- , : 4-- J. C U J truiu. t,i -looser goo a if'A.t. t- fen ' , i ,is k. I J rl . V T" .CP i "T Ti. V 5' 07 1' "f r IB IBM I'.'li. V r.3 .kh i.w mi oia s. i-.i -hilj-? IV f 1,1. biii I Jyf 1 i SS1IIS1 I -HH lv -1 !.I i 7:- ltTTl 73 In T? Hal wl--- i,''"if',i '""lltJiJ)' van nisi i v.u , Ss. - trtl !:Xifi Ktkl. -ill 1 L.E 1 I ' . a 1 : 1 1 $1.50 a ;Tcafv irt c.. UX. v 3 S 0 id 5 o c C r L I88S8SS2 sssssss S Months I . M - lit; ; : - ,o.. 3 Month 33 I838S Hp Jt888S888" 8888388 3 - i-i'ls a u; I 991 I I -. 1 Week , .i - .V, IK 8888828 BiSlJ BO 9 e a " . 1 fl5 rl,. b it Mi i : : l ; ,1,1 ft 5 a 0 - Si .'lis,? st OS 1 5fe. it OCht onun MMinmi in bJI th eitiea. nd In many O targe towns We oonstder tbm perfectly and the best mean pi xenfltUnf fifty, doUara or lew. :- . , f.-,, nituni whieh wentrlnto eflket fttt 1st. are ft . Very safe means of Bending nvU same oi jw. ney wnere r. o. Money vraere cunoi ucrw-ny obtalned4 ObMrw, t JfevUcryf M well aj postage, ti(M m peoa m amp at ine omce wnere ins Kiwr w iiwr w u ro to be sent to tbe Dead Letter Office. Buy and; nMx Dim ttamoa both for vottcunand rnoUtn, vU in the n(MMNmfMBr im fnwwi y e as nw nsjc. r ii s Tit to tts in this wtf are i Sa Dscnpt lOlljt 1 The subscription price 6t tbe tVKKK ' Li OTAK I U IOJIOWS ;r f , , If-..)- -i.--,iI.-'.'--!i J!0 if; ins ri b 4iLun;t t; e nave reeciven ifrom ... thft.. pffi- ?ient' and; excellent gdperintendeqt port.ishd'tne JtepoH f ttfe'Boatclr Dr., Grissotbs 't-ebdrik the preseQC -on is feete hH'iotreatitre' statU- -7? ;SF.-I,1J fcflMHW" 'fW.-fiioMlllS.-'l Disobarged 09 j. I Cares i8o: pmiini&imm 1 f 6-f received 44 Uridefi treatment wares It. Improved 6. v Unimproved-. aai per ent,37auo.v oDJoestbao S.07. rTfaifts.fta icfellent owite' cebtneexin the. United; States was, point'ittllie kilt-mnVttd Mhsrrtcilve lesoD vbica these table vaamia7ly xoEDfiTaiti Ujat, ' fur ttfe most Pttrl it. isunl cAnmt'Acasea 5bd fome to ibe bands qf;ij)epky,?ician' in , cbarde of ' a "hobttrfal Tor1 " lhe irjwne-too ' ; has departed apd iboiicr. nards: btfeottiei crowd e !wfm paenjraDf jwhofift rwtorUua be rrefced'i&l br atoe, kffd lbijrrbwtn UC ft t'H KiBillON 'f.n i vis' n h (4 ... We averefteivedlw fintt' nambt veileatiegjou lr.cohtaids 1 i . - - . . . fcble, featurefi able discussions atuJaii .abutujahcef , ucweti' A thoughtful, vigorooa prgao Jorjtbe great '.Deniocratio 'piriy has -long! -'.beeaVri Wdeii'-r'a'i ?fWa8lH!dgton . e are giau vnat J. ne unon is in I Lwlurbf Qf9rrialia!expe99V" large .iair4iUo'a WbUiiy'f V He is assisted by,; a corps of eipepeOpedapd QrqqgbJj posted : j. ';-.' '"v-.- -:i.r .-'1 wvtssts VlUULIH (iqiKVEUUNCI 'M'.Jhteamerv Blair" It make;? an.tx-, I. aVUus JlJV Jl"'V.i-i oj ,i.WOpwHMTMaBt"jttlth'1' g. AenitiaJ.nuBir.j-oe thfttworrimoJiid;pr.-uL-rf ,;t ftJ tt.f Ahii'lfc.VH.juaU of themodern-dailylj ; ' ! ;i t'm'nA' Va tt h P PtesiditrgEldera-Clhe seveVal4 I . i . : w m . - . v f.. , m ' v ; ' i "v " 7 , . b"ef eyp.opsyi of theV-Bpiritnal, arid driak.AlT tbU occurs to bsas m'd woVklqg cond'uiori'oftheeve rfa jbpeviool actioo of Ifie RlhareWobniWedinUeis public moderate only $7 a year. quite Ttfsgems.almost,, certain that there win ia twaV n betwebn ' Russia and. Torkey, Pnn(je I Btsmarct baa cent y said that suh an event, rctr- aTnmBema,prcaie," 'no afl'y ' except cFrotestarit ;Eogiand Sin cle Conv-1 vear rjoatasre Daid. sl.60 J " 8 " " M .50 1 Wcannomfib : : : ; ' I ufeiCojisiantiaOple against vbeing j :cagthred she dohtebtUtirssii TU B FIN A t p NTASSlNfi BO AH D two Hoasesof Congress when united r ;Thj;jptal,xpe,usena,ofi. sui ie bcr are Athe tbe tacfc it.is citable; " met in one eommissiob, orRetnrningvBobyiforbVeme caber i is-inUitai)iJ wnom an ine electoral -rui.es win ue i vuow iur wtj. uiu i ;, ver nr -1 ; t examined , injlcorfjqcpunled, or can V assecL ills wil be,: oecessaryV there-. fore, for tbe Senate and tie at an earry day WW V r M)Th boJbi e mi instHatioaoisf?rloiog a' iiost' PuPPrt,; I teuQess makes -ilassta eoundejit-and ttnemciftes; bo IfTuttemtanaajip a".ht! t)piyes does riot expect to be Presi- Jtfter r that , Groyerronln-dre- 1 . t ? or agreement the distbrbihg questiona i to thenexoaentpirjtand phrismm l ibg ofor the r ewspaper tneb are can bo adjusiefc th f?r.h,mf? f ,c4,W concert satisfactory and ex the entire rule remains in forjce abbot i whichit appears to ns there can be nO candid doubt, to ry matters, ' .:.- bearei&rv or tha Nxvr-rtliirl Hehnrz. -j- r is- : n : . t . necrriarv 111 . i ar-inn. iisiiiitriiii. ' .1- . t V- -. 7, J ft rv A I F MMffl -. 'PtasanH AstwitMaa.M j atbdan l1Peedena:foV nincn' 'oTn they ma do bb. A'refusarto'aA- tbe'sbpeVahnaated reratron!;' r Z"' Jolorado Vs riot 'violatlvi i'of the James Floyd; R. Til'BibV D. C tnitC practicVbilbeVto pursued by the Ite- J tt Wi eacnamand Hen V,; --i. J.-. rjGrayvwwe all icontiqed,a the. ipnbljcans when Ma parly was to be sipWaGnaated.reJatioo., .h a ""tcmicw, , x. irwuiuuwu leiegram i ... xvev. ia. v. xxoyie, cnairmano to th'e N'.' Y. sa'Vsi V f- : committee on'Sundav'1 Schools, ! .'"The 'assertion' of1 Mctirmr.-1 'fJTow: report. - ScrtneBpic f the read y speeches' were A l. -. i .4. mil - . - . . i m A A mi MM tttia M V.MM - ' " - - .: I f iu wiu .nciiyot was unujjxeoeiJiea.--was i ui icpuitr i -.Mtii wltlqut .warraoV -J The Republican majo . - On motion,.. Kev E W, .Thompson Ity ittthe lloase.ins paat wa BUperabnMted-v: ' , ' edlj idnoe jtUaDd it bssiooee case at , ; riUoi r WSW Ui ;a, least jgiTco Ihe sest to a Republican con .Gl? of tbe 3 year Was caUed. lestaui affelthad been fairly proved tbat Passed examination of character and tbe memberiQlding.theGk)TerDor'8certifl- approved by the xamining)CommiJh cate bad, received a majorliyrtbe votes tee. land ,were passed into thelritbl Cast, In tbe cjlse of Toang1, of Ken tacky,' vea'Pl H; rrr;:. J-:' becpmiuee oo Elections -of tba , House ,frtTfci :w-Jt vii JEU idmttted tbt be bad received a majority - Dr. McFerrin made a speech , foi4 Of the rotes Wen; but decided that- inas- the Nashville Publishing House."1 J e nruen s be was jneiigtbie bis . competuor ftevi J..P.'Moorei offered reiola-? r?f if SSi1 VOU5"ca" (5- aJJ lner tion commendatory of .the Soutfierji ieibU, candidate- were fin realuy blanks. I nt;JLZT '.t- AtiA Wru a Th Lnnhi.Mn tn.witv .nnmH tt.i. I wctrterlv jseview, edited by Dr. A. port, land seated the Republican claimant." 1 x. ISleasoe. Decided. :r . , 'hf:AhiY::fc I . -ma" 'ifla-i-f,.' s-'.- -L-J.-. it .it ' !l't' U i!'- -; iius paipiist oi neverai enurcnea A?? S1?1?, ere fillktSfr inebers of thoiCcm,; 'Z0a fereice- bishop fKavfmgh om ;eaifDoHoer. Potter& o!jvs.Ube Bank ptd tbelhodUt pul 'of KawiSAOQverwaa resumediaad i J A t ii'l'lt.L;vf.. 'WAl '- tH -V fW-ioini4ob3f Abe; rgunieot of, -tbe fJisTioplb rdiedirro' ttift ot- cftu-,ni,5ii7 ubJ!i?l8rPKBl fiee ofjDeafeon tbe !fbIlowjrig3r-ii.M katr;feiMciEiki.ofPay 4nisli.idb 'Of ibireHyP POrave;,Nrdftt,tK 1 was 6o-r0!iQibebrf of tbe plaXati-l-u& 'M.jVV. Boyles, J. R. Scroggs,..Qwen Al Ji)UTBtedffla4 of Wilmlngtoni; for I .tbJf4-miat4,x":i-:T i 4-;w ,, 'r . , ..ihe afUipnthe rblWtb ' ,Tto oaf.pr , ?J j , , . , r. pmiin,-,vv . vreasy iv.-xj. Aoerner- ri . i. -.ir "i'r.i. ttr'- twicii r o M hX bf Got oty' Commissioner, have dres and G.AV. Happin stall, ; ; M tocafify ouf eflie"pin jately pfo-5 1 I SMt-HajJi'a raocB-A-Ksa. it. j ; tiut . ii :iii -Wit . - ! . . . ' .1- psolyea t posed, looking to curtailment ot tba4Mm- Coofefence convreoed at ioVIockw bcr ol out-door poor, which Isaiutbe e-i JBmbJop.jttabard; IL.ayaBaagljt tent aCdtbelr hetiaf slettotut ii toaa:sho Are: tiiot- " " " ' ' T i VUV yiUla - " ' T J 1 ' lind -ori wbd bayealcevtificatafronttb) ?'Tbe4'J.Rev:''iiC:Pegta, County Pbysiciau. Thl. isdone, the cdmU I Methodist flxites'tant i Churchy w'd miUeelaform tn, to lessen the expenses 6C liBtTQdubedtovdtho Conferebcei as aj tb'"cbuoV In this directioobv -exteiJdiBe.LFrat.Rrnnl AfpjfritTpir nf ,thft eKnrch- T.rt..;jri Mj.i i I-.,-.-. r" v-it . (-Huiimotai'iuniiM Li r Java ihriTnm'i n ifi nniv ir i nnR wno wnruiv tnn t i r -1 t - - - .. t. j aw wu7 v wwo uui inuioKiKuuunwu - M i "j . , I-ftp h Tnfmrt 'hall: f Hayes s ;-cohted ; our 1? bK bK St S doced to the fJonf eVence: Hve .ruy,-..v...uwwr..H I papers .pi tniS C0UUiry.r, J.n avery I i nomas is, to oe lavorcu... . ;enf pet- i aiuicieu auu uesiuuie oi ogio coiora, Kawi, a urici.uisoru.ui in tbc4e caae.'b1cb are :tl ii nnLmnAh i'la . i r .ti 4o i-v-i-rr-, Vorf jio ptrT . " I i T ": ? j ' - I noou. raaoy ot wnom psaiogo away a is i 'Ifi, 8noto ;n tone hiug terms of his sainted mistress. 1 . ' raceJH. mnoaon. ia; i I xr. vTaven onerea a resolution ei Wri nohirraliiUtfir'tho Masonic' fraternity I PrfiSBlVeiOf ! fraternal sympathy f 6x1 .tiirougbout the' State, and ln bor own city I Bishop, ieebee and bis church. ; it waf particularly',' in the selection of tbe above J adopted. f -,-,. t: !; .rf s 7. ,1 ' JJ--: ,.-5liJ -s:i.V-i;i 1 -;. T.. .1 ; - - I 'r. ' j.'. J .jAf: tIiJJ'l.'I 1 '!A n AMinn wan irtn inirpn tin to- for that once bonored LeieciKJBjoinMipeoir.fucit Wflsjiwp -:,areerkt fov criminal : Of- LBamea eenuenjan Dy ine urana toage w 'Ijl lZT'irZTZeliulj . ! r wotiw ,be denverettTrptB mAnyeviiatbat i ; t . . . , . j. , f I Xortb' Carolina for Grand Master during I In eanca"nB rain,8iere 01 nly provides "that the bare beset and. four ybepce would, f-nses, acid weretaleti' rrortt pnsonj tile nPi MssWni vear Tlfth-toned mi ehnrch and S was the resbltT Tfce jiiL. . . ? j wiinoiK aimcniiv recoyerconni ironTiue i"? -tt t . 1 . .1 -'-i' 1' r -. . v- ; ----- - peabe Byefs. It irab HonVst con-" i ; - ; , . Z'4" ; hoi wiooutilesf 9r lr-r! . itjji .fceyona. ; mitances.of , tbe boon uij r;"o"X AT 4qh f ?"minalsjwee al thrc Houses may sharply antagonize, The I an reading of : the Constitution ris plain fesHiori, and eaily unemoo bo all dqubt that 31 not provide for; auch teto to vote in Florida;,;- They the present, instrument only r Al I j.L-anh tiillA sa w rt I ii at- .. dent of theSeaatei the presence open all the shall then be son bavi number . dent..')sj& fceiiU' mt hl mil I1B sriBIT in I Jlnf Ika. IAiniihriMMi4ii I tiv.l at thftSa&atia Hoiise t?rei ?0 .J WpnWicaa FOeat, .l,r ifA,jaTA rrrnea . 'Ibe fiCBitWo ir-i-7T.TTTr ' satiM, t&a Amenun neonia. in tbeinrbt 1 , "7 rrjv"' .rrT'.-;",: . 1 1 i cruncaus,aja ine votes t oiii tneracucome wjneonciusionruai r mjous impropriety is sam to do in, a- r , f j .u. ... i j . ! sucnara eieciras wa aieoooesuy secareaj 1 J ; . vm- iv ' eVtL r,v't'i f 'selected who would grace i ' Tmk 1 ' iLt.i J --riJ'o-tUf more than be. ; - ' -; :f,?.;VwL , , . rwu r"5 ty,r reportea mat ' aunng' vne year fibg a majority jof the whole I ble. .acn'of.;tht;Toi9.jp State; ;The whcleUiing; was wrong. Si electors .fbair be? Presif lti Lt jrt hierMl Vandithe aferaee, .m. B. Cliareh fir Ike Cepi erenre j Year. twentyntne new built.' : !,: churches bad j been It will be necessary for botb bodies c i his is The chairman of the committee on V . n..' ";i' I 1?inane.A rartnrted that thfl Bishons . . . t. f-.tfi yv Luis luiiuwiuir timu ul auuuiui1" i - . r i1 "S1, " . ,1. fr tbelUleigb .l, in which aaUry was assessed 11,.00-paid $1, .yNit- ?a.?(5rftl STW wai;be":ovor lea.inte-d:: 4 adopted.; h J ??ffe P? fag?, of theharHeat kind., bisrW: ;H.BobbitVP-E. l16 to enter into some -nxeor agreement t?Ufa V '. -a -.s--.-.- - iv , , .; . 1. viiu before anysatuf actpry reauU.B Hfcy iBNArf s.ANSiwl" baa" again beefr t reached. ajWe doTnot know , bow lac, tbe .tT"1 reuaine4 of t .was urned 0at , i mlf:vM!hi fvVaABrngto cbtrespobdentaV Wakhington, ; Penn, before !.a large A gree mPmmmHm9hh'- been' interviewing tbe Senators. rwd. . It was regarded as .an im fn. den eIectorproVbut:we suppose, a;f;w full invt wilV-?pnep ana tne uepuDnicans in ineir Monroe Station 0. J. Brent. Monroe Circuit M. U. Hovle. COncord Station U.-P. Cole. n jvGoncord 'CircuiV-Jta.C. Thomas., q TM:f Alt. rieasant a. li.,eu...- Alb-maxle-r-TP, caud,U oiaQiey -Mies r oy. Anson TilleT. H. lSd wards. ' Wadesboro Station T. W. Gutbrlel tWadesboro Circuit J. H. Guino.1 A .-V on Education, read bia report. ""'Alter a. loner - and SDirited debdte. participated in' by Dr. CraVenDri UI08&V- Ar. X-orxneaa, ;xieyy i . YeateAjbdthers. i.!kv''i?--1 Vt'fi-Ti Oi Bt taon oaereu an ameuuujeui. which was adopted, and tbe report.' as 1 . i; unim: j aiujit. avniot iuot Jiius, ami oaWMefblsw.t. . i - r veara tnev nave out lorta an itifit - r turn cried stillT iHie cjidythfrontrrows tnemBel ves again, , and xioticed one Udy bull tfoe gentlemanbdeer' dowd fntdx hb-ehaiiUfl TbttiHodJof thernonse iwaa 4iot! verv;. welL .filled. J oni uip i ( xniierr .was.crowaea. um conV need that our action prevented 'p-t iand'eiiabled thpeople beat11 ibel! oofi tQfvbrei one withect beta si B-atN i auvuis way,, s wvf more per b6Hs bot out without burtthx. Would bayefescabed ili the nllerr ebnl : bad trWded against the .otbera at tae(doom, : Aa , soon; as , we , saw the peopie.cettins. out twe turned to es- "cape .ourselves. 1 TKen 1! we found we werej nemmea in -oy nre. rne names raged .above ''and around- 'except on woe oi.ioe,uawQnnpi,xe cpuja to fall.' 1 dashed down stairs ana got -udetob Maude Hairisoitw ' She faad ironerto her, iXOQm lto get j aome,i yaliiabje&f GodpJke Wemast goloutibe front way.iaTbei fire is gaining oo us now! l$)$Z$mm& .i?' iMt exolimation, I pointed to the'ceiluis: ma uanes -tbb floor of the'si wer4 showing through; andVe sduld jiark their oUrse along the .cracks of We jnrpgiVMrfamswi barren and, myself then dashed along the :rooked passage-ways under tbe stag 2,' and after some iroubrb gained, tbe uuditoriumithre-rib'adoor.i Wa- dW.aqmftdistanto o io uqweq us.xasi. aqa mere was stUL 4 Wwrexiliea 1 oe&ole Wm WohB MP W go abd Uashd aJonffylbeediess that riow ajbuknan being. Onpel looked do wn ftod Uw aonVanace nbtriblyTd!s iort4datfd' bned. iuftpftlyMd. it rae a fearf uL sfehUril shall: njeyeci) XQigfctioAff.erjv.aKa, saR.jhft yj-j jnrep anan,taea(OU.VT die waa tuetn mi ,defd, i.aMe4ti I I V-.v..,v.. . non i LLne; ajgenuf2roaja3iQanea tw, is' 6 verodatj and afterf a bort ibIAt tiiegt-lio ' wfewiifkfed 'fcteahd t, Jr 5I Oi.Msu lOO WVOti, vile-ua otiXbi! - I . " . w r- -. ' . MaT.:Avery.tetrJpoTary' xTesiaehl allddftbe iCoUegeitfl or.dsfedf i f 111 4M 1 ' ' I IUJ 1 1 r- W II ('1 t " I "". met in ' Kaleiffhy Jdn ' Peeembe. rb- 15'sin i s 'fk tti.tf'tiil t r l-P flPifel jrMda.l,JilJ u . ...r 'ujrai.. luu !!' ran 'Jci i .t:i i- -i.- r ,.r ...in j . r "c . . v -w. I.-i- 1 trengtH-'.ana :tueaHttOe)iiiuvv-U-' vU'.iri a ,, J,U nI n a '1 Sxalef has. as io tha better davLxnade . . I a m . -, , . m a " rwitn d jOP'nqeriaift Joa-hiftewiii pt,ber- people hat been inade known and her-, ,. . eajudOfj,hajr -edasbv fire, she, enters nnon anew vict.r, ayu a vista ot prosperity ana ff pesed opens up in front as, led by ber "4"H1 3 rapdtrusted; ;son;Ahe'tfesumes hef l" or c )Ctes. - ... . rl Gl&n'leco ! . in, am earnest anatastetub'raanBer.i.'iw t" . ' t w --uas'-'reauiiea in 'tueunao 9it.is)-; mbWvotiot forXdecmbd wiiri itooert Jr.-.W arms vaa chosen electorsV aar ihelr ianiea' were I; signed thecificateiwbicbJ were I men aeaiea vAAti, s. ."iLitt, 4Tbe President instructed ihe Sec4 retary to iorward 'Hoxia1 :i50by td the" iti President bribe Sena-eot Aha TJhadie StateWby registered letter; and aup ? blbe to the Hon. G. W. 'Brobks;; ? -Judgerof the District Court of North lSuyr - AmiaHda'tibibeKc6pyat ,kW4aaC iuo eBuenter eiect, to aeuver in perT..i fiOn'tb tbe President of the Senate of ' lbetrnil. States. f; :; ' ; y; r " u ' . and 1 b':xeaideot!deoraTebe-B!ee'f ;" toral College adjourned n&4e. ' " " 1 - an " l'" "' "' - JBAstERN BDiCAt, ASSOC-XTION. ' ia;,ef,Hlielwxtv4BaaUr .- 1 , jJieeilaa Tarere. Special Star Correspoodence.t '' ' ' ' ,'.. ' ' 1 TaiuiorO, 'Dec, Tth 1878. Edijtar Morning Star: Interesilof sessioos ; , ; r of tbe sixtb reeular meetlnr of the- Eastern . . , . Norti paroMn(aj Medical ssociatjpi. hye '. f beea Nd at tbe Odd Feiiows Jali, in this '. r' ;tpwnrdSiriHe soclafion rmriiafid of leaxiin. nbytkVh t t comrjoaed of lea'dlinir nhVinVi ot tb 1 JSAstert coomies or tbe stale,' and Xi tbe! j roceedings of this aannaljl meeting s t ... t were hlffhlylnteTfuinTbeWtwod rfatabk&ltetaae- hereDral NpPi j welcome or lbeir beans and the- waim bosi ? ,,i rBilalitiebrtneiTiosestotbeaJBs6 iarjjtblba fciUte Aledical Society is cot tbe u tbe'promotloa bf J? j ioaavaocjlffiedlcif v1 f n - ocsternuiea,.occUpiea l '! 4rmebf this 'toeeltt! uobthefiL bemor-; V ' L 1 easea 01 jxortn" uarouna,. inciuuine pn- . easea aiturvt-a I . aAAiAnT- - kaiC A I f ' hUlA V. liUUOlUClVli BUU'UUUUODCU.' A UU - - brc.ecfc1sarted:at jfhe itfeelinia WilnsiPt- ' ;. ' totrdne year aeo. of the estabrishmebt of a '" . abrikblM;l r V" tbewe:a,bUl1o1bt:eJ nratnkaiuetf;: statute sbould . be,, enactedtlb pitfVlddfoi'1 A, Timminn or TTUtrnatrpa nirtns inn FattxvtLl Disnrr-Jy 8 NelsoBv P. Leadh fpr1ipermaneTatPresident,taiidi he war Elected unahim6uslyi'5!H; "I- j Messrs Busbee and . Wootea ,r were .appointed ffoaiacor' tbereaideni elec tO tbeiChaiXl "bt r: ?:3;;;qc:oi -i". Mhasse meetingf at iengtbi V:H'.u ,.;.uw tirt bsetf;SeereWryU report we quoteyaayas -ijii . j.j; j25'jci!ary;-ea4 matton of Gov. Brogderi,.: specifying wba$ electors had received the bighr est number of votea and td wbotnbe bad issued certificates pf election,, to-,, viti Messrs. ,Daniel G; Fo.wlf" James M.: 1eacb, Louis C lAtharo, t John F, Wobten!, J amea X McKae; -Fabina HJ Bnsbee, Frank C. Rbbbins, Robert P.; Waging,; William, Glerinand Alhopio veryio answered to tbeir namea.?: iq 'Ia r,u 'riated for President of the United made a bnet and appropnate.speecn. caftioardandrriceUsed, wbed 4ualed, ;t6 3,,e tona utcvuwuBS auu tn! UV( V j i f Vi fi 44 ijotefeStlBg,' feaiCre oMbe rriieetioRJ. 1 tnjieiivery ot tbe i annual address by,, dnTtor: DK .T. Eo belt 1) C c 3 i T . ' . s in n' nnr tnA nunnn jnM.wnnii enr.i, .-. i ji.-.. ..,,-. -,,-,.,., , . K;v 1- Tv -r.T,?I?ka,fAfii btterancea were the ioK couragiogTemarasanu .iqeu uai t 17 n " ' 'i f u yipaintmentaoreaA?yeyv.; Xei tesp Webave already publiabe(l ! 'It is wntten that during a" crisis in those in wHoh ttr readers' are 4rie the faff atrB iOf Atbena, doe of . ita rur ekted.l, iJ. ' li l ! : , iUV tersl b bia admirable conduct, baa f . ,, -i . - ri. m f beek Wirmifted bt thb proud appel- nvktai9fO tRooKi.VN TeUtipri rAHst t )' ATUB.1 juI t. vtt) tiiaTtv ,ik rftndaot. in the most COr-r r j ;T- ; i . SJ-' i i inni tttis' nr -nmim t nn 49 Honest: canable. patriotic and fear hesl letikins; be lour Prssidebti' and 1 - lk ; ,. .. ..14. a&in will tms landiviTnesa'tnai on bial pbrity hichrracter the nmtniBT.rai.inn iti. ww mhiiiiiuluii. i ititliatrwuiBCtoiiUiri liavl $diVl!ZKi.FZT. mtZm-u.i CiuL 1-J.-tr il WtrimpTessiye: manner." a ao-am.1 aimust uazeu. auu lkutj r tr llonm vK m tbfetieforoaeeproceslethhngbit. Ribe. VVycb.: f Ji i-i ' turna frbm'tStaibaMbave.yoted -,' M V- B,0'wATi l' ' ' ' ' . I 1 fr:T 2i fL-LiTiflir 'I !.l.-7 u r . . ; J , ; .i ft-J.:rJ-'-uik-ckiDhaniH-JWri'Jenkinar.. .-v . overWbeimnnyior'lliaemiUteoureiFriwoKouio , We- iearn that an instalment ofl., P.n.M v Sh.iii w n nn,,K , w ' ' ...rt""..)!'" a"Lf- IoeorKaosant says it would reqatregreat i r 'r - "" ''""j- :tji - V ttT Fftri r& r;lV't,f r . "r it the HenSe wIf nb Jb'artv tdTi arv 1 --w A-t-;m 1 l-nJat- frnm . Wotiorn Ma,.kn- 1. .UVirbarne B. K. Hillt. .1. 1 ...-Lil L:iFiiaJ2i .':..V-....t.!f Li Ibntitmety-I F. Keerana ' biii'ii i a lax ib nil. it ajr niiii . bibbibiibwbb b -t- r - - -i - .- . a a T m mmm vm "r ra vn w bb iiiiiina itti i i -- - .. ua. .. jSl. . - - i.m4H, . . rrrm-m-rmiT rrri:fr: fWHtKit there were lust ronnda to. fear 1 v "V5 vwt furow.iBgy hb----.. vuamu. i -"r. ;awui. ?- -. i rr.r " -j h-jm ,u -4 mTntirMin'im tir.-1 fr tt wKtAlt 1 i t... o-t I :i r nt -. Tk- xi.l BUokbroVU;reDiaz,fc V i" r ;T'yitti ti- '-irfrj-ikl-i?U 7-dl uvil .Hij.iiiH.il i.-i(.jt.,rn?.i!J f.tf. . T . . . .1 t-. !. I - T . . . V' , . 1 n.J. T-i..--r. - ' rxrto nr...b "D. n I ..- l -! t 1i7 fi-iOM-i 1 tl iti lii I tbat now environ the whole onestioayiJM. u ; , . ,; .. I , ,3PpMH tsoaiiey: i. yH8 .r .V .-:". -! It is troSM r Another Grant newapeyi migbt etect'r PwebC but f would miiM(m ened witb an early deaths .It k now Av myMWhAJm hwnkoiato lnga ,;bebindt .i " L;.r:"ST,rl," notice; oi .j, ,,,, w,;--.- u-A-.vf. 1 J M'M?Prdrnf? ... ;; o' i I ; maw give tue eeaeqolUrIol7!rVlj , I r i iu u-n i ooui&v Yr-.. r jbbarrie jiiiss uienop. v ' -. i-ri .. -:v v .! . ; i ixraov-message m uur jasb paper, i . : ii .-v. ii i-'iaj mat seenre peace T -ntttu fai p "f'tr : 1 -iiiunj. f? tt;stl: -i M-tm iaf..t.Lrs.i.u,inaeDiea more man oujuuu, nu i & :w 77" "rr . ' . " i.u..f;ut; wy r.rnW---.m..r,- : everything is mortgaged. The'soooer 1 j vy-.itevilc J. T. Lyon. v ":. -rfYX maiters rine vregon f nij!verrponfc a"Vr "V-'yi" iarf, V , , , . ... , j in;firnuV,. - "W R.ndl r - TrC" T electvT f RQgl itoIad ;. , . , ; i . ' . ... ' ?- i t n- V-aVl-' vnt.pra.n Wa will- 1 aside :tbe,doorrU Opiied; Widefor, the J isni.t jhaa mi.,..., t ,t h -,.:m .. , ; ! . l8 in regara io tneautnonty oi -evrc- r-Tf rpnn-TT-xwji-rrt , ioniKf y,e tnode itf swbich i idjSr. T TviiK' ldj Wdtnan' b tv-W-itftpa m .k...r.. : .t..:n.Rir-!.'ii i i,l?W.Ti .Yrrr.lMIUII.-.IIN(IWHKi'i'IMitWmiWU wnicn w-l Da y wiw-w- .1 R' W-.flf (K!S-.v..1l l T'TM.SW-W-WWfflKWOT oleo-ibettMy States so declarea-and thatf the end of iu-trtvioaa , ;mm Iwn.tl.ibW Jv-leibm6tW t KOT0ITi- orf?bl i!: uepoYer tu? imuuimnu mauw inntr pnonvh to be'tnktualized.,'tMf iv TiW not declared FresidenU there Will l.. taruoro ESiauon vv o. I nope. , A, .1 aiar)iti!iMw mw"ow T l'!?aiJ, K2H ,WJ??W ?! drt5 Bdirecoinbe.-',: P. D. Bwrndell tn24irSi. nnUl J olina are vprobedraad7 exposed in, K Accordmg;UChambeia 59 deniand to know the reason wfay w oh waHaBoatpnL: SashoU ihm- LJ n2. ;-l-i.ni Vt.r;.lwL J(iimra-aWtkntt-.i anormxtsitf 4 I . -' " -rrftPlyoiyutbandJa W& VWB6,W'" n,--.- --J-- i . t fF."YV TriburfaJ J0olilmbiaWaieabwejr4 tev&xit- lPTuSn M.VrJf-i,l M wtw f dreds bf tfwdsandafrrtBe nbest-Re- f$m&;$ Y, The' one fact of importance is Wtf ."'rrJnfetfe , tbf andience.rose ,n igaat- we-acted DuLnea'ni i.f'Vn Vorth" Tilio(Sst lvtleWW9 as tbe UclWs riTVf?;;, jMtkef.pe, altoffetnef s withoutio thtvi-sligbtest .1 .Y tvall. A- Mui not tACT-itf JtiaiHi uJ iWwwJ. lieu I'l luc cut lie ruio VI hie uicv . . . 1 . ? i; liuenu .ne election riti!, awaite iw tne peni. "1 1 ne rarormaiioTi' r ,,4, aii i4.iirfi-Hiii Lt.r9tAii.L-i.es-uiftiuz. T. i . wriir wiicd atAivf. bnt not oneof i mova.t.J r ... . . - ..ts . . 'tTbh -ThB.aJJJLleidncks Ibr V ice jPjisidkirof the United Staite Ilis lfeeobf irawgrafjef ul iaad:llbtlo&u 4fe-ocledaslfollow: YJmi?qisi, mt carindO doalHutbaiabe wotfc4f f'lrirf 7th ..fr November Will bave its t tull.truitioii, tnat.ine gTtai men ana it v irt .-. k- . - 0 -, .r...a 1 4hd eoo-r meft Of tb Noth WbO' ktilT el.-.r to iIih Wlinf that refotfti rritht i -r - - - T - - a timei f be Iku wribnHXh;e If epaWlout'yra, decline .to vield to a reckless oartizao- Ubnlbld yWffrbn b liobulir will its leitimiti'eflf-kf tttdien vcaWhttsiBlf th I'thattW i. Whe'rt tb fcry.bf re,tagtie JOTldeh Hit Tbbtog: A.' HeliJ sali acuvescencc;)tafee tbe t laoesor ' wbiebi they a.bare c been VicbosenaBd -aat vnaer new ana oeuerr auencea iw agisu-uon oi marriages, pirms, ana. deatts; aid bitfog '.alsp that riu'stJs. :; should be examined bv a cofriDetent'iueai- ' ' ' ' was tbe HogS-i'tberi nent, iaUodeoedi4-iin a1 com ng.fromjthe new and promwiog oono- ri tfo Pender; and this hanowed'baoie; titi Ui-",s said, sboutdl icomloeiid tbe I speaker; io'an a, A Edg fcpmbe ,sudieDce4 pubjectwas. -r the 'Ivjtuthce if Womdtt W iM&deBoomn ' r J' ana lt-aras aandiedi ably ndiweii 'iaatc j ... i - ... appnscjauye uaiWB.erj mpen pjeasea , wjtt tbff crtbfrprepar. md w1.) Wetiv? 1 'i- rdfBHllBi!;!nia AanktinrM-Sted.l fc-i cotijf fp? publication. It will be publisbed. ndealrtb :buch .nterest' Ilisk tt! - ductioabigbly neditablfto Pr, JEniatu, it,!itn to i Kri. x..: . - '.... ABO ASBWI4UUU. -WIUIT ,DUUUUII tUO StAte Medical t3ociety and tbe1 Slit. Board ' Of MediealixvniaerajltU, wejlj to me lawyers ipat no pnysician la toe BUte who barf' fcommeaced ' ptactk5"ince -n I the can fstablisbmeot, ;9tths, Board, a;85:)( (; w i collect his dues bylaw: unless he has a certificate of qafcliSo-tions from tbis Board, h Tins !fw also embrsjces meoicai expens oe-. ( f dttf courts ' of law. 'coroner's juries and Qaaraetfee 'Physknaas appointed by tbe ' ; ' auinoritles or .ve ; -late. , , in one ot tnese bbystdans are' bntitled to medical fees or " dues by law, ! uoless they have license to : - practice In the Slate irom this medical tribinaL'i This U tbe decision of' the .est " lhn lawten. abd tbe remlatioa to? iost U lb' ) 1. cobxmunitj at large. tJXow tbat Ibe 8tate is about to cbmmeflce ir new atrd tirter, m career ef prceperity.aiid progr tb4 wedri j,f leal proression or tne Bute .is aeiermmea HVI Ml WVUIUU BM-p M--M-r- " -- medical improvement and wrafc jV-inpd"-!dii ; - The AaMclation adjourned after a labo- . nm'Se5oW6f two daVs.tO faeelt tllft-" days; stonl on i the first. Tuesday j of i December, ISrt , :". J. . . .S-WTATOR. f 1 lid arias tile me ta nita.w o Ci hi'-8 I- Ke jpOLai jerelurned fo-nigh't frdro1 tus. the home of GoVi 'WfewWTiB" ite Vi Wt intevtleirwitb -F w' - . flefrlct -lawf ,otbti(Jfr.', Tbinksgiv ing dinner Jit, wibomepf ;u nu ; GoV. HarveXtito Goreraor JitbAt le beneVed ihai Tndefafc boeIy-? t!i . . i --r . .t Dprna ouw W JiiaPBVijj.uBjutJi " si .K . V-- " HndeaQapsuierauoBaacucps.i.up--,Mt oj ea if deelred elected. bTb. conTei'i j i .UrLfnitphelUnjiece igf Hay w no aaio wva ovenor, , snt tiabe ib(ped her hasbaad:GenernV j.nu itcJiell, woutd thy iRflccessi Uhf hm reJeMmw$onn ipfiJWQnt a aettlement of tbe.queK;? ... ttiohoahicb(WproTing;8ncti afliafci:: pf rouwe ootn to tne iovernot ana l-c bis feronand yib tW'fcftmtff ,Jai.fe Jt! 1 1r iibiac Kai above, saying tbav he b-lieveLTiU ' 'den was honestly elected Ptesidenij i 3, and that inefnh1imvtetton be jsbdttld pbsitiTely decline 1 tp aucV uv I ; 'declared elected.! :Mr. iJ4erru:k.J',r j on!y-f?rmed(thft ti,h of the Rtae- y fttien. but pfTered to, make afadavittu. . jibe ffcw5RrWrbni:,it diiw iJi j . .jjrtioe; sij

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