I: iliL' MorniM:Starv j wii'L-iAM II. Ul3RHiA.l.'; i , i 0 DAILYRXCTPT MONDA YS. rr ;.TH OF 8UB8CSIPTIOH, IH aDVANOS. Your iby Mall), Postage PH1 : s'Moaths, " " " ,)Ive Months " I. - rC-K) City Subscribers, dailvered la any part Citr, Twelvs CaifTs per week. Our City i ' 1 i 1 . , 1 1 1 . r -..its :ire uot uMiuniu ki uouout. ijr mora n tSrro tnoathsjm aovanoo. ,1 at tbe Po .t i)ifiCM at WUtaiagtoa. N. :is socoatt ohws Matter. c Tlu total visible supply of cotton J ;;)r( lu world is i,ouo,ya Dales. Kit inlo Casinovo, the exiled Arch- ihop of Guatemala, was arrived at js.ui Francisco yesterday. The L union press have comments on the Viui'-t i-aee, and very gracefully ac- nt the defeat of the Thistle; aqoth ,.r Si'otchman will build a cutter to (Uinpto next year. A large .cairo meeting was held Friday on riie estate of the Marquis of Lans- I (;,,wn witnout tne Knowieage 01 tne tliorities,at which Mr. Wm. O'Brien i u!v a strong speech urging a itinuance of the plan of campaign i indurated -by the League. ne reduction in the public debt for r;iv month of September was $14,247, iiv!S0, and since June 30, $23,902,- ,i.UU The President, in his trip to West, is meeting with the most t-rJial reception at every point; the lrshv seems to be general to get a s ,-'it of Mrs. Cleveland. The i , cago wheat market was weak yes- lay; in provisions there was an ..y feeling. Some strikers en- : :sed in a dynamite outrage at niontown, Pa., Thursday night. - wo ajjeu jaaies, wniie naing in a finely, were instantly killed near t ulmnlms, Ohio, Friday evening, by -i express train. The offerings of mis yesterday to the government 'loiinted to $105,500. A de- t liting treasurer of a Montreal com- " - viniuinvvt liuiviuc j coici uav. -The female forger, in Lynch- , ,'. Va., has been released on the u oi insanity. a nre in a i ::it boarding house, yesterday i .i "tiing, resulted in the death of f ' !i n m t v men. There are seventeen o:i.-es of cholera at the New York ;:;:irantine; most of them getting on . rably. The President will -r.-.'j. at Asheville, on the 21st of Octo- y. on his way to Washington . i Montgomery, Alabama. iork markets: Money easy at per cent., closing offered at 2 per lit.; cotton easy at,9i9fc; south- in flour unchanged; wheat opened at an advance; No. 2 red Octo- " S081; corn ic higher and iiulerately active: No. 2 October ! "51fc; closing at 52c; spirits tur- tl "'Tl 124. i .e choiera is rasing ;rco!u.'S- in Sicily. with great U ,:n ri L juis Sleveuaon actually i- Wri'it Whitman a poet. . rt'Tii'y looks as if Tennessee ii l remin out in the wet for an .'ior v'ar. Cii .irleHton'd Young Men's Demo-r-.ic Club now numbers between ! !i ami 700 members. !-'!. A. K. Lamar, lata editor of Mfn-oii Telegraph, is to write a 'auTtl lii.-tory of Georgia feince tbe ir Vnj. K. A. Huike, proprietor of V.v Orli'ar.s Times Democrat, is 'irj'mjf up a a probable U. S. 'liiitcr. i :i Ni vv York Commercial JBul " in a i( adr-r, psjs the President S it lary of Treasury Faircbild iff; ii in accord.' York Democrats are reported j .ting r State very sanguine of electing I ticket. We hope thev I Hut sanguine, people are often i!ijrinted. v. Dr. Biies declines the Libor nomination for the Lieuten 'i"Vt rnorhip of Massachusetts. ' ' vts in tbe Government mak viry man comfortable. A enew Lord Mayor of London ativeof Btlrrium as well as a m CaLhniin. II- ." ,, t , twenty years ago. The ItS OO.OOO a n Tl 1 1 a I ! r Kilt it mill I ;K)0,0U0 to meet the demands. man who thinks that the re- 'f the Uy nn t.nlmoift mill Hit". V '"- i1 tin' tobacco rower is clean out ' He dreams. The consumer i In lpod a little, bat doubtful. h niannfaelurer will be helped. -l i h aho.nt the size of it. more new cases of Asiatic th ! fa are reported on board the ,luP' an'i the patients at the v ' T"tal are Q a fair way to recover. ' water and carbolic acid have " 1 11 neful and effective. The ship la '' -ng thoroughly overhauled. are indent - .t.- I f i , , T- . , . . " I ... VIO- I ChreolTed MrJ.;tn. bersVand sii,appUcatiops Wmem-f -;7.:' -Dack to Congress, whether ' bership onfile.' ; ' ' - ,V fouitajja: .:" - - . i ' ' , , "i " ' '-''li . - . , - . j 1 63 j - - VOL. XLI.-NO. 9. he wishes to go or not. He is the ablest man in the House with one or two exceptions. He is a statesman. every inch of him. and a thorough Democrat. The Raleigh Chronicle opens its batteries upon ex-Speaker Carlisle. It wants him defeated for the Speakership of the Fiftieth Congress. How will Samuel J. Randall suit it? He is for abolishing the Internal Revenue. North Carolina and Vir ginia Democrats are out in a very I cold place and all by themselves in demanding free drinks, and free smokes. "Never ia the history of the Government were me necessaries of life as chean &a mey are lo-aay. rovi8ions were never bo cheap." Augusta Chronicle, Bad for the farmers. When wheat sells for sixty or seventy cents a bushel, corn at $1.50 a barrel, cotton at 8 or 9 cents, and other necessaries I in proportion, it is not a very flour- I ishine time for the men who di th A,rtu I " "Oldest and Beat." Pittsboro Home. Tbe Wilmington Stab has entered upon its twenty-first year. It is the oldest daily in North Carolina and we may add the best. As a news gatherer of what is going on in the WQOle otate it has no peer. Its edi torial columns show literary taste ana scnoiarty culture and sound Democratic views and unfaltering patriotism, it is tne freshest and brightest journal in the State. TJQIIE GITT". NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Munson Superb Buttings. M. M. Katz Fall goods. W. L. Youkq For rent. C. M. Harris Five for ten. Louis J. Poisson For rent. A. David Great reduction. C. W. Yates Fine stationery. R. L. Hotchins Magic polish. Brown & Roddick New goods. J. H. Hardin Grape phosphates. S. H. FishbIiATE Finest clothing. R. R. Bellamy Hawkes glasses. Opera House Mrs. D. P. Bowers. Giles & Murchtson Ammunition. Dice & Meares Merchant tailoring. Miss Hart School for young ladies. R. P. McDougall Now is your time. Geo. A. Peck Lamps, chimneys, etc. Harrison & Allen Hats, umbrellas. Behrbnds & Munroe On exhibition. Parker &TAYLOR-Stoves.every variety. Fennell & Daniel Sign of the horse. Geo. R. French & Sons School shoe 8 W. E. Springer & Co. Hardware, etc. Alderman, Flanker &Co. Lightning rods. ROSENMANN & STERNEERGERFinC CUS- tom-made garments. Local Dots. Greene & Co.'s cotton circular was not given to the Associated Press yesterday. Services in St. John's church to-day by the rector, at 7.30 and 11 a. m., and 5.30 p. m Four marriage licenses were issued the past week by the Register of Deeds two were for whites. At St. Paul's Evangelical Lu theran Church, English services will be held to-day at 11 a. m. and Ger man at 8 p. m Don't forget it ! The Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad mass meeting will be held next Wednesday night at the City Hall. Schooner William and Richard cleared yesterday for Mayasruez. P.R., a cargo of 238,631 feet of lumber, I valued at $3,904.39, and shipped by E. Kidder's Son. There was no rain yesterday in the Wilmington cotton belt. The maximum temperature ranged from 85 degrees at Goldsboro to 78 at Che raw And Charlotte. There were 22 interments in Oak Grove Cemetery during the mnth ended SePteber 30th, 1887. , " " " V, , 1 I tmj ck nra in w r a n ti i -i w to i colored; 13 were adults and 7 were children. V AOWere ' we emiuren. A paper was in circulation yes- i-rrl a Xr fj-a -ro ion -m r-r mr loaf 4-Via tto lidity of the subscription by the city in aid of the Wilmington, Onslow & EasJ Carolina Railroad. It is said that about two hundred dollars were pledged. The Opera House was filled yesterday afternoon with ladies and children to witness the matinee per formance of "Red Riding Hood's Rescue." The two performances will put about $275 into the treasury of the Ladies' Benevolent Society. The new uniforms for Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1 were made by Mr. J. Elsbacli, of this city. The shirts are of cadet gray, trimmed in red, with a shield in front, and are very pretty. , The members are to be supplied with fatigue caps made of blue cloth, lettered, and trimmed t rltVi ffnldhH Tha TTnnlr an1 T.oil. 1 t . . . AM . 1 WILMINGTON, Tbe First of October. Among the changes that have taken TnZ lay ported : Hon. Geo. Davis, to his new resi dence on Second, between Walnut and Red firns Mr. W. W. HoUaday, to Fourth; be- tween Market and Princess. Mr. W. L. Jacobs, to Eighth, be tween Market and Dock. Mr. John Taylor, to Eighth and Mar ket. Mrs. Levy, to Dock, between Fourth and Fifth. Mrs. W. E. Hill, to Dock between Fourth and Fifth. Mr. J. I. JMacks, to Seventh between Market and Princess. Mr. S. P. Collier, to Fourth and Mulberry. Mr. Fred. Croom, to Second be tween Mulberry and Walnut. Mr. E. H. Sneed, to Chesnut be tween Third and Fourth. Mrs. Winton to Red Cross, between Front and Second. Qlr- -Parmale, to Princess, be- tween Fourth and Fifth. I JT i - . Ju-r. Aiex. uonoley, to Seventh and TV . i-rincess. Mr. E. S. Tennent, to Third and Walnut. Mrs. Frank Shepherd, to Second and Red Cross. Mr. T. O. Bunting, to Fifth, between Dock and Orange. Mr. Gus Rosenthal, to Fifth, be tween Dock and Orange. Mr. B. R. Russell, to Fourth and Market. Mr. J. S. Hooper, to Mulberry, be tween Second and Third. Mr. R. C. Cantwell, to Princess, be tween Seventh and Eighth. Mr. F. Myer, to Ann, between Se cond and Third. Mr. J. B. Dempsey, to Nun, between Third aud Fourth. Mrs. K. O. Brown, to Sixth, between Chesnut and Mulberry. Mr. Walter Rutland, to Chesnut, between Second and Third. Mr. Sol Bear, to Fifth, between Dock and Orange. Capt. Joe Wilson, to Sixth, between Ann and Nun. Mr. W. A. Aldrich, to Third and Red Cross. Mr. E. J. Moore,to Fourth, between Market and Princess. Mr. J. Everitt, to Sixth, between Princess and Chestnut. Mr. Joe Merritt, to Second and Ann. Mr. M. M. Katz, to Market, between Sixth and Seventh. Mr. Alfred Roberts, to Princess, be tween Fifth and Sixth. Mr. Thos. Williams, to Fourth, and Market. Mr. D. H. Penton, to Princess and Sixth. Mr. H. B. Sholar, to Fourth be tween Nun and Church. Rev. Dr. Mendelsohn, to Front, be tween Orange and Ann. Mrs. H, C. Brock, to Princess, be tween Fifth and Sixth. Mr. P. L. Bridgers, to Sixth and Princess. Mr. W. C. Fox, to Market, between Second and Third. Judge O. P. Meares, to Third and Chestnut. Mr. C. W. Yates, to Fourth, between Dock and Orange. Mr. Norwood Giles, to Third be tween Orange and Ann. Mr. Wm. Calder. to Fourth be tween Dock and Orange. Mr. W. N. Cronly. to Fifth and Dock. Mr. Walter Smallbones, to Red Cross between Second and Third. Mr. J. G. Wilgram, to Fourth be- tween Dock and Orange. Messrs. Calder & Bros., to eorner of Water and chesnut, store formerly occupied by J. H. Strauss. Mr. J. H. Strauss, to Fourth and Hanover. Other changes have been made but have not yet been reported. Superior Court. A case about which some public interest centered was tried in the Saperior Court yesterday. - Mrs. Annie Larsen and her sister, Mrs. Piver, a young married woman living on Middle Sound, brought suit against their mother, Mrs. C. C. Wil- liamson, for the possession of a bunch of cattle, which it was claimed had been givn to the plaintiffs by their maternal grandmother. The cattle were at Mrs. Williamson's place, on the sound, and are claimed by her under a bill of sale from her mother. The case came up on appeal from Justice Millis' Court. At the trial yesterday the jury failed to agree; after being locked up for several hours, and were discharged. First National - Bank vs. Geo. M. Crapon and wife. ' Demurrer sustain ed. Appeal craved by plaintiff and granted. Russell & Ricaud and E. S. Martin for plaintiff; T. W. Strange for defendant. Thos. W. Strange, assignee, vs. S. H. Manning et al. Demurrer sus- tamea. M. Bellamy, and T. W. St.TO.Tlfi'ft - for ; Tlaintlflr KUSSell iAohi ta nafannoTlt.' . page for other )jpcal news. N. C, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1887. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OP ERA HOUSE. Tuesday, October 4th. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT 07 AH SHIGA'S GREATEST ACTRESS, Mrs. D. P. BOWERS, SUPPORTED BY 9Ir. HENRY ATE LING, and a Company of exoeD lonal merit, in OI ACCO M M ST ITS GREATEST PLA.Y, QUEEN ELIZABETH. "Mrs. Bam em nvA fl nmr Hnuliti -it. beth than baa been seen baforo In our time." Neu York Times. oet 2t Our Great Reduction J.JAS CAUSED U3 TO DISPOSE OP AN IM- mense quantity of goods tha past week. Tbe same redaction will continue thU week as we MUST close out otir entire tn. atrulr in tha next sixty days. We need the room and they MUST RO. Tbe folio wins' urine will trim TAX mrnA Mae of the w TREMENDOUS BARGAINS which we are now offering: CHILDBBN'3 SUITS (Knee Pante) 6 to IS, 1 60 to $5 CO. BOYS Long Pants) 12 to 18. 2 5 to flO 0J. MEN'S (Cong Pants) $5 CO to 18 00. MEN'S. BOYS' aid CHILDHEN'3 OVER COAT.-'. $2 00 to $25 CO. E. W. COLLARS AT $2 00 per dozen. E. & W. CUFFS S 50 " PEARL SHIRTS " 8) emh. alH rs made to order from 25 to 53 percent laps than elsewhere. A. I)AVII, oct S tf Merchant Tailor and Clothier. OX EXHIBITION AND READY POR THE FALL TRADE. A stock of FurnKiire and Carseta nneon&lled In the Southern States, at BEHRBNDS A HUN HOB, No. 16S Front St.. Wilmington. N. C. They bare bestowed time and good care In selecting the same, and unhesitatingly claim It to be su perior to any stock or Carpets and Furniture ever brought to this market. oct 8 it OUR XiIHSriHJ .OP SUPERB SUITINGS AND PANT GOODS. FRESHLY MANUFAC TURED, commands tbe attention of the public. MUNSOK. oct S St Merchant Tailor, Ac. CALIFORNIA FRUITS. First of the Season BY TUESDAY'S STEAMER. E. Warren & Son, EXCHANGE CORKEB. oet 2 tf Something Nice for tie Children. rpHOSB SCHOOL SHOES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Erery stylo and variety of BOOTS and SH7E3 for Ladies, Hisses, Gent and Boys. Call and tee us. GeO. R. French. & SonS, lOSORTU FRONT 8TPEET. oct2tf Undisputed Leaders IN Merchant Tailoring AND GENfS' FURNISHING GOODS. DICE & ME ABES, 12 No. FRONT. oo 2 it Tbe Great Excitement - QVEK 'THE SUPSBB FIT AND 8TYLK OF our Fine Castom Vad Garments still prevstls. BOSKNUANMA 8TXUNBKRUKK. Manufacturers and Merchant Tailors -Manufacturers of tbe celebrated F. D. tsblrts, oct2 tf Drug Store for Sale. jJi OLD ESTABLISHED DRUO BUSFNISS Tor sale In a tbrlvhur town In Western North Carolina ttatlsfaotory reasons tfvtn for Belllnc. Pot partlonlars addre-s PflABltACIST, sep 0 4t Care Bally Star, WOmlngton, V.'c Lamps, Chimneys, &c. FIHK AS80RTMSST OF ROCHX3TXB Staads, and Bracket Lamps. Alvo Library impa Barners, Wicks and.bUn test Oil water Wb-verylowat QXO. A. PECK'S. ct 2 tf 20 South Front fit. Ammunition. AS USUAL AT THIS SEASON WX QVWER TO Sportsmen inducements to-buT from na their supplTof Shell. Shot. Powder and Sportsmen BappUe&i Fixed Ammunition a specialty and those jrlring us their orders for thU Hue will be sore to be well pleased with- tbe Goods pat P by ns. Head as roar orders. ' . ot8tf t- -aiLsa .vnscmsoii. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Largest Eetail Stock OP CLOTHHsTG- BVERBXBIBTTED I NORTH CAROLINA GOODS NEW AND FilESII. All tbe Latest Desips and Norelties. PRINCE ALBERTS AND FOUR-BUTTON CUT A WAYS FOR YOUNG GENTS, from 15 years of ae np. SUITS to 15 years of aco, consisting of COAT KNEE-PANTS AND VEST. All ths Norelties In KnirlUh Fancy Cberiots la Sack and Frock Salts for Men. Tocths and Boys. FULL DRESS SUITS IN THE NEWEST AND LATEST DESIGNS. Call and see them. Erery article purchased from this establish ment perfect ratlsfactlon cuarantesd or money cheerfully refunded S. H. FISHBLATE. MEKCII ANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT n fall bl ist. Orer 1.0CO styles of goods to choose from at prices that will please you. oo 8 DAW tf School for Young Ladies, MISS HART, Principal, Assisted br MISS M. B. BROWN. VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC TAUGHT By MRS. A. M. WADDKLL. The next session will beirln THURSDAY, the 6th of October. Coarse of stndy thorough. In structlon In the French lanraaire, Class singing. Calisthenics, and Needlework free of extra charge. Special attention glren to the caltlra- Ion of tbe rolce. Paplls reoeired for the entire session only. No deduction made except In cases of protracted sickness. For terms and particulars, apply to the PRINCIPAL, sep 4 tf nao su 5 North Third street. For Rent, HOUSE No. 419 SOUTH SECOND street, now occupied by Mr. N. Jacobl; contains eight rooms, water, ras and lit! 1111 2UL bath. House No. 112 South Fifth etroot Houio on west side of Fourth, between Oranee and Ann; water, ras and bath. Fine new Home sooth ride of Choannt, between Sixth and Serenth street, water, ras and bata. House so nth west corner Phcsont and Fourth streets. ALSO gtorcr. Offices and several floe tcbarre. Apply trt D. O'CONNOR, Ren) Kotate Arent. sep 90 tf For Rent, ELEGANT DWELLINGS WITH fenr to nine rooms Two Stoter. One Bsr-Room. Appy to W. L. YOUKG. OCtStf For Rent, STORE JUST COMPLETED, ON Water street, next to corner of Mai berry. in in 1UUIH J. TOISSON, Tbe Real Estate Agent. oct 2 It For Rent, A NEW HOUSE, CORNER CHESNUT nil an4 McRae streets, con tain log six large rooms and bath room; ras, water, stables, Ae , on premises. lilt appiyio sep 23 tf n. HAAR. For Rent. THAT COMMODIOUS STORE No, S and 8 South Water street, now occu- Illl Diea by j. a. jteKaenern, not ret rented. Rent -year oommenoee October 1!L 1st. Call early ana secure the prize. 9. apply to D. L. UOKX. sen 18 tf 120 North Water 8C HHawkes' Glasses. NOTHES SUFPLY OF THESE FAMOUS GLASSES Just arrived. Fresh and Pore Drags always oa hand. ' . V SOBKHT B BELLAMT,' Drogglst, C oct S tf : : W. Cor. Fro at and Market 8U ; Mi Eii. I f 'I'i i J WHOLE NO; 6560 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, NEW COODS! JUST RECEIVED. BROWN & RODDICK, O North Front St., OUR FALL STOCK We haTe Jast tecelred. ad hare beeo too busy to write np any Item!zd adrertltement. Will exhibit many Norelties .lu our line and somsof the most DECIDED BARGAINS ever offered in this city, aire as a call and1 look orer oar stock. Gloves. Ladle Misses' and Gents' Kid Glorcs, Gents' Dogskin and Drlrlog Glores. Underwear. Ladles'. GenU' and Children's Hotlery and Un derwear. Dress Goods. The largest, beet selected and cheapest lines In Dress Goofs we haTe ever offered. Dress Trimmings. Oar Dress Trimmings surpass anything you hare seen for variety and style in this section. Flannel Suitings, In Plain. Striped and Plaids. Furniture T ap e s tr ie s , A very complete lino. Ribbons. Something new in Ribbons. Prices astonuh- tngly low. Jewelry. Please call and examine oar new line of ROLL PLATE JEWELRY, of the very latest designs. We guarantee ever; piece to be Jast what we represent them and don't expect every one to purchase. Are more tear willing to thow and compare plrces with any house in tbe State We are anxious for all to call and ratlsry themselves. More particulars next week. BROWN & RODDICK. f NORTH FRONT STREET, Oct 8 U Parker & Taylor JEEP THE GREATEST VARIETY OF COOK ING and HEATING STOVES of any boute In the city. Ia prices we will compare with any tor ue same rraae or stove ueneral mock la the!r ltoe o-e band. HKHE"8 YODB PTJBB WHTTE OIL. oct 21 Sign of the Horse. pOUNTHT MERCHANTS WOULD DO WELL v vasMuuivyui VMst ui if mi oosaav. rw Blind Bridles. Whtpa. Ae.. b.fore bnytnr. as It wui m hi wu- .QraiiiaK Kjux RocK o Har ness and Saddlery Goods is complete, and we guarantee to sell cheaper than anv bou ta Ox city. PENNKLL A DANIEL, Hone M Ullners, No. 10 80. Front SL oct 2 tf Wm. E. Springer & Co., JM PORTERS AND JOBBERS OF HARDWARE and CROCKERY, can offer special Inducements to Wboleaale bnyers. 19, n. 23 Market Street, oostf WUmlnrton. N.C. Fine Stationery. ROYAL IRISH LINEN PAPER-AND ENVE lopea. Latest styles la ruled and unruled Papers for polite oorreepondenoa. Con re sleet always on hand. SCHOOL BOOKS and School Supplies at lowest prices. oo x u o. W. TATXS, $100 to be Given Away TNE.L HUTC BINS' MAGIC POLISH. BRING your bottles Tuesdays aad Fridays to my saw boose. No. IS North Beooed 81.. Practical Palater ana dealer la Imported aad Domestic Paints. Artist MateriaL Glass. Brushes. Oils. eta. Contracts taken. - oo t tf Liberal "POLICY CONTRACTS, PROMPT ADJUST- I mmttj Atlllik MTIMnt itf Imum Sll - of Insurable property written la reliable XngUah uu aamwaa wuyi torn nvm ratea- Ootton Inruranoe aspeeialty. - Nrnmrsnp. nnnatii a TiTfw Sm of Firs. Life. Marine, Accident aad Tornado Is a. Oo.a Telephone No. 1L OOee foot of Walnut street. t srpau - On ganare-One rs ,:.'. , as Tr ....... 7..., a . a ' - rfco afoatha. - - . - " SLV" ..ir . r DM I MX. t.......... ti t BT-Oontract Adysrtlsemeiit takes aprcrr Uonatalylowratear Teanneeaoadoapareatypamaviwsci.r NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CASH HOUSE. 116 Market St; WE OPEN ON Monday. October 3d: A Li RGB ASSORTMENT OF RICH FAXLT OVELTIE3 AND COMBINATION V Dress G-oods, comprising the latest Designs and Colorings la " r PLAIN, ST3IPED AND WOVEN BROCADE' silks, .y:ft vawuaaAiVlMl, DftOUisS, - ' " PI N CHECKED FRENCH PLAIDS. ' J - TRICOTS, VELVETEENS, - ; ' , HENRIETTAS, DRAP DE ELMA, DRAP COUPE, DRAP DS SHEBA. .' - DIAGONAIJ) r . ..." . . . , j.. Among so many can only name a few prlarat - CASHMERES as lew as 5o per yard. ; ' Xl-lnoh T AiitASl, snk -sbwv iiv. - : m - w. -- -N- ava sw VIJM tsV i-inca j6DC"n uainmerM. only Vc pet jartf.- r Good BlAk fintr rA ri. ' T The best assortment of all the new weaves im- 1. ' ported this season. TRIMMINGS. EVERT VARIETY TO SUIT AEOVltv- Astrcgan silt Plush Sacunes, Jackels.V TX7 T a T3 Win . . ' . " aai;, na SLA.aa.KI-9 AJIB 4 a3ETS. 7 :7fc- Housekeeping Goods, Men's and Boy Wear,'' Corset, GloToa, Hosiery. Ac.. Ac M" ,S Merino Underwear- . For Ladles. Misses, Men and Boys, tha most complete assortment in all sizes and qnallUasW ": SKIRTS, SHAWLS. BLANKETS, IX: EMBROIDERIES. FLOCNCTNGS. ' ' AND ALL OVER. LACES. ;'M Spanish. EecarlaL Vols, Duohesee, Terdon, Xgyp- : tlan, Irish and Everlartlng. r 1 WMte Goods, r"Xi Every variety. Collars, Caffs. Rnchtngs. Veiling, Crepe, To'jit D'Esprlt, HandkerohleCe, R2booa. 1 and Fancy Goods, M c. Ao. "-. ; .v" -: r- I . t I SATEENS WORTH 25c foM5c.-- ' ',' A call will satisfy you that qualities and prloea are as low as any of the lowest Northern Cata logues, and will tndncs yon to boy for Cash at ' IY1 . II . K A T Z9Jg: 116 Market St. OCt 2 tf . 'yK '. i i Executor's Notice. : : J JJAVTNG QrALIFIKD A9 IIECUTOR UNDXK the last wEl and teatament of Georre F. Trr bert, deceased, all persons indebted to aatd ce oedent are notified to make tmxnediata payment, aad ail persons baring y'n"t aald eetate ' will preaent tbem for psytosnt oa or bf ore Ln ' Mth dayof teptember. 1SNS, or this aoUeawL beplsveed ta bar of their recovery. Dated Mth Pept , JWT. . f - Signed D. O'CONNOR, - "P8' a nacutot. Grape Phosphates, DEUGHTFTL COMBINATION Tt PtrEB Grape Juice with Tonlo Phosphates, an elrrast aad refreshbag drink, for 6 cents only, at J - ' 4 H. HAfiDia 8 r hannacy, , " oet it yw Maray t. ' Persons Blinding , ; r WILL PLEASE REMEMBER THAT HC AEI ' poUlng vpaUrbtaiBg Bods in o&vaaoUoa wUh kooflmr. Drlre Wells. A o. Doat giv ityur orders to Llghtctnr Rod rrts wbea yoa can -. ret better work dose at lower figure here at home. Call oa as for Builders' Card war of every descriptloa. ALDERMAN. FLANNES A OO, ' - -Dealers ta HardwajTlmware. Ac- " oe 8 tf WTlaatagtoa, M. C." f Dunlap Stiff Hats, , - . Umbwllao. HARRISON A ALLEN. Hstters. Now is Tour Time rpO GET YOUR BUGGY OB CARRIAGE T.Z - paired aad Painted. I can make It look as f" as new, or caa trade or saQ yoa a bow t ma. Ia tbe old aU baUdtsc, corner of i i aad Second streeta Yours truly. - oe t tl B. P. AtcDOUO JL " Five for Ten.;- r QNK PACKAGE OF THB BENQAL iLt; . CHEROOT, ooataiaicgtSrerplendld Pmotx ; r W conts. free from flavor. ' -C M. EA! v 00 tf , ,V - ws and Clear L.. I r.

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