-'I -Three deafmen havebeen killed ;" -PT7BUBHKD AT ' i '4, fJi iJ I.a . vby trains of cars in North Carolina within - ft B?eef ptlwo,jnpuiJhAai .H a I ?f i- Chief 'JnstUiw -Smiilv--bM hpn ' t .if OJ ft; ft ftH g;;, SI t.ljg n!l tkI isi',i u (tiUH a;it -fi lit jehted.Pf ; holders of Peace Tostitute.aialeijth. y. Nzanet1iirt ii ctm Ti ti if " 1 Ii ' ii n't 'i it ) i i ,.f. ;i 'is . : . . - .... . ' r-.. L t pu ,tv.i I'sx w jiz iii i; fi3 mt 'to sa $1.50 aTear, ia advance. VOL. 9. 4J ...-tf 4 1. . J! u t ' . 'HJ' .l ..XI o nil I 3 ' . -rvth ' . i I I M 1 II. ;-- v i sr i f f a.'i ,il t ; .T.r.r. , i . r.r yHyfipi-rtivlhl lit J .itnl 8S8SSSSS8S8S8S338. SSS88888SS88883S8 SSSSSS8SSSS8siis tiflTOW.9 H s a 1'-" i- i wrJt - . . , i 88S8SSSSS888888SS 88888888838888888 888888888S8888883 9 3 M H 3 CS3S&S883ESSSS 8888338833888388 88888888888888888 . i -1 : U 2 .-imxmu .i.w: v.- 1 itvj ti-t 'JL HOC.: i ,.u Jiii't-'. lAKtl The subscription pne,e of the W$kk' t,r Star is as follows :. : i-'.U Single Copy lyear,x08ta;paid, fL50. " " months. a.;-, i .l.0f TAXATIONANDTHBBBtlVNCII The Moffett Register i ia- 'part a lauure oecause 01. vue .rascality .or men. Richmond, under the old la wi' J J -l L.lf iL.. -I 1 ' prouuceu auoui. uau xoaw. me -jKegis ter produces. It is estimated, thkt about six hundred thousand doUats jWill be raised ir(:Virgiii by!tbe'new moue, wnereas at least t on,e . miUioo and a quarter would flow I Intd ? tjitf treasury if the law were i faithfully fxecnled. ' The liqtior dealers are be-' coming reconcuea. f as tney f.maKe rather lhati lose by the system: They seli hundreds of "drinks at an. ad-: vanued price upon which they pay no tax,- and even when they pay t the,, cent on lager arid 2 cents on spirits they still make t by the increased charge. In Tenne'ssee aniTother States the Hell-Punch is becoming popular. It is the surest and . easiest"1 way'. UJ raise revenue fcr the- State that- was over devised. A inan , whb smokes his pipe .or hut cigaraysi a.jjtax jou each. Why should not' the - man pay who":'takeV:hfcYdn;nje? There is no compulsion in eitherr; case? Both are voluntary, social vices, and when indulged cost : something.!. All that stuff : about sumptuary Jaws, is not worth considering. Nearly every thing a man has' is -.taxed. He.. has been paying a tax on liquof '.all his life when he indulged .in "crooking the ami." So with Ihe ' man who smokes or chews ihonest pacco VVhy should a .manufacturer ay 24 cents en a pound of., tobacco , that .is ii ot woi th over "six centsy arid' thai comes out of the consuoier after" all, and why should aman not pa1 d tax on Iris drink of liquor? In this. coua - try taxes are inevitable arid the only question is whetber ybu1'wiltVal8e the wmd by th old way or by , the new. - The great desideratum is to get a plan or; system jthat, wBljp'reveniE fraud. In itichmand there were drinking places t that reported but.'S) small business for October; -Judge Guigon tookl the maimer ,iri hand pd threatened to revoke their: licences oil the ground that they did not '- 44 enough bnsiness tA efatitle them 1o a license der.tbeS Heened his judgment, and in ' November the same saloons reported five 'times3 lj.be business. The Parks' plab Of issuing coupons, of'y which , we" gave an ac-r count some days agomay to a great extent remedy the eviL ' Tjie whole! country is interested in the Virginia experiment, y ca-Ai;.;;i ; c. The VVashington XViffe says: iki'tt" "It is, now next to certain that silver will be remonetized and that the 'immediate effee! wijr be to bring about a resumption of specie paimentt anda restoration of ' commercial confidence. v ' ' i.&ai.: We trust ihe . "resloratioh of cpm raercial confidence will come; but at present jtbereappca to be 'something . akin to a financial panie and collapse in progress. The asbingon.cbrres poudent of the" Philadelphia Record 6ayj: i( . ,tr t , 3l ,., "Thers is a 'growing oplDioo In knd out of Congress that the President ill allow ibe silver bill to become a law Without any action on his part. ; The reason for this opinion is that as the bill will pass .Congress by a very large majority, the President will feel unwarranted in exercising thereto power. . In coosideratioaiof thejlsct that ibe votes of . both houses detnoMtr&ia the desire of the peopla of the Union therefore lie win anewr tne bm to oecome a-Jsw by tbe expiration of tbeten days wHhia wbichi under tbe Comtitoliun, the . President is xpected to act, and (that, if attacked, he will defend his action by reference to the lactthat ho deferred to tha wiaheaof the people as expressed throngh their on- ft.cBBiooBirepresenuuves." i m n j 1 Ihe old Democratic doctrine' is to tnstruet your Representatives bow. to vote. - The 'Mississippi; Legislature unanimous vote, tor the i re Tnonetization of silver. Senator La- mar-waa clearly ; inaruced by ; that vote bow to vote. If h iould not conscientiously obey be ought to have resigned.' ,!Mr. Hayes issd much of i expw5S9 tbrpBl their opgressioaal; THB rOBEIGN BON We have believed-, "and- have said ms theso ; colamos,. that ;ither r was ( trickerj;., andf rarii jn ibe : whole scheme of tbeljoiidholdersjfrom first to1 Iast-frora:, tbi emorietizig fof sliver In" tg7a! onti ;nowtwHerV theV are standing arqud . the Golden JPalf in -full . fellowship.: )-You will bear tbes matbnoA lbrsbmptef-8 'pUW1 doUir legaendeft aaihWBAfie, it was demonetised bji trickery ;.nd( deMatiiitbat1 fc was ; dirfidncstl n4' itioQatnamabroadd ThV, xwiowiDg exraci i rom a tetter ox ine iveleran editbr.' Tborlow tWeedl vi auocb epabiican and Kesr Yorker!1 ; will give, some information that will enable us to learn, t something : of the Violation. of national faith and ; bo rio'r. Says'MrWee"!f :I , v"rV"! j.'I speak, un4er8tandingly, for L was ia liOudoa, when . someMSagiisli ' capitalists' purchased Qoafederate io preference to' Union bonds,' an& when ; American hankers hesitated .i bont .refioramendinx -,: Union bonds to Ibeir- cuHomers. , English ,, and German, capitalkts waited until , the war tide began to torn in our favor, and' then, with gold at a premiunj of f rom 'one hun dred and fifty .'to two hundred per ceat, purchased ouc.bondi at a discount of from, forty to fifty per cent Instead,' therefore, of , 'pay ine gold fr their bonds, the Eng Hsh and German' capitalists remitted their gold ta New York; where it was converted by their agenia into currency,, with which their bonds were, putchased. f .The average cost Of several hundred millions of six per cent bonds purchased off foreign " account did not' exceed ! fifty per cent ; in-' gold. Upon J. these ' bonds the Jwldera have , for twelve; ; years been receiving , i interest in gOld with the further advantage of exemp- tioo i rom taxes. - EOOOATION 1(1 THBSTAfB. We are encouraged with tbe bope that a new impetus will' be given to the cause of educatioo iu JJorih Car olina. . The papers are nbt' only dis cussing the. educational interests, but intelligent men t generally, we would fain believe, are awakening to the importance of. ri change. - We oeed among ilia pUticians so cae leader to take the matter id"1 hand.' -; A 'better and more cmclerit coriimon: ;; sebool system msV be. adopted .and uiucb larger appropriations must be made for -its successful operation."!' There oughtHo be a;'Hally' wbholariy . arid earnest SuperinJ,erenJtappointed for every Oofigresskmal 'Di trlc - a41 to act under tber general" direction of IheStat uperinteridentof Pub'lio Inst,f notion, and be should ne a wise, able, 'energeUo ' worker a isas I ot brains and enlbusiasmaml firW'W" u'. Wnenour iMi iegislitiure?toeets we do . hope tbav the. best ; men will ooaaider vejryt. cspieoUll.iha educa4 tional needs of thef Btate. liet them remember how widespread the igrior arioe In Hortb"CAroHnah6vr 'many inqusanas or. toe pane meo ana wo men frho: can i neither read .nor write, and the1 condition 'of the : generation that is growing np. . The field is ide, adjjVjTniflp workers The present system - is aU most nothing A radical ehangemust t'ak'e placeif there sbaH be'efileienc Referring to a ; recent editorial ia the1 STihe1 'tbyBiXkm$Gaefa says: .f,-.,i-5tj. f -59ii i. - .;- "In reading the: article' from which the extract i is taken; a remark is brought to mind, which ' was - made to us not long since by an .intelligent foreigner, a gentlem.n who has travelled extensively and observed closely the Schools xf ; various SUtes. BpeakJngof the effort tofiBdnoe im migration to KorthCaroUoa; he, said, 'You may have your Boards and Commissioners of Agi iculture and Immigration ryott may send vour aeents abroad, von may advertise. issue i pamphlets, write ?.andi .talk, .but you will never secure a class of respectable and useful - foreigners as citizens - until your tehooi laum are greatly changed. r You may nick up ignorant and penniless men and families about. Castle Garden or else where who know nothing and care nothing about education, and who, only laborers would be worthless, but the men whtiql you want nntwtthatunriimr th Tlrv trrftftt: 'Ad- Vantages offered Otherwise, will- wti come td North Carolina while her present inade quate and ridiculous scAoi iem remains as it is. improve max, and tpe wonaeriui ana uneaualled inducements The" Btate bffers wilt verv ranidlv briflff within her borders thousands of .') educated land; thrifty. Euro-; peans. who will, with their" monr aadrtbeir i frain$ aid. in rendering North Carolina.what it seems ' nature intended he to, be, ' the eardsn-spotdf the wotldr :u illt .."We believe our -friend, spoko truly;' we believe' that wtthout naoxe liberal educa tional systsai our ,t ? Ojnnqt, prosper or ; advance Aud we believe . ihat , this must a'd'irione'i'mam ;tssnes'.in, the extpaljtnl ,Z ,, 'j't'M,a j ftn,i- i. '..J l--- t' ' . . j'; '-JVt',x , i Senator, Wallace, of Fenniylvania, ; made airaTn'e0sp&e! States SenaUin advWcy of- the Sil- i WBilV A speecb froni a VPetmsyl- vamaiSeaator favoring suebna.ea sute is Very significant - -The 'ball is in motion" and is rapidly rolling on. a 'Democrat it , see THB BETCBMlNtt ISOAUi AWD' "Si I lime rectifies maoy i ierrprsHrf ,npi MW ?pueen or pteen,mulba ago the. four members of that Badicai ii. vention kaowtt as the Lonlsiata -Re tttrpirig'Bd&d elhJ 'MvtniibSr mgbtlv caucuses, and were-in cOh- LMyMj in WhingMs.i43? iprii! was the. Presidential oI3celahd : tber 1 players; ' with heifhlddAi cards, wet tbe? bulldojffBrsf abd'niaAip1ila5k j the FederaJ Capital, their instrutrierits j ii .- i( -tJ iJJt ca: . i - i . a Tr . mm oeing in. js ew reans, tnrpnga wnorn, tbey, would slock: the cards and seize; the stakes' iTbe rascals played their tricks well. Tbf 'succeeded Sri? rob binl people anSVsieaii Weilai AjidVersop, andthe two egroi ) allies Cassapavh and .Kennirrwrnq; doubt wellrew'ardea forihetrtttfamy.l Thefre!ireTte b&i bolihentot far1 are ebarp and intelligent! jeionghrr? capitaljagents to execute a ! nefarioua plot that Wnld heat millions of poo-' pie Th'er6 wa8 a' certain kind of grandeur mtJue-very boldness and no velty .qf. the scheme of fraud and raav oality t It startled America ; it even astonished Europe. 'ff To deliberate! y go to work to defraud a large jnajor ity of the qualified voters in a' federa tive republic of forty-five million of people was sublime lb Its' villain v. It was - so strange, so daring, so mon- strously impudent an4 6orrupi that it amazed and 1 overwhelmed: '.It j WftA really hard to believe; and let the; plot was successfully executed. ; It is not our purpose 'ioTgo into tbejbistpiry' pf the(plot. It is powV( known apd rea of alj jmen, ; Thepeopleaub mitted ' to the greati iniquity the grievous wrong;' rather than plunge1 the country into civil commotion audf disaster. 1 . , , . Well, after rioting on the rewards given, them feo -tnety baseness, the four acquudrew .ara. jtlf iV. rpuble. The people:-of outraged iLottisiana haveben satisfied They have been itf search' of tnescoundrels and have tracked'tbem with' someftiindf prtinactty .ai 'ijdWftS' Bucket in Bieak House,?'; At last the hand of Justice is -laid upon the guilty instruments of ' the" imperisha ble wrong. '. Three of tbe rascals were found secreted under the, protecting arm of the U. S. Custom House. Bn tbe times have changed;' Grapt ; and his crew of bull-dozers ! 'no longer in-i fest ibeVublid buildins'of ihe Capi-- iu; i .jfiiT iJ ftvi-'fd'a 'nr-'-ii ..'ull u-n tal city,r The legal, adviser, -of : the Union says to the U. Marshal that the Courts o the sovereign fState of Louisiana must not be interfered witbv As the -Washingtbh PiyHhappilf states tbe.case:, , ., , The war is over, the state of siege is raised,' and the sententious ' order of Ati torneyOeneral -Detens Is the practical proclamation of peace.; tYour willneX , eb struct the execution of the writs of the State Courts, telegraphed General Devens to Marshal Wharton. These words' ov the. whole grpusd whlh.has .been; so.irltr terly debated for,so maay years, In one sentence, ah honest and cbnscientiotis offi cer at the head Of 'me 'IaW depiitmeht the ' Government, winesi oat n ihe aaleous history, , f iifferj years u of usurpationj yeetores the sway of the , Constitu tion," recognizes the ibverelgat Of ' the IdUtcs, and assures tbs dignity f Jocal seU government.; Te do op AQ inquire whether this 4s the sctof.au administration that was elected' byibepeOpte,' or of one counted ta by f rlutL -The feci Itself appears as tbei cotcloakm; and . culmination .of a series of r wise, bonest . aad parotic acts, which, taken as a whole, constitnte the Southern peHcyof" Mr: 'Hayes and-lis ad ministration, rand max bq . regarded as tbe finishing touch; to Jhenafwon of the Constitution." , " ' -",.", V, -u So, be iJWu Let f the, laws of ft lb country .ber faithfully t executed! e Let orimebe punished. - But' what will Jo Bradley do? He hia bien appealed c v.-.jt: tO and urgad to issue a writ of, pro hibition against the Louisiana j fatate 4;ourt,.abea ,at,emp , Jltmif. the jurisdiction of the State Courts Is base4uan;the - aiferiftqliaUhe United States Court is tbei sole judge of the: lf qfltn pppOflb transfer a case from the state Courts ley is the presidmgTudge in the Jat terCodrt.? We doubt; if he mil sue- tam'theapplicalwnvWe hate'nb rI JiS ''Lite A 'Jim ii JlfJ utJM"m 39i C 2 il tho, ct)pri8 bj,sucjiblli:odge aa .is 'demanded wy the 'frightened iajl'-blrdsi"' te'S&$isM TOlsyhe;sbfg termined of tbs JtetUnuBgLtfoard,' 4 now in WasISgfob." He, seek pro- intimations thrown out that bei will turn State's evidence landialTery curious nale'unfoId.T-1 u.jv itib.mw , What the country is interesiear3h, sort oi oonuuenoe id .mm. uqi we .ijvji ;ii:l - ju,. )jutttattn(ii-- :. -.43t:it : doubt, if he will undertake, to shield tection from the President, and if hp ; ik joditawe judg imjjte. iknerso mttfcb1 th'e;twryi6f tafeierimtf If then' who 'forme J the ttJatid. bdcked'upltbe 'lUtoTIcAltr their: Jvillalo Verbid U 3 briogbt ttac tstioef i and: M yfptmif & ifor thiaiHitkaav thM(ntffi fol3 breaths f reeer, and f eda0 tiSetty" was saf eJaa-.lmjw vlllnyouM ba punished, f ,;r gaaf 'ivJ)Qjnioo iilW Ji,, iiimu..M U, , Xi)tn oviv i$ws!iji9nfr,?B in wnicnaas ag ?xlaxfOJ "I cannot hesitate to cora'T with such a ftquesr,-fretted1 lniui . " iy'lyo many of the deadlcjBi53 x -' Xrith the encouragement ct ; - - nient I wtll'f .. r -'ta z -m-v Qated&TarTT.eliQeoyetl) represent this district ia Congress. v,;. - J Bat w'hethet nominated or- noi, MaWro the end of f iny Jtfe .resard, ithJa, rooCdf your confidence and , favorable opinion jur far the highest honor tv bestowed J Upton SJIeiiia'iiao-ti tIl . it 'lu-i-"3nti'iv'taii immtm f, .h!K order, and bis statesmanship is high voo. u we may luuge Dy tne igermsoi surrender ,he made - with - Gen, Sher- ham's Station, Nprth Carolina. Qea. J ohnston is a gentleman of conserva the., tiews. j We are .glad to see there is a prospect of having so able af representative Southerner r in the councils of toe Union, We hope he. wil.e rqminated. '. . v J y Bishop Rood, of the African Mcthtv 0 disVChnbas given bis race' in ubh go6d advice inJ the past. i Ahotber' colored Bishop; Thorap'sfoii,5 appears to have both wisdoitn'7" and intelli gence. At the- n cent session of the Conference Curen3 In Louisi ana ho nrgedtho' prcheVV andffi ciiilajmeb to f use Hlheir utnVosth-; deaoni tb; JdiscoiQb,te6ancti the ' ideaJ ot emigration tp tberlaibal Land ofDeain abmit w1itchY we wrote Ja fewaoays Jago."3HV counselled his bhrnVrgehupy cbldred pepTej 4thd J great necessity of re maining In . this countfy to JtlH the sofTal "eUhi ttitPiUetim offriendi nlwlth' tbeff tornVeVnwiiers anrl btJuW'biH thefoitJBtsbop aion. son MaUhfiif8& Mmami 'ThWtimelv1 adv&and If WeHi erallV followed will save mueb1 sntfeR TZfiWlKijf! II ii II al is probable that an-ariisatoe was signed yestetday.' i Such was IBs exi pisotatttuk j Oao frepottJiromJBrns sel is tal the effect - that' a telogram frxm Cpnstanlihople stated that; the armisUee had 'already, been? signed: There-- is to ! be oa.Texmf erenbe; i ! th Fow?rt atWien'ni, when the I eondir iwof of peaiwiUlallydiscnss'di In b discnssion bi thd British itorttt of Commons, Mr. Boqricb,ihe Uaolhr Secretary 'for the? oreigar Depart ment; j said that if be! could 'speak freely! there woaUiiot be siaglt opi poaeat; ta a volA 'fraupplies-rtbat th"e Russian tennsl .amounted to. thi destruction of.the,7urViAh Empire Ja Europe. Austria has signified in her bote iqRnasia' thatfnader o 'oiroam staacet will sbeiagTefr ioaucb ao ar rangement. Botsia will 'hare to Come dbw in ber demands, of theiie will probably be no peace. udi teikTlie- basia; of as j oecn sigoeo.Du i iqe .-wxar dueiegrapaea thle Stfltia that M&msVci'. wpuld be granted and the advanee of Russian W$pt Woptiied; urfcey'las ! cluse& all movements of troops and emigra- Francey baabad: a jsajr-; abont;the terms bn t j those j tbatiarei limited io favors the proposed ItaSaw alliance with othef powers to; siao supremacy it r ! u -:i.-': j -nv .hn. uaarfinta uoterven w laiearnea that there-t considerable controversy prdcressing between the farmers on' the borders of MeoklenburEc and Iredell ' coun- fttenin reference tor. tn opratioosol 4he fhee lawr It Memsthat4be cauM of Ira- 'delliarmers late been faedirig Up Meek- lenourgirasB.p'or 'WBeat ana oats;' as -tne ase n be. iHek1ebmTf arnwnsi took themnp and the fence law made the Ire 4elt matf aay the cost of getUng them outof !iaafmtM.v'ti1' hau-ihttMU hsdimilat Jo Iu Uk JLuiLB OutarritB ; North Carolina there are. leas tbaa Jear , hundred emuiierttlve'JdojaAid are heessary fbrltt fo4etiniere enacted, mitticn fit sheep; ' ,Tberire . cboties, hda largtf :maj6rttr; of These- outities could easily.' hate forty br filty, thousand Will II . IMCjliCWCBOJM jr laws to protect and foster; abeenyrhen people aSaiD8t the1 LiberiaiP eibigrai mousana sneep. - ,xppm .varoiua;is spe UUy adapted Ii sheeji ralati aqd ; if octr henhlfl "Won! ktnrn thiX!? attentlftrf ti:ttila ' We have received a letter Irora Hoiu A. raodeli fisliWS lataUa tenelihi number of aprjllaaf fbr-tef poiassaaol of cadets it-lL Baval AliZf, based UDon a hUl,carii'sti!a; leaner extfltsia tWdiltrietUk Uitttere ilbo vacan7;daaanghis h?aaectJ 5atij arhsionfrjCdihuPacCfe the BtabV which was taken from a Nori efts hutfmihitxi. tkmito Cae'f actrthlt'Uisrelwtw an? vaexfee fclfrJt3rtka one in iaii ajairicw. - . ;?r7i ip u tLeem vr yff nil" .tioif. m.Mtjci.dJ it-fTtsioi sons way s iuAciAMweiaJarsB acouhi loiasp ajfick sevaiflpheiiif lspilh, aad Jeg was.i tncnes in circumierence. A large, tfuckhot' pd'hVoogfinw'te'bbhe1 wftaout breaking iL'The prood bird of Hhertirigniwsl to Quital a respectable slxa in render. "'.r.nvrfo'sr.vifi- MmvmMm mt a-i ai uzb , A genUeman fromKobeaoo county give us a swUing account of She ravages of mat fedisease,atpht$'iy one'sniaii height borhood in Hobeson tnty during the past' year, wbereitweaiyie&e deaths, aft of the victims being: ehiidieA,!coek place io disT tr jc not exceeding five mUes. across. ) these Mr. R. B Baxley , hM one, Mrs. Pur nethrbe bugaid Baxley tvo,u Jacob Uus slewbiie four1 (an in one dfsy and buried inf one grave); Henry Baxley Ave, BHih Pur nelV tw4, and Andrew OarHalo msJ -ioi '-'J 'i-iHHlill Ui'.i I ilhWW4 i'l Jliv.-'ji'.iji.'H. .. The steamship MetropoUt which .was lost off . Currituck beach, on the North Carolina coast, on Thursday . last, the " &tsi ul(., togetnerWlih'' a targe number of those ori boaTd.'was ah old acquaintance in 'these waters, having visited this port; frequently some-five os six gears' agOi when she Ifras under the command .of s Capt. .Nickerson Qomeold salts predicted ;then thit she wouldsome day in the not rembie future' prove a coffW f or some poor souls.' CapL' tnckeraon hlnsellid net Consider tier en tilery aafe,: altaoBgh to all r.aparancejia: stasch,fiM Jeokhig steamer, t lact we account and assumed command of another shipi" Bhe was built Tin 185 and rebuilt W ititlt steWdTOUons a!ndvbe16nge4 i4 Lunti res: oIil4w'-Y6Vt . Ddrlng. the' wacsha waajutedaa a nxajjewt Ship under irom CTDiiemen -weji.Bcuuaiuieia wiui ,ucr m . .1 : ,, ; . s s.i. St Louis Jouraatl ,p!, sbiX Gxease, eri44fiBirdje.part rus by the author, of "Bang my Scmp robks o'er my dreheiwtll W& 'i greater run than any piece since "Dan bog m Urowwst Uiara . Aao ymei odv ia'slmDle aid: tliintirt oFrieet 25 totsArranged fot'barbef shtttt fa "Grease theGriddle;; xdsUeirB ii LGseaseite'rwtttt lanxnteni kra,ji -aucinejucawjaBm(:4uwHAh .vJti jI Front the, Bowl so BmvA audi Hatdv; j f Aa4. ipjerdti) that i he Bockw heats. ? t.a i Bspt brhedndt Burned tad 8eri 1 )Greaathe Bridale-;ip froiaaton r , do? arsate the tiruidk( BJnUcui deal." j; flWttiag tb? coslipricajtp thebjisbr rs. La3aina Ilavv Kn e '40 : iHTJ ? '.'Ii nt 'ln af af Ja-? in ?! cuqs iu& ytP. Jon at rfi -8 Please trite s-toiimotffiorstne followlni? DiuU Af notrrlaied 'JaB nan. Q a 5fl'AWO 1 to ' If oKriiATTT t-lOTffibtb.beingSundayjtbtf is payable, by ' Wistom, - Saturday the 9th. How many day a iaurast will be doe bit th wte ppiid .febrnaryr 9 ? the Dnvilecre of paViocr . it the 7th, 'wilfifJ days interest? 1 y -O'Tburs trlyr! 'v-Bookuim:Ek.72 RxiiT. The not hai7lealfta3 .days to.rufl,dirilA-mtereit,v forj,tht time: cause "er because trot td a;?ail himself ofnhelgracev this will not lessen tbe interest due on iL Net at a lErpeewd. t.cBi io I' ll hii lBarHngtoi'Hawkeye.5 - Trfwt Mrmdar. John. C Barberry, of jHimnibali iufehia;oldtcb3tea pnthe river bank, anchoredr a note ; to his wife on t6p of "them' With; a itono, ind Wd around to read nis obituaries. When be read in the first paper, he dead.beai, and free lunch cobbler. iTack 3arbWr to tbe community ! and bomaaity to Igoutortbe deva without: i Waitia g to for thb editor i fTnOH it, is not ail. ftf; SkMAmib lis ' eewua.V.i loItfeo OiicagTjihjttBep.3!3(td ksTbn I?Jra.UftTf ffl slftttt the Republican party is trnlf , jbstotM fUL ltwnnrl nf n flf notninpf Eaniel to gfc&rouhd i4f!f m Jt rt- ? .'1; county, jniornis us taat ne saw a- nam eagie and MrPajoey jSoppRrjper bf a holiday, orihree.daia' soon- 6f desire bf f tbr nfafer couldn t jead any. further, but sailed Into towtf wiifi a cloUUna tne hardest aTTs Wort or tirs i,re. nunung BUI ffMWm 91 f gender-, hearted ' littie, poy wbo..burst j, intoi Vea'rkQn'iithe iAhrtonsenTin-wTOtHo thatf 'theWbuMn'be eneh"Jofl Theteamef Helrbno1I8Craaaed3tuyr Currituck beach. tWiewfll&sotlthotOurrti tMbllfihtoase J aVrovM ;aifoUit lcayFiftypettonraWanV aihOTeiTWleJ is1 Uir orders of tlmCye1:at'6iB attJetrSDh) oofratotlhas, started .for. the, acene, twenty mnea Tjom! 4S.itjytiRK.i tint fcnystameretrooor ioajtDni junrn- tncfc taoh8draa,bon4 IwBrizltTAft rsiUj rOaditoibandJaWrr isbofnlius woe) fci JT8wn16ervIcStali6h iF tkfec 29th of Japuaryi .pound Xnr .rsil Sunth AhierTca.' Total number or pacssehgtrs'iCO. About 160 were drowned, and about r.VOto a , ww m .- . , sfiveo. ine Bieamer ib, itnai wrtcit, ana noiBing w ief I a&ove water; nnere r no bodies aboard the Wreck, causea ybeing1 nnseaworthVi'Hhe Sbrane arltfak boot o'clock, midnightand straoded af 9rfelflck A,;1 M., January uistr- Tae Wiiy -wyTT savmg Me Wai by rohbing -8hore,-M ihel vessel was la a siokvog coadAidn? iaPbls-4'' &Aj Lafi--The state of affairs this imtrn log is terrible. Dead bodies are lying aone the beach f or the' distance' lOfwo miles7.1 They are ail hems placed, mroper places, nacK irom tne oeiuia.And, AoeJiving are be ing cared for. About one third of those louod are aeatiJTCwa sajooawomen j are known to be dead with their jhugbands, Eight Ofut of fourteen nremen are'known to fl ! . ANOTHER REPORT. I , s'fv AsnxWaBrelifi-'1 The SienalBervice reports Jha the; sMt9 tropolis, Capt. J, H. A.nker. left v Philadel phia at 9 A iL-29th .Tsnoary. Sbeeha'ngedl mlpU atillAlirat.thtoft'eakwaiert t. P. M.. "on the 30th. the vessel.. started a heavy feak in the f udder case;1 finding e? conid notjgaiapn tbe ieak with the pnmps it was concluded to lighten thV steamer by Overthrowing -coal'- andbeariB away for lating pump gave out, and 'at 3 A M. a heavy sea boarded lbs vesBel, c4rr$ing away t&e smoke 8t$cx. tbe- .boat's.,, engjnerqoma, and! Be tloors'df Hie forward Saloon; lotltbg tn aiarge qiiaaiity oi water neiowannxen deriDg the ship compiteely unmaqageablft Findingnothing could be done Tor this ves-" sel, attempted ia reach the iheacb ; lor aava what lives coulc", .besavedUAt ,6, o'9lock made the beach at that tinnr the fires were1 oat and the engine stopped.; Retail head sai todrive hej up the beacb; the surf very vjor lent At 4 oclock -passed w6rd lor ill handi to preparehenselveiswHhjheipreserve;s. At 6, 45 ft,m, the ship struck,(he beach. At 11 si' in. ataan onorsabackmadebis apeaV arKobeachatia&his bajl a nd pm mising assistance. At 12.30 p. m. the. Life Saving service made their appearaoco, 'but service tney c6uld render was fo get them ooM. the iqrf as tb ix;aae'asaord; Hatff hebn savechorAtOipnmi tbsushipdnqke ap i1 Additional Particular. ..-tt9Ji; edJ .imoi IJjfbiteolbX'f:'! i:Thxs Metropolis had hearyowealhoVj irofd the? 4itne she, left .the- caacsof Delawae, Dn Wednesday 'night'She' ddmmDced tna klng waterlfast; and labored beaviijL r. tii captain t kept, , away, f rom the , capes of Virgfhfs,' Hnmn1agl'TO' "Tn'aktf Hampton Soadi ilTbe1 weather being tbiekjfle feii W laeward. and n Thursday inoinins was ctmtpelted to'beebh1 the' vessel, ,the-ares tawtairbeimtcntibyctheleMage; When the' vessel- struck a panic 'ensued, causing ccmstefnaUon ott board of tne iwHdeSt chJH- hrefiterafd .orderaad ducjpimftwnreendr ed.- Jianv were orownea ny tne sea wasn- Idmemoverbdird The' signal Operator has been up all night doing yeoman service in the cause of information. The Vessel Was brOkso sp enQtsiyV piece of the T yvwvMt - . - - i -Ssfc BSSSSli --ii"" ' . , jirgi is tobtbopclIj laajra v jt vo bus. favtoesb .orXfitt-?rMBr The Signal SeWfte station at tbe wreck Of the MetrorU, reports Uat the survivors will leave there at 12 M." to-day by the Cygnet for Ncrfelk;s Thy are destitute of clottung and most an are, oareiooiea ana bareheaded. 'The afe'well cared for by the people; i THB LOST STEAMSHIP. 1SH1P. . ! Return vt fce Wrecking Tpa lo f, W"." ' ? folk-Thelr "a eeonnl of j I b Wrirff Uon of tbe steamer." & ) "' .f'joio r The wrecking lugs have all returned and report a teffible surf breakiDgf all aTOorg'thh nbore.' with :l a strong southerly current lothiDff is visible of . the . wreck ,bot , the Stem dfiverlu' All tbVwood Work isf gone. The Cygnet and dtber vste&mers that welt py way ot tne; canal wiu not .arrive nere until late ro-aight or 'early in me morning. It u the generaL cpin9n,;of vthej frreckers that tbe Metropolu' grounded at low tide, which' kebir1 ber from "fotgtnc - closer in shored Ha Jingi iPoUnngiibptrt IJeS j sails o hold her head on, the vessel from the force ef the surf came to with 4ier side exposed to the sweep of tbs surf, itbroby causing j so mucn joss, oi uir, iue pcopie ou uer decks being unable tohoWon. TH8 SILVBB QtJESTION. Letter front Hool Tnqas AjaeW- drlcksjn Depir Mr..Belmont. ( i "rr -: Nkw TdFeb!1, i Honthoinas AVHebdrick&battehi ja tetteeinireply J HrPeimontl letter; .fa relatiou to the silver question, in which he says he thinks silver money should be1 M-i atoreU. ,The pledge of 1809, of payment In; goip, sou usauraijFe 10 lue bj vl iou ui totaf tWMAtn at tkdtWaW m, A In : uaj suvu r iu wiu ai tuoiuvsrcwuuaiu isuu would seem to authorize, almost to. require it 1 A compliance with "the contract cantiOt be a breach of trablicrfalta. i On country is a large producer of , silver.. The. duality; of money hi Important to its value: -I think: dhapsireacftgold in vajuevbui should experience prbve that It must remain below coidbeCasJerf dts(krekteri ptodirtidn, fCpogress has ample newer to provide against any evils likelr to t ollow.-'u H : 1 ,The; 8un Mutual Insurance: Company, of Nework;lhariesoTverf W-HMuMlmTOIri atamiine dCeTtl&cate'&,j ItsL total looses : and expenses the- past year were 2337,000; total assets oooO.OOO. mm i ...r.i f wrS43 ateffli i'oaa i - ..noynsai o ibreBkioUB.xandadd to-'ttos oodoUcS as itheyl float ap ashoreL Jo-rClama, ,crab, ! oysters, sea.,wtrUe8r terrapins and creek - iducks aref ftUandant about Oregon r Inlet. jBlue fishing, which is now ' over, proved U complete iauure?,iiext,comes snau nsoing. Qur khowing.bnes predict 141 good ' shad y. season. . .. ......... .... .,. --Kalejfftfsifinrihf?1! etfafoV'l'etrdiayf "ixtV One coudIo ! were Hpmed fpr.better orfor worse,",, r - His ' Excellency Gov. Tahce, on "yesterday, - bimw a rqtriaUtotfon toe Uovernof of South Oaroliqa tor Uw body of oq J.W, Baxter, , now Jn"-lair a?SrjarTahbug;;ia that Btate. aa lacaU'gett' wrnavlaK BMksn: into a1 f&ztfyy&Vbierperz Tfie Jday of , terdaY,py authority vested In hioa, apr' yesterd pojBted -ah9 follow tag J named: gebUemtf ueKgaiesJOjftetxport convention, which, meets in Washington 'on the 19th of Febru- , vrfi MessrsijWi YaltsF. Bw McDowell "PlLUi Ji- D 4ohnat8av.The;. delegates appointebrby the FresldeAl bf tbe Chamber - ot Ooamnrcevwere Messrs; JJR Johnston v SL B4 Smith and phas. lt Jones. A- An ' intelligent farmer reports the ! result of his obsdesatioa to be t tht Cflat deal mpre rramttba n vsuair has .been awa this seaso u . id if eltnbufgtoiOfrity:1 tj i V -1 ' i J - Newbern; bSfaUi Febi-ltiA ternUrfu wkid. and rain storm visited, this . city yesteVday niorbiDg; and was attended W4di-niDC&aamage) Many of thS schooners -moored t their wharves in the - eity were more 'or less Injured through' chafllng. Thk ' SEboonja: Ellaj-which: wat anchored in ibe slnqamroff foot of Crayep afreet,. dragged her aBthor and iwarf'tarried by the wind against fh a railroad I bridge, However. 0WW3g to.lhe soundness of this staunch craft ' and the efficient5 management, of her com petent: mastery tbo JUla was gotten off aod ' satlyancnored witnout navmg.received or done any -damage.1 Thewaves' in Trent river ran jd high as to wash complejLely over the railroad bridge. " r i T 1 ' Macon x Advance: We were sfiswnaiJnt'th6? flnei'oifectiotiar of axblo specimens by Prof. Smith the other aythar1 we ever " sawl'and " we seriouslv dfiobtif any one ever saw a -more: elegant collection, of, marble. ,, Every grade, s;rain, . and shade'of color imaginable can be seen among inem; :.aiiey are positively neaati--fyiil., -Tbe Professor says that many of them wiirehaTtehge the world. He has -everything from jet .black: tq snow white- He has furnished duplicates of these specimens for thes 'Paris xhibition'Yhen -we get out railroad ibis wilt bet the'bung hole"of North Carolina. .Gracious, what tons of magnetic iroii, coppercornndum, marble, felcajBtct ld oattt, ' Tatboro Southerner'. We are U3 formed by A. H,-Cpffleld, Esq., of War thr comity,' that on the' -morning of the 32nd A Hnarys a negroi inan. namedr Jim JSave - more, was found dead, lying in the .road, : fieir" Pdpnlar Point oil the Roanoke river; between Hamilton and. Williamston . , His " head was fractured by toe blow, which is . supposed to have killed him.' j Wm. JllJond.wJjL commence me pubucatlou of a new weekly at Edenton, Chowan county, o February j6th;i878,' called thd' Xfowan Qa&tte. .;rrrr, Jobn; Lancaster, ! Chairman Board County Commissioners, and oner of ojir snceefesful farmers, don't mind slaagh ingigweighingSOJ pounds..... 4. .;.,-.;. .Geensbprp atriU, Tb sur vey of the' Fayetley'uTe road is,' progressing. List Week Cok- Jones and a party of sur veyprsfhad reached Qxe. Hill, and are ma- ' king reasonable progre.ss this way. In ad dtQpik mtbis ye-leattrtbat-a-portloa of tbo - viots assirsea nave been .seat worn tuc ehtlaivlO'be nlaeed'ln the stockades "' bunt foiihem si thavHulf.ao.TJie pco-r ple,ab,out Cedar Falls and the factories on Deep''rivef are beginning td take considera ble interest i id the proposed l narrow gauge to Fayetteville...y-7rTCoL r T t McMahon -purposes to got intone1 manufacture of wheelaifl.'well as spokes, &c -r Joshua Lipdleyrthe pioneer nurseryman in this sec tsynihls been" in the business for- 6 veY fifty arstiW Aincl..-tiitJ"5l-B:viijI b ' tr-ii&Jeigh Vi Ifeioat rOn Tuesday night, Mrs. Candace Qiir; wife of Mr, Ter- ' tellHl,' rwiding'Just beyond the railroad, 10 Aho.i southwestern portion i of .the city, while in a room at her home, by ' some rneans passed too : near the 'fire when the flames; seizing upon her clothing,: burned her so terribly that In spite Of all that mcd tdne couhido to prevent, she died- yester day morniogi The investigation of the charges preferred against Collector Young is ttiU pending before Special Agent Gard-v neit Nos-'IO vYarborough House. We . learn that on yesterday JobuW. Betts, dep uty collector cf the Granville division and Judge A W. Tourgee, had , a hearing be fore the J Commissioners. ; lt-is a Radical fight, out and out carpet-bagger vs.: scal lawag raxd we only hope it will end, in a iyafiair.;'' '.V islThe EayeUeville, (?02ce . gives an accoaat of the kilhog of Ezeklel Mer ritti tthat place by a. train Of cars. The cars were loaded with timber. While goinjr, down the grade; Just below Dick street a msaWas observedWalkiagalong side the isack, wbo.fprfesenUyv to the surprise, of all .whrfrtwhiav stepped on. the .road - when . the (train was abool fifty yards .behind. The engineer wassignaled by a brakeman on one of the forward cars, down breaks were blown, the engine was reversed, but every effort was in vain. A merciless fate, too -powerfnl'to beicoetrolled 'by the 'hand of' man,' shortly ov ertookhe seemingly uncon scious Victim, and in e moment be was struck down by an enoripons' piece of .Jut ting timber, car after par passing over his body,-, Heiwasrseveuty yearaof age and jerydeaf and pearly blind. He wasborri ilf mangled.! be .liodi 'c.i: -,;..: -ii Elibetri City Carblinianv W. . fe Lyons has 'been appointed '" Assistant Keeper etNorth -River Light House:1 A worthy young man. -'Judge Furcbes is a man of fine practice, just in the prime of fife: coorteons in mahnerva sound' law yer, ahtf most fexcellent Judge.1 He is making a good -impression. . uar people like him. We learn that the contest for the Democratic nomination for mem ber of (ingress,' In mis district,' is waxing wanm vThe prominent aspirants for Con gressional honors are; CapU ; Coke, of Cho wan f major Latham, or nw, ana rne - pre sent incumbent; Msj is Yeatess of Hertford. -Mr. Creecy,,,of the Economist, -mtl with an 'accident on Thursday night last, .which came near proving fatal .He was on the mail boat r from Roanoke Island. In'stebhlDfi: off he fell , info the water, and bnt: for; assistance, would have drowsed. lie injured one o his legs ana nas peen tAid up for some 'daysv2- 'The telegraph coanectlne Elizabeth City with Norfolk, js stiirtalkedof. Currituck court closed on Tuesday evening of last week. Several were sentenced, to the penitentiary. . - The fjfovernor has nardoned Andrew vflroghlon of Chowan, convicted of larce- ny.-jit the , spring, terroj pi tne superior Court, and sentenced to1 two years' confine ment r. Id nhej peaitebtiary.) 'Jesse Smith, mel i tbei- ueQiogist,. spent - several aays in uerue 'county 'law weekHe was On a' tour of .investigation, and found , some marl in the county. r Judge ..D. - A " Barnes, of , MurfreestiordJ has been quite ill?' ' M- sate, ot ue souuiern express ,v?ompa,qy, at KlhgV Mouaialn," 4ahd taking' thetef rom an old citizen or. vnowan, aiea on 84thi 4 i- Judge Furches is liked by neoriie4C8---f Prof. Kerr., the State t