m. m 1 m - i: F3 f ST 1 it ill 1 3 f it 119' 1 1 f Ii M II it IS iff I fill k .--- - ? f 3 .! .ii? til It! ft i fj; II fill rl f Th is 1 " "" "' r 1 , ' " -- like a hetn lock stamp m a rom-race-i iT4 ...(15T.!,TniL" 7u13i-oU ..i?fV'7Wl .... ..-.' . ; ... A,r.-:l i , , r. l.Jnliwinoi iirlirt. hoi r rr . nhaArvAn f n That in her sight all heaven should hold pi. ... radiance, liker mine. Were i a'ttdWofa'rotti TfcrilfWjf'J I, indeliridasJecstacyAayiperfanwaiWQUJU' ' dispense.. it'fl 01 .f"Hj .,.. -tii -1j! tM" ir ,u3B't e-tssw i ,nta--i Were I ft pongf isweetv! srf,DdJ.aw;ifwheiLB u-for hetialoOO'Ul ' )Lm I t .stiLf.1 My m?lQdjf ldBrjmrnesfy a tenaer,ipn i, eicfl ah T Lover-hHiertwrng heart my t ri irwn . i . i Or, in her fanJciurm&WyiiuR!Ui6.wi" sleep 1 f I rt-- - -y-rj. ' 'r-TS ti.lTr1 Thetwomerarysppietiffie, Annual Commencementmeetmg on I llfKll. V UlUU. . If UUlQ -V , " 1 Wheeler :'&grat flower J?oo;Jy That sweet, low sbng-'ati'd Eove ftitelftte- avahave.a iiffht to a DrQ6tV6n,lheif F j - . .-.. j '-n M:, -iii'Vbi tmr rfifnnneratimTTO-tTre f urx'TTiiioi 'yit'iVrtfaaiiiiri'if , rn were called S S Stv We learh the Philanthropic Society. v e.iearn i,ne i Dialectic Society bad a very pleaaant 4- 74ik--or j,nWr Tntflrflst'i meeting at the same n.Qur,. . , Aterest-, I Zr:&"lZ:. : Ke JudVe Dick, Judge Bat tip Maior. Enaelhard. Mai6f John . WiiGrahaU Captain JamesGra. bamand R v- A. D. BeUa; aU .of . 1 1 ..1.3! . 1 L'l IU..'udil'4..M nam npiivpren' iriH nicrarv , auuicao. i m. - 'n-;ti-W-ii4 I and jfreoion was; theS : :;a4if ; . I cannot dress. S tVrnni SrttrSii met; Jgcl&e Batba ..pregldifig- 1 l r. i i.'l T. 'Saii,fiJitTU' I offictera -f t 1 'V.Jli) lie ; Association toweTd't6-- i t . i ii - eiecbeu, Hon.Gfles Mebane, J nil era Grant, inr behalf viving iniinibers sof , thJbhis'ihi duced sed himf Judge Grant 'arose M 1 ,e.eDime of the hkotthftl' iiriivtergitv: statinff .bneflnta-.omcBrs 1 T; .ii;' M-Alk .auuKiner Lifc, '1 L fik 1 it ""trrfS! u 1 n TTi w a Jai t n 1 1 1 hi r,v f 1 xii 111 rim expressed the j most -earnest love for i. - 4" - t bis native State. .iJ3 ,a . The Subject pf& disc1ue"was t.r. -mTtWnilntW wliihlnliat half century haire realized m.yrtheaseiul and ornamental arts, deahngiespecial- -ly witooteiatific advancem-eft;' At the 'Close, of the address uis I Excellehcyi Gby. Vanoey was loudly J called for, and responded! in a motion n. 4TrtnClV1n4- ha thanlrii j-if ihl u "Lio wivui vuau nuo buaua uw Alumni be; tendered Judge Grant for his able arid Eloquent Jaddres and 1 mat auupv ub ac4ucowu iw uuuua- inn .- -. h - - . .-.j.-' ...: vv was put by Judge Battle, arid was carried with much Eutuiuuaoiu. ; , We avail ourselves of the Raleigh x,,.U ri:Vi,"i '-LAnnfln.fln -. T - ' account. J I ; -.- :. xtT waibtaston New... ; LRichmondDatdi Cprsesndencf ci.-i ir.iL.i.j. i:n l ; - Diauiey maHnews.wm vvme ueiure the committee and explainH He looks very sad'ahd reels-'painfrillyt;thf t-1 titiide in whidh he stands before the nnnntrt. JSorhe of .hia KrAt.hron o-ire him; symrjathy a. ..iAiU.i.n :,i..'t. ?!;.:' with Sherman to deferid t him is to night bellowing Batkis watchingtbe, case as much eagerness as he wouldta. crimi- nal examination in jrhichiiis lea, iwaa 5z0,0Uu. :. jln rumor 0Jllggp.,lS IjOat rotter; ia tbelSebatfe,! probabli Jrroy, OregoM, ou'th " Caroling JandHlKiw I lror-if1 ,,.Sniflh r rlvn mi ! nn.l York .-city JThey allege ;thatTr3Ic: Gowan chairman,. of theMNewYofk n . . -w-v Til 1 . i- - .. . . otate impcrtievtfebt to South Carolina? Wi buy electoral ..A.i 'a' A-'Tiafc... .......M ;.biiri oi wince iyi-uucu,.. ;, 'if ,aa-ttrvr A . telegram to-night savl. Met has reached i iJacksoavineXinibetter health thih. usual; and iM&rton Ba'vs he will stick. The:F16ria;fsub mitt.ee'wtll 4-rhrrtrWehliy;'tArnrt'i4A L. G. Dennis is here iresponse to a summons of ..UAe,PotterJc5mrnItteeA. f ri i-.: L.- ? m . . . cumulative y i9o an regara to Arcner precinct frauds have been received by Springer.1 ,VC.... J-; : ..: There are many Congressmen; who say Congress will not-adjourn on the 17 th,andmorwho say it ought not to. splinters from Waahiagts). &out the InTeaussrtlwii.?3-'--"'-'11; The committee need not "iber'ttt1' hurry. They; bit off last Saturday , aj much as ,he country, ca'n cbaW 'for a week. - t. ..'.va "'L'-f ' . .:;; . That Nash agree,men,t$as 'nice thing to have i tn i the house. No wonde MitSe8jsnkUo; give it U ). f " M n sn. st Jo ji u In thef meanilmef wmie ail "?this - bQ!pe9sf18 ggten, does anybody suppose Uhatj. Blaine and Conkling are bathed M balding' ti'afs? i;1 w We can understand tfdyhy'HaW' and GarfiQldl fought -HmpLmt motion 8oaesj3eraw.usBeh ucrson stanas tne neaasman. .icoun, try. must he saved, within a few day, or it wdL.- gff - flepAhMIdivbow- W0WS."wat nt siKiftim ao-i (fidM w,V lksj oiqm tMirMineverjwrote ike evidence on Saturday. . u"7-- . whom are old members of the! Society JfWrW" F&mK ; n wUow m4 Jva TCnl, Lbe large crops. .ofLdemagoguea, r'.DHMer, ana momamra wiu Te- r"J "v".:" ful""'u I ibaSnviBalicration was anmUir o-ood ii c.- Tr!"i,i: .... a.,k -.'! i M'.mi... j ..' oi ?io. mi Bit r. t j- inauva vi asaipgto.n, ana ,iac wr,n, , . n tic ft;-V Uoa iay'fdlVHhe Democrats. It-revives Morrisbrf Cok,' Reedj4 jfndStCTger .?:;J!r J?.ui iusj.'(-. -.,iot the.unsayory Returning Board per- will gftfi to Loajalabf-maves; crPe-B5nl?!Vf ,D louI- formarices; it shows! Senator:;fikt- says he;kbows pf;nothing;wrofigt pi-'w thewsan unPle'lilighi;iaind.At! was donj m conntejHonj with Xbe mm FgmmfiWaJ?X & puts the Secretary of the Treasury on presidejatial eection, ..; fa .What is of .moVlrieralrrlii1 his" ense. Mr. Sherman .haeems It .is5f deteriniued - tdight- bv-the i::fl0r: nnite Kkel to come out of it.alLriaht, Amid tbe panic and demoralization, of the Louisiana crowd,! the-ealm resignation y of Kelldgg stands 8t' was.te.i-jal to, jtoer yPfru$& ;i liSIl U .- -. . t -1 1 .. M 4 -til , riha.'jttsiai be Done to Arre.t l 'N iAowlt.tf Bes.'ba Stone. It and Ti;railwav-ownersMpl.M faist that, iuia contest, .wirti.thepflpnjasa. (mMbwitiWi DriirMediit6'have,sold' breads -'short weigiM'r- tent to wmcft,,tney iwit'winaQewj titiM mill hi mirnnnn nn rn in oti teniof,Jthe, bufiness teeaftfejtiiftitlitajwjpjiti BHIHIIQ aatIo nanionlDiaMiiHiTi T.nPmr.tA,; r "1 .. . v .... iffft. rif rates or through taxation, or I irfl ,k L4kq r. J"n:.ffl . . -! 1 . ' ! I . - 1 .1 , i -i 1 K If iL suicidal to the interns of the pplft, aa ,,-,.ff: i 1r.t v,,,,. ijni-.i! inemseives.-.-.; - ttVv" T i The people mufci be taught to bef j- r r uu-.-x 5ki:.Vi-'wi ware of the demagogues, political .Jf t,who would teactbem to disre- &JtoB:yP" rjimay, nei -P- " S 4angerouB.L . . . , . " .. i communism: ana attempt, to ojeaie - ; I 1 need, who Will leacn a : kbom the-experiere of i everytua-;Utm 'Ml ctjtwttt tbis oAtrf . t irirr irn Tprnnx' Tir" -w-urkvl I HOW TO BE-aifipntE VJIOXfe. Eatfh railway cbnipanjrV' 'a1 andjveouoelJtinguroad vip.a;fefihl Rdatfin arid tfhic&biorlNew! 3 i?..iwi-s mi hciated lines ot'taiiwayB, iormmg a I i , a cjasto?it'6f thfonffh'' li'nfe V beieetf IeadtDiiHcities iftbfef jtfie JKHt 1 n h e.3!k a RnaSit rwlRnnii' iikir'4Ke I'N&W e'ndlrf.Wa. hAhn-AAiinm vhitfrax "TLrir- oei.weeaLwewmJ.oiK ,auuf yuwv v.i.tiUfcJhjs. TwvirtibfliitttJiettal'4 - ,7 , T t , ..Ttiowor ineir party wiivoe-impreeoa-'t - rniiaaeipnia, oaiumoreana t,nicagor w 1 b. m nn AMvt a linn rr Jme publkh" tariff contafpftl If ; uMiiau taiM.wFD hbgtbe following features: ..:-sviioel( t!lassificatiotf of Treights ;sbra. 'JJ" LL,! -sr'W-nta TKoori ivKi6 tittle itself. iWs be Ueved fcy . them .VY--w7!r. rrrir.'.ltibat this attitude will enforcfr the i should embrace a provision.: that.. all I .:: j .u rtharo-ea shall he made ner 10.0 Bounds. I, f tTJal-rweightTof j -leacii-clasa - of freight. Katei of jcharga for termi- rial services, separated as follows: For clerical services 'and stationary; 1 I 1 ...!.'11.J 1 . J : inr nse OI uSDOlB: IQI laUOF. luauiutf I I ana unloading; for use of sidings and reasonable detention of I cars ; when 1 repots are not iurnisnea Dy ine roaa. i i K , . . ' j J . ' 1 I B11U WUDU tUC SUlUUCi UVCO UI9 UUP I I loading and unloading. Rates 'of . charge for transportation per mile: no 1 niRmnce to oe rMi.Hd u;hs liimh Kume ar- I bitrary number of miles, ranging from I I $0 to 50. ! From the rates of charge fori I A tin. A A AL(T ' A . ClArtl I lilBUBIUl tablVU DCHIlC UUIJ , O DJCVt I neaper centage or reaucuon, ,io, ue maae per iuu pounqs, wtMn ioe snip- - - . a " i r i t-. j pents are in car loads; and a certain I other ner ftntaernf-!'rirflrtf.tirtn. "lA.Hfi I i r r i : .pr- r; l pade when the cars of pnvatwnv m pr snippers ara juruneq, 2- No other reductions of aftykjflUj I nor any Becrei rates w ue perm id permitted. I after the nnblieation! Sind rlostitacr' tfor I a reasonable number ptaysia-1 fSgStei toSl faPfei t?e lil'iVl "mUjJ j I Aat :.penatyBM( w;rje-i I fecnbed; against any reduction, of. rates. .1 I f cValBB ui uugcs wuaitier, uc m Am ArT I i-i tnrr P'ffM st i a- - i r . --1 ; . --Hk. ii -1 . IT .w Vi..n;Mnlnr , . TU : r.'-.s.u e tj 'Vl Crrr , rHf-Mihle Feliciana is nearly as big:asn;be - ''Stat Lr!-0Lwj."T2ij'jj1i.ij.i,,.J0;ii ,:t ui .xvnoqe fsiauo, put unaer.;xne'TUle pf these Uarpet-Baggers an ODSciife toustom housexslerki who hadnever1 before even lieen in the I no -lot, r -r ...,.v. ra10o, .wt. ben t. up 1 f rom New Orleans to !iake en tire charp: bf the election. tfVcMHtef ' cue vulcib auu wouuci, ,au tne lonern fpreliminaries-andtire-aetual -veUeg- Cm5Jk Wm01 ine naojttirkterpsr; in-nnm ne lom He ii tzL V: tZP&z. -n-iA tS5 Ari.AAtrj :..i.. -rr .-vAj-vtV J. wita persons oi oaa cnaracterTand - ' - - . se v t, '...',, Ktd . t P -ww--- w . vi4 vuaa MWwt t UU kook 'fhrliTtf asA!IA.'ant TAsnitf '"KoKtiA.! ' J- - '- ' t . i i-- ' . u&va -a Atcuu UUuau . . XUulaQ1 Tn UUuli killed at: Jea8ti tweoty. under these circumstances, the people in any Northern State, he',' maae nis returnsj and s it x ,was disco vered by Kellogg and Packard that: he had filed ' no '?prote8t ,iagain8t the election, he was at ontie ! hsked why heihad ; not done so, .'.ahd'i .ol.l6;ved put until he did ! make i d 'proteit. This paper was not in laNvAftwmit Hinpt verified bythsignu;gf citizsens known to him, as the lawi re quired; it was not mad&at HiiSini of the elections, but. laterin New Or leans, after he had ? beca tinder the in fluence of thelteiilUlidxjA done, at their request and was certi" fiedy ;,that J cpnveni,e.ni. logg and Packard, Mn lluglv Camp bell, - whose ipeytiiiciatfo pepded.to, aliAaJ';thff who has been nyiMrjfiB witbr allee4n'a. Western Territory. These1 faetsf ''which 'do 'iiot? i-est on puted, how how5 liouisianai waairenv ed by the Republican caret-baggrers, would! ftreatfltlt" feelTntri 're6ort, Mi nn',,0ttB . wneW" WW Stand, if as-many idUceyered, and thousands speak in its praise who safe ta mv, oujd libt hflM Dortant to he remembered, by North erb n Deome iuaa, au , ahus ?y ?t;.j i ijiivi can .n briDg due. ,, ) Htl !KlJ!.rii.! PiU i i ".' JiUHJlf jvei .I h ;)i! .fcllfiflftT iJHL.fitt P.?!-!- j . : i . t i ine-COtrjuage i ana ajuBiice o.uieipii Wnm' nt n11 tIlft. nromising chiU -L i.tJ il.:Jt&fli,.. ui ail tuo " rji .1 uoauo iiu . ; . . T eieoiioB: was invueu w ad tfave1aBlb!aoWititttA&tl;ai fceaeeV .r. in.ir m h m'i nthn. onn i, i l.v- , JnhnoAnut la or. ! ha onrvvuflliAn I i imiaaumifta9 fi,BrHlMif a! one, and ilfeaal votiner at the other..! oirtnnra in rlhft Jnhnaniivilrenrecinol. 1 uLWm:V7uIlJa L T ..r . 1 . - i I ....... . . ' i..-3i-.L .... 7 .1 fnvassers. The throwing out of the j dd tho churcl recltfotS'icbanged' the result inothe uMeWmfnl'. recltfotsncbange the result mothdJh njrwU. u ;i; V-0 sra. ,KK!Uvit.. I We are informed that "the 1 the returns thejTr. figured 'u't alt would be. They. got i$e resu ....... l i ey.gOt 1U the I c er office. a kein th posses. ssm.i: al .h- -KSSK j Thei8ewt4nsfeidf fnittiougtittui i . . i ... . i.rTv.a'.t . v- jl : jul i. ,i 'ioH - !w"iw - t.vyvw. - i.t j ttaisJotid Uotfsej ivervulargely ure pjoaderatefi in. Cajeof -.-of ,ideaded-eX)t- ;pjression at once that thePresidatia,lil;1jl dftnuffUfl itriatitheM iab Wf slAiogif rmLtdAe pt,9ral coup ''ife'rBrpM.iP ' jKSrX liTsi in inn-e.i. aittui iw..iiit-t-z xr TTiV ---TT-r:,.r7. w"i7T,; i rimim-,ib proved tagainstJ ithe M l -resident nr inr. rtne irr.t)Awrj ir.omr .j k;iB.;.tffi. ,i.,h oo A vri ilWICU W4HW:W wamctll Lilt W pqr-y WPJ j j, , TO l.IHSt Uher goou ;x::;: : uul?k i iR-r r eh other.- un 7 it r ii in iiH riNii i i.m iih iiniiiuii.i v i i hstnoatiA n.:..,Mh. Ammo anl I . r j -".jiw.uiBi h'"'" re1. ir ouu T Y V ymeDi NfW&Lu:-- .iv. m -;: y: ,v-ictfRBrtTOfliiiiteNT. ;ra1 i :t tw iit . .-r Sherman is a little diffuse in 1 r.l.!AJ 1 Ills cluiauauon OI IDc iiiUUcrSOU . ieL 1 er. 1, he tin oU.ii. didn't write it; I' $, Ue-irfmire held?dn?t wrte it: 3,she nmics u entirety narmiess ir ne aia i L mi. f ' i - . A, I VVllbC ll. SUIICUt ailBWCl LU tUB charge of a broken ' borrowed kettle Is doubtless $herraar?s! precedent for nm THiincaiinn. il was i. we never had tbe kettle: 2, it wks broken when we borrowed it: S.itwas whole when A ' ' WA . V. n A J 1 1 3 i ' TXt Zi Wm.. . TL. 7 C ICIUIUCU 11. ((.. A 7CU. Th(i nniv , ;,, tr,ft ,holo il j T-JT- -. " fraudulent gang who 'seems to be af- fiicted'witH cprcjenceor a sense of LrJ'""J ',-,'-i'JT.-1 . W . sname la oianiev juaunews. . ne teeis the staba givea: Ja his reputation most keenly and hides- his ihead. In this Usbect.; least be iserves infinite t Anna;qa..iikun(n.n Tv,n si,... v rrurr.onMflerftnn f han John Shei-. I L-'XV'l'&I tPj: r.Mti?- iJ -Lf;? .-..I i j .. r. t. .--T-T, " " rr.-. I Utjiail Haxreawhn mil .nil .mirk. I fodgeU the records bf the State De- PM' leL" h ? Cnt? thr0ugh Wifffial! til 'fri ire vie.' ii Mii. ( ui ,!..;.i,o Lt.J On the whqiejitbe first day of . w' r r i i . . - i nnr raivoT.rki jvi art noma nor. nafi i r cape Ssroh"aid the RepaM in, party .must iBeVitably . tritiS tii, i . . j..,.,-; ,; . J ine .iresn exposure OI tne aiSreDUta- I jrano. whirh it no lono- foJrofe1 in I - ie gg-wcn it so long fostered in I I II .nnmaari Snrinanpltl KemMirynn I "r- "w-y -v ?- .tt nl , juiJiiH.),,. t i.Vl -w w Muuniina now 'iy. uiiiyi- uui, a uiiHguiuea one can -- n .v-LjaL-j waub luo lUlCDtmatlUU suiuuuueu now beoife .the Louisiana i'nlauitv e-vtenl nt ihia rotiintli iQpf systemif go.rmenjt,hotalobe endangered," aa.loas.ueh' a seeth- !ingma8s og corruption is" allowed ,con- -Pi..-:- . iP,....' aption is allowed, con- ! coalmen t, rriL :t.t.' i, ine morai.U-a OX. ine na-i ution is 'lmDeruiea as wen. a!' ' 'fia,'- . Ml ..i.. No true l-AtSAi:.-.A.Ll l.-Lit - i ..- "-li s iii'ii. '.fin i"JT7 Aa7JTiT. n'-tniirY tn moif A r A m at Ija "V 1 V . lt If, M - I l-'or bimjotf administer jsome of; the r rr !" ; Jv 14".i I! moat, lmnortunr. intji-aata m ilia f.Onn- I' . . . . . x uBmCOT.UiiH 819Ua l.nil ,ti i3UHaitilOU tr 'i'-5fi-"iii'iri' . . . 1 ii.. . .j. -? . . . -alMlie to a oavent inn shMi W ao.t w i th' : aH ito .i... , .i4 " ii-iti-it'-tww aUJhe?rawrj!jadtMn,ciaBMflUin for the peapje. saij hejj fieUhatthey afp, pwjad; ywjj sbopjdiajo tp?erTe. will aitowjus coBveutiolWia(J(ltorgaw;atlou. to.btiUted to.flepMsenthe pppaiaxs-wilj. W,murt otjey er)wi)J;w accord with our preconceived notions or aetirrJ7io?fewiiiU ini-A dnoU ' 'I5s (Jttd'M9rricckm'fi)-'fc8'rvlcei since he eberd!thte'erftiW.!i'tb the'-' wholes country, skid lispecially k&xte 8oWaSbaibeetjTof tn caleulhbWateeli Wfeeheverfho haBpokti to feaa AnbtthaM tearKedauenttoriC im eBthB IiJdiMdoasenatofial uiuddl soon After.he took his seat, at once brought defense nf ' LouiBla!aa.'-tvfe aBQPinchi iack would lendarj T - .77 18 Uncle t a r jkuni8hed,iieeoidlJttlOKUW.jtha4ithlS I patriate anyhow." N. T. Sun. a. j: .fml.,Li,f,ulT Z L i I m'erJy'irilWhin lmau.t,c? f orimnia'r j'ana, ail tilings j Thousahds SPKAK.-Vx8KTn is acknowledged I . 1 T . ..' ..... It; . Which , ,,1U U' 1 , -T. , ? 1BDOi"0. 10 ito he the best purifier Md cleanser of the bipod yet I ' -WYar JF -f aaa, . ... I f Miaaa ta uun wuyiw wyla great DUnuS of the leadinliriai'a the Senate,' and but for his able and fearless defense nf HMekictf Ja ; ready for a qdarre! whenever Deace nrevaus in all omer pai in of the world.! .: t' IT i : : A'f f. ' L.) Beggars -rTdei'n I horsebaekfia. a ! ... iw . . . . i . .nsx In tlia . our iaup owns a .DanK, irt .will brgio. to look up. J5Tfl JifriJ ?rapMJs T What askB the Philadelphia- Hrk. w know i,at becomes, or iueu,vi drfen? ' . We Know what .become?! ui -My"ni Wenu a5HTurkisbbaker is ai ' shfirp f;KfJ5!5 cn "rnVSiV ntd VUnea i lapc? S . bullKlpze Congress (mto votmg a i r i . .... .v. i-1101a rairs ana sucuj a&u lue niuureonuoj . . '4 . i . . . . .1 i. : .. Ihihi I tho churches are taxed as places ;of en-. We are informed that "the price 1 mna now is a lavorauiu hiaic iu (juivuooo tliiem." This is welcome news. We shall '. .1 . ' . r 1. 1 . n ... .nuoa take our market basket this evening and go out and purchase our next winters supply. kNwrriatown Herald. - 1 PERSONAL.. --'Grarit had a Don ' Came ron in hfe Gabifafet,1 and Hayes has 'a 'Dori'Key in bjBacmnnaAiJxem.1 ii.;) - .himm i:m . ;ha8 beea appointed Visitor to the Naval. (fdflmyw Tice Genera John Pppe, who j --f.jlburruan aud.(Uvrdon actlike, I. , the Senate. They Come in together; and always ; wait J . . . . i ' ' I lanes 'jprancia aaoi8 is i rtiDOited -to. ,htVe recently, said, that he MrnTUden was counseled 1977 tp: t?-.1"'- "-rrr-r."- "" .iTV-r. rate yretuseqiopmnge -me cIvH strife.' ! i- "Don," said the Veteran l.vBUh a troubled air.atter reading auerman . . - . eXDlanation about that letter to Weber and . " , ... . .11 a-Jjj-o-- "nsrhini vnn'H hpllpr Btnn rail- I -"-"''1 . . r. i.""'. . C T. ! I'idgbfm Uncle John; he's only a relatioh One GeorcreFov. a vounir man Yanm Ttnn)iiinT Ihisv fcima-lf frrtm thK nri I lot th Arnrlp T'rinmnh in Puri Hi fancv 'J'. f . Annan- I vjucunjr uo ancncu uiuiscu ui uio uutmuj oeiora jumping, ne nau lor some time been subject to religious ecstacies, and as he lumped he 6bouted. "Uod calls me: i am here." ' ! . . m ihttw I j V XillXi llJMili t. Recommended hv all Phvsicians l. T . v Vaixxt Stbzax, Qdxens Co., Long Island, N.Y. Mvwr hj.i , a hub iub picriub ui n.iwug J S A small certificate concerning Veiretine prepared hy : 1 O m 1 .aWa 4Ka nloean. nf u.tlirr .nil a you. I hare been a Batterer with the Zhnvensia fer over forty years, and hare haa the Chronic Diar- rtiaa ior over six montnB,ana nave ina most every thlnir: was given up to die. and did not expect to live from day to day, and no physician could touch ntv case. 1 saw your Veeetine recommended to core Dytpepda. I commenced using it, and I con tinued aoing so, ana am now a well woman ana re stored to perfect health. AU who are afflicted with this terrible disease I would kindly recommend to try U for tbe benefit of their health, and it is excel- lent as a blood panfier. a wood partner. By Dr. T. B. Fohbes.H. D., for MRS. WM. II. FORBES. By Dr. T. B. Fo .; Vigitikx. When the blood becomes lifeless and tamanv. either rrom change of weatneror of cli mate, want of: exercise. Irregular diet, or from any other rinu. the VKOKTnrR wilt renew the hlfto a will renew tne Diooa, carry bff tbepntrld humors, cleanse the stomach, regulate the bowels, and imp impart a tone of vigor to 1 ii;i Hi- b i VEGETINE icer, Wd Cancerous ftumbrs f & '- .Jai 'v. ' - Tbe Uoctor'e Certificate. It -A:'' READ IT. ,t Abhut, Washington ca, 111,, Jan, 14, 1S28. IDear Sir. This is to certify that 'I 'had beeii Buf- fiering Irpm, a Bote Cancer on. my right breast which grew very rapidly, and all my friends had riven me np to die, when 1 beard of yonr medicine, Vegetine, Recommended for Cancer and Cancerous Humors. I ommeaced to take it and soon found myself be tinning to. I eel better; my health and emms Dotn 114 Xa hAfA InlnntiiM atV.I. ma -aJI a a . WUlU JUUUVUl.l nu.l.U lb .ucticu, OUU UK A I lew aontns rrom me time i commeneea ine use i i Veeetine. the Cancer came out almost bodilv. I f " 1 . i '! CARRIE DxFOKKEST. m I certify that I am personally acaualnted with. Mrs. DeFi rrest, and consider her one of bur very best women.. DR. S. BL FLOWERS. Al.T. DlgKASKS OF tbb Blood. If Vuimii will raivre paiu, uraimo, iiiuuj ouu vuxb duch uuwocs, relieve pain, cleanse, punry and core such diseases, restoring the patient to perfect health arte txyinr different physicians, many remedies, suffering for Jears'.isK not conclusive proof, if you area suffer- er. you can be eared i Why is this medicine ner- ormingroch great cures t It works in the blood,' In the ciraiiattng fluid, it aa trnlybe calWd the brigftatostotheT I pot act direcuy upon ,puriry ana renorate, naa. I hny last claim upon public attention. I Ii r II : .- ia-im ' I VJSWJSXlJMl!.u. 1 Li-ll i,. v. i : 'i- . : '1 .' ; 'i.f jl Regard it as "a Yaluabie ! '"' ' ' ' Medicine.' ' ' ;' '"' ?"5't"-" " iAsu!, amuy i ' ' " "'!' 'iuixiixt;iii8.''- I Mb. H 11 KTivmm. : . i r., . ... ' mar Sir.-l tke pleasure in saving thatlhave I Vsed the Veeetine in my family with good results,' I ' a.a ana a nave mows oi aeveiai caaea ui rraaarMuio i :cure enewsa oy I regard it as a valuable family 'medicine. Truly your-.. , I! fni.A- m.ta ui. n Vaaa o.in. KXV. Will. I a.wut niu.AUAiuuuu wc. auwaa a.wj,; us H:.. tHjTJilTjTiiAAAllat 5 : 1 i :' TheAff.'D.'s hftveit." 1 w. ,1 liMR.H. R. Snma f ! 'F iT.I have sold .Vegetlae for a. long: time,' aaa ana it gives most excellent satiuacuon . " 'S.b. de prlest, M. D., Dmggisr', '-' Haaleton, Ind , w ..uPTP?a,ldiby;;i 'f.-.j II4 It . STCV PS. , Boston, , Veeetine la sold by ail lroa:Blt.1 ' ' ! ie 1 D&Wlv I .fi, 'iii 1 ' i'ii (Hi e, j -I ;i--i I I' f'T'i ; J? OR SALE, AT LESS THAN MANUFACTU RER'S PRICj A FIFTY-SAW I. .::;: i "DNTTTVl riA.4.. i'v ihh; I I iUj .. . ; ,.r ; ... ..:illllI!Of. With ' Self-Feeding Attachment and:, qondenset.i Boxed fready for Shipment,1 and has never ben "- ti;v BOitli" I my 89-lwbitW 5 nac" ' " Wilmington, Kcl"' .. . . ii mil ii u I .. t .- .'. r , itw I . . i t'H. etntzi; i'jjiiuui: fi4 iv wvii knife to work when he lstireu or i ; r , KfL.jTtr,1-(jiLi wii..-)ivi 3uli 4 j mv' rrr- vetyoine j a fixed position, "bis own aeirverau; i rrMTimidi unnl aorvn c:itei&irajf wri-?w -w-iii JThWlndTahwar is nibVe5 flagrdb ! lefm. Sulplmr omrfm CJ pXJUhni to mill a very Obvious re.ason: the e of Jbe igSaSaSS RMfi-. Verl.!j?ioys. win ioiu uuuieu.iuu:j.n JT V V OLL U iDlXJ XVJ7XVO'; 1 VMioTlBS pM!Jt;HA.lU(J .tiiKWSrft.iillCJ'T a uax to Agents Cgnvassing for the H-ir- ftfp.MAhnn'nnlv lobe cobbled UI bv our t !,lJ' !' : J-fJU L .. , :f' J ;r. .f ;L i.i...,, ..., U'M" oeyiorermana Outfit Free. Ad- - . j --n - j. ? 7 t z. r. -. i i !, i .....i. .iii i .(.. . ii .. i -.1 f ii f mtniianc(iavT.n40iiavTMi nvi: inuud . j i iviuareHS f. ii. v uxmjiiiiiiiiw. . Gen. Jelfersbh Ci'.UavrV U-.lOi I Li..i.n.-.j wi4:M. rtlMlloea.l..i vn!i..lm i.vY ,.,v, LCli'Klr AJ,TR!Q)r.Marnni,!i' . 'AC . . . . r f k (1.1 inl vif- m .i-tj-rrtf unt .tttiiL-Ji1a jiUtUli 4' " r..t7. . a.fii -oofis dfmlbj lo 9L i ..t ,,-iVW I,. Hiw .idlfTOn e.li JdJ botl MVinWi -WtW fWAliifcttlf ulphtw. Baths ar celebrated icw cttHHg i H - JV.ifJ TIuT UrJir thA.kifcl,,.! DlBECTpBSr.i .'r . Pri.fi. ;l.vT.' '..tMi inftnHmH i rtw t.Mini.aiiiiiniwii Prcialsy;wf .f'. anil prevents! the hair drom falling out And j - Pisaigiand.Jinenilused .ia the sick room .1 t: : c. .....r j: J .vw.-Ui ', - . . . ii Kli.iufucted, and diseases communicable by) ci-n vvsoithepersonprievented hy it.?,?' f-- n Fraternity sanction its I 'use. j'.U--'?.5.ci 50 feift per Cake; -per J , and $1.20. N.B.-Scntby Mai! Prepaid, on repeipt of price, and J .pt ot pree, ana iithAf..f.f'- "HILL'S ItTVIIt AND WHISKER 'BTacik bt Brewav'fld Cents. Of aiTXESTOI.Prop'r;? Sixth Mt 110 111 i.l.J f.!jtl ! ' .gj ,LH-i CtaBXB TTae best .coUecttosjiOdBeXiJ. Music' Choice BeIecioni'?ery) well irraaea. I Organ Ti flhncnn'o Upw TUT rrHrrtfi frTi' hnrnnirh Pqcp J wuuauu o u n iiiuuii W$yiuus,u uuuu 1 J1 1 l1 lull . KW A IU .1 I1UUUI1D .1 nar IB nnT. 1H ni.MiH 1.TT all orlii Uriah 1 1 loapn t1 nkv TnnAa that liaTA thr&e'dr fdn rtSrlft. OIee. A'tfcbnluanUnentB. 'AC tix.i - .jiA'asiu.i.i ! iJllSDO MTOWMlIUOOMuias;1 ! f .f.-piiw i nillraWI THtAV" JrV 'ilM' . f V AUHUM YM i -i .CuCi'.Hn S,T fl N iiri'i;! i UBAS. 11, UlTpOIS &, UU. I .1. JS. UX'SUH A 843 Broadways N. V. a Cheetnnt st.PmUa : e 8-dAwxw Wed s Bali -fu.u. ,.'- Laid. TIERCES ' AND' TUBS VERT BEST ; n urn iwi ,.vw. . it - ' ' CEASD. MYERS, 8 and 4C North Water street All Amn.l . jjofl D&Wtf Pare Apple Ciier, Pure Cider Vinegar. ' . j i K A BBLS. BKH T IN THIS MABH.KT i AT MILL' PRICES. CHAS: 0. MYERS, ' 1 and 40 North Water street je9JD&Wtf... j. , . '.; .... I...' '. Bread and Butter. HHE BEST FLOUR, : L BsxrelraM rMf Barrels. - THE BEST BUTTJBR. v.o i . . i Firkins and Tubs. . i! ' - ' CkAS."D. MtERS,'! je9 PAWtf ' ) 88 and 4 Worth Water street. Cornvtiayi, FIoiiiSfccl - 2500 w ' Ji Wiifvs3imeHAY.f'-'S ,,, .; ij! i ll rJMs Prime HAY - i k i . :j.wa a'.i v i it it awn -.i- -,: j 500 fWtB..".?. i i j '' Oh n'Bhls MOLASSES; all kliids, : .I aiUUt li t i.i-.l jiVf.i !' H.-U : -7K BoxeaJJA-CfeNAA.. hvaia -! -dia . va'nMlr " ftrarAti vr-aaWhi 1 li a.io, .live, avuoi.ia. uuua, " , - , rntlon Yarn-.&i'..all Low FigureflL ! : i I i i i H 'in,,! aAA'd , A ; r , vj bf 'l"V TrlP i V v.s WUmlngtoii wis ! 'w6uLri'Tj(a"0EST J ' TO" liktoRic' i..:t.--vv -1 A. vv,' 1UJ1 y yta . ;!. - k.wu -f'Jiil.J.'l l?ami ly ; Sudd 1 resd -!'"e'j4L8EWHKRB -v.-i!!,'.:: . .I.-- .it ..i'ii-.ifji. ; tu- f.i'.i-i fe-4-sii'l. to call upon us, examifie oor Goods and' Prices.' . i and satisfy yourselves atft whether weii i ( . & :. , ,, CAN PO Jlliri'Jfi.irW:XWy-,..,J lwit. Hi til AN ANY. OTHER HOtJSE H E f 'CiT.Y i i. -!:.... .!: .-: If we cannQteaee yon. hen bnf chase elsewhere,' bat, if we can,1 thea not J only buy yourselves, but get your friends to do the same. ; ' 'I :- TO-DAY WE ARE -SELLING .. . HOTTER, from 16 to 35 cents per poand. 1 . uuah, irom iu to a cenu per uounu. . . LARD, from to 11 cents per pound, , , t FLOUR, from $4 to $9 per barrel, j, ,,.. . . Rifli IN. from 6 to 7 cents ner Dound. , UJ.; -1. i';U I" ' ' HAMS, from 10X to X cents per pound, ALL iOTHER GOODS IN PROPORTION. pA8B- i 1 'a jli'Vi f.rml'ii n i,',,!;i IBoatwri S, T BDi 8 NORTH FRONT ST. 1 I j-. a avrtfl.-.S '.''! I jo a 4 n u.. j. Butter. TBStter. a rv Tubs; NEW WEET BUTTBR, ...:i:U : ,'HFreBh from Dairy. I , 'f-b ,!! yiiorfle,Vefy;10w!hy.'' ;otl mi- t (fiiJtSiti3lf .. flu aaJ'n); ji slim one 9'BAWtf , : v.' ! ffAAWiPEARSAlA.' a' it .'j ifiiix-j ej&iu oj ji- Ifli'il.' ,U .A ,M T'-Ths.IaIU.aI.j. .O'vW ait d X fi:iUtr JrtH ! 3 f'i Ti -Ii !aU- rt t .. , . .-n x rv O -.A. a O ! fiT-itin T . -i .MB l T1.A-..1 I VTra nOY r-V TT a -maica ;;TcS Cheap CAN HAMS, wi ftj.j-jFJ.jia; u.i'9 .y-jaiiij i.j v.i .-(!..- -At ! jror sale loiKbir.iiLiii u f nt li i.i!) si'ik.ii o'.vi .i:J; i;ajs ,-"H'j! tij (iPMmvi W.ii -irrri'fi t-jT-n-v "-,17. i.-tttjtt-B J i)4 j i'TlV .... .. f Iflnrnl Umnii 'ih. ... i Clbimnar Tliirnn. 1 I couniry- rota jm ;fiUVSr?vr.L OluUlUiL JU! Jjti T r? ' 1 .1 iMrrimt '.IU txceDed Mr an. ' - .... ......... ' I tlennVinr. nf Cifinnr Vc),niriafn i hfiflnrna' J i ket9,rrefegrafeEepbVtsof the'NbVthfefri 31 1 I l v.:-. ::ull i ii I lilti !! V il.i : 1 :)-j ' I I ..!i.. . I. : " 1 ... . . IM I hnarrnmtal.1 Are tnro bin. fivolainea H .f rlrTu fHW rW. W.fW .. .if I ' I J nI mi!; uo i 'mi iii.-j .urt-.iilno;i lid'il 1 I .!.. ra! tamii:aitaAii ia f malUd nottiforrpJailnrire. II w" 1 ""-.-.www iuneQD&Wtfirt vii fobflAUi PEAHSALL, 1. 1 .V'-JT" Tr?. rT TT.a'TrTTT ' - . " "i ucuuHai iHiiu lu suaie nnui aiLcr lbu luocua. tl.r.wKRt iTmiTiiiAvirl iT.tA1. , .rW-' f i' ' T " 7rr .r rrifr W. k .... ... , , - - - ..ii u i . iiiiiiA.! tp Tiii: vn j lui j; jefftrD&W : Ml w iwy W , VJ -. QlcMOBE; I. B. ORAiHaxB.. ,L..,..rre8Weni asAAo Bates..1.'.1.. :;:" f.v.'.VAfeifltuit Cashier ' iKnnk at lifiw, Manover. APITAI! P AII tTTf '"i- igSSdiOOO1 l.im, tiifi y;idj MiLL3ifli.c ,1 UVUU 'WWCUU. " ' f ' r V. A Wvqi.nni v.-M 1 -TSa ".' TJ.ft Rriajw Pit t Itfimf t i M&nn II ...It fVoli7 i r tik w " I boro, N. 0., , v l J ni:n mtJTf"tA7ruxr ii unco oi. bl b. fSaKDYf,'ti(A it ii nwM Uni rv Rpkhwi 4 iiO. 5beKiditSSf5Mhn6i i Strict attention given, tqtha orders and reaoesU 'I i Z . "' ' . , 7' - ii ' it .lf--r..nr lifhpf. 3i !r-ti i THE nv I in 4 I . . .1.1 i ;. 1 1 t 1 OLDEST D A LY PA RE Rl IMi g LQfcS 1 U AlLY f A KfeKt lNT It u'ifi 'lls 'u ,,!'": oi fefudniiiiw i .... i i i . . One Tear, 'pad,-.'. ..r. " Bii Months, " T " .1" I lulio 1 sill In ; ilf.il .1 4 00 Three ... " , i ;-,t . 2 25 w.i' mi:jKi?- ojIh MtiHl ?h:luqo! 'nil: .uLn 1 .11 ot uoUi; i-wiy,uiull fllU'ttWU : . . . . ii i ilitiuaS j-r.-'l j,ij icdt isf.-irM Cdntains'ftfll lteorls ol tHo.1f itaDglaiifMar l-ti- ;rniqofri .WftrJ ,ini L!i!.v -liiJ .!.!' J : ? I J ii J 111.') --i .f ; ) i ; ; '11,1 I ;ii:i':nji jTirrrrrr.v . iidci.-iq !-.'' "i VV.-"!V 'ii !!' -i tU-i i V-l! AdAress, WM.H. BERNARP, ! .V,.-!. : !i( Eoitob' PaoMo'm; .', 1 1 Tra ;)M.ii!' ii.! isS l ter how long hi AND CHOKE ' COLLARS, by means of of ANY AGE OR i no mst-i ter how long hunted, or what the disposition, ean be taught to retch and carry, and to retrieve game in a toost perfect manner, with no play, about it Dogs oiofcen or gun-shyness ana wup-snyness, maae istteady before and behind, arid"0 heel" steadily, prevents lugging en the chain, besides a rhaeh more extended sphere of usefulness .Price, with direc tions for using. 3, by mail, post-paid. jRENNEL COLLARS, which no 4og eaa get orer Ids head. Price, $1, by mail postpaid. Made ad jaeUble to fit any dog. .vji j-.iHj h.i .h!i - - - . . n ,. . ....... I H-l t talesmen Ooodi Itwlaal. 1 i lllllJJlUA3C.Ja aaaw e a Home t.( jinyinaan, unw.. nt Vantedi ' Btreii' ' - tl OaVU flVATSlD W ATC JHJESbtnieap. f , lij Xestin the known world, SavmU Watch Fret to i . . . - ,i oct Wlyiiin-hi iiM.'tii! v3 nil ii'J.i laniWmB' i'UB, aeiiw6 l OC.Sr.Wly V ii0,.'RlfclTO.aae8k,xL'Yj. 4i The DoffirBfe rUHAlrJ YOUR1 OWN? OCt3 IN' TfiS! MOBl V aiattistio muuer. n-pgie ljog, parent's iGaldfJV; ! M. VON CDLINJHJJ- febl-Wtf -ae siaware Gity.Del. .'""unlit1 Bin uu nju miHue" Rock Sr;fceVj, T "olated!IN .Tra .mostt biIsinsss piabt. of the city.convenient to sau Koad Depots and Cape Fear 8teamboata: J J " 'u u j. i i The TaWelwiUbe bqppliedtth fBchjsiemarA, At. Li i. . -;.'.L . j Jg ra per uw single meats weB j iw ; V M nlTTTA fTI T-.M -nna -n . mutf-a fj i;,BBftRT lProyrtox, 7 -1 0 1 i 1 by cftoWii svitovmsP ff 'ufl..U..-i. 1 .i.WjM'l" n'J 1.. .ti'rJutf Y VIRTUE OF THE PR0VI810N8.W A. certain Indenture of Mortgage, made y'6amtel oSMlw-!vi Ml Ki 1 Will : uu javiisa a vmam .10 iv Bii k .,att : Court House door in the eitrof W: tVof !W!Mi to be sold, by Public Aaictto: areas to be sold, by jyublic Afucoon. f 01 ihg descrlDetf PIECE uateia .iha City of New HanQver. viz : in the eastern lineef jnrtn street at a Btttyelx1 f get Of itS ; intersection- with Qaraett Street rnnahig th eastwaraiy wiu ine norm use 01 XiOtrto. 1 6 ah rallel with "Harnett 'Street one-hundred and thirty-i ann na. tww ieet,M3UBe nonawaraiy Luuxy-uree ieetnence weBtwardly One hundred and fhirtv-two feet to' the , eastern Uae of Fifth Street t fcfad theneeeoathWardl v I uuiny-iuree xeci wiiu .sua eastern line ox, jjmn t to the fierlhtilhe'-.-beirfg "part Of lot Nei 4, BWca: ;1 iir.ifrl.'i l.'if LEI 1 r--':AHin1'l.irraa'1VfifMIsjVlrViitM t PaimUetsfrai. tGon-YaxsJI'W: jo T-W6m --- ; Si; - - j i n-NORTHjCARr 1 1 F. 'SICRErCARI'irTRBjaBtilia'iOFM i-Hl :(mna!ttfh-lKAiA.iA.,irrr.ibftntenlH'. n iA .i . the'SjNDtWttAT timfTJ'tSiSJ ab' i.i'd B& 9JllJp i 1 v& Sjj1' J, COjFAsiigHtPSf. fc.iy'l,'l8t' ' HtitlrtrfflB' TTWTTOtra'0jj.t,3.3ai!:'i. ..mil r i r fjrr .... ! je9tfD4W: GORE 4 GOR Rianofc. -Organs. Newii7 'awMTOi, $6T. 4t?,!tlle S?08!. maBnfactnreni ho deceive the uwiu. wjiii uuuiuugwBDQ uiters on SHODDY io StetmeBta. Sejid ydt. Cpe&ali Offietki-and (CTretttor ,(j'jraWiui wjriano vTaanJruae XUD- '.'SWEET , . l, . m vuyVU crat' broe 'i 8old by all on InfgRii latiHiit i. a . V flil 2. 50. OrKM39sii A,MTi - T22W; Charch Organ 16 stops, cost $390.' remeoaoai . lieriac to aaeont present mtoeu. Hew' Steam Pac SOOIi to be erected: J Kfewmnnior vtth mnh fJgoftSbWtiFiiiaeaj. ana ran, nt Fit KK. Please ad4resa, :DANLEii F, BBATTY. I CUBE-FITS ! hen I eav cure--1 (4 nnu dnn nii-b.ii.'tA . Im for a time and then Battt them retnrn a iean a radical cnre. I am. areffnlar phjsician. and rp TTi ana rna riiannm a ; j . - - - IKY KTnpdv fo.in. 4KA woi-st cases. , because- Mhers have failed is no kI soa for not now-recelrinff a cure from me. Send to me atocce fora Ttaaiia ..h . offmy ipaUible remedy.' Give express and poet oqce. It costs yOttnothine for a trial, and I will cnte you. Address Br', ffl. Q.'B0OT, 183 Pearl st iNew Tork. .vi,i 1 j. si t . MIXED, (JAIU)S.. wth iiiame 10c. Agents onfflt 10c. lO.ES &:, CO., IJaggan, K. . . 5FANCT GADS,'SNOWFLAKB DAMASK AssertedUn'2aLiatTla. wiUmam. m m n..' ,saiCardCo.,as9au,fiiiX,di; . flerine CATHDI ICnU iiWJwsittyely core 'Female i Weakness, such as Kallipa atlon of the Womb, Incidental Hemorrhace or Fliwi. in, -alntul S PahifiSMreased anOrrejrular Menstruation, All Old and rellahla votvimIt Sati mrfoi aoi - ajaaplileti xitb treatment; cares, and certificates from Icians and patients, toHOWARTH & BALLARD, tmaai Mi ritSbldtyaU Drtiggiats-aiO per bottla.' ;f A Sflfcr 'rlrAE'bPTJMONAKY D1S VWM VlUbeetitjSr&toaJiaDDlicants. Addree OSCAR fCpryandt Street, New Yark 9'w uili i. lid niversitv of Virerinia. CfSrt'LiW'tECTESX weeklyj, be fcihiiUai! Jaljg ISsad end. 11 th September. as Ml. tO DrACtltinriArfl Who hnva nnr ho1 Vi A . . a, - r aa--tw u vv uib BU ' nU08f .gymteaUffd iDgtnlAtirin. ffnr mronLr an. i'ioo if 'Ml it nil .v ia i i i: ill WORKS . . rfijj 'i .1- ' I - . Establish in lftss'. MBrarraCTur&altkmds'br and have re ctiy purchased -.of; the jAmoskeag. Mauafacturing C. all the patterns, patents, and the good will foi s promptlv. riptive circular. ARETAS BLOOD. Agent, I Manchester, N. U. ' aov 35 D&W ly t -j. l v ii ii ;;K;Tork SHOOTING COAT. A sTVLisii, Handsome coat. im, First Class in every parUculai Pleasantto wear, durable, and in the end the cheap I v " - ' . i i est ; ' MAOlf O F B KO WN VELVETEEN. i . ' . . : .. . i ffdekets and' fining .made to take out, so thai j uu won i or earjy Tail ana winter snooting. frr i . ;.v . l . . .tV .... . ixLuracB omua, ana.. tav' ; -it lsmviaea or 'snooting, coat. si have wore them foe several ycart .ii j.i .i i -. f, .1. ; f JSWjjVest. Pants, at $10 j as the ibea'pe ( ei hard; I plea Bint Swcw:fguaraateed to t veseehitiBayltiB.Tto fun water. Sportsmen jWoBfau anlt:liM.oqjii wiiu iiitvta rhhii ir. hh vir ia 1 wno Best xet Coat fU.&o. ll-.J:'-Ii'H . : : .. I also the sreeverWs C0a j Vest with sleeves Rates Mt'i jmeasWeme'nt arid SSmnleS aitnt nnni . . ii,iiiiijiiun, eclSj1&iwir"'' 1 ' ' RAH WAY.' N . J HUNT U AJH1 rUKKKDMOOK" KlrLttS . ekOju. ALL.OTHERS, IN ACCU ItACY, STRENOTH AND ' III teioibAfKlfiCj: l i: '! or . IT o Jrwmaturd ;Diiharge-, Ever Occur, Kstty fifiW wartahife gooa shpoten Calibn A l.dnsVlh-lOecf.anirichvaaaof aayasired length harjjtfj9wfiom Weighto ltr1fi TSr.8tock, plain; alst Beep Sights: Vernier' with I interchangeable from slghfijuad.JWdatti,Ee,ryl:V of aw miHiifn'Wrrjbvygn'Bs.ct hand. bolltS'l JSiaARW'RIFLrf COMPANY, Htjl-;tlAyji;oiiqniii v, Bridgeport Conn. k AAtteriifey and Counsellor at. Law, i-iab'et'onV ' baden COUNTY, n. c. fitcei-yD Stairs, in' BrWk Building, occupied bj . is. lOOiapd npwards'madsi for Five. Per Cent it .-ii f.ii.j i;j.ii i -..in PXlEfeCail'TlON! tREE. TrlE ' kpEAD T dUKE hi Seminal We ak 9Lp8tPanhpodan al disorders brought indiscretion or excess. Any 4ruggist has redienls, 'Aess Di JAQUES CO.; 110 -Sixth St.. Ctacinnatt..Qhio. , feMS-lyD&W ifwoh wvitll 'ANy-i'' il'' "H Cravp Stones. illni i ii I !ti!ta 1 nifn i imi . . hRST-CLASSfWORK AT LOWEST NEW YORE 'RfCEST DESIGNS KNTBY MAIL. WORK ofitl 6 LtfaiyjMtfjMe, New York. AVatJmnV Mjmental Designs, in book fonn.f or ne to me Traae:" - dee 4 D&Wtf '.-ilJlilUll'.'j itifj i .i'J f,! ,THB'"SEiDER'BBEECMfliDIN6 Of U'ALLKVA V.l '.TlL-iK-OS: - 'AM AA JL Ulv" n. Jnwlp l.inin..i t .ft .1 1 f-1 t !. t,jT?r!c i m Hd t AfeTrnfflDWTO' teftTfcCHLOADING'. ii'u:i:i Kft:r(lt!.U ! 'i(i i .-'.V . i " Clark & Sneider, VA1V UAWrTJIlKRS. j I )u , rtt.fe ffifiiSlH' Weft Pratt Steeet, I l Baltimore. . "M&mntfX-teattmm'tt'SchHiit'piicdt ever S Vilf part-WY eages. bat hVD- untn a. ba iiu nnlrl the fifll mrl ..in i.a. i6 I . I... . . w, I . . ; 1 . i . .Tin UvT.u yi igfiai upe, xbc, to stnaeats who ae i tip to 'pttrsne Jthelr- stfidies "at" this or' other Law !i;Mtotftoseh:piMpose tereadprivatelv: I frf.Coflti$25; Vtet-,6.51 Alee, the besi brown, corduroy Pants, at $io per pair. I make on ii the eneigtadie, as the eheapest 'goods do not tun n't1" W Send for Catalogue . dee33D&Wtf I !