I g: ilf i'&r. rrCBM8HXDw AT J rtrTIi2EI3SrC TOrr Ta -reA. Spirits XurrQntme DfvW.H. Harrii-bf Granville, : ! -L'.' " .' "AT .!. oil , j $1.50 ftnST eaiv ia advance; - a a B K 0 ' H a u .,-; ioae9r Tear s J (sroa goecooa A " A . Kl an 6 Month I aggv9!t4t; 4 T- Ha&t-s .We" 32S82 .. . -i-Ai. - l , ..J-8&88S88.i f Month !..-,.- 3 Weeks Week. gSS3S88' ssfifff ?! : r r : " "8888883 ' .. Jr r- vf r, f C .v -. . ... , .Y SB - c -i .!.. sv- c c qJ. 9 ; Hx all a 1 : "vf'r.JOO hi ii; Vr;! f. .u. 1 L ' I J-C I w .. ... .. .. . i. i ..-.,...-.' r 'f.W:. 7f i v y IT !"1 I V " CJilttfoJI i)I i. r f I i- J:,rMjy it lit -Jnaes J.. Blaiae.tQL expecUbe people .' If - 85 1 1 to place implicit confidence Jri hl& liti- S!:ti-riijj. 8uPPrl ; unsworn J3eB parte ,6lXer t ; V3-oA:5 83 : uptyiiWiS -aril i-1" H-iUiv-. j:iT?;'?iKJ!Tv . "gp K,iic ; doao vhe teai issoet iwhere-he caul4 S 3s I endorsementB. v; Ileuteemd itos iiave L. it JTi B I . lr ..... - , : L ii lr . r M a. 5 grgj -rra J; getic-r nnder.wbich most men-would 9 or k ux: v i j,J ,:.':V;t! tbe BinkiDg-fwrttme-frf their leader. obtained in all the cities, an4 In mam.T of thb td'fteuetftraat a hold the idea of Urge town, m WeoonsiOerthom perfectly af y I A ( Xl,r - 0 ? r 1 5 "m!ra r."? and the testjaaeaAS.of iwiattliw$rklUr8 loyaitY? haa J3DfiB iTUbfittOltar raiud ; i'. ... "".r'iVM ".r,Y:vr i iucir me tor is noi aisnone8ivk.Diu . a . . ii k zhf i-aM-tnawr ona aJk hit rcoeivt for ?ont to hp in this way are at rmr risk. suDscnpn lobe sent to the Ied Letfot Offloe.; Bvm4 1 4isloyaltV..f'tneV , wiU ibe i fiileilt 10 vjpix the tCampt both or pottage and reffistrp put f -f t 1V - 4 " H , ; tprpre8eiice?f't'ki :! :great out tage'ft perpetrated by ; their lead era, J if f those J leaders appear as the especial champions , of that Union .thev profess td. loye and for which they - fonght; or; hired J other men to, fighlt We, will , not "judge C t j. The snbseription price of the Wbkk . lmtt ia on fntlAnrg i " ' " ' V ;;".! if- JftA o ' v . v j ' . ; . 1 : . iuiirtA them harshly. They think i ihey are V postage paid, 1.50 --v tji'!: -J: . iths. " ' V JOfJ landing. by; tbe;lJuion7-or at least a , Single Copy 1 year, ' ft Tnknfha 8 1"' Clubs of 10 or more subscribers, one " "7 f f"Bt l4V5 :"cr year, $1.2Sr per Copy, strictly, inr ad-i; I Pn?fesu party wuicu , uas cusnouorea vance. i ih i- t -; j ? i idb i. union oy aeeaa i corruption No Club Rates for a period less I'anJacU t Vtolencetricons than a year. . ' 1 ; ' v . j l the intention of its founders. and the Both old and new subscribers inay.f nature of the, Consultation, its sacred i be included in niakins up Clubs. At the above bond. s i- prices the Wkeki I ;? These remarks may serve iexpl?", Star is, we think, the cheapest paper, why,, so-'many RephbltoauT pnd In-t in the State, and its chrculation wil dependent : papers -have ie-xpresfled be doubled in twelVe mbnths,,if thosej, them8eIveS'. as satisfied with Mri who have worked for its success in the . .' :-,..:.-) . - -i v ; past will increase their, efforts in the inT T "T r r " T i u tare. . - -T . . . . ? I couia ; wnoiiy uivesb uieaiseives pi their admiration for the . ex-Speaker's qaalities and! of' hostility fo The Executive Committeo of .i the I those who wonld rejoice at his down- Democratic party for New Hanover fall: they would doubtless : see " that county are're4ne3tecl.to meet in this he has not cleared hinisefffof tl:e city ohnedayhed olyBit. Charges at .all, thut only postponed The business before! tbe QommHtee : the matter to some other time, hen will be preliminary td)anmgje)f jiiv&i the campaiguntya; Co (Mp.; Blaine amast be damned in tiaiiwill probably be called, and oUi- Jmany 'rnindjWithlsDspicio the vr affairs ofimportancdwillOe trans-j f ace of Mr. Hdrrisor's explicit cJiali acted. . -.i It U s therefore v urged thati lengeahd Mrl Harrison is the rantlT there shonld be Xfuin attendance I of son 0f a Presidenlt nd popnlar herbi the. members i kf , the CommiUeeJ lnji ;U nxrarAeA a, ffentlnan- 1 . ,.- .... 4 . i . wnosBi. names i . were. 5 pruiieu in .ujiii city colamhs some weeks since; 'anx are reifoBticVf belowi ' ' ! " )f vviiningionirxownsnipji these Dan era cannot af el v ' m ai n t arri for their favorite such a posiuuli EUher.BIarasTgujlty5 rr Harifsoij is a liar and a.tradunl,l1VTiU,tha Saundew, Ghairman j ? Walter; iCoey,1 journals whio6fes3to,3ielie ve.thati I,. II. Bowderi;iJame2 Maddeiii John: ; Mr.-Blaine thas exonerated Nmself! u lioh. ?f iT:-jna ompIetely:meet this issue by joining ,.Caue,Eear:; in ihe'J"ireiie'ral ' dmanfl' Sfdriswi ! ederal iHoinUa Joseph Uraigiff na , I investigation bV' a Congress commit llameti: iiwmaa aiotiK' - . X L tee of ihe wnole affair Y Afisumbtiona MasonbiJohBe the j people.-. . Assertions tbat') tna ' Thomugli jjrgaizalioria a" count likt? Ne wi 1 lawyer ia . ieeeityTo:A charges &re inspired 'bypersotii Irhil great deal ca bdoif the'enemv 1 wiih evf ofrtfufl htihiKV&'- $mill$KXn and huvgv life?n?w betweenvtbiL) eyespi jhstnlieiahif know ihat-'b (isrno kytiMpbmi-Bk ger,j3 Appose4be: jnavinganitausf. HaxrisoA .is chst tasT olaimedtfad , ' .-- i jt-j. "rn jifrT"r?r("f.T. n;.i--rn j My?lli .charges: nWetihess tftie. DiStriQt;k&s W igyotfV MfanUs this can bdone,f Heattsif fe iclairos fjom;i0merl ul time satisfied lVw iWftnld jnjtre$chneMfltraj and,disch4rJ by the respective 3ei IbjyI uJh'P ? nearjv!i4rflateai parunenia are supported rjy sumcient &kjte?yf lifter ly yuuuue w-i-.Tiie; Oxford: Democrat v. thinks GenTf R. Cox is jhe most eligible caadi- a dir'The.blacksnUth hop ioXsMr N. Mi iRichmond faesif Jliltonj waahurned :T-Eaul-.CL'; .CardeOj swhile n-ra spree t DutQbville, Granvillai CoantT r lay aown Deiore tne nre anawasjitiraed to death. -? o-'-.. : . laws.? 1 the American bilk Association. which Weacoti: w. o. ai.PbilioDonevan. . .r. 1 mF'S tl enAWeabcay Fmdk f'thjRockv are made -to u stand aside , by,. th interested Jat of the White. jHous autocrat. Not alw, ays., has (5 ran t uegn.w varcitti einB prejCKxusi- pair prhd redords inahe Deiartmen tsl Weldistinotly femmhe how1i callea down the censure once even of o d Tin pl ri 1 1 1 i O: 1j Ji 5 o ii.v olJ A friend at: Smlthville sends jthe fol lowiner , . , ' 1 Waal AsncAf ia be lae Boitaia Faeii asssra miiA ri. esiavilSUIfJff ineir lUBineSS. 4,J.i-anu t-LiWPefcMfio. vw iiccv.uei I Smitlivillfl hPlrl tfcpir nnnrtprlv Wt;Mi " ... - - - i both,r as;" to,- their character and too a populaon,bqraogeneQusk.kindy Tuesday, .evening, with the following jpf .ai!1u amountti whether r anch r claim f have and ; huauitabltt -aa tUaf 4ft La Belle 'sultr C. T., Willie I. Xegg-vtt3Tf i m oqu -i4v.. JnJoa yU peiacnaro.tifnnds appro liir!:? 4 '1 ' .i "Whitev 'fW''W' AIfredfJr'ffiwSrdrwi - tate ofobth CABotrxA, J- fmatetfiUlwwi fJlu this Gonnectionjwemayaa.wel wflr T : w' lifJr WXimmvi' im fa moneyi haVebeen 3 rsbursdl cont make a note of the annual meetinso r utn..!... Ii tZJ ' MArt Wi formity1 wEfr airoWration waa hold In. Vw Vnrlcnn i.Wn'ooi . Th LaAwa ia in a flonriahina ennflitionJ Is U&AB tlB: 1 WrtteWV)0;tdas4 1 eary, or aocumeni8iMopiesinowevier)wii American r.4.ir.Ii ""'4' " Ijir1,Vrj;i'Til '- rReoootiiaoajwnKjnwaa -imru!! i ne name tt ur. zsamuei -ijive Vix ' L,':i " JJA Jzim rMhooLfiidj:whib.waa itttriwied Jic .aSoV i'pWV. t'i IT- -r rSf hU care Ito aid iV edncaiing t.he, , .r-Tlieewhexn "Jcnirnaf df Com' Xfemmenie1nt'4t'K9erTord Coiiegs 4h AhdaistoLlay: !h d - :Oxfordimocra.Th0 doctors report, more icJtneaJLhrQUontiJie coun try new man was ever Kaowiroeiore. !i 1 I . S . 7i.;A The . Aroer&anrtilfe,ibbQns faectsfaUmbertonon.tne4fhor.ilay. n mM$mmikmnmieMfad min mnuiaciureQ were vaiueaat .AnvB rtk,.,, J. t,r I'M't tfd oj tha SteDhen D vPebJ irf, rdeanlter 1 20nTO.HlW B- 985 and the value, of imported rUk Mnrantoa lia the fnttniir IT P? , W wj" perintendent of Public Instruction. ; 1 T?teWAft "S'Lmemberpffthe W can manufacturea of sewine silks and r atterwards Co. Korth Carona'a Cay, kfriilbtf M&hmLtiL invinlk!5nl L4!;, ;-..(( ; JM' ... . ; . 1 . 'i fi r.1? J.-T :r r .J.l.tfl j . 1 ' . . w . i r 1 I luliauuiuavi 1U1 UUUKltOOUl CAJUIClliUl some oi .iue iuiy,, ioai journals, iwist are siaiea to oe oompeunc snc ,-,",- -nr-r ."t w;n v puuo.MruHwmniww i , .v. 1 , . - -K -i- i 'it' Wilmington, was still hvifitE. Teethe old this . subject, as CoL PooL has pqqq- iao (Wished.toias th fewrdeorth ii? tbeanadjan .markets, ..The sec fellow is still aliye and as gay as ever. The pled an flniportaht f positidii by vntue special purpbef glbn retarys reporji states (thatj tbe yiear pavis Dragoons was the first military; forcer of whi6H Iresnme he wa selected war record. Deester was permit? 1875, was the most ? prosperonayjear ever stationed at the racecourse, (old Hop-5 as the custodian - of - the! i Peabody ted, not only t rwWislVa.iWCQr, of the -War Office for a -short (while, but to make way1 with them entirely, Many of them', we think have ; hev been returned. It is the de - i w a V . m w W 3 a Wa v UA V a4a I w.avvv a uv a w w aaa vwv a. viv fr -, ! .: J f' Ievpr PTronpnW1 if nnnUAa-aj il wr qnanenf were. uia man nopams if .v:y"iv"57;M.-i respect to tne quantity of raw;i hVhPM ;n aJh mnni..t.t Mri.v er t rial consumed, and the amOnnt. nf U. I nBin .:. . i .i.w r ' Very respectfnlly. ? !- r'0'' IrbutthB townshins will anndlnt delecrates to I Vt.. f . . -f : - T r .IT - j 1 VlilU UtueiV WU; Wtq ,11 V14 UJ, fllUK l. nltu r: 7 . " I muoli tniHtn ,whil Mpsam W It Atkpn I' 5 i bor employed in sik manufacture.1 exploring f Republican5 rascal ltieal l .whp wjh t?. introduce silkbnltur iii ho more in vestigations, because that j Nortl) Caroliua? wav lies tne pain vnat leans 10 ae? much gusto, whUe Messrs. W. R.. . Aiken, Your obedient servant, , C, ii , J3KOGPXKj( ; candidacy for Cod press i TommA-fidctfcfl 9i jratesff freight has been declared, and the people along theW:& WlRi RJwhbwar dlteittoned. are now contented, r. '"-.- . Ihe ireen8Doro Jrmrtot says a . mrWn h11 wrtli itI7B8?t-?Tiaciaitf i 'hm the State-and District Conventions. liberate, intention, of , In such results as these oueht there artletV Sisk and. Cok .n i?ot.i.i.ai t.t ui.m iiw r...ii.n I nntiAt.a1'not 1.. ..iJ i! I Dracoons. would aprtlaua entnusiastieally. t-iWvaJj.tia.t-' rs s 'jv i h.,... si,T nA;o'7fi changed tone of the I notices as tbey swigged bis wine Mr. Hopkins ' never seeS a Western man - without Inqulr- ing for aome' members of this company.: PbabDdy EducationaI. Fund! , J &TAUNTOX, V A., Apm i!0. ; . The-Rrtcnester llAmt (Radical ' babert r Joi10 w ttsed 10 tnp the His Excellency. Gov. Broaden ,, ; . j riaVwe.Y?ft wwateat!tKei .ciW K" :?QP? 9 ;rQit fIon - Xb SiB:-Superintendept .Pool! 4 -A correspondent struction. The Ke w.York Tribune, from bitterness towards the Administra ZZZ hlhV ..r"" f"u the neighborhood of 400 poands. tinn tt-nlrWWnf t.ha nv. J U '! . .... . grocery mercnanwn w umington. w VMM v MMW V UUUIUIU S.UU I ' r ' ' - ' " I I, i in two weeks. She is being -'fitted oat to carry passengers to the jCeutenniaL,, .' Ymr 9!t9h wfi&fii iM18t Beaufort ia'makinir efforts to eet her mu tjCrpal ctiaVter TestM-ed by tne tkxi 'Levis' : the last session the Albe- r ";n;r: Vrr tvr - " V , ' " T.t -Mab ,ib: auperintenaept ,rooi; I correspondent of i'lhe Aibe- an extreme vwS Jane ?A Wyatt, wuUow; weigh ,m has j8entt: me a t of the 8ohool8i niarle 2Y8 propWs Hon. W.N. 3. Smith IdminUtm: JSLX wfW. .'JS? tnVcnno1. ?nd the neighborhood of 400 poands, and is the wb!l'h haa'wSald frnm tWPph,W for Governor. But the Gold6b6f6 JhWi7e U.WU VU.V .AVAU VUV- UWJ, . ...... , Ott. . . t EdHCatinal Fundi and Ihave no reaJ wou L? l.Be cnrei Pmce , ti on ine nanreme uonri nenrn. i, . f .? port Iniquity which it'was the firat td whole truth because !iht4ou1d fit. court. r ; i B cw7 " l Mail ; Mrs, Uepson, ,ta very : " . , - W i , - : . who,e trutll because that Would take Theonlvra hi,foil,fe Vinnrt are several other schools for which ,1 a2ed lady of Nash County ' has been ' af- expose ana conanaica a. forty tne itepuoucan leaaers nave resoiveq I years continuously. , Therefore they ( charged with burglary Mr. bavid Jg ! I oeen paia, out wnicn ne says ne wuti Jy j, in to do all in their power to thwart the I w nnn Wvo ;n -mt,ii ;at-i Knn)pr.'w.. th nnW vtfnl. t .n K; I TheIe. e eertainly -"irrega I StSSm"? ' t, e-n? I Perfect health. to do all iu their power tO thwart the let thn nnblin rin v ii in .malt JUl,1 Hanndera was lh onW ttn anrf tt P." PeJ SeT further in vestigarion ' of official ment8 . of f pur,. .iixj.eighk landmen tesUmonywaa the efle that the-priaon4 fulfil his promised) me and' pay . op1 Sh2? : f-anrl t v I I ' t i!.. . . . . if, er. when accused of enterinir his house and I ?! J I of Wake and afterwards postmaster at Ra- - si ! i i nnnimnii tips- imir , nrnmiflwirr ; in av i , a - . kiiijii. l J - . , i i . a - j i i'mt. - .-..-Ml; j t. J. " I r T & I atealincr his neannta. In -Tunnnrv lnt nnn-i I tt- i I wasiouna on nisi wee oeaa, tu a r j ,a ne cjuetioii arises, is tne country i better than .that when the Admiuis! Au ' tru ' II X"B account ,ui.j (uuueya receiveaj i reeK near Llurham, wnere He nad been rii . . TAnvi:M 1 .. , . ! . ..L .1 , j iwocu mo vfiuic( Aucic wcto iwu vuuuut I trom me and mine are correct' Xil nsuing. csunposed tnat ne nad a nt and ten w w wation is ;anyen by public opinion in the indictment; one for burglary, and suppose he has vouchers for all hei in, says a JTeud, correspondent - 'r party.mi all of ata darkenings of lo Urn the iq& o fo desks in which one for larWny. and the iuiv. after heiir4 haadJ 1 The Washington JEch6li learns aft All ndCtl Ana) 4 AVm irnvoS t I A VIA O . I . a ' mL m I I . ' - .' JV V. 1 ' a J I I tM, nt k4tn A' fiwa a A AAAnWMt Xf II a- tuuu' itioMuuo I are iteot tne omciai records. '- I BLAlNIt AND THOSK BONDS. Five months have passed away since : ' WT L a? - Wl ; Kx-rllepresentative James F. Wil-1 Democratic House of Repretauvesjor- Ingthe evidence in the case, the areument I which, no doubt, he will ahoWf n I that a shooting smr occurred at Middle- f Mnnt nri fh . ni.nAnftF 1 1 li .T havft nn onht hehoa naed for hid tOBjliydeuntyialewdaya ago, between , e i7l,- .- r; - r '" -ii, tJTP.d la and. me hi udge. jacJioy, returned j - .. j 'iii-l--t VAVU.V -UUl ir-UlH-l T ; a verdict that the; own private convenience the mooeyj the latter was Wounded by a pistol in the ceny., His Honor! TaSd bim for ill the schools not on hands of the formef.3' ? 'I :V fo' . . . .w.. h w . w w m . . i w i vrxAf.ff.rrm . 1 .11 I V BJMI. tdthftlaY.aBntVlteillTi IMri GeorDeatwy exax truth wonldr bo to-oempifrd rfrofti $b hggedtfiiy col . . . . . . . - ' 1 SJKIJU aJO UUUUr IU DUiAU - ,UlUtU' a - - .r - ' - - - " - t . i t 1 -.,. ,4 Am , .n lAKin- a Vwiaaa nr iV-al r t . . .. s r mil vrto' mra vtinrrr n viawa vmna mv v rm s j-- 1 t i . z w- : - . i a- . . .a. m. i imcu iu !iu:.caii n uicbo- ut. -lhuuu ud : iriquirv, thaV Col. Scottwhen Presi-I fa there, baa not been a reformation fact morp dr--"-1 Penalty,' an admrnisteHogi j" J t. iiso nia vouchers I wa? '8tr-: by of ther falling trees and i: .i .-':fJ:-:; :i i:i ;J passed; not even a single proposition ba-!Utimely warning to him iudotheriw jTfdT -Ho-ly injured. i Jiit? ju4 Vk t,V cuiuuny,.Ka-.Mia ,u.ib i tnrwil Mnil ! iiL; -.-. a rV - H-li! liio. my us, is in ms nanus. . f.'i.tn nin u.. ri: jt, U I :f! a i. !. u .t:.- for 74,000 tp Morton, Bliss , & Co an anxious and pectant country.--- of tw .Pn'iH' him iA W.r.' lnr.i ao mount. . - m i - - . v Were inclined to. indulge in such ' violations' of, law,' sentenced .him lo ten years' :-, prison men t at hard labor in the Penitential ,&"co.y ' i J , 4L' If..! : "-? T1 1 nnimrRfitt- nv i nnn uiinn rnnmn t iiirn i - n n,B, kf cr.vi, f The De'mocratic party didn't pro rr'v - whaffr it' V. ma fv n - Af t fttAt tin -rik1: w ai , aa a u uiiu a ai mii. vr a a u a ii a "..., , - - -i p . - i over to the JJoi, Ilacifio Company 1? .f-r1, V T ? ' 1,8 receiT,ng flra. sentence, or being m-j habme: paymentS8ic. ! t- t nrr v n an : w rt a i n a i a ra ra $75,000 of LittlHekJind'Fcrrt: The prisoner, who claims to a a v muj ii.vi .a r ajuv 1 y hm to do so. until I tbe" men : who have been doirisr! all struraental inf eettine him into lha trouble L : . -Tx Jj " T . r n . ' ' .1 ue uni uwi r j uciuiiws ivu uir "r, "A ' 'VT ' a . 1 1 season. will be onrvpre. J3An8;ten, i!i;s ! djB. SJSAKS, Geu.iAgii-; fromBeaufortbnthe'lOm brMaV.-' Par- anita-fvt IA. I r I TT . : l I. . J , . ! . f r . " . . I . , jr P.r-ris. list ot paymeniSj rasrei Rws tromamstaince mm naaiomiorui-e .be only! I ported to me ApTiI V,r J 8t6, amounjrf aud jfast . sail ing boats at .Mqrehei '.fi:u' ;o Jon Which, he wasan,, Venable.. a the .td4,Q00. had vA,een paid .Jkf.r. Blaine, -and niinquiring of : hxia Mr. Bl-ffn. saidkthat the Little Ilock 'h Foift'ShrtlR ndr belonged' W ' ts6-titlfeh' t ''of ! nisi who ' wanted, them tune. j -cr MorgantenT -?Ao4Beeaaftea .man wants ;yxom"jnomted-jor an, onnje he thins .nst'criss''0ar'J,,,rc-and Hrry' becauB- thairi ws-waat them ' Ibiais riscer- 4aji.&Ba pijvscsr uuea,; wno waar-ji-cn-irc'T nv -"nrrrTrr", f 'i i .raLc-ed:at tte-'same tim. and-on th ate L? fT Pttran.nT.Tfa jjuivMaavu-j - . t . 'L-t.j -1 of sehtlemen Who appreciated ana liti-nr.T. n-zx ,t nn - " - . T - 1 Bi" i l IL31' i l rj g t J - .. g 1 (o,uuu v into' ivw;ik.-uHU'rwrii! ifr s , i-' ' ' " J- - j H. . ;u ihis stealing haVe been exposed and M .i"1", "y"".1:? "TY, re?M-:-S .'S 'J '-J -' 12J! w.Marsden Brflamv, Em, anneaMil for the ; ? ? s . -; ' ! c : i . f7 . ' ' ' - --y ' ; iiiiii imiihi i nil w vain frinnfTn vnn r ' r - r" " -- - ' - a - - - . . : r . . - - . : . . i nAf ar-a AV-IoaW -tnvT-a i a H I JT - ,..,., jw-a -wa.aaa-c.-. vwaaa . . . , " 7. i I h . rpMMM 1 aia J 4 a MH' ri a ! ! " a-J at . :J.. . fTU tMl,V6!?H Mr-1 1 , ! derenw and Mr. teitor Nene AnecdLote of Hop. A,. tV. Vena l h iWadesbo-IeraliV1 Twentyfeto year, ago,' Jane -he.sat oui the piazza of jfMiss Nancy's and'eiuall tttedibhffi-T tirues- I'' tiAn r . i " A.tfiT f ra Kf . 1 -f o av, in i;;. i - i i nnisQpa ..'i m HTunvnii nrnn Mnrnimpji Tu i . ii. i ! . ? . t I Jl charge with Daniel Bryant, a not pm. v Ky-fefflP company Let Mr. Blaine'ii frieitda diadnss' that - - - i g . is I qatetioh and notahrink bebind' aaltt JL IIO WfWpWU6m.''WW w w- w.ij Broi where Jn tlng,Dngr.-f, Ivph" no rea- IWAWM.MtiW ft.'iVaK sonablr"afbt,ahSl?f.0Iool has ' u ' '' "i--1 nKl,til fiihd entrnlted.to .Ium f or d-l I , . .. T19ATIOI,'s i. . t 1 tribtttVino i Jjjtfw and nnhiJoa Jx di Lv.F: fF?:.wt Amazed, aany.rsei - 1 -' ' f rj V ' - I Tt a h.x.. nrLDfl-J's!-ui tt J " f 1 - 1 - - . 1 - ii vnugrwi iiw nrnm fiavtmr inn m n t ff t v nar ir-- -r -. .. . . . r - . f HGla5& Spn,lwho WiUegUi road, who is 97 years old, and who has un .it tiL t l; l-'Aiii-T,ii.:.;aatt!. .tlni 'aergone woHueitui eunHgn wumit uie m-fc . tonathTor twn. The oW l4x has, been blind ffof several years up to a Tew months ago, I - n ft - Ui U 'al lB V. i mmm 1 1 n ti LX . . IS fWnen oer sign. B-eueafy revrs, I the old ones sne naa long since iosu . - . . lL?6f dwi-fuiieif ti-' Rtfbicy motWMOM says u :i-Ait writer anew nun welLand, intimately, tan4 Mnever raw I' character so pore,' so'getftle? Stf pttre Irtrtn i I: fiartMvftainslihatVoi-4he. wadand Mbbt- the arrival of train; tb! CohvfeV t r it., :u ..! j.5 .. on fo'IlkJ ia j -V. v .''-w- ; J 1 Ji 1- -fl MIT," Mid Harry rshpuJd not all be good feUpws, MethiiAit Auftefcef.aW4Tia pwtau. . iuucua ais . -3 ,...; . ' . A - . I t! if .r L . t ... w 1 I ' r f .. , , t 'n f r j r a t 1 r 1 Pif baa 'ud a piiftiou'bt th'efund tiird; term -game byline ifiiquities, ntwriait. jlAtVlUia-lie?hdoesry 0Ma.ra;il PP1!? i.UMtded-HtfXd'-fellye, jWttf iiaU.heiew vw,e wa.-;jrtoiitFofri,tr: 1 wtsi awiw iaiaogerv-ktooutoe f .jeilds wcatenemtea in theKIhblican n:ngratlk-f-Svi;nei,n lliaViisfe iruMj batmeJawbohipeiledcth admit aW&v that i,; -haj wM&wm f s!mw . ,h ..7 r-afJ-BTan- fo OHiln .MiK aii .h- mram ttflM nn .-.'aTnanUuraa hlK nrpMenl. noaition.mnstiB01i- en n." -nr-rT'irrii'7-,rrTri- euspecof anyalaiVilAXpQl(fgize iDa.aVAripaa department oltbe -wa ano uviiiivjuvu.ivo - .--'; II ---"" f . i ' t. : -- H - r 't r . . i.-.t..;.-. 1 I. - .-: ; j..; t-j. l...': . A i'iH jfj-XgvifJ. Mini -r.-i ivuuiu. I Still uOWa UeCauBO ine XreBlQcul nao; Coftfftess; i Pistrict ,CoByeatiQnB pnmnal papers, ,BhalL hr suffered to have7 been flailed- ii;lpiowing gorontaide :ihvaribnk3eptjnyfej Districts J at Tthe places and itimea1 to which theylong. isiWf a; hpreinafter named: M'a.-i' lonLui LiiTh thfet)fte H6use!'bf Kbre- , Thiril-Faveltville, 'Ma'!.-';!"! iirttatives Vequire h commkteea tp oi,rUi-4vaieignne jia.;,:!,,', , examine .. v "i,-a ." rr -W , .." , 1 " . ... aI w -mm "on WW ate;and perhapaotber ptnaion wm4ro,Jttah WM iTie WW smftt rtfeiMfl kAo.'lrei: of teffSonlh.!weKt .aay -ovPrMtbel lmahtoziMy ju.:.. 4""TSn ?fKia,tS ff btegW,ia-I, L- .:...(.. IT.- l.rl.1L.v,'. liLJ !.!:. II W.. I.-. . ..:j.. al.1 Ik!. ....ui, M I'CIKUWU. im w uvicum prospeevw getting vnen " oy ,w in j ij jivKs.,--'.iu-a5unv4iin c tfodlfetitfu of 1 silk 1 eulturel51 J gfeat .Fl5 i Sf. -i--M iffriflhi l tt'iol. pi&js'aoidiriwMnth UTe'IOOra'M ai-HJOl- 1 H n.rt .n Iho nt Amoa ;oae of. the most contempt- WlZti W$Mtomtii Craveu 'Hi. ebaffwai xrguaou. r iu uiu n ible; 1 ever sawia nowiin Jtbe. Senior .anMwit of takes UaJwt f2hteeil anbdjrefl T r . ifv.r.ftf. h'jijihji -rii.iwi.iiiii ' irrr a '1:7 i.i i-- vi r-.-.. i. . . . . . . i - iouw! after caD MOlvx' Pieman; v.in- clag8 at Chapel flill-one whpsecom- aoiiajTc SiffiSrWwS S. .L W aurgpfai A alihl4iCll-ttrt3tan, I Danv T no longer desire." j SilfeteS '!! 'l"! SSSfSi! . .-T I . . . ... ) " -.-.. .... 1 nkrtW Wffl P?l yffrwinCff udge, sadden .. lwiiW Wt "gLP1! iltW p,mv?dldva Wi-i 1 .kMJ f lesiK -LniS iovinkfi tfSsufe i4WttoiaJii sofl.Wgiiaiera, 'K)aa-iai?C- jldryif. taw,.-;ai 1 rmhq tt4 irt?o of la raieii4al 1&SSkimf ignorant oriCWhavliheywreic ,! jgniPtarldla ahtjasrtlijeseilate ,yiaitara iaridiafi t ir $ .Mtmll SwaiJ. ftti atrtia-viAIs ; Wetrofedy aeSrr-v-iBgjtniie and by tfOnsq ec&! nn rt-.nirl the partiea- whose, convenience jouhfAq e' V'ThHry-jfaayaV 55th year ana his rideabou( twenty.) oce. aeekersia i fjMn i pscedule will be permittea tq stand. . - laittie CityJy uno oceanj-"ju-presems a I irom tne matcn, ana one 01 inem I uteenousandcelore Vetera wfllnb9W ' WAjtdi iUti-,iXU! Un'A'i'l(ic'4A( i.u-U I. a-.'i- -MiMVaaW-.ihatg MrfrtwM 1 tiim a nttim ofej aLineh. t ldir JaUMB ' I Vr'4iia rn'thirhhlrf auffifonr.lthrr i .td and ahk irArebIto teve .shaded bv beautiful trees and quite a numiLseryantTpneyjnto ;nnedon MMiXJWJS- uvum vr;? a ! oklfe tfpswlnsotfMae ma Sgi- Pcoeety;wohaie ..;:.?? TOT A hm-o, bad . b eenari iaa ueh knowi edge zeal V: half Jbl ich ' Cafolhla0 'would fiVeu been Mur 'ido.tfen colon yor at least, the . making i.tryj withi fully 0De)hals.onrv:pcp tion. i: ff'fio1 '. Tf?t.rUr h Kecently the sabjectnHa-b.etf 'i fated, and' in amochWore ' -iscreetl p 'and hopeful manner than before, movement looking to, the intro ..tipn .the .i i set j oixiii- w aaeBOoro u one rsu i ; Seventh-TBylofsirlrte, June 8 , , Kighth-l'6ld Fort, uly 7. 7': and exnendHurea t espeotiyelyt aub: mitted to them, and to inquire ;and report" particularly 1 whether the v i warrant-ictrihad; .been, placed in Uie.; l frt-nrfaj,!! f mnV Jw.tdu lioiior in '. bis; own 'country. ' The of. persona .thorougb y. yersetin; U,i. f nun-ff oK1irnna.i r!t .. uT' !. LwTr.r-:Vi IVT:lij?? i (bletafri Mi owJrrtia-fleri . i . . ... 7 , , : I vTiiil iT itTrrrJrTrj."!)'' i.t.t: i.t. iTTTi? T wPi-ees.. s.pi.u-jr.oii5 naapcu. ab pnme, davfl true; ou., wueu buu is in. . , rrilfi, t s"i " ,ii n artiof.raiaingainwormshaa been ;who camedhimbefore HU. Honor. Judge W,.,n-rf jwhtn..wnJ , Ju. n foot s Wo ireqmte attre if:'a McKoy. ,THe , case .was ;. V9m4i I min.mn a tm tnrnnika h w hn Lvnnr nrimabe iiMr. fTvler is -said htr rw t -lx i, -ititabeofrenciinen cotildhe, eer unti next Wednesday, the. defendant ; completed to this ound' which rwiU ause to hy9frMWweffVl&W iTberbdliaiiaklBa induced to settle in connliW,' Where, ,vw-a.!Kttc an increased travel to. una favorite spot fjf ,rr .7 rr.ry r"rvi' h !? Tslr i. i. .. v. !.''' :, his.annearance at that time. r. , .'H; ! .iLu, : J1.1.1 J. -iC..iJ-.i--' Miss-Gardiner. m ana the tnaniadre The lue-birdiscl- tne,niuiuerry avpunus. inas; ta wouiu - mmm r . II T T"''.rr!.,rrrP wva aA.PT hann An J-Mr-r-pTv- l f, fruU.skies:i notbelongIin 1 T ' ,. . .. , , iii.-i.'WtriVAA'rth .Mi ' 'V -?;, 1 DOwa -te ififeit' wouiane made exceedingly pronte- sT, mf' - Yinnie Beam has made a model LWgwowir onvent, wnere ane naa ,Wwist the. I.Tho climate of eastern North ' Card- d,rit SfcAwtmd Wwft. 1 - i i of a bust of the Hon. L. Q. C. Lamar. - - far apgnier wsnooif t .j Advertise 1 wQBll' sells ire j44gidg.i ii i yyry bells are ri4gid 1 , - .vj ".: - j;-.. ' -,':. !. '.. . .-.. - : f - '-' ' -'..! - i - I

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