4 if 1 Mr f . 1 1CV.J inMam If f ts .cetJWTs: conini-siojrr- -.c.jj & -ftp- ..t.V; qi: waeet ndonaraJurfici Cession. uThe I?BoMd jxtf-i-County - Coam issiop era in t -VI OS ' 4 f IB 4 -"llCO a, Tear, Irr adTance. ! - SSSSSSS! bo m Who aK s an f Jl-'j'-n 8Soo2- a; r . .A Ml 5t 5 - 83 6 8S8SS88 J0ntt3 6' as ""Sf ' . .. r www Mnl.5a -32 ' ST-.. 'Sb, ila.'-vs lS8SSSS8r Weeks 1 383388-' twt888888S 5 Lap a RTna 4WH i-l 3 i at vono tt oflM MMr o?flei mar b bts3AMlln&ll the cittes. and In many of the -Urn tmrns. Ve ednsidet them oerfeotlr safe. ndtha best means of remitting fifty: dollars " or tasZ j... - ; - - ;- ' - ; ; ? - fyrtem, vhleh went Into effect June 1st, are a. v wmrj aaie means or senami smau Bums ox uiv Laey where P.OKoney Or4ers cannot be easily - ooi&ineo. jlwmtm, tae netnary , a weu as postage, mioT ea(d Inxtamps at the office .; where thStr & milled- or it win be liable to be sent te the Dead Letter Office. Buy and mfflm tt stoatpf both for pottage and registry, put 1: irtlbsoription price of tbfcWBKit bi oua xo w iuuuwb ; saa '!';T SUJ eaVf Jl ifc;.r-4 j iff . Slngla Copy 1 yeart postdge paidt $1,50 v V "coaJBO Bvnous. ' c. Wdb -not trnst mnch to the idlef that are 'constantly " afloat inj Ithapoblio prints, ; bft New Yorks JXtrald, ; confessedly ;ia "very, great newspaper j i not ire from; sensa- tional J reports. and. "we do not ' take maoh -tockj in many f r; the . exci - in e doahieleaded s news . items : it 'ocnetimea gives to the odbntry and. th$m6ti&H-I& howeveiVas great 2 sonrsnd opportunities for gath; ,eriiis news, and its aiaff pfWashing 'tost' oorxcspondenta may possibly get. ahead of heir: ritals now aiid then J thcd of others more than once in: ih news, he sent from Washington J " tsd which turned but to WipiewBelyi -correct. ; Everv oi&sho reads the news J&OW-Jto value; it. .It haft: vast enterprise and is edited with -Lgreate ability than it was in former yJ and" j yet it has no prjnclples, todjei oopiete a political weather- cQckc Mithe world haa ever known. It is theost inconsistent and. niire liable of Bespipers. and still .'every- boaXpY0rw-"atr-e "epJ? aaysynd,it exertar greater ainfluence' over Uv'ibbughts'and wishesbf -the AmeHn peoftil tfeia any1 f' other . of $l &$i$mha 1P rnake. these prefatory ;,recaarka jhat burareaders mvf- estimate guardedly. the : follow it.tf exVacts.k' Therb may be some- J5 ;nhin Fraiaa.4:geniua for ferreting but th hidden and of Bpringing a mine here'!all! seems 'sbund and ; secure, 4 MmfBi ways fe eaixia flores ol .treachery, or of baram'a dtaleif Bach' should turn ssliiitorieiiich We find in tbe news papers, and Ibe 'substantial truth of which , is'poi Jiera denied, show that some zealous fritaasof llr payes,' whether at his bid dta? or not does not appear,,' are at .work teeming ' alliances1 among Southern men. TCdaaotUK)erstand the object' of "these morej5cls. n Jf Mri -fliyes has been electr 4 President he needs to aeelt ao allies; if he haa not been elected , of course he. can hare no ' business .with1 alTies; if there is a 4QU about Ihe-election, a McoaltUon,w as the iI7esUtn papers term it is only am in trilQB.Bnt, in Any case, this matter has now gone to la? nd become so public that we think: Oovernbr Haves would do well to eleclei, jresidiep and eay s i AematUrhave"gdne; fn fact we can w no otherJway in which be can discharge !hsaoi4ftfc suspiclonwbicb !if he wuldj become Presidentf would embar- Wai very seriously. Coalitions are air 4srotigyinen . naturally view them j r. era TWViaraJUaneebtw HataeeTteiiyOTtnernli I thei ;- mbtW'Wgto jondent, sendsajdaLydla- . which containa tba following aignifi-r tat iiatementr mmmW miS" ,ledin& otacers off the. Be iUoDal' Execo Committee SS;. 4 -' f from its being the there was any break ia the Re Pwacas fine, eadangering a solid front for Way certain steps, bad been taken . with-r PMt twenty-four hours which would material wroad made iutothe ranks J petaecratic pkrty ywhich wUl aston SJWra. This, It was further "JWiWaa in the direction of the South and WUjin a-stroDR -defecUon of oberapo4iUcians favorable to Governor. Jfa'toanguraUon.'i, ;. i)V,, . j 4 Ottl;to be the oharacter of ' the trans- ffWii 3 h ;i uo 3b' eaIieVHayes tell frankly !what hi pilicy would .ba were ? he . . j.T Till, i.l7T.i ii . i ;" A.;. ' - J-:It ymibe seen that the J7eras 267p Hayesp27,5dper; w.tSii theWisInc f 92;rtSmith6erapera 4 ' 3 V ' 1 ' 1 ' ' ' 1 1 .n 1 T 1 fi-r 11 fl truth in thi8;8utimeftt"'v,T6aVI w k body .aa( largei ajthe . -Pern opr jit ic( XJ r tf n r ' ... J. Hvw wwo waijKtuo uowrLTi,wJoy oar even possibly, three Soaihertf mhi, Pay may,.tiesUa ,l?n .do,; Rqtibe-t ie ye; that; j ayi vajliance'-xurj coalitiop , has been formed 'that' an 0eri6iial AnlAnffQ f ha . I 1 aahami nMwnn I tne,Qteres.s anu Aonqrto; ,id ipon. em peoples: v.l& there are any traitors' in the DemoVraiw feateptKppwili W known before rnanyaay?..: , -,! J , mM. . . -j focrednApii& 3 i0. anoicbdri reason. Mrj Hayes' i& iBthe'liai of hU frienas:1' PisViencTsre'tha irfea I wno nommaiea mm ana ,ineY areata friends .aoai cfagJem&ftQir fisap Cameron, iuorton, ; Junaqae? nana & lew cnoice' spirits of .hetvsame donl'' pieiion, uaye.ine manasemenL Luis case. Thej: 13o V;noi iean;iatobe their , principles.' :TMrt es,t wants. office very , badly and jWipul-ttakej it at any cost. ; ;ne wouiaorxioQi crawl through the ditchandlc nels- of party -1 to thev.?residential i.v iCy Si.-i'V, iJPfit-j. J- i caair, prvine, jwouiqeertany Kind j or . coalition : conspiracy sail ance, or what noi, "that'woud-enabl him totsecurej'hisrearly.ov longed for prize.. But; nnfartsnatejf for him whilst overweeninglynxiouk io to be President v - ! heisVer negative character, and is hjoje m 1 1 iittP .rfr' cept curses and' oppressions, f and Hayesism would simply mean Grant ism continued iunderi raribihex name Morton is right, t JJpr man. "xjajj rjse) higher in i his : polieyr th an s the rderl who inspire it. "S ir Our readers are familiar with ;.tkej intelligence, fairness -and: candor ion Dr. RedfieldjWhois the borrespbnde'nti of thelCiDJci1 alsteadvs paper. In dfieidlsj a Eepublican of the true-bine .sort, luit he. is blessed .with honesty and; truth f ulness. w For frnonlha ''Beri'iis! - .. - - i - '..... . x - 7 .'.-' . if. ; r sii - - .1lhi - 1 been. in. thp.1Sbut'V!ang.4)jles written. from several Spates hv been generally judicious and ' kindlyand have been creditable t ; bis . sagacity and jntelhgence.The .last letter wa have seen.from him :aa wnUeajfrojaai Ghattanox)jra, Tenneisee. i:and fi dated December 2i,3 1816. r : We jwill cbpy'hi iew paragrapus, as Tneyr give jfij , very intelligent Bepublicap'si.y.ie w if Jlthe situation -in the contested SoTithern :StatesHe;say9t-f.,onji3iov0O Q-f-i r -.4.:?.5 odJtm isiswoo- e-atfoq . ".What is such a goverament as, hls in South Carolina and Kellogg'?; ia Louisiana good for anyway t'They ' cannot stanfl alone an hour if Federal protection la 'wifti drawn, and with that protection Iheyjre Kwerless to cOnunand -respect or,-eifor v., I fail to see what cood. ia to. tfdmi. from a continuation of kn attempt to Uphold !! so-called Republican governments in- these 'Btateaw'ontiJ u-fset :,ci.iliiioniJ2noo. ' i"The double government j at :preaeBrJn South Carolina is the fourth cthesoft, we have had in the Southern. States sincere War! i You remember the twoi-headeaJgoi-vernment in Alabama that, wafe for salos a time a niliaance and a ahamej feiYoNr- member the appeals ,tQ, Waahinjon,, V ngms ana inrmou. , xt is au overrt anp. a bama is at ' neace. ".-Then there Jwaa double government: iti Arkansas'; Brobta At the . head of one and. BvsSgfL at th othen. It is over; the.white ropl(p-ryihati to, aaj the Democracy are in . power a Old . Jo? Brooks has. a, postofflee, and' there Is' peace in Arkansas.' Louisiana had si long" etpej rienee with a double goverameBtanaiai deed, has it now4 for McEnea-y hes ytQJtr entirely subsided.? After .January she -wpj have more Of it, for'JJicholi: and Packard will both be inaugarafedi'M . i.1.?1?. ii .'.The reason that the Republican party Ts a failure in the ; Cotton States: is because there is no white elements jq . i except the office-holders. ' 'The blacks cannot conduct good5 government and": if tthey; "could,! I don't believe the whites would? long submit to it. a 'These agitators in tbe .Coltba States f re rebellious against negro rule .where tb$ negroes are in the majority. Thai liloe truth 6f the mdtter," -" Yrfi;'. J "And you need not look for peace nlxlM soaUed: Eepublicansgovettrntxia'tbe Cotton States unless some :rthite maWtlil can be got into the Bepjiblfcan jfartyq i -TildOTVvotedhttbe IXBi5s26i Scatteiingi??;! iMaJwtyfVr:iTil1 dea overHayes,ii 241,022 iiiovef jaU 147384 jlfbtaf 80,1" Twenty:one States shoj Jvgapfe can. rmajoritiesL tsevenieS JP.o- craUevO Iowa'krthe banneri ban and Gebrglk' the binher enror obtitfimateOT cratiblimajpntyi m UUV Ivui duvii O r. . largest Jepupiicau gaiii wo .mtfrftts sas. r The Dembcirata i gained ifileveri States since 1872. &a!i5Z This vbiam'ay b-s alM'fff 'wm? few, pakicp&r shall risearxivB'ihi his' principles - shall be ! bette ' ttiap tne nanusot ,wa roapBiatorBji i , -frgny .9MifrdmoreCWblw( so much pnttyf ot so avitWmd , $a$r3&$&1 Isi I f S Sf .odnot giye 9 fitemf nts ,thf as sure as, he jsjPrdej.i0rh4 alightesf treditffliltf mapbai Jpsibli South canjgetcnolhingifxQm hinjslsc. WtJiaaybe eVen hhlorbbableU 10 J in'i bafi .ssns b-iffif. . V f William M. Erarta says that party; lead-' iqoiUifireiOPXiixtheijerFwMrft. 1 William M. Evarts is "regarded: as eitlfitibficfe'lHwyerA lie' jiixiTiwxtqoA io auoJI vac v.vJfl Wjdjbe Jkniwftafifisantiis; tjrampjinc TupdBrfdota jChell -preatX- Initrnmenti ftiWlf-he -hm' WrcscAemhiVswbrn' to itearieroromotqnifrujg the oil on j the 5ftrf' Wlreff'fifebMeKdiflfe nde Ji3epde2e dMpSik the grievous wrongGrant was Tisii itfffLiai the 'tidledtthtrf.1. Ilk' CiwalerV e4lJi9i jfetiues t. ? J He: h as water reisTto-oftnntr will learp S K'xrVlioVtl.Eu; nKAliKKS.4 tunci viiaaj .n'Hio by-'Bh'i -The.New ..YdrlPW heidayJias,a Adeoblo-leaded ) oommui-" ilicatib!r, f rnfcinfiili,dated3Pe- Buiuer2iu, io(o, ueauu as apove L.niiL' mini L.:'l 'd'.i 't'I purpose of inaugurating -Gov.;' Hayes 4 jten hi w ;9iJAanp.iii ius giia t via iui r i8taeffie9!K Y f IS Jfrifo lAftd Ldonot cwlitt) iftoibendppoed:that thq truth 14)8 even mffhlv'.1 r6T)ble that! foviufW Ml OQtben,Tlepwi5eutartive8 r that they otrid AbrejilXildiTroaiid ejcoalescg ( 'with Ifafd, bt we fee! Aure that the reaoVliVieo&ioV bthis tettethat iht JZeraWaome ho ; t - ' 3 5J I. i 4 ii iSa7aeO edfloeinien xslantoosdi.oj A n'HAeret vehein.Wnittoii carH failed ;llrr Lamarlor tastahed Is fcounte Loot; Mr. lnJUUf thPPgh promising Hu'B-j lect xor a. wmier lanp longer depended on. beveral Tennessee. IJorth Carolina.' Mis-t 'sburi and! MississTppf Congressmen; promi-4 -sent among then HrP Casy'r. Young and. oenaior Alcorn, jucd now believed, to be will-j ang iieaa.appxeajixpm ineemocraue ranks,: and t,he, design is to push the, .work ox making converts, nutu at least twenty m khd if odssible tuiftvv BomernDeni-i oottatio 'membersshsdl isaerf and bind them- ,ives;erCoinmiir f.rta.qea tft vWvernor tfrejSotignt but as peini most likely to sym 'Bathize -withthis movement d I"5udtte -that ery fl ember T'elhet House of such tatcedefcM before' this been .Bounded. and coji8idbleeiunber are -atr least! eajcaxjtgj0gYierAOent8 o.ahall! bav?enn? fahor hbaict- them..; It is toimeajlfrat? rsdetftgjErsejt dministraoAias feoon:jiTTmRSibae?nfter'ohe becomes c -.V It XlUCrlllt: atnereiorei .JUuave certain assure 'ancesf that the: Governor ;is in entire har- ony ithu hiszealouSfriendsJ "and ( has krvehfaltaulhor1i5fco ad' abd pro jBjae;fofnJitnpjitoy!pnbiiooway miWigrPSiU WP?9d' noli .nfe'Jtibeif goeftcfio.Uftl'tll thfttibjeot ro an&mitil 8olrifrg the'iieded thirty Sburrriiners.sf tfis eilgved the MAPt-epmmittees. will dp-pothipg, MU. Tnu4i&isarranged Eso no repbrt hd-made before tfce1dary (UttheBfpebtfid thatr lb Democrats yldePretitfctd' eioildtJ and 'aeclare -the ypee a jieturittetbeiriiwn ahankherBlh pa elfiaiPepuManftf ns togQ3?nh)themw e?.om&,.Jthe3r will stfaU taadJlhajSombBTn : Hayes Democrats ate td cjMyots, wtovthe)Repsblfeajnei;and vby QiQ&BQ gavenya majority, rf,,, a iaaudeed il'mightl .tMni7.fcJA thaifirat plaiiei lUeiconspiratorra can- notay sk WnSeedprrtyj and in Sifia ifwawioon: silt tnc Vrte 'J,,j 99 j 9tk tB!?d6erataiare utterlyYoorxnptb asaaa' body;iaThe Wrflerlafitsi frifdrniatit ltofd,JMn4 tgfyafid tiiw oldsWhig's' Bowri 0et& ddHK agFee feniti!:therDe2 Wiib S1? cPHjfb fiftQwano w d aie sue r after a eeastffihdtheilie has patrio tism 0Tt4ykrtkMQf;s sd'i- , ib nod sni'iu iHijuifnnsVJ' i ?i ' -iuHaS t bv S8ntrieMAoSsIjaThe;retli. i .vifJsidf! ca'Jao'iiJstf u -voir A,l iorialiv.-oretends, to . DeiTeve in r the uineouaooa) Jfw, oiAreBis owuuiera men.td bg.tlktti tfver loathe pupport pf "Governeri'flayM-'&mg f'mese have! BefiMribf a joit meetings or tha haying liiehrWbvmesismS 'of thl eve Ih'tiief 'Hduse thaf the Vice President cbuntiaedeclare tne've'reia: In either Ke-5tAeraRepailifeaa know bf SoutbA mr&katbM inPheU4eyho5wa rfiotth,eiWH,5fc?aian andjcoirobtiaadtoixjofmpiss 4hfeiir Tjle lift !4 '.-1 ' - pdVao that some Republican he-v 4iev;eo iWVv j oayea.; capanie . or . eucn. utter m'eanneB8 . The J3prald pf c-r f esses to think betier.of ' Gov.4 Hayes, tha'nl "tbai' ?i!e would so f prostitute himself - Jtt8ays;ir f &lf ;4, .y. , "We believe him td be. a man, of. honor and dignity ; , ut no m&n of honor -or self respect in sucli a' position as Gov.. Hayes .occupies at! present ould intrigue' .for the eUDnort Of Southernf members of Congress to get himself counted into the Presidency.? if such a discreduaoie intrigue were pos-, Biblqit would be injurious to them and fa tal to him4 ' Even. the appearance of such an intrigue-'; would' tarnish - his reputation, nut: toe 'reality i wouiai compieierr unaer- Bftine bun inpublic CDnfldehce' u ol All this is very true, if-he -is0 thel man of -honor" he is' credited Vitb ,We may say as to the statement that, I amonET those who Mare believed to ibet wuung to ieaa a orea& irom tue ue-( Carolinians!-that iUs we venture to- saan infambuff ancl; groundless iinl-; puxauonupon;, tne cxiaracier pr rnen of honor and integrity, i No State has a truer-delegation 1 than' North Carolina ohe tbat will stand longer by the Constitution and the;enfprpe- ment tof the .laws. The from other States may delegStion1 betray ' the Spntlr and': their' party buFtnb deU gation from North Carolina have our 1 1 - - J J JL: ill J wuuie cuuuuence, auu iiiey wiii re main faithful I and true to theirown honor, o iherwelf are of the Statetb their: pffghed faitK W tjbe cause of meric Knew ooutnern men&ontnern vpn-r-:federater soldiers betteriihey; would not make such useless 1 f polish, slan derous insinuations or charges. ' ?Th Cohfeherate House" "will!''aevef go .back upon its rpcord and itsy pledges. Mark that. It will dp its dutymain tain the right j and .legislate forthe gbod of "all both Northland Sputhi East and West, . white ndvbolbred. So may it be.' "'j p'.,..di'7 S itpRwniin a v.ivn ta tup a m-nivi ' A hn tn w n a a at. iinnn n . themeeting , held ,at Pender. jConrtj house on ithe 27th inst.,; It will o-. oupy; too- rnnch of out space' We give the - impprtant pbintsjf . llib bo-j ject was Ho consider whit 'action 8ncmid. be. taken as to county govern Smenekder the amendmeitis;Tnos.; Williams: was eiebted'chairman,'and J;H;-Blood worth- and Thomas H. Mclntire were app'ointbdjleVretaHes.i Messrs' SJ ST Satch well, Puga KoT .Mllla, Gmttan; Saunders apds s William; Powers,, were! appointed a committee on resolutidns.; 'Thebomraittee." through ' Dr.1 Satbn-I welVthehairman. reppftedasefpf resoiuuoas . accompaniea witu a long; ine preamble ret era to tue trmmpn of the aniendmentsf thanks the mem-' ber pf the cony entipii)i'prijheiradop-;. tion, appeals to the ' Legislature not to fall below public expectation asks for a better county govermtent' as serts there is a . great ' respbnsibility in the j pressing , matter of reform, re-; fers to the ' Oppressions to whieh the; -eastern counties nave been subjected, ; dfges-the ; legislatbrt to act at once upon tne permanept ana -greatly needed measures before attending to 1 .' '" ""''' ' " ' . r fi mi oiner. iesa pressing 4 Dusipesgi oe resolutions:are'a8 follows: jb L' liiaoltedi That! Pender county grateful to the West for the support given; in the for mation of the county,, now unites with sis ter counties in calling upon the Western as well as Eastern members for ; relief in the :way of improvement and reform in existing county governments which has so, long ia Jured and Oppressed down-trodden Bepubj Ieanrcounties of the East.' These oppres sive: burdens of .the East constituted a vital .issue; in our late State campaign, and under that, relief promised in its result, We. now appeal With abiding faith and hope to the law-making power of the State. This re solution is passed in the? absence,,of party spirit, on this occasion,, and in that freedom ixbm sectional feeling and". unselfish devo-1 tionto the whole Of Jorth Carolina which would obliterate Ihe last line of eectional reeling between the East and West, in thdi remembrance of the" commpn sacrifices, the common interests and'the'eommoh destiny vhich pertain to the long' suffering' and'no--ble 1 forbearance . of , the. pepple of bur 3e- lpyed, bid commonwealth.., jj, , 7,- ,r 1 ISssbZcalThat in presenting to the Legia-f iaure Our grievances and wrongs as' grow-' ing out of the obnoxious : county ) constitu tion forced upon us,-, and unsuited to onr Soil," climate and condition, we f .rise in this j.j matter ; of ojuntyjlgbvern ment. above all undue, preferences: for the, past and unjust i pre jtidices against ihe bresent, seeking rather the guidance of ex periencd,' of enlightened judgment and of common iustice tdall colors, classes, and conditions. .,"$e are for that system which i?riQ meet these; claims, afford . adequate protection to ; property, labor, and Charac ter; and; xirider the watchword of .economy retrenchment: and reform1, will lie most apt to secure the best good iq! the greatest? number.-' '; jSsSSTfiat'MessrsB? Chaxies: -W.r-Ctommyv.liEletcdi-.-HBell Jame P.5 Moorej John R! Powers; Willifixa TEiTnett;, and J ohn. K, Hawes; are hereby appointed a committee on Pender County Government,- and are -requested $e7take' such action :oh the subject .before thepro.. ner authorities at Baleieh as in. their wisrt dom may seenl best for Pender and its inf 1 wwifui(..taf,,w .s'-;'.'TSM;i ;!ti;r:;t "i'j"nt,j li our late Board ! of County CommissionerB ' r r ! for their JhithfuJ , and , efficlfinl services in the - cause' of county economy, retrenqh mentand; reform.jvf ills v rhdi j iii-cseverai apeecnes w;era maa :w.pp.' porttofthe tf es0totioriss.jk tMpsr;?w 4s jand tKerr olSappspBjTrjepppndad inr appropriate! aud eloqueat speecep. 6l- rj'i;Jta ri.bis srentleman ? has published la -1 letter, seitting'-tprta bis yjews tanp: j ifepdingo hiitfself igain$ti the ehsrgi sr ofi newspapersHe 6ays;th.e f?smibi 'V sept piit ifron Washington conQfern-J iag.hinDai9 uatrne.rj Hesys,:t3dt. not a iwprdpubjished in regard t0 w having expressed distrust? pf Northern Pemocrats iatruexo-xAshtoAke fiitua-- tion,i he .says, it was fley er BpvcriticiL asnpv.Pegiv.es.this opiiiipai.ij 1 r - . , -t - -a ; "Noiie but cool men1, and, patriots who love 'country more than office can avert the' most horrible civil war that ever dissraced' and !38txoye(iifl)crty:and humanity.; And" yet were was never less excuse for any; war in "the' hisforv ;of- the wrirl A : .'5 f ' 1 ' We qbte;the followmi" ' j "Mr. Tilden .cannot and will not be made President; pnless heia'donejSoi by. a fair,, honest count of the votes of the people. f "That count can neither be f air nbr-Tiou- est unlesa t, be had under linger pretratlDEls 4 or tne uppsujution long; accepted, and by methods oX,jpf ocednre? longiOeataMahid. The party that now demands-new interpri .tationa or- a new.fom or. methodofeouttt will be a' party In rebellion aud freasoh against the Constitution , the Unionandthie people.. "! anS4hefefoSre? iionest .constitutional j count ''of ithe vqtesiof "famlabbrine'io;sec ,wnen secured; inu aj&weiit resuttv' an 1 so will every other man, tt qrth andoaw whb is hot wiflinti to' destroy Ms countrV. "lam-brave enough Jtwantpeacepbr not cowardly enough toaccept dishonar" 11 ne nas oeen weak, asj chareei by soci'ppfi, ha Hft'pfna to ha copy his cooeluding, paragraph: .. "I believe .we can avert all theklamities I hdwsdmucl? dresdMf wecklS peacefulf ly inaugurate the man who has been elected by the -people . woahaiUhave a new and lone lease if -constitutional government. If we eanno.henrlreairtiiut'grorious and f constitutional svsrem will oerish. and mt friends will find me on the front line ef the last fatal charge; m.ittrA defence." l tHK sOTJTrt Carolina vote. Wten'Grantrp.said "be fair count, - every honest maq" paid- Ameni. Mr.; :lilden only' asks' for fa f eotthL He wrnld; nMe Pra oannot .afford cio oihe- Presidentby frauds and- force,- and "bull-dozing; and bribery. 'Perhaps v Hays , can. The result will show." But as'tb'.tbei pnth Carolina yote, which has'iat a$t been.asMrUined,;x)ur telegram's'from Democrats, t:hay.e0 dpne,-;jtheiKw.Pr well. They went to Columbia to get! -fit the bottom 'facta ahd the have uuue so. . x ue. ; result oi lueirr lauura In compiling the election-retaroa byj precihetsy is to show that tlie Hayes; electors have 8tea7d-tai1naj6'ri4 tys on jtne. taoe pt tne returns uj eyeryi .instance el The :.Colambia i special ;to 'sTor mt'-mnM' people' fet this! State and ; country 1 will learn through-' the ! committee the! actual; forte bast 'in South'; Carolina." It was . as fellows: Benublicani electorsT-BoweUn 82,081;. Wiosmith 92,- wau VW vwxv VWWV( mxvj vau vw; 112. Democratic electors--Barkeril,440;! McGowan, 91,462;( Hacrington , 91,436; t In-i gram, 91,446; Wallace, 91,446;;rwiu, 91,- 444: Aldrichi'bliOO. This gives from fire; to sii hundred majdrityfor1 all the Repub- licau electors. The Democrats thought when they first arrived on the fleld.that the tate had gone for1Tildenl.hut a careful iu- vesugaiioa nas Buowxx.pinerwise-vjji, ..r. .0fThaf Pempcratxlbaye 0 6e rgpod .fexampte.forUheliepnblioanstaioi--loir-M Let a fair count beftiad5iieV in Louisiana and ibrTdi'f TK1ifJs aA JhejCpuntry needs, all(tbt Jthempj cratsaskj. all .that Governor j I TiMen and Governor Hendricks will accept. Wfiitberesfai election returns be compiled honestly ahdfairly 2 jl The country: awaits the issued qioirtl q o laooT'c jpnlsjeWi cfodgiju . pablisfiedt.in his stock-organ, f the Tribune. ."It 4s meanhd it Isia?:0 "f "The President of the Senate'sBaxf Open the returns, and they1 -shall be counted, un less objected toA 1& adObjection 4s made to the return frompy . State he shall de cide whether the return be valid or not-If I an 'appeal shall be taken from his decision the houses shall separate ana vote nponjne question; i In case 3 both vote to overrule hia idecisiouiitj shalL be reversed; l)ut it they disagree, one ivpting to overrule and the other to sustain , the decision then , it shaUstand.''--'' jr:,. ; only fall into it. The IHbumm likes it iid! well tfahli.;ef'iinSMe8r tbatibgic' of itis iinprlpaMe stitution : sives it to him to deexde-t NWdGfUtif Jlecausetell it!?nbt!in vv asuxugfcon, put, uitjituu xy wfyuuHr bava equal poweruo unere imwu w beautif ul raksOn "80s lnminotisi so wfee,1 Columbia tell the story, TliaHbiise committee, a majpriUr pf whefmr are xie inins ,-iii.r. jp erry buuuiu uao.um way, because., what ?:eoaus,e' piiB.Cpn- J 1 8d "V bojiyiaciogiiXlQe is to' be -clothed with all he powers nebssary fpr. him , to choose the President i the:-TJnited States,! atndiallg becajite the !SnateUandIoaietlhaViefqhal Taney s and tW ebster and i Calhotf ri i And this is: a Repablib db'yba eTay, .ahdth&!?2r$tms 'is the ipapeiidf brains and culture, and the erpodent of "the ; thinking5 f tha'high" pral .ideas', party. ?j s; ,f;-v.i:f,u.e?;;ivm j. stne fly in all this.? It is the satne'.Plkl :and bet killed.'?1 j Bu'd&ckjr4' wohftv . ?rWy'9,T '.be'spi'dleL' jThe:Hoiise! will agree ttt nduch sided, ;pne-man j pp w,er1arirapgemept; iOhopsthePresidenti of thptUnitea States.' ;fl id a chatming' pW'liu? it, vwon'ji wprk. : s And.that8 'the .matter with:Hanhah. lThp;Jiyf-halOiill: hay o to try AgaimoAHis atool-pigeoh. Per. who is to decide all upori beforehand; The Senate' is : to vote I ,iu suBvaiu. uxa ueiBiuu. , xteiuiex: ueciue, Senate and itsPesidentri ;fcraatuTe,a j 'monthwpiece whmJ' .may' tnstructi'4 ana wnom noooay eiser canr instruct, ac cording to ft Tpric 6t Ifie Ysfe'ore vious articles is to, stand ell the pame, and i the House is to pay the part of. greeny, thp I runsu8pecung 1countrymanion tne' occaj sion. : JHo.iwonaerihat &VcUTtimmrrt& With "a felee that4 iSthild-Uke "and "blan worthf of : AhSinc or Jat Qottld himsel 1 says further th.emphasis an truth-' :ii$ri&- nti:o:i irflo iSlf:i "No 'rJut-up job.' such as we have her uyuneu.-'wiu.ui; luieraieu suw jxo pun which haa the semblance . eVn Of ;apisef xucaimica painBttu.arrautjeuieui. ty ueciue the Presidential question In acerfalri way. without reference tor ilaw or? factSircanlte t carried through - The plan proposed makes ixxuu&erjr - - lxiveBugauon ana aispenseB with all necessity .for eitherc MmecftTX deliberation ItpresupDoses that the Re- publican: : .Senators are what: the i eleclerk have practically, become mere iufcwia&i-f. ooarOi to ne moved) at tne nressure otn m finger of Jay Gouldl We know, that ith country will not tolef ate &hy such scheme the knavery of which is onlv suroasse'd bi tne esrontery with which As aetaiis areun4 folded. , jePMladplphia jZVjwgjJ jone of ted best, papers in America; speakfng I of Lpnigiana, says;f Let riUSKhayei th bottom ji .facts; however, j whomever they may hurt." And spisayaj th Stab. rLetheiir-jMffiertthS countrv i . i i demands' it; honor demands1 ft. r ThA DMhbcrats "did ;their mifffaffiffya tSarolinarib1 leriHerBefitrlfigy fcotamitteelmu!atei;thex 'Florida and Louisiana: carrwt-baggeraf;are;ja dinger.; l'lThej Ne w jlTorfevr'ioMwehas n found them .put and ifi Advocating a policy, thatja eyidently. not inspired by: the ordinan rj brain which directs that i engine; oil folly., says i the fjbest Way;to.dia-l sol.ye a.sohd Sputh.is', f oria RepubH-l canjPregidentJtO) 5out oif:the carpeW gdranph Vuuer.uus.rpeao: aicorresponaent ox.4.tna recording jqnite.a nu j.mitted during the weefo jSTi k!T j -1 "On Saturday, , night., last, as. Mi. John Campbell,'- one of s th aged .tizensof neignoornooa ' store,' ne was auacsea, uru-1 tally murdered and: robbed :by two young i negro mey, lnke and Eph. llcBaeij Itap; pears from the , evidence,, that the-McBae hoys were at the store, wiAVjCampbelli testifies'that Luke" and T$h$ keaP14w paces " in front of his fatherV-vehicle 'for some time, and fxnauy,9roke rail in two and stopped, one oneach sideof the road, and asrMrf.C.'s cart approached the attack was made,. he and,"his son both being 'knocked ubwnbuagQ CampM Obuld1 testify no9 fartherjf he1! founrf, oldJffr. Gampbettasd badlys in jured while theeart waaxotfbea of its contents. siPthervfacIa roborate young Campbeli'o ctatoment, and he fypungipiowersf OtSChah teachings are' in theMarionunty aQ to answer for murder andxobbery. iThe ner andliogaat'dcker; both' coloredi'had some short, words, wheh Tucker shot clfeiU hi the. right side. McNeill . was buried on Wednesday while Tucker was - marching away for safer parts t iWhiikeyicaused ,lfea fOn the evening of Christmas day, at a bar-room fix- Richmond county,1 NIC:, rbhii LambPatterson.i aliasxThomasrf stabbed' Sandy Graham,.causing instant death. No qtiarrel ezedDbtweea.e-'artiemoT whiskey ia said 'to; have, caused At Th. parties are colored. The murderer escaped. 4 trAbPutdne ntUefrbm the1abdte place? one Simpson, colored, was 'shot thrpugh, the - head on the night of the '26th. "and killed aud.robbed of forty. dollars, J rSuspi-. ftiori " rested ' itDona 'colored -bov. bearlv grown,Land circumstantiai evidence'shows1 probable cause" of 'griitif-ae' awaitrtriaf; beiore tne tticnmoBU"; county Duperror Omef imirderS;'areeteporte&t v . St eIexJor Xbilu Assthe.'WashingtonC!2ijo saysi J ' ts-r Btas at Clio, 8. write a fbndis',.. 5v.MYour:i correspokdentasMt mbgr of murders com- groes are saiu io uaie ujscu xulujlivicu. r Wtfelnornl CiiojmrlDbrbJ'cbi aujonrnea iessioiTf present, J ohn "J. Wag neajtSpa,iWCT6bJ,iao4ers a Van h iwalwtiv re- -' iy . . . . WTThereby. .tenderiBy. resie- nation as a member of the Board of , Ooun- oinxniHsionersj ana suggest the name of .wWprtb afc my aacesaoT, t ' -V-.-.- '.r-r- r-.S- YaJT Aumspg.' iThirsignatioiif ?Comai3ioHtf Tan ; Amringewasaee!fneWy': - -"j ' iiTheB6ard thriven! fnto In'telecSonfor rACbmmissiooexcte fcll;aheTcancyptaused - PS; Mj1)B9patiomjo&CbmmUsloner jYan -. "'W in, nominaUon andwas'nnlnunouyVe fl" 'CapVls&a'cGxto . rf Worth, c.ameffaro axulyiMifled as membersuof otha Board. o Jaiio j l.xia rlov TtnTr Ten 'OA lOW Tiie Actionror tae Warder cUnty tu- eifmBiMf XteiB4aTi.iJx?0'rf ' Aia ming, of tbejBjd, pfCpunty ,m lu-uo o?cu ujr reierence to ne proceedings in etioihepkrVbf fhe papef.oninklssibner ' SVanAmrlbgteMexebKs-esigiftt . as member fi the Board, tptUkeefCectat ' ?Sand,Hrt BGfprthwaatlpctedto fiH the vacancv? ff-5n-wirfiaksr who had been erected a member of the wVkJi!JL4 117- vji! ttonX. -3. . . on uuuu tt axurxutsr meeung, mereupon sig nified life accei&n privioufVy decnt.!Se1 take1 except iu e - ,- event of anpUier vaSiuMIeejrrinjr iiMhe WHi r.fflS!1 TW5HI le Further seq iSdtpg'Gr ger catn4 forward afid Uaiified"n s ' J ' iqTftislswjiDfcc.the -Bola1d,1hi3rgiTing shows a disposition on the tpar ofthe members to sacrifice their politicat rireju- elected embe'ti J 'bging Daocrkti' j;lir. Worth aCtGimgtreijemgedde 9aiPf . largeexper ience; in irafiloesiat- quauncation8 to -steer the county clear or the rocks and quicksarids which have mth ertbinperilcfeiltay wlthtimathahkrukcyyThe "of tub icnuhtywill jejoicelio.'seeSawJttceTrch en pnaftftBoargc 2H i9Vb dqnirx eWmory priiWry,iTtftlthWne eufcueonntyrjail fwere-takes xt(kj Pander Court, making twelve in all.including the PmmlMH1 The f ! , if f '-Tfc.-.t V.. - 'r. t:. ?-.r.j'f nift f.j names oi tne 'iasfcnaten"v'arc'a8' rouows: Jarne Sprawlesi Daniel Foy; Isaac' Collier, Beuben Carter, Edy Pigford, Aaron o Ma- WeWbfh'etbwn'chfior: C3il,!: Jmi.fleaton niat Iadiiied.T f r- r " Under this head the Raleigh Newi bl the ject, says: "AiireporterAnf the Mem called Hyesteidaj? 1 afc the ffinesof o the iGevernor's ?)e S.TO 4 waajnfqrmed, that no pardon "had yet been granted Mr, Hea ton. , The matter is still under .. considera fioawith?ms'Eicaiefel'Gbv tien IJxii.i . xi 'i wji.. j J .ilx x: Dr? James F. felmp6ii Hld'8tpbfeiJ Bher- bmanbi ethatpteceavBoth) wewj seriously cnby niyes used hyaeacl one 'jand, were mat tiiey are ootn lmpiymginow, ? , flnested to, pin., the "flow ; alitfla closer in I reference torthe . pardon of Mr. Heaton, and 'K.miP hot 'maf tovedhilpardon from Vllieti Aoeideficy,"? attd If lis did' U6t liavethjeje papdrc :)iis poasesaion: !at the jgormed advisement witb.iiis njxceuency, ine uo o?Wwfi b3w&gJconceaetne mdsfmp&sib!? thitrg', and that ii that :Mt lTHdliashbt been rghtf ally 'elected Pre tsidej$tkepltoHdnipttwlte4.fLl?Pickyo Woi,Fa'ilyl, Jcrii Mioh 1 Under this1 ietid'.w find' he following -acknowledgmeotJ.of la j contribution firom '4Utyrin the Otfordt.ft!Pn;JFH4- and gtudebfbthe faitilyLo How pleasant. 10 see.; a whort family tunited Lia works of chafiyRead the fbllbwlng ' itt"l ml9& Bank: of . New. Hanoye check on .Citizens' National Bank, Raleigh," for fefty dollars? as aucehtrtba6nJ from -my feTOrjr fprUwbenejatPft the orphanajinder your care. With best wishes, in if ijidxxi J'YoUra ftaterntftiy, E - o uoi. t 'vfitfAmid s)ce...o;i'isdns vi , lThevql?.pwiB"g prispnerlf.weretret mnt&yrfchBterT Owehtecoos Hapo'XflflfWto3mn,'A0Max l,.'A8T0irMa1oid,Jfri3l8al Colyer James Sprawls, Eliza Andiapd Edyj sitTfi eritids KgeiieilpVaiae cHftr-? oldif;TeyBO,nVi-1flel dramajcaad pfdnoSinbeH saperiot to'QttfefeU ifa-J . I! ry5The Riohmotid a:)3ari.has! tathWvpoOreopihionvpfUt. Well dofora-will'dliferpqli b'ttitiattet ' tasik ifad rittoaTddgmenfeiif Lpn hone of the. above, is charged, with takmg r A serious; stabbing aiTairf curred,,at ' FoinV Casweff Jn1JPender Cou'ntylon" the ' example here set and help the orphans: aii"Tn! husbanaiandfather is:tbFleadeV ? I I'M lt'v: 3 . -4 I1 T r r ; accurate.j,: winii. liui: yad .( - i - - - , -,

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