::1 - i-i ' " : .. .SrW.J.j-J!laaii.-a...a..v,. ri,,- , , Thela FayclU Llit lufU(iy-Tber Trlp to (be F --ore-ralntof CQteM '. n a' i . . , 11, w.- r0ijjV..:;:: "beialayet4s Psitiafaotiy,;of Pay'n; etteville, arrived hereyesterdayj ai about i .$1.50 atfelpcvtonithg:aataer i Tear T"" i i iDrthepurDOserof Taakiniheir nronosed -ttUi PtriUeSayr.lTrJ nnmfwr Knut SSooSSS-- . c l vifys1sl! mmaaa e f xjapt. Arthur 6 Months O 90 0 at-LjBfflilliarns. and are- aceomnanied hv th 3 i'litnSlfSTWcb is connect- . f lea ueut;) (CKiaiauonann is i nnu. rWilb , top . Company iThev , Lave their .- -' '-J rrr; 188888 8vstem,i very safe 1 nov where obtained-.. ; Observe, the ReoUtrye where the letter is mailed; or it ' to be sent to the Dead ettr aranic - nfflx th ttampa hot for pottage and rgUtry m uw Hwnejr wo im teuer m me pre thrpo&maHerand take hit receipt for it. . ipnt to ns la this way are at onr risk.! ' -'v'.X.- ..... f -... -f .. : The subscription price of the l a aa M 1UUVWD - . t ;l Jeff : 23 rffc3?5i-i23 StateaHbeotbei t unr ?N"ortw 4i hIJS Governor Dlr f mirtent.H T9. "" I--1nlfi5fai? 15 - 5 g fi a Sfi 5 i i as k k; TT !' ir r!1 .iae, I irr i " . . uf . vaiWgpaf arapie i.fwHninat(jq which j faU I ; Ll.Ts SrrB?? M . BKinS t most Tigofdu canif hq xoogn6aorneJ;AJaon44 pnran- X uirl i i t .iri . '"'lv,;"li " " I ' ; . xjmiib win .per (luroisuediuL lie ; . lresjqeDiiat, pampaieii iasjtbe! - mr-TT lS7ft"TI - v Si i V e larwtowna. Weeonsiderthemirfectlygafts 0edB f1 ' . -oj yBnffiagsi $aibi tioaihi tbejr1 E ?JU' Mfl haste vyias andthebest meaaaprreintttlnffaoii 't , tlr Vtv i-' I --t -ffr. -5 4- tortnrea" ii?. tvr! JuA ' mT ' .r'V-: 11",1"? Wf , JSlibJ irbieh went into Aif&tSISZ ilTirrr?.?" Tvr San W lJfr iJJThY'fmm'ii uivMiB ui -flHDumr ninuiuiina Af nwu i uutHLiv iiiVAat r a ima l. a - t ittv v - twui tLj- i biqtiit o mannAf inhibit a i . i 'l??fiTiQriiifihTiPlD - i as mm np wamaf aaA aaaaw m a 1. 1 1 m uiin fi dvv n rv i Xaaarw h .. " -a.. i ' m. .-K :( . uuiua k UE.inui j n iii'i ptiti i r-i( in iih in, aii rrrr mill i iiwiii i iih i nil u iiiuim l .rV-J-: t..v. 4n : i-t:T it : t lClubtes a peripdleay Both old wdawabwmaY .ooiu om ana new saDscnirs inay. be mcdedmma . in the State, and its ciretUatloawill a k. in wh i.iii n ic T.n a nao nnor va tw donhltarl in tveWamnntlm' thncA who have worked for its success; in the; past will increase their efforts jin the-I uture. iKt.i-i't,5&ir rOii tW" The paper single subscribers clubs renew must do so in with the money. . i . '. .n LOGAtt ORGANIZATION, Something o ver5 three t months iths re- itus.re- mains in which w4o the work iof thc. campaign, jxotning Bnouiq ; be put off. however.' Thef harnnnrcr rlnK ,v; . njJr j-r-,- T UB? LiS (. :.k'uu..wc f1"1- wnen.jorraeain,;ume tojinnaence 1 r . .: i - voters. Postponed until the last mo ment, their , Efficiency is nVceisarily limited; if not : reduced t6 a mefeci- pher.' Therefore 'we urge the. imme- uiaie lormaiion or townsoip conimit tees and Tilden and Vance Ciuhs. discussions il; assist-ve i ii well effect tory!w,llfbehard,oquiet,; patient ... . . I . .a i- - - . ik. . work- in the townships, v lwe pi gaiiiza our enthusiasm we make it in- v.n jibltv That i what the Demo- COST. I hiVi .niuistratioq and. tB uj)fi?' rntw very well uiaewta Ittiti; slngleCopy 1 year, pot'piaiU 1 not be senttd l thooady of jtbe, deceased at club rates. iWhen I iikTLkjL -iVJ rvL',. r ntouf Upnul.linAn tlA I as to the matter referred Xot aind f thatfithey Peir 8U1SC"P101 ;ey 1 ZiCit . ' 1: I, 1 ihW.i. vi:U .u. nad.expressed.tbe wish that the eff ecu pf a bdyI;t name:1 f r.fWr 1 Heefesusfeat f ikiclia'bs' tii: .OaHStT TjlUTiatfo3 7 v "yv r I - - r r i , .1 pie the polls. Une araonir atmimJ i i;niAiv Vwr w i asiiinpion.. . Ane.tvoA?-itiv.i hi. ; ' . be said at once. that tho most Pt" ? k OOO ive agent in procuring ihat its report AhAt 1, O-,""" " this Tf: I - : f JnVv 1 ! '' v - --- J- " - J; : -- r' W'" 1 .---f;- "T, , .1 The same spirit of .economy actna- ll U,. jv4 Jh-'-'J. - J Jii?. ' . 1 Kadical party, and be gave fall reins l!:flViV- : -k7 tzl t j r I ThOs remains of the lamented voune I Ed M A. W M.H .. A U nflK . mmrW W. W- X . . . . ' - . - i'. .'T- l! , , 1 I aa 1 1 IIP TPfnT. I .alTlBTITriTl faTTO I I "fcl nn. I 19li.i i.i . . . . . . . All .17.1 I , . , . . . I 1 IT . T T . , . ' ? . i - 7 : ., . .Vt, 1 , -- ;- . i; .-;:t--,'jviuv ;.-..!, .1 i - , number of sessions should be reduced, have been favorable to an earl t dis-j- ,X.ancer appears- to. ,ha?o ; acquitted . r V:5avHm o ' r ; v " r w qD-'Lt-i-r' ! ir fv j-j.i -'Jj ' i.ti -iJi 1 u bat proyided ifor, tne redqciioir?of ol it tion- of 'the-4 Republican arty,1 of himself splendidly In this part! of his i:-uh. ijTuu!l J ;, i,-:vftr.:'t;9i jv-'eiii la i-.t-; &ifcm;tMi;t. i.nau vi-; fcF.au;uj,. . i pay ot.raemberSjby limiting; the time H hiell 'At) was not . vpn. a. fi 1a fcneech. .And.wrtpn h Mini.. Htw ,r- ' " Y T -T "w i y U ytv-'0i4i iiii i 1- 1 . .I , ;. . . 1 . '. : ,. , I I of m ft in or nnii thntiwrlioiii unA mem ber until be was maderesldent. tiptuice the Kepublicaa , vajtr fdr i its, ..f n J , . r. .lie, dismisses tried -and faithful Cabi enaUtyu he arose to his ;lie4t.c LElseriLiu. U''0,u . i .. . . ... I a..-.a.-& i,v."sij r.r.,s,;-af..r-r.- -1 aJaaed section 28 to Article XIHtf I npl ltmii 'nd nanlnnt hua' Anrni. I 'toha'ira viin' Hia"VAr VAr'liiV 2a.lt ffif Xiafu Til !ili.;rn ;( !i,TT"r.TrTI-T- - rials who have irodf&a : i . WS . . . :.. vm,i::i J 1';. win ue a soon aa congress ,aatifiriJrar dbejtrJfOmjaalix jwuh.g; ome;say that'Mrs. auHe 8he;;ibasti received ;1MawMliftitStf SiSSSS) niof(Jil&agA;i i nmi rresiaem rant ' w, inut ucet. iVortbemboidiert. trlthjsf rigJit it Mijdi. an .sot clemgptijr feyaben tioria td preserv such traditioh ed he kndws nflihiug ifam -W'4l9iSim& is creditd further wllh saying jthaf tratei the: fcuaragend.Bindtistco' ifisl. liepablbau ;irty. hun sand yptea.; jtfl v Read Mr, J KiiigsburyV -i Bketch of 4 ionn i-enn, one or ine signers oi me, r 'J l the early period, v.(Mr K, alwa JicumsltftbiograpM doesliimslfhic address , from .. which f thts; paDer as 1 aken ;i v 4 ,m f af Fortunately fn this campaign Brick 1 Pomerpy is fltVirf nominees tor rresiaenf ' and ' vice 1 ' President.: He is uVlishihg !n! Chi cago an ariti-TUden paper "called mol Great VampaiffTurr I i ;,,-J a e .?.wj-aiWGjaaye8 ana vuua ruunceq in mat :,unpani$aai ana; 'tfl5ej1i0?'e5 i5iion ixjcaase s, as well an uu wnoie saia bayonets through- I may 00 excusca to tbeexciteraenta'ufrPr- I JeRSaujM DyjSubsequci?U88io6 5 A Ibis i policy 4itjajKm& KeibUckn par- I cbief-makltig assertrons e"5 nrt S t,:ilr' ilJ'W-:i v f arw awecuy aiciaiea io r ' I ".i:j,f::',.-'r-"';V-7'J.'1'Jt .-?,?ir.WrAweHigepL people have .teen loo ; -u'. t!-" v ;u i - -v v i .niMi nmin iinn iniriKw rniiunn Kf mnMi rraiah.ni;. r. i uiiv. , i. . , i . x . . . i I w- "-""""r"" sa o raiuiu ui -vm uiHciuuiauu.u euiii uu Uli.WcCQ luc In j.'-s')fniJ'IiIV 'JVintu'li 'I i '1' I lit t 'l t men-ire theNortti W 'vdte or Hay mi .1 i . . . .. . . v-. I -.ii. v- . I " ww,u oat nrmenL ha camna urn will not a letter ofrinkdactioi.46 the.pasUbutothe vUal'aues i . . i - r h JtT11 kP?ls9n;!PM? f I I the tan)8Vtha diftt roBahrr.n.ri.T ri iha f bttsi f :-c:z: rf I Ineibint 'discussion .petweetl Gov. I v.- i0rt juu'.;;,:,. rfi.v.a;.. j - 1 t", -.7 ""A mocratlOtatid KepubUcan; tickets, rA i&Mrt&tlL f?J. n3' cbimeedRu ;J-i-r" -..xrT jvTr--i o" I' :c .-, 1 i iih v - no. unnnnnra - urn a vai 1 .jf r?.tK-t V . Ppfas f bth " li . .;7L.r Z" 'T -'k? vr''" aa.?ih 17 - 7. 1 10 charge or Mr.-- James gprant, Acting uesaL Jriterestf JtlieJ cbaiiirv 5bv statnre of North Carolina should twm.v. 4..,, mad ' pollcvvbf i thd Dartrin I ee P.eyery-.yeaiv Resides the ineces- l CoL' DeRosset received ah answer from bia o1 I with thir whnhMrt.M ,:,; eery ice 01 , a HOI, lUCOasuitiH. I huMa h.':iJJt J.HJLu:et I WJWil : eeaseAnd so when nan if ?U,V fViSM fy Pl?y S V of Artful Dodger, descending even i -"..-"r s"f a jetter -to , irbieh Vance ttivl""!. aatnoritieB " at n-prrn mnnr . v wrn rmw .x.-.nn a.. . a agume I prudential reasons not K' "M,v,S, v?wieu his .advQtage .Car .as lay, fc'hS v t , & - , ' t , J n i;a fo;ri Uavi" ti.. U.-. I to bu fancy in arraigning tbo; I J?Hjt 'ettleyM "IS aUdg!jrfe un-; bat! pros titu-r - tion or a irootl- name'nd nTrflffTOmph i rl IsoHiecs intq i political 6rgan- ana aeraagogicai. -Lia- can result in IiOv evcu icuiyviBij kuuu tvr tuo pai- 'a' : ' . ! a l a- I.' 1 - ! tv. which resorts to such , baae means to perpetuate its JulftJ fhBu ib catb - v.iv wa. . a a. ufovui i iiiu.iavu u tM aaVblvT IVtlC " BLIUUllIlLr. a8beseTbeif)f f Vliuuanauoa; remains beefea JttlSZSt?' f'Kmil tbe .nnmber and suhstanl ai ty 6f Its nually, and remain ih aession as -long as they please,' the ' people's knoney tt v -v- i : Ub lteofStates Internal Revenue offi- j , . ... I til I aWe-auroher And-stimulato ;i jll I v - :e t - ... ,. , - hopes of ?sharini? the ' nlnnder when iwgMiiiiuuuii ifuvwuum uuiertaiu -uilu .ti--.I':. J , 1 w...,?; KM?. 1 pRHipiorm 1 IPiptate and nation, determined that iPiptate and nation, determined r i that partycarae intbnpo'wt-r expenses .' ' ' - -' v "F . - . men I sions of the .Legislature, and the aab Liic'jLemsiatures and the Teo- a!: it'' . : - '- -..- ' i I . i i ... a dredg of tboasands p6r anDQm in ono matter nf1 Anililoa iW.f U, VHV- -Ia'- to the confidence - and support f the -T- w,v.r.i'.r-r"5 - tioV Tt. oW not M.!.fiobA KnVor routtr of 6uS$i more. WaMch,4be oftaT the iDemborattovmriyr'thjrfi. pay of j mem- jiariyy'thpatylt hAra i b fi- .Ventipn stuiu effect s jthafc sixty days i iegisiaiuro 'io-xransact., its - UUB.' ncoo, ,111. aw cdjic4. iv. ji i 1 -a-. , i a. . I a, i U I -1. , a.-- remain in; longer ih sossion'ita whini couW-be 63 were providing spoils ahead for J dispatch the body and effects, of deceased, e loyal when thev decieed'tLt the f3 13 tHU8UAl.c.utoJn in socb cases,; were sUtuUon lherefdrof biennial sessio seven si months after date; $115,031 iri, cur-i Thisibeneficentswoik was doiieiby n? M?a,2 n;EngIisli qoio,,onieKg614; DeiBocratiLeffisiatUTesandthe peo i!M?$& n f ' 1 1 "iVThtt members of the Oerierftl ! A napmhU isr a Tjtor the- Term f wliheyiayb j" W-ir 1579 kiI?7 ,r; J elec4d,hall receive as a comSibdlr redAbd nendaaciMS the ater. t .u i.Him :-- f Auc,r ?rTices riu.sum or jpur o6W peri T.. J.Lw I fcp:4e'! if laKattiigijlay?cAn Aoaldc bftBweeiing pf ;tiedmingtp irbi imtijl ? -v. I'iWillnferi jnvessiooj t&eyj ahaU . ,ducpMExphange,,held;vete re-1 b' iilS! ?h! 4yd, that aommiitee of threemeinbera acswelvomuon I JTbe cafde dispatch alluded to as; having a lo England, in relation , td the sad roev.Wt.we learivforwarded? by Colonel w - t . L --t .i.iv1 Ll.rJ-. a s I seC uatil farther notice the body ind ef- i ibvuimwci tucicxurc, turuuu vvec uj i vice In, I V Consoi Spran; to Ckl. DeRo&set.,,,. ;-f The following are the effects of Mr. nr ana "3ana oy tuem tarnea over w. their proper custodian: fo their proper custodians ,J W IAsumbf moner-amounting toi 25 88. one engraved seal; two post Office keys,tw0; w i t t . I S' P Pi 8lud?n M on I Til.i b n-l nnnrl oltii-r iAm - k .1 ll.U.l. one uuncu Hx.cart tmpty; f t . a note t for fl.OOO,' dated December IOtb1875. due I in U 8. stamns. one .mnzrile-lnaiW ebnt waiuu auu cuain, a ,aiamonar trunk and vaJlse 'containing offending the unfortapate, young iinan Jo 1 n last account was what is icnown as! the I a Oincb barrel and i Inch- bore, the stock foot in I gusumau, wno me. sacu a vioien. ana un ir ur jtuvaucubiii peruaps wiut ever remain .a "mystery to ait Unt'tue Ureat Omnipotent, 4 A Jl . af-V ' -m a . wen? mtprrea in vaKaaie uemeteiyt yester day afternoon, from SL.James'. Church, in a lot tendei-ed forthe purpose by the Young if b. , . a. ia Were, interred in Oakdale' Cemeteryi Tester- o lumcuuci cu iui mo uuru5B uv iuc i ouue f ; aT j ,11. ul among comparative strangers, with no kin dred or1 Intimate friends to' follow his body tof)Jtf he-.tenofaryiresii b)acetr there were not lackin'e those .who Iff eft a 3 r warm Interest fn the 'rQUBg- taan, sincere' p I sorrow H or Ms3 'sa'tr 1 and teirible" f te, and : )egosseto F.,oil'iercbitran tiaperlnUnaertt .'? Which tliey leriil; has ybeejti enderedtQijhipvillvi! .)V I St- RiCbliSi'WW ued the m fl . .a.1 a4." nfeydencvof 'Hhe-3 earoiinal v;enirai Rail wkyVAbd the pdsitidn beetiHe'naer ed0eni?m.1McUae,-iV the' interests bWilmingibn'tbatG tit a 7. ' J 1.5 . a s 1 J . . I while we shaJJatjlndiikjai MrPsrafee of a1 geptleman, whose, ability as a f ailrpad.mapVi aeer iS'sd well-known andi recocniidcL we bilt express the 'general feeling, of the peof pie:;' here whett we t say iuat j no selection that could possibly, be ..made for, the posi tion named would give such , general satis faction' as mat of Getf.'McRae.' I ' imp. Sampson 4Krieaiturl Soeleiy.;1 j Ye acknowledge ,the,cot)rtesy of dnjn- is ai'. Jl a tilll -W! Ii ci-l Ito-'.' : Ira!.' I - ; President, Bl F. Grady; Secretaiy.: and W(i X Pigforid," dhie?'Mawhadr invito 'tion to attend theannuai Festivat aiid Ball of "the Sampson County Agricultural', So-j ciely,1 to come on in tJimton lltb of ' August; " v,,.' -...'-r.-i. ; -PTO j$ Another marked iname of . . . . - -.---..-. ' ' ' - ' - J it . -. ; 1U I 11 - evHr rnnirn . aa ha . man r - iu. ui mai immonaxiJecrarationifrfrdoinmemi torate :ttly'iaak.-:.lasl Vfriian. andl augbier of the famoti T7 Tftt. ? "s'kwv.mihm icigutccu ...r.te4,, am9 promtnentttUhongTriTmrfelrio 3yea,pft agvunOa tbel2tb Dct0beP) he Uiitk tiift' iiCz' v mmUi,. , 1'J.ll I aaawaaawva va IU JM YVt memorable ibtdy!fwh3ch'wa PhUadelnbiai Itvf fin July 4, 1770, be signed the; National Declaration of IndeDondencef Mri JJp2 s'iiad eViden.lv laiu aiid-ew'toMW-as-a.. sUunchWal Ms.Defence,peaks being appointed af delegate fron Ndrtiv grew of 1776, for he seems to .baye; sat in both Congresses for that vear ha nUm,n. ed the high considerationbf hisasspciates. When a committee of nine was anrinint on April.30tb, tp recommend "a teinp next Consness.,, John Penn was rhl.W pethep with onihmon .-n.-li.. f,. , xuwjaiao jpurae, T "rM,' ,vwwi -a-oner jwaso ana Samuel . - an.ordinancc was passed, appoiatWeleVen persons to review and consider all ' such' Statutes And AcW of Assembly as bad been might becphsi8tent with the gemds-o irr peopie ana to , lay tbembefdre the next Assembly. This was certainlvi arVeiV Extrtclfrbkn i tc Bisioricaf Aiidfesa otf- icf Si? fatber jwas Moses PennL rm'dfiaff tTsia r!&:ii vtirv fa W Aau . ar .iiA. ...V, - - m I 'IUTI,', ii l atkw Ijavaaa. ! J cr . ... ;" .f y. -nu .uau t.o forego aay 'wKvUiettancttnrtuadai n with further Oteriiry advant it prepato apioa loroe reffai' f vuw.tt aep Bgn;i:wK. iednl kindly lotf 6f;iny fei-n ragll a UiiCbaTdj Caswell having -resigned hiageat .hito, that-U as a.foolish Jif air, and it waa in J-he; tsjntint 'airadeub'pn tbe'spot'! d f . -.- a - - w m aet j onnsion, . oamuet. Ashe, ( and Abner . T . . ..i' - Wir-V .T k"aaa- . 3amuelSpencrvaftferwardaCirc6ittTudge JTSyr aftfws jAiuir- ucjr ucucmi m mo ptaie. were or tue same cbtigmmeea- - . ; "f fs :rti Gar.taW.JiOnV.j intife a I. - ' passed by the GenejaLAssembly, directing ballot ot both Houses of j the Genefal sembly," and that said Board of Wari4,shn Lie uiCMi b a uhii. s i m w an a nr .nM iviuuis ButiU caa Li I r: v iiiiirnc jippni -nmTiA . ... . Z . D" ?v"", arVVl, psfahlish TM-tnta anrl om. -.n i vi:i. r ' not answer weU the purpose intendedand there were painful collisions between! it ahd tne governor which caused it to be discon- tinned after short trial, it is venr Jrtiti 1 that both Houses of -the Assemblv wnnM I a g . u aaivtaiuvta lEV'ttUSt? I lhair nra.a ..Ui... V-i L.. . i . I would be dbtinguished f or abilitv as! iMvii-1 ians.u John Penn waa a mpmhor i-rF ,?, I i Board of War. -h-,t uuOZT. I a.tradWon tMr, Penii ft ... 7 ... .... --e - 1 man oi meaiocri. m mnts j irAffotTHn.! - -"i erc,ompipniace wrnxxi emWiHiam; K. Davie, who was unquestionably, al very oraTetna merit6riou;rofficev-aidJ in "mi nlpWy tstlisiingtished as : a .-lawyer . and statesman. bMma toMiiaye1 'badnf to'tfeh contempt 'w'the'l fMvPW aBjJwitaiJpf civilians, a .in bis great disgust at .thie col-. important committee. Miv Penh was ilu'-.-f"""" -T 7i 7 r ; member of iL- Sucbleadin- mn L fl.m. 1 got sea-sick.'.'' ' A Cbri aider 4b3e stoi h "erw"8 governors,) JamsLIre-;: indulged in abalbf Jwliile Alfcrea joyed dell, afterwards of, the. Sapreme, Cohrt -of I a. .juy-u. theV United- Sta itfioni DetweetfGoyerriorBNash) andtUe'r L Boards he ; resigned , his , plac6 in thtf army. L Af8 JSKWa J1? I J tentptnousAiid: bitter ltfbiAM&piuiohij 4f he' 1 auu ibi icu iy xjio uyiuc. xib was very con- All ey.be5 aWHtyn naefulhessi oi Udelhyi 1 1 am memuers or the Board, ndiculins , Alezaa. I . i . . ... i.vl.,, .,.;! I B- der Martin, who was afierwasl3ovfernon1 vame iiaws, sv aud 'dvlCaJg''itiikJ:Pentf wailonli iit'to losiThe Lodge ndwlhas aumemhcfxabiplpf 69.1 Houses of the, General A9sembljahd do from lh wrtES Mr- Elijab. Piner,Was isf mllV nnrBllflii flint, thera Tira a rrri4 float I 7IWMiire I nv : 1 uere was avast amount ot abihry AwuuthBiiL.arCTiiCT of grekt qa- T , V'CfPPfl:P3PMnfA lew dftlte Knanriit Kumnci a aim Wiiiium t TTannin i , Wmm PoPpeiVK ThoniaA, Jpnes.a Jamesi nth Kutberford, i Epbraim -Brevardj and I .frofn, Yirginia,remoyef toGranvmecquntyiii is elected Only a year afterwards to ll.RPr..- 1 Tincial Gongressand seoa after is choset as amember of he Continental Congress at Phalad61phtaV then only 84 years of aire: is reflected in 1777. in: 1378 and via 1779 isfl ""v .u mo x cuviacuu congress in i lor the state; is one North Carotin AWhh' to todify tbe iActtr and Statutes and pro- i VJl " f.". .mv.v. l u n a, A.aatau I , , - j bf mm niiFeny.i ftis' cohteuTpbrUow ,BOTk;tftexaerMadfojIi HKirSs." .fieSiaPr .commencefi, jWprk In thtf the. saleii ratified it is understood .the cor- - - - - X A a- . . - J I . ai1 - i tf ITI ? T;rv1 r.vr"ir lr wuo W.UnW during poraUowm mae a freslisUrLThe line, . i i i as (.in era 'iftti eni cr. ? im . 7m i pu haaim. w w wB-siiss'-a TT.r- m wam-i--'. 1..1 ' m -r - r . ' i - nnn ma a-a-i. a a m am . a: a a r z. ; ,. . u pe possiDle Uiat A ,strapgerJ c6rht)a- ratively younercbuid haw risehsh Wri;,!- :ansLi?ostJ ancHsfm v r- - i ?? IPf'i.atiob nI lip: Peotf clid!Mrnot, hnvrn 1 I - ? w . . . - - I " . 1 - t I native and to the manner bom vP-j Wh4t inBeb4eWM4 t;-What tb andatahnth pk- ifftff fflWW manseoald. baveriii sueb-a 1 1 1 . a - - : - - nsijrli -tfl (innnnM i uiu accumpiisnea inn." . i . .- . fe breakfaiteoVdi lobimalyioiie bf hdkieMteKHffl thas descend anf kUJI living n.Awa.n. - j ' ' 1 :-- -T .- C jLT! r"ri.! 1 VVf f t i y )UKU dUU 1W ntedoMy'W!i. thVe toilea ..f roitf osrt L. Alexander and James Tj Hunt, of this place, ias hisgrandson'Mr Penn ETSiSifa Sffislfyl safras For : toSp? The tSStint of his 'Wataon's -Annals of iahW'i n sis! -'-! j---t ; - 'J- T;Er j V? p T. I Tiie Western Ejxeari.fAMi.t.,j.i I !l : w'"orn .'Icu",0,t,""4 Tp,P - T lThd excursionists f rcfttf J tlie.'m6iintainat f ,t-.- .. . ' I . i -i wj(i ou' uouoie excursion 1 train under tht I . J . vavvuvu. uojiiui II.. I llPV linn an OTollonf ilnir! fn. ;a ana w. 'ea tbat they cloyed he trip lvery ynibcb; which can well be Imagined wheii it 3s probable that niaiiy of themhad I vcn; fS1 jPtiwater.ot, Any con- I siderable dimensions. . The boat iwent a I' iAiU- tiil kiuii:xhildi a , . m uiauL u la in ili .n ; miiiimiiii u r i - w n lPagc was; made; at SmlthviHwliert some I f r f , '. . . : .t .-. . f I " the A.numbeof, the ladies acepmpahied by J fitli3men, paid a Visit: to 'the Revenue. f tit,v , M,J!i ' ' i . Cutter .oa?, - which was at anchor in the I hirhnf !anH:aa nM;; t.vu.. t.' i- 1 MMawa. aaaivA ui& uiiiuua uhjk iiiiii'ii ihfjhuii r-sj in showing therii aroundeVen tiring a sa- l.adiea. -from Dayidson Coljege, r.we learn, exnressed tbA-lnntnton tr. al Ji-W, f quite af number from frthis. city, wilE leave n tntAU wk&iAWXi TT,TT . i - ? " m morfamr at 6 :45 o'clock.' 3Atiiobe the manurr tt ih'n trmri f.n 'i.viUa.i . , - . Hfirnntl ' A Tt T.lnn f?-vn Wml.T.- ISmStV. Jr.. J. H. Hardin. .Tna. W T.i nnift And A tt w..i:'. .- .... " - ! "i;pci.y. : t , 8mi,.ii.TGo TAmnr.,. . 1 i i 1 - -i UTMttl ttoVtimttX f1""" I TiUe. hdd thejr quarterly. election last Tues- -Ttva rah- T.rAa I ft n rp ,.t ts:,T. faay'evening withtiie 'following resultsi bov iwJWn l- "rf w tanaie, av. t. i.j-Mrs. jtt. -5 0$inltoa?lflv 4iSmiUjWiaT.W?r;' LiXegtWaiSl; Wade Witnn Rr. uegg. uumu, ; ir. i. j. ;j. uumpson. oen- tinel.1 Miss feDa WescbtR' ' !? 1 . .. ' " I rrerafaovr:' tor tAillTfa Denntv '; - - .nuiJSj.uu . i " WeJearnthat, MessravDuBrutzyCutlar. I'Tt - Vi-ii. -V -v- "Tiv"'-- 1 . -tl-allL' ft A .ri.Vj-a i i Ft i iir- f v - t -Br i t t! 1 . iik? iiavai -caaetspig; ag iiAnDapai3;iWiJufe:winJ tawpiaciat Wil- ai Aw !MJ,in the ihusi over lourippn .ann, nnaer eirnfn'P - i,i Witr? Mil'r. '-aitUsL ,ti v itary Academy, applicants- for which! most lypAraieit W lh&'4AiTnUt& . The naval CadetshiD must be filled nnf Im - 12th September, andthe military cadetship in June next;M87Xirr 3.ifis ief-'t J'-: ; ' m ,,: -1 BemoTtnc flio.sops,,,,.) 0' ; j- ine wont oi removing me supps, p tne pdaUioiratFce; W ywterday.the wprkipf faking dpwn the f afm " . at - Jr. n'!ff:PV;prprOM to remaia at Smith-; MUe .aboVArW , . iwJlLtpatJiniifegfil and j- . P684lli41iiw - j 5t eteuifftolWchch i iuciunes win ne atrorded them.." The "La ree: . i ; JAe requisite characteristic, for mvtn- t,-. " ii. iM ore cannot to be a Dleasant.one. unrt m jaS f espect may be AbnndanSy wutli. ni-greetnj bog their Lvarioi en neces-f 8ucbas wide-briiinTiexr-straw bats, &c, when they feoif iliaejiartisaotbr Smithville on the I flpanieiv JfiptJltaomn by. the I .UslAsdshesUof li&iU&p&ends in this "nmgPpdiaf fln?hSof iWbom were at the Wharf to see them afr -A-.i.L-; - jiWe giveTelow a list if the rank and file a?AlClwrItitait.'iir ... . f Tw"iuJFroswuer- wiin ; the mem- I IKftnAi: Captain : McFaulk . ;k First LiouL .Tnn. TV Witii.n,. ' t-; oil j S Mffi?tQni?cMian, Orderly fe Second. CorporahCW L. Hawley. Third 1? Corporal : to. Ai McMillan Fourth Coroo- r ..,aw-.A Biuuuwu, ir..:.i. .au iuciUJiian, W;H.'PembeitoB, H. R Uatl, J. M. Mar iin1fA.fMclieaH: Dv AdMfllan. JJD. pPoa. HallrB. Douclialf R. McKen- iie; W.rHJ Hale, M. K Wade W. B. Mc-: Millarii J. A.' Flowers, R. S. ! Williams,' J.' j' 0tterb6brg,fc G. S. 'Gibson, June Wil-. lianva, i5"WS A? Robinson, VJ.D.' SmitbJas. Roblnsuit, Jiiu; Burns,1W. H. Beasley, A. jarreri Larkjns, Jatthews. , ! "llKTTE siLVltA 'cbltKET BAKU. P. "Wlffiams, Band Msjor; J. W. . Phillips, Leader j J. M. Dodson, Musical iDirector. Wj J.MePonald Jr. B Cornet; i J. McK. Woodward, First E Corno; L. J. Otterbourg, First; B Tenor; H. W. Depo, Second B Tenori W B. Lowry, B. Bar.-; wuc; tfuu.- o. uiuson, jirst m i una; w; ft Eppes, TenoilJrdni JUcBond, Bass ' Drum. . ... - - - 7 Wilmington Retail market. Tf'i . ty..i 1 .1. ui!; x A . - . i The following prices ruled yesterday : Apples,' i(dried) 12f tents per pound; dried peaches, aic per pqund; walnuts, 25 cents per peck; .pickles, 20 cents per dozen; ard,f 18.; cents Aperpoiind ; butter, 3040 enteperpound; cheese, 20 cents per pound- grown fowls C570c a pair; spring chick ens from 20 to SOcts a pair; geese $1 50 per pair; beef lOllic. per pound; beef, (corn-, ed) 12J15c.Tper; pound; veal, 1216ic s cts. per pound; 8houlders,12j 14 cents per pound tripe, 20 cts. per bunch ; clams, 25 cents a peck; open clams, 2025 cents a. quart; sdup bunch, 5 cts; eggs, 15 dA8 j . . . - . - piitci oases ioTHiTtircainlraign;.1 centa. adoz; stueon,25;cts. achunk(51bs); i i potatoes, new IrishV205c a peck; fish - iruui iioc. per Buncn; muiicts iwqzoc per bunchy turnrps 10 cents a hunch; onions, 5 to id cenis hunch; cabbages 1 520 ceats'a head; bolbgbat20cents!a. pound ; parsley, 5 cepts a bunch ; carrots, 5 cents a pound ;' 'rice 'l020c a quart; crabs 15 cts dozen ; appfes 2040cts per peck ; Sound oysters Jiff cents a quart; cauliflower, .10 SfiS: :&A$Fffie$vi!i cents ,'prlhuncii ; whortleberries lfl.cen(sf It q.uart ; asparagus 25 cents, a hunch: beela 12i15c a bunch; snap beans 20cts a peck; squash, 10c a do zen; cucumbers 10c a dozen; tomatoes 15c per quart;, watermelons from 5 to 10 cents saie or a The a Baltimore.Sto records the sale in that city, onTuesday,' for the - benefit of creditors, ot he property of the Baltimore and Southern team Transnortation Com- 'pknyoperatilig between Bkltimoro and Wflmingtoni 3SCii C including four steam ships, hoistingengine and boiler, iron safe, platforrp scales, wheelbarrows, tracks, &&, toeetHer with the charter ' ri-rhta and f ran. fclfises'-bf5 tarer'linau U& JsoOOa The steamshipso an ibe JSakigh 6D3 tons, built ' in 1873; D. JLFdejf.tel tons, buUt in 1872; SebeceaX!ljd6t ,443.tons, overhauled in 1871, and the Lxieiue. 437 tons, overhauled in l873.1J3rijere as1 a XottttYeadance oi- bn8ines3itnen.8t.Ltbjalc, butTthe bidding., was very flat. The first bid was $10,000 and for a.lpngjWile.iJ seemed there would Tint a o nnl liiar rtnt'nna nf t V a rmatdna ant.l khere werJi lieoBgansltnesbi.pA for twice ? that 8umt!aad the; Jrustees could not sell clear of incumbrance at that price. Then . $15,000 was offered, and after hammering away for some time and getting no higher l bkliVctioieerTtepped' titi tmany per- t sons leftjQ iTjusreg was a consultation be- ' (Waditweea seyeral parties, and at ila conclusion ; iHPmmnmsFsi Vitttte tajqwouidl made by Mr. , Henry James, and the prop; ertj. asitfcickea'd-dli at nrhai'lfgure. It WAStatedHiM &&iiiM.We$r James, Wml IEBaMw?a,i:Jr;r'd-JottrW.l. Penta Jwre tnehasertasa4ynffi the: Crtidltori oBeVewKWeeks! since the same property Was-bffeiBdi atp6bUt!VBale. wLen . withdrew? 'unsedueBtlyAeeUns of cremtoiWkfh'andfn rieof the fact thatxi hoiderr bt liens v. wKrfc preying them for payment andi that fhtt ti.ipaw.oald in a few. days all mta-i lli bands cf the United States marslial to be sold, it was decided to sell the property peremptorily, The Batagh and :,V. by John 8. Beacham & Bro. - Baltimore. and the entire property cost perhaps seven 1 or eight times more than it sold for.. When I m --it t - -- t : I - : 1 - 7 7, 1 w i " - - ' . - J r . - . ' - - if - , - - r " ' - ' t - I ' r - , ' 1 " I , , -1 ; -rr-t r- t- " " t vv&;-4 ..-;r o ;- .j-. - -i;'";".:1::.-. -vfi'l -st: ij j '--:' j v::- :!,:-?i.v;-r;Ai--i-i--..:i.-v.;'S..' 7,::- ;,:-ii7:7!ii 7, 77 -7 77y 77 7.7:777 ..v-.,:;.:;r-v-;;r:.:t',:..;;::;'r -r

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