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Resolutions of Thanks. afco are ehareed , ; ; ' for ai ordinary advertisements, but only half rates' whoa paid for strictly In advance. - At this rate -1 ; v 50 coEtB will pay for a simple announcement of t-rj, Marrliyte or Death. . .- . . 4 Aavartieoments on which no specified nvimtxT T; : bid," at the option of the publisher, and charged :- 'cV-np to the date of discontinuance. - - , L;:v "Amusement, Auction and Official advertls6meaw J- ' i : VIW UUUIU OIUUV LUI IUW11. . "'. . -: Advertisements to follow reading matter, or to nMnnv anv aruuHol t1oaa will Ka aIiamkm! ttirl.f m. "')"' aooordlnK to the position desired 7 i Advertisements kept under the head - of "New 35 Advertisements" will be oharsed fifty per dent. ' r-; Advertisements discontinued before the time v oontracted for has expired, oharged transient t rxM tnr timet tutaaXv nnbliahed. ; V Payments for transient advertisements must be ' ' made In advance. Known parties, or strangers ; .4 with proper reierenoe, may pay monthly or quar , i," i acoordlnar to contract. - y. ';' All annonnoementa and recommendations of -candidates for offloe. whether In the shape of - oommonloatlons or otherwise, will be oharged as aavertiBements. v. Oostraot advertisers will not be allowed to ex ceed their space or advertise any thing foreign to their regular business without extra oharge at transient rates ' Semlltanaea mnst be made bv Check. Draft. - Postal Money Order, Sxpress, or In Beglstered U'- V. Letter. Only such reznfttanoes will be -at tha ij risk of the publisher t - Advertisers should always specify the Issue or V' 'Maes they desire to advertise in. Where no is sue Is named the advertisement will be Inserted , Jb the Daily. Where an advertiser oontraets for . , .- n .ne paper to oe sent to nun aunng cne inne mi . advertisement Is In, the proprietor will-only be ' ' responsible for the mailing of the paper to his ad - dress. The Morning Star. -' '- ' -- - By WILLIAM H. BBBNAB1T. I WILMINGTON, N. C. Tubsdat MoBNora, Nov. 1, 1887 C1TIL SERVICE IN IW ASS AC mJ- y SETTS. - Ui'fX': ' The Stab called attention weeks ago to the fact that the Massachu- - setts Democracy were not satisfied with fthe Civil Service law as execu ; ted in that State. It is now asserted : that the Mugwumps will not support v;'; the Democratic ticket. Massachu- setts has never gone for the Democ jh racy in a Presidential election since :v tbe Radical party got on top. So it .18 not of any importance nationally ; g if Gov. Ames should be reelected, as - he no doubt will be. His only quali? -i;vfication for office is a fortune pf - many millions and he is able to give largely to the campaign corruption - J :: fund. Mugwumps of the highly- V-scented and "culchawed" type" wiff . - v feel good in supporting such a beau-, tif ul "reform" candidate as Ames. . , But we refer to the Massachosetto -.canvass for another purpose. The Democrats are not much in love -with the system that keeps so many Ke- publicans in office under Democratic supremacy, i nat is to say, there are g toonany of "the fire-tried Radicals" cinQovernment offices to please the ' , Democrats who have been out in the :v cold for a quarter of a century. , Mr. James McGeough made a speech at, a ratih cation meeting id Boston a week or so aso. He re- ,.f viewed at length the criticism of Re .:: publicans and Mugwumps as to the j ; ;': action of the party in appointing a 'Committee to inquire into the opera tions of the Civil Service law in that State. We quote: ;7 7 "There is nothing, perhaps, about this r campaign like the state of mind our Re publican friends are in over the appoint r Bient of this committee and the offices. ? 'The wicked demons they say, 'have acta-' . ' ally appointed a committee to ascertain the - v number of Republicans in the Federal ser . vice in Massachusetts, a proceeding un - heard of. It can be only forthe purpose i , of turning Republicans out and cuttine Democrats in. Turn all Republicans out ;oi tne civil service 1 Horrible!'-. In a fit of '.patriotic despair they ask, 'What on earth -, will become of the country?" (Laughter.) , He says that when the Democracy set-on foot investigation to see how the Federal offices are filled the crv is set up that they are "clamoaing for the offices." We quote "The retention of old party-paid, offen- ?ive Republicans in the service men no t oriously out of sympathy with the Admin r iatration is emphatically denounced and the cry goes forth that the Democratic party is opposed to clvll-service reform - Nonsense!" . . . The Massachusetts Democracy, he i says, favor an honest Civil Service reform" and believe that public offices are pubiio trusts. So do all; DemoX nrata- Tint tliavA ':- t.r -l v i-': : -l ' " ' o- - . e , , . political meetings of all the States, Wow the Democracy are in power. and they howlf or civil service. Bnt let us givefonelmOToSextS 4 .otM ?totois but to Uie victors belong the responsivUi tics for good government, and ir won't do to trust the-entire detail of .adminlstratioo in the hands of the enemy. That's what we say. -1 tne doors of the civil service stand open to citizens ;:ankev- "Are we sffcr the offlces ?--.With 83 per 1 cent, Btill in the bands of Itepublfcans would it be considered 8transe - if. under a Democratic administration, we h ad a- few more f After the offices?- Why, Jthere are but 4.000 or 5,000 all to)d in. Massachusetts i--a large number, trae,' but a mere handful to our party,' now numbering 150.000," in creasing from year to -year. " After the offlces ? ; Nonsense I '; From JthcL foundation of the Common wealth to the present day in State affairs, as for a quarter of a Century in the Federal service, the Democratic party of Massachusetts baa , lived not. only without the offlces, hut in spite of them,, and in spite of them it will continue to sur vive." " . THE REPOBLICAN PXiAN. t " ..' "Pig iron" Kelley at" least is no d odger or prevaricator whoev er else of his State may be. He is reported in the Philadelphia Press as being explicit in his views of the Speaker ship and the trne plan for the Re publicans, and their Randall assis-. tanta to pursue. They may be stated thus: 1. Carlisle will be nominated for the Speakership. 2. He will be defeated, of course, by the aid of Randall. 3. Republican opposition to repeal of tobacco tax except as a separate measure. 4. Republican opposition to any plan or bargain or compromise that looks to a reduction of the Tariff. His words are : "If the proposition be connected with one to reduce customs duties in the hope of thereby curtailing the amount of cur rent revenue, the measure will be resisted by the Republicans." ' That is plain enough, and true Democrats and all Administration Reformers will govern themselves accordingly. Bat this does not ex haust his plans. He is so bent on protecting his pet War Tariff that he is willing to resort to all sorts of dilatory measures and. parliamentary dodges to prevent any legislation as to the monstrous High Tariff of 46 per cent, average. He favors the introduction by all energies of reduc tion of all sorts of amendments and five minutes speeches on each by all who choose to engage in the work of delay. This is the size of the states manship of Kelley and his crowd. This- is the statesman-like scheme of the defenders and henchmen of mo nopolists and plutocrats. This plan has been aptly referred to as "satanio ingenuity." It looks to us like stupid blundering and blindness. Senator Frye is a wonderful polit ical economist. He is one of the most extreme Protection men of New I England, being quite up to the Penn- t gylvaaia standard sof Kelley and Ran. dalU , His cure for a big surplus is to rise it iahMng mere to siwLover the ;ofld;HTMa seems to oeltoo" rnuoh for the Providence Bhode Island) Journal Republi- 1 cin jcrtectionpaperili thinks Mr. I Erye has failed. );o learn the right les- J BOn taught in the-school of experi- I eric, and points whose I ships are unsubsidized. and also to j Norway. The Journal tells Frye I this, and others farther South might learn from what is said: 'If we enter into the business ot promot ing one industry at the expense of another a policy inimical to the idea upon which our system rests we must not only give a bounty sufficient to onset tne difference in - cost and maintenance, but he prepared to enter Into a possible struggle la which one nation shall outbid another. In such a cost that aaritv a-flpAtt Atha. ittfMatrtaa xnai mere is no little a anger at- tendmg the appearance of cholera in New York is not denied by physi cians and experts. Two ships laden with pestilence are just two too many for comfort. This (iovern ment ought to serve notice npon for eign governments-that if ships come t n oriAwoa fnim . onofAif Ail a that the crew will be dealt with sum manlyand the ships burned. It is a little too much to allow J infected ships or ships from infected ports to come to r scatter disease and death mrougnout tne country. xrie com- 1 mittee of the Philadelphia College of I Phyeicians report that the proven- I tiy measures at New York fall far 1 short of what they should be The Clearing House returns for the week ending 22nd October," sho w a falling off from the previous week of $27,000,000. Money is abundant in New York. Borrowers-are fewer in number. On good collateral money can be had.ou four, or five months time at 5 per cent For third week in October 51. railroads; show a rain of 15 16 oer cent Fnr snow a gam or i&.io per cent. l?or the second week the earn on 11 I the second week the gain on 77 roads was 11.84 per cent. New York . T gooa.-jobbtagnrtegal.r. ! I Prices remain about the same. ; Tone Pickens ' was .a very y discerning I oritic. - When he , first, read ; vwAmos I Barton 'aia - anonvmouaanrf verv :deed7rom' by 'nlessrs; Graham and. RufSn :Whenhe read f'Adam JBede," also anonymous 7 he said it; was , arVery good .novel and - was .;' by a woman. If not by ' a woman,7 "he siid, it was by a. man who was ther-first of ' his sex oxwrtUIikeTa . womin. be're-fv markable thing that ; so mas terly, so original," somany-sided a novel '.r-' one of the greatest in thd language snonjo tte tneworiKot jWOmanang that ;Djeken4 should hay -the authorships whe.a; all. others '? wet e ;atrsea:.-JL"y ertn f or Neyemher.contai ni thej following papersV Warfare Against So ciety, :,by; J?resident -F : AilP." : Baruardi Should Fortunes lXunited.f -by Edward T. PeteTs; The JIse and Abuse of -. tneTetb Power, by John, D..;Long;. Is s the' Negro Vote.Snpprested: f ,by Senator A; II. Col quitt i The Panama Canal from Within, Ty George C Harlbut; Shall Utah Become a State ? by George.Ticknor Curtis Chris tianity and ..Communism, by Bey. Dr. II.. Van Js kV it, ;-What is the Object of Life ? by W. . Lillys Books That Have Helped Me, by Brander ; Matthews; . Avoidable Dangers of the Ocean, by Lieut V. L. jOltman; Caterpillar Cntica, by James Lane Allen. Price . $5 a ; J ear. " ; Published l a New York. ' ; . ' The American Magazine to - a good publi cation. Its November - number ontaihs the following: Hendricksoa Falls, Mount Tacoma, November' Olivia ' DeUplaine. The Enterprise and the Boxer,' Paul Hayoe and his Poetry; John Pettigrewe's Wooing, A Dreamer of Dreams, The People vs. August Reenkopf. The Grand ; Army of RepublUJ, Then Death is B'ind, Witch Ha zel. Cyclopia, The Saunteter, A Human Acalepha. Beneath the Pines, .The Chris - temu of Amena. Autumn .Flowers, A Daoclcg Party in Virginia, The Ciiy of Is, Literature, The American PulpH, - Timely Topics, Household Art, Calendar of Health, and the Portfolio. , Price $3 a year, published in jwew xora. Clean, Able,:DemoeraMe Augusta (Ga.) Gaaette, Dem The Wilmington Mokhiko Stab is a clean, a Die, siraignttorwara Democratic paper. It advocates tariff reform with a big R, and does it unanswerably. J UR R ElT T "cOMMEU T. The American people are at last aroused, and they are talking of revising the tariff, and now they, are told the idea that the tariff restricts supply and. advances the price is a delusion. On the. contrary, we are asked to believe that the effect is to lower prices, to make all manufac tured articles cheaper. ' By some mi raculous process, which no one can devine, the leveyingof a tax enhance the values ; a part becomes more val uable than the whole. The manu facturers have simply been .deluded, thev are tne victims ot tneirown ere- 1 dulity; they bave been tricked, and, ueuevtug tun wrui wan uiiuwuou i to enable them to get better prices for their products, they have sup ported a system which was. working in the other direction, and catting their own throats. To pretend that these cheap goods are to be credited to the tariff is just as absurd as to say tbey are the product of war. If the tariff brought about low prices, it would be abandoned to-morrow. As a matter of fact, it does enhance prices; that is, it makes merchandise cost more than it would otherwise. Cheap as are axes, trace chains and calicoes, they are higher than they would be if the machinery by which they are made and the raw materials of whioh they are made were not en hanced in price by a tax on imports. Liouxsxsxue Courier-Jjntrnal, Dem. To take the tax off whiskey and tobacco for any reason is a sheer waste of the revenue they yield. Nothing else pays a tax so easily and causes so little trouble to the payer. If these two produots could be made to pay all the revenue needed by the fJnvftrnmflnl. nnr flit.nft.tinn vnnlil Ha I even more enviable than it is. Mak- I ipg cheap whiskey is making crime, dirt, disease and disorder, and no legislative body can safely, dare the mhnite moral .offence of taking off the whiskey tax. . The allurement of a high tariff and the end of direct taxation can't blind the popular per ception of the offence that unchains whiskey from its national restraint ana lets it run as oneap as aitcn - va ter and as nasty; ; Indianapolis JSew8. At Atlanta, for instance, it was always Grady, Gordon, Brown, two or three others, and Cleveland; Gordon, Grady, Brown and; Cleve land ; Brown, - Grady, Gordon and Cleveland and so on through all possible combinations, even visiting (4overnors"and the representatives of the press,, invited, guests, being neg- lect?d andrforgQUeri.that' the mem - bers of the oommittee-miffht not be nvnrhtniir fnr aTaifila -Wnmant or lit arrywtse be depriVeotf the exr olusrveprivflegerahd prominence of T-:witT'--;Vi - tneir position.- in e fresiaent saw. a hundred thoasand Qeoretanfl. aoid was permitted to hold speech . with .GradyQordonTfirowh, et id genus St MM 'to-WiCffftrt-Af.fcai'nli';'!;A'A,-. laceljaffjh some degree in1dioua rvenive3limmew -;. .- -r 'mm" , , immbi amh. . Hnnrf. mat vtai0 mnra;nn- 1 1 7 T i - j -V lllo'clooADpealafromrithe fifth - diitrict ..werej disppsedi of .as- fol- lowas -; v, , x.-r-.-.-.-.-. ? ; ? ner win SWnnlnArfi - - Knott vs R. & Q. R, R. Co., from I Granvillei arsrued -bvMrR. aWI f or plainti and Mr, ?l 43. Smith for -defendant. ' ;- V- " -'-'V".-'-" a ' , "Gilmer vs. ttolton, from Guilford . argued by Messrs. J. TV Morehead (and Forbis Cby :briel) for plaintiff, and Mrr James E.. Boyd for the defendant. .- ! . , - ; Cobleve. Branson from ; Guilford ; argued by Messrs. J. T. Morehead ( and Lu M. Scott bv brief) . for :tbe plaintiff, and Mr:ohu ABarrioger krdefekdanU! Leathers vs.' Gray : continued. ..-State, vs."! Bryan from Ubatnam; argued by the' Attorney General ror the Stated and ; tUBta. T. B, Wo mack and John Mannio g for the de- 'fendant.-Vi:r':-i'''::7 :-''' ' d:. D arham Tobacco Company vs. Mcr tElweeT; wontiouedrunder." the rule (not docketed in timo to be heard at this term.) - :J : ;. Scott ya. Bryan; T argued by Mr. Joho Manning for plaintiff; no coun sel contra. C . : ' '.' ' , Appeals from the. seventh, district will be called on . Monday wek, the 7th day of Noyember, in the follow .iog order: . - 241-Leach vs. FayetleviU. 242 Fry vs. Come. 243 Worth vs. Brady. 244 Worthy Vs. Shields. 245 Gris8om vs. Pickett. 246 Sellara Vs.; Sellars. 247 Forney y.vsv Williamson. 248 Manuel vsV Commissioners. 249 Bates vs.-; Sacksoo. 2S0-Newton vs. Fisher. 251 -State vs.vSmith. 252 Stout vs. McNeill. 253 Rose ve. Hardie. 254 Rose vs. Baker. 255 Lqwdermilk vs. Bostick. 256 State vs. Lawson. 257 Townsend vs. McKinnon. 258 State YS-Oivine. 259 Buchanan vs. Buchanan. 260 - Carpenter vs. Tucker. 261 Burr vs. Kerchner. 262 Breeden vs. McLturio. 263 McKinnon vs. Mcintosh. 264 Carolina Central vs. McCaa- kill. 2C5 Williams vs. McNair (plain tiff's appeal). 260 Wllhams vs. MoJSair fdeion d ant's appeal). 267 Baker vs. Leggett. 268 Parker vs. Sutton. 269 McNair vs. Pope. 270 Cade vs. Davis. 271 Warden vs. McKinnon. 272 -Allen vs. C. F. & Y. V. R. R. Co. 573 Pemberton vs. Simmons 274 Shaw vs. Williams. 275 Thornton vs. Brady. 276 Troy vs. C. F. & Y. V. R. R. Co. 277 Baie vs. Brown. 278 Edwards vs. Lawrence 279 Leak vs. Covington. SUPREME CO URT DECISIONS Rtleigh News-Observer. McLawborn vs. Worthington. A description in a deed of "all that tract of land situate in said I WWUWT csuv wwiuww a vraavr ca uva adjoining the lands of certain parties namej contaihingr 360 acres" is sam- cienL Where in special proceedings to sell land to -make assets all parties are beforo the court, notwithstanding ir regularities and informalities, the court, having jurisdiction of the sub ject matter and of the. parties, the judgment is not void and cannot be attacked collaterally, although the irregularities might afford ground for a motion in the cause to set aside the judgment. A deed conveying a tract of land "known as part of the John Tripp land adjoining the lands of certain novunn h navnsui rr tit ainin rw i tin r An is too vague and indefinite. Mobly vs. Watts. Secondary evidence may be given of the contents of a record which is shown to have been destroyed. And where such records were burnt the statutory mode of proceeding to re store burnt. records does not exclude another mode of proof. The statute is not a repeal of the common law rales of evidence, bat in aid of them. Where on an adverse intimation from the Superior Court, the plaintiff takes a non suit and appeals, the appeal is regular. Millbeiaer vs. Jtrdmau. plaintiff ior sample and . terms and the reply was Terms. three four and tive.montha; notes,'; and an;, order is given and shipmeni made the Tjlain- .ucioamg wiwi- wae . .invoice tnree notes, which be asked Bhould be sign fid and returned. - Held: That the signing and return of the notes was to be concurrent with the delivery of -the goods, and no sale waa made until the notes were so signed and returned. Held: .That the. receipt of the goods vested no title in.. the defend ant, - and be held them . for the plainaiff until be had. performed the I concurrent . act of . returning . the 1 notes. Not having. .returned the I notes, iiis conveyance of the coods I to ftn" ARBinrnAA ftT - t.hft hAnnfit rt creditors' was invalid. : fXAirrTUn Held :r That there having been no saiev enectea. - toe statute requiring tne registration or oonaitionai sales has no application; - Cuthrell vki Hawkins. , Where one under a will '- has a life . eatatiA in UnVl nd mnrtm.. estate in land, , and a mortgages the tor of the devisor sella. the land un- der an order of court to make assets"7 and theaame is purchased by a trus- ...-..::j:ii:..f A .1 v.i . 1 MH"uu uu u 1 interesL - . r-e-.u,; -1 Heidi That in a soit :ta .foreoldfla 1 th mm-to- And a11 th , l Uri ---.s- l.VI"" life tenant noxw-having an Mnterest I ai.a I land T - -out." making her: conveyance havint run - - .- . - 1 estui oue trust -in . thaaama I - o-- t- : oa "'w . . I t-I c FKKXPrET is rttlt. r vwwf t1 nnf. arnnnarl tiv fior mnrtn. T t..rf. wk. xr n j ..v m I itT eonta Front atreeC- Oor tibon-ls I showing iir tTiefictsTthe !S-ponSreh -K-Ko? t.h - a I caab-205i33cr October B9CiS9fcrNoTeiT--f i.,11 '" wic tpro- COMMERCIAl.. ..v JM l rJ O XP N ; - ' 1 ixT s n nWR'THK. OcL. St. 8 P'M -" SPIRITS TXJKPENTINE--The market a & opened firm at-S3 cents pec gallon, ,b aaleaof receipt annotations BOSIN-Market firm ftt r 1 nta-for Good I 8trftined. rv t , - V, ' - bbi: of 28Mbs. with sales of receipt quotations.-; -..-- -. ,,. quote .at l 75-iorr virp- . Dio and tl 00 for Hard.: ' COTTON Market quoted -qnltt at ' 9 8-18 cenU for MWdlinic.. with aalta pf 200 bales. -Quotations at ths, Froduee ex change were as follows: ; ' -.V; nrrftnarv . ....... O iO V I . .... GoodOrdmary.. Low Middling. , , t 8 a in. 1ft: . - v ; Middlin......,.-... v .-io Good Middlimt. ...... l CORN Quoted firm at 60 cents for jel- m in hoik: and 68 cents In sacks; white is quoted at 62 cenU in bulk. and. 64 cents in sack for cargoes, - , . TIMBER-Market steady.with quoUtions as follows: Prime aid Extra Shipping, first- class heart, $8 0010 00 per M feet; Extra t500a7 50: Good Common Mill $3 00 5 00; Inferior to Ordinary $3 004 00., PEANUTS Market firm. Prime 63 60 cents; Extra Prime 75 80 cents; rancy 90 cents per bushel of 23 lbs. RICE Market quiet. : Fair quoted at 44c; Prima 5o5c per pound. Rough 7080c for upland; 95c$l 05; for tide water per busheL . " HBCEirnu Cotton Spirit Turpentine. Roain Tar - Crude Turpentine. . 1,840 tWLleS 123 casks 722 bbls 79 bbls 10 bbls non KUIO nABSKT" (Bv Telecrapb to t&e Xorntur 8tar.l Financial rw York. Oct 81. Noon. Money easy at 34 per cent. Sterling exchange 481K&492 and 433j483. tate oonos neglected. Government securities dull nut steady. flBW Yobx. Oct. 81. Bvening Sterling exchange dull but firm at482i486. Money easy at 8J5 per cent . cloaing offered at 4 per cent. Government securities dull and barely steady; four per cents 126; three per cents 108f. State bonds dull but steady; North Carolina sixes 120 asked ; fours 95. OomtnceriaL Nkw Yobx, Oct. 81 Noon. Ootion quiet, with sales of 169 bales: middling uplands Vf cents; .middling Orleans v cents; futures opened steady, wlln a&Jes at the following - quotations: November ; December 9.69c: January 9.57: February 9 60c; March 9.67c; April 9.75c Flour quiet and firm Wheat lower. Corn lower. roTk steady at u 00&14 00. Lard easier at $6 80. 8plriU turpentine firm at 86 3ic. Roslo firm at $1 20l 25. Old mess pork steady at IZ &01S 75. Freight steady. Nkw Yobx. Oct. 81. Evening. Cotton dull, with aales today of 173 bales: mid dling uplands 9c; middling Orleans 91c; net receipts at all ports 77,184 bales; ex ports to Great. Britain 15,823 bales, to France 1,633 bales, to the continent 85,785 bales; stock at all U. o. ports 644,661 bales. Southern flour quiet but firm. Wheat declined K&tc closing barely steady; spot about to lower and quiet; Mo. 2 red No vember 83GS3IC; December 63JC&S4 5.16c Corn trc lower; No- 3 November 521 Q 52 ic; December 52 9-1652fc Oats iQc lower: No. 2 October 83K&33ic; Novem- oer ssssic uops quiet.. Coffee fair Rio spot dull at $1850; options fairly active and lower; No. 7 Rio October $16 10; No vemoer io uoio 10; December $15 95 16 10. Sugar firm. Molasses quiet. Rice firm. Cottonseed oil erode 40c: refined nominal, itosin steady at II 202&1 25. Spirits turpentine firm at 86KZ64a Hides steady and quiet. Wool quiet and easy; domestic fleece' z634c; pulled 1432c; jexasvsfic trort. steady, ueex quiet. Cut meats unchanged: middles nominal. mm 4o points lower and moderately ac tive, cloaing steadier: western steam $8 75; October $6 65&6 68; November $6 69& 6 60. Freights steady. Cotton Net receipts 186 bales: cnu re. ceipu v,w naies; i mures closed steady. wiw aatea 01 oo.viw Dtaea as uta rminw iog quotations: November 9. 629 3c; De oember 9.609.61c; January 9. 649. 65c; February 9.7lc; March 9.779.78c; April 9.859.86c; May 9.929.93c; June 9.WQ iu.wc: wuiy xu.yooiu.uvc; August 10.13 Green & Co.. In their cotton circular. Dealing in cotton operations has not been very heavy.but was prompt throughout, and cost steadily worked upward all day. ' Liv erpool was witnout much encourap ement and port receipts proved remaakably libe ral, oui uio q em ana provea quite equal to the.offering and seemed especially exhaus tive on January. The principal call came i rem new ur leans and represented new Investment, but was supplemented by con siderable covering on local accounts. The advance was 4 points, which waa held quite steady to the close, with light offer luga along me enure line. Chicago, OcL .81. Cash quotations were I "follows: Flour ruled quiet and steady; ea Bprii Tit710? 25ie. Jfees pork $13 00. Lard, per 100 mo. d 76ooia w. . curort no arpes Goose) $6 80; dry salted shoulders (boftd) $5 00 5 20; short clear sides (bozedl $8 80O The leading futures raneed as folloi opening,, highest and closing: Wheat No. 2 October and November 71ft, 71ft. 71ft; uecemoer iOf, ot, m; joay 7W. 7y.' 78f. Corn No. 2 October 414. 41k 41; Novem. ber 41. 41J, 41; May 45, 43. 44c. Oats- no. a uctoDer -M ; xtovember 254. 254. I Ml. Mw OtQa -QQa Mr-.-. r.l I rr . P .42. $12 40 r February .lSl4t7. 113 OO. 112 50.-. Lard -Ortnhor ?5 23,: B 23, fB 20; November 1 5 221. tS 221. t8 20: May t3 60. t8 60. t8 B71 8hort ribs October $8 87i, 8 50, f 5 60; January o 9 if. Bsxtocokx, Oct. 8L Flour more ao- tlve and firmer. , Howard street and weau era- f aiQ io; extra 9S U03 00; 4 60. Wheat southern firm and quiet; red 7882c; amber 8184o;. western dull and Joww. cloaing weak; No. 2 winter red xn epotT3fca80a Corn, aouthern firmer: wniie ntwc; yeuow i4Vc. 1 . "ii,v i. x lour uuu. n neaj I firm and quiet; No. 2 red 75754c Com firm, with4 a u(t dmaiiJS1' I Oats easier; No. 2 mixed 28a28ic - Pork -1 quiet ana nrm at m..KK:imxa easier at iu firm. 'Bacon stead v. I firm.. 1 '"""JiJWiVva. nogs.scuve aaa 44 - - wrv yyiCTyyAH mtb? t-h- n ri n n- r-T . ua 1 "of Ktl On 1. Spirit luipen . bid. J'sin firm tt fl 00 - " - if' " ' - - - AS til r ilj St r-: ' -j t ec firm at S3 I 1 05 asked. tine BOO o- -uurrsnb to tbe Xomtn Star: . ' OMober 31. Galveaton. dnU at 8-: nt oipt. 8180 bait: mor TW"? oks net receipts 187 rone if1' I 1 11 TaL MUU v. J - vw 5ala; livcm juiett 'tt' f0 419 baJesf Ne Orleans; Udy at tc net. reoeip- -MOTBhi. Ar,ll Quiet at Do-net receipts 1.875 bales; cnarieBura.. icwi - - - net reoelpts 8.929 bales. , ,j -. i , v r'ltHBian MIRK "; " " .ai 'cable U tbe VonUsx etar.I t-T,- Lsrxsroau OcL 81. 12.80 P. M.-Coon bulnM :. f air uncnaogca , priw.; mlddlins; nplands o oioa; minoiing yr H.s7.iM. aales to-day of 12.000 ba; for pecultlon and- export 2,000 Uies; eccipu 10.000 bale, of . which 8.1C0 were k. .ri. - Vntnrea naiet nutsieaar: op landa. I m c. Octooer oetivery oio-wa, also 6 15-64d: October and,November de livery. 5 IS-643; WoremDerana decern oer. HMymwr ana jiuuvt. uut uu s- toary delivery 6 1064d; March and April; delivery O 13 Ha; Apru ua aij oeurerr 5 14-64d; May ana Juae ceiivery lo-ota-Tenders for delivery 5,100 bales new and 200 biles old docket Wheat ateadi ly; Gem ana poori holders offe.r poor. .moderately.- r Corn quiet; j demand lutanPooL. OcL 81. 4 P. 1L Cotton middllntr oplands (lmc) November delivery 5 -14-61d,-bujer "November and December, December and January, January and Feb ruary delivery 5 llWd, bnyer; Februaxy and March delivery 5 IS 64a. value; Maxen and April delivery 6 14-Wd, seller r April and Ma delivery 0 oayer; nay and June delivery 5 17-64d. ; bujer; June and July delivery 5 19-64d, buyer. Fu tures closed steady. Pales of cotton to-day Include! bvw bales Srjatncan. MARINE. Pert AlMia Pov. 1, 8un Rises Sua Sets 6.22 A M 504 PM 10h43m 780 AM 9.20 AM Day's Length High Water at Smith vIDe.. High Water at Wilmington . ARRIVED. Steam yacht Louise, SnelL South port. master 8tmr Cape Fear, Tomlinaon. Fayette ville. O 8 Love & Co. Br steamer uelmalev. 1.191 tons, itaee. Canary Islands, O P Mebane. Br steamer liedlujrton. 839 tons. Uireos. Montreal, Belde & Co. 8chr Marv E Bacon. 782 tons. Eakndge.- Newport Newa,Geo Harris A Co. with coal to Wilmington Gas Light Co. j CLEARED. ; x Steam yacht Louise. Soell. SouthparV master. Slmr Cape Fear. Tomlinaon. Fayette ville. C 8 Love & Co. tvj Nor barque Nor, Hansen, London, liott- ioson & King. BXrOBTS. "1! FOREIGN. Lob Doa Nor barque Nor 2.900 bbls roala. KfAnuns DlriEcroRY. aVles r VhmIi Im tit Prt f'CVtlMt Mm, ft. !. 1, 18S7. (Tbla Mat doea not amtraoeviMBiaander SO tonal 8TEAMRIHP8. Dajlesford (Br.) 901 tons, Sinclair. C P Jdebane. Allle (Br.). 1.134 toss. Rodgaard. C P Mebane. Beechvilie (Br.), 1,120 tons Watson, Helde & uo. BARQUES. Fruen (Nor.). 373 tons, Peterson, Pateraon, Downing & Oo. Marie Kuypcr (Oer.), 862 tons, Sermann, E Peschan Ss Westermann. PUUu (Ger.) 470 toes, Gealach. E Peach a u & Westermann. Theodore Yoss (Ger.), 817 toes. Servian o. E Peachau 6s Westermann. Pons iEUi (Br.), Paknoham, Heide&Co. M D Rucker (Ger.), 897 tons. Rehberg. Pateraon. Downing & Oo. Wllhelm Max (Oer.). 438 tons, Fretwurat, Helde & Co. Monica (Nor.), 637 tons, Johanneaen, Helde & Co. Adolrh (Ger.), 523 tons, Westendorf.Helde BRIGS. TaritU(Nor.X 294 toss, Enudaen, llcide & Co. .SCHOONERS. Hattle Turner, 295 tons, Gl Urn our, EG Barker & Co Martinique, 187 tons. Lowell. E Q Barker & Co. ZZZZ Gen A H Ames, 452 tons. Johnson, Geo oiwa. i oewara. sr ions, Travis, Geo Harrias & Co. Mary A Powers, 472 tons. Keen, E O Bar ker & Co. Annie Ainsley. 283 tons, McAndrews, Geo Harrias & Co. Georgia Clark; 847 tons, Bartlett, Geo Bar ries & Co. James Ponder; 258 tons, Lynch, Geo Har rlssdsCa Lamoine, 246 tons, Parker, E G Barker & Co. R B Graham, 825 tons. Avis. George Har ris & Co. Fanny. Tracey. 232 tons, TUtofa, George Harrlss ds Co.' Roger Moore, 818 tons, Gllkey, E G Bar ker & Co. " Jennie Hall, 891 tons, HalL Geo, Harrlss & Co. - " , i Insure ixL the JIVZBPOOL LONDON GLOBS IK8UB- I -Li tSSSd la I ' - Lomm b rhWM vi rt cimiam I rZVT.J0? i,79o. taM without dtaMnnL . STKONO, URKRAI.. PBOMPT. Preulirma reeeivad, 1818. S4.5J9. -Premlnma reerred. 188ft, tS,Q8Ces. Tha Inr I lluivl hAW Ikta rvnn... v.. dealtwunlupatroaa. - .T ,vSITfl BO A.TW EIGHT. Wm L. 8mm CO. A J. W, Qorttoa A Smith, No. 124 N. Water 8. . TalesboneKo.73.--ootw tr ::;n37anted.:t '. 'C. 20 KSX . PASTS WAKTXD; IK- EosEotAsa a rrxByBKBaxs's; jaannraeinrsra and Cnetom Tailors, oet87U. , : BXarkstatrvet. " ctheRront. a &. ' . I VT.T' toru SuO.. Aft.. BleajMI rln na a. k.'.i , 'rf-roPi mat rrK- s-www vuurms: usjornti ran tjia sit i m m ZB3ciabr ha T L a Is s p: srrvwi Tail i am C suit JaZT? " lad un - l irt " Curt r "O Wltlllo n worn (Jnrfcjf vttt paj ( Tbia marrelotu booch it Cut laL To tbe aupmontT or CorHin. mK oeber mairrtala, u a K.:fieD?r for Cnm L To the MjK-nor qauitT. raanmtilp of our Corsia, coxbinea tq te tow price. Avoid cheap lmiiaiioruiSf of ririoana of cord. None are g-eaolac tmiesi 'DR. WARNER'S CORALIIf J prinleJ on inside of b: ) cover octSDAWSa tn th Ei.: ( FOB SALE EVERYWHERE aep27Ca to tb Bit N. H. SMITH, REAL ESTATE AGENT. FAYETTEVILIX . V. Oorreepondence oollcUd trfn partlei ritiar bay or sell Land. Rellabi '.iomfrt e pkrd to lnveafxate t'.Ues. ev l:tVn u b taen men of Faretterille OFFICE AT SMITH S DEPOT. Corner Man ford and Dontldwt s Wbere a ITTLL KTO' t BEST ICE, COAL 4D WOOD Can be found ax LOWEST PHCE OTXooUotit f or the "Ic. Col SHORT CUT! yy EAV THX ' 6E0KT CTT" AT 1UIT0S- A abort cat on frortt. A ebort cu 03 traitapoTUtioa Wortn. A than cc: oa rtel mm fyaErb:,X.d facta. J. - woaderfol aires and tbeie no r-rwhaJ veloTXDenta are neir at nan! But a Fans a Urtbe aoU. "Subdue, Ibe eartfc. K tta.l be tbxe OnlT a few year, no and '.and '.!! w nnln'Pr aar M vboj. PTJ8HIHO aad KNTSRHElferN to bar 1 rv aktna. ooistf gtj. Arfnt Mit"P. THE CLIMATE. THE SOIL. POR TRUCK G ARDEfn?Q.D EAFlDTEiS alt Kortb, cannot bo unaed In any -' Horta Carolina as we find it at rardena tn fcprlnjr. A f e w jro(l J..JWm aale, butraotdlr "tbVr f armors and rrdener bare an ".tg, Umlty Joat now. Apply to , M -rtoo- S oet iatf Seal Batata A nt" ' FABHS AHD LANDS FOE ittl 8WAKP LAKDS and TOW N IfLniji. and ail adiaoeat aecttona. on - y.r.- wayaNortn maka tbe 6HOB NW AMD rNVITDJO YIELD for ' .rvs denlMaadVratt. Climate and ZTf-. Uea iinsurpamed tn any country. ju potatforfxetefata. Eailwaya and West. Qalck. transport u b u . .. - . r-1 r tire rontMk A rraod opportunity ii .77aer, mc ment. and a batter one forpracu-' - bortlcaitBrlsU Oofne asd ae or write to : P I)CiDi, BT 5 DAWtf A Farm to Bent, 'err htlzs rEOK ha x ton tsto 0 from Floral CoUere Sep 0001 bolldlzica. Tea roonu from Floral Cohere Depot-sere ol balldlnaa. Ten roonu ui dweUM a. - woaid leaae ror a verm " - ipptyv renu to be paid la money or yi tH. ootlBtt Baal Xrtate A Ujtjt WAKTXD LADIES TO W'OBK ON Fancy Gooda for tae HoUdayi aentaavdlrtaae. FuU partlcuUrt OctSOlOf 41 aad S Kltot 8t..Bo-Ji v The Ilarion Star. : X UFe Zm actioB. od of Co d moat pTOFparooa la tbe 'a jiii ntlaaloa and wJbolaaale MerebaaU and tnrert, ul to tboa who kya f. rf yTi!Ka!iit4 and Bnatnw Crf tecrv rai uma. s iwiiiia insxxLry. Aad tfrvvarvtar. and -w - I the rrrjt? rt BBBBBBHBrsSBSaSBBPBlllBG'BBBBBBiHMiiiiHiSBatai AAdrat- T- 8ouU front iret. aaltu

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