" .... - v, - - MMMMaWMaWa jjjjj ''".12 liter, - ' r ' Bpirits .TqjrpepWe "j wf; i M :W W JHJ JHJilL -O' 1 A Hi, $1.50 a Year, in advance. - . . . ... . ... . ' - t" r ' -.- . .- , ' m s w t-J a w w - - - - - - : w & i 88888SS8SSS8888S8 88888888888888888 SSgiSSSS5SJSSSPSS8 B S a 88888888888888888 sqjnoji s 8SSS888SS.8SS88S88 tuoh x 8SS8888S8SS8SSS8S 8S88i288SS88888S88 8888888888SS88888 a 1 e8- el s' 00 ih et eo i to to f co os o t jj 3 g g g ion Price. The subscription price of the Wktck ..t Star is as follows : I Single Copy.l year, postage paidJ $1.50 1.00 .50 " "16 months. " j ' . 41 3 ti . the: contest in the : i district. SECOND Jim Harris is the Kington nominee r of the Radical party for Congress in the Second District. O.'Hara an other darkey, would not do. because he was charged with bigamy (having " two wives) and saudry other crimes offensive; to the laws of the State. So he must be set aside, though regu larly nominated by a convention of ; the party, and Jim Harris, who was ; bom and "raised" "two miles from Oxford, must be put in the race to represent "ihe high moral ideas," and the intense love of honest v of ' the reformatory wing of the defunct Radical party in the Second District. Well, what manner of man is Jeemes? .. He is a negro of j no j little smartness. He is the best speak er we Lave heard among bis race in this Slate. He is not without a con siderable amouut of politeness) and ; seH-respect. That is to say, he has . good manner?, and does not hot) nob with "common niggers." But, alas ! Jeemes is no exception to the rule. . We fear he is no better than O'Hara. or the long list of rascals and rogues who robbed and plucked j poor old North Carolina from 1866 to 1S70. This is not an idle expression. There are too raanv evidences of "easy virtue" on the part of Jeemes to allow him to be set up as a model of political honesty and manly mteg- ti" I rity. We referred some days ago to the fact that it was ja jgood ' time to overhaul the Fraud .Com mission, and to see how stands it with the' new candidate In the report of that Commission (judge Shipp at the bead) it is clearly shown '.: that Jim Harris had a weakness for money, and bad been bribed whilst a member or the Legislature at 1668 ?69. It is shown that Harris; is a very - corrupt, if a smart and imitative darkey. John T. Deweese, . former member of Congress from the Ra leigh District, and a corrupt carpet bagger, swears that Jim Harris re ceived $250 from Soutter &! Co. for his vote. He says be paid him $3,000 not-to-run for Congress. We- give one paragraph from Deweeses testi mony, whieh we find copied in the Goldsboro Messenger: 3 . "They corrupted the Legislature,, using such willing tools as J. H. HarrU to get the I negro members to vote for all their railroad schemes. Harris was by them paid the mo ney with which be purchased his farm. In fact, he would do nothing unless ike was paid for it. He must have received not less than $15,000 for his influence and'his vote." ! This is the candidate set up in place of the. bigamist O'Hara. This ' . it 1 - : is me corrupt ieiiow wuo ta nomina ted in placo of ex-Gov. Brogden, the present Representative,against whom there is no charge of bribery and rififiiilati'nn nnd whn i'r an TinnpRt m an ' 1 v. , ,r, as far as we know or can learn. Has Radicalism improved any ? Is it not really growing worse? : It would ap pear so."' 'i r : r" We would be glad to see! a. gen erous response made to V the j appeal for contributions in behalf of Lieut. Benner, the brave TJ. S. army officer whogave his Jife that he might carry provisions to the strickened towns of the South. If some Wilmington lady would taVe tip matter n b,and? we canriot doubt that a fitting response would be made. . I! ., :, We were reading the other night Dryden's 'Palamon and Arcite'when the following couplet, which the great poet applies to Saturn, reminded as of oar times; '' - ' i: : ,; 4 ! ' "Wayward, but wise; by loDg experience taught,; ; u ,-; 4K-t lopkase both parties, for HI ends he sought." - E IiO QDKNT- SOUTHRON .. Judge John IL House, k)f Tehnes-i see, now a member . of thf House of iicpieseuiauveB, ; ib a speaKer OC un usual eloquence. We have often ad- ; : j - mired his glowing and finished rhe-! toric. Some of his speeches in th J House are among the ' most Eloquent and rhetorical that .have n deli- vered in recent times. He was reH nominated unanir on. the 21 st Dis- by, the Democrats of the ... ". . .1. Sixth' tnet. He m8dd:a'k;jblikrad!ltMatld ,1 speech, in which be referred ti the noble generosity and sympathy of the people of the North in beautifuj and affecting terms. We give a ara-i graph, and it is worth reading, j both' on account of its literary! excellence an a a its in appropfiatend anT meats: "in tne next contest between the two great, parties ibey will divide upon govera mental policy; and without sectional! ani mosity. Sectional hatred will be eliminated from the contest. - So far as llhe South is concerned, I am certain that such will be the case. I cannot find it in my heart to indulge in feelings of malice, . toward the people of the North, when I witness; their magnanimous and generous conduct to ward the Southern people. I feel like pulling off my bat and standing uncovered in their presence. Oh, grander than the victory ot Appomattox is the victory won by the people of the North in their noble and generous contributions to the stricken and suffering South. Upon that fated field the South surrendered her sword. Within the shadow of the dark wing of pestilence, beside the new-made graves of her heroic sons and daughters, with bowed head and tearful eyes, she extends her hand and sur renders her heart to the generous and; mag nanimous North. God's own hand baa bridged the bloody chasm. Let not the ambition of man seek to open the wonnds and to rekindle the embers jof sectional strife.."- " n! I THE OLD UARIB. j We had thought that the old way of bamboozling the "colored map and brother" had been abandoned for ever. But it appears from the fol lowing paragraph in the : Petersburg Index-Appeal that the Radicals in that Congressional District are at their old tricks. It says: "One of the arguments used by the; Re- publicans to set their Deonle to vote and 8 most unworthy one it is is; that if this District is carried by the Conervalive3,and the Democrats control the country, the ne-i groes will be relegated to the condition of slavery. It is hardly possible! tnat there is a ne;ro in the Fourth Congressional Dis trict who can be made to believe such a thing." ( j j ; Over this way the game " is differ ent. It is no longer the promise of forty acres of land and a! mule; nor is it a threat that the Democrats will try to return the negroes to a condi tion of slavery, for such lies as (these are too bald to deceive the most stupid negro in the Third District; but it is the promise of oceans of greenbacks, so that those Who are top lazy to work may live in die all over. clover and A new idea has been broached as to an affinity between electricity and yellow fever that there is a naturally attractive force between malaria and "undeveloped electric fluid." A; com--munication in the St. Louis Climes states that but very few, if any telegraphic-operators, have escaped, either sickness or death who have been in any of the infected towns. There must be some reascn for this sickness and mortality, operators be' more j liable Vhy should to malarial fevers than others'? The Writer in the Times says: ' . "Without scientific com men t a few facts on, and left mabe stated in this connect: to -wiser heads to culminate in a plausible theory ; "Jrirst Among the constant workers the telegraph operators are the fewest ioj num bers, i;;--. j " ' ; "Second -They are not directly exposed. ; ""Third If they are infected by contact with other workers, the latter must be phy sicians, nurses, or members o( relief socie ties, who send messages andj are more ex posed than the operator. . I j "Foucth--They are exempt from the harrowing sights of sickness; death, and, necessarily, r unchristian and revolting burials. . i . i. " i . j. . "Fifth They have the disinfecting ad vantage of batteries added to' sanitary dis- infection.. , : . i : L "Sixth They are not worked so hard as physicians of nurses. . . . ' -1 j . ? , VSeventh And lastly, while their sick ness and mortality together is at least 90 per cent., that of other workers and citizens does not exceed 30 in the worst 1 infected localities." 1 ; 1 Ex-President Davis wen hei little thought he would be so soon bereaved of his 9wn and. only son, wrote this to a friend: ' ' ' ' ' ,"-r- J-'--- The noble generosity of the Northern people in this day of our extreme affliction has been felt with deep gratitude, and has done more for the fraternization of j which many idly prate than would many volumes of rneioncai assurance. j ; Jt is stated aa a truth; that in, Mas sachusetts culchawed,'! boastfol, pretentiotjs Massaebusetts there' are fifty thousand people w hi" have their poll-taxes paid by others Of course they vote according ."to jcircumslan- bes." ; So the Bay State' has a larger floating, purchasable; population than any other State. r I : . . . ' 1 l , , 1 o HOOKER OH VKDBR1L 6RV It need not be told our .Readers who Gen. J oseph Hooker is. ; ?He js a ; really gallant Federal officer who Was known in both armies as Fighting Joe." Without being .a great Cap tain himself, he is a braveiabbpra fighter, and has good general capao-; iity. '- He has, had large opportrinites of kno wing both Sherman axtd Grant, and he evidently gauged them pretty accurately; ; The people of the South i will; not be disposed 5 to take', any 'exceptions M the estimate a? he' places upon ;f the two leading; men that became : the ' great favorites iof the North'.' , ; We m the South have ,the ntmost detestation of Tecumseh Sherpianl ; If he had been President I u'uia Lav u ' t)cnu a 'muf einaUg nant'and vindictive persecutor 'of the South than the sot , who lorded it over a prostrate people for eight long years. - Grant has always been re garded in the South as having very little military genius, but as endowed with stubborn courage and a pertina cious will. He has no real political principles and no honor. He sold out to the Radicals, and he grew rich out of the spoils of office. But let us turn to a very interest ing account of a recent interview with "Fighting Joe," as reported in Cincinnati Commercial. We will glean here and there bits of choice criticism which will be enjoyed by many of our readers. He first goes for the burner of Columbia and At lanta, the ravager of Georgia, the slanderer of Hampton, and the or ganizer of a corps ot bummers. He said: 1 "Oh, Sherman is a hard, cruel man a tyrant in the small. He likes to be prod ding people and prosecuting non-combatants. He had so .little discernment that be thought that abuse of me would pass with the country, but the reception of it by the people monirled his crazy mind. Pro bably he never did anything that gave himself so much selfish repentance." Again, he says of his ability as a commander: "He had more disasters that anybody I know of. His character and composition are nervous and uncertain, and be is tor mented by a consciousness that the Ameri can nation has no confidence in his judg merit, and would not keep him where he is in case of general danger. I regard him as responsible for the Indian atrocities taking place this fall on the Plains. He possesses none of the magisterial, assuaging, wise sense which controls savages. His errors in the rebellion went the full swing of the pendulum from gross military mistakes, such as the first expedition on Vicksburg, to gross civil blunders like bis treaty with Joe Johnston." The following strikes ns as capital. It is-decidedly incisive and shows Hooker to be a man of observation and brains: , ; "Well, Sherman has a geniits much like George Francis Train's. He can talk and writerapturously; and yet have no sense.; I am disposed to think that Grant, not pos sessing the power of expression, was takes with Sherman's aptness at writing, and thought he had better not antagonize his pen. Yet Sherman has never been loyal to Grant's kindness. 'I think Grant the abler and better of the two. As President of the United States, however, Grant was vulgar and incompetent." The following is of. real historical interest, and gives us an insight into a matter not much understood. We have long desired to know something of the history of that extraordinarily wise treaty made between Generals Johnston and Sherman near Durham, N. C. We recently gave a rumor that it was written by a leading Northern lawyer. We have always understood that the treaty reflected the senti ments of President Lincoln, who was an abler and better man than any who surrounded him in his official life. But Gen. Hooker makes two statements that will be news to many; first, that it was written by one of President Davis's Cabinet, and, second, that it was 'repudiated in Washington ; by all. But here is what he says: , , "His treaty 1" exclaimed 'General Hook er. "I know he claimed to have written it. It was written by Reagan, of Texas, one of Jeff. Davis's Cabinet, and was overt looked by Davis himself. It provided for the surrender of the United States to Joe Johnston, not for Johnston's surrender.! The entire Government, Stanton and all, rescinded it, and sent Grant to have it withdrawn." . . - If that treaty had been adopted it would have saved all the woes that have befallen ; the j country: since, Sherman was for once wiser than his associates, and possibly builded bet ter than he knew. - r; "Fighting. Joe" throws a flying shot at Sherman as he turns to others. The following is no doobt an apt and terse portraiture of a very bad man. Says he i - . .. .- i "Sherman is actually mean, envious, and avaricious, and he regarded ' me when ' I arrived as a kind of intruder, come out of the East to take rank. Grant treated me better."- o:i;jfX';, " '-: r'; : . Of Grant's habits and capacity as a Commander, the General; has this to say: ' j e;-, if--;-.- -tk "Grant has always been the victim of whiskey. - He takes more of it, and keeps IT..- . - - - . : I it . longer kboard. than-, any general ! ever saw or read or. Tpis makes him ugly and obstiqate. ' . " vi-.'inij: .! viu-i r-v-i .'f 'Grant's whiskey ia jL deceiving article. Lincoln used to call it Bourbonfwhen he drank ot it ' in" canip.il-After Be was made President, and laid UP in the, White House tanfit for business for-days, "they called it , 'malaria . ' i In Europe, Where the same thing continues, I'm told by our returning officers that they call it cheese.1 " r f -"This was 'so ludicrous- thate - had ton roar. -. :; ... !f -.,Y .. i. F 'r,However,, said 1 the Oeberal while Grant is not a Bavard or a Bvdnev. he in m. better man at heart and in head than.Sher- man. ! This is ing,j and we can all - enjoy ' it:11 We beWa" Federal lofficer ! say in f 1 86S v that Giant was more indebted to the silence of ; the .Generals i of the army for his deputa tion than any man who ever Jived. .! -.: - -" "I- Important CliaiiseB. villm '?u; a i important changes j wal ne ip the arrival and' departure ot4fates on the Wilmington & Weldon and Wilmington, Columbia &" Augusta Railways. Among them we note the following on the Wit mington & Weldon Road: The morning train will leave here at 6:40 A. M., and the evening train at 9:10 P. M. The morning train from the North j will arrive at 9 &A. M., and the evening train at 9-20 P. M. Under the new schedule the run from Wil mington to Weldon will be made in six hours and five minutes. The trains on the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Road will, of course, make close connections with the above mentioned trains. Arrest of a Alarderer.: On Wedne3dayj the 23rd inst., at Halis fax, in this State, one Charley Foy.colored, was killed by another colored man, named Henry Spears. Yesterday a colored man in this city lodged information with Depus ty Sheriff J. W. Bryan, to the effect that Spears was in this vicinity, and that he had heard him admit the killing of Foy in a grocery store in this city the night previ ous. Upon his affidavit a warrant for the arrest of Spears was issued by Justice Har nss, and placed in the hands of Officer Bryan, who succeeded in capturing Spears, about 12 o'clock, on the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, some six or seven miles from the city. When coming across Spears the officer read the warrant to him, upon which S. asked if Foy was dead. Being answered in the affirma tive, Spears informed the officer that he would have to kill him before he would be taken. He very quickly changed his mind, however, and submitted to arrest as grace fully as possible. Spears admits the kill ing, but says ' Foy bad him ' backed up against the wall, with a large sheath-knife flourishing over his head,, when he stabbed him in self-defence, j Spcar8,.wbo is about 25 years of age, was .locked up in jail to await a requisition from the authorities at Halifax. Foy is said to have belonged in this place. '... : The Teachers' Association. A goodly number of teachers were pre sent at the Library Rooms, yesterday after noon, at 2 o'clock, in pursuance of the call for the purpose of forming a Teachers' As sociation. The meeting was opened by the reading of a letter, by Mr. J. H. Hinton, from Prof. George T. Winston, Chairman of ; the State Teachers' Association, at' Chapel Hill, requesting him to', call the meeting. . Appropriate remarks were made byA. R. Black, Esq., County Examiner, after which an organization was effected by the election of Mr. J. N. Hinton, Pres ident, who, upon taking the chair, made suitable remarks, thanking the meeting for the honor conferred, j A constitution was adopted, and a com mittee appointed to wait upon the President and Directors of the Library Association, to secure, if possible, the rooms, for meetings. The subject for consideration at the next meeting will be Text Books. - - The following is the " . CONSTITUTION. Article 1. This Association shall ' be called the New Hanover County Teachers' Association, and its object shall be to per fect the Public School system of North Carolina. It will not consider this object accomplished until (1) teachers re as well paid as members of ; other professions; (2) the school term lasts nine months a year; (3) neat and comfortable school houses are built wherever needed; (4) the best text books are adopted in every school; (5) the Public School teachers are enabled to hold County Institutes at least ' once a year for mutual improvement, consultation and co operation; (6) permanent and systematic Normal Instruction is provided for the. Public School teachers of the State. Article 2. The officers of the Association shall be a President and Secretary. It shall be the duty of the President to arrange the programme for the meetings, to preside at the same, to correspond with the State As sociation, and to conduct other necessary business. He may select two other mem bers to constitute with himself an Execu tive Committee.' The Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings. : Article 3. The Association shall meet the last Saturday in each month, at 11JA. M., and shall endeavor to be represented at the annual meeting of the State Teachers' As sociation. 1 , " The Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company. . . ,j , . i The Board of Directors of the Wilming ton & Weldon Railroad Company have declared a dividend of three per cent., payable November SQth, t'. The present managers have paid off all the floating debt of the Company, and in addition thereto.' have purchased and paid for seven hundred tons of steel rails. The rolling stock, road bed, and general pro perty of the Company are all reported to be in excellent condition, and its business flourishing. 4 - CoL R. R. Bridgers, for years the Presi dent of the Company, and his subordinates generally,1 are entitled to much praise for their able management of the' Company's affairs, ; as indicated by the encouraging results noted above. 1 FKOBABIiB HOHICIOE. A Woman shoots Down the Mttinic Keom or i Ijamberton.' ' an m Hotel at ! From' information received from Lam. berton last night, we learn that yesterday morning, about 9 o'clock; Mr. J. VE. Harts man, formerly of that town.butnow travel ing for Messrs. Elbart,Witz & Co., of ;Bal timore, was shot with a pistol by Miss Amelia Xinkhaw, the ball taking effect in the left jphest, opposite the heart, mortally wounding him. ' c ' . "j v - ! Mr; Hartmau arrived at Lumberton on Wednesday evening,! ;. and stopped at Rancke's Hotel. . Miss L. called at the ho tel soon after his arrival, probably with, the intention of carrying out her designs upon is life at that time, but failed to accom lish' heir purpose: ' She called again jester-" day. morning and . met him : in the, sitting roQrn . . Upon :ente.ring tthe room . she. pre tended to be trying to get her hand from under a shawl she wore to shake hands with him. Mr. Hartman extended his hand as if to reciprocate the proffered . courtesy, when she shot him through the shawl.; -: In the absence of aby definite informa tion as to the cause of the sad affair, we re frain from giving publicity, at this time, to the rumors that have reached us in refer ence to the matter. 1 ; Miss L. is the daughter of a German tai lor of Lumberton, and two of her . sisters are married to leading citizens and mer chants of that place. The latest accounts from Lumberton j are to the effect that the condition of Mr. Hart man is hopeless. The Perils ;of the Sea A Narrow Ec eape. We learn that Rev. Dr. Patterson and Miss Sophia Campbell, of this city," emn barked on one of the Bay line steamers for Norfolk, on Tuesday last,e route for home, when they were struck by the Bevere storm, some account of the ravages of which is given in our telegraphic columns. The gale was so terrific that even the captain of the steamer became seriously alarmed for the safely of himself and his ; passengers and crew. He informed Dr. Patterson and others that the life boats would not live a moment in such a gale, and his wife intima ted to the female passengers that, "it was probably all up with them." While the storm was at its height Rev. Dr. Patterson h ad prayers' on the steamer for the safety of the vessel and her precious freight of liv ing souls from the dangers and perils which surrounded them. In the meantime the steamer had been put back in the direct tion of Baltimore, with but little hope of reaching the city in safety, in which, how ever, they were agreeably disappointed, , Miss Campbell has since, reached this city, but Dr. Patterson is not expected to arrive before next Tuesday. i Since writing the above we find some reference to the above adventure in a tele gram from Baltimore to the Norfolk 7ir ginian, dated the 23d instant, which says: "The steamer Florida left here at 6 P. M. yesterday, for Norfolk, and was exposed to the storm in all its severity. Her forward deck and saloon were washed away and she was otherwise injured. She was com pelled to put back, and arrived here at 12 o'clock to-day. "Off Smith's Point it was thought the Florida- would be swamped. Then ensued scenes of great excitement, and the boats were about to be lowered. The passengers oh board were much frightened. They put on life-preservers, said their prayers, and expected every .minute the boat would go down. The damage, to the boat is about $1,200. The water was a foot deep in the cabin. Her freight has been forwarded by the steamer Seaboard. . The Washington Robbery. The following is the Washington Post's Version of the arrest of the party, who robbed Hon." A. M. Waddell in that city in May last, brief mention of which was made In the Jlast issue of the Stab: , . "Detectives McDevitt and Yoss made the quite important arrest last night of John Brudell alias St. Louis Johnny. This is one of the most successful hotel thieves in the country, one of his latest exploits being the robbery of the Entaw House in Balti more last spring. He was then marched through the city with a large placard on his back, marked 'Thief,' .because he would not sit for his picture, and brought a suit against the marshal - therefor. The cause of his present arrest was the robbery of Hon. A. M. Waddell, at the Metropolitan Hotel, in this city, the 3d of last May. He entered the hotel while Mr. Waddell was at sapper, and, after ascertaining that fact, proceeded to his room and stole a pocket book containing $150. The arrest was made in a singular manner. Mr. McDevitt was looking for another 'wanted' party, and on entering O'Brien's saloon, near the Baltimore & Ohio Depot, saw Brudell drinking at the bar and took him in. He was locked up at police headquarters, and will have a hearing ' before Justice Snell this morning. He is a tall, well dressed, good looking scamp, with a smooth face, and hands unused to honest toil." Horse Tradlne. . , . A colored man by the name of Samuel Hines, .living on Topsail Sound, hired a cos lored boy named John Treville to work for him, and on Friday morning the boy bor rowed Hines' horse and cart to come to town and get his trunk of clothing,&c. The boy came here and straightway made an ef fort to dispose of the animal, which he finally succeeded in doing Daniel Howard, as agent for Scott,, the colored livery stable man, paying $35 for him. Yesterday morn ing Hines made his appearance, told his story, and claimed the horse. In the mean time the boy had disappeared, and it is said that he was last seen going in the direction of "Rock Quarry." . Howard says that be fore purchasing the horse he required some reference from the boy i who brought for ward a man who (declared that he - knew Treville, that the horse belonged to his (Tre viile's) father,, and that. he. would run no risk in purchasing him. At last accounts this party was in hot pursuit of the ' boy, under the impression that If be didn't suc ceed in "bringing him ; to taw" he would himself be held responsible." v- Arrest or James Beaton and his , Commitment to the County Jail. Yesterday evening, about 'dark. James Heaton, whose arrival in J this i city " was chronicled in Thursday morning's Stab, was arrested at the corner of Second and Market streets by Special Deputy Simon Richardson, colored, who was armed with twelve eapiaies, ten from the Clerk of the Criminal Court of New Hanover county for embezzlement, one for an 'affray, and one from the Clerk of, the Superior Court of Pender county for assault ; and . battery. His bonds were fixed at $200 in eachcase.or $2,400 in all.which he failed to furnish, and he was thereupon committed to the county jail. His friends say, however, that he will give the necessary bonds this morning. The charges of embezzlement are based on transactions of Heaton ; while he was Clerk of the Superior Court and Judge of Probate; the affray was the difficulty be tween himself and Daniel Howard, jailor, which is familiar to our . city readers ' and the assault and battery referred to was the difficulty between himself and Mr.. F, W. Foster, which occurred at Burgaw some months since, when Heaton. made an as sault upon Foster and narrowly escnped being shot by him. The laumbcrten 8hooilnc Case. We learn from the Express Messenger on the Carolina Central Railway, who arrived here last nigbt, that the condition of Mr. Hartman, who was shot by Miss Amelia Linkhaw at that place on Thursday morn ing last, was considered much more favora ble, and that hopes are now entertained of his ultimate recovery. Miss Linkhaw. 'who is reported to have given birth to a child in about three hours after the sad occurrence, has been placed under a bond of $5,000 for her appearance when an investigation is had. That Narrow Escape. . Referring to the harrow escape of the steamer Florida from foundering in Chesa peake Bay, during the gale of Tuesday last, mentioned in yesterday's paper, the Nor folk Virginian says: "The passengers held, a meeting on the return trip, Rev. Dr. Geo. Patterson, of Wilmington, N. ' C, Chair man, M Cotton, o( Baltimore, Secretary, and passed resolutions of congratulation to Captain Whittle and bis officers for the sig nal ability they displayed in rescuing them from the perils of so fearful a storm." A Son Seta Fire to his Father's store. ' We learn that one David Mclntyre, while under the icfluence of liquor, set fire to the store of his father, situated about four miles from Moss Neck, Robeson cotfuty.on the 24th inst., because the old man refused him some wine which he craved. The store and contents were entirely consumed. Ij From information received at the;Cus torn House in this city we learn that the Frying Pan Shoals Light Ship broke her moorings on Tuesday, October 22d, during the prevalence of the severe storm of that date, and is now lying three miles southeast of her fitatifflfcasrtAtslast cronrita she had only fifteen fathoms of chain left and had been compelled to let go her second anchor. The Snooting Case. The latest hews from Mr. J. E. Hartman, who was shot at Lumberton a few days since, which was received by the Carolina Central Railway last night, ' represent him as still improving, and his ultimate recove ry is now confidently looked for. No new developments of interest 'The Norwegian barque Astor, Capt. Danielsen, which arrived here from Liver pool yesterday, reports that on Friday, Oc tober 18th, in latitude 29. 12, nortb,longitude 72.35, west, fell in with a three-masted schooner water-logged and apparently abandoned, with mizzenmast gone, and foresail and mainsail down on deck and partly overboard as though the halyards had chafed until they had parted. Her name, as near as could be discerned, was the Frederick, of St. John's, N. S., and she was loaded with lumber. Capt. Danielsen hove-to his vessel to the leeward with the intention of boarding the wreck, but was assailed by such a fearful stench from the unfortunate vessel that he was compelled to abandon the undertaking for fear his own men would be stricken with disease. For the Star. Cape Fear Baptist Association. This Association met to-day (Thursday) at the White Marsh Church, two miles from Whiteville.' After the introductory sermon, by Rev. J. W. Dickson, and a short inter mission, the roll of churches was called, the former Moderator, Rev. EL Lennon, in the chair, who was re-elected for the pre sent session. fRevs. S. Ivey and G. W. Hill were both put in nomination for the Clerkship, which resulted by ballot in favor of Elder Hill. : Capt. W. J. Tolar, of Robeson, was nominated and elected Treasurer, but de clined in favor of the former Treasurer, 8. E.Ward, Esq., of Lumberton, who,although absent was re-elected. ' : The only visiting ministers present were Revs. A. M. Nobles, of Waccamaw. and Elias Johnson, of Cedar Creek Association Drs. Wingate, Bailey and others are ex pected to-morrow. . , Several familiar faces were absent to-day, among them the punc tual J. L. Wescot, and other lay. giants. ' After the usual routine business the body adjourned, with good prospects for to-morrow. 4 .Dbleqate. October 24th, 1878. L 1 Friday, the second day of this Associa tion, the delegation was much enlarged. There were sixteen ministers present. Dr. Bailey, of the quill, Prof. N. B. Cobb, and Bro. McNeill, visitors, came in to-day. Dr. Wingate is expected to-night at Whiteville, and the church at this -place will be sup plied by him or elder Cobb. 1 Amotion to-day to change the time of meeting from Thursday to Tuesday was lost, ana me ooay win meet with Asbpole church next fall at the usual time. The report on Periodicals was much in favor of the Biblical "Recorder ' and Kind Words. 'A The body then adjourned, by prayer by Bro. McNeill, to 10 o'clock to-morrow, i! Oct. 25th. Dbxkgate. Its Prosperity Not Surprising. Charlotte Observer. 1 ' ,1 The Wilmington Stab is now ta king the regular midnight Associated Press reports, and has besides in creased the amount of its reading matter. .The Stab is an excellent pa per. Its prosperity is not surprising sinco it is so deserving. The prisoners in Louisburg jail attempted to break jail, but failed. Washington ; Vewr On last Saturday, from one stand-point of view, we counted ninety-three country ' carts loaded with every variety of farm products. On last bunday morning this section was visited by the first killing white frost' of the season.' - - - - j Charlotte Democrat: Is it a fact that President Hayes has been invited t attend the Mecklenburg' Fair, and hs sig nified his intention to be present rf oot hin dered by public duties? He would receive' a cordial reception, but not on as big a scale as the Yankee cities do such things. Raleigh News: Governor and Mrs. Vance arrived in the! city yesterday, and at once occupied the elegant brick residence on Fayetteville street, formerly the home of Hon. Kemp P. Battle. The; house has been placed in proper order, having been leased by the Governor. Mrs. Vance was not seriously affected by her trip from Charlotte, but is very feeble. Durham Plant: The grand jury found a true bill against Becky Lyon last ' week, upon the charge of murdering Nancy Blackwell and children. Judge Kerr re. fused to allow her to " be tried. Informa tion was received, however, that Professor Redd had found a sufficient quantity of poison in the stomach of j Ned Lyon to. Cause death; and the Judge refused to dis charge her. j: . . j ? Winston Sentinel: We learn that diphtheria, in a very j fatal form, is prevailing on ' Muddy Creek, somer eight miles .west, of town... Some twelve orfif teen., deaths have ' occurred, f- The tobacco crop through this section is not as heavy as usual, but from all the information we re ceive, is a fine one, and will bring more money than the crop of 77.i The pro tracted meeting at the Methodist Protest ant church is still progressing. Judge Cloud returned home on last Saturday night from an extensive trip through the North ern States. L j ; Lincoln Progress: Diphtheria is certainly the most horrible disease with which our community has ever been af flicted. It has recently paid a fearful visit to the hearthstone of one of our most es teemed citizens, Mr. S. D. Burgin, and taken from bim the three brightest jewels of his household first, on September 24tb, Henry Levi, aged weight years; second, October 12th, Sarah Elizabeth, aged one year and four monyjs; and third, October 14th, John Albert,-aged six years. - We are glad to learn that Mr. J. W. Bean has been ap pointed U. S. Commissioner for the West ern District of North Carolina. Mr. Bean . is an honest.upright gentleman, and is com petent to fill the office. ! Reidsville Times' Miss Sallie Durham died at Pelham last Sundav morn ing. She was pouring kerosene on a coal of fire to kindle the fire. . A sad, sad death. William Roach came to Reidsville last week and left a negro boy to mind his barn of tobacco. He had just cured his tobacco and bis barn was full. When he returned at night the whole thing was in ashes. The mortality from diphtheria along Hyco, ' in Caswell county, and at Bethesda church, is nearly as alarming as'the spread of yel low fever. Iverson Stevens, on Hyco, lost four out of six children, and another gen tleman lost every one of - bis children. A man forty years old had it but recovered. At Bethesda some weeks ago they buried five, and the next Sunday there were eleven open graves in the same Churchyard. Sixty have died around there. I --Charlotte Observer: A gentle man from Iredell county brings intelligence of a brutal assault made upon the daughter of Mr. J. M. Shook, a highly respectable citizen of Davidson township, in that coun ty, some days ago, by a young white man named T. H. Ballard, who was in. the em ploy of Mr. Shook. He was about to ac complish his demon-like purposes, when her screams for help attracted the attention Of Mr. Shook, who reached the spot in time to save her. ! Ballard fled on the approach of the father, but was subsequently cap tured in the neighborhood and taken before Justice Kerr, who held him for trial at the next Superior Court in Statesville. The regulations governing the military con test, published yesterday morning, require that each company show twenty-five men, rank and file. Policeman Farrington celebrated his first night on the force by cap turing a fine, fat, smiling 'possum in front of Mr. James H. Carson's residence, on Tryon street. The young man Davis, who met with an accident near the Airs Line depot, day before yesterday morning, did not get his arm broken, as stated, but had it pretty badly mashed. Charlotte is soon to have a first-class book bindery. It will be conducted in the Observer build ing. The Governor gets more letters from people asking permission for them to get married than on any other matter. One of the special features of the Carolina Fair will be a printers' contest, which will take place on the fair grounds. The pub lishers of the city papers offer a prize often dollars to the compositor who shall set the largest number of ems in an hour, errors, spacing and justification to be. taken into consideration, and the composition to ne done in accordance with the rules of the profession. Mr. E. J. Allen, jeweler,offers a pair of buff Cochin chickens to the second best compositor under the rules mentioned above. ,. 1 . j Tarboro Southerner: Where (does the sea serpent go in winter 1 Hawk eye. Why, can't j you sea ? Bam Car row's carrowvan Guss Moore and Sammy Watts. They call Gus Moore the hand-organist and Judge Watts the mon key. It is said the Edgecombe Guards didn't hit the board at Raleigh, and hence the girls ain't agoing to shower the first boquet on 'em. It .is said that our Judge can Sey-mour law points in a case and see 'em more clearly than any amongst 'em. First, no Edgecombe Guard was drunk. Second, no two i of them had a difficulty. Third, they did. not come to blows. Fourth,, no one of them , ran his bayonet through the cheek of the other. It was another company, Mr. News. We have often endeavored in these columns to arouse our citizens to a patriotic duty in the matter of erecting a suitable monument to the memory of Gen. Pender, the fallen son of Edgecombe. He has a beautiful memorial window in Calvary Church at this place. - The Washington Light Infantry ar rived here from Raleigh on Saturday morn ing, found the t boat not running, . and tramped to Penny Hill, eighteen miles, to catch the Edgecombe. "This is a phase of playing soldier almost enough to take the starch out of chivalry itself. Pat Do nan writes us: "I am arranging soon to start on a tour of Virginia,! Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina, as correspon dent of several big Western dailies. I am, as far as I am able, to write up the general condition and prospects of the country and people, scenery, soils, products and ad van tages to Northern emigration, railroads and manufacturing enterprises, and matters po litical, financial and social in the regions I visit, &c." Rocky Mount item : Mr. J. J. Battle, while fox hunting, was thrown from his borse,which resulted in the break ing of bis leg. . Washington item: Mr. Jimmie Grist exlmmed a-skull and quite a number of human and large fish bones, whilst digging in a recently opened marl bed. Bertie item: If yon think it might arouse the interest ofyour readers you will prease state that the Harden Cotton Manu facturing Company, which was organized here a short time ago, is progressing finely. The President, C. T. Harden, is to start for the North, ih a few days, for the purpose of negotiating for an engine and machinery. The company is already buyine cotton in the seed, which is preferred for working in. iue viemenis auaenmem. 8 9 - - . A- : 3 ti it- "4 f I Si' ? ft V 3 1 i -

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