t i .-Hf:: - - - - ir r. n ri i 4 . : . ....... hit) i PUBLISHED AT j! viii-M:i2sra-T03sr4iir- c, $1.50 a Year, in advance. S83SSSSS3SSSSSSS3 wm-rtri-HrinHWOiCT : I8SS88S8S8SS8S88SS ' 838338SSS33SS8S8S T 83SS3SS83S8SS83SS 8SSSSS8SS3SS8S3S3 - 8SS333SS3SSSS3SS3 88883888888888888 : 888S8SS888SS8SS88 a a a Q H B v . . 3 Z M M M a a a- o c CD ii et eo io e t- oo a o h o as Subscription firice. v j : The subscription price of.fche'W'EKK! PStar is as follows : "1 . sjngle Copy 1 year, postage paid, $1.50 t H A LI 1C if . f D mouuis, ! x.uu " 3 " " ! " .50 ITIOR K CONCERNING THE OUr-MAN v POWfiB. Some of the ables( and most highly re spected of the Western clergy, both Pro testant and Catholic, are publicly urging a st: icter enforcement of the law against-mur-derers and the abolition or restriction of rt:e pardoning poweN:. These; reverend tzeutlemen hold substantially the same views heretofore expressed by the Post. ,We will not decline the aid of the pulpit in this good work. Washington Post i I The readers of the Star are well acquainted with its . position with reference to the pardoning power. We Wlieve it is a great evil that might to be abated. We believe that it is a power that should not be vested in oue man, even though he .were a Washington. We are glad to have "the aid" of such a virile' and acute ally as the Washington iPost, and like our able contemporary j will not ''decline the aid of the pulpit in the good work" of "restricting 'the par doning power," aud in taking it from the Governors and President, and s i placing it with a body of jurists not less than three in number, and not -. i . - . j more than seven. j . - If we thought the time would not come soon when the pardoning'power would be restiicted, and its exercise taken from one man and given to a properly constituted tribunal, com posed of three, five or 6even jurists, we would certainly join the ; Post in urging the entire abolition of this power. But, whilst we recognize a necessity for the exercise of the par doning power in some cases,' we are none the less very strongly opposed to its exercise by any one man,though he fee wise like Solomon, intellectual like Bacon, and pare, bamanoj and in corruptible like our own incompara ble Robert E. Lee. 1 We are opposed to the one-man jpower on principle. It is dangerous to the liberties of the people. The pardoning power invested in the hands of an Executive, be he Presi dent or Governor, is anti-republican, anj savors largely of Kingly preroga tives. It is in fact a relic j of the monarchical opinions that gave the King supreme control over the lives and laws of his subjects, jit has grown and developed with the centu- 1 ' TfT - 1 m ries. ,,We nave no use for socn a mediaeval relic.. It is not suited to Our times, our institutions, or our peo ple. Let it be swept away, and that quickly. It is a .constant source of temptation, and a means of grave -executive abuses. I j In Illinois there has been the great est abuse of the pardoning power. The Chicago Inter- Ocean, on July 20th last, published an article reveal" ing the most shameful condition of things and a fearful prostitution of the one-man-power. According to this exposure murderers beco'me the pets of Governors and the chqpen re cipients of Executive favors. Out ot 314 murderers tried and sentenced to the penitentiary since 1858, a period r.f t.iscnfir TToa va n r l.aa tVtn 1R9 r( these were pardoned and set at liber ty. Twenty-three had died or been sent to the insane asylum. So there are but 132 out of 314 murderers now in prison undergoing theiF punish ment. It is shown that the average lime for murderers to serve who I . - ;i are sentenced to the Illinois penitentiary .is but three years and six months. Since Illinois became a State oyer fifty persons, sentenced to the penitentiary for wrfer,have been pardoned .by the different Governors.! j Such facts are startling. jWhen will the people awake to their own interests and demand a change in re gard to the pardoning power? As far as we are concerned this subject shall have no rest. From time to VOL. 10. time we will refer to it. We have a duty to perform in regard no this dangerous and un-republican relic of monarchical usurpation, and we will perform it faithfully if we oan.j . I UlSIPTON JIND SWAILS. ' ; Gov. Hampton has done one act that will be positively afflictive to the bloody-shirt organs j.nd outrage mill shriekers. The no iorious and infamous S wails made c mplaint to the Governor of - ill treatment be had received at the hands of a largo number of red-shirt horsemen. The Governor replied in dignified te rms as soon as he received the com laint. Here is a part of Hampton's" manly letter:" ' ' ''" '';! ' ' " ;' i 'c While I deprecate all acts of .violence,1 and am always -willing 'to exert proper au thority in maintaining fhe laws, you must recognize that I hate no power to exercisa judiciaiaathorjty,norr to . Jtake. co.rtian:a of such offences as falKundce the jurisdic-? tion of legal tribunals. If (he facts' yiptt state are correct, the parties who stopped and arrested you on the public highway were guilty of a-grave offebce, and it is your duty, to have 'them indicted. The'' courts are open to all citizens,; and all caa secure justice j before them. The onlj matter that I can with; projriety act -upon is the j charge! made against Trial Justice Steele, and this shall be fully investigated. All my i efforts! duriug this canvass have been used to promote har mony and preserve the peiace. If there should occur any public disturbances where I could properly act, all the j authority of my otfcce shall be used to quell it, jand to give full protection to all dozens of the State; i j "I have uo sympathy with lawlessness of any sort, nor with those who seek jto pro duce discord between the two racesl" j - ' L ' The Governor requests S wails to prefer specific charges jagainst the magistrate. He also addressed! a let ter to the Circuit Solicitor, a Radical by the name of M. J. iHirsch, en- closing all of the papers, thai "he may give them a full investigation, and "take all proper steps to see that justice is done to all parties. ' He "begs" the Solicitor to send "the result of his investigation to' hiqa," the Go vernor. Now this is just such ! bearing as all would expect from Wade Hamp-, ton. But praiseworthy and proper. as is his conduct , we h4ve nd idea that it will silence his (raducers, or put to shame the slanderers ojf the South. They will continiue to represent, to pervert, to invent fresh fuel may be added daily to the mills of prejudice and fa sehood, and that the embers of strife that have almost died out under tb e benign in fluences of equal, just and wisejhome- rule, may be fanned into a flame to destroy and make' afraid. But the, better rart of the - North will find he truth at last, and the cause of justice and honor will fioalljy tri nmph. . i POLITICAL JLlFE-iriR. WEBv i STKR'S OPINION. I There appears to be i a growing anxiety on the part of young men. especially of those of fair education, to enter politics and make it a port of profession. We saw ; it mentioned some weeks since that sRobert Lin coln, a son of the late President Abraham Lincoln, had' declined, to become' a candidate for Congress when pressed to do so, spying hat it was an unfortunate thing for any young man to become a politician. If a man has a high idea), and jwishes to achieve the greatest success, he can probably best accomplish his end by devoting his early manhood to severe study, and to each pursuits as will fit him for the greatest h8eful nesB when, with matured: powers and enlarged experience, he shall become a maker of laws and a factor in sha ping the destiny of his country. In the past the statesmansh lp ot the South: dominated this country. We Relieve this was mainly owing to the fact that our politicians were men of wide study and extended observa- - i t tion. Our best: men were geuerally well versed in the history of govern- ments before they entered the politi- cal arena. A young , man is wise if he gives his! nights and days to his calling or profession, and avoids poli tics until he has at least attained his thirty-fifth year. But few men in our country ever won so great a name as Daniel Web ster did. His speeches are mojdels of their kind, and there is, a robustness, a clearness and simplicity about them that render them forever memorable. Of all 'Americans his ( speeches ap proach nearer to the highest standard of massive, sonorous and statel v elo quence. What did this great man think of a political life? When ad vanced in years, And his reputation was world-wide, he made the follow insr extraordinary- statement ito his biographer,'in one of his many con versations: 'I am not unaware," sai d he, "and it it, that I . i . t l . - - . , ; . . ' ' . I . 1 ' '- would be affectation in me to deny WILMINGTON; N, G.l FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8H878. -I have public reputation, to leave to posteri ty; but it has been earned with difficulty; If 1 .were to live my life over again; with my present experiences; I would, under no cir cumstances and from no considerations, &b low myself to enter public life. The public are ungrateful. The maO who ' serves the public faithfully receives no adaquate re ward. In my own history those, acts whieb, have been, before God, the moat disinter rested and the least stained by selfish, con siderations, have been precisely those for which I have been most freely abused. JNo, no! have nothing to do with politics. , Sell your iron, eat the bread of independence, support your family with the rewards of honest toil, do your duly as a private citi zen to your country.but let politics alone. It is a hard life, a thankless life." ; DEATH OF HON.! HtGTi T rtDELlj At the residence of his' spt), Hon A. M. Waddeil,.in this city,. on the evening of. the 2nd , inst., Hugh Wad- dell calmly and peacefully passed to his rest, in his 80th year. The an- nbunceinetit "will ;carry sorrow to af very.arge .circle of friends, fgc Jha Wis known, and ; honored s throughont; the State; but especially-in this sec-r" tion will his death be most 'deeply deplored. Identified by ancestral de scent from -colonial times with the lower Cape Fear, he represented in his person those noble virtues which characterized the; Cape Fear gentle man of the olden time. Lofty integ rity, chivalrous bearing, and a high sense of honor marked his course through life, j When he entered upon public life few men of his age, few men of any age, surpassed him in that magical influence that sways man kind, for he pssoessed in a most emi nent degree that peculiar magnetism of character that wins affection and disarms opposition. Quick to resent an indignity, either real or fancied, he was at the same time most prompt to make acknowledgment for anyerror committed, and was at all times and under all circumstances the high toned gentleman, incapable of an ig noble aetion. Mr. WadJeli was born at New fields, Bladen county, on the 21st of March, 1799. At an early age he was sent to the celebrated Wil liam Bingham, thejfounder of the famous Bingham School, then estab lished at Pittsboro, and thence to Chapel Hill, where he was graduated in 1818, in the same class with the late President James K. Polk, Bishop 'Green of Mississippi, and others who rose to distinction at home l and abroad. Shortly after being gradu ated he began the! study of medicine at Fayetteville under Dr. Scott, a distinguished graduate of Edinburgh, but finding it not agreeable to bis taste,he soon abandoned it and turned his attention to the law, and was licensed to practice in 1823. In1 1824 he married Susan,! daughter of the' Hon. Alfred Moore, and 'settled at Hillsboro, Orange county, where he entered upon the race of life with such men as Hawks, Graham, Man gum, Badger, and others. There were indeed intellectual giants in those days, but he ranked high among them and always had a leading prac tice in his -f profession even against such competitors. 1 In 1828 he began his political ca reer, and was elected to the House of Commons frOm Orange county. He was "always a popular favorite, and continued to represent the coun ty for thirteen years in each branch of the Legislature, and in 1836, the first time he became a member of the Senate, he was elected Speaker of that body. In 1857 he removed to Wilming ton, and in conjunction with his son, Hon. Alfred M. Waddell, member of Congress from this District, practised law for several years, until the in firmities of age compelled him to' re tire from the active duties of his profession. . In his professional life he carried with him the amenities that gave such a charm to his Bocial intercourse. He was always courteous and urbane, and studiously regardful of the feel ings of others. He was a connecting link between the present and the past, a landmark of the old and better times which have passed away for ever. We shall misS his courtly greeting, his pleasant jest, his store of anecdote, and sparkling fancy; we shall miss his words of wisdom and generous encouragement, for the breed of such noble bloods is nearly extinct. -, , , To his family and friends he has left the heritage of an unspotted name, and at the ripe , age of four score years has been gathered to his fathers, leaving behind him the record of a long, a useful and an honorable life, i - ..; "The great mountain must crumble; The stroner beam must break: And the wise man wither away like a plant." ', We were 'led,;! iutO; error. ':dy; the figures) of an exchange as v to the Jo Johnston vote for the' sword.4 Geuj Hancock got (he'iMiind Gen. Johnston jrfflj 9Y xrtd Gen.. Shields received ;4( nt iStantj only 6. That Northern people shews -how . some estimate thetyrant and toper. ' "' " Jim vnaerson s ,recent . s wear in e that he lied on John Sherman when" be swore before appears, to Uke no one by surprise. Jt is quite probable that he will next swear thai1 he is lying now. ' Ith was ' " ndt so ' ; mtich what Jim said At his first swearing that had effept,, but .whalf e;ffered in proof the documents dtOwi. 1 1 The papers are , callin g ,ld . Ben Butler the stormy petrel o:Ajnerican politics. J If he should -happerf to1 be elected Governor he might be more appropriately called the gobbler of Massachusetts, i Why not, ain't Conkling the peacock of New York? BISHOP K8ANE. His Arrival Lait Msht and Recep tion by. the Yoansr Catholic Friends' Society Air. Darby's Ad dress of Welcome and the Bishop's Rejoinder, dec. The Rt. Rev. John J. Keane, the new Bishop of Richmond and Vicar Apostolic of North Carolina, arrived in this city, last evening. lie was met at the depot by a committee of the Young Catholic Friends' Society and escorted to St. Thomas' Oatho lie Church, whence, later, he repaired to the new Catholic school house, corner of Fifth and Ann streets, where a formal re ception was given him. j A large number of ladies and gentlemen were assembled in the school room, the rostrum of which had been tastefully deco rated and prepared for the interesting ceremony. F. 'H. Darby, Esq., was introduced by Mr. F. W. Kerchner, to dbliver the ad dress of welcome on behalf of the clergy, Young Catholic Friends' Society.and mem bers of the Parish of St. Thomas. Mr. Darby's address was neat, finished, grace ful and appropriate! We have never lis tened to a reception speech with more pleasure. After ' assuring the Bishop of a warm reception, and referring to the pleas sure it gave him to welcome onewhose re putation in all respects bo fitted him for the holy office which he had been called upon to fill, he reviewed briefly the history of the Parish since its establishment. Mentioned the different priests! who had successively followed the highly respected and greatly beloved Father Murphy, during whose pastorate the. present Church was built. Referred to the condition of the Church in this State and named sereral of its mem bers who had risen to prominence in public life and hactahed lustre on their Church by long lives of great usefulness and excellence. Spoke of the tolerance, liberality and gen erosity of the non-Catholic people of the State in eloquent language, and concluded his really admirable speech by. expressing the hope that the Bishop would ever find the members of the parish of St. Thomas devout and ' Obedient children of the church. j A very handsome boquet was then pre sented' the Bishop by Master Willie Flana gan, on behalf of the St. Aloysius Society, and another very beautiful one by a young lady on behalf of the "Sadallity of the Children of Mary. . Bishop Keane delivered a fitting response to the cordial welcome tendered him, and expressed himself! as surprised and de lighted with his reception, taking occasion to refer to the reports he had heard of the Wilmington Catholics as to their zeal, des votedness aud intelligence, and, which, from the 'evidence, already given him,j he believed not to have been in the least ex aggerated ; spoke in high terms of Archbi shop Gibbons, who was his predecessor, and who had made Wilmington his first special place of residence and field of work; spoke of the necessity for active,! in telligent and united work by Catholics everywhere, and gave much excellent ad vice to those present, concluding by ask ing the blessing of God ' oa those assem bled. ' '" 1 "' : j; The Bishop has a floe, intelligent face, a pleasing, genial, yet decided expression and admirable delivery, and created a highly favorable impression on this his first visit to Wilmington. . He bears the reputation of being one of the most distinguished pulpit orators in the United States, and certainly even his impromptu effort last night would lead one to readily recognize his ability. - : The following concerning his past life, and published in the Stab just after: bis installation, is probably of sufficient interest to be reproduced: J ; , , "Bishop Keane, of Richmond, was born in Ballyshannon, County Donegal, Ireland, in 1839. In 1847 his parents emigrated to St. John New Brunswick, and soon after they came4o Baltimore. In : 1859, having aspirations for the priesthood, be was sent to St. Charles College, under the auspices of Right Rev. Thomas Foley, now Bishop of Chicago. On the 2d of July, twelve years ago, be was ordained priest by Arch bishop Spalding, when he was at once ap pointed assistant pastor of St. Patrick's Church, Washington, where he remained until elevated to the bishopric. j - i - The Grand Lodge of Masons will hold its ninety-second annual commu nication iu Raleigh on Tuesday, the 3d day of December nextjj. ; j Dr. Carver, the marksman, has made $60,000 during the last year. j . , , rONB GIjIRim EKING. - ! . . ' tl ; ! .... ' Escape or James Heatou 1 he Una alllua: Search or tlie PUKltlve, Jed ' ;''r'"-'' ' . ,' ' ,; James Ueaton, who'has been confined at the county jafl-fer'i Week or so past, await? Sf&ffi$$$i$ 'ot :embeizigipei4 &q.' made s CBpBalat .oighrJfewt ; li o'clock, aidJat lssfi cidunls waa MiU at large, : ; It' ai.'asirJot beealbcked up in t!hq jwtafefipj n a room in the upstairrof Ihe'aweltiDX'adjoiaing occu pled by raevfanbrnd Ins Htmflfr tasi night.tbe jailor Wjas ahsent for a feijr ;rainr Utea, Joho Brovrqj pae oftthe SheruTi deputies, i being " lefl in charge Of th prisoner,, when the latter eeiitpd a favorable opportunity, spraji JLo the door . leading from the rootn which ? was alightly ajar. and drew' a Tefolypr from his ocket whicb 1 ne naspea in the very Tace ot :rpwn, who had sprang : to. his feet,', saying: - :MJoh4 Henry, '1 ani c; goiog ';oui v 6t here Don't yea move; if you do I williblpw1Jonf brains eat.wr tlpoa.whvcljjie idarteV4own the stairs and out of the front door into the street. . Almost instant pursuit was organ ized, and parties scoured the city in every direction, but at last accounts the "irre pressible" had not been taken. In justice to Brown we, give his own statement,; to the effect that he was not there officially, as a guard, but was simply paying a friendly visit to the jailor. Why the prisoner was not locked up in the jail we are not advised;. except that the jailor says he was just recovering from a spell of sickness, and he was allowed extra privi. leges on that account Discovery of a Drowned Man. The body of an unknown white man, ap parently recently drowned, was found in the Brunswick River, just below the ferry, oh Wednesday morning lait. It' was first discovered floating in the river by a colored man, who tied it up with a crape vine and started to Town Creek to notify the Coro-; ner, Mr. AlcUallum, of .Brunswick, of the circumstances. Deceased had on a short, thick pea-jacket, but our informant could get but very little information from the man who found the body, owing to the excitement into which his discovery had thrown him, relative to its description, etc. Personal. The following is from the "Personal Notes Concerning the Synod," in the Golds boro' Messenger: "The Synod was foi tunate in its Moderator Rev. Joseph i R. Wilson, D. D., pastor of the First church in Wilmington, was chosen to this office. His urbanity and ready pleasantry, both in and out of the chair, made him a great favorite with our people; and his deserved reputation as a pulpit orator and a man of varied learning suggested him as the pre siding officer; and his great familiarity with parliamentary procedure eminently fitted him to fill with ease and dignity the Mod erator chair." Coneresslonal. - , The following statement of the official vote of the Third Congressional District at the last election we publish for convenience of reference: Waddell. Canadav. Bladen Brunswick.. 1356 1444- 994 1052 1109 711 1412 - 766 2144 1266 1037 741 2185 2129 1328 1200 1554 3045 1220 543 1151 1264 2025 1665 17,515 15,826 15,826 1,689 Carteret Columbus Duplin Harnett. . .... Cumberland.. Moore . . New Hanover. Onslow,. Pender.'. Sampson Wad dell's majority. . The murderer Caught. We learn that Jim Green, the murderer of Douglas Baskerville, at Hamlet, a few day ago, particulars of which appeared in the Star, has been caught and sent to Wades boro jail. Officers are on the track of Joq Sheridan, implicated in the same murder,. whoislurking around Laurinburg. She rlden is a fugitive from justice from South Carolina. A correspondent at Hamlet, who furnishes us with the above informal tian.says: "A graveyard near here contains five murdered men, all buried within fif teen feet of each other. n Death of SIlss Bale. We omitted to mention in our last that Miss Mary Ann Buie, well known as "The Soldiers Friend," died at Aiken, S. C, on Tuesday last. She had been spending some time in Charleston, and was on her way to Augusta, when she was taken sick on the. train ana stopped at Aisen, wnere, after a brief illness, she died. Miss Buie: who was a sister of Dr. D. M. Buie, was formerly a resident of this city, and was a faithful friend to the soldiers during the war, hence the title by which she was dis tinguished during the remainder or her lire. Cotton Movements. i During the two months ending with No Lvember 1st, 1878, the receipts of cotton at this port footed up 37,730 bales, while for the same period in 1877 the . receipts amounted to 26,022 bales, showing an in crease in favor of 1878 of 11.708 bales. The exports for the two months ending with November 1st, 1878, footed up 24,532 bales, of which 14,214 bales were foreign, which for the same period in 1877 the ex Dorts footed up 10.200 bales, of which 950 bales went foreign, showing an increase in favor of 1878 of 14,332 Dales. A party who has been in at tendance upon theeldon Fair pronounces t a success. The military display is very good, there being companies present from Norfolk, Petersburg and Goldsboro', be sides the local militia. H mm sa i ; The jury of inquest in the case of Hartman, who was killed at Lumberton, rendered a verdict yesterday in accordance with the facts as published by us. Other arrests have been made of parties said to be implicated in the affair. NO. The ureldon. JFalr. From ajeport of Thursday's pro ceedings of the Weldon Fair, in the Petersburg Index-Appeal, we copy the following: The weather is bright , and beauti ul again to day but decidedly cooli. The crowd- on the grounds is 1 much, larger than yesterday.!' Ihe; untver sal sentiment is that the ;exhibition this year is by far the best; that the Society has ever had. ' The officers, members and friends of ' the Society all express themselves as much grati fied and encouraged.. And well they may be, for the air is a success in all respects, and highly Creditable to the section in which it is held. : : The i large attendance yesterday and to-day will enable the Society to ay off its premiums promptly, and eave a handsome cash balance in the treasury for future operations. ; ibe stock department is unusually full this year, aod the exhibits gen-r xne principal iriar or speeor xoaay wasaTunning match for a purse of 200, one mile and repeat. It was won by Gov. Hampton. : lime .1 :52 The other races were unimportant and the purses small. ; (juite an interesting incident oc curred in -Agricultural Hall this af-r ternoon.. . It was the presentation of a printing press to master David Perry, of Edgecombe county, aged nine years, as the youngest editor in the State. This little boy has re-j cently been issuing in written form a paper called the Swift Creek. Nut Shell. He will hereafter issue a printed sheet. The press was given by Mr. Dorman, of Baltimore, and the presentation address was de livered by Maj. Engelhard. What Ifflade the South Solid. Alexandria Gazette The "solid South" is what riot only the Radical, but the so oalled liberal press of the North, now inveigh against, in language best calculated to "fire the Northern heart" and re vive sectional animosity, and thereby assist the effort to prolong Radical misrule. Well, suppose the South is solid What made it so? The South laid down her arms upon express conditions. All know how those con ditions were complied with. Every insult and injury that malignity could invent or rapacity suggest have been inflicted upon her; every crime that the ingenuity of man could conceive has been attributed to her by those who wished to gratify, by such men dacity, either their envy or their greed; and though despoiled by un just and onerous taxes to support the government, she has been treated as a province whose people bad no rights that a Radical was bound to respect. In the possibilities of flesh and blood could there have been anything else than a "solid South?" . Senator Saulsbury for Hard money. Senator Saulsbury, of Delaware, addressed a Democratic meeting at Wilmington on Monday evening. He arraigned the Republican party for the creation of the public debt, twice as large as it should have been, ex travagant expenditure of the national revenues, legislation for the payment of bonds in coin, and the establish ment of the pational banking system. lie condemned the present tariff sys tern as devised more for the benefit of speculators than for raising reve nue, and as favoring the lew at the cost of the many. As a representa tive of the Democracy of Delaware he planted himself on their hard money platform, favored early re sumption of specie payments, and that the government should abrogate national banks and issue a converti ble paper money equal in its volume to its ability to redeem it. . The Best men. INew York Tribune. The South is going to send her strongest men to the next Congress. More than this, she is going to send a greater number of men who were leaders in the Confederate army than ever before. - Of course they. will be devoted to the Solid South and her interests. The Northern Democrats are notoriously supporting the weak est men they have voted for in years. They have, in many instances, formed combinations with the Nationals to elect inferior men, and in many others they have nominated equally inferior men to catch the discontented vote. These men may lie honest, but they will inevitably be controlled by the stronger men from the South. For the Star. Office Clerk Supeeiob CotrsTi Stakfobd. Pender Co., N. C .November 2nd, 1878 Mr. Editor Bear Sir: I notice in your issue of to-day a piece headed a "Voice from the County Jail,'' in which Mr. Hea ton says of the capiases I sent to Sheriff Manning that ''these very identical cases of the charges or extortion and destroying re cords of court have long since been dis missed upon the payment of costs." "This." he 8ays,"was so ordered by the Judge and so understood by my Attorney and Solicitor Norment." He then goes on to account for the capiases by saying that Pender has a new Clerk who does not understand the exact status of the cases. It is strange these cases should be found on the docket of JulV term, 1878, and capiases ordered by Judge Eure and upon his docket in his own hand writing. : If - they have been settled. up I am unable to find any such settlement upon any of the records in my office; and if there is any lauit to pe round it must be with his Attorney, the Solicitor or Judge for hot notifying the Clerk of this county, so that such settlement could be put on the records. Very respectfully, . W. T. BA1TNKEMA2T, Clerk of Superior Court for Pender Co. Spirits bTarpentme. - Mrs. W. H. Jones, of Raleigl), died last Sunday morning. - .1 Edgecombe hast just 'sent five . colored jconvicla to the penitentiary. Thealeigh -iVrewstoniceis to b put in telephonic connection with the Cap itol during the session of the" Genei-al As sembly.' . J - k Raleigh vNews Rev. J. P. ritchard, the venerable father of Dr. T. H. Pritchard, who removed to-this city from Texas some time past, yesterday re turned to that State, accompanied by his wife. '. . . -. , . . i Maj: Louis C. Latham, of Pitt, was standing in front of his horse the other day, when it suddenly sprang forward, knocked him down, trampled him under foot and injured him painfully, thougb'not dangerously. . i Durham Tobacco Plant: Eugene Morehead Bold $28,000 worth of revenue stamps for tobacco in seven days -closing last niht,to the manufacturers of Durham. This will give the outsiders some idea of the amount of business the Durham manu facturers are doing. I Whv do the oaoers of . this Stale when speaking of Joe Turner very often say "Hon. Josiah Turner f" He never was entitled to the prefix of "Hon." by service io any office that rightfully carries that title v with it. VharLotte .Democrat, tie. was a member of the Confederate Congress. Star. ? , . ; . ; Complimentary and sympathiz ing resolutions were passed by and forward ed from the llolslon Annual uonrerence or the M. & Church South, at its recent ses sion., to Revs. R. H. Parker, J. W. Smith, aUd'M. :D. Thompson; ,who,;wefe not pre sent at the session, having been detained . at their posts with their respective charges in Chattanooga by the presence of yellow fever. i I .... . . ... m . . -i lne Ji.noxviiie, lenneesee, jued- ical Society, passed the following resolu tion on the 17th of October: "Besolved. That . in the opinion of ! this Society the medical profession of this country is under obligation to Dr. Eugene Grissom, of Ra leigh, N. C, for the admirable manner in which he has sustained the controversy be tween himself and Dr. W. A. Hammond, of New York city." Charlotte Democrat: From what we have heard in the surrounding countL-s this Fall, we can tell the j authorities of the Uarolina a air tnat tney may expect a very large crowd during Fair week, if there is favorable weather. -! There will be a great demand j for eatables in this city during the month of .November. The Bap tist State Convention meets here on the 6th, the Fair on the 12th, 13th, 14th and 15tb, and the N. C. Conference assembles on the 27th. - Salisbury Watchman : Bishop Atkinson preached in St. Luke's Church on Sunday, both morning and night, to a large congregation. I be subject of his ser mon in the morning was the choice of the Jews: "Not this man but Barabbas." The sermon at night was on the necessity of hav ing a faith which produces good works. Both of these sermons were able, clear and eloquent. At night five persons were con firmed. ; i -Raleigh Observer: The usually quiet village of Clayton was the scene of a bloody cutting' affray on Tuesday night last. Wm. Goodwin was in a store and also in his cups. . A negro man taunted him with his condition j and provoked a quarrel. He was ordered out. Goodwin made for him with a chair, when the ne gro closed with him and stabbed him in the side, the knife reaching the lung. He lies in a critical condition. The negro was ar rested, tried and sent on to jail. Mr. JLeander S. Overman, Pri vate Secretary of Gov. Vance, and Miss Mary Merrimon. daughter of Senator Mer- rimon, were married in Raleigh, on Thurs day evening, at Uidentonj street Church Rev. A. W. Mangum.Professor at the Uni versity and brother-in-law of the groom, and Rev. W. S. Black, pastor of the Church.of ficiating. The Raleigh papers describe the occasion as very interesting, the church be ing handsomely decorated, and thronged with the elite and beauty of the city. The happy couple left the same evening on the western bound train. Charlotte Observer: A pre mium of a complete, set of plow gear is offered for the best plow boy under sixteen years Of age. and a No. 10 Oliver, chilled plow is offered to the best plowman with out regard to age. Hon. J. M. Leach, of Lexington, and Prof.1 W. J. Martin, of Davidson College, will be invited to de liver addresses during the fair in addition to the speakers already invited. Drummers, who carry small houses and call the,m trunks, are; almost the only travelers now on the railroads. Over worked railroad clerks will be glad to know that a movement has been com menced to stop freight1 trains running on Sundays. Rev., . H. Harding is due the credit of having originated it. Tarboro Southerner: Robert Jones, colored, tried on Monday of "last week for the murder of Rudolf Eaton, at Rocky Mount, on Christmas night, 1877, was convicted and sentenced by Judge Seymore to be hung on the 6th of Decem ber, 1878; His counsel appealed to the Supreme Court. Commissioner Keech bound over to the Federal Court at- New- bern, last week; Mr. Asa Savage, for vio lating the Revenue ' laws. AIL who heard the trial regard the prosecution as mali cious. Washington corerspondent: A disastrous fire occurred here Tuesday night, destroying the large shed on Fowle's wharf, which contained upwards of 350 barrels tar, 8 barrels spirits turpentine, 40 tons phosphate, set of new rigging and other stuff. Greensboro Patriot: R. C. Caldwell, one of the oldest inhabitants of this county, aged 92 years, died at his resin dence, the old ' family j homestead, three miles west of Greensboro, last Wednesday, after an illness of several weeks. He was the youngest and last surviving member of the family of : the Rev. David Caldwell, D. D. The New ! Garden Fair last Thursday was a success in point of num bers and in the exhibition made. It is said that the show of vegetables was superior to that exhibited at the State Fair. Yearly Meeting of the Friends commences to-day at New Garden. There were a number of arrivals yesterday-and to-day from the Northern and i Western I States. The Allen brick machine, invented in this piace, which attracted so much attention fit the State Fair, is on exhibition at the Rich mond Fair. ' " j Raleigh Observer: The Treasu rer paid on Wednesday to the State Colored Normal School, at Fayetteville, $2000, be ing the appropriation for the year 1878. The Annual Conference of the M. E. Church South will be theld at - the Tryon Street churcK, I Charlotte, commencing on Wednesday, the 27tb inst. Bishop Geo. F. Pearce, of Georgia, will preside. His health has been feeble during, the present year, but is now much improved, i Sheriff Joseph Cobb, of Edgecombe, de livered five convicts to the State Prison authorities yesterday. They are all colored, and were sentenced at the last term of the Superior Court. Jere Gordon and Amos Gordon, 5 years each for arson; Squire Jones, one year for forgery; Ellen Ford, larceny, 3 years, and! James Barnes.lO years for arson. In North 'Carolina there are eight Primitive Baptist Associations, with a membership of about ten thousand. It has been estimated that there are about one hundred thousand in the United States,