9 A H B o K 4 M H tf H . 1 htrL Itehh " wiar, -. PUBLIBKSD A1 $ 1 ;50 a Tear;-' in advance. 1 i 18888288 1 Year r si ' ' 1 88.88SSS- - IS""" 888888,8 , 3 Months 1 AOBin i eosaooo' nccu I m r-oo to 11 888388- 2 Weeks l. I 8888888' erf 1 Week 2 x .. ! S V 49-Pout ooee Hra7 r4n.iUT iw .w-nwna. , VMmiMit1lfiiiiMaitt ixifc I ana or less system, irhksh reat into effect jni isuareia; ontaineq. , txxrre. pnsrage, mux pm where the letter to be sent to the Dead Letter Office.-' yand i. Ue the Utatmpt both fot psktffe4tnAr hi thermmeg andteal Hi letter in the ' iot-Miaster and take hit receipt far i t-Tt to tip in this way are at nnr risk. Subscription uErice Th e subscription pri,ce; of tb .WEFK i.x Star is aa followsf! ; tvi-jfjU ? i SingleCopy 1 year, postage paid, fl.QO 1 j f Clubs of , year, $1.25 vanee. than a.yea Both :oldljieY.(fiab8(- ;Al tne aooye pnees tne vek Stab is. in the who have worked for its suecess in tbe I past will increase their efforts in tbe 1 uvuiv. . ' ; . i ! t I : J . LET U BE ORGANIZED. We hope ihe v disposition ; : our party throughout . tho State. 0i I general in -favor.' ; of the i closest j and strongest organization. Let I every Democrat Teel' lli at he'J is I r : 'i- -A om f a ' i . lt o months. " 10 or morcril serpen wit ;tbe wtjumuw i' &JMMtenMti perjoop; strictiyi itt-iough mi6ytvmriA Club Bates foi a period; raw nea all top.ead, and hArrowipcU-1 Abilities- and xeal would bQ exerted t 'discpvitned it made tnWbody f at to a sW&ej rj 'V''. , .'-j i l ,i..,-:L 1 thn ntmost. in hnhalf nf W4rvtti wlien he cariae, up to .the city and Potified wpung 310 maKeeyery possiuiO; wn-i-i bauwuw. -t vumouui.i, uxu4U cession of time and convenience, and forbids d awful an ending of the re be ready to onale what jinotiey may J trii natWbas yisiled . uyon be necessary to print documents and I rint documents and I defray expenses of canvassers. ; : The canvass must be an animated one not, altogether in the usual style of burrah and clatter; let ;us have" some- what, more hard wbrl? in "itie . tof-TAp, dJe of hunger. :0 For -io)g yearsdf ? ships. Quiet : earaest workriuontbsi indignity fnd (asguisb; .theVMuivk ueiore ne eoiioa . in n available means 'of 'excitiner inter-1 esc. ei r up e inosinj ineei'n- 1 .orl.nn.la. -A N"ntl.hi 1a ;hal- s -so jjuotA as - neigii uorowu wioru - . xj i 1p nnt1 IrXl taltf r t ion, jiQwever .ettectLve it , may,&eein. .1 ine -inafvonafc roust laoor unceasing-1 jy. tie may-uo uia'part iB ooscarivy i 1 and sileuce, but il it will be feltfat the State issues pf 'gfaest moment ;Na-1 l ionjir.duestio.ns., of. .supreme impor-1 i since, uepeim yir vef amQuni, ,01 , eu euon Qnoer 'ine jcnaneiy " x pey j have' sisrOi ineiriutenuon vq ooey. i The wntof ZfawarYfintp aga"WfiVif !A.n;ll-l " irre;"v v mj ww w vwwfc j heard aft rhe 'date of 'out latest 1 '-to ; I i ' t ! , l -t;S iiyiiill 1." - ', i . I nip wTiira, iHuiciainmi uigii ubbucu. il ''.'"j . w..Ti--,VfT-?f.T,?Iis ,.T5 .?!.T!.f. w .e jxt DentofcraaoC J hi rd- Diiwrros' Will ' meet J i n tWS'xnty , rtne'sy ' Fuancethe Tjr oiT 'fiha rThepnTpo8e.fithiiieeWff lo tne JilSWlCT UOnyenilon. PW?j; Iln - uwk .nrn.ihaJ.;rMm IHI ICIC(CHlWU,libUCICKNVIMIUIU iron at Dt, 'ijouis. ,umer luauen. oi ; organtzaon; wU rfceiTe the attention . eieetion. ; vv e nrge,upon ,Qur,irienaB,j potia P&VFtFWHiU'JAls to make this! the most earnest and d0 I ice and insatiablo"ene termined fight they bavrever waged. '( doek itfie blow fkiicRAy ln: the . manamujs v Aase . beforp i.jAr TerUwUeacaVi'ade J u.lgeUenryw it wasecided tuatthe the'' otA'KM Ii'Htil be remembered ibttheist' ivlsttni of tb fibred! viepe in- vt'rnv.iaiiuviauyvonitAp i.anping an opportunity; tpnimroy ihg ibaspect bt '4'ffai wfit1Ui ai 4 tbecbaKteterKof ttb iawiveWani niateriai; t .-k; it-J-. oi :s -"y?i"j'a I through theTO of theJJ'niaierikHtatti lit iKn At rvsi i l a t nan km ann . a - i uii- M.it.Mti ivww!VP,.p?-''?r i lsi pprnaps uoseAuy9n.pos8ioie sav l hy 'f&aeCmSapa in behalf bf fexed woblema But nnbesrwaii bhertyw'ionbli3CaroliBai')it.may 'Hng men5: febmiB anB Hfflri& 4iii uever ,be..i 1; Wi yt ms-,r; . . A :Timertv4ippensationL.S of the.DUtrlet Cdrtvehtfpn; 'J 1 L!iiaw l Uy.-f.it-t 7 if I px jt .1 i ." -lit 18 ... J ..U itl ' ,1 1 1 -i a- mm icwucbhum wis woum aur up ime UVt UtUUU UL XlUr. eaitaULXIlU UOUreSI now(ivRr.vRTHln11v!A.An'. nrl nnrii. - '7 . 'TT T f ought to speak pni9Uind -atroniU Their suiiwaribt under othcy4f circumstauces, aveeb the loUofi I4 WLJVl kWlblJt I XIIUCU) 111 BUIOII er. measure, we have all had, a taste of the miseries endure Carolina bret.brei pJe ypvtb cxpetDageraas;i wroagni.r rwm iu. the light of the surroundings of li bjak U)ppel pf ti misery. But it is not righ io'the face . the.ge. IIUI HUH UIILIIUI L'KUlUrV. in Mil UIIB hundredth yitrar of American liberty, . in ine ngut oi a resioraiipp inat nas joiced over bj niany,lhat ftnyhould perish f of atit of ccrmmon' breal with whicb to sustain their miserable. these people for tbeir devotion to these people principle. : Lett pot, bef said ,that these .iflen: and their ; wives and chndren were nc ejlW&bYWroil W -" ""'T I with ' Vice, to ' be ' despoiled, troddeb'f ipya ju foyiu5u4, rand eimressors have.f ioted at Coldnl- 4 , - . v f j T 7 ! f 1 ery mwiwia. xxw, ym &,yj I au xua C8n.uupirib inu uumiuaiB r 1 ub cuiuiaBuug niou-n It omwanf ta1"deltf6yink"th eance? No oyms foogbt jina those;w;ae jsistanoe h to a eoveramenU 4a-4Oin4s t imntrfldlk'y tU4 MftOklLIl6 strike thp chord! that"IwiH;Vibraf,iii itbonsandsi of hfearta.; I but? the Hrrliie 1fcaiibbt fdliyfBe'hlivattt'ib I, - - ,7 ; .7 1- -i. ,.,Y iuijijies., ojremejqyipasniec poJHKjal-rsuflhi, aatbe; nJbstfentiOn .bf thioVedtraen'ffeni vb4ttKh t . ,'p i" t . i lion - is " vexeu, .anu . vexes in oest . inieuects .. amonif, in j mpst be doiie:&peedfl)'y tir ,Walyi;dej- f sgaboartj Jp!MtllHolftalr5fl: 9. apjp-. omAnenW(ap a.fpe. wh biWft mwisteiljd aAittil db tnraUtdr Wtiof tbeir hbhndance to .wayw,, ?,fW VT atnnerg liitw3 Tt J fa'aMp: nuld' bei the first to fe - , . w . r 4-r, - 7 I. .7." 1 T t i woetexmaj. B-fl . f " .w;'. i ?"'irO I With mntamata t.. .1... X J- t ! -t 1 1 Ahe people is tlireaDe.aliiil rtarvi-l - S31 -T B waea -mey fcreipartaktog KF6be Wfeal.'wWre. r trl i .This i deriloiibUi a It iftddena rtiik ' b s S3 s3 rconirasfc tne -nen "condition ot" 86 effUtry, put Linese u aio. memoneaana not 8peaK. 3T!tStterft 1 In ibo aid Qfihestf people every voice' : jt l l- i!. . - e r qmfpd. xieip to-igave irora ' Btarvar 1 cinei excitemenw "ana Diooar f iro? aByefderifExeeufive ComW LL tion :;tet'ihp pontfcranstalp baref yWhji !, lo'S, a l owt T.niiit BebVy.n j tbdt-lu, JrVr Fwew, U7 I I A wet f.:ii.wiu. rrrnrnnnnr: LA VEKEIt A RLfl NAHTll'tAnOLINA v Tfee Jpdepftd JAhkJnAfXr FEetteiriUnaJcoiBpanifL ihese .CTfiditabla to the,; Sute t,,wbWtt, their i m s i.i '-i .t L ijbaii.uarae pare repreaw-tiwuii to j fnn' hnt . r h.;. ftwn nAlretd D. L-t -J lf- 1 I l . .a :': . . . t . ' . ! 1. iionsj, iranspouauoTT, eic, sooaiavoe irerierdtfs ,j Hberal part ff tbintt will U J 1 rbutmba orVrent sent io iiiue ' com. tHU vriN.-riTOT.i6N AM. AMEND phnoiples in that part the State r ,.; y : --i. ; ... ' i: i- HeUalizlnghe expectations pi Ste?". 'Fkf-fe&Jf&mW an1 earnest journal, ami .i8j.. wor.tbf more to the people of,; Kandolpn county as an educator of opinion.and purveyor of sound truth thathi I tides on the nature a,nd importance of .the CWitntional Amendments! which' will be submitted to tbe pppui W vote next November. The pre! - . . i face to this series is in ihetfollowing words.: , ; mit I I . "Among , the many important issues to I . ?, n y . Jtk ,u n V"T at tbe polls next November, there are few! if;any, of more importance to Libetax payers of all. parties, i ban that of the ratir Heation ' or rejecUen of ibe ' amendments to tbo Constitution - of : the Stated . Cheap honest and good gpverutnent, and a faitht tul. put economical administration pi , the laws, are' important alike to the masses o tilt pgxiie&i and very iadiTidoal of .all pa Ilea. wtO )B not 10 otocQ. and interested an office-bolder in ; having hia fees fixed exorbitant rales.! In cdnsidering the atnet lament hoove: Teryrtaryejr4 WioXiaunota officeholder, coolly, ,calmhr, LooesUy, ao y P"y Btas,' ,aOdc decide and cast Hi; IniltevemberJaeoia4nBly.l- i menced. a publication of our views in r eanr to' these'Jamendments, considerlnt thent'ono yone is tbe orderitf wblct i?Mf, tJbf y aw, pubUguea 4fl the pajnpJMet issaec IfX u.. 1: .iii si l oy,TifLuo va, au wunnuwj oi iiw yoovw ttoOTBshr fe ,!thSif)Dlptnntof: lUz&gkatoi rdifferirfroiniioitfiiin .views are expressed , in sncn.a, wav.as JO . a - - - . w i 'show1 that th6 ohjfert bfthe wrnerisld eTicil the truth,, and lead tfie pfhRc1 tniad ro a conclusion hoae8tly eatertaincd bv-the wri ler,w' Tf --?:f- -' 7v '" - i'.: LC. 11 ven ift the.Kepablkto i party hd m i - iJ - C UJ yjA J id uty, td i6t;florfi the onaiification' o win uui uu uuuiuvcu biiab ii is vuu i??OT paryvOtiiHt vqutigq. is AUj yrp 4 RentiBg.it, j fully nd coOity totbo vdteTS.of all paf Ues. ill 'l ' f. ... rti b: wisrti. jBR aaeixi an - . m mm mm wm mmm mm mm sm mm m mtmsmwrn - . ) ejyimoyejnenApd Visitlngvereikif 'JbetePtta) f kitic Tiia j feii iLiiKniil JfiJiW i, ft 4ji its t'ft-'-' heart and a practical mind aJreftr see m s j4i ke- Petert of Rdssiaj bent! ot f ul tcPMftv in ithfei administrauon 10: steaa ot conntHUir t iwtrfcUJ"iere BiguujayBiHSt A-t!iqoi ge toi tne' ecnoof nouses and prinuns lonversiug wiiu ine pmetAaMsai to whom, be eagerly Bought lnlrodacf tidb-t;SocK;jmoAa bono tm tKoir oPa&:nU'i.thi histovicaltndent thB of tbe. beneficent, Atrto; mnrA -. AWf TUtt AtfVfea I u ra -iL.n.a ni nii t . i o . . f iPtilyUl J I aim II UD -iilyM WGu lUbOtiCyvuiii M penontv. .he cOmea 'UP to Jtbo .lull napiAntir hn AAmno inn' tn thn tnll iJ..,; .. lil Iftl'i i 1" ) uiaiiMci vuc vuiuuauvriuaii viiaijc, i vu niv oucii. r tt uac uciiovcuuci fla&bjtayet . enof r.yBsioy RaiJi this ofBce, will be applied tb the 'pat- :&rilVsflUl litAili Ai'Jj weiirht of its : tiroes in the orecious i - . . s ?i 1 i i-i'.f u ; asqcw aw ins,. jwiiowaSj prowned oil a metals. ; ; it? I . ,M - 3 , flat attached to the sleameriiy Eastf on v In the last number or aturdayVf histkrwsjte Messrs. tor we find the first of a series, of arl Cassidey& Rossship yardl I. li... exciteme imeq t." denounces j ExiAttorney venera Mamoaoput ibSlstiibixtj0Qfiley .'tiT!ii: ' .i' 1: ' I. r . f bered, was 6Mlysgfea 'ftia'theffiSicient - IHias all .firaoU-i; netialaluib pand'shows it .1.: . j j ..,L.i jl -,.,irn is..-. .. r i: how roriio nrs vra-f. s to curse - his' rajfet , ""I V f ; r..,vnwao -VK-'W- uVUIO.,l which tbkt J (ren'tlenian dAnnnnnpft am iorrjr. ijr.B-riTU fv,irrri. s to "IOU1 lain.e, -rtS ,- !Tr,' iFhoureadiiuiSiMrstigati . 1 iyeMigatonanct i M.been perraane permanently laid tOeSttt? W fBS i Coroner uaa me ooay Drougut up ana UAJj tbryyesterda Mrn$ng;JWienproeea ed to hold an : inquest. Thfere was no obd present to identify (he remains, which werd spparently thpse of ,a younjt manboutia Pi it t ' scarcely ; any , lne Jry rejumed a verdict tbat deceased: deathby drowning. : ,;, w ceuieBuui-fflM, . waMeii'i Ap4 Xem' V 1 1 .rV1 V j . .x W am rlnn in a thnt ilia snnninlnipnt of Mr8. g. H. Taddell of "tiia city as. Carl M8ppnibIProeiHi par'tment of the Philadelphia Centennial together with her earnest and eloqne.pt ap4 , . , . . ,. ps P. Ihe.people, ot,Nojh. Caroling as : published iu these column8j jbave met with n nnniiul mrentinn m h tiaiwia nf mo w- I . , . J . j . ; of our brethren of the press tbroughout f ine PwPtviwnoj . cpmmeoa tue appeal to .lheir; readers in terms of, warm, commenda tion and approval.; , ; ;.KJ. We take thi ; occasion tp reiterate :. the inquest of,; Ilia,! vtfaddell, that those who liave arcles . suitable, tp be - forwarded ' to; the Centennial will send them to her, or. rnOOieretolA safe, return", free of all exj . uuiicbiiuuu mm ucr ill lui& uiillib iu reici: ppnse. wUhbo guaranteed for all articles orJ bvm vuo au W'-ttt unnnoni ia Dan t l V .1 -' YesttfdiyUioraiDg. nboTit 4 o'clock, tHei citizens of :tb usuall t Oulet r town Joi -Tar- 1 , w.l i'- -. J i boro - were -startled .&y -tbe f alarm of fire, f ttte,pol&ebn dfttjF. The firiemedmptJy hw. Jewi?jq. one'ortbe 'priftpipai; r . . , l. . ; . . . iilirrAli rii tlu Mi '-ftithfieiv. IdAkfut liKrurjL ku.fi!J:riiJisijy I ." " r,vyv nyuw,.ww J 'vi I beiore the names could be subdued, ibe i4hwlliagM aaval oaljKibcbagn-tha tiiUr I I uauuei vviuuauji A uw w4U9w Vk wuv, Mib I T..Hiia Anmnanif r Tka . i.aa aF 1. n Ana lot also tteldates to 1 attend "the" Cbbkri ;D1sic-Cotitenu dW if or-Cwigf m it.JCbwtarious towpships; m oaiuruay, iiie. oiu ox d!egates:to ai4 t anch townshin is reoueifeda -r i countv officers until Tthe crops are lai r,:Jt-Tfiat the times in which we live l-itfdthb m id th& TJpollUcW. campaigus.otMhIs; TeaAidemand! that the Democraticn8eryauyevparjy 1 who araatronirest. est kriownnd most ac T i. ii..-....i. ) tt..i u it,, .a., i centable to the people, and that the offie apt tbe than; the 1 nffllo " . , iiUiin' LM- f" VJiiiitlWJ I - . mi , nlm T r v.: flviw. TiiafUitP -eroceedin 1 , , - I V1 j. . Ul LUIS :VftV, If. uiU In J ltJ.I ! e commixtee met at .Kocny foini .ue- hWh Vf0n 4prdd.n fully organizing the party and to svlc.tpe)e Convention atr, Raleigh, 14th f)fr .3 une. And istonaL Ql.tne cpupivwere ines bf ibe patty c May;o elecv? each 'ttffe i f should notjODiy nominate, ror pmce men ot aides.'aad .the I'foVth ai easoidktes ahose' of its membets ff J V .If W Ail-' J I - 1 1 Tbe Lllllpsion tVamllrAp UUor1 lookhgsrthjQll Ewex county, ! deeds xecently,ifouadhefpljp1wiughicb.i8;conJ tributedto the "Ifotes and Queries" of tbe -- -- j ''--ri i'JIiK Jilt ' 'n'.l.: ', i 1 Neva England Historical , and. Genealogical t "Jxandef lJiluikton, e Albrniarla ,cquQtj, tJie pjince, of Carolina, piaotri ana now presav o naiem, in new suog the; daaglier of ,f boroaa J ainea, late, of ' tbd Sd Carolina deceased: but formerly ff Sal 4em in New Englaiidwttich &Vt Sara is thd -' Tbia deed was signed -and- sealed the 3d 'jof August, 4075.: u 'tiA i-J -'i '3 1 f anyplhex puhentip record ip.existence carries, us back n tbe history of the Lil JJij , tt i t f iv i ; ,i: -a r .ru-1 ?i on iiugiua inmiiy one liaoureu years uuienu. to ibe' of ' CW?!Mexanaer Kington Wlip1 fought -ki(Ml..!X iUJ6thiCQDipeotatIlegimpandIwliQji ,1 JTlibecjBei.nmbr be cmses p Commons. There is little doubt that tbe Alexander Lillinglon ..referred to in tbe aDqve extract irpm me xsew England mag mwas lther gratfdfatner oif gteaigntij Kftttkej' of UheMAlexaMr who fieurea iri this! isecttoa trone . hundred years J laierj nd( s", .who .bepftnie-usp ; jjenQwsif d J4 wa aijd . jln Ibe cpuncilLpJ( , his ptovjueeJ This beins admitted we think this sives na the first insight into 'tlie'ancestorial h'lstofy t iA thy tini Of which w Write (1665)'the! territory rh$ ch lincludedV theu coaiBtr be4 w.cfJfc the C4H P?l Riyejcin4,ygiaja; ijnim6ndtVinriatib tVnebverno?fi o :'tr-Tn .. I'S-.P.!!, - mi New Rates of Frelebt on tbe V. & W J Kallroad., 1 :uWe are glad to learn that thei.Wilming' tqan-JVeldppRaUroad C9mpanyj haef ver. rnateriall v reduceqthe rates for, tcwalj ireigub.on tueir roaa, me uew.arrapsemenk 10 go. 1010 eueci on me inst. , xiiia re duction will 'rabge from about td'06 per centj j For iasUppe.ilhe rateforiiVi'st class Ireightj betweeaHWPiaiiigton i and fiolds j boro, under the oldrragemf nt,4:waa,, 0 cents perOQjQunds; by thfi new it will only be 10 cents. From Goldsbore' toj vveiaon. under , tno .oia arrangement, tue hri :;. . -Z.' i--' ii. 1 'J .'ii. 'si3 ir' raie was oo ceuis; unuer tue new it is centsi'andsoon''1''' : " I The new schedule of rates will no doubt have a good effect upon the business of the road which will increase largely under the impetus thus kiven it. It will, also result J aswe can well imagine, in a- material ad-; vantage to ohr city. ' It is With mueh gratl-j fitlonVtreforevI that we ail thfitfew emnetaen andwetiKTeonfi wilj lose nothing .by.it. , r . JComailtter'a coart.f 1 t'.'! '-' .; k Mr. Bethel Bufflipj pf Columbus county, was arraigned, Detore u. a. commissioner iassiuey, yesteruay morning, enjirgea wiui violating the Internal Revenue laws.'' Mr. B. is a cultivator of ; thes' weed," and it seems hedisposedToFsome of if without se- curing the necessary license, being un aware, as there is every reason ,10 belieye, that terewas any Jaw ia existencsti which required him to pay a tax. to the Jeneral Government for the privilege of selling the same. iHe wasrequirdd to give bond in the sumof $$0( f ojr hfa appearance at the! op- proacbiqg term of the U. SL .District f Court in this cityj , , ' coPnty,' "was arraigned oh ihe charge' pYtib- Jilt. J!lLUILUUt:i OL1 lt:H.IU.UU. . Ul UIH BaLDB liuug tfte Intw-nai Hevenue law by selling spirKuPua liquors' without first obtaknirg the necessary jice.nk and areqttirejttfte bond in the sum olpofpr.hig ipperajiQe at the District Court. , . i ,r,v feblhWehfle men found necessary se curity arid wthereupdn' released. i" s I i . . r. . . . rL . .. f ; thaMlpwiBf bniiof jgoodsrtooghtJatiaaac- tn p, FjjeVtevilJe, JTanuary 47ft,j 865,jby ttohreeapk-tetW opirxherrtegS,1! flSj1 'dfepfeceai fj crockery, $40; one pistol I J$S3 rfltetal, m! The eamer? Rtft'i, 'Eadridgev'.'Khagter, arrived at Smith ville on Friday,' : eh :f ode) frorti'Florldfe to NiiW Have. 'VC6n'n?iThel aptaihreppfts bltsifies 'lliihietif falrnod drefe to the Centennial af gPbiladdnhia. It wUl sHr.denionsj l)ten!?lSW$& fbesf.dredges, and-also LljlusrajrA tJiecfortBersdiffieultjes, aavvrW IWoa in9fJapLF!rMi iff VBb fch;- fed Tlla TjmpejantPvfgaiisatlon ;v(Gcdj Templart) is iacwadngifninbers tfadia-f Uee8lt,Knd 4tglt)effera (visible twailJ tieyjbave feddpted the yt3Ce ' bT iweeklyj 'jdebatest; itfhtobaiUinetWherS parti61paie. They pxtypose to add aleV(b-t so that tbeiP'toitragW feay M W sSdrbe 61' fenUw rfmenlW .-anWMrf'WemtW'eMBlJjfl &8vlhlytasl4,no tfadfeSad .jfpAnwrs yaciu,j ptiarjfitf WP j W'-PffPHrHn-Tli-TPJ W7"kJ-l -T T"T-J .T - . . i ,!i.tr- -t1.' :-w'..:'-5 U'J George Monk, afterwards,l)ulce of Albe L'-i-i rt orivv 'Bt3i'niH'l rniJO-aiioiJ mane, one or tne proprietors. : v luianx lkWmtm&idits' WmaSf 'of olir adersVespiaHVat aatiBfce; eie spopns, $240: 12 forks, 300: one butter KW6'Bb?ne, e.rVi.t AWio-v v.J'Xa.if tBot'optP the iUift&AlimiwX' JJ!Dur cbrresdentlsfofed from the: channei.oi iiie uape ear, py tne i 9 .;iii i i"? " i y n.' r i t rendering, their meetings boMduclVe; W .xi; ttaror. ati xocjl Kill II of "Hi's, v:s.IjoJI 1o v train -rt"C'; .-4 .- . . - IK Proceeding n fbe. DUtriet CouctJ 1 J i hi ?k Mi I i i i: : . lBaltimore Sun.1 , , Ibe proceediocrs to-dav in the ha beas bPr'p'bs'casfe oi.HaIIetfKftbourne) Xftlbaanreitd hik ownjmabsmn; wberel of the deputy marshals and cousinrofi T. SOL. 1 .1. . . ' i i - r v., .iJirsif I a-r. ouarn. me marsnai nr t. T rheI3ergeant-at-Arm8,of the Honse? ui iircjjicBcuiauvp appearea ; ueiore' PChifef Ukf riiHtftA Cr.lfii . I and brpught with . bini: Hallet::Ki - Dpurne, in answer to the writ .ofnbH peas corpus, and in accordance with the brder of the House!. ' The" Ser geant !was accompanied bV' iyebun- 8ei, JUe8.8rs. bhellabarger and Christ. . Messrs. I)avidge GanenterfandjEi- .fg ppunsei torMt, JLvilonrne, were also present, r i ; TfiTbe eYgettfsnisVreft sets forth t tbat Kilooarno haS xbeen qpmmittedrf pr, a contempt in refnsing tp answer, the questions of a commit- m m tte'llouse o5f 'Kepfesentives,! auu iuav ins rcmaius. m contempt in still refdsLui: to anawer. .It concludes lawfully herd, and that np further! pceedi'n oJ'inUrrefebce'witb tne! custody of Mri can lie hald- underj hp writ, and asks that he be remand-: Sti "-V. We PVtstouy, pr inp oergeani-at-. Atuis, a auu tuab tut) writ or- naneas corpus be dismissed as impToyldenly iMueu,-' iwj eoim xnereiore arrectea Uie. clerk to enter Ithe folio winffs'or- Wie?: fitl 1 Jii"'ilLi ') .vfnsu) niliiiEi'i ji" In the matter of Halet Kilbourne, habeas cbrp8oVlr,3llfae'yi (eanaiArina-afAMiil kSL tioe before Ithe Chief Justice' afore-i O w - iH-v.WwM wrauvo UbAU aaidrapd. makeft biffretprn to;tbe writ! ui usiuean corpus, , ana Driugs WHn hint the 'body of the relator,' and it is ordered ' tbPreupoTi that themarshil of tbe. United States' for thb District pf Columbia taVotbe I body ot i the relator into his , custody, and hjm kafely-keep till f dfther order." ' ' I Tbe counsel were bf prepared to; argue , the points in tbe ease 'at once,! and the court! suggested.., that - be would be glad to have the argument begun ' at the earliest pdriodcohve-l nient to f counsel; After' some: dis cussion, between the counsel relative' to .making such , additions to the! records as would present all the facts, it was agreed tbat the case be beard to-morrow morning, and the casP 'was -adjourned until that time, t v..:.! : r. .j'The marshal then,. prpceedpdwUb our., Aiiuuunia w nis pmce ID JD eastngJbtng cliV tiaC wherV avplaced litihSbyrgteof ttriJaingsi ?uarp,auepu5y" marsnaun vnoawiu ce , companion t.pr, . jftitxW. nMHtU v ine conclusion of the argument MnT,the habeas corpus case. ? At' the Marshals oifice Mr.iKl was congratulated by .many inenas, ana men weni ouu in company , with) -Messrs.. 0 Latt a 0 and Qlmstead and 6py. . Shepherd. He went soon after to bis residehcei Mr. Sharp accompanying him, and be nP goes and comes as he pleases. ; ' U: L-The council. for . .HaDet. iKilbourne lt!;n ;i" - jn'k .: Will II, it" is ' understood, insist before Chief Justice1 Carter; Jih the argu riietcm'tbe rytiirn oV the' sergeant-at-arms, that Kilbourrle's case ii dis tinguished ; . from j .Irvin'a case t and "Ste wartTs case,1 in which ibe Supreme Coufrt of iH4 District have- shstaihed 'the power fi ertberEioufsP'oir Con .gxess to, imprison, for ! contempt; and .fiWadgp pttnecpntemp0;ipey will urge that this case diners from alPothfer bef6fe atfj toa'ted ffitne faa4,hit-liilbonrae'8 ease (ba beeb .ppTtjfiedi to? tbej grand viryref tha SriminaljQnrt pi tb.e r piatnct, and ai jury Has returned an indictment If Or tboffed'WhibbVboVers ttiecon- Itempti i YThisj it will be cPntendedy fe 4t tramsfpr,pf tbe jusdiption pveF jM-r. sentatives to tbe courts of the Pis ""-iWctv L.ji'i u.ij oj viiHihi c m inu s. fTpir pSUeigKtineKT0 " ,!OnStrndiy lastwW "bdysf lat iilver,? in Urange county j;.oae twelve: yand 4b-i otben LfourteeB,!. visijted, jaj Addlb'h were tho:ily8d4Adolphu8? Roberts! reacfte(Jhehonse,Pk; a . 1 " 1 greats ber sistep with' torch In band; loekeVij ,apribe-boasp artdibasteneaj odt.tfind! Roberts in jtbe house. When MrsJ 'Casb kiid'siste reacbed tbeir neaVesii tieigbb&)rvf8om qbarter of a mile' ffj they. (discovered (tneirunonsei wmcn ,tftejfJiadHnat:le As for life the poor, women ran toj "OiMy 4n time1 to near cno last screams and aeasitOftilaAt smtWngiAa tnef consb med bim. The women say ttierej 1 waW 'Wooni JtrawintHe - lbft:of"lrla tiouse, and it 'mttt bave canghti'oto theitbifebtrtbieb, one off jtbei beWi'Aq bapd -mm mmwmm&p key , and ore f nncontroled becom ( lerriMeereerite of aesroSti8nvI,,'l i i I i'. ,OtJl residence oi mr. i ames , Diewan,! ftrfv "S" 7'?,' f tUiUn Ki olTAi "lA experts and pecame beastly drunk. AddlDhus'ftdbrts an'd Winiim'Casb 'intelligible account .of bis companion, Cash. In' 'greats Hake! MrsZ Casb tid "Spirits Turpeatii 'tUlVizM the entertainment in behalf Of the Method is i9eWWffi3- fiUVVB M J-W; --negrowoxnaiue-cooK,. oi Qdldabjdfra fwrnnfed :auccsFuliy?i Tuesday night at tbe Humphrey House in honor of leap year. : x . ; - - TaBa3ica leadeS-s HB Raleigh ; r getting,up a bloody and .riotous spirit omwug meir luuowers. . juaae mem pre serve the' peaces . !0 i I V-'-; -n i.-w : i - - 1 The'Slhzcrsay's' Bfsbbp Gili- bdn sp'reached an feid(ent''kririon'in Rd leigB, Wednesday cAftera6bn,: 'w 3 a5- Irety v lTgeTCOgregation.-:- i-?r r ?r-: o t if! ts - Mf.Tjewter.of Durham -wab pai6fuliy injured "by getting a piece of 1 bis ueara id nis eye. Moral: Don'thate'awk- ir-.43oU i3rhos.;iS eoan has .tiust been nominated fon hia.ifourih-vpar m Mayor pf4Wilson. r The old Board of Cqm- missiouers was likewise -re-nomiaated. , The Wilson Convention "Vo" abV point delegate'' to State' and Distrfct Con-! ventions -win meet Tuesdav.- the 9lh nf - VYiU' .the, publishers ,pf the e- tersburg fntt-Appem 66triTbJscme plan VwhichwCjican jiyeftn,,u,nmuliilaied py of those 'waluable" "Current Com. rnor u.iyance, or North Carolina, has- wcca; jutubuid aenyer lue.-aaaress to 'the members of the Richland Rifle Club, of onr eSty, at its annnal Celebration4 WMaTi x&Trt xtmdui Clarion a, The 0ranre Presbytery,!! the oldest ecclesiastical body Norlh'Oarolina;istiow holdibgMttf'twb hupdred and twelfth semiannual seesjonat Nutbush, Iriihis couuty.'Whe1 kftehdahce Mjrr7.AtrCbArlestn on, f, the ..10th. Rev. S. Taylor Martin will deliver the ad dress. .ex-Governor iVqnwwaKreadtthte Roll of Honor, and Gen. Thos. F. Drayton wiH act as-iOhfef Marsha!:5 A.mf ?itTT i)t - -At '-the commancement of JjTorth Carolina College, Mt Peasant, the Bacca laureate sermon, wilt be preached, on the 2tst .of Mav. . bv.Bev. .F. B. Conroa. . of PhmdelbmTle 'Senior adrdresse" will be delivered en the 24th. -''Mo: r'M ' .;r lieigliTiycKwiUBfUio liDUiJ of April laat, oo yeat aaoi webadi terrible our garuenerairaaxretrer lOOBrout. we Baa ftlgltifcyeerflay-5to6rm the ayiwa8mtexKidfioTiU " i lUrr .'husu yi A he Weldan, , says Mtt J. T. Stewart, ' ot llatUeDbr6;-'iu a bureau made With Ms own 'hands, at' idle' times, with no tetola saTe af pocket knife, Urawihg knife and saw, which .would be creditable to tfNbrmernmanUfacmrer.'' '' - "t. AsheVilia !E&8drParties in the neighborhooofofBugar Hill, Old Fort and Marion. Ireort neitv andAremendoua ' rumbling iu the, vicinity of, Bald Mountain, a feW days igP; TP shocks are said to equal the most exciting of those a few mpniasagOja ru .;i uniY Hi H4a Wadesboro Herald.' jWe pre sume, as a matter of course, that the diatin. 5 U J 1-1. 1 I ' 1 ' - ' guisuea ana auie geoueman who now so .-ti j . - . . . : : , . ' . . awcpiauiy auu ureuuaoiy represenia Tne dlstrictldmas S Asbe, should he tlesire it, or even . express a willioenesSi to accent it. will .receive the nomination Jagaini 1, .- gp-euc yiixt? iiwn,?.,. corres pondent fjionruceTeiljen c6iin ty, writelhaTlwomen,- Thomas Davis and 8tteeliwiTifstaMly kifl(l yan explosion at the nfiba lnine of Mr. Press fs$, last ekilb?f!euere? ?thown about thiry,f eet ifeigh. The explosion was -caused by carelessn essiS iaHiperlnga' 5lAat STbisBOt !lrm3tY6e8m's pt thp people ef WiisouestabjishiBg: the uveriand transportation freight Tme, and the feeieraJ'dissatisfaetioa of ihe'.Baippers -alppg the W-VlMMt he bb.f rejght lariu p, ine raiiroaa cpmpany, nas orougui about-a! Compromise.' as ewe: are'ioforifeed. 1 dwtea'p be reu...;i.lik,u groes were : arresrea in campson, a lew days ago, for breaking into the store of Mr. Reichmpp, ofCluiton,w, The. store was en-' tered three several times, we learn, , twice from tbe hearth and onee tarough the uobv. banana aootmcof 6me ill ttunintl Blacknay, at.KUtreli?s,Ihas an old pocket book given him DyJbraan colomon, whose grandfather rled fotit'wiffifCornwallis' men when they tramped through this coun try during th& revolrtiohlarari-?Thdold man gavg p&nuU Iof U. , W. IL Jones, of this city, ha'l freiielvfej alerter! rom a Mrs. AWoritgt Smith.5eld; P9jrire6bf( baailwo chairs that once Deicmeeato.Jt'atricxiienrY. r Ane.tioiasDoro jnessenger re mm tbekdry3 0f S4 WW&W BtJd Vt- tempeiinarrMge pyayoun man from Petersburg and a vounsr Edsecombe cirl. Which Was Iftislraled theiyouBi: feay?s jPeinjg .nadex UiMe finalljcopsee4 to return to ner parents after the young man badilriOdiJatwi Jfail8dp3ifgetia OiceasBtti ,GoldsbOTp..Raleigh.' and Durham, and who finally4: alh? 'refused tb take' hertd a'State w&ote laws were ies;striflgntj oi j oslt-iiia o it t liib-- TbezRepublicaa Jlxepuiiv'a Co tfi- gat&sfJineitihati; Ji AMcDoxalditand in: Raleigh July Uth.TiM &n5 under stands that Blaine. Bristow and Haves will 'hfive' 'if fblidwin? Tnrtbe?adlegaliotf lrbm : ivaviason. superior oiin rati Mondk5 iiexfcgtouV' jiidgeloud h sidinji Hisharce-jlPihi,firapd Aqryl was a rare one. He'gave" the sheriff 'till suc 5downMTtdhibP ttfe jaileVmapVuioe- jejrs hadfecapc4jtPm;tbe,rfi.f jail, atid teld the Grand Jury they must in dict 'the ft!lez"adffV7br1lf Without 'airy 4pi1her foveatfgifcipn, as .it, was, pnl jr jiepes- .sary for tbem to know tbat the prisoner bad Salem Pre.''A;pta!rtyi'bfi tenr- Sore and New York, alighted here a few iy8itiimibWefaoglcither JiBtereKiog ftexOi Hotdi ,wba.hefel)joumed j kerevi ouiJhs .way- to visit Gov, Martin. The ,v1sit was inadtfabb'atimilA this cPnnee6ni:we .woiuieftjirbatn effort be4amittU0flia4aao ppon wbicb.Miss Dorothea Meyer (after. wardVMrSJlsaaa'Bi foitBe 4l)EetWiQaefjthi8jGearaL, Suppose 4f!ja somewhere ifl town yet i It is quite a relic 'ahdmlehVeaeedtW. 3pm uvnTSfi't f Mf 8?C6iaeld'-EB4iBi Eri lAne"were returning front iilimAUchttttfoa;t Snndaywhofe thcy had boo' attending took fneht. backed over an embankment. nd setting f thai ibnegya-iandtt i&idlaag: both I ladies, under- it., 'Tbeyjemained so .about fMettaTOeit MrV'GlEHargrdVe, passiiigiDjr jaiscorered f tbeBV and ( relieved then? of their rcritjcal r condition. When Mr. iHa-fgrPVe approached .the i terrible scene; jthaAorse waflJoniSIra. Eing.ajpd A his strngglea stamped her on the cbept aad arm inafearful mafifier'Tbose; pai er hrUised. nerfectiv hbirlr. ,. PhA w ii5flfnilw. ivjureu, ajui wo nope not 8; eescapea' t r. 4 ' 'f.-'nif S V iji.lt ."it W !! t rji i Jl t. i , f I i'l i - . 1 ; . . . - - . - ' - r - ;