...T - - c f v. T ' .. ; - - jf"V - - - : S ' - i.- f - - ' j i 1 3 ii v r l: n it- 1 ; a fi erittmr ' i mrmM arOilua ttlJHKU 5 '.SPUING SHOWERS ; Sweet is tins swart earth ' , T4 - After the A fril rain; . ' . i - It will give the Violets birth, . .. u And start the gras9 in tbe plaio; r .. , r The woodlands are dim with dreams u Of the region they lately have left; Like man and hi thoughts of .Edean; t i Of something of which he's herett. - y - The stars they haye left their veils ' On the everlasting hills; And angels have trodden the dales, " Ahd.8piriU. have touched the rills. And truths to be seen a'ud heard, Say Jove has made all things his own , , He, reigns in the hreast of the bird . v . -1 i Ahd lias in'acte the earth's bosom his throne.; The'nsleVrepl)yl.he ibrookT. And the primrose is pure in the sun; The world wears a heavenly look, Man's spirit and nature, are one. 4 - Thn'riotton that fflihts thrbush the trees, - And the moss-cushioned, lilac-plumed wall, The woodland, and emerald leas, Are touched with the spirit of all. ; : f - Chambers Journal. I ud tsres tlo n lu Calves. ' Lambs aud -J FoaJa Wnlle Seoar. - - This mav result from a great variety nf 'nanaes. such as witholdinsr the first (laxative) milk after parturition, feed ing new-born calves.on the milk of old cal vedfeows, - brmeing up foals or lambs on cow's milk, working, over-' driving or otherwise exciting tne dams, feeding unwholesome food to the dams allowing too long intervals between tne meals oi tne - young, brinsinsr ud bv hand on cold or sour ed milk or farinaceous food, keeping in: clamp, unwholesome pens, or tne jEiccumufation of pellejts of hair in the stomach.' Symptoms. Irregular .(impaired or even ravenous) appetite, swollen, ten der, drum-like abdomen, sour eructa tions, profuse -foetid white watery diarrhsa, white: or grayish fur on the tongue dry, scurfy, unthrifty skin, and rapid emaciation. Treatment. Give a dose of one or two ounces castor oil (one-third , for lambs) with a teaspoonf ul of lauda num, j Then with each meal give a tablespoonful from a bottle of sherry in which one-eisrhth of the fresh fourth stomach of a calf has been steeped. Or this give a carminative (one ounce wnn tincture of -cinnamon) with -an ant acid forerjared chalkor magnesia ' one drachm) and. soothing or anodyne agents, arum Arabic. . bismuth,) with, it may be, an astringent, (tincture of kino or catechu one drachm.) If there is much tenderness of the abdomen apply a duId of mustard and - water. If yellowness of the mucous, mem branes, and-white, very fsetid duing, give two grains calomel and five srains chalk, twice daily. In all cases give fresh; warm, wholesome milk thrice & dav. -with several snoonfuls - of limewater added to each meal. In some instances the tone of the stom ach may .be greatly restored by a tablespoonful of tincture of gentian - twice a day. Prevention should be sought in N breeding only vigorous families, shel tering properly, and feeding the milk oi tne a am o a healthy nurse, unai- tered. y faulty feeding or excite ment, or vy standing. . oWhen a foal nust te DrouaiTt no on coWsmilk, dilute witn one-isurd. its bulk ol , warm water, sweeten ritb. sugar, and add limewater. . M or one- arnivora use omy me upper tuiru ui ms miik.-r-i farmers' veterinary Adviser. pror. micliell's Crave- Asheyille Citizen. i 7 Messrs. Editors: Attracted by the genial, healthful climate and the far famed beauty of the scenery of the mountains of Western North Carolina, travellers from the North and South are exploring your beautiful country, and as soon as facilities of ' communi cation -by. railroads have - been im- y proved the tide of travel is destined to assume immense proportions. -., .. Among the numerous excursions which invite the attention of visitors none offer a greater attraction than the ascent of Mt. Mitchell. Not only does the danger and almost primeval wildness characteristic of the Black Mountains,the far-reaching view from the summit and the excusable ambi; . tion to tread the loftiest ground. ea& of the Mississippi, tempt those lowers of adventure to scale the highestpeak; but, also, if I mistake not, the-know- leoge tnat tne spannii is tn resting place of themains of tiat highly reverend .artyr to science, whose name tl mountains bexrs, forms an addji6nal inducement to the seeker after the sublime, th beautiful and the good. - t - - , . Qn reaching the summit, howeveri one a. stranger to the place and yet : no stranger, to the memory of Dr. Mitchell,finls cause for astonishment and displeasure -when, he discovers that the tomb of the. man whom the country delighted to honor is marked but by slightly built rude wall of small stones rising to the height of scarcely a foot above the grave, No inscrip- tioo-of any kind marks the'spot. i These thoughts suggested themslves .... to me during a recent pilgrimage to the grave of Dr, Mitchell, and I now venture to ask you and through you th people of North Carolina shall these things be? r I suggest a very simple column or shaft, or perhaps a sarcophagus cut from the solid rocks' forming the sum mit of Mitchell's . peak. Transports r tion would thus be avoided. A If ew skilled workmen might, in ia hort time, complete the simple yet suitable erection. An inscription might be cut upon a block of proper material and inserted in the . massive structure. Probably a few hundred dollars would suffice to pay all expenses. Are there not admirers and friends enough of Dr. Mitchell to raise this paltry sum? '. Very respectfully, , , , . ...i. H. GABBUTGT03T BOLTON. - - - .. of New York 3ity. ' . A New Biede of Cotton Caitnre.. i "We are indebted for, the following method of cultivating cotton to Maj H. R. Shorter, of Enf.la : m,A nrn. , Wlike,aood tuanter,-bttt hft4 guuu. lawyer, his. cotton crop last year was four acresoh wMch he made six bales, which would indicate that he is as TMufcdufait in the farm as m the Court House. TThe way he did it was thisti AfteT thorough prepara tion, the.eotton was planted in four foot rows. ,At the first working, he sided the cotton -"with long, narrow scooters,- breaking out the middles with the. turn: shovel.. . The second plowing: was given out and out with ..the round shovel; Afterwards he ran through the cotton once a week with a board "lontf nonerhl.tr n.rann v.a entireToiddlea, the board made round- i "ig, MMBwnt tne water iurroWs. thus , r.v,tuuulg tuo growm oi any grass ?0.!;,?in5 -ada, && tsual, to keep the drill lean.- The first and second workings are, of course; very: tedious. out; a bale and a half to the ... H i . Lil ? 'fl'4 i ; k Thomas de Quinceyf ts described t a gentleman who met 'ihim in 1849 as follows: ..-''Althonflrh I i was .well :ao- Suainted with, the name -and 4me of e Qaineey, and had read accounts of his personal appearanee, the? flgnrO now. before me failed to realisO the idea - I had fonned of the English opium eater. It was some time before the extreme refinement ox one faeet was noticea not, inaeecu uniu xne voice, gentle, clear and silvery, begun divertedby SrSffllfiJ general appearance; and wasattraeU ed by the brow which, frpm its prom-1 inence, gave an aspect ; of i almost' I childlike smaimess to tne nnaerraoej; t and, by tne eyes, ,-wium i Singular power oi uuiet oruyiuy,-wMi- ; a sort of dreamyoltness that suggest- y T t VlZZX -i -TV -vk 5 ed something like we.ariness.jVith idebutymkhaT8 Noting ai 'shbh1 du an air of quiet good breeding he told, j ring th ilaW EresideffUa''cambaigrr' me who he was and the. object(of his aa pDllibgTplaoeatrck otherwise, and SiJffi 1? an fEfertft aJaJShii aoUhg under the-authority The Secret ot Oeorla'a-rrep;ojtj.l!t.li , Charleston News and UourieRj K Georgia is considered to he the most; nrosoerous oi tneoouiinera 'Dwes, ;and yet here are some of thetell-tale? Evidences of her P8!; five per cent, of her people ftreengag1 j ,,Vr,lt.,M, V.ov:r1nn(T ntinliBllvMluV "9 .vrcueiai uovbiumibjii. , i,aiBO, itwo and a half millions oiaouars tor iertilizers; they import about thirty minions oi aonarewortu yi wvviv- pay on an average forty-four percent' .hov the cost nrlce for?j everything they buy; the interest on the jmoney borrowed to buy supplies amounts to about lour muuouui uours; ive ner cent ox those wno siarm, ions he credit system lose inoneyi vTrulyJ ho fAOrffia Commissioner Qt Agri-' I "iTiFfJ ftr,iiBviT,v of the .Southerni States, iWhat sort of reoort wonld avatmuar officer make or tne iarmers ui otmwr ITiarolinft? ... - "w -- I If Ton Love "ToarseltvDon't. Greensboro Patriot: Tnn't, denounce the' whole world because you fail to make it adopt your ideas. It is a. sortof self-willed world r 1 T klOt ATI. any way, auu peruaps wo jmcstvw. you. will get into. - . - fi ! r j f Don't anathematize the cat family because pussy scratches you when you rub the hair the wrong way.t you'll; find a good deal of . cat in your self hnd the rest of your fellow mortals Pbotft think every man who meets with popular applause a hero,' - Men. have been known to wprsnip wooaen ods. cats, snakes, lizards ana otner reptiles, and yet they were none the ess wooden goas, - cats. snaKef uu izards. - . . . Don't hold yourself at such a low estimation as to become a boot-lick to one who is made out of just the ame kind of dirt that you are, - , Don't hold yourself in such: high esteem and get mad at your, fellow men because they dp not recognize a lion when you are exhibiting an ass. i . .. The BBBalane Strength. . ,', ! The headquarters 'ot Grand .Duke Michael, generalissmo, are attTiflis. The eentre, commanded by General Melikoff, is ,80,000 strong, : with 240 guns. The right wing, intrusted with the operations from J3atou.ni t toi Ar dahan, under Lieutenant-General Ok- lobshio, is 4o,ooo strong, witnaou 10 guns, i The left wing, above Kara in " the I mountains, known as Trivan corps, eommanad by General TergukasS loff, is 50,000 strong, with 160 guns making a total of 200,000 men and 600 guns, not taking ;- into acebhnt the siege artillery, which the Russians have in great abundance. ' J : THEIBTDKKISH.OPPOJ!rESrs.-;-'' Layard has found through hi military attache, sent to examine by command f the English Government, that the Turks have opposed to these 60,000 men, scattered from Kars to BatOum, te,000 at Kars; lOjOOPat Erzerpum, and 20000 disnersed. Wiled: andxsabtured jdUCtS OlOtner COTUi-riea Tuiixuu,yi ,nLflrtWi(j iThdft t ftr'1 fiA oftfin Wighty per cent, of .the farmerS,Meon- Ifi? PSSt Jfuf 1 fiSS Aii hnaf nAMi on a credit, and 4 State 3028 of 2f orth f Oarolma,- and i 41 Ardahan by the Russians! London i ? -tdegram Chicago Times.' .- "t " f ;Th i l- Herpet or Peace. 17 f rfSmit'KAiin'n'ATrio 1 I It is true that "Peace has its victo ries as well as War," and it is equally tre that peace produces more heroes t&an war does. The hero of nen.ee Is addicted to iussand feathersj he loves a regimental title: he courts tiewsDa- per notoriety; he is fond of the pride, pomp Jand circumstance of glorious 3ar," on the peace vestablisnment; h otes on brass bands.' fthe brass and gas being congenial to his ' warlike soul:) . his martial spirit i is stirred Within . him by the sight of waving nagaasa glittering plumes, i The loyal North is afraid of him and thinks that there is mischief in the flash of his ferocious eye. He isthomrht to be stirring up another, rebelliori.i ,.,But. the loyal North does not knowi how sweet, good and gentle these heroes 01 peace were between '61 and '63. We don't think they-willloiinything4 bad now. - rn f tr j The "Protestant 'Methodist," of Bal, timore whose editor was one of the piarty, 'describes"1 the.intervieV of the deputation from the United Protes 1ifl.H-.tr 'rloonvihoi tha intamWdW Af i'n tant jMethodist Conference K6ld Mrf" marks we extract the followingi r j I "Of fine personal appearance kind ly and gracious in manner, the Pfeslf dent : impressed most ' favorably th gentlemen of the deputation, a major ity of whom had voted against him He spoke earnestly anil feelinklv nf his desire to see hastened :tha n.dvA:nt.-: of an era of good feeling between thef and some of the deputation thought that his eyes moistened, durificr Vthe interview. We cpuld not -dottbrhls sincerity,, for 1 he.boto'-'Jpttke ni spoke lie an honest inan'who mean! mi ne said, we c felicitous manner plimented the Old Dominionrn&rt whole deputation enjoyed it quite las1 much as the humble therefrom." .a.r' -rt : ' " mq uanuuE fProm the San; Pranoisi.s Prnttl ;ii . The peculations of Lieut: emihVMk aoucitlrio'frtra Wm- amounted to about ' fS.OOO;" though-1 when arrestedat Laramiehe fi&b&ti he took everything of value belonfei to his Wife, robbinsr her tv ntil-'fif losses at gambling, and sold his f ear1 1. C7 .fftfMj ... salary to two different officers n-'!An- gei Asiana. ; Jtiis nign-splrlted wiui prosiraiea Dy tne DiOW; one interview with him kite taken over " to. th a 1 si n.nrl l a" had to beearried.intohis cIl V i m mii ueformer inurpiiyi. wy. tvu Jriuittuwyma ximes.j ;w, Mr Murnhv arrived from P I'm ir. of that, it.v'i , on nnn , i C, , , signed the Dledfire,' 'Addrewiinif tr said: "The most effeetivA wv fn, nimoa the barrooms ,tq stap.drinlngV'H.o'r BOSTifASHlNGTOHf;""0 A Gathering of North Carolinian af iratblngton-sme 8nAP p 0 r a 1 f Qtteatf Our-Polltieal 1 mAk Revenue v Arce-r-Tjie raoonshina ana-Ditii- pr i the Amnetir polteyi ; ,Ud . Speqial dispatch to Baltimore Biuv sY ; WmmmjSi May 2 9. i . :A .gu'rnbQr.pf prpmrnQutiPolitieiana ocratio f and xvepuoiican persuasipn. Hf f irfterviewa - with high. PrdWa)a wuu reference w auairs irjaDaimaie; The State Courtrfof North,fUafolina? naYe indicted f of lleered violation of I o, : . j .!-'. . rr .: .? .1HV )!-. W- State laws a creit rriafiv'of the Fed A.WA!iw., ..iinji.it :)tei'Jflii i j.. j- the State, lhe Kepuplicau pOUtlUiapS. ;9V - 9prjQinvaroinaawnqilpavpiCQnje unvruityg uw, .luwiBwsyiui-ioe: urresiaenx ana, too attorney v lienerai. on'the subiect; and'oUirk tbat.the.in dieted iaobj&d protectea Urji. T? S'ii..r' 71? tri.T-.T appears ma iij.oiai? .aaiuoruies,, orr m orth' Uaroliha are -"not" lirtag ether. unanimous as to their 'ittrisdiction in the- late Chairriiahl of the Democratic ;Statetcpmrhittee,reteatly rendered a deeisioh a copy of which has been jforwarded here, to.lhe eft;ect that the mdiotod r officials are noti amenable to State authority . Others of the State- l:l00! Immauor htr a Annlravn nnin. Sonf It is not known what can be done by the iauthonties here in this matter. exceptl that in accordance with tno m Dte(j states law the teqeto.mcjais: f.:il U J., mn i'n.l'iinAu iViA nutiiil' ilescd Of a- change of venue"1 to "-the United States codrts. The prominent LUemocratic .politicianajsL xth Uar plina jfjha tareTrjeinclado t,aeveral legal !gentlemeny who t come in the Scapaciy iOf.,auonieyB in behalf of citizens or the state who are now. or will be under indictment in the fede oral courts of the State for infractions bf the internal revenue laws. Fiotn ifive bundredito a thousand people in !NdrthjCafoliha&hav beeri "spotted' Iby tbfeHnternalrevenue officers as illicit traffickers in whiskey and .to ibaccoXrTwo or three hundred ; of jthem have already been indicted, and indictments will be foand against the joth'ersrall of which will be tried in iregulatjf coarse before the October jterin df the United States Courts. It isa&kedof the authorities here that 'amnesty be granted to - these people Hviththe .understanding that they will go and sin no more. Interviews were had yesterday and to-day with lhe Secretary of the Treasury and the juommis8ioner of Internal lie venue on he subiect. "Both the secrietary and utj cu:uiiuisaiuuer tiro ruiuci niviiueu o allow the law" to" take its course. for they' do1 not feel much encouragec bv their ,amn!estv', experience. Im- meaiaieiv aiier me auveut 10 power )i ine present Aamimsirauon it was nduced to Order ihat indictments srainst ' a 4 hu ndred or more illicit vvhiskfiy. distillera in Genrgia should be settled, and in a few weeks most bf j those ; who ' were "pardoned were discovered again at their old prac ticea :'i Decisions 'of' linjioriafaee to .Tier , efaaota. Raleigh Observer. ie following letter, embodvincr a uecuion on several sections or scnea- 3- -1 f t ile B5 of - the revenue law, by the State Treasurer. isrpttblished for the inforojiatioa pier'ajt: s Raleigh N.JCX May 28, '77. : j Messrs. Jke JWAitaker xSs Jbhnfan, Dear SiTTo'ufrdTTCe 25 th irst. eaniepi pracucaoie moment. ,$ 1.. You make the following enquiries: to pa? one-tenth! of -one ner cent; on 1 the-cottori raisTeid'tos thiW Statw ind i Ant.iH if ftiUiC' .' HV ii T" J I T '-Vv ' Isva ai opinion that you; are liable to-iihe tax,. 1 under..- the -language "eVery other. trader.T !jByreference LJno- kAxi "k"' it sieejat tbVe l rentage, tax: therein ippa"818 oitpurcnases in or? oui 0 the acate except mSI cases Of " pur 1 V hhtJk'Aifi'ilJk .TJ : . XL. it LU . 'I- 2d. "Our farm acts :as i afcents for y se verat nouses ont of the State for rtne Dqrpose ot'sellinsr: for one Hour ,! ficf another badOn ; for another coffee and sttgar, fcc.i toc.$ are we ''required tb'pay. the ' tax of five"1 dollars.'. for each person or fi rni . for :. w Qin. We ao as agents 2V .vkiij h'ji -j11 i-i . Yourard'iiolilUbltftcf'tfae'tBxMen- fi49.U.ars is on merchants who pur- jChasejOJid selLpn their own acc ffl yoMould prpperly rliSBt I. ?0;0 ' account come WaS.tuAiWW&.-i ' -beiishlirnlikhf ,liable'tr' th'e 'rax'of BfVdbllars'me5n" i Liuiieu in secLinn 'zana lr an. nrn wa requirejjt&iatt itfon each- persons or i Jirm ior wnom we mst-ft aorantar" I t Vn HaWTki a. 7, A'uc 5 or Q2rafitSi?f i for which -JoHi ath'ns. acti::y6u jQWed tdhav U h in Se? fta !i?r A I voo.wwuquMytna&.theilaiw. au i,ui8 owtte, iu cases iOiWniCh eeOr tipn g4 applies, ybesejdecisions ex l ifiyjupiAra, iWJat. rQtaie oonid I not en'4ct sbch a.law;,-','X formAr lam . ,T ccrr'-vrrprv mw. and he-aofi paBsediby! the iuooeeding eorialatnrfi removed itbft. disprimi- j nating featuremkkfng the provisions of the section (now-,34) bear equally I hope the answera to JQur several inquiries , are explicit 'a'p4 fHiTO' i:..-v joirM;1-Worth.' i. -u :. i .- state Treasurer'; i Decoration for oalian.-;Co$aet. Tii a R.imaifl.Ti Hniifnants Denbaschoft and Shestentofft who, performed sujh, a fJiaf.ino-iiishprJ feat bv the destruc tion of the Turkfsh Iron-clad, by tor pedoes in the Danube opposite mat- chin, arrived .atvPloejestf on Sunday, and received the cross, of St. ueorge as a ! reward for their gallantry and skill? ; All the men under their com- maud in the expedition which had such a disastrous result tor.-the, Turks hAan -ft AAnta.td" with' crosses. The affair has naturally inspired the' Russian soldiers with-fresrieonnaence! and ehthusiasm,---.-- Y u ; A The' Southerner 'savs severiiy- tWo darkies Were baptized ' 4n 1 the 1 river ar Tarboro durine the last month- JTbe preach-! er was a colored mau by tue nameo ijayia, ; from Wilmington ... - The Carolina Farmer. HE UNDERSIGNED WJLL KKSUMB TUB publication of . the CAHOIilN FURRIER oa tne jfiits'i UAY; otf,KriitmBiiitt;j.Av with Mr., HAMILTON McHILLAN as Associate Editor. '' ; ' The FARMER win be issued monthly; In mags- zine form, with, handsome cover, and will contain thirty two pages of reading matter, adapted to the wants of the Farmers and Planters of the two Caro Slnas. The typorraphio excellence which formerly dirtingnished it will be rnlly maintained. ' . r Terms ot Bnbscriptlon : One year, $1.50; six months, $1.00 ; three months, 50 cents. There will fen no club rates. - BuDBcriBtions Davaftio on receipt of first number. The old friends of the FARMEK are requested to Bend In their names. - mv 25-D&Wtf nac Wilmington. N. C. Bxchanges will confer a favor by copying above New Music Book. Mrs. ,Yan. Cott's ; PPAI.QP Ronic f For Praise Meetings, Camp MeeUngs, Revival Meet I logs. Tabernacle MeetingB, Noon iieetings, . f rayer ana ixnierence Meetings, ana. . THE MTJBPHY TBMPSRAKCB MJEBTINQS . Mrs. Vaw Con Is one of oar most suceessfnl re vival nreachers. her work beincr mainlv in the Meth eaut aenominanon, wnere revival ana epiniuai songs were in use long bef ere they were elsewhere known. The book is a fine one for all denomina tions, hymns and tones being in excellent taste, po- ucai ana musical, comeoi us ui) songs are- Angel Choir. Li via s; for Jesus. The Fountain. Fruit and Leaves. Free Grace. Hear him Calling. I am so happy. A sweet Hope. In Saining White. Jesus ready now. Jesus, only Jesus. Saviour, pilot me. Little stray Lamb. My Heavenly Home. Fathomless Sea. Storm the Fort. " . Salvation's Free. Banner and Badge. We shall meet. --Temperance Hymn.. Beat, post free, for the retail price, which Is 3 5 cts Oliver Bitson & Co. , BOSTON. CHAS. i 111 H. DITS6lf ,& CO Broadway, N. Y. J. K. UFTSON & CO. Successors to! Lee & Walker. Philadelphia, my 33-d.iwtw Wed Sat Look at Our Figures ! B EST TABLK BUTTER, 35 CTS jjJHOICK' TABLE BUTTER.. 30 25 CTS , J.OOD TABLE BUTTER., CTS JjWMILY COOKING BUTTER, 18 .to Q CTS. BEST LEAF LARD, iu TUBS, PAILS and TINS, at 1 12tol3c. Packed Expressly for Family Use. Beat to be had. FLOUR IN BARRELS AND ' HALF BARRELS I Beat Brands at Reduced Prices. CHAS. D. MYERS & Co. 1 ' 5 & T North Front St. : Je S-D&Wtf ! - 1 8ECOSD GSaMD DRAWING; KeiiMy: Cash Distrrtution Company Louisville, Jane 30, 1877. $310,000 CASH in GIFTS! j i-'J ' NEW ORGANIZATION i NEW SCHEME 1 - L NEW MANAGEMENT 1 . FARMERS' & DROVERS' BANK, . j . . Louisville, Ky., Depository. I THE KENTUCKY CASH DISTRIBUTION CO. authorized by a Special Act of the Legislature for tne nenentoi tne jtujbjliiv suiiuuus up iritAwii. FORT, will have the SECOND of the SERIES of GRAND DRAWINGS j. ,i . the City of LOUISVILIiE, KY SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1877, ' At Pnhllo tlbrnrv HnlK " ' $60;000 for only; TEN T READ THB LIST OF GIFTS. t J I GRAND CASH GIFT I Grand Cash Gift 860.00 $85,C00 ......i. :r: 15.000 Grand Cash Gift. , 1 Grand Cash Gift-..,. 10,000 8 Grand Cash Gifts. $5,000 eacb. . 6 Grand Cash Gifts, $2,000 each.. SO Cash Gifts, $1,0C0 each 40 Cash Gifts, $500 each...t 100 Cash Gifts, $300 each;.'.'. . 800 Cash Gifts, $100 each, . . . , 600 Cash Gifts, $50 each 900 Cash Gifts,; $10 each u.i. ;. i5.ooo iu,uuu ao.ooo j au,uou ' 20.000 : 0.000 35,000 ii. 60,000 6978 Cash Gifts, amounting ttf.... J.l. .r ' $3lSo6o IWhole TJCkets $10, Salves, $5, Quarter J$2 50; 11 Tickets $100,89 Tickets f 300, 56 Tickets $suu. r t DRAWING POSITIVELY JUNE 80th, .1877. , 4 ', ' ' And every three months hereafter. . . The present management emphatically notify the Subliethat there witt be no postponement of this rawlner. as is nsual in such enterprises, but that it will positively and unequivocally take place on the astenamea. - : -.- IThis. the 8eond Drawing, will be conducted like the first, to the fairness of which the following named gentlemen nave testmeaj. : -,m i- i Hon. Alvin Duvall, late Chief Justice Sup. Court . tr . : ..... , ... - ,..'. if 1 James G. Dudley, "Chairman Board o( School Grant Green, Cashier Farmers' Bank of Kentucky. i Hon. 8. I. MU Malory ,;PuUc i Printer 1 State ot Kentucky. 1 - .---' r - Hon. Tuomas N. Lindsay, Prest Fftrmers" -Bat of Kentucky, , - . 4 Finn TVinmaalfl -Tnrina nlfirk' of Sup. Court ,of ' Eentnekvt. li Jndge R. A. .Thompson, Pres'dg Judge Franklin, CountyCoart.. i .v. j . . - ' ! Remittances can be made by Mail, Express, Draft, P.; Ov Qrder or Registered Leltev, maae payaDie . Qi W. Barrow &U0. . . . , t , "I Tickets paid promptly and -without dlseoont.'-' -i Address all communications and orders for tick' etsto - i",(ij-'!,:,iT".i f , . A. w. BARROW-& CO:. Gen'I Manaeers. j Courier Journal Building. Louisville, Ky, ! 1 OrTHOS. H.v HAYS CO-i wen 1 Agents. Send for Circular., - . 6tfJ flrodwav H ay J - nr Ha l si: : 1200' Bales GOOD HAY," s - r v z 1. r.. !- ' For sale low by my 87-D&Wtf - HALL & PEARSALL. NEW: YEXiSEMNTS. hi HMalthlcat'of us are liable to b stractlons in Ithe bwels.'fl)on't nealect thenvt it is. not necessary to outrage the palate with nauseous drugs in- suca cases., xne most eaecuve laxative knoWii, Is" TARRANT'S EFFERVESCENT SELT-: Z BR APERISNT, ad it 1b also the most ftfnreeable.' Its. operation .1 , soothing, coolings painless. If old byaiiaruggirts. . ,., . - k . -.t,:: a week In you.rr oym town. .'Terms and $5' Anttl r TMa . . . . , - . . . . j. s H. HALLETT & CO.; Portland, Elaine. A' Week to Agents.- $10 Outfit Fsbb. P. O, Y1CKERY. i , i , 40-i -' 'Augusta, MalBe.1"; nv-n C E Q KG E ?.P A CE - .CO . , ;-yo,.5 fc3Z202SS ,SAL7PS9 10 2-1 jpalnt Portable Stationary Enorines t " J J latent Cf rculaf Saw 311 lu, , Oangr, Muley & SasU Mills, -Orlsli tfs FlocUR Milis, Water." Wheels. Shinele. ' Barrel jWnMlnrAlrlnel"M'nihfnfrT. OriiMlerH. Rawi. Mill Knvnltes. fec. ' 012 A DAY AT flOMB. Agents wanted. -Out. fit and terms tree, r ''j'h s' i TRUB & CO,, Augusti Maiao. THE BLACK: HILLS, ByJT, H.MAsiJTBBi who has, spenlt twelve years in this region. Latest, accounts Of Gold and Silver prospects, Agncaiturai ana -urazing1 resoarces, vii mate, fiuntins. Fifihins-: Indians and -Settlers! ad-. ventures with them.' Mining and Wild Western Life,. ine warenaiis, xsoiucg ueysers, nooie scenery j im menso Gorges. &c.' !f With 87 fine Illustrations,! and new map.; , Price 'ONLY- 10 .CENTS, t Sold by Jlli. nbwbdkalebs, or sent poex-paia ior-1 cents oy DONNELLEY. ' LOYD & CO... PUBLISHERS. OHICAGO.ILL. ii i OK EXTRA FINE MIXED CARDS. with,name,! At lt cents., nost-naid. L.- JONES & CO.vNas- ;sau, N.Y.' it . . at - home. 'Samples worth $S Stiksok- & Co.. Portland, Maine.' The Maryland .Eye jut Ear: Institute. No. 60 N. Cliarle St. Baltimore. President, Hon. J. W.Dobbin, Judge Sup. Court l'ne aoove institution oners au tne comforts or a home to patients suffering with eye or ear diseases. kkuiui nurses are in actenaauce. ana as tne sureeon In charge resides in the bouse with the family, na- tienis are seen oy aim. several tunes aunng tne day. For further Information apply to the surgeon in jcnarge, j ux.i JR. GKO. REULING. my w , -; .y f We have on hand an Immense stock of hew and 'second-hand Billiard Tables, and will dispose of itnem at prices that have, never been equaled, j Per sons contemplating: the purchase of Tables for prl Tate or public use, should write far our pew cata logue, wonuenui lnaucements ror casn. i my MwDiW 726 BROADWAY, N. Y. UHI7EBSITI -PUBBBIA: '. SCinra KR LAW LECTUHES, (nine weekly), begnt J2th July, 1877, and end 12th SeDtember. . Have Droved of sienal nee. 1st. to stu dents who design to pursue their studies at this or other Law jehool: lid, to those who propose to read privately J and 3d, to practitioners who have not had i&e aa vantage or sysiemanc instruction. For cir cular appTy (P. O. University of Va.) to JOHN B. uinutti nw.-wiin, ana siai. Law. t my4-4wDW T O I LEITI S FINE ENGLIS BreecK- Loading Guns. , We havs for many years, with great success, made a specialty of building Fine Breech-Loading Qua to the special instruotions of individual sportsmen Making for a large and select trade enables us to give greater care and attention t the fitting, shoot big and general finish of our Guns than can- be given to those Guns bought by the retaL trade from manufacturers who produce for a general market. We solicit the patronage of those sportsmen i whe are judges of Fine Guns and who know the impor tance of having their Guns made to fit them . We are prepared to accept, orders to build Gunt of any weight, gauge, proportion or style. Bbaitd. Pbicx. PIONEER ...........r. $ 65 Gold TOLLEY... .....i........' ,80 i " STANDARD ,...115 ! NATIONAL...... 140 i " CHAULBNGB.. 180 i " f ARAGON....,t . 225 ! " t Full Illustrated particulars with references and instructions for self measurement forwarded on ap plication. ; J. A W. TOLLEY, r ; , Branch Office, 81 William Street, New York: ! ; i Manufactory, Pioneer Works, i Birmingham, Eng dec 14-D&W tf v ; fSPpRTSHEFS bilTnned Moccasins ! BOOT MOCCASINS, I - '' 8P0E PACKS, J 'LADIES MOCCASINS, - and j i CAMP SLIPPERS. made from carefully selected stock, in the. best ma, ner, at prices to suit the times. ' , Send for Circular and Price Lists. ! . ' . j . MARTIN S. HUTCHINGS, . 1 ' P. O. BoxSCS, . i. ...... , oct 17-DftWtf J ' Dover; New Hampshire: ETALLIC CARTRIDGE, - MILPT ART, HUN7 EXCEL ALL OTHERS IN ACCU"' j RACY, STRENGTH, AND - f 1 ' SAFETY ; - ! - No Premature Discharge' Ever Occurs i Every Rifle warranted'" go8d8Booter. Calibre , , 44 End.50-100 of.an inch, and of any desired length." Charge ef powder from 60 to 105 grains. : Weight et hhlls from',220 to 546 grains.' Stock,' plain ; also, Pistol grip and checked. Sights: plain; Globe line Peep Sights'; Vernier wit interchangeable 'front Bbjhts and Wlndattg8;- . Eyery ', Variety of i rjb -; munition for above guns, constantly on hanL. " ; SHARPS RIFLE COMPANY. ' sseDt 31-DAWtf , : ; v . t ' ... BrideenDort. CodSi. RT TBE SSEIDER BREECH-LOADING., SHOT C3-T71iT. ; i Prices, $50-00 to. $250 OO. . xMtJZZLE-L OADING-, &JL7' l ! 3.' : ALTERED TO BREECH-LOADING, , ; Plis, $40 00 to 0ip O0 f ClmU Srieider. ; ,J- , '. ; MANUFACTURERS,1 814; West Pratt Street. , . " ' ' " .Baltimore.' 1 ' "dec22-DAWtf . Sen d f ot'Cataloa, Sport i rig Dogs. B REEDING j KENNEL OF Ai'":CV WADDELL." ' I . (.(Formerly of, jNew Jersey),, . , - . s-f . i r EDJNA, KNOX COUNTY. MISSOURI ? ' i - Th?j Finestiiraias of,. .. . t t u; f SETTER -if POINTERS, 8PANfl5S AND OTHER. SPORTINjdD'oGsi': 4 t?om both IjBEprtpd.an4IatiTe Btock'at derate "prices, ap lO-D&Wff -tr ? .PJlEGIUPaE,QI'?RC.M T?ORTflra SPEEDY CtJRE of pemuy'Weaknes8r 4-L Lost Manhood, and all disorders brought on h Indiscretion p excess." Any druggist has theinere " Addresi Dr. JAQUES & CO Cincmnatt, Ohio. fob 15-1 jUiSfW tSTtt will drive von; CottoiCrjfc " S - ; .... - rfi - - -Vvr v. .' N r i- I .t ' i I f f Sfj if J 3 . i.rS.1.0ir.O '...I i.---if (Ml For. farther. informaUQat au4 a '.'11' dec 8-tf Notice. ITXTILL BE SOLD. N TUESDAY, JUNE 39TH i VV.1877, at, 10 o'cIock. A. M.i at the Auction Room 8 of Cronly & Morris; Water Street, a LOT OP UNCLAIMED GOODS remaining In the Office of the Southern Express Company,1 Consignees are advised to call promptly or (oodswill be sold for charges. . ,.; W. W. ALLEN, Agent ! Wilmington, N. C, May 14, 1877. -my 18-W4t S2500 dec8-Wly ; ." a rear to A cents. Outfit and.. $25 Shot Gun free. Vat term ad- 1 JT. A. j' STEDHAH, Jr., j Attorney- & Cimfeno? aTWi;" ELIZABSTHTON, BLADEN COUNTY, C. 1 OfficeUp Stairs, in Brick Baildin occupied 1)y Rinaldi & Co. j : --. I' . -" ! Special attention to Claims. Collections on sums bt $100 and upwards made for Five Per' Cent, if without suit. Drawing Deeds, Mortgages,' ct "a specialty. r f ape-O&Wtf ' ' - 1 . ' " . i . . I Uetropolitan Wors, Canal Street from Sixth to Seventh, J - RICHMOND, VA. j , ' ENGINES, Portable and Stationary Saw Mills, Grist Mills. Boilers. Castings of- Brass and Iron; Parsings, Ac. Machinery f ei Gold and Coal Mines. Blast l?aniaees; At5-' f--1-- I ' : We call special attention to our IMPROVED PORTABLK NGLNS, lor", agricultural and ; other purposes.' Also, to our new" style SMALL LOCO- MOTIVES, for hauling lumber, and other articles span tramways and narrow gange railways. ; ; ' ' ' . A nnraberof second hand Engines and Boilers cf venous patterns, in first-rate order, on hand. ; - , Repair work solicited and promptly done "f ' ' " " v j Send for illcstrated Catalorne.- j my 5-ly-D&W , WMB. .TANNER 4 CUt HigliedDogs.i; tlirfNGLISHv IRISH .AND GORDON SETTERS of the Choicest Blood, with: guaranteed pedigrees!' For sale by ' 1 '.'. ! ' ' . E. P. WELSH, tYorkPern' uovT-D&Wtf , FAIRBANKS' : ; Standards p al e s5 j ' 1 MADE WITH THE - ' ;r ' ' latest & Host Valuable Improvements 3CA.LiiiiS '-' THE WOBLS j STAHLA1. I ' l: RECEIVED HIGHEST MEDALS :AT f World Fair, I4on4onk.'..'....r.'A.lS51 . World's Fair, Mew York .186 World's Falr,farl.iiw....1,4v;.v.l861 World FalrVVlenhaU;"Tt-.:::.,....18T3. World's Fair Santiago (Chill) ..1875 World's Fair, Pblladel pfelaT.. . . . 1876 " K AXSO' -''i - 1 COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS,' i " -' O''' J , -r- TEA AND COFFEE CANS, ,n-. ; , .-, STORE; TRUCKS&cv Agents for mjis'larm m6neJbawer3, FalrbanK &. C6C4 31; BroadwayiW.ir,' FAHtBANKSiafc Co.i 166 BaitiimOxe' st?, B'altimoreJ "! FAIRBANKS fc Co;, 58 Camp St. New Orieans." 5 FAIRBANKS & Co., 316 Main at. BuffalovN.- Y;.i FAIRBANKS & Co., 338 Broadway, Albany. N., Y,f FAIRBANKS & Co,. 403 St. Paul St. MbhrreaL " FAIRBANKS & CO;, 84 King wmiam-st,'Londonr FAIRBANKS, BROWN & Co.. 3 Milk sti BQStoi.S f FAIRBANKS & KWINOMaeonro-Ha.H, Philad'liia FAIRBANKS, MORSE & Cai Chicago, Ills, j FAIRBANKS, MORSE & Cfl.. CincSnaU, Ohio. . r FAIRBANKS, MORSE & Co., Cleveland, Ohitf.' I FAIRBANKS, MORSS Co.. Pittsburgh, Pa.u , FAIRBANKS, MORSE & Co.,:LouisyiUo, Kyi ,-,t FAIRBANKS A HUTCHINSON, San "Frahciecol ! .For Balfthv Innrtimr BirrtwaMtttmlon. . i ' . ' For sale bv taariinir Brri mia TlfwilorB ; 'feb tawDAW Uy 13 Th&Su:o Paris Cherretts Gloye$i JboRi GENTLEMENJ-THB KID 1GLOVE SO touch sought after In ,the City? of Pal8..JAfew dozens from la& importation.-' i ' liift i4 imymfir., mif.- BJEDiRICg.7 HE .BEST. .LINJS X THB 'CITTtilaaESn DRESSOODS, $argafci oftirlct CCorsetts, Sf and Figured Picme, iaidJHamburgi Trimhiingstjtidt J recelVed;' r.Imyatq, f;.'.1 Akpftjck.'. BELS.-SUPER, KXTRA ' rovJii( lo Klj; raruesiOiWant wllldd weli ' stjso j . ?.Wi--.f ,1'.! - r . myHy&Wtf-,-' !j 1 tii ymmuBi?H ,wjtB UA Mil 3 3.,-: ' 'lfV Bags COPJKE,!'! v. :;?: V41 SB ! a.-'-vMlii i'tn vr..-rA--'tr nf i i . - i 1 f 1. '. . tf ' i K j 7- it je J-tfDW BXNFORO, CROW A.COi y, ENGINE. Hills and 'flrSfli 5?Kr$liK?i? with ease.g i-ii'd Tf' AlU"t .Mli'$ YU..) Siilii , -i-. . 0' I. wit a 5B-r ivi Jl V i.ii 11.1 l',y m'6 1 y - - . . C -9 ' koi iri-.0':. ..-2 - rf, -f " s-:-i'ii,-r,B" B ft ft .o i 7' a-1 s 'Si B PescriptiyeOircular; addresa - .,; 'AMES EPFKfc.& CO., Sprlncaeld, OH!, ..or, GEO. ALiEN ifc CO.. Agents, Newborn, N. c. 1. p. Grainger C. M. Stedman . , . . ; . . S. D, Waxxacb..-. ISAAtt BATEB . . . . . v. . .i ' . .......President ...Vice President Cashier i Assistant Cashier Bank pfSew Hanover. CAPITALS PAID IN- - - - $35(000 AUTHORIZED &APITAL- Sl.OONXOOO 1 ' ' DIRECTORS: " ' ' John Dawson, . .. . . D. R. Mnrchison of Wll ; lhuna & Murchison" !ton. R. R. Bridgers-Pres W. &W.R. R4,; .-,r-Vollers, of Adrian & Vollcrs. : : J f no W'Atkbt6al ' - i i Ct M. Stedman, of Wrigh &Stedman. , Jas. A. Leak, of Wades ! boro. n M.- WeddelLj of Tarboro, N. C. E. B. Bbrden, of Golds. - boro, N. O. - , i a f- -jB, Grainger, President. K. B. border n nl JpTinnn Bpounh P. P. HOWBLI. President: UUlUdUUiU UlQublli- Cashier, l -DIRECTORS: E..B. .Borden,. T. .palrcloth,. W. b Komegay, R. Kdmnndson,"Herman-Weill ' 1 - ... J 1 I . - Waflasljora tacL'civni DIRECTOBS: President. : . ........... . J, . A Leak,R. T. T3eniiett,G. W. LUtlc, J. C. Marshal j Issues Certificates of Deposit bearing interest. ; Is authorized , by . Charter, to-receive on deposil moneys held in trust by, ExeeuJorSj Administrators, 6aaraians, &c &c, &c t Strict attention -given 'to the orders and requests Of our country friends by mail or otherwise. novie-wtr- rt-;r..,--. ,. i -r opiuij; snfl Morphhie'hafiit tttisolntclv and sptediljqured. Painless: nopnWicity. tsena cramp ior particulars, jjt. cari- Orand Exposition iiotei, j Philadelphia, May 18,1876. WAKEFIELD "THtllTH XIL0SET CO,, I ; t 34 Dcy Street, 3V. Y. . fiEimjEKEK: " A ,j ; . . ' ; I The fifty Caolnet Closets that you sent ris givei general satisfaction to our guests. We will iend yo an order shortly for as many more. i , ... ... j Yours respectfully, I , . , ' ' , . M. RILEY, Manager. ' Mr. C.A. Wakepixld placed in the TirstBaptlst Church of Fittsfleld, in the fall of 1SI3, two of his Vault Earth Closets one for the use of ladieB, and one for gentlemen and they prove satisfactory in evei thing. They are. entirely o$orles, though placed in small tilose closets.' J They have not been out of repair, or working order, though used, by children as well as adnlta. They have been filled with dry earth Snd- eieaned out but twice a year; and beside this have required noare.' : i '- . ; . . , - i i JAMES FRANCIS, li i , .'. : - ANIEIi STEAKNS, J-Trustees, j. I - A, D. FRAKCIS,: i PltTSFIELD, March 20, 1816. ... .. 1 - ' .i.tj. . - 'Spesckk,' Mass j, March? II, ISIS. We have used one Ins onr- factory for nearly one year H has done all you .claim for it. ffe therefore recommend it t onrfello citizens as one at the mast useful discoveries of the sgeji i',s u; , . , i ' ; ' .YWfrespectTullr,., .. , , .!. 'Hi t' .11 J.-sit lit" JJsat -MiiUufacturei-3. i "it." ) -jtii- ' Tr'. ahen.IHass. JJarch S3, 1876. 1 T onr Vault Cotfuuoklei nln.e4 in hnr nt.v cninrwn. tlonal Ciiio-eh. works aiuiiR$bl and w,e heartily re- xonrs, ,j i w u. bhefard, f ;haimaa Building Committee- r ; The nlal ParfcTe&t. lS 1 NEwrORK-. May gs. 1K6. ASfiyjStB 63 CLQSST C3., .jJ' 84 PejStreet'jr. J. i4 WakefleM Earth doeta lrM ti iiri.cuuiricHt. - WeTiavS J-'M f j-vjaceasea -using tne water Closets, tiigj fcl - ichich Were contaminating tint. i'rrtr3rlTKj ufeuierof our lakes;. . J 'iir. .-'j' l RcspeetfuDy, j ,lH JUWVS MJCNCKWITZ, i -:it ap6-W2m J o3i WATCHES'-" -'Ck'ffllVlMlTi fho lrnnwi. World. ? Utatpff mtch and s outfit' fm to Aqenf. JTgr tprwa address CQULTiat & OOU?uieaRo (dec or-'Sv'ly is l 1 J 1 V LUi3 . - -T aa - -' rfiiiE nAiivt4 Hbttsrsti1 star, a lTRS.X-rCM(SSrBJO.CSATiq .NEWSPA PER, ;jj ' - ' - - published at tli folltwviafg iows " j ' ; ljif- .; ii v i j ? ! I , i . i. .. ' i 1 ' HATES OP TTBSCRIPTION t V j i 'l ,.;' .. One Year, postage paid,;;.. $7 09 4 CO 35 1 00 pip Aionins, ( - j, I,. ,4.j. Ti I i I i i' i. . r ..' n-ibis-l:t. " ' Pie ,iiil:cl -j'lt i CdKtains fHSlJUfjortlloi" the Wilmington Mar- y FetjSj Telegraphio Reports of he Korthern . aaa -ETBfopeao Markets,' ai the Latest -ft ' ntailn-Orri all parisW tMfr J ' Mti,:iiitU' -worij.llI'-'f: -l' iA.lt.q Li: k-it-i jni-ffi vji .- im ut lYnjJ'.i oi - ii.J' --.'tMi' -1 rgefet DAILY aRCULATIOIf fntfie STATE S ill -ul )KD1.T,,-a; Pipparuro. . -lIW'i!l 'il ! t .. .TT P Q ', 4 .CU'lfTB AND 'CEO'KE COLLAR by' incans'of feB how loiifi-hiiRtfetL, br what the dtermcltSon. can be ttauehi'to fetch and carry, and to rttrieve came in a I most perfect manner, with iio plav about it. Dogs brekfcn -of Hihyness'-and whlphyBess, made vteaqy-oetoro ana pepmo, iawokTto: ueei" steaoujr, privents Juggins on the chain, besides a much more extended sphere1 f usefulness.'' Pri"e, Wth direc tiotasforusui?;$S; or mail, post-paid.1 1 -FENNEL: CLLa,jwbJcliiMi dog baa get over I -i.i i-r" vbtf-'cnLiN. iiqpittrWtttrf'Sl nbiiJ i Delaware City, Del. n