Hi -I : -i . rjaflKaiiaBiMWMteir'mwiiiiwii i i mil in hmmiii ii i W! ijiiiuiniiiiJif''i'""l"lw1' " - ' - i r . ! 51 i Hi ft i 'I 3il II III 1' ,3' Ii; 4 WM. H. BERNARD, Editor and Ifopnetor wiLMiNGTON;;wic: :i f; I vf . Friday, April 28th; 1870; , 1 . . TERMS TO CLUBS. j 10 or more copies, each, 1 year, postpaid, .-",7' It is not required that Clubatoa made up. atone Post-Offlce..; The number is all that is necessary, to secure the rates to those who constitute the Club, as ' the paper will be directed to as many different Post-' AMiuiff aatiiAMflMaiiiwrnipn. it ffoftlrefi. - Ihsnment must accompany ever? order, a copy of the paper years au distinguisnea: emoer. lu.-ino theLiberal and Independent-vo-wmbefandshedwithontcharto those whoraise Ordmance Corps of the United States. tcrsbr:ih4r North' should be dis Cl,bsoM0ormore. ...;- trn i rpsMpd Wterlv ln: Philadell -4: - JVV -' ;V ! ; T Remittances must be made by Check, Draft,; Postal Money. Order, or Registered Letter.- Pct-' Masters will register letters when desired. 1 " ; ! j t ' Only such remittances will be. at the risk.;' the publisher. ' , r - , , i .. ;, .ii,..' i' i-.i c ii ; ':'fW, Specimen copies forwarded when detbd. i LET EVERY SUBSCRIBER TO THE WEEK- LY. STAR KEAU 1HI. Undlr the new law which &oes into - i.i j . r.-.' ' - --' -" '.' 'I effect January 1st, is.o, we are per - JThe " -sat terms Jne Jjtf.. i 0 months txtthvif -1 ,00. - Under cthis; new s airahgemeht - we shall enforce the cash Bystem: isstore l rigiaiy : than "'ever.'; before;;; foa-.urita- Y our subscriDers. remit prompty;3uiay j ill "htx drnnnAii ;fmni ftiHllEifc.' S 1 1 TJeinemberawe seiid att papery. free ofstagp after;JanoaryJlst... to per and - .. a. ... ; Weve no elbb. raltbs forjany.but . ed to pre-pay postage on ;xnewuuu.M earJ- ajb-of the gifted,. ;the;eIo: and Hendricks would bei choose- MoT Star And while this will add t .the qUent theJiighoiiled vEdwio -KullerJ ; ton? If 'ie were offereda choice1 bfe cost of publicaition, we shall make, no jltis that heishoutd haVe iibeehlvrtit ;Couklirfg :aad Bayard advande Inprice of sabsoriptibn, ex-! .off in hisldry'sfihoVmh' cept. ratesHo 'clubk:';! ictoot; iM&itiidlffi RCMeM h.t Iti -foinisKtu'e; pappr at!:i1ob 1? S jpoti r.ce; ::fqrm,q :.iWaMfc - with,:;th Uofldy ' ) - J--x , -w- '".if"-: taking away, rthetotfefc thfr tortti.' -siwrtaod tfun,dry.evil-melhif5 bottd year ana pay ine w - .&ieilW, ihobiddi ifieridi and tailrOail transactions, - ifealfr he xonowifaen1 be t ln ,JJ w ' wu lW?t( WinWffcr1 hFrVohi of subscription :w0- .u; rrisiUnV tniKt. ami in ih ai-na, of I Mauie.7. Or, evvn.it .he, were allowed Uopyl year, PQswKe,iwu,M .his bli oudtbofaiiiflf.-s JSleel,-'isWtl v w reasouauiB an aiiei(uuvuij.,vouAu Jk .Jll it; AstoUment df,cOiiWoon be fean took'fbrhiie.iem' js -.-Useemai !4o:untw time Vhe liemainUer b? LFWs at U MtW.twii wiieo wpj.J!Bn eau, iTIr.'JalrfahelwiWy ait ja Consuls, supported by nearly 'the r,.- sexibieach uPscreray enlist - "W tih'dei,eh"deht Voter iiPttd '0? eis'nbwlaye; WjT? - u.lflJ05i, 1 -1,, jku-dtt pulatioliW MAKF-HP cluhs.': r euic..rtS.Ji .QitiaoiiUr ami ofeformxiveM ,..,..SJ. rflnll,VTi. NoVv is th titoriprgetting?upi! Clubs1 poenrit has feiw :rivalickp oAtnerica'pj eVolved Uigt a Uoody shtrtJ and 'a r e'TaxneclrSr WmesJp tne VVEKKI.Y BTAK. jouow tue m i 'iiieratfiiru.' iurr uner pecouu utjok, .. . . f (. . t " ; " " . v . 7. C- , '. ' to your neignDora anu ineua, 'Mvjga Uitt," written two. or, three: I . .... , : . . . r , ... r ",.rr.r":."- . r." " get'them ta join in; -We want; -" j 'r 1" ' A novel the scenes I , approacning commencement I injuncutonrom couect mg jue a.,,e, u,-.tuf,-rtnnaHn TToWr.; Iear)? a,ler 8-a no,rtne, steiies . . fi. ;..' f mie torwardnt once anil settle' such tali yearly'subscribersVbut forlOor moreira partiality. In addition ,to. these' la subscribers the paper isonly;fl..25 per,; j ebpy per yeai free of postage. NOBTH Carolina pre8 Assoc.- . i: .... . -.-.ATiow. i h-' i.iarioo sparing, in ine aispiay oi .nis Ai the last annual meeting -of the genius' though th inf reqnency of Association, Newbern was selected as the place, ot tne succeemng meeung. largely to a delicate physical organi-: In pursuance of the rtsolution zalibn a8 weH as to the exacting adopted.by the Association, I hereby c'ares ;0f Jmercantilei business. Mr. give notice that the 4th annual meet-: paner leaves a wife and a large cir ing of the Press Association of North ci9 0f personal friendsrto mburn! his; Carolina will be held in the city ot; Newbern on Tuesday, the J 6th; day; ut may. , . , ... --,..- ' A full attendance of; the members of the Association :ist. desirable, a and meiuoeis ot .me pr?8 uiiu vcv w; , nectea . with tne Association; are. cor- '' V' r ' , r waa it,; TheNerYorkW i,..t 'f.o b it;.Vi-jcJ cnu i4a r nu: i dially wvitedto be present; j L The eveuf' of khe deraise bf - Mr.; 1 liap8 7 e ea,rtert wah .! ;:,r ;. C'rXlCOS ! eV is VecuIiarlyriAVing' 5,tt his! ?are 'ted - in the npriroacMng friended "admir hfc9 ilhad) MY;of f . 0iiJl- j'i" j . . ; . , r r.j i mencement a Buccess.' 4 if iJ ' ii heanc ien apq spiemaormaf chnrei QjThomas, wMaibroe yeanwfia, wer says there hasbeen a, private war.BarracoutairjLthe absence of a 'f rte corruption nE'tbcii'?ritrty death husHM pti earth' the Voiop 'Bf : ii. . ..,u r-,L ... wrarr :ij.!f; pn moHoiiv.it aa.-voted that jhe. chordi -iArdl ifciVa Ufl1l8iar'&- gmkmm$tom1rtM WMW: ,,fltta'&V3SUiff1l!4Vrea' him j :y.'JheSorr0toiir U -apMiPhlm tiOt monarchy. If A;aHyU1.! bard wnay- j 5STtS jJ TtSS. vXTSJ. .MmM Vrtkr4saii'4 XlSIS li lgicislf SSSiSS 'SfflSfc.- ( ' : lleat.icllyforretJ If will hDemoerali OonveW&3ii f SHiM.t .,mpeie:i , .. i'i, -,,. I-,.. &jJ?te&$ Mi while jrt isj lb WttTOMMK lOHiWIx? about t ; already, in -the eyes -of h Jub ,Diek,. Jrof: . Kerr, . and, , hei fully seedWlimininWgiiolttw Lainred,.arddnaatheBe!taesmusi 'JrJifrlghgtfWnrfidJ dguoidJ foree aatto kill both of ; them; one in !' :: . heavy a Jiitiga'.m Jye..nebd f prepat'd. lrfdorsearfght friji, -ltey. IV If. rriWhriiili also-be n! .tteire jWeldgrraJ) a OY.ethejdaj'8 when sim?ppr wormed I rijr, AKifiN Hi " aaJ.mliaiTgiflrot.'a short i II "-: 'i. -m.-i.-l n.ri, u. ' luL.-.: r,,'ii,i Vki. ' i ;" . . . also'thbd At thhV Gby; Vali6e ; wtll, "hjroaiiumooieji hoM.iidieoBveDf JSm loTWJrStf dSn! wtot be k. Did..'i. I . Ar'.;I'0lnaip Ahe.lijnbsand.Cam- ill . iry .Vhli';,.iwhei,Upttblioajlrattd4 of dteihwiwh Wtweiith.pal-- IteHatrfia!t'wit1i8"b'4an'g.s ""r I ,1oriUfc'aVfl1i,iw,'-"iwui''J'iJ m& Mi!iIi.. .!-li".'lNiiitli,apfn!4ii ' 'WnWdMV( iM)ita Tor 'tl ' 'I . ipo8;hyeVBoWjKpji,,MyeJhl6k.! DtdWrMW UiM'tani.1 ,!0W0MijbbvlfaNlMllh .AjMBWiottfa .-.iSSSSS!WaAiM-i''1 UMKtio "Alanilili 't,o:bo4bi6amffiif .?i2a5 A. A. Spenoe ! ...ofaltLgonMj.pP.A.h'o'inM .menMivweek1&Uung,folK! .hCoiiii,thrStoV, SJJm-tlhWlilwJ S?1SSK! publican-party tothS niifion. ; Jn its J'f.trong,goerrtnjen("jthioh,gr3i dlXS Si -WlVt i..a't.Cturty i .eJ?.,-o Hambbonfa,,Weof a ..lly.Wrofctipin-ihC.Wg, yhCSSJ! raBffiOT 1 1 . .. 'Ssiisss isss: 'pimm f "Vvpi iH the nj inenu kp. oucu the wes of Feetional il,.,p .ffm-tQ V., m?nirll - ,,.: ' fc- i , iris cjiiiea uer iit iiusbadd that he had 9DD wives to advise h!m what s - J .! ' . , n""" tneir rrort", yonrs, "ritESii,7 CincinoRi, j I - apdnios." , anJ is said to be full of original humor. to do when be had a sore throat." ' ' ' - I 1 ' - ; i -r . - ' J - - ' r .."" t; 1 1 " , J- ' 1 ' I ' , 1 j L 1 ' ' j .j ' - i - j j j ' I I - - r -1 ' " - , r " - I , t ' 1 - - ' ' ; - ' - ' ' ! : ! - - - H -I i ! - ..,-;.-.- - : ' I ! ANOTHEB NOBLE GIPT. We have mentioned the, muniiV nt gifts to thejwo Virginia Ufii- cent versities by anoknown j 'gentleman, r, -Wen- lorfc- WWre of Rochester, pieasea now vo puuiuu u.b ,u4u collection of rare- books, chiefly i : . n . a :V1!-t- r. I of this btate. lie , graauaiea ai West Poinvm 1823f ;at the- head of his class, and was ; for, a- number, of . r" "": 7.1 ?; ii pnia. ., ....... .M i DEATH OF EOWIN nr. FULLGBi I Died' on-fast Saturday! evenings of. consumption, at his, residence, in Lcraisburg, C.,nEdwfn,Ayi'FuUer, Esq. t! ' ! T "l'Vl '"' ; . F - 1 J Since.the death oflTimrp4 no such Ioaa Mia .has, been sustained by I Rmithprh isnno-; nhtl .Iftttprs. jlNorth I Carolina and lho South Weep at the steepr Hl KrtrWoVniHa - oftwhicb were parcly law in this city, wliicli he seeraa-'ia riayebad'qnite bors,., .Mr. fJ ?Fulk'r .has, i written! a few minor poems -of i : great I 7 and power, lie has been J his appearance as an author is Jue decease. V He was a gentleman of the jghet mould, rbfined,!cnitured,aibi- able, pious usefuraa a citizen.' faith- ful as a friend," Wd 'jevotbd a$ an: I I ffrA'ioi.1 nuuZ.u''-1 iTL.j.--j 5t(8Ward 0F lh Methodist Chwh; Memorial AWo6iatfon! to' pfepbre a: o4n WobVead on'Uxipeccira.: Z-'W i.1'' v 'i. ""V"' I Vmnlrlin nnnt.c Whilo at . !t h TTnU Uous .yoiine Kentuckiau who is clojr-i Mr i.UtfllkAll.A wfen !t. tiAWtMAadthe I . KVi.t theloudra pem which i afteH I tj.rfl'.Ai.W-.ihfSv5.fiiKfl rAnJ career? .i-K,iictf rnMoejiayen 1 Jftfta9 ,,1, theMrl . . .-i r".T. - -- ... - - ' inn iiimr. mill Lnniiiv n. aiK3zL ai iuu k r w ,t r w , : i r t f thi 1 u i ; w i fry rriT r-T. -. r-, .ta 1 1 ca it ubii inr a.ii niiit iiiii'iiii mir 111 fcratesct,Pt,ornT1USU!ronghoat -'ii; dAX JbTai lfllfchine flkhfdorekil J fir! friend. 'Thi mUg&as t in, . atatetvWd AviteamUmenf. Vii' With the IienubJichqs, t XetW.wail? ashis pother- who A4U5, Wr va kmUiGniW D ,i?.Jl " m lanVl yfel 'the ;blorin Ifc Zn'l-M? rora llm ,sWSiiia chaos of! l&l9$SWv r. v, LK.i ot !, bWueartied'tolSWnomoa1 r ! TSiMA 2t erlvs nnfiParah'f p 1 1, fit l i- , , I ' . ,7 . J k r T "1 1 T 1 '..! , w 5 i ' 1 .. - . - III . - '1 1 . 'I.T7 V '.I MJ. . 77 ' w - " .7 , a.ai iVi l.VWormtrvJ QW jwUlics somtahinas-beUer cannot 1vj:l- TTJ-- I I -8ftll-d Dah-jtiipfef i lf.,j ti ltmnlftmPff rt ' t'he'rbirbMng order extingnibhinj: I,,- controversy. Avain. l.h "Haiti rif.ra tin Ky wkver betrayedWcornfi. deneHhe inegroes on the pfea of pakiai then secure in their rigli 6n any othwround has it abuse ts no.l : ? - trjlgt of.this crednlous-race. - True, 5t h.A nnt hki&iJitt M AytAA' hk'lwheW inVo fnaV instances' ;;i " : a -oViiM'M why iposeano acVuWita tue .uemocratio Wartv:5 Now if. 'ihbedierice -'to the uggeuon ; oi us auieist aim puresi. men?' tne JDeraocratib party ;ih6ud patron the.jP.residential rrace track two first-class statesmen -vrepre- BOhUng the .-principles w-aayd indicated above, call the Irideperident who;! tude wuo is inoioujiuiv . irauK. ju . iiih aun- hesitate one moment in de what hP ..wjll do?vBetween Norton rjihdiBristowv vlouid :hepasbyithe! thA "Npw nivcrittt.v " as nnr i-.nrrpii. pvuucfc uiu u,e icwveu insuiuuon.; . i I .... . - 1- . . . I he friends of higher education m meoiaie wuo nave waicneu ine pro-t gress of the TJniversitV- durini? the ' i i 2 TT;;rW ot.. i- i ' pie. Ir the attendance should be large, the faculty and students, will be encouraged to do their best. 'We therefore hope that. there may be thou8an3s present at the closing ex- ercises and festivities. THE UBV1VBO DN1VBUS1TY. to ome .vn.ererpre.iahOBght kno fceSn-dontfiowards makihj tH& Cdhi- l fc party, bMto ItKr..KM L .ijm 'i?l(iSai!t2 ivmratacrnuDi - uxereiaea A luost' ---- -..p. ounuog ypsiue ,uuwa..xiu uauuwr, paxau fieaaant 'Sfuae a tottcipated-k.eitrr: xhbsen moderator" or tlie 'taeetmand J j Colt,H)f -N-libndon married - George, the '"'',' L lV;rescbtsecre.; . ,; 'V BOn broeb. I.illin'gtdn. rfar,dieil ,; ,,rrespondenceof1theStar.l ,,s:, , ,Tb. RevMr, Baylor Ueadcover the arr dbuni VVJUn:' ;i : 5 : "f ot,OAFL HiLLj, April 22.- jhUclesand-icovenant of agreement of the 1 hcrLiBfiioptiih'4d Wjf t rernaos 'tne -Teaders of ik rAti oociety. to wmcn an prese Ttltf tribttnalltyfsterajrinojiilngrna Hoiqr, Juage A4 At McKoy, fprfsldlag. The following veomprise Itfi GranTrjy: P. vi. Pos'sK Ff remW:' Jot o BvSneedSn abused thehviffiam-1raR,-EzekieI M5;"Will'iam Kel- logg, Sri, Geo. W. RogeraiAhramMoseley, Edward fitiljsf William MartiiJajnJarH man, trhrisiiari HnWri? Ate3rtib(ier,Hdbpr, 1 A. ShrierJf-JL,WaddieUs5?Pjamia Bcotty William: owll, AloflzoSimmonATJohi ; Curtis." ,.' r ,,tlUJi-i Uii 'riihiA i- All c a' in the cas Jot Mack :Danlel wereVettiedna'tDe 'paymenof ?one pepny arid costa'andcost 6ff indictment ' ; State va; John1 McKoV, aasaoH- and b'at- itery and J peace warrjanii 1 Cases r dismissed ,on the paypaeqliof costa. P'j:v- c.ji';iS j .: State Yf Samuel Bonevi I1?ludgmeDt nisi according to recbgnizancrj. c r f ,lvt ' In (he. cases"' of Raleigh ( Montague, ps ;saaH;adattery,rElla Jones, Jar&iyitfiK liam" Jones 'larcefiy'.Atoes Walters U 'sault andbattey, John-lnej larceny,! ahd JpannaU N'Xon, larpenyJpoL! ipfOkV; ; were entpj.fl.;, 4-t iif ?u!v i- Court be. from 10 a. m. toll p. ro., and from 8 p. m. io 5 p. m. , t . - -mi.i n ; .i ii n " ' A V!eterfrr--: h :" i: yVft Aad s visit last njglit f rom.Mr W. 1 Ai Ceil, , yenerable itypo.,! Uew'as born'i the city of Tromsjoe,. Norway, f April f9lb; lSTO.-.and was at an early age s-JDt toscuool!, 'viicre Ijo-etSdied tlitr'Gerfaaji amrlia);lti 1813 he entered liis f atheifs printiorgidfffc 4is ;"de? ilJ!iwbexfehe! renyuned n?tilfiJ8i JHfilbeftiy wniJei.trelqglromcciyn- fy,-toTmotry.: traverBma)Gerry,,Swit; zerlaad Iialy, Austria, in each of which he 'plle&litaeuntiaiyW Amer1cii;5wh:erfe! W arrlird- fiBy1850.MB 'thetf i isi td n many of lour, nrinclpal ettaes. Working nptljvn QcTman w.spaPrf - ..!. - . . - . , I .od,lae doctor adviaing iumUoXake.pkaty I r Ts ..T... f . . . I buouuift. v- i'v i ... uww.a I -' - . - . - be: levied Hhi advertisca nrid Bold, as the law directs-i i J' ' : i kOuecivrs"av.-u I office on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and i Esaiuraavoi eacn weea to receive me taxes aipu cnurcu in.tiiaiea ai sm iiK j s On Monday evening a very large congrc- I gatioh assembled in the Baptist Church of Smithville to witness the organization of the first chnrcli - of the i denomination of Missionary Baptists. ' ; '--t The Rev. J. B- Taylot, of the First Bapti us,, vuurvu ox mis vuy.puurcswru mo lfar Ue served three years iaUujlaWiJr , 19 T ) . " v r- TrJiFfi: T-J, . 5; j 1! a . ,c??oi, fay a nre ip0K us course turouai iu ui .mtiuus, oiowoeai ine In 186 he celebrated his haji-centeonial jrMffj GreeJ Swanui a 1 WirT AiOtwwllI ssairedthe captain touMnfb 'MUkSife: of a British nasconi, . rt...iu j ' ' : q 'fk. hw faithful acrvanta time to extinguish tf'. W-jfeiTfttl.lv. iWiiWth.(! ra.iMfer,Wiei..de scmbiy in, an eloquent and impressive man- I jjater in the war he Commanded a priva ner for over one hour, atj the' conclusion of teeand'waa' tfie'niit.?.tiirn''lhe;Eni nt assented. .-. i members L of the ohurclxUn a verv forcible -i- r ; vrriwt Eastara .cpmmuphynfraL WefcoU, ,cM.fdea-Ct:aBd.coniirjBed.'as, torl:l,Fr:IerlpIoniioroip i j ;juw orWw . - " iS 1.;. w f 1 'V I Bransw. .k county by the name of Swlor ; Stemb dersont city.wife of,Tour esteemed townsitJan,. Bi. A. E. Anderson, wo have received some re " -"" T . ,T57k nable-hisjorjcal facts in connection with Mm JVt -or Ellington, ot wmcn . v. : vv " -- - - " ui, U....J.. t ;ii;Tvn4b-in a vii'' AlpT-! t iiiinvtfMt Af the P.rltifih armF and ander LUiington.oC ttoJ.m.M ton. In an old history of, Barbadoes there. ed by,the,oVn Jarge -tracts oflanin , Caroling .a feward of;, hjsr.erjrices.jln ponsequence of, this, .his son, Maj. XjWiinsion, aiso 01 ,iue jc.ngusn army, csukj. Th.rn-. iiwmi ti. fFrnrir!iF.r f fhA lftl s.r-- - outset or. r..r.. '";rr"Tx"Lrr:.: .lie srrjoKia.iuo mm iiiuuty aijwicm , in tPet?1,w?ik :.n?h ifrhiriii'iini'i ?io a (tfh SiT,ir'bi?infi hicff ..til' ci.orRw.,i ...rJ Vu- ; T Ti 1 L W i,ngU ivb andcdAreglment uuuva iiiv jaunts v s jijauwvii'i coincidence I.- . - - --- ----- - . I . : I time, one always dying unmarriedi" ''At I present the two sons of Alexander; Lilling i wuiumer oi uur,t.sjicw(!u ww,uswuuwu, J are the soHmale.represetaUves,: -ol.thlB i name. . ... s would mentibn'lhat, in Lillington .Ceme tery also sleeps the ashes of Mrs. Ander son's maternal grandfather, Capt. Wm. Coit. He. raised a company;' at his ow h ex pense,' at the commencement of our Revo lution,' marched' to Bunker Hill, and, on the retreat ! from that Doaiubnl caused his 1 men to retire backward, firinsr as IheV went. I m kmxjli.. tirr-AMtiWiiv rL i ooseu. .tne same eua jirqude ixteir xionureu I: "XZJaL'Z Lwli J : X' I.dJ JUIC J vv Mxwwauw.. -r- -T I jT-inT- r-' 1 1 --e-.-v r.- - stjnie'i- iu power oi vne uniltd i&li!!!htWMltob& r;laJ -aiT j States, aed Grant cave himll the". erautS, '.Tliis house Usr- by order , Of Iiprd . a friinH t wrHirar frnm. RmnnwicW- a Kuhooner as a navv. in violation V lWL. 'Vtil'llfA fUO-. 'fn.Tu!'JUUJ:iM:' Jr-rr.-puiTJT-P nwctfTr-ain-nn.c-! I , , r--:vv . . Connected .With, the family Rtimnr tn Anmfinitotp This I nfflfnf nJ Kfi, ..... . . l9. tLat never have been but fatness ;g'ai'e! his' ifesiderfce ak the fbr this 'desire arelhat lie has moved if ?f t connecfioa witti the iibove,fIuTI -biiii i 1-1 b 'Tfeereupoft Oapt! 8ibvbs,s the IirieletuxybmC ourctJ vlhfei Britiahr ihan.of- iuuuujuij .i. avuAu;w wife an iojuriog certoueh an extent thajt her lifejs"almost despairef. The repoijt isthathehadtreatedher4UbadlyforsomBgavemin-vai-vesseilocarrvlnm - - -vT to Apia,Dd arnbastic navd of. teave'Wm au(J tQ hw 11, - - - v " iTjr i i"r.r j jf ?i4r.Tj I n?ifi otwl hoar Imo nUk 'nntil eha -3nasiMai -He alsahad an altercation ,.3 '--w. -J. . . i t '. u neighborhood, heaiad ' posted - notices'' for-; biddijQglanyne tofc'tttBrIia.remiseB, hs' wifandduihlereArlocked;upJ4 - VrTa he invriabiy: begins by corraut- ji 3 ii.m . ; .t-"" AfX-.i8we jjii41 sppieij;.! , , . ..voo'j if , , 111c auuua uccuuk v?4ium aiaie-4puii;ai. DC tW;.fttnuhfri ;7oiwi WM-ia h!ftlhtlwiii..l '1 . "" - t J r J leave liiere daa uefitiav.- atTiH JM. And ,re WTti the ran iiuportaa( une,ou 1 is.uopeu -uiav luto erediand Verted iCfmpUcfei,AlbIet:aJoa, ariebiitA .improne.i. um, ,, i. ..." ... , , .. . , JbCnlombw UMVU r """'abfr J"3 ' some turnentinefor Mr. Mnrrell ana'it was IfiiiFw ki ri-. t-i -T It Mio-f i. il l I s Viuitc seiwaiion tpo.K piace.ia one ST - - - ' " ----- 4 . , t'of the SheStllidg fctfrtnrteteg t6otws1 "I'deslre' thettention of all cine rtb-daV. 'A'pwithUsi was'teTdreJ the 1 iL-ii.s.i.t. '.if. !- i j I H .1. 1 J h',hhi i!H 1 . - j - f " - - " A haLuffeTed a irreafc wmnir fhom tlite I highest official of .the . I government, mai x le&iueiib vrraui. uau ruineu uih rbetrbtnedj'ihat'heXas' tbeiifdribly' auuuwu Tr- wu vi ino x iw asylum, jwhereM.,he , was Jold .he must, remain . forever or sg0 'tb'Earbpe. He consented to leave the country, and wajr3arried?to rEq- rope -. in charge, of rsdetectiyes.-. He bear1,, pf,; the , wyjestigWnvhAch were in progress' and came back to and on, his. knees had ( besought ,bim barredrwhew onefiX)! 'jtjiB3jnmiUfidke4vim l - T .wwfwuu. iupw.;w auav i i-Liiui . ;.irJ itp vhisTboOTe.&jThis,brQugh J " ' 1 m m. mm 'i icn ins wiougo, oiugeiiis reuup jur. j? prster, . ine American : vjonsu i. x icBiucuk uuu cuxuw w ura uwuc aii i tjaDiain isieven?. ana inr. i vv liiianis midnight, and with tears in; his; eves I to aid'' io havinp- the said Mr. er fchisindeed stepped n A t- inoe Leant 1.: - I '"VX- ' tTX "T: " T 11 till oamoa ; Jb isa-4gnc4-wie credentials, sujrsejuwyeor; Robeson 1 c3t iitrodafirnfand Steinber- and proceeded: toake himself Pre. paier, and cojiferdn himself powers . L . J. ..' 11:1 I 1- - j a u uwsisctk laws to unug in revenue- : ;andafterta s&6H interval of decent tward-behavror-fjutr 6n Jto proni - 3 j.. - - - .- '"uintu an ptacKiguara naoits as a ,dnck to water. MoriahVj inV Samoa: affl not at a pre u?? i 'hener4 commercial iuLirbpeaniundertakes to civilize snva. 'A irig -theirsimj)Ie -morals, , and after- j .war3VuaissTonaiea 'aj?pear to icon eit 1 me neataeu to vyiirisiianiiv ana re- .wAS So ffrcat and, nnbJushinff that all , th.a.n1, foiffpr trToir f?. - ..L . ". ;- v"r" - r . . i n hlivi u o- j Kifr li u, - - ' w ii.uv.ufc nisi, ncAi ituvut ins ci.eUi'i; Jocietyoffthevjatrter- he i could K t I L JTT...xui v i uu reuuiauw peuuie to recoirni'i , r- . v i rremier: of e'feamWgfbripXam thbrou.. ly determined lha'TlMr. A. 1L " 1 L. 11UL V. J t-U ""11 . I o f Q ni rrmnomv tk'in, r H.Ko-ttAnMi ,i.i ii are called insults offered by our Go Oil i vemment to tne represeuiatives m Samoa 'b'f the! British and TJniteii oiates virovernments. adq a am con- I nioved;-he iWtU b&the canse of -the I ruin of mv trovernment and nation. It is difficult for me, however, to deal ttbn American citizen, because I am unaccustomed to'the manner of I ciyilizedji nations, in : such peases. I J have, therefore, earnestly entreated iseinbrffer at oned removed, in ax- I haVe him handed Over to MniForster. int Jany vemment-opposes" mv wifl in 1 this have him removed l :. t i Mahetoa. Kmir J1 not riri: lei2 hot. vuuu uu ii ao ivr

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