9 it r- 1 1 si o ti s r tt 1 1 1 W "9 1 fili ,-"i i:?t ibilf rJi: i?:lf ,'. I K-.S i JO- 1 -iiinf.Joi.r J tun-Ut x'n nw!l fK!i:.-4 ?vj.iM-vt, d ! - r J . . .! . , . j . f l - a."i: i XSHD AT- ':J fii nidi ai lii.j '! An immense rro f ir A neudaitf r f?7 1 i r ea ( 5 D eswsMf ! NnittHnU, I :'.. a. . ... -if ... . . ,',f Vlri f-5j-v ;I i-1 ---(itUfirv) -.ll'-TW i - .... i ... i ii . -a rrti rnnm ttm' TTT'P fWy I fi 1 1 rll VVVVf i!ni 1 U ft $1 .50. iia(a47a?ic9 0 s 9 c 8 z 1 Year . 8888888" 6 Month. 2J525gSfe& 88SS8SS..V 3 MontM Tre4or - . :&g:S888 a Months UsssgS !. 1 Month1 : 3 Week 8&$838&M 5W 83SSL- 8888888,' q4U-s4M84 a ! ,. . - h2 rr ' - m t - 2 Weeks 1 Week S88888tf Mill! -jj 8882,88 S ..: :-e :S a Mai ! imuLii a be r .- 'as1 9- : '2 mrS- 3 mm . - -- .--. x r 3 w$ Srs 5SSdl Li S - " t-g-3 2 W 'IS '111' s - it y . bp" hi? M it v .5- r . i .'il.j m- post omi If a'ey' Orr m obtained In all the cities, and in many of the lawre towns. ; We consider them nerfectlv safe. and the best means of- remitting flftr dollarf or less. , ;: ,'. 'Et-r;tVfff'3 JHra v-i aa- Rrl!ftr4i Lettorm. naarr til bmfw jHtRin. wtafch 'went into effect June are 4 very safe mean s of. send ins small sums of mo ney where P.O. Money Orders tannot be easily nhtalned. Obmroai tb BioUtrw Je.M well BA - nostasre, mM 5 paid. jtmuM at the office to be sent to the ueaa, getter urace,, any ana uffac the stamp both for postdge and registry, -putt in the money sujwitqe he notumatter ana uuce mi receipt jor u. ,ijeter8 . it to us int this Iras' are atar ttki . ;j ! JU-JU SnhScriiitTon it ! t i "J 1 '(. i, t it Of. 8eventeif;c6ciqtleaf that Tiaye hithertd suffered from thes misraanageraeoti of. relief. oue of these iooatrtiesi cbarHy offiMiils ihaiaV tiow main 81680117:8110 urmiv at.us pou laUhfulofe i-bMieVj sKal pdildte tlie lrifna of de'.; oate snu jegisiauuiu ; urn l umpen should ' t ascertain by ? consdlttvtiod at "w best. forF tbent under the cir camst aoces, -anctK JwlaiiKe6 ahbuld be -f: Memorial tzedt won lb subject. We can not doubt t4) e, t lingnesa of. 4bat.bo4yi to.granany. 1 ;i from tbe l?liJI9f-lo J owa that tbe Craven, and Ay a?ne 3 are movinc-.. . ; , .... '.VTbe proposed, cbanse ' ;!o eur : .count jtoTertimeota uoder the amended coDstfta-? tiua is iimuj Hssuuiiuje cuusiuersuia id- teresti1' par graven county vfrieodsj have aadi Ms j. qbi, ; Hpjbes - a, pommitteo, Jp considei aBd.recftmin-d sub :aqvkn;, t belief as pvil) 8qrd abang-t for, tb bet! ier: At ;the:vea cff-Nlr:Kttib sExecueL.cpmroUiee o' -iWiI-w stmMy have oDrjoiDted Hon ,W,Ti DortcJi. K-.ii Qriibj-til, Esq,, aad.CoV, w Ti Kenaedy t 1 :r waa de kt foy ef by a fibd-t!3 e1 bot asUes iba&1r'rTiitUi1fr'' fcrraitbroi SfeVfeieat1 ; aonofi fidelity and cdurae waa'rveD be woriShaUiJe itqxvsii, p ver' 'ergbteeti : f bnndred y eta' si(rAn&y , spieoaia v city i . paiacea -apd temples bad been ' wrapped In1 its andutie consider! -vaat i bestrtQ be done, 1 aod if joasilile io act in concert wito the ;prvea JDtV rnj jjhj 1 b ti 'j' 1 'j 1 11 ,u3Jio vi I inPOBTlNTlllLL. - j - : - .in The 8ab8eriptio prlce,o? tbe Wbkk it- Star is;8fjoows;-;jw aiui :at v n t-rf - rf - -.- ' T: .1 Krpfntlvo ahaJI iivn va nnnn th ; a G months-l.W t gr.Vrra.,T".v 8T13"R?n? M LWr;6o oecreiar TOWQn!!cj.Tt;(2tl .... . -. i . - 4t d ) feu nont ibe poabe. .cretary i? t the. the pbbsidbt iNiEBViEWEP; Treasury, nextj.they abaUjerolyiB: Mr. L. ' A;' CrObngbt; a member of npontt&Postma 1 : the Mew York Associated Fres,. has '.Tbe preseut ; atrange aspecf of had alootawiPre-ident(Graot. ra3Mt feaft 5me-Ipre, concerning poHticairiafapyda ntiUty andceaajjcucb not think any dispassioBate reader of Wbsik:6rant Ja. Ihoncht 10 beVmedi. ii of the city bear eatitbe. volcano Lj pj-ruet cam fi'a Rj3 CD afi' soldier waa Igijudj'-iHe abeanbaViog-formed bters f mtenaUIXori I preWrtirJi jtbj eafatraitittEide' ad'sJepd Bbapil pt tbp de4 entuie); LHefcdtdiao ru 1 aa the 1 ti obabi tadta we re) -fleei ng in.fd?fciay-'arfd;;borTor; bat Titbbia eagle e rexed vporj (he aDgrymon taju; as i t, bcibed forth ua nibd rpna j3puran8, and watching an liorisly the i waives of death as theyrolled 1 , .ror. ri:ii .7i "JW . t . . . inaunimiwr win mik(hiu m t1" tatlng'a purposenid bdlaiOYarp and increaaeddm ienjtafe paying who .ahali be cbo- on borbaijklThere woixfog; 'ffatf&i if f ie?-Seat Hha fie! in iuo i cFv. .... . r .fi... may Decomei:rresiaent.u isume courage a hope-Wtf (1MtHf Ureait shceasion' otic and cqnstitntwnal settlement of hQttid b definitely aetit-idIkv . - - the difficulties- the most importanti parts ofHbe talk. :?rwiaent-Grtnts"cd and we doubt cot Ubo distrust iof I Mj Mt witt . repeatedr whatbe had tirant' wiIlfecoie greater na'tbe I uuim yrivme cibixen, sou iui, as read er advauCea ' wltblb'eTeadilfg. rrresMient, in regara to me mcompe- Keferriaff to liii.TlI am ntbh tb e 1 w.nV7 ine aaicai uouse.in ooutu o. . I Uarolina to transact business Witnonl "The President remarked that he looked t a q,dorum. He' ackd wledgea ;he pi whnt to do. 'The settd( irooru8ouili; port3tbat rhe canght ..it ifeoraithp.. Uarohua i4dee ta.ihwjl off jtaica leadersJ rnakei Amends beii!g too formidable' for tbe authorities' f he has gone back upon bis statement, the biate lb 'fconltojrtbat organized' rifle ; t f-jW ltht?armiiriin ciabs,representing General Hampton vera. iVJa081 r-W-tiSf5 in tbe ciiy of ambiarusukjiMtt if i ha l ins is yervoBtatesmanlifcef ;faiHt iqdi .very high sdnseof duty in a: lueor ex- i unlet 4 aiaoMtr&ie or ioriv-nv mil- Plained that the rresiaent'snoura bw tuina i ,. - "v" k xtr ""u f tbat GeneralTHamr&itf Wilg&l' m&vw V""?fjIWPjifW 5fe WWS, him what ludoaua JUiat Uieuispayjn .wijicn ton and Jefierson ihmt -iihn l i was shown W tbe' Pf esideht was io tejtly to, " ' , r , r t (; one that tfatOr Kamlblpb had'. tfeVitto- r 3 4an A-r Arn afl", . r . General liafpULt5 fcoCi jgaavnB' v?TARf fr He .WdWtfeMiiaioil? i? r tw-uemqcraticimemwra General State Honseu "Tbe trooris wei'e in Sunttt Caolma, tbe President repeatetivjtorirtH ot Governor, VbamberUia i eaerat troops snoua,pe,ttuarawivvi; i - - K nr. St nw.iit.l l.u ll.u ..n I or : death, bcusior nanuoiDU, nearer and fearer to biro, be.. tul j marched uponis oufld of dfttyapd Mirbr8entWlaM arjlorfer andnstuutiooaj goyprnrnet Jbe ftPhlJ Mh!.T ateSnfe oaiirper ajheereiy yeiof jjariotbimj ap,,; though gayitoljaudant rude, l, soldier4 wbotfIouly kowiQW ,,to bey.-vjtber mandate of iheit, jleadry . opop the. ensign of -their country's liberty, and ,upon?the LoTtdeseprate constitution, . be bad ; a worn in tb.e preaenrce of Alniighty God an -ten j tbbnsnjd, .witnessea ao supppr and 1 guara; teyen vnen ietjin.e represeeta.- j tivea ofitbe oeoule be true to them- t contaiiutaia, , anu u ; overwuenieu orr'ii nP -TR mfuning..atraignb on in : tire line of- assured and . ceaselees duty. ; ILet each itnan be a true Amer- ioan aejitinel; t"i :"" " ft - ..L. - ntt C.V.ra.'- Lrt'rWilf th'1 wgrraswiH w i?uow- ie au-j oave and conunaed: .f , . v 1 .??nMEtffi9illWf aljy4 for theholidayH. Tbiafaji Burrection loo fyripjdaUle 'f or troi. Had it Vibt beenl for these resideuyi ialaraafitljetiKMiyilir I juaV tf t,urned from' tbeir hofnes' ihd mocraticsi'affdoiaWVB 'atMKJaaw i.f.wui -v.t . v, -w reasonably seeming toJkearUwtrwsdpiag i9?llf!i ffiucUpflaIjniery) man 3to wuav tsi!j,,??fuf?f f51?.rr!fliJ,Magwi 'anaersjianas aoe semi- Bot yieldinj. tw.tbeur yfew.r-Tbirf'-siruck j , . . 6im strafleJlsidertnPthe nmWt meota 6f bis people, and every legia- axf at a time of profound and painful .Wbicto ' wer 1iavliaM.'Qovrlof Hayes I la tor 'him taltnow.wbai hiaVdaUea 1 rrtreseDtLlhiiiHuXy tbatlcarneq inlhfei;-, t i f7.4i '' ) umj ' '"h hae election All, int four ( tb Sutes that i j .i ' . i:...ii.....,.:.. '..it luroisueu, I lie rebellt all but three stroy the Union He practicing to New uuM "and GerbojTi deb dartted" I.O . - "i tj., i-l., JVw -r a3.( of ffiose? which1 sedllt;td ixifrl'greaainatt requires - mnr wrerasiii oi' Jame..vaua8, reierring nmi,jft abpnld see U that a far a he! York. He then aatd: c ,1 daoioreiebt nb! Vvil- shall overtake the oneand no detriment befall tbe j ll'fi IiJ Mil I J ? t .H; f'ULJi 'ikmd frauds wtie. couwaiWadHn Ne T 1 ll........ii.Mt f IKlitkMlto&lniii yeiMv Kijti i fl)iniri ill Uh. . it -noauc i . . . tiiat duwttiuitbrtMVljcxo SuteSinianw-.ot1 1 9Rer 1 -it-m 1 beJ-s tJ iotn Vi Tir1i them that S u? herd SlaUo MTHaett teOttplalntlf : At for Ton"' Tf 'PrfiAnt 'r. trull,! I.L lrWIJi au.lLAir.lintwt.riut.ilr;i P t -7,i II II ; i s -.'.i,!1 inana; liLUMfreib-lbflBa oolraads'ln 1,0 1 -imtofetfyV iQjj9fi Mi8siippjthXJarojna an iArsaa.I ta4dea atroke!jofiolk!ytaiiy time, inese oiaies wouia nare gone ior nave aau,i , , 4 ,,r z-i.Ll J Vijaj , Wheeleri1 f Hffit J t j m; rand he Wlll'btliidsitate ttf doabi- He ius: tdUdcobtiea onahe iu,?'0 eperate:bis,,pwi hwt i eorgiatia oiedir peraonil plan'8,or.t thi.lao of bk rMUVl -t1 iv 1 y tiiw iitmiV; tre IWfipHeful .andi viofebK atlerncea e rens and grounds . . 1 tnos.' c 1 fied aNb, count u i ticed. As tobia copy the tofrloogforourcolumliW toot tueuiegj.i and-atrdtius' ac'rs -df llieEel- "a 'nPfoent counsels and patient, dift&niAS , addtes l.a.yob.nfAbrahl 4 fJefe'it5 MSS&li? IPf. .I'M- iiix-y M fth3.fl"iLp.o 4 blf, frndeiU aud Fatriotle'l ifori whose request ib ' ciimmissfonert ;'went 'iti better for a whole people as for an liOUisiaua after tbe Prekklent bad1 selei'tiid1 f i i15 il i5 V 'Tl p. V.11 '4t' V -tuU ,oRedbr&n T . .1 . a . ' . if tralionJ It opens' w.ith1 f teferencij td , add ! exxradfe from tbeRebubllCah' reWnrta1 iW jtbe Keil4.gjc f randa o(i i78 1 and) l74i and presents copcisely the; law 'relating to the tuples all decorated 'wit artf 1 Bbx)ne riispJendeiit betorea tlifi eyes p asflsieWtomBftM Wwwa ..av fW10MVClfl U JlSpViiWifc- asrs yteieoiioQjjor superriaost impose 1,72.71 r"".'""! vr?Mi'f(.vmML dditiotoaL dutf uaJby reDons of infiinidalioo I at!sMi4rMkiiiilCA iUJ ;J vJitac or ifraad accomDanvinir the ,xeaulla.' ll 1 r, .z j.a Tjo-ituv-j j-ifi itu fo J abowB'toaiuo QuisidVorotefAcan tie en rUiDe, aa4j he.ywlenaMmega autMfa'i.'S 'do3. ceeaiogaovi,oeopaj;ct.;fif, i-.-uei aril !aiyiw .oaftuasn i.3Ti' piarirts about panabes,. which, . were after-. PJenM8esfrjJ.t(i wajnoned oihBr fit Tne3-ep4rr:vpyrcartttt perurJ tHlUtteitraU.oiri6?ta tion pUhe bofttd Inula abifng po$m to J inf att!0d iH? Jhr Ik !doclrfn? escape' just ;computaton(!Otlhe ,ypojtslJi"prli tf&W ,ih$M siBfWfri iuaaun, ffviiu WHW WaVPH -HnPWI)ftJ.-W9B BevWiVIOIHCa aJOOOSUtOUSD of iber-vbte of lhaate eava.tbe bieheat 1..,,.- i,,.,L eniof-v:4--ofi- i-n't 'MoJtt-j! tifdeertor-Siwma ftWJ vne.Tignts LnXl1i?i r bdi'Wi it pitwuye.swteimiirg ruptioD df tbeJiob.l a inllliori patriots. 1 W the. jdiraneM, .of Approachioc disr and 'and is trrwao it toOwv . Wlren itbei IrikH FBI B SfAMT fnwappfeal w the Arrfeif I bledlbb, dy inr abder tbe cVuel atabe ICalU UueOUlB. ... I T , ., rr. ........ 1 I .... aF, nAAimnilnM . onH iinamiao if an buffered long, and neither her pa-1 uence nor;l lorutuaei is-, gxaauateai 1 She wilf J"Mi1!M'ifS flrvrrAor ton) .. AmiMlinA ai.naVianSiUM J,.lUiniiHit. JutirJJttini'. . Ka ala4-l. : i r ii Ther ongv able and telbuir address $V the Tilden -1 jeotrimissionersj, who' oeerr f of wfeekia New Orleans pelw'krjCke conctry. .Tbe meit wb tiifa that' add read ; are imosur Weil kuowrr to the :wbol 6onntry,and . wjlint tljey say Will have great Weight ansideratejr; peaoeableI g aat-di -.3;Vhat dGovjBrBoj Palmer; witbal pedple. Jbdiie Mm Lyman i George iTrnmbully rGovernori ,W. Julian and other. rjnea afpikft arafWEijmay aay,l wUl laased: byi as tbe-. .awrr Mre; aj of extrerAe parUsarfai n The illegal-'declaration df the otes cask stifle tbe volde Y&f bteTliHlrons of To!rs 1 wbb have freely expressed their : choice,1 and thus seek to correct a great Wront by com niiMiug I another : immeasurably; greater wrong 7 j ) .; : . i t Cad we sanction such action int. tbe Louisiana Returning Board.' and thereby form a precedent under ; the authority of which a party once in power', may . forever . perpetuate ru rare; and att end Constitution al Jibertilji ;tjhaU such betbe fae of. this ItepUbiie at the betinnine of the second eenHify lf it-bristeoce',,is tbe rnbmentous aue8lion now preseoielar, tbe- deterjaina-. dnlof the American people, . Jorm Mi PAiaifcBiETaiiii 'TUCMbrjiA, ' 'tGteofV. JdiS;, P. IL Watson. ,.; . lJtayOrmimjJf, i8TOL'ci--.aii -oj fhe PhiladefpbtatnJYmw;' sm bla: Independent' paper, 'edited -by a'if ori- mer Republican, say's of these' sign era:' The4e are the men: who; appeal 40 tbe honest pieopJejOj aH parties to vindicate. tbe mm sMAe, .ww t!or, iree, gpverumew aorrjQUw"andnompaaaioir aa; vshftsBees blavkpsa wt despair nyt 1 ane will be coMolad , wi t,U the. just, reflecuoh hat no Bee fnps of the rooffimllted belonged for nexly to botbWiBeVrealTSaHfA r s l e gen t lemen J w n o i ormeri kbted filK tbeliepriblicaft'patfy Baie' fsliulifigdieorda. tMiWWlt Voenl treeks ltfsianiindhlrj 18 mi VfWsVW&jWWWft nd sudhan JtpMalbirve;aninfltt? ttre'e arbqngfthe ih)nking and patriot- - 9:ciu oj iiit? .'jov s:ij.sjiiuij mple Idpportbhlts ,;6f Beng)tne, inW IrorTtirJka1 df' th4?ccfertipt?attdl iyb'Jilaonary1 Kejr3rtimgn BbardJ'a they,11a'tteWedV Iben 'ionbf Ifaakbcldy' dud hkai occasion ta3 ffift ooVrtfuclrmiBb Informktion. 1- '- Aii lThe leatimony bf sbel witnertei cannot 100 ;aoarxea,B& aa coming ijodk eWvdcVatfa alon'e,1 Who have beenr' id I "( J - . i. . I - 1 1 tJIKT AW I rArlENT 8WDTI " I juo awoiuijsa 1j son yiiija ii niJio:r4an is a philoaopber who a-. ? T -UJU8uo5 90J Til-km Luagtioiad lQaB8:issiort to usurp the 1, place of ... rT jqer bloo-j ufifi .Hi n o'3 aai tieilwn. JNo,man,w a, statesman who L O il . 9dJ Ol 1 iJI' tJJXJ aw bv ji i r " i 1 a. t. - a t aaI .BBTrempoas ueyunutne uiraeu.i,r.iuB conspiracF acainsfc iue weuare:iaiiu.9 eienof that committee were for loot? I Mub f m , 1 cape him. We :ieed re8oliite' nd i VtiTrTr.',, .,.-r J f.....r',,.. v..;.f ,;t -U Litii JJ i J fr dw-fi tmiekdhtotit'we' weil-Daiancea mOT-vMmP following: A memV)f bigh . PatnoUsm,, clnfllf m- "He would advise thtn(fi4V'W atteihp er arWvdeterrjunedi WW,utj ,VYe, (jq it, for it;woeiarWg od eieW'-&icb QQ o, -,bat eve0 rsttebr men Vb'air' they would not like to seeVsprfi.kdAP tixf VX?v ' . . ; - rti 'Li" record. He wouldfalhef irureVeja'thaa. save the co'untry.'; Iar. after day . we JbeirNonl murh 10 liaanaaKsBaata ;,,.., riy;j 7 1 V,UUV"1UV ; -In resr-$j 1H M?llWlttt bJyonet. . yir. mdrei be ..WQuld, erder them 1 usurn. all'1 UOhgretsipnar power, anqj m t -r ! . " : I ' '.li. Ji' ra I f : i ... 4 ..... r T J - J . . . 51 . ill Ii ; catsa k?v wa' m T. w ' aa-waf' heBpenlsd auiicJ9iivul81ipna,,o wain 4 jlhere is no statu of disloyally1 ' Wli bW Vgarne& tbefumtbd Mt .'Uoty aio' tfderdirr 'ib ' tne Btaprtf neces8it . here. toil TUB COCMTIL3 nUVINii. We Representatiyea. If.the latter m bels and proceeds to act as tneaun-t i are coi afd'fcladtoetbai Aepfedble I tM&5X& Kat.:sU naLl.kkrJoWiV-lir Cromwlfclch'eyr i cessarv nd bVail Hbemsettea6P tbe I ehftrteter be may emulate SfinMf lsj the amendments. TbereHre Wm rSuch ia the aappoaed rprogViftdtateJ',i presepiaitiVdwydilMWbat tbfey bal! m&TjobkmAMtiy to raVe great' weight MhepofinSatii t1il? rLymaftTrufcdbun WaS-ft!-! fyefir" toe iCepuoiican leaaer or me Deoaie, anu ijolm lL Palmer, after gallant service in tbe field.' was the honored ItepobticftBi Govern nor of bis gate; , George;(;W., Julian .was, ' ooe of ibefirsi champtoasbf 1 tbibubncab; ism. and vane have been :mona eloquent ori tfreatorfaen of the world who have ei- , T, L -2fliiTi i aolc.tyc lr.;il kjJi;Ji o ttrerUuled m equity, or left their im- jprdsai apda their afior "welfare: tba.ve beet meri of '".vlriWeor 3U OJ t "floM1! Tne man wno Ts"t!pilSSlott'S' .inn moi if i w wot n Widao-wi vrni Tie ver act wisely mmsen or Ka a gddiT atrVlsefrfr bW6rs? ; ...TH iron Die witn tne coanirviiow is Mia in uu ii........ . . -ii -r..:. e e9 W4mmtj xtmxmr1 I irnt f;pa t.r if r .t J twf ntyrflm VWfc .Q: riM i thaite erjyfdene - - I - "W - - . - n '. . ,nioj?g men, aua oi rectiiuue among ' -- . - 3 : rulers, laud of tiW-HgbiafyUid lim- k lhBye0;bfienu .Poated: :iod. t 1 1 '-A 1 ? A " 1 andindeddherenti, iffbe fceyithaa without regard tonartvlafilidtiamt.' nracr 1 iLiiJj.ii.l j... . .l.oi ..ta.-. . .!.. ! . "-7 - -or EuiuLiuH.iiou lav 10 inn ooutu-" ' iron a.wmWBtmm,---.wupUM-aamcpatriouewiti'ir's,'- . ru ,- tfa-Mi -i-nt jauihai-i ' il zensBow sit idly by aaNjeerepresentatire I n iue guilty one; Dy fcny ciruei(paP4i governmfeoi overtbrowaby usurpatioa and death tvorfd htk V4rr'' ' a oia fraud.Vbane iherilo forty . vjiban people j constitutionally expressed, be I u xno DOUtnwi; jremaiq, aP we bM lurnins fcoartt in 'Xonisikoa, 'whose; wrag- 4 atoioal.t ShitoPaa. 'bojjne .nacb) aadt iui action, heretofore, an all respects ajmi-j lac to: its 'present adtion' has been coBdemn- ed by all nartieatic. 0.1; U.n: p: fxii si; H'VTbeslB kre dark days for tbe American people when such questions a.(orced. upon tbeir 1 cetosideration. Jf it .wexe..,ttue. m spmdiinslst. thalT belthettbS'tffihe' Dofthe L colored tdletsiba3rd' a4t 'ftsstsrtfcesTJeVa UaCtMsleVllan - "oppbrtaoity tttX&MX. presjHon WlhelrJ wishe at 'tbaB6t-boxi, snail .wei DyauSBtiMoea: fraud eieaf aba certifying suqb ,yote$ by , the rGovernorr f the nower eaf ety'.' .o e u too t. . -d 1 Secretary of State AUdrbeyGeaera) and I fpfeiii "'V ,,?ViiSUn'''ii'j3r f 1 i 1' j w- a-- n J ay " 1 z F ' 1 r 1 1 diswcl UudgetlfiThe jurisdicvoa of .tbe. I :;iA ; rTWi n"-?i9P arp flfi-v iUT..i"T T. J, . , " gmuuu it irtnineo -toxarrir OTii tneir p tan" or that the act is! UDConstitutiopal, and iuiain' 1 1 --soarni. ruo tifc iaa f:si.m.j-) wai 1U9 act is! UDConsiuuiiopai, an again I 1 --soarni, firtjo.ti na-j o iiM-sstifo-j bemuse H;.was-, Ulega!y , copatiiedfoR j laMft'MA-.H!IW eW? W?..tba. tta powers,, were j and to ! atiflei : tbelr 'tMc1 aSd tbl ( 1 rf ? t u - a v t a it i-L i -)J n. Dfl H aot of a miDorUy.tepresentotive,, as jm-jl jrampld under IhelrJ leleaWlt t'WWW A ririt.and nriv blWrd elettors ss Mayea.fyecior, apq ftiamiXfi VUJ lor ih?. liwe, TJ4E4Wi.JiSh3-J ? Wacan only reDr5dicfl It ia better "to watch and wait? fnr fA Ji . rxt .isujism. i-rn! sanioir. r . ; . . r . . .. . - i .. n.. ..k .. fmi'.- . j': . . ... - . . 'A nnnm Vhn In MiinrM.ivlA a vama oub ab ot-iotjutiajir, jJiicn tbej i0at,( ;In"-rrW IS Created. OmitS all reference tu tlprtinna I nf vinlUna atl vanlnti the ;5,'lteuirning.t y ana.i..Canvassin!s BoardsJ -"tBeui. Allowing 1 tse bhowsr faowu an JEnElwban( -etrarda poo tne Aj-emocrais swho aupported trhdea. terkta. tM -wWill the pemoeraUiaabfliitta this chl cauery r Well,' wotld nglismen submit fc it if tech a ktate iof thinra went nIhl- 4uaay birough.ar jcouotyiieret 1 Wabave splifl wodli tvaf endnreil irr aa-v larow OaV ef faieiklii. in j imnntrir.' -en al w aoagar u wasiios mtuase upbeld tryi Woleat T .ST - - "."""I - . - -i . ,1 litaV 1 ."-'--1; vl . . . Tik . tbfcibaeles at presenL -But wBen Congress eewTOeiuiwiuiui' eut-ia: twaT.oLdOiae- aoraeraiagj- ..aieijamjiU Ul ieqHVu sui I MfTjAn'F I . ,-M-.l.in.-... A.i ncatte 3uHtTireniarWlJ iii-) t oneh war. t AJnd JhtSrftirnrarl' .Hfaaff i.A' , uraueftV4!i)w.aKJMVr Bar8ltri . f iwhersi Sbnift raT'K ebteiil : upheld 'and vindicated the 1 i.V;us use, sac besarprisei Jnile aaVa Bdeple abroad .wHLtaka. the i ; i :i,4. - r . i . tneyf'thrOwi toubC odiAi ecsriei tougnviwo-- 'd)j Tbe tense is -shb 'responsible for the throes' of, liberty br floVlib 1rt death agonies of tW Repullc. i If the men of the dqroiuant.''Nbrtb 'areVJconten t : to allow the oonstitetiou under Whieb they have liyed, and prospered, to be torn inio shreds aiid ! thrown to the' 1 ... 1 f.'K Iff i : , - - .t, t "i flt'.t i M-i. angry, winds; if they are filling: to anffer open robberyi Jih(the broad day, ibf tbeir ; chartered right? and vested J h .. : .... 1 .. . aenunaatioD no :woras ot - remoa4 'steady taarch of Caisarwfflj thrn the permit Aoaory-bf distread tckdapb' , ;i u,4jf"'t!r 'i-jft rf1an;A9j the buried hxDea fjmllliiSis. -btit hfc bai Jaased through mat! yeW bkn f bfdriM s& ino&aU oJ$ bec oinaeraiir . . i a I ' : 1 : 1 to. isay tble-stl TIwiotW WWrfr1. Si Jt - i. o.iL'.-,a end, miuuii ua i Jadl hue mourntw; toiiowvpg jtbe.jUehrso sides herself. Sorrow is no stranger to her heart, and tnmartyjTeawsbe a a baawq pUce in i front. of Carolina Hall this-afu r-- - bboW JThe feQ,r lh front f the inwa'3'- v--i densely packed with ptrsonfitot bbtb raee8,,'- 't&ft and the bouse tops were covered with 8pec;i kp.jc t . At 8S0 o'clock Gen. Bamnton 'wii . cof ledt the stand amid dtmnnr.Hnn.''-'' i sl ol greajt enuslasia.4 ?The memberi 4l-n-i the Gdn" wembly: occupiel-JdieLapaca-;,z"t 4 immediaifilv.surrourvdtno iha fiwl witi. T. 1idn8iiivolyed inHje, contest-and 1 ', ?.tro4 iBthe,, .Gen.,,Hampto,, . " . !icjt!ilrif5a?xt . .ibeXo.nflon,j rate review ff, the political situation ftrMJ United StaJeaihQWf VjirerT 'scchratb Jniider8tahaing'of the bue- iv : I L gross fiGiauonftf! i4hOs .ii -vqamiqw fPePie. wit a detennlnatioo MM V-M.Ai . A AM. W-in- ' a? X i - ..-.. V1. iliabi b-toelyihe iecdrity-dr theUoV tat fif .f ia ln . ..-!... A a.-i.-J fegutis loaii? , Forjnontbapast tha Re- biicaiis have been putting fojrward, their democrats in tJongresa must ucii ovw wiu -xLt;rui n .. .1 . . . i . . . i . .... ,Miiey Jste welf awaf tf rgiranbe; .ttribe WmW:. TKere'lreal eW'ffcWtffnl,,IirntfWt aJWt-l ir" ;,!, v ,i 'i ... o. IM fiqrlrr.f a vtf 'i true ' iauw icDuiuttuiraa'tu iu viuiauuuB 'i "5rf Ltiona i.i i r. .i. .r . ,r. u., .t: tThe idhebeJti"fW- tbeoffimUtterbt -the Sen its tb.fpo.tt certain Codgres Ed m undsj resbUtiiDii kavjeea carried; by ; the uecuocrats through intimidation, etc., , iT-ten the members from these' dfsttictsare to ba nrvented franxtakin? ,tbeir.seata bv 'Bi-itary force, and 4be next House M thus, iu we vrganixe as a rwepuoucan ooay, . flis istthe tr He inwardness ot Edundfl! move. aadiS' (luroi)gby.iaderstood . by, the lie-, putdicans here, (bougn ,tbe pembcrata do not see o baye discovered i" f A , : ,:,'-!;;' .. j,...i I.,,, , '. . , !u iIi.o -Gownitt fJaaamiaataaiei r'! Ii? jJuWis; Other AddreMearPreenca..ori Jte,., . '"Trie inauguration of Gen. II amnion timk " UeflUevtf tfyStnat taut ffaaaBf J&nna f. s .1 iditadv-lthlt., tih8uflilUM-i1diiT ofethe hh bbs tiori tdwhir-y-iCa -a "i pleqfratbsaKatoyericaUrf a Mntid Jevenu unprecedented 4n this re- ; public Us I take the chair ts Cblef Mirti. tX." J .tratapl Eutai Jnalfawttf preffoubdid IU.K ?r"p..MvtwiOTrf aaQ.oeenre- . sistedjni the kroner diachxrWi of i tifethiitT ni ; evejy patriotic heart and latal to repdbli- . . f;j.trtiofiietAL trcopllrused' bTO vuuuitu. uiuueu -uocaea. , ov tnis irCvyuiv .uihiw, uu fi-uq couia oe xeat, ketttsteatiHy atKr peacertfliy !HJL,tbe!, f u " PSt of dtrtyiwabfved tbirrfoih,-) iis .aarAetin'freemea ar! tfab-Itbt pdtl t;nyb tlfiett;enlslfldu iipuft.JM tnetrthe : grate Qaeetlofls1 c( tlid f supretqa cy or tne constitution 'and ihe sta- 'f biliiy;of ot ffistitbtiobWbirt . 'iheusv-r-'1 t'-'- i d.p,: l'jWBou lieen voi i sitMS nbt W told'.T. hk 'rJ' a vttut derated thTbbffidut the a.lidinir: s come JbiuJk' tobs from erery 4 lind 'where soi'f!' venerateu. aecranng' m tones thai -VJ ii M Cannot btf ' mistaken tbSL staBdiner on' the-1' .constitnticm' 6f Onr 'couh t r ri We ' torofx tt ' ' t " " ' Mtfttb reseJTar'lb ttf 61 ?iWr ues. ils eae ana nonor-ana ioiurr -nut ' ' ? ineod ralUvery.ifledge-mebyUsfor Jl tt feformiatt bbbistgovernm-ti S11-'?58- 3Ui ,l jt teb W'iiro'idliiff .rbe nVfimw peyitvjj crdeeiWatibd,?lbtlh lole b-Si i f ..tivbi -biiplred,tb,e 'andHH)iif-tJ fe'5.is. bayeepo sdc6firjritde witt tetite!ttJ, io W!)I t:try;jMb ti6f6r;;pa.r hv,hr si;cei-iioDi vr'ie-eemiBonri Diate. ts'iiui " "'i1'-' iveiljrf Heobri Btate5.' Uut It waai-euiAfitbw n to -ory bJL blfeabtid'fraHd bd ,0se'e-jfl!-',.:,'-d ,cy. When tM membefeleet.f tbe Geti-11 erwvsaeoiDiy repaired bttW'cprtol w f 3 bI taketheir sfeatsu arined b!dier of WW-Tn'- 3Vly ?,1 der.gever-me-teonfrdnled e' nd' a f ,fVl1 their cehlflcate8 of election were eKn'rd mni andnaseed -mdn bracorrxra-afibeiirdM.i -i fit was sknid tbesd appalling scenes tbaTlbe r - t membeb of the General Asketdttyire1131' t,n f caiiea.opto assume their amies na teu?e- v i V" preWbtitfwsotia tree Bute, and that Stateni pnepf theeriginaLtbirteeu whichwooiour ?ii .j inaependeaceai-J iframedKonr, onstitui tioni -ltuorracktbftxree exerciset et( tbeirK ;.T rigbtby the presence "Of aa'Jrmed. frce,js ji:oa a teal duoum of the Jowr, House, .af er.- ,n placing (oh record a prote8t,';buieUy,,wUbr-. :! ... , drew frbmthe Capitol and proceeded, to jur... , i, kadie that branch el the Generat Assent . ! . bly;c.pu have seen a minority of the; ' House ti8urp.tbe.ltowers ottbe whole bodyt 7 v U it- ... .1 ... ....1.,. - rI -UMuw 'T4irV. ''41.-1.-1 'I wirtn h coo h malnnl- a Vint Inst Auavuauci Bays taa i vai uir u-v - uiy.i.j .Af.tu iiuiu -r tdemben ad milled to seats as rpnrpupntR-. a :. .J tt4 1 t. ..1.. -.-j-f the vote, dt-med who- e8elVe ioiit;x were acting jn ectaViolatiiMLf Cpr ... r.- 'stitutiod; and hay-'seen the 'last 'crowning , - " att pfjifar.1 which acn-dkiAtd fb'rtti3; i') Irr ia-The Board met in special tS3lon rresteri dsy afterncba at , o oc-J '! nH t;,iTber fquo&ing naad personSj jrert. drawn iaL sejve as jurors .during the ap proadtiiag January' Ufrnibf 1 ib Superior Court t i vt&irtt )FPULewiaClpinaaaiL I: Penayp Brieei Ctoney;!a4tl6biver, lP.'J. IX E.r Enstiae. B-.H as Geo JfttKrayi uAadrew lobnapn, W, m reterso,-Airw Hnai as'Ataoa i Brown rQ db so weeds 9otbn v w&ai ifl been sdrelv bdfetfvedL- o.'m6iif ifjuiw let ttfeftlh octt? tb .'.tuna tuolanUa " .a I '. . a 1 ' i peejniaiiaiBgurtpetauMKa mvu of fit wilHieUL nadoeulDl QLi Thomas, fa tawbs, idsy; Jackson Wood, C-trler Jose, John '.' aTfeir.a!irt' sWetermiLj 1l-rim . WiJljamsJ Balaam Wade, Albeft litis? Jewell HI Hutsff, JXniel 8. ;Uf4 . 1 Thomad Lbfiaa AT PHce? WesePee! 1 rf. Vf. UlUMVl MUUKiVWUQ J IRfur 1 leyiTSt. f ohri Fillya, L. -A. Hart. Geo. G.i ' r- "i I .jtmoa fliinnal meetSift At li Idetfl .or the: V 'J111 fl I mmtODL anv iime.i i tv eiii?iia autiwi i(uiij i ajiouyXeaht'-aijIPCrb their 1 bertie-,: .Ue'.ayAHAlla(itfi ) -TtiJf, .lining' bflceVa were'atikbrnicusly 'yentir lMW-ft-IJ '.jriMia:d.liaa1 Steele dWetotb4&sn4f.Si countr r3l.St. e44lR,n6BrfdgeM.d. inn W? 1 i, lr yd miff 'JUtw.wwCI JlimAj P,Jy. Kerch BenSoMlieiSnegg, ,i uu atjiiisi,,ut4.iuj,ijL w.iieuujtr.jue4 a ... f.m aa ii i li iuu tt Li . ia r nt n . ri h jiu rr . a atttrHiit'y fcTrd-1 what ih bb-l k''irl ulWjrI---?:'riT. ..oi lVit,,H.1 r- m ab a a i a .- w . ' . t ta a- aja I w aaiati ail r"?tuu I t . .1 s. .-, . .....!. a .... .11 I ij.mj.vn I tj-ttiArrf-u jj Hs. t.il men Know tne isswe -mM,B-Tujr- T -i-uperimetiornr-A lx umuim. v " r " tiTAri ihi tn u rtU.:.i'i;irWfvvWM?J,- I .1 , a i r .. ti U- -rr-fly-rf.?3iJir2luT Ww.W tlrfUL.lAi it.. rti.. viJ'w7.y.'"-a-x-:w-r7TXT TTnrr-f.r.'i. iu.ht fwlUlririAitf fd t7rUnIbahd will f bVreet6efed that ei Jitimary ibtrbenHbd fche $npert6r Cobrt for ts caeqt rAntfem6sonfctb opr the, Wb ofU;inpua., cputMiuds.M f ur -fekf. ;Ead, aept-t ,fKuyi that pliilonophio statesmen -' " i. . . " a a dignauj't, i'aiid'-iTesolute',ittxtin 4o ! act.' e-eoiive in its defense, and Jt. xu waison influenced more By -tbeir arouaea ana -nT.n.s-ah !t!ihyti!T h ii-diaperatwi fBUigsa myxwiA1 vinegoia , if-i-j (lfrmT-2i-iI.u3i4 jfJoidw luoii yal bblet df .ettnteerJ pageand! ia; ati;gbia . at . n a " 1 i taaying tacst we aouBon imaissiivaaiaaj 91 I . " . , . .... I l-.-.fr ... ... w . ... I. . .wr . T.I mm. TJnHHflrtIAIIAfMl Al I - - - I '.llllHI'-imitTT - -T - i ujDmauiim-iw m p v . w.iini i.....m . ... U "TTl ,: . . . -VlT ..Of tM O0P shareapf wnilal.stock, Gn-fflin. Winfield 8 Dunaii. , , . sry tfnd Treasurer Donald Mac- .natkof e4ifctkri(te1-ltlorPafld41 Mf&X'fr-j i -r?C?YI J" urc-Trj-r . ...... -x . , (Innn t..rfrT-.ttlfe V.ilmtirrT. fotl.l (ill - tyfWf -i"; :M6.. , omrpapr .yesterday; office of Governjur.-vdfifeated bv the DODulsr Vote,' had fcii&sel- declared elected , by ce-conspirators ' " ' " " " " " ' " -,..''"'' t.jx fa.duej jto my "positibb, "as 'the chjel T I b-aglr4bB of this Common wealth;- Wpfacewj-j-iCf On record nay solemn and indignant protest. ,n e'- v u-lf against acta which I consider iw'subyerr'iV j-fV? of -ciill liberty. and destfiictive'df "our form . tt.n j of EQvetn'meiuCf A great task'is before the L ' ' ;W Ponse'rvative party of tbi's State.' " Tbey'erir ,-'f teied inl Ibid contest witli i'bUtrorm B&r j' 1 broad, ao t rong, so liberal, that every hou- to-,t m-mll and fwroriofl 'tTio Ai-rtnriAm'oiil" i'A ' . thet!dnkUttiUonWi.6bd .V&mm Pk feform and Klij UR-an efient.y$te-u,;of,pubUceducaiiour aid ttefdecU-mJ ieMitaiaVWa?ni?!f.. of Soutk Caroilna. Ybrboib MbiiJiUl of i '"f . :'.f 15 iroHna. , bf.boib Jrafeea iand: of i lM- r rtf ai dj rrSW8vS-bLf$ ? n J 3fi 4 1 ul -baerv&nCe cbnimitied. ahT the nhi-terrative i bi every icUte df twotfr aad etr m pteagesTeaeemeu iuiiy anu uonenuy. . xjci us show tbal. of theni that the true fbtemjc il eats oil o0 races can. nest iba secured fcyj -Uvat n" beace1 4 pfoSollng 'pruT-11 t ' 'perjty, among 9 ally classes 'jJK&cww:feI'o?- oli idweiti tensuIj, rdy , confidently , a tbe v-. . . support oP ie toenibet-'1 of mt Gtott eraIAs embtya mV e Sorts to attain: thus4 -, f mh! Taudabl i ends, and J trust hat rt brancb ''.1 it -ffibe TOvSvmenr wilt unite cdrdlilly id I lU 01 this patriotic worfc-If ao united,! aed worW- u 1 T I ing witn resolute will and earnest detenni-. , , ; attblnWVmlybpe aopl. totWdaw.fJ; 'ijWWV for out tLet?0d4;Jj ' bli lirt.nite"mer'Cy grant that tt may come .?.B; v Ia speedily and may e ahower.lhe. richest ' . - wblr W At thySS3oiW -ftddrbte- tbb' oath-of ?siif. office Wamrot8tere y xnat jasuoe i inn ranmonT waa ueuiK uu wiuwu. aus. i7TMhniLi.eIitiVra iidw'ol !aeate4itfaidifiail4ia,r iJiatielf niad Mtaiaatl crowd. Several prominent gen- :j0v in. person and 13 J hemen 4cLdressed the multitude f from the t rfji irlan?x oJ i'lifrbbt-f tbidteVtbe Congressional Com-. limmeupyg PW-f ltoa iA a-llaffB. 1 li a -r "T " , . . aiuual iVfrwTl Ltf , i ......aiatu-iT -aTraf---Tia-Bawwa- eRata4 rt awsiiei?-,,i ' 1 1 Ma ' ! . a " a 1 . Ta-a - v lieiore ,a,pe i!JgWWruMaP?i!.u'- ruf LA r ..- . -jw- a ,- a Hatoq; jrambwlain 9l.l7; , ;.,;, '' 09F1GB OF THE SKCm CTABY O STATfLif ., t . ,y i , ii A Hanh yttttertd'prdmlrtfV ittth f . t . I A . J . . V -D. . I .... ... . a. . . . I ' f . .. . i i 1 1 ur. i n rv rri. 11 iirnwn. iiv iim i-Aru u. I - u . - u.u...vM..Mf fir j..ai.:an ... . -. - Oouuttr Uommissioners. ,an4 published In I hereby Certify that be! foregoing iis a Uue.i.;? r.rirtriivr will tl.erfore ave l --d attract ataCameM tUlto&itottozQrwd'. I the SoitbHiieb tb ofii.4wyi4 hTLy"?" ;laa.fl:int.fchrfa.wMina.d Jl'JdrWll.lJ t-l'Hl.Oj. kott flMifa ibis office: " ' -"'--"v.. . ",J- r' rrm: - z . .. . . ( . . . . .. . ... . i ititcii unuev mviumuu- utiuwaeuiUi iutnu ir n irQSrpU3TA.I)nW'tM 11 sa.b.nc v;eer;,;'m.ia.a ' fi'tlw-lWit' year t''. ,l niveu . ouie-- -imu cutuiwu , ' essarv sbecial tax, - He. was required to ea- ( . iv ; u;t.Wst,i t V' L V a saaW I-- w aa wa-a afaaaa w w 'vw -. Ul f ws w HW TT , tH V " rjiN Si V it ' K'k-A'4 8a-aBt . r VkaT t '-- V. 'MVT IT.i ' I I ' ,tne,ppnipt a ,. hn ftni nnf ftet iJiwJi!rtt L. i..!j:it.i.ti,!;JJ. are committed f6r murder.-four. for 4hefl iV I '"" - ... . - "T n Ln-lnCl . UtnUh H UICa uccll lu llltl 'tiltV ill I- 4 -. - .: V ,...' ; ' . .. I., ,1 , ----1 11 11 ' - , r- 1 ..-. w 4 t Jfeeroi.,' albft'lii-W ft iiaqyTO?uo88ary ooaawaa ven 4hat -.byia calm Andupatieot tougliieiaicniiol cdr oiom icit nfcjiajflff-itwgjwiigei, 51,

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