i y .... - .1 Hi--." rf-v - ii AaElCULlbT. not as larce as. thev should, bertelnjr only tweh-efeetsQuare Tot fromtaen-M01 ty io miriy iowis,- ous iney - nave- tae run ortao"yard wtenevexthe'snbw low 1 doesnoc iorDia out these quarters as frequently' recommended I occasionally throw a lew-shoyelsful I occasionally throw a lew-shoyelsfuli of earth (froni boxes filled for.the pur- pose)xiver thdrppnings irjquar- instead of cleaning I iatng nexi 10 sin a io Jb.nghsh opera 1 uu uy1geiuerwuttiui weekly or oftener. iat&New Orleauaikd oher to-stndr.the h?-f- Mrai-ift-Polt vi tXoook- ' tcrsarehotnswarmastluWSpi :iifrLe vrenarninMVt otf Monday erehtog of Mweekrry Do vide were I to build a hbuse expressly t ?mfna bey was accidentally shot in the calf of one for them; but lhaye twlarge wii! - erseV and ?f byhis mparildn,'ThomarBar(- dows in the south and eatsiSwhlch' mlr . ... give them -all the benefiof rthe Jsuh's'1 TAl 8easn8 together ia New York ; -4- Aeheville fRtoTieOb Sttriday, warmth, tind ; ia a measure make up- w Philadel pbi 'and Bhe Mffas ' for a' the 0th ioUint. Clarence sari of Mti James for considerable lack of lttattenihg:1 !:, Pjod , maSage'rl b a-h11adelphH P, awywasflevierely burnedi while, Cold weather s ishei tryingtime i theatrftrie accompeotHacready ?nfling fn his night clothes near the fire, when most people complain that their on a professional Vdar this ijoun- :-r Lincoln JPr.ogrmth Thei?even ae hens do not lay-it reqires-more at- try) io i44I" l the -weni to SMtefi1??,? ha,v wit5. tentioivto the fqwls jQ ;get eggs la the, England, and iiia successf ul seaaoh ,ii"f Peaa5B?' winter than in sumrnr but ?thv i f u. , c J , sucpeswai,, season, this Scounty. They have demolished about winter tnaamnMrDut neycan jot ighty-four nights madher- ap- fen or fifteen on thU xaldvi! be had. Giro them sunlight and keep wji. in tam-fni.k aJZ i ) T . . . them warndin-thetfirst rdacerandwcV S?,Lt!&fea? . JTW;Low ondly, troeirrTafiedf6n plenty I feed winter, buckwheat, the corn have cracked prefer at night and the ground in the - morn :' ing, on the. principle that , through the will standby them; that having -dir 1-. J ing they need something they can act upon quickly.?. cFor tno same i reason, in the very coldest weatherwhen I j co out to rive them their morning's I , T Voo4 ' JfrtW I feedlcarrya .basin .01 waam-water. f.rtW WQow- t-itt -t,0 dough with that. It will warm-them the yegetaoie iooa meyiee ana were ! Ionafarmll should -careruUyuhus- band a few bushels of small potatoes for this! purpose. The meat scraps I buy of the butcher in large cakes, ahd:: I believe it is as cheap as oorn while it ,nnU ti nnmKfl HV -that- of thpi it answers a pureii ,01 . tne Dussanuwyrii m 1 I . ttw- ir Tbeatmett . p;EMZOOTic.TFitts' raiukw:gHV? In the mild form of theiisease, iti sufficient to keep the animal in a; warm, weu yentuaiea, ugnt, loose dox, i to feed on laxative foodand give srhair j and repeated doses Of the mtrate ' of ! E t potasn, nyposuipnite oisoaa,orcniorK ate of potash in the food or. water. The fornis the animals-must be carefullyq lot, Jt.Ai w trtu,otK- mg. i ;The throat is to be bathed in hot I water, and thJanimal made to inhale th.nfW -LTf '-4iw. VAAV PfVWIJl VJk SV 1 WWi ! A ;-UiUVU I pressioh ia present spirits of nitrbua ether may be given, or milk and eggs are to ibe allowed - in abundance. in order to support the antoafa strengths 4 i When- the ; soreness" of cisesnouianope eniorceq "unuiau febrile -siighs liaye'dppEred?? have seen the most sevejelanCripJ fatal purpua "caused by "exercising the animal tniiwTCAf(mo rfevprelv OTa ' I animal to soonana --so severely. r-yy e 1 sionsof a condition the bloed,whichi does not endanger, the life of :thaani- mal sni will disabnear spontaneous- to be prodded t at ,a cost of not inoro than a bead eac day. Thfeis done, I travagance,and impositions of i botels; and boardmghotisesTiie ennsyl-1 vania Bu.ilroadi07fnrjany faasreonsent-! to lay a double txsctrthb exHibition grounds, to be used exciusiyely-fcy the Grangers.; The run will not ,e more than twenty minutes The new build ing is to be 'lighted witfa'gas,"?and sup-' plied with hot and cold water. Shares of $50 1 each .are to be issued to the amount of $200,000, no member being permitted to take more than one share.4 This sum is thought to be 'sufficient to cover the cost of the enterprise. s How to Fit a CbiA xo aHoksb. The jIaA Adopted in: the West, which ' we are assured by inen whp bAeybeen, long in thellaibirSnss does not in oughly wet; then pnf It W tbe 'liorse, the better if heavy .loads j are to be drawn, as that causes the collar to be more "evenly" fitted "tdthe reck'Sid;' shoulders. If possible,the collar should . be kept oh11 froihiibur:' tofive hours, when it'wil be,perfectly dry and Ire tain the same shape for ever after ; and as it is exactly'fltted to the form of the ' neck, will not produce chAfesOT-soreS n on the horse's neck.. Feesh MkAfy xpertSjSyhangup a quarter of meat with the cut end up, bems Ahe reverse of the usual " wavvby the ieg,; atid the Juioel all remain V in the meat and not runtb thecufaiid; dry bv evaixration. It la worth a triai eiidwiOTjaiade wiUJbe :ptini TH JuIlud folk.3 of (einnaii baTevliao aepeg'faatcb, iaWhich, toong1 others;' a good; old !unrf mztyj pfgqipated. The climax'.; wai. reached when the Bar, James ; Johnson, behig; vrnvitedj vtiefM , "nosegay' started off with a "N-o-u-k," then, seeing:;the;fgrjo uplifted rfoTCIow; hiin down, btddeiAf M Nu.h-s-gj'and Btepptid down and out amid treiaendou f bijiU ol il"4tf T fifc4. i ' V iihVWUte I t,yu8uvrjwn prueiwiuu wn eaxeeru 1 couaijr,. jewipr tuapq.ia. a. poor neir principally corn through ; the ic uuing ymacoLMrs. Jlatf. I iiKJi,ti .- , but Wy it with .wheat-oats, l f ihe "HanchMv x Sffi ahd meat scraps :PartJof T bhei and hr sistercted I eVtjz mkirr I feed: whole,: andl parti . togetberTof severaryears ihEn orgidiintoiimeai!;iI.:maruto afithfe country 4n IlUtt IWWFSMZW the cracked." I feed whole igraih';! After another lou!iu.Eueland she I riea'th'snndftvfohL-wkiiarthA famiiv wer quickly and; make them feel comfort- . - - -- - i ik not UV Hnv meann i n Mnt niV I llanv a Va whvra Un an silrlrlun 1 17 forego a supply, of eggs. The rwheat that tthe Senate ytudiciary committee taken very ill in transit ttifehmond. He I feed is screenings, which can be had wil) Report favorably the House biti :ha l6 Treasurer, of the .Western.N. q. at iinymill or feed store.sfi;Y M mX Railroad nd i President of itbe Atlantic Mashed potatoes, fed warm, are Just? .Tfpeauug , the bankrupt !awt, nor if Tnhessee and Ohio Railroad, and a very t,Vi TonsiS in Lent,MarChJ5. I nburdeatb-end ball, tehigUelUpilr c twice a pay WtareatJjehefit, j &xet a lardinaiioa n t t- : ; 5 w. t. , . 1 fined In Ihe com havfi .oalfl nornlnp' anont tnfi trfiatmATit : I . : . : - ! 1. r Ht Pater'fli atea HwKridH M Arch 24 . taetar uu. 10 , iucuca vwpuo ;uu p rof the external swellmgs of. the tyltrvy.irj. Hni1f' tn T-f Honk, barine about one inch of the In our opinion they should hot be ; m-;.MJuxh26rt H tisl rr'fr if ared,?;alSrouDd togiveit I, terfered withilas they are wit 'xtres ! WooflW PhfmorW Mra.Wv-1 formina arshallow' triy;".Oter 'the 'yV 1 ' . Su Luke's-'Washiiigtori cqi-kooay,- sham iinta on x which .sbcesof. loaf. -inb-K-! - i-a, -igjgi 'Aprils '- fU" iKZ-Z& breftd. are side to hold then! In place.t.The Pateoss of Husbandet at the Ges- , x gu ib&iffiii&&vifSiae wh61e apparatus is then set up on the hearth xkx xipositio s. x ne jm auonax -j 5- f , "Ilgr1" f uni r 7 ZnZZn and 70'o HJltJb'w-Noifi VVmv&Vbi f w Patei3jSl,680ibale8,iagain8t 83314 Grangers are to bold a grand encar4kfo t?1 JjH th4 X?fjLS iiniSi -W& tbe8am 0ateTst,W ?n ment near Philadelphia t6atb3hd Uief 1 RWcHfJIctal. CJentennial Exposition this year. Sixty ii .sPantecTedayiVtfritlt'! 5P j" ?2SirSSalj i. -aU jnsflrmattrw. Sales df 229 bbjs af bales,! agaiott'8DtW'for the sathe week acres of land hare been leased, and an. Slade8tilhHyd wedArnll JfSJgSL Ml $ffiMU?U F Jlasfyear; total to date 1,981,142 bales,against wnicn rooms ana: imnioottoi ll.. I 'ffiTi'B securing Ahe ames nrmly ceeping 4tw4 there xmM&mi&mfc fM&SR ana applause.! .-. .o a - av . .. a . ai v . ' - v ' teleWam..Tcaa)Diedo;a ake e5011 '0 .W,0Wnsup. J "e.r ,r appenceas "jn;! ? is. pnt " r,V,t'r'r ,i ,Vas,Vl,oico wuue uuuer-. l first appearance 1 in. iLadv 5 'Maebeth. She! played forweeV atXhewerv Th.if i . we "er f vo"ies Aiucaisianu ; sne 1 returned Jigain to the .United States wheritiavingi JacdniiM tiriune:f hir! f 9n:Jl 1 1 t ho; it tk2 fiPiWPn hvL t Li h ' t t J'V'- ' v Hi i .1 - I sRe, orneoio inepursu pr,er prof fessfon both in .fcngland and m I ne oiavfofYrat years BUtf cefsweu xvome.. , t u - ; - ' ' - ' v ' L ' v . w . k. - L -f 1 PrP Pi ! Baakrupt Bill. , . iiSl8! ?Qtl V : i? , J. 1 Y - -S . f v" s. i'f enjet. iarner that some of the largest business houses in thd Ccohimercial bities have- petitioned Congress for the repeal of the; bankrupt acta-navtliat bere is a1 '..J. r-v 'i-' it: i ' j- '. , strbng feeling m that, direction. CTet would have passed the repeal; had anvtD:n llke K. krx ut AXlp'ation S2n - SwSS. i-tTliere is no difference in tha-oinnion ) ?iere 18 no .:aiTOreqc m. the opinion the law as pt exists works hard- mih " iuuiiuu vases, auu uu uui, infrequently ahjjien. made .the. means: I if I perpetrating fraud 'by dishonest debtors. But ihequestlon is wheth- ti v u -! - j-v".' . ' er, ;if th law5 Wj repealed, the ;. inter; of f perpetrating fraud 'bydishonest I " the ablest Iawyers4lin Congress that f tK .yl4p..fi. uucouuiwouaiiy( 1 repealed Tit wiTlj f hot tie long before; ( Uetitionswill h nonritxr m for th ( J " . w enactment of .another act . 11? f : m , ' ',' I --Bub op1 .Tmaua Appointments. v Tolsnot-Thursdav riJacSsoTwWedncadaT. March 15 . j WoodviUe, Bertie coFridayi March t7. Sunday in InH Maxchl9 Murf reesbpTueadayrJMarch 2t. v. w inton w ednesday, Marcn 23. . I r,ti'v,-.'tt wn-M'- m w a ii a aiua hi m v iam i a . - i . , .March 2&.- U-r- I Hertford Wednesday1,5 arch 29. Edenton Friday. March 81. ' vr I adHI 16 vzon Chi Uhurcb, Beaufort coyv ednesday, April 19. ra . , ----- 1 . , . - Scotland Neck Thursday. Aoril 27w . . . f HabfaxarSunday, ApnlO. ,9,...s;:i vuuecLiyu m eaco conerecauon tor vut i m w wr natmaHwei'-vam aw avtai mi Bsamci susi - KtafKi bU Spring Vlaliadon. " 'l : r i 3 - ,H-Anv Mf MU.nAWl 11, Kiostoogfl if ,n.S:tr h," 22; Wednesday I -iiojriniiocents;'i4enir,1'v,s'mday.-l - . w a - w :l - i ' 1 . , , - ... , W M. JNeWberne, ,. I . " a. Sunday. BeinforL .d . 'U. ".28 rTaAk. 1. . I A A ".-A. U.-i-l . St. iPaiii-.Switi'ci. Bfdire ' t : si JFiddk."! A Union Meetfn&HpiisaprU4. Saturday. , Trinity ch...BetttiQrfrjco 'U Siindat - iiqani-s ijreeK. i r ; o, Monaay. ; Ht Tnhn' 'rthi.li.rf'ir1' T-oi...!. I WW wva-n-i JkaUMaas a VAi . , -1. A UOV8C8V . . I 13outbPrertttea Greenville,- i!St r Sunday. i i SnowhillAjs HfesH Thursday, ; Marlb6tOU2h.PmW.S 14.G6odrridavK UmingtoB, StiJfark's"?.ij yi wo and SL John's ch'es. i " 16: Easier.1 v. r - Statesvirie;-. f4tUV 23, Sunday. :! Vr:mtW&h f W1i""":J M of Ii BlacVUPreiUa-Eer-f torlfirstround pQurterW Wdrningtbn District ifor. VibetiMethodist E Cbnrcb: i South the U present Conference ,arrdthviUe, viit l Uoiqo,. . wFeU in books: 1 Dart of ,aa acLresa.:andh.m5ii)M h 1 Look; also Mrs. Patsv Sudee ' February 24. p. m. I be dealt Bailey a blow ontbe bead, crnirng -the throatis 'I " wuson jjrtaayi ifeDraary tss. I a searjui ao ana iracranDit. inesKuii. iToiT,fr, i 1 UClinton Sunday. Febrnarv 27." -l BaueiEfifcered ofi MiffleWS-nnti) at iai a. i a.v a z At r n -aw nrrna. anDiiw a a rM antwL, iiir an iiiir bbi nuniit auuiug, "j"oityyri'v1W!f v-l inieiiiMncej pyesieraay s? omreiqe-i uuij .i i,.,uyyiu jiotoosieaj'agaiost ooro ino Bameume, ; Wfinam8t6n-l6C Sunday- after Easfer, 1 and ApHl 23. wiia - itei-i; Vf .. -CI. 1 IBliyabetb, " ; Elizabetbtown, Mmv AVp Dear" Sir I consider5 yo'uTair Dye a .jfrf&V Pu0UDce it supe- GEOB0& lAlJAlCO;,'ew lCabnraetdem KayaiBa; $j$ffi$fc&fo apy.addVeaiV ianT P?e of their LABOB 8AVINQ PLOWS. JLttai anti6kTMIPfow pm'ipl Iii Steef t8yeje.t Ubetat dionrt dta ,'.& 9 .a ' " ' A-f aA i !a..l ..i!-.Ai!.. v I pente. a&pnid tneynoi jjitb penecvaiMw:uDiu i i frSr Send for lUaBtrtedi circular and prlrfa'.i. hoe!?? Ae-wW,rolfton' v . e r mi .a, .a J w cnirjpaaewiaVw(l by it immtdUtttif ItA Spirits aVuroejitino f . -V:" ':'m:.:.m prisoners in jail at Halifax, WS3 fuUy injured last Friday. Charlotte Observer: -. The smote nouse. orMr.Atxi5eara;iiear Hunters vine, u ms ppuoiy, ; .was destroyed by fire contents : t and.VXrs.t all very old women, near one hundred 'each, died ia women, near one hundred 'tach, HiI f Mh pat:week a r.rH - The Asheville Ponecr ssiys that GoTCraor Brogden from Baiavla; Gennesee aeatb sondaVDla the family abeeitat thurch? She was in.pl ch,d ff bul ale?P m front of the.fires: j.j cnarge of an had fallen 4-; Weld6n AW ; On Sunday af-. trrioon isr!. between the; lnnr of two nd ve0,clock;a barg,ar or bulam ftecled 1 an entrance into the. store of John L. Jnd- in4, Esq., of this; plate. sndT .took tbere- 1 f """ UIU"U muu uuu I m currency and specie besides some valna- l:hi lanital r-'1-'- . 1 01e papers. , it -7 JL Sunday raoramg, we learn fBinenfioffwinpij ttrtie'-i ,441 Dr, S. Battle, Assistant Sur- eoriaUedfeUtea3faVy; soapf CpilrVi. B- Battle, of Rocky Mounts has been or- dered from the naval hospital, Chelsea, H to to:iP$wMtoVb- The New Hampshire has been the "receiv- ioeshlD'' at Norfolk for a Ion time- but will shortly sail for the naval rendezvous at Port Boyal, South Carolina, ii m GM-miy 'There a Mxlllia nii-1 ill rtai rMqoite a chapter Of accidenUlastSat daJvcnifat. Dra, Miller and Klrby JerekepvK 'nSing ibrokenbf The first was .Thomas Hawkins, :CQloreu, who broke an arm by allowing a mule to get.xne oetteror nun.. uaraiy naa ineuoe get.the better of him..Hardly had the Doc- llJi? thatthe mule did him no worse, when An- lhpby Newsome, also colored, was brought - : ;i ' V " , u W We learn by the Charlottes Ob- server maioo , uciwayiuuru.uK.wos uu ?J mtPSSSJS! standmg at Laurel Hill depot, Ktebmond countv. short words passed between Ferry. Davis! coiored, andltobC Bailey,' colored. wnen navis reacuea oenioa ;:, mm . ana grasped a long handled shovel, wiUi which, UjCiDCK oaiurusj, iub iviu iubw, sou nfc iubi letf -nu Suffering.-! uavis Vredqesday hist, and con- itv lau at iiocfcioeuam. 1 i-Ml V fi wjji n&KUt&'.iw VliT?yto. W T I &W'f;V&J55 " F " ur af Un. Hrri9 Tt' potmista of sheet of m i . . . . -w - -r . , w edi , stiffness ana Whole surface of the bottom are cut a number or shared (openings andthetooguef tlri;, forming the insidp-of the V,. is turned put . m, ixUjerowinouttrfthetdfortsof thCfortttrSJ "rT . T . i a . I T-l V occurred at iJeTarrjBejEjouTuor Yellow JJin. and 1 25 for Hard Xfa laasiyeaTiJnvj -noi..3iJi mi j-jju-ti Two brothers. Wnhant Andl Geetee I lii: ii rV - -jP-f. ' 4 1The ateclU4mi0teriori tdvns 38-122.650 elheiattrbome.l-A?8CpfflleBsueTii)uiielftiP. I William reeeiYed a Bfivere mh in thej frnm tienro fntne'h'Btimmon-d Mr. aod a b'f good repute, td iu'a8stsUB,..1 nd um twa aneefiiea in ienziTin? u en ma i nnrirnii .ia . iL injiniw. iniaiipr ti,Knui!.. 8 wore be W0iifdltuY1litt"JttMI l,IllTiailf4fl 11V I.HIF, 1 1 1 1 1 II , UH - I MHI-II-I1 . IIIA . - arMLit tpld him tofoltowhim'oo tartbeT.a 'Gales ;f;qipnow.nav,onesiooKuowniairn.n Af a W a - .- : ' - I a-uM Ii.. "2 - ' f it " - A "-A V A, A W . A , a racsano snot nun ipeieiioreastv intfbim ittstabtlv? after which he eve bim- Bsif mHb lb vtUar autbymfes;Ldroper Wteslpwiyaa. taotifted ieMidayfternPO and this i Miwaucww u towiww .puu. i w di iirint invpKf iomtiort rpndpred a Verdict in eni myesuirauoif jrenaerea m veratcs ml rr V T ; waf arrested, brought lo town and eommit-1 leaioianao'awaiEaiieariiHr oeiora juaucev .of ? nil if eat'. ';f-?:J"- 1 - '1 : a-a.aa hJ wkola1 Vfanntr iiffA. ! Al& lhe osa4 rffl vo artold it ia dne twant ofTon. IV- a-w ,h- fXi w tldence." Ask .the few who have not used Di Tott HirR i DtHf, and Ihey say WI nave no connaence in u, a nave oeen so often humbugged 1 by tfuctf sAfetes.'"" We 'ak them to read the following testimony jrom ?niiWfr?fV.r h I IlAWKkfevk30a.,fct.-8(r1 t- it 'rrr rr m - .f - lK. . XI. XUTT, rior tosll otheti. 1 OLOtrrsuui r .- n -Dear Sir Yonr uairDye bids fair to fdn every other aye out of ibis market., .,1 M . , , AlvulvV taV AtB J a i. f;iTin7W,KIMBA i j-a SAVAnfABi3Sa;jt5ept. 27, 1871 Dr. Tutt t - Dear SirlYouV HarDyrfisifie DSst'X ever usea. xours. ii? OkYERS. W IT'M T XJ nTnW M A WTTUTt I "a . ... rT. .... I The oQcial quotations ,of the Prodpce ; CflUDCTirCTE!5TINli-i)"cIaV-referlo'irIcV8al-toalWurV,'of1" ""St &?iTorWe WaTfor1 -A ri.,u STAR OFFICE, FebM&'ibJiOCbAtf. SPIRITS TURPENTINI,IleceiDts 99 iwr 'Lakt sales'at casks. OScialjootatipns.fumat2icts' j Jht for IdiddlinE intfiVJ ball:a:t Wfotioif? Ordinary,. . .v. .. -w icents 19 b.; jo Lowl Middl per gallon for boutbern packages. Sales I VA v uoonQ w vvum bbli. ' Official nnotationa ateadv. Sales of f 226:biils;at 3 biUo va hn frtf SAntnom nar.Kaven ran eoioa 1 iaiij uiiiT-itRr.fiinia.z.-ci: naipa ; rvr nm. 1 reported to-day:VVK;..r n.ry ;ROSecpipl,728::r M Mk MttfftnM Jl. Allii ?d' quotatipwfirmVilL47F CDiand E. ;.af.ia&n.2fljbales:,Uenl8 perAb. iTbe No saeieportejifoS PlA-fucial JAaotfJtorWniefo! . Ordinary.. .it . isX JjuSi entsj Ubyov, ceipts and sale8.of.Joo bvis atf I '4uperibbh: 1 '7. 1 :F iatinai quictt Bales bf t WQ bMaiafc $2;1& iQpllltolog.;1 t CDKNMaikeVonMsIe onr"rtWAAi;avtft ficial1 quoUt o (Sales ot cents forJO-MiddlWg QSIN-Receipts 80 jbbftJ Official ' . TptaU. .ioD E. -1 SaJes,.bf l.o'bbls.ooo. St'rkmed'at '1 :.inianeaLt. iiJL ::5ltAfeficiali;q'uo ceipts add sales of 192bbla. at $1 .45 .per. ZTT "'T" ywjt S pjf'j. M :-hM?3i'o Jo-iU-j iukj Spirits. turpentine. vi., t l759 casks. jrf -CRUDE: TpFENTlNEkReceipta:' 4 . jSn?:.:!?;: jl . sSl'bblsl for Hard; aad 800 bbls at 15 foKOTellow xl J ri??Sf7mBl8'W TO ;o j Dip and $l25 forward,-; j 4 in ,kI r n, vAJjffl! CjORMarketIa 67i quoiaiions auii. sales oi xii Daiea ai JJVT"" ,1 t J -ir follbwrng'are theomcial qu'otalfdr " s btokry;,..t?it.,J .vijitSi'Tul rvrT... 1 f ; i . . ... ,v Middling.. ii. v r- ' Good Middling, i il2i12 5fbifft 7 -' ; i fHaf SfdJ-MrfMI pergahon fpf8ouUifrnpacge&j A A. 1 .a, .AO a- J aA Jf. 1;R0SI& Receipts 927i bbls. ;j .Official quotation firm! at $150 fcnrjOoofl StraineoV Sales of 22o bbls Strained at $1 -458 do. F - (Exba No. 2) at $1 60 and 68 dC (Ldw4 TOtv-tetiKM' ml -bJ :;i N T - - - --- -- TAR. Official and sales UHA B&6Bi pent j.lwabelAib bulks : mamt - cenbln-baf oil i?Tiii liiifh .t .ii o,1j t UPOTTOJ?; Beceipts gStbales. .Quo&dJ u..wUk.i.. ..r..4 ouiet.-i Bales of 100 bales: at fromi8i to 12 quotations firm. Receipts i bbls tar,' 412 caskspiritsturpentiu'e; ' of it bbls at $t i) per'bbli .''I' bbbcrode ilnrneitUtv .74 empty efl'-bMsVTO; iiuuajuu w tece.p uu , B ALTIMOREmSteamBh 1 Of Raleiirb-40, bbla at 3J5TprTeow.Pi'Md. il 25 , for casks spirits turpentine, 355 bbls.rosiO( 57 &rd:n--v": t mT y .db4 taV3dJwitte?JVl niAliniMX SlZ&rt l? 'bbls.'ineter8;887bisheli' nludtatioiis U dypj8toli-( . irra io' . .-H ,i f , . I-iGajidenas Brisr John' r?ierce-tr60bbl8. GfiildMnV :f''i2ii,,,,,,,' 'i.'!,f " T-ijoTi J?" TO'? V fi'ii; T i im.1ii: Jtf iii f - casks. OfflcialquoUtion3&T at 33 ceqU per gaiion xor ooainerp pacaages. aies oi xu casss at i cents, ana i ao., cuy ais- tilled, at 83f cents. "j-- li;jROSlIBpUil.777i ibbls. f Official , . . i-.r quotationsquiet. ittr ft tyy;B Wf$Znft weekltajbalesTaS1 E. Sates of Ibblsltrained at tl 451 "4 W.WAqaiV!fcfii otjoWJi A U m -a ' a- i , - . ! i . JfcflVbJ fjkJnij: noHi rHivrrt - Kr -j?.QiAjAta,fl vrtrnfiu Q0 it '!. i v i J i casKs. h. a. t. I T. T?s F : T'i l1.1 i . o--i--iJ n raa sltUc'. --"--r---- '.. vt, . .t 1 uh umwi ao( aaks of 630 bbla at $UO0 per bbL:n;"i ni.l kntfat(Anan X'iA alaa! at:tKa4; w- M . wt Ti :yeviJiJ HVfoiJslc: -,.ra :TtX aNi fc ir Middibigv;v:.;iTir -jm;' K "mW rdull .witli sale ofJfcaleYat TVT - ..A.:.! AH.aMM.-AM U..la aK I - I : . - r - ri 4 Mr fF. if ? WfWffl, f:?a q,i .f Mfibb Anmt,nitinMmvmiin).iwiLBUiiiujr,A.i. :- bbb.' at $2 25-r-fe;wp,and'$l 25" I fnn.J rUiia.fiiAAjMW4Uuir r BMese-f9;vw V VT J . Duew al 01 cenunennei opia, ana bushels at 61 cepU nerlbasMI 4 balk, and AA . . i.-.- - t--!-'-. cial onotalionfc iwaaiVfflHL, do.al jdatiJll.jtudi; W'dQat v w vi 4 a - c Ordimko.iit.V.iiii cetttsl m a i : I . ( a. a a aai -41 ai Af i i tH i- iii,uLM- nSPXBjy8trJTJWT0W caska) Octal ouolauonsmrm at.K3 cents r per gallon vf or Mtherii pacfefgetvfi Silesv of 85'taBWW'83 BSbW tpV? I StrkfnWil and SaYeT Sftobik" Jr .T V7- Bt nea uiujpor kmro ea toob eriimt in bulk.-aftd S cetin hags; Total,., . . . A 8,909 far; M7llihtlM bbisj Tai 21683 . 3,534 V" I vtf nnu BAjcTiopB. seamfhip D J.Fotejyrr-m casks spirits turDentine.t 378 bbls rosm. 10 uuia uiicii, ou uo lax, o ao cruae kurpenuue. i 4 dbcM'IiddttfetaL!297'bales cottoo? ia do sheeone: (8 'do; raes. -fiSsdoyarhwSdd pagi i wRocCTQJMjf.ttScbr gillie, uce.-. " ' . w , ' r I .'Tl. . . . O 1 XI 1 4"! TkV. 70,000 feet, lumber. hi J; ii7o.b ." l - i iBW1 ToBKStearasbip ' Benef ae(6r-5 1 bales' domestics, CO bushels' . peaoulB, 16 toPy fi0 -? fiaTp "des3 bbla-bgh .W.bl. nee. l case and 5 bos fcoDi bales sheeting, 23 pkgs herbs, 7 boxes furs, 1 doJ yarn, 4l do. Jumi 40,.doU wtf rp. -& 4os rag?, J rba feathers;.! box mtise, Prkegs I leap, lwuwieei lumoer. xu.wu sBineies.; ,e.af i. Ibbfa Otl0Ji?i inU U fciivuT'i i!f- Mis, l ii jBbtriA Swed0parqu&-Amalierro; pMnAilrB ( co-wow snrAxEi 1 ii t , ', 7 TherfollaWinff 1 Il4 miSarafiT CAtlrm statemeaf for .the week ending February i 18 V- 'mvmta'U ..I -X. .ilWo i ni iwpima ni. an. i iniivi ktitpq .tvottq 14,037 mieS'tBe'BimiweeBi last yeir total ;year iThe 'stock krUyerpporis ) bales. hagainst 773,0'sanietflast W f I ti a. mmn fhJrf I li'J I. ?r Amencan5otton-aiioat tor wear israam t 1 i0-A.saiaA-ahllhBfcnd Odefate 1 a, ct8 (JT un favor. twulra lity A'fofnukedvresteh 9XSiitx) 23.75.1 ,inJilJarii Cqff e& Rio -firnx r?iv siirr-cy with mbaer&e dettia'ndr 15at8 (gold); for; v '-15di9c bld) faPyob'' fod fesiiW. -15AI9C Xgbim forotf a 1AaW a AJ -a a- aaA-famaLI feAVaf aiatl' i UlMvahWa.'! oentine steady. .W-hiskevi stead v 1 . fn .. i a joi&AVjJ oihetqba . - --.a. r a, u. 1- .1-. I.. . OOl . AAMtaAbDllaD ,:- t-r ' I -aTW W r Ti,J. I ru-... , T IXrZJ iCw eV V icfP KtibVMkbetil 4$44tt oaa ulflst X4 WVJKA C kfcA4i ra lj.il TjU0i At. Oil I il liCd 1 ;amwv,V4iitv.ff.vsiiav.fs 507 . . - ..L. I .tiUOai.f wjiuwi .iiuijsiiiu:; t. . : i.ucr, paiescuiiuu, su pses muse., oo mR;li . fit .if i:(il;V(i r l XII filAfsnrnAtimn last rate bbsTBessistrferunestern'ahd SUttt T ial hAii .-A. AUall.ani mi.l: uA Hanrm . 1 ,t .i 4 f . 1 .saadtt firmer. Corn onened easier : and ! Wiketuef ra x&f." J'wmflkeynrmana f amahdTaftiaf $f'05J3!V ' K: " ar-S t the bol&Utf yttiM&ZLf. UnuilEg Mil whwiii ici. aimm .. t 1 ar - " f 1 17 - . 1 )8Xa(- 14 I io .Ot'.n.'-ft.; .OviVo -S'i BARRELS 8nirita Tnrtxmtln. - t' Second Hand. each.. . -. . a .s f a . at aac - Mm .nrr ath . - . 00 0 1000 , I ' M rz m M Air ' ' Anim.ntitia -V CnsKSK Northern Factory ft Ul. ba.-,..ttr8a!-r HI a Watl f S ricL F "r CXVPTON TTRSL 1h . . iriri II MlaT m r Trnn nl NH V SB i SM ? 's t8'W 0O0 , SBOa 9 0Q w oo -u 6 h oo an m. i'ooai Aoi( r -150 O BOO r.Northemj .bu. . 60 . S 00 6 5 'a V 00 .i.to'S'o'.oo r auua onpar.. w dm.... 679 a 700 75 f 8.00-r-s rst 'a on' PernTun (inaney V JOUO . 80 oo n DDflO ,'arnoeptiate. - - ; 06 09 '60 00 Fartfllaeri-r,. -i at , ' if .. oo oo a 40 00 t00O0'J 4800 ? woo ,oB7oa woo twpaf ooaa.e 67 001 oo nn mm 'Avaaaa Uoa&o I ' w ' s m'aFhoeDhata . OOOOOTOOO1' An M AA AM .1. Benier V Bnta'n fboanh. ' uoa-Lri uom, m store, y co m. 0ats,- w bMtaLU...i4li.., 10 J 9K (win raTcrw w .. j;u. 95,1 1 fO. -TilUlUiStUl V aV ta a . . . ,18 ort Carouajwmmij.i... v :5i 1 4 Ml- . " lumb: - Hhtn Staff: resawedi M tt-. 4 00 S70 hEdee Plank. U.0U 55 DO re8tlidlaCtegpea.axd1nfef I itis ST vt-mt t04naUtyfJCfii...r.ifW OOj ,f v8 iceamaFIoorlns. aeaaoad.;l.S0 00. S5O0 M, ) (and 'fioama.) cemrf 16 00 O tt ltt , xuon, w ibi rt.,.....v --cnaa, nooa, gal. . v - ' 'fit S . a& J A r BngaxEouAe, blida, V gal., . Hi Syrup, bbls, Vjral........., NALui-Cut, 4d,to SOd. fj kejrZ . .24 St Jt7 W 80 i . 40 , 80 . , S 40 40e r ' 38 00 00 . 4 1,1 v , 16 , 100' '110! - as ia- "S uuBrHKeroeeiie.' V Si. . - - - i - i POPLTBY Cbickena, live..i... i'- 1 Js-t"'f li-vditad.d il 85- J 85, ! f !LL , TurkeTB.diTaBed-, PKIJSTjTS V bosael. . . .". i. ... ; . POTATOfiS-Swe boahal;. . i- Jriab.. Northern, f? hbl ,io o ., J8 ; i'TO. O000 885 875 88 08 84 00 ,00 00. OOOOf SO 00 0000 38 00 ! 00 SO ; -ceX 1 RnnrlL; tt bordm.- 100 '8l 8 ro: as SALT Alum, buahel.......,. - J,t5 ; 95 i .95 . ;:: H io va 0 r Jjverpooi, v taoK.. ......... 1 tAmezican, ack..;....,... ajJGAR-Caba, B.. 00 "iA Coffee, Tb.. ...... ...... 'iil- 6 SOAP Northern., y ,. .r..,trt SHINGLES--Contract, at.:!" St. 00 ; a oo . ,100 6 60 ?. 1 , ' i ropreaaBaDa w m. 1 Cmrewe Hearta tt Mi?. 1 . i Li I 9 60 anni 8TAVB - W. O. BbL.S it.. .. SO 00, a 88 00 ! iK O Hhd., H,. ,..-. w 00 00 00 1 VJ?IS,B' MC 00 5- 00,00 -OS. o u 10 1808 aeo isoo 7 eo 8.00 4 00 -000 100 600 ' Inteiy to Ordlnarf Sjli. W4JjaAUi-onaurna.V sal, j. North OarokaaTVjnLrj.. WOOL-trntraebed, fflkww.v 175 8 60 80 .fa '- 25 n BA O.F .IflBBllCtBX.jr.' ;';. (V0b,UV7 4erSaiuse lFar Btaaniar. a .- to saw ioK.:rr Crnde Turpentine S abl Tar l bbf.Ii. iT.ii I 0 45 D. O A Alt Al. 0 85 OSS 3&& 0 85 0 90 50 00 0 so r.85A-OS0 60 noaui v ddi tv Cotton. f bala.a.i.... PeanntB Q baBhel...... ' To Phttu -nnmjL. ' 140 0 00 joo a 00 85 .000 100 Crude 0 09 0 M 0 00 So 50 , 8 09 060 r0 00 0 50 ' 00 0 80 ti0 00 0 60 far M bbi,.. 'SotaTurDentlai' 000 l'OOl tl. uq (A 3 Mil D 60 8 00 Oottoa Qooda: bate.rt w ia w ooaaera ;0W-0.75 0 000 10 Peanau tt buabel.... 00a a 101 uuater 0 00 18 oof TOO tr To AUtraeBa., . etude Tarpe&tiae V abl TarbL.U..iJ.J.r 0000045! 8 00 C 45 0 00 04S 0 00 0 75 008 045 9 W,fl 80 0 00 0 46 SCO 4f0 uonooy: Die. j 0 00 8 00 000 0-00. reanau w Doanei...... Lutber p.;f;'.J(!i "naV it 1 1 aaal ag 0 00 0 II 0 00 SDO 8 60 broo'oJ V oo : 80 CrafleTurBentlD bW TarTsbbf. 0 00 0 00 0 000jt0i 8pta Turpentine bbl O Dun D 001 O OS frli 0 7u KOBUt V DDI I U W rUo 0 65 0 74 Oottoa 4a bate.M. Aa oa80 a e 0 is 0 10, moau'xi ... 'I ' 1 fin jrauiwva). v 0uaaw...AM 0 00 0 001 400 0081 ,DW-Jlv.'.iiUi.vVi y tLitrrwiiTOri nOrTEif xa Aiiiiirr. .litnl vUutnl ..n ' lot 1 ')!!. ft ri 1 ' w 1 v ay. - - ' i" 11 0110 ii:i ui() a;4trri BJ&ittd l.L. J.Mii.KMa44llQ 81lver................;.i...r...f - . Exchabi?4Vi!lilb0NewTud ..UU.i''. VdlCt: ; I r- , twewtt,. .. 1 'Pi ityui aMiJ PrUadJPWfc;a..4,fcl.K.; K-XJ4XJU ttti t ifVftjkra 8aWa4faa4 tlUiaJ .waMfjArn 1 .iut?. ... v , rr ABVUA1U6B j , i.aa.. f liavasea Qnano 1 1 , nnl4..-Uw3Lr Moi '4nafUMi3e&trallbBIkndat,6.dMi9e.dliw ' tAi t Ba n t . SSia.fii ali iKortbCarrttoaB., f , .... M..40 , . . I - . 1 and -Bferffe&sed Va ri2lf eeeipti 60c baleiv Norfolk, dull at 18receiptaT l.eOtt L 2 -Ad .... a . . al belesj Maiveo L "WT 4 as Arb-;P8 ,. 1 . , . !.... 1 I. , ,' . i oiaee. V. i , . . 44. - ......, ilS Wntra BBKed-w J" -tRaait ? ibbwl . .... .kktU. JUUl i-UUlm. Jfc..f.......... 'DtkwaodBasfci. .uaiZw...iuliMiifi ;?;! ti ; 1 baleiY-Mbilequiefi kP'lSJl'Siceiplil 1 , GJy toialBS t iavAnn an j Keaaj (wuiarH-es: cemts 891 bales :.LNeW Orleans Ptaady ? At-, ilreceipiSo balesj Joston, wealtjat t 4 42pr'ecfeipt8-l50 .alesV Charletbtf, dull; eamshin Beae'tactor. Jones. New'ork.t V A 1) CSKSUX. rrrr?;-.-.r; - .--i ? ,! 3ohrZenhh, Moaderson ' 'ShrAnna'-Shepard-i54 lobsTerry; :" ? t Providence ivia Orient and : tnJlatplnli1a.o . ra Jiabter.'"-:!'; o tci'J-rt :j t TSchr Ray, Dennis, ,New River, Edwards Schr KsUe Edwards, Moore; New River : Edwards & Hall. fr;-t . .n -.i;r - oBchn Maggie, : Canaday, 71 New ; River, I Kerch ner & Galder Rroaj i , -i.-.v - AScbr,lreBE0,.RusseJl, lewrlRifer." An-. derson&Iioeb, 1 J 3 t'1 ' t;Schr Maiy-iTfuMrer;'I13rema ; Schr Annai IalOQdeood 8 wanaboro. Wil- . -. f liams&Murchison. -.t - '.vV Edwirda & Hall."" ---ic-w w .'uv.i , ii - Schr Mary. Davia7 Snallollaater: 1 yiSlovpEHetty4-(of LoaglatandtBenja- - iuia, drut:M4..vity ooo pusnetsxonvw j..;..:lt. . j; lippHL,' fvi--Vi..U 4;;X'Vf: 'oyernmentTUff-boals TtoyattArch . M'..v- : D Curtis and WairiorV for coalf y' -tAi iii iii aiScfir-yforeirasotfJ MiddletoktlJ -ts. i.-&t 2,tbbshels. corn l!o,R,iF Mitchemfcop .,r. 013 bus1ielir8orntoB( A?i$hetf & SwoV1-? "wvu umiiuai waiuf jiarU-ujiwwuijw(''' 80Q bushels corn U WiUiams drMUrcbisonihi v . r Scbth 'Leviathan Gallowav; , -lAQck vanA' .. . . . Ily7ilartin.v:"v4 TB Tok,- for J Jacksonville, la-put -in-f 6r;ali coai,' v wjraraiey dctjoio? ffiir mmissl : Atjcur J-ucyjJttolmes.lOS tons, Teel, Ros-k,, ton, 9 Ld8ys, assorted cargo ,jto G Gs Barker "SchtSaiHlaHorhv I pays; ice 10 Anrens o c.o; vessel to mas- -5 ,.8cbr An9 Dpi?, .185 tons Btine, jCarde-, has. Williams & Mnrchison ' .' ... ".' Schr Amelia Hearri.'lO? tohs, BasOngs,' ! ; New 'Yotk;1 Master;? ; liJ uitrii-I 1 4cbr teo w. Anaersorifaa tonaAdaer- 1 sod, "NewiTork,, witb euano -toWi C&i h ! .8team8niWoneerr Wattelyifew ,Torki . 1 'A D Cazaux.' " :- i"? -y : ; : ! Schr Albert Mason, 285 16ns, Rose,' New " - ; AforkJttaBteivIl: j.ii )fr oois j ; - .Hoi. UiiacjjEARED w- f.j; pciir n-iia, Bower80n,ajyue county, u jc - J4ppittii2 ;otf ; niuqm c&.-?ii . "so d 6teamsMnBenecturnesNewi3L0rk at Til Ia.a. . , a. L. . Schrwillie Luce. Spear, .Rock port, Me. v d GParaleyr; .fA"; '?V' ' HifW mpton ydP cbtinty, JE.Llpptr , . -1. t-:-, s , met &-Cddjtf! Brespd oanrsaoi!s m i fjfi- &Loeb . H&vn va.u -nan llvn si ...-ivm jHv.! ui SchtEmma O BabcockBabCock; Phila : ,; aeipnia. - w ortn vv ona. , r f f n , . . "j Schr.Mary, Davis, Beaufort, Master ' f '"-''. ' n Steamship Raleigh, Oliver, Baltimore,' ;A' "! D Cazau oui -i rMt .'i;Lti-( jjK.nif . A 1 81oop Ellen YBenjamiaj Elizabeth City, ii " J; E LippHt,: ;i;of: -Mfi t': ;ur? r-.,i Schr Rav. Dennis. .New River. Wilder it , Hanoi: ' z - fii Schr Katie Mwards.-Mobre.1 New River : Edwards-A HalL' mi; usnh f?v: -. v Schri Maggie:: Caaaday, ,;Ncw. River, ? Kerchner & Qalder Bros. . , j i ; , . ) r ' Scfcr LoreBzo," Russell, .New River,' An- . derson&Loeb. ' "z: : iL Schr Mary- Wheeler, -Foreman, Sloop ' Point A; Martini J br-W.-in ir,ni.' : " ' x Schr Anna,' Rloodgood,; Swansboro, Wil-, i , Hams &.Murchison.' ... . 17- .. .., ' Scjir Minnie Ward, Moore; New T River " Edwards' Sr Hall. - i - i n j : Br Barquentine Brilliant-Star. Nicholas, ' Greenock, ScotlandTtJ-H Kingrr : v Schr DeMoreyi Grayer Aldrich,s.Bruq.s- , ! wick, Ga. Harriss & HaweU.r. ,?, ... ,..,kr ! SchrtieviatharniiamsLockwb FoJly,':MarJlrr:i?0 u. . - . r Brig Johni' -Piercel'TOWnsena,: Carderia;-i -; .Worth &l Worth;, yolamo .,id.iii odi Jwj 4. Agents Wanted - r uerisaraue- raHie.juanggriieuiu, j itjj Blossom AJIvais; , '"' ..wlr M Swed Barque; "Ameie, ChTisteton? Riit-,! terdanv Alex Sprunt & Sob; i wj; uo ,i WE. WISH TO EMPLOY A , PBW, JiOBE - J Agents this season, to tell our FRUIT and OR- yi i KAM1EKTAL TBBBSVIN e..,!We r-i., .can give steady employment and good pay to men f energy and ability. Satisfactory references' ato v : noaeety and- bosineaa capacity moat be given;, also t abend for the faitnrnl performance of daty.'-i '" -. : - Applicants will ple&aa state age and preyiotiroc-";:) enpatknv. . t e. . FBANKL1N IXAV19 CO. s , : ijfb 24-w2t' " 10C9Mainst, AachmOBrir' ' ; RAW MnSsUAIlTED; atiTTbi prompt ir. dec 8-W3m1f "V - t la I - - - . - S- - I t: ..4? iiVVaVF Ar:J ill t n'j-i-'u'- ?-!-, ' , .. , ...fi- ........ ... , . . r ; , , . t fTlRK 1 A1X X , JII011. H Cr v BTAat, A I&. CO., af anuTacturera aad Kxpoctera of Aiieruu ., i.lff.iKfStw.Rt Drlcea eurrmt In America. Abipplpr to- 1 f : fhlm direct wtll save tbe proflU of mWdle-niep, ana brin. J crempt cash returns. i i. a 'UJyiO! rJSSLi pnbllshedMbe following iml-ati; JSmd On Yeari.poatage.pald,. ,.,...,.,,...,... $7.00 r sixontiu, "."" " I i I if 25 AllfVCk 4 -: . - ' . -a- M ttvt- sr' X tf 'tr'' 31 IsJul ifl rfiiv jrliJ'mRinJ Jjj i; : j i;Kets, Telegraphic Seportsrof rhe JKOrthexn; 1 - i J lanVi EorbpeeA iajo'ke, aad .tte !Lateit i ni -ad,lil 'IIUaaLJ .'i:Wl:b;il.r ii i0ii .swuo -ji-jlisn 10I f,fi"lutn iiu-i if I ..'a jlliw Uvr Jw--?hh ,enjiiii nl b.i ' i lltU 1 lation in(Wiiminapn.ariY4uyuiiLL as . ko u h'ikA "t js us ,li- ody 'fjrt I 1 .j: ifem J .-s-J.V.V lli TWit'.,.iri:$ iif ii .1!j ;: . i Wilmington, N.C. fff? .Marwa ii3iU jiu'-H iTheBihlieal 'Itecorder.1' .004. e4?n&r ii ui ceo!-) lc IWHTalav'llrtoiliht AiC4!j odl bii jLtinijSioiU ;-ia no j ,d l!o3 mlfuX'.'Kiil 'fit ym5 Inn Ivrujt'I miv.'a-'tt? 6SAiqlAelat rate, a ata 1 Man of SEllLIImJiiO tit sao 7 Auuieaa I r JlauCfEU, i. V. : i 3 -1 f ?WU1 , - ' . ,i 1 I : - 1 in l.rf l b '. i! . n I 1

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