: - i - .--".. "-'V,".- .---.l Bttawaaadi Wt6afiii - v asanas. .afiNcaittoiafe f-Bir-irB'ir'n'ir 'i TniWrnnm.fi fi ibtimit I ryTi ' $1 .50 & Tear, In 'advance; , i -i i gg38S8S88S88S888 . , , 88S888888888S88S8 -- "18SSSSSS88Ssisisis ' 'Ij!".'. " 1.8888888888888,8888, 3 - 8888SSS8S82888888- 8S88SS888S8888888 5 8S88P888SS88888S8' . .ok. d 88888888888888888 a k-,i , " , . ' :Li.. .;.. . . ! - i ' j, . ; ,U: . . . . f . -. j " g-j ; Subscription " Price. ;;,:- . . - - ; t-ja .-- t- The subset: tic i pri ce ot the Wbtck ly Star is as follows : ; i"y -. . . Single Copy 1 yearj postage paid, $1.50 " 6 months. " . . !" 1.00 - . " 3 i " " -4 .50 THK ELECTION OF JUDGES. The Raleigh Observer does "not altogether agree" with the views of the Star as to the election of Judges, by the Legislature It says:! ,'t'''iJ1'' "The trouble about Judges is not io the manner of election, but in their tenure of office. ' The people are quite as capable of electing Judges, as the - members of the Legislature. We j incline to the opinion that the people are the more proper electors, and we have seen 'nothing- in the: canvass now in progress to shake that opinion. The canvass, it is true,1 has sot been free from some features that might well have . been spared, but in I no respect i has it equalled in t bitterness, , or J at ' all compared in discreditable exhibitions with elections by the Legislature of North Carolina, j The ' greatest' Judges who have made illustrious: the j English Beach took their seats upon 1 it as the re ward of infamous political or personal ser vices to the Sovereign. As great a Judge as ever sat upon the Bench of any j country became Chief Justice of the United States io consequence of an .act which the great majority of the people of Ametica held to be Infamous. Within our recollection, and we think our brother of the Star is not younger than we, a seat . upon the Superior Court Bench and another upon the Supreme Court Bench were bought of the North Carolina Legislature wilh whiskey, and it was not done in a corner, but known of all men. lhe names of the buying Judges. are held in highest esteem throughout North Carolina.": ! I" - " " . : j - I - - - -: We do not think these or a dozen instances would prove that the; Judges who. are toj try the causes of the peo pie should jbe elected by thepeople. New York has given that plan a very thorough trial, aud the papers of that State have from time to lime made sornet fearful revelations of the cor ruption and incapacity of the men whom the people raised to the Bench by their suffrages. Some men elected by disreputable agencies may have so borne themselves afterwards as to se- eure the confidence and approval of j i it ' their fellow men, but as. a general ' rule it is not well to subject men to great temptations or place them iu a condition of dependency. The late Judge Gilliam preferred to continue his ride into the night when from one court lo another, going and to thus separate himself, from the com panionship of some lawyers 'with whom he was travelling, rather lhan - i .- . ' . j , spend the night , with a gentleman of fortune who lived on the road and who bad a case in the Court the. Judge was about to bold. lie so held his honor dear that he could not bear to place himself, in a position ' that would " author ize the tongue of the slanderer to wag the least in! his dispraise. The Judge who has to look to the people for election, unless! he be exceedingly self-respecting and scrupulous, . will be in danger, to say the least,' of de scending to those acts and arts that win popular favor and secure cheap applause. We ought to have men on the bench who are the soul of. honor, who : 'H.;--v '-- -yv ' -- Would not flatter Neptune for bis trident; . Or Jove for his power to thuoder."" We have noticed that both the Pe tersburg Index Appeal and Post have not been favorably impressed with what has - thus .far oc-, curred in .our Judicial campaign If we had no other reason - for preferring the election of Judges by the Legislature, just what has oc curred would satisfy us tha,t a change would be beneficial and becoming. 1 he washing of . dirty linen j before the public gaze1 is not calculated ' to increase the respect ; and , confidence of the sovereigns, or to make them regard with satisfaction "the personal cleanliness of the wearers of said lief ore the carpet-baggers changed tbemodeof electing Judges, North Carolina bad a. very pure ahd'ad-; rairable Judiciary. It can do no harm to return to a mode that worked -.-ii . " ' i- - : ' i wu both to the wearers of the ermine and to the people a,t; large! .,1 1 rrr,rTTT" vol; 9, 1 But tiuned that, the 'Mre. of a of9 Bhpnd .bej for ItfeJ ii HTf y-j.fj ,ow,i made, for ."ijiiiti tnotjriaie juunpieftsampo'yd jjastd ; 'if the present platris'to be xjdn-M thb thi.i.piincii ail" inocsD. . w'e aUreel wiihwth'e'. OWbW Tfie Aueusta 'Chronicle sava' tt Js ,pEo8ietfs eyP, fighUnginbia ahV: sieves rat Wha boiLxaitforeverybody lae .to mov& 'SWrjifei 'i3,rV beyt inotiftm Th4ibeBi wounaea. ue lounni ob ttie JSorth- kr.irg'r . k - Uutier who la m&fihwMticV. a'HWChlestiod'Chic TA 1 L ' tt ik-t IT 1- pf course Butler dit) -tiot eare ka eix :T' l i' riAr. (. . 'Jtit(!illf f greaa some yaw ago altbpngb tea bv over three thousand frtaioritvii RhioUa ; o -na,Wi h r : " u j m 1 xuiuui ig vcuiuviaiu juuiiic4. uicto- i iy wantea to annoy tne uemocrats ana i pence ioronicias, lorue naa ; voted l wii' WheTJ it Vra&Vitja - qon; kin6'? worKH' disarrange their . .plana. The liepub: laws are7 discovered that will insure a Bold $400,000 at 100J, -and Kepler f& a large and ieatbiuiutic meetieg of the amount of English 4nd' Cana'dian : mo ticansyoted wilh him iir anpportof faithful colteciibn' of the tax all over bancton got rid of ; $750,000 at lOOfi Democratic voters of .the- Fifth .Ward inhere Jney,1 besides about $1,700 in Uled Shields; but the Detjiocratabad'VheiF i-,- -i" ?-,t :---,a si;. I ir n iiiajiv pwp ,mannana elected hurt an; exvJ Confederate General The ; Demo prats really wished to ' provide the1 old" Vot di6f, viiow poor 1 and j ' for theoldsbtdieVopoor' and'dis-' tressedau ifley; prpppsed .tq, put him.oni.the (retired list; of ithej armyj Tkuii't; in ii dMiHWiiiSw li a, i 1 i Lj I J - . . o . t ' t . I most good faith. T hey appreciatea j the courage and public services, of i courage ana public services Gen. Shields; who had been twice, we believe1, IT.' S. Senator as1 well as a hero in two kn in "I mA noa "l I n AFa nroa n n ui o. auvau ir.aa 4JV i clap-trap ,io the emocrate mpva-: menu: But. this did not suit the RadV icals. They could 1 not checkmate their opponents by4 gi ving the pld sbl dier something to fake care of hm, the few : years that remained of hia already advanced life, so Senator Sar sent steps forth with ; his motion to i rv : L -m r '" j; ' 1 i ; nut uiaut. ivnuauiw auu suiug nuuni. others on the list with Shields. This turns the whole matter into burlesque, and leaves the ' "Union r soldier unpro vided for. Tbe j whole, . transaction shows what little sincerity there is in party tactics how little the Repub licans care for a veteran' who carries ounces of lead iu his body, and who is forced to pawn some of the swords that were presented him in order to get bread when hungry. ELIZABETH. Mrs. TiltonVTetfer "will , have the effect of confirming public judgment as to the guilt of Beecher. His friends, who have heretof6re resisted ail the evidence '-that, ;waa against him, will no, doubt sontinue to stand by him and to swear i that he:: i8 an innocent and peraecute 'mraii.'i IBat we suppose,' ninety :hine out of s every , hundred will coqclade that Elizabeth, must know, whereof she affirms, and that Henry Ward is" a' ' very corrupt and imbure man.' whb is daily betiur- ing , himself ypri'jG'IQT, Lone ago his own.brother and aister r " ZZ trwgrasion. ..The ludex-Appml : believed he waa guilty "of the ! great i t' . i , . S - ' t j-'-'t iii '('i!'! .i Mil.l takes this yiew which in, many par. tioulars isthe correct; one, 16, appearalj to US: r" " ;if,t' '.fl 'i'-i!n'y!j'-i' n j-.. TheBeecherites' Will saifr 'we suppos'e,' that Elizabeth has again1 fallen under 1 the influence other hUablnd. Those who be lieve Beecher's guilt will say truly that his denial signifies nothing one way or another. The great scandal is just where it stood bev fore, except mat ueecnera paonciniiuence Bad sundiag, that have I long been decays ing, will be further wounded ; by t the ; late disclosures! It isa pit. that the misery has been revived, aodwe trust, this its , last appearance will be too brief to add any thing more to the public demoralization and the disgust of all rightly-constituted minds." As'was' to be 'etpectedtbe'bpem ot the nastiness causes a vast deal of talk" in New York,; Brooklyn: and Lhrouhout the Nbrthi' ' The New Tork correspondent ioiTme!ihiiade,-. J)hia Ledger writes on-the 16th: ,: Mre:1TiItoii'i latest' Confession is the Subject of a great1 deal 'of talk, 'and almost' everybody one meets has something to say about it. As to its effect on the public mind, it seed only be observed that it but strengthens the convictions of those who be fore believed Beecher to be guilty. At the same time it conclusively proves him an in nocent man iu minds that never for a mo-" inent thought he waataMama. That it places the Plymouth" Church people la a very embarrassing situation, h however, there Is no . question. . Mrs. Tiltoa, i .being a member of 'the congregation, la good, standing, the brethren have no alternative but to bring her accusation before the pro per tribunal, in which case they mupt either, turn her out, or adroit,. that there .must be something in her confessiod. In either case an unpleasant add' "difficult task is before: Ibem and bow they propose to discharge it remains to be seen.. The whole, thing is an intolerable nuisance, and it was hoped that the public had got rid of it, fThe pas mi' ta amected from Waveriy this evening; and at the Friday night lecture there will, no dohbti be some indications of . the i 'line of, policy ,be intends to adop.fiY' -i f From late riewrjiv Havana it appears that some of. theMnsurgent chief a have refused to' surrender, iitf & that-active operations! wmi buuu-j gin against thems i 'J.tH! 1I9U haw m )i 1 -:r?irwfMmw ?ejm Vbat.the .Georgia; Lgisjatn ItbWijntftaiiii,-Notr wittjsomii the! trtduUondf th&(belptt6h3aai Moffett are confes8e4ly,9agWat kbat fromi Boston to Newi OrleahB, ilRjff rret julkt willha tned in any I States an dn cities-possibly iri iiiallvbe1 bo" perfected i ui D.i. I uub cuauic u unui u uuauua ,u am lcuuci d- . ' r .. u ; nriiar nwtiAra to AVfila me navmeni .1 of tiht ! tar., and whu the necessarv 1 late tneV iiideedwiir it worV strflr. i Hera, .. .ii Mf , . .. WejiotiQe the, Virguiia papers say khat the machine used is liable to get hat the machine used is liable to get phtf ordfer The ifwocA,: We think 1 it was, said tbat the receipts in many .'i-A A:s-7t: 'Li-.s J places in Yirginia have .diminished be 7ir iu4 .f.'v''v-,-,i i:i:vjt:Ja-ti nan aa rtfiViia fant.. ."Drinlrintr wpnt. nn v 0 I and the bibulous persons paid the tax, I but the5 Register failed to record the umber. ; We have no doubt a more erfect instrument will be found as he exigencies arise. The Chronicle remarks as to ; its benefit to Georgia tf inTlfoduced ; , ,"On a moderate calculation, such a tax on malt and alcoholic liquors as that levied in Virginia half a cent per drink on the former and two and a half cents per drink bn the latter would r yield at least seven hundred thousand dollars, .per. annum, a knm Ihai'nnnM rv Hb neariv tntproot nn the-entire principalof the public debt. If htt r i . . .v o. . th nrnpiuuli nr tmh a Tar rnn n n an- uudu w wo umiw uuiuueso w I government, the rate of taxation could be reduced neany nuy per cem. It should be introduced as soon as Possible in every citvl . and town in Ix. . v' wi Lite couuirv. lb wuuiu duuii cuauio irwcula soon borporationa,to reduce their,, debts, and the necessary improvements al ways needed could be successfully made without any additional tax to those who bear the burdens; nay, it Would enable the municipal authori ties to very greatly reduce the taxes. The Chronicle has this view: r ! "The Macon Telegraph thinks the punch could be used to advantage in the cities of the State in paying off municipal indebted ness and defraying the expenses of muni cipal government. ,We shall , not be sur prisea to see the scheme put in operation in most of the cities and towns, of Georgia. If M opted in Augusta, the Moffett machine would vield an annual revenue of probably thirty or forty thousand dollars,or enough lo pay the annual interest on one-half of the (city's bonded, debt. .Tbe present license tax on retail liquor dealers is, like all license taxes, unequal and unjust, because the smallest dealer is compelled to pay just as much tax as thel largest, and many of lhe liquor .men. would doubtless be glad to have the. punch put in operation. The ex perience of "Virginia seems to show that the Moffett law! furnishes a cheap and easy inethod of raisioir revenue and a number of l States and cities are inclined jto giye it a 1 F'- UTh.iBoairofTrh.h.l..Panoh jjorUl" C.fon,:UoKrf rame , . intA IYI Sm T I n I n fl XTn Ifl TQlua i a t .t -A 1 A,M o ucntru iiuui l ia w that all of ihe5r hirh anticinatibns - , . , F , . tub GO LI: TUMBLE AND n N ESS O CTIiOOK. BCSI j t.;The Iew York Eerald, of Sunday, itakes' this'.'Vie'w. of the condition of ! "4l " U. rWlK I" 17f J ithe country; .vh "The'-finknciar situation has changed since Mr. Sherman made tract witn tne csynatcate. ana ine on cold has dropped to a paltry per cent. Witn tms out or tne way, ana ft AV A IL. AxInirfA r S aUU A a wU'J'm J WV V aa wva va avuvb -w U ? la. . aaMW tlKAnO aft a A Idise into money, and many millions are added to the ctifrency of the; country. Un der this .inflation an inflation founded upon solid values, and hot upon ! mises topay an important 1 aa van ce descrrptions of property would 6eem inevitable." When we' remember ithat the ex Pebruary 'the f domestic exports ag- gregated $65,000,000,, gold valuation, itj ' would Beenr that there h is good ground for encouragement.. It be gins '-really to lookYas if the lowest rung in the ladder had been reached, land that we arebejgjnnujg to ascend, if slowly! f' J5 -. '- " - i 3 j The, New . York. Jtulletin-r& stand ard-paper on 'finance-in ;Monday kst i baa ; an article hbwHhe disappearance premium will expand the the country. TeUet of the strongest opponents of the Sil- ;vet,.biland1dngh po;obtiw advocates tvaet rot' tooisr ana scoun- drels, withotitoMnbiriion'esty'dt asea. " irroDaDiir ;. ironi iweniy io ri :r',rMT, j. n.A...t,k.AkiAJ I " uu """""""'j wTJSi ..f i 'apnnr.d i be , happy and prosperous , in their J11 -w . ,- .. . . . . . . .. lowonTMwiw uitiiuHuuig iw i i. n I(j whiph show th TTT-,. .l.t J:. had anH far auratr hnma amoncr I .. . ..... a . . fnaVO D6en reCeiVCU, WUICB 8UOW VU ! t.".wffl. i 4w. ; ... ; "V;. u,a9 MWf?V;P. i I ! m 'the acreage is- nearly SO per cenroua plan oi"raising the wind." strangers, vve can out Deiieve mat j,;-. m- T. .! ;i ,i ereater than'last year: that Wbbn i - su'l ' their adventure is a hazardous One. ,. rrMiri, Hitinn and TVirtH'VftT irnnrtTtH foi thi1l9tleiffht I iibjithshb Courier says' happily maintain' and J exteud-Preshyterlanism , The ropean3 armiea,. embrace 7 incteasbbrover$12,500,000 oyer the and truthfully: , t ambng ihe 'dolored people bf our city.- s ingri aame:;:monUa;fo . "The Southern people, therefore, look Members of Pbytery WilFepy the .strength.; f. . i, . . : y rr1 . jr.- i Jifcif I- 11 WW Aii U lln.V'ii 1 1 he tumble in gold has dpsef all their I alctilaqns; !ana now the ,yery:depi;e- biatiotFor diaappefrance, ofuhrf gold blenlnlslabija' gfJIfijii, he '-conntrt io expandiasHh firten j I poi' wuicn. ft i esumaiea i neia in-vtee i (rvbore country 'Has iur ine; last Bixteetr i ireara . heea active as mQoeyM Bv far Abe larger part fully three-flfths has simply, j peen mn anrcieoimercuaourec, ana ussuco l It has bad to be carried the Bame aa an v,J bominodlty. Wbetf the present slight dif-! reteaee between eerd dollars and leealte&-in si i- ' j j ' j .1 it; ikj fJil alatfoo, and thia ltl caua uchl an eitl sanaion iu : amount as has not .beeoiseen since the war closed.'and such in quality asl as noi oeeo nown io iuia ounrry j niiunitan nl lha heirinninif nf- t ha -mar n I lhe low pri.goia haa caa me of JNewrkbfokersi to I ih hnaviAat hrnlrnra von t.h larnat U. - iii 'i.;..8..-Lk'i , - w w , . -t scuci auu mat wu wucu ii was tci y i nearly at par. Kutus ttatch m i Syndicate are -Mid l I. . j . , . iiave oeen ooin ouyera ana seuemaa loot- buh it j The JSew York correspondent of j The New York correspondent' of the Philadelphia Ledger, an j exceedT- htha naAlr tha nMminm will- hATA nififtn peared in toto. Just now there is really no use for gold, except to pay .duties on im ports, and u the banks and treasury, were tto announce that they would pay their ob ligations in that coin to-morrow, it is be-, lieved that scarcely anybody 1 holding a" greenback or national bank note would care ' io maae lao eicuange. , . i ' '-. ' ; II Now Ihere is causa for gratulation and hope in all this. We must :be-( . r . . . i i s. i -'I Jieve that before very long a health-, IPricea must advauce, we should say. The depressing "condition of I afEairs hthat began iu 1873 has surely lasted; htonz enoucn, ,jana u is nigmituie 1. . a- ?. - i there was a change. GEORGE E. BADGER. ! V.vcn thnntrh the Wilminirton 8tak "for some reason or other don't like" the Herald, the Herald likes it. and finds much to en joy in its newsy and lively columns. We wnnl l.n ..1 a A In ftllKlUll AntlPA A PaTIIIv niscence" from the Star of 11th lost., v for a more elegantly conceived or ' gracefully written tribute to North Carolina's greatest and most illustrious SenatoV, George Ed mund "Badger, we have never seen. His picture bangs before us as we write; we i J L.. in uvc:"""'T' " . "aresedt read, when we shall have passed away, the article from the STAB,because, partly, it so fully and beautifully expresses our own-estimate - of . the great Senator. Wadetboro Herald, f " '" ' "''p ' : Well, after that "gushing" conv- pliment, the Stab will have to give up its dislikes if it has any. We now propose to our brother of the raW to forget any past differences,! stand shoulder to shoulder in th campaign before us, and illustrate henceforth the beauty of editorial fellowship. "Better is a dinner or" herbs where love is, than a stalled bx and hatred therewith." " ' : ' THE. BEGINNING OF AN BXODDI, At last two hundred colored i peo Plo are off for Liberia; Ifrom CharleBton,.nd They sailed I 11UU1 VJUtftl ICOlUU.ailU HO nuuiaiUVlH7 MOi; .w w'Will of them1 will "w a . and we fear that scores perish before any hav prosper. We have from time va those who think unkindly of the col ored people. We have been rearec ored people. We have been reared , . . ,. a I .1 ? 3 in their midst and are not unfamiliar ui-mmsv condition, j with their character and . , ... j- : ,i h, i gent people feel only, k.e .nd .1 t .1 Ao tkn rH...lXail upon these dusky emigrants with kindly, compassion. They were once our slaves; they are now, before the law, our equals? But the South remembers , their natural good-heartedness, their simplicity, ' and, above all, tneir sublime naemy auring dark and bloody days wnen me wnue of the South were in the lore-iront tie.' and our women and children at were committed to the keeping bf the ble African slave. Botha Bouthern peo ple wish the emigrants, most , sincerely, The colored people have indeed donei a n1 !n mntinir tha SmifhtoKkf iu is. Aies mem "CITuu't; I industrious, sober and honest, they t laices ihiseneenni view, wtucnroay ! r 'Tontunariesflt,waerejniB isf cargo j ffind'niyih )e qmte correflU eimmffiB. aTSSr i own PWMnlpft 1 -ino-lv cautions writer, hv .tha,.wav:Jinentofflcerjs declared ini braer,, when, the !, r .1 rT rf 7 ,..-j.i,-r?-v,-Trw ' - -. : -' rnouse or, riepresentauvesoi ioii,. . , ; followwe Permanent pfflsers were -elected: I :-Jjy-J'2 ir. -i- rrMifiHniw. I- r i iki uv. , j ... . . . tin , . , . - ; . "It is believed that before the end of ao f ! n h -i7, T 'i i TfiirnZ-rrt,: .lis I , ; 1j (lnat ttre ' Dan Krupt raw,1 time expressea our conviction mat jas. , A. Cbtesfield.. . of Greensboro The 20 per cent.' or tne Old crop off nana.; tie, or tno !ai; univeriaiy,, cwmpuiu v.t .i L; ,r . . , lu!?:-te?f v . -J-'ii'-i'ir"t.;J1 F j r. , I hv Prnf A. iR. Tedoux. of the Chemical greatly an exoaus ot the coiorea people irom morjungana 1 Controf 8(auoni8lted the Graded School his con-"- the South was unwise and, therefore, , Plea in neanng - reporr.. w commute. ;1 has1 written yeaterdayv They were shown tbe workings premium, . , r A There wata short8 teasfon lte the eveoincV . . 9 P D?;H ' of h the institution.-, and, expressed their quarter ue ueprecawu. vv e .","' " a Uf :bhS,h ; ih, tlrtaad D0O1C upon tne armies or me woriu. Dieasnre at the capability of the instructors I a m a a -.- ' I ft ' VaUV WWWW w - w i ; , TT . 1 . - 1 1 1 : a. 4 A.. M4 I ' a ' ;t its; issue: of bid cm, with one voice, God-speed M ASlCTexasV aredW have been sheard; from,, an nnmnioto pnnppaa in inftir unnerLaEinir ana i w.o inrma.iir a oa inv tusnier u i "rrr's r"-j -r nr- ..-.it! r- rrj; i owuub,i , --- cr to show ; The opinion of the wisest and aost the WirJ Sheftithe to Newark about "ever,WUi pe- j, r A EfsoL ipToducedln Shelby yesterday by. the dis- of the gold respected man of-theirj-ace is given two month ago epecwng io gam. m i . , ;.. of h. pe.t iaiiiea.f r . f covery that a, young wjylw,ma, i.' 6 r , . . . r . i: kvj i.ts.riAri a. , hnt hnnn 1 Oii iVrmi. l 1 .u i. j ui..i..un4i i lAoMth a bueo Unilitd Killed ber oev eurreney of elsewhere, and we . dve . or.di 3 in waa nno neonle to ponder well What he savfl.- a - r j ",i v I w or u cumw u riacts in tne case nave no. yet weu in was one people io pouuer wen came disconraered. I -:,a.a.4 c. fJ A ?lirT oyi.nrit I .. i i. An ih rtiiirv nf the mur- ' t ?;-'' will generally improte in their condi- Uon, morally, uiwutally, pbysically and pecurfiafily. ' Such W tfttr real ,codvietidn;f Onr Charlsio& cbtitefa bbrtrYfitfiketthinleriBtf iur. 4 wnw low them witn bacouraeettibat jthp.whpjreBiain, behind, j Xhe Jxodiif; ASSociauoD,.(u jun vo usve tuts uc- BireV afad ire' anxious that thi whole truth-1 ShalL be,puhUh4t15dW fhaU,, therefore, T bend out on the Azor to Liberta. as oftr rep-i 1. 1 . ...a i . m jtrl.! j I .Courier staff. This young Tirginiah win J jt grjiwith ihe emigranu toi Monrovia, and fewhic pen will give thetwMe .ooontry a graphicpen wiU give the, whole country uusiworiuy j account ot iuc voyage nu I Uriv4nalt Wa4hBr with ! ft ! Hnnnntinil Ar thi )l l kl.LW kiAwt; it' a Wimiui iftT as can te ascef la Boat to taktf their rideWrtH thrat sormis t rotakrf their ridebar-l firat 8ormised . they would, but then .rtaLCharteatoftjahMI Mi Ithe Piymwith' folks are'sticlf d'hueeri walAtifn aaa fnv thfiir AWn I H i- . . . . t v.j, . ....... l, iJ. 1 ii a , iof .i the -setUememt- teitw WIrcoontryj toj l'vuhiv 1 1 1 : - i I v - ... -' - r - 1 ; JA m a nn. kku n MwwBiwf r i .no mn-u jUm wwmbbbw d finS boa eh K???? took olace last. Durht at the. Bucket Com- I iijtf&n&ViL&Uni to bill' from the f ortner Presldetit of the Club: V 1J rKUli j The meetiag was called to-order aud it object atated, ijwtatated, and nomiuatioas for permar; retarv The following ' resolutions were unani'i mouuly adopted t tiRextvedi That nnnnnrimpnt that dier, scholarly gentleman, and friend of the' laboring man. Major cpariea Jtt. Dteaman, is a candidate for the Democratic.. Bommar Itinn (nn tVuiimu frnmlh Thiprt PnitvrrR. i Decreiarv-o.. j. rvuA.iu Um'Mk o iQarr b An n. ;n i . n wt ' n i . . ... ; " i. t f ... -i - 1 I jw 4"w'j uw nit 'uwvo iu omciiviT' .Haacock. bf Boston; ins ol the jrirtDwara ne city oi wu- mincrtnni tin .herebv hoartilv i endorse him and wiUsuDnort him.toav.mattfor.thenoka - .-pathy for thatclassof Deinocrats who ig- S; Fifth. Ward, and appointed colored Bepub- licans iothelr. places. . i; waJ eh I ti I. i nn ir . om . I 27v .1 1 i JaCnUKU 1 nSL ;1 US lUUl&fllaw IXIXtAi .HWrj ning Sevtetn tA:WilmutgtoitljMmoeNU-.n. hereby requested to publish these proceed ings. . V-.-.v.-M'.:. ::i ' ;. Ji On motionj the : i J mJt!n ,kn -Airtnlna irTT IJABIlV! Vrfifildent. . "rTTHrDAEBY; President, H. Uhhast, Secretary. Fire at snallbvllle. 1 Hnr onppAcnonlent "P " at Smilhvillp writes under yesterday's date: "For the . . first time in over five years our citizens j 1 . . o ii.w . Were aroused about 3 o'clock this morning. I . . . : L 1.1 . oy me occurrence 01 are, wu.cu oro ou io-Ioflof Wn J' -V- .Atijr aPalL ' It was house, in rear of his main store. The Cap 1 ibt necessary for the ' Lord jes'us to tain says he is certain the fire was put there for the 'purpose' of burning it and other property in close proximity and tbat there was no possible chance for it to have oc curred by spontaneous combustion. There was .a large, quantity of k groceries la, the. building, consisting of bacon, pork, lard. i syrup, " Also about 5,000' pounds hay. , i..iy,.wv 1 . :uuf6rtuuaten . dudlaatelicataU aodsome other buildings, ; he estimates htoZZnJZ "Z. loss to be at least ope thousand dollars.. i "The main Btorej fortunately. jured (I think it is insured). alone wilh his dwelling, and Mr; Wiudley's and your hmnWe seryant, wouia have oeen consomea, naa it not been for lhe calmness of the morhiogiiand . the,verj great j?xertiona nof;, our citizens, both white and colored, and the officers' I BUU iiiuu Dkutivuvu ,aw w- - w I iwhbmWrpralas-tfd-e. ner, tort Surgeoo,for tf 3 The Presbytery et at i o'clock yes- Presbvterian Churchy and was opeaed With - . - 1 aevwuua exf;uMWj vvhuj:1 iuJ-.M'ji;ana mat tnere ib an average oi io vu r a T , S ,kT ZHr journedi having .passed th usual vote of thanks, Wmito many.rfspac?!. .wtAUfi learn, jne moi, iayeuis,tui j,ivi.w. meeting of this.Presbytery ever held, and I' . . !' s . " -1. si . aL QW m wiuvii uvy : vpum mv"" Ilefe,, mr- t. . . ' j ;L -.1. r tx . i. pulpits of jthe.yariou colored churches ot tne .j to-day, as noay be seen In another; l0 i i ; , o novo fjafortaaiBfa.' uay , .uu Uuw . -; ttorvat ZOim swee I ' - Trifl TJltft KfiV. 17TS.. XaSll iU.aDl two very eminent , Baptist ministe were I natives of Chatham county liii3 ilfcilif; iiiiiilthi ni-jii xif,iY j r,iNQj '26, r:NnIV V a m. ftr- WAWm t' I8pecial tcr Philadelphfa Le6ger.flf' M V WW - A W m v v mi m m . r - j r ' " oMrawTiUoDTalaWestT eqnfession vbaaj fcn 'oppoaed-Moi mattenlltor!.!ife6ilt r?rr-' vf j The Eai ropean sews was lnierpre. , re. wifhke, aiePromsV1 te dsMbre. ' h?..L'khj u ta.fiiwJi 'nriftAaiTnr whAftC. p.irirn rthn ,ARti ,t;t J tton deolined. 1-16 .on : abota.Vt .Ocean I is-jreighta were more : 'active:' with.rim- j Vnn nr" Jxaif 'H'4i tlojJtian'-a I IDIrlOUi;. idefalcation .were .noted, sotae days J grams received J in 1018 CUV 11 18 kuown that i he is in i . Canada and rdomioiled,, at least, temporarily at. Montreal, hie bad a , considerable SC'KrC. sot th,e clerk j at , the Windsor Motel jwhere heandliis companion stopped. ; . , ! I' Rekit- V ! 1 Ti t V V" S.L ": "" . , no ib ., enac.eu .oji toe ppnaie anu : ine uni iSenibledV apprbvd manner. invalidate or. affect a case in , "r. . ibankruptcy .insututed . and pending in Ilantr innrl nnnv In tlia Aarr mVion tVtia :8ncn ) ndi . ,aharaW fQtnT(, I ou" jiBuuiug, "r on imuie lipnK)edines I repealed, wall, pqn tnue;: in ull torpa ; ;fniT- AiUvnf U thi mWh& be'en repealed;.' " I taiornftll Wv.f niTsn i a oonaatKin And , -ia J lA a imoaern cnaaoana, .. .. .x.J.VW.m. i xr -V TiIaiaW t a Woc.Tink;n pAq '1 7th i! Aid with Rnhfitantial T iron. bearing naa- I I li A viauaiwu IV IT ooinutiwij j- x a bu. i .; A dpatchc highHS ! from Avon, N. Y., says: .r.Beephers jwat ason thefivi foot eauge. with freight r reception along the whole i line. of his Projees is one;of exceptional cordfc I r . n . . r . , . V n;K?!VKl,oll aa ality. At Avon fo-mghballras very uiuuu .wu. Duau. ;ijio ; kbuPt flocked in from the villages in every ' direction. Beftcher is constantly re- I ceiving dispatches of sympathy and I' ma. n. si inn rt nn na x r - p invma t n Tr 01V"S .vi,uco OJ ' I connaeuce irom every portion or ine I country.! In his lecture; to-night he ja VMi.lJut.TTlA6 T.5o I wo l uia isirjywjv. "J . f , y& for mercv. lie not J ije ' ge lwaa the perfect example.3 ; A Plctare of tlie Nation Sbame. Vs ' Ltftlca (Ni T. Republican.! iiJ !'"s:;;:- 1 1 WisWrkUTb-ir, April 14.r'!' . I Mra. 'C.n A-! 'Fasseti's! elaborate i painting.pf theJ;c,Electoral Gommisr sion is now .well advanced. ., The I. - - "rit ' VJj'-SLv't'" . nn2 IZZn 7JL tne piotare finished in time to takfl it. f aris this summer. , , . j . -ft i Ui : ' a V"R ' ,;"-!!; Weaiern crop BeporU : 5. ! J t : j : ' CAcjago, April 12; j Reports from nearly . two hundred i . a - m -iaaa "1 arV - ; i ' -w 1 Minnesota, Nebraska, Dakota, Kan- worn reeiobSi nroRT6ftth "are' t hettef than al ftQV time sincel860iHhatf the sea- ffiM,."; air weeks ahead of the usual time. 1 ' . T . a .li . : a . .. 1 ; JB 1 He suma up that the military strength ftenShief powers of he. world fi.!n.'9i an' on a - wai'. footing; ",22&tv. r :Rngsra Austria, Germany and. France; t ' " i '. i numoers aooav ouo,uoo, ui iu-u 31500are glaaria. .iMyw i.utna nritVi R !inn anna -t.. ..... i . The noflett Rectater In Virginia. i . " - Ltvicnmona iispaica. t t. . .. Despite' paper protests ana let- ,1 i tera from the ATTditor, some commit I ?.1,H;,W,nil,4 Ta. uPaohLiI Patrick rto-thti' Rtw fnr 3 daim eXchanfre.? Beyond vdbubtit is bneofiUhe.beat j.L i;n.. ta Wir. V. I . ..u J iJ rvrrn?; uic. .irt,!. J."u:"T"r P?lDt, . I Fnllir tiniahari Ubanoaa nainferl tmm I1 COQBaCDOa lILi aUU - aumUBUUD lOf. VU1C1 jlifeandJ with very fewTexcetitions: j ?J.fM Pt,?! No doubt it, i rvbni aitlinsa riveh Expressly"! or thtf i fZS5?&. Miai OI I nnrnhQA ' Mn H nntt hnn tn! mt. r.nnn.J Y.A hnllArliivA hAAn kftnnvrittan . , . , I" aA mnrf nf ioaAn m f -nrihoitniV 1 f hoi Sl?Hs fforgeiitme.- . Mrs. C. P. Spencer gives the editors of the University Magazine the fol- powfrig' advice in the Raleigh Observer : The young editors, it is hoped, will take kindly toe lew lire.amtsgrpieyibavtr received, and nvoia uereaiter.tnree bids which do mott sasilydbesfet collgians-i-Damely, perswio, i ang and jaeeua ot doulmul flavor. imAMoiehead .City, letter to the ajeigh .Qbtericer . say s:, , On. last Monday Jmith Monroe, ojf the Signal Service, dis- pueureu.aDu nis wnereauouis were not nown unui ue was iouna, on i nursuay. asnea upon the beach near this place, ruth-loletl; "Klnr Alcohol i bad persuaded imlo steD into the Atlantic, which he did. ad ftsl tHe'8Weefcs 6t ill earthly boons ? for hel Geotgfa Ifessi Association, which &atIoflsvuie oulhe ma PtMay.rTbft isociation has been tendered a comoli- lentary ejteur'8font:top the AirLineKaiP ' roadi aad it is 4ncontemnlalioa to extend , he trip to Charlotte, spending a Bbprt.time n Jt city and retorniog by the same tout.' I -TfYlmporedjStrawberries now bring abouv. ihirlVcent8 a Quart. ' ' ' ' a Oxford1 cdrresponderit f6f Ra- lei;hOtrtr 5 -The i committee t id ; employ mryey, the route lor a. rail-. road from tms point io Henderson nave jittployed Maji JtP AtkiasoiJ,.a native of : im8j?lacipJQ.tue worw. , aj.-.lt ,,is apt intelligent Cnglae'er, "and1, out people have ' he utmost conndeace jar his capacity and ' idelity. - -.Qolliersylor, a segro driver or'Jame iCrewV,aSed' on 1 yesterday. gle Was iohe h&Bds off an ignorant ' negro octor.as his attending physician, and some bribe negroes Bay that his 'death was the Result, of igBOfaaniararceH 5 .y I. j. j-r-, JV.eldori 'fflewii The strength of the iron DricTgVbVer "the" "Roanoke, at this laco wasitested and turned over to the R. K., Company last week,.' i The test was made py running three locomotives, ( coupled to kether.; over it. at the rate of about t wenty ues ao, iiouf,, , xue. KxrPSa weigni. oi : felbcomotiveiwaa '.three nundred . thou-; ana pounos yy e jaoaerstana it gave way lpuer tnia immense , weignt only - about a liaarter 1 of ah' inchl ,,The comDanv ex pressed Ihemselves as , j&atisned inith the workj,,, treparations are heink made to add another span o the bridge at once.' i: . i R&eigbti Observer: The ffollow iHgcompahies have complied ' with the in surance laws of North Carolina, aud have been licetisedato do'business in the State: land Fire, . Toronto. withdrawn -American Fire, of IPhllaaelphlat Capital City, Of Washington CiyCityiFlrof lUchmbnd; Home Pro- J tMtiifm Vftf Nnrth Aiahama-nirt nnmininn Linm.t -j j.YrAi in: Ti: .t. Mutual Benefit; of Newark Piedmont and 4 jt(nn ....p.-.j . .-l.,,,! are laying havoc with tobacco plants in will be literally destroyed; : vmtecderi ThMlton - - . x , Jf 1 . AW. f I n . 'cars weighing 9,650 pounds, and carrying i1 thousand pounds of freight,- seemed l onholintlol anH raal Annifnh In invito a ron- ! substantial and real enough to invite aeen- laTTSuctioT I; engine, was a Bmall one, witnout tender, carrying its water in a saddle tank, costing only, $3,500, but powerful enough to haul f'6 .H!!9 r an hour up grades of 160 feet to the mile. I a. road costing not more than $6,000 to the mile, and doing all the work needed for Lna-aaW aattldBnuntifi. must avantnallv 1- 'J " J grow in favor Hillsboro correspondent of the Raleigh News: The News of Tuesday, con taining the card of Capt. Shotwell, reached . Hillsboro six hours in advance of all others. Copies were distributed to tin - Court, bar, and citizens; and, this article furnished the , topld of general conversation. - The uni-' ' veraal opinion was expressed that the letter of rJ. M.4" dragging captain Hbotwell ueroro me - puDiic, was uukidu, uncaiieu for, ;4nd. wholly unnecessary; that Bchenck 1' stands no chance for a seat.on the Supreme V flnftft- nanhn .am IAaI fnf KhnlVA 'imrd 9' B.M:'' iJGoldsborp corespondent: it i ' as if Vioo iiwjTiHiiiliJiiiu JMQb'OTiAfv that orpn tleman in tiAtw0on:' o;U Raleigh Neioi: -We 'stated some days since that Jno.' B. Gretter, of Greens boro, was1 suspected of being the author of the ,C" letters in the New North State. The Charlotte Observer says tbat his has all along of that citvJ The State Board of "Ii Agriculture assembled in this city ou the 1 16th inst. There was a full meeting or the . y ; I- HA.rn 9 Ka pAmm.uinnop anrl PKomiflt I in ihe Work of the Department, in its vari- 1 nua branches.. . - The nrosDects for our next Slate Fair are' increasingly! bright. 'KS"S2r?K ..-.t.-...!,.. mannrw.tnra ' 1 rHIlltirV III1UIP Ul lUdbUaUtOl 1UMIHt.V.WlVIB i anaotners. . - rresiaem jvemp jr. , iai- - I .l fVa a. I T . Iam.! W a AA-k-t a n a and pupUa.; ! .JbarloU iKSS XJharlotte Observer'. The Ladies Association met at the residence ior-MrA-v a'ned- I h rail on Osborne, yesterday afternoon, and the details Tor tne appropriate cei- I , j.-i.. w 'SeS'Stl.X V . . ... .-ji t i- TT : i lortne muraeroi treuerBOB jluuc,iu vuiuu r I couutyi tried at Monroe; : entered the court atrf i returned ia -verdict 'f: not guilty. The nrisoner was accordingly released. The nrisoner was accordingly release j r- This morning, about 1 o'clock, Mr. A. . G.' Kirkpatrick and hia nephew, Oscar l' ..-..'In'ljk W. nffr nm Pino. j i. jvirtLpainua, vouio uiw m uui ui.v- k ville, baying in cnarge piepnen Aiexanaer, j cplorea, who shot the colored woman, Uz- zie Torrence, Tuesday, and afterwards fled Uenerai have gone International Among the past - , 2WVt?ZZZZi ZZLZ. Davie ohdj I detwasm lto-prevent the escape of the woman, by ipUicia auard around-the house s There, are, peaches on frees in this city as Ri-lhaVroltV ObServeri Mr Finley, ; Aha Qaorgia .oreaa,' WS: ta the city jr eslei- f Itf- lift ilk am- 5; .i US hi 3t ir. 5- i

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