" '4 Jj Carolina hutmn. OK. "DANIEL LEE ON BRttftlUDA1 ' - GRASS. . RnraI Carolinian. " - " Cato plead i eloquently I for reform with his short-sighted, mistaken coun trymen. Mr. Howard i the Cato of our age :and generation. Cato told his frieritis to make' water meadows, if they could command water for irnk gation; if not, then i make upland meadows, and by all means have good artificial pasture and grazing. Mr. Howard invites public attentjpn, to the agricultural , phenomenon ten tons of most ; nutritious hay being harvested aud grown i on an acre of naturally poor land, near Charleston, in one year. To corroborate the cred it due to Dr. ItavenaVs 'report, on which Mr.' Howard's statement rests, in regard to Bermuda 'grass ' for bay r,Ton i rw!T. ?5 Tll"-; SiE?iS 2" .'".rrimrr try, und one whose word commanded the universal confidence of those best .:.:4:k - f.4l . Ki I. I . V. .1 .uJ ti. r. .n ;ni..tL-.. j uT3.t rin.Ur- Si.; orthe fimanerams-alreadraffected : I repeati (see Southern Almanac b lhe ind thevj tVemsel ves for 1846, page 61,) and can refer to . P0-5f .theytnemseies , . iA. . , , begin to bite, and in a short time be-: numerous witnesses to prove, if need- lw, ki: Lu;a u - k v.u.j,u effectively in dry: weathers .At Colon this more tham once,: whence otf.j I foond the AmeHeans using coal tar, Uoff aud that l.e second ;me that whlcQ theyXpread across ; their paths seasoDjeldeoYenflve pnper wheu anotFlheln led to their gar awrAtterthrt 1?ir third cuwas : i5was told tbatUhe InaLa taken from -the same ground. Five preVent them from ascending young tons per annum w-a j moderate yield rree8 by lying lhick wisp8 from a good well set Bermuda mead- with he &htrp points downward, iar i7 n irh ta cithor tnTknroscaii . with r ..- x . -i . , off, which is either top-dressed with slndffe from an overflow, or receives one of manure anpually." . ; , If tfie first and third cuts of grass on Mr. Affleck's laud were together equal to the second, (and they prob ably exceeded it,) this Mississippi bot tom yielded' considerably over tert tons of good hay per acre. In another IKiragraph on: the fcame page (156) 111 g" - ; . am ,0,. i , - rl.C .u experiments have been tried With oth- er grasses. I have imported frm En- ,-ope seeds of verfprty kinds; from lexas and ine, far West, over ten ora ;dozen ; and, haAje, also tried any num- l,er of. native (?) , grasses with varied saccess, ot Wreiauoamiijnt '"v. uu.nv.uj,, . t-j: i r. r i l a j niarK uere, alter careiui aim repeateu uiu.s, x u ve.ounu no grass ; m- pare, ior nay or Wureiwun me one commenueu auove-ierinuua grass, th I Imi W f ha oanful rvMoa jr ha I Hindoos. ,OE "its" rvalue :for summer grazing, i musi state lunuer vnat oi w vwwo .,.,uu6!1 m abundant yield, in sweetness, ana in nutritive qualities;,, :!s ' - . The Writer j may ' be pardoned, for Helling his readers that after studying the climates, soils, rocks, and crops of Georgia, and other planting btates, two years, edtmg the iWMWem C-' uoaior in tne raeaniirae, ;iie went sio, Washington to" look'after the infant 'agricultural department of the Patent UiUcey ana arew up tne question an- tions of those States. This yep lie svverdd by Mr. Affleck, and. many COmes, according to report, reduced others. ..4, ill i L J 1 1' ;' " :'; "- m size, even o the diminutive! pro The difficulty under whicli F, portions of the flea, and ranging! from a ad thousand of other planters labor, that to tbosize of the common boose and appear to f laborjn vaiu, ? is not fly :'H-ntt'mberidder hot seem-to that j:he climates which areclamp have been diminished, but, ojo the enough' to produce Sea Island and up contrary, he is a$ solid o the square land cotton, Jare loo hot aud arid for foot as during their ' raid of last sea successful: gr,ass culture; :bnt "grass son, and his capacity for destruction , cultrire, 8toc-raising? in a la.rge:way, is fully as great as when his odily Avool-growi'ng, ' and xJairy-hnsbandfy, bulk accorded with the general idea are branches of productive industry, of the average lioppeY.j Dispatches :arts audT ;Vradieshicbj.Jthey -h'ayeyet, report this tronblesome pest . as al- ao learn, r 4 About Eggs. writer ia the Medical Journal, riiscoarsin on dyspepsia saysrWe iiaveeen dyspeptics who suffered un ,tQidtortnents with almost every Kina -f food and torments ofwnwh they. &d not tell, after some.medicine givea jfor relief.! Ko liquid could be taken' without suffering, j Bread became a lu rniug acid. Meat and milk were " solid and liquid tires. We have seen these same s offerers i trying to avoid ioou auu uuuk, anu eveu gumg wtuo ?' enema syringe for sustenance. And we have seen their torments pass away And their hunger -relieved by living 4ipon the white .ot eggs,-wmcn nave :been boiled in bubbling water forthir- ;ty niinutes. ! At the end of a week we lhave given the nam yeiK 01 tne egg with the white, and upon, this, diet alone, without fluid of , any kind.we have seen, theni begin tp gain flesh and strengtn ana reiresnmg sieep. Aiier weeks' of this treatment - they have! been able, witn care, to oegmon ineir tood. Aa ai iniSj-ineswnier aaus, wiiiiout takinsr meaicine. ne says that hard-boiled eggs are not half sd "had as half-boiled)ne and tea times a easy to digest., f ; . . : ?: Common Cause of Marital Infe I -j llelty. riusDanu anu wu gcuciauj 'in r.ni mnHarn .i VlHiatioTl lOO little in -common for ;tbeperfect development of their union, say s the Philadelphia . Ledger.', The niahls immersed in his business,? the woman in her household u?aresC It is fortunate if; the saineeX'C clusivenss i? not' carried into their leisure hobrs, if he be not devoted -to : hi political partv pr his cluB andshe. to the claims '! of fi fashionable .life." "Thfir minds consequently run m?dif- Uereiit channels, and their con versa ipoaa .are noli-of ; paramount interest to either. It is an almost inevitable con- sequence that if this ia, leftto take its.; course there will be a gradual, per ;haps imperceptible," but certain wean un'awjvv from each other1 :- ;.W The "New Orleans Picayune of a recent date says; ," It" Is estimated that the Jruit yield Ibis summer will be quad ruple ibat of last year, and tbe largest ever known at the South, i1 In this abundance Louisiana is to offer to first fruit -erop she iias ever prod seed. " I'' , " ' ' T " rr " ' Don Francisco t Valasquez; " in, formed me, in. ,1870, that he . had a powder which made the.ants mad, so that they bit and - destroyed leach" Other. lie crave mp a. ti tt.ln nf if. and: it proved to becorrosive sublimated 1 made several trials of it, and found it most efficacious in turning a jarge column of ants. A little of it sprinkled across one of their paths in dry weath er has a most surprising ; effect. As soon as onesof,the ants touches ; the white powder,' it commences toj run about wildly, and to attack any Other ant it comes acrossX In a couple of' bourse round balls of the ants will be fpnnd biting each other, and ; numer ous individual ants will be seen bitten J completely in two, while others have lost some of their legs ior an ten use. News of the commotion is carried to the forraicarium, : and huge fellows, meararing three-quarters of aniinch tu icugiu, iuai on iy come i one or, me soon set maUerSastofTight.-' As ?oon, however, as , they ventre tltach the; sublimate, all their statelinesa ,eaves m andthey rush 4oat4 .k:i j iT i J r v I their legs are seized holdf by iome by Mt The sublimate can only bes used round the stems. The ants cannot pass through the wisp, and do find out how to surmount it, getting confused among the numberless blades, all lead ing downward. I mention these dif ferent plans of meeting and frutrat inff Aine : attacks or tuu . ants at some , length as . they are of the trreatest scourges of- one trop-i icai America, and it has been too readily supposed that their at- tacM cannot- be warded off.' I myn 8eIf wa8 enabled, by using sonie of the raeans mentioned above, toj suc- ce9sfttlI cultivate trees and vejgeta-: bles of which the ants were extreme- ,y fon(i Notwithstanding that these nlg JIgo common thr6ughout!trop- ical Amfcrica and have wcited the, aitpnlion of nparlv everv traVeller. there 8tiU remains much doubt .. .j , -.j.j as to U8e to which the leaves ard putJ that Oth Some naturalists have supposed th Qse tbcni directly as food;! '- ers that they roof their under-ground nootia i t K t Kam ,T KaltaXra t lii tlio feal use they make pf them is k ma hareJ on which crrows a minute spe- ciesof fungus, on which they - . j T ' --: r - feed; that they; are in reality mushroom growers and eaters. r j , Keappetranee of ibUraiIiopper. The Chicago Tribune d)f Wednes day has reports from Kansas and Mis sourl showincr that the i inevitable grasshopper . has already appeared in multitudinous numbers in somd pori I readv swarming and increasing trom MisBouri to the Rocky ' Mountains. I rpi.. q-ihunp. aava fnrlhpr nnrfli in mKrastannaMintiWiota it ii thionffht tbat the msson 0f the grasshopper is fiBjshed, and that the farmers wll uave an opportunity to recover their lost ground. .v! . iiLd ; I ''... , ? The sciiiy laiea. J The Scilly Isles, where the Schiller was, wrecked, has been the'. sc6netof .man v similar catastrdphesl In the. J year 1707 the British squadron juhder gallant pir-iouiiesiypnovei, ran j upon the rocks1 Mn atofm, and the admiral and four large' frigates! were I lost. The Schiller sank1 upon the 1 same., reefs. , j.he . Dublin steamer I Thames w'asJ also wrecked on these I islands,' and scores of smaller Vessels 1 have .been broken to pieces and many I Uvea lost. TheVfoff prevails to such I an ; eitent'"about ' the 1 crrbrip that it j probably would prove an advantage to have immense bells nunc: at in- j reVvals,; or to kep up;a fierce cannon 1 Ans on the islands dunnff feevere 1 weather . Election of Profeaaora. The trustees of the Van derbitt Uni versity, ' at Nashville, Tenn., have completed the election 'of Prof :ssors, with the following result: i ,V f ;'.;u:- . rhair of tfeolop-v. minera!oo;V. zoo- logytand botanf,uames ja. otanorai I T1. T V.1 anA AUT Wlnnlall ljj. D.- ;the eiair ot; modern langu- ayeg an j literature, James Ilarri- BonA'M.fofHhVlllveriityVi ginia; the chair of English literature and historical criticism, A. AiLips- CQmbDD., HOP latlChaoWlor cf . the University of ( Georgia; the c.h4ir:or 4 pastoral IheiUojVy and horaU lectics. John C. Graiibery, D.'X?;,i of Virorinia. aud ihe ohaiHof vocal mnsio - ?: the election of Prof, It. M. MCli- An Expedition to' me uoiy At a meeting of the officers' and members of the Palestine Explora-j tion Society, : held .; id (JSIew. .Xor,. it was resoTved to .equip and send out immediately, a new party to. the hills of Moaty under comnaana :ot vol, C Lane; who will embark in ra 1 f ew days. vNotwithstandifig i the., strin- jrencv or .'ineximes mo. nucioiy uas had pledged to its support, within a -J few flwptbs f3U,oou, i' 1 5 it) - f T. .Tthe State Medical Convention meets to-day in Wilson. ."v- V -,'.'". ! i ; 4 Fnlghum IUiistrat ed JLge . will appear next week Jn Raleigh, . I Col. NickM.vWppdfina prom inent lawyer, of Asheville, is seriously ilL i On Monday three or four hun dred excursionists I from; Weldon visited Norfolk. J ' . - ? ; Rose and Harry Watkins play a Centennial weet in Ctiarlotte having com menced Monday nighti v ' 1 t , :-:The Convention; of the Protests ant Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina will convene Jrf Newbem on Wednesday. i ; Dr. Brantley: of Baltimore ad-' dressed a meeting of all the Protestant Sun day Schools of Cbarlotte at the Presbyter Ian Cbnrcbf Sunday afternobni :f ' The Raleigh Netos prints a plan of the battle-field of .Cowan's Fprd, on the Catawna, where a patriotic bod of Mecklen burg, (3en. Wni. Davidson, fell on FeD. I, 1781. - If ;i:.-? '- 5 i. ? : Person codhir has put Jier best man forward as a candidate forthe Conven tion, the person of the Old . .War Horse, Col. Jdhn W. Cunninfebam. He will be elected and will make one of the most, effi cient members of that body.' i Mr. J. C. ISfcMillan organized at Branch's Stoie."puplln County, on Thurs day, a new Grange of Patrons of Hus bandry, known as " Uranch u range." iuis Grange is composed of good material, says the Messenger,-and is located in a fine .sec tion of country, as. G. Branch, Master. 5 The Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. adjourned on-Friday Grand Master Speed made the following appointments: W. G. Marshall, Beatty ; W. G. Conductor, Jno. Tayloif; W. G. GuardianvP. M Stuart; W. G. Herald, Henry Porter LW. .Q; Chaplain, W: Gibbous. The next session will be at Raleigh. . ' " n Puvvau countyva inau named M DIlUOl , U1UII1CICU UWB. UIVlllCl'lUMttn,- o lady named Heilig, by knocking bwln the bead with an axe. , , He then threw her in a well. The murdered woman-was seventy years bid. No cause is given for the born-. ble deed. Two men succeeded in captur ing the murderer while stealing a horse to make his f scape, but'he got away and has not been seeu since.- ; j ; : We have heretofore recorded the death in the ScJiitter disaster of Mr. Wiel of Greensboro. Wee see that Miss Dim- mock; formerly of Washington. N. C, was also lost in tho , wreck, The Sentinel says of her .: she was a member of the medical profession and after pursuing her studies in this country had graduated with distinction at Paris. A year ago she was admitted, if we recollect aright, to membership in. the North Carolina Medical Association and was fully recognized as a learned Doctor by the fraternity. She subsequently made Bos ton her home and assumed an appropriate position in a hospital devoted to femate pa tientsj She was on1 a visit to Europe in comnanv with a turt or the family of ben atoi; ICd'tnunds, the distinguished . Senator from Vermont, when she met her unhappy end. j She is said to have been possessed of a lovely person and was highly cultivated, being! gifted by nature with a veryjfine mind. She vhs onlv. we learn, abont 26 vears ot ZvMiiu-iituj .Tr.- isfa- ; ' - m ' TbVlsplcndia Altar or theTWewYdrlT calbedrtl. -- ,avv corresDondent it the Uoston Daui Advertteer, writing front Home, says: "II saw a Few days- ago the altar which is' under the marble-worker s hand and which is to lie placed whefi finished in the New lrork Cathedral It is Italian Gothic, aud will be a daz zling collection of the most precions marble.K. ; There are small triple col umns ot Vxqnisite malachite, white marble screens "diapered in precious porphyry, veru antique, . oriental, alabaster,' malachite, sriailo antico, lapis lazuli, etc. Six . little white marble : statnes : of the ' apostles,- Mathew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter nun ijl am, bwuu uv.wceu ueauuiui columns ot glittering maiacmte. me uiriwrnaeieis incrusiea witn precious marbles. .1 be oas-reUefs on the altar, S1 :, SISS n.Wih t r&nK work. . lu onJvv fault is the quantilv of detail:" Tt: lacks unity f i?has no ' ' . - ' . n ""t " w in parts, ; thereforo. !iny .jndgmieptr.oT cntieism is premature, v yv heh j seen close at, hand ;it must, however, be aamirea. ii is nne enongn tovpnt nndirglassf rich an color, precions m inateriar ana moss aeiicaie id execu- tion," "t'"-- - - I. - . . - ww-.0.rr.v (vV6- raphy are something, fearfnl to con template -A-0--gin speua-UOBgue," audi the man that first spelled it o should ha vex been hongue." A-c-h-e n ll rr't"-" vuc i" J r- vf" smaisle jf the effort were not too Butter and Hams. A LARGE LOT OF FINE Goshen and Cooking Batter.. FINK STOCK OF'l ' : ' ' : V . ' t 1 North Carolina and! Canvassed Hams. For sale low byv - , .. 1 -4 1 EDWARDS & HATJtl apr 29 tf - . . . . UfiESOIUTI OF THE "BOARD OF TRADE." " CHAMBER of commerce" and Produce Kjcchange and by agreement ita ail tae ,4 , i 1 AFamily, ;G:rocers; 'i OUR. STORE WILL NOT BE OPENED ON "7 j .4 J ti . . CentennialDay: T - Thursday &0ib instanU Oar Friends and Cattomeri wOl please tako notice - and All their orders tha dar arevtotu. i . CHAS. IK UTER3 A CO., " may 18 W -'-! 'K f-'i? 5 A 7 North Front at. Spirit Turpentine: raacKe out iu i-g-n-;peus : ment secilrities active and steady State' rt" '. t " eight,"no . matter how. jpa'.depre- ! bonds doll and steady..; f ;su: jh:; ' . ,j ( 4 n M A lltK K.T. TAR OTTICE.TIikv 13.' - ! SPIE1TS URPtlKieceipts 18; casks.' Safes of 100 caski at .30 fceriltfper A gallon fibs ; Southern ipackageSil 3Iarket J Bteady, Lr , : : Vt j. r , . r ; f , . j ..RQSpr.-rBeceipts, 4d4bl&.. Sales of jl.OOO bbls, Strained r at l 50, and 500 do' good trained at $t ?5 $ bbf. " f " " i CRIE - TTJRPENTrNESeteipts 400 bbls. 7 Sales of 400 bblsat f2 SOorei' low ,ip; t$l 30 for 'Hard g;aod ,3 13-60 fqr,virgin.;;'(i,..fc.iI,-J.f f ,r?ro'; iv'.'i 1 TAR. Receipts 850 bbjs. (?Sales Afif 00 bhlsat 21 40.' 1 Market "steadyt t ' ' ."". , dotTON: Recelptt '20 Vales.'7 MarkeV quiet and dulUJXo sales reponea. j :ine foilowiner are the official nuotations: . c! dinary, . .iVt;-rN,nlnl-' ?fm ood Ordinary. i ,14m 4 ; cents V.Vti jt.Tr4 ;iBTRJOf'f3Majr;14.tn,: OTTT-iTrrr nPTTTT"r7XTrnT"VrT7 DiMiunt.Dilf laska. Sales of 150 casks at cents per. ;allon for SoutberB packages. Maiket firm. ROSIN.-Receipts . 768 bblsi Strained tin firm at $V 50 f bbl. iJalea -of AftOQ ls Good Strained at ft:50 WL iUf.t IRUDE TURPENTINE- Receipts 197 bbW1 Bales of; 170bbls.at ft 80 for Hard, ick, steady. " , . 4 - .. .... , T-AR.-rReceipts 163 bbls. ' Sales of 125 bblsiat $140 bbl. Market quiet ' ; COTTOKReceipts 34 bales. , Market dnll and nominal. ) No sales reported., OfS- pial quotations are entirely, nominal. . . ' i- jujSTAR QFFICE, May, 15. ; ; SPinTTS ".. TITT?PT?.TiJTrr"NB' RMwinla 343 , le8 f 100 casks at 80i cents 1 l .1 per gallon for Southern packages. Market ROSIN. Receipts 1,334 bbls. Strained rosin firm, f Sales of 500 ; bbls Strained at $1 50 p bbl., 50 bbls Extra No.' 2 at ft 75, 25 bhlt Isivr Pale at 5 00, and 69 bbls Pale and Ejh; 1N1 at $5 75 1? bbl. ' ; Cnt4nE Tl iiPENTINEUReceipts 175 bbls. Bale? . of 150 bbls at 3 00 for Virgin, $3 20 for Yellow Dip , and , $t SO for, Hardf Market steady. . ; .. . ( , , .'. TAH-rKeceipts 120 bbls. Sales pf ; 150 bbls al $1 40 $ bbl. , Market steady.; t COTTON. Receipts j57 bales.? Market quiet. - Sales of 150 bales al 14 to 15 cents lb. The following are the official quo- tationsr . : . '' Ordinary, 1 ''. ; .. Nominal.- ' ' Good Ordinary,. . . . . 13 .: cents W Ibi Low Middling,...,.. 14 ' " ;.; Middling,:. .... . .15 ".." Good Middling, ..15 " " ' ' ' I''- STAR OFFICE Majr 17, SPIRITS TURPENTINE Receipts 111 casks. ' Sales otJHLcasks (cityilistilled) at I 'oi 1 -n n ; - -ic u. ,01vuo "e? ii :i. ! ROSIN. Receipts 739 bbls. Strained ro6in firm-! Sales t I.000 bbls Strained at I f 1 50, 00bblsJSa 2 at f 1 65, 119 bbls at $3 25 for Low No. 1, $5 50 for Pale; ,and $5 75$6: 25 for Extra Pale. . .4-r , CRUDE TURPENTINE-rReceipts 500 bbls. Sales of 500 bbls at $1 30 for Hard, $2 20 for Yellow Dip ami $3 60 for Virgin. Market' steady. tj ; j TAR Receipts j 200 bbls, No sales .reported generally held at an advance. J Market firm, COTTON. Receipts 8 bales. Market ' The following iqufet Nq sales reported are the Official Quotations: '' ' ; O tCl 1 n a rv ii ' .. ' i- ' lVnmlniil . -v. ............. . Good Ordinary. . ... . . .13. cents tt ;1X)W JOlddluig. . . kl. i . .14 JUiddling. ....15 ,. l;6!?0 r '15s 11 , t.t , 8TAJ.t UJrjriUJS. JUay lb. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Receipts 343 ;c8glMrl 4 1 Adrimced t cent. Sales of 200 at 81 cenU for q, pactages. Market firn t! ' . IWSIN.Iptslbbliu, Strainea rbsitt has adTanced 5 cents. Sales of 250 . irrr.r"-8- w w v. yw do .? Per;,bbV:f;.llrtet:l!::lr I nD ITTll 111 I I 111 lATFWlTTTY TT, I . j iAM I: !' i . i -- ' , ! j , fAR:-Receipts';i28 bbls.' Sales of 100 ibbli; at '.ri.Jl.sy.. I , COTON,Receipts 83. bales Market i qniet:, No; sales reported. The follow- I in the official ! nominal quotations ir Ordinary aotoinal. I Good Ordlriary...i.k . 18i uii fcenU lb. I HiHillllllT IK . - I Oood Middling I. : u s;. Nkw YoBX, Mav 18 Bvening. . Money in ample supply. at QZ&i cent.! I Pt?nuDm.,r. erung . exenanre , ciosea.i a 4 81." Gold closed at 11641164, Govern- shperfiDe western land .State it 855176 ; common; to' good extra wwatero,! and, btale 85 15a 5o;E8od to Choice,, do. 5 90 white wheat! western extra $5 90i ff 85 ; cdmmoh to good extra Ohio $5 20' 7 50; eommon ; to choice extra Si. ,; Liopis; $5 608 50. : : Southern flour- quiet and , heavy x common to fair extra S3 5JSt5 ; , good to choice do $8 258 50. Wheat a shade firmer winter ; rea western, $i 30, Corn opened a shade lower with moderate demand-i-western ! mixed ,i 878Bf ceuts; western mixed 8788 cents; .yellow west ern 88 cents; old western mixed in store 9Q91; do afloat";,' softnew,wfstern mizea anoai otttyo$; uuxeu wcbieru o 80:!-? Coffee 'steady Rio quoted at i5i aiof cenlSi gold, for cargoes. Sugar quiet and steady at 8 cents forfair. to good; refinery rl pnme good, fair to prime Muscovado refined dull at 10$ ai04ai0t. i Granulated molassses Htm.' and in fair demand for grocery goods. Rices quiet, ana sieaay.' jretroieum quie. ana firm crude 6i; refined 12 J12i; Tallow firm at 9c. Rosin steady at $1 90 1 92 for strained.'' Turpentine firm at 3H for spirits.- Pork ' opened lower' Shd ldsed flrm--new mess $31 80. JJeef quiet. oLarct lower 161. : Prime , steam iwhialey. dutt without decided change, at.gH. , . , .r Cotton net receipts 267 ' bales; gross re-' cetpts (267 bales.1 - Futures 'clpsed - quiet aadc steady;? with: sales of 20,800' bales ias followstMay. 4683 cents j 4une.6 8-33 cents: July 16 7-8216i cents; August 164 16 13-82 September 16 S-1B16 "7-82 cents; October 15J15 53'cents;JNoVent- ber 15 9-1615-l9l8nts ;s December 15 15 12-8SJ cents-,, January . lBf. 15 9317 cents; February 15 8183 18 centsi March 167-82ai8 9-82 cents; April 16 746, 16i cents s -i i ru'wMi Good j WIIOLKiiALB PBltlKS. fcaP" Oar quoutuons, u aooid beanaeruood, rap . WNiat the UKle8&l prioea generally. In mirin U9 aaU oiden higoer price bar to be chaisML r riuoaa. iH trio ; Double Anchor... ... i Double Anchor r a. r. . BACON North Carolina. ' ' 1 ("fisau, A....'w7&.J;:,. V1 O 11 13 16 ' IT t '4 t snoaiaers, H.. bides, W B., 4, i AVetrn Smoked t .. Mir) as M Ik . , 1 Duouiaen,...; i. : BhonlaaPB . . ii-. . . u.. .i . i ' ontheHoof.;..;.r..i...V:i;: BARRKf eptrtU Tuxpadbw, - Sacond Hand, each, j j ' New New ITotk, each. 11. f40 101 is L. Jx-ir t as, S6Q BmCKSS-Wumingtoa, t M .... prthern.,..,M.4.tv.i.w.. BUTTB North Carolina, V ft. J Noaarni-w A...J.:v.'v: CANDWS-Spena, ft i 4 TaMow; V ft............"... loo 1000 t f 03 14 00 . 'SO S5( ... 14 & 15' CHSJSSS Northern Factory V ft State. tt S......... COJrFfifi-Jara, ft. ..... 36 ff Rio, V ft C0BM bMheil.'lI'.:'.r. iwrvpAw mrvo . ma 4k. 3ll 1.15 rl 15 & ' 16 00 & SO 00 8 60 & 9 00 IS 00 IS SO V B0 b u oo on co , 6 00 a 8 00 . 00 i860., 4 50 , 500 r BOO'. 6 00 ', 65 ' 1 00 J .7 5 &0 t 000 000 r60 000 00 00 00 00 ... 00 00 0000 -' . .. . . . : 80 00 00 00 00 00 0Hr 60 09 . 65 0Q . 00 00 tH 40 00'-' DOMXSTICS Sheetlus:,i-4, yd vara. boncn.....r...k..i. VISH- U JUckerel. Ko.1. V DbL.. Wo. 1. vW.. ......i.... ii m mcmvnu a o. a. m oat...... I Nct. Mbm....i 4 CJvNo., bbl....... J auew oai ) vJj.C Herring, 9 M1. i. . Dry Ood, l6 4 . ... 4. UUUJ-iUl, UHi.,...,,,,, unper.wortnera. bbl..... i ' BxuraaovTit, bbl..... Family . r V bbl...... vj luuB-oaptr., doi. i -i- Jramiiy, Dbi... - t t x.iramHjr, V bbl. .. JTKKTUaZJ&US l ,-. ! . Pemvlaa Goano. 'fi 3000 ts i. -Baagh'uPhoBphata, j' , Carolina Fertiliser, . : - Grooitd Bone, - u Flour. 1 Mi'- 00 00. 45 OOf WW KO O'J UU , Navaaaa Unaao. ) 4. t ; .! ii 55 00 650&" . , , 'Complete Manure, ; t- Whann's Vboephate r Wan4o Phosphate, " t ' BergerAButs PbORth. Alt A mVn v o UM UU WQ, 67 00 ,i 00 00 70 00 00 60 ; 7000; 60 00 00 00 -IS il 17 . .;l'a..e9.; ; 1 si 97K 85 125 ' , 7 ' 8 , 13 . 5 .0 00 - 1 SO 1 S3 , 108 1W . 1ft 00 00.-- 1 CO - M 00 , S700 W00 8500 SO 00 8500- Corn, Cargo, 56 .... .... j ' Corn, Yet, boeaeL.... . .. . . , uata, w aoutai.... ........ " Peas, Cow, V baahel. ...... HIDES Green. HAT Baeteru, V 100 .... .... North Klver, 9 100 UUUJf LKOTh v ion... LAKD Northern, ft Uortii Uaronoa.il TD... LIMB W: bbl......... ....... Ship Stnfl, reeawed, M ft.. I Kourt Edge Plank. M ft, .v r Westlndia Cargoes, accordln ureaaea ji ioonng. xwarmaa .. j : Scantong and Boaraa, com--5 ' aoiti V 2ft rt..wii . ',J... MOLASSKSCnba, hhda, 9 gaL. Cuba, bbls V gal............ 1 Bagar Boose, hnda, S gal.; . ; ,, " bbla. gal.... ' Syrnp, bbls, NAILS-Cot, 4d to SOd. V kog . i5eos saoo -46 ,ni. ' 48 4S " 50 , 88 40. " 40 - SO 400 0 475:" .18 0000 1 10 15 . 1 00 HO 80 40 1 49 175 -' 75 0 00 8 25 850 24 60 t5 00 00 00 . 00 00 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 s 8 ; 5 00 1 20 : ISO;. n 6k - aa UlLo Kerosene, v gai....r ijara, gai..-.; ' . Unseed. eal ... ......... 4.... .4 .... ttosui,v Kai.........M...... PBANUT8 basnel....i...... POTATOfiSSvreet, bushel.. , i Irish. Northern, i bbl ..... PORK Northern. City Hess.... Thin, V bbl... , ) Prime, bbi..,...V......... Ramp, bbl.. .......... .. BICS-Carolina,9 ft..'........., 1 . Kast India, V ft.M.....w.. ttAGS-Country, JIT. . . .... ........ . . .... . BAX.T Aiam, y Dasnei.:. : u JJverpooL S sack..... 'S'l '.: 110 , 1 10 1W , ' 8x ; 40 10 r jo , . American, f) sack........... BUHABr-WW,f B.. vii rortaioco, 9 n. A Coffee, 9 .ft.., B " V ft... . . . .... Kx.O ft......... ... Crushed, ' V ft...;. ..-. BOAP Northern, ft.. ...... 5 SHINGLES--Contract, 9 M.... Common, 9 M....-......... ImiWaafiiin. M V 4 0C 0 00 8 00 5 60 6 50 wyvreiiueinewa. 9 60 30 00 35 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 0000 ,08 17 00 00 A 18 1400 8 58 10 00 4 00 600 100 600 1 75 8 50 ,;; 85; ,.':. 85 , 40 STAVKcW,. O. BbL, H.i.' K.O Dh(L, M Cypress, M TALLOW ft .- TIMBER Shipping, M. ....... Mill Prime, . H.... . Vili r.r 10 iir -Inferior to Ordinary, M:. WraSKBY-Northern, gal...- North Carolina, f gal........ WOOL Unwashed, V ft....i.. Washed. ft. BATES OF FBEIQHT; Per Sailing, 1 Vessel PerSteamsz. ' To Nxw Tobk. Crude Turpentine y bbl Tar frhbl.... 8pta Torpe&tiM 9 bbl 0 45 A O 0 0 00 A 0 85 0 60. A 0 85 0 00 A . 75 0 00 A 85 0 00 A 1 .0 00 A 0.10 0 00 A 0-60 0 00 A 0 50 0 00 A 0 SO 000 A 0 50 DO A 0 00 oooaoft 0 60 0 10 ' "TOO A 8 00 o 00 A O 4? ?000 A 05 000075 0 00 0 45 : 0 00 A 8 00 0 00 A 0 00 50 m 0 00 0 65 0 00 A 0 65 0 80 ft 9 85 85 & 0 00 uoam v ddi......... Cotton f bale. ....... Peannta yboahel...., i To PHILAmLrHtA. 40 d 00 ooaooo oiq So 00 ... Crude TorpemUaa 8 bbl 0 0t A 0 80 Tar bb 0 00 & 0 50 p nrpwoae v bn .gVfe:! i Tar 0WO1 ool ooo a s oo I . . . . . an W-l. 0 80 0 0 TO 0 00 & 0 10 i J Peanut 0 W 00 0 00 A 0 45 04)0 A 0 45 'bSSo ?bv!:"... PuWbuahetU 0 00 A 0 80 0 00 A 0 45 000 A 0 00 0 00-A O 11 TnK.. is W Miaiipi v. ........ 0 00 8 00 . S TO SOSTOH iv Crude Turpentine bbl 040 AO 00 0 00 A 0 00 Tar ddi...... SptaTurpentiae bbl 0 00 A 0 00) 000 AOOOt .0 09 0 90 Kosm y ddi....... Cotton bale.... . A . 1 . 1 0 00 A 0 001050 A 0 00 IXHlttl V UUPHTBU..... 0 00 A 000 ouaa 10 lumber M. ........ 0 00 A 0 00 11 60 Alc WILiSXINGTON EONE JUBKET. ooaaaoTXD baxly bt , . i . X. J B. -iGBAXSOXB,- 7BX8DXltT, Gold-..it :i;k.:ii.v.!.ju.iii ' aw ,,.,v.........lf-.; jtfV.lio? surer...,'. new iota, ..... . . x oibc i. BalumDre;..ij.w. J.U.'K i1- J Western Citwai....!.. 5 ", 33 cent interest added to above. UaaoVtsr Stock 4 A i . (SarSS) ' ' ' 1 38 s First National Bank,'. , ,100 MeenanicB ir - Navaaaa Guano Co.- ............ 1 N. C. Bonds 01dEx-Coupon.......:.81 1 , Do; f- j . Faailag 166.4...., :..15 1 do.- v lues.j..... 14 .-iii.-oi! i ; rt Hw.. UU. w.v;'.w . ;v.'.M 1 ' .,,1, Do., v Spwial Tax,. ....4... a . , Ml,Do.to N.C. Railroad...- .....42 WkiJB. & Boada 7 Jc (Oold 190 ,T -! i is ' ;i-j. Carolina Central B. B. Boade, 6 -, Wllminfeitoil City Bonds, '9 gc. .-. -. . . i : .70 ; Ct..i..oa,j i-.X '!? on 0 VC....9S V MJ new Vc-.;6(Ooldlnt.V a tan ant New HanoVexCHniniy Boada (10 yeans), . Wc(Qo.d Inki.4rrt....75 - . W. & V, Railroad 8tock...wia..e k Nortb Carolina ;.,!. au C a RaBroad !! WIL Gas Light Co. . WO. Seaside H ......i.Ql i ' ' a . . . . . . 4 Receipts to-day,, 2,912, bhls rosin, .201 s do, spinis turpentine, mo uo cruue lurpatiue, 627 ddtar: SpiriU turpentine selling along' slowiyand about steady, with neither buyer or seller very, anxious ; to hniry jbtislness.' prices; bqweyert Jack,;bnojancy,(.andjXro rerj largQ amounts could be disposed of at carrent latest Sale were reported oM25f bbls '85' tor Ne Ydrki5 Southern quoted At' 84ic.viKosins Were moderately active -oa. all ,radesi( iwlth.vabpnt former, rates ruling, and the position fairly, steady., Sale! df8oX)bblc6nim6n straineda XMi 800 bbls Ndf.!2 at3 25; and 8S0;,!bbls ,paW at 76675Taridj i ttnehangedJ Pitol4wJitBoutJrepojte4.imovement. .Tb4rirjgelegrpi& pooj jSpU-its luipenthaedull, at SSsj com; mon rosin steady at5s6dr Ijdjidon spirits rarpen tine" dull t 24f tcoibntoaifl'stea'dy at 5s 8d; it.nl-itu ) i'qntnnJ f.;n-iii:i 1 ; ' COASTWISE.' , i RATmoftB Steamship Raleigh, cleared I Alay-13th 114,743-feet" imnber, 58 Dales sheeting, 825 casks spirits of turpentines 284 bbls. rosin, 75 bushels peanuts, 90 bbls. pitch, 10 rjtdls. - leather, 40 bales cotton,-2 Skgs mdse, 143 bbls tar, 44. bales yarn, 15 bis rosin oil, 1 gum thus, Sq cases pitch. ? New "i yoBK. Steamship ; Benefactor J 66 bales cotton, 3,012 bbls rosin, 85 pkgs snooks,' 100 casks crude turpentine 195 casks spirits turpentine, 3,000 bolts, 1,950 heading,-45 bnsuels peannu; 34 "bbls rice,"' 17 empty ale kegs, and 4 bbls, 4 par wheels,' 40 bbls iron, 3 pkgs mdse, . - r ; 1 v-;.t5 ! -PmiiADELiHiA--Schr E Tilton 16t,800r feet lumber, 3053 juniper bolts, 139,925 shingles. ; , . u Nw York. -Tom Williams 453 ions iron, 50,625 shingles;' - -- '. - i New iYokk. Schr .H .T Townsend 2,125 bbls rosin., .; -,: , ; " 5 Btmokk. Steamship Zodiac-352 bbls rosin,' 50 cases tar, 20 cases pitch, 409 casks spirits turpentine, 40 bbls pitch, 35 do tar, 105 bushels neannts. 2 Dkss mdse. 3 bales c!othy21 do yarn, 14 do ctten, 1 bbl gum. 5 .NKw YoBK-i-Steamsqip Gulf ;J5tream -1,897 bbls rosin, 250 do tar, 10 pkgs mdse, ?5 bushels peanuts, 22 bales sheeting;-234 uo coiion. . - . ,-' Battm6re Steamship . Rebecca Clyde 65,000 feet lumber, 250 bbls rosio 3 570 bushels . peanuts, ? lftempty kegs ,5 bales cotton, 9 do cloth, I da wool, 13 do warp, 20 do yarn, 125 bbls spirits turpentine, 20 nois tar,'iu ao pitcn.,1 pkgs mdse. 8 ibdls paper.-?;'.'! v -..:!' i - - ' - - - - , -i - ir 1 - IimEBPOoij. Br barquentine ' Elisabeth. Taylor 8,890 bbls tar. ( f ' Rotterdam. Ger Barquentine -Amalia is Bed wig 3,150 bbls rosin.; n : i f - ; . , Cakdehas Schr S P Brown 105 empty molasses hbds, 20 bhls tar, 10 bbls pitch, 1 cask spirits turpt . . . " ' i - ; Brig John Pierce 126,177 feet lumber. f Lokdon. Swedish Barque Ulrika 1,171 casks spirits turpentine, 1,000 bbls rosin..' .hi.::-- . ...j ..... :v U JCOTTON AND NAVAL STORES., The following is the stock of naval stores and. cotton in yard and afloat at this port May 17: - Cotton, in yard,,. . . .... . . . ... .1,279 bales. :; anoat...... 132 Spirits Turpentine, in yard,. bbls. . . ,anoat,... t 1 4. I Total, !r . . 3,985 at Rosin, in yard, . 33,828 bbls. afloat.. .. 7,400 TVtnl AX "?OQ Crude Turpentine, in yard,, . . . 2,115 hbls., it " , afloat,..:... oo " ; fTar, in yard,. . ... 5,45 bbls. .:.... ,00 V I i I Total,. v 9 , 5.45 . f 1 ; : RECEIPTS s - ' For the week ending May 17 Spirits, 1,943 casks; rosing 10,863 bbls." ! ' ;" i r;: ':: EXPORTS '- ."'I'- .-" ; Forthe week, ending May ,17rrSpirit8, 1,13 casKs; : rosin, o,uo. .pnis, j , . , MARINE, - ::!V. '1'':-1 ARRIVED j i : Steamship Benefactor, Jones, New iYork, A I) Uazauz. i I Steamship Pioneer, Wakelvy Philadel phia. Worth & Worth- a - j ! Steamship Gulf Stream, Faircloth, New x orK, A u uazauz. Steamship Rebecca Clyde, Childs, Balti more, A D Cazaux. r Schrldabella, iscuer, jNe.w prk, Wil liams & Murchison. - : . i' . i Schr A W Ellis, Furgison, Belfast; Me.,! iWortli fif Worth, with hay and brick, r Schr Paraeon. Darby, , 1 Belfast, . G. G ZBarker & Co... with Hav. r; Dieamsuip xvegiuaior, juoanej ixew i orK, A u vazaux. ; . . , : s Steamship Lucille, Bennett, - Baltimore, UazauX. n . r . : i . 'ii Cleared.. -'i f i ' Stmr - Juniper; Phillips, ! FayetteVffle, Yick.& Mebane.-: ' , i::'..! ; :. . Steamship Raleigh,- Oliir, Baltimpre, A ii uazauz. - . . v . . . . J ' SteanxBhip Zodiac Chapln," Philadelphia, AUUazaux ' ' Steamship Benefactor, Jones, New York,. 1. Schr i E. Ulton, - Ireland,, Philadelphia, Harriss & Howell.' . ';. Schr Tom : WilKams, Edwards,1 New1 York, llarriss Us HowelL ! i - - j Br barquentine Elizabeth. Taylor, Cooper, Liiverpooh y ice a Mebane, cargo by.yii llama A Mnrrliiann -Ger1 Barque Amalia' edwl'''GDi,; Rotterdam; CHKinir: J s ; t f-; 1 Schr S P Brown, Tienker, i Cardenas, G Br Johq. Pierce, Tifownsend, , Cardenas, Northrop & Cummin?, f " S - echr H T Townsend, ,- , .New York, James Anderson es uo. -' '; i . Swedish, Barque Ulrika, Frauberg, Lon- don. Alfii Knrnnt & Ron. .. f .. , : . ; 8teamship.Rebecca Clyde, Cjlulds, Balti more, A u uazaux. v j . ' 8teamship Gulf Stream, Faircloth, 'New York, Ail Cazaux.: . : ; " : -h;v:. JCE IS PLENTIFUL AND, CHEAT A.T THE , . -'t-MnKEW'IiE1101JSIB4 i r Dock, between Water ondT.FTOnt treet8,tvilmnij tat Iri ti k'ji : ;!, nt xt i r's iiicfioa ii i f .may 14-w2hi v IDRt PUBLISHED v i HatlflBal Hra aiiTM8i Mi Now ready Adapted It )Openimx jaad Cloeint? Ezertises In Schools and Seminaries, for Congreea tksmati Social! a4 none SlBKinr. JS8 pages S0o cboice( tunesQ hymss. Price 40 cents, f Sj.QO. r&r HflnHrP1 Batistas pm VoLipjTAaiits k. , ; j so . i bi&e :j&eeu vfBJi wuiuptHuuu. A. valnabl. oenil andHlliant collection of Exeri cisea Alra. Soa and Pieces for Jteed Organs Price, aroi V' ' " '. : . i-j.-N.'t".) ?t?i; XlUi .. ...f'.'i i ' i ")' Stfaass Dance Mnric Violin & Piaaot v 1 ti'M Winner's Party D&Bces, Violin A Piano.. ,75 Winner's Vtolin and Flute Duets. '-. '' 1 I 00 t).,. ..r! ft: - .!(. . .f ;:i , i riftrke'g Dollar Jntruetor it: i. ' For Beed Organs. Tor Piano, For" Violin. Fse- ful cheap, Instructive Books wllh : Ezerdsefl and BttBtweaa attracttTeAlra for practice.( f 8old br all the prtndpatawsur dealers. . Seat : post sHay 18-aww Wed A Sat ,...,t .bj-t-.v, Ho for Ceilty alTIaiinas ! nnHB CELEBRATED 11AW rjnlAN.KESKBVE, JL now open to actual aettlera at four annaai pay menta. toprored Farms at Coatof Improvements, by reason of tnowraasDopper Plague or last year. eason ei u uraasuupper x-iague oi uin year, sa now shows the finest frrala and fratt jrMH Kaosa faataBtatea, Tiis Jioeao rarer Valley fLuidaaavevrodnoed-aahiehaafiO baaaala of earn. and 40 of wheat, to the acre, other crops in propor tion." Addreaa ROBERTS XE C0MCU Grove, Kansas. . - .n-!iaaytl.w1tr. .1,411 " ,2,814: ..1,171! " !' JTINIFULTON MARKiTi BEtf.TJUKOGI-t' nal Elm Grore Flour. Wtter Ground Meal (erety a or 4 honre), D. 8. Bides and Shoulders, Caa Gooae, ; V Bayroat, Cora, Ae,, 4 ; 4x aa low jm the '. lowest bT I may 14-DAWlt -I" GRANT ft' DIKTON. For Saler jfKB fatfNDREl) BALKS BEST SORT 11 RIVER . J. Hay:at $110 cash, iroavybart.to ay.,..,, ... j ; Freii Water Grbiaid Ileal 1( t .w-.il ) Constantly an hand.' ... - ' stay 15-Clt GRANT a "BSSTTOV. I. B. GiuiirexB.L.J, .:...I.Tre1fleni r iVlce iPreatdnt f b. i. .waTj.try..,....... IaAAO-BATXs;. ; . ; r. .w.'ji caemer i v Aaeirtant Cashier t Bankof IlewlHanovera cipiTAL FAm m . 50)00 j AUTHOBIZED CAPITAL- tOrKboOi j DIRECTOBSia -i ,: CLH. Stedman, of Wright nama & MnrchiBon -f "T- ' smodman.--- s Js.tA.: Leak, of Wadee-J boro. i . : M. Weddell, ofTaroro, ' N. C-: - E. B.! Borden, of Golda boro, N.C. i. . Hon. K R. Brideers, Pret f W. A W R aL VoUera, of Adrian A ' v oners. : J. W. Hinsorij of - Spraat ' A Hin Ron. i -. CoUaFLlttle, D. HcRae. L B. Grainger, President. E. B. BoKOEir, R.P. HowaLt, Cashier. rresiaenr. E. B. BordenW-J!&-J'aIiclatliW JTnrniKniv' Hi Edmnndson, Herman Weill .rreuoew. ltUOslU JJlOJlUUi Cashier. - . . -BISECTOBS: . . . , K Cromwell Pred PhUHnB. W. O' TjtiHa )nr Weddell, Jno. & Dane, Jno. Norfleat. a ; ; - President, l, ' DIBECTOBSr ' J. A. Leak,R. T. BcnEctt.G. W. Little J. C. Mareball. --I ,. Issnes Certificates of Deposit bearing intereot. Is anthorized bT Charter to receive on dennah: xnonea held In trust by Executors, Administrators, VTUVUUUIS, C, OMi, OlC " i- . " v ' Btrict attention given to therordera and fcqucsin of oar country friends by mail or otherwise. IOTl6-Wtf- RE B UI LT! V.i Hv M Smith Oo:- RICHMOND, If ANT7PACTTJBEE8 OP ; AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. de-im- addmelareelytoouTfaclUtlea for mannfactnrlnft ' we with pleasure announce to the " p FARMERS' OFTHE BODTILr- 1 . nery. ask an Increased share of their patronage goliberally i Among the implements in our stock which ;have Farmer's rlen4 Pleusbs, Avery's PleiutHa; Botb Iron and Steel; Knreftai rorn..Plantera, " 'Old DmlMon-'i Corn-Plantera, -xfllalta Dotible-StaoTel Ploagbs, , !:: : Champloa Beapera & JDIowera. ' -i ; Stadebaker's: Frame and . ' Fj-elslit Waisons, tlie Gelacr " ' Tlirealier, Cleaner and '1 Basreri &ulths " ' Vlr Slnlat JnTonnted Horae r'U Po-wer.'Tfhoinaa and Colcon's Patent Har-' " rows. In fact,; all c tle Leadlns Im ... . . plemenis of e i tabllabed rep--; Ji -: ' I ' ntatlon may I helanad in . i-T aX7r onratoek. N.' B.-1875 cataldgiiea nowleadV ' W wrffhe'seiit to any address oa application. , ,T rt r , ' Correspondence solicited f -" ; ii uOIH'fl b" -X-UXVm CO;-' 1532 Main street, Bichmoad, Va. . apr 16-gm laW -' - j, .u.. .,. . lt7IlCIIAI9IG j AGEKCT: NEW TORK NOVELTIES. U..., -ii SENDTBN CfENTB TO u - ''J " ' MBS; Sftf.T.TTt J.- BATTIY, r, Care Bsf fOO P.- O." New York CJryT- ' DAltt t 'VO'iJ?:tiU Mil ill f 413 THE OAliT KOBNlJ3 ' STAB, A PER, published at the foUowin loir, .... f , , BATES 4F StJBSCRIPTIOSr j- . ' i . . i ft .i f HnA YoflT TiAsfa'oa n.M ''u I $7 00 ! i ho Six Months,. '" three ''l'1 ? f ..i '' f . 1 MS 'X!JrkXV Cotitainsran Report of hef Wilmington Mar kets, Telegrapblo Reports of the Northern . ' anil European Markets, and the Latest i ." ' - General Newf U TWRgiuph anl .iib-i-ttli -n daisti I " .. Mall, from all parts of tha , t i:"iiaaw'i 2 1 : ; - - . WbrM.!5' , US I'V UfgepAltYll:ULATI0N5ntheSTAtC; i.' l k'fi-J'MHi l.l fi ircufatioh in Wllrnlngton hearry DOUBLE as 1K large, as. fhat of ,an)f iither .paper f:,; . 1 5 .rM!i' Al4lreB,t vrl'f fiif if ;' 4ritwnatMirtfln. Ni av f- ' Belmont . Stock Farm. . i . : i ' i,. ' -4 " ----- -- - J f ' J I AM. BREEDtNG THORoit(iBBRED HORSES, idra Jcori Imparted Ptrcfeeron' Norman Horaea f - s o oisv'4-; i AndhaveoftmsbfeWaTngeafof salei. s AL80 FINE BRED SHORT HORN CATTLE;, -; And have Balls from one to, oar years, forsal r Alaobreed-i - j. yr-. Aadpinowiadyfor deliyaryaad alba Hrlnv tataa, Charlottesville, Va. j ' apc9Q,D3wW4ia - I . 8. W. 1TCKUN. Having completed our shops, "which were strojed by fire last Oetober. aud, .aud many iiivicincuui doiu m me mmm-ncra inn vnatif 4 I . - - v.; - .1 ' . A . :; ;r ' 1 m : - : r i- . - ..' "Mj : -- ! . ,' - . . . ., .-'. ;- - ; !. : ; -.; .r.v-:I:A.;;.;;;': ..v:i!;f