J - if. it I - Hi 1 1 "5 t t : n i ! 1 I 5s r. . i AN WM. H. BERNARD, Editor and Proprietor; WILMINGTON, N. C: Friday,'' June r 8th', ,1877. . - Remittances must be nude by Check, Draft, Postal Money Order, or Registered Letter. Post-; Masters will register letters when desired. ;o.8nca'jremttUoWm b)a the lUke the publisher. . , 7. ; gg" Specimen copies forwarded when aealreaW- . . VB1T WAR DOBS, During how many years, i we can - . I Spaniards rnt. Raff, the Cubans -and ,,.: - , ... have Deen ai war. Aiwgovu. ;. . a very Temarkabief coMest thousands! ot men have been de, stroyed, and a 'power that ought to : be able to crusn .iue iuau.Scu.- most at one blow; after six rj eight years ot ngnung, auu nKonnoa nf ftft'mmanders.' J aDDears to be no nearer -attaining?its end and securing a settlement than at the be . ginning. ' In the meantime the de struction of the material interests of the Island is fearfuL The following will give some idea of the devasta tion that is: going on. The richest Island in ; the "world will become as bleak as Sahara, if the work of de struction continues. uctipn continues. . ; i The United States alone paid for rnV.Ti tnoam fnr the fiscal vears end-1 ra-. . I mg i une i, ioo, as iuuowb; 1876 .. . , .... ....... 49,279,624 I The Cuban sugar crop of last year was thirty per. cent, less than that of 1875, and, according to the, last ad vices from Havana, the cropof this year will fall short fully fifty per cent, of that of 1876. ; v " And then consider the following January 1 to March 24 for the last the. proaactiyes; of the "gem of the Antilles? is deteriorating: Hataha -s :i Matakzas.5 Boxes. : - Hhds. Boxes. Hhds. 1S75 370,894.... 36,755 118,920.... 92,247 1876- 367,272.... 51,383 64,232.... 74,992 1877 18642.. . .52,829 20,842 . . . .51,759 We do not see how any other les son can be drawn from such figures than that war is in the end ruinous to any people. We do not believe that the f ailing off is to be attributed to the nnremunerativeness of the sugar crop, as a contemporary states, but to the paralyzing and destructive power of war, and of war especially when protracted so long, j THE EIiLENTON CONSF1BACT. Chief Justice Waite's charge to the conspiracy at Charleston, S. C, will attract attention, not only ' among lawyers, but among: intelligent peo plegenerally. He had evidently pre pared his opinion with great care and deliberation. The Richmond Dis patch says: . ', : :. . ; .' . : "The Chief Justice advanced not one proposition, we believe, to which any law-' yer - could take exception. He confined himself rigidly to the duty before him, turn ing neither to the right nor to the left ; to cull a flower of rhetoric or to fix a new, construction of an odious law. Justice was blind indeed in this case. - She saw Nor does it appear that the constitutionality of the law itself was questioned by any of the counsel : It is to be inferred, however,, that the Chief Justice considers it constitu tional, seeing that he drew so clearly . the line between 'what his . court, and what a State court could do." The charge appears to be as im partial as it is luci gives a ciear .exposition 01 ine laws fo . cising inengnt or sunrage. w e quote a passage; . "When ail unlawful combination is made oi SJl &y OI.inengl ol- tional citizenship secured to citizens of the United States ,by thet National Conslitu- thTlawJcf8s1.KS5 ntJh! iiSf'V:? BTr8S . Jt.M,wJ .SSSSSS TOkea lot the punishment of u offence lS!s:S!XX2S:ii citizensof the United Sutes, whether they SiS- ' D are TheFfenok-ftesiden DOlkical meeting r in ta (ioi1 in U w "rTT:,-T; Frae where morahetyper TODlartfM?lAnId ..-ffl.; call A Mat? ! afcReJublican;President.' fl1S!J EmperofinvssesSimnsonr "al T,ni. ler.- Just suppose President Hayes were ttxissueuch an order and stts- taia theldSta MarshaOs the myV-wouldnthinkz ftn ninin nk r pipmg not, ana wouldn inhere grow be rousing hvirfytOTes aU VOttnd?. But then.R. B. woa'fcao that way, if Mao 'dopft.' 'TliA-SRamfiPtfi oiiri. the Republicans will try . the plan adopted by 'the Democrats, in onr uPPi as long aian4npubn- can ministry; tyranmzes over the peo- uc tmugs m8 uwn way inns up most popular iman in p North resorted to I iar Jie. is carrying it with a high, I Carolina toy all bdds hnotJfxrtease !lf there is any possibln nana ana an outstretcnea arm. f H 0 i FOli We call the attention of te bust ness men Qf Wilmington IcV Vh0 in teresting and important lettr-f torn a valued " correspbndeogatHicpry, We hope they will give it their close attention. It really concerns tEem,and' the faots given are such as to make every man of enterprise sive; views - feel , . ready shoulder to the wheel. Western North Carolina; of great value 'and' moment, . an possible should :be secured. Wtfr should Richmond be tavorVAVfl16 expense of Wilmington? -Why sho&W - .'.j heautifufclictioaloff jrorth Carolina be tributary tO; A inosenae' contributes to the'de-- rerfefetai Nonh Carolina c-lty mach -.. Dassed bv? The the want of Tailroad faciUtiesH the want - of 7 railroad- connections-! the prppbr adjustme)ayof;4 freights so as to invite tradfr and 4o aid in building up" our chief North Carolina entrepot, s fl ; t5iyi Build the short connecting link be- :tween Hickory , and f.incolnton, and. J ithen Manifest that sort of enterpriseii drive pu8h,go-a '-a'-Ft5: . 1 "i. ! t-t m L 1 "J !mv iift t hat nrosTmr ;nd I mark other places that prospers aim rQW an aevelope, and you can de- . ,. Mnntrv flrnnn . . - -'-Vri1 4 .u1 Hickory tnat now goes to : Virginia Va vrnit- nvn p.itvi ' Thattonnectinff w;H;nff t0 helD:what says' Wilming . , - .- ... ... . i. V . w- . - ton? !' ; When the Western peoie!extend the hand of friendship arid pffef to form closer ties of business and in ter- est; do not refuse 7 ? rj M id indifferent, fiIu- or be careless and ideed, it is your business to seeW their at " n i - . t . t : ' ' ".si jNonoiK are nounsning ana growing, L cki perseverance, a wise and liberal pol- icy .win accompiisu a vast ueai lur Wilmington, r Read the letter - and then take action. '. , ' i ; , V., The Governor of North Carolina, ii i is - - . - . T - T- jiT-T Zl i rill make a new .fiees. Courier Journal. This may be another instance of going from home to hear news. " It may be truo ' to some extent, but there are not many "State . offices" the Governor has anything to do J with, unless you consider the Keeper of the Capitol, the Private Secreta ry, and a few railroad appointments as "State offices." The Secretary of State. Treaannr AttAwjr-Ouu. Superintendent of Publig Instruc tion and Auditor are elected by the people,and the Governor has no more to do with their eleclion,'as'far as ap pointing is concerned, than he has to do with Grants programme in Eng-.' land. : We received: a private letter, the V other day from a; gentleman in-n-: other State, who wrote as if be had heard that the Democrats elected had somehow gone back on. their record. I .It was vague,- but enough was' said 'to show that the writer had heard some painful rumors. What jthey ajwe" cannot ; divine, as wo have neither read nor heard anything ;'hi. iujthor rizes rumor or suspicion As far as we .knowj the , State officera are ejTi 1 vance uimseit ;we o$T0voa uOB-Qit 18 i Miovuaigiu , uia uuueB( ytfini .mat 1 bis fitst 1 He cannot f as he; is sense to attempt it.- m Wj- os-I I .r. "r."'irr ll" , Jr. , M I : Wo make a point f or the iFresvdeni jost here. Gov. Van6e made tw or -. "'''' -- h-not . conceraei; oorel)reB 'wrtb: W""; satisfied that : Governor; Yance' had IRIPOIXTART AATTEtt TTltailNtSTO. . It and second terms of office. P :r 'TrVT"' -7, - - , .nine uunureu uuua . 8ui, wu . ..te. and managed with skill and please everybody noonlar t7JZn:lT. ?ZL1 raereu !preau .upu" T A economy, will pay well. Mistakes a W t; 'i V-tt.j j ""1f?M,u mwiuu. me coupons nurneq anq uestroyeu inline I have been made: Of course, in sotfte an? no nas too ; mncq good I oncalong the river : in that1 neighborhood I honorably and iintellieenUv :in1;tte: the matter. But this did 'not' saVel every one of : i?a7fhA I ntxm f nrta ;n : a.' !-J 'lWl'WW.WW,Wwa --?"ir-"- iflf j appointmentsow can inynp! opposition in the thouterids of ap? PWhtfnwsakefg - A "KitU .fU.. iJLjj. are n,ede4t isftni would fiav disannointed mLnhikAip 'd - '77-."-7 " ::r.':Trt u " T ? mies are apt, td spnnei from thoae of his Wtf pdfltical housellosldl!la).8,iw Sra ; v iL'C5siivLlvJ'i.af.:t4vr ?n V ube. I tin nnn I.ldi6lhi;lfv:a ia xvuBHiau Bireosin. on xne uan- l . i, ... j ... .. . . " . -. 1 tt in oinnn: success. an, -A; ti -77' I'mmWtWK oinre lamng on down "We se.ej f rortt the Globe-Demoerat, JtjSt. Louis, ftat Dr. Eaeene Gris- imSuri'tendent of theV State ; 3 his ustlyearned reputation as a 4 gentleman of medical skill ' and tho rough informatioir in his special -de-partments. Ax ptHoais and. rPhUa tilt . . : Dr.tEueeiS'fssOm. v of North" Caror tontlM'iectiof MenicalfProtecUon jfor c the Violent sane. The -address ing Rttacteupou the American Insane tasy-t litm44hf )Indottnle from , the pen ol; John Charlea JBudcniU; 1L F- R. fl., Und A. Commissioner ot .OLunacyilrj! Enpf atVadWn Mttf? lUhe wisdom of American: v treatment inupposftion vtathe:c prevafling Eng4; Iiah mode. !; one .lot the r most concla- 'sive' being that..while .Ihe.'death rate in 'American institutions last year was less than : 17 per centi the death rate in English ' InstK :tutions was 13.88 per cent: i -In the. Doctor's jown institution, in North Carolina, the death rate had been only A per cent, last year; . and; the mechanical, protection for . I -4mama I n 1.A Mm. In.lltntiAn ihad beenr so utterly ;in variance iwuh the W I X' 1 'i in the- treatment J iof overa,auu pauenu seeme to nave given ; t-iJcHnV fthouch other States may have been equally blessed) for .wise, Judicious ;and humane treatment of WJ?.B?rir - .:l.VAi -i ... rine enecs m me aaaress upon uie au dience was such as to produce amost ne&rty 'outburst bf applause, and a more clearly Penned regard f or - American-; methods, those of North Carolina more particularly' A1BTTEB ON COTTON MANUFAC- TUBING, i " The r&tder will temember,;that we" published. two-editorials,in which Mr. iEdwarilj Atkinson, . of . Boston, was quoted from extensively as a high au- ma1luf a4uriog. ; In our la8t editorial s" 1 . i- -Yr.,r-j.T. L.ltewtWr.W ntioal Mtofitrnres. t"T Sf. ious to obtain all the : light . possible, , a. and to! promote a far as we ban cot- j . i ii i-v ;- -i : o I wu ur)u,u6 .,uW.0.ur.-,J.. I We were satisned tnat Mr.. aikio- i son relied too much npoti mere theory : .1. r . . r . . I ntrnw speculations as to tne uuiiiy 01 cotton mannfacturine in the South, and that he liad not taken! the trou- ble to visit the smaller factories in !North Carolina to see how far his "OTpanTOTW CblwMonerDeKww , to- ;ot-.ih his State! The report in the Globe- Nixon, committee on Poor House,, was re- ; ,HJf Y": .V? f ? r theo6! anofiSQre8 -I would bear $11 65; C. H. Thomas,' Wilmington town practical test.' There are factories in ghip, 8 95;S, T. Potis, Wilmington town the State that have been making mo- ship, $73 76; James Moseley, Cape Fear riev for thirtv .or fortv. vears. and they have none of the' advantages in sisted upon so confidently by.. Mr Atkinson as necessary in order to in sure success. . . We call attention to an interesting letter from a practicaL man of busi ness from-one who has actually 'tested ihe matter as to cotton manu facturing in North Carolina, and who speaks from positive knowledge, ;and not as a mere theorist.,, He jhas found it pays, and that,1- too in a isolated factory. Facts are . , - . nr.? " j . . ' : safer to rely upon than theo- smalt, rles, hdwever plausible and sustained joy nigo auinomies.: une iaet can jucBtrpy i a ? worm . 01 lueory; n.eaa jMii English Marinf acturerV ; letter.: DroWata Blart Utocwreratl Flmtlns ; hi tbe KlYer. i ,On Mopdsy,.;whne .the : steamer 1. r .1. . ui. j y1 'w'i fw w cy ana I iand'rrospect Haua about twenty miles1 this . j j 5 . j - ?5fj't -rr:-jF fliJaeuvered flnatlnir'- in! thn ri 'snied fto haVe any. Idea who' the deceased v.i v.. Ka.v..i.. I navine been mteine. : The man was in fits" vea!ahdhad apparently beeninthe wktaboiitaweelc!-t 1 ;..lioTOwioi,kiod:;.wgi.: :brin;aiu)eitlianoticeolthecUizeniinev !J,.?(?f :Te,y'Pf In: 9;5'rtnrne4 l'it'ra- Dgay r ?ee' for your fat cdws. i way of meetingsuch , xoure,,c, i( ewnana mean enougn to resort to any, 'l1trJlTZ- L''i'!,J : 1 ' ; .Front J.fi.,McIherson;:E8q.,! of iA Ui'w-- t .w.LA.w ' Um with contents of coraajidwaanton V,l WWMWg Peen Crst .discovered bv v bis atsteri at iwhich, time tha root :.4r i I tWiMhi&l&luiJrhil1i&t from the 'which WiinHmniientldanffer.! anA n. Notblag buj; theebioluteca ftflak-llitlnM saye,d too-air reof ana temauiii z there about flvn l i7r iM:aifeaairiiot, falr ; , 7 -,;, w -... -U&rraer, COtirtty CeMttiIsstoners v The Board iaet yesterday afternoon in regular, session ; pfescnV -J. - W8gQer Esq", Chairman, and ; Commissioners.!. & Grainger, B. G.; Worth, D. Nixon and K. Holmes. t '-i . f . ; ? On motion it was ordered thaithema- klner un and eomnntine the . tax.lisL.be awarded to Messrs. Croply & Morris, for Criminal cnrt. y -. : , T f PThe' June term of the tSriminal Oourl forMfAcademyDuplin county). In dramine a iltew HanOver county, J udge u. iri jueares, presiding, con vedeA yesterday i .mornripg ai , , $10 o'clock., The charge of His at the P11,008 term'" "tcaU!j ,Cri"!-!LIr for this term: 1 fH. B. ;Willis,; Foreman ;Isham McClam my, W.:; H. M. Koch, Thomas J. Herring, Johi E.5 8ylvia, Frank -Toomer, Alonzo Hewlett, Joseph, Davis, J.. F. .Stalter, James W, Green, John J; Hewlett, Henry W. Bryant, fieth' Walton," Stephen A. Craig, William McLaurin, James Elder, F. M. Beasley, James Jarman. t; .:. i . The only case of interest tried was tliat of Ida Evans, a small colored girl, aged about 12 or 13 years, who was charged with stealing ten ; dollars in money. . The jury returned - a verdict of guilty, but recom mended her to the mercy of the pourt.- Judgment was suspended on th.e payment of costs, which are understood to amount to a considerable sum; as she was before the Court at the last term . -. r . -: ! There were two submissions in cases of -affrays, and judgment nisi was entered in twenty -six cases. j " CUNT COMMISSION EKS. . ; "UJU" un:'v'" afternoon ; present, J, G. WafiT: The Board met m adjourned session ner, Chairman, and Commissioners B. G 'Worth, I. B. Grainger, D. Nixon and D.' Holmes. ' - The Board proceeded to draw the regu lar venirt of jurors to serve as such at the June term of the Superior Court, which meets on the third Monday of said month : Hint Wtsk Lewis M. Williams. Georce Montgomery, Ben. F. Bryant, J. M. Hard- wirlr Jnlin W. Ttfiillv. .T. K. Mcllhennv. Georire Harries, John Martin,- Clrtttles R Mallett, Henry Taylor, David Jones, wm. Ho'fd: J-.. H Pl Tamaa R rv. m.. iwuhiuv, vbuao Alien, doi. isear, j. n. mnion, w.n. jac- ZZ '7 BwrZlV ii v TiZkiZ Hart, Francis Payne, W. K. Price!- it wna nrripreri ihftt thi tnwnshin claims in favor of the following persons be paid : Tnconli n . TTill Wllminertrtn triwnahin township,: $1 67$ T. M. Gardner, J. P., Federal Point, $S; J. G. Wagner, J. P., Masonboro, $3 95.- - . It was ordered that the Sheriff be au thorized to turn over to' the Countv Trea surer all township funds, takine a receipt therefor. 1 ADDlication of SteDhen Keves. of Fede- r & s ; ral Point Township, for fifty dollars from the general school fund, to rebuild a school house in said township; destroyed duringa storm on the Olh of March last, was, on motion, referred to the County Attorney; I ordered, further, that the petition be grant- edt provided the County. Attorney ; repprt opon the petition. . The reports of the County Treasurer for the months of March and Anril were re- I ceived and ordered spread upon the min- i me. The reports of the Auditing Committee fpr the months of January, February and March, were received and ordered spread noon the minutes and placed on file. The renorts of the Committee on Out- Door Poor for the months of April and May . . - i- . . . I were receivea ana oraerea spreaa upon me - - - - - - - I i , Report of Auditing comrnittee relative 1 10 uie gum coupons biu uj mo resuic The cflacial bond of.Nicholas, Carr, asl I constable , of Harnett township, was pre-; gentfid ond orderpd received and put on re- ori1 . . .TWiBt-ai; ship londlren)ining in, hi hands for the liiw?;. for the same. ' ' . ' : ; " 7-, ! ;; 1 G- - W.' Muller; and B,-A. l?nee were granted licenfes tOreapM VrreBuuy 1 paaen county, miprips bs UJ! vuPf,auii that place recently. He was standing on a 'hen he saw a large sturgeon -swlm mlng by; upon which, iein, a quick, an4 muscular darkey, he reached out his hand, - - mT''uZM him upon the raft-Theflsh was aflerwards dV?W 7 . iK.1..f I " wr. : j: hrn- V;T.,ii.. 7 s; ti The Monroe jEprcai says; Theexcur- sion oi DU8idesa men of Monroe, with families, to Wilmington was.a grand i - -7-5 . Between sixty and. seventy went j on the train Tuesday,. ana, returnea, iday : evening, having . had ; . l spinaia; time. -' One day was spent in: a trip - down heir inn ' i ;h Tin ' ppnr in Ftmunvuiri nuu iue oca i mniA the other i build- I coasL which . was to man v .of our, excur- l eacn C4 Hy lospranee. A slonlsts the most'eniovable partpf theafr; but Pfllltorl6 wonders. ,"fr. JohnTS. Barren, formerly of gamp son county, ia this State, but now afresh dent of Effingham, S. C, under date of June 2,'!jwritea us ' as follows: "Although this State anf ts future is dear . to me, yet I ever feel proud of the land -of my btrthf There is,, perhaps, no other State in the I.TJnion.: fpll :frpre historic wonders as cotlntVk'.:about the- veai '1857.; (the .- writer being at the time astudent at the Warsaw. pSvramp, portions of a vessel, a close resem- blance to the modern small sailing vessel; I ' m nvAntiArl !f A wtattr Mtfl filitii KflO1"flri' but the wreck was not petrified, a .The lanH8 .tssopn aathey,becamo of the vessel not being unearthed , entirely. we can only have a vague ideai:of ils: size;-; out n is sumcieni p.say is exceeuru m oiz,o and symmetry ? the. ancient - ships of Car thage and-Rome; 'Still another discovery, made on the , farm' of Noah Strickland, in Cdlttmbtts county: , a plough,- somewhat similar to, though different in .form, .from those pictured on Egyptian monuments. The vesset was about four feet under the level of the swamp, and must have been carried far inland by some volcanic Com motion in the ocean's bed. The two won- ders under consideration must have some connection with the almost I fabulous,-yet hypothetical island,. Atlantis,1 as both are iin many respects dissimilar from anything ,of the kind we have account of in ancient history." m m ' ... : ,t. For the Star. COTTON n&NVFiCTtBINGi ; RicHMOND Co.i N. C. June 1. Dbab Sir: --My attention has been drawn to an article m your paper, week or two ago, containing some re- marks upon cotton manufacturing in , - . , Jnr ' on lfl?,Ur published in a northern newspaper; very much calculated to discourage the promoters: of .'such undertakings in this part of the country. , In order to show how little reliance is some times to be placed upon so-called "authoritieei," I will take-' 'the figures, as given in your extract, and see bo w theycompare with the actual state of the case, ' merely premising: that "one fact is worth a hundred argu ments or theories." He says it would UVb UU KUUU : 1U"U not De eood economy to puna an isolated factory with less than 27,000 8Pindles,and, further, that a small fac tory of some 6965 spindles can only I be cheaply operated when it forms part of a very large establishment. After estimating the cost of this smaller factory, including working capital, at $150,000, he tells us it would produce 936000 fiSs., equal to 2,666.760 yards of cloth, in a year, worth at present prices over $200,000; that such a factory would ifind em ployment zor yu persons, ana pay tor labor $26,706 a year. Now I; have personal knowledge of a f actory very little over one-half , the size stated, independent, and isolated, inasmuch I as there has not been another factory I , m I within many miles, which pays for la j bor some $2,300 per month, equal to 1 127,600 per annum, employing about I 130 hands, consuming; about two dncicg over two million yards of cloth in the year. The cost of "such a mill, at the present time, may be' set down at $100,000 to $120,000, so that the whole capital.- would be turned over more than once a year, instead of once in four Or five' years as Stated by the writer in question. I But what is more to the point than I all besides is, this small mill has paid I excellent dividends to the proprietors I year after year, whilst many year alter year, wnnsi many large I concerns in the North have become bankrupt. , 1 - - 1 : 'I'hia u nnlir AnAinnl.ftnrA nmnncrttc. 1 - - p" m otitt rT n ova ami vri v iiwii khi.i. i km 1 rience on both sides of the Atlantic, i is.' -that comparatively small factories have failed to realize the expectations I iof their promoters I but this is true ef ;air.ktids.;.hiimab enterori8e.:U4w- Wsuadedi that, notwithstanding ail gSlto:S rirtSiSFtSl -AMr ing : profitablellemployment ;Wnita QOPniaUon, and giving to. the an immenseisum cf money ot community must and fwill increase 1 AN JSQUSH MAIyrAOTUEEE,k - m m m - . ' .tQ i: - , Since UORussia has: madqar upxjq Teyigg :t w-s an affgressiye war and j ended P& additionQf j;erritoryVttjAt u .yifor her frontier eight hundred and fifty ! miles" nt.fche has nnase herself ;ofthB Can I tal of Poland, and has advanced to within four miles of the capital of Sweden, from which, when Peter the ; First , Jnouated the , tnrone, cer rrontier was distant three hua- iii . ti:? .-- . - Oxford Torchlighti It was, :fii teen sheep Mr. Hicks lost instead of eleven,' as reported in our last issue. And still the dogs are 'prowling 'around; with none to st tneuu:Uur legislators can eulogize other, and present cold-headed canes. they cannot make a law to 'protect the ' sneep from dogs.,,OM no. !,) cu -inH iimio1tt lnnotori in thA hnnthprn -, " y- n -yl'orthe Star.: DOKS WIIifCINGI 3N .vant ova The Wilmington ; wholesale ; mer lauts," fvi8itins iliickory or , other towns itt-WesterrjiNorth Carolina, must be mortified to learn that Rich mond is now getting our trade, rade: and: mUl1? the Western farmer ojrfi uallymotifie4 W'kBOWhtHris- lasterri fnenxis zre eatinff P&iQ' artctt IUmoisflourjat a cost .of tvwntytfiytr per cent, above bur prices f or as good ,oWhpf1ftt be inoteatftigQ i aurplfrin -?;-w,estr w North Carfilin tonsupply AYilmiag- ton he our othermarkfets t,000isacks MouH.aba l,00ftbarrelsrrtoteggs.ivf Tfiis ;)uoar one montbago, was slffpg :a$, $8jjg 8 50 per( parrel. heref ,w hile lnteriprj qualities sold at 1 that ' iirae' in ' the y ummgioQ auu acwueio - luarKevs, at $ 10 $12j Ask w:by i this is h o and you are V ans were&,:"&eightL". During-the same past twelve months ..luxury iiaa receiveu -jtuth .x,tci riiond over 2,000;' sacks' of !8a!tJ,,?8bo! barrels of molasses, 600 bags coffee; and sugar, &c, in propprtionj ,A car .load of salt from. Richmond, to .Hickory; -' freiarhts,H " about' v$53. This via' lanville, Greensbdroj' Sal isbury, Charlotte, (changin g gauge to Hickory.. Other tqwns along this Western North, Carolina , Rail-r road and ' west o f it may" h e f'doi n g the same thing and to greater xtekt.' The articles above -named make only a small portion, and , are . mentioned only asan index to the vast amount other surplus products of this section of ;the State.!, Mo$s. Wilmington want, this trade? Sbe must answer for herr self, and any ' one at all acquainted .with' the spirit : of her people cannot ddUbt how she will answer.' Mow can she secure it f ' r t w. .--.tii j- The C. C. Railway runs about -twenty miles from Hickory through which a respectable per cent, of the produce of Caldwell. Alexandria,2 .Burke, VV atauga,; Wilkes, ; and per haps other counties; seeks a market. -Let the long promised connection be tween5 Hickory and Lincolnton be made by a branch of" the C. C. ail ;way,and.we have a direct through line of 243 miles to our own sea-port city of Wilmington. If this connection is ever; to be made the sooner the , better. -. Nq one questions ihe practicability of the route. All say the grading will be very light. In short it would seem specially designed by nature for a railroad. 'There can be no doubt it would pay the C. C Kail way, the city of Wilmington, the town of Hickory, and vastly benefit all this Western country. It would be one link in the great chain' from the Atlantic Coast to the Great Wesk Does Wilmington want.;the (connec tion? and is she willing to aid in mak ing ft? Hickory is willing and anx ious! to do her party, but is unable to perform what is asked of her. ' VVe want the benefit of the W ilmington market, to buy and to sell. Does -r Wilmington want our trade ? Ml 5 HicKOEY, N. C, May 29, 1877 A Fatal Ueneontre In Nortnimpuu. Special dispatch to Index-AppeaLT Wkldok, N. C, June 2!;, . John M, Moody, a citizen oil North ampton county, and well known in Petersburg, was shot and instantly killed by; J esse DBrantly near (he residence of the ' latter this evening.' The act, 1 learn was donefiiu :selfr defence Mr. Brantly is a gentleman, of very quiet an d peaceable disposi tion. J be difficulty arose from his being witness in a- suit asaidsl Mr. jMoody.:;, . v6 17 -:.ii-4-i iuJ;Si:KEX!K.i ! if: , Special telegram to the diBpatch.lf.r Wkw0N, N,.C-i Junje Aj .1 , An altercation took nlace near here to-day between' J6hriM.; M6ody and' JUHse u. rauiiy, - uoiu citizens 101 T .T Ti .! -, it.. t. i dir. Northampton connty,in whieh Moody was fatally wounded. ., The cause! of the difficulty was tnat Moody had said Jsrantiy perjured himself in a recent taw-suit against oodyi To-1 clays I Moodyj passing Brantley 's :resi- aecce, was accosted, and an explana tion askedwherwpcnrrMoody '.jrV plied .by . firing five shots.1 in . quick succession. at .Brantly,. who drew. a;! pistoi ana, nrea. twice, Killing Aioqay Ihstahily. 7" ' " ' " .';'7-V J -'Brantly is said to be veryqniet atfd jiuoffensivv and the other quite llhe p verse. I'tiiA. a. Swlelde as StaceaTlile.- i Ch ': IRaleigh Observer.l - This morning? Mr. L. L. Howell, wuiie oui, usmng, .auout two mues from this place, discovered the 'dead !body of a woman. -.She had . taken a Beat on the bank of; a smaiL Btreami and by the use of three-fourths of an ounce 01 opium lorgot mis worm ana its-cares, and 1 sought another 'The following unfinished note sras found by ; her side, and it leaves the cause oi her nnhappy fate ,e,n veloped Jn my s-:t jtery and ikfiSSelisor i ."x naye a secret to ten, ana ifwan ly to know it. n I went down ,to uncle Joe Barkleys to- lire,; arid :I istyed tiref ibne ywrJaokins; fiva ;days, and took chUIa and f eveud jwasoiQwn ana up two, montns, ana. 'when I got well on oir about' ihe lime the show was on: the ferbndf Tatid ; t:;Her seoretlis with: herein another' world. .The effect of .the obiam which 'she. had. purchased . th att clay 4 was j jworld canflever k'no w of Ihekctlhai' produced .f sdchl ddsperatton, Ilend aeatn in this ttsua.Ilyjqnet, jt9yB, jand, "t'wonder what the secret was,?', is auum ait juu uuu uear, .-- . XX X . i Virginiaimay well be proud. ".dU ner rryor .the brilliant Pryor, as Gov. Letcher styled him, for fn the long list of ! :her brillianVSeakers andTtafesmen i"names noL?boro-,tot ulie?-Haiibanvpoint wiifi pride to but few !Who, cani eonal and, none, surpass hire ip matchless loquehcen ana caassto OT&fpryeienourg tinaaeApi peal. , i-Kf.i.J tiwi t.'ii 1, ?Ai Idemands,: f,sttrelyifjeyerytle Ips. During the past.twelye months. iittiff town ot nicKOrvnas sent to Spirits Turpentine. 3sx$L mmoHuiu in our village graveyard - last week, both adults a cireTrrriiancithif naa not before occBTrecrTyjr'ifiip j f -f . Etizzbcih QiUfrCarxjlinian: Corn is looking welji in Perquimaus..' So is the wheat:AiFrienQl qiM rterly meeting was held at Bely idere - on Saturday and Sunday muelg interest was: manifest. & Brace, wasrrelecied i May or ot Hertford. Sts TB5 s Goldsboro.- Messen aer ta- portsuecjsisf ul -truck iarining .in Wayne Mr?B:0eerbyr; $1,000 on six "and a nau - acres to garoen peas, otrawberries weecmore remunerative-: than ever before MnrClPUd: feasireajiy cleared $2,000 on a eighXa"cr4:patchw;g; r;;j k- J iTFT. Wi- f-1 - J at the Reeisterrof .Deeda' offlnR e mis cnx, nas inyentea and put into practi cal use a BgMfifig" State taxcMculator. We haye"xamsst it,and"-fiad that as a labor saver it is almost equal to. Smith's cotton- i JfzabtejE Ci ty . Carolinian: The Washington etfd- JamesviBe , railrofl ia jcompleted within five" miles of Washingtop. jit is reported that when finished Uie Sea 1 board and Rnanokn Rail put on a daily line of steamers from Frank hn to Jamesvule. P!Jio rnt i A fTno. . TL. 4 -.".iuniv ivoc( ver. xuo en iierprising arm or vv lUKowsky & Kintels, of .this city, a few days ago made quite a laree iouiuwm ui nuuuu gooaa, manuiactured in 'the factories,around Cjiarlotte, to a firm in this as the opening of what may 'prove a valuable trade to North aralina. '1-- TarboVo Southerner: Mr. Jolm 'Hunter, of Rocky Mount, in testing the 'quality and speed of a fine span of horses jon Railroad) street' on Monday, passing a ftrain near the new depot, his horses took .fright and in rearing crushed one of his -touggywneeis, easing him from bis seat into line strec 1ioraes.f- orf . rT-o "" v uiu ova iuiu street, without damage to boggy or j Elizabeth City Garolmian: The 'people of Edenton are talking of a railroad to Suffolk. Better connect with .Elizabeth City. ; t The constitutionality : of : the act bf; the Legislature by;. which the town, .election of Edenton' was held., is to be Rested. Over 1590 barrels of green pea? were shipped this season from Chowan. They are now shipping Irish potatoes. I Elizabeth City Cdrolihiah: There was a festival at Camden Courthouse on jFriday last. The young folks had a pleas jant time; TTiere were lots of pretty girls , whose bright eyss twinkled with fun and jrplic and whose sweet Iids curled in .wreathed ; smiles.1 'iAh. what would this world' lif e-rbe f without . them ? ; The corn in all parts of the county has a good Appearance. :7 ; r ; Charlotte Observer: Raleinh is petitioning the authorities at . Washmetoo to re-establish the garrison at that place. The call for the return of troops is not oc- ' casipned, by. rebellion, invasion, domestic insurrection or an armed conspiracy against the general government, but by the scarcity bf , money and ihe general dullness of the limes. ' T6 ' make a long story shortthev miss the $60,000 the soldiers used to leave annually in (heir mids , : According to the Southerner b: ne Tom Butler, colored, came near his death: 'He vas . digging' a well,'-when it caved and he was covered : up by-'sand. Prof." Hicks-and Messrs. Hales and Bow man all white rescued him. When, final ly rescued, he Was insensible; then he be gan to pray j and as he regained his strength Occam a raving maniac. The mystery is how he survived this length of time totally excluded from air. He doing well this morning.-1: at ! "lialeigb 6ert?er: From Col. -W.' F.' Askew, who arrived in this citv ves- lerday from Chapel Hill, we learn that the rnost active preparations are being made tor commencement week, and the citizens of the village are determined that no effort on their part shall be spared to promote the success-of the occasion." Committees have been appointed to meet 'Govs. Hampton, iVance, Dr. Deems, Col. Steele and other distinguished guests at the depot and es- uort mem 10 iue vuiage, . Accommoaations will be ready "for all Svho may attend. From all indications it will be a: Com mencement of "ye olden time." ) -A-nit'' '".i': ..-V- ' . ? jiiuzaoein Jiiy jueonomisi: , tA qneOlusus natuneonrather a nest of Tusns natures,, was .seen Vat . Major John!-W. Moore's last week. A pussycat was found to have multiplied . and replenished the earth, one morning5 last1 rweekiifand ' the multiplication and replenishment Consisted )f .five rabbit-kittens. - In all respects rab jita; save 4 be feet; ' Pussy nursed and nur tured her hybrid offspring, with . maternal endetness arid care, until, after- a brief ex 3tence death came to theirrelief. Surely, Hertford county is approximating' the- mil enium,! wben a Hare and -a Pussy cat lie down together, and' a little Cupid doth lead ThcElizabethity JSbonomtstl in its personal sketches 'f tbk' ministers at- ' tending the' Chowan '. Baptist. Association, has this 'to say of :a brother editor: .Re v. J.-p. Hufham of the BSOicai Recorder, spoke frequently in the Association and al ways1 weH.7 We hope we shall riot be ref!. rdaVming- invidious ' distinctions ' Whetf we pronotince his speech on the En tiowment the speech bf the sesslcinj It em braced the general1 subject of education in : North Carolina, and we wish sincerely that ' eveiy true son bf the old 'State cpfild hav heai-d it ' In its'graphic descriptions, in its tonching .pathos, in its ' person al itlustra-' ; Hons, drawn from household 'names in North Carolina; of what education, and ed ucation aloneyhas done to raise penury and ags toaffiuehoeand. honor, it thrilled 6v- - I v Wheat and oats, are good; in BampsohV: CkUoa: backward. TYheaf Crop double what it was last year. . ; Cotton drop ia Nash unfavorable. Grasses and tobacco favorable:4 The prbt-riect in Pender ''poor. jWheat in Anson favorable. .. Rye ditto, but . pat .crop short. .Wheat in Catawba excel , lent, Corn7tmftivorablel" ' Oats' poor. In ; Anson grain crops good, and large.,. Stands ' jof corn ' and cotton good. Clover good. Grasses small. Hafifax-ortv wheat 'and jwrnterjOats, good, i Cotton liackward,. in jMpntgomery cotton ia looking badly, w he.at good, oats poor. Not much, grass-raised. : Cleveland, wheal is; finei.oata. average, corn abd , cotton smaU, , Condensed from reports in epaitmeaij of Agriculture , ia Here i another account rof. the ! shooting : of 'John" M. ;Moody;-hich we! jcopy from a fetter' htf theRaieigh Observer, wmt'froni0 Northampton i t"Thq ' man jBrantly had been a witness in Court in. a suit between Mi. Moody and other parties; Mr. 'Moody said that Bran tlyi testified to a liei Brantly bad beard' th-ts; -and passing Mr. Moody in the toad' while faewascon ver$iot With some; man1 bj the roadside, tasked binr if he' said itflklr.Mbody re pUedc'.'tfjrQli aldr what, ii understood"" put before, be finished the sentence Brantly fired' upon him,' hut failed fo hit him at the fif3t fire.aMEoQdjri fpiiginfci from hisi Ihuggy, drew-his pistol," when they again , texebanged shots, Brantly's second ?hot jenering. hijs, (Moody's) rieht. side jbeijween tthe third and fourth, ribs,, when he f fell, . saying .you uave killed me.'' He 'rose to hiaf eetagainjand ; fired, for Ahe Uwrd; time. at nis antagonist, and then died in a few knomeutiU It ta not 'know A whethe Brantly was rtruck or.pot, H.e jeft the scena of the . Bbodtm'g"immediateIy,.andlhad not ' been arrested at this writing; 'The above isBub-i Etantially.the statement, made , by a gentle aan' who waa'preseht and witnessed the hooting. VoJ i-xdw;r.i5l , tt Mil II M '1 II; i-'Ci : v,-. V -. 4 v.Vt .:.';-! ;-.. :.v. . ... . ..... . - . '