Urn ?fefr-? rrpriijinm);iini infijj i !3; r if w 1 i -ID -PTIBXIBHSD XI , $1 .50 a-Tear, in advance. 1 5 9 3 i h " 1 St Oft a P H B o K 0 on S3 8;, r .3 S2 b9 B 5 Jl "it i&'i lis 11 ii ill fallal ffffjl. ta o pmit OfflM Htner : Order My kt obtained tn ail the cities, and in many of the larire towns. We consider them perfectly saf ft, and the best means of remitting fifty dollars or less. !f-V7 '.fS.cCy-. RerfiUei letter, Kinder tbe fceW rj-Btetn, which went Into effect June 1st, are a very safe'means of sending small sums of mo ney where P. O. Money Orders cannot be easily obtained Observe, the Reoistry fee, as wen an postage mttst b paid in- stamp at the office -where the letter 1s re3$$i cgift wffl be liable to be sent to the DeadTSetter Office. Buy and afllx the stamp both for postage and registry, put in the money and seal the letter in. the present ie post-master and take his receipt for it. letters g nt to us in this way are at our risk. v Subscription Price. ' The subscription price of the Wekk ly Stab i as follows : Single Copy 1 year, postage paid, $ 1.50 i - i 6 months. " "1.00 3 " " .50 il A GROSS EBBOR. !Vas it ignorance or. a purpose to deceive that caused Senator Morton to state in his speech , in the Senate thjit Mr. Mason, of Virginia, in 1857, when tem aorarily actingpas President of the Senate, had decided that he alone had the power to open aud connt the electoral Totes?; Senator Morton if a very able man, fully eqnal to a ay Senator, and he is well ' informed in political matters. How conld he he mistaken in his confident assertion r Was he really ignorant, .or was he simply mean? VYVe give him the benefit of ;the former 'sop-' position. We know thai others were ' resting under a, like misconception of the facts, among them a prominent Democratic Senator." "We are not disposed to do injustice to even as ' hitter and unscrupulous a partisan as we regaic Senator ; Morton' to be. We presume then that he had simply blundered through, ignorance, or a proper knowledge i of the exact senti ments of Senator Mason. ' , , So far from claiming the (one-man power" as belonging lo 4ba :Piesi dent of the United States that- he alone has the power given him under . the Constitution to open Srhd count the votes--to saywJiictf 6halt be ac cepted aucl which shall ; bo rejected, he actually took the: opposite iiwr and insisted again . and again' that that powe did no fielong to ; hm as the cliief c ffioer bf! the Senate. Much stress his been laid. upon . what; be said and uiJt and for weeks we have seen it stated in. the ; papers that he J had decided that be Kad' aTight' to: 6et aside t fie Votef of 'av'ui'adlnad done so in, the case "., of Wisconsin, which coo d not ..vote , on, , the day : specified on account, of a i terrible suo w-8torm. but bad - voted- the day after the one appointed by the Con- . stitution for the; casting of "the elec toral vote. e. Repubiicans have claimed that here, in the case . of . an old fashioned, ' straight outDemo- cra.t, was tbJ be fouhi La pWeedehf5 that would authorize rresident h erry to reject c r count as he might deem right and proper;-":-""'- The pthi?r day Senator llandolpb give f mm the record the precise his tory of what occurred on the 11th of February, 1857. The entire proceed ings are found in the files : of the Congressional Globe. :i We find fro'm ; this irivalaable : record what0 the leading Se'nators bf thai time held' U'uglas, Seward, j3ssf 'CrUtJenden, an-.l oiuer.', arjd we: fi uil t that uPesi--. dent Masc it held -precisely th0 oppo site of what! lias been supposed1 by recent Seuatbrs.'r .We have-not room for the. 'entire proceedings. ' We runat be content with a few.brief exrr- . traotv When WiscTjrrsinwSTaTled, lWhaving railed to vote on ; the day. appointed? by the act , of 1792, Mr. Iietcher, w Virginia; itteniberbf the Ilonsj (both bi'b'met gether Mobrding toibe Constitution to count the. vote) objected to; the receptioo of the vote from thatSute. ' "Mr. Jonpn of Tnaia' ' Mf ' PwmA. dent, the pforr waj-woultfbrtOTthe tel lers to renort the factsi t ;ther ConwratlosT of the two Houses, and let them decide. , , fWHiing uracer ,ine rresiame Officer so eonsideri. - -f nod, aiked:" '' " j iisssss 8 Months oSg58S5S - -l 8SSS888 SMonth 2gSS8g 0 . J fS 8888 88 Months eoaagag , J 18888288; IMont fc"ggs -igggS888- 3 Weeks 1 iaoomjg I 15888888 2 Weeks. I - - 8888888 1 Week , 4tso& . : : : : : :j' - ii&tim . - r e ci- '; S, S;--. ':"f.-l;"--v--;.""'Xv?:--7 4;-1K;--; . :4-41;Viy;: .""1.' :h-v:-': i ::-J 444" f .4 '444:4;4lH;;. i' 4l-; . 44-j4v ;;1 V4 . 4.4j4i--4 !,1: .-. ;.;-.4; '4 . .- 414;--4441 441..' 414":44 : ;4 14flC4 4.' 4; " -4:rii0B :-4v44 :; :::4 f44:Ml4 -C;44:4r4::w':;vl4-- : " : ; - - '- "r" -- -.vfy;-;': r .: .m --:-: i 1 .. - . - - ---- -- - . D, I understand the-' CJiatf WJiecid tb&t Conirress in no form has: power to ue-. cide ntn the validity or iavalidity of t oler - . ;-i , v ,j - - ,f v i "The Presiding Officer.. The Presiding Officer has made do such decision, he will inform the Senator from Kentucky. - . . . Later still Mri Crittenden saidi ? . 1 'I shall not presume before Coagresa to occuny a moment's time with argument. wish merelyjo say. that t bo, sense of duty; I an honorable sense or, duty i ove: po, doubt, upon. which the Presiding uOfflcer has acted in assuming to declare the num--ber of votes, involves , the pxi?ilege.of -determining a Presidential election, and say ing who, shall be ' President.'; I' protest against any;such'pbwer..'Vji.l-? 'iH'Vs-f The Presiding Officer..! The Presiding Officer is ereatlv unaware that be has as sumed jthe exercise of any auch.power.",:T( ".Senator .Cass suggested f.,; tjj . The only thing wqigh remains for us lo do, if there are' insuperable difficulties ')u the way. is to adiourn 'immediately to our I respective halls,, .Then let, the Sepate or matter for aQUeu,,w?l o-l 1 y.um S o I . residenMaBorAijBtd, ,ba,be tellers .had notr yet-com pleted , Abeir,.' certinpaies ivwnen .penaior.iougiaa, J riae4' state -tha in myfopinioTne tellsra have no' right to authenticate that certificate until the two houses have passed' upon it as to Its being a true- coant.' 1 rise lo protest ' against1? this' Joint c6nvenUon being dissolved until the Question which ha8been raised shall -have been decided." ' President Mason again speaks: if ' The Presiding Officer would again state that the . duty or the : tellers : has not yt been discharged u -The tellers, it would ap pear, made their report before they, had Bigned the certificate. The .vote will be again read to the two bouse, aud-Asy -can determine what tiallbc done.. Mr Washburnepr tllinoissaid: p i Vlxifemarid the reading of all tbe offlciai papers.cnnnected with. the Wisconsin case. I think! the convention have the right to know vhat those papers' are. ' " J " 5 . "The Presiding Officer. t The Chair will direct them to be read? ' The, Senate having returned to its own Chamber, president Masoq ad- dressed the .body, stating again .his position. .We can only give the fol- lowing z y. "The Presiding Officer 'did not under take to decide whether the -vote of ' the State of Wisconsin was a good vote or si' bad vote! The Presiding Officer upon that matter did no more than recite the : fact which Was reported to him by the tellers. , pursnaot to the order concurrent of the twonooseev v ' -J 4 !--'' il-fJ' 5'if the result could have been affected by the collateral fact reported by the tellers, that the vote of the State of Wisconsin had been given on a day-different from that prescribed by law, the Presiding Officer would have considered it his duty to -have reported, as the state of - the vote," that 4 whether a majority of the whole electoral votes had been given to James Buchanan would depend- on canvassing the votes, a duty that e did not tutntme." . . v , , , I - ir " i w - w i"He disclaims, having assumed on him-i self any ; authority: to determine whether that vote, or any other vote, was a good or a bad V.ote. i. : President Mason concludes his own statement iq these, words: . ''The Presiding Officer, in his own judg ment, believed then, as he believes now, that bei declared correctly,' as the state bf the -:vo4e,' that James Buchanan had re' ceived j the greatest? number, and tnat that number was a majority ot the whole num ber of electors,' not. -undertaking to" decide and not having decided- whether -the vote of the State of Wisconsin; had been given 1 to John U. U remont or not a power that j the Cluur'tttterly disclaims and never asserted.'" 'X. fj JhLj t-L 'iJa-bVrtiii I v & trusti alter tne reauing oi buese and other extracts : in the Senate by Mr.:;tlaidoIph, that we shall .not again tiear Mr. Mason : quoted as an- thOnty to do an unlawful and unpre-' cedehied act.'. " !. V 5 jvENqocttieiN'G:' Wiihin the last three' or, four days the aspect ot affairs is more encour aging i The more conscientious and country-loving members of the Sen ate who voted fbr Hayes are not go ing to plunge the country into, a ter rioie qivit war upon tecnnicaiiiies, or to uphold the. violent and revolution ary policy of their party, i iThere has been a decided reaction, the canses pf which we mentioned ' in bur last. It as a growing sentiment,, even at W ashington, that it is not the safest investment in the world to bet on the continued forbearance - of , the four million two hundred. and fifty thou- safid; jvoters who ? supported hTilden and Heodricks,' if the Grant adminis tration 'continued its ' assaults hpon law, justice and truth, . and attempted nets ; and ,; bullets in , the . f ace, of the overwhelming majority that j had been oast for the DemocfattoToandi- Cye; are gladto believe that there i a' healthful reaction going ,on, and that the ' prospect' is encouragiirg.' 'WeihaverstfoDghope , torday that Samuel JV Tilden will be1 duly iioati gurated, peacef allytand m accordance with law, on the 4th day of tMarch, Wbeeler,and not Hendricks will r be the jVicePresidehtiw tbpabiRty is tbatahWeUbqo electioofand the Hbbse will ttieb'ijroceeMtelect the President as the vonstittttion videsdSenati" wXl elecV the Vice-JrresiaeiiUt ikmrmi hope ot H peaceful abdicoostitational VittieWentof thVaifficuUiesi" 5 Willi hp- 5 ',7 - a thousand' times better than local', outbreaks 'or a . general Waf, Kvery j true man 'Who loves his country and loves peace and order will rejince' when the whole matter is laid at rest," aud the man who is the oh0roe:of the American people - sits in the chair of he Chief Executive of .the Uiiited States. -f 'K 'sir J1i!m,1 i WAR -rALrK-iN Hi sitno vnt I According -to the NewYrrkJSfierri poTwar talk is rvery commonlJin St. Louis, s The most prominent Denio crau Bpeak , out boldly and say it is jllldeo or war. ' ;Suchi men as Colonel qiay, Kin, iColonerrj. .C JSormiUef, Ex-Go v. Reynolds, Secretary of State T Qrup &nd Geoerali Marmadoke-t- alio jeionfederate: OlSeerB-dclare hat jtbaslargfes arniy.i.cati bo got H Mi8aonrljt0i maintain Tildea'a iclaim if;it ojald- Mercudsj: 6KT Irfw correspondent writes on th,eLl8tbtn. jis i : A prominent citizen,, who returned to the city this . evening, from an extensive tour through northeast Missouri,-says the feeling; among both Union and Rebel Dem-: ocrats is strong for Tilden or war. ; : AlI.'Buckner. Oonmressman from the KThirteentb district of Missouri, has written a natnber of letters from vvasbington to his Constituent, saying that war seems to "be inevitable. ,. - , ; ; ;. :; Since then affairs appear to, be more pacific, as our readers saw from the . latest news from V ashingtou. We sincerely trust there will be no. use of soldiers ou either side to settle the question of who shall be Prcsi dent,! J when the people said in No vember that it must be Samuel J. 'TBK UOtOBSD INSAWft. . The people of Korth , Caroling arc not deficient in any of the noble at tributes of humanity. . They , are as, prompt to compassionate the misfor tunes of others as any people under the r'snn. When the ' afflicted ) and smitten come under their immediate notice, they have hearts to Sympa thize and hands to relieve. The three asylums at Raleigh are noble tnonu- ments testifying of the philanthropy and generosity of our people. . But the work in this direction is not yet complete. . The insane asyum now in course of erection : at Morganton was x a necessity It was. to either enlarge the one at Raleigb, or build another, in a different section ' of the , - , 1 ... r r- State.! There is still another asylum needed,aud must be built sooner or la ter. It ia not only humane and just that the colored insane should be provided, for, but it is constitutional. The organic law of the State requires it.. Article. JJv, section .10, directs. that the General Assembly shall pro- Jvide ; forthe proper care of all of the deaf mqtes, the blind, and the insane, at the charge of the State. , This is precisely as it should be. ; A failure to provide ; for, the v maintenance-; of i these IfEicted reaures . wpul bei a, severe and just reflection ,, uponthe cnaracier, oj our pcopie, anaouiu show that, oHbrjCarpUnians are-Jess filled th thp 'fniilkofUman kind ness" and f sympathy than, are; the people of, many sections of our corny mon country. , It is simply a duty, impetaUye, and . nrgent, that the col- orea insane soouiu.uave a uatiuing of their.own. , We ' are glad (io j see so thoughtful and . , kindly, a pn f;as is wielded, by -the. editor , of the j Hills- bero- .Recorder, Col.; J ohn D. Cam- eroni employed,' in jdiscussipg thia. subject. , Henhas ipreseued, so, clearly in hspaperpjFithezpfost.Jr tuat we giaqiyaraw upon ,it tosup- . i' i ii . .i - - . piemeut our .own uenciencies. - ine Recorder says:"' i 1 'fiV";. .;":f ' "Insanity exists Sraohg the colored poo-' pie in as large a: proportion as among, the whiles.' The State,. under the above, pro vision bf- the Uon8titutkn; Otnnbt evade its ddty ;''iponscqttentrjrall 4- ths " nSntormBte colored patients are crowded into the only building pfivided as ytt for .the purpose; to the great detriment of all. For the build ing at Ualeieb ' U taxed far brVohd its ca pacity even, for .the .whites,, The necessity. or a separate provision, wuoin iue eume walls, adds to' the dUcomfort :and : iocon- venience ,t all. , . t k . . . t.j,.k.ti I 4i(VThe same reasons that called into exi-; tenca the Colored inilU.ntion for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind, now so useful and sowrll conducted, apply 'with greater force tb the- erection x)i separate uuuaings ior ine col ored insane. -jThey are subject, 'under their nrcseut Dositibnl' to restraints Upon ' neces sary exercise ard amusement, so efficacious i- ' j i ; i l 1 i. as remcpiat. agencies, anu mw vu a, narsu- er application Of the discipline needed to control them, i'.it jiMt iw. t M r . . ."The Legislature, of 1874-'75 made a move in this direction, and autboriaed 'the purchase pf a building, then on (be market, in ..the city of Wilmington.' .But the" Re publican party id the Legislature, especially the colored members, affected to take alarm at the burnose to consign their unfortunate brethren' td a location' alleged to Wlnr- wholesome m climate and remote in. POr tion. VAnd they opposed the scheme, with hiiimeaa that never was assuaeed. l'3"li 1 The commissioners appointsi.to make the purchase found titles defective, and the whole subiect tangled with complies tionai they did not ! care to, involve them BAtres in. and so the whole questldb is agai' oDened.'. iBut it mwti be;mevad it ought fO DC met St WUS UtBSiuuui iuoucjnims, ' -r -yi'ft j .' r., .. .. (T-v , . f .:. .r..: , owb OWB jFJTlf V. ,a. O.vBIHPUnLtCAlV i". Mo , OSIWfTTEB. .. ' - j.JAHurlb'ut.' trfrbr IHqoie? is one of the House ' committee now in Nje w Orleans.' Has the foilbwihg' ODinidn of the1 ffeetfom'df the "press,' aocordiner to the Picavune: ' f '4"lf I had my-Wky, all newspapers should oe sum-ap,;oroniy:ipermitteov underline strictest censorship,, to publish advertise .ments,!death notices and puffs wf "No wonder' that a fellow with his record should be in favor of destroy iog tlje press. The, ffcqyipie ,y thaV fehile1 seoondwiucomraand , Orleans rlng.the warbetJe cam t disrepptaye 4ealr outside, of M'iMontiih.qttoteilrqmth ' "?. kfssn siiiiao5i.,.;9iLl m i-B'iUi ' ..i . - ' . . . f. . ;n - ..'e managed: to eocage in pertain fitfin cial operations of. a most suspicious charac ter; 'with the 'view of returning ' home like' Neal pq w 3 and j Ben i$uUer i with niore plethoac pockets.? -'. i . :. So glaring became the actions - of this epatitetted merchaat; aud so; loud jbecame the, complaint of : the crookedness of his" ' transactions, that a special commission war sentlhere from Washington Ur investigate the 8&id Hurlbut. , ' This commission was composed of General : Baldy Smith and James T. Brady; and, after a very full and impartial examination into the charges pre ferred against the said IJurlbut, they found him guilty, ' and : be was accordingly' ar-1 rested. 1 His epaulettes 1 were ' taken from him, aid while iff'thiSTdisgracefur Bltua tibn. aid by reason of the interposition of powerful friendsi.was permitted to resign.-f Thus convicted and disgraced, be re . turned to his home minus his epaulettes, and shortly thereafter was rewarded for his valuable' services by Grant and sent to Bogota, as Minister. w ' fH1 ;U ' .. ; Mr. nnrlbnt entertains Napoleon's ;opin)o n- that 'Jf bur hostile newspa pees a re more' tol be feared ' than a itl.iousi.nd'5 bayonets.w Bnt: Junius said ;ti uly that the liberty'" bt the press 8 the ' palladium of all the' civil, blitibal and religious rights.' ill . SIGNS. That the neoDle of the entire conn- try,, : af e. . thoroughly .disgusted with the infamies, practiced by the Ket'ura-i ing Bpafds of Florida, Louisiana, and, Son,h jCarolina isras clear as sunlight,' The. jinking, honest. Republicans, of the ortlj are. deeply attached to. thei r d art,y, but they, do ncjt 3 ustify crime j and ; Tascality. ; They do . not look, at the election results n the South jas we do, and not understand ing the actual facts in the case, they have believed that Hayes was proba biy eleojed, : Their papers and: )ead-, ing politicians so confidently asserted it, they; were deoeiyed . and:; hood winked... At last they are beginning to discern, the truth t and to learn much i of the unmitigated rascality perpetrated . by ., the Returning Boards, and of the disreputable and corrupt fellows who have been Go vernors,: of ; three, contested . States. That jthey are; beginning to opder- stand the true condition of affairs in the 1 Soutb b; made manifest by the utterances 01 several or. tne more ae-. cent" Journals, by .the .expressed opinions of able, aq4 ; scholarly .men not inl the , political vortex; : and ..b7 the toning!dqwBh.e lowering, of itbe bigb'8tandar4.- of usurpation and; reT; Volution which; bad been v confidently set 'np by. thft .eyllf.advisers.of the President, and. w.hjc ;they h ad . i nao lentiy mounted in the very face pf the nation. , Yrtyf - i But the mos sjgnifican j indica- f . j ... . .; tionrf bf a .change of opinbn; pn.jhe part of the people ar the r recent mu- mcipal flections, held, in" .Boston and 3oreester Maachasetts,; and ..at Weteftown worj Jn(0 overwhelmingly Hayes StW.m Miaa- feachuiett-v (tfjeij DemocratfJ! awepf., bothTBosn and,Wrcester4! whilst. m iw liepuunqan .town .ot town, w,bich gaye . Hayes a! Iidafcwaye swefpmg, over the, JS.tae in a ewf weeks and, fleeted, .the entire erreoiBratio ticket. What does this 1 ,', -. - . .1 i! k wfiow ?i .Why. this , sudden, change? Does it not reveal thJ true spirit and temper of tbe peoplb , not tb ustaiu . the Wild crusade againtacoalitu-. the Grant ad iniiuitrau(i,utainea ty a"doeq brt.wo .puions txjnapif atofT had entered r If not tlns-i tlien what cau these sudden changes taeab? f i " " in the presence of ; the .Consressional .Wiuiuutcc, i iMtauwoco tutus buviv deseris the; standard . of j Radicalism! whnm'ftnM to, , the,. Democrats. That city ba4 not eiven a Democratic maiontv in Ji- . ctli j-.r.? tti-i.i rf -L more than 1 ten years, . and it ; would the municipal ticket .was elected, it the people had not, known that deabad carried the State .fairjy bonestlv, and were.bpt witnesses of. tne pyteraauo vmainyot tne uoara IhenosofthRe "'?f m Such We take t be ? the meaning of .theJay-elekibna.,'' vinf-n. f ' tt'1.1 tot 1 "iC j 'Hi ' .s.I ,rhe .besv .burgfar;preventlve yet invented is amaU sharp dog; either: afice br terriehir ASbni e years' ago: a notorious English housd:breaker and J receive the penaity of the 'law for his oft-repeated VinHe'He'.was'aske'd if ' be had any ( thing to eay. , . He step ped forward and Said' something like this:1 My r advice io all -housekeepers ii 't6?get 'a Bhsrt; dog a ficeor te'r1-' Tier is best jaqd keep bin) 1 ntiae joxxx housei One such dog inaideis worth I ii.UiL - -r , , 1 . r .1 inree ioutsiae. x navenerer neen' ore vented from carrvme? out mv way of 8ilencidg sucb a eenlibeliiBut X hate' ofterbeen 'idriven' off by the ; ''',1 iMii-Q ViU ...l-iJSJ cease! ess. .. barking of a . small dog .pa : tbe inside. No burglar 1 will enter a house jamid theTaharpnnTTitfig-barlt otiaj faithfnV "terrier W ci.m1fo house-breaking is 1 so Common We thoughtLof thW remarkable speech of the ojatlaw, and have, given it for what h is Worth. C Try the remedy suggested. -jm sm;:;, n 'Ai " . 1 '. ; It seems almost a pity , to , describe . the less agreeable aspects of men of great genius.; .Yet it gives one a graphieidea of DeQuiScey to imaeine him, as he has just been pictured, shuffling about and a sort of Jeremy Diddler, asking people, if they had such a ' thing as a, sixpence . or a shilling about them. If they had, he borrowed it to buy laudnum,: of which he would , drink a wineglass at a time w it h as . little com puDction as if it had been claret Ifbrthetn Exchange. j :.i,.s3i"iu i It is well .: known to all . who . are, familiar, with the life of thia,ex.trabr dinary man, tha he used no opium the last thirty-five, or forty years of hi life., He-has i given the partfeuY iara b his excesaiyeai laudnum dripk; ing ip that grand .book,, ?The Opiun ater,"t and ,ha 1 arnished us xnany. glimpses of his own life, in several of, bis:: : volumes, particularly . in, ; "Jafe and Manners." t: He f,ell ipto the habit When in his teens, first taking the fearful' drug for excruciating ? pain.; It grew; upon.; him, until het would drink j fortjrfiye, hundred drops - of laudanum in one day. He thoroughly broke the. habit and lived to nearly or quite seventy-five years of age. .u ;! When Chamberlain was trying tb gain the favor of the best people' of South: Carolina, add was steadfastly resisting the fellow Whipper whom the negroes had appointed ' to ther Judgeship of the Charleston Circuit be talkecT'like a1 nikn who1 had1 some- thinff (n him. bat ii was all talk; He to the New England Society' of rjkownfc (iaBhot atend'yknnna1 s!ppel1o ufght; but if there), ever was axr'bborcwhea the. spirit. of the Puritaneh-the spirit of undylngttQcbnttuerable enmity' and de fiatice toJiong--ght.Ltor;animate , their sons, it is this hour, here, in Bouth Caro lina. JjrJyysj"J fr-'an-ua no em. " 1 : Thy cyiUzaUon of the Puritan and. lhe Cavalier, of 1 the Roundhead and the Husruehef. ts. Uh ' Tril. Courage. Deter mination, tion, sy,jctory,ff niusi, ne. oujq r .ii yid IForlthsoV Ji jnKWi. r- t t i TXXE QUESTION ...:'.. 1 ebnment; in their efforts to .steal a ! State from A 1 W;; " "',.' -i-.tr ,r em. . G,ovs Tilden 1 and,, gie,, jt toHayes. 7 T'rriTTiTOwBirtBnceS next XueadaVw -There pw (tweiv fner eonntieSoWha. favor -Tef firm ami l.rfii-.J LrZ.L'i 4..:iJ - f ing counties, , who . faypr reffrin apnrl improvement in county? government, Nttiderj tne " adopted amend men is., are' iireoueste to meet 'at the CobuboSBe in Ppndbr at 3ifelve o'clock, Ml, xmi Tuesday 3peer,br; 19 0Mlft?ft. It, ( will' be the .first .day. bf . SnDerior. Comfti week, in Pender, when it is,ex- j .peoted tbeW irttfb the' largest1 tdrn-i out of the i masserf or whose benen I these amendments. were adePttidTi 'Tnisoall means, business. The object isfctbj take action, wise. and mucn, tleeeds jto. making .)knowh1 , tb';tne Legib tature; when: it'assqmbles 1 on the Ifth Inst., i. the MgneVandesv Jwronft, an4 pptiresttons bf 'the' 1 people nnder .the vaiyj onst for a j proper, (jubstiluiq , in Iplace pf Our I present iyatimtfo county ' go vernments Let us act proinptlyand jSrl tii jjbol'd hsdiv Tbeye no " tttrief be -mUlf fMiijifiA abutejyand long from carpet-bag and iieero! rwlewi She?iis i readvi to iom 'New Hanover, GraVenJ and . other j eastern counties, in any ana au meas ures? fori n3ief under the r. forms bf bur "Constitution. iLet. .this-move- the ,i ebpfethe stfugelmg'lm'assesr thei producersj -vLet us strike as soon ' is-the Legislature Iconveue8,tv' before llrbad, andiOther; matters press,,s; , tbey frilly qikw the General sAssembly; Peuder ska fbrs cbfiultatlbii f iufd : jr.. T.jiiiii'jklavriuLi.-ij.-js5tj-isfuiiv b( tbe pr?ly .ftGKJledKas.Sh appeals to Hew 'llanover, to xiuplin Cbnrt fibuseon,! tibe. fit iins , to' jola'in iezpresaittg views and In uk-i Anjr topw foraetion' before the Legiav lature.fi,a T:1rf ,MkrtiOTtziw8.",5 -' bp! ; lDec; 6 IW. tpamysoev Jorunswioa ana uvuctxobo- -1 n :;J of)m t.j oV.J VI Jil BOO . CODRTY COSItail8Sl01!IKU)l. , rf.r!jj OJ ttfi'J J -o-a .U .1.1 It IV ti A4Jonradfeaatn,er Poardr , .;t The Board of County Commissioners met In adjourned session yesterday morning ai 11 o'clbckjv' present,inJbhii' G. A Wagner, ! Chairman; ahd Commissioners B.1 Van Am-' ringe, D.' Holmes and D. Klxon I ts W. ; Dl.a PaviSj. iStaildardt peeper, 1 pfTered his official: bond ia the sum of i200. with Ht1 Scott 'and W.H." Grbtgeh asVuretles," ,l Geo. pEL Befdeu was granted license lo re toilspUiraousliqurjrs.' He uurtd I The ieport oI, 8. VanAmringfttaad I C, Davis, the r committee to settle, withj p.-. Black, j late TaxT Collector of the Countv; was received and ordered spread on the . It wasmoved thaf me Board pa into, an electiou f or a icommissioper to fill the;va cancy cane4 by the Jailurt qf Mr, lwar4 'V Commissioner- VanAmrlnge placed ia nomination the name of CaDtain Isaac BV j- vapv urainger was unanimously eiectea, ! an'tbe wu Lructed tonotify' hint (ing be held on Wednesday next, tbeJtb, . Instil mhk n'naiiW. ' -V..-.' '! O Cqmdssibher'VahAnge! piaceulm' nomination for Couhiy "Purveyor !J.: ;Kent Brbwni ; L i . 1 It-. , , Mr. Brown was unanimously elected. i u Y The Board then , took a recess until 4 o'clock' p. m. : . ' : I - Upon the reassembling of the Boaid James i Heaton Clerk of the Superic-r Court; offered his official bond for $10,000, with. James Wilsom and Mrs. Mary. V jHeaton as sureties, which1 was accepted. The Board then adjourned., , 1 ; v , We learn from- Sheriff ' feoderick Mc-; Millao.tof nbbesbn County; who was bh a uriei ysn to mis cny yeiieruay,iruai two young white men,1 both strangers,', arrived at Lumbetion on Monday evening last and' put up at Carter's Hotel.- Soon afterwards they called upon' Messrs. Melke & Joites and hired a horse and buggy,, saying' they wanted to take an hour's ride. . . About 10 o'clock! that night, the two men not having made tjieir appearance, and a string sus picioa jhaving , become ; excited that .they hadolen the horse and vehicle, . Messrs. . Melke ffc Jones, started, a t posts I in I pursuit. iu the direction of Marion : Court House 8. . Ci; the route they were supposeaT to have takenl It seems, however, ; that the posse no fortunately took the wrong track, as-in-formation was received by Sheriff j McMuV Jlan yesterday that the two young men with the horse and buggy were seen on Tuesday going ia the direction of; ConwayboroV be-" imr at tne! time somewhere .between "FaU Bluff kid Cherry' Grovel , .The wc' young men were well dressed, jfhe animal stolen , was a gray mare' and the buggy , an open one, being one of the best Messrs. Melke & Jones had in their establishment. rl 'J, t ", liii i iav--r , : Telegraphic ' Cenaeetlon Detweea ' FayettevIlieanU tnttbertOB,'.': ;t:r .- ' Wb are glad to learnl mat thenecessary funds have been raised to construct a line of telegraph from FayettevUle Ijumber ; ton and lial ihenfmir f orv ;pultlng up the, same has been 'awarded to Mr.'L.'AV A.ngel, khe majaagerjot the Western Ilnibn telegraph offlee, in this city. A portion of tne pbla have already been put in position ' and it Is yexpected tooh,aTe the,- Jine in ppe-- rauon tome time in fanaary ensuing,- The cofflpjefUon. . of ; Jhia enterprise t?iD be ' a source Of great conyeaienceito the business commu!nities-n of fFayetteville, Lumbertoa and Wilmington; as'welU as the iblic' the lihe of the-roadi .,;. i."" m-m i.ae . tut vt ; . .... . Ijore Pender. PrI oner. IS TwoNorecoibisbrsweren lodged ini Iheiounty laUwherVef 'will . prt- f i'm:- Vonnntir. - whichr ccm- Pender! prjrcpnned ojur jiiL,:v 1, iii, I f At there iibn,dige.llKv. A. JLhat, - ir!) F-1 it '. . : I '1 J ' WhUtetile on, tb toVfcf, lopowng WreiKlecl officers, fr Aftof easuipg Ma !OPKijyetilji--dJiw -Jntycfd int. j f ,W-M.-W.lJiiPBt taaly. ii) vi tit i-.-u S. W.-tW'PinckBey flight iu. KIJpW.AiiByrDe.ji''y-'-- fvpUierJohB Ilf Summersett.;. " jlfr n t ?VWm: S. - Prfnkl' ' 5 ' - - , Anf h follow.lug.were appointed? -. "! ' . J. piJ., JMllM.'Gore:,s;: : ' " ' r Cnsnlal'nD.'W.'Gore:' u i1 8tewards Elias Newman and iH. H. TyleiriiJoseph Lnmsaen 1 " f ' ' 4. . . Tbe above, with 'the newly -elected Ma- eonic ofScers, will be installed on. St John's Iday thej7tlv ,Tbe Mstallatian w lbe, public, and an address will de deuveced pn the occasion by Ber. D. IT. Gore. jThe in stallation will take place at the Presbyteri an Church; 'at 13 o'clock M. The'pubHb are invited to attend.' iyi: w'LfcU H it i - . ,We learrf from what wefconsider gbbd authority though ;'not through , an j1 official .jsourbe' that Govli rbgdefrhas1 signed tne pardon of aiaes iHeStbnV cenvicted at l'a! kte tsrm of the Btpe'rior Uoirt of Colum- lSP XMtnce4 feudga, ttcEoy; la serve j a termof iw:yars in the, ewV tefttiaryr7 Jt bas been generally understood, thattbe sa peotdlt iat the SuprbiM ftourt,: to vhicb taeL defndaat tkaJ pj peaiea I uown irum i enucr,jrc.ctuujf,Huvici yuaiy rt rftfth- r special :ial tbauimore Ahterlcaniiei). c EI. ii 1 1HK OEXGOJT MTJTJDTK- 'zr-zrt---z:zr- ; So far' as Of egorf is conceTnVd;the better class of enocrats4dan9 ar ; " s. provje;of Governor Grovertf 'course in, issuing: a I certificate- CrojninIjh'I iney pink, however it has hadthe j. . good pftectn for.theirt party. : eCcom....' peinng.tne iepgoncan3 ; io, abandon, r the position that the f President j prpt . x 1 tempore of :the Senate, and not Con. gre8S,i shall have' the final adjudica",.ft,' a tion pi tne . votes. At present the Democrats 'do not ' In ' nnblio AflhatA '' show k disposition to approve or dis- appro jre of Governor Groirer's cbursrs dui leaaers: like -i Thurman, Uayard: oIT : and piheraill .at the, proper;time ; publiciy . declare hat,. inasmuch as the Implied preference of the people ' 5 ' ef Oeff0in''was deblareA fdr tnAHavfarf bcSj i electojnB,; thei full representation -pfi'sii-j . that Stato shalkbe aooorded .ja .the j t If- canaiqa;e who; received a majority of the' votes.' . J t .. . , . . a.'. .-a f tvviu mj ..jjiuviuiuro vrsxevvc, i , , :Colonel kooferesnbis .'cadet.' At the investigation of the nana nf r DiMi iVbsVaissbutfbembbratmS. ''C elector, alleged ' to' be' anllgible it L'3'1 iwia shownthat Frost waa ! not prea ,iL r s i nvat.tjw meetingj5oJ:f filegtors, , andfI , his plaice was .filled, by electing an- . . mi berso'pl.i. k ili"-a'"rt ship i .'thbJayaI!1'Acadamy morei'!jf: 4 ' than-a year; before the war 'began,' n ! t aBd:toereforelbeing a private citizen , ,tjt when 1 he , ioined the Confederate . army, lis not amenable to ' the f ou r-' teenthj constitutional amendment. 1 Special wBaitimore Sun. ' ' Washington, Dec. 19. It is! understood that tbb' purpose of General Hampton to memorialize ,Copgress was suggested by some s of uis ineuas in , tnis city. j.ne .xiouse committee' now in South Carolina 1 wm vraeuacKwitn aiitneiactsnn us possession, and it can do no less tha n -. reporlj aifesolution in favor, of the. recognition of ,hex,Hamptbri govern-, men V I If ths cresblutibn ispassejV as it Will bethe-PresidentJ if he' fbP( lows tlte 'precedent which be has se himself, ,inus apcept the action ; of the House as settling thb matter, . Jn the qase "of Arkansas,1 "when Brooks and, Garland both" claimed to be Go vernor, thb President sent in : a mes sage in fayor of -.Brooks, but saying , that, be.would .abide by -the decision, p i 1a:,i. k..n.i. a. -rlk ' yernment' Tber HouseV: bri thVre-5 -" port of be Poland committee, voted i-it oi that, the Garland government was.ijqj the ieal government of. the State., . , The Senate took no aclibn 'in the ' matte, but the President recognized" f ! he decision of the;" House as final, i r v ) ..- an$ inkmediately recognized the;Gar-. ; jy land, government. - - V y.fc..o4-.v (;vi . t, f, n 'ti '' :fl'lGi!X GBASlf 8 MESSAGE 0Nf TH3 - ELECTFOAIr. r-D1r, r' t' ,; j jxiCOTjKT. aijohl .;?'Jttno!l lM.tVm oJ fiWfiHraTON Deci I?f . :! a ol .- ,f The) president is engaged , in theJ4 .j. preparation , pt a message, on- counting j f the elf ctoral YOteSj'wpjqh he wiirsen t J ' j to Congress in the: cbtirsoC'week vwul or ten. days.! It is said4that) he . will i'hur maintain: ithat thq t Presiden trof hen j f Senat has power to determine the . validity of the retttrh's andbifnt thb00"1 M votes.iPiarJ?dfl.sei JuJlot ? '! :mb. ikAfiroir TkEFrwAfcsste t';-;? aap 7ut 31 a WASB,iK3TbN,iDeo' ' 1 0. fiy a 'h.p i 1 i ' ,Hr. Eamarbf lili88liBippvff tfootiaoab yersat onitotdayi expressed mbst nndimuVJ den w as elected and that .be .would .W-atflJMnaVateoi Marcbj neit? Hb thought iomoseriJ "ob Ibf omprQnftWQbJdiUfc-fiffe ..... . 1 n ., k that ohtnnrnmiRfl wArtlrt TirAlhrf flirt riot' sogjltkrjnno3 t ss J j-iaimob9r.ol I &ffT .' GQTXBNOasllNZOaOtiS; 'lot m . NEwOM.ieAKs. Dec.? 20.1. i 4. pGovernorbVover e!enttb( ana votes or ootn rcea in w ataie; od J langonnce toyomy fixed de-,p,,1r, lunuiiaviuu w aooci u auu waiuiam my wmt f$mo$m&vwx3t knowl tbift vbn isare I equally deteri .g i mined that I.'shaU do o..rJL shall be. (.ij;t.f ,4o,my;whol9. 4y; andj jix I seal expect the same from (every, , . cum t fv 4 ri 1 Jdevrjlftem !, Sit-M.B.dLjh; f ; This distinguished gentlemen bas , - editor, of the Goldsboro Messenger, . iVeql i A '1 tirruf. ikur itrnsnMla 1 tvermftbbfWithrae & weekraud improve fwith,aoh.4av2( e.lirJaiea.jj tol ReDnbllcaX)onemeiT conclusion tbat tl.Tepprta rQn,thn . IaeVeril Congressional committee . , now In the three disputed States, wul y.Our Democratic j rriebdidTlWsialijiLuil . tfuT that Tilden, aid Hendricks will. "t ; , bo'tl be linaugufa'te.' They are in no mood .to 'surrender the ' honestly 4,J: "fi . gained victory, yet counsel nothing n. ?. i like j revolutionary' ujeasurea;, : T.iey j l - believe that Tilden , ana Hehdrick . have been Tairly and legally elected lmbclrmbre thkn1 4tb:necesiary'J 1 maibrity iq:the electoral oollegea a rkji! rill nse. .all avaUabley constitutional 'UtttA means to sec a re them the possession . of tbe ofnees. .- . : : ; : . . lle Dembufeelcohfidbat tbatr1 . he re8alt bf tKe investigxtionsnowvA sdT . rgWSloftijni WW? W4 -JonfUod j bo f4V Kv ,wtn newi ptates o x luen . r ..4 -