C9tli.lsri.i?' H ji - U....1.-'- - ; J ;; j1 ' -? r - j .- , ion t 4 yJ- i oft? JmV? I Vi2&t),-;.J ... ,.U ! - W Himili "T.yat ;:'! -t . fiiit rt:Ut rnuin $1.50 Year; in advance. : ! 1 . ' u'.t 'f('1"rl,Kt:;Rii j' ; -t f r . tv . i ; ; ii .il S3SS8SSSSSSSSS8SS 8888888S88S8888.88 s .t,.- wnpojia B a a M e SS88lS88SSSSSSSSSSi ' ; ; 8888888838888888. 888SS88SS8SSSS88S S! a a Q a SS8fS.?88888888,88j' ,; fi'.w TH7 T7T7T u-tt -S9 J'' .t prpi jjist .-.vVnr i'.'-J i-w VftttifSi'ffe'--tr"il The subscription pricfc of the WBKK lt Star is as fpllowa :w ; Hii tt -i. 'i.j Singrle Copyiyefu-, postgspaid, $1.59 Consiiienoff that1 itbt: Anone'yed kings have tiit prelty . mnch thbir own way bo' long tn' thts ''couttiVif.iliQ strenauv, tfeyeloped. DyJLUirwlwer When we,- lanjlersland however, tbdi history-of b&- dollar nd b4- Addep damnation otiti 'taking pffWe hef 4 not wonder at Lbe ,indignnV protest jpf the 'peoplend ;th deruand.ihat has goae up-: to VVesh- ' ingtoiiyp uuui aia icaii 43 urutwcsv, tutu -i i uui v tens of ! ihonsands 'of' yoirQ. ,in jibe Middle and New England States, that the dollar of our fathers raus . and shall be'rwnonetuea -restored to tne place whence taken by cunning and unscrupulous adsj Jbribed to( 'do so no doubt by!-the foreign and" Northern bondhprsrenwihei ever intelligence, j -fairness and Jus- tice prevail, "there . is . a- n;iite4 . Wni ineiit i; that '-'Hhe 'pnbiib Hf creditor must receive honest treatrneqt tbat they mast be paw 'according : to. the stipulations of the law of 186$. which was made to , fayor.tbeni,) aodi does i greatly favor themiltfthiV tbeyj must be paid in the ataodards of thai .time, to'-wit, in .silver and gold. Lamar, Ben .. Hill, and , Butler, 1t South Carolina, all men of excellent parts, the first , two ieDpeeiallyr.have not been able to see the maitejas all of the .leading men of the Sooth have seen; it,! ati ' hence1. .lbey 'i qik aud speak; against their friends and con . siitufents.! Jd 'n: knoifflS Sena tor: Butler has token orJjvoted against the silve jbT, ItMi ,nx derstood to- be opposed tof thW Plabd bill. Lamar voted against th Mat thews bill, an both, be andvlIUlhaye exerted their fine abilities Irioppo'sr tion to tbe remoneMzauoB schemes Mr.1 HillVbosiion' JssdfflwhaV .eccentric, Jie will votfoF age of silver dollars, but he will al'sa vote to deprive the silver dollars iot their' inexcusable absurdity. It reminds us of the'eourse - of ' a , tmguse4, North Carolina Senator s6Ue' sixty odd yeArsI. ago. ' Tue Iatt emwent Nathahiel Macon, the friend of J6hh I '""r'jw"!. eciaring!f war: againt Grfeat 'Britain in 1812,' "and then del jberaiely voted against grant-. th ing sappl&s ;rjt): fight 'Jjje; battles of our eouatryr Mr. . Hill is evidently iri)iig Joijti ro ucoife the friend of the bondholder than be is of his Georgia people, v He ' is ' opt willing that IhgbalJ hiay ajaurV dance of.i8ilver'bnt"be -saysIfjh&s is limited "iquantiUdHclis fpr-l;ih wto be in the predicament that aFcerV . ".V ': . at'tdt .:(iy tUwl-- Sa :i it tarn ono waai acooramg. tQ tba! late Lorenzb'Dtow1' n-v '"I caa audi can't 'i -u I will aad I wODt; -uii 6ticTi ioi . i I'll be damned' if I do; tlUtfMl - I'll be danaed it I don't. &l a i xjims pfosnipn iS iitniis. com mented dri by 4ba Savabtfah one of the, f leadingi papers, in , that Senatdr's'bwri Staet 'li itcu tie is willing thai the people shall have a limited amount of silver with a limtied esial tender, i Id mher motdt, fn hU devo tion to; what be CTHau'iboIciedit Jof the ? j? huc jiu reaiay Use Interest at the oondholdefs and4be money kings; he will give the , people; the shadow' without the substances money that is legal tender iff "mail amouoU bat not -4 1arge-munts -that wiiiseivetoipay-theiaborervtb boy ' hm L"?16 wLeat 60(1 186 Plsbler'siottott, ihi K0t i;pathfe IricPl od Interest or hL tebt v Mrl Hill tells tfieeople ba7.r4r bftVI5i fr'10"' of -toe takers ce!.i-ey raay oa,y 'e; M money Bailer Sinftihl,11w- People willreaard WiS SouhiJ Qcere-J"jw paheriDfir wttb them in a U0Die sense-keeping the silver promise b)OOK t o to 3 eeeseVeee'iEtis ci 1 j.ti'nilJl.Wrtiw : 1 vi i a r it 31 ' 9J :v;iF;.:M;.ffH,-y?- ' ! .... . . -. . ' to tbeir ears, while La would .break, it ta remonetlzabooor silver Mr. Hiira rcatrictiona and Jimitninnn taI' 1 T 'j?T ''T5! HTU'J JHMfF.. WBWfc-, uotlnrJ may I gd ut te'awutf t i - Ob. ves- mv darlloff dauphtei-' i - .i i'H' Hibg your clothes on a hickory limb,. ' r .WSe believe 3l tot UeithoJ datyiol . Uemrfespectii eStaUei aairtdt ' the ireet If tney eannot Woueciettttously UfesU'bf !theh pfeoble'then ; Ihey ftoIexpr id ahdtber difctitro' and iMHt 1 HbW can tiist true d rqpresfiotauve. ioonscienti !aet-Wli tteetli'-silv3W4?ftt ,T4'jj&w, "i! i 1 jii' 'Mi ". " ifc-;aamU" a Wlm vMrlIaYest'iias.. written 'or1 kfiown.l Th4rn are 'several versions - J iJ;-i 'oil ifft-'"H.'!;!V wti i tsfft.jii M tbejfflTlbWWmfi. jeterf; ittfef : f ithcoBlitife:H l"nis muc isp'robablti 'trhie : thei Pref ideat b aa. feD fa yielded : (d ilie'ivH injaue ifcShe man, Ihelf epbistophiles of the OaoW ' " Tit 4,:H1 ix-' i li jCq u j.i ... 5 - "(U. ,4 . v . -. i Wt anoe to-fov. Nicbollsy and ito lay eHlfpifnllen1 'D ivena, i'wJio i.appearswta keer big hi ajapUJ'oi "of lha -OabinetaAooording to sundry ieporta, re,baa Jbf j a . boiserptta. arid excited meetings f ? the confident tialj advisers, during hwhicbt$hfijmani ne. tbe Piidentpe- aef thtf artny,' an4 ndgB Key anowS be bad not torgoiten ma ooutnern leacqing 6obnMi5 ,ArigbJ ;'f Uuat1 hefei ir vwb to sayiparen thetlcAlly, that the lemocr&tio.menir beh V bo J ure" iri ?fadf J,6 .tedweittg' Ah j artny nave .aoiaaiuonai argu es irt in: theefeqnstt i&: .a.and bia set.: .-iWe seq tow ready subb'vf ello ano! Hi eir i! natal ;t is' le gi n, are to use the army for.bad and wibked pseibjfiwwif t tb6yar I ijkjui,caag politltial --- M arf. indnt in the NoVlb! Isfihat- tbey bays' not rejied, y et tnat 'tKeJ war )a over anil : tUat tbe Southern ; States' now have rights' mnder . the : Constitution. Sherman, and men of his stripe, real- regarji jibe ' Southern Vbuties j as "conquered provinces still, and not j - . . i "- -. !'!- .i ". , .as I 8overejgpvljeoromon wealths. ,f; In thitrlie 1 the Rouble "knd the danger.1, ITdul a .dieient, vie wi Wi onJversaily, I -r'l'f rii.l i ,1, -J. Ini'irii.r;. ill -i-!..1 standing Array, u Ben Ba tier is i tight:; IV fua fvuciufc pvoivtyu fcuaw to sy- t'erl to; abolish tbe army. and telysupon in We trusti that f the President will Joi i bettay eofa)ref Ibfbja1" ter lpt to shield tbe Louisiana thieves thIsiV-ieaKK mn nn Aanrnnfor f han't tl A J thec6io-1Atewpted so snccesBfollyl fdrhe hai apt iijn andjtWi?' U. he has the ampitibny add ' the; tibscnipnlousness, Bjeti'4es,?te people of. the South will Be V er kg aid submit tof such treatment:1 Th jy were f pi a long tiroe ,o: tbfair g6 d Behavior, and they bore longer ana suffered raor than vany other btave people je'Ver did ,bef orewftJiouVi resistance, -t Bat it ' need i nou be j inr : ferUdrom;the:,1past that the; $both;; erne people wilL again r; bear nnreaiat idgiy'sTicb ;jattnetL!'v!e.vtiml'e for aucb persecutions has; passed . arlc will' n come back:! agaTn;'J Haes - may lo rely on v that...- The Sbt therq14 peoplc.-,lhave,; rigbtaj, and they .will henceforth' dare 'maintain tbe a H (Mr. Hayes. ; norn any, f uture esideni for lhat 'cannot with safe-' ty to tJbe peaea of the country inters feiri ;!witb- tW'ocaraffairs o,the dtheiSesLWWflV, say chi v ibe' caulBe ivb believ'e it to be the feeling ' of tbe entire South. They are law abiding,' ther meanf Xa 'keep their cbntrac8! kv!godd faitb, they pay ; I taxfes, they are part of tbe Union twitb;;;eqdai;Vrrgtf and, equai; ,'p'mK legiagaaranteed: them by the; Great Instrument, and iey- poi purpose I to b& aio'trarnpled -upon if they ckn'help it, or, to baye, soldiers, again seni to their Legislative A bodies to f feibse . them np or'to" determine who sftajl have seats.. ,pn,ejniaD nowever hb .propose id erid-thb .'artny' .td New . Orleans to regulate the, court itfid; tydecidefoV the juries; M' ' 1 : vBut ; Shermans. is mistaken f.JUa 'bbutilf ,tbis-tir4ejIithput his;hofl Thd nennle-f this fionntrvi under- iti himV,ahd understand jth pfo'1 ehatacter of the Returning Board, I rM -.f . . 5fy; jMiouAhe.Coarta,? bi.Xooiaiai9t nay a:igbt.toJtfy their own tbieves j st as baV the Courts 6f .HeTorl?: japoVFerinB iyr wuc luumeDi busiaia any auminisi w X-a .1. . . - . ' r . mt know. ...too.,., that Shex man himself h jplay.ecL.aji arery, dUrepntablpart - ttt 4 the iAjdisiatia tnattebd thaj iif "at Utfiptinf to1 1 n tfmfJaeoiirfti ps that - State he la simply irying to ;WT"jrt uOFJrrAWtapR940igajatr jlnihts feffoTt to draw the Fredebt Iritib'mastrote W'wbicb bert!iiriiii Mlmw'wnirlnauWa deceivd the American people with, his mepdaoionsiandi onflfsided 'tateJ ments, he .slandfif. nhraiZi' fv.. But wa cannot enter.. now. unon a pffenoe.ioC Judge Whitakeri wbo is a worthy Bostohiaw- -Wi of y'tba4 jrdllowing paragraph from thB4lti man's! falsehood: i u? d f ,J j',Oo closer examination, SLermanVjro I ie proves to oe a Jisaue ot aisenooaa itoin beginning toodr rfhe ran4,jqry: AiA 'nl ' Af raa 1nli.f t I nAonm hill. directed the Attorney General to "bJutq I tne nrosecution rt tsecona lne .Attorney w I mi a t. i.i.'-'T..lIii'- trt ti snb-tir Self .was tried in the United Stages Coon , and acbuitted. FoUrib' :the dory,was 'hot. packed to convict -.bbtfdrawn( from, M full; paaeV'r81"0'1 a ; .the ;rekular 1 way,"- and ' that the "counsel for rAnT1 aerson was saysnea JS proyea. ov , me factthat it did nbt avail itself of the cljaK' iei ges io wnicn tne peiense.-waa- epuwea.' 'ft ttb litis n;ot telSBth;wssMtona! fja rticle Of evidence to connect 'bmvwitb th s crime pf which be, was convicted :,X)nV th i CbnU-ary, the evidence j waa, pbaclusiye On this point and 4f Secre,tai-y ; Sherman will 'consult the New Orleans papers be will -find enough tb give him the ague. ' Indeed, inetonif now una nave 8een.in&B.iurRiion9 nnn wno . i' . i : . .li.''- ;.j; i u visited New Orleahs at the same ' time with Secretary Sherman. M"i-w.., WQviX exi ehansea.in referring to the eiieeohbf efaatdr 'Mepot ltfyfi 1 bill, speak of k as being' the finest effort pfjhTsjaf?. Whilst freely admitting Ha elceHence, we take leave to d iff er.f NLttaaneecn. or rather- speeches.' ner mide on the Louisiana matters Y?ere jpeowparably abler, because the range piiaiscossion was mucn -greavr- Tim . admitted of a . Uigben 4tspiayt.,p .ar gumentative abilitya We saw do bet ter speeches ob the subjects referred tolthan 'those' bf.; bnrb!Senatorl,; Inf-1 deed,' so exhaustive were they that a stranger .from Europe, . knowing norr thins jot the matters -at issne. could If .-If Hit ' H'fSf , ?' tfS ! pome, tborougmj in form ed. by con lit- -). j fining his examination to thse able joabiulative tfaod convincing i argu ments. If JndgerMefriaionT8 rhetori- Jri, be -woWMyP Pu few,Qpeprt ip kbis eountryi mJ u Viir m b?;!; kadge Merrimon bbs Idst delivered & Ised'eecnTon5. the! : 'silver, tt Hfnich'is very hisnfy 'cbmm'epoTep $f :'! vtMtisiUf iw.t.P,vXMi.i ad ut I7suTw w agQtntuonxorresponaeniaiion: b-nm Hi &-aJ'i ' -) 'ii !iw!'i "imMl'sfC.'-'Juvi J t dge WbitakerEbetued- Aader jp Jntnilf-lldifnjfir b TJi lited Stateadn hf aqm ojf.e.0Q009. If ftruei jsJt'ot a. evadenW of Sher- iaan! tcbrrnptioii '(ihkt btr has i re main' sliWsW lonl'knbUn Vh ajKas, Assistant Treasurei? pf j.tbe U.I S. at'New"0leansjf Hb 'becamef greatly " emparraBsea, , aiinqugD, , rer. Mr. tWbitakjer jBjooeeded sum in office, h e4oundbatbe4r renre8erited "By tbrtifled gold cbcksl arkwnpo of pewUrleBjii.abe.banlc.waa sol vent arid Mrrlilttateilree1 for these checks as if r ieash Jtf all j the trouble... . i The, jbank.q was robbed bv! Itlt .'PresideUtf 'where the eold cbcka,i-fBotb vMayTr.apd - Wh itaker f made asslgomentsj tbe oretsurebdeVlngti .rf Ut'MtiTJIi-i ytl (ij J .tfllJ ii. tf . the propertyi t He waa; tried and VJ i .-" O-ftf'ii. .O-tW -Jij.iU khbwnjlxeboSbermajAnd4 wbe lying, spirit, and ia bentn omrenrebire . for1 wbai the Jadgrhs' ditte i&tlev half Jteceg? UVDW IM7VT UIUL9 4lt4 0(U ? V I W, people of ;NeW' York' fsf l ft'" the Jodge drloptjontfiiai , tfief facis ojjQ'insfi- f easurer. who was a defaulter: heiiimr mere never was a forgery more, ciearjy s-. tabli&hed than that bT.the Ternpn1 Jarisb returns, and there are men .in .Washi y.VlnAfrfiJli'HfHKtnjVtia34ijoii MUVDwanj cs-u - v v uivciavi ,nviw cam 141 i . r tr ' . It-J. i . ' 9VMuikcvi as iur 'wbbuod wvsueui he Mbrings bis!' J6landerbtttf'!5ebargb agaifast Jbfeb (ite e kn!oWshb j l JfuW . . ! 1 X' , '7 1 3i:t! ' : :i j i WfiT v 1 ; 'if. n t fclii?' a V arolinadeserVd praforthe Taanity.ibeylawtreqien I j49?tidlthp8V. in'tieeii distress?' d with' some 'xcptioosi they -re3 VJ. BboTiwithlailiberftlity'snd'kiBdoeBS'1 Jrtdrthyibf all praise.trfTh people tM OTfplfcV'W3lgis tbeir considerate ykindness'itandh'Ot' p anltyiiv Iw'beiBUuiiriSr jti ick tuey aVe 'of teiiJ called -ijpbn "to; relieve their t sufferings fellb4eiag jtnd they t invariably d theiij tdoty DDDlViano well. "W oonpnxof tnem pctitidse, said renallMMfViteftlWHtWltlUh l Of.tbnrsf notjeverji' man-taad idb3aii4 at Witiiic fe wt eJccepliotasi'thb opfej respond witbliberitfdafjiii merdy Worthy 6 all fra:ie.y. iJJJ i i 'he plea,8et np that Ander8or,i8 vwy-erv-iiVDeceat .tyerrid,iiT tie., victim of .political peraecntienL i i n idr n uni vb av in wh (in ivir J . t !.!.: i : - i . . .. te;8 ,fla8i,M?e a8fijMf mW ,t.o it. ; bays Kay : A "The conviction of Anderson and of the tJard ft if foigoueTcdWlusro'ir,iitf nethraaMassaveiMtfienl'if, they aretaed ip f thp State Court i It makes no difference I -w hat the taw aatf wbaV the' 'evidence my; taanipulation of our State, law in prbcunoxT a Hflry ,ma wconvienon .eerfaur. TheylT" ftavDQ cauceH .hin.lexpiamed, matter, to you when last 'in Washington. u ider tne statute and tbebivipfva!s Dsn ith aquestton can be yiftwed by.tfce,Rf f 9,i ; St preme tJoutt but in the 'meantime you se ; tact cbaBcqtieiioes. .Wk !are iwi.a bid ' ec oditiQn. ind ppt nelpj or, bop .Ada so i Is as innocent of the crime as If lie baa ne?ver been ton the. board; yeiiTbeiiias-beeai muv 'iVim i:i y-n J . hi ?i tne vote , on the silver bill has at fateeWaih teaieF'We9 xuouse uuif asi amenaea, reraonetizes ii-'-..iI.t--L 8iive j ;i Y i. Id lOI tne Ik l !i'Ht ill I inl-tl-.fH: ..:: qr concurrence. Liamar voted aeamst J,tii li: .i M 'f ''yir r:ii'if.f New let htm resign jand subside. H 'anof (ButIer of 'Soutn Cfarolina', tirbro it a 1 rod nrith H.rma nf . VV cot iv irgmja, and .Patterson, of South Larouoa, wno are sick, duk, tney - ' i-it .'ixit-.Ufii' 4H$ne ,jHk) ifj wbuld bave voted no. Let them get J .- ,vfir:t..ni(iji ijfiJi.j(ii JiHv li cuiisuieiiiiuuci . ii uw auu go oome jor, fyboa:,The Soawi does not nee4 Sen- 1 -i j in vi!!t'.i!'H!H iilt J niAt- it'fH atr8 to represent vy all street bulls arid bears and European bon bl'de'ral: wen. jtaosoin ; was sice ana aia not vote. It is to be bbped , h6 will be U when the vote is taken tOjpass over the. veto. He is all fight. Abe vote stood, ayes , 48. nays 21, lwuovui vt vuiu aj ca v v .uiavto m iv atne .voted f no. Sp did Wliyte, of Mjaryand a JJemqcraty vote ihj. ;t - bo nl.i a ttti . vi npuer ana vvnyie. - , iil I ivliw fl' y 4. . i 'ii i.i lift Vt i . jy; l'. i 1 in .' .'i.ii i ..lU.-imui : -Hill called., the; Blaod ...bill . the ictpocket diu " ' ana innrjiecnaiieiy . ie j. Golden Calf idolatersi all Jbow " WeU aamed. vre thanks IbeeJ thorn feiti because it is indeed ai bill "tliat 19 Piw?wmv?xiywwwnt!iii' are trying to ,"pickw the "pockets th Rtvjseq tatgtes,of ;a oht UbafcbiiPoiF frtitid rid 'VlceW jtu ntr-W??) den?Lpnzpg,ftill;oJjJJt87? 3f i tOTd-Saraattanar'irjslf'- iHijisr' If 1 swjLne QnafcT4.:nefe ttUK"t weiaacep: pilHiSfewjeft pas; pptwnginnqeB pf justice i livisifcoMistana.jmWhetheB Aidersbttrandj Wells are'tried "br1; conia witn as, . fnalf;, itl! interfered wit in propriety have the course of justic jtteji.speeehAfHoaj ; AlfiXi fir seatatioix oi uw .irpemex aauoi was Impt essivie AadbeloquentjJ passages Lie 1 i . Of. a.1 i i fi-;. .J . j. , for peajendj beecboed tlhei sen ti nts of the Inbdghtf ui -meBoT the r ana makes it toual .with so r-Y fc ' i j' a lesral tender, but free coinage is b Infamous -adt' of 1813 atid' ab the r resident can have po concern, )! it is none of bis , business. r,He 1 S'-J V1 r - 9 in case o f'lTWeedf ew Ybrk.'as he can interfere in the due T I nwrv ' u l! iint . t i Ui uuceo ui law ,iu uuuiaiauB uj tuc 11 r.-tHr K vlfai ta jieiioL c itji 'aauBiouu vase. jIJ off he JiSbutherni federactU. Demboritie , Cbngressmeo are eEithbi ii inuninn I mmi. wim i.w t&iiviii. uiii, ijh i ri. L -J.ixtiwaiJ.,Txi.if ti injije3Siawie -r appireototnei'jyebori.uic-TOii--'i'TTiT aireadvon our Stan a atenc i hub si d inrrt Trthefl l th w CeV rf 'hfttfs AtfiA.:; r kiWnih irimf " 1 tb'b the Louisiana Cbnrt orb bth ing'. J a an fTT j , vVStdw f fit xBt tlw S13lH ; ..A !t '. ill : " r eonniAsiOSKBaiilcd presenL;-f.-w w,..- ntkVfIin1dfeciWhi9?8ym,e;,di' r f 1 - . .. .. i . " .1 . f r . hUarm wartencaaejjnes,, vfacedand bmdTr'r5i iil'hat'tliebhkiffi&'bfTheafl PJ owOTHoissioa5 mnfs-m ttouRtyfiomrawiora opntractw, uncan Holmes to repair tbe Smith's creek idee, said repairs' tttiemtfBt wlfSJa llnnotn Hnlmdn IniwAir lhA Hmilh'i opmIt J fifcweetoXrpm, dateof contract 5rai4 coih tract shall, provide that tbe contractor shall .nil r rrt Y iavft - nhAPna LuwyffoeJfooreW ffttocqt; dern-iij vtiMi uin Hw inir xnnTr' Twmm. Kim v i wnnui i -causes. - xsodq ror raimiui pertormanee i r if-MsWlaHMWttl ltd aidibieiWOrklDai bMtWW jrOKM Me tOn 'Udame Hii-rjoai!Buidi aaiatieniiiseearttvi.tat baiftjU i WBlaibb.teloteawf twM'M1Pr,taia- "O-iaBiVitaBt UtftnttUrntcaperated ; his' wasted strength. Major : i 4tfercontracUhalimuumn!i to the va uiuuuuw vuminuaiuuCT ainira i y;inmitieAfoitdstiDiiblf tttoChataaasJ oMfTlhiJ-S- "- A!2 v i a f ?W,JT,vrar"bi3 IHe Janilor. aud to report at the next regu- 1 till WMMMhln. AhAitt,.M.iA maKoM' , .T-i x,...-, ji."rni'rrTuvr - . . ..r . -i . . I trferret eea!aRrfteirhsewt'aw. 1 license to retail spirituealiBra.iu Jiihjei , .rnlin n. B rneman, Peter alobr, i; iti i jm J WH'iTiA-tlKAtttiJ .1dbaVeMitaai1dS rif laiaOWfA tait-a'.'W lor Jtebeuearintpboek fefmy Jt wBortlW: A iuq lunui, uiijuw,- . . i .1! blaim of John D. Taylor. Cferk of Sude- L fa icy, 'wai refers AudififigCottmUtee. Pi U JUUimof ii; KJ JtooreJacllorjbt Unorl j 5nW,qieu0!bj:eesibi twayriRtfcfsep (J lq r-t j k ii a - 'fof iie cbuaacetfe old7 Newbertf F ic nnh11 riVldftiwW'4WflWJidtlt;I 8 f .. - ...... i ii ini,. f i n. an ill i i i ... v ?9 lftheef JptfieiffltUjtteaitttt siynstatea.Mtab W(wlu!gn7! mfentl Add iwhicnahe iiieJjiax ciauBeajjy woiueg fehdintaes tbe piamt.weiheo4uct of nAtaufajturer i,.L i tcf .ijl .iis vi W fr-tOrttLii: L'Vi-It a hf the oninion. and so declares, that rtbe nlr imnnapi) ' llllllll SUlih HUfUllSSea hv ,L..o.M .T-L . i.i.MrtU! arUi. 'lam jEM JMfl.m nhnnT- iobjd4bisiatitrtjttie , , -i . - r . iiabititref mill owaera--a Teat case. i r..iiil HI..VTU:.! KJ lOI ft0' oJ fh' MriBrVBOjWre litm.Wdi-! of JbnSBet,oifcdi ft beibgiassumed crmrie'rfed khHt' Wbufchaseunofi MriH.filinnlfl tint he collec ted. The oninion k'ea&eckin un'm'thCflmlnll OrfttWoVHor-mbxfi ,4wo,1! 93a5vPf w yy LTloawlky fcsblvioif tk3fabttjrlbf .feroKfia JMOaJOSfflttiiB iau ioetxcue- rletomW. rfleani BlUot ttaKjieelPPnt. Withe; e(mntjll8e.ptierl8e..ii of Schedu e B. vm pnor. juqee M?ares,Vli, arier hearing Rrgumenioi-counsei, ueciu t ffiey'were not liable, iheroeingmana- PfT - r ---a) " r- or iaeew winm.uyuu.aUiw. "it . . . . . : . .1 r . . . . ... . . . . . i . ... ... tri MriiilicMorMe70er4p4?eved fltlteWid, tHu. Geo, jas ?fei?iMWibfbpdidA tblegranv o ntbadblianeje irfl I 'a . a . i ' " . ? w jrrrT;..,; . PS-aaae. f Amep.eiL. Sliver .BUI la I Ulll - .TJ4.UlinTT" VUI U 3il". VU liace, f AmendedU Sliver , BUI la mdrtUedde bV"the Senate t5 Fibance cpinmhbs ajvofe Mfl. li must go tq the, House for concurrence, j Silver lb retakielittd wl made equal rllk J fcaen out j. . . . . ttistiah i i . ... .a n on or tiOtfdkl. ttn.CokeiCQnay Wi YC'bebnU, Viaprt JiU.rMS Tlnalrf iif UnMil tH.lflMJtIIIIIWn lTM lfln-ff!&e2rtJtfiii ... . wA - v- ,jtm Mm iiewai AmmmT. mrmnD. mw- lev. Beck. Booth. Bruce, uamer Peaint. OaaBMrbb ikf VTiaV.d CttKffeeJ Telleri ThUTmaojYiWrbcfeslWaiiflce.TlVin- l Twd,Jaiia BNVEteviUhnmaacji inj.iitiff harofilorraed inthe s aabred Uoi I ttJr T ile3fsVHarrisMriolr, SVC 'nruicu-'BKautak'Tii. in. -iuuovui- tim " a j I t.'i i i i 1 . . ,.f'I tends to ?bbariectiufeaitoir byltawpbostfj I.iay fPlWft iournment. i;ar rj can jneited Us eitoriaVrooma with botb,houses of rarliatnenvmach to its convenience. - J:l . ' " t -. ' i V-Sii I V V .-!- .a- - - - i I i bisaiwib 4 4ci CiraB I94re KnlshtS of PrthUa. n j A'resolnllon'wabfferaa' rrT t,--i..r;... i arv "sessioPdQsf J.hesuGrandiLpdfia9.ahalllielI eDruaryr ioYwi'5 '-t" fehiwffWryrW I G. P.-E.! Garf ell a ? - Jdia I . I r i j - t r t r r i fi.lri;U'J. ,,11, l'a?01ioo I W.'JZ. Wlryffli8g3taiiii tf.vuMuirHh.iteW -m n.w4i 1 . - i ... . I Sopcema Reprjesentti ee -mAlexahttd' A ; resolution waa.. introduced . by IY&mWmWr ? 'Tn'oWcers w4'reueiP inllt uueu. t :ji o.: ! ' .-.-: I ltTc,lTfMUiaJIodln. ul.i .ah Tin J Un; - w. .i . auuaiuc i u inance ' ana , mileage Messrs. 'BhuTOi WMtaker and MerfiJK,u? I iiewiamaanii iduredentmiss-feMeBsrsj fihanlin.iCrisV and , White, iU aZ at this Grand .Lodsre DetitioH the . t.RiaWmnB fU4.-'.-01l.--y.IUllllu Ur-.V; .Tf-v. ?r-,t a l rrmiMig-Jiiessrsi ngKjtprfi sinviiuaryutbviWes,ra4potjatawork, ji Jifer9flje;d fvr Knrftiofn. I Jnrrpsnnnflanr.p Mpssrs. I mpson,Kbert. and Haar. i , 1 b"fl oi , Tt ?;"- jiTk OT Si li 55 .t?i Pbwerajo ffiw yOTSbl:eam fjftgeao7eweft 2aHAdd74GebrgeiBHhopl idM rouisv mil UIoot W8JW .st d Jnl Sth - iifV.tV.'T Holiowell. . . 7 dtn!lb.mes W. MboV nAuiLLr-.lTiiaifiiJiu.tflb v t im i f tr. i olv, Ji7r til t - If 8thJf.Jidd.--WiA? (Jolroston vi v f 9th J,Pi-Sgg(,tt u li imii Ia. w a h.hair i v ii . i flffi,,6'W, 8Soi!5 "imJ loe, vnerry , corttmtttea iMWlAWWt - -l 1U1W - l - -P - 13 A . - fKI oTelt'ffSfitbPdiVes1 aBlafn0 r 1C(T4v.q ma Ininriff Anient .in.:fbAn: tf- ,in going w khi you.' ne menstruca? Thtm.,aro lontji 4 - wC k'd'w' n 1 iT I tUeTi IsaVaihaVlie trredAorjtleiiheK fatatherji I cnQamaBuiwfDiiramufauSl; tibn pf physiQiaus. ; ; ; i .r . father' facts slMVKUiltW Tifdlb' aiam anevsiszorv iaarue lULina cmw-s I whtcJirwere covered with blbbdIm-s I pdrtant evidence will be brought out , l ;.iflliUUnAIHiin imHof t tbAsiiewrjgiiPbJWidj ffti bich profited by, ahe.ameA sbos f -.vjaH nrofitedbv the ame. ahoald 1 Rt.knd bv the nernetratnrs. F The cni m- r -. , . . .... . . . . . . . . j i . i"i u ' r . . f T- r r r ' t -r m" ibrf fconbr'wmbH insnfres tnTeves'dep- itiatikP iMrlHaVfSBlferi! I n n. S If tb4 Silvrv. Bill' becomes al hiWi lilUUIUti a. aI VUUUUlil latHkethe,conntJry, Jf aheverage; f i,! "i ,uiw -jjy', 1 " r " I VtS lestern mad is not able , to dine pn. Wittf tfd 'cnaMagSa Jw1thib twa Se after the radiant fll ebbmes' kTOkiltf-n.' tIiI ib jl Ivi iuw at v Dtguiug ivi tuu avwvu jtt UoosiAbaGtaadJdry dfeap- a r ca w vnnur a rifiii 1. 11 u .arvina- i I lixci-tiu sou vowgiii iu oeuau ui a nea tfaVernmebtili vi9b oj ltiic: ,rt If fJtAi ort!aH'n'-Tr- flarnpAlP-.trail L Mm Al - - il 'TiliU MIIKW'JUJ lrjJH'J'I! ifei 1 la fu.jj . Jiie flsnui" i i ci i Vifj ggvf u .1 The JPIaht for the Papacy. - - rt nirv : n o ri l .1 rnulriWilab jUfuiwii vYiiiMt& 4 nue xwn w otatco iuau mieo uoi- ittids,;led i by iCardiiaisMasbing'cnt" I .ia- a.VlA inlnn tfAAhl ltA .KaI i ; . a . a . I. .T, r -I .7. !: l.-it ...... ...fk T . f Arcnbisnbpy lbt 'KaVerini ; whilb 'tbe" rdkSfwamb la-sctttef&most -Tinmeroua - J party, js-paadj pjiaYiehieieetedafdlr : . b y-r r ' assL. i i t JialLi fob llnMWfWM am H ,vf, fjfljjii 5 1 iixore wi inn norici 0iureri . -rrt,. 8pa, Ib'ftagirwsif b Th IitMettee,f tfibhrsbrbeiirliMi 4ople have kbdaf Vetf upthc rpjedtf ' 3 .rjflietinaibbows lwifliv fbkair. at . wbrk , on a - quilt. . Uncle. J.Moa&n4e!tf aMaid W Worie!' aiiy unerry Killed woney, ana ktta!ckeaiItb'fw?fet ITKe fehild d the entire Repu5rfican! paxtv. m- f Judge v.Oioud d has i fappeinted Court of Yadkin bounty', to fill the vacancy. Is The!i Charlotte 5 Observer con sumes nearly pne hundred reams- of paper inobtbrii.v',It tea gbbdapefwltVa good 'local editor, who is evidently a live man. 1 . IjJL iUuviu xCTUi rfVb kilt; iaofc, aSeetrne 6i ttWAB8o6 rVileraBs.iT. j;AVal &"MJrrv -hf K4ikiB8 i!aqi. ,waa unanunoosiy elected Presi- thetAason iVeterana.Jiaye arrived. Thev Late the latest ."imnroved hreech-loaHinir ' .j uniauvbu vit f xviwnim on anaj-Dng:i recently, .eame ; ashore-above i regonf ana when the surfmen prepared to ldjisutlfwsextomake flghk ;-t Rev. I j , y esion, ine aseiui ana aeiovea xipis- lBchWRedt -and 'about twenty others5 have Tfcf&lvfrm ofifhe Ve'w.rrixaf'!&eve; ucatu . bci ujuu - uciuie. auu txici ia uni- r.Z."-J z The for a time, Jftelped aome . Widows, fienti-SDme ? ewed;jftffeUasteyeaibg -IIsJqisWv'A,: j nJntebealtb basereaUy Improvedil tSdj .we, Aope , that he? !WiU;(b spared, for,-.,v ihoot thUnfreinteijaiacrof? the ,ship the ship's. crew, not upaerstanding iwhar 1t hantaVmed themselves With Pikes V KEffiE 1' H 'Mfcieyaln for -."': If cMturyhas workedhfully through y til srKi titfltTfrrn'VfTi thi(,'Nnthrnn'7R-Mrlfnn 4I yad: bempietedjapd Father iJEsramrdrJlhsneeblY'o to the d glad to ,s Hekrnlhsi Jf orkaan ibeo-ailtbactfrom Eeypt 14 hDee,nsbprrti profesam fipejyij iThirtyr ije eiBia re wui oo a Moiarnisneaeyv tneli .'M1 "wwmumi w wivuwwuuwuviB birjkaiggea 'aflgftitbsir part aof h uelueii mi 1- ; w j , - a . 5tvtk And rPavetlevilleVia to. be red need to.vn '4uj.iilifrnm.'l.aYAiAiirr .Rhriih am .tha Tilth nf 7f r.;,ly4wwfSSW aj.thfcage Ol trtam ziiU i f vvaSMflgCbBr .'uiNea ; We": Jiive'; hiv;ehtlfei;;nVedtbeJlahd; jnHydcr; 1 cqi uuuMhj , : A lyaua aillluoilluUDdaiilliC. i$ol preyeiQ t fl work heme di dope for months' W come: , we: ere shown a re w days , . smcfea Theeacle; kined bv Mf; fj:'.lw: teWlWt iruiiiiowD. measuriDe o ieei i incnea iroTn ... ti W ;ae kftwb out! of arck'of . v clir ry:eyeifibfc-February'7. by Jtev:'N. : th Htigfies,-1& X. C ' Calvert, ' tb Miss1 w jltnknager pf the.JamesYyie and WashiDg- i,iobmttoso,K'WiH;wm4aae'ihe: mauer in f1 "NffV ioi j.jdi'-i lo -"11:- L.i-;-;: . -Tleigh 'wsIn; a drunken af-( , -t fr iybeweenRufe "Pool1 an'd' Trby 'Langs- ' ford both resfSenti in .Swift Creek towns. 7 AAA. A - A A. jrentlamalo frem.Ballimore hai addressed a-' 5eter to. Dr. KVby, of Goldsboro, :stating , -itbantthe''seborjd 'child of the murdered - - Worieyp, ui BibtighUitUeirl1i he will adopts bar. "i-The Commissioner of T Agrioul-. . ,urej TJbl. Tblk,l;is beginning to receive - gc oascior exnipjvion ei trans. ivy e noiicea . -pi 3 fpllo.wingin)his office yesterday, Speci m jni of 'mart f rbni1 G.lO. Hall.'-Mount 1 Oliye D Bplip.c()Jinty; samples of rice, from the Navassa Quano Co.. Wilmioetoni marl. frpm.E'Kbtbegay; ; Falson's Depot; " Benton .yPolkton, Anson county 3 cases- .v. wines; lmperiM, oryiitBpemi ana imperial cbamD2ue. sent -by C-,W. Garrett A Ca. " ' (Eirleld; peanuts, sent by'Gore & J3ore, ! -ewbefh- NviiBheU: .Messrs. : t) mbar and Bowers, government Inspec- .. , tors or MuusjuiaiexftioxJhejLjirict oi Nbrth Caroluia and Norfolk: Va;r were in the bityyesterday and'examuied tbe steam1 ' trtrt&teX' and . raarea ner license to carry passengers ue aWibrtt'andasWnaloti; N.;4 CI2' iTe! establishment of this route; will be , grfeat , aetjommoaatioaj to;ihe public tor 1 friigbtjtodtfayel:;-- t gentleman ust rrom wcracoae, tnat about -thfee'weeks ago a brig; drifted ashorr on thb ihbal bdthat place, notth.bf the Inlet;; and taqn went to'pieces P Bet name, f s un- - k rirHi art d lh- nfew Are f horTMaed to h.v e ' - abandoped ber at seaV. The brig was bound ' frbnrNfeW Tbrar to Nassatr.-arwas scer tafaei bypapers vfouna oa ' board 1 ! Her aarATty 'consisted" bf . Coal uaPd the -vesse 1 jrbved'a'jtotaHosf j-:'?t 3 ,7 :.;: l' 6f .Darham ior the year 1872; paid; aa Iu- terjnal Keyenue tax of six hundred and . aev en ty-threej thousand : eight hundred and f wjenty-seven doUara. j Of this amount , W. T.i Blackwell & Co., the enterprising; and leading firm of the town, alone,; paid four c brtndred and, eighty-five thousand dollars. .? -f-4' Washington (Sty correspondence : 1 The resignation of District Attorney Bad- -' gef is much commented on in North Caro-. , una circles, as it certainly has generated a proiinc brood orappucaats ror the vacancy. The iodicatioBi., point to the , appointment "of lex Judge Albertson, of the Albemarle . District '' Ticommiwee on lnvaim i?erJSiQPSRu, yesterday r jeported. favorably 1 1 ;Pntoe bin, granting pensions to the heirs of UaptJpaoj alius tiutarM,iormeriyot our It Charlotte jOoservet: Yesterday . I BncL'&aaiW&u ur uuaoimv oirir j isoer. toe 1Bttp4;an,djlte, Superintendent of tbe Jife ating Btatiohs bn our' coast,' This is but an act ofXJomnion jaitlce.' which I record ui luirvjr vermes, ucaiijr uoix di .wuuih e chUdren, came down tbe - Statesville -Iroad. from the southern part of Iredell - aaty.' -btf their ' way1 ib Charlestbb there 'tb take, -passage bn a HeatneT for Liberia. ' uneywere au exiremeiv ignoran.anaoiny - -looklair 8eti end bTesePted a pftiablesicht - 'bs ihtey huddled abobt thelf Ihtie boxes ba depot -platform 1fromr''eatiy morning 1 B4if e'elbck St aigaV,iiwhein theyl)barded 1 ie Colntnbra traiiL.' A cbnyereation witb ' 1 &xp of the party revealed the, fact that thev.ttMiftctelS8-veif howjtd'cet'-to yGharKstbtf,y aa fbadscai'celytilBemeient money to"bavthe Waytb tbpolafcP .MJH. Stone., a premioent-mmfng engl- f beer, of Virginia, sags til. the mlmaiu this . fvjcinity, that 31 Pfopexly worked taeyeouid Cur cotton men seem to thick that -England and Russia WflUSUrerjhngbl The . roaring of tbe British lion has played havoc among the bulls of the cotton market . i .; I rv ill : it 1 v is