i Spirits Turpentine, PVBI.ISHID AT V7ILMnTGTON". 3ST. C. $1.50 a Year, in advance.- a s p H s w as 3 Si a "BinnoK 9 sirraow.x S3SSSSS33SS88S3SS. 33388338888838888 88838883833883888 833SSSS8S3SSSS33S 8S8SS838S8S388888 s o eo lO t- Ob 88888888828888888 ee to t- i eo - oe 83139 g SS99SS88SSSS 88388888838883888 oo o o t- 0DO O 00 J JO i V 0Q -t e eo d r od e o ixo Subscription Price. The subscription price of the Wekk i.y Star is as follows : j Single Copy 1 year, postage paid, $ 1.50 14 " 6 months. " " 1.00 " " 8. " , " " .60 " .1 . H E WAV xnfeT: VOL. 9. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1878. the 'conversations' that fliave! appeared in the leading journals wilhiu the past day or iwo, as ir id order to seep me matter be- wonld destroy iho capitalists of the I ' People s are' escaping from New country in- order to- J baild; np ' and I Orleans in large nnmlierr.4 1 They are fore the public, and thus f amiiiariza it with j establish a new order of things. One Idying at various points.! A case or the third-term idea" , j 1 t.n - aJLZ a fr' : : The New York 2rt0Me,8tranre to ; .i, , r, , . t . ia . say, goes heavily against the move- raeni. txue secret piu opposition cf acre that a man may own, 1 The is hot favorable to thopread of the of this very corrupt and wicked paper thu8 refers 0 someof lheir ai8ea8e n0 canfcfie: But who is that it is foi Jim Blaine for Presi- A I - ! Lti. .i.: j:.V:- ucuiituun . ;-. v vau ten wuw .uib wuuikiuu vi tuo THE ELECTION. " ' ' . . ' ' ' Uetarns so Jar mm Received. i Jieiow we give me, election reioroa bo 'far as received opto the hour of going to Bryant, Senate, 61 ' majority j George O.. Buchan, Houae, Democrat, 102 majority; W. A Deans, House, Republican, 109 ma jority ; D. A. Grantham, Sheriff, Democrat, ' Rockingham fJBee: A meeting of days was held at Mineral: Springs Church last ' week by Hers. A. McMillan and A .-. McQueen. . There were six accessions tr the church.: iThe Revs. Cobb and Harrison, Baptist ministers, are holding a protracted meeting in this place. - NO 4:1 Charlotte, 0&sen?Jr: During the month Of July there -were but two inter ments in . Elmwood cemetery, one that of an adult8ixly-seven years of age, tiie other that of a child. In Pine wood Cemetery 'there were- eleven interments,' nearly kit ot ilhese being adults. This abowa a mortality among the colored people of the city-out.0 press; i t s 1 in dent. It is warring vigorously against Grant and will have some influence in lessening his chances, j Wo quote its animus': i :l - - - t . him,-and the man- FIRST WABD. JJpper' Division.) :' 1 For Sheriff Manning, 290; Gariell, 213. S .For ClerkVTaylor, ;118; YanAmriuge, 283;McQuiggkl103. ' .u . J tot w T ''ailwMtnn - flArk nf onB tuejoiorea people pi w ciiy4m.w I91cmajonly; V; T. Guveilon, tlerk pi poMon to the relative population of jCourt, Democrat, 387 majority; R. W. whites and blacks. .' j ' . : 1 - fPnr tho Rpnatn Urann ft1 WilAnn. 4ft: hftt aho.li -I !atmoflnhflrn . is . at Norfolk, or Wilt I o' v -i " '" ' "v-v'""- i ; r . r - ' - i oauiuifiiu. a paragraph to show! "The zeal in reporting '. ner of it, begin to nauseate the country.be- cause he is made to appear as a very ob streperoua ana clamorous omce beggar, who has only the common cunning of per petually'denying that he wants office in or der to keep bis name perpetually in mind. The political buzzards who per sist in placing him before the country as a candidate, with or without his consent, are compelling the people to remember much that they would most gladly forget. " ' About the Custom House the talk l"86 11600010?!"0'0! mington or Charlestonfor instance t income. Some require all rauroaus and , 6 K i other means of general transportation and If a traveller from New 'Orleans or. travel put under the Immediate control of nth- ifA "mtJtrM off horn State governments. Some ask for a gratn- ; : i .8. , itous distribution of public Jautts Some and is taken down with the fever. want a trans-continental railway, built, u QiAmA '-atirn& "t'ii.t with irreenback naYmenta for labor: Some wto 18 Solomon enOUgh .tO pay that want all appointive Federal offices made J there is no danger? Memphis is wise- eiecuve Dy me people. ... ctome aemanu mat United States Senators shall be elected for short terms, and directly by Iho people, like members or tne lower uouao. Jvery form of- political heresy finds its advocates somewhere among the Nalional&'t- v , . The great end and aim of this class ly awake. , Read thefpllowing tele- 4 com hiom schools. It is very common for editors and public speakers to complain of the general want of intelligence in the Stale, and particular ly of the workings of the present free school -n . m at . system, liut we oetieve me iauit is in me people and not in the system, the pre scribed requisites for a free school teacher aru about in keeping with the . amount of pay he is likely to get. You can't expect a hundred dollar mm to work .for twenty dollars. What chance has a committee to einuluv a first-class teacher when the amount of money they are allowed to ex pend would not pay a first-class hog drover? Yet, if the lax were raised one dollar.every man who has been denouncing the free school system as a delusion and a snare would at one j denounce the increase of ex penditure as an attempt to defraud the "down-trodden and oppressed people, , Give your free school teachers more money or cease your grumblings. juorgamon Blade. ; We agree with our respected con temporary that the people are to blame, but jthero is great defect in the system. The educational fund is not half enough, the standard of scholarship is distressingly low, and the teachers generally are j very in- competent. If there was more money there could be. employed a better grade of teachers at fair remunera lion. Under the present system, we believe, the time allowed to each pu pil is only some six or eight! weeks in the year. That is all the fund will .,n . . .. i . ailVMr.- . - -: .- - - - -f -: If the common school fund is not increased and a better class of teach ers employed, then it is of but little rearnhportance whether the present system lives r dies. If the press and popular leaders do not rise to the demands of the age, and determine to do what' is right, irrespective of what people may do or say, then it is quite certain the school fund will not be enlarged,and the lack of education will continue indefinitely to distinguish; the peo ple of North Carolina. We must have more and better schools, or the stigma of ignorance will be through the decades to come the insignia . of already is of establishing ja Grant or gan in New York ah organ to urge his renomination and re-election! The Bread and Butter army of ninety thousand is getting in earnest in the Grant.business. tn gram: "The quarantine againaifrdght and tra- l eierB iTonTcwwricnua nut iuuuurg ib being rapidly enforced, freight Jjy railroad. of propagandists and refolationists and byriverat President's Island is to divide out the accumulated cap- quarantine. At a meeting of the Board of They hate all taken. J i Eesolved, That the health officer be em- successful, and ' THE NEW rlltTY. The Greenback party! is distin- - t ! ! I guished for several jthings. It has remarkable pertinacity and zeat, has very wild and dangerous notions, and is very aggressive and insinuating. It may not mean to work mischief, but ital of the country, men who have been agrariamsm and communism lie at the very foundation of all their po litical heresies. j We will only refer now to one powered to employ three agents to act as detectives at Grenada, Miss., Grand Junc tion and Milan, Tenn., to notify all passen gers coming from New Orleans that they will not be permitted to enter the city of Memphis. , "Kesolved, That no passenger or baggage boat or rail, will be permitted to enter the city of Memphis until further notice." as. sure as the sun is the; centre of light, the new party will; entail! rnin nnon the conntrv if the I ideas! and i r j ,.; , j principles thus far evolved from its conventions and platforms are adopt ed by a majority of the American people. It is a mistake o suppose that this new and aggressive party is aiming only at an abundant supply of point the question of circulation of I from New Orleans or Yicksburg, by steam money. Is there a scarcity of money , in the country ? It is stated as a fact that there are $685,000,000 of coin and paper in circulation. This will give over $15 to every man, woman and child in the Unitited States, esti mating the population at 45,000,000. If there are 9,000,000 of j families, The returns from Orange county show that Josiah Turner not only re ceived the full Republican vote, but that he was supported by about eight hnndred Democrats of that county. The Raleigh Observer says with five persons to each family, then I he will be an independent caudidate 1 118. For the House Scott, S09: .Waddell.SDS. For Register- Jos. Sampson, 450. - For Treasurer Elijah Hewlett, 4GG. r ,For Coroner E. D. Hewlett, 459. i ,For Surveyor Brown, 457. ' : Lowr Division.) " : For Bherifl Manning;1 440; Garrell, 218. ' For jClerk Taylor, 125; Van Amringe, 421;ircQuigg, 113.- For Register Jo&. E. Bampson; 604. J For TreasujerxrElQan Hewlett, ?11. ForCWcie--Jtte For Surveyor J. K. Brown, 603. ':iip'r. SKCONDWAKD. !For Sheriff Manning, 157; Garrell, 185. ( For Clerk Taylor, 302; VanAmringe,92; McQuigg. 32. f ' For Coroner E. D. Hewlett, 172. ! For Treasurer Elijah Hewlett, 172. . '. For Register Jos. E. Sampson, 164. j For Surveyor J . Kl Brown, 194. j For the Senate Bryan, 273; Wilson, 21 ; Sampson, 105. 11 For the House Scott, 127; Waddell, 125. :. 4 THIRD WABD. ; For SherfiV-Garrell. 190; Manning, 121; 'scattering, 2. ' For' Cjerk Taylor, 263;' Van Amringe, 88; McQuigg, 14. " For lh Senate Bryan, 244; Wilson 39; Sampsoni 80. For the House Scott, 117; Waddell, this gives, it would seem, an ample sum for weekly expenses.1: In addi tion, it is estimated that there are two thousand million dollars on de posit in the banks of the country. We do not undertake to say how for Congress in the Metropolitan District, and thinks, very properly, that if he can retain his present hold on the Demociata of Orange there; is great danger of his election. greenbacks that they simply demand correct these figures are. j We give more money, -money in great qaauu ties.money continually, money all the year round. It would be very bad for the country if this idea was adopted if the country was flooded with mil lions, hundreds of -millions, thou sands of millions of currency. Such attempts to cure the patient is as futile and senseless as to relieve a man sinking under repeated drunken debauches, by administering a stiff Cure will them to let our readers see what is urged by those who insist that there is plenty of money in the country. We are not sufficiently informed to say what amount of circulation the country really requires. The amount in circulation is not equal to that of France, but it may be enough for the uses of the people. The point is that the country can not ,be relieved by the Greenbacker's wild ideas. It cost the 3,500 voters of Liberia a snug little sum to enjoy the luxury of a government. Mr. A. B. Wil liams states the expenses aggregate $101,782, or $29 per each voter. The colored man who leaves North Caro lina for Liberia with the hope of bet tering his oondition is doomed to! a sad disappointment. Chickens are very scarce and high, sheep are about the size of a black and tan dog, whilst corn and watermelons are niter fail- drink every five minutes never come" to the sick man in that way, and relief from the ills that are afflicting the great body politic will never be found in the reckless Green back panacea, which Dav out to . laborers urea. THE RESULT. By referring to our table it will be seen that the loss and gain thus far is as follows: There is a Democratic is to print and I gain in Granville, Wako,and the dis- all public I tnct of New Hanover and fender, ot of dollars. I one Senator each toial 3. There is But, as we have said, dangerous and a loss in the Senatorial ; districts of fallacious as this , sort of quackery j Cabarrus and Stanly, Guilford and on works a thousand million , It is some what expected in Govern ment circles in Washington that there will be a collision between the IT. S. forces under Mackenzie and Mexicans under Oralles. The Mexicans are very defiant. They in turn accuse men from this Bide of marauding and of ooachincr on their preserves. It is would be found to be, making rvery I Alamance, Cleveland and Gaston, and believed that these charges are merely I McQuigg, For Register Sampson, 169. For Treasurer Elijah Hewlett, 168. For Coroner E. D. Hewlett, 172. For Surveyor J. K. Brown, 267. FOURTH WABD. ' i For Sheriff Garrell, 150;MaBUin 130. For Clerk Taylor, 258; V&nAmringe, 98; McQuigg, 7. i For the Senate Bryan, 222; Wilson, 76; Sampson, 52. ! For the House Scott, 129; Waddell, 126. Scattering, 1. i For Register Jos. E. Sampson, 162. 1 For Treasurer Elijah Hewlett, 168. For Coroner E. D. Hewlett, 172. For Surveyor J. K. Brown, 180. For Constable S. W. Nash, 71. FIFTH WARD. For Sheriff Manning, 450; Gariell, 217. For Clerk Taylor, 211; VarfAmringe, 430; McQuigg, 40. j ! For the Senate Bryan, 166; Wilson, 101; Sampson,' 386. i ; '"' For the House Scott, 487; Waddell 488. . For Register Jos. E. Sampson, 550. ! For Treasurer Elijah Hewlett, 621. For Coroner E. D. Hewlett, 651. For Surveyor J. K. Brown, 633. For Constable S. W. Nasb, 318. HABNETT TOWNSHIP. For Sheriff Garrell, 168; Manning, 61. For Clerk Taylor, 73; VanAmringe, 71; Edgerton, Register, Democrat, 75 majority; Jesse J. Barden, Treasurer, Democrat, 105 majority; Dr. George L. Kirj)y, Coroner,, Democrat, 249 majority; John J. Herring, Surveyor, Democrat, 2,324 majority. BLADEN COUNTY. LSpecial .to the Star;! " AbbottsburoJ August 1. The following is the vote cast for mem bers of the Legislature: i J v For Senator, David Robinson, Demo crat, 72; Asa Ross, Republican, 63. For the House, W. L 8haw,Democrat,76; John Newell, Republican, 57.' V "L H.'S. p IBy later intelligence we learn that the Republicans1 claim to have elected their entire ticket -. , ';. . : - ' ISpecial to the Star.l ' ' Greensboro j August 2. , Semi-official returns show; that Scales,' Democrat, and Caldwell, Independent, are elected from the 24th Senatorial District,: both from Guilford. The Guilford Dem ocratic county ticket are all elected. - Mc Lean an(h Wheeler are elected to the Legis lature, both Democrats. ; j RICHMOND COUNTY. . ISpecial to the Stat. " i Rockingham,; August 2. Dugald Stewart, Clerk of Superior Court, 231 majority; J. F. Long,, Sheriff762 ma jority; John S. Watson, Register of Deeds, 220 majority; Henderson, Republican, by 34 majority. All are Radicals except Stew, art, who was nominated by a Democratic convention. V - . DUPLIN COUNTY. Special to the'Star. Magnolia August 2. j The entire Democratic ticket is elected. Wallace's majority over Hurst; is 1,145. ; p. J. A. The rumor in circulation here that A. S. Caldwell, Democrat, for the; House, had been defeated, is of course no( true. J UNION COUNTY. Special to the Starjl. Monroe August 2. All the Democratic nominees were elect ed except Hasty, Republican, for Sheriff. ROBESON COUNTY. Intelligence received in this city leaves no doubt that the Republicans and Inde pendents have elected their tickets in this county, defeating the Democratic nomi nees. ' j THE STATE AT LARGE. 1 Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, Aug. 2 IIP; M. The losses in the Legislature are one each In Alexander, Cleaveland and Guilford, Stanly and Cabarrus, Rowan, Orange, Wayne,and Robeson, and two in Cumber land. The gains are three in Granville, two in Wake.and one in Franklin! H. & S. bad a thousand times; worse, it is by no means the only dangerous practice prbposed. The Greenback manipu lators have other dogmas! and other remedies that are as dangerous as startling. Bladen and Brunswick of one Senator I trnmped up as an offset to the charges each total 4. There is again in the I made against them. 99. House of one member each in Frank lin, Pender and Wake, and two in Granville total 5. ' (There is a loss in the House of one each in Rowan, For the Senate Bryan, 55; Wilson, 119; Sampson, 56. . ! The indications are that the entire Re publican ticket of the regular 'Btripe is North Carolina. ! If the people of North Carolina are 1 advocate, not willing to be taxeer higher that I l. The withdrawal from circu education may be extended to the I of all notes of National banks. children ot the Mate, then tney ae- I 9. The entire bonded debt o j The Greenbackers or Nationals, or I Cabarrus, Wayne, Orange, Moore, by whatever name the new party is to he hereafter known and designated, ation the Alexander and Bladen, and two each in Cnmberland and Robeson total i i 11. ; recapitulation. Democratic gam Senate Ben Butler swears that Kearney did not come to Massachusetts at his I elected, though Masonboro, Capeear and suggestion or in his interest. Ben has found out probably that Kearney's fanaticism and agrarianism does not take. serve all the reproach and all the I United States is to be called in and evils that flow from ignorance and I paid off in greenbacks. vice. , . i - - j Before the war the old State stood first among her Southern sisterhood in the cause of popular education. In 1878 she is at the foot . of the class, 3. That all Government dues are to be paid in greenbacks. j 4. That greenbacks are; to be made an absolute leeral tender in all kinds .i -i of business transactions, i 5. That there is to be no " House Total Democratic loss Senate. House . ..3 . .5 ..8 .11 Gen. Ben Butler is to address the Nationals in News Ygrk on the 10th inst. A great demonstration is ex nected and a errand mass meeting is r , wi to be held in Union Square. ' and stands among tne tnirty-eisht. I 5. That there is to be no more Shall this nnpleasut state of things I issue of bonds, no tax upon the peo- continue? It depends upon an intel-1 nle to pay interest. lisrent. thonsrhtful. conscientious and I 6. That printed notes are to be ' O , 1 M. ,1 i earnest press and upon the leaders of I substituted for coin, public opinion generally. I and faith in the Total. 15! Total loss..... 1- One preoinct in Brunswick (Town! Creek) has been thrown out, and. if it is sustained then it; will change the Arebblsbop Olbbona-The Approach ing Conaeeratlen of Blabop K.ene; ; The Baltimore Sun states that Archbishop: Gibbons has just returned from a short visit to Cape May and Saratoga greatly improved in health. While away he took.part in; an ecclesiastical conference held ia New York Federal Point Townships r had not been heard from up to the hour of going to press this morning. The Senate is somewhat in doubt, as Pender is yet to be heard from. j FEDERAL POINT. For Sheriff Manning, 54; Garrell, 11. i For Clerk Yan Amringe, 50; Taylor,; 14; McQuigg, 7. ! ( MASONBORO. I For Sheriff Manning, ,63; Garrell, 24. For Clerk Van Amringe, 53; Taylor, 42; McQuigg, 4. : i CAPE FEAR. I For Sheriff Manning, 125; Garrell, 103j I For Clerk Van Amringe, 141; Taylor, 34; McQuigg, 57. j NEW HANOVER AND PENDER, j Tniaiitnonnn rpppivpfl hrfi last evening .U.WU.&w The Vote ot New Htnover. ; The Board of Canvassers for this county met yesterday at the Court House at 12 o'clock. This Board was constituted as follows: First Ward Edgar Miller. Second Ward R. F. Eyden. Third Ward Joseph McLaitrin. Fourth Ward Jno. G. Norwood. Fifth Ward J. W. Branch! Cape Fear Township James Cowan. Harnett Township Garrett Walker. Masonboro Township John A. Farrow. Federal Point Township j. H. Home, j John L. Dudley, Esq. , was called to the chair, and Joseph E. Sampson, Register of Deeds, was exofficio the Secretary of the' Board. , The votes of the various candidates were canvassed upon the calling of the several precincts in the county. j ; In canvassing the vote in the Lower Division of the First Ward, the vote for Constable was called, when one of the canvassers made a statement, to the effect that as there were no blanks provided for the vote for Constable, none were filled but, and that the vote was simply counted-' On moiion, it was ordered that no notice be taken of any votes cast for Constable, there being no law ordering an election for such. The vote for Constable in the Fourth Ward was also thrown out. The official vote of the county, which . Greensboro Pair : -A 4 corres- ; pondent from Ore Knob Ashe county, '. writes us in reference to the celebrated cop per mine there : We have the largest indua try in the State. '' We employ over 700 men and over 400 horses and mines in the bnsi--ness. Our cash disbursement is over $22, 000 a month. We . smelt! 2,000 tons ore monthly and ship about 200.000 pounds re fined copper; have a large village, hall, church, store bouses, &c., &c. Tbe mine is a noble one, large veins.aqd ore very pro ductive. ! -,,,;);;:,- . Wadesboro . Herald: Several negroes in Anson who had decided to go to Liberia inext fall have, we are informed, "gin out" the idea since reading and bear ing of the sufferings and disappointments of those who went in the Azor. . Two negro boys came very near being drowned in Mr. Jo. uenrys mill pond, near Liies ViUeIw.4aya. ftinceOiift waa-entirely nnnonsr.inuA when rescued, and "sticks to - lit" that fie -saw old Satan 'and numerous 'other friends and acquaintances while in . that condition. I. . Farmer and . Mechanic : Died, in Pleasant Grove,' Alabama, July 26, Mrs. 1 Maggie P., wife of Rev. Isaac P. Oaborn, formerly of North Carolina. She was a ' native of Halifax county, -and well known in Orange and Granville. Her husband and five children survive her. Biddle University for Freedmen, at Charlotte, N . C, which began ten years ago with forty students and three teachers, now has four efficient professors, four assistants, and one hundred and forty students. - Sixteen prisoners in Wake jail, including Keith, of : Franklin, and Ben Alford, charged with capital; crimes: : I. The Western . Railroad baa caused i two surveys to be made from its : present terminus to Greensboro. The Fay -etteville Gazette says: The convict labor granted to the Western Railroad by the last session of the General Assembly has been productive of great results. Tbe track in extension is now ready for the iron to a point in Chatham county j three miles be yond the Gulf, and, under the management of Mr. Neill McNeill, of this county, the -work, so far done, is perfect. We regard . the extension of the road now to Greens boro, either by short line by Ore Hill or by the factories in Randolph, 1 as almost certain . Tarboro Southerner: Poultry dying .with the cholera;, in Washington - countyj We learn that a difficulty occurred at Flat Swamp, Pitt county, be tween Henry Blow and ex-Sheriff Quiner ly, in which Slow knocked Qulnerly down. The local of the Roanoke News says he can't write when girls are around. We thought they put a fellow! to rights. Robert Jones, who was tried and convicted ' at the Spring Term of Edgecombe Superior Court of the murder of Rudolf Eaton, at -Rocky Mount, on the 26th December, 1877, ' has been granted a ! new trial by the Su- . preme Court to which he appealed. He ap pealed from the charge of His Honor, Judge Henry.i - - j ' . Greensboro Patriot: "Weregriet to announce tbe death of Mr. Mj D. Smith, of this city, which occurred last Monday at Mt. Airy, '-Whither he had gone to spend some time at the Springs in that vicinity. - .Rev. J. W. Fackler, of- this city, has taken out two patents within the past two months; the first a fan attachment to sewing machines, which has met; with' much sue- ; cess. The second is a burglar proof lock which requires no key on the inside, is locked simply by turning the knob, (the . outer and inner knobs acting independently of each other) and cannot be unlocked from : the outside. 8imply turning the knob in- -side locks and unlocks the door. Fay etteville Gazette: Last Sun day night the forage-house, containing com, peas and fodder, belonging to Mr. W. M. Faircloth, on the Wilmington Road, near Cedar Creek, was destroyed by fire, and Mr. Faircloth lost all the .contents of the house. It is supposed the building was struck by lightning. -In onr advertis ing columns will be found a : notice of the Annual Farmers' Dinner of the Sampson County Agricultural Society. This is one of the most pleasant gatherings that our people! could possibly attend. Peter Patterson, gardener for Mrs. McLauchlin, has brought us a huge vegetable produc tiona beet ; weighing 9$ pounds, and measuring over two. feet in circumference. Charlotte Observer: From re ports received from Charlotte people and country to be in lieu of gold and silver. These are some of the points urged bv Conventions, i Their . all follow " 7-7 ' ,.(," the grand, ' underlying idea THE THIUD TEH, HI. Tbe talk throughout the North is what Grant said in his reported "con versation.' According to the papers his chat about the third term makes it plain that a plan has been matured Ag lhe New Orleans to run iirant again, and tnattne ner-1 - ..1.1-.. (R. XT V 1. I PUM U utu is a panv to iu . xue uw j.ui&. I. f!ftrrlinal MeCioakv oresidin&r for the nnrnose of electinir a President orS Ameri Democrat, the present incumbent, has result as to the Senator from Bladeu io4n College in Rome, in place of Jishori I been re-elected Sheriff of Pender county; and Brunswick, and also give us the I Chatard, lately elevated to the see or vin-- cennes, Indiana. Tbe election resulted in the choice of Rev. Lonis E. Hostelot, of New York, the Vice-Rector of the College.! Snndav. Aueust 25th. the eleventh Sun-: day after Pentecost, has been appointed! by others j who have . traveled through tbe mountains of Western North Carolina, it is estimated thathe number of persons now summering in that region is far in excess of anything known ia the, history of tbe State. . The .outdoor entertainment given on the Mint premises last night by the Lutherans was a great success in every point of view. . , The yard was beautifully illuminated. About 400 people were pre sent, j The 48th anniversary of the Mecklenburg County Bible Society will take place at Mallard Creek Church on Wednesdav. August 7th, at 10 o'clock, A. M. The, anniversary sermon; will be renders it certain that A. H. Paddison I doe8 not vary tue reBUit as already pub-ll preached by Rev. Wm. K: Mcllwaine, of Representative1 lrom! Bladen, which is now counted as a loss. The Leg! J islature will be largely "Democratic! The Democratic candidates, on' the; countless millions of ecattered ; broad-cast money are over, the that to be land. Picayune, well State ticket are elected, of cohrsel tn0ArChbi8hopasthe'day for the conse4 as there was no opposition except in the ease of oue of the candidates for Circuit Judges, Mr. Gudger. There is no doubt, however, of his eleotionj cration of Biabopelect Keane as Bishop f Richmond and Vicar Apostolic or worm Carolina, providing the bulls arrive in sea- son. The ceremonies will fake place in SU Peter's Cathedral, Richmond, jand will be of a very imposing character. ' M ArchbiahoD Gibbona. the head of the Metropolitan See of America, and so lately T. J. Armstrong, Democrat, to the House of Representatives,and W. T. Bannermanj Democrat. Clerk pf the Superior Courtj There is also no doubt: of the election of R. K. Bryan, Democrat, aa Senator from the Twelfth Senatorial District, composed of the counties of New Hanover and Pen-? der. The election of Mr; Bryan was brought about by the fact that Sampson one of the Republican candidates, got th Republican votes of New Hanover, and Wilson, his Republican competitor, got the vote of his party in Pender, while Mr; A railroad agent, JMr. J. O. An- Bryan carriednearly the entire strength- Ane JJtew xorit ttrrhej WOuld substitute-the ragpicker d rrom New Orleans, says that the ceremonvand act of correspondent "of the Philadelphia for the miner, tbe paper mm lor tne ab- . ' AA aLh. fmm vli I 1 t . - - - ... ! - - i Da VGA d vwvet nuu buw r r - , not an extreme man, and hence we of conservation . quote what be writes on the 26th inst. He says : '. r ;; ! "At the Democratic club rooms no doubt eeems to be entertained that the "conver Bations" are part and parcel of a plan that has been matured by the Republican lead ers here, to make the author of . them , their standard-bearer of the party in 1880. .Both Mr. Tilden and Mr. Hewitt are credited with these convictions, but upon what.: if any, facts these are . predicated, does not neem to be known to anybody but tnem selves. The Herald also is;- accused of being privy to the ; scheme. In sup port of that surmise it is said that Mr. Bennett was ia active communication with General Grant when on . m T if 1 VT . - r 1 Ji C It a An a nar atin ri O rf poor men and women wno worK on puoiie i geverai days ago. xie says. , comiDg uow y "'I : ". ' jobs. The currency thus supplied; must, I IITh . guii.. dreaded becanse I reached a point about fourteen miiea above in their view, become the eyivirymgjiie-1 . j malimt d haa'proven so far very citv. when two small, black clouds Diooa or iranaiaaion ufc w w f i ,i wfw nr mnt. of all the na- I J V... nuAM I . J : , f . . . - f .1 tients have died, and . the doctors nna it There is a great ueai 01 drowning industry by tbe locks and restore to health our languid commerce. There is to be no more of compulsory! idleness, ' no more bard times, no more scarcity of mo- '. ney. : ifaper money is iu ucvuuib tue huuiuo Of all existing woes anu pauHuea lur nil pti- vate and public maladies." ; t ! Individual manipulators and bush- -.-;' '--I J - . whackers have , given expression to wilder and more , agrarian doctrines. They are specious, arid are intended immunisation wkb : . nftn , the gullibility, and vne outer uiue, uw . - -r a f hnrd to manage. excitement among the I people, . who are mnm affected bv the nresence of the fever now than they were in 1872, when it wag quite prevalent. The very fact that they are quarantined maae aem u mo uc came nearly together, with the sun shining through the open ! space, constituting a focus of the sun's rays of such strength and power that a white man; who was steering the flat at the time, and who happened to be in a position to get the full force of jibe anxious to get away, aad .causes much of I Djercine rays, had his back and arms blis the fear and excitement. . Escape from toe city ia now very difficult." j Bishop Whittaker! publishes somo queer stories of his experience in Nej- tuatMr. John Russell Young in writing up ignorance of the voters of the (conn- vada. .He bad to preacn w again- the 'conversations' was but following in- t- TO:n Lfrnv blin-house. and in the Litany an ex- structions. As addiUonal circumstantial try. They are tenets that will destroy Diwg nouse, ana in j,u j evidence in that direction, the fact iare- cAnntu onl rArlnna it inadecade cited listener responded keno.. l his d to that the UertM to-day is repuh- - J , ; v :. L V.L i. . fanflA5mfin hrint." . ! to UtJggary uuu uauB.uji.ujr f -- , ( ferred i Jibing all tbe favorable commentaries upon tered to a cake, and it was found necessary to run the flat ashore with all possible dis patch, when the mad in ' question crawled into the bushes in a shady place to cool off. After stopping awhile the clouds passed away and the men. were enabled to continue on their course. ... j , .. - . ' iThe party from whom ;thia information was obtained says he saw the back of j the man alluded to. and it was in one solid blister. : : -. -.. ' the Democratic party in the two counties; The election of Mr. Bryan makes again of one Senator, and the election of Mr. Armr strong of one member of the HouBe.f or the counties of New Hanover and Pender. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 1 : LSpecial Star TelegramJ , f I J. Fatotteville,' August 1. j i Lutterloh r and Blocker, Republican elected to the Legislature by a large ma jority. , ' ' ' '- ! ., Campbell, Independent, elected Register of DeedSjover Autry, regular Democratic nominee. " . - i , ; j t The balance of the county ticket s 5 - i.-. Democratic. WAYNE COUNTY. "I j rSpeclal to1 the Star. ; 1 r, ; r '. ;' ;' GOU)BTORO; August 2. ; sTfoUowtagla wte in full;r i ! IVtVT Dorthi Senate; 63 Imajority, with reported majority of 1,200 in Poplin; J. E. lished, will appear in full, by townships, in Tuesday's paper. ' Hopewell. Charlotte Observer : .To-night the-ladies of the Lutheran Church will con duct a yard party in the lawn adjoining the The ft. .be omcUl ,o,e of OuU- -JJ -.I-. SXTdSS. eve" rd county, received hrough a special I fng'8 entertainment. The lawn will be pret tily ornamented with colored lights, and the ladies will offer all the attractions usu- The Election. ford Kiegram 10 me dtab: . j Judicial; Smith 2,947, Ashe 2;943, Dil- lard 2,938, Graves 2,934, Avery 2,925, Gud ger 1,709, Cocke 1,221. Solicitor: Btrud- wick, 1,483; Hawsee, 1,380. i Senators: Scales, Dem., 1,650; Holt, Dem., 1,609; Caldwell, Ind., 1,812; Montr gomery, Ind., 1,568. . ; , I House: Wheeler, Dem. , 1,714 ; McLean, Dem., 1,652 ; Pritchelt, Ind. , j 1,641 ; ChiK cutt, Ind., 1,631. Democratic county officers all re elected. Prisoner from Harnett. A colored man by the name of Henry Crews was sent to this city yesterday' un der a commitment from Justice A; Al Moeeley, of . Harnett tow nship, charged with larceny, the accused being required to give a justified bond in tbe sum of f 100 for his appearance at - the next term of the Criminal Court , The bond was furnished and the prisoner released from custody. ' There is no doubt of the . elec tion of Mr. R. K. Bryan as Senator from New, Hanover and Pender, though the offi cial returns from Pender, which were ex pected last night, did not come to hand: j . Radiqal offioials in the Charlotte section ' bave been called on' for one per cent, of their salaries "for campaign pur poses." I , , . ; . - - , allv rjresented on such occasions. In addi tion to these, a stage will be erected in one corner of. the yard, where!" a series of tab leaux, j charades, dialogues, &c, will be fiven by the young people. Prof. Ranigan's land will then and there make its first ap pearance in this country," and many other interesting and ludicrous features will be 1 represented. We regrtt exceedingly to learn that Dr. Elias Alexander, of "this city, was stricken with: paralysis at his home day oerore yesterday aiiernoon, ana is now lying in a critical condition. The whole of his right side was paralyzed. Charlotte Democrat: Since the adjournment of the Local Ministers' Con ference in this city, revival services have been continued in Calvary Mission Church, preaching by Rev. R. L. Abernethy up to Thursday night, and much interest mani fested by large congregations. . ! Mr. A. L. Williamson, a farmer living near tbe city, brought us a cariosity in the way of a bean or pea pod. . It measures two and .a half feet in length and contains a pea every two inches. Dr. Grlssom has issued a re joinder in pamphlet form, in . which he thoroughly exposes Hammond, using the most elegant and chaste language,and giving abundant evidence to .convict bis opponent. Dr. Hammond is the man who was tried as a Surgeon General of the U.' S. Army during the war and dismissed from the ser vice for conduct unbecoming a gentleman. He missed it greatly, when he assailed Dr. Grlssom, a gentleman and a physician who stands in the front rank' in' the estimation of Insane Asylum Superintendents of tbe uniieu DUwiii ----- - ! t '!;7 i .-. 1 !