V'f ; n 1 1 j. t -. " -: ov Ma VM. H. BERNARD, - Editor and Proprietor. ;v;iLMirlGTori, th C: : , Friday, Jul? 20tlvt877. ' t35 Remittances must be made by Check, Draft, Postal lioney Order," or. Registered" Letter Port-, Masters will register letters when desired. MRU UCDUblll i.- ' i .),- Only each remittances wiu i I the publisher. ' ' - 33 Specimen copies forwarded when desired. '"''.- THE SFB1EERSHIF. ? It has been given . out: from: time to time that the South Twould place its own candidate in, -the; field 'for Speaker, and as it has a majority of I menioers on ine xcluuiuhj oo i if would compel tfie Northern Dem- I ocrats to elect its nominee.:; As a I , s ' of nghi We hive i never ques- I . . . - .n' .t.t i J . .S4l I "matter : ; .tioned ; that the South' oouid, with - propriety, take such a step with an 1 - : e :ri n nnithd I assu rAflce of success,' if it ,was united nnii lpirlArt in its nuroose. " But - as may do in order to unite the .people of that section,that are numerically so superior, "and topsolidify them into one compact whole. It would no doubt, viewed ' under some ; aspects, be a good thing Tor. the South1 to have "- the Speaker', and to , get control of Kl the ' important com mittees, but in the end we. might be the North dread iii lutj ueupic iu- iuq uuttu li . L I n rvi fiT n nan . such large,; generous s views as.-the New York Journal of V Commerce holds, thenf nothing but good to the South could flow from its possessing .thc'.SpeakeSMhip!.iBut - - . - nfortunately - there are' ut ' few papers of . such liberal and kindly- opinions towards ns,ana we must iook maiwre they are, and not aa they ought to be. : We are none the less glad to read such: broad views as the .louowmg taken; from that excellent paper: the ISnSto for the SeakershhpTandit Ani.) k .Bn.v.hia AAontinn rt thA "Great secUons are always represented in would Y1"" v . f - the House shouldnot bring out herfavo lie son,' whoever he is, to compete fsfthat prize. And if the same section should in- siot oii her share of the committees she would be no more crasnine than the North or the West. It may not be the best of the claims of localities important offices and customs 10 consider in distributing these appointments, but as long as the usage pre- vaiis the Soath-isentitledoaMadTitages'' of her- numerical strength in the. House. If her Representatives have the capacity and tact to secure the Speakership" and SSSSSSlS ine country is naarv at present, and U the blood ! and keener branch the whole people nrhegoXISrthe aiming to get unlimited appropriations for ner raiiroaaa ana waiexways. - javerv sec - ter railroads and waterways. - Every sec tion is greedy for subsidies.- The South is anxious, no doubt, to secure her share of &11 the good things agoing. ' If she obtains the Speakership and the choicest places on committees in the House, she will probably be no more modest than the -North or the West in aaserw her rieht to the exoeBdi - , tureofmoney for mternaL lmprovenfents long withheld fromher. We cannot blame rt ,uawc' wuue wwMug o "& V fa , ; . r, 7 T" . ; . , - actenzeu Kirk's insulting talis as tne 'ilip- the wisdom & of such action; We great partythat be tried hi vain to1 jsldency, by pad . throuah the connir pant.speech of a rude soldiet' rather than know how readytheNorth is-to seize get the nomination , foongress vjance and Rascality of the;Eightve- .ffaRd8h?8v&;a ; upon any and every thing the , South wjjen Billy Smith won the stakeber nal members of the Electoral Cora- less hsve . said in , his rude way, 'we ;were losers, as it might create a vsolid I tne party for extravagance And;thigh',r j Mr. Hayes has not jbeen guiltless pf it strikes at. : i.t.': f : -v ,w the main- thing we have to I Did times that he had received Borne I a great mistake, or worse, in 8ome'ofJ;rr,v . , - . . ; , , , t ? . l ,1 $160,000 of salary during the eight I his other 'appointments. His selec-1 ; "Qld Si" appears to . see, uW little If all the people in the jNorin naa i Vearg; which i he had been .sucking tionof the present' Collector bf 15al- gooa in a trip oouinpy ctne. irresi- ; tier iw oiw;iuug euui luvois, buu wuuiu deny them to heJy : becanse we would ? i refuse them to all parts of the Union alike. -j wnaiever enons tne i '-- : - - may make for subsidies will probably be defeated I of the West and North. byralscbeir T " --' - r projects have all killed ach .. - ' and we 4iope will do rection of them. Finally, if the South does I wanted himself. . and , that' he based 1 tLi.v a-. -lt.- ' . r.r . , r. . )r..-- get the upper hand m the House she will ; ' ' i i . ' - : which will, prevent the - country from becoming . ' ..ViT' xespeet.' ' - . ' - "A Colonel Houston attempts V V YB iJ esapea e . Al a. Sf.; 1- -1 TLX, ' cation, ,Ajierica,ttngM Jiortn;uaroiina ana wrote incuiierent poe try. trvmpm tmpmmmr ------- - . - ---- - -a - - - it may be "bosh but t bas been discussed in Ntrth Carolina f 6r fifty Carolina, nave -oeen inclines ;t -i.ii?: ..I --ii -' a.a -vi - opinionj hati,waa theeritable opon! his return from Western parof- - T c rlWw:0.MeH . gentlemen, who. were pupils ot Peter We have no opiaion - of oar ? own abouttheidenity to gganrft Alir :lTlnron.Iufamnmiar "new thing. , Carolina Untelligencer,-iyi ,v? w j ? ..-. vwijiumsuw uisu wi f wmowci mjp w uuw niai.i,cr, . auu, . nr states, ana in the interest or that T readme who aft, familiar with all the I npnnaaorv 'urnnli iritro triom'' v 'I'nvfWl 'I J-'tt'i "i.tjii'!faLl.L,:-.'-,ii:iii-1 he a , t , w.v tk.if f .m.vuw. i tii 'j w in il iiaiituual- - lucit wuiuu will I j I " : " "..firtr r i , "tt,t n . "yy, .ffiuoo xi ; separate ana inaepenaent ag6,'im$MUi Irneinooiy Jtovte'Stateaftt rs'iheNaii6n'ai made a special trip : to ''this tate ' to called the timeiwben he was captain Gbyramerit, inquire inithmaWerHef sd, of theirnilitia company l HendersorV1 mt'oifWn is Una, that there -was a great deal to Taborn's fife, feeling that swelling of frointhe tooaocils ofi the country the Myers,, John C. Koch; J, W. .King, 0, 0. isabstantiat:M;ial tl .intliience of Southern Opinion; and In ' eJy;JrM Walker Meares,L. H.Bowden,; ture opon the subject Of the identity when m suddenly cried oarte twenty years the United Stated would fnry chulken, John; t. CantweU-1 For. f wouldak?ins 'yreM. vMMEM yJoseph a HiU Portwoyears . - " ' - IT " - ' -, - a J " aa -I ' a - . I a - . J .--. - - , t a . . .4 4 F. I . . . auu tuey uoiu oeneve. mat neitmue Droke over tne if resident? lae&j lttkmriTs6Tixvri,i.kX i siii iwovears: u. was Michael Nev. the MarshaL The I wheii oui ! stewed thernatH b?mnt . - storv of the identity is vaults aa intnr. I bicri bnrlv. l nomnona fellow -Thia.l t a '-L j.... .1 v: rvlftmw A; vatinA a ffo toA-ooirtTi nf5tnit f rnkt If . Kfl..1Vil.J.n fc.t i i. j i. -i - r . . . . . . I - MOaQWWy " ... ... o.,,.rvi-2T!r.r'n-?nv-si "trr v - v" u &s syi taeninee8eryes,the iaBiiK of jthe r John J . r '"" JT B Montffomerv. . ffNirtiMirttt: niA Wni! 1 mntitVi a.' AMAit.:l: 1 ) v -, . . ... I wa Writ th at thA Ttpnnhlihana will- have '-T1 t J ,77" v "'"f"i4 ;rfeviMK.yft;masnea,: j aage neaae made a speech im 1 r . 7.. . - v7 v somewhere , about , 1826 heas, lightly thirsty, and his patri. UtiRaleiirh. filfCThirtvTein Bf!g!!rn , from cklenbirpiap oUamrlUterally rising fever, heaV ..15 EpS ho had been teachingschool forthree He wanted to: serirelhe ;party-h'i gpftgpy of the party kim(im or four years.' His arrival in . Vir- wotW servo the arty he' wonld- 'dV 'getttpff b'afender gioia, as , we have beard, i occurred, something rany. iiotr. He : was ' per W'pf;1'" l6e'22d orAniraAjlJe - about 181G. He was an able man and fectlyillin;2 to accept ihe tffiMtfiL l a barbecue, a bind of music. Speaking; &c, h'13 writing verse.i lie va3 a izn cf mark, according to the concurrent opinion of : all who r ever met him Whether he was the Marshal we very much doubt. ' ! ' . TOB TORBB T1R HEEL ASPI- RA9TS. . . Patriotism was - never beforo 60 high, among. Republican, aspirars. Those two' gentle, scalawags, Ike i v nnni Ann innn im mnn a. , are u w ' - ' - w .,....- . 7f . i ; l- I Btandin igin the presence of the, row- o , . .. v!---Ti4 EbeM bowing and scraping., Iket .1..T1 Y, - " .vf. . KioV t Wild mwiuero - t;uiiu f i in h most5 Insinnatinff manner' and with his most oily phrases, 'so, Jtaasi'T' tie, bo smooth, so faraiHar, t and hbo,I assures the ' said '.iPowera that! J dc, mai- ne ; nas bci vc . -jai r faithfully and! wellV-tnat ; aipid ' the gUmmers heat and the winter's 'cold 51 . . ; ' ue nag (ione and.-dared., all that ; . L - i .. !.. -. party feally ae,nded the loftieBt patriotism authorizedthat he bas - - u 1 Deen very inswuiu in wuUfuMf A-"a- ..""K'- .".?.".,.. courtesyor speech, butstreegth of back of season in blowings bia uOswn ; born: I mho cheated the people of ; that State j one. We have never ceased to admire the1 cause Wile v" Jones.? who is a man small narts and biff aspirations, wtfuld. . . - ' ? . i' 'a r'' get in his way that he, had , at. last secured i the.,long-8ongutKDOon,.ana i had had the very great honor of being Konten Ant nf his hoots bV that honest I mn" f!nt. Jo'- t)avia--that he had I lived in luxury for eight years, doing 1 i years his utmost to nnnoia ine cnaracier oi i v : mr : , . . . . c I viff0rouslv at the'publio teatthat'ftimore was an; instance ; of , 'a sad de-' I ne na not mae any money, , had I I been kind to all, was too fat to work, 1 1 in viw of the general situation I 1 - 0 affairs' thonkht h'eonsht'iiol' - .'bT - 'l I jaine hat he might J' help i onthe I rfttfftrm mov(!mct to which he I i wfig aeyoted heart I and pet. t I ;rjje "Powers" I Rftiisfact;on to'-. the nlausible and I adroit addre8a only a mere outline of which being 6nggested above, and f I w- Tv. Tslw.llrt1a 'oalroVI I . . . . . ' . , n onr, I I tucu kuiuiug v,.vuu,4...uuUf rwrr 1 him "to say his little speech, is 1; Jobnis notan orator like his great J T1 competitor, ; Col. Ike. He made; ra- I Wi :''fffW.' nnnwhiAh' i 1 - 7 . I he succeeded, however,, in . making a I I home thrust that : fairly . pinned the I President's ooatail'-fast'to.'be walli I Tta'inMt tl "Tnarara" t Vir liVhnrl no I , H -. - charge to make against CpJ. Ike,, who. wasageneroosfellowwhospenthis had-his I hands in the public swill-tub ' for i ' . , . 5 . - r tt. 'if i'.- .v eignt years, a u ring an oi wmcn time he had been, faring' sumptuously every j day and- wearing purple and? fine f-linenl - with - diamond' fixings 1 thrown in, all the year , roundthat I he (Nichols) was just as ttnselSsh. in I . . v - . . . . T; , , j-w- - party'of Tiigh moral ideas"" and I . ' . i;- :J I i . ' . !, V ' ,u "e " "i-"' I his whole Dlea noon Ihe fact that ac-1 . 6 Wmw ;W, offica.-i ibis last iaVibe-Presli .f , . z , r.r;, I Pent xiayes winnea." at.: van - cscnurz .l. i - ( ; . ; iiJi . l - : - and hunched .Pos j Key, and ; then ; said . that he would . t - - .-.--: . -.---- : "6 ' andonn'wer?;! 1 filing btit of ; theyrooiny the' Tecollec J an rWleepne step tfi onji, ." ,'.V JV-,n l7 I made McLin, one of the Florida Re- toe-' KTho Detroit Free Press says: liaWnAd'with" -'evi- I trirnW Rnar1 Jnm in TToV. J.n. I ' f'A trip through iho South wouldYun- on Tor aoie legiaiaiors i money ireeiy wu uuw wen, uuw u ijliio otajs ianuB pieagea 10 approve I -cjr ov .. ti vwiwb. SnsMnWe tower improve , a shining hour, after " the wh en the President -does right, and t0. he opposition, whilst Eyarts, except the disap-1 stereotyped, manner of : the :'bnsy LtoicoTiaemrt freelyiind strongly when t Schurz, ohernjan, Devens and Me ; .These, competing I of devotion to party ana principle as iMj-jjtii-. ..-"a 3 1 i . f5.. . :,i otaer thus far, I v i Lizivi!i iii.' inai campaign. 'Weeks may be an honest so ateacji new resur- i l,j,"y 7"-Xuu: I Revenue Officers who violate the laws And . wnrf.hv -anhhtnrrt: Knt . ? ." l . . i . ' . , I ue.trieu uv toe j? euerai vourt. " mnlrft iho Alaim orood: - s " ' legislation ot the cording to the president's own' rale - kxrfiWtwlnl-f VK-Vtiw ! - . a;v'v' too sectional in anv ,-f i 5 - r-. t. s ur are tgla4 to vSee -Xhat Jndge . , - -i H 1 . ' ' - iPi'??l;? R4dni4d;anAadyer'opin 4-' w ingenious-1 ".T. s-r; -rif te I and quit fetreading on,myiheels.Mli06i GenaghilHawkins I tnnnw'iT'ha JiDtirvmnohnil UllnnmtlM . f- t , y4H"f f HSeo 1 rfu;'"?,v ,",,lu8, a u.auu, .UB i OOUltt nail i Deen I OVerrun.i, anrt, -tfan- J nxeeiins iu rtuuen good - as ''to-slep --down, and i-out;1'- otherwise, he the said General Phil B,, ccoild not th'nk of, aspiring to the f sitiop. 11 ,s himself thoroughly qualified ior thefoffice, and would un dertake to sayAp could live ashih, play as strotig a game, spend as much money, put' on "as much style as Col J'j t Kl c- - t ifi.lnii;'.'; x&c uiiuaeu. i v- i. .. i i. ... . . t ,-, , . . ..... i ; VIA w a. vc w -iv a u wM&waaui a. i a w . in Washington as "Tar lleels "i"---' . Search of Office: or a Young Tempest ul ..-ti it. QL-if i..bi 6 tthe Radical Stewpot BJLU ISNOtJGII. Jtfa nQttafoe: questioned or ooatro verted uocepsfqllyi that the -&ew. en has.made Jiome f verylbad seleci biutuT-BcicumMuq miu: wvum nvt un heen creditable to even. )Geitr ;,Graut. He has blundered very greaUythat -. , rrr' '-.- i r, is absolutely .erjuuur -Whepp heja. ijs :. .. 1 :n C poiata to. office :M .Co.gM, oneol the. Florida Returning, Board, an.inr JLmAn f -Vnowoo fleets discreditfuprf ' bis 1 admlnitra- " ' -V ;, "'' 'fNi n tiop, and ivea, fearf al, blow tq!S all pr9m,usei4 pi geiiuni? civu servicB re- forma do wgili was v the i Auditor or J Florida- is a 1 cormorant known - as a seedv' carpet-batreer,1-and ia-s to be Marshal ;of ,'that '.afflicted .-State, ac yru ling to rumor, parture t'rora hfsj well-sounding worda of reforrxuj The appointment of ex- Gov. Stearns. of Florida, who was a - feirtrtd'thdTreBidential frand, as Commissidner in charge 'of the Ai- kariaas HotS nnnfra. was a huA Raton 1" oihWdisVrftCp.fnT RPrPf.tion; 1 We Vislike sucli aDDointments.iust as much, and just as' sincerely as the t? i -i. : j . a . . - " . ; - t "tUBH uwibcm UUUiUVU UCCU 1U lilt) I land, f Such appointments are simpry dfcgracefol to any 'country,: to' any' .m?.-,- .-,:.. ' ! age. and to any administration. We t.A Ttf. TT, :n i.-' :A r- - w....u,cuu w-y, The. country expects it, and 4 he has promised it. 5 We ' condemn ' nnmea- suredly'snch a prostitution of pdweri XAticlvs!V'! r, . J " , j , as those papers, that have- only blamed, him 5 "fromytheVword' go.'. hel doe. wrong, ' Controlled by this principle of right and fairness we de-1 . . . .... i nounce the ; above reprehensible j ap- I pointments. and' all ther-: of i thrf J sane character,5 that he has'madeV' ' ' Icon Fi,icrr o f jurisdiction.! j u. ne auDremo tJotirf orJN orth CaT- I . Ti . r , U J olma has rendered a decision in tho Af Rf of n Vo Towno TTno Vina s.1 :Sff SSff - T ? f l that throws tlio fall 5 weight of that I r r L. and.wisfl sent raentS! ,M ?, viivlf I Z"!!: i iiuo oa mua jaraiupuoaiouy,! l ouwmfgQBn neV .w.a or iney cease 10, in nn btripb i l in a twiwap nppooca m itt in- I- id is blow thatlsirnd the riehts i i r,.fftt .itr vt.. v.i- r-ii . fi, e ifanBei,i''; nation.?? and not.a confed - Remove gflwe are glad to see that the Raleigh yithbim:'W0 ft .1 '.1L! . - t ' . . I yereign,! coromonvfiaito and to; try! r x m s - i nirivi. iiyi an v . nin.1 w ii.ii Mil liihl 'KM n and soul,' tongue I tion, to ;sav i the , least. ; He , has also Known ot toe &oatn au Ins JiieJi;be jowwwvi unu varuima are io i he stands ' in neea or witnesses to Lai . t. t .. n . . ' . J f. ." ..... I !. i - . s. . i it ... . ? calenders who commit c: . -3 in a State and against the State. -We must, quote; from tl Observer ; ? ! ..- r , . "It i3 well known that the Lr Court is not a savor-'' one in U resisting uower. l.ortU Care 5 Raleigh i I ' ory or that matter of .niaES still remember with ehame its aLiact exhaus tion at the hands of the .Usurper "ilolden and his , Tennessee ..cut-throat.-, Iurkv , We, ,wera prepared, therefore, to hear the.eohrt declare in explanation ol. us leagmy opiiw. ioq that its purpose in brief was to declare that the act or. Congress, unaer wmcn me removaL was ordered was unconstitutional, ! and that the ruling of His IIoDor, Judge Cox,' was proper.' - We doubt not at all that such was the purpose of the court,; . tar i i . T . .... i I . we naa Bupposea, as eternal visirauue wan the price of liberty, - that the subjects of Btate's rights and iFederai powers, which, are the foundation of liberty , in America, never could be worn out bv use, but we .were mistaken, for now we have H.foruaaUy and judicially declared otherwise. "liut per naps we are in error in mus ex Dressing our surorise at this declaration of the Court, and in entering our dissejit from its teachings. We ought to have remem bered that the present is the month pf July, perea tbattue present ;is tbe p rand that tne month of July is I month for that Court. It wa I VAnro own 1hla mnntH hot TTir not a good was just seven fiM. such things bad 'played out, and stralght- way tnetourt Became exnausiea,- noi in oexterous use 01 tne language wmcn cnar- about State's Rights and Federal powers, bat is the use pi f uikmg-a that sort of stufT has played o being a rude soldier with flij ahout it ? . AU out.' But not lippant speccb. the Court, bis Honor, Judge JReade, speakt i nsv fmAWAltr enirl in rv i a hlnn rf Aof - m a n n ant Witn only the faintest trace of a1 sneer visioie, -we nave neara mucn aooui, ue trite' subjects of State's Rights and Federal powers.' f " - .v - ,r-i-. , t We shall have more to say' about this decision and the precious ' rights dent.r ; VYe believe, a trip would do -Mm much service.; 1 He would learn to respect the Souths and how ; many slanders and lies are told about our people. rWe'; heard. Senator.Tipton say ,h.e,Iearnt more ipi three daysin the South, in. 1872, than he had doubtedly do Mr. -.Hayes eood. and he would return to Washington more thorough L.fe1 ihe baynel hrrcat mistake, and assured that i the South I is making good use of the political; liberty Wr" 7" nnw PrSftvfe Thla n U.et hna hun the efTect of a Southern tour upon the minds iSSS Sil maqe i excepting always, oi course, the ,-visiUng statesmen. who-. went South last - . " a.. : . : 7 for the express purpose of giving coun tenance to itelurmng Hoard knaves.' i , iue vauiueb is uiviuuu on ine huu- jJep of appointing rnoderate Southern Democrnta to officp." Th Prf.i!1ent. . , ,. ,1 n " that eicellent If old a salt, becretary Thompson, and Postmaster . General Crary , bitterly,, oppose, the project the distribution begins we apprc- i t.: a .u I "e."u I,oat ,ine . r,4tJ J-Mcmociaiip l Dnaocrats" will be found among the moderates,' will . be ' as obse- quious as possible. . . , .-.iiJJ it,' f. Special Treasury Agent Weeks 'Is -- - . another "rotten egg" we begin . to: su$pect.,;;' He is ine :lsarae 'delectable fellow who 1. UsU U-d-"aa f : county nave oeen receiyeajrom aiaj. J. a.- i EB(reiaard. Becretarv of States and are now i - w . Id the hands of, olaylor; Clerk t the- I $ap"101" Court, for deljyery various qualified -between now and the 1st August, when the will enter upon ftlraTira t4 MieXr ilntipa ' . A-"fKr htm ,-" ,iTb6 follbwing ls'a list 1 of the. magistrates with: their, respective . C!y o WilmiTujion. For six years;! John S. James, John C. MiUist Solomon Bear, John D. Love, (since deceased) E. D. Hall; Thos. M. Smith,- E. H.'i McQuigg1,1 D. G: Worth, W- W Harriss', Henry Nutt, C. D.' W Vave mar IwnsJiip-For six years:' A;. Jl " For four years; Jas; Cowanf.iFbr IX. Bpotfc roto5Ap.i?or six'ye'arss : 1 ohri A. lIoseleyrJohn Al- Holt Tinimahipi-T&QK i six t ; years Beasleyt uFour years: Joseph A; Two years: John Q. W' ner. t Vi f 'Jo?iWnif Tpteijj.For sli yeara Hdsea Ia" Hofnei'-Fohr yearstJi!John IL' SaVBgeu: Two years; lStdphe'n X. Koyea ty U Purgawontbat'day,--1 ! 6fic :?. i-t-1 -Anthony tiowe.-jj . - - ux: i ii iaa aa i -vi ,v cubhxi:- co""iS5io:r;iss,- - Troce'e 'lags I i special Scsalon. . TbcBor l me? in special session. yes terday af.orhooc, at 3 o'clock; presept, J. Q. Wagr :r, .Chairman; "and Commissionlrs B. Qr: inger, P. 8. Sanders and Diincan Holmes." - V Col. B. R. Moore appeared, before' the Board and presented the following, which was receivea ana aaoptea:: . - It "appearigtih"e""!B the Supreme Court in the case of the State of. North Carolina upon the relation of Thomas S. Kenan vs. James Heaton, that there Is a vacancy m the office of Clerk ot the Superior Court and Judge of iProbate. of the county of New' Hanover, and that said vacancy - has been filled by appoint ment off His Honor, A. A. Mcltoy, ; j udge of the 4th Judicial District, of Col John D.-.Taytpr-to fill said offleet iW'l'A? -n 1 And uoi. John v. aaylor appearing pe-: fore the j Board, and exbibitlhgiiis official bond, with David G. Worth; Donald; Me- Rae, George Harriss and James, Sprunt as snretiesi'- , ' ' It is ordered by the Board that: the om- cial bond of, John D. Taylor, as s Clerk of, the Superior Court, be accepted, ' and that he be hereby allowed to qualify as Clerk 01 the Superior Court and Judge of Probate fnf the. nnnntv .rtf 'NftWr'H'inOvftrfs "fcAn' i-',! ! It is further : ordered thaW Copy i Of this minute be delivered to Col Taylor, 1 and a" Copy, to be also delivered by the Sheriff to CoL Hoore alsp presented a bond for .the. above named position, with John-D.55, Tay lor as principal, and Messrs. Donald Mac Rao, D. Q. Worth j s George .Harriss andr James . Sprunt as sureties, who . appeared; and jusUfledwhVreupon Cot' 'Taylor quaii- 4ed as'tequired by law'.1 . "T'"n- n The Board then 'proceeded to draW the regular, ,Tenire; of jurora ;for he. August term of the Criminal Court,' tchwit:; Tobias B. Carney, Henry P. West, T.. B.' Hender son ,Alexanet.jMobre, ""Anthony .Nixon, Anthony' Hawev, Julius HahD,; P. Heins- berger: Wm. Ai Cumming, - John A: Far-i row,! Henry A,'Martindale:, James It ;;Gat eyt. Qlajtoa Giles; Jna s W Alderman, Richard L.- Hutchens, Henry B. Walker,' Geo. Batson, Jos. P. King, D. Gl Worth, Lewis Chapman, J. "XL Chasten, ChaSb? WV Bradley, llaraden .Hol4en, Jobn B. Berryv Wm. F.i WenzelL Edward Telfair, . Robert D. Davis, MV : E. -Walton, E. T. Suyden Wm. Martin. ' ' ,-. -:'.---:' ;. -'-. : : On motion ihe Board adjourned, 'subject to the call of the Chairman. T15 "' ' : ' R1ASON AND.SI.ID.EI.1. Bcmlnleene of Port Warren in S2. ' ' A 'correspondent iq this city,,1" Vf tM gives' us a reminiscence of the "late unpleasant- ness.-as'followsV'M'H'.s 'I was an inmate of Fort Warren when the late. Mason and Slidell. were .incarce rated, and, in common with my fellow prl; soners, t noticed them. . particularly - Two, ners it would be' difficult to flod. MrMa- son was open,1 genial and sociable lit Sli dell self -poised, cold and forbidding. Their appearance, j. while ,:: .entering t . the ' Fort, brought out in marked contrast the charac-. ters ot the two gentlemen, Mr. Mason in his manner showing; some' little "nervous ness; but more of a natural curiosity, as he looked around.;' Mr. Slidell, with bis- gray shawl -muffled : closely : around . hs neck, .walked with the same' quiet; iadiHerence with which be would aught from, his : pwn; carriage and enter hjs qwp boqse. Escort ed to their quarters, Mr.' Mason was soon busy: directing the details attending the proper disposition of his baggage; Mr. Sli dell promenading as if, in want of exer-. cise pp and down the, long .passage way of the building. . I was standing at the end of the passage when he was approached by a gentleman, who desired instructions as to me unpacking 01 uia iruuK.3. ivaisiug uiq head quickly and fixing his cold,' glittering eyes upon the speaker, he answered : in' an .Incisive, rapid-: .manner. f?Iti8 hardly ne-; cessary.to unpack, anything; we.shall.re- main here only a sufficient .englh ,'of. time for;Mr. Seward to, .hear from. England,,'! ani Jtfr. auatu wo nyntf j " , The Bra an wick. Crppn A Strong; ri i anmeat InFavor Deep orPlowlne:. rvj Sheriff Edward W.?l Taylor of Bruhs wick,, writing us from Town Creek; in that county;., under date; of J nly 1 16th,; f says: ""Having travelled over , a . portionof the county wiiuin a lew uays pak, x uuu urupa have 'improved.-41 Early corn! that has .been properly- worked - is! looking- fine. The ereatest drawback is the stand. I Cut and bu wormshave beendestrctiveuiaCAUdn isverysmall for the .season. :p;r. Bellamyi on nis. uroveiy piapiauon, nas one nunarea acres or tne nnesi cotton x ever saw, ana oi : the indst Vniforni sndaiieT.lt;wou1d payl alayclty-reaideat to4tide over and take a iook at it; ji Upon the whole, the pros pect is much belter' than,, was; anticipated durjng the cold spring. -'.;PeopeuAtlsi 'Ahnhftr ava 1aAMnnin(V f "fSn l3n rlTrTo VUUUij MV yVnliulub "v caw A-. Aana,uu m JAnd have corn; o sell; aodjkeep. m ''One gentlen ;en:tjyfc" deep, hrou.tothe;.8 o,r jar,, containing uetweea iwq a,nu luree quarts I 'I'ir fh?fi:'i vvV'-Avnn :i ' pjr. ItphblnSf of Brunswick county, mt r.wltlj .quite a severe accident yesterday morning. He washandllnggpiitol in a jjtqrt on Market Vtreet!, not knowing'it was loadBTwaef' Uwwa Ejdd6ndiCarg uii njw-uair jiowbu tutu ;uia icik uauu,, JplougbmrchvwayHhrougttithe isoni distance and . lodging in theipart iof ,tb iand earftiewistf rpin icb;nosi,' tion it had nbt.been extracted , at last ac- counts.1: Only one barrel of the'pistol . was ldadedl and' it 'was discbarced so craicklv after, Dr. R. had taken it in j his hand , that uu vus usu mu u uoiu uuuui uia iuaugcr. Aqcompeteht sureeom has tcharee f s.the Case I and it is hoped that the wound, though Stiipted Aiassacnuseiis jeniai society, . 4Jjr.? li. ir. Wafera dTesCribed and tfistfiH n rvl'c?mV,t ' knd feasy -remeajrfor btirnV andscsJdscob sistbig simply In covering the affected part : U . U A M . L:. 1 ... . . yf the ordinary" soda' used la f cooking 'an4 thenloverlaying a .wetrcldthiThe isevere pain js immediately relieved- and the barn f SPtdllr heals. Dr; ' Waters feonred bbilin? water on qne qt.nis prists, ana men: he ajH I plied the soda and the wet c Otlj. - , W. GulJui tv.iJ XlALcaa Cor- Charlotte D.mocrat.J.--; Editor Democrat'., While listening' to the splcadid aportrophe of Judge Fowle on the. Hon. Geo. -W; Brooks, for his noble' discharge Of judicial duty in rescuing the ' Kirk prisoners from the despotic grasp of cruel con- spirato rs, L my mi nd . ran hurried ly over the exciting scenes of thatjrneml oraole period, and . pausea ,to. : pay homage to 'oneKpf e pame has never been publicly connected, with ; those events,' but who really, Reserves 'tho credit fof that great' deliVerahcei refer to Haywood W.'Guibn,' late ; of .ynariQtieat4;ii:3'' VI he facts are ' these :v-th at, -after. everyarguraent and very appeal (to. the Supreme' Court" Judges of Nbr tli Carolina had ' failed; and: they"; had fbrmqrally. announced. theiil Judicial exhaustion," and all hope h ad , fled and no .further expedient could be suggested by ihe'fittmerbus distin- ':.k. ' n: .-.Li- ...-l-iii-sl' .1 ... ujji .ui" -i i. ( a : i. ; - guisueu ouuusei wira were erapiojeu oy inegivirK prisoners, ana wnen iney were only awaiting ithe organization f the Court, Martial vwbich was to. hurry ' the 1 citizens of I Caswell to an ignominious ideathMiiGuionr rrved in Jvaleigh on other.buainess, but was soon called into consultation and asked Jf he' could,-suggest any f urthergrbcding hich - - might' promise' success. ' - Alter - reflecting fi moment his face lighted with a smile and he replied that .tba 14th , Amende ment to the United States 'Constitu tion providbd "That no State, should .depriveany person of "life, liberty or property without due process ot law j" attd .that the Civil Rights , Bilwas passed to entoree this, provision, : : Judge Battle said "the 3 effect' was' blectrical,f and every r onebegan ' to bunt for, the Civil Utightai BiU, and there, they, found the ample and com plete remedy in the statute for the. writ of habeas corpus to be issued by a h ederal J udge whenever any pit sop er.. alleged t he ' w as imprisoned without due 5 process of law.: The, petitions !were hastily:,; sent.ed ;.tq Judge v Brooks, and the; writs ; is8ued, :wb.ich ; resulted inthe' release of the prisoners. ' K !i ; i 5. ; These facts. are' known' tb.but few gentlemen ox, jtpe protessiqn., ; J adge Battle,' who. was one of the original counsel for the Kirk-prisoners, will confirm the statements made in. this article. fa&K . t, ":.ij-..Lft :i ."if '- ,. s ,:CUyernor Nlcboiln. I . v r-U L New Orleans Times.! -. i. ' 'i That a ring of jno ordinary "dira'eri- tsiuiis lias uppuseu ;vruyernyr xticuoiia almost from ,theKhQur tliat he was in ducted into office, -few men'wbo 'care to inform themselves concerning pur secret political ? histor- are unaware. ;inat itsy1 ramjncatiQiiat extended thropgh .both branches: of the General.- Assembly -.and fi many A'of "thfe' itibordidate? departments of, the' GFo- vernment, mignt ; pe. s reauny, ..estao-, Ushedifcloserec occttr rences "iere kept.'Jt might beprkroer to Istate that the Opposition ? against povjernoi Nicbbllsand thd--attempt,' slipaldf opportunity, ; present itselfjitb drive him from power, is .restricted solely jto this cityl" In the country fie jhas :as : warmf ' friends 'and earnest supporters " as existed on the' 9th of January, and the chances.: are that if legislative action should be attempted in January the country mernbers of boh pblit ical patties Vbiild -stand by hirii to a man,' '. ; 'l; J - z Mr. J osephIi; Rhern oH hisi if arm near, this cit v, : planted, . i ini JFebrhar v t last, 20 acres in English or .fiarden peaty wmuu. ui cymmeuceu picking op tbe;30th!bf :Aprii; and finished the' middle of May.i He sold from the 20 acnes -oyer I,5QQ bushels peas, in' the Baltimore and Ne work imarketi at. ing, bbxes,-eipiie8s;f etcrbf ! $i,4t)0 6r ab)ut:$tO per acrei Te' same11 land is dqw covered with botton, ofi which he expects to. gather at -least 300 pounds per acre, -,; -vr. . ; " f v fMr..lihem also planted 5 a0resr m 4A lnsbj potatoes,' from ,whioh:hei sold id J N orthern' markets 1 80 barrels,- fof tf net! profit pV- $700 afterpaying jc'ost1 p spqpibnecHe: ateragd ,36 parrelsTdirpjide a net; profit iof 4t4,0u:perJEacre;'8 jThl8 ame lahd' is T4bw 'coveted with (cot,tort5!aTi'd'!.Ger -SaI. T-ittiAi':t-"flirA.l-iAi. fXLl"- V? i f. ; l',..!:'!'J?.l ai The Ontloofc tn ,Frane.v IiOKDONi Julvi5lS.nt "Ukcuver x una -cui reepunueu i ,eie graphs asfbnos coramU ineepori oi tne results- ott f p uoa Iier's visit ta Chiselhurst'and a subset qhenfe.interview with M T;Ourt6uit uumisier ot oe. interior;, i,t ja, sateo; tha the Boriapartists claim , goveror metrimbpbrt ;i foil 50 candidates, whereof 10i have been accepted aiid .38 1eeir tkjeniiridei?;feonaideration; The ica-.Jhsrommepped. rsuits Against several prefects, for prQ hibiting the sale5 of that paper.' - The "Moniteur askerts; that (the Republi cans admit the-are , certain ;to:tlo'se .': iratttolle A At Inn at IIInntniAir' ;-' : .TMTonteS ax j uly.l5 : ufAt a meeting -WpUstoUid -offiders of -Irish Catholie 'societies bf this! city toroight tbefbltawine is ond otrr jco'-n atibti alists and co-religionists with ? whonj the-solemnities of the bnrial of the dead is ever i a matter of ; Religious respecti tof, abstain, on the" ocpasioji 'of,. the funeral of -thadtj-cieyed T?Li'Hacketi to-morVow f mm display 0 demonstratibrj1 Ihat 'could' uc wu pi cteu iubu uuposiuop ' to- tne sacr.rietiaj weshaji iqld apitb ic execraTjion jne man or men; .69 rdlesspr nation at ' Honor . as, to reg -.it f imperil the. iiitfbnal bharacter' by an junseenuy actort iwoyd i atiTich tjme nnjU.J -lt''. - i- .5- ' . ' : -r 'UMWttKestlerb'fS1 ' vir tin Umm .'.AnaTi Im4m..J. V . 1 r i a . a ?;i.hat we make an earnest, appeal td j Spirits Turpentine. I - 1 rr' - - ' v -: ; I Uonroe Enquirer Peaohesi'f are beginning to be plentiful. - - - Our brass band has just received. new set of German silver instruments. Mr. Jerry C,, La-" ney reports' thai a ' turkey in his ; poultry f . yard batched out a brood of young turkeys ! afew days agoand among; them was one mat naa ronr leet and fonrwingsand two I f bodies, andi in fact was two comnletar inrt keys, excepting there was but one neck and 1 dom recieive copybf Hhe" WUmingtda- ' Daily Star that : aiuTt. full ." of interesting-" matter both original .and .selected. The I ' (StaK deserves the good name thai' it has.ift i - Rev. John Hicks, for over 6S years a i; jleading Minister in the. Methodist Church, 'X " died at his residenceabout six mile3 f rom ? Mt. AIryr on Saturday night last, aged 90 S - " iytear3f:4ivsfgMgtSi3S s 'r Raleigh JVewsi't Since the Aews - r was C8tablishedjthas had f in all thirteen ." 'suits and Indictments against it, all for 1 libel.: As elevens of these have. alrfldw ..v been settled in-pur favor we have no reason riu ue u issausueu. i vv e nave iwn rnoi bagger" suits slillleft to keep our hand la ahd now tbe "red-legged grasshoppers" are beginning to get after ua. As' one pest jgoes, another comes. . i , j - Mrs. Spencer, of Chapel Hill, writes to the Raleigh Observer: School is f'put" every day at 5 P. M.,- and then our pleasant sidewalks ate full of Normalists taking their ease. Ohapel Hill folks feel rh if it were one long Commencement week. I We have to wear our second -best suits all -thie lime;Mn'$ut 'SMto F two. -1 had eight or ten pretty girls in my L v parlor yesterday evening, and I don't know' . any tiling prettier than i a -j "sure enough" ':'v pretty school ma'am.: il mtikHX r A Baloon in Raleigh has , steam c -fahsi The Observer Says: "The ' Bteel fans, j three in each room; are run by a handsome little one-horse vertical engine, patented :' and manufactured-by , Mr, Crane, at the ; foundry of, Messrs.,, McCalIam..& Cooper, . andwork of Mr; Mitchell ih: the same es- -tablfshment. , Both pieces of work are high-f 5 . ly creditable' to Raleigh; and we . are proud L" tokbow that we can boast of such superior r - ' mechanical talent in our midst.?' . . . . . .' : Monroe ' Express: The , 20th .Anniversary of the Bible Socieiy of Timli i!; ' Church' wiU take. place on Saturday,". 28tb ; of July. , Captain J. G, Potts w ill deliver the address. ' . ". ' ' Our growing -crops are comiDg on splendidly v in some; neighbor- -hoods they are considered better ; than for' several yearsl -.'Wbeateverywhere is turn-' " ing out a heavy yield. ; ; Corn and oats are , . very good, i Hailstorms have badly hurt some localities,7 but they have: been or very ' limited ..area Garden vegetables r are in' l, " , abundance. The hay crop will be the . finest ; ever : 'cut in the county', insuring fat' ' f beef .and muttoni :t :f : : -:i5; iii -tt Oxfoitfwc;, to fnotice an increase of sickness : in the' community during the' past few: weeks. Several of our most estimable citizens,both : . .ladies and gentlemen, are now languishing -upon? beds ' of disease.' :' Granville ; " county has the. unenviable fortune of being s the birthTplace of J. Qj. Hester, probably one of the most Unmitigated scoundrels now . alive.i.-r-T-jTbeood Templars of. Granville contemplate making a grand tem perance toy r throughout 'the county some : ' 1 time duringthe. latter part, of this month.; A number pf distinguished temperance or-: Ators from a distance -are expected to' join ' 'in fhe4emonftratipn: ; ; v Wade8borp, Heratdr, A ; colored : child about One month old," whose mother,' Lydia Lindseyj is employed by :Mr 3: Ai; :,-: Xeak, of this town, was found dead on. ;;. Friday last. A coroner's jury rendered a . veruici. oi-ueain oy ' smouienng, tnougn ' many believe that the IVsyand theingl;i mignt yery saieiy De'omitted.' TbeTefH are nine prisoners in tbe-jait at this : plce4'H two whites and seven n6rc.::::;.Waaes:f'':?'!r"': borb iSi SadlytUrieedf tf rg6od! pholoi' f '' grapher.- Most of dur -citizens, Jwho 4H have good teeth," are 4,nibbhng;OB green ' - : coriy'-i Rev Mrl -PeppeivvMethodist -i - minister atLilcsvUIe.isrjnite'i'sick; v having --' been in feeble health for Some months. ' : '"'' ' hJ tCarlottejQestc 4farK .pL' forrvreisrht.head of cattle. "shfeen hn5i and -.vs :- horses, havebeen impounded in .Charlotte i v towjiaMp since. tJbev stock . law. -went intc-i efteict:ii rrGentleoaett retarninr yesler- w day afternoon from Concord, report that of the trailroad . cases , removed from: Meeklen-- ; : burg and sl .for Jicacingf Thursdays in Ca"."-- --i harrus Courts , only sjone-- was tried.'-Thia: -i ! was! the case of iO ohn Wolfe vs the Caro-; s linaj Central Railway Company, an i action ; gruwuguui i me ruoning oi me line . oi ; - the said railroad through the lands : of. the; pla&tiff, vThe5 trial Resulted in Va. verdict ' for Mr.x Woif d in, the Htrm of $450, which is 50 per cent, more than the board of arbi-5 , tratprs had previously given him, " though : i ' from this decision the railroad companv atv; i u "jfig- -Raleigii UMerit:it:iTi'yt't. Trom a laay just returned from Durham, of ;, a most horrible death that occurred la Uiat place on Friday. A- gentleman by the name ' -Ai VfUla. . lining.:. Jint... S.-l'l. towp, came in. early irnday .moroiBgand, U ,;. after "making several purchases, intermin ... gle with numerous potations of ''pihetop i ' . 1 whiskey; started for home. ., He had &one v but a short distance when he fell from the s wagon,5 rana the : wliee - passing- over bia United States Commissioner in Connecticut i neck,, nearly severed his , head. from. the.... : bodyr: He '(lied instantly.'; ' Commis-1 sloner Polk received & telegram from' the-1-'; yesterday, informing him.that a large quanfr, i . tity bf young fish ?was thereawaiting ahip,,,, , ment to but; waters, , and to .send on anex-.',--gett at ince to tceivethem .MrA WiK') Green'bf Wilson, was at once telegraphed. r ;, . : to ahd by,to-mbrf ow be wiU be' .cnroute t' .,.',-;,;'. Cohfaecticut for.'the. minnows.'.' ! At sL '- 'meetinc of the. executive .committee of th&". '"" ;Grand Lodge 'of ; Good .Templars, held, iifcii.f'i mis puyaayueiore .yesieraay, Jir. xsai-3ffi, lardi was elected Grand .Worthy Secretary. , xioe amuej J. FaUsresigned.; Mr. Ballar now fills the ofSces, of Grand Worthy. Trea-;ia 4; SureirandSretary;? sold -readily :yesterday at' .from twenty-fiven.. to forty cents, . Peaches have drooDedt j . down to. $t75 "perj'httshel,1 and still down-,- . one of the largest"" cotton raisers .. of , Wake, la i coo rftyi hasthrashed Toiit ;ihis-' seitsonSOav: ; .bushels' pf nlliamsbn plowed up "one in ." hundred acres even where a stand .of cot- a . t ton fatted;"" andf has, planted the i ; sanie .iiiwx HayMsaysUfistthat'there a negro. in: .awnam matte who worKs ior lortv cents per. . , day wages and owns twenty-seven head of ,..,-. ldpgs?-iCottQn-iis,jveiy backward1 in f- the eastern section of the county,and several ,v farmers informed ' ns' yesterdsy that there; vV" wfs po catchingauiniiiL jM We have received from the, Commissioner of Agri.. . culture, Col; LI 1l Polk; the crop reports for, the, month fit June, from which we conr s - dense the following: While the. average ; -condition of the corn- crop is given at ' .somewhat above what was hoped for at last report, .with the rains that continue it .': daily improving and i full crop may yetbe ? ' realised,,, Seldom,: if. ever, has. there - been i ' a better wheat crop produced in the State. The Average' condition of cotton is 83, ' . '' beirig a ,s)Ight. iimproveent , over; the .May report, but the development and yield being .dependent On many contingencies; the prospect cap not he calculated with any cer-L ,. -i ltaifaty.The; severe winter; greatly. danHfi!; ,agea; tae oat crop sown m tne tall, ana ine; May drought put the yield short but the increased acreage may compensate tor it la aggregate. - - - t y-1"; -- ft" :-:-U.- 7- i ' - '.-4 't

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