... - SpiritsTarpentine. Greensboro Patriot: There have r $1.'.50 & Year, in advance! : j sssgsssssssssssss - 88888888888888888' -'188888888888888188. wrnioy.8 SS8g8S9gBSgSSgSa8 rwr.i lgg888888888SS8888 Burnout ag8,;i8sgi8tg-, -r 8SS888S8S8S88S888 - 8888888888888888 - . IV 888888888888888; V M 88888888888888888 ,-, .. : . r- : J- -- ... 3 ' . ' .; v f- ! - - i. s i ' . --v'" k V . .. X . . ' - -: . . i - : .1 . - ' ' i j ::::: e s :pi s ' " ; on 1 -c. ,"0 B"0D WS5 3 IS 5 S S a a s a a 8 ae 9 m M 4 s Subscription Trice. The subscription price of theWEKK --It'.,-!. '. -t't- J ly Star is as follows : " ' ' Single Copy 1 year, postage paid, $1.50 -I " 'i f 6 months. lOQ 3 ! .50 THE NEW PBinARY SYSTEM. ? We judge from some articles in the -Virginia j papers that occasionally come under our eye that the primary election system in that State has been extended in its operations. At first confined to the selection of delegates by ballot it has in some places been applied to candidates, and thesuffra cans have voted directly for them. Thj plan is said to have worked with very satisfactory results and; to have been fairly tested at Richmond and Norfolk. The people of Petersburg are so much pleased with it that they will try il this spring, instead of re lying on the old machinery of' ward meetings.': It is said by the Peters burg Post thil the plan has' worked so -satisfactorily, that nonej cities that have tried it of the would exchange i it for any other sys tem, practice is always better T,han theory, j Many an objection has been fairly exploded by a practical demonstration. When the celebrated Dr. Lardner was delivering a very scientific lecture before a London aadience,in which be gave very many excellent and ; ingenious reasons why a steamer would; never be- able to cross the Atlantic Ocean, the ab surdity of bis; reason? was fully ex hibited, and his theory received a fatal stab: by a steamer actually cross ing the great ocean at the very hour he was entertaining his audience. A satisfactory test is worth forty theo ries, and! a thing done sets at naught every objection. j The Petersburg I'ost, discussing "The Primary," say 8: . "Conservative suffragans will go to the polls between sunrise and sunset and vote directly for the candidates of their choice and whom they think will best serve them, in the various departments of the city government, instead of worrying through a restless night to wake up in the morning and find that ward meetings, composed of but comparatively few of the solid people, and whose wires and ropes had been skil fully Set and worked for the result, have fastened upon them an objectionable ticket which they are compelled to support and vote for, at the hazard of being pronounced bolters and ostracised from the Conserva tive ranks.'; The primary system, faithfully executed,! will remove all of this source of complaint and jealousy, and give ui a ticket which, if not entirely satisfactory, is com pelled to be acquiesced in by all fair minded and honest men." 1- The Post is so well pleased with the good results that have: attended the experiment elsewhere that for - six months it has been advocating its introduction into Petersburg. It makes this very pointed remark: "Candidates who' are notwilling to bide the result of a fair and honorable nomination without grumbling, are not fit for any office to which they may aspire, nor deserving of the tokens of a true friendship." The Star is so well satisfied of the ! utility and ' fairness of the plan of electing delegates by ballot, that it has insisted upon its universal adop tion. It has thonght, too,' that the election of delegates who were known lo represent certain candidates was a good feature of the planj In other -words, J)at the people should in struct their delegates for, whom to vote. :; ;; V - ' ':: If the new plan of voting directly for candidates should -be generally adopted! in Virginia and other States, v and be found after a long , trial to be all that jits friends claim for it, then some town or city in North Carolina may be disposed to try it.,-, ' The system, as we understand it, that was generally tested in the Vir ginia Gubernatorial campaign of last year, was to vote for delegates who represented or were committed to a particular candidate or candidates. That is the plan the Stab favors. r The editor of the " Cincinnati unnmercidl has got bell-punch on the brain Cleveland Pant AnA dm tia heA i clearer than if he was milk-punch-ed in nomacn. inier-ucean. I i , ; , rLTnjt3'' v.; -Jw.v.t LJ1 if1 X-V -vv 1 v-iSS: - r -t 'V". v - y 'Ay - 7r-A 'rij A'f -ii" 'AY'-.'-- 1 K - v 1 ' ' '-' 1 ' '- . - u ) " . v- : r, ' ff ' ' vol:.9-.:.u - The Union PaciCa, Hill road is one of the two great road that have jirst been defeated itr their piaaby the vote of Jhe Senate inlfatfof'oTO ported by tfi tintionetre had i been r some JTXiradiog4io Washington reeenily HU Jtppartf td be !Ttogethef yirjtewof th6 open ; talk of l$e4bby istsj am? ihe past history f 5sr Pacitio m the bribiHg iyie;4 -J i&iia cw cernipg the operation ef Xhal roadiar the way of obtain tog Msufcsidies bavtf come io light, that ntili-the recent action 'of tlte " United Isfea Senate the raore commendable ana raUe$ a. serious - auspicion. againrt,, nearly all who voted for ;4ba roads an4 against the Judiciary billpfM It appears' from Sa re(ki f raade11 by the Union tacificrltaiitT tcSl3Ea jPepartiuifntib ajnnery extraordinary 'payments were mpde m 1876 and 1877.. The report has not been made public as yet, but a Washington special to the New Or leans Picayune gives - some of the figQres. For instance, Wm. E. Chan dler,the littlefellow from New Hamp shire, who tried to "sit down" on Hayes, received $12,000, ostensibly for fees as a lawyer. Then Shella barger and Wilson, who were mem bers of the House Committee that made the Credit Mobilier report No. 2, exposing the frauds of the two railroad monopolies, received $10,000. One Dillon gets $20,0000 reimburse him for sums paid out for legal ser- vice saia service unaersiooa w oe in the lobbying business of 1876 and 1877, and last, bat not least, $6,500 to James F. Wilson, of Iowa, for le gal services in Illinois and Iowa, paid on the 21st of March, 1877, being the time when Mr. . Wilson was a govern ment director over this very road. The special concludes: "These facts will soon come out and are bound to make a stir. There is no report of the lobby payments for this session, but they are supposed to be large. All the carpet baggers voted today with the rail road lobby. It was expected." . GHAUT. There is a growing conviction that Grant is the coming man. When the press of the country Bhall agree that he will be put in the race again it will be the surest way of accomplishing that end. That he can be elected will depend upon the virtue, intelli gence and spirit of the people. If they are forgetful of the past, and are willing that a bad, corrupt man shall again fill the Presidential chair, he may be elected. It is quite apparent that an active movement in his favor is already on foot. Every day or two we see his claims urged strongly by some newspaper that hitherto has not advocated his cause, f We do not know how many papers have thus far declared for Grant, but they probably are to be counted by scores. Mr. A. C. Buell, one of the most brilliant of Washington journalists, has written a long article on the po litical situation, in which he takes a gloomy view of the future, and prophecies evil for the country. He thinks we are to have repeated the crimes of the past that Grant will be nominated in 1880, and will be counted in and inaugurated. Here is the conclusion of the - whole mat ter, .according ; to this despondent journalist: "And -I have never been able to believe that a party which it took four years of desperate war to fix firmly in the seats of power is going to evacuate on any sucn iri fie as one day of unfavorable voting. ! look, for Grant to be inaugurated on the 4th of March. 1881. as the price of that peace, which is just as dear to Democratic millioaaries as it is to their Republican confreres. .The alternative ot Grant or revolution will be presented, and I dp not believe there is - revolutionary spirit-left in the country sufficient to prevent the tamest submission, to the alternative of the red- faced man who, whatever else may be said of him, certainly has the virtues of cou raee. of fidelity to his friends, and of con fidence in himself. All of which is more than can be said of any leader, or of any party, that will be opposed to bim.", . We do not share ' in these views. We believe a majority of th9 Ameri can people love liberty better than they do party, and prefer peace and prosperity: to another four or eight years of crime and violence and wrong. We believe, farther, that if Grant is beaten at the polls ) he will not . be "coanted in. We have, no idea that a bold, resolute, corrupt man, backed by scoundrels and conspirators, can overthrow our form of government without a.mighty, convulsion. , If a majority 1 of the (American ; people select another man at the' polls they will not be tamely pheated out of it. We do not believe Grant will be elect ed, and we do not believe that there will be d revolatibn. The man whd' WILMINGKTjQH, .lC.qIIU-n :APBIL 19, 1878. defeats the'great bundozer'wilt taWe' hisnsea!': So5 the'f people will ecfeef TlSC0 penning the above we have " -a'" ;'t'i 't' -Wi me, with an editorial in, the, Augusta Umpniele ibat, precisely reflects our. f iewsi-iThatTtble paper aay:li HXhg Mtonounced ' dread . ia that Grant; will ruaAd whether elected! or:ot, wUb take his seat: that the same builvior Dro- cesses.wiirbe adopted by the' Republican at in ana? mat. in case or aeieat,- iney will put their mak in power ptrfai et Jiefas? Npw wear inclined to doubt theconcJu aion reached by Mr, Buell that V Grahtf if ueaieo at me pons, win oe rreBiaeni oy an-" thorlty 4Df the bayonet, and that there iafioC VreyoiatioQary spirit' enough In the cpmhi try to thwart such a purpose. In any ven,. We prefer to encourage" the idea that! the; man defeated iff 1880 will earelf be inauw guratei in 1881. And.at the risk lojconflict mg with such sagacity , as -that fitMt seatedfbv1 forms';,Wu llrwtradbot -"by Ger4lrctfni3eh'fiheriqan' war d&nca Io.hlng could be more .-demoralizing thanj tpidebauch " public ppinibn .so far as' to create man of festiriy ' our'of General Graat, aod accustom the peopl tou regard their, 5wu bjeRt cowardice,,. )a bis, august EreseocQ, as a matter of factfWf have a eUef opinion of t61low;Cou6trymea than 10 euppostf f bey ca'be dragooned by Grant and his co-conspirators into slavish submission to loss of civic freedom. ; Nevertheless,- it must be conceded that grave danger exists for the future, both irom .Democratic mistakes ana itepuoncan desperatidn. It is ample time yet to avoid the bad effects of the one and to make the other keep the peace. If the Democrats nominate the right ; kind of man on the right kind of platform they will elect their President, and he will be inaugurated, Grant or no Grant." THE RUSSIAN CIBCITI.AK. The reply of Prince Gortscbakoff to the circular of the Marquis of Salisbury is a very adroit and able production. It does not, it appears to us, improve the situation in the least, although the able New. York World seem 8 to so Tegard it. It thinks it discovers a decided weaken ing on the part of Russia or, as it expresses it, "by a skilful combina tion of arguments and artillery Ger many and England are evidently win ning over the Russian government reason." it turtner says: "Prince Gcrtschakoflt's circular in reoly to Lord Salisbury is in the nature of what may be called a 'confession and avoid ance; and the Marquis of Salisbury may well smile at Mr. Gladstone's hot-headed abuse of him as a 'contentious; attorney I if be secures such a verdict as he now appears to be in a fair way of commanding for his country and the peace of Europe." : f j We cannot find in the text of the circular any grounds for concluding that Lord Salisbury has gained a vic tory because he formulated in a vig orous note the grievances of England.; The Russian statesman, in his reply, is conciliatory and deeply civil. It is an exceedingly well-bred document. It is frigidly poltte,and dashed with some very severe and courtly irony. iBut there is no backing down no yield ing of points. All through the doc ument it is manifest that Russia will hold on to what she has or will fight. The treaty will stand, or Russia will deliver battle. Bulgaria is to be garrisoned by Russian troops until it is organized into a Russian depen dency. Bessarabia is to be reclaimed; Turkey is to pay the full indemnity demanded, and Armenian fortresses are to be surrendered. The Phila delphia Times says: V "And for the most part sound arguments are presented for each of the revolutionary clauses in the Treaty of San Stefano. In the case - of Bessarabia, the most active cause of grievance, it is pointed out that the whole province may fall back into the Russian Empire without detriment to Eu ropean commerce, because now (as was not the case in the year 1856) the. mouth of the Danube is in the hands of an international commission pledged to govern the use of the river to tlie mutual advantage of all the Powers. This is a strong point, well taken, and - is on a par with the other reasons advancedsave those relating to Bulgaria for carrying into effect the Russian scheme. In his general review' of the situation Prince Gortschakoff clinches his argument by de nying the right of England to mtefere at this late day with the plans for the 'execu tion f which Russia has cleared the way at so great a cost to herself of money and of men; and he . draws attention to the opening that existed early in the war, or: before the war began, for England to join in ' making operative the reforms which Russia had in view, and so securing the right to - participate in any advantages therefrom to be derived. Id short. Prince Gortschakoff throws the burden of proof upon his opponents, and. places them in a position where they must bring evidence to show not that they are right, but that he ia wroog." p ' - ; What England will now do remains to be seen. f We incline still to the belief that there will be- no ! war. Whether England will consider war with Russia as too serious a matter to be engaged in without very great cause, or whether Germany, will arr range matters so as to prevent a final appeal to the sword, or how it will be brought about .we cannot pretend to sayj bat we still hope that matters may be adjustedand the curse of war avoided. - It ia .stated that the first effects of . Russia's reply in Lon-j don have been mollifying. JiVe hope this feeling will deepen.. , ;v , i Gold fell to one-quarter in New York. There now v Take a ; cent in your pocket and four dollars in green backs and go and buy four dollars in gold. That silver bill somehow did not drive all -thai gold out of the country after all. " an Ancrf dmc .'i.ataDBO. as aa evifda orTbfthi Card-' 1 ... . a- f " . .... t fiualteearj gislaV followed J!the! ample of New- lar. vote. , ITnder . tl . old Js' etn wneng1$IaUeted ; ike JdgesUba'Stat Jdiciar3WBofJi rloti JngW front Chariot te iZe mocrnt, itf wWi!bt apW wf tWt XifelrVilioflM proa pMse1 an aiQendrtten t CO'lbe Constitu tion reitoring,tlielet;otf Judge's' tbillie'LIgtoreJC Srtght to be'done. itecerlt deVepraepta' are quite enough . to make all reflecting, mea deairja a.change' feturji to, the vitttioos and pdre .ways j qE iour horlr oced . forefathersi,!: TheiWttsoofwd& ft vanc. in4aaeihe'Iur8 view, and says: , 1 s tt.-, The discreditable manner in which the preliminary canvass for candidates for Su preme Uourt judges has been conducted is an unanswerable argument in favor of electing Judges by the Legislature, as was the custom in this state before the war." The independency of the Judiciary is absolutely necessary to insure its parity. How can men be superior to the claims of friends and partisans, when they know their continuance in offiotf, or their election in the first place, is absolutely within their con trol. We have seen Judges in North Carolina deciding causes, not accord ing to law or equity, but according to party requirements and personal exigencies. We have seen the Jndi ciary stand appalled and paralyzed fairly and fully "exhausted" before the will of one man backed by a tyr rant and bull-dozer in Washington. We have seen men on the Supreme Court and- Superior Court' benches disgracing their office by debauchery and drunkenness. We have seen men clothed with the ermine of authority deciding as they were paid to decide. This and other disreputable conduct has marked the course of Judges since the "New North Carolina" came in. Give us back the old North Carolina of ' our fathers with its pu rity and decorum its public virtne and its high sense of honor. " If men are elected at the polls to wear the robes of ' jTtstioe-they are only too liable to be tempted and be trayed into partisan rulings. When the strife of politics is hot and un seemlywhen men are prone to say and do that which their calmer judg ment can never approve,raany Judges are too inclined to evil too peccable not to be influenced by their sur ronndings. There are,, of course, honorable exceptions.' There : are Judges who would die rather than assoil their garments. There 'are Judges, we rejoice to believe, who would never drink one drop of the cup of corruption to save their lives. The ! maintenance of private in tegrity and public justice is closely allied to the thorough" independency of the Judiciary. It is of the greatest importance to the public that the man who sits upon the Bench to dis pense justice should be removed as far as possible from "the ebbs and flows of partisan tides," and should not be placed in a position of the least embarrassment. Public senti ment should be pure enough to de mand unqualifiedly a pure and incor ruptible Judiciary. The way ; to secure this beyond all fair question is to return to the plan so long used in pur State w hen its Judiciary were equal to any in the land, and when English Judges were glad to fortify! their own convictions by the -opinions! of our highest Judiciary. Let j us then have a change.' "Let usgo back; to the good old paths. Let an amend ment be made to the Constitution, that henceforth there may be no such ' scenes repeated as those of the past, and no such disgusting wrangling and wire-pulling and defamation of char acter eh all mark our" history in the future as distinguish the present; I 1 meeting orcommlttee of IHaBlatratee . A majority of the Committee - appointed at the late meeting of. the : Magistrates of this county, with Justice J. N. ! Maffltt as Chairman; met at the office of . Dr. W. W. Harriss, J. P., yesterday; present, Justices Maffltt, Harriss and Grady. After consult ing together and agreeing td a report to be made at the regular meeting of the MagW trates on the 2nd day of May, ensuing, in reference to the duties of the Magistrates with regard to the . election law passed at the last session of the General Assembly, the Committee adjourned v'-. Daring the past5 two or ;three days there have been a large number of country people iq the city, mostly turpen-- tine, tar and timber Bellers, and business in consequence has been quite brisk, especir ally on tne wnarves. 'Ttk-4 n YorKanPnnsylVA'. 'iihfegafd to A. Probable inapoair. One Capt. W. H. Howard arrived In the city some lime during the, month of No vember1 last and reported that his vessel,' the Bchr. Fannie J.. : Vaughan, bad f been rmn intfi by the achr. Ira i).' Sturget some- whereoffj .he coast, and.sunk in five min utes, himself and . crew bavins narrowly escaped !with 5 their lives.' He stopped at tii'eBeamea Homeir aiid ! represented that his resldeAce' was in Georgetown, 8. C.,and Capk.GilberV of the Home, succeeded in getting; him free ; transportation to; that place' on the railroad. Nothing more was seen or beard of the man until about twelve days ago, whea he reappeared in this city and Bald .that he' nad secured another yes seli' the scbr.' -Wk&t Rock, 'then lying at some, point in South Carolina, and that he was trying to raiw , money enough to buy rigging c.,1 it being his intention to fit her out .here:;' Capt Gilbert and several: other gentlemen contributed what they could spare to assist htm, and soon afterwards be again disappeared. '. He1 next turned up at Beaufort, y in this. State, where, - at ' last accounts ecorcliog - Tto4resJoifc dent't'of ! one f!ot the .RaleigV'i papers be was representing lo the good people o that' towUhat bis schooner, the Fannie Jt Vaughan, had ' been! sunk on the ; 26th tf March, off Tybee, by a collision with ' the steamer Dictator, and that bis vessel and cargo'of old j iron, wreck stuff, &c , had proved a total loss; that he was bound at the time from Fernandina to New York, and that he was then trying to raise suffi cient money to take him to his home in Elizabeth CUy. From the many ; contra dictory stories told by the alleged Captain Howard there seems to be no doubt that he is an imposter, especially when, upon ex amination of the maritime registers, no such schooner as the Fannie J. Vaughan can be discovered, j Bain Hall. This city and vicinity was visited by a delightful shower yesterday afternoon, ac companied by thunder and lightning We learn from, passengers on the W. & ' W. Railroad, last evening, that the storm was quite a severe one further up the road, and that through Duplin and a portion of Pen der it was accompanied by a heavy fall of hail, the ground being almost literally co vered with it in some places. At Kenans ville it was reported that a horse was knocked down.by the force and severity of the hail storm. j .1 We learn from Captain Everett, of the Carolina Central Railway, that the hail storm between Lumberton acd Moss' Neck was terrific, the stones in some instances being as large as goose eggs. ' He also slates that for a distance of three miles be tween Moss Neck and Lumberton the ground was 'literally covered with hominy snow. The hail slot nt is also reported to have been very severe in the neighborhood of Flemington. -.- I m m The Telephone simplified Having heard it intimated that the tele phone at Fremont, which was claimed to have been in operation before the one in Wilmington, was not constructed exactly according to Hoyle," we inserted a! query in the Stab a few days since, to which a correspondent, "Fremont," responds as fol lowsr vWejanswer your query asito the telephone a Fremont, by saying! that we simply use .from two to three strands of shoe-thread, waxed and twisted, with each end attached to a small drum covered with sheep-skin tightly drawn. We run the thread through hangers made of strings, as insulators, attached to posts or sides of houses along which the line is stretched; and, while we boast aot of Edisoa'd Corben telephone, still we can easily hear the gentlest sound or words spoken a distance of two hundred yards or more, and can also hear conversation several feet from the drum not intended to be transmitted. We call' 8imolv bv eivioe one or more strokes upon the string, which readily attracts the attention of the party at the opposite end, by producing a.long vibration. A number of strings fastened to the main line and running into stores and dwellings, with small drums attached, does hot impair the sound. A half dozen persons or more can readily converse upon different subjects and are plainly understood, or, in short, can carry on a running, mixed conversation very distinctly. A Vleer Apeatolle to be Appointed. We see it stated that Rev, Father Keane, who has recentlv been anoointed BishoD of Richmond, 'was not appointed Vicar Apos tolic of North Carolina as well. Hitherto the two offices have been one, and GibbonB, up to the time of his acceptance of the Archbishopric of Baltimore, admin istered both. They have; however, been disconnected, and the. Vicar Apostolic of this Diocese is yet to be appointed, Unless, indeed, 'Father Jaussens, of Richmond, who was appointed to succeed Bishop Gib bons temporarily, shall hold over I in the charge of this Diocese. -BonM'AaeBKrrr'": i Mr 4 Thomas H. Stovall has received the appointment of Route Agent on the Caro lina Central Railway, between this city ana Charlotte, in place of Mr, W. R. j Porter, transferred to another route Mr. Stdvall went to Washington and secured the ap- Dointment through the influence of Hon, A. M. Waddell and others. He will no doubt make a good route agent. -i . , j ' - - WllnInKton Colombia Aacnata Railroad, v; ' We understand that under the foreclo sure proceedings- connected -with the Wil mington Columbia & Augusta Railroad , in the United States Circuit Court,Hon. R. R. Brigers, President of said road, ! has been annointed receiver dv juaee uona and we also' learn that Hon. D. L. Russel has been appointed Auditor of this road by the ams.omcial. jt,f J NO:.25.: A Narrow Escape. , , ,. . Capt. Kennedy, of the schooner Cala- loamteak. which i- arrived here yesterday morning from Rockport, Maine,' with ' a cargo of lime for Messrs.' Worth & Worth,' reports' that when off .Fry tag r Pan Sboats Light Ship, on the 6th inst, the vessel en-? countered a gale of wind which threw her on her beams-end, and while, in " that posif lion ' the 'water cbmmunicared-i'with j the Ime in the hpldrausing it to. take flrej As soon as possible after the vessel righted ail the openings .to the s vessel were: tightly sealed so as to exclude the; air, alt . band? remaining on deck during the remainder of the time until the Vessel ' reached ; port, a barrel of flour being the only '; article ,pf J provisions secured upon which to subsist in the. meantime. ! ; The vessel paw; Jies' an chored in the stream', by directions, ef j, lhe Harbor Master, wnere sue will remain until to-morrow, when the batches will loe Opened and: her condition examined Into. Capt. Kennedy ia confident jthakuthe-nre, has been effectually smothered. . .' b .. Admitted to Bail. , L... fcn'-.U - -. i Mr. John Quincy Ad.'ms, of. Robeson couniy, arrivea nere yebi vtay v era com mitment' from U.'S.' Commfssiooerullariij of that coanlV,' ch'aried wili Violating iHe internal revenue laws. ' He' Vast atoiHted to bail by TJ.' S. CommisBioaifcr McQtiiggi of this city, in the sum of $500, for his ap pearance at the approaching . term of the U. 8. District Court, which will convene in this place on the 29th inst. j - Hurled to Instant Deatb. rSpecial Dispatch to Washington PosLT , Sybacuse, N. Y., April' 10. A' horrible accident; occurred at East Syracuse this morning, resulting in the death of a lady named Murphy, aged forty-live, of Ulyde, JN. Y., and her niece, Miss Nellie Brossel, aged eighteen, of Saline, N. Y. The De Witt special tram was late in arriving at East Syracuse and a flying shift was made from track .No.! 1. to track No. 3. The unfortunate ladies got off the train and, started across the passenger track No. 2. Jast at this time the second mail train from the East with double header came along at a frightful speed. I he engineer blew his whistle and Miss Brossel suddenly became aware of her dan ger. A quick movement on- her part would have saved her- life, but her aunt was ahead of her, between the rails, and the brave girl, j forgetting herself, rushed to her aunt's rescue and seizing her by the arm endeavored to pull her from the track.: Ihe en gine struck them both, hurling them into the air a distance of nearly one hundred feet, and they both fell a mangled mass of flesh and bones, Christian Cnarltles. Rev. Dr. Deems, in Frank Leslie's Sunday Magazine tor May. Nothing can be done without money. The use of money lies in its being a representation of real values. Christianity does not need money for any other purpose, than to purchase what is absolutely necessary bread, clothing, shelter, training places and working places for her workers. But, as she must have all these, and these cannot be obtained without money, sne must nave money, it requires very much skill and great Christian prudence to obtain the requisite funds without really doing more dam age than the funds can enable the Church to do good. f One of the most melancholy as pects of the modern Christian Church is seen from the financial-side. Chris tians profess i that all they have be longs to the jLord: that "it is more blessed to give than to receive;" that they are to be "ready to distribute, willing to communicate," and yet'ap-i peals made to them are addressed to some weak spot in their characters, rather than to the consciences. A man's pride or . vanity, . br personal ambition, or sectarian or local parti sanship, must be appealed to. Men must be collected in masses, and ha rangued and tickled, and otherwise manipulated, to extract from them a portion of that which they -should have voluntarily given. Tne " speak ers on such vooca8ions are selected particularly with reference to their ability to so agitate the audience as to sucte the money out. ; TbelSontn and the European Sltna , j..'" tion. Baltimore Sun ; - Southern members view with much anxiety the threatening situation in ILurope, beoause, as they say, it would be much against the interests of. their section, if war ' should ensue between England and Russia. - In case of war the European market for the great staple of the boutb, cotton, would to a large' extent' be shut off, while the demand for breadstuff s, of which: the ' South' is also a :- buyer, would be vastly increased. On the other hand, the Western people are rather hopeful of war, as tending to open a profitable outlet for their sur plus products ;. . - Slttlna Bull as a Literary Cose.' i R. D. Clarke, TJ. Smarmy, sends to the President copies of a number of the writings of Sitting . Bull, includ ing intercepted letters and some- of his poema, They show that the war-' rior is not the untutored savage he is generally supposed : to ,be. One of his letters to Father Frene, the Cath olio missionary, is in French, and an other to (Jhief Joseph is lnXatin- lranslalions j of . both are lurnished The letter to Joseph is from the "Camp Beyond the Boundary Line," or m Latin, ruastris Imns Termv nos." -'--, . It costs . $50,000 per; annum to Keep a British Iron-clad in repair. - sixteen convictions up to dale in the Fed- erat Court, and. three acquittals. Thirty tew bills of indictment have been found. The suit of the Bank of - Mecklenburg vs, heirs of Thos " Tate has been compro mised.? ' It is.; said ? by some persons that Judge Tourgee did not write that let ter for which Judge Fowle attacked him in Raleigh. ) ' ' - - " Sajisbury Watchman: Hon: W. N. H. Smith stands in the front rauk in this section for Chief Justice. - Give us Judges with State reputation. It is a safe rule,' and will rebuild the solid charac ter or our Judiciary.s. Few are aware of .the -extend pfthe-oil business 'in this county. .jFour firms in Salisbury shipped during tue year 1877, 32,202 pounds of sas safras, and 1.350 Dounds of oennvrovaloil. Averaging the sassafras at 35 cents per. pound, we have tlLS70.70: the Dennvroral at 85 cents, we have ' f 1,147.59 making a total of f 12,418 20. . , , : r- Sajem iVew: Oa April Vtbhir- teen persona; oioe bv confirmation anil fuur by baptisnd: were received into full commu nicant membership of the Moravian r cunr gregatipo at Friedburg." - , There arc twenty Metbodistcburcfaes in Forsyth coun ty.i -8.LTJujckev:7enort hia neaeh trees yet aafe from trostr with tbe excep- , tion of tbose .in the. ! low land - Oh Thursday evening of last r week, - after re cess,' Eagle Hill school house, ia Davidson county, was borate with ; alt the contents, books, furniture, slates, &aL It was a pleasant day and the several, places of wor ship (seven in number) were Well filled J oo Sunday, -sno ; 'r-'.i .lv-..-, t -Tarb oro Southerner: The followi ing tobacco blockadersr were arrested and iakcq yeiore- a u. -.D TKmjs.w,r-M Greenville, JC C. : DMJtoberfBi-of Gran- tue . county, in .Tarbpeo Jail jn .default t banl'BL- A' Bullock bt GranvHIe.irave baiU--4sCox";or Alabama.' gave bair. This loekade bu8ine8r:ia' a ".fraud, on honest dealexstipoT e are glad tonote the efficien cy of M'Zoeller and' his determination to break It up. v; - On Tuesday last Jack Bryan, a fisherman at Washington, caught 1 a sturgeon that weighed 250 pounds' and irom wnicD iuu pounds or roe were, taken. In February, 8 white and 18 colored couples were married; in March,- 5 white and 14 colored couples. : " Goldsboro Messenger : The De mocratic press of Eastern North Carolina, mat is, east of . Kaieign,- is unanimous for Chief Justice Smith, with the exception of the Weldon Nem, and perhaps one other paper. .In addition to papers already men tioned by us. the Beaufort Atlantic. : the Fayetteville Gazette and the Louisburg limes bave declared for the present worthy Chief Justice j The Directors of the colored Insane Asylum met here yesterday. Col. E. R. Liles, having resigned, was not present. We understand that Col. H. B. Snort has been appointed in his stead. We are glad to be able to state that so far the. prospects for an abundance of fruit and , vegetables this season are highly .en- couraging in this section. .. . . Raleigh News: Our newsboy on the N. C. R. R. reports that on vesterdav afternoon,, as the ; western . bound train passed Clayton," Johnston county, a very severe hail storm broke over the town, do- i j 1 1 . . . . ing cunsiueraoio. uamage'in me way ol breaking windows, &c. ' Persons who were so unlucky as to be out of doors at the time of the storm, were compelled to seek immediate shelter to keep from being in jured by the stones, which were very large. - A man named r lannagan was run over and killed by -the construction train at Monroe . this morning. : Since . receiving this intelligence we learn that after the ac cident Mr. Flannaean said that he was from Raleigh, and that his occupation was that of a school teacher. He died in thirtv minutes after the accident. Milton - Chronicle: The public schools in this School District have not oeen wortu a cent in tne last tea years. They are a disgrace to the State and the county; Nor do we believe that $200 have been paid for the public instruction of nunc wuuicu iu kuia luvu BUU TIUlDliy 111 three years. Ruffln in the interior, Howard in the east, and Schenck in the west, are our choice for the Supreme Court. - It is even sol we are still wearing our old clothes and keeping the same company we Kepi oeiore we were recommended for a seat in the Legislature. Don't think we shall cut the acquaintance of any one. On Tuesday evening the Court took a short recess to give the people an opportu- - i i ji -i . . nuy io noia a rauroaa meeting, in wnicn we are glad to see our Person . friends are taking interest in earnest They mean busi ness, and that'sMbe music we want them to dance to.. J : . . .Winston 'Sentinel: Gen.J John T. Wilder, of Chattanooga, Tenn., reports that Gen. A. Pardee and his associates have resolved to build a narrow gauge railroad from Johnson City, Tens., to the Cranberry Iron Works, in Mitchell county, N. C, a distance of thirty miles, touching the great magnetic iron ore region. We learn from some of our best farmers that they will not put in as much tobacco as usual this season,! but will try to make what they raise better, and make up in quantity. - There will be a considera ble falling off in the use of fertilizers through this section this season. Dealers estimate' that there will be from thirty three to fifty per cent, decrease in their sales. : Some of our citizens who think that the town might as well derive a revenue of $1,000 or $1,500 from licensed bar rooms, as to have liquor sold without- license, are talking of getting up a " wet' ticket," We regret to learn than F. ' W. Reese, Esq.; near Booneville, Yadkin county, lost his dwelling house and most of his house hold goods by fire on Tuesday night of last week.- The fire is supposed to have caught from the kitchen stove. Loss about $2,000. Wi W. Farrow, a printer from -Abbeville, S. C., died in this place on Friday of last week, of consumption. He was buried on last Sunday with Masonic honors. Deputy Sheriff Wm. A. Morris, a resident of Middle Fork township, died on Sunday morning of cancer, aged about fifty-three years. ', .... -, ,,-r . : Raleigh News : Mr. B. W. Starke, Manager of the Western Union Telegraph Company in this city, has re ceived a telephone. , The law class of Judge Strong now - numbers twenty-three. Sheriff J, 0. Gnffitb, of Caswell coun ty, brought down three prisoner, all con victed of larceny; Ned Love, ten years; Dowd Farmer and Joseph Whitefield, two roariAQph U. Wm T?no nf t Vi o AT C. ''Fish 'Commission,' arrived from - the Hatchery af Avoca yesterday, with 100,000 shad, which he placed in the Neuse at Mc Pheeter's Oil Mills, about ten miles from this city. Hon. A. S. Mcrrimon, his wife and daughter, returned from Wash iqgton City yesterday evening. Lieu tenant Governor Jarvis is at the bedside ef his dying father, ia Currituck county. Twenty five thousand dollars worth of 'fish bave been shipped this season from Washington," N. C, over the new James ville and, Washington B. Li. - It seems to be now the prevailing opinion that Jno. B. Grctter, of Greensboro, is the author of the VC" letters, particularly of the last one. Governor Vance made requisition on the Governor of Virginia for two fugitives from justice.- .vr-H Major J. M; Blair, fer merly ol the Yarborough House, is now clerk of the Bowden House at Salisbury, CoL-, C. S. Brown,, proprietor. The authorities of the Slate peniten tiary will discharge to-day John Williams, white, convicted: of -larceny in Forsyth county, and sentenced May 14th, 1877. He is 19 years old, 5 feet 8 inches 1 high, has blue eyes and light hair, - and weighed, when admitted, 160 pounds.