on motion, "indefinitely postponed." CAFE F&A n ; TTJLDKIS TJLL- IBY , II A1L.RO AD. WHOLE NO. 6558 The Irish eviction war stilj, pro gresses. - confid.nl, add materially tooural-, wn iV'ii T"61" Manly Hon- HHgh Waddell and other prominent re.idy largo circulation, thus making men of their day. At the lime he th papi -r more valuable than ever to resel n Raleigh as Comptroller he s,l.v'tiT.H. bad probably a more general ac quaintance throughout the State than 0,.r telegraphic news service has any man then living. In his prime . T t . 1 1 - nM 3 - m . rtc ri'.iy oeen largely increased, and I " waa a grana specimen Ol Dhvsinal i - it U our determination to keep the Star up to the highest standard of uespiper excellence. OUTLINES. A lire occurred in Chicago Thurs day nipht which destroyed property to the amount of $145,000, and which throws three hundred and sixty men temporarily out of employment. The General Term of the Su preme Court of New "ork has direct ed that the sentence imposed on Jacob Sharp shall be carried out. Ex Senator Norwood, of Ga., was before the Pacific Railroad Com mission, in New York, yesterday, and explained his connection with the Southern Pacific. Polydore De Keyser, a Roman Catholic, was yes terday elected Lord Mayor of Lon don. The weather was unfavor able yesterday, and the second race between the yachts Volunteer and Thistle could not be made; it will be sailed to-day, the weather permitting. A six thousand ton armored bat tle ship, to cost. $2,376,000, is to be built at the Norfolk navy-yard; it will take about eighteen months to bnild the vessel. William L. Putnam, of Maine, and James S. Angell, of Michigan, have been invited ty the President to act with the Secretary of State in the negotiation for a settle ment of the fisheries dispute with Great Brisain. Secretary Fair- chJd lias returned to "Washington and resumed active control of the Treasury Department. The last Cabinet meeting, prior to the Presi dent's departure for the West, was he'd yesterday; nothing is known as to the business transacted. The President has pardoned two men convicted of violating the internal revenue law in South Carolina and mannood. lie was a man of the highest integrity and strictest ve racity. He was frank, perpendic ular, decided, brave, without guile arid without hypocrioy. He had that sort of magnetism that drew men to him and held them faithful to the end. He was as true as steel to those he called friends, and his lib erality was as open as day and as free as water. He married Eaphania W., daughter of the late Thomas W. White, founder of the Southern Lit erary Messenger. She survives him, as do also his two sons, Lieut. Gov. Stedman and Frank H. Stedman, and two daughters. He was a North Carolinian, and when he took an active part in poli tics was influential and popular. He resided in Chatham until about 1851, when he removed to Fayetteville. Fiom that time until his death he lived at his last home. He rarelv left Fayetteville except to pay an occasional visit to Wilmington. He was a man of excellent sense and sterling qualities, and in his death the State loses a valuable citizen, a true patriot and an honest man. An Eastern: UaAoraemeat. New Bern Journal. The Wilmington Stab has com pleted its twentieth year. We have so often given our opinion of it as a newspaper ably edited, neatly print ed and unexcelled in its general make up, that we need only sav that it has taken no step backward", but is constantly pushing forward to the ir. oi penect newspaper. We have nothing but good wishes fbr its continual success. " 4 Virginia Pl4monu Danville Register. Dem. The Wilmington N. C, Stab is now twenty years j old and grows brighter aa it grows older. Itsplrkles like a diamond in the sky and its eye is never shut. It is one of the fixed stars, we are glad to say. Prom tbe mountain Centre. Asheville Citizen. The Wilmington Stab has entered Qpon' its twentv-firnt VBf t : truly- a splendid paper, and merits the fullest support. THE GIT-r. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OrjtBA Housb Fairy operetta. Pharmacist Drug store for sale. E. Warren & Son Fruit baskeu. Collier & Co. Carpets at auction. Munson M H. Curran. the artist. Maurice Thompson, a gifted South ern author, who lives in Indiana, and who served in the Confederate army, has a touching and felicitous poem in the American Magazine for Octo ber. It is too long for our columns, or we would have copied it. It is headed "Rebel or Loyalist." It is not in the true Southern strain, as he admits that the South was wrong. Th wivnuui U.UU I " " v " LMl1 J UUO Biail&0 X D cnn,!' makeS ifc the occasion to following have the dash and flash of mC mauuer in wmcn tne I real norv laws an. n,im;i , I reai Poe"ry- ,vAuluiai,cl-t.u j.nere was a rather firm feeling in the Chi cago wheat market yesterday; corn was stronger, and provisions received a flight set-back. The negro trouble in Texas is believed to be settled for the present. As far as "earj from a large majority vote has oeen cast in Tennessee for the prohi- amendment to the constitution. Offerings of bonds yesterday to the government amounted to $405,950. w ork markets: Money easy at Per cent.,closing offered at 5 per ent-; cotton easy at 9 9-169 11-1 6c; thern flour steady and quiet; wneat-Spot flrm and rather qaiet; .cu oepiemberand October 80 I stemmed the level fl Mm pa nf hall . O'er bayonet bars of death 1 broke; I was so near when Cleburne lell, I heard the muffled bullet stroke 1 But all in vain. With dull despair I saw the storm of conflict die; Low lay the Southern banner fair. And yonder flag was waving high. God ! What a triumph had the foe 1 Laurel, and arch, and trnmnot Mara. All round thearth their songs did go Thundering through heaven their shouts I do not cringe before you now. yjt lay my race upon Iha ground; I am a man, of men a peer. And not a cowering, cudgeled bound. Why a Southern se called Demo iciuuerana ucioDer au I . c; corn c higher on options; CratlC PaPer tnes to make the farm- Zr ber 515Hc; spirits tur pentine steady at 32fc; rosin steady at 11 9J J Ths l ans press were very severe czr WMhb"r"0- "p"s-s fjaJ-ohn SheranlaTs" he is no candi ' ae- Oh no, John never was. He 0 wy", "As I am an honest man." ers believe tbat a High Tariff blesses them is not laid down in the books. If only the farmers should prove to be as stupid and credulous as it is hoped they will be, then they will aocept the Protection dogma that taxation is a great blessing in disguise. Local Dota. Mr. F. D. Rice is putting a stocs oi groceries into the new store on the southwest corner of Front and Orange streets. Capt. J. W. Harper, of the Passport, will take command of the new steamer Alexander Jones, the largest tug in the port. The Carolina Chemical Com pany's band wagon, drawn by four horses, was an attraction on the streets yesterday afternoon. The steamer Cape Fear brought . - aown 450 ba'es of cotton. She left for Fayetteville late yesterday after noon with a good freight. - The fire alarm was out of order yesterday, apparently. Some of the hose reels passed North Third. whr the fire occurred, and went up Front street. Receipts of cotton yesterday Dales. Total rSfceipts for the crop year 34,732 bales; to same time last year 9,021 bales. Increase, 24,333 Dales. Rev. Chas. L. Arnold, of Ken tucky, has accepted the call to St. Paul's Episcopal Church and will enter upon the discharge of his duties ine nrst Sunday in November. The Stab received last night, with the compliments of Mrs. R. J. Bunting, a beautiful night-blooming cactus, plucked from a plant which bloomed in July, and on the 28th and 29th of August. There has been decided im provement in the appearance of our evening contemporary. With ita reading matter in new type, and other changes for the better, the ite view presents a bright and attractive face. A change of schedule goes into effect on the Carolina Central rail road next Sunday. The train going out in the morning will leave twenty- five minutes earlier, and the train ar riving in the evening will be ten mln-i utes later, than the present schedule. ihere was little rain in this cotton belt yesterday. Weldon re ported .ninety-hundredths of an inch. Charlotte sixteen-hundredths, and Newbern and Goldsboro ten-hun dredths each. The maximum tern perature ranged from 80 degrees at Newbern to 90 at Lumbertont Cheraw ana weldon. nteatlns of CUIiibi at tbe Proaaea . EitaasKrA Km Plactins to callc. ' ." Pursuant to announcement a pub lie meeting as fceld yesterday at noon In the rooms ot the Produce Ex change. . Mr. J. H. Currie, Jn calling the meeting to order, said that they had assembled to consider a question that Was of vital importance not only to this community, but to every person in the State.,. It was an assemblage of business men to: consider, if It would not be wlse and proper to call a mass meeting of citizens to de cide whether we should take action in the matter of the extension of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad io tnis city. Charleston, he said, was making strenuous efforts to induce tne railroad company to make that place its seaboard terminus. There was no doubt about the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley road making connec tion with Cincinnati and the Great West, and there was no doubt about the company desiring to make this city the eastern terminus of thpfr road, although the cost of the exten sion will be much greater than the proposed line to Charleston. Just as soon as Wilmington agrees to do what id right and reasonable In the matter the railroad company wpuld do everything in their power to push on the work. Dr. A. J. DeRosset was called to the chair. He urjred that stens hp taken to secure the extension of the road to this city. There was necessity ior immediate action. He did not believe there was a man present who did not want the road to come here and who was not ready to assume his share of the responsibility. It was natural and proper that the road should come to Wilmington. If the terminus was fixed anywhere else, he, for one, would ask that the name of the road should be changed. But we I were nere to call a meeting of all the citizens, to settle the question as to the sense of the community in the matter. At the conclusion of Dr. DeRos set's remarks, Mr. Currie moved that a committee of five be appointed, consisting of Messrs. D. G. Worth, J. W. Atkinson, Win. A. French, F. Rheinstein and Pembroke Jones, to prepare resolutions to . call a mass meeting of citizens, to be held that evening. Col. Roger Moore suggested that it would be better to leave the time of meeting to the committee. Mr. S. H. Fishblate said that it was important to take action soeedilv. The Board of Aldermen and the Board of Audit and Finance would meet next Mondav and th mat for should be In shape to be laid before them. Col . Atkinson said that he did not approve of acting hurriedly in the matter. The meeting ought not to be held earlier than Monday night. Alter further discussion it was de cided to leave the matter with the committee, and the motion to ap point the gentlemen named to Dre- pare resolutions to be presented to a meeting of citizens to be called by the committee, was adopted unani mously, arid the meeting adjourned. 2 nmwax conn. A white man, whose name Is with held, was arraigned yesterday before the Mayor, charged with assault and battery. It was an aggravated case, arid the Mayor Imposed a fine of thirty dollars, In default of the payment of wmcn ine offender was committed to jail for thirty days. J oe Davis, colored, for firing a pis tol within the city limits, was re quired to pay a fine of ten dollars. Judgment was suspended against the same defendant on the charge of carrying a concealed weapon. Sam 8mlth, colored. with doing the business of a steve dore without a license, but the in vestigation of his case was continued. Carolina Biaeh. The Passport ran her last trip to Carolina Beach yesterday, closing a saon of well Reserved aucceaa at this popular resort, The Beach has had between 17,000 and 18,000 visitors during the summer, or whom proba bly 5,000 were surf bather. No acci dent of any kind has marrP,l th.. pleasure of the trips, and the public will give due credit to Captains Har per and Nolan, whose care and vigi lance have contributed to this happy result. We understand that greatly enlarged facilities for transportation and accommodation have been ar ranged for the next season. War; rartaaat, U.a.91aal Sornce, . C S. Araay. DlnOot0,gnas EQd Reports for the lieneflt of Commerce and Airicu-ture. OTTOIf-UKLT ntT.v - The following tAhlA InAVi f).a maximum and mlnimam temperature, and f.JouV; t the dia- S tWen utlon ot observation, and the figures given below are the moan tJ, OI ail nmnHt umt -i- . . .. . ." iu Mm ucoire oi district. September 29. 1887 6 P.M. Districts. Atlanta . Auguata '. Charleston. . . . Galveeton Little Rock.... Memphis Mobile Montgomery . . New Orleans . . Savannah v.w- Vicksburg Wilmington ... AVSRAOK Max. I Min I Rm Temp.Temp, Fall 12 78 66 12 86 63 8 62 72 19 72 52 15 78 64 19 70 64 9 76 62 7 76 56 12 74 , 64 IS 86 68 C 70 54 8 85 1 70 - . m :- iVra,......., k rtSawSS" , - Daa Vj ""-4 . wsaxoac t. Ttraot AdTarttoeniaBt. takaa u propcr toly low ratea. - . - . T lma. solMSottparrfi type aaka oaa .NKW ADVKBTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUS E. BeDat of Ladl'' Bandar bccI.it. PrldF Crenlng, ficpl. SOth. $7. BxowvAi omrm:;-v fied fiidiug - Hood's ? Berime. tTndar the dlrwrtioa of IHSS i A. TOST). Yf Bostoa. - dj im beet of hoizM uleat. to lmr at HebMhJtS e' ,Bl2 .. . T- r " ' .01 .11 .28 .00 .02 .03 .00 .00 .01 .11 .T .16 For Bent, HOUS! No. 419 SOUTH SiCOKD !. r indicates Uace of rainfall. Operetta. Red Riding Hood's Rescue, a beau tiful fairy operetta, for the presenta tion of which the most P A ro f n 1 a rwl elaborate preparations have been made, will be given to-night at the Opera House, in aid of the Ladles Benevolent Association. It will be under the direction of Miss E. A. Pond, of Boston. There will be a chorus of seventy-five children n sisted by some of the best of our home talent The general admission has been placed at a reasonable price and reserved seats may be had at Heins- Derger's. There will be a matinee on Saturday afternoon. atnr lBlati.Ba. The following are the indications for to-day, received at 1 a. m.: For Virginia, light rains, followed by slightly cooler, fair weather, light ireen winaa, becoming southerly. For North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, slightly cooler, fair weather, light to fresh variable winds, generally southerly. For Eastern Florida, slightly cooler, ngni local rams, light to fresh varia ble winds. Western Florida, Alabama and Mis sissippi, warmer, fair weather, light to fresh variable winds. 6,1: lUaowoocaple4byMr.H.JaoobJ;i ' contain UM roomm. lli' bam. T. ' - VS. Boa on weet tl4e of Foartb. betwees OrinrV water, ras and bath. ' ' 'i- Flnanew Hout-e nto tde of Choraut, batwioa 81xth and Ecrenth itreef. watr, gtt and baki , ' Honie southwest corner Chcntit and Touiib ... treeta. ' -s also r''"'; Storet. Office and eTeral fine Wharrea. J . Apply to ep tf D. 0,COHSOR. J Roal KrtateAaBt ' t Cotton is accumulating ranidlv at the Compress warehouses. For Sent, A NIW HOIJSK. COHSZB CHZSJrUT ;,T B" ff-McE trU. contalatn gtx " gti?, lUrge roonn and bath worn; f ' 1 "waur. ttablea, Ac . on premlaea, o. Apply to ' t - -tpMtf: H. HA ART , A Connecticut girl ran away re cently and married a negro. At n.mmiM.mll1 T T MIJ It p T i "amuiuunYuir, x cuu., -uuuan jxtoms, 1 TOCtOr. tha o c 1 I nnftn.n, n ytnmn1 1 j. J -. 1 BaS page review of Donnelly's I a negro named Ralph Williams. So- He lh. " v-;i,ner theory m the Forum, cial equality and miscegenation in the JNorth seem to be advanoing with satisfactory celerity.. The old saw runs, "There is no accounting for tastes."; :.;-Tff;''. ; ' V inks it very foolish. TJlanl haTbuUtTW-vessel, the . alKar, that cost $4,500,000. It ored and ifl 345 feefc , , a8thatUntry WD8 DO 8UCh war 8hiP J .:j"L strikis -r. "A Mo d" poem entitled j tor will v not ,aenve. much cor pirsf00 that 8howa force and in- I from the pointed letter of the Re Ex-President Davis has : addressed a very keen letter to Senator Reagan, of Texas.v .' He . gives the Texan much food' for thought.' The Sena tor will . not - derive, much comfort emi nent' octogenarian; r I'!. m v . . - i : ntbeCftm V ' -ndon Willi AU u Yankeedoodledom is happy 18 the Bee h r 8 8aecessor.T He over, the victory of the Volunteer. It b'g church " f Ln-? an h8 ft i8.36':yearauago tbat. the yachting ' rePtttatin and congregation and supremacy Was awarded to the "ever- ailon at home; ...-'-V-- vv--..s v. r Tne Late N. A. Stedman. The announcement brought by tele graph yesterday morn ins: of the death of Mr. Nathan A. Stedman was re ceived with profound sorrow in Wil mington, where he had many friends. He died at 4 o'clock a. m., of conges tion of the brain, being sick only eighteen hours. His death was quiet and peaceful, and he passed away without pain. The funeral will Itake place in Fayetteville, atlljo'clock this forenoon. A more extended- no tice of the deceased will be found in our editorial department. The unilovv Railroad. The President of the 'Wilmington, Onslow & East Carolina; Railroad Company yesterday sent a communi cation to the Finance Committee of the , Board of Aldermen,. . requesting the committee - to meet ".at"' once for conference, with theView of - preparer ing for the delivery of the $100,000 ' of city, bonds, in trust, as directed under the order of ; the' Board, of Aldermen at their last regular meeting. ; Superior Court. In this court yesterday, when the case of Jacob Greenewald vs. The Asheville & Spartanburg ; Railroad was called, a continuance was eranted defendant's counsel, on payment of costs at this term, and the hearing was set for the first Tuesday of the next term. Plaintiff to have leave to file amended answer within sixty days from the filing of the amended complaint. The cases of F. E. Patrick vs. W. & W. R. R. Co., F. W. Whltaker vs. W. & W. R. R. Co., and J. R. Turrentlne vs. W. & W. R. R. Co. j were continued for plaintiffs. Messrs. Russell & Ri caud are counsel for plaintiff in each case, and Messrs. Stedman & Weill and Junius Davis counsel for de fendants. The summons docket was called over, after which the Court took a re cess until 10 a. m. to-day. oraonai. Col. Wm. P. Canaday left last night on a business trip to New York. Hon. R. Y. McAden, of Mecklen burg, was among the visitors in the city yesterday. Mr. G. F. Magruder, employed at the Wilmington candy factory, was taken home sick yesterday. Mr. R. D. Jewettleft yesterday for the University of Virginia, to attend a course of medical lectures. Hon. Charles Price, ex-Speaker of the North Carolina House of Repre sentatives, was in the city yesterday. For the Star Presuming that the Star will refer more particularly to the public life of the late Mr TV A Rf.An,.n writer of this only desires to speak of him subsequent to his career as a suc cessful merchant In Fayetteville. He was Treasurer of the C. F. & Y. V. R. R. from 1870 nntll 1BW l j physically unable to attend to his du ties, he resigned his position and re tired to private life, to the regret of all who had been associated with him on that road. Possessing a fine physique and com manding presence, he reminded one In his declining years of "a Roman Senator in the days of Cato." Strict integrity and a supremely high sense of honor were the ruling motives of an honorable life. The writer of this knew him long and well, and during a life of contact with men of all callings and profes sions has never met with one who was actuated by purer motives or more-unselfish ones than those that ruled his actions. He belonged to a race and class of men that are only to be found in the nlH eh - - - v w.. xiuuu Carolinians. l. ine web or life would'nt be mch a mingled yarn" if the whole civilized world would learn as thousands already know, that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup cures cold, and makes sufferers happy. j WITCI'V V V A ICH mm vn rwvrM KURsk-Mm. WlnsloWa Soottin Syrup Is the presCTlpUon of one of the best Penile Riylina taTnn? col e. nrnl&tM ii kni. Z7r" . . wul itfXZVJc Webltere It anVouSf6trn - 7 wwuua iur uiunf will accompany ah bottle. None jrennlne nnleaa the fao simile of CURTIS A PKRI&48 U on thTon " mul1uie.80ld bT ModlclM DIED. JOHNDBrafnttTOWCUp- 3ept- S Faneral will take plaoe at 10 o'clock thU morn lor from the Flrtt Baptist Church, In this city, thence to BeUeroe Cemetery. Friends and ac qnalntances respecUnlry lnylted to attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Carpets at Auction. TO-DAY. IN OTJB SALES BOOH. ON XABEBT street, we wUI seU at 10 o'clock sixteen CaV rU oomparaUrevlT new; also. Marble Top HoSe A tne best jroods from the Faroe U nsii COLLI KR A CO.,. feD 81 AucUoneera. Drug Store for Sale. N OLD ESTABLISHED DRUO BUSINESS for sale In a thrlylnir town in Western North Si?-. tM?orr reasons clren for settm. For particulars address P3ARMACI8T Mt 10 it Care Daily star. Wilmington, N.'c. M. H. Curran, 'pnE SUPERB ARTIST. STILL HOLDS HIS OWN AT For Bent, PURCELL HOUSE, , VTFTT-TWO SOOKaV?. Apply to - - 'P17" WM. E. SPRINQEB ACQ IIIl t For Kent. THAT OnwnnTnna cnn: " . . .bj J" 8- McEaehern, not yet good stand to be rented cheap. Apply to I-. $25,000. OQR WORTH OF . CLOTHZNTG-; WHICH MUST B X SOLD OUT J ,'- wnnix Tne next go days. : - OUB STOCK comprises the latest Novelties la -the way of DRESS FOB MEN. BOTS' AND COIL DBEN. '."V Onr i toes of FUHNISHINO GOODSJa eomplet and we offer tbem at rreat y redooed prices: I B- W. COLLARS AT E. W. CUFFS l-XAJU. SHIBTS 8) .Kh., and other jroods In proportion . 1' .v?ow,U opportunity to Uie adraaUra of this sale. while the stock Is complete In all Us at- ' polatmenu. Thee roods must ro, as we lg& -SS. iJaJrVlttariag parpoeea. SUITS to . buThtXwh0 a A. DA?IDf Wholesale Clothier and Merchaat Tailor Sep r5 im - 4 T reduced prices: ,; . ; t? 00 per douu. j '. i 3 50 - - " ' FALL STYLES. sep SI it MUNSON 'S, Merchant TaOor, Ac yy E SHOW NOW KANT NEW AND FSXTTT'- " styles of Ladles', Genu'. Misses' aadOmdreaV. ' SHOES. . . ;. -'";'- B EST DRESSING FOB LADIES' SHOES la th ' State. Will not crack or Injure leather. '-. . Geo. . French & Sons, j A tvsnall Fire. The residence of Mr. H. P. West, On Chesnut street, between Third and Fourth, was slightly damaged by fire yesterday about noon. The fire was discovered in the ceiling at the back of the house, over the kitchen, and axes had to be nsed to enable the firemen to get at it. The damage is estimated at $150, caused chiefly by waterahd covered by, insurance in Messrs. Northrop, Hodges & Taylor's agency. The fire was caused by a de fective flue. . The Railroad nesting. The committee appointed to call a mass meeting of citizens to consider the matter of the Cape' Fear & Yad kin Valley Railroad extension to Wil- mlngtonrit is understood. will confer with the Mayor and Chairman of the Board of Audit and Finance to-dav in regard to : thfe'. time and place of ieeting --U';: " A- - , - ..--,- v : " - u . - - , V Qaarterly ffleetlnca Willllincrnn Ttiatrlof K v ru 1. couth. Fourth round of Quarterly Meetings. Clinton Circuit, at Goshen, October 1-2. Dunlin Circuit. n.t Konnnsvnia n- a "1 v mm iag w a.aav - tober 8-9. Onslow Circuit, at Tabernacle, Oc- Magnolia Circuit, at Magnolia, Oc tober 23-23. Bladen Circuit, at Windsor. Octo ber 29-30. . Carver's Creek, at Shiloh, Novem ber 2-3. Cokesburv Circuit, at Salom. No- vember 5-0. Brunswick Circuit, November 12-13. Waccamaw Circuit, November 19-20. rr iii vine circuit, noremoera)-. Thos. W. Guthrik, P. E. THB BIAII.8. The malls close and arrive at the Clir Pos Offloe as follows: CLOSE. Northern through malls, fast 10HO p. M Northern through and way malLs 8r00 A. M Aorta ueronna ana auisuo ana tep 85 tf 108 NORTH FRONT STPEET. VK DAViE JfiT BECIIVED TBE HAND somest line of FRUIT BASKETS ever shown ta this city. We can now make you up a beautiful BASKET OF FRUIT. E. Warren & Son, EXCHANGE CORNER, sep 28 tf In Stock, 450 BOXES ALL GRADES TOBACCO, 850 caddies all styles T0B4OOQ. 40.000 line and me dium CIGARS. Special Inducements offered to ituuhwu Bayers. nespectruuy. B. G. EMPIE. a. DO LAW B. G. EMPIE & CO:; COTTON BUTEBS AND BROKERS,- WILL EXECUTE ORDERS FOR FUTURE DX- . LIVERY In New York and Chicago Exchanjtea. ' -sep SO lm - fin 10 Market street Dunlap Stiff Hats, Umbrellas. sepestf North Carolina Railroads and routes supplied therefrom... 10:0 J P. M. 8: aleUth fcOOP.X. es? Cheraw Darlington Railroad and points sunpUed therefrom DAILV EX C KPT SUNDAY. HARRISON A ALLEN, Hatters. 80 A. M 8 KM A. M 9:00 P. X Persons Building K P. M 6:00 A. X TT7ILL PLEASE REMEMBER THAT WE ARE rafts "ea?j Wtin nm.ll. C! f Stlln FayetieYlUe, C F. A Y. V. B. B."and polnu supplied therefrom 5 DO A.X - Raleigh A Hamlet Railroad and pouts supplied therefrom 6:00 p. X Charlotte and Moxton 60 P. X A B0 a. M Smlthvule.... 8iOP. M Wrijthtsvllle 8-29 A. X TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Onslow C EL and Intermediate offioas 6XO A. X Little Klver, 8. C, and latermedlate offices. A00P.X Cape Fear fyer mail 1X0P.X OPEN FOB DELIVERY. Northern tbxoa-B and way maQs 10DO P. X Southern troch and way malls 6MA.X Southern, West of Florence a. SO A. X uamima warn nsiiroaq. vaiA.jaatsjiop.x Carriers deltrery open on Sunday from 90 to XaHa collected from street boxes Jn bvaV neat portions of ctty 1 8 AJt, 11 AJC and SjOO P.X.; from other parts of the eity at 4 AJC and ep.x.-..'.-- . -;-r ; ?-.-.- , stamp Offio opea from TJ0 A. X. to fctt F."x Xoaet Ordar and Becfctex Department open AM A. X. to BU0 P. X. oontinnoui. -''. ordersto UffhtnlnaT Rod Airents when 70a can so wkwr wvn uubo tower njrures nere at home. Call on us for Builders' Hardware of erery description. AiiuXKHan, PLANNER OTX. e25tf Dealers In Hardware, Tinware. Ac flmtarton. N. C To the Public. E WISH TO ANNOYNCB TO THE PUBLIC that tbe Pure Pine 00 manufactured by the Caro Una OQ and Creosote Company wUi be sold KURE A PO8CHEH. OBIT TT as tf To the Front. H- C. PREMTXRT IS STILL IN FRONT, AT No. 7 South Front street. Our Shoo is the beat equipped In the state. Our SXectrlo Brash is taklns: th plaoe of those extra eheas CbAmpoosOsrithoataayenaiTa. wedo not pro tra .work or sake tn the shop, but would reepecV folly aak ope in need of a ireod Share. Haircut, Ao , e-j please rtva us a call. ; Remember N017 South Front street. anlttt 1 Shorthand Writing. : ? ptULL COURSE OF rNSTRUCTTON IN TE2fV weeks at ONE-HALF tbe usual coat, andmONX FOTH tbe time usually required by tbeeorrea-.' : pondenoe system. Complete mastery of the Art. and ability 'to- "T wI?ln fcDlfUh rnarinUL7 - - . winu eramsrs rrom 8 mS-fasmr1.10 of1 - r SnfltBSatta11 mtormUoB ' Book.": For Echoiarshlps arply fron to T P. X. to TTT aa waw w a lists v At office of Geo. A. Peck, Esj S. Front eu -eep is w stso , .. ... ... Grape Phosphates; A DXLIQHTFTL COMBINATION ' OF . PURE :. , Grape Juice with Tonio FBoavhalea, an eWant. ' and refreaamff drink, for 5 cents only, at ' - ' aepSStf - Hbarma - look for the Horse r' TOU WANT TO FIND THE CHEAPEST ttatbe city to buy Haroeas and Btddlery ' ' GaTruaka and Satchels; It Ton wiatyour Repalrinx done as tt sbould be brfe ft to . - --. 1 .FKKNXLI, UArriSL. ?. epOtf RTtea oopj). - . " )

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