rhe Morning Start IVILLIAIH H. -'IMBIIBfAIMK KXCEP MONDAYS. niiKiiiauj" en aw -irnaCBXPTIOX. . AD YAH OS. -j- " BAIMJ v Jne Year (by Mall). Porta ...e......' Months" . m,arTo city Subscribers, delivered in any raft ritv Twbltb Craws pp week. Our City not authorised fe ooUeot tor more iKenrtr nntha in advance. insui tu'c - .rdat the Post Office at Wilmington, N. C Uteraa ai jitter. , OUTLINES . ; Dr. Porter reports -from, Tampa that there were fourteen new cases of vellow fever on bunday, and ; abont eighty sick in town; up to date their have been about tw ty hundred and fifty cases and thirty-four deaths. . At a political banquet,' given; in his honor at Turin, Wednesday even-iQo- Signor Crispi, Prime Minister, presented the policy of his govern-; l: - V" ' - uieut in connection wun nome ana foreign affairs; it was a government of liberty, both civil and religious, ami its desire was to maintain the peace of Europe-. -rThe historic eastlo of Prince Czartorzske, near Cracow, has been destroyed by fire. Hong Kong advices report tthe loss of a Chinese transport, and thes drowning of two hundred and Weighty Chinese and five Europeans. ; An engagement on the Servian frontier between Albanian brigands and a force of frontier guards, resulted, in the killing of ten Servians and twen ty Albanians. The Manchester market is generally tame, but firm uess prevails. An official article in the Moscow Gazette, concluding with the word, "Russia as well as France can now say 'we are ready,' " is regarded in Berlin as suggestive of menace to Germany. The Norfolk i Western Railroad Co. reports a large increase in earnings for the past three months. The Chicago grain markets yesterday were firm and 1 higher, and in provisions there was an improvement in prices. Thir ty thousand Confederate veterans were reviewed at the Macon fair yes terday by ex-President Davis; it was arranged that he should not speak, but at the sight of a'tattered Confed erate flag in the procession, he arose and made a few feeling remark; . Gov. Gordon and Senator Colquitt also made sliort speeches. The Mis Nonary Council of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in session at. Phil adelphia, yesterday copsidered the question of establishing theological schools for the .education of colored people. -'Richmond is making big preparations for the Lee monument observance,but bad weather threatens to interfere; the city is crowded with visitors. The municipal election in Baltimore yef terday was carried by the Democrats with a large ly increased majority. New York markets : Money easy at 34'per cent., closing offered at 3 per cent;' cotton dull at 9f9fc; south ern Hoar firm ; Wheat No. 2 red No vember 8'3i83f e ; corn ic higher and more active, partly for export; Xo. 2 October 52f52c; spirits tur pentine dull at 35c; rosin steady at $1 20l 2TJ. Kaiser William baa no idea of dy ing, lis ha been out gunning. Ssanley has been heard from again. He i still pursuing his explorations with, ii', molestation. ' ' . It begins to look as if young Gar rett is insane. Too much strain for the size of his brain. Lord Ilartington, Liberal Kicker, dm been sneering at Mr. Gladstone. Tbat is nothing, for the whole world i sneering at Ilartington. As the cold weather increases in fcoglan.3 (they have Ijad a snow BJorm already) the danger increases from the unemployed poor who are .growing desperate. Lady f31unt, who; was so badly treated by the Tory police in Ire land, is the grand-daughter of Lord roD, the being the daughter of the poet's only daughter Ida. - The noblest American of them all, Jefferson Davip, met with a splendid nation at Macon, Ga. ' The aged Confederate chieftain was so deeply moved by the reception he wept for joy. . ' - , , That uncompromising Republican 0rgan, the Baltimore i American, is doin? yeoman service in behalf of .tlle Democratic kickers. A" very lnspicicns circumstance as viewed by 'f: outsiders. ' " A South CaroliBa Democrat chipped off8omeof the President's private Car at Asheville. He was eager to pre a memorial. He was fined $5 or he indiscretion.. He meant - no JnU or iDjary. ; 'The Wil Ji,l rwu DTAB I mington Stab seems to be un- Rileioh k John Baerman wag invited to hit" ny, ne ataomieB of the colorea -Ualeigh News Observer.-: The Stae said hat "it is an 'oced that Loge HarnsV crowd iVe invited th. u- V -the U. s Senate int(f the abi; aireP0r maD' and ia nowa million v ' We supposed that a" paper int eknown that Sherman was I : r - miB" j iiiuiu 1 a. nil. .1.11 i i. ,,,,,,,,,,!!.,.., , . . ii. , , VOL. XLI. NO. 30. v::v-rThaRiohmond- Whig, when a Ma' hone i Republican paper, althou gh Try. ably edited bv a North Caro linian, :Mr,' :Elam; became a bankrupt and was sold to the preseht owners, who changed it, or rather restored it, to a ' Democratic - paper, -It was founded rn 1824, and. under John Hampden -Pleasants was a great ower. f It is now an excellent paper clean, attractive, able, large and furnished at only $4.50 a year. It is a decided success ; every way, we sup poae, as its advertising is so great it has often to issue an extra half sheet. While not reflecting always our own views we" :a3mfre its ability and energy. We are extremely grateful to our old friend of the Greensboro Work' man for the following' very appre ciative reference to this paper. It says:. - - "People who read the Wilmington Mobn ikq Stab regularly cannot fail tor admire the-large scope of its news columns and the able manner in which it eathers no and criticises the more interesting subjects of me day. Tnese are admirable features, but when one begins to estimate the vast amount of information and skill requisite in seeping up such an establishment, the performance appears a little wonderful." Ex-Representative Valentine, of Nebraska, thinks the Republicans of his State will not send delegates this term to the National Convention pledged to Blaine or any one else He says there is a "strong undercur rent for Judge Gresham's nomina tion. He thought Gresham could carry New York, something that would have to be done in order to elect a Republican President." The poet-editor of the Anniston Mot Blast says justly of the gifted Mrs. Craik (Miss Mulpck) recently deceased: "She has written two of the best novels ia the language John Halifax and A Life for a Life. She has also -left to the world several or toe best poems, because the truest. Her lines to Philip Boubke Mabston ."Philip, My King!" have be come immortal because of their connection with the blind poet, whose life and sonr are the saddest, in some respects, of Eos- land's later minstrels. , Oar esteemed State contemporary, the Greensboro Patriot, has a very round motto under - which it does business "Democratic supremacy for the good of all and a Democratic Administration administered by Democrats, That salts us exactly. It is a poor sort of a Democratic pa per that cannot fight nnder that ban ner, however excellent otherwise. If we were satisfied that the charges of Democratic corrnption in Baltimore were true and sustained; we would be forced to wish well to the Reformers. Bat when Republi cans of the Baltimore type unite with them to secure "reform" it becomes too much of a farce for doe gravity of face. The Philadelphia Evening Tele- graph, a Republican paper, is candid enough to say of the manner with which the Cleveland Administration has dealt with the fisheries question a delicate and dangerous one rather -that it has been "discreet and in the largest sense of the word, patriotic.- In Chicago the theatres run regu larly, every Sunday. That of coarse meets the approbation of . many secu lar papers. Another Evidence of their vicious arid demoralizing ten dency. In New Orleane and Chi cago theatre goers are Sabbath breakers. JfWtW ADVERTISEMENTS. H. HAAB--For rent. Mtmsos Bargains. E. WAKEEN& Son Elegant candies. Rosesmabn &" Stebjsbebger Panti makera wanted,5: r , Temperance lecture. t-ir- Mrs. Goodale, the noted temper ance lecturesS and agent of the Wo man's ChrtetiaJi Temperance Union, arrived here yesterdayv ; In the after noon she adxessed;an"aemblage of ladies of ' different denominations at Fifth Btreet rMethodist Church, and in the evening delivered a lecture to the public at ;the7same : place. The attendance was large. on both occa sions, - notwithstanding ;: the rainy weather; - Mi- Goodale is a strong advocate of prohibition. She urged noon the ladies present the forma tion of a Cnristh Temperance Union in this' city, and: outlined the plan upon which it sbonld beiformed and conducted rir-'-.' 4l . -Mrs." Goodale will remain - in ;the city'seyeral days and" will aid- ija the formation of a Union here.r-':-' h y w. mm$mwm mmm WILMINGTON, ' Local weather prophets predict a big storni "about' the '29th of this month. - ; :- The police found one place of business on North Water street open last night. - Oysters are scarce in this mar ket. New .Rivers were selling yester day at $1.20 per gallon. ; - The British steamship Dal beattie sailed from Southport Tues-r day afternoon at 4 o'clock. . The Sanctuary Guild of St John's church will meet at the Rec tory this afternoon at 4 o'clock. r No transactions ia cotton re ported yesterday, though 9 3-16 cents for middling was freely offered. Several persons say that they felt a slight shock of earthquake about 4 a. m. Tuesday morning. It must have been very slight. The infant's oloak, raffled for yesterday at the rooms of the Pro duce Exchange, for the benefit of the W. L. I., was won by Capt. Louis Bel den. The telegraph wires between this city and Southport were out of order yesterday morning, and failed to w.ork, but were repaired in the af ternoon. Receipts of cotton yesterday 1,753 bales. Total receipts since Sep tember 1st, 76,114 bales; last year to same -time, 47,949 bales. Increase, 28,165 bales. The barniDg ont of a chimney on Sixth street between Mulberry and Chesnut, caused some alarm among the residents in that neighborhood yesterday afternoon about 6 o'clock. There was nogeneral alarm given. The Ladies' Concordia Society, connected with the Temple of Israel, will give a festival to-night at Con cordia Hall, opposite the new mar ket. Dancing music will be provided, and a cordial invitation is extended to all. Master Odcar Hinton had a bad fall and was severely bruised while playing on a pile of cotton bales at the Wilmington Compress yesterday afternoon. He was taken home in a carriage and a 'physician summoned to attend him. The steam tugs and dredge boat of the Atlas Dredging Co. will leave in a few days as soon as the weather is favorable for Currituck, N. C. Capt. Snell, of the steamer Louise, will pilot the fleet to their new field of operations. mayor's Court. Donald Stewart, a tramp, was ar raigned before the Mayor yesterday morning, charged with creating a disturbance and frightening pupils and teachers of Tileston school. His case was continued until this morn ing. , Win. . Lumley, a-seaman, arrested as a deserter from the British steam ship Coventry, was ordered to be locked up 'until to-morrow when the ship will be ready to sail. Alice White, colored, drunk and down, was required to pay a fine of $10 or work on the streets for twenty days. Archie Ellerby, colored, charged with keeping an unlicensed dog, ad mitted the fact and was willing to get a badge, but the Court thought that as the defendant had allowed five months to pass without obtain ing a license, he should pay a fine of six dollars, one dollar to be remitted upon Ellerby procuring a badge. William Lefferts, a tramp from New Jersey, who said that he was bound to Florida, was ordered to leave the city by 11 o'clock. Ia It a Government BMJef When the Pender county jugwumps, Bone Taylor and Wiley Stokes, were arrested some time ago for illicit dis tilling in the Holly Shelter section of that county, the revenue raiders seized with other property a mule which it was claimed had been used by the prisoners in hauling corn meal from this city to the stills. The mule remained in charge of an officer in. Pender, and recently parties' sought to obtain possession - of it through a warrant for t'claim and delivery," but the mule was sent to this city. : Thev papers were then sent to Sheriff Man-' ! ning to serve, but with all his depu ties searching high and low, up to yesterday they had been unable to find that mule. Indeed,' it is said tha the mule in question has improved so greatly in personal appearance and in morals since he came into the pos session of the government, thatit is doubtful if his own mother would know him." - . Rainfall Yesterday. v' - . The rainfall in this Cotton Belt yes terday was heavier, at all points than in this immediate section, i At Lum ber ton 1.95 inches of rain fell; at Salis- bury,1.67; at Weldon,1.40; at Florence, 1.28; ;at Charlotte 4.27;t Wadesbbro, 1.05, antr at Goldsboro, Newbern and Cheraw it waaless -than an inch , I this ity during .the -"same i time the total!" precipitation was .0,45 -of an CM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1887. Opera Honse;-;W-;:" : JChe eminent comedian. John Sleeper Clarke will appear at the Opera - House here next- Monday night, presenting a double bill The Round Tripn and "A Fair En counter." The Richmond Dispatch says of a performance given in that city on the evening of the 21st instant--- ' The new comedy of The Round Trip" was presented last night to a full house at the Theatre. It must be considered a compliment to the eminent 'comedian John. Sleeper Clarke that notwithstanding the in clemency of the weather he appeared before so homeroas and appreciative an audience. The) comedy, was pre ceded by the codi6tta "A Fair n eounter, "played with great taste and chic by two pretty womenOlga Brandon and Marie Hudspeth. The comedy that followed was admirable, and Mr. Clarke's facial expression, as a matter of course, carried the inter est of the piece from beginning to end. It is a thoroughly genteel com edy, full of amusing situations, of which Mr. Clarke thoroughly avails himself. The company-, supporting him. is deserving of all praise. Now an opportunity is afforded of seeing pleasing comedy presented by effi cient and accomplished artists, an opportunity that ought not to be slighted. Dancer In Electric Wires. Several shocking and fatal acci dents have been reported recently through the country as the result of touching wires charged with the elec tric current for lighting purposes, and ' all persons should be on their guard against coming in contact with Such wires, as under certain circumstances the result would be instant death. In one case ' a man walking along the street saw an electric light wire which had been crossed by a telephone wire hanging broken and burning. Tak ing hold of it out of curiosity he was frightfully burned in the hands, and iif his struggles to drop the wire was still more fearfully burned on the face and head, receiving injuries which it was thought might prove fatal. Similar instances have not been unf requent. Electricity is prov ing a wonderfully useful servant to man, but it must not be forgotten that it retains a terrible power for evil. New Uniforms lor tne Police. The police received their new win ter uniforms yesterday afternoon. They are of dark blue cloth, with the coats trimmed with brass buttons, and are good and substantial gar ments. The overcoats are also of heavy blue cloth, and are excellent for winter service. Mr. C. L. Cowles was the contractor for furnishing the clothing at $22.30 for the suit and $12.50 for the Overcoat. The helmets for the men and caps for the" officers arrived by the Qulf Stream yesterday and will be issued to the members of the force to-day. FKESBTTEKIAN SYNOD, ScTenty-fonrtb 4nnnal Session at Fay- eicevllle A Large Gslneriac Open Ins; Sermon by Rev. Br; Primrose Election of Officers , 4cc Special Star Report. Faykttkvillk, N. C, 10.30 P. M., Oct. 25. The seventy-fourth annual session of the Synod of North Caro lina began in the Presbyterian church here to-night. A cold wave has struck us, and with it came a hard rain. But there is a fair attendance of both ministers and ruling elders. If all come whose names have been sent in there will be an unusually large attendance. - At 7.30 to-night the Rev. J. W. Prim rose preached the opening sermon from the text, "He that Believeth in Me Hath Everlasting Life." He elo quently set forth salvation in Jesus Christ as "finished, free and present,' maintaining vigorously that in this doctrine lies the distinguishing fea ture of Presbyterianism. After the sermon the Synod was or- fanized by the election of Rev. R. Z. ohnston, of Lincoln ton, in the Pres bytery of Mecklenburg, as Moderator, and of Rev. Alex. Sprunt, of Hender son, ana uapu J. r J onnston,oi vnar- iotte,as temporary cierss. rvev. o. Ramsay, stated clerk, was detained by a late train, and Rev.W. S. Lacy acted in his place. Kev. k. u. jonnsion vfll rl-wTiKf Iobo yyia.1t a a. mnafc eicellent Moderator, being of commanding presence ana inorougniy acquauiwu with the ways of the Synod from long official - connection therewith. The clerks are what all clerks should be attentive and ready-witted. Thus officered, the Synod will rapidly dis pose" f the business on a full docket. Rev. Dr. M. H. Houston, of Balti more, the Southern Assembly's Secre tary of Foreign Missions, is present and will be heard to-morrow morning in the interests of this great- work. He was many years a 'missionary in China, and is - much loved and hon ored by his Church. Rev. S. Taylor. Martin, financial agent of Union . Seminary, Va., is present and will address the Synod. Rev. Dr. J. B. Mack, agent of David son College, is expected to deliver an address on Christian Education. The Rev. Thomas H. Law, agent of the American Bible Society will be here and tell us of. the" great work done by this'mighty Christian organization,-'..;' .: .c-V'. ViVAti-' '''' - So, there ts a feast of fat.thlngs for "the eager crowds that will gather. - This is the thirteenth time that the Synod has met here since it organiza tion -in 1813.V It'is ;no 'wonder that PA.-At.tAvfi!A"--Tift? been thus signally . . 1 1 vol ! I Ten own, far and wide. There are many macs nere, dub xne more iu wuir. . -: i; - yours truly, .". - K -, P.r - : Q OIi DSE OK O. Eastern Carolina Fair and Slock As sociationThe First vaylleavy Rain A IarK Exhibit. Special Star Report. Goldsboro, Oct. 26. There, was' room, and to spare, in the fair train when your correspondent entered it on Wednesday morning to attend the first day of the fourth annual exhibi tion of the above named association. The rain it rained incessantly, the sky was leaden,the fields Were bare, the maple buBhes along the road had a hard time of it trying to look bright. the nsually choory-looking eoodwetor was glum. Arriving at the fair grounds, a long line of boxcars which had been used to convey articles to the grounds stood deserted, and as the rain trick led off them they had a rather mel ancholy appearance. The grand stand was deserted ; the untrod den track with its smooth glis tening surface suggested damp ness; the long line of pens and stalls prepared for cattle and other stock stretched away into the damp dis tance, and the cows and horses and hogs and pigs looked out into the rain with dejected countenances, for they were lonely, as no one but your soli tary reporter and one or two good natured exhibitors who went with him to keep him in countenance came to look at them. The poultry exhibit was a fine one, even amid the all-pervading damp ness, and the.ducks were as happy as a bright May moon; 'twas, indeed, a typical day for ducks. In Floral Hall a different view was E resented. The deft hand of woman ad been there, and the effect of man's resistless energies were to be seen on every side. For once could it be truly said that art was more attractive than nature. Here are pictures that bespeak a talent for drawing and painting, which if we pos sessed, would straightway make us dream of fame. But the art of drawing and painting is such, a mar velous one, in our eyes, that once when we saw a rude picture adorning the wall of a convict's cell, which had been drawn by the convict, we felt straightway like going to the Governor and asking in person for his pardon. There were, too, birds worked on cloth so natural and life like that we almost looked to see them fly away and scream as they flew. In a thousand and one forms was this rare skill and patience ot the fair ones on exhibition, many of which are worthy of the special men tion we may give them in a subse quent letter. Goods there were, piled in pyramids and spread out in tempt ing show, and things good to eat and pleasant to the eye were there in un told quantities. The exhibitors were busy unpacking, and arranging, and the wagons were coming and going as they brought load after load to add to the already abundant supply. In Agricultural and Machinery Hall, to the hurried glance of your correspondent, there seemed to be enough implements to cultivate the fields of the great West, and provi sions enough to feed Sherman's army; but to be candid, his eyes were so taken np with a love of a little buggy that he saw there, that the other picture is somewhat confused and indistinct. He will look in on them on a clearer day, and report more specifically. Here, too, they were constantly adding to the exhi bits, and it is as hard to give a full description of this Fair, as it would be of tne one to be held next year, for it is not yet complete. If fair weather will only rule to morrow, as it is promised we may have a large crowd to report, but un til then we will close. Beaarort Items; A correspondent writing from Beau fort says: The Fall term of the Superior Court for Carteret, His Honor Judge Phil lips presiding, closed this evening the 25th. The criminal docket closed Monday and the civil Tuesday even ing. The citizens of the county are very law-abiding. The docket is about cleaned up and the jail empty. It certainly speaks well for the citi zens of this tidewater section. There are three or four fish scrap factories near this town, which have this season manufactured over two thousand tons for fertilizing pur poses. The price obtained at present is $21 per ton. The porpoise industry at Morehead City is in operation. The porpoise after being caught are carried to the factory where the blubber is con verter into oil and the skin or hide into leather, which is said to be supe rior to calf skin and impervious to water. Knocks Down. A colored man engaged in trucking cotton at the Champion. Compress yesterday afternoon, was accidentally struck and knocked down by a bas ket of cotton samples thrown from the dcor of a railroad car as he was passing. The man was stunned by the blow, but sustained no serious in jury. m m m Rellalone Notice. Rev. John C. Burruss, Universalist, of Alabama, will preach in the Second Advent Baptist Church to-night. Subject: "The sin against the Holy Ghost. All are invited. RIVER AlfDBUBINB. Capt. Seemann, of the German barque Marie ,Kuyper, which ar rived here yesterday from Barbadoes, reports that on August 31st, when in latitude-25.30 south, longitude 3L24 west, he discovered signals of distress flying on the Norwegian' barque Thirza, from Glasgow for Cape Town, Africa, and on boarding found the vessel on fire. . The captain and crew of the burning-vessel, fifteen ; In alii were taken off and .landed by. the 'Marie Kuyptr at Barbadoes:,.;: ": - OLD RIP' TOBACCO Is for sale 'all over . town STEP. IN AND. BUY "A PLUO.v -- - , ii'-- ir 1 - 1 - WHOLE NO! 6581 -1 x" . weather XnCXoanona. ' , The following are the indications for to-day, received at 1 a. m.: For Virginia, warmer, fair weather, preceded by light to', fresh northeas terly winds shifting to easterly.- . : For North Carolina and South Caro lina, warmer, rain, followed " by fair weather, light to fresh "northeasterly winds, shifting to easterly. mnTnt"-,etTssoi Quarterly " meettmce. ' - Wilmington District, 1L E. Church, South. Fourth round of Quarterly Meetings. Bladen Circuit, at Windsor, Octo ber 29-30. Carver's Creek, at Shiloh, Novem ber 2-3. Cokesbory Circuit, at Salem, No vember 5-6. Brunswick Circuit, November 12-13. Waccamaw Circuit, November 19-20. Whiteville Circuit, November 26-27. Thos. W. Guthrik, P. E. en Some tbiak there's nothing like a fine edu cation, It gives to the gifted such eloquent tongues; But Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup ia the thing In creation, Thit knocka into smithera pain in the lunjra. f A DOWN TOWN 7CKBCHANT. harlac passed sereral sleepless nights, disturbed by tb aconle and cries of s saffertnr ohlld, and beoomlojr eon vtneed that Mrs. Wtnalow's BootMnjc Srnrp was J out the article needed, procured a supply for the child. On reaoflhta home and aoqueinttnjr his wife with what he had done, she refused to hare tt administered to the child, as the was strongly tn favor of Homoeopathy. That nlffat the chlldpeawd In sngertng,and the parents without sleep. Eetarn tnjr home the day following, the father f oend the beby still suffering: and while contemplating an other sleepless night, the mother stepped from the room to attend to some domeeuo duties and left the father with the child. Inring her ab sence he administered a portion of the Soothing 8 rmp to the baby. And said nothing. That night eu hands slept well, and the little fellow awoke la the morning Dright and happy The mother was delighted with, the wonderful change, and al though at first offended at the deception prao ttoed npon her, has continued -to nsetbeSyrap, and suffering crying babies and restless nights hare disappeared. A smxls trial of the Srroo never yet failed to relieve the baby, and over come the prejudices of the mother. Sold by all urogguta. ' cents a Dotue. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wanted. OQVORS PANTS WANTZD DC- iiaolATXLY AT BOSENKANN A STZBPBKBaXR'S. M anafao urers and Custom Tailors, oct 87 tf 5 Market street. For Bent. A NW HOTSX. OOBNKB CHKSXUT !!!! I and McBae streets, containing six Mil ilafK rooms and bath room; gas, L-U water, stables. Ac., on premises. Apply to . oorrtr ihso h.haar. BARGAINS IN GENTS' ONDEEWEAR, NECKWEAR ADD CLOTSZinSTGr At MUSSON'S, oct 28 St Clothier and FaraUber ELEGANT CANDIES. WR NOW HAVK A FULL LISTS' ZLXQANT Home Hade Candies. TRY U ON A NICB BOX. E. Warren & Son, KZCHANQX CORNIER. oct Utl Saturday, October 22. O TOTED DORrNO TEX WXXK 4 NT) SKLLTNQ rapidly. 8 (ROES. ALL COLORS, yard wWe, at 4Vj ; XXTRA VLANNXLS, li yard wide, at &. naRrrCLOrH, IH yard wide, at 85c AIULLLINXOF Llourning: Goods, and duplicating weekly my stock of Ladies' and GenU' Underwear. My prices for theee goods are foil 80 per cent. eb ap r than eleewbere. OUR 1SU eeat BLACK KI&BBD BOSS for Children hare become the "Tows Talk." We snail offsrMorlns the ensuing week great bargains tn Drees Goods. Hoosekeeptog Goods, Domeetlos, Hosiery, Bandkerchiefs sod Fancy Goods. The pablio are respectfully larited to aa ex animation of stock and ptioes. JNO. J. EXDSTCX, OcMtf Corner Market and Front. Dr. J. E. Matthews, J-KNTAL BTXRGKON, OFFXRS HIS FROFXS ional services to the citltens of Wilmington and vicirlty. Office, No 118 Market street, ore Taylor's Baxaar. ) oct 83 lm Bazin's Shaving Cream, JA Z ILL'S FACE POWDXH,' LA Z aH8 NTJRSXRT POWDXR, ALCOHOL 6TOVJB9, COD LTVKR OIL. Ac. BOBXRT B. BXLLAMJ. Dmggist oct ts tf N. W. Cor. Front and Market Sts. GrapeiPhosphates; DmOHTFTlOOMBINATlON OF FUBX Grape Jaioe with Tonic Phosphates, an elegant and refreshing drink, or S oetrt only, at 4. H. HARDIN'S Fharmecy. oota tf ; Wew Merfcet. Library Lamps. TyxCAN OFFXS 8FXCZ1L INDUCXMXBT8 to parohasen of Library Lamps. The Old Re liable Rochester Lamp always oa hand at reason octIZStf GILTS A MfBCHlSON. . To the Public. . "YT WISH TO AMNUWaCXTO THX FTTBLXO that too rare Fine OQ tnanvfsctgred by thsCajo thta Ofl mad Creosote' Company vfll be sold f tf V '" xiTKx m, poacgrg. Cotton and Naval Stores - HAN'CLSD CLOSXLT' AT' FULL VALUES. CoBclgnmeots and onrrespondeaos solicited. , - - WOODT A CTTKRTK. -' s J? 4 ' OosamisKloa Merohazts, aepSStf I ' - WCmtartom. K. CL lATJCS-ew AVA.UTISiNCi 0 Hoaars us ray.L........ - - - - I aree Deya,...- . - . root iTe. " Five Days, j m . OaoWeeA. Three Weeks,.. . ' - Z - 2 JC?mtV- ' ' " . Two MfrtitAm, . . ! . rhree Mob tha.. ......... ...... i ; frM Tmv sa sa vataaiesoe eee.ieeeei 'Coatraot Adrerttoemeats taken at pre: : r- ttonately low rates. ' v": ' TeaBnessoMWoaparea type maks one sq- . : - -NEW. ADVEKTJSE1IENT3. HEW FALL G00DD! He? Norm Carclma ri'BmlwU-t, Perfectly Fur, Grotmi la WMteni 2L SBSHBSSSSSBSSSS f PRESERVES : M ULK, Pineapple, Peach, 1 1 - Raspberry, Plan, V- ; niackberrjr, CIierrj; Calnces. . ; Sold by the reend.-- . , These Preeerres are mads ont of Choice Fruit, and are of excelled anaxtity. TRT TEFJC. "- i. ... . . i nn -. A r II l.l. a A M I K I M K N T 11 V It'llltMJ In Fir Pound Palls. . . au art reoerred. . . J.o. L. noATwniniff:. oettf ISAiTBoVrrontSt. GSO. 8. THCEBKR, (ALBKBTtSORX, v President. ' Vlee President 1 B.G. XMPIX. Sec'y and Tress. .-' -J f TTTTTPTJ'P'D JtV nnTfiv ttirrxD), ' :. r 'r COMMISSION, 21-22 COM 51 BBCE lUUILDING CHICAGO. r GRAIN. PROVISIONS, STOCKS, COTTON. - -- 'n ORDXRS EXECUTED ON ALL XXCHANGX3 an 7 tf Jrt viJtw ur ftts rAUr TUT VI INTK5D enlarging onr plant, and shall soon have the capacity to furniah FIFrY TOKSOFICXDllLY, : we bare decided to reduce the price to-the figures we originally Intended selling at.".- ju uu i ir w amj we wiu i amis a ii. Jt, neuv- ered twice a day, at following rates: - - W WW W V WMMW. W VWM HViJ, 7 Unit ' 1 OO Bounds, each delirerr. 49 ne&ta tmf IOO Large quantities at lower rates. ; - - We trust that the above prices wQl be satiafao--' torr to the ooiomnnHT " Wm. E. Worth & Co.' sep i tr tn so i T AT. X110UX6 in me JrVXRPOOL A LONDON A GLOBE ES8UR-' ANCX CO. Over 5.,0O3,0C0 paid oat for losres ts the Umted State. T W I.. I . M.. . Loeeea by Boston Fire. 1S7-. U17J&0- ' 8TBONO, LIBIB&L. PHOMPT. - " Premiams reoeired. 1619. W 61a. Premtama received. 1890. Ja.OSJ.KS. ' -The tscreaae show a bow Uls Com paay has dealt with lis patron a. . kllTH J HmATW h IJITT fcniicwMW In m. . Bmuaauu.s.. w. aoraom A Bxn . Agents. , . No. 1S4 TC W.r Kt VnW. Wt r ' octSStf - , .', School Shoes. JgXST f HOES FOB THX BOTS AND GIRLS Hi the city. Made expressly to wear well and look neatly. Parents will do wen to exaa line oor goods and prices before purchasing. 108 NORTH FBONT5STFT. octsatf Dnnlap Stiff Hats JKD OTTTXR P.iPCLAB SB APIS. LOWEST PRICX8. ' HARRISON M ALLKP, The Hatters. ' ooUtf School Books. 7 :' TXT X HAVX ALL THX BOOKS USXD X5T THX Pnblio and Prlrate School, of the city, and- have mrea vtrnm a own iaiw. dczki tne CBUarsa down and we will treat them right. C. W. TATXV . ocW tf Bookstore. -T TT m ' rantxr in v nnr 1 1 tti n T GST TOUR BUGGY OR CARSXAGX EX- palred and Painted. I can maks It loak as rood as new, or can trade or sell yon a new one. Try " " wt. jmtt vuuuwtt l I T V. 1 I MILIUM and Second streets. Tours truly. To Close BoislnicilL" ggQBOXXS ALL GRAUX8 TOBACCO, CO riiu. .T1 Kit ana e dmm Ctgara. which I am se isg aa grsaUy -rm- SATL BXAS. Ba- ooau 10 JK-rkot street , Liberal POLICT CONTRACTS. PROMPT ADJU8T msnts. quick psyment of losses. All elasses of in -able property written in reliabie XngUah and Anwioan Companies at too lowest rates. Cotton Ine ranoe a specialty. NORTHROP. HODQ TAYLOR, A rente ' of yre. Life. Marine, Accident and Tornado lsa. Co. a. Telepnooe Bo.lL Offlostootor Walnut street. erpStf riye ior xen.-- IJHS rAvaAUX OF THA BNGAL MANILLA. CHXROOT, cwtalomg'.flre splendid Emokes, for 19 cents, free from Caror. ' ' ' i " " - aM.iiRxs. oe M tf 1 " T News and Cigar Dealers Wm. E. Springer & Coi, IMPORT ARB AND JOBBERS OT HARD WAILS and CS0CXZST, can offer special Indacaex va i aoiweie ajeza. . . U,tl,tSmrarket StreH, ' w " " " U. . .Wanted, PARTY WHO ILLS HAD XPrKC IT A Ute yerUliaer Trade in Xonn Crou.t o . t a reeeraS sales arena for tbat f-t. a c i r i LLBTAK'S Arrtci uverU Ct,icl V at t, V e ? . K.i-r1riBe tail partVe n :r, ; : ; 3 r,'f r aa oo-?p.Uoa expected. -c.tiilw