. MM v. ,y:. . ; nwn-. HiMMj iiem. a.'sxi-jnniinj Kfin. j 2,eiU Vance 3,428, Settle 2,588. Ratifl-iy $1.6o'a,Year. iir'ad-mnce. j 8SSSSSS V(:uy8i'y:yYy i WILMINGTON N. C, FRIDAY, , NOTE 1 Year.; 5 ' 1876 SSSSSSSid B try. The work Via dorietihe bal- j "WiUnow baviMatfjpmnhifpr(4K, thvimnyed the, imp lot-box. onxiast .I.Yt;.ihev VM-.Hekpy;iM .economical: go-, &aSnS!fe4e4 6 Moaths wm o a peratlye need fcame as a party. ' suave ocrer.-' aud he I r ' f r -t-. f r I f -r-r 'tww.w.jivwi; .S8SSS88 uihfTirnhnal eui, wiui-jws -teatners ail cau xie 3 Months (33 "Tl TT ly y v . v .--.. 21 f ji -;ilJ '--v f ' . - ,-P v . Official to thrStaryfcy 1 emorailrTent& s November ruuiu iir-uiac or. universal wm -.w' ",,MF"?ct2ia i ts a .mstrnmeat of tyranny and f $ vuo. hTJ!Tr rr? - i alloni.4Reiecliott.58I)m)eratJtt S3 . a a M 3 a ! a u SSS.SS3S- . V- - 2 Months JUTsssss i 1'VAnVli" - iSSgSSSS'j Weeks I ftoee K2383S8y. 2 Wacks Is: f -lag S8888S8.:- I Week ca 5- Is J s I 8 . illllif1 OHES.EH 151 IfH. S 3 Hmsasu 3! ? II 5 I OfUr tr OrdaM my, h ohtaimwl in all the clttea, and In many f the tarsr e town.. r eowwter inwia periucny naif, arii the bes taeane or reMHR Oftf aoiiars . 9- Rex tert tjf ier'. Bfr tbe mW- .t-wtpm. whteh went into effect Jtme. Int. are a very af moana of enttinK fmutlLnurai of mo nfv where t.J. tiouev UMnoannoi meiijr- V br the letter ts nialled. or it will be liable, to be sent to the lea.ft letter Office. Bug and :tni the ttttmaa both for vostaae and TT&ttrjj, mil nnatair". mt be txjtrt fn natRM at me om t th money and eal th letter in tAi jhwhm ( r pott-maMgr-met mice him rcnpjirrt- inciter - -nt to tis tn thin way are at wit rtk. - j y on"- The snbscriptipn price of tie Wekit i.y St An is as follows : j Single Copy:l year, posta?e paid, $1.50 " " 6 moiiths.- " " ; 1.00 . t - tt , tt. tt. .50 NOKTH Ct0 lt, a beeu ca m lint it will be less than Vance's by pi iki f.ia nivMrt I fills the land." v Sr :tJ!$ J s -V 7 -rr, -A . 5 t - . - . . : - - l -; J w i; -. i..-.! . Ities in Bladen Tildcri fl tabtre fl ftin- If: in tne duuo wu, .e,u . - - u. f t.ited hwmntrvot a eo- Nust live together in the South V the Wghest .officea. .Her repreaenUtive ktS. n, 1 Hark, 834;, For least 1,000, and may even reacb l,8W ,1 belitiof irrnntkn beed tbe Verntnent reffnlateci bVthtf Constitn- (nterel8.of the two are too closely Warenotttlaa well inown abroad konDenLi for Sheriff neVanr TiP or 2,000. -The' Amendments V?; LfPrMv tJn.r-s rried bv a handsome majority,: I . r. ..... , ,i uv, I b... ii 1 A - I L:.'ti .t.l Lu-:M b 1 1 -u J ..: - IkmkUc ConatV Ci - . " uwu uiwMD'Nraiwuir'.. . " . n i nuiLm win rwR niviipr imonvinR n& i aitnu.b tun uuier uiuiuir, ui. jl. hhu i jnm 'lUKni. rihisl ' ma nmimr iudh i i .t-(,-:--ti. .t-t-.-. iw n . . 5 probably 2,000. The Lcgialaturejis Democratic, but we are unable v-to state the approximate majority, Hon, , . A. M. Waddell is re-elected by' 1,900 . or 2,000 majority a large ' increase.! .We give the Wunties heard -from, with the gains and ' losse;, confining ourselves to the Gubernatorial eleo- tinn. and comnariner them 'with' the I onngl insima n1' nnnf rindtB I , -r r o - j I 'wi"W4"rw;. ri",.,..vi j,.!" a excesses oi oar, opponents, xies us i taxes wm oecome ieBs onerous alter I ua. Auaiior ixv Merriraon and Caldwell vote ib 1872.1 In on antSeoniama will ex- wer-rrth 24, when the latter was elected by 1,899 J accomplished., In one day, from the the promises made by speakers and pire,and that each race will endeavor ent.of Public majority, ine gams are as ioiiows; j jrising ot the sun to tbe going down Writers be fulfilled to the letter. Let as best it can to Work tit Hujhmond 83, Iredell 407 Carteret j ill, Nasu 33y, t'Ut union 444, Cib in us 350, Cleveland G48, Guil f.ir.l 289, Johnston 157, Rowan 3G4y Vake 374, Simpson 207, Kolieson 235, Hiaderf 248; Cumberland 40, AJ-J amanee 2t," Martm 255; 'l)uplinv 235, ( Constitution ft. t 'a Ll - t . I JJli'aa'A j n at. Onslo w 300, Anson V200, Jluucombe 300, Polk 218, Kuiherfordttfti'JlIa'y wood23ItiVYaTne539klnbu 590, Kockiogbam 211, Gates-208, roir 4, Greene? 28,f' Edgecombe 200, BrunWick 73ifour.co 305 .IwCDe'uct trohrabore deaWf Bruns 30 a net. gam'of 6,189 In thirtyfiye counU - ' mmm . lst Aaa Vl'nMIIM MltlAM lIlA t A AIM l 9 ties, an average or 170 to eacn county a nese. majoriiieai arejpnty partially official. give thm.ihy:liavcr come to n p byteiegrapbt and from corresnondVrifsf yAVe have no doubt that Vunce' maiority !wwili rancre ;;fro;tp,0Wi,0Q glorious victoryvfor ortft i'Caroliaa. Sincheas? l ave received th? official vote of Ua-i c ines rest. r'titi i- -i-. rt'wi au l "yS ii i is gov e rn men it - Heaven a wPe,l i;H wimlnwa, and the uft ,refrehl , i ii r, ' I U e i v ing S raii ",fv: y . " iothe the ear onm w th'tbe v fdure.of periyndfiUhe banks wit bithe, rushing streams of national peace anu ttieniroanai joy. . u( one WHn. ine .siigiiieatrc . : . . - r t ...if f. . r-giou4 jentimeiit can be4 otherwise, than' grateful ;tQliniglityG 'fbr his Divine favor in the- hour of dark- ness arid rtriyaiLweSa.ibe.tnatlbh'4 was pasiji i ig .tlrrou gh.. the.th roes.of a second child-bearing andUhie nymph L'berty w to hi againybom in1 5oo land 'n4 iteht'-ifcf. Thank Uod, ; every . true man n) ay. no w take a dang breath, with j the complete assurance that all;is well, and the gta,d tidings Of a redeemed country, witJ-Lilyan IVosperHy i aud.Weutyvare, scot ,on the wing of tbe lightning td tbtkti tcrmost parts of our immense coon- - - 'v; . tXm 'W0 ?P iMear-roan&H WiO! leiaMdUft; .. V ' ; i iuuu ,wiUut:as,4aiiiMjeBa, - wibuuiu M RAfr-and weotyhemljecauie MeinporaM-THOtai,J8 puce in4 &thu, 9ountfy,Ait?PJee fuU He infused intone it:rtA--i- triumnh rests with those , who did W r , i tuii W? L!V K H'M ..... ... "..ri i ' . - . - v.." ' , democratic party an energy an ii.e fib-rtviihat havbeen Derpe. "V?: certain ,ior inuen, cenain ;i .lauhfuiHetvice undertime great wn 1 ' ' i, . 1 . .1' ,-S.-J !..." iiitniiflUOIiiiiiiuoMitfMiniw ("j. . ,,v.i .. -' - ; ' T 'VyV'ieiirfinea CoiiTW-Woa !for United states iSenatortwe f -...-. i loreea- diKtriDntea nia caDtains. -ui " ."Vl. ' . .. .Uon0rM4min. anrl a mamritv it. ican I?opIe proclaiined throogh;Uie y.-K:aiJaLint;-in jWof S& Uu if acter,;, utterly j tBi. ; USaaS 0oleMoocnixe44wUtutionafiincdi- bievery, vorruption aud utter: ncomT If ue Hortbera cimmuoitiea pould ate titlerly and4rwdeemably?-aean and aea'aHaieiityltoYaneeS.tWiSetae' .fTwWii1- ttiu, that Civil Freedom and a Go- jwtency. yFor ,waT.wb,UUhave - :53v?SSS verhinent regulated ly Tw.shall be preservn4 on tbi .CimtincnU and $hall be (xaiided dovn to the ages-yet bnlMrn-;Weynow -realue; iu' all of Its signincancy.and forcv, tbe-raeatW lag of the poetVorda when be as- Eeveraua t1)at,J, . "t? Jw, - r. Of freedom. la tke-freemaa'sYote.- ! b. aieteriioiKi tnat rots ue uogpel pt i Ia'andtandr firtnfjoy tb. Conl-j &dtioViVttrfi.Woi bf patrioi i oi iew jeraev-r-tnese; inree eiine 1 les OiAbe Nbi Lav krouod the flag' of a; Common conn- iliy and pledgid . OiemBelvea to 'up hold : and perpetuate tbe , priceleas tated Ity. ltiiol i The , uatiou au as in danger, anir a-part of the South" and a pari of the North flewtb" the r . . . lL;t:Ty5i ; f I citadel and defendea ,11, agaiitst the i -.v.,. ;M.4.tj...15.,.J -., . bulla ws -and . robbers )W"0-weref asr I ' i . y ; " ' : 4 .- t I As we go inarching on. A million bucfery brkmea 'from the idle k mills appear, --; iv-jit, .: : And tbey areet tbe grand procession with a i 1mV1 and'flflpHoir'eliMtr ." " ': -iY" For the dayef tbeir rtdtmptioo drawetb nearer ana more near, : . yn As Tilden. marches on.n s It is indeed true that - ': I "Peace bath ber Victories no less Iban war.' '.W-i Vi. yyvrf .-! - i ieuceiunu we buju ustb tuw of the vsamea tremendous 5 revolu- uon was woTked out of by bullets. The 1 is ended--tbe great agony is oyjr, 'and our country ouce. more rests e- 'eurebehind the battlemenlH of 4 the; "And all tbe clouds that Iovyeied o'er oir 'Ja tb, 0,0 of tbe buried." , . . - 1 1 I " -. "-oi o : n , : : r r-,- r- rT " . r - u k .s,: mt . . a... I uteiecuon ouo. lawa of Jehovah cannot bo h in tne eiro nistorr ot ;our -conn- befor : have 1 the paaaiona 4f :party been aoU the people bo aroused. I At Stiluia n wm ucguu wusu b, whvi j j; wb;,uivim t""." J Samuel J. Tilden I ed as the ; great j proachmg desperate contest. m ail our land combines Mgacity states: practical. I tive aouity yy--, :r;-y j. : y j r z i r, f poaIiuI nia trAnnrt.ti at th notiL timft 1 and the right place, and out of dark-; "7f " " . f "j I neaa and Bernlexitv broueht the in-4 iV" 1 V .v iJj I ' sbiration otJiopeana the ligbtot iy l and Ijeace. vvnen men meet eacrr nd he;a4etf r ' lfPr marl that anm with broad and philoaepiiie t ii0'mit, n ffc v nf 1ia W of wonders, the Deinocrata have car- tPn urTeyur-niwu w, - t uivrf-i I of .Commerce, on the day of,be eleos r&rJ?7tJAzl ll'f1onirtCommiaatoBera wnilamaros:' mananip.iOi V IWrti 'f ab in sucn aeyeiopmeni, ana iit; vomo-.i Thw nrn tbe Mned States benator;t to . succeed AmrlbM. 233,. Holmes 231. yjnxon. . .t-rji.t.ii? l .v "r !" . ; . 7J--. ... w i Ti: . m Mmw wmMW mmm mmr k ar ii.ii d . friendly, cordial J haViy jfeelihey ti livinsf for, 4 aAdltbeHlea . ' . mtr . and victory: -Wo cannot now unaer- ii2P1ikirh6ri;6rnhM one gwiiw w'.tmi ed dead in tbe iron grasp -of RadicaU lanllf raniiYnad Uinmniet nd5 Wf.uJiX wa.i i. tii.hiinrv inr i.nnr innv mav i dtsikii ih mcwrTini uruer.-.uui rcmiv. u i .v, ),. i j i: i- - m 1 . ii- WWa! blpad 1 P)?l morier liT1" H' was quoted jriff Avt!-ru ' ft.V:S2JZ: who "went t .roug!pNprtb Car61iriai1 at lfeents we lovety: , yl JHJtTOj A " fa ' "M vesterdayit yi"it "f i r v? , D at any imie wuea tney , nail ,poflsessiouif, "liTi.v t-T.Awy:rr-r.vjs-i'A-'-: I y i, .ul' U.':yt,V i)iffinnalui tnun ofoat G ilit riivriiment. ant nn bavonetaat tlie uiolls it mKn ainitaithnt tlin hlnrulv h!rt ftud I ,i M LUC Ullliutj itwi uve vvu mvii.m h dt - -- y r i " - . - , . . . how the tt3bU tftnecnixen, tnw whatever else it may ugniry eoesunuonoi- vuug v,,, vv--.-. HIStTi 4-w;'ii,'iS,w5 Hwiw-ir3 Ofeiiir lhe edlmeau the-lppwil ot and tbe oeeirejto wVeol? lttltt-!ratbeT !ate?Ue will fl&i d it1 I?gbfc.fi perpetuate Fedterferetiet6pa i"f iKaki5 pr6lUbaMeyctog eottttYVibepurificaUonof tbf rU ..2tC inwIe.'wuUe a ybtetor.Tliaf rfmeai find il wyy diQoult,to change-theT ofthat State; and NortK iglorloua- tiul in Kortbflkllnav i Carolina rejbicea iUi-theoviv ineir aervice theiglory 01 the Aiuencaa tfo0 tbatmost tm-Reublicatt-usage.f3 1 I -j, " -'. J 'l5 iT' iy 1 -i,;mf-, n r ;. v MteBiwwW tbo otb W I f?BuTfor kthe refusal of ; CongilsWo Ini I He JefMpartt'infaio I aehieyementev AB OT u t,i - . T .. , f .. 7 j ; j ' - , - ' . f. - y y . - ; S j I : : v-' " ' ' v 'ipljA . "-if. Pce; for' violence, and wrong w p'111 have -quietude Will hayq hannony: and , NWbp, Let .qsUll ihaukfal add doour j f D 'ip ot Olate pou yoyag0 Hiiri? 'stJ i u ' f . '1 :i ' '4 -. prvc w ii u - u i sad uruaitt W'aaprocUi r t, V,t .-TIT w ".," LT v rVT!ra:.T. ??.Wf!W rrjHlM- 1 a: , . it . f f " - - 'WBrag-, rr iuuicen were . in tue jiearxa ot tu rge "majority f l- the people of the rantrKiJutalhbVwtiac tinder: the I WniaialiWay and wise . i - ruieoTtb J an. a peatuw ut reaoiion wiu oe felt - in. everv krtervrnnd &vtnan nf atesman. A bealtfulreaotion wiU Uo f?y , . ... ...I , ..,.- commerce. ' i e iiKiusiriar interests , -yt. -. f Ty' , . ; of our "land will5 receive acne w im- tiOns of the woild and its credit will be restored inlly. liod ia our wit- I bess that we belieyc alt this." ' A.nd now we repeat, ;wfiat we ere said on the tnoruing after the fight before I da amnlra K twm ! iilnw'n f mrn iYim ....... i ;. - . . .. .' field of victory, let u bo moderate let usx be tlndlyy f j Let; us avoid the ;Utraiion of pub meet all men in blio affair. r Let us ; i- t a spirit of kindness who buw a willingtiess to co-operate in sustaining the laws aiid in building Up g " great and glorious ttibn? of States. Let m confedera- us so treat! 1 a' a - iff.' ' Xi '' I our otave ana xxaiionai rovernments 1 pimoutone trying to y luvaae tae-l Waddell 2f CanadaV by ballots, and I he distiimuished t for their economi- i rights of the oth'er'We' hope never I Worth 24. Moore C2. bng nightmare I jcar lost, fair and temperate admin- I to hear again aeitated any such mis- 24, Pearce54, Wilson 63, . tii W.v i th naVnviolatk kh imnnn 1 ter to support , only ', llSfilcea fsrl'letall TOenbe k lpect and forbeatihg. 1 i t "SBMmBai4sBBSisiBW tllB .laaVaut at wMt f"yf fH?;i ' a a. . MeM.a ' n I hA nvAWA' "4 I oe iaewrinmea on . i uesaay jast ; I . . t ' . rr. ' . t.. . . : yj !Witiiianaid:r(es to day tbe erf Wiu. I jatei exprem tneirj preferencea o , an ilasue; rvTtal.tobe well twin, nerbans the exist- B'ivv' Uie soldiery on these occauions, uuder the ' I iwitr tiuitu ti j 0a ther0 I TbeiRenubllcanst justify fsjustatn it ia ineir piauorms, tneir newspa Md piedge tbemselveatodiscoatioue this perilous practice If rtbey come lntopowej Andso Ubappeoatbatayote for Hayes "Vrnri li iJ&e talwiurteafcfor the iptixpoae tierreu 8 uy vnstitnuon ot t-ue lftt yrr-n-., 23. No nfan" If - Aii,rfa4:it 1.1 Carolina;' arid Tilden3HeMriekf . Wueou -S8.HH1"- so much of Lvii 2iLi-iItiVH'baVe:M l J?ewletl 240. - x - '' v - w ' l . u v-ws "w - - J5 -i Ta a T - at t- t s - m m a . a -m i I ' An a n Tl. nfl a K J 5 ' 3 - . yy ii veotloo,? as everybody knows anuaomiia.-1 dnrini! it hi war carrying ai courtesan? r aerat andViustiisefor wId not b atkoed iir New York city I j fljj " .tt-.,j, .- Katiflcatioa 8,140, Rejection 2,154; Rejec-; ijgTjaVU' i'onBrt t i-i'''r Brooklyn a wellsatnlterBhar-rVai; K,JIWeatberaAa young man of t (loa fajor ity X4;fThe entire Dettocratre fi'-iV ' biokenuga .we or any-city Jot fiuatkCaroU-a, .Tbapeaer bilsfit L'V.-iffli.feS L,iA Itt I.'iiLW-Jlllf f'410' ft fraternal fet- 18 n vtoore waapfcexed tttre. than io lli'a t f""K" MW,,raOTw';X 7' w T"-.',! 1,C81; fcyayxe iraiernai n.i i Ttetotty1,vA lulure Kenubllcan adtninis-l In the .noaioffit5. i. on m a iho nunf . I ftVeraeeof about f?J1 - ' J Jt'' ' 1 a-u . n.-,.i!2&. ark iu soeedini W for ibe past btjeara,;ahd Lav- a good.potion;.,bmv ; - bofflrurfoKtar V V' TuraerInd artm speeding glkwrWkJ f trWauT. dUpisaL. Would not retain atlhe exneuae of r.!" I kouaeHnsbeaJ Pemffil 2,898rriSL.y , f l fniffLt extend lharfneiMa hf FHi,ln.1 J 1 . . ......,..-.. - 1 ! -AUUea Jl.Sflfr !Uye8 ,1.1(32.. .iTor UOQr-I r ooa.. -..t'iUnn-;il:;', , fervcatkVwitb-armatoUe cities of PP I.yptedhaemp,- taess-r-GreeiK Democrat. 1.727: Broeden. I rNTr bore vividlv than at nrcnt theevlla of kj w w vi.hiihbum wiuwi.ww, lotlbesitale to reaorWW tbe aame measures In ethfer sections.- The inevitable tendencv iinaj elections more man ever nnor4.be lion, even if i lie far iroraa, result may not 1 IIUVMVUWIUI BUC1M JftUHIIIIMUy I abbrebe&ded of a.yow bat sure cbaece 1 k i-t . .... . . i" i iruiu a civil tu a uiiiiiary (orra ot govera- ieni. v IbisieDdency must be remled now ay ie peaeetnt jefol power of the ballot. The ooljr-aure way fiv 7!ftJ ror -Tuaen." . rr n-i r i- -.-w.it . . s r ' ' "' x iv . Tlie colored people who conduct .i't rhfnvol yes. properly, as good, honest, itizeusshou1d, J p1" .way nuu reai irienon whites. e have never L.k. J i r ty j 1 iI- - . . j ny!- aecttoo :of J I t a to Jbe welfare and prosperity ;'of I OOtn.tuax eacn aboulu -bo Jiuddv I boththat each ahould be happy and I iucceasfuL Now that the electiona I incceasfuL-Novrithat the elections I kraover and honest and last and. co- J poaucal government is i assured," we I hope' everything twill ' quiet down, t " . ; l.. . . I I that a Will On t ' wrirWH in oirnest ii. . . . . -i dr. . .-.'i 1 Watnho lawa wxU bo faithf ullr ad- I piniatered aud obey ed that the destiny: B IT chievoua and deraaeoeuieal aoeftionf a.. , . . w w . i. a. I blood will be dominant fn the South, The Senate UepupWwft4 RepuWlcanal1 iwepuuuuanB.ii i:u")! the State ia or re. certain i ne ji pu i-ruu iiauub in iuv jjegiaiatnrv. . l' ., S II.. :SL.". T Jl.-Il... W- ttP ' I, j; j t t -f JUwfW tiona to the people lot that otate who have followed the brilliant and suc- : y'jn fcl4iAsli4jl.,.ii,.T- T - i ....(,.,..,f;,;.3 rr7. , ...-rr 9th inst. A e c.ame on some mean, : devtiish Errand togelHhe1 ballet I ;,t: j.i&sS iKX-zLl'Ai the kindest feelings Nortb Caroling is , not tt;Barren as social ea unlit v and intermarrvlniy oP800 ourveyor orowotdQa , j f n jVVi'- , t-vvr ill ; p social .eqnanty and intermarrying -,.&ui-y Commlg3ioncrsMartin 231 . MONTGOMERY, f ' Tilden :i,365; Hayes 1,203. Fr Conercls' pf races. Irod has by hs own immq Williams23, Madden 22, Volleis 23, San- y- RocKisanAic, Nov. 9. . j-Wadtiell .l.SSSabaday lj203.; VArice table laws fixed the barriers, and as 4ers 22; Kidder 64, ' Wagner 64, Van Authentic reports 'f jl.347; Settle t,308trdca lone as the sun shines, the, Teutonic -Amrinze 63. Duncan Holmes 63. DeW, county gives SetUa a majority of I29i a Re-? lection 1,165 '? gooo, vnonest,i . yr.oCTfl CARotiwaV VernorarvtaifA Smith 234 leaeVihiale ImnimMm jticket ii aboul !!flnSJS- indly 1 circom-f ptete is once more pn her feet,aUnd4 'iibik'm--Beuly..S34.- Treasurer-J 5450; Democratic,. ma jority fo TUden wiH y - f-v -IWcw . iqttearj,. , , yIfc . it rrf i iwiM-w- viwi AahU Ron. . . . . ; Tilden 2,195; Hayes 1,253.-iTilden's.raa- . - - . - , . : ijmg erect, ana ciotneu. wiui au ot toe -- v,w?tw . - ---t .--T-r . rff".i . . i ; . - '-fw ' ' tir 'ji' i ' HL. I. , IREDELL. . ,: . - 47t.a2. WWaddeU M44;. Mi,aaiwat. . i !P0f e. mn-'B"mr9lS??4r?1f U-ii -i art n.C 1 i 1' fixi. fW a ' . Canaday 1.266. Waddell's majority 878. lgn?d. , Goy,.IIolden ,edeayored.tjO t., j. t -v-i r.-.' . ' I 11 bottOIV ikylUreil'tO Ottng-Weatbl ra I. '.We trust he will 0on tnd a tter plade, for he U! ai eicellent kfid capable young wan." ' u 1 ! ! - ' 1 t ii.. - ' " - tftii -of ?HnnHror? r f nngaiMiinaa J py the varions papera as to the reaul bf,tte.?reatial!Blecti 1 'mm tar oro hova goon mo lha lt act States that .wpre eeourjed for! Ooy. friMeiu- Our nwti Aatimate. on Octo- s 1 . j . .it tg- iV-M i03.' YenVefnr alvava I Uieundwlhan I will reward ihem.yv ,'.( I t,i-.JT , . . . .... I . 'TtlTiWJ &i4?tb mMt fAr r.km Harattt and Federal Point Tonshipa, not.l iacladed in ur last report: . I -: ' I j tkdk&aj ppest. , , I rrViinpninr- J liavn y nTeS or wverror-vaaceJSJfc oetue a s Ai.t riAvmor-Jarvi. At? Rmith rnVr sLiZ I ratarybf 6tateBageward 24:AIbertson Kfiiiiv tsst 'l reac Wheeler C3. Bur Instruction Scarbpr tiKenaa f 2i, 1 Hargrove 6i; C6nre House Dunham Hill 62. Treasurer S r ,',n Pe if ytfood reputation for any 'bapier io few'' -t. i. Xmla '' i umc i.totbebtar.j .; , conversed it it i. .itni r.tbir , GSlrrT.; '1. : 1.320; Haye9f 2,49,;rI?or. Ce?7 ot ouaracter iuitlcarcalcnlatfqns:' i - hrt tbe State ticket. - Everybody HT52;.SSfe .Ue OiaiP, wn " .u. ... ... i ... ' I If r-Gleayea.28, Hewlett 63, Regtster-Lovejhrestprjne ticaeyM a - . H iware . Nixon 63. Coroner-Bagg2, Hew.J h . Sheriftnneli 22, Mannmg, Pnentrtjiden 110,: Hayea'232i Ii lOOv Settle 233: LtOo-'l' m . 9 .t Coneress WaddeU Senator Worth 108, HouseDunbamlOaPearcelOd. 108, 230. Treasurer Gleaves1 Coroner Bagjr 104, Hewlett 238. wril. Wfr1"?" rur, ; "- i " - ; - j;Frveeasete'arenow,at the. wbarves or uhe Sv.lraiogton CuTn press Company load- I tag cotton ror loxtygQortv a ynanwie I firm an leadmfae vessel ariiKl twai vert l"'51 hMed', atu wharves y 'rnartiealii iA.fteuMla:KtA eubsidarable ad-! : vanca in 'the staple baa been not ed iia . 6m ; market wUbin the past few day i, partly at- M . . .. . .. i . . i i. - i triuUiaDie.vOtaooDii.iiO'tDe- iavoiaote au-- firlv esiablwbedl iscerttin to Jiave a dci- York on Thursday 'middling cotton , was quoted jJulUt41iaU7-16ceotapji:ppund. r , mo oai uaj mo . luiiav a firm at tbe Produce' Exchange' for mlddliBg:ii'fWewiiYirk was quoted at 12f12 ceata, lltH-ent per pouud. ; people of South yCarolina are he deliverance long prayeu orked hip ao safi , rls.i.; iK- fr5r..?lVw.ri , f'TTVw g an beautiful with the light of vtctdryf and if tace'and of preset. JfltnAUiAA.Tf U.18. Itallficatki 'Mttidnmil , i -.. i 448, yRaUficatioa .ll8Ht.'3ejectiOflis488,. 1 roe&clal U the fifAF. I Tildeti'l!L n,vW. 'ConeresV BteilctDemocrat: 9l4f Tdrdah;- Hepubfi hab,r.844i-f!Vabce 53,472'rraUflca -, nl; irM$;; Offlclal vote fn Sampson : Vance 2,071 i iiDggoou.? - . sj ( mi . L.t .. . . . by-f 133 majority- The - Amendments weree1ected bvM maloritv. J "' " Anotaer account says: tfiaden county; is I redeemeti'n Tfaentira rienneraiintihkMta jeactetj (Sate and Rational) by 5 tmijoriry, it - -; " - . ' . mi nrr rimnir f-ii rii 1 1 rin in inr Tmm nn in. 1LMV.K . . J ? J . . . ira. uiarae-s majority Is 173 Bennett's Is we . BRUNSWICK. . . This county baa jrono BnubUcaa.' The foIlowiaf id thtf official 'vote for Senator: l ; ii w;iuw vuwan ut. Atuancu uuw- -;-vr ;? -r511-. I iRossell 80. Smithville-Cowan 50 major" rTifden 4,8l5VHayes 4.441. FdKJongress ' iay 62. Senator 14, Rtrasell 400;' Russell's majority 162. -M54vis 4,830; -Young4,407. - liLock wood's Folly Cowan ! 86 maloritv. ' JiBIajoritV for RnsseU 70. Tbe vote on UteT;4,453 J. ' t ..XI' v . T B- . m, .ml .mm fe - - rrvAi . v. a i pi s . . publican loss of 43. yHayes majority; is 92;; -A 1 5 and tbe Democratic ticket la elected. GATES. ' , I : Raricilmbe gives Vance 724 "majority,1 fiVale79pf Polk 100 majority, Rutberford ;200, HaVwood 580.. RoUids, Rep. i Is elect I 200. Haywood ed ia. Madison. , Settle carries .Henderson j ! I . t I s - BEAUFORT. ! J 1 TlBBoktf, Nov. 9. WA WAaai-'i-s i -Latr returns f reporV large' Democratic gafaaiU Beaufort. ; :Vabce majority- it about 86o rt,i; . x. ..r.,'s .ui The following, are tbe 'majorities in this county: j Tilden 230, . Vance loo, it., is, Vance, for (ingress, SoO.'J ostice 225,' Rat- mcation zw. two lowssuips e wuna ted.--;. . . ! . ' , , I W:-JWCO Democratie. majority Jn Lincoln about 500. TueJnajriiy foxtba-amend men to jwUl be about. COOVa Democratic cata;of isoo. i ' Likcolrtow,' Nv. 9.u ' - Vance ana i uaeu v majoruy. . iwuu - --..-"' -" ' ' :; 1ITT. . i UKKKHyilOJli, ilOT. V. . J Pitt county gives 'Tild n t L..w .i.: 1. j - A.A S !. i i 265 majority, yy. J. ?i r. ' Vance m nj-miy, jarria land ratifieaiionS majority , y . r ROBESON f mmmm f If... AMA "UT . 0M . T m.mm I! I t iruens mrj my o, y hc- "mS (&a.uV , , r; i . HI i . It niMaMrtttv: Nnv' O .11,' 1 llLII'Il IflRfT nHVCH ill X. W Ull BUir Dfl- i - - . UAiJwi .in. xvw.v. . I .t rf rVSh ... s dent has cast a gloom oyer .the entire cem ,f. , Ralwgh. Nov. 9. ' nMtvM-A': ' - ' '.' "J - i-tr. Kilpatric' arrived In this city this CMweU wun awg.,,viwn. w tbe Republican Slate Ommrttee, and otaW . -nr. - wr:.i-.. V. - - .-.. T. terday awlrairaonriced attne: ?niriMmw er RfPt" iHpfp :TaefoilowiDg is the vtie forPmi U chargedrDem int, Governor and ; CongreasraanTiUl.n, in tbe Slate ia for tbe purpose ofperpetra- irT'f T ooj tt.!1i :, i orn tlViiy eleetrernrSS- i1 ,U-Ts m.r?rdy l.r tm'gVraluds'upoulhe eleciidi?wttnns. ional I etums from tbe : '- mi W A mtw- oitue tHaiecontinuq wjtw.Memwr gains. 1 Tbecouuties jet to hear : from are- leactfta the State" bv-OOaV '. ' "S -y . I! iiAA-'-' ' ' Sianly county, was kicked a bis bead las; WB!Wrv v weekbyrauie. fracturing bis skulb ,:Lit-t 1 Harnett tountr gltef t WT)emocratlc Ue 6r no hope ia entertained of Listecoy:1 - majority;--' I :j si -ft jj i liery. Sy. 'C ,WW ! - -yy: . . , ':- -,'-;.u.t" - i - CU MBERCA.ND - i T - ? ; aod county iyl&qt dea2230;Hayea627riWa JDem, 2,185:f2aaaay;ReKj 229 YajjcVI- sm. ?w;AptuaiySeD.15-'i?y. sm.y 2,18 QerchinRep42t15C; Rose ii&filtii GodwtllemiMrtuler - obRi;'f46rBIocKeri2;i2T:AmeW kneuts forclfl), agabaBtaiTM. . iin st-m We have elected ttr entire county ticket;.; j by njajorlticf ranging from 54 to 100.;; Tlic-y our people are jubilant beyond ' "CliAKENDON.y0 olaCSRatlflcationfisogjRatificafiOflSlol I 1 v. -'.a DA Vlhi. . lOfflcial toUe fctar.!' '? 'f " ; Hayes 702-TildeaVma-- Congresa Robblo. Decani Duls, Republican C07 Rob-: 82i, Vance 1,011 ; Settle 708 . rityo03.atatiacatloo 1,040; ma CARTERET. 7i OfficiartytheStaf.p f .Itldeu 1.1091 Haves Soto For Ctoneress ? I Waddell 1,109; Canaday 71 lr Vance t,UTii Settle 7C3. Ratification 1,118; Rejection, I p. ... n V - LENOIR. m i - . . , -- It yfs j f Offlclal to the Star. I II 33Tildetf 1,218. Hayes 1,504. For Con- I grrti-Qreene 1 J92, Brogden 1.467.VancB x.t. osiub i.uvt. . wuiiuaviua j WAKE. v J ,v ; Vaae4,192;i 'Settle 4,467. ' Ratification 4,223; -.Bejeetioui i B a-v ATT1 r J y? It S. Robbins, Seaatori 1,865: ftemo - niTTfa Official tb the Star. , 4 (Vance 2,194 ; Stttle L244 " Vance's mWr lity 950. RaUftcation 2,124; Htjeellon-l.-' 263. 'iRatiflcatwn S61 majority..: hV-:-. i BRUNSWICKj ' tm v iw f Voa;:.10ulciatothe8talJ,.; .u-.L I AAIUVU aVWV .mVa,t f "Va rcressWaddeU 994; Canaday 1.053. Vance p 1.006: Settle 11041. 'Ratification. 998; Re- Ejection W!: ? 7 : Utt' UtS I; ; ; ;;beaufort. y y. 1 0fficial to me JStar.i . i .-w j , - Tilden 1,719; Hayes ; 1,540,' i For, Ppn-f I gressDemocTatic candidate 175 majoray L Vance 1,686; Settle 1,540. .Ratification !,-, i 57; Rejection l,o43. - ; , . , I , ' , , , TERQU1MAKS. A ; luK the Star. c-''.7 1 I. v -rTildea 833? Hayes 1,020V i. Fu& Congressl L-Yeates 833:s WndsaydOVanceKli 1 Settle 1,016;;: Ratification; ! Hg-ction. A-arjcirxcx'iuiis'r. . Specjaf Stii-Ttlegrlm ; . y r: cArssyrLtK, N; C, Nov. 10: 'h . I. . lfliw' T Jln ( . 1 lA hf'a.ntirriL. tsl'' an'tiiDf I. . : . '' - . i" .... ?.u..'-.-,.-.-lf-.. I ueio, waa kpiuvuuiiiv j Wounded this evening by tbe accidental 7T . i.f:- ,Ki .. uMw 'discharge of a pistol In the hands of her- v 'ikLmiii uij.ii-w !oau entereu me lorencau wro tuc-ici' l;eye pgHteribe brain. Pnysicians allv 1;-. r,d"efv ls"dofibtful. ?.Thkl acci J v . , a ia I.T r s 1 - . . ... -. -. - Vance 1,623, Settle 2,988; Settle's maj'irtty. m ... . - - . . ,-1 . .- r . . , iVii "aCVw r ' J7i ia? r SLrr::r: "V --Pelkton Jntonian :j We. regret y I WARRm i 1. :

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