7""" T" : : ' " ' " : j : "T '" '"' i,;rr..i. , z , , 1- -.-v i , . . , ,--&4tm--!- ,. -. sw j.,..-,, "T r ''nrmmv-rn ty-ti - rnnmimmtrm r f r -PUHLI8HXD A.1 -AT- f. $1.50 a Year, in advance. SSoSSSSSSS! 8S88SSS8S8S8SSSS3 I 8S3S3SS83S3S83SS. irtt sa ! o . -i T- r- i- i- c c SsSoS8E23SSssS w .-. i nfiw o ct CO oo -4S3S332233S3SSS3 jsaaassasssga: 188 S883S33833.S3833. " r --'- I ' - n w , . , .. ri-ri-iee on f The snbscrptioii pyiee 6ttlieWKRlc4 lt star i as rouows : Single Copy 1 year, postage paid, $1.50 y TUB BtESSAGE. The Presideni'a ' message is well written. ' It is long, - which k the fault of nearly 'al of the'puDlic do- uiraents of the' day,: bu t - it is short when compared with i onef Mr.;Tn-; den's annnal messages to the Legis- latnre when he - was GovernW ' of New York. , It will repay the reader, and contains many passages that' are well deserving of careful attention, We believe it will make a good im- pression upon the country, however J much exceptions may betaken ; to I particular parts. ; Mrvflayes may be J saia to nave no pariy -10 oe wunoni i fy?8 to chaPion his cause and I praiso'au be says. ; ; 1 he fashion in I other :, daysv was ';, for r the partisan I press to indorse and laud all that was said by their President,' and for tbe oppositwn tocntici?eyerselyi I all that was recommended. ti There was no honesty in such praise or cri J thnsm. . Mr. Hayes will, fare better in seme sense, jse. . He will not be praised out by : any "paper, we J dare l&roughou say, but he will be justly-treated by I all papers, of every party, that are governed by a sense of right and fair- I ne8?-) I There are some things, in the mes sge we cannot approve. f There are other things that are. worthy of . the highest commendation. We can only refer briefly to a few points, Ills remarks upon nis , efforts to 1 secure "domestic tranquility' to the I 4 V - . , , I country are , certainly;, deserving of I hearty praises iHe i began his ad- i. . 3 . &, I mimstration with a set purpose to I ol'vDnmtn Annntr .nil, UlK- ' - A1UTTON u3 wiio . ,.h ui iu .wV declares that rpolitical UntmoUf and I .,-1 1 t.n.. ...(.1 4 mi uuieuvc u o . uiaupcaiou , usoi m industries hare been, resumed ; pablio credit in the Southern States has been greaiiy sirenginenea; anatne :en- cou raging benents ,ot ,; a revival : ot com m erce! betwee n 0 the ' sections ; of tie cou iitry lately, embroiled in civil: war, aref ally enjoyed 'Jfl In the : discussion of the financial questions now before the country the President commits himself "clearly and irrevocably to the Tesumplion of speeie payments. His ; views upon ine silver dih are noi. precisely wnat we supposed they were f rom reading the brief synopsis telegraphed. He thinks it wiser to' fund;'. the "debt , at a low rate of interest than by forcing silver upon the . holders or its; obligations. He has a kindlv leaning tnwarA i. . - : H, silver currency," not as an I unlimited legal tender but to lm rat W r6 wuuer' UUb 10 00 restricted py boundaries.. "But we were doubtless correct in -avinvs. hf UtA correct in sayings that be. will veto kuv oaver im u at passes voogress in its present shape. '; His . only m- dorsement of. silver . ia. to make it a His remark upon civil service re- h tvim wiu uub lucrease me coDDuence f r . . i - - s- i- - - , . . i . - ... President tof jCarry.'.eot successfully ilia im Tiio mmdnt nf phi. " -mn v MWaiBW W -W DUD .1 r . . -t ....... . . , tl delphia 77me Vmay be . accepted as ! "There will be disappointment in some quarters, as we have before hinted, that the message is not more aggressive in its enun ' ciation of the principles of civil service re- form, upon which the administration has 'staked so much of its eood name. No doubt. however, it is better tbat4 such aggressive- ness should be seen in deeds rather than in words, for of the latter we have had quite enough in previous official and semi-ofScial utterances of the President and his Cabi net. All that was needed on this occasion was a concise statement of the principles that animate the administration and the assurance that thev will be faithfully exe cuted. This Statement and this assurance we have, but in language that will neither srouse the enthusiasm of the friends of re- form nor greatly quicken the ire of his ene- hies. It is clear that MrHayes ia a man ui innnKe patience. xt s r- v1 "i . '' , Meoonl lancy.nis laeas on- eerniug popular education 'and go - vernraental aid, and wo ' hope they will not be adoptehejVex0f hW '"CS " garappgmexicosgives had aapposed.7r He doe3r-ot 'desire war with tlexico, . ud does jiot re gard the outlook ihatrectiona: serious. -j-mZ:m&&m I'M : ni- fluegestioivH as to :!; reoe wallop a:! oh" port (dutyjm 'tea llffeevtHe: thinks its renewal iwoald yield more. than twelve million i dollars annaally.; lie says .tnis sum would relwye the country of all reVenue ty " iu ternal taxation, except pa . hiskey, spirits, beer and 'tobacoo,' If ' this proposed oh tea and coffee ' udxrid tlie country: entirely of the . revenue, ssf J iem we Bnouia unnesiiaungiy agYO- catd itsSrene,walaiinceiWesf8o tali eibepildnstibi hiremmehda tion of ao increase of the army.. We I tbe oonth will never agree to an increase, but that. its reduotion is certain? npV'Verylohghehce. There1 are oher topics to which we cannot refer now. .It is a eood document in the main, and will o the President a erviceSj'EgESffi 1 ih thrkhrrp oiTK-tTi' i The people of North Carolina are becoming more any more interested in the' sheep quesiibn If the' papers of the Stale would take bold of it nU it. with hf thA vitvnrttlAv do mere party questions of not: a tenth part as: important, we': believe that even the proverbially timid Norih arolinanegtslatoi c goaded on to a dtscbarge of his duty,1 and could be constrained to vote for the passage of a taw for the protec-i tion of sheep husbandry. ' But. . we are glad the A people themselves are stirrinir the Walter, and we bope they wiU attend to this question when the partyT manipulators begin! to select the candidates . for whom' the people ariQ to vote. We' take pleasure in publisbingihe following letter, which conUins l Ja practical suggestion that is worthy of the attention of : all friends of the i- innocent, highly hseful, terriGed and often destroyed sheep: . -Boqck, Comjhbcs Co N. O. Dec. Editor Star We are clad to see the stand he Stau Is faking for the sheep men, and hope you will; continue to lend us vour aid. until we' get a law to protect sheep husbandry. No belter plan than for our next Legislature to pass a law taxing all female cogs live dollars per neaa ; urn wiu those who wish to keep female dogs can afford to do so, as this law would create a demand for good male, dogs, and it would be to the interest of doe fanciers to keep nothing but the best stockwhile we sheeff men would do the gameJ This law will pro- tect us both, and by all means let us have CI i TUB PBICBOF COTTON. r;Every.one in the South is more or i . . ' r i. less i uteres tea in xne price 01 cotton I Why it has remained at such lowfiff- I nres for so long a time has been a i mystery to everybody, and many causes have been assigned. The fact that cotton is very low is about , the only certain thing' in connection with it. : At one time it was believed it ruled ! low because of over supply I There is no doubt that the inexorable I fanrUtthA law of nnr.nl v 'and Aemlnft --has had a good deal to do' with Ihe depression . in price, but there are I doubtless other f causes to be consid I red. ' - ' - - ' I ri I Eaton's Cotton Circular of a recent I date throws some lisht on this vet plexing subject, v It says: " -: I .3"The most important depressing influ enceisthe numbei of peopiev whohave I lately gone into the -i business 01 osermg I every night to Europe, from every South- I era port, cotton at cheaper prices than can 1 rfnna iitimtfl v Thiuno. I pie calculate that the necessities of plant- 1 era Win uuuipci inrKoucuTcnc uu iuwsr I rf and nnbl9 them to cover the ac I cepiea oners, wiui a comnxissioiu ioisbjs and.4rom thenumber of offers, it gives a I false impression to the -European, spinner about the actual state oi me crop.: asjuu- rona is a bnver of our cotton, of course the feeling there is generally bearish, and,-, if I s (Ka hAln nf nnnnla nnlhia atria It i has a powcrfm iDllaeDce ' ; - ? i I -- "The eoliev in New Tork appears to have - - . . - . . I oeeo, lor toe past two years, in ine same I direction. Instead of offering advances to I Dlanters and others to carry cotton until a fii, nnm ran Im nhtmnml AVrT efrort ia I made to depress prices, in order to secure at low rates xuo.ww 10 oaies, against which contracts are then sold for some fu ture month.' Then, by sending out notices or delivery when unexpected, or witnnoia ing them when looked for, these parties control the market at their pleasure.". ," . ' The important .question Jn which 1 every reader is directly or indirectly; concerned is, how, to remedy this evil how to contravene t the adverse causes at work. The circular says; "The Question is, shall we endeavor to let Europe have these cottons as low as possible, -or snail we, ; as any mercnants j would, try toget the best attainable price? " When we consider that lc per pound on j the three millions exported is 913,600,000 J and 2c. is $27,000,000, it becomes a subject 1 of great importance to all the country; be j cause we connot benent the planters oi the 1 Routh withont Also increaainir the Drosoeri- r f . , - 1 have the bank officers; consider well this subject. If there is anything safer than an ad vanee to merchants on thei r notes, backed by cotton at these prices, ;witb a fair tmarw gin, I don't know what it is. . Let the; mer chants make fair advances to the1 planters',1 on their crops, to he held uatit fair fprices can be obtained. Let the bank9 help the, merchants in thia V. -!? W;?' H n 4 i"Let the cotton come forward from the; plantations to someJmteriQXwarlpoct, there to be held where it can be ; weUrihT sured I "f" .A'5f--: !tu ? v Eeen the eotioh In thra niTi rViwiftl' EuiOpe has to send over here for it at a fair4 prwe!...-; izl hese suggestions are practical and certainly- worth -onsMerin Mljf ly Keeping oacjc me cotton even one cent per pounds gajne(J,itia an tenl of, great importance. , A planter who has ; fifty, bales of cotton uwould re- ceive,? at th rate, not less than' $225 additional for his cotten,-Or $.5() for each, bale.1 At!iwo centsl'!heirwpuid receive 89 more on eyery bale made. -?W hemeiiare 7h compelled i o seH- they must take tbe, market price., ilen who jcan i afford to hold' ordinarily secure larger prices: than they who u lurueu iuio uiarK.ec. xt Btnaes us hat, the;. sugge8tiona of the . circular are far from , yisionary,; and ifacted upon, might be of immense benefit to theS9uth;W;&M; :; ' 1 r::VU. A Tomk ibb rroaa JFaynTlll.bAr- restedon tbe rnarae of PlCbWay t Chief of Police Brock received a tele- -i ' J . . -lii.-c; .... ! . t i gram from irayetteviUe.T'hursday evening, signed 'by BL'Pv PowelrvJ. him ty arrest one John ? ilhamson.chafged who nignway roooery, wno womq arrive here during the night on the steamer jli. P. iTurt, with further directions to searchj the prisoner and send him back to Fayette ville!' Accordingly a, iookout was kepti; t or 1 the steamer in question, and at 2 o'clock yes- terday .morning she landed at' her wharf, near the foot of Mulberry' street, Upon which she was boarded by Sergeant $avf agej of, the police force, and the young man was arrested in his berth, where he wai ly ing asleep. ; Be aroused and dressed him self, asked no questions as to' why; he' was' arrested, and was taken to lhe gu&d feousel where he is held to. await a requisition from the authorities of Fayetteville. The sum of twelve. dollars and fifty cents was found, on: his personm-r: L Williamson.Whb is a young man of prepos sessing appearance and weQ dressed, stated!. n. conversation', with the Chief of Police, yesterday morning, ; that he talked with Mr. Powers, on the market square in Fay ettevflle on Thursday morning, just jbefore uie eieamer Kit, ana mat nouung was saia about the matter for ;Which he is now under. arrest, and that no effort . was, made to iieH tain him; if there had beeo he :wonld pet have been here; that he had intend get off ; at a point on, . therjiver, butfini concluded to come here, and had ea to return on the boat ; yesterday aftern He also requested the Chief : of Polii send him back to . Fayetteville as) possible, in accordance with the-: inBtru tions from Mr. Powers, Justice of the Pece; but s as. he would have ' to be ' sent - Under guard it was thought best that an officer should' come after him, and a telegram to that effect was sent to Mr. Powers- We learn that young Williamson has a mother in Fayetteville, whof is highly re- spected. - -i4i K V V After tbe above was written, CspL Albert Wottb of the steamer A P. Hurt, received i telegram from Justice Powers'pf Fay etteville, directing 1pm to bring WiUUnutoa up, and accordingly he was placed in the custody of Mr. James E.: Flowers,; at CapL V vi aa a ivUVDi mu uuv vu - wmw of the boat, which kft for Fayetteville be tween 2 and I o'clock yesterday: afternoon. trlth oaalw asi 'Jsas CaaatlSs A friend and "correspondent' at Palo Alto, Onslow county, Mr. Daniel N.' Far-' nen, has sent ns a communication relative tn thA arlvahtairea which, in his ODihioni a railroad r from Wilmington , to Onslpw county and from thence to; Trenton; in Jones county, would result to this city ah also to the people of those .counties', He ssys:- f 11 a raiiroaa was tnua construcosa the : Va8t products of Onslow: and Jones would be rushed entirely to the WilmiiigL ton market. F across New River at Sneed'siiFerry and from thence i across-White i Oak River at Smith'i mill and thence to Trenton, would oe me :most . proauoie rou cws t Aiuog taia route would be found fertile 1 lands r which have no equal- ia North Carohni ' for jill kinds of farming.: Thousands of 'acres very rich land, now nothing 'more that desolate forest, would be bronghinlojlio rough cultivation, . and, the t production cotton, corn, peas and peanuts would be Jm-, mense.i Besides all this, vast quantities fine flab and oysters from New River would be shipped, which have no superior on this continent or. . in me wona r reanoyBieia would I b&shipped ;in . the morning v and wouldieach f Wilmington k in the, evening" or would be shipped in the evening and be ready, for delivery early ; the next morning. Our correspondent then r proceedsjw ytr- tray in glowing colors the great advantage! which would speedily result totourf port, which would soon rival some of our most progressive cities in wealth, population and strength, taken in connection with the rail road facilities we already enjoy, lie says: "Our sister State of Virginia is going ahead with rapid strides 'o make Norfolk' the chief of Southern cities, k Let s, the. enter-; orisine men of Wilmington and other Beo tinna of thfl fltfttft r.ftrrv this Imnnrtftnt hro- ject Successfully into effect, and yours wilt soon .oe among me moss, unporuuit cities , oathe Atlantic.; coast. ! It ;, is imy earnest hope that opt people, may arouse to the importance or : this snoject ana invest their caDital and. work .steadilv from this lime iorwara unut tnis greatriworui ' completed. . C?BIDipEGEMBERil4318 Appolntmemta or tbe florin Carolina " , 1 , Vottferenee.. . ;, ' ?fiiil itl 3h rSHHlStWOS tii', 43V v- 1" KALr:cn distuict. --i:,fi m u TtWttate Presiding ElderJsi W ; RaMigb Edentou ptreet,JvVj & Black: j t Ralejigh, Person Street, W C Norman. rCarjf.-'WiM Jcrda'iliiauv u &Uoi iJf Rolesyille.jlVJ Holden. 'YfZ s iTr 1 J8mi(hneld:it MBroWn. MmZ i Tarfliver,is.S Webbjkofc picp'Urs. ?Y6upgsyUle Mission, R.C;Beaman;,;, . Lewtsburi.a W Sfnith - OxfArd;j-ciiitj JJCGihus: ? Uraaville, J, JK Thompson fcv .Henlersba. ODurtoiirft': NaslviHe. 8 JilcLeOdLafT s-i-i ii'i'flr; Editbr Christian Advocate. J B Bobbitt. e Preajdear LouisburgFemale ColiegeF Lf Reid, L BStSnasaFj Presidmc m&tffi titU2i .. iinriim H' h i nnn ........ . AJaiaBeapB Jf Bump-.Wfcijri 4 uaapei.nut jacauon,' 4 Jtieitman.. aHav3 Kveri 'W;"H'M6ore.q;-i;' " PiUsboro, T J Gattis. faoo'Otr Yaneevviile. Tj H Gibbons. ? . r - Xeei River, J FiCraven;,TQ Moses 8u- pel Btlier ary. y:?mi , JJeaatrarg, K A; WimiL;ff$2r9K?r- 3 ir& ,'- orange, u x martin. .. Professor in Unl veraltv of North Carolina! A W Mangum. , .... ;,.? ,; ., .. I GRKKNSBOBO PI8TBICT. . MIiiWooDj Presiding Elder. i- ! " ' Greensboro, S D Adams. . ,:.-,-.: . South Guilford. J R Scroees. Ashboro. A Tyre and E Howland. . .. " Thomasville and High Point, P L! Her man,- t imiaum ::meni:!1v:hh:-r-M,ri Trinity, ,B Craven. " f ; .Lexington Station, T 3 Campbell.1" Mi uavioson. m. u i nomas, jie yc Kanaoiph, c Hi Phillips, j . - & t; ; 'or8ytn, M j tiunt. s H.-''v.Jr';y;t' Winitop, P JCarraWay, I-iiL-. fepVt te otoKes, n. rcxrani. . -Madlson.:FL Hovle. Wentworth. V ASharne. l ,5'.?;' President Trinity College. B Craven. . Agent fb Conference Colleges. J A Cun Hinggin;t4 y t;;-.: ( i i f - l . 8AXJSBUBT DISTBICT. r Salisbury, J J Kenn.. .... ,f:r.: BaiisDury uircuit, J w ljewiar -s. : Moofesville, T;L Triplet!, pyyi iu - wawaiuiB, a.,. a; wuu., ; - .. .. . -: m r r,M Blatdsvnie Circuit, N 8 Norton: r ' MocksvHle; T A Boon. iOv ? VFlnh Wfj Willann o8anno?,, ; Alexander,' JORowe. ? ; t!;hr Hunting ureec Mission, a m Mng, 'WilfeeaJfi'J Jsndaiiy. r--? : . TadkioviUe. 8 D Peeler. i , tax Airy, jamesiwuison. i, . , v . Surry,' W 8 Creasy and C M Gentry.1 v : Pilot MountainS H Helsabeck.! ; -j ' ' i . HHKTiBT DISTBICT. J 8 Ntoibiv Presiding Elder; : :: . '; " tr! Shelby. J WNor nuW.i Shelbv Circuit H T Hudson. Rutherfofdton, Round. -i i Columbus Mission, A E Wiley, t . - ) v i Maribn, U A Usui. 1 - 1 Unner Broad MbbIoii: ' w B Manns. i j -Double Shoals, 4 D Carpenter 4i iaiorganton, tr u uroom. r Morganton CircdiV PFW Stamey; m - Caldwell, J C Crisp.. .... s. . ... .; j Lenoir Circuit, J 8 Ervin. J. '-5 1 Lenoir 8tation,WM Robey. SoulorWSChaflliLf S?4,-.::M! " Dallas, JB Carpenter, and J: WPriet, Sup.' 'Liacolnton.' J T Harris. ' r 3 ,W H Boebitt, Presiding Elder.' ' ' Charlotte. Tryon Street. A A Bosbamer. ' Calvary Mission Id be supplied by J .T Butt and WtD Leei 5up. J , 4 jMortn sjnariotie, : w o. iioiion, -South Charlotte, M li Uoyle . . 1 Pleasant Grove R T N Stephenson. L JULUUIUO UWUIUU, u XJ, VI U1UU.. t It, . . Concktrd. H P Cola." " ..... MW Pleasant, J B Alford.' , JAUemMle;lTWyche: :' Stanly;MneaFoy pAnsonvUle. T H Edwards.; . WadesbOro.. T W! Guthrie. , : Ci Wadesboro Circuit O J Brent. ; r."- - ;t k tr jsabbstt. irresicung JUiider. , , . Cnmberiand, r A Bishop. r..c -i ; j : , Lumberton, D May. , - r , J - , " , tnLaurinburg;BOPhilh'ps. i.4.o.'l ? : Mti uueaa, m. v. Bbermi. i - Rockingham, J W Jenkina A 4. Pekinf W.BD6ub.i .n vJ .4.. , Uwbarie, W B Boyle.7. ?r..w ..; Jonesboro. 8 V:Hoyle. ' j 1 t r. : vii f Buckhorn, Gastoa Farrar, and P Green ing, supernumerary, im,. 4 ; t : I i WILMINQTOS: DISTBICT. ' ' r.!L8 Buxuchsad,. Presiding Elder. -. : . 3 . Wilmington, Front Street, E A Yates. :i linpBn,TJf Kicaud. .n i .f ; i ...CKiKesDury w uaruisoib. : f r:vKhaneM.ission. Jl r wuev.' . Kiannn 11 men ' . j - i isaizaDetn, j jml JtaHaiej',? . sj-- j. -,3 W accamawi J U' Browning, n.i. .4 ; ,Smithville,D Culbreth.T 01s ', ,:i .,f .'"tl I ' T, JlilUUl 4.1131 A.I r WMxoss, rre8wingA,iaer,4 , xiewpern, a croons. Wilspn, C Q Dodso , ; , Wayne, John Wheeler. ' MtUlive, W H. Watkinsf-, Kbiston, J P Simpson. A i.8nowHUl.JW HCalL ' ' ,4. I " Neuse,i to be supplied." nl l ijenoir. r x juioreiu. ;, . . 1 Swift ereekvWm.Wine.' ' J Craven, T B Reeks. i ,M , ? f , -, t; ( Jones, J Johnson. Beaufort J;W Wheeler.1 1 ii - Carteret, urney tj DifHtraits. mu Jfieids. . ,a t : f 1 -: WASHTjrGTOlfr DISTRICT. CJE Mank, Presiding Elderj j v asmngion, j xi AnurewB. . - ; Greenville, DL Nash."-' j 1 rf. i ' Warrenton, J, M Rhodes. pf,. . , ' WarrenYJ R Griffith. ; V- ''HaUfax,A R Raven. , t t f Tarboro; W S Roane.' ' V ' EdgecombcwF 1 Swindell, -!,) (Edgecomber Mission, to be-supplied by js jj uoover. . ... t WUliamston, J?D. Bule.n j -m'. '. a , Plymouth ; and ; Jamesville, 4S M.'Dsvis, - 'Voiumma; james jaauoney. tv " Bath, James L Lumley.H rvU .istj - Tl a iTk. w-l.. ..u J 'TT..!....' TOT ; .Transferred to p&ciQq Conference N, JB Colelrain - 5li .".Sif',,j:J4 .-iili-it. . 1,. 4 f The Atlanta Cowtitotfon says the morphia habit is on' the increase in that cuy cBpeciauy among laoies. -i :; Elaaoale Grand lodse . (.Raleigh News Report Condensed.' ' The niriet v-first session of 1' t the Grand 'Lodge ;6f Ancient -Free and .Accepted Hasons, was . held in ! Ma 8onie (IfaU last, ;evening. at ; 7. o'clock, Grand t Master H. H. Munson in :the ;Grand ft Jy Beatheryf romKe!ebmmit tee: pn Credentiala,' made a partial re port, that , delegates, irom ? oyer one hundred iodges were present, where upem ihe- Grand !f llaster declared; qubruni present rahd Grand Lodge jreadyj to proceed to; bnsioess r;f J MVS! tThe ..committee ,t'mv? , Credentials- asked: atid obtained leave; for further n VPast Grand Masters John Kichols' and, GeowiWBlba were present -. . xne vtrana. uaster aeuverea an ablei IriteWstaogdhighly fnstruo iye addrcibf a t5ttr length! H$ istateq that peace 4 -lmnono pre vailed throughout the entire jurisdic tion of tbe State, that the order was in. a '.highly flourishing -condition, ani that its numbers were increasing, f . v -i Oh motion of Coh KeAaothe Graqd Master's address r was,, referred- ito ,a committee of tliree,' "consisting" of Thos.f S. 'KehanyLL:A Bickleaind "John Nichols. v4"sU!;aJ mu fU Committee retired for deUheratipn. EKPOKC OF Pi . W. fcAnr, fiSANS:. SXCBB', U r As usual this most empient officer made an exhaustive report, ; tshbiviteg1 thaVwhile the progress made-in the order during the Masonic!, year, rhad not been as great as Ciould, be desired, vet it! was f ully ui-. to." the ayerase; that the worthy, who had applied for admission bad been received; but the unworthy had been feely rejecteiif.;. t 'Abe aeatn - roiexnioits ne- xact that-many true and zeaiougl btcthretf had passed from us , tothe Supreme I ' '.L'i -L-1 in -WY -L ' receipts oi ine yearo, o , wu which amount was ' paid over tor the Grand Treasurer.; He Reported a de ficiency in the per capita" receipts of suDorainate lougesj, ,,.;;,-) :, n Three new lodgee were established- under dispensation j five continued un der, dispensation, three have ceased to exist, naving lorieiwu ueir cuar ters. j . 4- ...w. ;: f.b;;.- -J- From and including the yearo l885 to the present timeOnd1 hundred and twenty-nine Lodges have been . char tered; one-third of which were suc cessors to Lodges previously existing, but becoming from various causes dormant or extinct. The number of working Lodges in the jurisdictional present is two hundred." and thirty- four. W'.: taiitfti : lt$ljrt tbla&ti I poethdn - Tea Elita astxtJM. ti.J.jH. Millai Superinteudenfwvreu dered; an elaborate report ofJ this no- oie institution, covering its proueeu inom nnfia th last rpnort: . Number of orphans " reported; Iasi' year, xua; aamutea pinno imvisyvih 53 ; total 156 ; discharged 26r runaway 6, total 32; leaving now , at Uxtord, 124.1 i Cash ; receipts to December 4 have been $8,944.11 ; disbnrsements, ' $8,865.74; lea ying on, hand; to-day, . $78.87: feJnsfNii'r'it'i ;The amount received is less than usual and ihe falling off is mainly on inn njiTT- nr inw iaTniii'.'" 'rtl,4l'j"- "f The larsrest amount received "bv any oho Lodge is from Bu John'a, No.' 1. amounting to $201 90. . Next on the iisi IB xiiram, vio. u, wuicu coutriu uted . $80 07.u The smallest amount by any Lodge was $1,' and there were three Jodges in this category nv y, - After an experience of - ii ve .years we find that the f ood.clothih add instruction rof eachorpna'd lwifl cost" about five dollars a montb; and,1 the repairs and incidental i expenses , will add another dollar, making, a total expense of six" dollars, 'a" month for each orphan in the Institution: : Tbe work need not cost iany more; but to be well done i it ought not to cost any less." i ' . . ( , , He reported that the children and teachers cof the 5 institution for- the year had; been unusually; 'good, and . t . ... .. i. . . . . tnat mere naa f fioi seen ha .single deaths ' 1 . . ,t Dr. Qrissom read' a platf for the permanent endowment of the Orphan Asylum; prepared! by F. H. Cameron, rresiaent ot tnerortn Carolina otate Life Insuranoe Company,audj asked that it be referred to .a . special com mittee of, seven, m It was so orderedj and a committee atDointedi coosiHt- ingof - Ji B, 'iBatchelCi', J&hn qW' Cotton, G. W. Blount Gw'B. Harris, L. A. Bickle; Robert - Bingham, and : Dr. Gnssoin asked Tlo be excuse3 from serving on thia'committeeV. iy 1 . ,LRaleigb Observer Report Condensed,! . ; George .W. Blount, Esq., P.G. M irom xne special , committee on tne plan for the 'endowment' of theOr- phan Asylum,' submitted' a'1 report, which' was read and adopted. e ci , .Thomas ;.Palmer,.. : grand .? dectureiy 'submitted a full ' and satisfactory ie- port of his operations, which Was,' on' motion,' ordered to be filed - ' i I. The committee an .-charters 3 and dispensations submitted a report re commending that ' charters be issued to new lodges, which was"' adopted,1 and charters - Were issued '"bearing natnes and numbers as -follows: v Bakersville,- in, Mitchell county, No iv. .East LaPofte,' in Jackson count yj No. 358. ' 1 k ' VtJw j The committee on charters and dis pensations submitted a report reconir mending mat cnarters oe issuea , as follows! 1 . , a a - Mount' VernQnV In Pamlico countyj' NO. 359, rr Mayonin iXbjrland county t A special committee ,on that . pok tiort1; of! theM Grand f Master' ; report which relates to the Grand Orient of Francewas. anno.anced: Ja8fl South gatelM.S f'ayis and .C,L; Harris. jvW4 RTCoXi from . thci committee on je'OrphariiiAiyla T the report of 'that committee, which was read and -i considered by.;i Sections. Pending discussion on the report., of therahoT Lodge Ivas rcalled i! f rbrh1 labor,td ! refreshment until ,5L o'clock' conysideratiOQ of toe .uiifinisned (basi- "hess'afthe5 6rhlhgjsessionhen-th0: Teprt of the'commiueesoautheOr ohan lAsvldinvAfter. a lehffthv fdlslr.. cussidn on several woDOsed amend- laeuts, ui reporu wuici yroviues ior I thaL'institSUoa-M suppefrtas adepjedfe'fi;- 0m htn UvBu8bee, h8q., from the comr. mittee appointed at' the Special Com muniatioh of the - Grand Lodge, on me pvnw may iasv me occasion of. th funeral of ;Wm. G. HiU, P, Gj,; M.,,t6 prepare a memorial of this dis- morial tb his memory, which was; br-i ideredl tot)e spread upon the-ininutes: ;WJ JKi ;i AndeMonstoffeTedtbez; fol lo wing resolution, which was adopted : . JMt9Vtvett a uai to ,ue cummi Liee a'ptidinted to? urge upon ' ther General Assembly ah annual appropriation for the -(xf ord Asylum ; jbe : added the names of jZebuion B. Vancej Edwiri Gr'lteade,-J.M. Wbrtb, Eugene that Thos. S. Kenan s be -made Chair rnan 6f :8aid committee, iiny 1111 -jti;? ljJfWBX SESSION.-rii rJ'f Jv.-.v Th e Grand Lod ge then f proceeded to the election of officers which re-! suited as follows; Horace 11. Munson, tt-rand MaSterJ 3 Robert -W Hardie Grand 13. W. St CK Gudger, GrandlJw:f;?fe -i W j E. Anderson, Grand Treasurer, Donald "W.; Bain, Grand Secretary J Cali Harris, froni i the special! committee to, whom was referred that portion of the Grand Master's' ad4 dress ! alludin st tb the ! action of thel Grand Orient of France in rejectirigj from J the creed fjof Masonry, an ex-i pression of a belief." in Deity, submits iea a xepon recommenaing inai ine seaLof ' "condemnation ' : of ' the 4 Grand Lodge be -"placed on j this "attempted innovation of; a landmark. Jof the lor- tig hirijatf Si -Itehan tputySraha L. AavBikle. Grand Chaplain. con. B. E. Sedb'erryV'Junio Grand Dea con, j - S Uii.lj JYiir -i m ,,, B. C. Manly. Grand MarahaL: ; w .XS.--a.' Smith, Grand Sword Bear'en 1 JTiab' OnnYiftaal dmnr Pfiniwnf a-JMiles' Goodwin,tGrand'TilerlJ rGnmbti6n30f QW.JiVtkte&Julii Mills twaa unanimously re-elected Su- permenaent pr.tne vxtora vrpnan Astiit; The esolutibii was adopt-. ed by! a rising y otefe?Ql :r. Mi, -,JttV JU k Harris j read 'a telegram from ti. A. ITormeDt, pf Lumbertbu, . announcing "that St. Alban Lodge, No.'-f- was' burheohnf thornmg' we savea jewels anop cnarter." Wherleurjon the Iioda adonted a res olation.. remitting the dues, of the ljoagt... - a,wy a iuuu aiaua,va auuvuuvcu ,110 following Standing committees ' vGn iMasonio !Jnrisprudence-rL G.I Read, F.i H. Busbee and , John Nk CholSaf r . -: .n .. j, i -J On JForeign Correspondence Geo W.Blount. ' ia ..On Credentials B,.,C.:Manlvl T' C.' Worth, Win. Simpson. (,.v,f . . .-i. M T :i TV a-i : .TTf tw . vn jrnnting r. iuaniy,,vv. Hi. Ahdersoh, D. W. Bain. ; " ' t : ',The minutes , were read and con firmed.. -k I i.. C:i The: GrandLodge closed, at 1:30 oiroIock'P'M until 7 Vclock P.TM.V "on the "first "Tuesday in December,' 100.; lAil- Mlea iWr, Veterans. i;,. . t' "c Baltimore Sun.l;,-.;a, " , The Commissioner of 'Pensio'nSi in ' abetter: addressedCto Mr.' IngalhV; chaif man of the Senate committee on sPensiona, makes an elaborate calcula tion as to thejiumber of ! soldiers of the Mexican war;J'now , hying' who would; be entitled Id pensions in 'case heT'bULrpepding.fox-iUhat.iT purpose should be passed The Commissioner, in summing up, estimates 88,000 raa unaer a provision oi law granting ine fiaiuc lui'vuo 'uaj v eci ice. . uuv , . m. eluding, r however, the.',. widows and heira of deceased., soldiers.;. He ? says "he has n o means of 'determining and has riot 4 attempted - to estimate; how many soldiers of - the;? Mexican n war served in tbe twcrouteadmgrarmles ,uui i u g vuo icucuiuU uut uyyv." many . were killed while so serving, r ..... 13 :-.J t i. -.". .... : . .; c? Winstoh'T JSentiheU There are eight prisoners now confined in our county iaiL -i The thermometer stopd at 15 on last Frldav morning. The number of marriage licenses issued ' by the Register of Deeds, of this county during the past year ending Uecember 1st, are" 147. ' The, sight -of two intoxicated h women created quite a stir on our streets on last Tuesday afternoon. . One negro was. sentenced to five years in tbe penitentiary at the late term of Stokes. court ; for; stealing, j - xiiias AiauiiB iuusien, oi ourrniwnljenu.oa Tuesday morning, for Raleigh, bearing a petition: to the Governor for tho reprieve of; Thadeusuavis.t:.if:. i., r t.-. i der. The report r wasdpjpted. 6 Grand Master ? Munson appointed the fdlWwinomersu!m & Spirits un)eiitme. J :ifpr iWinston Sentinel'.'. Millions of V, pounds of tobacco raised in North Carolina . --- -and sold ;in!iber;:VirginiajBiarket,i;gofes lo ; v' the credit of that State The markets of Winston and Puharn alona sell rnore to.. ; ' - nacco than the tf. a Commissioner credits ' ns with, t North Carolina raiSes mbre than ; ,' double 10,500,000 pounds, but la ihlis, as in many other thingSjOtlier States jrt credit . . for it. lftii-iJ .v.,:i : i l.-tlt;. xpSalisburyTteAriian: i"o!6red '- - ' Methodist Conference has been in! session ia this place for several dayavJr Wi Hood O i is presiding. They have had a remarkably sv, , , quiet and orderly session,,, rrr Dr.; Hill, of the .vicinity,- brought in i.towo - Tuesday morning, a pig, born,aHv putf jafterwards aying, wun a snout very ciosciyresemDiing Uiat of an plehMt?.lRv! lifting. Ih; sholit .' " ' whicu'hanes down'over the face. Ihe face !, bears i closer resemblauce " to 'the human , countenance than to that of any other? am--." - -maK r v -.Old Aunt Abby House, ,of t Hih , ?. ; Jeighj has been attending Conferencd:J ' " feeisvill ,,J: ' Efunti!i Clab held its annual sessioa last .51 Toasdjiy. and.Thorsday, CoL. Peter. Hairs- .i , . ton was'' 'elected President forlhe'ensuine " year.1 i The first day's hunt was upon Major i : ? ' .Hatetbo's 'f latherwpoci", plantation in s Jt th residence of J. li BcaleSiliTbeifoUowr j , Ins3, gentlemen engaged in the hunt and . killed J the number of birds opposite their 'J l'-' " names; HW''aiedar7aa(4anMiueale8 j f; J. H Redd 62, Col. Peter '.'Hairston 43,v . - . ames;' Scales 34, H. Sampson - 25, C5ap- f-Ji,' tain Grie28 24. J. 8; Redd 20.Jstmes. Glena. i-i r.-ipioitcat Kecoraervit is tneduty . v . of every go6d cUizeti of :the 6iaieHocon-'; ! '" tribute to the support of the Orphan 'Asy-tf v'n.! lunu ;It is the noblest charity in the State, and-is 'doing more for the poor andh.friend-1 '" less children than all the other meats, used' for .their' instruction Jand" protection' com:J , bined. I Its management is as nearly perfect - :s- andlMj generally approved as possible for. ... u r ? human institutions. . - The revival in'i; the ThomasviUe Female College 'watinuecL . P: A through last week. The last time wie heard ',,, from rrof. Reinhart he was'expeetlbg Rev. Dr." Wetmbre; Oathe . EDiscorjal'chuich. to T aid liim.inihemeeUng. rr , jj Hickory JVfs: During! the v , heavy gains' last week the Yoder bridge ahd v v the'one at .Mr.iRamsour's Mills, ? both on U r. . South Fork, were washed away.; We hesr of a ntjmberof other jnaalt bridgesi some x- z ? fences; Qd9therJ isovanlftjohjeciajthat were cjarried, away . while ; the, creeks and rivers tvere 8woflenirH--4i'To giVe 'persons " T! i hot acquainted witbf Hickory sSome;idea!. as;, j -to the j produce trade here, we "give the ' . " amount of a few; articles shipped Irom ' ihitf ' ' depot 'during the r month of November:,, Flour,200,000 lbs; butter, over 12,000 lbs; " white head cabbage, 27,900 lbs; chestnuts, ; i - " 800 bushels; and other articles j of produce n . ' inproportion.,-Last.Tuesday. the shipment Kf.Knffa. woa A IRQ lha , vV- - i-.1 U - . - . 3 i athbro ovihetrK fafgec amdunt of cotton . has been . shipped from ' Washington the., past', week, numbering . over 2,000 bales,' and. about 2,000 still waifrr ; -' mg - transportation.. - Wiley MitcheI, the cplpredjpesperadOi;Whowasso severely;,"';. . stabbed 'WSU: Humber,;a f ormerresident.' " , Of .thi4 place, now Assistant Wardetfl'Of the; 'v Eitentiarywhiio :;being, rarrestejdVilast tecember, has," We tindersiand," been par ; ' ; donedj by Governor ,yancK' t He'; iyasrsen-. ' ' f. ' -V teaceol by Judge" Eure, !at January tferm pf ",', ' ,' Edgecombei Superior ;Codrt,?tb'jefghteen f t'' , , thoaths with hard labor, in ihe, county Jail,' the. nature", of bis.offehce .not.pernuttiDgVT;'. his confinement in the penitentiary;, ;;.,! , p" "(". our; colored cobtspeaking ?"ir : ; remarked (alluding to the drowning' of aY,'w'' -.; negro here in a preceding freshet,) 'f dey-1 ; : --r' had buried de man on de hieh watermark" r 's' : I dis freshet would habbeen kepf oSi jreier pranaen, coiorea a noieu oanjoisi," died m Snatchburg ; recently, randia big s 5 . crowd lof negroes followed him to the grav e. i . Justlai they.fihished .burying him the;,me-I, .4 -teerie display : in. the ieavens i occurred, .Jj; . frightening' nearly'; all Vthe rdarkies Out ' of 'A " ; their wits. ; We nhderstand the conclusion';'; Watfthatpete" was a:wicke sinEefj-mihar;,;r he went'about with, his old 'banjo picking people-;into torment, and that tbeT "busting '."i of bis rail" caused the .hernomehrju" iff:' iWSiufti..". J-!m4?:' ,ir.- v.: ; ? weensboroj?aoiii5tlcesj waBc j ! IhfcK enough on some pf our ponds to'"giveit;'v;r. the ; Utile- chaps .'some skating; during aheti? r?:., recent cool "spellaU We Tegret to learn v ):;:, . of the death HOfMrs. Anna Odell.TdfeJ of i . v Jamesi Odell and mother of Uhe . Messrs.' si . Odell, merchants, of tbisbity;sMessra,-it' D. F.f Caldwell; and : a P.Mendenhall i-.i stored Monday to fill the series of appoint fu; 1 -l ments along the line - of 4 the JFayetteviIlei. 1 : Railroad. ' There f are 82? students in! .ul ; attendance at the Methodist Female Col0 f lege in this city this yearSt boarders and i' " S6 dayischolars.;- Superior Court meets-.'- t , nere nexi xiionuay, j uuge ouxion prcsiuing, 1 , , v Wpdnisday of the first week' is set for the" - trial of Bowman, charged with the murder :- :, v ? . ; of his wife in Rockingham, and.whose case ' has be?n removed to this county for trial. - fiWashinan'ti'ASl col- '' T'.Ju lection taken up in the Presbyterian Church r . . on Thursday (Thanksgiving day), amounted . to $25 f Or the benefit of the Orphan5 1 ABy- lum i If all the churches, i n the State had . .: taken op a collection for the same purpose and done as well,; the poor children1 of that" ' 1 ' institution would have been: well provided, tV . for, for al least a year or two to comej - T 1 " Old Uncle-Saiiimy-Satterthwaite:-coliored.' killed up the river, a few days ago, a large I 'J " white swany measuring seven teet irom tip -.ci to tip1. 1 V-tr-We are pained to learn Of the i' . . accidental, ; drowning of A Paul Jones, of " j " . Nevil's Creek," on Wednesday nighti'while 'r !'! ' . pohng a small schooner up Durham Creek. He had just left Washmston-and-was-tm . his wahome. , He was a good 'neighbor ? and citizen. Kobesoniak : We :may, in our nextassue,i publish ihe JBalient; points' of I'- Jadge Dick's letter. .We would be glad for , . ... the reputation of the judiciary of Our State " ' ' that the Charges cannot be sustained. J uv; Thanksgiving day in our town was not gen-' t -; r . uesito improve rapidly, j there! being (now Wt ; WVHV. vu. MUUIWViaVU VVUblU x35 feet in size, constructed of brick,! and . ; ,.Ia.' a:nW ff-d-i !v FH. .x-t . uve.or bis. Biorea-. in i process ..or, erection.. -Thehew county Jail is rapidryf ap-1 ' 1 proaching. completion. - The buildiDff is 85 t r ' term pf pur Superior Court will commence f , in this town next Monday; his Honor Judge jCox presiding, and Solicitor Norment rep-! -resenting the atate. We suppose the entire vv docket; State and civil, will foot up not less than' three hundred caseaiM H,,.d 1 -'- - 'tv ' -Chaii0tte t06eroer; wDr;?J. . J;;. Mott, collector of internal revenue "tot this" 1 -;' district, - is - somewhat of a- temperance' reformer. He hasy recently-discharged i- i seven of his subordinates ir the revenue service for drinking intoxicatirJg liquors in'J -'-violation of his Orders to them on ; the snb--: , . : ject. ; -The more courts this county has'-1 ; J L- 0 tho mAfo litinrof rn t nnn AF TatirV miftthflc ' t-..: uw aiwavu va vuv outs auu auuiuwi - ' there is-fci So far from diminishingJcrime'v and removing the causes which lead to law- -'j suits.? exactly the onoositei has been" the-' ' effect of t every; ;4dditional;cohrt. ? " iiuring? the monlh of ; November-11,529 - ' bales of cotton were weighed and sold 5 in v.? j Charlotte. I The. body ' of " Harrison " " Grice, wbo was drpwned near.Lincolntc a ; '- , couple of weeks, ago, has not, been recov ! ered. The t wo v h at ters, t one from ." 7 ' ' .Columbia and theother from Augsta,wbo.. j beat'the Charlotte Hotel out of several days' hoard last week, encouraged by Hheir " , success here, passed on to Salisbury1: and! T there "beat"? the Boyden House out Of a " H board biU: which' they -had ;run up to flSi ' r' It would be' well for the press to pass these-' gentlemen' arouncx. IV. J a '5 j .S- 1 1 r t : ; i ' j - x. ; e - - s i, : 1 i : 1 fi 1W T