a. T ' , i WM. H,BERNARDtEdltorand.Proprietor. -WILMINGTON. Kdkri' Jyi'd: lfcrd. ' ' : '::J ' 'r J M, TERMS JO i;PLUBS, for 10 or, more copies, each, 1 yfearpost'paia, v. . ' $1.25 - It la not required that Cluba bo taftde np at one Post-office. The number la all that Is necessary to metre the rates to laotee who constitute the Club, as 1 the paper will be directed to as many different Post- I Office jutherearesubjcrlberB, If desired,, few wiu 00 juriusueu wiwoui cnarge to inoae who raise - unDi ono or more. it-l (H) V .11 "Remittances must be made by Check, DrafL PostaJ jSIoney ; Order, , or Itegi8tered Letter. Ppst- jiasiera wiu.register letters when desired. , ; ,j. t3?Only such remittances will be at the risk of I beattheriskof ' -U' U jt-,. When desired. "' i Specimen copies forwarded cost'of publication,' we shall advance, in price', of subscripti' i --. . . ..; ..V- - cept in rates to clubs. We afford, to furnish, the paper -per year; and pay "the postagi vThe ternls The iollowing will be 'our revised ermsof'aubscriDtion'-' - $ .ermsoi(miDscnptionk. , t OIle )ne Copy 1 year, postage paid, ' $1 80 31 r - -f. "i "T.6 months, . .... " r 0Q Clubs !pf 40 $1.25 per copy IET EVEltY SUBSCRIBER TO THE WEEK- T eWPPaWe,tnftn9 V4tfiW"ia inliSsi- lion, lJUteggeA vho foijyloanot to co,-1 Jl ' LY STAR READ THIS ' ' ITT t "T" ofic ber sto.me. i ,.' ,. r" ntAU i tiio.- -- trade. One phase of the controversy ' , ,.1 ii. ka MtVtMk: : . KiBrvan was nomloaled, but firmly -Under tbe new law Wch goes into is presented in aWagVapfrom iX and Hinequlvocalfy declined WiWAlni; VT!" " - - -pi ''l-'Vi oessto run the -risk,?. -It- iworth ( :t j (J , ti V1,n , effect January lsiv 1875, we axe reqnir the Richmond t TFperhapa.. the iijiw itw) 0 itil i ' ; - . it . , . ,r 7,-7 vi V . i.u-1 thihkWg about. . i i . After aundryibklloUngs,'ia-wbicBl MaJ. ed'to pre-pay postage on the Weekly ablest, Sas it is certainly: -the .most, in. t-t igH worlll' 'lhinklng about McClajiimy Rot a majority votelua , name STA':lnd while thisWiliadd to the aefatigablev.of! Southern' -journals, iy Wouldp't'd'o i'or theDen wasiUidn .and that PtPaniel Sha 1 'Unddr this new arrangement shall enforce the cash system: more risridlv .than. ever. before : and unless . our subscribers remit promptly many I names will be dropped from our list. -1 .' , : .i m v ' . - A statement.of account will soon be sent to each; subscriber, and we trust all will respond without delay. - 'Kemember that we send all papers J free of-postage after January 1st, -, . I ;mAke up, clubs, , Now is the time for getting up Clubs eription iist in North L , -A . i .1 the biggest subscript r!n.rnlf-nn..' We have no club rates for any but yearly subscribers': but for 10 or more subscribers the paper is only $1.25 per copy jpe'r year, free of postage :. .'TDK FIFTH OF ACCUST. Two weeks and two aays before the people of North Carolina will I vote whether thev desire aeoodCon- stitution or don't care anything about . - ! ... . f . it.!. For we can't imagine them in any contingency as really, endorsing' - ine prepeni . Dungnng ana expensive, concern.' In two weeks then and two I. davs we shall see what we shall Will the fifth of i Angustr gladden. the .i enlightened patriot or depress him parruin cr . I , me otaie in me apuroauuing election, j .1- L Ol.i: .1. . 1? -1 - .? . . The Conservatives are not awake: they' ; , . .j...u , . . ....... .... j-j,.. l' j. ... ih are not alive to the ..dangers of the, h -Mtiiajiont'they repose in fancied secur- ity or supreroe8t indifference. . Ja tbiS wiser I la it the way: for a peoDle to , act who have such t vital interests at ...V-TshaH:' UA "M,"vr"-""'r; wirvvyvv1 rtj-i -nothing: f:However -just and; ricbii . i i --'- - - . v" ' i : I ine cause, u our euemy.u. Joro. jarw. i riouaj moreianbtle'we Bhall be beaten. M Righ t'and; justice last, put no peo by sitting .still itself from the' i by doing nothing, and ffo to work TKora ;a , ! Ihere is nonemoment tolose. r' i " ' i i 111 1 .- ,1 he great New York lawyer, Chaa. l H'lAnnl-1 miJlco latin,: 'Ti,A . w, Br Noah'DaVho was overruled 'by t.'SupWme. Jads iube Tweeo case recently. :' lie closes as followBi XSeither the pwnniary interests of our eitizens northehonofiof ourtate canvbe deemeq safe as matters 'stand. Bnt we now have an Executive op- : pHiedtoj peculation j and iuNovernier an entirely new Legislature is : to be ejected.' Ij' What is'yet unstolen in the , hands of the people may be preserved toj them' if they5 will'act promptly and employ jf or . their owiv. rescqe . the means which are in their handslt' "Iti thO; popularity of inflation among; both parties in the West,", and South that makes !the dangerous O-hio politics., Sa-u.JiyV-4he.iIiewt Vorlf fornv'Vwill vet bo still imore emn'hatL to the WEEKLY STAR.' Show the pa R-rn mmenV at) one .vThe South: m t, We hardlv think ihit.aiiv - ' W.HU?U uu uuxua f 't.,.' . .. y sioonjcommenc aronciine&pjjiir: me9.h-araiyH:MM.OK. Vftft;aqy npte affatr'that:-irraeytioraft:iwtu1 P?ri t? : y?ur neighbors and friends,, wants guarantees thtf no restrriitfbrf Coh.siderable ni rlMOT cted pushed seVeraliimel and get them to join in. We jwant of, specie f pay merits.1 sfial yiaVplace' wl(5 Qit.oPoja4iVaUve) .jartyj will pt Flynn'a oiisej which is jjevaied about The fact .th'atithei people ofW SSiS jWill thcrfie'RepubHcaris to disepes, butannot be too'carefut; CVmnroWealth are not an- mflamma- f"m;the people of his own Statee Icarj-y'ihOtate" ;??t . ,ii ' r- .4- . . . . .'. ... .doubt fbelieveslitrwould he the generous LJ. . regulaijbns, we, do not apprehend a.yisit blepeopfeand visit their indignation. tBing Uve ,apon th peop, pf itheienTite, 1,? froW tbe dreaded eneiny of outcast ciUesr o. wrong: doers, deliberately some- . J .butweabou times; -slowly,' has - inspired Radieal- .largfcfHe certoidly Wntitbilhe'deep rh 'iAvuknAw mma? '.Baysitbe' r1c1iyja4a;.v . ViJome of purvbe6t; rtnrrUrtrw.t.r. tr,Ar.An'nf hrWin nine Ikind.for: he .is a shallow ipopljiaadi I - . 1. . T 7T,?K !me4ica)t .autbotiifo Kavy.ave; gfveiir tnumph perhaps at , ,nmin!fi.h;i,i.,5w-7vrt, S5M:tt.-i io !V,.lUr m ! iaiMIteoftJrj!tari&t'bkutar) Topopr ;&iawtiav 'saBas; i, ; ve must get up, e(d!3iht;iKeogfti tnveenu ne earnest. i.V Vrt .vr-, . J tliaifsilch aaih'e la'an tMnoasmtfity r ' FW;. l.r fHP?6; itirwoe thTw diduhw? wiSiwerUa7i7P ..ftSI Wnmsmi hUmnmmmsmml " W. I f )'.. J..V r !, , , . - i i:. Vm.;JW 1 rKT -U frl, mYV!.' 7' " r'"Tr7J,rT Ansoayea erdayand.last.nigHt, aj. mf.tlyw" THE WE8T AND SOUTH SHOULD BE WABY. 'The only purpose, in stimng tho- currency question atjthis tfiie is to WWhftfflvJMw JI !l chcokm the jT" JfX " Ject of the tf trCf contrction; The . . Pn tor DOQthern AJonservatlVes would ho I-v to Intercede witt both parties, either I j m 1 i k ar i si '-! .limn- .it . i,, .1 .... .i ., -terenUrfilyuutflfinaUojial politics matter just tant -tm Hi r -.pri .h'-j nMLfciittllDflfl PgBlw Aoness jne?.i.1,f-no vj.jr..f iuiiAujt 8ide - wh'e"onIy5ideT - ifeeioaaitaka to be u-uW w.oa.ui. true'toouf'cO'nvictiOnaof' i gnt'and It," " ' r.U-fclv. r.trf, the fiUffgestlOns of feOUJld r police 18 icy of the Federal : Government i would ijeyfi tbcm.,tButit haa uotiibee money, iaifls pjf'WalVWret haytf to erind the industries of tbe wh neen.sa continue srind the industries of tbe whole coun until the injurious effect is not Only through. the South, ImfenOlU tbd peo asking among IhemselveSjWhelhejfl whelbeBheyare, to, be chained down a rfa?!TOi3 rv i J ' ihprnqpWps - ' i ,-.- 5- .- r. . . -. A' determined movement is making hy eekaih poKtieians lhho EaMt?whtf it.L'Unynr Yoris: yeior"thcp)t iChftCpTepajrei I for iVandJrtde;&to in many years. n grant obcan "goes fokj' TU ,usx- i- .wJil1 r jv;;ji"-Ui-"''''fi-;'F K; "i p ,t The M 5a, a a a mm . . - x a riug w ige ruiaur umi tiuuii i uoi, ul B North 8Uooood the Interior. " We are at a ' loss to Iknow WiWhnt- pounds hip claims of preferment are based.? He has for a long nme been an unquiet Pool, hut that dan hardly be. considered a. MWSaaB?JrV3S ff-p1?1.? n Commenting! uponf his ijaL-'- 'J.-J. J 'A'-CX- i Ail JT. .. :. tniS. ; Grant's ; PTRpntwhAn flislnrhl liv snTnftnrvp-rrxvtPfi "!T v 1 -T":t-- 7-rf.7-.T-r-.-- rr.-rjrj- commotion jJeiano tions in J,1"! lather word the and jtbe party- isrrrhtrtiitsaiTadd that it is Ue"" orwnrzed for 'e6flve;ork during tno.-petKline: campaign,'. tnaoteitr. ba Veen iaiace; fw?oof$rncjtio: t,Tbf rath ia, 4he'daj; ot iUr. ifoors, usefulness! nas passed, and I? tD-8odn-eKher wtthbla; few'frfenda; e;, tDat fatt , aobber wffi-;thcy enjoy ignoreai -rasi; servieeain reconatruct- -v:.vifer. nlii,!-. ;iDtf the State on a necro basis: ad-J ; vice to pqt the; ablest .Conservatives, I'l' . . .' . .il ! '.i1 j'.. -.il 1 .mysierioiisyaouxoi ie wayyiaBaail tiw iUrM ffi&mh&VtiM' .olja ;Uepiflaniar AOgrajtef ul; Verily what"good to black the part'sjots tf the yatff is going toikkik'htuV wlfaw soOu as I f t0 Ooots are! properly MaekWlltl' UiyJllYmm msJ.m Lk-ii .; ..... - J Ualw$saev W sunimeVlipToD 1 wnwmprs mm, mMfmwt poan$uif?tpen ji;ntiilioaa thfii:JNnrtnRmtinan(ra,:m l i ..i-,.: ; . v v-w -r -ii a . 't -. , x . w ' J.. j. ..i.r ??i pected TMrgbtit'noVBnowoy yisi- sente thjs . qonventiop : Qf-proeeedd; to doing their best-to faaKeit'afV issue j-i?. p .,;, lcHi.i ij . t 'r.. f : .'..-Tfi, 2.t.J nr- h'": T)Iesig:n ihat, a little more than.a de- nominate candidates. nr-.u-i. make no -,7 - T";.T,T. -..T "r" ocrats to nominate uey en. tnemupest i-p,m pominiiuon. jur. fw,., . ..: I discussion: i trr ! ;:. !..', I .in t . ' tt:. ..t ; j..--. I mnlnrilv vot. lint fnilpJ to iretthe neeessa- ? eSi I .t mai vr.riKn! mfKiirti I i - ' - . v.. , 1 . v I rv two-thirds. Dr. orftcliwell withdrew his f I liiw.iuviw mwuvt -1 t3T ! hewar' teve-r dies out"i8 not I cannot and manufaMurs rtcK.andAbeyiare.lryT Jl t-.Mil. . rMu-A-W. Wi. Mme d moved .thattbe BwrihiationT of at $1.0Q selves richer. . How was it, and bow is.it ittUp t- u " i m ; :-,!a & i sivu ,1 s i a-jw-f . , i witlttbe jsouthern people r -iwenaYe-'Decn .Mjyy i ., &ni fciiW'',ii'tf 1 'i r wyi-vr? f'Mwry b besides, bloddinc alohir "with the hope thatlbe'. pol- l 1 1,. ,N?:f iWAi -nuv iptt I oameyof Dr.:llicts Was putianncwainatioA uie a "i i na! ir fcfiiTO I ST'ixra r'r.iiT.nrn-i:o?f T.T.rf i -t uetweea ia and l o'clock sunday.-at the .bondTiolders to control the plat I Rttesd;an4their,pUab hdfisenfPatrtckFntf.'bn SwahIb acTd candiiatea jofiJneiA:Naf I sive instramenta ?5 a.-o-. s ir r.:l Fif&andijHree'Ma tionaVConvntibn1-! It wJ tMdQtyf vs itisaddensf uj( trfcileof that j this, tost ler-life uider' very i peculiar circutf ttiecWra 8ui?on1nS,i maVciecmekl ' MM f nPfflt this' movement , It'onno necessafV at thW ataih hioVeU 'UPlMmMm ,i a very "gqant .onc.ra Just. II 1 --f- wnex ih me oi,.. ajuuis-jK-juwyti- spreaaaiong ine enure, seauoara tms sea-t e explains ins laiinre io, pusi jur., caii mtea bv,ho-means .flattorrna ki ;wu- "iai, HTOW W; "j.f ?P"1 iTyetanngHhat there-krrt tW fac-Mlfi J? tlier Repoblican.-aarty In Kr4a,CatJ looiint of-1 iho-aisoOVeryand ! panning I commences, so yersoon ;'onr the- coast'pf tJlatiia.appiBtmentoftldrfriJ ont of ioll in t h "Rliilr"t?illa t"Wi wrioai I oounq io,riae ts course; disaffection of onToiii 8, .be assumes 'UVat.1 th'e State is, ? letter itatetlfrhf Justers . mcp, ishould. wish, that Jwej-medlcal gepUemen, P6nltfeifc.e- It ahhears. hnMvtk't1.fct 10 Pa?0!' I- W! t mJ rors of,1855 atitL -liVine in our mlmorv IL denlrttf-a4ieT?(i:2oO oS Las JiImi im: ttfflV&KtJ&ik ?&y.. j 1e levft that gcotjt ?rtlnk th)eifiendjStbo: 'orMn ihAlgeShftHqt.of thg iiacaarged with murderinghte wife anfdichiidf .pH.n uua wiawwu T uHiir.jf.i oiti o tuv 7 yiU icb.bii.tappesred IWtttis1. paper, W! EiMearrtweltyOand YI1 fii6lt;ir-io fuir? ' 1 Rinswood Halifax fcduntv and' rariWete myrTblP", a'smiaa likui , ..,i.Juj mij..- 'tg-,;-trinoi, Wfrl icl berefiedaoreonfir TImI5alib0raJB't?5 MfvtQnehk UrPrf -J WJ P.lssippL are iv port publlahed ia bw Btatg newajwlamn on IT WON'T DO. The New Vprk Tribune amuses it-r nelf Lthjs hoteather in itgtU tower K.Y i,4', u '.' . WL& "nfh qulon8 g9 .SC. . VTT? . "V??8!: tJ ex - 'rebel' for the' office of Vice-Presi- -I .-i -iv. r ----- t - -. ... t " , t .t? tv. K am v :. rvitswh a i h a .nAmirrniimrnr i n III Mil ilU.titH lllltlfaliM tttnilhV.ltM.wf :vifii:v '.-ii Mird"-.' prtb.oJUihtothecprti u ' ii .w r -i:lfcfc IkL be-all thermore. cpncdiatbry.lbe- (.f ittj waff hot 'demanded ' bf ej : 1 wasnot demanded "Ore. . t Q . ht t Southerner f vilW., .rtoJ, awh befoobd"Whoi had takett J no-aCtiye , ilASt.i-HiIii:JJWAUAI lh Ja'ie.ma joril. thi. gentlemen are noonvincodi-Hhat llieidis i t . ( ' I t ... . njti.3; should pursueiajiijause and unpa- triotic course. Can iBe'noTdr SnUinV.VUVa0 t'.n ibtfMll&frifel ihis.critica 4 -.hv, ? . . . I reason and; their good feeling linbe- halt of their own ltaJULnterests arid I. -i vVV e aere-AUQW iroraa wuns our .f ajorityiUHflt rriini ! twrfAr-rikB'ftirT'seir -ontiosii tne i .ui a w " try I movement for a. vonvention,- ;ra;tne I j,i.ftr seyeral;boura ispen tn ba.Hotingana iflil rbecrn'nine'ofthegUati the withdrawal iatfdsubstttuUoVi of j many the vital interests5 rhd people' of : UimiihU ! - i..f . ... v St&tewill be draped in gloom, j Not only will-North Carolinians suffer for i thi- ln,Bir npenejabjtjfte. great -on- ; isttutioiial. party of heUtHOff will ukewise-be dispirited and the chances ! i 'r : -i-i : j The jsoWrers-Ira alt-quit working. I ;TO goIeVe'htepifet uiw,pry9oainDTffrge oouv. i per liywd - " L.vr,. i ;r ,f-: " , i'f .- iA qon dpiiotb- man coup average Snw?tIrta - :COUlsenUef :'day neilV uiw .t;Uil f r -) pu CHAttfiNGb. r- f 'M 'VOt ot.ew.W.!Ji i rrtwa ft VM e hi8 laWi .Butobaeryatryea? werel?not s jghallenga t the poUiupon de4, : T: i I si-r 1 iT 1 t V r f i . . i ,-rS-l tatoJofsIV itizettipfUhs b ,. i i , , . b yecWo-al satA.vfetnjefore ueintr anoweu t&-temitHvmmj U tb ionJtf niii W ialradyL -. r-- 'l! Jn-f JiStmnaumLliawm: lo-1.'i. (; I it" nii" lliat" .mhlavinna diaaaAA ta- tit, vtn. it i- 7 -; rfii .rrffi , ui jru.i Icbncluded be' might ha-veb drd'erhim .to UhaUerVge'airillgal vbters;J Marty ' 'egraphed MX toi; that effectit ln! response; ferfbtfve beeri ,Cist iri the .Dreviohs . our gay, land MlY fiieaattbjistArvaeler w-yow to prove ujr me i .. n n It'jiu ',- iloiu j'At j hj i"i isC-rti f t?T '.uft fti"is a.week of exoeBsiVelv hpf ;dry, .weatjiar,. we , ! Pander County Convention, i- The Convention called by the Democrat- icExecutiCommitteaof Pendecounty met1! Burgaw on the 2Jtet (Wednesday). Col. jA Power IdedaBrUceWbiaSna. -era presided atjdBruco W be the nomination of a candidate to repre- WPpniWWiiiiii a- in ih Constitutional utionai CctovteandiAAWsembte in I tvyWv vmvif v w . t t r t Raleigh' ItfSep- t . i . a . - .i ...1.. .H.1 I. .urn in ... i ; ""waww. . "l&A.r " n make A nomination was also adopted. 1 faceA . .. . t.'-i- toi fenaer couniy: except ouo were ixpre-. ""1r s rUn 1 Hicks nominated l)KS.'S.'Sachwel ; dby,Mr;BrucetTOliami.i.iv iii . , , ! l;yrn'"J,f w-f- VTiuimimninA! rimnn tnnfintiiiiini imm; , Yiui me iisuai iormai votes; tne conven iiVpdjQurnedt,.-' 0 nltvivi ,-ut Qiti Ij 'n:m jmi'.mj.iL. .;' J ,it Wm-Jl i-,.r f.; three feet diedofin, from the grOuhd.i ' aud' that !'shia! juries received V then and there." and held an inquest oyer, the. body pf the, ui;f0MUnale woman Ste?lay,;:The jury rendered the following verdict: That the said deaWdeamef6 hciIcam'fMhi'ln KW r t' fore, her jury did not know who pmhed hewoman; 'ni the piazza. :: Perhaps,! we may bear, . . . ,t J; . , . i ! -f Yeirw Fever, Th nnnprpd rRrftrfftnh from' ltw Korl1 wuu. profit i uyi For manyyears" ' iortunate Tn 'our ' and .contagious : DehooyeiVnioba pi .our. ciiy.; vit us cieaase ;ad .puruyc jevery section,' and if the Insatiate, destroyeri snouia come we snau oe me more aDie to !dictatejtennf.ooita'aiUTen od'i !rellfl before bft furlough Wxp.red,'4nd tei: 'graphed la fol nwa- Pon' Sred?hS nH-ealloa- me ; two -at? stake,? The coolnegSjor. rathwi'ciweki" Jiaplayed aa the f ar. T X , 1 T.j . TT ' ... ehipToybactbfdrtH TottRUDuat MysUWnttii might-strike : n,. 'tS li . 1 ;Sunday.tiMM .M.i.ma i.u i i igSL&'k1. ??7- i'' 7j it' oiit that contacioua disease "itf likelv to, marl . JPertlllzerIt KflTeet Upon V Worn-Oat Land, dee. '.The use. of marl as a fertilizer iattrac iag a great, deal; of attention amongjfarmerl and planters Jo-'lhis section and its utility is becoming daily more s thoroughly undri stood ond appreciated. ! This marl -to -be-found in large quantities at several points pn,th&'Car6inaCentral road, and an ar ismglmlal nda been effected, we are glad To ties anvwhere JhunttVed miles ttfhhtr 'mart1 !bb'ds' near Iiiv-i iflgstone's ICteek.ltt -$5 'perton? Messraj Arpolj .Mortis ;OW;n; the marl beds t this poiat,;, which, is, about 3,7 miles ; from Wil" obtained l the . following r extract from a'lettdy'rWived1 froni' Mri" Alexander kacRad,J Jri of A rgVle; ! Robe'sdii 5 county," which will give 'some idea of the effect' of the marl even -upon old, worn-out and ahan qned.lan.d;., , .t,.lWl, , nf 11 Tou will recollect that at your offer to get a few tons of the blue marl "last summer I sent down a half dozen bands to dig it out. What little ! did succeed in getting up was put in, an old, turned-out, and' abandoned field, and .the, result in, growth of . cotton, , is so surprising that it is a subject oi general: inquiry among1 the far mer's as to how it was! treated 5,v'''"t,, ','iri Lj J '''' ''-! ' One important feature of this marl as "a fertilizer ,ia,the facts Uiat its effects are per-; rnanent.-:.The farmer afl.d.planter. w.ho.uses it will not-ned-it-seeessa-ry-to-procure the article f rOJ ysar to JeatSnd Walter it upon! his grounLaiIt impregnates and permeates tbje spland becomes a pa.rj.and paeliof St, come. . , . . .1 . . iifjiTJJ Miff l.'SrsitfVdo-' T"1rdi ..? Thef existence or these marl beds alons h& linebf tte1 Carolfna tJetttral jroaa is' but ode'ofi tie many evidences;' which 'are con stanty jeflurriflg to plibwr.lhe wisdom of cpnstruetipg this greatgKway,. JbyJ which thedeyelopmentjofithealmbst unljmiteil re sources of our Stale. have been so greatly: i- 'Mftrt, J as I it fertilizer, 'Is uhdobbtedjf : destined to become an-important auxiliary to farmers iaftd planters; ia our section, and we, can but thiuk tat jthe officials, pf .the C, C. road have acted both wisely an gener ously In placing the raters of (tronsportation alfouctf a'mouerat figure !jhat all can en joy th& benefits Accruing front lis use upon their landalv .iMliliuU.mSt'Jh ii .';? jK ii fij : i 1 J -if inatiBsr::br the sroekliioldera' of 'tne AV,a meetipg of.he Stocbplders.oJ5 tjh? xawson nmK &a re-organizeu) heldyesterr fafM'S P.' M7, Ihf oHong j gentlemen were elected Directors V , ;Janies Anuersbir Alfred Martin J. L. Boatwright, bf firm of 9 iWyeta;& qo. JA- J, .3eRosset, James Dawson, Mf ! , M. . Katz .Pesqha J, A. Maultsbyl til A. Durr. of the 'firm' of Hart, BaueV"& Cor W; Kerchneri' John He- Raei-Rob't Strange, ff " i :,i; l Tbe Stockbdldets ordered that the Bobs of; jtbe Bank be opened for subscriptions to increase the capital stockrpf, the Bank , to $500,066: '-', i ' At a meeting of the Directors, held after the adjournment: of j the- Stockholders F, W, Kerchner, Esq., was elected President, William Larkins, Esq.', Cashier, and James t'McRee, Book-keeper. ; ' ' ! The Board of Directors are amoti our best business men and under their manage mens itisbnTf Tesoablen suDDOse that ttfe 'Bank wl!l' cohtiilue its prpsperous careerr " "s i"'' '! ' " Our Foreign Trade. . ' ! '" The;ew ork Bulletin 'qt Jy 17,' in'its naval store 'article,' says: "Eosins'qufet here and ndrainally Unchanged in value. Ek-. portera require .only'-moderate amounts of stock; apd. what they do want can jjbaobt tained, at , Wilmington' for t just .aslcheap; freight, with all .the advantage , of the, naiuntiiy lower vusi at tue poiui, oi prouuv- -These are 'words -of-' "true inwardness;' They atrike. right into, the -very marrow ot the question, and we cannot help asking why a single barrel'sofi rpsin or spirits tur- pentiqe.; should eyer gO frpm Wilmtogton to Jfiurope ma New York?,. , ..-te7ij ' m aal V") a.aleaV Watch .Recover edi. .'. .; ; Some time last August, Capt. T. Jj Green, ui iub Dieauier ireyw oww, was so uuiur ranatea 1l6se arn1wfgildi: watch;! Whlcl was- stolen from bis room at home hi Fay etteyille by a burglar ; iTfae I Captain ImmeK diately set fo work toreppyerhulfaithfu his labors his watch, was returned to him .a feWidays maav1tr'lrfduTidiii the" handaiota party who : bad boaght!r tt'.itt i ' J ' Mr. Stone. a welVkno wn and excelr lent chriattajientleinahV. lielonging to onftoft,. Jlfirxay Mv icboiehes, io.iNow f) York JmKYfcWfl, no nii;44ie country o.ne.k summer, and learninc inai an evening player meeuugi was in' rbkto1 atHh'VniSfffe1 ' cnurcb: ; walked in, And' took a ee'at in the back -.4.' ; ... . ! part .PJ -the jppmi...;, i4t 41 8aid-'tialiim,?'ol; ilL tmoita vhWjoi is,.ypusnhief '.ir.jtrni ittfbf 1 iirejybtt'rie-'bfi thldfpeo-a otone. with becoming; humility. . The, pVesidiyg n'WffVuliTftta! hisTglef ated aeat, Hnd at, the-;eHd of Idfavornwitn a TeW're'ifikfy?" -Mri SteneV ' wUlibg' lojdo -whkt fno fboald j made, a ieW: jDraoticaUobserva- sooner bad ne sat down tnan,tne prej aiding. elder rose and said; ''-'1""" 1 Undfghlayd by' this' cbrafnchtaty iV hveid!M0'SW!t)fffert: TeMnTTwTitcnnETswnd , Mid Hill 1 I TI iH V I 'ilj'M.rMtit lit;.' ( . r I. f T - 1 i . I on the O. C. road within a I nranswicitrT-JjaviaitJowan; i .trie brother inthe chair conuuottng ithe meeting, Observing the stranger, left1 hyeat, ahd comnig to Mt. StbWei " Where arc tyou froinr" (. r 'u,I'afai fHom theciti'bfkew'Y6Vk;w e Will Brother Stone., from New iTdr . OUB NOMINATIONS. The Democratic Conservatives have nominated the delegates named . be-' lowln the counties designated: v ; f Alamance Uapt. K. S. Parker. . lAnsonCol. R.IT. TJennett. I rBurkSMajTA?-e. Avery. . : Buncombe Gen, T, L. CiinarmanJ Col. David Coleman. ; il , v, ; Beaufort James E. shepherd. Camden Col. P.iD.,Ferebee..J i " Chatham lion; !Joh h 1 Man'nin e j Otli'i ) . Colurabus-QoU Forney Georce. t ,i .PabarrusrR, 41Usop;,:i n t , Varteret 3 araes RumleyJ 1 t?awb,a6r.-ni-af McCojtie'1 ! " 5 CherokeeCaptJ J: W.5 Cobpbf.M 1 I '.i Cumberland- Ji A; Wortbr Neill R. BJueiii.uiM ,-r ....... ., . rjit' I . Craven Hons, M. ., E. rManly, and C, 0:Clark,.'i' "r "'7 - $ ' Currituck-W, H. Crowell; ! r"l" . 'DaYidson-Frank Gi 1 Robbing,' B. H. KOperts. f,,J: ... o.ljlyi W.1 .Duplin lie.y.jJohn .iN, 5 Stallings,' Wni. Farrion" H " 'rl " 1 ; Kdgecombe-i-Fred.' fbilibs H.l'C. iBonrne. .1 -ll j.!Mic.t w. - . .Franklin-T-Colii,W.,Fernev, Green. . Gates Gen. "Vf" P. Roberts. - ' i 0' Granville-J6hnuW.'Hay8,' B. 'A.! tarpenter.1 - -a v tt - . a . ' . ( . sm -wreenTj am es j o pei gnt. ; h i r - . GuilforCoL iJ,; A. Gil,racr, Dr. Nfirena Mendpnliall. . . I "Halifax Rl;IU Smith1;5' Jr Dr. ili jasiaywpodDr;!.bam:lioye.'.iJ v' HaroettJohn!;Harrineibru mah-- ' -Hendersonr-Co John ,D. Hyman. lyde-WVCai-tS f J 'V . C. I4, Suxomersbi .1- v,ti!.;-':v.-, -..I j m1' J ohn stotiWtrHs --Sannd cts, Jesse Hijiuanto m yo 21 ..y -j u irLepoii-e-r4aiwj$;MPai'j-ot, :l ui s' . pVIeckl'enburg-Col. Wm, Johnston and lie v. -A. liansom, ,s" MaHfn-XwS:. aldo;.; 1 f "ir,r i ' MpdreJohniBi Graham) " , u . jXenoir.-rrJamesj:W.i Wooten. 11 .'. Nash Beni. H. Jiunn.; '; f 1 Nortiianipfcfiame ' W. Vinson. sOrangeHohsiW; At" Graham and QsiahJXnrner Wt'u ' hyd uuii ruQnalow-HQpU-' jamas G. ScqtU.ir. i ; Perspn-r-LioI. John W. iliunmne- tiii! '!' ' Pitt-HofiTlioSj -Jjjatvisj Col. .WrsfiMtiKingil !. l.i w.?iitv,. Hk Fro, kri&.ou uu; -.7 . Rowan Hon. F, E. i Shqber, , Jna ktiHen,dM-l-v,iJrt" "I :,i " RicbnridT'Le'GratidJ f:f:';":- . . Robeso n-rr-Dr. Duncan Sin olair and Calvin A. McEachern. .,!;.,,; 'Randolph M. S. Robbins' I)r. J. 1 'Rockmgham-Px-Gov: ' p&vid Si Rcid, Maj.fJii Turner Morelipadi i ... it uthertord-r-A.. 3. Jpgan. Sampson--S. J. Faison, I William Kirby. "'; J ' ,:" T'1' r ' Stokes: F.! Hilli Surrv-r-Joseph Dobson. ,Union-p-Dr- ,W!.rRed wine, Wake Richard II. Battle, Jr., Maj: Seatofi Gales Rufus II. Jones and D. B. Holland. ' j ' ! ;Wayne-r-W. T. Dortch,S.i W. Cox. , Wilkes Drs..Tyre York and K. F. Hackett. ; ; , i 1 " " Wilson Con'R. WJ ; SSngletary. Yadkin- Jj Ai Stepnenso., ' Garnlvproaa Plants. 1 ica? Journal states that; athe last tneeting bf the Edid bnrg Botanical Society,, Drv T. A. ; G. Balfou. reported some interesting ex7 periments on the Dionaea museipala (Von tifly-trapnaiive of Wilmington; N: C.) v The irratibility under which the leaf .contracts seems ito- be limited to x delicate hairs., hatare, so, sit-; uated on the surf ace of the leaf tha an1 inSe'ct must brush'ineni ' in crowd ing over - it.4 : Dr. Balfour j -touched Yioryi otber .partubf tthe Jeaf jwith a needle, and D response follpjkred; but the"' instant the base of; one of the leaVeS'vas' hit the leaf closed quick as a flash: - Chloroform 'dropped ori hqir caused j the. . leaf 1A.0 dose itomer diatjejy, but ( water ha,d ,no,suj?e,fIe;f When the leaf , shut .upon '.kn object incapable of :fao!dlbg ' nutri'n Iiie"a bit ,0-f wood'or & MnedSjrYU opebed again . very soon. J BUt.whenjit ClOsCd upn a live -fly,; caterpillar .ojr; pider the Contraction lasted f or about tbree. weeks, during which time the inner surface! of the leaf gave out a y isodus, afc4;sepretio.n, . . It-: wte 1 noiedi also hat 1 this 1 Viscid -l secretion? aspnly; produceof "when an' insect Was captur ediu IH "the CaBa-lofa1 Wsbfder ie aseBy'abundatitV' Mwj fwheri' al ! shriveled flyvwasti&ekaed,weryj'little i was poured ouu 1 As evidence, that fine piant ootaius nourisntnent irotn the' liisectsthds'caiitJured' nidigesU ! ed iUti oairoun' omtecrto- he s tacts ! that,,, young plants itf -.ihp Dionaea iof 'ccAirsej'inWciH w'ejeexclu,'ded?""did- uw a a a v- vxas w fcsavuw v 4 ta v wa left free: and ihat.while'a bitof beef i wrappted jn a, leaf. p anyi oUjiBr.; plant I became putrid, a bit inclosed ; by .the jsiunueu, remained eniirei y iiiuuuruuf bu-S6onf lost M Ved 'febldr kndl was I grid u al 1 y -disintegrated atid' red uceoV tj PH!p "-fit; 'i i ! ''! s I .' y -. ii -- mi, f Vt.ll- 'A' Deltabafnli A au nieutenf .- ml ' vi&fitatfgnani? pu.bUsbesaflnae details. : relative; to a fatal bull fight at .Mad-, rid. According to thp accounts eight ! b(ill; !twelve'vborse8 ? 'and 'iwo'' men i were rkiUed t Qf lKhwiwiater'Vthd' ! ba4rderiIiQ MarapOjjCanetiiWaftossed) picked up and thrown up again: His agony5 did riot lasffi ve- ffiindtes. '"He ! had'already recei ved twothrusts f roml !hrna JitbOithiglXdbreatjKW-hen; aual blow n th tbroat .end to bia lTfe."j ( Franceawnojy and three ribs, smashed,5 lived until the nfmrtfirigf cumstance 'connected with this affair i ia. that it I was; ergknwed f or;Uie bener i jand orphans. ' --iy -V'ni ilU' ttii i "POWA W1TU THE TI1IRVES. Old "and New Tlntea. Washington fCrrT" Jnly 10, 1875. t EDrfons&fi-Sslibio agrapkironthe qeatb notices 5 the Fredericktown; MdMerald, of Sat- I uraayi adth a in,UBH,- may interest i some of your readers:.-4-'j::" - -, j f-On Friday; the22d dav of .TanhArv nrrtru ! Sutton, cf Bladen county, :N. Or, aged 1 16 -years. She was a native pf:Ciupepper cou n- ty, Virginia; and had -five1-sons and seven i uaughtet8fkU now-kvins. 5 Her" descnK 1 Ants amount to 14D&. - At 52 her eye sight iaueu ner, ituireiurnea again at vu, as good r AS ever,nd continued :to 98, then it failed j again to ber 'ileatbJi be- haa bfien at the i births of 112t children -!- , j v It was doubtless ; copied .into the ! Herald from some Wilmington or 1 Fayetteville paper of that date which had, after.the lapse 'of thTee months, ' found its' i way ; to Fredericktown. Things have changed somewhat since i then. :x .Now, the. death of one so re- jnarkable would bo telegraphed to all quarters xt i tne ;.cottntry ; and would ? bo printed in tho papers the day after its:occurrence, "and transportation is i 5S0 jrapid. an,d so: general i that two- thirds of-the people-could attend her atereaiinsrronticar Leiur. J ..fP99UWidiBosedt;.1Tjien Balti- ., wore was a aays journey Jrom wash- 1 Ltngton and the trip ; was!, undertaken with the more deliberation than is be 'stowed bpott, a'joorney"'to! SanFran- cisco'i Tne i time is now a trifle over an b9ttr.':,;Happytoot oal has kept pace with the material i pr05re8.-',..;Thel ; common schools ; have" beert ; enlarged,' improved and vmtediUAn.exi education j has been brbxtght within thO reach of all. r " Affixed1 6) ruF;of5ee:wall is a sinal dial with acrank similar4 to that "used for winding Up a surveyor's tape measure. . When I want a messenger T have but 'to' turn this' crank onco around and while it is ticking its way ,back the messenger to do my bidding! .Two turns brings a, policeman, tin w the Fire Department and four tm doctor, and all; for a trifling expense. Truly this is a wonderf ul age that w i live in. - ; But it has not been all gain. We have lost very much in some re spects.. Common honesty for instance seems 16 Have1 deserted high' places al togeth er an d this robs us of m uch of the pleasure." we would . otherwise derive f roirn the contemplatfon of- our progress ih other respects And, aj propos of tlis permit me to make ;i SUggestiorii ' Both1' 5 pafties are just now-very much troubled about plat formSt and it is no; wo,nder. so f ar as the Republicans are concerned. There is tio longer' u a' 'niggej on ihe fence" and' the " raw head and bloody bones of the rebellion" have ceased to scare, or arouse the prejudices of the peo ple, I' whatever Mrv Demagogue Blaine iraay'do,''or." :think "to; tin contrary.- , But thOiDemocrats need have no. , difficulty., about a plat form! Jiet.it be simple in form and uhmistakeable in its ternis. I would make it of four words: Down -with TIIB .THIKyKSl;. , ; r.- l . On this issue all the late victories that have given so much hope to this COUiitry were won,' and I believe that with that inscribed upon our banners wei can. finish up what bas .been m nobly, begun. ; , , t , Down toiti, ifi&ihieves. Everybody can understand' ibat, and it is 'the very first concern j Of air who are in terested, inigood government, law, axes j and ani economical, administra tion. f The people are willing to hold in abeyance such questions at the tanff, the currency,! &c. They fetl that the duty.of therhour is to rescue -lte .goverpmen, t , from tbose who for several :years 'past" b'aye .acted as if public' plunder was their legitimate spoil, who "love to steal awhile away"- and eem to thinks the people have no j riglits an, office-holder is bound to res j pectiuTho people siay. "Down with r the;thievcsr-j'"i,uf' "'-" " Tbf administration organ here : devotes ft, paragraph to .John Pool j whicjh. I enclose... Its refers, as you ; wCsee to' His efforts tp; ge'f into the cabinet and is! predicated hpon the i re'mSrkiof another Radical paper, that Vihe bas for a long time been a very "his (Pbol'sj'clahns are.baised solely upon the fa'ctHhat he'! needs support ! from'sorhe aourco" arid - cannot get it from .thef; people jof jhisown.Statfi." 1. calls him,' aj shallow, pol and, ex cept: when disturbed, by some i unex pected' cominotjonV ' a 1 very ' ! stagnant ImPooe Pool, hei haSjiilike imany. an-oher-inNortli, Carolina nd. through out the SoiithV done tbe dirty work of the party 'and maligned hhi own' peo pfe'(rik'6 Very v drab,' and now vbnt they hat-e rio further use for him tht-y calim ,f unquiet Pppl,, "a'shaliow, stagnant Pbol and teU bim that ihe"day of n is; usefulness has passeJ amd ihei86bheri beand bis friends re- . cognize that lacti the sooner will they : V jX a' PVfil1 peace ,pt mind.", , , . -'Messrs, !Scallawag, yse who have sold; your birthright for a mess of Radical potaei behold in ttiis man's Uti3iyoniLfcertairidoora.ti.De8pid by the. people,, yo. Jiayf. maligned, aul t;ast off by your pew-found friends as soon 'as ' y onruday 5 of 'usefulness has passed. -They ilove' treason, but ' de- 8pisetneitraitordoiU tviiJLt-i..-u . fi!;f .olIe?trBa.Wrrj: iV;" X A'asioycbrfp'brioWt 8a!yV:,,s;: ;The Uiletof mes ofth.e .ladies at tb?, bop were, of allyarietiesf from the airy white ulle.to the sombre ( but nch'tla'ck velvet. It seema'tb'at two shades of 'wkJd-brown'are' niuch " in favor at the1 Seaside resorts If or suits, andafficeedinglya-becomi trajt'iaja cbe.cpfcr. wjt fhe .shade, of brown almostfwnite known as cafe I aialtCbffMfthmaki ; c Fprn, v n accppjju -,the; aeronaut Don, aldsoand pf JtV0?1 $t the Chicago press;' whb'ro,aae' a'' balloon ascensidn'frorn that; city bnThhrsday lastlbavo beeii drowned vin Jjake lWgan,Kfj t t At' If i 1 ' .i,af-i rv,,,ss "f rMiMii.: ! '-'""e . V jv:m I re vey promising.- ihi ' j i r 4 -r iHr""a'f) ' ; j 1 - I- - '': -f -rt - - : ! :" . 5 .: ' ' r-i ' f.t;: I ': ' " . " i ' - : . 1' ; . --' ; '. j I 'I " j; ', v-- !' V--;' ' "ViF K - . ; I I. j - i i 1 -- rvr-v:, ;v: w.T ';-s':l::;m.? f 3i.;:',v '- '' ' .v .J -v--, , - v; vT',';: -.jj j v , - :,i .. y .. ; - .. . , J