.. ...... i ii ii ii ii J ' s ii a k . ii ' n NX 'Til w yi . iv- - '., I tg.'gft'x.....,.. II II I I I I! B B I f I I 1 v I I IV I XX I II I ! XI - V . . ' -w ' V I I -II IV I . . - i J WILLIAM "CBUSllKD DAILY JSXCEPT MONDAYS. IUTKS OP BUB80BIPTIOK, Ui ADTANCI. una Yoar (by Mall), Postage Paid..... $6 00 j!X Months. Three Months Moaiu. .-.. ow csp-To City Subscribers, delivered In any pars ,r tlio City, Twelve Cents per week. Our City h. ira tint Jint.horfshd tn nnllnnt t-m tlio City, iwBuvi 2ixs per wees, our City I w - -entsare not authorised to collect for more I VllT YT T "KTrf"V -4 r an tnreo months in advance. I VJ'JL. -cJiX. vl 10 irorc-d at the Post OOioe at WUauajctoa. N. C as Sooond Class Matter. .IV According to two DhotOffranna in Wilmington of Mrs. Cleveland, she is a very striking beauty. Bat the numerous wood-cuts in the newspa pers represent a very common place faoa without speoial attractiveness. Up to the 1st inst., under the circu lar recently issued by the. Treasury Department, the total amount of bonds purchased is $21,422,250, and .uaKin- n wiwug 10 me maturity of 6SSI5I -'Sound. Tr... nAn... tw loans of 4,4o8,613. An un- - Wilson Mirror u,ual seene occurred in the Metropol- The Wilmington Stab has com- it,n M. fc. Church, m Washington, pleted its twentieth year, and still Sunday night; the pastor referred in shines with undinimed splendor and severe terms to the condemned An. increasing hnlliannv T- ; - i o ..iwuj. la a utuiuua aivliists, aud his audience testified 1 1!gt that we can willingly follow their approval by risiner to their fact- am! chipping their hands. The revenue cutter Bear arrived at San Francisco, Sunday, from Alaska; she reports the seizure of three sealing schooners, with 4,200 skins". A mass meeting, attended by ten thou sand persons, was held in London, Sunday, at which resolutions were adopted condemning the govern ment's Irish policy and the conduct ol the police at Mitchellstown. The President was in St. Louis on Sunday, and attended church incom- pany with the city's Mayor. Stanley has again been heard from, and is meeting with no obstacles ex cept the natural ones of the country. National League meetings con tinue to be held in Ireland, notwith standing the efforts of the police to suppress them Two representa tives of the Irish Parliamentary party arrived at New York yesterday Four new cases of cholera are reported at the New York quarantine station. The President was "In the hands of the people of St. Louis ... .. --fcj'J .wuuw, tor it is sound and trno and is edited with masterly ability by one of the profoundest thinkers and most elegant writers in the South. WILMINGTON, N. C., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1887. CITY AFFAIRS WHOLE NO. 6561 yesterday,and visited the fair grounds a (1 the Merchants1 Exchange; at the latter place he made a brief speech, in which he indulged in many com pliments to the great western city, aud gave assurance of his grateful appreciation of the kindness and hospitality of her people; his recep tion was of the most enthusiastic character, and it is estimated that during his presentation he shook the hands of not less than nine thousand people. Wheat got a "black-eye" in tiie Chicago market yrsterday.com was lower, and provisions unsettled. The Germans have deposed and seized the King of the Samoan Is lands. The large milling firm of Dunlap & McCance, Richmond, have made an assicnmAnt tk cral Assembly of the Knights of Labor I last year 17,718 bales. Increase, 23,048 nniivpnwl at irinnnnnni:. j. j I hnlao ' - - - -"V New York markets: Money easy at 'U per cent., closing offered at 5 per cent.; cotton quiet at 9 7-169 9-16c; southern flour without change of im portance, closing steady; wheat op tions' opened about steady; No. 2 red October S0fi.$i; corn options de clined jwic early, later recovered a trifle and closed steady; No. 2 October H"-31K" spirits turpentine firm at 34c-: rosin steady at $1 0?il ggJBIIE QITY', NEW ADTJBRT1SE3IBNTS. Mukson Superb Boilings'. CoiiiiiSB & Co. Auetion sale. Notice To county tax-payers E. Van Laeb Musical instruction. Opjsha Hotjsb Mrs. D. P. Bowers. Miss Hart School for younjr ladies. J. B. Bkckwtth Trustee's sale of land. E Warkkh & Sok Pears, oranges, etc. Loeat Dots. The box sheet for the'Bowers Company Queen Elizabeth was opened yesterday. Tickets were sold rapidly. Capt. Jno, H. Daniel has re ceived a check for $300, being the annual appropriation made by the State for the Wilmington Light In fantry. Mr. T. T. Seeders had the mist fortune to lose his little daughter Florence, aged ten years, who had a congestive chill and died suddenly yesterday. We regret to announce the death of little Eugene, son of Mr. John R. Turrentine, which occurred yesterday afternoon. He was not quite six years old. VVe are sorry to hear of the death of William, son of Capt. D. P. xiigu, oi uommDus county. He was a cadet at the Davis School, where he died last Friday night. Receipts of cotton yesterday 2,175 bales; same date last year 4,916 bales. Total receipts for the crop year 40,766 bales; to same time meetlnc of me Board of Aldermen San dry Matter Considered and Acted Upon but the Election of a Chief of Pollee Not Brought Up. The Board of Aldermen met in regular session last night. All the members were present. The Mayor announced the death of Capt. H. C. Brock, late Chief of Police, when Alderman Hall arose and in feeling terms offered aonro- priate resolutions which were unani mously adopted. Aldermen King. Pishblate and Ri also spoke to the resolutions Petition of Burr & Bailey, suggesting an amendment to the tax ordinance relating to manufacturers was dis cussed but no action taken. Committee on Streets and Wh called attention to the fact that there are many obstructions in different sections of the city such as fences, piazzas, and even houses which pro ject on the streets or entirely obstruct the same, and suggested that these should be removed as early as possible, with a proper regard to the rights of property owners in the premises. The committee recom mended that the Board authorize the prosecution of such improvements iwun the advice of the city attorney) as seem to be required, and in such lo calities as may be considered neces sary to meet public requirements, and if necessary, that a test case be inaae up ror the courts to decide. The matter was referred back to the Streets and Wharves Committee and City Attorney, with a request to pre pare an ordinance to be submitted to the Board for its sanction. The same committee reported hav ing authorized the employment of an extra man as helper with the team of the Cape Fear fire engine, with the understanding that the citv nav him 75 cents per day for three days' work COUNTY AFFAIRS, Proceedings of Meeting of Board of CommlMlonera. The Board of County Commission ers met in regular session yesterday n 9i- 1114. . aiieruwu. fluine members were present. The county treasurer submitted his monthly report, showinar a balane on hand to the credit of the general fund amounting to $2,026.46, and a balance of $8,413.67 to the credit of the educational fund. The register's report showed fees received from marriage licenses amounting to $9.98 and paid over to the treasurer. M rrt w . -s The Lnxary of Xravel - iaereasloc Comfort for Florida Tonrleu-Paii man Veetlaale Trains. To meet the demand of the increas ing tourist and pleasure seeking travel to Florida, and to keep pace with the luxurious hotels provided for their comfort, arrangements have uen perfected for the running of Pullman Cool UtrtaHlih viai. The following teleeram. vhloh . plains itself, was received at the Sig nal Office last evening: Washington, D. C, Oct 3. 5.45 P. stn -fl .uonAry northwest. Btorm with dangerous northwesterly winds central northeast of Lake Huron, moving eastward. Slightly lower temperature. ' "DUNWOODY ' At 12.20 o'clock this morning the signals were ordered down for Wil- w ' --... rJTI" ' I - re VoSa!4'- . 2 Tt " ' " - Tiiree irrffT ' r-r , mm m t'mm i i A NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. - CASH HOUSE; vestibule trains hotwoon - - - v.. uunu lur New York and Florida, beginning mington and Wilmington section aim These trains are so connected by means of vestibles that they consti tute one continuous car. rpnrlaKtH flexible at the points of connection by 116 Market St.':?: The chairman reported delinquent means of folded diaphragms. Through taxes collected amounting to t47 04 and exhibited the treasurer's receipt for the same. In the matter of taxes of Benj. M. Campbell, for 1881 and 1882, H. A. Bagg, referee, reported that he found upon examination that the sheriff sold the property for .delin quent taxes for the years mentioned. this ingenious device the entire train is made to form a series of apartments, so that the traveler may pass from one end to the other, precisely as he passes from one room to another in his own house. The vestibules are ionnea by enclosing the plat formthey are as elegantly finished as any part of the car carpeted so as - 1 j ' - - -c. littrpeteu. so as the county becoming the purchaser; to entirely conceal the points of con- and upon further examination, found that Anthony Campbell listed and paid the taxes for the said years, as evidenced by receipts of the sheriff. It was therefore ordered by the Board that the tax deeds held by the county be delivered to the said An thony Campbell or his renreRfinro- tives, and that said deeds be declared nectlon between the joined cars, and illuminated by means of electric lights depending from the ceilings, whose rays fall through cut glass paneled doors full upon the steps. Many of the advantages of the ves tlDule train m nvi-.na t t- ..n iStraVun!r' ,in P from one part of the train to another, from the annoyance of the whirlwind on the US"" J; mKRJXNCB OF AN OLD mHirlH.1- Wlnalow's Soothlii Syrup U the reacriptioo of one of the best Female rknteijknm ea4Nuiln the United Sttirtiid hC bS? tixirtr Tear, wtu, nerfillitySS rooo by mdlfow of mother aadchLStSJr toe Be and Sury tTall UTOtherMBia Vr.il . ' "w iwiw rvDoiDe naJeas tba C coma a bottle. DIED, 7tJRREWrirrir-XTTOXNK HITOXN. eon of iSTll? - Tea?.' Funeral from reiSde&tsa. dart 4 P. M. 2 .f- . - - w- - WJT. OPEN ON Monday, October 3d; A LtRQK ASSORT if KNT OF EICHPAL! ovmBs and cohbisatiom jroBaiae mueai toe I . . cotaprtetac the latest reelm, aad rJolorlat. fa ' 8ILK VELVETS, Funeral aerrloee will take rW rmm ki. i... realdenoe.oon.er Third and Walnnt treeta, thli mornlnr at 11 o'clock. Friend and aoqiaint respectfolly la riled to attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ..n . ., , . uuujnuce oi me wnirlwind on the null and void, and be cancelled by I Platform, caueed by the rapid motion tVia va at- I nf tha train no It . OPERA HOUSE. Poll taxes were ordered remitted against, certain parties who were shown to be non-residents. Licenses to retail spirituous liquors were granted to A. H. Holmes, Fred. B. Rice, Wash Moseley and J. L. Croom. A communication was received from the President of the Wilmington, On low & East Carolina R. R. Co.,' and upon motion it was resolved t a committee from - . ' , j .apiu U1UUUU OI InP trAin Q a alQA vnnr. V. I J . , , j iivui .ue cuiu oi I the open air in winter, from the dust I TnoorloTr nl 4iv in supper, and from the storms at all 1 UeSdaV, OCtODer 4th. with the dinine-room. the nmnklnc,. room, the library " I Br-' "oonfrNr of AaxaiCA-s Trains of these cars, composed ei- I grxatst act-re c.ustvely of drawing-room containintr Ur nrrtJf111 8mkill& rooms an3 Mrs. D. P. BOWERS buffet, dining cars in which meals I vv ajxvo, Will rtO LOrvoH ar 1 , , I (nDDnnn no Mr. IIE.VRY AVELIKO, A large attendance of citizens and tax-payers is especially desired at the mass meeting to be held to morrow night at the City Hall, to receive the report of jthe committee relative to a stock subscription by the city to the Cape Fiar and Yadkin valley Railroad. ' in each week and the fire company to comnmtee rrou the company on nav thA hi,nnfl Monday neit at 2.3) p. m. The rail- motion, the Board concurred in the . . comPany the release to them action of the committee. e OId pIank road ,vinfir in the Alderman Hall, from the special committee, reported progress in the matter of Fourth street bridge. A resolution authorizing the com mittee on Fire Department to pur chase 1000 feet of hose for the Fire Department was adopted. The report of the Chief of the Fire Depar.ment was received and referred to the Fire Committee. Petition of James Walker and others, that Dock street should be opened to Seventeenth street. Ap proved, and referred to the Com mittee on Streets and Wharves for action. Petition from the President and Directors of the Wil.. Onslow and will be served n mntj nn i,r ca- fitted with all the' comforts, con veniences and luxuries, are nowbelni? u u ft 1. I v ill i w-k a ay h A -a V. 7r v"uiu i aiavn varvom- I t-ompaay or exeep lonal tntriL. in V1 W "J QIACOOKlCXTrrs .... .a v . 7 r' J wiau tUC UUCBL fdl 1 WRV I PLAIN. STHIPED AND WOVKN iraoCADZ. SILKS. CASHMERKS. SERGES. PIH CHBCKKO FRXNCH PLAIDS, SATINS, flinch, 7LANNXL8 and tricots, vxLvrrxrNs, &XKEI ETTAS, DRAPDK ELK A, DRAP COUPE, DRAP DE S&EBA. DIAGONAL, dc., Ac. Amon to many can oaly name a Urn prtcrr:; ' CASHKERES aa :c w a 5c per yard. -loch Ladle.' doth, wort 40o forS&operyard . : SWnch EncUah CaahBeroa, only tic per yar.- Good Black Silk, 00 aad Tie per yard . . A Soperior Black SUk. worth f L40 for tC- BLACK aOODS. Sany for this service, which will un oubtedly form the finest railway trains in the wnrM Ftw.i k-.;. I . will present the appearance of abloc QUEEN ELIZ ABP.T TT The Onslow. railroad people are I East Carolina Railroad' Co., for per- Micha-l Davitt is in Nw VnrV 1:1 ln t-bi-s coantry on strictly pri- vai.c business. II. York Democrats t r 1,,r '"e whiskey, Uu clot hire-. did not crv shouted for bil! In.,.., :,. "Hie lHin3gTo Tobacco in ' m rnr-.f-t of the crop had ivi lef.iJt. tbe frost came. 3riJ.ilS- of AllpBfrinr a aj uo f iT th British rsco courses iiij a!! fiiJpaniiii li lx moo . ( WW CkO l"'u"iy of fiaudQleistctir.dnct. Served ,","i';!;t, r;o doubt. i 1 iii 'Ji" fl.icjgo Inter Ocean says fr-CailMtV article in tbe Forum lHai !' .i fnr dead i.. r an ifsues. They will yn.i Pry )ive issncs in 1888, '10,:'t on f cwrwot it moving. They have petitioned the Board of Aldermen for right of way in the city; and ask the County Com missioners to release to them the old plank road from Seventeenth street to the Pender county line. Let her go, Gallagher! The Phoenix Hose Reel Com pany celebrated their fifth anniver sary yesterday with a parade in the afternoon and a festival at night. All the colored companies in the depart ment took part in the parade. An address was delivered to them at the City Hall by Col. E. D. Hall. The ''visible knocked the props from under the taurine youths in Chicago yesterday, but produced a sweet sunny smile among the little bears of this city. May closed at 78J. One cautious cereal contributor concludes that when May reacts to 79 the boys who sell at that figure will "wear diamonds." invf Superior Court. , In this Cnnrf. voafoWl OTF ri. Anns -v 9 . I - J vw-v,.cj va3C VI '.angQ mentions a reported I E- s- Jaffray & Co. vs. Sol. Bear, Sam ... .1 . ... I T J H f "r,u ':' l!'t will ieud to lessen the railroad travel. It says: Unua T I ' c '.?,ro!-lpg trains which ex i. u-l'r. lilhos a 68tem of signals train HionV tu couutcation with the from "i'aM-ua cmce ca rf'm sny part of the line " Ice can be obtained bill, a. took tbe War Tariff is doing wonders, .lin it tl.. in.. ... luc "Uear people." It 1,843,774 more money from , ' ,T,'r needed. Th; P'Us for ftna exira L'rf,b. less Oth er it is the sur- But that was an months pile up 11 wid the Mugwump "editor of New York Ttmes wrote a most PP-JK' letter to the President to """"Wei tf. BQn Bear and Marcus Bear. Continued to make administrator of Marcus Bear a party. McRae & Strange, M. Bellamy and E. S. Martin for plain tiffs, Russell & Ricaud and J. I. Macks for defendant. George A. Peck vs. S. H. Manning and E. E. Burruss. J. D. Bellamy, Jr., for plaintiff, Russell & Ricaud for defendants. The cases set for to-day are: Godfrey Hart vs. Julia M. Hart; Stedman & Weill for plaintiff; J. D. Bellamy, Jr., for defendant. Gaston C. Hawkins vs. C. Bellois; J. D. Bellamy for plaintiff; M. Bel lamy and Russell & Ricaud for de fendant. . John D. -: Southerland vs. Melissa Southerland; J. D. Bellamy for plain tiff; no counsel for defendant. fl a mint n 1 j-vmm. Ctl PJ. tat reminded Mr. Cleve 1 n 3 an aor the Times lathered him -8 Albion" is appl m earnest. The (-ifhiin.io 'y Ur&t Victim F tared t 4 coercion was tor- ew "d;ali0 Kilkenny jail. This "iter a t, " "liable ."a 11 Connor, M. PM in thelZ lhof the l9t of October to xork sear. A Conundrum Answered. Colonel Kuntz was sitting in the Stab office last evening. The sound of a steam whistle was heard. The Colonel asked: "What's that whistle doing f Quick as the lightning which the Colonel bandies so skilfully in the Signal office, our conundrtAn editor responded: "It's blowing." Then the Colonel threw himself back in his chair,- looked somewhat like a falling barometer aad; asked if we kept any spiritus frumenti or otheT mild restoratives; 'V" -There." being a great scarcity of small change, the -' meeting adjourned.' ' : - V' V. . mission to lay track on Anderson or MacRae between the W. &W. rail road and Mulberry street, on Ninth between Mulberry and Queen, or on Eighth between Mulberry and Queen, and on Queen from the Cape Fear river to Seventeenth street, and on Church, Castle or Nun from Front to Seventeenth, was referred to the Committee on Streets and Wharves with power to act. Petition for an electric light on Nutt and Red Cross streets, was re ferred to the Committee on Lights. Petitions from merchauts on Mar ket street, to have said street from Third to Water sprinkled several times a day while the dry weather continues, was referred to committee on Streets and Wharves. Petition of the Cape Feat S. F. E. Co., to be allowed to take their en gine to Raleigh on the 25th and re turn on the 28th, was granted. Petition of, M. O'Brien and others was granted. The petition of C. Wessell, for per mission to erect a stairway on the outside of his building on Water street, was referred to the commit tee on Streets and Wharves. Alderman Rice moved that when the Board adjourn it adjourn to meet Thursday at 8 p. m. Adopted. On motion of Alderman Rice the Board then adjourned; without ta king up the election of a Chief of Po. lice. cruelty. An exhibition of cruelty to animals was presented to an eager throng of curiosity-seekers in a novel way on the wharf yesterday afternoon. It was a wild-cat that had been caught in a steel trap set for coons at Point Peter. One of the fore legs of the cat was crushed, manerled and bleeding between the cruel jaws of the trap. Its hind legs were tied ,to a long Stick, and there the animal laid, panting and snapping at sticks poked at it by the crowd.' , One man wanted to bet the crowd that he could pick up the cat, but when, it came to the scratch, he changed his opinion. At last a col ored individual tried his hand, but concluded not to do so after having received a severe wound.. The poor cat by this time was suffering intense agony, and allowed some one to pick it up, much to the satisfaction of those present, ln a few minutes after this the cat expired. from the :effects of the. wounds inflicted by the steel trap and by some of the bystanders. , county and extending from Seven teenth street to the line of Pender county, and request a conference with the Board on the subject. Audit aad Finance. The Board of Audit and Finance met in regular session vestrdAv Present: R. J. Jones, Esq., chairman, and Messrs. Win. Calder, W. I. Gore, Jno. W. Hewitt and F. Maunder. A communication was read from Mr. J. G. Oldenbuttel. Chief nt lha Fire JDepartment, 'stating that tbe Cape Fear F. E. Co. was in need of drop harness, and recommending that it should be purchased immedi ately. The Board concurred in the resom-mendation. The Board also concurred in the action of the Committee on Markets of the Board of Aldermen in renting market stalls, etc., for the current year. The recommendation of the Chief of Fire department that 1,000 feet of linen hose be purchased, was con curred in. - m- - v-1 a. a ca-AA VI ( IJalsCfa, of artistically finished houses, while ..vnuujr mey win rival both in beauty and decoration, and In varied living conveniences, an elaborately finished and richly appointed city t rT mi .AUB scneauie lor these trains will be so arranged as to leave rVoW York after breakfast, say about 9:30, and reach Florida the following day in time for dinner, being but one night on the road. Sadden Deatn or Col. Grefflia. Col. C. L. Grafflin. on of Wilmino.. . , ' "6 ton 8 mo6t prominent citizens, was stricken with paralysis last Saturday at Lincolnton and died on the Sun day following. He had been- in de clining health for two years past, but it was hoped that he was in a fair way to complete recovery, when the sudden and unexneciAd aummAna I " wMAAevuc? came. The remains were brought to this city last night, and were met at the depot and escorted to his late resi dence, corner of Third and Walnut streets, by Wilminjrton Lodee. No. 319, A. F. & A. M. The funeral will take place to-day, from the residence. at ii a. m. Col. Grafflin was an active member Church; "Vn lt..n . .... . ... Auction Sate. npO DAY. AT 10 O'CLOCK. IN OCR SALES A Room on Market street, three beenUfel Bed room Beta, one fine Sofa. BdprlBrvMtuWei. Feather. Tablee. Chair. Axr ramUyFloS' Tobeooo. Clear. Oaa Ftxtnre. Looktar U1m. Store. BarateUe Table. Ac. a oct 4 it TOL2r Musical Instruction. M O,. vYiM18 DESIRES TO ANNOUNCE i-A-T'Vl11 ranm U nJc Le.Bau on P.ll.lL PPlT thU be pe'rf? 're neoiVr"" . ... Jv, S VAN LAXR, . "m tvu, 4i, . TAXES-1887. JjV)R THE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING THE oiie ana uonntyTaxej for 1887. I will be ln attadw'crkTreh,P' cUT atamSrre'0617- Ctibr Mth ShtvodSt nlca!h,P- Thard,' October ?7tb AtPBfddI18t4,trI0,r,Ul' FrtUr' Ctobr The beet a.arHcent of ail the new we re un Ported Ibla aeaeon. ,''.: '". , v" '" ' TRIMMINGS. EVERY VARIETY TO SUIT AEOTK. '- : Eider Down, Furs, Astrczan Silt Plush Sacpe., M&fc: WRAPS, NEW MARKETS AND JKBMXTB, Fall Unea of Domeetlc. from Sc np. - Honaekeeplnc Good. Men'a aad BojV WoirT) ', OoreeU, GloTea. Dotlery. Ac., Ac. - - Merino Underwear For Ladle. Mlaaea, Men and Boya. the moat oomplete ateortment ln all alzee and qnaUUee." ; SKIRTS, SHAWLS, BLANKETS, ' KMBR0IDERIE8. FLOUNCINGS, '-V AND ALL OVER. 1 V : LACES. BpanUh. Ecnrial, Vol. Dnchwe, Terdoo, xyi " , tlan, Iriah aad Ererlartlnc. -1,7"-' Prompt payment will a are onata ont a t 8- MANNING. Sheriff OOt 4tt to an New Huu rv... (Kmuhm..., c.j. . or urace M. E. Church; a man of In the matter of repairing sash u'S , enerou8 nature- m l , VT tc, in the Opera House! on moC' Z Jl -best esteem TrUStCS Sale Of land, he Board concurred in the recom- S, ' St l"1"' Jr vihtue of autbortty conferrxo m iu iumj. mill I'jaiiiM wn w i m i w rmw e- a a m about fifteen years ago, as Superin tendent of the Navassa Guano Co.. of which he was a large stockholder. His wife and four children one son and three daughters survive him. White Goods, e the Board concurred in the recom mendation of the Public Buildings committee, to have plans and speci fications prepared, and advertln- ment to be made for separate bills for material and labor. Two bonds of $1,000 each, redeemed and cancelled, were burned in the presence of the Board. The following bills were" audited and approved : Bills for current ex penses, $5,389,88; note, $12,000; inter est, $217; bonds, $2,000. The chair stated that there would probably be matters of importance for consideration shortly, and upon motion, the Board adjourned subject to the call of the chairman. mayor' Coark Martin Muller was arraigned ves- terday for permitting his cow to run at large. A fine of five dollars was imposed. Jno. Waddell, colored, drunk and disorderly, was sentenced to pay a fine of twenty dollars or to serve thirty days on the chain gang. John Murray, colored, for keeping an uniicensed dog within the city limits. The case was settled by the defendant procuring a badge. Mary Ann Barnes, who was tried August 22nd for disorderly conduct, judgment being suspended, was again brought up, and fined twenty dollars or thirty days in the city prison. Anna Stokes, drunk and disorderly, ten dollars. Chas. Wessell, assault and battery, fined five dollars. Case appealed. Personal Mr. J, L. Croom left last night for the Northern markets, to purchase goods for his new place of business on North Water street Mr. L. C. Line bery accompanied him. Col. H. A. Burr has removed to the corner of Fifth and Princess streets. . There are seven or . eight appli cations on. file for the position of Chief, of j Police, .but the : matter was Tlleeton School. The session of 1887-8 at Tileston School began yesterday with an un usually large number of applicants for admission, the number of new scholars applying being one hundred and fifty. The principal, Miss Brad ley, was compelled, reluctantly, to refuse admission to the greater num ber of these, as there were over two hundred of the old scholars who were present for enrollment. Altogether, the number admitted is 288, which is all the building can accommodate. The school organized with the follow ing corps of teachers: Principal Miss Amy M. Bradley. Vice Principal Mrs. Mary E. RusselL High and Normal Department Miss Lydia A. Webster. Grammar Department Miss Mary L. Alderman. Intermedinte Department Miss M. Alice Thornton. Primary Department Miss M. Lee Bell. Advanced Kindergarten Depart ment Miss Sarah McLaurin. Kindergarten Department Miss Sarah A. Davidson. Assistants Misses Kate L. f Alderman, F. Isabel Bryan, Hettie Watson. onme y a Deed of Trust, ezeonted on the Hh December, A. D. 1881, by J O. Frarell and B?F " . .uv vr. VUWIW KVILOIT, . J.. IB KnOl AO. 9A1 9At Oii ..4 lit ill "li,' . - . - mw iw, 4 wui eu at auction THJ. ?' P Monday. 7th Kot ember, lsecatli i. . t Plantation la OrialoVtotinlT lt44 iont U mUee below JacAeonrSef at the Jaoctlon of New and North East EiT.r. mona. deceaaed, known aa -Paradlae Point," aad oontaialnx bout aeTen hundred acre, more m east or the Simmon plae and near Ward ' M 11L) will .bow the pleoe to pereon wi.htoc to lnzci tt, and mre Information oonoernlnc It. TberVare rr . m' 4 mvrtm oi HSOlt lana On PsT?veWM' -n-U,TJn 'Wo of It JOHN B. BECK WITH, Traatee. Ac , POU A MASSEY, Smttbfleld N. C. Attorney! at Law, 8ml ttfleld. N. C. oct 4 td OF SUPEEB SUITIBTQS MANUr AO- AMD PANT GOODS. FRESHLY TURED, oxamaod the attention of the public. MUNSON, oet Merchant Tailor, Ac. Brery rarlety, Collara, Cuff. RucMn. VeUlAf,... Crepe, Potot I'EDrit. ' vvwu, 444.llC7Ua, aad Fancy Good. A c, Ao. : - SATEENS WORTH 25c for 15o. A call will aatlaf y yon that quaUtle aad prtoea are aa low aa any of tbe lowest Northern CAta-'w lornea, and will Induce yon to boy for Caah at . - ' Kl . m . KATZ' s'-:- 116 Market St. OCt 2 tf V . School for Young Ladie?f"U MISS HART. Principal, i- AaaUted br MISS M. P. BROWN.: VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC TAUGHT '-' By MRS. A. M. WADDELL. vTv'.' Tbe next aeaalon will beirm THURSDATi1 lh' Cth of October. Conrte of etndy thoronca. Ia- . , traction ln the French laaraajre. ciaes aUurmc CailathenWsa, and Needlework free of rtra';. charre. Bpadal atteation t Irea to the calUra"- I tUm of the roloe. . Pupil reoelred for tbe entire aewlon oaly. t dedootloBmadeeaoept la eaaea of protracted m vtsrtaa axa parucuiara. awiT to tbe . ,. eep 4 tf aao ra PTrrwmpiT. Worth Third atreet. ' T v By Steamer To-Day. Hawkes' Glasses. RiVEO AND niUINB Schr. Jennie Hall was loading at Perth Amboy for this port Sept. 30th. Barques Moland. Daphne and Max sailed from South port at 6 a. m. Sun day. Schr. Benj. F. Lee, Stedman. cleared at Baltimore for this port Sep tember SO. , - - -; Nor.- baraae .jytnn 'Ellefa FRY CLARIGO PEARS, SICLE PEARS, JAMAICA ORANGES, RED BANANAS, A 8 PIN WALL BANANAS, DELAWARE, CATAWBA. PRENTISS GRAPES, NEW OOOOANUTS. SELECTED APPLES AND FIGS. E. Warren & Son, EXCHANGE CORNER. NOTBKR aUlPtY O THE1E FAMOUS' GLASSES Jnatarrtred. j. - Preahad Pare Dron alwaya oa hand. ROBERT R. BELLAMY, r i oct 4 tf OCtStf . I - ....14. J . 4. 41 . . . . . . . UuWuwuereuw uie meeting oi me I Sailed rrom Gloucester, Eng.,- for this Board of Aldermen last night, - , 1 - - port October 1st. v' - ' ' ' . T---4; v '- r - -. - --r a. ' ' .- : -. , - . . 3 I and For Bent, ELEGANT DWELLINGS WITH fear to nine rooms. Two Store. On Bar-Room. Apply to W. L. YOUNG. For Rent, A NEW HOUSE, CORNER rnCHHUT larre rooms and bath room; caa. water, atahlea, Ac, oa premlaea. , septs If , Apply to V. i H..HAAR. i ProcrlaL ; oott K. W. Qor. Froat aad Market its v Parker & Taylor ,; XTXEP THE GREATEST VARIETY OF COOK- ' T USG aad HEATING STOVES of any bonte " totboetty. IairrtoMwewfaeootparawlUi aar ' HERE'S YQUH PTTRK WHTTE 0 ' oet t tt Drug Store for Sale if AH 0LD .JtB'.?CoiiaM forealA fa a V4wK- ' - ' " ':- - For Banlealan mAA rc" ular. ep 10 it Care Dally Btar. fTSttt.'a