n V ... . it y .J'- i - : FUBLlflHID ; SI. 50 a Year, in advance.! a s a u M V X 3 8muoji9 SS88888SSS8SSi3SS 8SSgS88Sjf S8888SS8eSSS8S8S; 8888888888888S88S' 888888888888888,88 i 8S8S8SS8S SS8S8888 8S8Spplp88, c&ikt-et i ee tet-,-i i i 8S888SSS88S8S8S8 1 888888888S8SSS888 t - ej- QD Subscription Price. The subscription price of the Wkkk t. Star is as follows : t . . , , s ingle Copy 1 year, postage paid, $1.50 1.00 .50 6 months. 9, Til tl DUTY OF DEJIOCBATSl On Wednesday we pointed . J out what we conceived to be the simple issue-of this Congressional campaign. The Democratic party stands pledged io reform in all departments of j the government. It is simply bound to bring about great financial and eco nomical reforms as soon as it gets control of both branches of Congress. After the 4th of March next, the Senate, so long time under thedomi na.ncy of the Radicals, will beDemo- craiic The House of Represent lives, now Democratic, may become Radical uulesa the people are pure enough and united enough to resist the VV 1 J -IA 11 .t:2r k Una Vi vol, 9. WimiNGTO 18.. 1878. 4 NO. 51. without any conspicuous exception, I ,tihik klkctions. saye BuUe alone, are al canvassing The main contest in the fall cam- r favbriifg the old sVitera so fa- paign is over the United States House TorableWtlW;:'.jd.bond of Representatives. The Republicans .t)pyreii after ia f compuisOTyadmw-hd'd'iolnutf-o:t)ie'.vina8- went to work to try to capture it, but ' 8io i enough trious poor man, bo he farmer, of Jme- they have failed. . The present Ohio 'irretfieVablyl: He acknowiedges,to his 9hanic, or.tradecTnan. Blaine, Conk- delegation consists of 12 Republicans eternal shame? thai I whilst Gen.' Por- ling, Hayes, his Catyaeall, are now and 8 Democrats. It is pretty cer-1 ter was beld' up &s disobeying Pope's oaeavorng to wnvczte toe country iam tnat 1 1 democrats ana w ttepuD-1 or(jer 0f .- 4.30 3. M., August 29tb, that tbfeflhtoclalpolioofthe-Radical lioans have been may be shiefifed jfrohi public' censure t 1 - -"'HA ffe'ii;,- Vi't AtM'ilf i' Vf' ftnn nnntomnt 1 i . f No one will be jibe Crlm0TTbe 8usplIoas Clrjm- ItUPPOSBD DOUBLE NVBDERr or; a Tonag Man by be Hmoi and contemp. 1 ' "rt. w cb.,sa 3fuu Superintendent of thff?xtora Aiymm, m fle -g saved by the fact that be had Tbe orpbans at smllbvllle. - We are pleased to learn that the chapter of orphana, in harge.qf Mr. J. H. Mills, i Spirits Turpentine. Winston's contribution to the fever sufferers amounts to over $500. Wadesboro 2Z"gra2; Providence permitting, there twill be an Agricultural and Mechanical FaiHn this county duiin - ue laiier pari oi nyez yer. , .- ; . . . Lumbertpnme: It is reported that there is some kind ol'a wild beast roaming through , the swamps of Scuffle town, and that the inhabitants dare not go out at night. : - ' . , Winston Sentinel: Jno.' Brower came very near being drowned last week part wlhe traepolUj'fof'thB conn- This is a gain been elected from Ohio, commanding Mm to attack, that all ;m6 in of three Democrats, that time he: -Mobowell, knew that : f0 tancs wblcb led toTilArrefff. f. ! On WedBsday,oight a warrant was re', ceived fron,Jusjtice GeorKe,adger. Robin-. . T. . m l J. u mi rt n n ty, ftda'arrest .in tht-j C'ily of oiie George Littleton on susDicioh of beiniot euilty of a with a very iayorable reception at amun- I blown himself up for a speech, snd cot.se-. ville. The entertainnei.t Wednesday nigbt j quentty couldn't sink, on suspicion of being guilty murder.- The -warrant was endorsed. was given at the Methodist Church, and was largely attended, the building j being filled to its utmost capacity xiV-At the- close. of the exercises a collection was taken up and the handsome sum of $31 63 was real ized. Mr. Mills informs -us thaUhe brphahs and himself were the rejipvants qf the very Shelby. A urora: At a meeting of the trustees of the -King's Mountain Baptist Female College, held on the Ctli kist.. It was decided to locate the site for that building on the old base ' ball ground just three-fourths of a mile south of the courthouse. . . The Winston Sentinel Bays that A. D. V. Leigh , has commenced a suit I !a a a l a .a, u iLmmJa a 9 t tvrrt I placed in the hands , of D.atefitiyes. T. O. Ta l '7 L7 t Pnitpr agalst the crPOT&tioi 0 Salem for $10,- L'hSn'o- A.i 1ST Prr Th officer's havinr people of Smithvrfle, Ct W. J. Potter 000 damages,. forn juries received by his Bunting and N.,Carr.:Teperhang articularl interegting bfeelf in their be-v daughter in June last, from the upsetting received information to th effect TOLiU- Mr, Mills, as welras the orphans, of a ,wagoo caused by running on a heap o tleton was at 'a house1" on 'ifhe 1coriier of -wQlaJwavs remember witn pleasure his visit dirt piled in the street. ; t ; - ' - will alwav8 remember with Dies Thirteenth and Market streets.1 jereoeeded to 1 to Smithville, and the kindness anq nospi- I tamy vi us citizens. the place indicated, accompaaiedby par ties, from Colpmbus counly ; who,bfOfght piled Tbe lBi$licaf Recorder cantains the following revival intelligence: Cono- conary, tuatax, oaptisms; Maitnews Station, Mecklenburg, 4 baptisms; Poplar .. wiWiii !i-.. rru. .w- ' -i. - : 1 . ;-i .1 .i. j- by Justice W. W. Harnss, ot tbis CR,na jr iujuuuwiciM j.as experience i --uo irejiuumsaua uiauo laigo gaiuo m ne, -J: orier,naci not receiveufcue oruer proved it? HaveytgTowK richer or J the State, electing the State ticket by aa late as 6 P' He acknowledges poorer? Dp you : desire this crushing om 5,000 to 8,000 majoruy. The also tjiat hebad .attacked Porter in policy tQ.Je continued ? If! not, then I Greenback vole is mnch smaller than Extracts taken Vrbm Stonewall Jaok vote for the Democratic nominee in I was expected. It will not exceed f son's, Stuart's and Longstreet's ue- this district: if not. thoni erort all I 40.000. and mav fall below 30.000. ' I rmtj nrl that theaxtracfc from Jack- . - . 7 . " L I . - , . . . If r w TT - r . tm from Uojpmbus counsy-wMprofgnt t tka soadar school Couveatlou your mnuence in behalf of CoL Wad- m maiana a great aua tmponaui aon. did ot'rejaliy concern- the opera- warrantwhere. about 2 o'clock jester Li This body will convene in, the ciiypfj (AaSTm hiKnw aay inoruiojjj acy Uiavuvercu tw ui y iuu I . aawlgU' rimay, Ottiuiunjf ouu wuuuoy, p.v lajcfiuicouuQ tu vt aao tuciG ncit i a Be'mocratid1' 'HoTTRTs vnri will UAt stock is io the ascendant. The Dem- ih aoth - In other words, he admitted were in search of and' took hlmfntbVnVT'tbw-'sdia'nSd'aavsof 'Norember'-bfext' I protesstotw -moiiow-epnngs, rrio justeuch reforms. In finance as! are I ocrata carry the State by a- majority 'I thathohad enda.v0Ted to form .pub- toj. , T .. ..r ; . - ItPm i.oBBposeaof' deaies fromaift f Tn.t pnint rorrosnondent of . . - . i - i -TiJ.. . ...iLMirj-a I J tiar;, ftj- .-n-3r'.-.f---Wi v. rf to'fffounila Unon wBletteafranTfof thawnffelieal denomiaationa in the State. I .. - P,P..roin" corresponaent or Dest tor tne country, best lor you. ranging iromn.uuu va zo.vuo, una iic.Bentiment ana neip Bustaiu me r ,... M V , l . . u "t. ji. '.' 1 XL.! ; 1 c ' . v Littleton's arrest was issued arer as far as These delegates are to be eoterlained by Mepgoojfl yotr -gun, somewhat unexpecdly, five finding of tbe first court by actually, we caa a8certaiDt a3 folloW8, 0n or about . thedifferen SaDday school, of the city Will see . no finanoiar changesj but a members of Congress. This is glo- intrpducing an extract from a report October 1st George Littleton arrived at the free of charge. Reduced rates on the dif- continuance of that system! of which rious news. The State was awfully as applying to the issue in hand, to- house of his brother, Mack Littleton, in ferent railroads of th btate will be obtained John Sherman is the mouth piece, gerrymandered, and it was doubtful wit: the conduot of Porter on the 1 Ransom Township, jsrunswict county.ana Mf possible that has already. paralyzed jthe wbole if the Democrats could gain more 29th of August, when in fact the ex country, and reduced tenf? of thou- than one or two members, at the out- tract had no reference to the opera sands to poverty and want. WelsayT aide, hpwever great the popular ma- tion: of that day, but to those of the attain, if vou reallv deiTfl a fihantre ioritv I throughout the State. This day following Meit McDowell. j i r-; ' r . i; "i in the financial Dolicv of i the srovern-1 insures Yoorhees a return to tne aen- ment vote for Col. Waddell, the ate in the place of Morton. Democratic candidate for the House I -In Iowa the Republican majority of Representatives. I ! is considerably red uced,but they elect Remember, too. for it is extremelv I their -7-r , --- j - j imoortant. that uoon the comrjlexion I two i ' - - I r- - r 1. purvey or Heconooliiance of itxm Route lor tbe Proposed Canal from .' niionbtro lo New River. Captain Charles B. Phillips, Corps of En- mnooraTT A A. And Mftinr J. R. Shinn. entire State ticket, but lose A8sistant Engineer, accompanied by Drs. members of Congress. The w a. Anderson and Thomas 13. Carr. of of the next House of Representatives will depend in all probability who shall be the next President: and yioe President of the (United States. If the" election should I go to such an unfortunate event at the Greenback-Democrats have elected their candidates for Congress in the Sixth and Seventh Districts. So the Republicans lose ten mem bers of Congress in three States, ani House; which now seems quite prpba- the Democrats gam eight. This will ble, the vote of Col. A. Mj Waddell do to crow over. Hip ! hip ! hurrah I may be the very vole that will settle West Virginia has gone Demo- the question. Suppose he lis beaten cratic as usual. The Greenbackers :f t . -; i ' m ruinrunv k l. iiiuiil ki pons, il wm u Au cwiue. by one vote, and you fatl to vote.will have done npthmg except m lowa, Pl,int; wedneadav morninff thev arrived an eltrual Source of regret if by I vftn nnt lwavf, rpcrrpt. vonr rnlnahla 1 nrl nnlv t.hpri hv fnntner with the I at Mlnnn Pnint fmidwav between Mason- this city, with Captain George Quince as sailing master and Master Sammy D. Carr as cabin boy, left Masonboro on Tuesday last, in the fine whale i boat of Dr. Ander son, for a trip to New River, the object be ing to reconnoitre a route for a canal along that portion of our coast to connect with the ''Great Atlantic Coast Liue Canal." They passed Masonboro Iulet at 9 A. M.., and dined on the main land at IP. M., camping at night six miles south of Sloop neglect ? Suppose a Radical Grant I Democrats. The result shows that himself, blackest of all Radicals and I the wild inflation idea has no real culver lake w arm ness, or blindness or corruption they should allow j the democratic House to De cnangea inio mogt dantrerous of Radicals should foothold -imon? the Deoole of . the a Ltadical arena of corruption, of bull- I De elected by only one vote, what I NorthweM, where it was supposed to , i .- .. i . 1 . I "hpi uorff sirnncr Ttmop.rats atand bv would be your feelings ever nereat- rt ' M.jzing and jobbery. j We do no fear any such 1 result. The people in the other States are awake to the importance of 1 having act ter? Remember the past and! well the present. It is not impos sible, it is not improbable, that your gouts. ni UOWELL AND FOBTEH. We doubt if there ever was a more a House as well as a Senate not un- one vote may decide the Presidential J vindictive, shameless, and cruel per- tier Radical control. In most of the Districts in North Carolina the peo ple are not asleep or aupine. I But in f boro and New River) at half-past 9 o'clock, and reached New River at 8 P. M. Not fully satisfied with their day'a work, they went four miles further before stopping for the night, and after a little skirmishing with the inhabitants ou the banks of the river, succeeded iu getting a hot supper and a rest ing place. Thursday morning they staited for home, at 7 A. M., and were arrested at night by a violent storm of rain at Sloop Point. There they found our good New Hanover friend, entertained tbe party j until the storm was over, at noon on Friday, when they again started for home, and arrived at Masonboro -Inlet at 9 P. M. The trip to New River, including all the question. Did not one Vote settle I secution of a brave and wortny man the contest in 1876? If 'Mr. Tilden j than that which has pursued Gen. had received one vote more than he 1 Fitz John Porter. He was dismissed the Sixth District there is reported did the probability is he would have the army under the influence of Gen. much carelessness and indecision, that been installed into the office that is Pope, who had been mined at tbe are not lovely 'to behold. In j this rightfully and legally his, and the second battle of Manassas by Gen. District the Democrats are not J great Louisiana and Florida outrages J Lee, and was made the scapegoat of j 8t0ppages. was made in thirty -five hours, aroused as they should be. lhey I would not have been perpetrated. I McDowell s and Pope's incompeten- I and the return trip in thirty-eight hours, KPtm to thinlf thnrpJa no dancrpr.that I Wo enirpat. th Democrats of the. I rtr ThA Anamination of McDowell. I Both the Col. Waddell will certainly hi elected Thjrd District to go to work in iear- as reported in our yesterday's dis- Channel" were examined, and it was unan- , . : , ' - ; , , 1 . . .i. imously agreed that the latter appeared the whether they work or vote or not. nest. Every day shows: the j im- patches, throws much light on the mo8t for ai permanent canal it This is a mistake. Col. Waddell portance of vigorous and wisely di- character of the evidence by which being protected throughout almost the env will he elected, we have no doubt, I reeled efforts. Fall in Democrats, I Gen. Porter was ignominipusly bro-1 tire distance, from the ocean storms, by a but it will be because duty is per- I keep up tbe touch of the , elbow; and I ken of his office. McUowell was in march to triumph. ' command of an army corps, and Por ter commanded one of his divi- The letter of Hon. R. M. T. Hun- :on in the first trial of Porter during his stay there he made certain ad missions, which leaked out in some way, to the effect that onMast Sunday was a week ago, at a little station on the Georgia Railroad, known as Social Circle, he went to the house of a young lady, by tbe name of Miss Ida Montgomery, to whom he had been paying his addresses, aud that some words passed between them, when she suddenly left the room and .Went into an adjoining one, in which was beard imme diately afterwards the report of a pistol, and upon investigation it was found that the young lady had committed suicide by shooting herself in the head with a pistol ; that he (Littleton), being afraid that he might be connected in some way with the death of; tbe young lady, took the train on the same night, buying a through ticket to Wilmington.but got off at Brinkley's station, and wentto his brother's house, as before stated, who lives on a plantation belonging to Mr. G. W. Summerill, of this city. A few days thereafter a young and-weft- dressed . stranger appeared at; BTinkley's depot and inquired the way to Littleton's house, after which nothing more was seen or heard of him. And now comes the second chapter in the horrors with which the name of George Littleton is (justly or un j ustly) linked. A few days since a Mr. King was passing through tbe woods somewhere in the neighborhood of tbe Littleton place when his attention, was attracted to a certain' spot by the efforts of his dogs td frighten, away a flock of buzzards, and upon investigation the", body of a man was found' in a small creek,' with a large limb and log' of wood placed upon it to keep it down. The body, upon being removed from tlift : water, bore the evidences of having been shot in the head just above the left eye, the ball ranging in and downward, causing, it is supposed, instant death, the murderer or murderers The object of the Convention will be to organize the Sunday School work in the State. the Raleigh News: An interesting revival of religion is in progress at this place, and ia being conducted in the Methodist Church, under the direction of Rev. J. B. Bailey, the efficient Methodist minister in charge of this circuit of the Methodist Church. He is aided by the Rev. Mr. Hall, a Methodist minister stationed in Wilming ton. Much good is being done. .; Biblical Recorder: (The Central We are requested bvMr. John E. Ray, I Assnfiiatinn nava hlr nf Rr Ytf-a' saUi-v Chairman of lthe International; Executive n supports moie than half of the beneticia- Committee, to, state that "it is greatly de- rje3 at Wake Forest College, and during its sired that every Sunday School in the State 8ession last week $650 were raised for vari- be.represented. ;. Now don't forget that we oaa objects, and yet it has but eighteen want-one representative iromery ounaay i churches. We warn the press and Schoblujf each Evangelical denomination j pe0ple generally against "The Standard ia-the '-State and only one, and wish, their I gewiDg Machine Company, of New York, names se usjmmediate:y." tbe Tbe Case ot George Littleton, Snpponed IQnrderer. A preliminary examination into the case of George Littleton, arrested on suspicion of having committed a double murder, an account of which appeared in yesterday's paper, is to take place before Justice Ro binson, at Robinson's Station, Columbus county, to-day, at 10 o'clock. Mr. M. Bel lamv. of this citv. has been employed to Ijcftnduct the defence, and will leave for the place of the investigation this morning. A rumor was in circulation on our streets yesterday afternoon, to the effect that Lit tleton had made his escape from the officers while on the way to Whiteville jail, but it is considered doubtful. We learn that Mack Littleton, brother of George, has also been arrested on suspicion of beine implicated with the latter in the alleged murder of the man found near his place, and that his case will be investigated at the same time with that of George Lit tleton. Xbe Colnmbai County Murder Case The case of George J. Littleton, arrested on suspicion of murdering one J. P.Randle, reported to us by our correspondent in that city perfectly unreliable. i An unsought and unexpected compliment from a high source is not lo be despised. Paul H. llaync has a national reputation as a poet. He is one of the three leading poets of the South, if not the chief. On the lllh inst. he wrote: "Every now and then I feel impelled to drop you a line, and to say howvery much I continue to enjoy the Stab, assuredly one of the sprigbtliest, and yet tbe most thoughtful journals in this country, i "Go on,' I pray you, 'conquering and to conquer. '" The Charlotte Observer gives the following weights of five citizens living at Catawba, a small village on the Western North Carolina Railroad: A. D. Sherford, 370 pounds; W. H. Trott, 270 pounds; T.T. Long, 268 pounds; G. W. Causler, 216 pounds; A. H, Houston, 210 pounds. The Observer adds: "At the bottom of this list Mr. Trott triumphantly asks: 'Who can beat us 1' Nobody. Take the' palm and fan yourselves. Five men weighing thirteen hundred and thirty-four pounds average weight two hundred and sixty-six and four-fifth pounds." ' Lincoln county has three paper mills. A correspondent of the Raleigh Observer says TheLincolnton Mills, located on the south fork of the Catawba river; the Long Shoal Mills, a mile and a half be low, on the same stream; and the Buffalo Mills, on Buffalo creek, in Cleaveland Dougald McMillan, Esq. r who hospitably J JgPjf feKSJSJ fore the regular Coroner, Mr. A. Ff Toon, county, about four miles from Shelby. The . : A V. n otM-m triia I UL1 ""'F" ou ouu u.ianuia, u . I . I first turn nToro hmlt manv voara nan nnrt takine his socks off. A Mr. Coley was made special Coroner to conduct the inves tigation; and about the same time it was discovered that George Littleton had dis appeared from the neighborhood. The impression now gained ground, con necting the story of the alleged suicide of the voune lady with other admissions made J I K T.Sittotn that thp vminir atroncrpr vhn 'Banks Channel" and the "Land I nnH'a nH innnirpl th " -w ... . at Robeson's Station, Columbus county. Mr. D. C. Allen furnishes us with some particulars of the examination, &c. The .evidence discloses that G. J. Littleton came from Union Point, Green county, Georgia. Our correspondent states that there is no doubt that there is a lady's name connected with the matter, but it is Lula Granade. way to Littleton's house was some i relative and , M Montgomery. So far there is no evidence, in our correspondent's opin- formed and Democrats go polls and stand up for principles, for toi the the country, for themselves and their children. Col. Waddell is the expo nent of Democratic principles.! He hk an excellent record asi to bis ter, of Virginia, in the Louisville nattiral dike or marsh, extending inland from the Ocean bank for a mile or more, j Major Shinn expects to start with an organized force soon to make a more tho rough survey of the sounds traversed, which, in connection with the survey of other possible routes, will consume seven of the young lady in question in pursuit of George Littleton, and that the latter had met and made way with him. This im pressionwas strengthened by the sudden disappearance of Littleton and other cir cumstanceB. Upon searching the room occupied by Littleton, after he was arrested, shirts, handkerchief and letters were found bearing tbe name of J. T. Randall, the latter being of a strictly private character (in fact, love letters), and such aa would not be likely to pass into the hands of a third party, except oy ioui means, inis idqitiuubi vnBUUaU ion, to criminate Mack Littieton. There is some evidence showing that George J. Lit tieton and J. P. Randle went to that neigh borhood together as friends, and that let ters from a lady friend to Randle show that he (R.) anticipated the journey previous first two were built many years ago, and passed through several hands before coming into possession of the present owners. The Eastern Baptist Associa tion is having an interesting session at Newbern. We copy a few items from the Nut Shell: "Question was I raised by a let ter from one of tbe churches as to the pro priety of receiving persons baptized by im mersion from other denominations without re-baptism. After a spirited discussion by Elders C. T. Bailey, E. Dodson, J. N. Stal lings, W. M. Kennedy, and Messrs. C. C. Clark and B. Oliver, the question was de cided that such atception is improper. Regular order of business was suspended to hear the report on Education. Dr. W. M. Wingate and Elder C. T. Bailey ad dressed the body on this subject, after Which a collection was taken up for minis terial education. Dr. W. M. Wingato to the 2Sth of September.- There is other l prcached last night from Luke, 14th chap- votes and speeches portant questions of Gen. McDowell was a most im- Courier-Journal. is a document of I nn,tonf witnoan. TndAd. his testi- I months. f.. !L - tJ . r ..... I All hAndaexnressed themselves as hiehlv I is sunoosed to be the same person who got very consiaeraoie intereau y mony pr0bably had more to ao in in- plllh excursion. off the train at Brinkley's, inquired the way strong argument in favor of tbe:non- flnenc;n(y the iudement of the court i m m to Littleton's, and was not atterwaras seen tt fiMKoV tt,.nnr Wh. , - ... : T 8BNATOB SlEBKlRtON at BIIBGAw xiv i wucinuic uivv.uiv" j y i man tuat or any otuer witueaa.- iu im on the finance advocates precisely those changes in the financial policy of the country that the best informed Greenbackers favor, and that the Democratic party which he presents bis vies, is manfully struggling to bring about, tains a good deal of sound instruction Col; Waddell has for years advocated outside of his peculiar opinions, and the very measures of financial reform is an . important contribution to the i,jnT!,i,Jbn :n I disenssions of the day. Tbe Courier- I iioiolcu u UK nj j . Wiuutco .uuauiiau u i - ther you agree with him jor not you I the new lrjai McDowell is again a will be struck with the wide range of his information and the ability! with It Con or heard of, and who was believed to have been in pursuit oi JUlttieton. Journal thus summarises; his views: . .. .-;,! j "He ooints out the causes which, in his judgment, have made millionaires of; some and paupers of many which have enriched the North and East and weighed like an l I ih. n.ianopitir nf lha Rftnfh And policy, and he should be warmlly bus- 7est. There is much iorce in whathe tained 1 says on the subject of paper money re- -t- , SI. deemable in specie, as manyjof our oldest ILariy man' who may run against cmng remember totheir sorrow Afinan- i,:m Lua --- or,w .k.n.x.y tDntoi1 cial panic came, the banks suspenaea 1J lli-l RUUU1U U U. uuutivv VVf wv-j m-rttn bis admirable, ; forceful and lucid Hamilton speech. He is to-day abreast with those who demand great and salutary changes in the governmental Urrnn Mir C On 191 1R7S Editob Morntno Stab :-A large crowd no,hhnrhn 'd whera tfe bodv of the mD, witness, and he is reluctantly com- j assembled here to-day to listen to North I deredmanwas found, that Littleton murs pelled to tell a somewhat different Carolina's distinguished Senator, Hon. A. dered Miss Ida Montgomery, bought a story from that he gave before. There S. Merrimon. -He had been invited by a wentto his brother's, to elude pursuit, .u i.-o;r, nnA A public meeting.and also by the Democratic wnere be was followed by Randall, a rela were three or four alterations and ad- xecative Committee of Pender county, or friend of the young lady, and that missions that are too striking tO be throm2h it8 chairman, Dr. Porter, who he murdered him. Whemer this theory is -in . -a -j i 6 . . , the correct one remains to be shown. overlooked or set aside, ana ought to introduced the distinguished gentleman as The accused who is about 25 years of . -r- . -w m I . TT ! .3 Oca.. I 1 a . T a. : . Ka I settle thequestiou of lien, juts John j secona to no memDer ox vne umy oi-icn age, was laaen io mr6t though some few suspicioned him of being ana nnsurDassea as a Biaieuman j - -y --a- --- letter evidence written by G.- J. Littleton himself, showing previous intimacy be tween him and Randle, and an anticipation of the trip since the 10th of September; that the said George Littleton was then holding out inducements, (no doubt many of them falser says our correspondent,) to get his friend Randle to accompany him to Colum bus. The evidence shows that Mack Lit tleton was in bed sick, having! called a physician, (Dr. H. B. Lucas,) the day pre vious to tbe arrival of George Littleton, which was on the 1st of October ; all the evidence is positive that Randle was killed before he ever saw Mack's house, and what ? must result muinin ftviTun tu. and as nothine but cold Ilia successful and silver were a legal tender in the States, oppnt coald not possibly c.r . SSPJTffSSSi tS out any financial reforms demanded value. i f S , ... ri "Mr. Hunter thinks that what has hap- Havcby co-operating with thelDem- -Sfuertain to happen again unleis a ocrats? Is it remotely probable that wiser system of finance be adopted. He . , , . r-;ii 1oa suggests a system, and argues it with his any man elected by Radical votes U8i abillty; He onco believed that this would be found working in Demo- Government had nbt the constitutional i . i power to issue Treasury notes, and make cratic harness ? Is it not worse than tnem a legal tender for all debts, both na- Ml, to turn ot a Democrat ?. eight .SSSS-t'MBS years' experience who is consistently conclusion.iHe now believes that the Fede- an advocate of genuine f financial re-. ' SttelKit SSJ: form, to put in a man who ia obliged trolling the entire currency of the country . ... r, j. j j His plan is set forth in such plain terms t o co-operate with Radicals, and JJ reader wU1 examine it for him- thereby.continue the present bad sys- self. It is destined to elicit .much discus- fpm tnolnnaprowtrated thflindnstrie8. 1 son-W or bolt the party that puts him in Eorope is responding to the piteous power ? , 4 cries of distress that are; continually Tt ia narUinlr tonsil rahlo to con- ryoino ud from this fever-smitten tinne or heln continue the policy of land. Liverpool gave its thousands the Radical party. It betraysi a pos- Paris sent its thousands also. The iti ve hostility to the best interests of French President sent a check for the country, and to the heavily bur- $1,000. It is announced that a special dened tax-payers of the land, Work performance will be organized and a for Col. Waddell, and then be sure fete given at the Trocadero Palace to go to tbe polls and votel far Col. on the 15th inst., for the benefit of Waddell. " I the afflicted people of; the South The Radical leaders in the North, Geneva, Switzerland, has sent $?42.15. Portflr'a trinmnhant vindication. We 1 Senate, ,,.,. .. i . , bv any man of his age in tbe United States, will briefly particularize: His speech, of two hours and over, to a 1. He admitted that the extract highly appreciative! and most attentive , , ,. , , e c.mu audience, showed that the handsome he published from Gen. Stonewall aQd el ' ent introduction of Senator Jackson's report did not refer, as he Merrimon by Dr. I Porter in endorse- had said in his statement of the case, to the 29th, the day involving Tor- r's inefficiency and culpability ac cording "to the finding of the first trial, but to the 30th of August. Mc Dowell said it was an error on his part for which he was Bincerely sorry. He admitted "it did great injustice to Porter" 2. He admitted that Porter was .Tndtre. was but truthful and just. The remarks of I quite a number of leading men and excellent judges of speeches, who listened to this emi nently able, practical and statesmanlike speech, that it was the best address that thev had ever heard, was but the general opinion of the intelligent audience. Judge Merrimon produced a profound impression here to-day by his clear, plain, logical, convincing, discussion of the causes of the prevailing depression, suffering and dis tress, and tne remeay. -j In truth his speech was a marvel in power and effectiveness. His high-toned m. the Coroner's jury, which was to assemble at 10 o'clock. Detective Bunting telegraphed to Social Circle yesterday, informing the officials of that place of the arrest, and asking for in formation in reference to the matter, but had received no reply up to a late hour yesterday evening. (For the Star. TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. The Teachers' State Association, which was formed at Chapel Hill during the ses sion of the Normal School, desires to have formed, throughout the State, county teachers' associations; andjfortbat purpose, at the instance of Prof. Geo. T. Winston, Chairman Executive Committee, all white teachers, of both sexes, injthe county, are requested to meet at the rooms of the w . .2 - V ..1 . O ... a oakui justified in not attacking the force in course in private as well as in his public Librarv Association, in this city, on frrtnt rhon. hn hnd aapfirtained that addresses, the purity of his private and day, the 26th inst, at 2 P. M. Require f ront when- he had ascertained, tnat charactert added t0 hi8 bold man y oy. fM member8nip tne 8ame a8 mde by it was twice as great as his own, and patriotic expression of his views of public tne State Teachers Association. t wic o a reat aa he fMcDowein BUD- Pollcy. snow n .uuer aeiesvauou oi cv Tne oDject o tbu organization is to w- twice as great as ne iaicioweu; sup manner and form cf demagogueism, and vance lh interest of popular education; posed when he withdrew King's bis great love of truth, State, and country. to keep pace with the progress of the age; . . . He handles every question he touches t0 draw out special kndwledge; to utilize division. . with a master mind, and he makes himself the experience of successful teachers, and 3. It was shown that McDowell clear and practical, as he is Bound and able, to encourage study and investigation. We had withheld in the nrst trial tne 1 that important for a sutesman to know. r)roUci position she once held as the peer of three dispatches sent him by Porter, No man can doubt his warm devotion to anyof ber sister States, and it devolves , , . , - t, t, r u Eastern North Carolina-to her agncul- upon the teachers of the State to put their one of which, dated 6 Jr. M. on tne tur8j manufactures and commerce, as well shoulders to the wheel to secure the needed 9Qi.li showed that ud to that time , as to her internal improvement and mari- ref0rm. Nor should we consider our object , x time interests, tie showed an mis to-aay, Porter ' had. not received the order aahe so uniformly has in Congress. Ashe iiim Pnna at a. an P M has accepted an invitation to speak in Wil- sent him by Jrope at 4.30 r, , m. miDgtotlf it will be wise in the commercial Now these are some of the points, and business men of the citylto secure a An A"i limr rlparlv reveal the meanness separate address from him, if conyenientto and they clearly reveal ine raeanneBa himBelft on commerce, internal improve- and incapacity , of McDowell, and ment and maritime affairs, in addition to clearly e,t.bli.h the otter, taoocency BSS2-S-l8? Sl of Gen, Porter. It is a despicable specialty of commerce and internal im- u;,l,;-nnJna-rallRnt. faith P'ovemen let it be remembered, and is Vui"-"" " -a a : - i very irienaiy o numiDKwa. ful soldiers that men or less men. concerned in the murder, the entire chain of well-linked circumstantial evidence eo far does not in the least implicate him, f The jury and witnesses at the preliminary examination yesterday were sworn on a Testament found in Randle's baggage. On the front fly-leaf was inscribed: "Peter Randle, Union" Point, Ga.," "Presented to J.P. Randle by his mother." And on the fly-leaf in the back of the book is this inscription:'- "Peter, whenever; you are tempted , to do wrong, don't forget that God sees you. Always feat God and keep His commandments. Remember your sainted mother's counsels and prepare to meet her in Heaven." Poor fellow; he followed her soon, as his mother, i our cor respondent informs us, has been dead but a short time. - ' j George J. Littleton was committed for trial, ani his brother, Mack Littleton, was bound over in the sum of $500 to appear as a witness. Mr. Marsden Bellamy, of this city, ap peared for the defence yesterday. ter, 3d" rerse, the Missionary Sermon, of the Association, which was listened to with profound attention. Tbe sermon, like all of Dr. Wingate's, was both deep and elo quent. After which a large collection was taken up." Tarboro Southerner: A peep through the new office of the Goldsboro JfaZ,recently removed from Rocky Mount, convinced us that our valued exchange has entered a new life of prosperity. It is de serving. There was quite an excite ment in Wilson on Sunday afternoon. ; A , dead negro child was found in the garden of Mr. Thomas Jordan. Suspicion pointed to his cook, Delia Blake. Upon being ac cused she ran to a well.and jumped in, but was pulled out nearly drowned, and is now in jail to answer the awful account. Rocky Mount correspondent: Diphtheria seems to be prevailing to a great extent in some sections of Edgecombe. Mr. Asb berry Braswell, aged about 40 years, died with that disease on the 29th ult, at j his home. Judge McKoy held court at Nashville during the August term of 1877. As your readers were then informed, he proved to be quite rough with the old offenders of the law, causing most of the rowdies of Nash, and especially of Nash ville, to cave under and become better citizens. Only week before last I re-r ported the cutting of Mr.j Barrett, of this place in Nashville, and now I have to re port the cutting of John j Mustian by one OiNeal, both white, on Saturday night week in tbe same town. Charlotte Observer: The Secre tary of the Carolina Fair! Association has received a letter from Gov. Colquitt, of Georgia, in response to one inviting him to be present at " the fair . The distinguished Georgian says he cannot say for certain that he will be here. The Richmond & Danville Railroad will not run any extra trains to the State fair. The regular trains arrive at and depart from' Raleigh at such hours that it will be unnecessary . Arrive at Raleigh at 11.25 A.M. and leave at 5.25 P. M. Col. C. W. Alexander informs us that it is his purpose to have a military display in Charlotte during the Carolina Fair, which will be the largest ever seen here. -All the companies composing the Second Regiment will be invited and urged to be present, together with companies from Wilmington and Columbia, siaiesvuie anu accomplished, nor tire in our efforts, until we have raised ours to as high a standard as tbe other professions. ! Very respectfully, J. N. HlNTOH. A Port Royal, S. C, dispatch says: "The ship Beir, of Moss, Norway, was towed in here last night, deserted. She was picked up by pilots, and is a total j elsewhere. i Messrs. !Tiddy& Bro. say I - .1 -i & T)v TT"-. . knfrtA OTa than anv jwreck. Her cargo of mahqgony is in good SST ever wrUoei condition-" This is tne vessel reponea on iQ f&ct thaQ any book lhey have eTer Frying Pan, Sm&Is by tbe British barque l bad in stock. They sold about one nunarea JAuan. which arrivea nere a iew aays ago. i uu ieu Ak Observer. James B. McPherson, Esq , who has been dangerously 'ill at his resi dence at Rocky Point, Pender county, was reported better at a late hour last evening, a telegram having been received here to that effect. Mr. E. H. Pigott, a prominent and highly' esteemed merchant 1 of Lock wood's Folly, Brunswick county, died a few days since. It is said by those who know that in his death the community -has sustained a great loss. A Summer Idyl" is going off right well. It is a charming little story. Capt John Wjlkea will ship one or more car loads of the manufactures of the Mecklenburg Iron Works to Raleigh to be on exhibition at the fair, The man agers of the Carolina Fair have begun to fix up the grounds.. V7e are going to have a fair for a certainty, and we are not going to allow it to be a failure.: