R f -r ft. i i i" ; ' Iak)at7riasa ill & ' 'St-.:---- " 1 f 1.5 i i ' 'Ml- mi I -t a: 3: - ' WM. H. BERNARD, - Editor and Proprietor. 6. MxMf'i - ., . pmW luEietiitCmniittee be' called 9 ll la.teAT, Hp , editor Mp7, ) -PosM)kk' nii4 tok'isnwisekryto to assemble in- the; city of Raleigh, peed to beinNew. York orKbnsi-, H MMtiioseaixm ni WriPsdW lhaii 15th ;a of esa and bad several jnterviews Uh 4WpWfflWdireaioM oa-Wednesday,. tnM istn . iay or, .Jr- .- tv'2 .4l r ' offiteiubV Mftrob;'" 18W The "object the. .B iifX'' e toetirr fa :W decide DonHe iime Sreat dltor wa8 v.entbw,in faypr ;f,iMeatto aplaaefdinithl State Cpn- FWfe Sd-' i v .r t iiXm. iWJtliiJjlL'' as ibe.Wthal conld'bedoDted to. ft-ii .VaWwnMtosiwbWtbcr. oondsade. bh the: thea fg;!! Otters before iheCommitteej " recent Utrife, .wjqrdmgly he ad- ' ,l -tMVn'Nmituaoctwffl W at:bisi( . ,-v.a . : . t. yW-.t Li(. t fi vocated'dniversal mnestv and 1 1m- Ti fit r- . t j gg- apeciinen cgpieg xorwueu y "r-;! sai jtfu ;v Ar;. !Tde4l4f 1 il fe . i . ... Lt - ,y o , r - r - r.i 51Ei' id ikdA: ):rWashingtori Ira ds Case. JU1U lUab l,UX8 UeUOSl- i tiOn w til. be, taken in iWashingtoni sit. f is understood thatr the President will , te8Ufy4n,ae mOTtem ner' lhat :Gen:- Babcock heTerintJr: ,r fl could feave,.anc6nnect si Whisker-ilimg: j that mbcocadd ,'lrfotfrndetakehq denrieHberWaep eAeefW8ar mmZ a.lT. u yt 0 ,'iV:"'i:;-ri-tl:1 can wilds; literally holding their lives i si STARrcAad while: tnis will axiaroie. r . i J , . .,inaaYeruogwuu gww - ! Iffiiiial a&aDS5 bisxours and ying,"' I ; r fiSlisftS ' r?"; " - r. things, :.that:h (Greeley) opght to' hwia-dvance inneeorsubscrlptloex erfrat)hicaLBroblems is a Vrscientifio . - --v. ' . f i n:iM iRxury;which:is.dearJyurchaa6d by ela It is preshed5 say's Itbe, ; affoW to .fj acnficelof valirale 'Ba6fe HhatUe!haJf'bUhel .- 1 ot.Jet BJauiVdany VFt n feWaraeb . have bg Oeley-forein tie ct-- -Sr W- knpw twhatbey, aboxitliei .fnV n 'tlflefeUh U rworldiamadabetterineverythstai ce;. Veaf'of ihe: iaVore'tnHid' lffiSS aMl4!kbfe .budtbmveVsarrfof : ttbS W wr ; r cause,, ,10 goiand.if.jthey die 4. fetes' ; Under this Lw tonf we they will leave their glorious example -tiia-G-AfiaTOfa shaiIellaree ep 4o: posteritysf a legar lbs slUt ;b fci Vovereiffn :' ana' indVr4n eUrMfllties Hv - I ; names will be draped iromurbit PSf a"" V : i'1 ir-rf'Tr-'''''-' gffn v v--- ic " k died' Xaue lives forever,. The fame v MrtT(B. Kingsbury, an, abiand iu '3 A statenient ofaectSuniwiir soon'be Vw i 'Jl' ' -ri31 " ' i ' i -V i' " r 'i''" w ' '"'v'v 1 I erfsu imMim 9f gracefuwrite?: whp weyeany, i ltMtitj&: P SifcteranUter.M .timeanjenedial 1 'AiiSe1 anf JirffSl aiid3pauaker'wmeVeT i ii&mffrUfoti$$tik m.- out. These men may; have bad somt seven' eminent. living JNonh UarpUfi. At flfairhl)terVti'f6rlOWfre f ibat we have enaplbye rMr. Georb 1 mower jsm., iw&n, uapt. T mon ' -''afiffifiM r We,fi5rrewpermitaadiBi sbiTace,-frohal U JS"Sr ?-5yS - ItttB tnbaTebylthWniocrat d -Damrironi whomBde nVne'wU rrfalfM-k feBakdJrly1 MWueWTbeas-oelfig , to suspect thaia secretary hadian; Xff , 81uhesighre1hspWfidW. r mWrtgntr'MIfttBe -fraodsTn S ,. . ; , v-. r . Vi-r i- - Tz2 liMflhajrv flood' cpniplexlond r T'XJ.3mc1a f ctodiT. odr x 'thebole,atter;efeVreto,-tbetfe( -ifcLitifl e K-lSSiS!Sl feSSfe' fi determining the gnir Hinccce'df ..u, if- aoiL Is offered foalae Uiielfaad t23daltional, -n2ibdii.l(;tLn6oTi''iML 'Hdb.PMiF.'Hnter islleditbt -7. W'.lr'f'lJt ' ab5oclfiJ nisnsiroWlwantV4e. yj i.-.w MtZ?j:T 1 -XiiaX f6r the horsed liwinui oosw: d e-'tadiq- , 9il rmt'sootvs it-rtj.cntsaufaajff L consideration 1)oih on account of - J,1 -- , 1 I : CIO neMTnnocen-iy 'Tne : qu I1 ni&wLci;iafk6iKiJrt ls rt" rfiw M nvn?1 1 awmanAJiei liieeaifetenaer - fiotea-L nv iiH?ieru yBruoir or ire" eiaie, amoarf I, J tt ? itvu Aw". f ;-Z.lrf(F tTintf -It i.tit.nrfilbtittsja coBCwled by aUAfi -W.n-fpikleMtr gretti , rmgat tXny mpolenly?t fadcBoreas' ..fia;d jmkufimrtftto 'ti-towtijjnti1ft )gbtvsile1ca;' "ibiifcrda Wntatiiia :ttmi&1Zt!m HWMWM) '&immm (trje?aiAib ht.aeerteepiisiegis ''si?e4l''t iArmwm vWli?irClVwtafe -lAli.aIaa alalbinatbear g .vu-jvA- vjir Jiii-rioR. fcqiiwjf ThTI jtmenbaoksvwereiivd fftiaAdncMl! X ' v" i, ifr"" hiWMpmWm WWI: muut&Mm, iil hm' umotm iweauaog5 tooin1Ba. 4meVlagia?wtf iwewl ariat thattfriloutfoai fel e.p'dbpleiaeaheep, and take mimmM ,...ru i- i .. . tnjt-qMf .ne -vtfoinfduiieftuaTbtti LKO,fi rifiLib: s& VVM - i.w'.ffisiJZEsrfciia .Bai-kMniawtf3 itfktti ;tt94i5S''U2Jj-3 tii! w ,iiiolL l-"Tr. Mfjr .rhPr.1- , We naTftrecaaeafia the pnblishers, ; Ti0PAtt&lfee4 xftited -penrna! eifj ojasi6n &rt tadvd jftfHyitt, Campbn&gclw Publishers, IffatwnariixtestujiniU thea wflTa-l jXbejCaUirij v&mks otJebwk&hxjse1 IWS&imi-Mnlfo SP&x&& IVrtal'CrSrrwhflaswa-MVl luuutrJ. -,t.., 1 nd javjsed,byTW.(KScQy41fIniiP JSK!f ftWffVdtfWW fimi!H!feow JiMlMlllWm lpa b'd '4 . wjl-ifi-liKiittljiiljEJ. 1 ' .loJjf it j " ihb.JlUi?if;,1; i tori rtyii! l j : i 5 .rjrv;?. 7;i! it of.m ovud lidifof I-I " ' - -" - -' ,- j 1 " ' . - - , i -: - ' - - - : I 1 . . - ' - . , ' . . - . , . . . v a. .4 A.. J S Heetlns or tli e State Democratic Coneerratlre ExeentlTe Cocamlt- tee. . , ;J Rooms optuh Dm. Oo:r. Ex. CoiL,1 t.,,r,xr 1. t . on' 10 t r At a smeitinc? cf lbs Central Exes- utive Committee of the Democratic - 1 ?&i;ao.s;A-:;Vrtw-tii5 IipM. it "i-"3aiih rneraber or tnd 'Cornditlifl is ..j, f! ,frf ,:r ,? .--'i46--. tjuf -i ; .labiii; t,.. ''WV n t U . i ' . , r, V vJ Iiv li-r. m. ft- ccT'l v ; Cameron are now intne fearful AM, ' ! i f - m ' I wtu n iiusi iivviaiti uv.u.ui - irjiaeurs; was-neroism gnu, ill,naod be who dafc recwwvb fond- rod id distant in ctbei editdTialiridwtrukK , j , I uB yi ku .cu.wh;uu wiuuti- J tors t; the yncnoorg . MepuiHiean, tin'Mwhicbpositioa be J became"? widely sr. i : nemseirea irpm I f e8Sionl,: ITis;1 long and iTailedj expW f n"?f?f DTf rr'i , J y1fi, flg uoyfffp 1 v (-fe iumiuti'j tt . Brr.r-."srrjrr. -Ttr-rir I Government Stock,! a rate The .Washington' correspond :r.t of the Ner.- .York! Herald - c-ys Ur. Bt--;ea half buskel cf lett a ' , J y ; P-f day, from all parts of the coun- lTJ EIlPB "r uis.Tent i-zti 1 formances in the House. --Referring to.:tbis.i state'iaent the Xvnchbnnr, I'toartial EuHrase. But this policy: did. I not suit tae uareienting loyalists of t&Q ab- scnbers oe.the;2W$wni-'w;erei alln rag - wrotri'insnltin letters', tottkfnd' 4 wrottf '.insulting letters', toc-tbetkind 'W-'ii-trfiT VJs. I editor one.' which be now ' has. anH . 3 j. .- :t flfnongiothe'r things, extensive culture, he-caa potrJfaU j iff. make tbese papers of d to T ieir jij ureal contemporaries. trf - fHft .: i oances 01 ,iue scnoonrr emKi, msoorp : j bear liew Inkt. - Cupf. T. reports that the 7amrf& was bound :from:IK6rfolk to 'C6o- cargo3 of 2,100 tot Which I m1rfM -M fiTh: : rit l about 0. o'clock on -Saoday evening; and I Capt Jester and hiamen remataed laihed bemg washed cerboard, tnitp Vcfock; liOundeC command, of LieuCParkir; who, with bis men, went to be rescue W .wie ;imperaea asamen at tae rua or taeir ? sai.to.tii :vu li T- trcuftarar has been' reieived'at ihtfMarf . Jester.ibonnd i fikTjVorfdlki toi this fcort ' . . T ...fi T. Bs-'T whfchaS'fiaade in our last is expiictedi tb bb IproVft a toiti wrfeckiiriaft accounts! the Tireale TKrty :nlH astfc 150OOQknttwj0i Jiere fura aqnii Unwii W ehtlpiWme!iastancet. entire.' ffatnUK'i Ml tjwir bad fthd djvsedlun bft.'ta' "rdli new for.ttpy.nier3Btpy;diat ) mlghtl pofldr boata, Iffidlnerobtibnlly is that the.tnpst -Qattiagea condition. Sha ts .embeddecUi Tho first dav of the month . Is -suf ally r! zt may be termed a galaday J Tv'th . - oofp'oofrbfeu'CEe iSorandl -aaime ' halt and I Una of tt j county t "ssemt fc. the par? se or tia Ing tha' the County Comrnlssioneris. The duty: Of issuing j the orders -ioj" jatioosetcirbas been entrusted to the Committee onyTtoCifX isituarii Ajast monuij wo -uuucrotaui.p IfcucVeradeioV' 'tSU'QxposI was pe- neighborhood of $300, and "'Squire; Vai' Amrloge Vhqo0fflpiate8 this iniontty rP Wses, Ve'iearp, ,to atiUifurjadace'f expeydltarej'makingi liiS aboS5PPi oiAi muvw uvul ttUUUk bKW tvy wiMEiiuuK ui iuv the Poor Honse which Jey Jef Qd j 0ne 1".. 'i 1 .. . . ' . . . - I J! .. . . and, orated to a group pfis disappointed and .distressed fellow-sufferers, pj jterpu .njotj .erj? complimentary tMj ue) quia anBi oners. a l ,9b The hunting; pariyt cqmposed , of Cbje lutchlsoifand Messrs: Bell 'and'Einith. )f, flTew VoVkand Cspt i ijEurpfiisoni'dfi this dayhaVins spent-everai (Jays' .very . pleas P iiy. iciuiueu iruui uuaiuw tuuuiy .oaiur- anuy. jjxr. jawara inaaern who was aiswa and had to return before the. real bant com-r lucuvcu. v a 110 uiuer , successful, bavi ng six deer. One rec expedition'' is Ttherf'aVt' th'a not one p tbM' hunters .if ailed to' kill aeer.' ! , r In addition lo the .deer, a. nurat d umbr.gM Mur new lurk. lueacsueviaur, were jdelfghted' withlhe trip: and his 'best friends fear that BeQ will giveaway his New .York property, abandon that . village ,W disgSistM Deerslayer of NewtRven" ;- . ... u , Ilobbarmrfit tlii- Connirr. - . -It, seems that the course of .systematic i''Li.lS"'-1' i;ViJ 2A i lV- .i! J IV.. nto the couDtrv neiibborhoods "and seitlemehts where it bids fair 'Ho-become as!troupleT, sohre' and annoying as it has been and Conf air of bis pltfylby thUf;meau'8 a suoirt'ttme gbr and Mn.Watbkn ramresmtnbput 4 tnilet belowr thVvlf wnjteaiTdnomtt "some twe or three buhdred pounds 6f brk I iiuiu w vt u lust iuo aiuc uj uaiiu iuu tneat bouse brokea open afeW'nfghts .dce; though e are glad to tearar'bebas' .ince re' covered a' portion oVt e'atscV' uaexyj tan-' tliat several ' nouses'' on Masonboro 8dand have' been broken opeuatervi but the extent of 'damagii; we have 't aider rtairied - It ta'lo; be regtted.ifttieb!eVes! 4a bone 'of foese' instances bavebeen ideatl- DoBt Yen Go, Tom7, DonH C!. :V1L' . I J .... Si' ' ' ' '-.'. We learn thai some parties' wlo have e- cenOy emigrated to other places In other ouiwB, wiku uie view oi. uetienug lueir uyn- diUonVdeludebypprta tbt buajiueaawas prospering in those ; remote localities, hajve found to their disappointment i and pecunl-i ary f disadvantage tbati lit .was, .not all thfeir .fancy had paia ted or imagination bad con ceived f rpm the glowtogdescripiiona whi had been: brought to theuaUention.imd it tratedibfmithiQier. JfaaicetaanJawB ii raj-neighlwrfng-ertate whtte.aome cliichif uienus pave; racaieaananwoeraiJuy.Bxv pectea.io nod everyming mjunsMngnae ra green syttrjeei?:tha;tUta.atrreaOT :oj present Wjj8pcUcleKall , through jthe iWeekithat uanaUy characterizes a-peicefal, i quiet; Babbathia rOQr:Vlty;byotbessL With the view of bettering tfieaisdves picfet rtnerkllr comback wifJi W nea'iri t illarlae Dlaaater. Capt-lYifls, 9WAftiJ3teaffit56:F. l. iS'.wbicb apivgdjjfrbelewjesjerdajr afternoon, tepor;raj?ieaseJ aom On the beach between j kVIsland and Bay" iBeachj inhe neighborlipod fit the Uotert- ment 'W'.orltfl:Bbjs was foll of waterahd t raredi tff.li soMdihough the )&urf Trei a jbfeaking fjorei herV; slietcwaB aVhil f ffiaatand other tldeices -of gr dfetfe s .wertfimanifested. but the stemerf obn'd t Vtmpo&arold taappraach 4a'Wpiacbotiijt oMhe rOogbuess'ot the Weather. ;Th nAhi )ofi the .vessef : is unkbowni ihWgb' i abdlgbinprbblel she aajt bU&6 ecni . ;dt'fiMtfchkpprebkn to me eaieiyjajjtpesexjina'crew. The.VesBei'i:fcald 'to'bSVe'gotfe'ifeliirfe SuodayiWkhC oikA via hJ rreek. MVfiS arrinie1 tennial of the SiMe' oi torW'ttre'. ceni- reetl a. wbichoceurrIft tb Pi JMflCy ?7ftf sThflTpnWiC MWrgej are-instted t4 ov iDegtet 4qdearttHm'lheiSelrcMafef ifbttBaaafiort; iiVropaTbrt,ohieof .freported; a8"harefod lthei be Teiihtmileacorthjot NewlBletiiailikelylci prove a total :'1oswa.lMai4eepmafC had turned uverueWe3i,ndbptb m?ni were oroaen off, v v,j-;f L Jfi re lal M?Mmttm,i&-ti inHtir-t-i t e5rater but.al but thvery.desitulajnditRa blind were offered the! alternative pt ..gping1 ' w luruu . were iverr, I killed;' nlworritefs,T oarkable ieatbre oft fbW I sometime pastas not .coofinedto h.pUj al- together, but is extending Jts ravages 1 b'ea. Ifsonl)b'r8cSA-ic Pek'Vefluesied W state that" a public ;fmeeiVagtnbe neVdlftlfncn on'Salu'rdayl he5ifc or34 Letter nretsr General Iioaeotreet Soon t - ; Aner cettysonre. A"l ? Orleans KepubLran flf r published frott iucy6n!,Tbr Ljtturc.y a letter from' Gjphf'lJc e . to . TUvis.' written on the"8th of. Aui tt.lBA-jLkwMofr.the. eust., I chieftain assumed all the responsibil vt i or an e-i isae tern -ip .-. u is array a etiysb'urg,nd asked to be relieved 'makiiiM thetfetioM Mitbo Xb isjieuer lands the Generars I r . t-. 1 . ' If-' leW59TSmm9 ftyftinoin-: l ine further. to do. at present.tban call yetittb'rfC f beak r tdfrre' Writtepbyj GeneraLJLiongslt'eeti nueen days be- peV'Utturthousee received .a .letter f imikc0H(iAB73iitre LLlIXok)iCalumbrJQlGteLiinwbich the Ppctornrgedihia jnepbe witQiipuplish Ksdme of the fa'ctsrcqnnected, with the pbatdeeWsburtba posiliorf and crenfjectiofr with thatau fain xnigbt' beoknownjaiThe 'General rftralJC6ft?gatree8to tbA polioy nf aua'ckirVg jetlTiiiphi pressea Qirnseti: to wenerat juee put Ws' toverrule:bWlna - comniandinfifi fficeadddid !hlTpeit fcb -could Jrns thfejrowtake j 1ot6i nsuccessv) -"Qis; to make the attack, i Other Confed- UebramaHdSfWeVeki fconnnjr Jiuto" action inae ine iayf jwas A?' ixsJPft aawand aeknowjedged nasi his mil pollcyT- Appended to'GenaJ eraMiOogstreet' etteifii an extract : . . - u j;i i.r " - H uwjui uu:wriLi.cn uim same: tune ego by aptaln ,T, .ree8i?iaide.de caoi P. at Gettysburg:.' ; - I -ot t ICunoi July 24, 1863liiiwiZ?cttJrrcfes As to our late battle I cannot aay! ranch. -I have no rigBl1k!saa5n thin;iw fact; but wilt MHttfre killt ue ior you aione. xi it, goes 10 aPQvj aoa cousins it must ae under promise that it eoes no furtheriKIiThe:battle was made aal would-bavbad t Myt luea was iu iiirow ourBeiysQeLweeo tne enemy ana tvasnington, select i ia strong position, ; and force'the eneiny, 10 auacK us. - oo lar-as-u is given to man the ability ho- judgewe' may saV 1 W4vn icopnaence; tnatiwtSDouia save SejfflJbsF 4 army'pughed. into.. Washington, land dictated our 'iermfs 6'r aHeaat n'el'd gashing ton! syly auia as tfwebaredii rtoo had! draw.n.t the lenmyi iuto,, attack ypoa pur' caret nil Vtchosen position in his rear?f General likKcfio8e t ihins mv duty to adopt . hia views and to execute his orders as faithfully and as zeaiousiy as n tney naa oeen my own. - i I cannot fielnl but0 think 'that great results, rwould liavei obtalnedf pf ; yet I am much Inclined to accept the presebTcondiMn 'as for Che best. I hope and trust that it is bo.. T ' : . .weu euousa were jt.pracJucaDie, ana : wii duly thought' ) of, ntodi' i T- fancy paign will be mentioned "thatldid not receive lueir Buare oi aneniiou aru consideration by Generall-IiebiiiTe few things JJial iie ifllabtbave over- (ijokediiimaelf Jl ibelieVe Jwere' su- Mm? pv;mysett uv4.wQlAUeOi be sholrtnitlll1 the8agpott'-gnjd' ve can .gtv tbeTe iis ai nf'ionsiI ,trom hiiatowr.rj&ii'hejp. Tbjm-anfl uxxauej biotakingijitia j, desire, therefore, that all the tespon-: sibilitTrthaLiiau lUi umaiiujn me shalr L'BO veTQiana Temaxn tBere. anetrutp will be known i9r.ieyiWld..;I lea.Ve that to sbjOwJbejynefe the fej- 8PafAllJIatcki at;iAJe!tty4 barg restsuponjmyocjfirrr: ! , "Most affectionately yours 'if mjoj atf 1 (vettyibu ri- ,justeadft purr J smng.wir0 imamyw.iirreretit JMifHte ViUay r w.Oapt.ain.T. Jj. J, AQreeioof flomsooi Texas, lin-'alettei- 44o7oGberal Ldbgmreesavs : "AW- IvTYiin mxiipBH hettiJ.yom fientj.in l. Ironiil iCast uciewneaseier' to'" Urinfr Cnrtlft7erl'AVlM fcXaUJl vtil 10 1 SijJiiOTifei. ioWherecjlieYwSs aalob ejd'w itbtwvPDr. Inhlm&6ttik-ri&0w8& His lablei l! Qf.dPeUpbrSkbat hi adqeceejaliedisfams 1 jeadioi ; lull ..3.i j. !i . I .i - 1.- : ts.r' rjxayjtibean aucesawiVJafjO-za !a joli-r tit Trif-fii'ir'eiinaTvfn-' T '.noLio O kir; Jolia a aj w.i wa.s. j BAetgtaxnu4Aaei).ir'pan siaTq'wna crrno vpHa aruli hL.th..rnl.,nrl. . hi t k J haveojnbbfiJ' iUrtso(audxiiu"Jbdni i the kCadaraiidbX;wAV tht-rW on to te eUiidrpbUuflii WxM f i'od y-ia'd fjiianU-. no doubt that this. lette jngennine, 'an'd'tnkirGenerat Leefwas sincereVtti adopted; j anda hel'is trie-peTsbri- ap-' )poritld to'ehttOse and'to1 brdri ) I consider it a part of toy VfutlyjMk presS-'jmy" VreWs to tile commanding Generkl. ' If be approves and1 adopts them' it is well hei does; riot, it W )iU,General!oLee1fi fh.i?letieF wrllteo 4 r 1 riafi.'iaititJ'.i.SlJ- -e:;X3l AlwsMOclR .tenienibe I iiuone reports. inai ti ne naa'.permn There -ianc thin t important Ifrom theexabidaii3h.1ofG. VV. SwebsonJ (lwjijljut-ghdl.i) ! accu8ea ot ibe homicide of; Capt. A. Cr. Uoore, at Ilaw River, N. O. j We "18 min4 was clear to the very .v.' KIT?. .. . . i " .-. ! " Wa8. t0ld bf Mn'f : i . jyf ,ucvuei,;w uu.waa jnst.iTom ine house, though Mr. Albriabt -said he was clear; and conseibusH.ill fnfeaf the' TBry-fes1?WhWtl Cttis?Bttt wbeW ?in clear; mental powe b?e ras, v.kited andi conversed him KrglVenneWies1 arid: Irnsb'iu theSaTiout:,li'eBiid'be could, , tha hef bdKa ietroua confidence in givi his. enemies even Geo SwepsonV and bod Gdd dftldmaVe Swepsop Tw better mKn. MK -Moore'a'1 ? alw yers: .did pji' afeejidawn bis;depositionsJ joy Mri Moore replied jiIbbadi bet pHi uiruiug SwepsGaJsajf - what-jdoiyou want ,4 vurue au replies ;jjLtme oQt.ioto that Swepspn . fired. :,;fepe'ated, bej t weeri . ftSwer0n?8 j firat.aiidT second. tfiyjr6ad adXf ltihoot wUK?ymjpf -fiKtivotjrtl4waiilookW .the fajqiryand; tbJ8;arneUimei, j.the second lime I fell. Xdid natpre- have bad fty?arm 41 ttle bp - bufi fdo ft&l&&?i o.Toi:tbe( question tend to draw out swepson and. shoot iffmher 'the", field around his" boused 9;MF. Moore! repye4; "lubdficvMeaprjahootin forefbe diedt .oferti; i Jiiill. ioi j B IIJ lit I It illlll .. '-' ...I . . I? I ! . .. 1 ' '.rant 1 Toe paeti ADput tite Jn ulnars y..d oUiiTjon:-.''. ilita:iW.,t''' "lU T f . ! ? o n if Washington TfibuBe.Y m ii . . .-. ,. ! . . i -vi: ;.yyUjiah kf encersjtliediams town de-carnb td TeatSDhke0' 4 of ItfarljbprOy.a'ud $jwa boxpj b and 'ureuFgB x.J;anu ounag 'ineiangijpen lod of ibilife remairiedva CbeqaeCfTbjitineM.)tHe had. praperty. tam. So great, was, his , .estate that iue uiviuenus oi. moBi 01 nis sioqks ; were not lwiky.lHmzDelisir jte,n years pii hia nie.i i wpen ne neaK at toe , age )0f , ninety jeight, Jhq left bp win, xju an unsiguea.pquest. tO Jiir., John acdn, ' VoiSd 'bave bea! ihtfmduatyoUg&' Jennerfl forgotten bis spectacles' wbeo- be .went . tobisr; s.olie.itpr to sijppifithe . thousand pounds 'a year. - His. ;,estakei at? ttte timbistwaslvaluTd1 mon uiueuw xxis iSAyeuseo W ere. iiirce at10,ODO,000; !nAfter Ibis death1 the jea eata,sccnde,djtp ithe ueir-a;t3d idn,'fnfknt grandson of EarflBowe. TheJpersbtfal itfripdrtvl wto"in! ecTu i!! .BhareSitoWHliah warH?iafHeajcrn5anft vPQ.l i s conntess ppwager AndoverT cousii s germair'-pnce 1 removed and. ne: :t otnSitWthV a4ceale&tt-i&twit i- standing the irre'gTaf aesc'en' 6f toe Dr. MalSaWalil kihethlnfrajedJ. I the morqmg after he, received then. ' Wdttrrdnd reateHyS few-noufbe; July 19, 19,5. ':. He .was the, onv soil1 Kiner William III. stood as his (rod . waobedi KtafJ juora Abnipai'tttW'tebrttV'd administrators into court. The dect- aion of the court waa adversettt tne lemiera; partyjnDiya 4.:j 10 .--wurow . . . .... . 1 1 jqIi8S5W pmMk'l WoBeftf'yj 4s4 ,Apha,ari?qpa( amptyiefiiing: iani id-f ta 'ill i , . I - . 1 .Hi 4J J m t come tof iTO.OOO.peri annumJ Mfj J kPdvBenia1niHforntr1fyfth oeen p.iuflgsinceji.909 jJTe ng .- i. 1. T"! t t if .a. : 3JCeWtXoaj!Ma!waEWiPtikiiCavel 'In 5fe'nx'"orBr.ron Ve5nesdav. Ja -Kyrea'-was'aVfesiea, cbarged jkw; 11. v- waQarn a snara ware tne- Pfiani wah bliarceby. aiidj bbtaiuint money . under. Tuesday the 1 bam8'BUea, :brbther'ofato. Kf 10, of ifie4:ifirtnib Jttr. Graham, and that had ..com f.io tnai cny to buy goods f or , tha -Fnrmi'y'Xieworvtne cotinaenceor Mri vwagaojj arm nun ueeai insa u in leasr? a a- r f " -1 i a : . , A .1 a f i?!Sf(4raiPiLtrmmf$KA xxammon i4 Gcau)duAr'e4:andt avals de akeAnUtactutodtf Qbrubeiiiff:iar mmRf t.Wiri'gavje.iarfjjeai ail .How tne Prencb .Bary.VW(fio The French bay or hire a plot : o theteJgd.gravejdeep-enoa gb fe hftaii fid'tf oil j ' .0210W lov'ui fMc I ta;,fepre'iepM8-vVr I art fe fetraker, attorneys at law in. 3ri8oner.:went;to Gr f fiffsMeat'thaVhei was 4 Jiiovdifarirfi- iug uue-urus. (in iue meanurnt :Mr?'rm,0hadlsco 1 t'COmmrtled itf defauU of tl JSOd Ti the sides'? of whiwh. are wntten th . o money - o". ipursnay night ar man and woman came-torthe-Ganofr-House, the man ?gwt rioaWaiera:and wife,' and engaged aroom until rr;n i 5ipei?jafuf ,wbicb tieaclcfk the cars for Goldsboro. - A-few hours alter the train hadbolrne ihe jcpuple away a gehlemanSMlIahel-Gaston HousCanlaTter p l?oupief and?1eSrhlrrribf ; their depar thre,;Blated ibat the 1 woman was his wife, and i,tlra$ sSerlparahabafiWas a watchmanvfrom 4h8teanrsaw. mill ot Dr.JLorweat -Jleachville, ';fceau! , fort cobnty,c'andrthai-the--eouple had bcThaving eerPro-cbaseqf .them since that time. The gentleman claimino-to-beHhelawfuliiujsbjand of. the wo" man is aNortberrttriipan3 is engineer atJthe law'tnill;. alluded" toT Ue sta ted that the day before theiUpetnent, tewitchman take bontf Jand jthat while in the woods ihe Watchnian's enn was a; iad t$aen)ijyi bad of buckshot ' 'vofivAiuiiiy 10 nig tne headi The watchman irn. jealab laccident. and t j. the time- he was -believedrbnt now willfab'T attempt" tb' -murder him jwr uuuiug mat me coupie had left otbia city.ontbe.train yesterday-moin- nn ablet to learn the nanieVbf thi ieetrwcnman,yeaterday l "-'f r-v -' v-v- -.vt. - .--U. . ii7ntiat?jareaiapeebir; . . : . Chicago Times Reportl " and the , weight of his argument had liamiar' passed tof another theme. He singled j ouf ''Tdwnsendf who made aa.eh a capital sppe.cb laav week, to de liver a worQrreproaoh. The gt-n-tleman, Lconscious of whattwas com ingfbegan to lauglr complacently as liamaif'ilfudiJd11 to His jocose com ment8Hbeirs'onarappearan6e of ex-Confederates, bat his laugh died the speaker, with measured, al most f pathetic accents,' 'treminded ihimdiotitbe v, miscbievona 'Results of btsilirestoaBrhokullusions. Ic - was LWJf r P patriotic, it iF&??mwnh4um ppm. Amen- can wpo suffejed wrong at the hands pi roQtts leit nia 1 sepumeot on. record,. ' and .'ttatf - sent iimen4'..sb0tild' 'shame those who '.'seek ' t8 ' jjerpetuat.e .dis cbrds1ktfd nniftieV'thai1 were buvied ten years ago. No conceptibb of tke -Jan. queeed; f between 7 j both , a 1 hand s until nothing. bu,t his .hair dai nbsa"'and mouth were '"di. reroibleV Colored Visibly4,' dropped his Jr eyes jhefore IiamarV gaze and moved resIess'y w SoseatiritnjTownsend, -whpse race is ' naturally . a , jSame, coughed irresolutely, turned in his seatJanaibokiea'the eWciufe of idisoomfbrtwl i Jadgedby itsi!enecif on jbje HQup&iaud. the Comment ofithe town, the-speech. was ..the. most jihas teful in moderation, exhaustive in arri ihetit,x ahdtjapti vatinjg'in method so fart delivered. Ii told 'on ' e Very aouivfi'iVwiilV -ci$i Vfi7-; j I ,i Cleaeral rrecftrterlati C0Bneir, ( Ttjqprpgrimu4e fr lliidTvGeneral rjQBbyterianCouDbrlwiitcb nreetp in Jdjknbtnrgbth0th of JJdlyext,' has lajeil prpared-byItlieijScottifeb Com mittee and sentilditbis iconntrj-; It was. approVed by theiAmerfcad'Com-mUteef-alnameetiBg hld. Jan."fl 8. !Tbe)programme 'is as'blldwsia" $li lrWrart.ItsScriptilVal the Fresbytenan Churches Har mony of their conf essibosV etc." ' " idrk of IthbCmurch i i J; f?o5ffWW-jc.irijiciHiuag! fine Awift. . 5 T. 7-: T . til. . "AM-, .. : tcnra'a.bdleftIhlem'p'etan'ce and ptheriJoetai ixHsvfi vNi od imia but -ttfe PresiL'i1"'!'' I 1 '"T'W. ntdx feljl J.'J,lW.:qJF-':- '"Hin I a. caioreA Man Kleetcd from the Co nr.riX oMcUants terwart,' oolored; J at t lakfftjjt)nijt luliilMon oi the. gallery Hn tne Opera I louse daring Booth's, per- rormaiiCH or narnltlT, tinw-nring. ai action for assault and battery againft ifonceman Cooper, who; ejected him Mil lie heardi faeroWiiiiJSeolored frfa I u slice d a ri wa. the conline jWet ki, ee d rCoKi- Yurnas. and 'Speaker Klliott 1 ioiixti t!b c tii J- 3Pt -ir , yl .Ii;aiyj: !.WiCWrt-r ''! 1 1 : We kre ; pained .to - learn ,of the death of CaPtaleVioy ci Coxht New 2Uartinsvitle-,-; VVetzel . bounty,3 tbfe .-lVdDesda nasUCitamCox :weffltDibto.';abrBiC6hfederate armydM li$ihf Ajrt&kl Pbexjfjibel J?nriyfiT vrav irom, inist tcity. r,( Je wapforaoted and made assistant ad-! uan5leraf fieCStnewalVBfi-: l gadeoOH'ewtaa! jA worthy genttemaP j f "'; - ' mm m v'jii unn . j t; Wee Oonzlj vowr, Bvwcaa iiouQr jptpf mnglfana S160 wdneyfromTiiiuiifewidava adn chaaft-Mn.retanftdto:wiBeaifort ahvr Machinerv.rThe Home an.ce.-Trainrngf of the Ministry mThyoafaM opbWliieJ mn laftly rrt ihiitii-t-'-FnTirli Dr. Bull's ; Bjrnptr-aJtcssepr gore Jwaats Coughs, I ae.' om&u ootiiei so cemi; large, ou cents. 1 1 P' --IS

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