0 LH ::eV.-:Vo:::, .7.. Y'..:v: Uit 'T.nw .si!, LigTii Mwsm?i?m wiTiivrTrTC3r?oir $1.50 a Year,' In advance. a M m V X a - M J - a a ; 4 0( SSS8SSS8S28S31' VOL. 9. - - - it. " "l. If r 1.' " V r .' -. ' Avilson Advance; -The popula - ttipli iolilsdq, is increasing :vrapidiy--orer 1; ' ' half b dozen new accessions wiibin the last. . feir flays,- among them three prospective- voters and several' more precinct 4o. hear i ivs JN vJ.'-' O.-' l nia1 mineri who is a native of .this State. , V"''. 38SSS3SS3S333S88S'! SS3S3SSSSS3SSSSS l he sense of the country peace with Mexico. ' There is o sort V' r ' heTf fe. thil if jthe Senator,, rnte ,tlaH, Jie J now ITfeR' anhongtfal att feiven prderf lo' i! Vice Presi- lacy SS33333333SS3SSS3 u iir iiu wa uCi i 3 U1 Kjr uaueu ov.wuippiug . roainR-chews for Onn. Rntlr nmlhi 1 . r W'f6- " 5 -I 'iAA 1 ,-.f : 1 itC;'? JrilrL2ikf-"'rk 1 I: PATTERSON!! CAS K.T5 . i .." J I J aucli a delcVmhiatio i ' loei iat S t. ;r kW: m::t:2' rsaref f oc hisl decision iri theattersott 4att i 3S3SS333S3SS33S3 SSSS3SS33SS3SS3S gHdfriiai piaft fthlWPfesideoi SSSSSSSSaSSSi roeasage refers to VMexican af: SSS8S3SS3SSSS333 O 0010000 vH 9 COM? of tootrrfee'liillly iiiitin a-tl',)i nil' IP I I i ry,, , h utterly useless, aboundiDg In cane and . cypress, gum: and" other,; heavy tinber and rich in the production 'of turpentine wiu aiso snonen me aisiance io ;Onslowi county, about fifteen - twin nkA vthi- tmnnrtAnt '-fi' fiBi .jyfifijfii? "f IwateV courseslifvli fUxlioped thk thCcon-; uol setiie ii nere. j mis scene i ...., v. ; f ii !i-.J,r,. 'via wui U6 Belli, u wuixw, uiu-. wic ,n ui may be commenced, Wbput the least unne- savage is v;OttitUWibetter.it..'. --i.oi-i(r: n-? fTsiMirri mti ( ; , 1 ( . ( . 1 ; it 11"! n I 1 (1 . I ( 1 f-i' I V. n M Ivmmh . f . 1 I . f . 1 F - 4545555S55455S55S j IIOT UCCU .CjBf rtf,j IU UIS AXUUBti 1 f - j , i Reai&ter than an idiot, and' no one in lhaV city -Tbfeir Snbteaaent n 1 nVii( iiiB ltaj'iM.tv,- te Committee on Foreigo' v. V wnere ne lsrell known, is surprised 7, 1 1 v;:7.,..;;'v4iuiiit tli , lave y 1 -. r, s ; . called apon Col Keill Mcphaul. of Whi strangers Whiter cessarv delav f.JtVipecie4 jHat a meeting will be held on' Monday dfTKiesday of Tende?!d6urti -which1 contenes Aext weel to ake eome .action iuthe matter.- j v !. i-i c i e, eavJ in rendering iua rteciaioiii t Tmk j afioutfithwe itib? Uaird a Nnnt Oiibi , ctMpiir-AniMl .ij-TBe ananal meeting M the atockholders fairs. ? Th MHitftrw flnmmitfAo tivn Zirf '1 ' - 1 been considering he iSatjiectfosomet?' iM'Mm:M'iM I .siL At.'ll-- 1 f. "te !the man' branaed ttf fcodV i toW WnA i4icro4S; frArfl Ihiiiil-;Wntlttlki r- . - t- - .- iiir. nun - xririw' t ii m v m i . - r- - - . . z . j . . wwa.Hak .-. -. l -u- ir . -rrTr .!1T?V' orwhicHlie Is members That bddyf Is I ihW Wa eolde itorcanvasa h riDnntv lor I WIW a Wn:Vompa nyfepx 5ftrtH Ijeepierarained, vThej.acUoni o! the legally. cetiattentiooalltnpnarYtotellecv,! llT wg:i.tffr-1 'minitoi,? w-'f hMit ' -th.lf offlce.-4rf -thta ' j i - .t . 1 in mm nifruiia(iM .inn mat tnnv wmim 'i - w --ii,r-r.Tr.--,-r r -ti;7 ft- g. CD, t-. . -. ' . . !". . jr. I .MdutMWM.AM . a. .a JT I 1 riUKH Mill rK Lll I1H lllfllV". Iflll IC- Villi I ' - " C T Ji' .r --Tsssssass I T'T r I f ,?. I involved; and to condemn br acqaitrwt : 1 want theteamiforlabout ten days. - They W Snhscription.Eric ffiw ..::..; ;.. - ' ;t:ims'-9c i wuuueu whub point T'M.p.i.aBcerumi i .. i t. . . v ,. ' . -1 , . i -wwu5 piu, c,u vwwu i - rT.-- it- . r r-fr.T-.ft nnmn nrm nnr-r Sli.rp' Word. Between Senator G.r- Aon ... end. Conltltnit Amicable ; A ments, last night, of sharp Senators Gordon and Conkling, io execu tive 1 session, f - The accounts published this and Who mined; it in XtortlN Carol ina many - , yearsWrites to the Charlotte Ob&wer: 'I . see hat mining ia beginning1 to lbok up1; agaiain lbe Old North State., I am satis fied that there is more money in thd mine of North Carolina than irr Jbose ; of Cali- fornia. Ail that is wanted is tago after it, the same as they do here, and they will tfeVjW,-! findfiJ 'think of cemlng-backf to1ry JThe town was nll of conflicting state: them agaid.-' snts, last night, of sharp words between I M ff.iu;i:;R ' llendersoiivil le Courier :: lie v. ;J.v tT. -.Flihn,:. pastor of the Presbyterian morning are equally conflicting There s iufc ' ' nodoubt the , question ed fficult. ancL it Is. 0J:ae-f.l?l, 1V&-A57?2i3r, IUB, v-j J s Vu nti.i: WJZ8U WUB DVQropilUOia. iH vOC ..) j r:ffltSrl! of .thechildren of , so,- r- ShW -rIlBefore he could he ZiSmM; - Squired: if 4t would beany vioatknof4he , wurfd deaain the m .house, . -aeimenimade yesUrdays fprii.the Senate iTH- Greensboroyienis T in Vbarlotte J ' y t" Stab is as follo-ws ; - otn n: ijti)T guilt; I twp jmetM'V; Before the lien days, had ex ment .ctmmaBaer. inTaaexl.nlezioan i . .L . . o....V I wsr hrin. nnthino mm . IVilll . . i ,1 .'f i .1 - . r ; ? 1 i 1 I'w.. .. -t , . v I . 1-ur . . . ..- . . Kir. nmm III. HIIHIllPllinH .niHHHI " . " .do I nerernng 10 lue mvesiigaiions in I oana oy uoiu oommiitees tno vv ; ngle Copy l.yee P8tafff P&Idj 1 The f Jha'ir I Mr. Ferrv mled that it would I ritv-kpt tunhraced 122 cases. - The onlv im- . i . The former offlcersrwerek W re-elected .-'-Tt Jti9ta."YI a-r ' i ww" -ja-.-?.i;-jr.c : iiu8viiiu';uwwiuu8 : -recieciea, viz. ",v , .Tfte motion let an execUye session twas,, -Ex-Mayor C. P.- Mendenhall- and I - w?tiieiifBb IMBi'Brld4.4;-MV ! therifbretsBoa mauV-r'tW re" if aveling:bver'- ' - i8emU4JXreaBBo Mr.thuwoaafhto,, p.j4 - ; . ... .- ; . rmawr waicn ne wiw -auiHoriieu.wBiaw, i people in me lniercsi oi me esicru or ,-., 8uperintendent-CoL CL. L. .Grafilin. ouperintenaent or Agencies ijoi. w m. L. DeRosset. v .! AUBOujeciv exuuvwerjug iu?rVreiga I s e.w--TTl I in out that thev ,hd left the eonntv. and Senate. 1 He. therefore, moved ? .that- the I to extend to Greensboro The JBen- doora be closed under .the Q4th rule, and the 1 eett (University building, which is beine motion was unanimous agreed to. ;? -v.A erected by the Northern Methodist Church and h'ebmniencedim and seconded to elose the dooj of the Sei I completed to the third story. It 1 will be may, in the .opinion , pua benator,-: require I about the 1st of March ;i v . i m .h.r. s , secrecy, the presiaing omcer snail : airept the galleries to be cleared, and ; during the reports WRICK LANCB.' ' V- : The opinion r: expressed to n.: last I ingion , ar say : t '. v ' i;,i:nmJ:.i;.j ti.:iJ I . '"The object of em r.. . .. .... .. . . . I Allaire vomnuuee to prosecute mis inquiry. vwo .v.h.ww.h i . . ; healtbv States Senator, that there would be 1 is a desire to get Secretary Evarts before it uoeS BOt exempt a SenatororiRepre 1 aAe1 M0D8 PSly.f fr?!,'. ;,r ; ' less panisansnip ia, ine preseni, yon ment h&8 6ot j,, reeognized, as weltas to aentative from liability to be arrested -J nd. flfty -abSaurs ttt?hW efforts The result of the" company y experiment Messrs Conkling and Gordon, in theexecu, gress than inanyv; that ; had sat Tor have the benefit ot the diplomatic corre- gity of Z(nReefrinf teohaultherawiDdlAf culling; iice upoet: theirce lands M ve ; session,, of yesterday, ahd, af the t -tJL nUmtiin u Cniftiu Dondence between ; the two governments ., ,.; . iv ' . itoovernauxineJBwinaiers, or ges some m- . " !7. L , . " doors were reopened the following paper forty years, promises to he fulfilled since the present administration came Into members of Congress, .the. language formation, concerning-ihemaej finally re- Wfalilldl wasnadepublicV ' :l. : " It is only to true that the Repnbli power. . It was apprehended, also; that the nr nATnatiintirin'TH. that ' the-ir ceived a disnateli from a Mr. Recrinter. one them to raaktf argemebtltf PT" Panting 5' During the secretlsessioa-MrHarlan of- eorably in seating Kellogg.that they ajmy officers, who generally advocate .the ny privileged f r6nr"aC8t.,, 1 1 t i . -. ' i ?"jff t mode oi arbitraung international troubles, j do oeuai.orlx:ai.ierBon coum.aoi. piaim aa m v uuitcu a ; toiiueiiy. oumo I threatening-troubles between the? United ori find shelter Under the a3gis -of ing last, announcing the fact that he had It gives ns pleasure ,to chronicle the tyagreea.to: y .; Vr : ,. vyi his lormer aecision, mai; snenus, anu tax yy HEKEA.S, misunuerstanamg having 1 collectors are requirea oy Jaw io give npna ."(.4- Raleigh mLNiews i Last . evening . Mr. fcyrille Dion and Daly, Of New ;Yprr the:,; champion Jbilliard. ; players j of ; , America,-: arrived 4 in.: 4 s this .' city.: , f - This morning -a little n alter o'ciocu 1 some villain, attempted to" .set-jfire Mo-' . the wood house on the northwest cdrner of cap&oi jsquare,;by piling a quantity Of wood C neai the wall just inside the door, patting a . . quantity of paper ; under- U and? setting it , on firei-' ' The State Auditor adheres to iiis former decision, that sheriffs, and jtax ; ot the debates and, baliot.ngs show wasliablb.to tnis quite piaioiy. ne vote on I committee will begin its labors at once, and I resti for felony. Some of. the conunue to heat what amy officers have to aVC P' the silver bill; and f' the : repeal of .i, ;,r,.; ot iiioV rJ T, u ' vt , ' ri- iV i: ' nhrht's train lo recover! his property r:z- . : . . 7 - T . , I Ba fuwu . ,4 TrI ; w"s ut).wBiuvi.Hure.,w,ivo,,.w i look alter the disposition of the prisoner, parties weiedividedamongstahemr Military commutee has ab: the District of Columbia, npon a re U , ... i !.':. I'.j-iu -;7 Vir j i i I pointea a san-commitiee cnargea to i quisiuou ot .me- vrovernur--oi pouui i - stale of affairs will doubtless appear.: I :J A Kito tVKi IVlHna; hi nnti ' ftiwt.JvA I ' - f The parties are bow anced that but few tionaljrnportance wiltrecei ve theenj - already lakeh will be' patiently J correct.' tire vote of any one i party. Forta- J b'iaered. and new witnesses aro to Mr be examined." The iStor of the jllth particular . case, thatftthe requisition M---v . . ;; I .was raaae oejore tne exira session oe "The- new Mexican minister. Zamacona. 1 o nl ' n - wha Pattftrson ' wan not I 01 we;act.to proviae ror a survey recbTered the horse and buggy - at Green- I0reg0'ns eyiaence 01 succesaontue pari 1 arisen between the H.oaj Jtoscoe uonfcling I toctouble the amount ot mej taxes-toi be . . 1 1 'villei a d iwhete the'1 two awmdienr W I -of so, enterprising a, ? corporation. What J ana tue. lion, j onn j3..uMaon, in me course 1 copectea Dy mem, ami mat couuyom- I t 8winTaiers 7ftaa fcaw,"ll-!lwrA... -iv; 'V ";I btthe executive proceedings of the Senate I misioners are liable tenhe-penalty when r been trying to ! dispose f of them :iif orfifty heneta them benefltsjisAlL Mr:ffigg yesteriayiaadlnalnbdegtandingather4hey fail to take such bond. 4 Judge . . the I dAiiiira. nd lhat h; hd r oa nf th nnw 1 . I: - ' T. . f -7 " I Ineff thereon bavmz been arrived at. '.as set I, Watts failed to cet an audience at Tucser , ft clbuT iconndrels in iaU Col McPhanl" Tm qT'-"" is deredl Hall last nigWAand lcohsequntlyidid;not ar- I C10US fCOUnareiS in jaUr, ; U)U aCWaui,: l; Mfc David & Saaders. one of the mem I th-t maA naner he entered .at -lanre t-on4 the.lf deliver his lecture on insects. -3S i v -1 . J-UU1U I. tuw;iviv uvios iwj uigwj,. 77 I UCrS Ol Ulc ooaju OI . jOUUlV VA)nimiBSlOII- I Jjciiiaittiivo uvuiuitiui hue ocuaiic. -- - - ; I . , I , f .. 1Ctt Y 1 fw. . ,vricc" "P ; M ; I era. bavins repotted: his suspicions, derived. 1 .1.-5 r .nvy "".:rirr r " J: . ! anu 1 t Iwonld , mem .... - OtW Ullf 1UU ,11b 41VllUit 1 n WWfc.. " ' " j. Ol 'I " 1 . . ; so evenly bai- '0. if nossible. when Congress from k'stice: , and. that, therefore the tbrofigh Angola Bay, measures of na-1 00mw ;W T,t,o Th ttimk- rfUnT, f JnirnnhrftW waa l whi?h the people of uately ; Tor the. .country there is but little chance for. the; passage of a bill of a purely partisan character. The recent debates in the ; Senate on the Tenure as those on the of the President, members carry reDlyit mav' toe.; said, in this has accented an invitation to appear before uen ,ura conr-. 1 . Salisbury - Watchman: Lieu ten- Theodore Parker, of this place,: has gone from personal observation, that the- county I -t0il by Senator Gordon, of Georgia,, and -to Arizona Territory to join his cdmpany bridge ovei'.Smim1Dreek:iJust!beyppdithe J by Senator Conkling; Of New York; which1 t W,..,fTpW fK nnrlfiooatorn Umla at tUa oUv 'i' in; an I. Were mUtUaily rtP.n.rC!onty.,f;ii;Kifi?i) pBsafe condition yesterday J. G; Wagnerri ,n rnrtt that the ; proposed , cnai I Baa .Chairman .of the Board. accompanied I accurate andTmiust to J?otb -speakers upon ieit to oe unKinaanaouenii ou emeu bhuu gwoomoi n,B, uuuio of the incident appearing I ladkinnver, measuring oieeifjincnes ,, , his morning which are in- 1 fron tip to tip, and 3 feet from bill Tto tail. at a'distance of 125 yards. -Thesis- - in Pender county, in I hv,Mr i? v 'tr . - 1 ; m u . aw.AhJ 1 rfiTTr. nBVP wwn wr unir iiiiti iiHiitiiv irLLrrn . . liat7na:4b adjoining 1 andN. Carr. proceeded to give the. bridge I w..ooSa wthi thr -it i '.rtain, thnt ih I of coneratulation oa his marriaee. and, he,. . I nnnf fellow, is not .,onlv" not ".married." ibut. ' . honest misundersUjKuns ot.nat liaaioeen, musi answer tucso itucm uiu mjv uw coaqties take such . a deep interest, is; now -4iW-"4 wybwiSOveriUierldseJj ffaeFotof Shavtended a ceivd from Gov. Vance, In which he says: seem to be all right. Theyprocured asmall ofteniappens, W abatas oiEEensive Bikle, D. D., of Concord, N. C. Cla ,.!?Yoli are aware mat,5 owing to Uhe failure boat however, and upon examination of was; the: utgrowtli i of smisajsprebensidnV rene Holt, sort f John A Holt, Esti.V fell aad-other thA iiiu brB ot IfeiC tbev fbiind I oawmwH.M wjww rllvir:::" , - . - j . t- m . wtt. w a .w - m a t b n n w nnirn mir m. iiini niii-.r iii a a r-.i. l I i 1, - - b.vfrv j gettag the :Work started But as I, am re-I much so that they are : unanimous ia me I and tom ffhA AnmmltflUk tA mnmiv nl 1 imiwn aa 'nrAll .. . . . j . u...t..it.. . r . 7, " I MuuBuuBicumuu, ahmdUiIUAI, vue(vuuiiyugif nWd th frnilt ahiiH At .mt With -rn If I i.u.mU W.".ni& nfm'Anfi I read letters to the committee rrom tne jse- 1 u- i- f i . - ' w'? 1 v I "7 : r. " - . 1 u -r 1 , , . f. ft ; w nAt, fihormn 'I no protection any wnere 10 aman m-r 1 the work ianbt done. Twill be orenared to I wonirfnr inuicaie tuai, tne 1 bearine on the border troubles. The com-; i dieted for felonv.- ?Third.,thatonth? send .the convicts under a proper officer I if not a new a tiee fiance , ana wiu I rrVLm" i- "T.,rT.u Carina had a'riffbtto.demandTaWiwMl Pn se80n WU1 W 'I of taeir observations win.be embodied in a nWSeW liht AithAr THa ijnnlinff iii mn. I w7."" ovi;0i f, o,i,iw;i ifrtr I r ' 1: v i t: i v r tiT-t. LZTrI mitinthe cottmsryeai:. Withihir'end-Iff f reodrl to be nresented to a meetins brthe 1 .w wia w A'fdr''ltt vicuon:onteresuastar Ich ro ""OlSiii? verned byene or the othe0 of;;Uiese was; placedoo the calendar. as it shows whkt waaprpfised in the W of" Implements' 9ill be iequfred, and Ag.-a. Atter 'some unportaWpfe motives - . - , .. We may .mention ihF4W 5fefle UmwB V ntc &wuuu uiAJuuiiui' DviAAuauiAic w -m v- ' ' --, - z -.r . . ' , i : ' i'i'hA nvAtiiainn nraa muni u iniRnniii m a wwww w a fravB inff rarai l f ii ii im fxiHriPiiiTK liiriiiir -nr-w . . . wa as. -r-.. - - rate ofz JUeioo. t secure the Bemceapf tnoae persons wnen I caHric4lurnlsliiUiem. ir spades axes I the past season iaraisinfi: corn on the tri UnntMer I individnal creditors, and does not :relieve I ?T I t . r :rr hi' " 1 be maae luuy seveniy-nve ousneis to ine tbev are' unanimous ia the I and 'to the speakers that; whatever ; was felt bridse is entire! v nnaafeirl W be unkind or oitensiye, in the remarks pi. -w M Atfhhw AhAnl1 Ka IvantoH aaif nAvnFtitfnrl i. - w i . - j iV"G.iLPAVW4Va.MvVMr W9 ia. w v u.wavu, morouga ana imaveuiiAw t aBdi we are. sow authorized, to state, .are bridge altogether, , j The resalt 1 mutually apd simultaneously withdrawA.!', AjB'-torittoiDatbJ bones were broken, but he Is very much, ys s ii4-. Elizabeth City Economist ': In. aleHer, 'received a few 'days :-since; from,--"-4 ,. the feteat iaveatotoLme .Gatling Gnn,he; r sayit! iVI appreciate jour kind allusion to . LTnsffraorjfiy inventlonT-inromCTaras, ata bleased to learn that my jiame is cher-;, -4 I-' r, .1 .nimrApmff in narann whon IhAV Thooo turn Ahla triAn I favorablv hia Claims. DUt WeareaS I , . ,lt . nnK1Tnwtnn ' Tn Alhnr MWW ' " " ml W- . I U.f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .VVlVJl t. .VMA ' worus, mey are tuuctiauic iu uio uw.m the same groand in "regard to the J ful l Chief Magist: power of the Senato r: in confirmation I Great efforts or reiection of nominees sent In bv I 3 rice the administratrbn the President. . These, two able men were pitted : against Senators Mat t sured that the Preaiden t and bis ad thewa ftntfDavia w Hayes,' insistincr' as- to his right to re movejirithouts giving the. reasons for his action. During the debates other Senators gave expression..;to i vidwa that showed that partisanship was not the dominating principle or passion, Mr. llaala - on a . . t ..J.J riuea. . ii iw the be autho- the strutted te inauire forthwith.- and report as I ba ell soared bv Eastern . North Carolina. soo as may be, any tbreats,promises or ar-1 i times that Jiave tried the purest virtue ' rangements respecting existing or icobtemfrl his jrirtne never paled.1 In times when in- plated arcusationseriHunaprosecutions I tegnty has been hucastered in the marxet, acre, and as many r mind u; MV winttAr tn oithAit 1 gainst aBy , Senator,. or any other corrupt I whdn political, public and professional found ltf an easy anattfir to gainer I --hAywi rihlawfJlmefthor infiueneea r nmfcit hunoma a maTkatablfe cdmmod.riV any , . SUCU Uie 1 a Man . a t eleven.- AAra WithOUt mOVlnS l W.i t V,on V.iftr In tntiirimnarn'nirl ivnifii I n. knutt. - avianitimi Kiror . caas save arStor dtbThat Is l?iU 'say who I 'should 5 control I hia trackiy fle planted fiye grain? o orion,,directly.or indirectly. JbyMO r restopoa the name or fame of cljaracter, I f&ftlAcTtn thAhill Ad .llnwed adbUanca.ciVnvVf Sktbra from JlbeStott' of Edward Conigland- - ? Mr 4 ' anylsucabifuls 8ta - " between the hUls one direction and thrw oernT aaagggg p 1 tSS SSSa fei. slisS gs tef BMiSSl - couBiuerauie buvw i ,5".i4'J I , t . . a', f o'1' 'soMi IL.anatl so; U snouia oe aonein time wrnrofioK Ud brweine into cultivation some 4 tniuee nave power 10 aena iqr persons ana. i J" -Ml7at the five men had in aU iL.wL. xi i vi Faw ; ,iit I tjably 7 arranged. SenatorRarisbm; f iA.-tiii.ir u.-, wither in-1 I"tr: i-t ; I papbrai and to sit ddring the sittings of the I imUii ssv.tuaii io vu v J rro . T , I - I -.-"'4-' - . " -' -'jr, ' a" '1 T " -a im m auuuuau-uiu hmmi iiuwj iuk lH zvi i7 .ur ar- Tir 1 acted as tbe mend orj weiw wraqn. i l ! onlv recoenized. t 1 I rfS . r - fi7i- Ji' . - ' 1 'antftd u tViA friAnfl ,-nfi fip.n. Qordoni L J Vebrhees denied: emnhaticallv chibf yuler bYiexicaP rpeoie :- J- :,-K., Tri r,Am lAinvfirthrew haaiffAajuBunguouim canay " "ty: I LJl 711; i Tf ftAn finrdnn were hot a member wnicn Hayes if they got possession of both himsenotill disposea i . . .. . a i pnnnin bavh iduuubuu iiuw martini . I Cattle tnieves or proieoieu inarauuen i j--rrtr. .. .. 1 that he has exnibited amuty m tne -ijirrv "ri - . t administration or affairsi-lhat bbbas ft--;? n"" 17 1AW1 BVcuo - i . t. . T -7"! A? 7TTrf Houses., He said his party was very well satisfied with Hayes. The pros pect now 'is,- that llayes will not be altogether, satisfied with the "Demo- crats since the vole on his New York I taken vigorous steps to suppress appointments.: Mr. 'YoorhWIand I lessness and maintaia peace with, the . Mr. Thurraan spoke disparagingly 1 United Statesthis and ' mncn -more - 31 iCIUUViaw nuv , vyAi wuivv uuuui l ' - , ' , , 1 ' s""- " tiv-Kiill.71 TOat "Tjr Gen.;' Gonfc Ma battle-fields and need for rjpistola fand coffee, for two. fitfht. as tor p W suppose Conklrog would. .'ess he 'is too proud - a' man to the Presidency was fraudalent, and I Diaz and wyst ,f , , t. lt . j ; t :, ther declared it as their; purpose "not ; "Cortina, the bandit bf had eminence is r. ' ,k, i;;-.,.;.;!: lunrison by bis order. IT wo of his ablest j to vote for such appointments, save Generals were sent to confer with General only when the public interest required Ord as to the best means of preserving he : ; 7 - : . : 7. vi - . -;' peace and securing American citizens in It. ' .-"'-ft i'-s5 j W'i i: . vv-1.?'- I ihatv piffhta ' H Ima ft lan ftroniAsced 7 iwith. I iM .UJ. r 1 " I" t conracre . .on twenty brave men foueht and fell? prig to ibegia thes wbrkwa I think 1 1 n this section with, .iertaintv. ; that me convicts I . i be ready as some of, the, works for convicts were appropruuea ,. nave meir number, and ! others will not t cbndiaoit tbcall fbr theirs P;tW propl canal will be? between six a r Senate-rf--. -o 1 AT. aHrfbl Mr. rJutier said he suomiuea tne. resolu tion in pursuance ofJei notice wbieh had of them (the fathers) bad been married more than one time. Mr. John nute, , I rf MAn(Ui"ln.' Kll.nt.AV THA- 1 1 If IT: 1 1 . . ,:-r Captain 4 Barretv t schooner ataneg been.previously givea,'.when,his- creaenr r ' riX.7 ? e(befoIreportedababd . ttved atPhiladelpma on Tuesday.lat,and $&3$L ttAiomYeTml' fee? 'teii Inches around,meHbpdy,-and - 1 eamefoUowWisUtmentx ; eSJs) StSSSf 'itlmeTSS 1 ' Wifmfnrton: N:Xl:-Decem ButlerVwas oneerted fiemesired.Ybe W&Tfi' I " ---,-'- uTftw . L ? ;v.. . . . I taltfhtMV he demanded, that. the. fuUeSt 1 "tf.M1?. F"- . " 'andten invesfigation be made touching ii conduet 'el' d;paJ..l.ortheas.HTe;r la nnectU 'S&TJiP FbnUMob the east side of of tth, wUh .fiiehtOire ecme S2ftgrS StSStSSSm& U k:mui easLaringme'idiy ttii ndveeredta ffiffJtLSJS accoutrements f of -which they sbmetime been made vthat la j deemed ! SufficientfanS outheast,and bicreaaedr the latter part of the New York. 2ribunes 4 He, atlmtngs are nbweadyWbegln'bpera the;day the wind flowing fe:galej with ;fpr,Tioped "the extract wouTd'gO KJwlItiAAXw .fctormvweatfeVaad the committor and stbeyde: 7".'Tnt wraaawfaauBi Mjwwwitjjj ,, In the debate in the Senate on the I betcer grace than could possibly have been . ,:on tVis ? af , - . 7 , V i. I expected, in the extraordinary action of the Muuf02 WMOn.-Mia--.ai 12lh on the nomination of Koosevelt 1 jJaWpA States Government in reouirins the tween kMti CoukliPg f m A sharp altercatio oeeurretl in ex iitiveo session this-2afteraodniie. United States Government in requiring the tween'Mw CoukliPg and tren. orJ ! as Cbllector.And of: Prince" al Navatl troops of General Ord to cfoss the bound- I dori,of iGa; which mar lead to grave "cKi?'l 1- -viLt '-ti-2ICS ary when it was necessary to secure thej TOrBCi n;Aj dtnOTUiesCiiThe latter Sen4 vmwrqijiWWgawajwu,!- I A-nr.a nn'fhftfflflO Call mi f Or IhB ' . .... ... . . ; , . " "'. I rpnivMV nMaattivA nf Dibt; i now ia. Waahinff4-1 rerjort which theeommittee on Vmf f avor , of confirniing the :i nomina-1 xoo: and U is his mission to assure this go f.rnerce haddirectedflMr3penceri5oi tions,: as did Hoar and Matthews erament that the .J.WVS- Alabama, to makewthepmintitipfi t ' . ( 't, . .' only not offended by tte Orders to. Gen. Ord, , s-.ztu l,m flAllAtnr nf Mnbihi and on the Republican sides. : VVhen the but that he win beartily co-operate -in this :.P' f " ;vote wis tkken Eaton White and or any other measure for the tranqunusaUon Whh that wwth voLe ,ws J-f"'"? v.v" -'"ft. of the frontier. ; What more ean- be .asked yoring to suppress mflorderto)trent ' Maxey, Democrats,. voted .with .the of him? Certainly it would appear to- the t,n0 Teaser f rom coming to: A rvote;: l?0r,nKi5n,no.Jutrtnfirmino. wKilHfi dispassionate observer that Diar has Alike Cnnklin eame tb tbff tesouei pf This -' .. . -- J. v , v ;n.fthi.!. wi?.tii the s adminiBtration r DeremDtorvtone8Jgo:on.ft with iithe Dawes, Hoar and Matthews.'pur licans, sided, witn the JJemocrats in I 7 favor of confirmation. There were I T Who will say that peace iand iliarr interruption byt remarking a tnAfcu&e ror the convenient, passage oi travellers on runaer neaa or loresaii, unnng hmw' i :a imniti thA Jinnrohati, foof.Jn, carriages,;, wagons .vand-5 Other yerl of tbe.day and mgbt iWindnt sea con?-1 Senatorsthatr It was ordered unanimously 1 graph and the purchase of a; marriage li- 1 Wide .I : - ' I tinned with nnabated violence. 0x9 pumps I to pe entered on the records oi tne oenaie. i cense ' mixed. " Association of ideas, you ouKiing UH ! l?"ro rr5 " ..y A"5 h--1 T7" I had Po; rightptoegive ordersqto itnet ii, :i .:.'.-. ; I jc a i 'a C-14 o- it rla I'-r. - .i,:7A. ... ... , :.t A: this writing their names are not given.;! fired aVEdgeSeld, S-C., when There .was ,. no good 'reason why ( news, that, Gen,:, M- ;C. Batter, , everv i Democrat should - not :have i been - seated in i ther. U. ? S. : . 'the I iVi.VTiriAtiittiin$ite 3; had I . , .Conkling affected not ' to hear this iAniflremark," and askedithe Senatofvfrord : . i . .. . I n S j .!. t ..iii? Wtjimnn An supported Hayes in this contest with I ate w'a received.1 -Nor was that ! all I enGordbn repeated hiafr remark.- ius arch-enemy,7Uonkii.ng. it was a by a great deal. ;i he ; colored jnre i Conkling rrepliedj that; if ithe.tiena vintnrv nf thA extremists. . Bv . such t Artmnanv in full uniform., formed a 1 ator from Georgia stated that he was giving oruciB jlu iuo t um icoii before 1 Ai Watts, of Iredell, started out on jthe ltb r t insi., ;svuu iwu ui . uis . ucpuuca lur jiuc uui- t lection 'of K taxea: ,; Yesterday he reached - m Muf Mourne, la the j southern part of the ,5-j-county, where he received, a package con-":ls . . faining !$100 which he had ordered from s Statesville. findine it necessary to draw on.., . w-J. fei-AlV li -iT"oll rhit H' Itonhn thatihr?veaMl.waa;leakin-sbadrvi 1 for funds to pat hlS IX- 1 -imn i v nnAion tap t n Mrava rn t n ion r i a i j . w i.ia mi imiiiin.HLnnu t a w b . .aa : - uuaialw.- ; 1 1 MKM.iKiiir.iiii ua. luc. . ituauuu aiuiuu r - examine the charges contained .therein He asked for the preseh consideration of the resoiu- nmh.hiv' i-1 nt-niah?i '. h'v ti uipn I And sea still lncreasinsr and 'vessel laborins I tibn. 7 ai-, .: - s i n .Cii , 7 7; ;KHhAnirRcl,nvAla.t -nadh T6-, U-rv heavilvat -clcek meVmorninfif 96t9m . L fi'i. :--" .ci. :' -- .... ii! I V-Ua k ; i,r.i' i.viR- -H-AW. I me resolution v lions. ;7No dredgingvmachinesvmffl ibe rw sea rum necessary, and ..the mules and carta :wfll 1 4n which the vessel labored hard; oth, went over,- , 01 lub uumuu-uuu UU 1 t ... . ... . ... nsTbeWbrovidesferthele-inof mc&BJ,tf 5 like an enidemlc' ot church f esUvals - f a TimnnPd canal also calls for the con- I MJ the . Wind Shifted . to SSUthwest I ';inmaw wt.a -;-wt St'.;? Wb tntmv1 1"i f rtu',lik,.k;Ctx.a,--V: A ITTni--'' ' aav. was me. unanimous .ouugiusiuu va-.iu- 1 .-vri r . , . . . .. 1 - , . .-. HUL11UU IkOUU . H OMPWIVU 1 .... , lMHIIULbO lyiOCC-l . ' t -i U1UU neaty j py me inenos .oj, pom . oeuaiucs. . ..a, wiw j coiinty man periecuy 'sooeriappued at innlntf 1 Mad in the Senate in thb Presence Of au l won inffim in thA nnnrt hnnan bnildinc. on- h-Unra I the;witnesses to the transaction, and; met I Tuesday, to have his photograph taken. He , r , I 'so completely the -'approbation1, of all the 1 had nrobablv sotten thetakineef aphoto-r 7DB. I U 11UT1 an rH.llHI'l 1 .1.111 J 1 1 1 . . 1 . wm . . a 1 . . m,m the mpt,thprougw,conver8nt ip tne. on ine otn, p a. fVfWwr brated affair between senators romaexter .certain' citizens of Charlotteanj- appeal r 1 maltert&aCao'fidvW gained oy . wind hauled to'normwest ahdmodeTated a1 and Forsyth whicjikasi arranged in the frobxtlie decision of a Board of Arbitration. -t :ia facV they are rather of the opinion' 'that north.by west, distant aboniisixteeB,mil-S, CoaklingindjGoxdoJ W-Sin tte difflT SiiS jmJgrpto. 5usi at this seasbvof the year is the' most fell in with &)Mb&l&m4isBrffmnt I cnlty bccinWhavftdecMt04 converse perty are dn trial this week : in , Cabarrus , . tSm Mam: ttend.yopde: idencer set asignarofdisss andshe : 99Matain fSenatofs having immediate- SnSTr-mffl 8. v' borders ot the pocosln,nd" there is really hore .yZ & after the event commenced the business ptluips was concluded yesterday,-the jnry;: ; nb mudrwat&tp hVwhne the absence 'SlelfkSfr? Mm damage. rtu.tbesumff fa,'. ) " PQ"!!, " ;y !? ni; 5 j,? t i, rf J Senators. Hamlm and Ransom, who were l Three fanners,' Messrs.-Thes.Brownc;.J otsana-flies.'which'would annoy the work--, don her which we did at 4 R M, she thefa SnebiaMvvi-biobiCaP-da effectWeiin' .to v tAXnd -irno7 TtrirehMPd1 a rv. a i o 1 1 tT J ri nrtvrtll a - I UUA1IA11 T S AW- WU-J men in warm weather, and the thick foliage fPIWlr;, rangingithe,5matternsarisfaclOTayto,b theTf-rniiOg 'lands of Dr; & i Bratton; .- i i . '. '"B I1I1IM m .MIIA. IIIAIII I IM AAA linillVllk lln' A-A I W B9 4. T - . I liMhl, I - . " . .... of the spring, ;which would present ?.;r;aiaS7iirai ! t near this city, andbegi rH W6 .l I boat, which we saved froni the wreck, and settiement was reported ; ,.. V.vfro 1 ;-,-ii ! t. innArf..t .t--- I -rtiA into i ArAat Ktrer Harhor. - Tbe vessel 1 - 1 - -'. - " - -- nf cQnTicts; wouldbean important advan cameinto-Great Egg Harbor. ;.Tev 1-eeTbenlen . would alsb become jlju: icaaci -.' -a-.it- m -- ceipt of a telegram: from the Governor of that Jtate;knyeylnetbfii rofbrmatibn that a bompany composed pf "about twenty v.- victories the country has nothing to prdcessibb,Mnd, aitinrPr Jp1 fY f? ?ainj Butall o, Ller ' at' her iresidence; S party colors. V - i band's admission. . Mrs. Butler :and ,ed again, speaking bypotbetically, mated' befere the" season ior cnnis ana i giif PenaecJ?rlsoiierv levers set m PygH-S5 aa" Two. colored ; prisoners ,wereipageanin, t frsft trodbtf have beetf. surround )ing the. .winter monthsijf jail, yesterday.i under, commitments; rpm Te$ pn the Texan side of the Bio Qrade by; ,;tThei importance, of IblsJenterprise has 1 Justice T. H. W. Mclntire, of Cohimbia I some three huadreieae-eerwoes, .r , ? and that atlhe timeof wntinesix.of the :pernaps,rDeen unaersiooa oy mp,-" .?9nPr ittBittr.c-R:- n 8tate-.-trOOps and one bf the U. S. troops fact l'ili.P those' who an Maausprdere6rmpripne d-dlen and fighting IwaaiSUUran :prpr hvo o-raminoA YntAihfl A fnr 7 mffldAmeannr. and Samuel J. I ETfefls. . .The Governor appeals to the Pres- w.w-wm..w.---..-i--,.--" -w. - ---------t ----- 7,--ri.pi:-.;-ir. -A;Ti- a-r-.oWrt J3 ill , as ucbicwu j w. assist? Paris belonging to the State Board of Education, I perior Court, which he failed to dbj ff I Exposition bill L.u-Mx.w.t t;ii .Ak, a.' ohAnt t -caxins euto- w aiaer.xnareea wiui bwsiik i iuei, iuwuru u. theUtteliviff-4eem -rediJmeTflXJ-rdelegatiQn, foi iitapediate 1 W?iaP?'?S!? give bond in the sum of $500for ais ap-1 apee,nf:j; imtiA farming land as there is in the State, t .rnA at th. Annninb term of Pender 8a- i - The President has- approved 1 tne besan operations on it - - last year; each - using only one' horse, and nere is wnat tney nave maae : jar.i.rown, 850 bushels of I corn three bales of cotton ' j r and 83,000 brick: McAulay,.750 bbshels of ; . corn and four bales of cotton ; Knox,' 600 bushels of corn and two bales of cotton thii besides garden' and- a proportionate ,.,s quintity of other products. - Thirty- ' two birds" ai the resul-tef a7tbreer hours ; ' hunt on the part of three sportsmen (is abont p . the best that has been done in this section - ' this seasonij Birds are mighty scarce. r, . A party of eight emigrants from Durham ' passed through this"city7 night before last ' Jor; Tennessee, whicb . State they have -7' f chosen as their future home. 1 Within . ' the! last three ;days 1,996 bales of cotton hae been received In this marset. . ? A ' t . . "":. ' ..it. ""!. . -i..7-.-- ' i- : : " . v " - ''" 7 - ' -'7 . .-.7V.:-:-. 7.H :7i ;t: 77f;777 77 7 K'&Ky "77 .7 7 77;7'V7-v7..H"7r.r7 7: 7i7;V",7 .:i!'"7.7:-7:V-q. 77;S:.:v7?:r7'7:7': 7 77V-. ;.7i -. 7 ; f . - -, '1 . I - ' - . ( . " ' ' " ' ' . ' J- JL

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